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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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83992120 No.83992120 [Reply] [Original]

>First it's """Brother""" and now it's """Father"""
I guess Pippa is learning from Hana Macchia

>> No.83992236
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Quoted by: >>83995448

next will be "manager"
such is the fate of a phasecuck

>> No.83992315
File: 22 KB, 481x467, 20240630_143710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83992766

That was a good dad joke so I believe it

>> No.83992815
Quoted by: >>84011406

>account i have blocked for some reason
>he likes pippa
every time

>> No.83992857
Quoted by: >>83994163

The fuck are you on about

>> No.83992869
Quoted by: >>83993507

But that's her actual father.

>> No.83993507

She definitely calls him daddy iykwim

>> No.83993528

if this happened to a holo then phasefags would never stop talking about it. it's nice to see them get their comeuppance as of late.

>> No.83993580

Senpais always getting kekd lmao

>> No.83993710

>Pippa is learning from Hana Macchia
Not gonna lie, I'd be down to listen to Pippa masturbate

>> No.83993769
Quoted by: >>83996149

I bet she's a squeaker and a squirter

>> No.83993905


well they can't relate because their father left for milk :P

>> No.83994104

What is the type of mental illness causes someone to assume a male family member appearing on stream is the Vtuber's intimate partner?

>> No.83994163

He's advertising his twitter account, the guy is a pippa/kirsche shill.

>> No.83994735

Gomenne senpai <3

>> No.83994887
Quoted by: >>83995013

Pippa has unicorns? I knew /pol/tards were retarded but that's something else.

>> No.83995013

Why would you ever be under the impression that OP is a Pippafag?

>> No.83995151
Quoted by: >>83995360

> to assume a male family member appearing on stream is the Vtuber's intimate partner?
>Literally every single fucking time it's been proven to be
Idk tourist, you tell me.

>> No.83995184
Quoted by: >>83997198

One just needs to look at her private twitter

>> No.83995262

Why would Pippa need to fake her dad barging into her streams, when we already know she's getting railed by Chris Niosi and *was* getting railed by that faggot Camelot?

>> No.83995333

/vt/ is so conditioned into being losers, I hate it. Every single male is perceived as some "threat" who is fucking the girl you like and this makes you mad as if you ever had a chance.
Also, this time it's about Pippa. Why would anyone think

>> No.83995360

Oh so I guess Nerissa's brother barging in and screaming "ballista" was actually her boyfriend having a sperg episode, Marine's "dad" must be piping her too, Moona's infant "nephew", Ollie's retarded little brother, all of them are actually the girl's boyfriends, any other genius ideas you stupid nigger?

>> No.83995448

>Doki reaction image to shit on Phase
Put the cgae back on and Cut4Hex nijisissy.

>> No.83995601
Quoted by: >>83995636

Yes actually nigger

>> No.83995636

Good one faggot.

>> No.83996149

She definitely is

>> No.83996265
Quoted by: >>83996447

Incel behaviour in this thread

>> No.83996447

>"Lol that message on Rushia stream was just an old collab partner or friend"
The biggest sign to never doubt anything.

>> No.83996899
File: 27 KB, 680x382, zv3eiz5c67ad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83997198


>> No.83997198
Quoted by: >>83997455

Stop lying faggots

>> No.83997455

>He doesn't know

>> No.83997533

Moona getting married and having a kid is pretty much confirmed though.

>> No.83997658
Quoted by: >>84003433

wow, you can name maybe 3 legit examples out of THOUSANDS in the history of vtubing, you sure showed that other anon! fucking idiot

>> No.83998751

Kek you poor fool

>> No.83999305


>> No.84000626

She has stated multiple times that she does not have brothers, only sisters.

>> No.84002045


>> No.84002643

Flaygod is next in line for that pippussy

>> No.84003352

That's her dad
Stop projecting your Cuck fantasies.

>> No.84003433

>THOUSANDS in the history of vtubing
>source: my ass

>> No.84003495

Imagine she screaming daddy

>> No.84003613

>and now it's """Father"""
Papakin has been talked about for ages

>> No.84003697
Quoted by: >>84003748

I don't know what the point of making these rrats is when Pippa's furry bf is pretty much not a secret whatsoever. It's not called "Boyfriend Connect" for no reason

>> No.84003748

Note that they openly made Christmas cookies together for Pippa's fans on Discord and sent them about 9 months ago. She's not hiding it or anything. This is like sperging out over Shylily.

>> No.84003767

>all of them are actually the girl's boyfriends
They are also all me

>> No.84003771
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this bitch really have to use that white outline to retain her retarded viewers

>> No.84005382
File: 3.78 MB, 1365x768, Pippa_Face_Ride[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Folxtl5.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84006679


>> No.84006679
Quoted by: >>84006723

Where is the audio from???

>> No.84006723
Quoted by: >>84006900

Her masturbating on her secret twitter account obviously

>> No.84006900

>secret twitter account
I can't tell if I'm being trolled or not

>> No.84007647
Quoted by: >>84007972

Its probably just audio from a horror game stream mixed with sex sounds

>> No.84007972

No I'm serious

>> No.84008195

Shut up I love watching Phase Cucknet especially Pippa my really unhinged and based oshi

>> No.84008325

Indonesians confirmed Moona is married with kids tho

>> No.84008689

Then it's Anonymous and after that it's Husband

>> No.84011406

This nigga has Asperger

>> No.84011407


>> No.84012337

>clint eats wood
Her dad is fucking hilarious, or maybe it's just because I am getting older...

>> No.84012338

>discord baitthread

>> No.84012705

Pippa has never claimed to have a brother? That's what she calls chat
Yeah, she lives with her parents because she's a fucking failure, this isn't news
I don't even watch Pippa but this is the weakest reach I've ever seen

>> No.84014928

