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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 628 KB, 2430x4096, 70455940d5de9b54e96e16b3a2f5749f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
84336920 No.84336920 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

/uoh/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/can2cy5H

Previous: >>84229139

Reminder to report and hide shitposting, off-topic raids.

>> No.84337072
Quoted by: >>84337545

Vampire brat asmr

>> No.84337170

>schizo pastebin in op again
Just kill yourself and take your schizo link and shit tiermaker with you

>> No.84337194

pastebinfag is a raging faggot btw

>> No.84337401
File: 50 KB, 439x407, 1703679529427437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off pastebinigger

>> No.84337545

Is this the JP Aruru?

>> No.84337714
File: 1.36 MB, 2406x4096, react.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84338501

I fucking wish Aruru did ASMR

>> No.84338003
Quoted by: >>84338867

JP aruru isn't real she can't make your po hard. Meanwhile this video:

>> No.84338501

Pretty sure she did one but the vod is lost and she has no archive channel
Or she might have practiced asmr on stream I cant remember

>> No.84338867
File: 3.91 MB, 582x564, cowgirl sex.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84339266

Did you mean to post this

>> No.84339266
Quoted by: >>84339397

What is she doing? That is not how it would look if you rock in your chair

>> No.84339397
File: 2.76 MB, 960x540, RuruPat[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fl78v1s.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84339563

She is playing a game where you are a sexpest trying to date other girls you figure it out

>> No.84339563

I miss these days. Nowadays they can glue redeems on their head and you will never get gems like these anymore

>> No.84339839
Quoted by: >>84340225

Speaking of people that should do ASMR

>> No.84340225
Quoted by: >>84340312

Sell me on her

>> No.84340312
File: 16 KB, 591x140, bratngel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84340640

Her about section says it all

>> No.84340384

pastebin anon won

>> No.84340595
Quoted by: >>84344042

Mods deleted the real thread and left this anti one up

>> No.84340640

I dont buy that "i have thousands of followers and Im so lonely uwu" pickme crap sorry. She is cute though her voice reminds me of Rimaeri

>> No.84340710 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 347 KB, 1610x1288, 1699805559095006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84340951

>Mods deleted the real thread and left this anti one up
total janitor death

>> No.84340951


>> No.84341702

With mond posting fujo hate and justifying it using the Bible when will she start hating on yuri and justifying it using rhe Bible too?

>> No.84341778
Quoted by: >>84341879

What made her do that? It was so random

>> No.84341879

Mond not liking fujoshit isn't exactly a secret

>> No.84341910
Quoted by: >>84341970

mond is a religious schizo and will soon start posting anti loli stuff too

>> No.84341970

lmao even

>> No.84342289
File: 232 KB, 1159x1800, GWarttTWkAI2J87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't read Lolinthians 4:20

>> No.84343579
File: 133 KB, 320x372, speeen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84343809

>> No.84343809

Why does the Mond spin

>> No.84344033

Being happy in her own little world

>> No.84344042

the pastebin or tierlist whoever the cunt is has a someone complaining to 4chan site mods to get anything they don't post deleted >>83942767. it's crazy. this is the second time someone tried to push something, piss everyone off in the process, and got told to fuck off. then they come back with a janny or someone that has power over everyone in the thread. this thread isn't even that popular and everyone who isn't onto our thing hates us. so why do people want to take over /uoh/?

>> No.84344155
Quoted by: >>84349434

Mond has always been openly homophobic and very religious. How is this surprising? She grew up in a christian cult for fucks sake. Her family performs exorcisms and goes on missionary trips...

>> No.84344284

to show us her panties

>> No.84344615

If /uoh/ had a thread janny you would never be able to get a single shitpost off. And speaking of which I dont ever see you complain or call that retard spamming blue archive images out or call him a schizo when he is spewing insane garbage every thread and has admitted multiple times to falsely reporting Zenya,getting her twitch banned along some other vtubers like Nii, Rimaeri and Irina.
Apparently according to you this is "thread culture".

That is not the reason why you are hated, you are hated because you are raiding other generals and threads but that is a different story.

>> No.84344736

>it's all one guy

>> No.84345067
File: 754 KB, 1131x1600, GWewYXHboAAYLtk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never reported anyone in my life you fucking retard

>> No.84345093

>has admitted multiple times to falsely reporting Zenya,getting her twitch banned along some other vtubers like Nii, Rimaeri and Irina.
you had my attention until this part. you this shit about EVERYONE. someone could say "i don't like cheese pizza" and you would say "is that why you mass reported reported loli vtubers?" you went so schizo that you evntually started saying that the thread was the group that is mass reporting loli vtubers.
>you are hated because you are raiding other generals and threads
the thread
i have no idea what you and your smegma huffing friends do on 4chan. i've been lurking here and recently. maybe try accusing everyone of being the person you din't like in other threads. you might find them eventually retard.

>> No.84345205

i'm playing helldivers and typing words inbetween fights. i couldn't be bothered to check for typos. automatons suck

>> No.84345846

Stop bumping the thread or preferably stop posting until he's forced to samefag to keep it up. Type "sage" in the options field.

>> No.84346299
Quoted by: >>84346460

2nd bunny wife

>> No.84346460
Quoted by: >>84346504

>Kiki was pregnant as a baby

>> No.84346504

Not our Kiki. kikitchiwi in chat

>> No.84347651
File: 35 KB, 592x196, is that so.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you went so schizo that you evntually started saying that the thread was the group that is mass reporting loli vtubers.

>> No.84347778

Huh so it is true

>> No.84349277


>> No.84349434
Quoted by: >>84349972

So mond hates cute girls because same sex is bad

>> No.84349972
Quoted by: >>84350222

Everyone knows 2 girls don't count

>> No.84350027

i want mond to sit on my lap so i can pet her and kiss her forehead and tell her she's doing a good job and ask her about the things she likes and and and

>> No.84350096
Quoted by: >>84350487

EXTREMELY feminine post

>> No.84350222

She is about to make a anti yuri post tommorow at sep 4th at 5pm her time

>> No.84350391
Quoted by: >>84350703

stop bumping the hijack thread

>> No.84350436
Quoted by: >>84350487

alas anon I just want to split my heart with another
holding off the urge to say how much I want to fill her with my seed while staring deep into her eyes

>> No.84350487

>>84350436 (me)

>> No.84350554

i posted this

>> No.84350703

Fuck off retard
You can be a fucktarded schizo all you want but when you actually hurt the vtubers I care about you crossed the line

>> No.84350854
File: 30 KB, 500x500, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.84350916
File: 205 KB, 1581x2100, GWd77aXa8AAs1HN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting cunny = hurting chuubas

>> No.84351537

one random poster said he did it and nothing else to identify or prove he actually did it besides him making an ANONYMOUS post on 4chan. i did 9/11 anon. i was the one who drove the airplanes into the towers. i also shot trump. you are literally schizophrenic. go do something about it if it bothers you so much instead of seeing ANONYMOUS posts and saying "you don't agree with me? you're the anti! you mass reported my friends!" i don't have the archive but i did see you in the bait thread about mel. you also accused of her of being the one who mass reported your loli frineds because she was mutuals with all of them

>> No.84351713

Shut up, bigfatnerdynerd, you're just pissed off that Shondo banned you for being too racist and off your meds.

>> No.84351780

This you, bud? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgUSM7yiR88

>> No.84352083
Quoted by: >>84352403

how did i go from being someone who mass reported lolis to someone that shondo banned? this thread really did get hijacked by a bunch of retards playing victim. am i also the person that bullied you in highschool? am i also the monster under your bed?

>> No.84352085

how did you know? that is me

>> No.84352306

Is now a bad time to post my cute and funny buff gorilla girl loli reference that I will be using to get a model made?

>> No.84352398

Go post it on /asp/ instead

>> No.84352403

>am i also the person that bullied you in highschool
nice misdirection, Kevin. no, it was middle school, and you kept tripping me and laughing with your stupid friends and now half of them are in prison and you're working a shit job as a line cook at age 30 and going home to your retarded wife who you've failed to conceive a baby with for like 3 years now.

>> No.84352461

no. you're fine i just hate how dumb people are then act like a victim when they get called out for it. i'm not here to cause trouble in general

>> No.84352624
File: 185 KB, 2000x1055, 1696424489549502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84352805

Come back in a day, we're having a moment.

>> No.84352805

OK ( 灬´ ˘ `灬 )

>> No.84353150

Irina is live!

>> No.84353163


>> No.84353205

>You will never stop me from loving children, twitch

>> No.84353376

>gets unbanned
>becomes more powerful
She must have got youtube partner

>> No.84353739

>irina licking my fingers

>> No.84353791

>green text green text
black text

>> No.84353981

>irina irina irina

>> No.84354157

>You can be a fucktarded schizo all you want but when you actually hurt the vtubers I care about you crossed the line
Then why are you supporting and defending this pastebinfag thread?
He excludes specific cunnytubers from the list just to hurt them

>> No.84354217

>irina enjoyer changed his nick to yumi enjoyer
you know you could just get a normal nickname instead of doing this

>> No.84354278

but how will people know who he enjoys

>> No.84354707

I wonder if how many of my messages are in Irina's google drive

>> No.84355150
File: 1.49 MB, 1505x886, Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 14-49-10 irinakumai - Twitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84355489

Bunny cunny asmr

>> No.84355660 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 1104x1200, 1623555964660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.84356620
Quoted by: >>84356750

I'm blushing

>> No.84356750


>> No.84357425
File: 157 KB, 601x346, image (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taffys upcoming outfit sneak peek

>> No.84357544

she doesn't stream

>> No.84357580
Quoted by: >>84357610

Now show it ruffling as she moves so I can get a peek of tge pantsu

>> No.84357610

what pantsu

>> No.84357788

>Chinese dress
Not even hiding it anymore

>> No.84357833


>> No.84358548
Quoted by: >>84358923

I mean why would she hide it? Might as well embrace her oilers that are cleaning her throne the moment she fills it
Her poor western fans never stood a chance after she deleted their discord

>> No.84358923

>deleted their discord
Fucking based desu

>> No.84359029

she tries to hide it, but her original account was wiped because she was a member of a nazi server that got wiped

>> No.84359329
File: 762 KB, 1024x1024, 1607673510212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she was a member of a nazi server that got wiped
so she's based?

>> No.84359980

damn, I love her even more

>> No.84360353
Quoted by: >>84360494

in the end all that matters is money and there's always someone richer than you will ever be

>> No.84360494
Quoted by: >>84360601

honestly, deep

>> No.84360601
Quoted by: >>84362080

I'll go deep inside you, fag

>> No.84360616
Quoted by: >>84360863

Para sighted

>> No.84360863
Quoted by: >>84361753

Para is not a loli so you can fuck off right back to that shit thread thanks.

>> No.84361753
Quoted by: >>84361878

you should fuck off. we are all racist here
kill yourself

>> No.84361878
Quoted by: >>84362022

if that is true why did the jannies delete the whole thread while it was still on page 1 lol

>> No.84362022

get the janny cock out your ass, tourist

>> No.84362080


>> No.84363185

miwa bj...

>> No.84364620
File: 89 KB, 546x595, schizowife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84364801

*cums on shoelaces*
good now tie them up
little nii rape

>> No.84365972
Quoted by: >>84366266

https://pomf.tv/stream/forallsweets cute but goddamn that model
I hate to say it but using vroid would be better in this case

>> No.84366266

Anon I think that is vroid...

>> No.84367122


>> No.84368498

Taffy, my beloved...

>> No.84370810
Quoted by: >>84371370

https://www.twitch.tv/minikomew she is live

>> No.84370811

nii-chans, fox girl cnuuy.. or no ..

>> No.84371112

We already have plenty make it a horse girl or bust

>> No.84371370


>> No.84371634

is this vaush speaking.

>> No.84371635

not the original anon but bust? what's a bust?
also please give more ideas

>> No.84371838
Quoted by: >>84373647

zoomer chan... ___ or bust is an old phrase meaning i want this thing or nothing at all

>> No.84373441
File: 386 KB, 622x640, 1719641153084541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxgirls are cute. Image is Kiichan who is not really cunny but her voice is. When you're a foxgirl you also have the built-in joke chat can make about you actually being a catgirl.
Cute. "or bust" is just an idiom that means "or nothing at all". You must be young or ESL.

>> No.84373647

thank you!
its both!

>> No.84373933
Quoted by: >>84413738

neppie is gone again, whats the excuse now?, she is getting groomed by hexa again?

>> No.84374241

thank u anon <3 i want to be a fox spirit and haunt everyone !! no one can escape

>> No.84374596

I still need help finding the pink loli with a fish tail that started in like 2020 or 2021

>> No.84374615
File: 29 KB, 618x177, 1708995139412319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's kinda cute

>> No.84375729

Sick Kiki stream

>> No.84375891

huh, isn't she supposed to be dead?

>> No.84376232

do you think that since irina is always full of snot and spit that she's also very... wet down there?

>> No.84376483

I saw someone saying that a small corpo cancelled an entire wave over some controversy. Maybe she was part of that wave or maybe she just scrolled through twitter while waiting for her reincarnation.

>> No.84377188

go to bed irina

>> No.84377234

She never stopped posting after her graduation. She made like 5 announcements on her discord and was chatting in another server

>> No.84377368 [DELETED] 
File: 240 KB, 1163x739, 1616577597984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84377844

who's the most plappable/breedable uohchuuba?

>> No.84377767
Quoted by: >>84378073

Only after getting teased/scolded/yelled at

>> No.84377844 [DELETED] 


>> No.84378073

do they really do to you what they want done to themselves

>> No.84380680

tired of indies going menhera/nostream/cringe hottakes
which holo loli should I start watching next

>> No.84383378

There are only a dozen of them just watch whoever you want

>> No.84384413

Watch Kiki, she's never let me down yet

>> No.84385645

She just came back an hour ago and is doing a watchalong on her discord

>> No.84385852

Good for her I guess? If >>84376483 rrat is real

>> No.84386009
Quoted by: >>84389381

inb4 "omg koinu faked graduation for donations!!!"
You just know some schizo is gonna say that.

>> No.84389381

She never graduated. She said its a hiatus

>> No.84391741
Quoted by: >>84392033

Just the average european chuuba experience

>> No.84392033
Quoted by: >>84392081

What is it with europeans ans snails? Irina also likes them

>> No.84392081

I tried them a few times but wasn't really a fan

>> No.84392693
Quoted by: >>84400225

What is Irina's opinion about it?

>> No.84392989

shes fucking GRIFTING!! i told all of you. she's back for more. the GRIFTING never ends. she GRIFTED her way into a corpo then GRIFTED them so hard she made them cnacel the corpo. her GRIFTING has to come to an end! we need to MASS REPORT here discord bros.

>> No.84393061

i also find it funny you sensitive losers think this is me being a anti to koinu.

>> No.84395160

There's no other option. I have to grift her womb full of puppies

>> No.84397009
File: 132 KB, 433x567, GVZCLgkXUAAGi_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, pls

>> No.84398416 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>84400965

Little girls...

>> No.84398722


>> No.84400225
Quoted by: >>84400486

she didn't comment on it but stuff like this is normal, its why you don't tattoo someone's name on you
dude's gonna end up switching names after he moves on to someone else lmao

>> No.84400421
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, coolsville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Yumi SUCKS

>> No.84400486
Quoted by: >>84400514

Did he actually live up to his name? Because anyone can name himself x_enjoyer but then never watch her streams

>> No.84400514
Quoted by: >>84401268

yeah he usually was always there and even drew fanart for her

>> No.84400965
File: 1.21 MB, 2714x4096, GWdGKa9bYAAnxgL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally 1984

>> No.84401268
Quoted by: >>84402659

Thats a pretty dick move then. I'm pretty sure I've seen him in Rimaeri's discord with the same name going all "uuu I love Rimaeri". I thought he was trolling her at first

>> No.84402400

how do you know if your lolichuuba is /here/?

>> No.84402545
Quoted by: >>84405326

That's easy, they all are

>> No.84402659
Quoted by: >>84403538

Rimaeri is dead so who cares

>> No.84402773


>> No.84403538

Irina isnt

>> No.84403697 [DELETED] 

>pedophil3 containment thread

>> No.84403999
File: 48 KB, 693x900, 1725235975926303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is tierlist schizo adding this uoh

>> No.84404241

he's been talked about here but not too organically and up until recently you got your post deleted if you mentioned him, but there IS one chuuba that's overdue to be added, but nobody is going to like it, but it has to be done

>> No.84404271
Quoted by: >>84405326

(you)s after posting a tribute

>> No.84404352
File: 109 KB, 755x862, 1479310903085246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was told they can see when you post their links. post her link and make her come here. https://youtube.com/@mubinieido

>> No.84404652
File: 112 KB, 250x250, 1713379892012921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you want added for real? They have to be someone the thread has talked about before.

>> No.84404768

>missed ber stream
>no vod

>> No.84404772


>> No.84404895

That only works if people click the link directly from 4chan instead of copy/pasteing it into their browser

>> No.84404932
Quoted by: >>84407827

Are you his wife or something?

>> No.84405037

remove immy bisou i beg

>> No.84405223
Quoted by: >>84405741

Nobody here even watches his streams.

>> No.84405326
Quoted by: >>84407885

i got a strong suspicion she reads /here/ during asmrs. sometimes will play into things i say /here/. can never be sure though

>> No.84405741
Quoted by: >>84406880

If tierlist schizo doesn't add every uoh equally then they are a crab

>> No.84406059
Quoted by: >>84407260

i have a strong boner for my uoshi

>> No.84406880
Quoted by: >>84407387

Nobody fuckin talks about him

>> No.84407260

what do you like about her

>> No.84407387

you are right now

>> No.84407827

i thought i was the only one who noticed the sudden begging of talk and shilling of rev. everyone knows him. nobody wants to talk about drama shit 24/7 and that seems to be all he does or at least what his main appeal is.

>> No.84407885
Quoted by: >>84408121

someone came here and said "chat doesn't know i browse here while doing asmr" maybe it was here

>> No.84408121

yeah, it's her. thanks for letting me know

>> No.84409214
File: 473 KB, 1369x2048, GT42Rd6XsAAHK9n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cunny!

>> No.84409337
File: 2.04 MB, 1485x2048, 1703691483823590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she still a witch if the only thing her spells ever do is make your penis erect?

>> No.84409410
File: 1.24 MB, 977x977, 1698956169832655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mishie soon

>> No.84409516
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, 1700399511537754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84409601

you spend all day thinking about her and yet your existence never even crosses her mind

>> No.84409632
Quoted by: >>84409663

speak for yourself.

>> No.84409663


>> No.84409804

i know for a fact she thinks about me

>> No.84410319
File: 998 KB, 320x372, mondspin[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmvdmt9.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84410421
Quoted by: >>84414325

I want to save Mond. She had another weird dream.

>> No.84410746
File: 334 KB, 1448x2048, GWe0UBwaUAALMp7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually spend all day thinking about loli tummy and thighs

>> No.84410794
Quoted by: >>84410828

Irina bullied me onstream.

>> No.84410828
Quoted by: >>84410922

I should stop filtering myself on twitch so much

>> No.84410922

How else do you get a cute loli to make fun of you other than just blurting out whatever dumb shit you're thinking at any given moment?

>> No.84411699 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>84411946

I did this and ny oshi called me a retarded nigger live before banning me :(

>> No.84411946 [DELETED] 

damn you must be a really retarded nigger then

>> No.84413060

by threatening suicide whenever she's not streaming. or calling her out when she replies to someone else before she replies to you.

>> No.84413071
File: 688 KB, 286x310, 1697504179501676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84413984


>> No.84413663
Quoted by: >>84414337

it's only hot when females are yandere, when males do it it's gay

>> No.84413738
Quoted by: >>84413908

hexa was revealed to be a part of the doxxing forum and discord so hopefully not.

>> No.84413908

need some lessons from hexa

>> No.84413984
Quoted by: >>84414223

it's crazy, they weren't even being racist

>> No.84414223 [DELETED] 
File: 3.67 MB, 2048x1536, 1698247758013516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's not even bad to be a nigger. it's the janny who is racist for thinking it is.

>> No.84414325
Quoted by: >>84414432

save mond from what? herself? she's a fucking nutcase

>> No.84414337

exactly! the easiest way to get made fun of by women is to be more feminine than them without being gay. also those two examples i gave were real people that came here. the suicide anon killed himself 5 times because he missed rimaeri. and the other guy self reported how autistic is by screenshotting and posting him going schizo at a vtuber in her discord.

>> No.84414432

>save mond from what? herself?
yes. that's pretty much the sentiment.

>> No.84416372

so is mond ever streaming? she kinda cute

>> No.84416704
Quoted by: >>84416891

no she graduated.

>> No.84416891

But Anonymous said that there was a headline all over Korean media saying the body of a young German disabled woman was found and and and they wouldn't just make shit up, that would be lying on the internet, which is a crime!

>> No.84417146
File: 956 KB, 2000x2018, rosey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kingdom Hearts 2 | I wonder what my Nobody would be called?

>> No.84417262

She used to stream every day before she had her schizo breakdown. She's posting model teaser so she'll probably return.

>> No.84417291

i miss neppie

>> No.84417318
Quoted by: >>84418692

Sorry man. Feel free to vent.

>> No.84417809

she is gone forever know and soon i will join her

>> No.84418012

>whatever you're thinking at any given moment
I don't think a constant spam of "ToT cunny feet sex sex sex impregnate cute" would be appreciated

>> No.84418630

based. i hope she starts streaming more retro, those were fun

>> No.84418692
Quoted by: >>84420338

FUCK neppie

>> No.84419840
Quoted by: >>84420145

So if we're going to let pastebin fag win can, we should go something cool like take the list and make a Rentry. You could make it fancy and out a picture of everyone's model next to their name and links. I would do it, but I retarded and I know someone else could do a better job so..

>> No.84419997

One should be careful employing such advanced autistic tactics. Doing this will not only get the girl to make fun of you, but everyone else will too.

>> No.84420100

I wrote an embarrassingly long marshmallow for my uohshi... I don't remember if I sent it or if I did and she deleted it, because I don't see it there anymore... I think I'll keep it to myself...

>> No.84420145

Wouldn't waste time. Nobody even talks about the pastebin except to tell pastebinfag to fuck off.

>> No.84420246
Quoted by: >>84421285

Even before the pastebin was taken out of the OP, every time someone mentioned the pastebin, there was always someone who said nobody gives a shit about the pastebin. He has no influence.

>> No.84420338
Quoted by: >>84420409

You need to wait in line for your turn

>> No.84420409
Quoted by: >>84420503

man i don't want sloppy 32nds

>> No.84420503
Quoted by: >>84420712

I'll take your sloppy whatever. I will push everyone else's loads deeper inside her for you. It'll be a battle of who can impregnate her first. Maybe the best man win.

>> No.84420712

we have to keep her plugged up so she doesn't leak. i guess thanks for sloshing around the 30 loads inside her, it'll be like cum roulette

>> No.84421285
Quoted by: >>84421914

>He has no influence.
sorry to go schizo when it seems like it's "normal"
both him and the other group of people that were told to fuck off had to get help from moderaters for them to get what they want. if people really enjoyed the things they wouldn't have to go to such extremes to get it normalized.

>> No.84421914

I'm not convinced. The times there have been a competing OP there have been complications. As soon as somebody is first to pull the trigger with a good OP and doesn't bitch and moan and dramafag, that's when we'll know. If the thread still gets deleted, it's nepotism or bribery. If it doesn't, it's not.

>> No.84422093
Quoted by: >>84422559

I don't really see why anyone would go through so much trouble to put a fucking link to a text document nobody gives a fuck about. I just think pastebinfag is very autistic.

>> No.84422559
Quoted by: >>84422693

For something nobody gives a fuck about you are very vocal about spreading lies and having a meltdown over it. When asked why you hate it you cant give a clear answer >>84337988 >>84337988 >>84338877
You sound more schizo than anyone you are trying to accuse

>> No.84422693

None of those are me, stupid. Take your meds. Dumbass.

>> No.84423432
File: 131 KB, 367x439, 1709697675232862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rev about to talk about the Concord dumpster fire

>> No.84423454
File: 3.02 MB, 1750x1458, 1725123229471887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84423637

Perfect angle now she just needs to start smashing my face into mush with her cute chonkla

>> No.84423893
Quoted by: >>84424259

If I never post it you think kuro will let me pay him for nsfw neppie art? Maybe a physical lewd neppie print that he sends to my po box covered in his seed for a extra fee?

>> No.84424259

Isn't that illegal to send biohazordous material through the royal post?

>> No.84424413
Quoted by: >>84429228

neppie needs only 1 finger

>> No.84424562
File: 63 KB, 729x1083, 1561628301940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.84424597

your uoshi is wearing those

>> No.84424669

>zoomer can't handle Space Invaders

>> No.84424745

there has to be a way to kiss miwa back

>> No.84424767
Quoted by: >>84424926


>> No.84424926
Quoted by: >>84425107

Irina. She found a Space Invaders machine in-game, killed half the aliens while complaining the whole time, then declared that it was too slow and quit

>> No.84425107

I hope somebody clips that.

>> No.84425868


>> No.84426089

Why does denpa's credits list herself as the model artist when that is clearly the same model artist for mond's model pokopokotarou1? Is she stealing credit on purpose?

>> No.84426727
File: 37 KB, 678x150, 1701445053087500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84426793

>> No.84426793

I didn't know camgirls had oshi marks now.

>> No.84426816

not uoh don't post that whore here post that link over there instead >>>/trash/

>> No.84427076
Quoted by: >>84427675

waxed miwa cunny

>> No.84427218

it feels weird raiding into Rev's wife who is sitting on her computer right next to him

>> No.84427535
File: 107 KB, 1518x169, IMG_0888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.84427675

She confirmed its puffy with no flaps one I almost busted the second she said that

>> No.84427787
Quoted by: >>84427872

got a clip?

>> No.84427800
File: 274 KB, 1336x2048, GWjAZMYaoAEFI6G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like how "red archive" doesn't have a single loli in it

>> No.84427801
Quoted by: >>84427872


>> No.84427872

Sorry it was a month or so ago when I first found her so I wasn't clipping

>> No.84428120
Quoted by: >>84429389

god damn michael

>> No.84428341
Quoted by: >>84429389

you motherfucker

>> No.84428982

it honestly upsets me i can't maro miwa during asmr i am devastated

>> No.84429228

...in each hole

>> No.84429389

Sorry anons. Hopefully just knowing it is enough until she inevitably brags about it again

>> No.84430541

>post own link in uoh
>uses hag tag
Retarded grifter.

>> No.84430964
Quoted by: >>84435041

>Irina happens to raid the big titty chuubas right when they are about to do an imouto bit
she's too good at this

>> No.84431216
File: 881 KB, 4096x2368, mygirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw she is supposed to do asmr due to a donathon goal that was hit. Kind of excited for it.

>> No.84431384
File: 231 KB, 1540x2048, 1720668896332402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84431711

Looks like poop desu

>> No.84431510

elden shock

>> No.84431711
Quoted by: >>84431802

I don't really see the resemblance.

>> No.84431802
Quoted by: >>84432880

i think they are trying to say both are over designed. like genshin characters.

>> No.84432880
File: 2.58 MB, 2553x2662, Change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84435960

I see that.
From what I remember tho she used to be more simple, since she got in to Fortnite tho she has changed.

>> No.84433251

number of fingers tier list?

>> No.84433348

Has anyone been watching Gura's minecraft rp? How has it been going?

>> No.84433680

seconding this

>> No.84434985


>> No.84435041
Quoted by: >>84445280

Who did she raid?

>> No.84435960

not enough accessories. she needs buttons on her bag and jacket and at least 2 hair pins.

>> No.84436559

Did M*u k*un reincarnate?

>> No.84437039

Just seems like she's dealing with college life. I don't think so.

>> No.84437838
Quoted by: >>84439313

she did and it was all to escape from the schizos she got for starting in asp

>> No.84438731

i have decided all i need is miwa and mond cunny

>> No.84439313

she graduated because she posted on /soc/ (a 4chan hookup board) and got caught. it would have just been a rrat if she ignored it and called everyone schizo liars but she graduated almost immediately after the allegations without any build up or mention of graduation

>> No.84439392

My rrat is that she broke from being on 4chan too much and couldn't take people talking about her

>> No.84439429
Quoted by: >>84443165

Can someone catbox me a loli drawing with vegana in full display? I'm drawing and need examples.

>> No.84439586

I would hate being a vtuber desu

>> No.84440095
Quoted by: >>84442521

This is an extra ordinary claim that requires extra ordinary evidence.

>> No.84440496
Quoted by: >>84441114

Here is her graduation stream if anyone cares https://gofile.io/d/BsbOBJ

>> No.84441044

i think thats the case too
girls need thick skin if they were to become vtubers

>> No.84441114

Need her to cry on my cock

>> No.84441186
Quoted by: >>84442643

I liked miu a lot and honestly you guys can go die for bullying her so much

>> No.84442521
Quoted by: >>84442742

i'll dig throught the archives later. i'm at work and can't be bothered right now. but the /soc/ screenshots and claims popped up in /asp/ back when it was peak schizo. it was so schizo the thread had to be made 3 or 4 times a day. the schizos analyzed the hell out of it and recognized her typing style from the post.

>> No.84442643

everyone liked here miu tho? she was one of the few chuubas that had live posters in this thread.

>> No.84442742
Quoted by: >>84443589

Thanks I can't find anything in the archive no matter the keywords used.

>> No.84443165


>> No.84443334
Quoted by: >>84444390

goddamn bro you didnt need to do all at

>> No.84443589
Quoted by: >>84444590

i searched miu /soc/ and found a bunch of posts talking about the situation heres one from /uoh/ >>79676577 and here is something someone found while searching /soc/ archives i think. >>79600502

>> No.84444073
Quoted by: >>84444801

miu was also underage right up until she graduated and admitted it too

>> No.84444390
Quoted by: >>84445080

i'll do anything to help western loli artists. tbe only other one that's here is constantly dehydrated from cumming to his drawings. he says he can barely finish ine before he busts

>> No.84444590 [DELETED] 

I've never seen anyone call koinu "miu".

>> No.84444801 [DELETED] 

Oh ok, you're a schizo. Koinu was not underage.

>> No.84445080
Quoted by: >>84446977

do you have any artist that does close up face w/mouth focused stuff well?

>> No.84445280


>> No.84445317

Nevermind, I thought this was about the Koinu allegations during her graduation again. No idea if the Miu rrat is true but she was pretty much a 1 view and nobody here watched her so I don't care.

>> No.84445489
Quoted by: >>84446239

Charlotte is cunny coded and she's using her dog loli model.

>> No.84446033
File: 144 KB, 218x357, uooooooooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made for mpress

>> No.84446239

she should just switch to a cunny model full time, most of her collab partners are uohchuubas and her voice is very cute

>> No.84446245


>> No.84446710

That's what she's doing but the model isn't done yet.

>> No.84446977
Quoted by: >>84448016

sorry no. i'm not into ahego face. most of the stuff i save is feet, blowjob, and animations

>> No.84448016

im not asking ahegao but i got it

>> No.84448441

If Charlotte became a uohchuuba full time, I'd die. My dick would explode.

>> No.84451585

I don't get it. Why do I never see her posted here?

>> No.84451697

I've only ever seen her in those minecraft collabs before today, and she had a hag model.

>> No.84451853
Quoted by: >>84452164

What's taffy's twitch? I'm both too lazy and too stupid to find it myself

>> No.84452164
Quoted by: >>84457359


>> No.84454678
Quoted by: >>84457302

she's usually giant hentai titty model. she gets posted here when she is the small puppy.

>> No.84455034 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 348x510, Przechwytywanie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got higher res of this?

>> No.84457302

>she's usually giant hentai titty model.
Does she do her uoh voice with the big titty loli model?

>> No.84457359

Thank you, I would've never guessed that was her twitch handle

>> No.84457415

yes, I think it's just her voice

>> No.84457559

>post 1 minute apart
choc is shilling their big titty vtubers again i see

>> No.84458157

both me by the way

>> No.84458330
Quoted by: >>84459732

No way it's her real voice.

>> No.84458419

I love shimo so much, and she streams at such late hours she doesnt conflict with any other uoh chubbas I watch, she's perfect

>> No.84458635
File: 838 KB, 1341x755, ellie-tm2-cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ellie's twisted metal 2 stream was so much fun...

>> No.84458840
Quoted by: >>84459465

>you're not allowed to post vtubers if theyre from generals I dont like
Too bad nobody gives a fuck about your opinion

>> No.84459377


>> No.84459465
Quoted by: >>84459642

She's literally a big titty streamer.

>> No.84459642
Quoted by: >>84459748

So is Ui

>> No.84459732

maybe you're right, but it is the one she always uses

>> No.84459748

No, she's not.

>> No.84460370
Quoted by: >>84461017

>>84459852 someone become tenma. her voice sucks and sounds like a cartoony old grandma

>> No.84461017
Quoted by: >>84462106

Streaming with that is a nice quick way to get a lawsuit

>> No.84462106

anything is legal if the cops don't know. i'm not joking i want this
