A thread dedicated to the lovable Blonde Thief turned Bounty Hunter with a Laughter full of Joy and a Heart of Gold!Dokibear! Edition~>Her Youtube channelhttps://www.youtube.com/@Dokibird>Her Twitch channelhttps://www.twitch.tv/dokibird>Her VOD channelhttps://www.youtube.com/@DokibirdVODs>Her Twitterhttps://twitter.com/dokibird>Her Shophttps://dokimerch.com/>STREAM Drift Away Dokibird's coverhttps://youtu.be/FRl9gMUQh7U?si=g3kqVTj7UkkwBaIZ>STREAM The Final Heist MVhttps://youtu.be/zq5KzE4gx6I?si=uatIdcUsvfrq_ZgR>OP Saucehttps://x.com/hinatsu_sd/status/1831253201804271654Previous thread: >>84506537>>The Selen Tatsuki Archives (Every achievement/memory is still hers, they can't take that away!)https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-4fUzZTpYRBFJq7zIBdC4Su9_Q_Z3tEthttps://mega.nz/folder/tDQFRADQ#wHu-EgSPIlSnHbal0_lN7whttps://mega.nz/file/pX8kQRTI#bmKDIWRZ4E5HgQU1T5wO-_Z6-6FbidWlkMx8bxhjGwUhttps://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCV1xUwfM2v2oBtT3JNvic3w>STREAM Fly High Selen Tatsuki's Original Song & MV (Reupload)https://youtu.be/lDgy_IJyZNA?si=jsLjFUYk3RSNypkFhttps://gofile.io/d/fm7vlM>STREAM Last Cup of Coffee Selen Tatsuki's Cover & MV (Reupload)https://youtu.be/L88r98G4YiM?si=M2XEika5sZ1JIEG7>Play Detective Pomu and the Tatsuki Manor Mystery!!https://selentatsuki.itch.io/tatsuki-manor-mystery>Our Divegrass rentry, feel free to share your ideas!https://rentry.org/HAHA-divegrass>Do not reply to bait, shitstirring, tribaltards, or dramafaggotry. Be it inside AND outside the thread - Hide, Report, and Move on.
>>OPChibi Doki bear my beloved!
>>84523249My beloved...
>>OPartist doko
Here's the schedule!
>>84523389its ai art dumbass
>>84523389>>OP Sauce>https://x.com/hinatsu_sd/status/1831253201804271654
waiting for the clips and reactions to dokiefthat was one of my favorite parts of the last slam
>>84524673Cute kitty!
Total global domination
>>84523249>>84523346Glasses love!
>>84525214wanna see the reaction to Doki instant air SPDing the bison kick?: https://clips.twitch.tv/SuccessfulShortAlfalfaLitty-MtWobW3Eewv9mx8R?tt_content=chat_card&tt_medium=twitch_chatand Kanna's reaction (she didn't stream her end so vivi's stream link): https://youtu.be/YfhbIbYAMi4?t=8697
how did the tournament go?
>>84527653Second place! Doki won 3-2 and only lost to Gumi and Lily. She's the only person to beat Sykkuno, and she spooked him so bad he sent both her and Eskay (for some reason) hate mail about how much he hates Gief.
I wonder how Doki would feel about starting a company.Having a solid merch operation is the only foundation you really need.
>>84527467that was crazy>>84527653doki went 3-2 she did pretty good
>>84527653Over all pretty good. Doki only lost 2 matches but they were against really shit Gief Matchups (Blanka and Lily) Accidentally triggered a recount of the point because she was memeing
>>84527467I dunno why but I'm kinda shocked they even let her show this
>>84527467Here's Sykkuno getting speed ran by Doki from his teams POV (he was deafened in discord): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2242649652?t=2h22m24s
>>84527467That might've been, if not very close to the first frame you can jump and grab, that's insane. Even Vivi thought that was a ground SPD
>>84529326The fucked up thing is that the people who actually play the game all know that's insane and Doki is just doing shit like this and Air SPD on reaction alone
>>84527467Thanks goon!
Was checking for clips I missed doki tweeting this out lol: https://x.com/dokibird/status/1831540454279749822The fuck you mean stop jumping you air grabbed on like the first possible frame lmao
https://vxtwitter.com/Juicybons/status/1831543248386716158 Morning, goons. Looks like the charity auction figure is complete.
>>84531147To be fair Kanna does have a bad habit of jumping backwards whenever she's near death, not that Doki could know that without watching her training streams, but still
>>84531147>Coach: "What do I even tell him?"Not even the coach didn't know what do HAHAHAHAHAHA
>>84531420Holy Dokiass.
DoGief status?
>>84532672MY LOYAL FANS
Divegrass anchor post.https://cryptpad.fr/form/#/2/form/view/ML8luRyEbLK883ddLMUxHnP9TbRbPrQg2Egbg7BWFdw/Just a quick reminder that you have around 18 hours left to go through the audio export poll. It's a much simpler and more freeform one compared to the previous polls, but the whole pack does need to be sent 12 hours before our match, so the sooner you chime in, the better.
I need your coolest doki fanart for something, if it's both cool and hot that would be the bestWith source if possible
>>84531420Doki butt!
>>84533543ENTER (with source)https://x.com/dzerofive/status/1803511577741545646
>>84533543https://x.com/an_Owlette/status/1822822783656526203Espada Doki
Doki isn't cool she's a dork and a dumb bird
>>84535300Dorkmato love!
>>84535300Retardbird my beloved.
>>84528130And for context: Her first lost was Gumi, which suffered from bad first-ever-match litters, a bad matchup, and an opponent that desperately wanted to crush her out of pure, concentrated spite. Really can't blame too much for that one.Her second loss was to Lily which also suffered from a bad matchup, but the set was actually very close, and could've easily gone the other way.So considering, despite the 3-2 on paper, she did pretty damn well for her first day!
>>84528130And for context: Her first lost was Gumi, which suffered from bad first-ever-match jitters, a bad matchup, and an opponent that desperately wanted to crush her out of pure, concentrated spite. Really can't blame too much for that one.Her second loss was to Lily which also suffered from a bad matchup, but the set was actually very close, and could've easily gone the other way.So considering, despite the 3-2 on paper, she did pretty damn well for her first day!
>>84538165Don't forget the king mod because she was fucking around Zangief mods, I'll blame Koe for this one
>>84538217But... the DOKING skin
>>84538165yeah, she did pretty well, better than i expected
>>84538165I'm so proud, bros.
Kek, after the first set, Justin gave up on watching the main tournament and just streamed Doki's POV instead.
>>84538693>gave up on watching the main tournament and just streamed Doki's POV insteadhonesty i did the same
>for a tekken player>hasn't loaded the game before or since the slam
>how can ryan play with people talking like this? Someone should send them the brawlpro clip kek
>>84540354Giraffe Doki!
>>84540471Long doki
GN goons, keep the bread comfy.
>>84542091me up top
>>84542207damn, this one is awesome
>>84542207COOL BIRD
>>84542091Good night goon.
>>84542091Sleepy...>>84543706OL DOKI LOVE
eepy hours...
>>84543706Very sexo bird
Magic doki
>>84542207Pretty cool. Bounty hunter
>>84539767>THERE'S A CHEETAH IN TIME SQUARE This will always make me laugh KEKhttps://youtube.com/watch?v=DGNfcMGJXsU
>>84539767Lol lmao
https://x.com/hinatsu_sd/status/1831695765754007764Half way to 100!
>>84547733[polite applause]
>>84547733Blessed Hina.
>>84547733Which one is your favorite so far, goons?
https://vxtwitter.com/hinatsu_sd/status/1831691104951136735 Daily Hina!
>>84548398I struggle to decide between day 8 and day 27.>>84548442Cute!
eepy still...
Well, nothing's going on, so I'm just gonna get the reminder out of the way. The divegrass audio export poll at >>84533262 closes in a little under 8 hours - get your votes in if you haven't already. I'm already working on the export given that it has to be sent in a good many hours ahead of time.
https://vxtwitter.com/TemocRed/status/1831471641043595402 Low poly Doki!
>>84552477Thanks divegrass dragoon
>>84548398Would have to be the magical Doki >>84545527 or the sleeping one
>>84547733>>84548398Days 19, 23, 28, 38, 31 and 48 are so good
>>84548398Their all cute but 8 or 49.1, 19 and 37 are pretty great too.
>>84547733these would work really well as keychains!
>>84548398Uhhh... man idk, 4, 33, 27 I guess.
>>84557514(me)I meant 37. Cute smile
>>84548442Bunnybird, I'm a bit sad that our last Bunnybird OP lasted just a few hours.
>>84547733Let's GO!
https://x.com/dokibird/status/1831770551570108704?t=iZn9PZxxRRLtjYW3DOYPqg&s=19Today, Doki will be on Twitch Rivals for a very competitive game: Jackbox Party Pack.How the fuck are they gonna make this competitive with teams?
Welp, Doki's on Twitch Rivals again tonight! Thanks Gumi...https://x.com/dokibird/status/1831770551570108704
>>84560115(me)Just to be sure I don't make a fool of myself this was the schedule page lol
>>84560194>>84560115every fucking time....
>>84560115>>84560194One day she'll learn how to say no. Maybe. Perhaps.
>>84560115Twitch rival hate...Oh it's Jackbox Party Pack it might be fun
https://x.com/TZEENCTH/status/1831772525992538401>Good art>But the retard direct @ herWhy are people like this
>>84560768We should've gotten her to watch our divegrass match tomorrow instead. It would never happen, or at least she'd never publicly talk about it.
>>84553258Sideshow Bob-ass feet
>>84560842IDK if that's the case (and it's unlikely the case for Doki), but I've met some Vtuber secretly commissioning art and requiring an @ for the post, without directly mentioning they commissioned the art
>>84560115>>84560194Glad to have some Dokinium today even if the stream is kusoge as hell
>>84560115>>84560194unexpected but ok, doki today, nice
>>84561023Considering it's fairly likely she still browses she might already be intending on watching privately. Although she might be getting some last minute practice in for day two of the Slam instead.
>>84560858Considering it's fairly likely she still browses she might already be intending on watching privately. Although she might be getting some last minute practice in for day two of the Slam instead.
>>84562885Odds are the highlights will be up within 12-24 hours of the match anyway. I'd rather she practiced. It'd be so damn cool if she won the whole thing again.
>Sykkuno only lost to DokiThe guy plays so bad, how did this happen>SerotinaDamn>LilyI expected more of her ngl, her character is bad but I don't think it matters at this level
>>84563263sero on classic AKI was a bad choice for a beginner
>>84560788Depends on the version.Some games are absolute shit. Others are kino.
>>84565502aw that's cute
>>84560115>>84560194>NiceWigg>Lilypichu>GumiSeems like it'll be fun.
Doki you fool this is a trick to get you to not practice more for the rest of the Round Robin matchups
>>84566917Four out of six in the bracket are part of this - it's clearly a plot by Serotina or Kanna.
>>84565502SEWEN (forma de Doki)
>>84567045maybe, but Lily(pichu) mostly got by just because Doki had no idea how to play against (the SF character) Lily... the enemy is everywhere
>>84560115>>84560194>JWU an hour beforeFucking nice
>>84567045This is how serotina can still win...
>>84567045Does this look like the face of mercy?
>>84567863I should watch her more. She filtered me a bit a while back because Elden Ring is just not a game I enjoy watching, but she's good.
>>84533262Two hours until this closes. I got some great responses already, enough to get ourselves 26 chants and some nice variety in goal horns and the like, but if you have any other ideas, feel free to send them in. We're now also less than a day away from our first match.
Doki's coach uploaded a video with Sajam Slam highlights:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcRXw8uJqKY
>>84568303ooops is the training highlights, my bad still i think is worth watching
>>84568574well his clip channel did upload the "Do i get this" part from the slam
>>84567863This chuuba is really cute!
Doki soon?
>>84569839Very soon!
>>84568201Thanks for all your work divegrass goon! I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
>>84568201I did my part!Thanks Divegrass goon!
Oh boy
Normally this is the part where I'd go "Doki..." but this shit is definitely the organisers fault...
Wasn't it supposed to start 5 minutes ago?
Doki is in twitch chat
>>84572286stream hasn't started she's trying to figure out how to stream the game due to the dumb rules
>Doki has one and doned Sykkuno 4 times
>"Even though I lost against you Gumi, your team is still last place!"
>>84572286https://www.twitch.tv/vgumiho in case Doki can't figure it out she might show up here>>84572363LMAO
>>84572286She's not live yet, but she's just started talking on Gumi's channel.https://www.twitch.tv/vgumiho
>>84572363HOLY KEK
I'm not sure how much I'll watch btw, because I gotta make sure I'm up early enough for tomorrow.
Gumi always seems like a dumb bimbo (loving/affectionate) to me and every time I remember she's basically a polyglot it's a shock
>Streaming discordPlease don't pull an Eimi Doki
Starting Now!! fr fr No intro...https://www.twitch.tv/dokibird
> https://www.twitch.tv/dokibird
>>84572949oh godsurely no one could be that stupid
>let's do icebreakersThe worst combination of words in the English language.
So many great expressions...
Don't care about your shitty history bitch, let me hear Doki!
Lmao, she is already planning something devilish
Very interesting menu screen, though i do have to say i'd prefer to SEE THE ACTUAL GAME
I have no idea whats going on in this game
>Giggles with her mouth full of food
>doki burning down the house
Of course
>>84574121>>84574146ULTRA BASED
How is this a Twitch Rivals btw, how do you win money?
>>84574031Incredible idea to create a Twitch Rivals in which the participants aren't allowed to show their POV.
>>84574031You are losing nothing, the games look like bad warioware copies. This is fun to play but boring as fuck to watch.Twitch Rivals strikes again.
>Scream = funny>Insult = funnyGod this guy is insufferable, not even funny insults
Do people only like this girl because she tried to off herself?she was nowhere near this popular before, now she’s spread like a plague, although the plague would be preferable
>>84574220Apparently so >>84572293
>All 0 pointsWhat is this stupid game, why do twitch rivals always choose the worst fucking thing to watchAt least she'll get her free money
how do you even make this game competitive?
>>84574419The rules are...really really difficult. Definitely an horrible idea to send them in without any idea how it works. Twitch is being dumb as fuck.
It's incredible how this thing gets worse each fucking time. I hope that at least we get some kino interaction down the road.
>>84574419ez money
>each passing Twitch Rivals is worse than the otherThis never happened before bros, what happened?
Oh thank god, at least they're playing some other jackbox modes.
>>84574588Women.Hate Ludwig and Connor as much as you like, at least they don't have woman retardness.
>Take pvp game>Invite bunch of streamers>ProfitI don't understand what is so hard about this.
>>84574632that's pretty cute
Free stuff good
>R18 Jackbox with Doki and GumiSounds like a good stream.
>>84574984>Elden Ring had a PvP Twitch Rivals before>it was amazing>picks goyslop game>its shitMmmmm
>PG13 answers only please>The question: what is the sexiest dessertAre they serious
>Quiplash>Using SafetyquipWow, this is absolute shit.
>PG only
>>84575645I mean, that's the natural outcome when they are limited to keep it PG
>here to make you wet
Quiplash with sanitized answers is the most useless thing ever holy shit. There are literally dozens of other games you can play instead.
>>84575879this is really bad yeesh
>>84575718>>84575645Bros, this is slop
at least doki tried to make it funny
>When the only enjoyable thing for the participants is trying to figure out which ones are safetyquips
>>84575879I mean, of course Twitch is retarded. You could get banned even streaming from the Twitch Rival channel because bots.
>>84575954Lmao>>84576115Damn, you posted that before I could lol
>virgin anons upset that the twitch rivals is obvious slop as usual>chad me who doesn't even know what they're playing and is just staring at doki being cute
>>84576115Ok, if someone does this edit for Doki clips I may call this worth it 1% more.
>>84576320Doki yawned very cutely earlier
>>84576320I'm enjoying that too bro! Almost too tired to even care that this one's shit as expected anyways...
She's actually taking the big group anxiety surprisingly well hmm
>>84576461Probably still in that mindset from all the sajam slam stuffAnd gumi / lily being there probably helps
>if i say the right answer can you say my name in a mommy-like voice?twitch chatters are wild lmao
Wigg! Missed the guy ngl
>>84576610Eppy bird
I like Doki's little voodoo doll lol
>>84576738it's so goofy kek
>>84576738>Saloon face when she played Dead Space
Gumi also knows random animal facts, they are best friends for a reason
Nice to see Doki doing collabs with Alex Jones.
>>84577008ok that made me chuckle
jesus how much does wigg smoke
holy based Archie lore question perfect for DOki
BRgoons WON
Doki i swear to god.
>doesn't even know her own capital
It's deporting time.
>>84577621DUMB BIRD LOVE!
>Last round with Gumi and Doki Kino
wtf a coconut is a seed
>>84577621DUMB BIRD LOVE
She's doing it!!!
>gets every answer correct until the most recent>all the ghosts catch up anywaySeems fucking retarded
It's over...
>>84577768Chat's doing it*
>>84578043well clearly not
Gumi won GGs
Streamers were too busy watching videos in class, eh?
That was chaotic
>>84578131Same team today, Hate tomorrow!
>sponsored by Dunkin, State Farm, Intel, AT&T and HondaThis is reaching pro sports levels of slop
>Doki beats Sykkuno againLMAO he can't catch a break
Think I'll just head to Bed now bros, Doki's been very cute though...Goodnight Goons~
>>84578471GN goon o7
>>84578471Goodnight, goon.
>>84578471good night
>>84578471sleep tight dragoon
Birthday bird...
>tons of chat actually saying happy birthday
>Push the buttonOk this is officially retarded, this game is literally impossible to win as human unless you know what is going on.
In character drawing lmao
oh she's fucking COOKED lmao
doki sus
>>84579067>>84579149Artist bird
>Game has no pointsHello, twitchritards?
She's always so good at sussing people out but at the same time so good at making herself look suspicious.
I guess that's bump limit... I'll get next bake then
Twitch Rivals Not Be Run Like Complete Ass Challenge
>>84581192Even one test of the format before they take it live for real big money, I'm begging them...
>>84581192>last place some how got first
>Winner choose by RNGStop lettungn women rub Twitch Rivals, it’s shit!
>>84581551Isn't this the same woman who ran the minecraft one?
>>84581656Oh sweet
>>84581656uh, how- ok cool just roll with it
>>84581656Sounds like it's just not updated yet.
the fuck is going on in twitch chat
>>84581602Yep, pure DEI hire, had the biggest fuckup ever and ruined minecraft for everyone and it’s still there yapping shit.
>>84577008>nicewig talking about who were the aliens
sad wife
do the thing?
Doki kisses...
>those kissing noises
>>84582266What’s the thing?!?!
>love you...>doki pause>SAY IT BACK>hangs upkek
Until next time Doki...
Good night, Doki!Love you!
Bye Doki....
Bye Doki...
coach brian is live so maybe the training will be streamed
>>84582629He's coaching Eskay right now and doki is going to attend DAD first
>>84582629She needs to train against Blanka...
>>84583879>>84583879>>84583879Bread is here!
>>84583905Thank you breadmaker
>>84583905Thanks breadmaker.
>>84583905Thanks bread maker!