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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8334746 No.8334746 [Reply] [Original]

New kouhais!

Schedule: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1429480983825457153

Art by: https://twitter.com/tosiosito/status/1429004021847625734

Previous thread: >>8242071

>> No.8334864

What the fuck? Why is the Mario Kart only EN+ID now? Without any explanation?

Fuck off it's not even worth doing without JPs. Should have just postponed instead of trying to gaslight people into thinking it was never with JP

>> No.8334933

it was pretty good bait until the last line, do better anon

>> No.8334994
Quoted by: >>8335630 >>8336094

Anon do you have any clips or timestamps about her saying it included JP? I only remember it being EN+ID every time she mentioned it.

>> No.8335251
Quoted by: >>8335354

Gotta say Spiritsnare did a great job with this event logo. He's really become Kiara's go-to for all logo needs.

>> No.8335354

What the fuck are you on? She always promised it would be ID+EN since at that point there were 6 members each and Mariokart races support a max of 12 people.

Lasagna stream should've been on Monday for max Kiarafield.

>> No.8335630
File: 247 KB, 1265x2034, E9ZeyzWUUAApIOm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit my office is reopening so I'll probably miss the cooking stream live. But hey, three streams on the weekend!

He won't because it was always advertised as EN+ID.

>> No.8336094

It was always EN+ID.
In fact she brought up the idea again shortly before IRyS got announced and talked about having the perfect number of participants.
Sneaky chicken teased the vSinger announcement and KFP only noticed in hindsight.
Her holding this in August might also have been a teaser towards EN2 debuting this month. Everything is possible with her.

>> No.8336109
File: 499 KB, 1703x2039, E9LKFd5VkAE5aRz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MK at 9:00 EST
Ugh, it's on a Friday during bankers hours for East NA + EU.
Still looking forward to it, but probably going to have to VOD it and miss the members game

>> No.8336718


>> No.8337189

About the schizo rant about Kakun last thread, i want to say thing, i won't timeloop hard but i i prefer to leave it at the new thread.

The problem is not that Kakun is just an obsessed Schizo, that is normal, specially from well documented KFP anons (LFTT, El Canal Weaboo, Black Friction, etc), but the way he does that it's kind of scummy since he's not from Argentina, he's obviously using a VPN to send big colors SC to her on an attempt to groom her.

Now he's doing clips on Twitter, so at least he put out content for Kiara but i can get the "rage" toward him, at least Kazz send useful money, ECW is a chilean so he's fucked and the rest are just EU or USD, or even AUD or CAD.

Also imo he's too "yes sir" toward Kiara, and i'm a little bit more teasing toward her and she reply to me on different occasions on twitter so, whatever.

>> No.8338484
Quoted by: >>8339568

>ECW is a chilean so he's fucked
Isn't chilean currency worth more than USD in trade currently?

>> No.8339154
Quoted by: >>8340100 >>8352650

The only thing to say is shitting on fellow KFPs doesnt belong in this thread. Only if a current mod does something stupid or someone goes overboard like truckeranon, is discussing fellow KFPs okay. But I'm not surprised you would timeloop this during the debuts

>> No.8339568

lol no

>> No.8340100

Yeah let's talk about how hard people are gonne be filtered by the nigger's dogshit aussie english.
Now I get what people were saying when they talked about getting filtered by Kiara.
Also fucking cringe Cover please stop forcing the lore that they'll forget a day from now or at least do something with it.

>> No.8340153
File: 68 KB, 502x223, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8341554 >>8344340


>> No.8341554


>> No.8344340
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>> No.8348605
Quoted by: >>8348888


>> No.8348888
File: 470 KB, 830x717, Screenshot_402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8349305


>> No.8349305
Quoted by: >>8349697

is this one of the new ones? I dont remember this vtuber? sorry I only watch hololive

>> No.8349697

I gotchu homie

>> No.8350362

I can't believe she is in hololive, never heard of her!!
But im glad, she sings like shit

>> No.8350895


>> No.8351253

perfect to listen to until next debut.

>> No.8351315

1 out of 5 done.
She looks like a dork, I'm sure Kiara will have a ton of fun collabing with her.
Not a threat for Kiara being my oshi but a nice addition to EN.

Her gaming taste looks super filtering to me, though. I hope she can manage to get a loyal fanbase so she can stream those games without worry.

>> No.8351951
File: 440 KB, 714x750, Kiarastrueform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she will make sure to collab tons with her, you know she will, you know she NEEDS to

>> No.8351987
Quoted by: >>8352170

Astrology streams are a really interesting thing

>> No.8352033

>covered up Gura, Ame, Ballz and Hooty

>> No.8352170

Interesting sure. Kuso games are also interesting.
But you don't really attract grey names with stuff like that.
That's why I'm hoping she gets a strong following.

>> No.8352219

>the moon girl is as autistic as kiara
i already like her

>> No.8352334
File: 268 KB, 540x540, thoughts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8352471

I say this as a kfp:
Its over guys, this was the nail of the coffing, time to abandon ship while we still can

>> No.8352522
File: 421 KB, 1936x2219, E9NjDxvVoAYvvLm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8359464

I miss Kiara
I don't care who the new bitches are I just want my wife back

>> No.8352586

Wew lad. Glad you think of us so much underagechama!

>> No.8352650

>but the way he does that it's kind of scummy since he's not from Argentina, he's obviously using a VPN to send big colors
This was already discussed last thread. He is sending his real money to >that site and that site says he is the rank 1 supporter. If you can hold that position even after a birthday stream then this means he probably sent her thousands of bucks by now. From what I can tell he also made a new account for >her. That means both of the reasons I disliked him are gone now.
Also as >>8339154 said.
Whether you like or dislike black friction, motion, kakun, el canal or the bigger attentionwhores like sora, kazz and lfft. It doesn't matter. NONE of these people are antis. They are people who like their oshi and support her in their own way. I never understood why some of you start infighting over something stupid as this.

>> No.8352822

If they go with the same pattern, then this was gen 2s Mori. Some kind of ship with the second one to debut and in a way that face of that gen.

not feeling it yet, schedule is kinda weak and her time zone is the real filter.
still hoping for another euro

>> No.8353074

Tell me you don't watch streams without telling me you don't watch streams.

>> No.8353279

we need a gif where kiara goes into a head

>> No.8353427

Kusoge Monday can be fun. Interstellar watchalong is super based, astrology stream will definitely filter me. Nothing else particularly remarkable.

Still not a threat for me, won't change oshi, may watch from time to time.

>> No.8354324

Fauna is up, Kiara was also number 2 when they debuted, could be a good sign.

>> No.8356673


>> No.8356722
Quoted by: >>8356885

Its all over guys, we have a new Oshi

>> No.8356885


>> No.8357017


>> No.8357144
Quoted by: >>8357328 >>8357613

You're literally gonna be doing this for each debut huh underagechama?

>> No.8357328

IT was worse with Holo ID 2 saying Ollie was best Kiara, it didn't go so well

>> No.8357613

he probably thinks the samefagging isnt obvious...

>> No.8357701
Quoted by: >>8358074 >>8358224

Did the owl girl came up yet? can't watch live sadly

>> No.8358044
Quoted by: >>8358320 >>8358921

Do you think Jenma is gonna manage them too? Or are they getting their own manager?

>> No.8358074


>> No.8358224

She's in less than 3 hours

>> No.8358245

schedule for this week looks based

>> No.8358320

I think 3 is the maximum for one manager.

>> No.8358770
File: 66 KB, 800x500, 1628470981490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8360318

It's really nice to see the Myth girls push for their viewers to watch the council.
Also good to see Kiara might have a kouhai to talk about cats with.

>> No.8358921

Gura has already referenced new management staff when discussing the topic of games permissions. So very likely new manager(s).

>> No.8359308
Quoted by: >>8359413

ceres is boring so far. i prefer sana a lot more.

>> No.8359413

Lamy 2

>> No.8359464

Yeah, I'm not going to see any of the new ENs today, I just want to watch Kiara

>> No.8359961
Quoted by: >>8360823

this self-aware bird..

>> No.8360318 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 1080x984, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8360476

Yeah. Amazing. I'm so happy for her and her future...

>> No.8360476
File: 234 KB, 1080x984, persona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8360823
Quoted by: >>8361295 >>8361313

I wonder if she actually knows what shes doing is wrong and self destructive but she kinda lives with it. Or is she not aware at all and thinks will be a happy end?

>> No.8361295
Quoted by: >>8362236

I could ask you the same question about being here. Or watching vtubers.
People like their pets anon, some people a lot. It's basically a hobby, don't think too hard about it until we see her in her town's local news.

>> No.8361313
Quoted by: >>8362236

you are the least self-aware schizo i've seen today

>> No.8361975

at least she will fit right with the other wet noodles in EN1
high energy chuuba please and not the aussie

>> No.8362236
Quoted by: >>8362452 >>8363266

No. I'm aware what I'm doing is retarded. I'm also fat yet I still eat a lot. That's the point. I at least know it will end bad. I wonder if Kiara knows it too. Because then she's at least prepared.

>> No.8362452

don't care, this isn't your blog. stop posting.

>> No.8362938

gonna hold my final judgement until at least we're a month in, but I'm not a fan of the generic soft anime girl voice. speedrunning is interesting, though.

speaking of, to people who were here during kiara's debut, how was your impression of her? how did it change?

>> No.8363266
Quoted by: >>8363601 >>8363853

dont think so. once cat girls hit the wall at around 30-35yo their life crashes down on them. nobody wants them anymore and they are sad for eternity. in kiaras case this shouldnt matter because she is rich. but she will still have to go for either low quality men or men who are just after the money. so no this will not end happy for her but it wont be as bad compared to non rich woman

>> No.8363601

Hamburger watch less movies

>> No.8363671

Was hoping for a hag but she is a bit by the numbers chuuba. If she ends up at eu times she'll be okaý for filler maybe.

>> No.8363722

she was holding into a Seiso image from Idol things, the first month for KFP was pain between antis, orc schizo and also Kiara self-doubting, debut Kiara filtered a lot of people. Now she's more grounded, mature and a lot more confident girl, so you can sit down and get a laugh from here, even better if you're from the first day since the progress was extremely huge, and we're not close to her peak yet, >we just saw a glimpse of that in Dokomi.

>> No.8363853
Quoted by: >>8364255

kek how delusional are you?

>> No.8364255

good quality men do not go for 30-35 year old women anon. even average men won't. they go for 20-27yo girls. there are only 2 types of men who go for crazy hags.
1. low quality men who cant get the young girls
2. men who are just after the money
the chances are very very low that kiara, in 10 year, will find a good quality man who is after her and not after her money.

>> No.8364461
Quoted by: >>8365136

A lot of her tastes and interests are like Kiara's, I'm pretty sure they could find a common point easily. She's more of a relaxed style vtuber, but Kiara was also seen as the seiso vanilla one at the beginning, although more on the cheerful side. I kind of like her so far, but just as Sana, she's far from threatening Kiara as my oshi.

>> No.8364484

Huke.... the back please.......

>> No.8365136
Quoted by: >>8366609

this is why I'm not gonna wait, since they tend to change, become more relaxed and natural a month or two after debut. so far though, she's pretty boring.

>> No.8365436

I don't get asmr, swallow your fucking spit lady.

>> No.8365526

>during kiara's debut, how was your impression of her?
just checked the chat log with my brother that day
>good anime taste
>good rig, interesting design
>needs new mic
>I immediately suspected bavarian/austrian
>both hoping for much self-dubbing to learn a bit of vocab

>> No.8366469

What if she bonds with Kiara over cats and baits her to do ASMR collabs?

>> No.8366609

Right now she's boring, she might be more fun after a month, just like Lamy, this not Kiara situation, because Kiara was hype since minute one, anyone could notice it under the capes of self-doubt, nervousness and idol shit.

>> No.8366665

ASMR Kiara is just her shouting at normal human levels.

>> No.8366915
Quoted by: >>8367270 >>8367698

PC specs fake ASMR was pretty fun. I’d like her to at least try another gag like that, maybe reading fast food menus or something.

>> No.8367270

The thing is, this wasn't even "fake" or a "gag". This is literally what ASMR is. You don't need to make any weird lewd shit. Just fucking whisper, use a soft voice. This is enough for most humans to feel good and relaxed.

>> No.8367458

Honestly I think Kiara would be willing to do essentially ASMR as long as she didn't call it that.

>> No.8367698

I don't want real ASMR. It's a lot more fun when it's just her dicking around and I only like ASMR that's a joke. This Mori clip is fucking great too.

>> No.8368014
Quoted by: >>8368218 >>8368345

God I hope Kiara has nothing to do with Ceres

>> No.8368208

ceres is the exact opposite of kiara

>> No.8368218

t.certified retard who dislikes peple who enjoy spore

>> No.8368227
Quoted by: >>8368593

2 out of 5 done.
She looks like a sweet girl but I'm not sure if Kiara can vibe with her despite her streaming times being EU friendly.
Not a threat for Kiara being my oshi. She adds something to EN but it's not my cup of tea.

Gaming doesn't seem to be her focus but I am sure she will attract tons of fans and do well.

>> No.8368345

Imagine falling orcschizo 2.0

>> No.8368364

They can definitely bond over their cats I think

>> No.8368593

Based taste, sex voice I like ASMR it was something missing in EN
Not a threat to Kiara as my Oshi, but a threat to Ina as my second fav.

>> No.8369351
Quoted by: >>8369939

Does Kiara have autist food tastes, except instead of exclusively eating tendies, she just eats lasagna? I'm getting concerned about her nutrition.

>> No.8369773

Its all over guys, Kiara is doomed

>> No.8369859

mental breakdown over holocouncil success when?

>> No.8369939

She has apple rings so at least that's fruit...

>> No.8369965
Quoted by: >>8370028

The eggs are cracking huh....

>> No.8370028

they simply can't help make everything about Kiara

>> No.8370335
File: 522 KB, 584x720, 1604469928987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at my fucking limit lads...nothing's stood out to me and it's 2 am here. I'm excited for rrat but if Kronii isn't great I'm probably calling it a night

>> No.8370581

I´m watching Time and then go to bed, will be around 23:00 then.

>> No.8370610

Honestly you should just call it, watching something dead tired just ruins the experience anyway. Especially given these are debuts.

>> No.8371720

dont worry bro we'll keep posting impressions, also debuts don't matter that much

>> No.8372143

I love Takanashi Kiara

>> No.8372367


>> No.8372575

Dork alert

>> No.8372716
File: 96 KB, 629x900, E1_pphLVEAAwlnC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8386876


>> No.8373027
Quoted by: >>8374766

her voice is good

>> No.8373522
Quoted by: >>8374766

i like the rigging

>> No.8373618

>Valley girl
>Vocal fry
>Verbal tick
I'll pass.

>> No.8373713

Kiara is learning korean for a reason, huh...

>> No.8374254
File: 308 KB, 1619x2121, 1629066675139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8386876

Me too!

>> No.8374388
Quoted by: >>8374766

her mouth is huge

>> No.8374766

Are these about Kronii or about Kiara?

>> No.8375023

KFP talking about Kronii

>> No.8375076


>> No.8375215
Quoted by: >>8375576 >>8375574

this is a good bye kfp! i found a new Oshi!!!!

>> No.8375345


>> No.8375576

this is the third time today congratulations

>> No.8375574
Quoted by: >>8376170

How the fuck can you like the tongue clicks? How the fuck can you like the valley girl accents?

>> No.8375692

>Attention-whoring underage still trying

>> No.8376041
Quoted by: >>8376728

she seems like a fun one. Until now I have the best feeling with time as a collab partner for Kiara.

>> No.8376170

how can you like an oportunistic leech? how can you like the annoying chicken voice, the bad design, the two hats, the constantly whinning, the fake laugh (obviously copy of pekora)? dont you have some dignity?

>> No.8376412
File: 497 KB, 320x320, egg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8376487

where did your life go so wrong?

>> No.8376495

Her voice is very nice but this isn't really selling it for me
Anon no need to copy the anitbot word for word so shamelessly

>> No.8376728

yeah, if she can stand up to Kiara it's gonna be great.
Kiaras M side needs some love too after she stopped slapping herself for supers.

Rigger connection is also nice. Kronicopter is some kind of bird too, right?

>> No.8376923

Nice bot eggy

>> No.8377049

I mean, I don't like her voice, but I'm not going to spend hours of my day watching her stuff, listening to her, following her twitter, interacting with her fans, and generally shitting all over her all over the board just because I don't like her. Only reason I'm watching is because it's debut.
Voice is the first and most important thing for this shit. I don't have to look at their rig for the most part and if their voice turns me away, I'm not going to give their personality a chance.

>> No.8377228

Why did every Council Member so far only say "Kiara" while calling literally everyone else "-senpai"?

>> No.8377497
Quoted by: >>8377793 >>8378042

Sana called no one "senpai".
And Kiara is probably already friends with them and they are super comfortable around her.

>> No.8377571

Are you even watching?

>> No.8377656
Quoted by: >>8378745

management asked for it, Kiara needs all the help possible to stay relevant sadly

t. a kfp

>> No.8377793

Yes. Retards apparently think attaching -senpai to names is a good thing, but it's actually a sign of distance.

>> No.8377869

You're not even trying lmao

>> No.8378042
Quoted by: >>8379924

>Kiara is probably already friends with them

>> No.8378745
Quoted by: >>8382411 >>8383247

You've been doing this for an entire year. I'm honestly surprised you haven't killed yourself yet. This is not me shitposting, I genuinely feel pity for you and I hope you find the help you need.

>> No.8379054

>No IP change
Come on, try harder lmao

>> No.8379629
Quoted by: >>8380080

kiara mogged hard today lol

>> No.8379924

>Implying she hasn't brainwashed the whole gen into discord fuckbuddies yet
ngmi bud

>> No.8380080
Quoted by: >>8380939

I know this is bait / egg posting, but seriously so far everyone BUT Kiara has been mogged.

>> No.8380432

there has been no one who offers anything remotely close to what kiara offers

>> No.8380816

The only EN 2 I would give a chance to would be one that gosling for Kiara

>> No.8380929

So far I think EN2 is a good complementary to EN1 there is little overlap. No one is like Kronii, no one is like Sana and Faura is kinda shill like Ina but replace drawing by ASMR.

>> No.8380939
Quoted by: >>8382629

kiara is unique, there's no other vtuber remotely close

>> No.8380966

There's a few waiting room/transition songs that I like more than Kiaras, but that's about it. My hopes were and still are on rrat anyways.

>> No.8381120
Quoted by: >>8381773 >>8382323

>fucked up members posts
>fucked up live chat
>constant microstutters even disregarding her shitty upload speed
>she can't type on other channels
Her whole fucking channel is cursed.

>> No.8381309
Quoted by: >>8381846

yeah, I like her voice and all but..I am just not into her

>> No.8381630

soul tier

>> No.8381679
Quoted by: >>8381955

Oh shit she hits me good with this nostalgia right now.
Kiara... German Version Karaoke onegai...

>> No.8381773


>> No.8381846

Same, i need to watch schedule, games and more, so far she has the same generic tastes as always. At least Sana have me with Astrology

>> No.8381955
Quoted by: >>8382116


>> No.8382116


>> No.8382312
File: 8 KB, 333x80, Capture d’écran de 2021-08-22 22-45-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori can spam the same message three time but Kiara is shadowbanned
Susan hate

>> No.8382323

the road to salvation is paved with hardship
In the end only one apostle will stand, unfazed by the rapture

>> No.8382344

I know you guys hate this, but holy fuck how is Kiara's karaoke/singing better than the first three girls

>> No.8382411

why are kfp like this? i come here to talk about Kiara and I always find you guys wishing people to kill themselves just because they disagree with you, why?

>> No.8382629
Quoted by: >>8383247

yes you are right, everyone is far ahead

>> No.8382653

My money is on Mumei right now

>> No.8382658

Sana can probably match her energy if she tries, but her planned content is kind of bizarre so I don't really know what to think yet. I still have hope for the rrat.

>> No.8383067

Kiara actually has singing training. Surprising that even with chicken voice she nails her songs compared to people with """"better""""" voices flopping

>> No.8383247

Refer to this post >>8378745

>> No.8383315
Quoted by: >>8383647

Jesus, Kronii's persona hard filters me. She talks like an escort girl.
Reminds me of Veibae, maybe that's why Kiara likes her.

>> No.8383370
Quoted by: >>8383986 >>8384161

its kfp
are you surprised

>> No.8383374

>wake up
>"time for my daily routine"
>tune into Kronii stream
>watch Kiara for the next 8 hours with post-nut clarity
This is the optimal experience

>> No.8383647
Quoted by: >>8384193

The voice is SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX but the rest, i'm kind of iffy.

>> No.8383651

Kiara has had a little bit of training, and has decent technique. The chicken voice is a real singing debuff especially if you’ve heard her roommate sing before she was Kiara. Her voice isn’t astonishing, but she sounds pretty good

>> No.8383986

>samefagging himself so he doesn't feel bad
my fucking sides egg. This is so sad

>> No.8384161
Quoted by: >>8385497

Next time you samefag, don’t use the exact same posting style.
At least use capitalization on one of your posts.

>> No.8384193

Yes, voice and booba are SEEEEEX to the max, but all she did was go ARA ARA and sing not all that well.
Not future proofed at all, maybe just very nervous under all that big talk.

>> No.8384350

to be honest I think it would be better for you if you kill yourself, it's better than being angry with the orange woman for the rest of your pathetic life

>> No.8384528

Could be a nice person, but holy fuck that voice filters me. I hope we go a long time before getting a collab with her. I'd watch it, but it'd be suffering with her long drawn out sentences and verbal ticks.

>> No.8385150
Quoted by: >>8385612 >>8386116

3 out of 5 done.
Kiara will definitely love her and she seems like the right personality to play well with Kiara's character. She rushed her slides, forgot her schedule and forgot to promote Mumei; she is clearly nervous as fuck but managed to be calm and collected.
Probably not a thread for Kiara being my oshi as she seems bad at improvising so despite her voice being sex I can not see her being able to make long streams work.

Without a schedule I'm not sure how well her stuff will be doing but her voice and design alone will attract a ton of viewers. She should to fairly well.

>> No.8385235
Quoted by: >>8385708

I like Kronii fine enough, personally. I can see why her accent would bother people, it’s very “modern western woman”, but she seems fairly genuine, at least more so than Ceres.
I think coming of less like a character, and more like a person is what will hook me, that’s part of why I generally like everyone in Myth, but only Sana and to a certain extent Kronii appeal to me so far.
Probably why I haven’t warmed up to IRyS until recently too.

>> No.8385450

Finally the only 2 i was waiting for.

>> No.8385497

It's literally this guy https://archive.nyafuu.org/vt/thread/1755069/#q1763619 Just look at all the posts marked with the garbage bin icon. The posting style is exactly the same - with the exception of his bad attempt to pretend to be a different, second poster.
Back in March, he had a huge meltdown, posted several anti threads, and samefagged this split so intensely, when he got banned there were over 60 posts deleted. That's why I've been saying he's been doing this for nearly a year.
He's been obsessed with KFP and Kiara ever since. He's also the one who keeps trying to force anti-Kiara edits by posting them repeatedly. This guy is a real case of KDS.

>> No.8385553

I want Kiara to be friends with all of them. But there are also so many JPs I want her to collab with regularly. There just isn't enough time...

>> No.8385612

Oh I forgot: When she and Kiara collab they will definitely make a thumbnail with their mouths open.
Kiara is silly enough for that and under her attitude Kronii seems down to clown as well.

>> No.8385660

No schedule just sucks, I need to know if she's in euro times.
They can bond over their riggers and fire emblem.
Kroni had some good taste in games and if she can bully my chicken, I'm all for it.

Singing gets a pass due to nerves, and her accent was less distracting/made it harder to catch every word than the other two, might be an ESL thing.

>> No.8385708
Quoted by: >>8386100 >>8386807

It really has to be because any woman in the midwest who has an accent like that is so far up their own ass and full of themselves that it makes me want to die. They're usually the kind of people who are intensely superficial and boring as fuck to talk to. I don't mind MEMEME, but god damn is there a level of 'better than you' that comes with it typically. Prove me wrong and make her a quick-witted collab partner and I'll change my mind.

>> No.8385869
Quoted by: >>8386051 >>8386475

with every stream i notice how unique kiara is

>> No.8386051

I'd hit you with the 'Always has been' meme, but people might start screeching REDDIT

>> No.8386054

Im glad forest is unironic GFE bait. What are you waiting for goslings? jump ship and leave KFP already.

>> No.8386100
Quoted by: >>8386796

The way she presented herself with constantly praising her looks I can see where you are coming from.
I still hold out hope that she can be a good collab partner for Kiara like a Mori with less severe autism.

>> No.8386116
Quoted by: >>8386353

Why do kfp sees the new Genmates and instead of being happy that there are more holos to support you qualify them for if they are a threat to Kiara or not?
you guys are really insecure about Kiaras abilities, have some faith!
Personally I hope they get along well and have good chemistry

>> No.8386212

Fauna's got too many rrats already

>> No.8386353

Anon, I am one guy. I'm just blogposting whether or not they are a threat to me becoming unfaithful not whether or not they are a threat to Kiara as a whole.

>> No.8386475

Yeah. I'll watch Kroni if her times are good, and they all need a chance to find themselves. But Kiara's compere nature still stands out to me, she really puts on a show.

She's too generic cutesy vtuber.

>> No.8386496
Quoted by: >>8386694

I want to be fried and eaten not stabbed in the woods.

>> No.8386684

So, which one is orcschizo?

>> No.8386694

Everyone knows Felix

>> No.8386796

Eh, seems more like kayfabe than actual narcissism, Problem is that even something made up can irritate people see every kiara anti ever

>> No.8386807

>i dont mind MEMEME
Youre in a kiara thread, you dont have to say that part

>> No.8386876

my wife

>> No.8386885
Quoted by: >>8387196

How simple you think my love for for Kiara is.
I could love no other more than her, not because of what she gives me, but because who she is.
I do not want some overeager peddler of false hopes of love and passion, I want this girl. The fighter. The one who struggles day by day to be the woman I know she can be.
I love Kiara. I will only ever love Kiara

>> No.8387039

Decent b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8.8

>> No.8387196

>I do not want some overeager peddler of false hopes of love and passion, I want this girl. The fighter. The one who struggles day by day to be the woman I know she can be.
You're thinking Fauna is not that type of girl? you haven't even given her the chance.
She's into ASMR but wants to branch out into singing, drawing, and voice acting. That on top of giving you much more love and service than Kiara ever would.
Go go gosling, shush.

>> No.8387309
Quoted by: >>8387435 >>8388929

Her personality won't replace Kiara, but damn, certainly the best avatar in EN. I understand why Kiara was gushing over it.

>> No.8387435

keffy is godlike, but i think i like sana's rigging the best so far

>> No.8387452

Your tricks won't tempt me - I will be the last KFP and there is nothing you can do about it!

>> No.8387995

I love Kiara without the GFE, so fuck that shit, nice bait made me reply

>> No.8388248
Quoted by: >>8392145

I see through your tricks, deceiver.
I WILL be the last KFP!

>> No.8388283
Quoted by: >>8389069

Kiara does accidental GFE. I don't need to be a 'target audience' and can fully appreciate and enjoy tidbits I am given because it makes it feel more real.

>> No.8388661

Fauna isn't my type of girl, i want a girl to compete with me for a relationship so we can do both do things, no "please i will obey you uwu but pls no affair please or i will go yandere", stupid fags, what are you doing?

>> No.8388929

I love that chuuni animation.

>> No.8389069
Quoted by: >>8389389

yeah, accidental but it's also the proper gf experience. Everyone thinks GFE is literally just cute and positive things. It's fucking not. Kiara is the one who actually got GFE right inadvertently

>> No.8389389 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 822x1087, Screenshot_20210822-163008_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. It's not fun when it's only the lovey-dovey coom shit.
Anyway, wake me up when it's time.

>> No.8389641

bird time

>> No.8389793
Quoted by: >>8390758


>> No.8390758
Quoted by: >>8391407


>> No.8391407
Quoted by: >>8391803


>> No.8391502
Quoted by: >>8392005 >>8392468

'ate riggers, not racist tho
is wut it is

Seriously that's fucking BAD mask

>> No.8391803

Can you not hear her voice?

>> No.8391898

rrat is my only hope for EN2 being great. If she bombs then it looks like I'm checking back on them a month from now

>> No.8392005

Oh i noticed holy shit

>> No.8392105
Quoted by: >>8393073

>didn't watch Digimon
God why is she begging me to hate her

>> No.8392145

What? Me? Noooo
It’s alright, just take a few weeks off from work! It’s not good to always work so Hard like you do.
I will cover your shift in miss Takanashis office don’t worry about it…
She is more interested in you than me anyways hehe,
you can afford to take a break…just get out of the Office once in a while, ya know?
Do it! Just Anon leave let me have her..uhhh I mean let me have, let me have.. let me have a coffee if you go down to grab one, ..yeah!
So I will just bring the boss the new numbers and shove them in her deep for this quarter and you grab us three some fries from the cafeteria, will you?
See ya in half an hour

>> No.8392468
Quoted by: >>8392665 >>8392815

as long as we have Irys with her goblin face, I dont care about the rigging
same treatment for both and her voice is cute enough, still no high energy gen 2

>> No.8392665

Hey, Irys is trying her best

>> No.8392771
Quoted by: >>8392978 >>8393334

So far:
Cute, goofy, the best one so far
Boring, but I like ASMR, so we'll see
Amazing voice, strong personality, but with a vulnerable side. I feel like she's gonna reveal a lot about herself as time goes on.
So far Mumei's voice is kinda unremarkable, and she's dumping lore.

>> No.8392815
Quoted by: >>8392976

This one is pretty bad. Any time she turns her face looks like it will fall off.

>> No.8392971
Quoted by: >>8393334

Mumei will definitely trigger Kiara's motherly instincts

>> No.8392976

it's not that bad, there's been much worse.

>> No.8392978
Quoted by: >>8393334 >>8395442

Do people really doesn't get that Myth is a fucking powerhouse?

>> No.8393073
Quoted by: >>8393595

Sometimes it´s really tough to not slap some taste into her dumb face...

>> No.8393334

This goes for this >>8392771
Totally, this is getting a Gura situation with Kiara

>> No.8393558

Just got back from a family meeting (which I had pushed to today to have yesterday free, before they postponed the debuts, fuck you kindly Cover) did anything interesting happen in the debut streams? Did any of them mention Kiara in any way?

>> No.8393595

I genuinely can't think of a single time I thought she had good taste

>> No.8393751

They said hi to her because she was in chat.

>> No.8393867

Kronii has a great voice and is Kiara's rigger sister. Kiara was mentioned in 3/5 so far

>> No.8393970

Susan ate her messages of support for the new girls, check her twitter.

>> No.8394109
Quoted by: >>8395463

Getting Ame vibes

>> No.8394549


>> No.8395104

>So far all have a better voice and better singing
Kiara is on suicide watch.

>> No.8395333
Quoted by: >>8395862 >>8397227

Can we chain up Kiara in KFP?

>> No.8395442

Yeah, Myth is very special, but I think Sana has a lot of potential. Kroni could also be good.
That said, it does feel like Cover is playing it safe now with their picks. Myth had 3 non-vtubers, a unusual twitch vtuber and a shitposter in tune with meme culture. Meanwhile, EN2 seems to be very cookie-cutter, in general.

>> No.8395463
Quoted by: >>8395744

Ame actually has a personality

>> No.8395575

Kiara's weak to eye-ron?

>> No.8395744


>> No.8395787

Fuck, this might be the joke...

>> No.8395862

I've never actually heard that being a thing. Iron swords can cut through the ethereal bodies of demons but they reform. Hurts like fuck though.

>> No.8395940
Quoted by: >>8396634

4/5 Kiara mention

>> No.8395981
Quoted by: >>8397167

This bird is totally a KFP employee

>> No.8396018
Quoted by: >>8396178 >>8396404

So far, I think NijiEN Gen1 > HoloEN2
pomu collab when

>> No.8396178
Quoted by: >>8396422

Pomu is the only good one in Niji En 1.

>> No.8396404

Sana and Kronii seem great. I'm holding out for rrat being the real showstopper

>> No.8396422

disagree, I think all three are great

>> No.8396634

who? I can't watch

>> No.8396752


>> No.8396788

EN2 debuts

>> No.8396786

You can't make this up

>> No.8397167

Not one of them cares about Kiara, tard.

>> No.8397227
Quoted by: >>8397707 >>8397974

Explanation, please? At work and can't watch.

>> No.8397361
Quoted by: >>8397630

Tired of losing, eggy?

>> No.8397460

Yes, the owl.
She mentioned that wants to have a song in a rhythm game and mentioned that FBK, Kiara and Mori have one.

>> No.8397630

he's been camping this thread practically begging for KFP (you)s. complete lack of dignity.

>> No.8397707
Quoted by: >>8398376

listed weaknesses for the ENs, one had:
>phoenixes are immortal, but iron makes them weaker
other stuff was flip the shark upside down, tako only have arms instead of tentacles and gremlins on airplanes, just stupid memes

>> No.8397974
Quoted by: >>8398376



>> No.8397983
Quoted by: >>8398423

Debuts so far:
Sana > Kronii > Mumei > Fauna
Personal taste:
Kronii > Sana > Mumei > Fauna

>> No.8398036
File: 239 KB, 1200x1200, 1626755224653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8398570


>> No.8398376

Interesting, thanks!

>> No.8398423
Quoted by: >>8398676

Sana > Kronii > Mumei > Fauna
Mumei > Sana > Kronii > Sana

>> No.8398570


>> No.8398676
Quoted by: >>8398946

>Sana > Kronii > Sana
Damn, why must Sana mug Sana so hard...

>> No.8398946

Sorry, it was Fauna

>> No.8399286

so which one is orcschizo bros?

>> No.8399390
File: 844 KB, 900x900, 1628868325349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8399613

only three weeks until kiara's back reveal

>> No.8399399

Clearly the owl.
She forgot her orcshizo ways.

>> No.8399566

rrat 100%. If not then I will cry

>> No.8399613

Anal gape marathon soon

>> No.8400643
Quoted by: >>8400950

There's no way someone as evil and retarded would be allowed in Hololive.

>> No.8400711
Quoted by: >>8400926 >>8401295

poor girl wont survive when she gets pulled into the holobirds collabs

>> No.8400926

they are going to break this poor owls mind

>> No.8400950

Well, Kiara made it.

>> No.8401067
Quoted by: >>8401295 >>8402594

I like all of the EN2 so far but none of them remotely threaten my Kami-oshi loyalty to Kiara. Still curious as to whether they'll become secondaries. I could see any one them knocking Ame out of the #2 spot.

>> No.8401295

Holotori will shape her
Try harder lmao

>> No.8401594

>60k live views
>45k VOD views
How does it work?

>> No.8401866

Susan pls

>> No.8401933

Views probably being reviewed by YT's AI for spam/bots. Give it a day or so and they'll be restored.

>> No.8402246

4 out of 5 done
The first "meek" HoloBird. Kiara loves her already but I hope she has what it takes to stand up to her or be a good bully target like Reine.
Not a thread for Kiara being my oshi she is more something for people wanting background streams it seems.

I'm a bit worried about her. Despite /hlgg/ celebrating the possibility of Civilisation playing Civilisation her game taste seems to be pretty filtering.
And she doesn't really stand out from the vTuber crowd. I hope she gets some loyal fans to be able to play the games she likes without worry (the same thing I said for Sana but even more so).

>> No.8402419

It was the same for Sana, she was at 25k view with 50k likes and 80k viewers.
But it has since jumped up to 400k views for her.
Susan being bad at math as always.

>> No.8402469

strategy game beggars are such a loud minority. most people don't give a shit about it beyond a one-time stream.

>> No.8402501

>Keeps seething and blaming others
She will never grow up, will she?

>> No.8402594
Quoted by: >>8402807 >>8404049

I think one of the interesting strengths of Gen1 is that the majority of them were not Vtubers before Hololive. It gave them a unique flavor to their personalities compared to other Vtubers on the scene.
With Gen2, Cover just seems to have plucked up other popular indie Vtubers, so their presentation is already defined by the current Vtuber environment. As such, they lack a certain flavor, a je ne sais quoi compared to Myth.
I like all the Council to varying degrees so far, but not only is Kiara safe as my oshi, I don’t think any of them will surpass my feelings for HoloMyth as a whole.
But the rrat is still coming up, so we’ll see.

>> No.8402618

>streaming Civ
Yeah, as much as I like the thought of a Vtuber in Hololive playing strategy games they just make for horribly boring streams unless there is some Multiplayer or additional exciting element added to the game

>> No.8402619

Too slow, try again with the next tweet nigger.

>> No.8402807

exactly. beyond that, with so many vtubers to watch, it's really gonna take someone exceptional to catch people's eyes.

>> No.8402845
Quoted by: >>8403164

self awareness my dude....

>> No.8403136
Quoted by: >>8403530

Sana at least seems quite unique. Maybe not set to be the biggest but aussie shitposter horoscopes has a niche. I'm not sure about green lamy but ASMR fags will love it. Kronii could do real well, looks+voice+kinda tsun.

Owl I'm just not sure what she has that'll stick out.

>> No.8403164

Yeah, that is what Kiara lacks.

>> No.8403402
File: 936 KB, 1000x1179, 1611373595283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8403765 >>8403871

>almost 300 posts and only 20 images
post more Kiara

>> No.8403530
Quoted by: >>8404241

I tend not to hype myself up for debuts, but I really hope Baelz will be the one with overwhelming bombast and upfront charisma in EN2.

Sana feels like a very lucrative combination of creativity and the ability to create assets herself. Even if she intends to diverge from her intial plans, she has all the tools to do so.

>> No.8403549

They all stayed quiet close to their concepts, so I'm optimistic for the chaos rat to bring the sorely needed energy.

>> No.8403765
File: 639 KB, 984x656, lesgoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8403871
File: 312 KB, 1448x2048, Theo323 - Baal mix breed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You honestly would need Kiara levels of talking while also being at least decent at the game to make grand strategy games worth watching for a long time.
That sounds humanly impossible.


>> No.8403957

I really liked the birb although she's kinda boring. I'm having high expectations for the rat

>> No.8404049
Quoted by: >>8405857

I have an idea who you are by your writing style.

>> No.8404241

My biggest hopes for each of these chuubas is that they'll mix up the dynamics a bit. I wanna see if any new combinations of EN chuubas have that "it" factor. Baelz-Kiara has a lot of promise in that regard.

>> No.8404497
File: 546 KB, 1730x2277, 1628686569092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8405070

>> No.8405012
File: 393 KB, 2048x2048, 1625781410863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8405761

Agreed. I follow some streamers/youtubers, that do a full CIV stream from time to time and the stream always gets carried by the interaction of the players with each other. Like going into a seperate voice channel and making alliances and betraying others etc. Just a flat out Civ stream is hard to carry alone, especially if you want to do them more frequently.

>> No.8405070


>> No.8405761

Mario party or Momotetsu worked out, so there is some hope.
Maybe get some other holo as a host and commentator?

>> No.8405857

Probably not
I intentionally change my posting style from time to time so I don’t stand out.

>> No.8406056
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>> No.8406501
Quoted by: >>8406683 >>8406839

More evidence to show she's here
Tell her something, chances are she will see it

>> No.8406683

Anon, "kino" is old as fuck. Yes, she said on stream that she used to frequent the boards but she is almost certainly not here now.

>> No.8406839
Quoted by: >>8407236

You people won't ever give up on this huh? Isn't kino some german thing anyway?

>> No.8407236
Quoted by: >>8407846

Kino is German for cinema but that doesn't have any relation to what she was posting.

>> No.8407846

well then why say big kino? The correct way of saying it is just kino

>> No.8408443

yeah rrat is the Kiara of EN2

>> No.8408775

fucking finally someone with a personality

>> No.8408773

Rrat and Sana are the best. Mumei is aight. The other two, I'd rather not hear from.

>> No.8409185

>the 3 best ENs are from australia

>> No.8409197

More like a mix of Kiara and Pikamee.
I'm actually hyped

>> No.8409556

The collabs are gonna be godly, can't wait till the ban's lifted.

>> No.8409865

I love the rrat, ‘nough said.

>> No.8409894

I can see why Kiara is smitten by Baelz. For both the good and more questionable reasons. Bae? Really? They will make a fun pair.

>> No.8410123
File: 156 KB, 2048x1287, 1629658620038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8410568

She's safe bros

>> No.8410568
Quoted by: >>8410919

I am simply fucking astounded at how inoffensive and safe this gen is. Rrat is literally the only one I care about

>> No.8410597

I love this rrat, she really reminds me of Kiara

>> No.8410615
Quoted by: >>8411133

Feels like no one here actually knows kiara, the rat reminds me more of ollie than anything
Just because someone's high energy it doesn't mean she's the same as kiara

>> No.8410785
File: 296 KB, 2474x1687, 1628990106720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes she does the same thing to my eardrums like kiara. had to turn down volume quite a bit. and high energy. i like her.

>> No.8410919

It's their debut, barely anyone from Myth resembles how they were at debut

>> No.8411133

yeah, superficially she's similar to Kiara, but Kiara as we know her only surfaced after becoming more comfortable as a vtuber

>> No.8411223

Can we talk about how Kiara has been speaking a forbidden language? The am zoo videos are her connecting and summoning Sana to this plane.

>> No.8412063
File: 322 KB, 2048x1742, Ex2GnaJXMAUAOgN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're all boring
Guess Kiara will continue to be the only one I watch

>> No.8412155
Quoted by: >>8412917


>> No.8412638 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 1166x953, 1624623809332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont tell me you seriously considered switching, anon.

>> No.8412637

Kiara x Ollie x Chaos collab please.

>> No.8412740

>Kiara's favourites end up being the best
Nice taste Tenchou.

>> No.8412917

gotta stay positive....real hard...stay positive
Kiara will have someone to talk about terrible normie shows....maybe

>> No.8413010

>making up your mind just from their debuts

>> No.8413243
Quoted by: >>8416528

Sana = Bae > Kroni > Ceres > Mumei

>> No.8413689

I don't think anyone would have ever usurped her, but I was hoping for some interesting possible secondaries if I needed a minute away.
Sana's story makes me laugh and she seems genuinely upbeat. The Aussie accent gets me in the door too. Gonna wait and see.
Rrat seems interesting for intensity in collabs. I'd like to see Kiara and her bounce off each other. For sure she's the EN version of Ollie. Might have some fun streams.

>> No.8413844

thats the second one with some part of jpop, dare I hope for another idol brain


>> No.8414526
Quoted by: >>8414843

>She watch Roberu
Now that is unexpected

>> No.8414843

I told you she was like Ollie

>> No.8414960

So, she's not Orcshizo, i told you fags, she got rejected again.

>> No.8415508

I can definitely see why Kiara loves the rrat.

>> No.8416528

Sana > Kroni > Rat > Fauna > Mumei

>> No.8416617

Sana is more like Kiara. This rat is awful.

>> No.8416658

Mumei > Rrat > Sana > Kronii > Fauna

>> No.8416666

Just got home from a trip where I didn't have net access, anything unusual happen?
looking forward to catching up on the double dose of Zelda VODs I'm behind on now...

>> No.8416694
Quoted by: >>8418733

It's funny Kiara is so fond of Bae when she doesn't seem too fond of ollie. They're quite similar. Maybe she relates to the self-dubbing.

>> No.8416813

I'm kinda happy to see that most of the spazzes that join me on this Kiara ride can see the love of Sana.

>> No.8417164
Quoted by: >>8417467 >>8417533


>> No.8417467

holy fuck thats perfect

>> No.8417533
Quoted by: >>8417780

man, imagine listening in on their discord call

>> No.8417780
File: 511 KB, 1065x1071, 1628028514578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm imagining it

>> No.8418733

She talked about that some time ago
Ollie came on way too hard and Kiara saw her casting a wide net, proposing every holo she could. She doesnt mind shipping, but there has to be something to build off in her mind. Like the Ame collab a while back where Kiara later "felt something". Sending stupid memes as a first message weirded her out too and she ghosted Ollie for a while.

>> No.8418963

Man fuck this. I'll watch the collab tomorrow

>> No.8419122
File: 344 KB, 385x704, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8419310

EU will NEVER leave Kiara

>> No.8419468
Quoted by: >>8420866

We'll end up getting boring owl

>> No.8420278

They will never interact.

>> No.8420401
Quoted by: >>8420846

>Different singing voice despite speaking in a character voice

>> No.8420846

>He still think is a character voice
Bro, just give up or join the rrat gang.

>> No.8420866

I'm willing to forgive her for the debut stream. We'll see how she is once she calms down a little because her voice was mad shaky through most of her debut.
