not the early thread
this one like doodling
>>84424460+5 Faith early game is nice when you don't pick a Faith generating Pantheon.
Dude CC toaster lmao
I love Seen Been
My Ina!
>>OPValheim sovl. How far will cc gooooo
>>84424798Too much sex has become a zealot...
Fauna soon(?????)
CC should sing the first german opening of One Piece
So I want to point people liked Biboo, but when the girls met Biboo in real life and seen she looked like a child, all of a sudden a lot of the girls wanted Biboo even more.Thoughts on this? Inset this slightly concerning?
>Kamikaze Kaitou Jeannebased cc. underrated classic
>Sean is pronounced shawn because of the irish>the irish took it from french jehann, which when you follow the line all the way down the etymological tree was basically just johnso his name is basically John Bean
I love love love Gigi!
>>84424865where are her psionic blades?
>>84424817cute rrat toes in my mouthcute rrat clit licky licky
>>84424888I literally hit submit when she started, I am happy
>>84424798Me on the bottom
Where'd everyone go? Bingo?
>>84424798god I wish I was the king
How come they don't make a Minecraft RP where they all have to violently kill each other
Fauna is having fun living the NPC life
GuRissa kino soon
>>84424992thinking about an unused battery calling himself a powercel
we all wear big hats in here
>>84424848Lemme guess, SEA?
why didn't they enable pvp in Enreco outside of the arena as well
>cc wants us to /become/ her
It's canon that Ceci's soul is stolen
I'd honestly prefer a Valheim arc instead of MC.
>>84424848>>84425009Kfp ded lol
Become CC
Fauna is doing so well, she’s really showing her bravery as a Jewish person collabing with a hard heading German in her guild.
>>84425060Gura is a white supremacist who only gets along with other white girls. Prove me wrong.
>>84425091Every area would turn into Blackrock Mountain.
>>84425069a laughed a little bit
>>84425112That's why her soul is Blue
>>84425089I'm going to guess corea
I dusted my cabinet.
Did you know that Germans travel to Sweden to pick moose poo?
Fauna doko?
im gonna continue playing Visions of Man if Fauna doesnt stream
>>84425031You're talking about the same people that killed rust
>>84425119KFP dyed your mom in their colors
>>84424848How does Subaru only have 1 sticker?
>>84425183She’s streaming. If she was gonna cancel, she’d announce it before retweeting.
>>84425091balancing issuesIna and Kronii have OP revelations that can attack from range and insta kill things
>>84425193To be fair, Mumei literally was just one bad decision away from holochina'ing Indonesia
>>84425077Of course
>>84424848Serves that elgi right
>>84424848is that slimefauna?
>>84425077i like big hats and i can not lie
Which hat is the rarest?Seems like the pointy red hat is the common whore one, its everywhere
I like this song
>>84425181God Noel's outfit is top tier
>>84425200Bit sad that Raora won't even be able to shove her completed castle in Tam's face.
>>84425077yoinking this George.
>>84424798oh my
>>84424848>>84424848>5 loyal deluminCute.
I feel like Raora gets away with a lot of her antics because she's ESL
>>84425137holos should play star trucker (out now)
>>84425279Aren't there always four in the box?
>>84425298get this one too
>>84425320Italians cant help it
>>84424900I fail to see the issue
>>84425262>NO! SAY MY NAME!
I can't believe the beautiful and extremely rich Queen Tam is dead...
>>84425211I don't get it...
>>84425419what happened?
>>84425359Check this one out
Valheim has some ridiculous screenshake
>>84425077this is truewhich holo is a colovian fur helm chad?
CC streams twice a day? How do otomos keep up with her stamina?
>>84424848Do SEAs not like Kiara? Why is that?
>>84425440she's traveling, so she'll miss the rest of the ENRecoyesterday was her last day
>>84425218you can see that board is absolute horseshit when aloe has like 4 stickers lol. no offense to aloe but yknow.
>>84425275Shiori called it a penis hat though
>ENReco or Who can leech from Gura and Fauna the hardest: The Event thought she was going to stream at FST+2. FML
>>84425489But did she RP her own death?
>>84425487>Why does a place with the highest cases of schizophrenics not like KiaraHmm...
>>84425449>>84425462How much is Gura gonna fuck with her when she’s reading the SCs?
>>84425419Not dead, she's eeping
>>84425486I drink coffee
>>84425551>Completely spoiled Shut the fuck up
>>84425534fake sapling
>Gura>Ina>Ame Wait a minute...
Why does Fauna's thumbnail look like a mesugaki
>>84425486Just unwind her when you get tired
>>84424848ive learnt to ignore these because nobody outside of here and youtube chat (yes, youtube chat) actually watch them>reddit review from like 4 years ago, a tier list ranking level of hololive fan puts watching streams in like the last third>go on twitter, there are communities of accounts that have hololive profile pictures, hololive inspired names, their bios have oshi marks, yet they only post memes that dont even make sense based on the character and every other tweet is them asking you to donate to Palestine >Look at fanartists, its clear 3/4 of them dont even watch anything considering their understanding of the characters is 18 months out of date>Go to the catalog, their understanding of holos comes exclusively from out of context screenshots or just people making things up (people still believe shiori will collab with the homos)Say what you want about the underage greytards that live in youtube chat but they are actually watching the content, which seemingly actually is something only done by hololive superfans consdering every other hololive community outside of /hlgg/ and the splits takes default mori dot png from google images and invents their own character so they can post a recycled 2010 tumblr meme remade for the new generation
>>84425545Get my fat pet off that bitches face
>>84425449>>84425462>>84425483>3hrs before everyoneWTF is her problem?
>>84425534She isn’t gonna do anything today except idle in her shop and read SCs. She explicitly said this, so that’s on you for expecting different.
>>84425606It doesn't
>>84425530Biboo gets better numbers than her lol
>>84425631she's reading SCs retard
Automos, would you rather have a pretzel or an orgasm?
>>84424900Didn't peg Kronii for liking little girl bodies at least
Lapsama my friend
>>84424848Bae won
>>84425629She also said that she'd do the lottery and the dungeon
>>84424848>Aloe has more dots than most of JP despite barely even existing>Rushia has even more>Mel only has onethese things always baffle me
>>84425631Did you even look at the title or thumbnail of the video?
After careful deliberation I have decided that sex with EN.
>>84425670I don't think being liked by SEA is a victory...
I got a blue screen so I updated my drivers and now youtube is locking up with only Ceci's stream and a youtube video. I am so screwed for ENreco now, and all the other days I was streaming like as many POVs as I wanted within what my internet could handle.
>>84425693Clip watchers
>>84425486The VODs are really not that longFor example, Raora, Biboo and Kronii all streamed once last night but more hours than CC who streamed twice
>>84425619t. KFP coping for having an unpopular bitch as oshi
dirty cat in the citycumming cat hoe bitch
>>84425619The schizo will call you a kfp soon
>>84425715did you look at the error code
>>84425693Not that hard to get. Most Aloe votes are "fuck Cover" votes. Some of the Rushia ones are too, especially since that picture is like six months old so she hadn't done her most recent menhera shit.
>>84424848>Kiara has less points than Sanabruh that’s disrespectful
Bony butt!
>>84424848uhh lmao
Mococo will win the lottery today
>Fauna soon>Thread is shitI see
>>84424848How old is this?
>>84425748That is NOT a big hat! That is a stack of several normal hats. Fraud!
>>84425790shut up, you whiny mutt
So I guess no ERB tonight? Her frame was usually up by now.
Nino Ina tonight
>>84425826>>84425794>>84425760>>84425696>>84425670>>84425421Being liked in SEA is not a good thing
>>84425836new enough to have reflop, old enough to not have justice
>>84425677>and the dungeonFalse
>>84425777>that picture is like six months oldThat makes sense, wasn't Mel still around at that time?
>>84425693I don't see what's stopping one guy from putting a bunch of stickers down like our schizos who post on cooldown.
are we being raided
I want to make a game called The Orgasms of Mococo Johnson and it will be a detective VN with stealth elements
>>84425866>kept posting the kfp crying to himself
>>84425432It's an idiom for sexual intercourse
>>84425876yes, if it was redone today mel would have significantly more votes due to those who use these dot polls to virtue signal
>>84425866that’s a sad cope because no one likes kiara even on other regions…
>>84425826I’ve always maintained that Kiara should’ve graduated instead
>>84425896same egg on cooldown
>>84425835sappos don't like kiara
>>84424848This is an ancient image, I can only assume some schizo is samefagging a billion times
>>84425878Usually the people running that poll only give out a certain number of stickers per person. I guess the poll makers could rig it if they cared to.
Don't make fun of Kiara guys or else the thread is going to get spammed with threats of physical harm against Hololive members again
I REALLY want to have sex with mumei
>>84426002brats or crats are like that
>>84425979cpu haunted
Question:Who's getting on the sever today?
>>84425979can you take a picture that I can actually read
>>84425979oh no
>>84426012the threat of physical harm was directed towards kiara thoughbeit menhera arc?
>>84425693Because most of the people voting on these are clipwatching subhumans that probably couldn't even tell you the name of Kanata's fanbase, let alone tell you what Mumei's name meansNever forget the fucking fact that actually watching a goddamn stream is considered superfan behavior by these disgusting fucking.. I don't even want to use the word casuals, because it's just watching fucking streams and I can't think of a harsher fucking word than thatPoint being, the people that slap shit down on these are the people that really only know them in passing or have jerked off to their design and saw a clip onceAnd then retarded mongoloid mouth-breathing basement-lurking schizophrenic faggots take the representation of the lowest fucking SEA clipwatcher opinions and spam them saying "OOF OUCH X IS A FLOP KEKAROO PLS RAPE MY FACE" and spam it for a week
>>84425905>>84425929Someone post the recAmerican one so the schizo can squirm
KFPcunts lost
>>84425330is that like truck sim but in space
>>84426039I couldn't read it either, it was moving
>>84424848nice 6 month old image from r*eddit
>>84426048And Fauna.
>>84426072>for a weekYou mean they stick it into their "renewable bait" folder and break it out every 2 weeks for the next eighteen months.
>>84426072We should legalize shooting insane people again, agreed?
>>84426072>the name of Kanata's fanbasewhy are they called hymens
>>84426107what? is it staying still on your monitor?
>>84425878someone probably keeps an eye on it while handing out dots, so it doesn't get vandalized. If you're some master of disguise, you could maybe vote multiple times, but considering that it was at a con, that would be more of a pain in the ass than plaping a router
CC stretching noises are too stimulating.
>>84426051oh no
why the FUCK does this fauna look so smug LOOK at it
uh oh KFP melty
>>84426126no, the fauna rape/death threats were saplings falseflagging to deflect from the actual death threats being sent to kiara on faunas behalf
>>84426148No it wasn't and then my computer started up like normal, except the youtube keeps stopping
>>84424848>Mori that highfilipinos?
>>84426139Because they're made to be broken.
>>84425844Still a big hat
>>84426149OH NO DELETE IT
>>84426149The real question we should be asking is, why are nakirigumi so thoughtful and polite placing the dots in as singular line?
>>84426051Gonathon loses her Queen... The scammers are ever increasing... Gonathon G will come out on top after unraveling this conspiracy...
>>84426209I'm gonna need a catbox senpai.
>>84426149So do they just give you 1-5 dots and you can choose to place them anywhere? Even if you wanted to place all your dots on one holo?
>>84426198That would explain all the Suzy dots too
>>84426072>and spam it for a weekThis image actually half a year old lmao
>>84425471 (me)>>84425077
>>84426139It's not hymen it's HEY-minHEIへい
Bae a cute.
>>84426213>brazilian ina
>>84426192get bluescreenview and find what error the bluescreen minidump files are pointing to
>>84426244GG's kooky quest....
>>84426064would be cute if the tits werent so massive
>>84426241My favorite is the nekko who put it on Nene's boob window. I think she'd approve.
>>84426241ichimin tried it too but someone ruined it and they gave up after that
>>84426104yeah its got trucks and space trucking holos should play it
>>84426286Hey, man? No need to shout.
>>84426280holy shit
Fucking deadbeats
>>84426149Oh no no no JPbros, what happened?
>>84426051Gonathon is gonna have a kino character development. I trust GG Nolan.
>>84425856she got tired of no males in the server. it's hard pretending to like the girls when you would rather be ERP with Flayon-senpai and Jurard-senpai
>>84426149is there a way to do this online? Like a link that lets someone place a few circles on an image
>>84426280The prophecy is true...
>>84426149>Not being samefagged???
>>84425856Let the girl have at least one day off instead of staying up until 3am again..
>>84426280No fucking way that's real
>>84426391people should play actual space games instead
>>84426355Towa is hotter with bigger tits
>>84426205No one would see that and say "Sir, please take your hat off." They would say "Get THOSE (plural) off your head." Or if an unfortunate hatless individual asked for a portion, they wouldn't say "Can I have a piece of that?" they would say "Can I have one?" Ergo, not a big hat. Just many small hats.
>>84426447yeah but unless you demand fingerprints or something it'll get botted to hell and back
>>84426213So fucking flat!
>>84426072Here, this one blinks better
Fuck you!
wait whats this version of fauna sweep called?
Hello Fauna is live
>>84426439Can you tell me what time it is in the Philippines?
Thread seems kind of tame, something happen?
>>84426494what will today's flashback be?
But my granny's radio station is how I developed my taste in music...
>>84426205>>84426554Stop hitting her
>>84426590Dont care, not watching your homo collaber
the most erotic thing about shiori and gg is that they have this voice that is just obviously not faked, like they dont even care to make a cutesy anime voice they just sound like someone who has their entire floor covered by uber eats bags
So who was Ame's friend she was talking about?
>>84426592Grannies got shit like Mac the Knife, that's hardcore.
>>84426051>menhera arcThose are my favorite
>>84426560How new are you? Edited VoDs can take 12+ hours to process because Youtube is stupid.
Late Konfauna!
>>84426590Shit uhhhh, what happened yesterday?Shiori three-timing arc?
>Fauna didn’t get her normal 20 hours of sleep
has fauna considered that she can not read the superchats and play more minecraft instead?
>>84426628that's the weirdest cope of all time
>>84426633Jyohn Watson
>reading SCs instead of joining ENreco on the rare tuesday she decides to streamBased Fauna, that dogshit server should end already
>>84426560It takes hours actually. First YouTube has to finish processing the VOD for editing, then after the edit, it has to process it once again. It can take more than 12 hours.
>>84426620So true babe
>>84426633Prime Suspects>Gura>Mumei>Ina>She just made up an excuse because shes lazyIRyS has no frame up at this point, however if she did play today she would also be a prime suspect
I love how she translated an Indonesian proverb to English
>>84426620Omg go sis go!!!
>>84426670or stalking the witch
>only 1 hour of fauna because gura changed her timeslotnyo...
Damng, this series of streams is hell on some of these streamers...
moom fauna today
>>84426630Fauna doesnt know how to raise a cheebs, it needs a father figure.
>>84426554Why are cheebs such vile violent creatures?
>>84426640It was 100.3 FM in DC. Late 50s-early 70s.
>>84426523Long ERB
>>84426709you forgot about Anonymous
>>84426672Food she spend a lot off time doing the lottery numbers?
>>84426758Fauna literally just said she’d be minecrafting today
thoughts on calliopeen?
>>84426696holy retard
Mori should sell hats along with her divorces in order to incentivize them
>>84426736>Homobeggar calling anyone sisterthe word has lost any meaning
>>84424798holy fuck
>>84426787pent up horny
>>84426633its actually mori, ame was talking to her and she said she was playing the monkey game and lethal company and ame misunderstood that as her not playing on the server for that day, if ame parties up with mori today this will be proven
>>84426590>>84426670>>84426751Bibo adoption is my bet
>>84426149BASEDA singular American fan worths more that the entire country of negroppines
New Gonathan lore just dropped
>>84426391but what do you do with trucks and space>>84426399oh sorry man I'll keep it down
>>84426650I'll take that fat fuck on the left and some red juice
My homies love acrylic stands
You anons bought any reco merch?
>>84424798MY QUEEN!!!!!!!
I rewatched earthquake part of the members stream Ame did recently, man wtf was she going on about, talking about celestial bodies causing earthquakes and the history of earthquake tracking, I wouldn’t be surprised if she also followed those stormchaser guys who go after the tornados in those armored cars.
Cecilia hating on the bird...
>>84426883screw you man space games are great
>>84426787See >>84426783
>>84426590>can you be my mom
>>84426696kys already
if fauna is an acrylic stand anti, im a fauna antisimple as that.
>>84426886WAKE UP
>>84426851She already burrows her way into peoples asses and sleeps in their cleavage how much more does she need?
>>84426620>BTFO instantly>seethe harderlol
>Saplings are asking Mother Nature for more plastic goods
>That's what the merch department keeps assuring usNOOO DON'T LISTEN TO THEM
Did Fauna say if she'll do the dungeon today?
>gets subjected to one 40 hour work week>fucking dies
I unironically goon to acryllic stands
>>84426853it's far too early for more Rainforest, I'm still full after BD
>>84426751Was this posted before? I completely missed this one
I love it when Fauna reads my comments...
>>84426932make nut
>>84426949i am used to it anyway
>>84426751>>84426590These are sick
>>84426846>saying this while using Homobeggar incorrectlyHeh ironic
>>84426893I have the tapestry, the standos for my oshis, and the cards for my oshis in my cart but im waiting for myth anniversary to save on shipping
tell fauna to sell the MILF hat again
>>84426861Looks like the divorce diner is getting a new customer
>>84426918Was it me or did ERB felt physical pain from being asked this?
Where do I file a complaint to Cover to tell them to bring KroFau sex back?
>>84424798please don't ever stop doodling
>>84426846>the word has lost any meaningThe irony of this saying while calling people trying talking about a Holo "Homobeggars" lmfao
>>84426846>saying this while using Homobeggar incorrectlyKek Ironic
>>84427020i thought it was like>dies from cuteness
You can get MS Office CD keys for a dollar fifty
>>84427015she actually mentioned last week that she's looking into a re-sale of that in the future
>>844266962nd stream at FST+2, GET REKT
>>84427030You'll have to take it up with Kronii
Seriously though when will Cover sell actual cape merch
>>84426751why does a little blue flame with limbs hugging a chicken make me emotional
They should sell the enreco capes
What did Series Foreigner mean by this?
>>84426918So when is her gem going to be replaced with a flame?
>google sheets>tutorial videosFauna...
>>84427030Work on your resume so you can go work as management, then work your way up the ladder, then submit a whacky lore unit idea that would involve Time and Nature that would get a similar treatment to Umisea, so you can force Fauna and Kronii to do corporate shit together for your entertainment
>>84427093I like how with Aqua's graduation, Cover is changing the labels on those to indicate that they are from not the original run
>>84426836Sadly she only had one hate and CC sold her immortal soul for it....
>>84427116Kronii had cape merch
>>84427140Kinda crazy how much effort has gone into this project just for obvious things like this to somehow get by.
>>84425826based former sapling
when is the lottery again? In 2 hours?
>>84427154Fauna is a foreigner like Ina?
>>84427002what does this mean
>>84427193Shit how did I miss that
I'm lateKonfauna
Did she say if she was gonna MC later?
>>84427213Everyday at 5pm PST
>>84427222mine looks weird
ERB should win the most surprising enreco performance award since nobody expected a thing from her and shes actually manufacturing kino
Fauna is super serious today
>>84427231It was a small cape, easily missable
Cecilia Immergreen should definitely consider dating me.
>>84427261most likely
I thought Fauna was gonna afk in Minecraft while she read supers
>>84427261Yes>>84427213FST+2 everyday
I unironically think CC is asexual
>>84426979Vegans cannot properly function in society. They are, without exception, failures.
>>84427285Shut up and consider streaming early Gigi.
Ive been caught up in other things. Is there one particular holomem thats been involved with a bit of everything that I can just watch, instead of trying to balance watching 19 people?
ENReco day 3 recap?
>>84427270I was more surprised by Tam and Gigi
Sorry Shiokko I looked into it and my PC is too bad to run your space truck game.
Isn’t it wild that Kiara was assaulted and we hate her more than ever?Reminds me how Trump got shot at but everyone still thinks he’s garbage.
>>84424798please keep doodling
>>84427336Raora lonely :(
hey man
What does this expression convey?
>Compulsive ice eating is often associated with a common type of anemia called iron deficiency anemiahasnt this been known by us for like 6 months+, why has fauna still not worked out it? vitamin deficiencies causing brain issues?
>>84427170So between Gura forcing a unit with Aqua, Marine forcing a unit with Ina, or some staff forcing their favorite pairing, which one happened with UMISEA?
>>84427302Seems she decided against it since no one is on and she wouldn't be allowed to shill her birthday merch cause of Microsoft's rules.
I think I fixed my youtube problem. I was able to force the videos to continue playing by going down to the hidden task bar and then I thought I was fixing it by having the task bar shown so I thought to lock the task bar open but then I realized it was already locked but it was behaving as though it was unlocked. So I unlocked it and it's hidden unless I go down there and the youtube videos haven't stopped. Computers are stupid.
>>84424798You should do a followup where she is riding him ragged
>>84427336Mococo won the lottery and spent all her winnings on more tickets
>>84427334No. You need to follow at least two storylines, Scarlet and Cerulean, and even then you'd be missing some side stuff that interacts with both groups.
>>84427302She can't shill merch when on the server, and no one is around yet anyway, so she is doing 2 streams instead.
>>84427387because the iron supplements she was prescribed give her bad cramps
ah yes love hearing this gibberish
>>84427408sounds like massive skill issue lmao
>>84427387Iron deficiency is not a vitamin deficiency
>>84427387is this why i ate an entire pint of haagen-dazs by myself in one sitting last week?
That's a lot of snails
>>84427396It was Marine forcing the unit with all of them.
>>84426149>Kiara is popular in first world countriesDamn, I guess that's why she still is a SC monster in EN after all this time
anons how are they gonna connect enreco to myth anniversary?
>>84427401I wish Notch hadn't cashed out...
>>84427350see >>84426149
>>84426072I went into the comment section of a clip this week and was so annoyed thinking about what I saw for the next 2 hours it made me want to drag a clipfag through the street and lynch them
>>84427336Both Faunamart and the Death till us Part Diner have been raking in the profits
>>84427348ganbare 1080
>>84427463no, that's because you're a fat fuck
>>84427443if only there was a way to naturally get your iron intake that wasnt from pills or shots...
>>84427387Fauna doesn't do any iron supplements because they give her tummy hort
>>84427420The Sapling Rap is cute as fuck, shut up.
>>84427387>Iron deficiency is common during pregnancy because the body's blood volume increases, requiring more iron
>>84426979>>84427261>>84427325This Fauna has a particularly threatening aura I can't place.
>>84427387Every single woman I know has had this some time in their life and theres likely some other underlying issue causing it, rather than lack of supplements/diet.
>>84427512i-it can still run most things...I don't need to upgrade yet...
>>84427379Raora should hang out with Biboo
>>84427385Every expression of her makes me want to rape her
>>84427348u want a 3070 TI? im looking to upgrade
Fauna vegan
>>84427503Didn't Morimart lose money because of Kronii?
>>84427538>Fauna has been pregnant for 2 yearsWDHMBT
>>84427030SC Kronii
guess the gura comp today
>>84426149>>84424848>Countries with civilization love Kiara while mudhouses seethe at herI mean, I am okay with that
>>84427503>Both Faunamart and the Death till us Part Diner have been raking in the profitsWhich Holo would be most likely to open up a maint bar in SS13?And have a fully stocked chem station making drugs in the back
>>84427561depends what slot type is it
>>84426866you should get the space trucking game
Cute nervous Kirin
This thumbnail is very abusable
>>84427334you're ngmi
>>84427591Portgas D. Rogue...
>>84427336>ERBShioRissa love triangle>Mococo won the lottery>CC sold the right to her eternal patronage to Mori's shop>Everyone did Ina's dungeon >Tam bough everybody in Cerulean + Shiori a meal at Till Death Do Part Diner (but she's broke as fuck and had to negotiate a diamond deal with Mori)>Biboo finally got a hat>Raora and Biboo both started building projects >Tam left the sever for the final timeI think that's it
>>84427547Some women have it from time to time because they have heavy periods. Fauna has it because she does not naturally consume any iron and her reserves are low because of her diet, but it gets worse because of her periods.No healthy woman has a year-long anemia episode.
>>84427621I'm unironically considering making an alt to do this.
>>84427591Actual Elephauna.
>>84427638I just said I can't run it
>>84427530Yeah, like spinach
>>84427336shiori cheating, beebs got a hat, CC got a pointy hat, Kronii now has a bazillion tamillion trillion coins, nerissa found an exploit for money but it got patched pretty fast.... uhhhhhh ERB is biboo's mother now, Mococo won the lottery but put all her gains in new lottery tickets (71), GG bought fucking 210 tickets for the lottery i think and yeah i probably forgot a lot of things
where can i buy a chinese knockoff MILF hat and do they make MILK hats too?
It's been 3years. Fauna is graduating...
>>84427671>healthy womanThese are vtuber women
has anyone gotten a blue or yellow hat yet?
>>84427302Watch streams. Not allowed.
>>84427647It's just a normal moomface
>>84427589It's an investment, plus she made money in other sales
>>84427538At this point Fauna is gonna die giving birth, someone should kidnap her, kill animals in front of her and making her eat them until she's mindbroken
>stable volumethis new ?
>>84426751How does she do this so quick? Its kino as fuck.
I love love love Roboco!!!!Stream Glory Days! check out her other songs too! check out these really cool performances!! roboco fes5 Roboco kotonoha roboco and sora fes3 rirubi fes4 roboco/azki/mel fes4 roboco kanata chutaiyosei chutaiyousei karaoke
>"press m for map?">I just opened it a moment ago>you absolute fucking buffoonCeci you can't just say that!
>>84427549that's right and my 1070 is good enough too
>>84427336Mori opened up the hottest eating establishment in Libestal
>>84427762Been a thing for a while, I think it's only for youtube premium
>>84427713According to Sid Meier, yesWe are led by Ben Feanklin, notorious hag lover
>>84427762yes, it fucks up left right audio if you have it on unintentionally in asmr
>>84427748I wish they forced more in-guild quests/activities
>>84427677You gotta be savvy about it, Kronii’s mods are very strict.
>>84427783right here >>84427348>>84427793exactlythey'll be good for another 5, no, 10 years...
I was planted in Fauna's forest?
>>84427762>>84427795it used to be enabled by default for everyone then youtube stripped it out and made it a premium perk
>>84427809All cats are gray in the dark. - Benjamin Franklin, Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress
yesterday I think I found out why Nerissa has wet cat energy, I cant explain why but I just looked at my cat being an idiot (hes orange) and thought of nerissa immediately, theres something here
Fauna is a fellow streamwatchwr and she understands our troubles
>>84427668Did ERB confess her love to Rissa?
>>84427762I should use that for Fuwawa's solo streams. Can't hear shit.
>>84427862why are you so helpless
>Myth is the daisenpai of EN
>>84427735Anemia does not magically appear, it is a very specific condition if not everyone in hololive would have. It is not like catching a cold from a low immune system from lack of exercise and sunlight, which the rest are more prone for.
Fauna says Myth feels like a bunch of old boomers
>>84425979My computer does that sometimes, but it started happening way less after I disabled XMP in the bios.
>>84427844Don't tell me what to do
>>84427928>>84427933well this confirms the friend she was waiting to play with was Nerissa
Fauna is shitting on Myth not doing an anniversary yet
I'm drinking baja blast from the kirin goblet
Why doesnt Kronii stream early and interact with Fauna?
>>84427945it can't be helped
>>84427907What a rarity. Someone who streams that watches other streams. Amazing. Bet she's the only one in hololive that does this.
>>84427996Fuck off, I want my gurame without third wheels
>>84428023Well she’s not gonna be streaming anymore period for 2 weeks because she’s on vacation now
>"Thank you clippers."
>Gura, Ame, Mumei and Ina back in the serverFuck yes>Kiara and Bae still busyFuck>No IRyS frameFUCK>Kronii won't be joining anymoreFUCKING FUCK
>>84428050You're gonna get your 5 minutes as always don't worry
Is gigi also playing today?
>prime suspects are gura, mumei, and ina>ame is streaming one hour after gura>ame is streaming one hour before mumei>ame is streaming two hours before ina
NinoIna will be cute and cool today
>>84428084so mean...
>>84428143it's NERISSA
>how does stuff work
Does Fauna actually know how obsessed Gura is with her? That she religiously watches her streams and moves her frames early merely to interact with her?
>>84428155it cant be helped...
>>84428143RaorAme and Amerissa won
>>84428163nerissa was live yesterday which disqualifies her unless we want to start the schizo olympics and make up a theory where ame assumed nerissa wasnt playing that day due to something she said privately
>>84428187Oi what the fuck don't use my own words against me
>>84427928>>84427933WHO WAS THE FRIEND?
>>84428213ame just didn't know cuz she's DUMB
>>84428227your actions warranted that response...
>>84428190I know a cross between an alligator and a raven is a dinosaur, what's a cross between an alligator and a snow leopard look like?
>people actually bought the friend thing
I like leotards
>Shiori once again ditching Scarlet Wand to play with othersWhat the FUCK is her problem?
Fauna doesn't have anyone to go outside with
Fauna is happy when her fans aren’t shut ins while herself being a shut in actually highkey bangs no cap
>>84428180Fauna should rub her knee into Gura's pussy while grinding on her thigh and smothering her face with her tits, for the laughs
>>84428267no they didn't you just hate me
>>84428290She's not friends with them. It's as simple as that.
Which holos would not mind being called pimp?
>>84428290hoes before bros
>>84428316It's the weakest song of the EP
>>84427998Jade Sword GODSWe're so fucking back........................................
>>84428334no i think you hate me actually
>>84428180Fauna just wants to be a fan
>>84428305But there's too much outside outside...Also there are people who will look at me, with their eyeballs...
Wont Nerissa be with Scarlet wand? Why cant Shiori
>>84428180she's just like me frfr
>>84428316Sweetest Scarlet is the best song on the album Say My Name is better live as well imo
>>84428290half of scarlet literally goes off with a small group, of course she's gonna go off to her friends
nunc quid eut sum corgi
>>84428370I like it more than Sweetest Scarlet. Both are much weaker than In My Feelings and SHATTER though.
>>84428393Scarlet Wand is whites only and Cerulean Cup is asians only. A race war is brewing.
>>84428379ame moved her start time unfortunately, unless ame plays for over 3 hours jade sword kino is just a dream
>>844279985 hours?
>>84428416>half of scarlet literally goes off with a small groupno, they don't. They have been doing dungeons together everyday.
hitler suck my cockgetting a blowjob
>>84428383I hate no one
>>84428478Ello me ole chum.
Kirin has wares if you have coin
>>84428498no i think you definitely hate me
>>84428498What did Mumei ever do to you
>>84428471I'm pretty sure that start time was a holodex bug or something, I didn't see it on Youtube
you know what pisses me off, Ina is playing on day 4 yet her thumbnail and title say #3 because she isnt distinguishing by days but instead by streams
Did Fauna always have this jacket for her menhera outfit? Why is she opening it like that? looks slutty
>>84428470it is kind of funny that it has ended up like that since Mumei is an honorary Scarlet
Finally i can watch my pearl...
>>84428290>still questioning why shiori does what she doesher doing whatever she wants is one of her charm points
Stinky poo goes in the toilet
>>84428525How much for the kirin?
>>84428540I was actually thinking of Archer
I'm cold and sleepy and I really really miss gozaru de gozaru.
>>84428573Yes, she's trying to entice me specifically but I'm playing hard to get.
>the forest is moving>quitskek
>>84428600Please tell me your wife wears a fundoshi under those shorts.
>>84428600where is she?
Polkas morning voice is so sex
How can an automaton have tommy hort?
>possibly no CC Enreco tonightNo...
>>84428573harlot wand at it again
Fauna will never go to Japan again because of Snail
[Not News] Fauna hates traveling for work
>>84428600Ame looks so cute here~
how come erb talks like arthas? I saw her talking to fauna and she was like "would you like a glass bottle, witch?" really just odd
>>84428662Gears need oiling.By me.
>shiori got denied salt and pepper shakers for merchAme should have gotten those...
NOW>Ceci Valheim>Fauna Supas Chatting LESS THAN AN HOUR>Goob ENreco 1 hour>raora panthera>Nerissa ENreco>AMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEE 2 hours>Biboo ENreco>MOOM ENreco really late Breaking Dimensions Afterparty>Betty ENreco 3 hours>Shiori's bocchi adventures>Ina Ina Ina EN reco 4 hours>Mori ENreco>Fuwamoco ENreco>no frameAlso Fauna is probably going to stream ENreco today too
>>84426149Why does everyone hate Bae?
>>84428585Fucking kek
>>84428564It's day 3 from her perspective if you think about it
>though I feel like I'm forever a puddleIt's so faunover...
>>84428638She wears spats!!!!>>84428653She's on break for a few more days dealing with family stuff.
>>84426126Fauna deserves them
She can't keep getting away with it...
So why was GG's vod privated? QRD?
>>84428129Once she is done with homework
>tummy ache>playing something to de-stressuhm... is she on her...? you know
>>84428662Who is Tommy Hort?
>>84428697shes british
>>84428706thanks rad migo
>>84426918I think Biboo needs to be punished for making to many hags love her.
>>84428705why are they not able to make a cylinder with holes in it????? what is COver's reasoning for denying it this makes no sense
>>84428662I installed the functional uterus mod so I could impregnate her
>>84428390If it makes you feel better no one cares about you unless you do something weird or bad in public.
>>84428747Lol spats go on your feet. Anyway disappointing.
>>84428809me when cover denies the gura onahole merch
>>84428770British people talk in lowercase
You can tell Fauna had to hold herself back from crying after reading that SC.
anyone wanna watch me fuck polka's tits
Is Gura going to be fine without CC or Fauna?
>>84428478>They have been doing dungeons together>together>Day 1 Scarlet did the dungeon with just Gura, Fauna and CC>Day 2 Scarlet does the dungeon with Gura, CC, and Moom as a guest>Day 3 Scarlet does the dungeon with Nerissa, Fauna, and CCIdk why you guys are acting this is the a "Shiori is weird" issue and not a "Scarlet can't be aresed to organize a group bigger than 3 people" issue
>>84428809Cover only does merch they can source through whatever company they work with. That company has a catalogue of goods they can make and I guess salt and pepper shakers weren't in that catalogue.
>>84426459brats don't like being reminded their oshi is the failure of EN
>>84428860they shouldnt talk at all
>gura plays on the server>ame plays on the server
>>84426126maybe Fauna should try being less of a whore? just a thought.
no enreco today?
>>84428912THEY ARE
Cant stand barefeet but feet in thick pantyhose, stockings, or socks is peakCant explain it
>>84428882But enough about Shiori
>>84426149Shiori getting BRUTALLY mogged, god damn.
>>84428880nice soundpost?
>Ceci's mom would play Super Mario on the Game Boy Advance while waiting for Ceci and her brother after taking them to stuff
>>84428662filled with dried cum
I wanna eat fauna(out)
CC's mom sounds cute...
Fauna is gamey
Which holos will play Concord?
>>84428877Scarlet invited Shiori on day 3 but Shiori ditched the whites to hang out with the Asians
>everyone fucking hates playing enrecono...
>>84428937You are not alone anon.
You wouldn't eat a Fauna.
>30 minutes after Gura>1 hour before Mumei>2 hours before InaImagine if Ame doesn't actually play with anyone
>>84426149>More Homofans than Shiori fansHOLY FLOPPA
Ceci was a gemstone girl
Fuck KiaraFuck MoriFuck GuraFuck AmeAnal with InaAnal with KroniiFuck MumeiFuck BaeAnal with IRyS Fuck FaunaFuck NerissaAnal with ShioriAnal with MococoFuck FuwawaFuck BibooFuck CeciAnal with ERNAnal with GigiFuck Raora
Ceci is Mio's neice.
>>84429010Gigi will instantly enter the server if needed.
>>84428662CC is the creepypasta type of robot with human entrails stuffed inside
>>84428955More than Gigi mama without a doubt
Automom is my wife
>>84428969The Queen has personally apologized and extended a pardon to Shiori. When the Harlot Wand purge comes, she will be spared.
Fauna loves me
>>84428877Retard>>Day 1 Scarlet did the dungeon with just Gura, Fauna and CCOnly because of retarded management setting up an Advent meeting>>Day 2 Scarlet does the dungeon with Gura, CC, and Moom as a guestFauna streamed for too long and she was tired. ShioRissa went separate, blame them.>>Day 3 Scarlet does the dungeon with Nerissa, Fauna, and CCGura took the day off, but they invited Shiori. Blame Shiori
>>84428930on the server?
I miss A-chan so much bros. I feel like losing her was a huge blow to EN and Jp synergy.
heimin are so clueless
>>84429010Did she change the time? Now its 1 hour after Gura
Fauna said she thinks saplings are good at typing funny things in chat and wants to judge a sapling talent show
>Ceci mentions Miku>I got a Miku nendo in the mail today.She knows.
>>84429140Shiori didn't do dungeon 1 when Scarlet invited her for day 2. By the time she finished dungeon 1 Scarlet hadn't entered dungeon 2 and could have invited her, but they chose to go ahead and didn't spare a second thought for her. She rightfully told them to fuck off on day 3 because they're cliquey bitches.
>fauna thinks all saplings look the same
>>84426149poor shiori lol
>I make Fauna laugh>Fauna makes me laughWE ARE
>>84426126>PLEASE LIKE FAUNAkek
>>84429241Vagina dentata...
>>84429163Yep. Nothin on JP/EN to connect now from a serious position. Sucks.
>>84429241The fuck? Oscar's can never had teeth.
green pubes
>>84429233>it's the girls fault shiori is unlikable
>>84429246>I make Fauna cum>Fauna makes me cumWE ARE
>>84429163I have A-chan merch that still hasn't arrvived. That one acrylic stand of her at her PC...
>>84427928>>84427933AMEEEEEE I was washing dishes….
This is some Blasphemous-looking stuff.
>>84429274I remember that sesame street character. always mouthy.
Fauna should have a menhera attack on stream
>>84428706IN LESS THAN ONE HOUR>Altare FFXIV 1 hour>Hakka Zatsu 2 hours>Bettel Cover Bettel might have a post-cover zatsudan
>>84429233>could have invited herHow would they know if Shiori was willing to join? She was already with Biboo and the others. Did Shiori try asking? no. She sticked with her clique.
>>84429300>unlikableRetardGOD, she literally gets invited into different group
>>84429163sounds good to me. fuck JP.
>>84429345wrong general ^_^
>>84429330Enreco Akatsuki
>>84429300Ceci explicitly says that there are people online and Shiori can find others to do the dungeon with which wasn't the case. They abandoned her.
>>84428337cc isnt friends with gura though, that didnt stop them from playing together
I see the shitcord is back
>made a persian rug in java
>>84429413brazilian primetime please understand
>>84429163Based Hololive enjoyer.
Mr robot watchalong when
>>84429401wow, CC is a bitch
>>84429401Good, Shiori is a whiny bitch.
>>84429233Gura fucking hates Advent because she knows they are her replacement. Everyone who isn't mouthbreathing retard is aware of this.
>>84429300Shiori is invited to other groups. Her main group refused to interact with her or with other groups. Thats the group issue, not Shiori issue.
>>84426149Do novelites seethe about Kiara because she so brutally mogs their failure oshi?
>only 5 holos are going to be streaming ENrecoIt's fucking over.
>>84429469novelfaggot cope
If both Gura and Shiori were in other guilds Scarlet would be loved.
>>84429503Is cute you're using images now Kiaraschizo
Ceci doing what she does best (hating)
>Welfare check: cleared>Fanta: Warm>Feet: Brown and Bare.Yep, it’s shitposting hours.
I feel like chat messages get deprioritized if you use adblock
>>84429490>Refused to interact with Shiorishiori ditched them for another groupThat's 100% a Shiori problem considering Nerissa also had the Advent meeting d1 and reintegrated back into scarlet just fine
Cecilia seething at liquorice..
>CC threatening to beat me upI'm getting aroused...
>>84429551How can someone so negative be so cute?
Who cares about finding an oshi that has the same likes as you when you can have CC who has the same hates as you.
>>84429584and raisins, and anise
In today's EnReco yab, Gura will leak that she's been married to Ame for over a year.
>3yrs is such a long time that you could've moved, you could've graduated college, gotten a new job>me living the same shit life
witness the cute kitty purrs
>>84429554>8 Hour bijou streamI kneel, pebbles...
OMG sisters they totally hate each other!
>>84429572Nerissa didn't have rock cunny seed in her
>>84429554Fuwamoco hate it
JWU, why are we hating on Shiori?
>>84429631i had two jobs and lost two jobs since myth debuted
>>84429638Moai finale was great
>>84429532Please refer to this >>84428706I count 11 not including Fuwamoco and Fuana/Ceci possibly streaming it later
>>84429631its so fucking overno improvement in my life since covid
>>84429614>somehow the wedding certificate gets pulled up instead of the lore video
>>84429631want to hold hands?
>>84429631Hey, three years ago I was still trapped in self quarantine so things have gotten better!
>>84428151I love NinnerInner
>>84429612>hates raisinsDropped.
>>84429669Shiori and Gura hate each other apparently and we're trying to figure out why
>>84427471It was management. This meme that it was Marine's idea needs to die already when she said it came from a manager.
>>84429689>only 11, not 19IT'S FUCKING OVER
>>84429631I went from jobless with $20 in my bank account to being a car and homeowner with a 401k and dental insurance.
>>84429695Based Seto
Might be Gura's turn to be the loner today looking at the times people are streaming and the ones who are absent today
>>84429746did you get married
ERB might be the better and more technical singer, but I 100x prefer Nerissa's singing
>>84429554fuwamoco the definition of "i'm just here because i get paid"
>>84429640I want to sex this cat.
Green women alliance
Hmm yeah, I don't think Bae is coming back to ENReco until Chapter 2. Probably.
>>84429746you turned into a car?
>>84429791She's promised to do dungeon 3 with Ame and Moom is joining them for dungeon 4
>>84429791She just needs to stall for an hour until Ame gets on.
>raiding a superchat readinggreen woman unity is powerful
>>84429791Gura prolly has some weird larp prepared for the first hour
>>84429554Bales Hacks...
>>84429233Did she call them once she'd done the first, to say she could do it? As far as they knew she was still unavailable.You act like Shiori didn't ditch them day 1 from the fucking very beginning
>>84429631I learned to love
I'm racist
>>84429401Hmm that's not very buonissimo if i may say
Fauna is sick...
>>84429791I'm honestly kinda upset that it was Raora who ended up being the loner yesterday
If your oshi isn't accepted by Gura, she's not hololive material. Sorry you had to learn this way Novelights.
>>84429891Yeah she did actually
>>84429554Gigi's 3rd Day was 4:30. Also, no one actually cares about who streamed the longest, but actually who streamed the least.
>>84429667They said they were so excited during the ENReco 3D stream, and turned out, they're bunch of liars. Just like their voices, lmao.
3 has good vibes
What is Goob gonna do for an hour before others join the server?
>>84429631I got a degree, a job, and made a measurable positive impact in the lives of the youth in the last three years all because of my oshi
Who the fuck has a favorite number?
>>84429554too much text
how is a dowry supposed to work anyway, is Mori supposed to share the Dowry she collected with Ame or is she basically selling her daughter to Gonathon
>>84429891Advent meeting? Do you even watched the streams?
>>84429509I only want to attack her womb with my penis
>>84430031Mine are 7 and 13...
Deadlock is kinda fun desu
Waiting for Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN
>>84429891This is a novelite falseflagging.
Why does ERB stream late? Shouldn't she be streaming EARLIER because of timezones? How do hags work
>>84430005Talk to chat, maybe solo yesterday's dungeon
>>84429554Sad to lose Tam
Fauna is a COOL driver
ERB was completely fine yesterday so I think the ones who said she was awful during Day 1 are probablystupid
>>84429509>only KFP hates Shioriexplain her terrible numbers
>>84429830>anon craved the certainty of steelbased
Has Ina completed her own dungeon?
>>84430058BEFORE that. Literally from the drop.
>>844300317 is cool and charismatic, also 490 is 7 times 70 which i think is neat
>>84429631I've jumped 4 jobs in those 4 years. All of them paying more than the last
>streaming would not be fun without you guysFauna is awfully lovely today
>>84430087Get the fuck out of here, Tetsuya Nomura.
Gorbius is live
>>84429746What did you do
>>84430131Not yet, she was busy yesterday
>>84430031Me and it's 4
>>84430087This anon plays Kingdom Hearts
rrat: Gura likes ENreco
Fauna would hate streaming without a chat to bounce off of
i think Fauna is cute
how long before Fauna logs on to ENreco
>>84429554>cuts out the second day 1 stream from FWMC
shark time
>>84430037Stop noticing things.
>>84429968Why can't they just drop the fake voices already? They're going to strain their voices if they keep up and then become less active because they have to be hospitalized and monitored.
>>84429968They realize they've got nothing to add once the "bau bau look we're dog twins!" wears thin
>>84430164>>84430201Never owned a Playstation in my life, I am a Nintendrone.
>>84429631I graduated, got a meh job, then got a decent job.still no gf tho
>Hey maaaaaaaan>I like, tried to make some food in my microwave recently…>and it like… started making loud noises and stuff.>like, sparks and smoke… ya know what I’m sayin’?>Now it doesn’t work… can I use yours?
>>84430031My favorite numbers are 1-15
its time to watch the intro again
>>84429926Raora did all the important stuff with Jade though The real loners are the people who couldn't even find dungeon parties and were forced to solo them
>>84430012So she wasn't even available to do it, thank you. She even affirms in the stream that she'd been stoked to go lone wolf style like she had thus far.
>>84430037I think the term for it is bride price
>>84430284This anon is a Dream Drop Distance fan
>>84430310Go to /jp/
Greetings fellow klan members
>>844302111 hour from now at the latest since she has to read the lotto numbers
>>84430284KH games are on all platforms. The second one was a GBA exclusive for years. 358/2 and recoded haven't been ported to any other system apart from their cutscenes.
bald streamer mention
Gura you don't need to play the intro every time...
>>84429958>>84430224added>>84430032here you go
>>84429968They've just been going in and doing the dungeons then leaving
so Gura told Fauna and Cici and Gigi not to play today so she could hang with Ame right?
This is now a Scarlet thread
>>84430310Sure thing. It's in my basement.
>>84430383>We hate numberfags guys
>>84430284Me too but there were 4 Nintendo Kingdom Hearts games, on the GBA, DS and 3DS, before the Switch got the crappy cloud games
>>84430123I'm a rosarian and she was great on day 2 and 3 but a loner loser on day 1
I see we’ve got DO NOT REDEEMs trying to get Every one to hate on Shiori.
>>84430346Was that the one with the Fantasia world? Fantasia is my favorite Disney movie.
>>84430331Ignoring the part where the rest of Scarlet Wand sans Nerissa left and started the dungeon without her, so when Shiori called they were already inside the dungeon. They abandoned her.
>>84430381Have other people not been playing the intro?
>Gura has no hat and no capeFAKE
God is on. GOD IS ON!!!!!!!!
>>84430383Raora keeping up with the rock, pretty impressive
Somewhere in the world there’s a sapling who’s a trucker and wears the MILF hat
>>84430310Sorry i dont have a microwave, but you can use this cute toaster
i am dead again
Is she the only one in the server
>>84430383Disgusting, thank you.
What's Gura going to do with th-
>Gura is the only one to play the full intro why is that?
>>84430455There's an intro?
Oh it's that time aga-
>>84429968>being in kayfabe for far too long will get them nowhereImagine my shock
>>84430037>basically selling her daughterConsidering Ame would no longer be a part of her parental household and move in with her husband, it's more of a compensation.
Around wandswish them to be gone
erection cognition
>>84430450Yes, Fantasia was easily the best Disney world in it, though like half the Disney worlds are bad in DDD.
>>84430488gonathan is probably offline grinding
the shark brain is scrambled today
>>84430505shit intros
The capes make them look like special ed kids that ran around with a blanked pretending to be a superhero
full en Morrowind MP when
Why is Gura hitting chumbuds if she's gonna tell them that it's rp anyway?
So she's officially decided it's cringe.
I'm now thinking about Gura toes
>Futa pov Gura
Feet mention
>none of Gura's usual gang streams todayI wonder how this will go, I hope is not mining/sploring by her self
>Fauna is sleepy>Gura is sleepywhat were they doing yesterday
I am Gura's toes male btw
Delinquent guild neighbors
>>84430599>look like
>>84430658fauna and mumei will be there in 2 hours
Shiori not being up her teammates asses isn't her 'betraying' anyone. Its a game.If I didn't know better I'd assume its just a bunch of fucking females in this thread with how much drama whoring and bickering is going on.Post tits or GTFO.
Fauna was spying on some "kiddos" at the airport
>teathis will be a short episode
Fauna is pretty cute rn
>>84430658Ame stream soon...
Gura kinda sucks at RP
she won
>>84429554>>84430383>numberfagfuck off retard
>>84430701go back
i cant listen to 2 povs at the same time
Oh no tea, CC's gotten to her...
Will Gura force Ame and Fauna to interact?
>>84430738nice soundpost retard!!
Fauna shitting on leafy and other dramatubers using CSgo as background
>>84430766Isn't Fauna just reading superchats for today
>>84430738nice soundpost
>>84430701She gon lose it on some lechon
>>84430799She's going to log into Minecraft to do the lottery in an hour, and then probably other stuff
>>84430701stop crying novelite
>>84430580Favorite segment from both movies is the abstract opener (Toccata and Fugue/Symphony No, 5),
>>84430743people only dislike ccv, subs, merch, and superchat numbers
I want to spill Gura's pink goo everywhere
>your oshi>the last time you had sex
I just took a dump, what did I miss from Goob?
Uh I think Gura needs Fauna or anyone
WTF did Raora go autism mode and build a castle
How were the Goob and CC during day 1?I'm still catching up here and there
>>84429891CC called Shiori like 7 times but Shiori never picked up. So, they went ahead without her.
holy shit Raora built a whole castle
How did Cover force Gura to stream this many times in such a short period?
>>84430766Fauna wouldn't be caught dead around Ame
Wait... NinoIna? Thats awfully similar to Ninomae Ina'nis from Hololive English Generation 1Is there a connection here?
>>84430831Fauna slapped Ame's tits in front of Gura and ranted about how it's not fair before she ran off crying
i know something else pink that gura has
>>84430831Both Ame and Fauna are autistic
>Gura is the only one streaming She's going to hog viewership for the entire night and only interact with her clique of submissive doormat coworkers.
>>84430872no. now go back
demure is already old and outdated gura
>>84430910She needs to show who the REAL Queen is
>>84430899Fauna.Not applicable.
>today I'm building gallowsok gura
Gura's little mouth
>>84430899Kiaralike 2 years ago
>>84430701She should just defect already and make a funny arc about it, rather than pretend to play both sides
>>84430925Nino Ina is a very common name actually. You're over thinking it
>>84430106how embarrassing
>>84430899KroniiLast night
What's the difference between "otsu" and "iku"? (both screamed during sex or masturbation)
Anonymous mention
>>84430911everyone expected Amesame and Autofisterwe ended up with Amefister and Autosame
>>84430941her aqua figures?
>>84430872>all things Shiori gets mogged in by by the othershmmmmm
>In episode:>Gura discovers color racism
Is there porn in the uncensored version?
>>84430921She's graduating
>>84430899[Redacted]8 years ago
the dungeoning start in 3 hours, right? what are they gonna do now?
>>84430911It was pretty nice, Day 1 might've been their best day so far, its what started the whole big hat thing.
>>84430954/hlgg/ only wants submissive dormats for gura though?Could you imagine of someone actually made her mad?
>>84431042Of Minecraft?
>>84430899Kiara7 months ish ago
>>84430177Applied for a job. Got said job.
Calliopeen can't keep getting away with it.
>>84430899IRySlast month
>novelcuck keeps defending shiori when she told off cc during yesterday's call
My goob is extra retarded today
>>84431024no i meant her child cheeks
>Fauna wanted to play the 18+ version
>>84431013Wouldn't know, the porn I watch is in English.
>>84430954min-maxing numbers lmao
>king has a paper monopoly
>>84430899FWMCDuring COVID quarantine
Why doesnt she have a hat
>>84430954CC hangs out with Gura twice and that's enough for schizos to say dumb shit about her
>>84431013>screaming otsu during sexshiggy diggy eigo jouzu
Holy shitWho built the castle?
>>84430899>Gura>This morning
>this server is retarded by limiting our building, management is so stupid Based Gooby
>>84430899FlareAsk your mom kek
Can I get a QRD on what Shiori did? I wasn't watching her POV
The final boss IS the kingBravo Jyonathan for being 10 steps ahead
>>84430968I love how Kronii went full toxic CoD player on Elizabeth, but was completely dumbfounded by Raora basically just going "Nuh uh"
new thread>>84431162>>84431162>>84431162
>>84430899Guralol. lmao
>>84430031I'm gonna name my kid Seven
Fauna is a coward and didn't even play the uncensored version of Saya no Uta
>>84431065Gura vs Biboo is literally Hogan vs Rock tier. Everyone should want that
>>84431091How many is that now?
>>84430954Submissive is what girls should be
>>84431088Congrats anon