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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.83786691

virtual btw

>> No.83786724

I only care about Brawlpro

>> No.83786816
File: 90 KB, 313x338, image_2024-08-26_230231596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're late, i was expecting this bait thread sooner.

>> No.83786828

>doki kanna vivi clam smashing on stream
This is gonna make history

>> No.83786839

Doki and Viva are going to be put as far apart as possible unless Sajam has forgotten what Nijisanji is

>> No.83786854
File: 105 KB, 1027x886, 1715039899269036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vivi gets in
>Doki gets in
>Vox gets cucked again

>> No.83786865
Quoted by: >>83801644

Feel sorry for Kamos, looks like this is the beginning of the end.

>> No.83786902

I don't think Vivi gives a fuck anymore, she's waiting out her contract.

>> No.83786979
Quoted by: >>83797918

Vivi finally gets a chance to collab with her oshi

>> No.83787016

Vivi doesn't really count as Niji since she's not in the clique.

>> No.83787015

Vivi is more skilled than Doki so they won't play against each other.
They might end up on the same team though if Doki/Sajam doesn't veto

>> No.83787024
Quoted by: >>83795102


>> No.83787052

Lol so a nothing burger. She's only niji by name. If it was any of the major players of the clique it would be different.
>Cosmonaut Marcus

>> No.83787064

how do we cope dramakeks

>> No.83787074
File: 206 KB, 1810x1192, smug gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread reeks of "gomenne senpai <3"

>> No.83787353
Quoted by: >>83787491

There are more Tekken streamers than Street Fighter players on the roster

>> No.83787396

>the literal /here/ chuuba that's a stupidly open holo fan

>> No.83787486

Third impact imminent

>> No.83787491

The point is to take noobs and make a tourney with them. It's a for fun tourney.

>> No.83787583

I doubt that Anycolor is aware of this.

>> No.83787696
Quoted by: >>83811212

Does this really need a thread?

>> No.83787715

Victoria joined niji in october last year to be with her two oshis Pomu and Selen
No, I'm not making that up
She's probably very happy about this

>> No.83787746

Dramafags in shamble

>> No.83787796

>PixelLink invite
Holy shit

>> No.83787805

>No vox
We are eating really good.

>> No.83787809
File: 358 KB, 1076x674, 1024011010555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83787810
Quoted by: >>83787841

So happy that maybe she'll retweet the black stream again. Out of happiness.

>> No.83787841

You mean the skinwalked management retweets?

>> No.83787870
Quoted by: >>83800372

Keep coping.

>> No.83787875

Ogey, and?

>> No.83787916

I wonder if her manager even knows she's doing this. Like, what happens if she just doesn't tell them? Would they even bother to check? They might never even find out unless someone snitches on her.

>> No.83787919

Why is OP a SEA monkey?

>> No.83787949

TTT got dealt the worse corpo hand in the industry's history probably so far, even ahead of idolES which was a ploy to inflate idol's value before selling to Brave Group. I hope the girls end up elsewhere soon.

>> No.83787975

then why wasn't scarle skinwalked retard?
remember how she didn't and then liked some anti kurocolor comments and then went MIA?????

>> No.83788041

>TTT got dealt the worse corpo hand in the industry's history probably so far
not claude elira's nepohire
just the girls

>> No.83788044

And now she has 7 outfits in the works, 3 of which shes debuted already
Whats your point

>> No.83788056

No one skinwalked anyone. Management told them what to tweet, and they did it. Vivi had the choice of refusing, but she ended up doing it.

Now, it's been half a year since then, so there's a chance that Vivi talked with Doki in private to patch things up. If that didn't happen and she decided to join the event anyway... well, that would make her fucking coward and a cunt. We will see.

>> No.83788091
Quoted by: >>83788171

>Various VTubers
>Finals still live at Twitchcon
I’m really curious how Sajam is gonna deal with that still.

>> No.83788171

They'll sub in other players, he explained it in his stream.

>> No.83788237

This drama is more stale than moldy bread that's been left out for a year in the hot sun.

>> No.83788295
Quoted by: >>83788945

Claude was collabing and putting himself out there constantly after debut, Vivi and Kunai just stayed in their bubbles. Its entirely on them for people not giving a shit about them.
You people are so fucking stupid, like staggerinly stupid.

>> No.83788375

Vivi is a woman that hangs out primarly in FGC places, usually Aris chat, a woman that hangs out in primarly male oriented spaces is like giga ascended level pick me.
The fact that you faggots latch onto to her like this is hilarious, but I guess you're used it being GOMENE SENPAI fans.

>> No.83788469

>pickme this pickme that
Huh, I figured the phase antis would be holofag tribals but you just outed yourself as a sister

>> No.83788514

Your insecurity is showing

>> No.83788581

Are you surprised?

>> No.83788585

>gomenne senpai
*tips fedora*

>> No.83788609

>>83788375 seething femcel the post

>> No.83788612

How about Denauth?
Devil's advocate: Different manager? Maybe they just saw the order too late?

>> No.83788673

>Phase insults out of nowhere in a topic with zero connection
Like I need more proof it’s Nijisis flooding the catalog with that shit.

>> No.83788722

twitch asian mafia is in this it's over

>> No.83788732

>not claude elira's nepohire
Right, wasn't he was part of Hanamori? But yeah, given Kunai is MIA and Vivi isn't really streaming often, they've pretty much are one foot out the door.
>No one skinwalked anyone
We have literal evidence that Nijisanji did this with the whole Selen saga where they skinwalked her account and tweeted at a time when it was impossible for her to have her account seeing as she was in the hospital without any access to a computing device on top of having the literal employment contract leaked which says they can explicitly do this. Management doesn't need permission to do anything on talents' social media at all and understandably, nothing Nijisanji should have benefit of the doubt but this is the one point where there is enough concrete proof that each talent at the company should still have some with regards to what they did and didn't tweet.

>> No.83788817

Is this the first time that a current NijiEN member is being allowed to participate in the same event that an ex-Niji is also participating in? And with Doki of all people? What does Niji mean by this

>> No.83788818
Quoted by: >>83789038

Whoa whoa whoa. How many managers do you think there are? It's Elira and Luca tops

>> No.83788828
Quoted by: >>83802652

Most people who watch Holo are probably barely aware of Phase and they probably don't care. There's a huge gap between them. A Holo watcher who bothers antiing Phase would be... I dunno, like what are you even doing? Niji, on the other hand...

>> No.83788915
Quoted by: >>83789344

Bold of you to assume she even has a manager anymore. The last year or so of ID none of them even had managers assigned anymore, EN is probably in the same place right now.

>> No.83788945

>it's the girls fault that they get snubbed from merch and ignored while a nepohire doesn't
nice try sis

>> No.83789038
Quoted by: >>83789286

Devil's advocate: Well, in that case maybe they just couldn't find her login credentials in time. Too many people to skinwalk, y'know. Or maybe she strung them along saying she'll retweet it but didn't.

>> No.83789128

I used to think this except some of the members' behavior since debut implies they knew what they were signing up for even though the incident most likely happened before they debuted and already signed with Nijisanji and the news was already grim and they choose to not back out. The financial penalties would've set you back but that is fine as long as you didn't need to associate with NijiEN and none of Denauth took that option.
Basically, the TTT girls were promised the world and went on a brief honeymoon before the ship started capsizing. Denauth saw the sinking ship and decided it couldn't sink further.

>> No.83789131
Quoted by: >>83789871

NijiEN intern here.
Thank you for info.
Victoria Brightshield is gonna be suspended for duration of this tournament.

>> No.83789145

I think they probably realized nobody cares about the whole PL secrecy bullshit anymore. Honestly good on them for beating Holo to the punch.
Hololive has had four years to let people hang out with Kson and failed.

>> No.83789203

Didn't quote >>83788056 for the second part of my reply.

>> No.83789286

We have literal evidence that talents tweeted it (see Ren very straightforward answer), and evedence that people DIDN'T retweeted it if they didn't want to do so for whatever reasons.
Feel free to defend you oshi all you want, but at least don't timeloop retarded takes from February.

>Devil's advocate
No, this is called grasping at straws.

>> No.83789344

No more/barely any management. Talents can get away with nearly anything now. Maybe Vivi never told them anything and is pretty much daring them to fire her. They probably won't because I bet future terminations have to be cleared by upper management in JP.

>> No.83789403
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, az5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be kino, so long as Niji EN management doesn't do something horrifyingly stupid for the express purpose of preventing Vivi from interacting with Doki, like a branch-wide revocation of Street Fighter perms, or a branch-wide revocation of Capcom perms in general, or handing Vivi a last-minute suspension or termination (whether it's only her getting the boot or if they picrel the branch).
And now we wait for management to do something horrifyingly stupid.
>They might never even find out unless someone snitches on her
I'm not sure if it's possible for anyone to inform Anycolor of Vivi's participation in a tournament which will also have Doki in it, in a manner with more "snitching on her" energy than a fucking press release by the event organizers themselves. I mean it's literally the diametrical opposite of a "secret" - it's an advertisement meant to be seen by the general public.

>> No.83789507
Quoted by: >>83792357

>What happens if she just doesn't tell them?
They fire her and make the talents do a stream calling them a gaslighter. We've been through this.

>> No.83789701
Quoted by: >>83789943

Some might say it requires a dose of copium, but there is reasonable doubt that the talents knew the contents of the black stream beforehand, and also reasonable doubt (at least for some of them) that they tweeted it themselves. At the very least, it's far from certain that all of them retweeted it knowing fully what was in the black stream. Certainly those in the know probably did (the clique), but I'd bet some people retweeted (or were made to retweet) it without knowing what was in it.

>> No.83789739
Quoted by: >>83799601

I hope doki fights lily

>> No.83789866

The employment contracts are fucking NDA'ed, the talents can possibly cover it up and lie. Very few people are experienced enough to answer questions like that without lying and abiding by the NDA itself. I didn't say that there wasn't the possibility of it being the talents themselves tweeting it, but there is enough plausible deniability in the scenario that saying they all did it of their volition when there is sufficient evidence saying the contrary is wrong to present as fact.

>> No.83789871
Quoted by: >>83791544

Terminate her, you fucking pussy. Make another martyr, I dare you.

>> No.83789943
Quoted by: >>83790150

>reasonable doubt (at least for some of them) that they tweeted it themselves
I'm sorry to break this to you, but this is only reasonable for fans that desperately wants their oshi(s) to have their hands clean regarding the black screen blunder.

>> No.83789994
Quoted by: >>83803590

Yeah, it's not exactly a secret, but Vivi is so small that management, if any exists at this point, might not exactly be watching what she does, or even up to date with what's going on with the vtuber scene. In 10 days it will be a fait accompli.

>> No.83790030

I can hear Nijisisters screaming like a chipmunk while tweeting cope post about this collab

>> No.83790121
File: 43 KB, 742x262, Screenshot 2024-08-26 175359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83791277

>Nijisisters screaming like a chipmunk while tweeting cope post about this collab

>> No.83790150
Quoted by: >>83795172

The hands are neither clean or dirty. There is enough evidence to go both ways but presuming guilty until proven innocent when it can go both ways is cancel culture tier behavior that should neither be tolerated nor accepted. We're not fucking witch hunters in the 1800s looking for people to burn.

>> No.83790301
File: 210 KB, 500x600, Show_No_Mercy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Nijifans are so nice and humble. Just take these comments as an example of their kindness

>> No.83790343

>current abuse victim collabing with ex-abuse victim
surely nothing could go wrong???

>> No.83790358
Quoted by: >>83790549

>sisters still trying to say their oshi dindu nuffin when scarle is literally the only one proven to dindu nuffin because she ran away and need fatgur covid on is PL to save her

>> No.83790397

I'd bet five bucks that in the end they'll end up to be placed in different tiers, different teams, different tiers and they won't even interact.

>> No.83790433
Quoted by: >>83790501

Vivi is still a Doki fan I'm pretty sure she had to fight management to be allowed in this.

>> No.83790466
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1000, 1707862643641956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vermin the lot of them

>> No.83790494

Ah, the phasekek finally reveals itself.
Don't you have some screenshots to send to BVTM or something?

>> No.83790501
Quoted by: >>83790624

>Vivi is still a Doki fan
[Citation needed]

>> No.83790502

I will say if Niji cared that much she wouldn't be there at all since she would need approval by them to be there to begin with

>> No.83790544

gommene senpai <3

>> No.83790549

>save her
He shoved kool-aid down her throat when she was MIA, she's a lost cause. Her open rebellions amounted to jack shit.

>> No.83790613

>Phasefag deflection
Sure, sister. Those comments were made by Phasecucks.

>> No.83790616

>Gomene senpai calling for a raid
Bye bye whore.

>> No.83790617
Quoted by: >>83793618

With Vivi involved it’s probably a nothing burger even if they interact, because she seemed to be one of the least tied to the drama. Now if it were Vox involved, that would have been a potential problem.

>> No.83790624

There is none. Her PL doesn't even follow Doki, unlike Kunai's, weirdly enough, considering Kunai never said anything about Selen being her oshi.

>> No.83790640
Quoted by: >>83790763


>> No.83790691
Quoted by: >>83790809

Maybe because, despite the graduation begging, Vivi isn't planning on jumping ship?

>> No.83790702

Victoria is gonna drop out because she fell sick

>> No.83790742

>"wow, I wish Doki killed herself"
>literal quote from one of you
Even brownvtmfaggot has more grace than that. Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.83790763

I don't care about Phase, retards. Those comments were made by actual Nijitards.

>> No.83790771
Quoted by: >>83790897

making your new screenshot bvtm?

>> No.83790797

Has her follows changed at all though on her PL? I would say she wants to leave through no fault of her own or having the contract expiring because she still has JP corpo aspirations and if she burns the bridge now, that will never happen. Not sure where she would go though.

>> No.83790809

Maybe then she shouldn't have fucking lied that she considered Selen her oshi?

>> No.83790877

>calling for a raid
I have never done that. So I don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.83790880

Acting as if you weren't in /haha/ trying to do the same thing.
Go back to your discord phasekek

>> No.83790897
Quoted by: >>83790937

>nijisisters vs bvtm
Eat yourselves alive for all i care. Two worst aspect of vtubing fandom devouring themselves would be the best thing to happen in the history of the medium.

>> No.83790936

People put too much stock in twitter follows

>> No.83790937
Quoted by: >>83791110

gommene, senpai <3

>> No.83790943


>> No.83790947
Quoted by: >>83792114

You niggers leap from thread to thread to bait and argue about the same shit over and over again without ever coming up with anything new to say. I'm convinced /vt/ is a majority bot board.

>> No.83790990

Suck ten thousand cocks, sister. You can't weasel yourself out on literally wishing death on Doki without any obfuscation.

>> No.83791054

This are women we're talking about. Not following each other on Twitter is pretty much a fatwa in their world.

>> No.83791110

>not even trying to attack Holo fans
Man, you've really been thoroughly defanged.

>> No.83791130

People said the same thing when Mint started following Doki in March.

>> No.83791194

>>83791130 (me)
May*, actually.

>> No.83791201

It was May, a week before Wrestletuber

>> No.83791277
Quoted by: >>83791433

>everything is healing
or maybe they just don't give a fuck anymore, as long as it can save the dying branch..

>> No.83791428

I've seen much more people saying how Nijisisters are screaming, raging, then I've seen Nijisisters actually screaming.

>> No.83791433

Vivi doesn't have nearly enough clout to songlehandedly pull out the branch out of its ruination. Her potential interaction with Doki is not even a blip on the radar.

>> No.83791544

If they sack Vivi for streaming what is effectively an "I do not hate Selen Tatsuki" stream, who's gonna get voluntold to do a slander stream? It would have to be someone who's not already in the graduation queue or who has otherwise made clear that they're not gonna stay one second longer than their contract requires, and it would also have to be someone at least superficially close enough to one or both of them for the totally voluntary slandering to have even the slightest effect on Vivi's career.
Or they can have at least one of Petra, Meloco, or Kotoka do the next black stream, since they're physically in Japan and thus cannot legally refuse to do it.

>> No.83791614
Quoted by: >>83793884

True, a Vivi collab would put a bandaid on the entire situation but we'd probably need something like Reimu playing in a Doki custom to really put things to rest

>> No.83791661

Whoever's in Japan at the time.

>> No.83791690

Vivi my beloved!

>> No.83791734

This lack of introspection coming from a fanbase that harassed to no ends former members of their little cult and now play the victim just because it has been utterly obliterated is actually hilarious.

>> No.83791824
Quoted by: >>83792656

I ship Doki and Brawlpro

>> No.83791829

No one is going to be voluntold, nor was anyone voluntold to to the black stream on Selen, for one reason or another. Every single ex-hanamori hated Selen, and Vox and Ike both have so much shit to their names they likely volunteered out of fear of being exposed as nonces (this doesn't absolve them of anything, mind you). Just for claiming Selen as her oshi, Vivi likely put herself in ex-hanamori's shitlist, regardless if it was true or a cloutchasing lie.

>> No.83791892

bait thread
that's only vivi

>> No.83791916

>We have literal evidence that Nijisanji did this with the whole Selen saga
I'm sure that they skinwalked Selen's account while she was in the hospital, probably because they didn't trust her and needed to post something to calm down her fans.

That's different from what happened with the black frame stream. They didn't need to skinwalk anyone, they just had to tell them what to do. And the organs obeyed, because most of them are just retarded kids.

Kyo didn't do it because he knew what it would look like, and he was about to graduate anyway. Scarle didn't do it because she didn't want to take part on that circus. Meloco didn't do it at first, but she retweeted it the next day. And then you have all the organs who quoted Elira's tweet, every single one of them saying the same fucking thing, using their own words and expressions.

Get your head out of your ass and think. They were not skinwalked. Management didn't have any need of doing it.

>> No.83791979
File: 1019 KB, 1002x742, 1715089843472368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83792283

>Vivi likely put herself in ex-hanamori's shitlist
Except she isn't, at all.
If anything, she seems to have gotten close to Elira in these last months.

>> No.83792092
Quoted by: >>83792283

>Vivi likely put herself in ex-hanamori's shitlist,
so true sister her vacations with the canadian livers were actually hazing rituals

>> No.83792114

>I'm convinced /vt/ is a majority bot board
I'm convinced a certain portion of the human population will fail a Turing test.

>> No.83792233

Good, anycolor can't keep running away from things whenever Doki spooks them.

>> No.83792236

Why do dramafags keep trying to latch on to and exploit Vivi?

>> No.83792274

Wait, why is Vox getting skipped?

>> No.83792283

Well, let's see if this is a "when in Rome" type of situation or if Vivi is nothing more than a cloutchasing cunt. The future will show.

>> No.83792339

He is just a coward.

>> No.83792357

I'm eagerly watching her PL

>> No.83792463

It is in my opinion that Vox Akuma did not get cucked

>> No.83792586

how are vivifags still trying to astroturf that she's "one of le good ones" nearly a year later

>> No.83792656

I ship myself with Brawlpro

>> No.83792742

>Vivi had the choice of refusing, but she ended up doing it.
Then she would have been punished.
>What can they do, fire her?
Worse. Suspend indefinitely and freeze her contract until it's due for renewal. As well as withholding funds until then.
>Why would they do that over a retweet?
Because it's a black Japanese company. They've shit on people and fired people for less. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.

>> No.83792795

boxbox is now an sf player? huh...

>> No.83792886

Either he knew he’d end up facing Doki and doesn’t want to publicly own up to it, or they willingly passed him over because he’s a drama magnet and the LuxNoc fanbase on Twitter are a nightmare to deal with.

>> No.83793052

>Worse. Suspend indefinitely and freeze her contract until it's due for renewal. As well as withholding funds until then.
Wonder if that's what's happening with Kunai

>> No.83793083

nijikeks are so spiteful lol

>> No.83793300

>Then she would have been punished.
Scarle didn't do it and didn't get punished.

>Worse. Suspend indefinitely and freeze her contract until it's due for renewal. As well as withholding funds until then.
So what? Just go back to being indie again. It's not like being part of Nijisanji is making her rich, anyway.

>Because it's a black Japanese company. They've shit on people and fired people for less. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.
Then why stay?

Vivi is a grown ass adult, and she made her choice. I'm not saying she's a bad person, it's entirely possible that she was just scared and didn't realize that she had the choice of not doing it. But it's a fact that she wasn't there for Selen when she needed a helping hand the most. If she has made amends and talked with Doki in private, then good for her. If she didn't bother to talk with Doki and even so decided to participate in this even, then fuck her.

>> No.83793347

So are you suggesting Doki was so utterly horrible that that 30 people found the need to gang up on her? Because I've watched Doki, she's not a bad person.

>> No.83793565

Didn't griftshield lie about selen being her oshi at one point

>> No.83793618

Dramafags cried about Vivi endlessly when she unfollowed Doki, retweeted the stream explaining the truth about what happened, and made some twitter Dokifag cry so hard that he deleted his account. The last one made them so mad that they even made up nonsense conspiracies about the whole thing being a set up

>> No.83793655

No, what I am suggesting is that most of the organs are retarded and didn't realize they could have simply refused to do it.

>> No.83793661
Quoted by: >>83794105

>Scarle didn't get punished
How do you know?
>30 people
"Niji family" is not a fucking hive mind, come on, anon.

>> No.83793708

Why are we assuming that everyone knew the contents of the black stream? Chances are they thought it was what most of us thought it'd be, "what's done is done and we cannot live in the past. we will move forward and hope you continue to support us" sort of corpo sloppa.

>> No.83793883
Quoted by: >>83795003

Doki is utterly horrible. She tore down their careers because she couldn't handle being told to wait a couple of days to upload a music video, why wouldn't they feel betrayed by her and be willing to retweet a stream over it? You think a good person goes after other peoples livelihoods like Doki did?

>> No.83793884
Quoted by: >>83799673

If you mean to say that she is close to the bottom of the Niji EN food chain, then you're absolutely right. She's either the fourth or fifth least "important" talent in the branch, above only Denauth and maybe - MAYBE - also Kunai.
But that's the neat part - her lack of importance is itself important. If she can publicly interact with Doki (or even just publicly and officially acknowledge her existence) without getting bonked for it, it establishes precedent that the other, more important talents can do the same without fear of reprisal; it would allow for something like
>Reimu playing in a Doki custom
to happen.
And that's before you take into account the fact that management cannot punish her for this without losing face in the process, despite her lack of importance.

It would also open up the possibility of similar public interactions with/acknowledgement of Sayu.

>> No.83793999
Quoted by: >>83795484

>Scarle didn't do it and didn't get punished.
Because she was away. Stop ignoring the facts.

>So what? Just go back to being indie again. It's not like being part of Nijisanji is making her rich, anyway.
Do you have the slightest idea how contracts work or are you one of those types that thinks it's as simple as quitting and everything is fine now? You think a Japanese lawyer didn't go through these contracts with a finetooth comb to make it hard for that to happen? If fucking Gundou couldn't shit on the company and get herself fired that easily, a couple of ENs aren't doing shit.

>Then why stay?
The leaker already revealed long ago that there's a queue. Even without the leaker, this is confirmed by Pomu when she said that she asked for resignation months ago. If they could leave, a good portion of them would have done so long ago. It's not as simple as you believe it to be.

>Nonsensical schizo babble
I'm not defending Vivi as I don't know what the fuck is going on through her head after everything that happened. What I do know is that a manhunt is pointless unless it's for the ones that distinctly spoke for the company and threw her under the bus. (See Elira, Vox and that one Niji male no one cares about)
Then look at cases of people supporting taboo members like Selen and Sayu and look at how fast they get wrangled.
It's easy from the outside looking in to say they're all guilty by association. But there's a difference between putting your head down to survive as long as you can and throwing your co-workers under the bus for your own survival or even ascension in the company.

>> No.83794105
File: 730 KB, 1186x1275, 1721084684147273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She went back immediately to streaming and nothing really changed for her.

Because, again, Kyo and Scarle decided to not retweet it. They knew the contents of the stream or, at the very least, they suspected what was happening and didn't want to take part on it.

>Chances are they thought it was what most of us thought it'd be
Nope, that's just cope.

>> No.83794303

I know it's been months, but did everyone memoryhole 39iq daph? He was the one who sicced her on Doki.

>> No.83794372

>unless Sajam has forgotten what Nijisanji is
He doesn't give a shit.

>> No.83794838

Scarle choosing not to retweet it I'll give you that, but please don't try to make Kyo look good. He's shitty in his own ways and that was known for months with how he behaved on stream, considering he was besties with Enna he absolutely knew what was going down.
Its more than likely he was hoping to get ahead of the narrative.
The other issue is that we have no clue what internal discussions were like. The ones doing quote retweets absolutely knew what the message would be, but we have no idea how many doing simple retweets threw Selen under the bus willingly (to protect their own image/money) or did so reluctantly due to peer pressure.

>> No.83794930

They memoryholed her because she turned out to be ineffective in the end.

>> No.83795003

Yes how dare she not lie back and take it when her manager decided to wait until the last possible minute in the months-long production process before deciding to tell her that Anycolor doesn't have IP rights to the likenesses of the Nina Kosaka and Mysta Rias characters

>> No.83795102

This is SF6. Rosemi is a Tekken autist.

>> No.83795172

>We're not fucking witch hunters in the 1800s looking for people to burn
Maybe we should be

>> No.83795268

>She went back immediately to streaming and nothing really changed for her.
She was most likely stealth suspended since she was graduation baiting really badly at the time with the note written weirdly with her PL and etc. and had it not blown up that Nijisanji did this with the revelations done in the black screen thread, that would've most likely happened. The only reason they didn't was because that would've brought more spotlight on the company when the CEO just apologized.

>> No.83795484

Anon, I honestly think you are retarded and you are not even trying to read my posts. Scarle being away doesn't matter, the fact is that she refused to retweet the fucking stream, and she even encouraged the flames with the "kurosanji" like. And she didn't get punished. That's a fact.

As for the rest of your post, I genuinely don't understand what your point is or why you're calling me a schizo. I'm not saying that Vivi should have beheaded Elira and gone to Japan to kill Riku with her own hands. The point is that Vivi had the chance not to support the statement from the black company that almost killed her friend, but she did it. Now, as I said before, maybe Vivi was just scared and didn't realize that she could have refused. That's okay and understandable. I don't really blame her for that because we don't know what was happening. But she did support them, and that's a fact.

If, after all this time, she hasn't tried to approach Doki to talk things through and even so she decided to join this event and she is hoping to just ignore the topic, then I have nothing good to say about her.

>Scarle choosing not to retweet it I'll give you that, but please don't try to make Kyo look good.
I'm not trying to make him look good, I'm just staying the facts. Kyo being a good person or not is irrelevant. He knew that the contents of the stream were bad, so he decided to cover his own ass and not take part on it.

>> No.83795692

I think Doki doesn't gives a fuck anymore either. It's almost like she repeatedly stated multiple times she wants to put all this behind her and move on.

>> No.83795758
Quoted by: >>83800031

>If, after all this time, she hasn't tried to approach Doki to talk things through and even so she decided to join this event and she is hoping to just ignore the topic, then I have nothing good to say about her.
Who's to say she hasn't? Just because none of them have publicly reconciled with Doki doesn't mean they haven't reconciled at all.

>> No.83795940
Quoted by: >>83796252

>The other issue is that we have no clue what internal discussions were like. The ones doing quote retweets absolutely knew what the message would be, but we have no idea how many doing simple retweets threw Selen under the bus willingly (to protect their own image/money) or did so reluctantly due to peer pressure.
I'll be honest anon, I kinda don't care.
We'll never know what happend exactly behind scenes, and every argument on the topic will be poisoned by rrats, like you see in this very thread, and by the personal bias of people trying to vindicate or damn some of the livers they particulary like or dislike.
The only thing that's real and can be judged upon is that the talents could have done a million things, like shutting the fuck up, and the backlash wouldn't have been nearly as bad for them, yet they chose to do the most stupid one by dogpiling on Selen. I won't cry for the fact that they're now meeting the consequences of that action. Not that I think about them that often.

>> No.83796252

>Not that I think about them that often.
>he said
>in the hourly Nijisanji rrat thread
>on the board he visits multiple times a day

>> No.83796398

My guess is niji has officially stopped giving a single shit about en following the failure of their en concert to even sell enough tickets to be viable.
>Hex blatently pl baiting pre graduation.
>Enna in quinns chat on her nijien account, calling him her bestie.
>Now vivi in this with doki.
Nijijp has gotten the message its a lost cause and is, not officially merging but very much ID treatmenting the branch.
Projects on the go are rolled out if it makes sense (luxiem/noctyx 3d) but no serious new ones will be attempted.
No effort made to retain anyone outside of mayble luxnoc, scarle and aia.
Eveyone else can do whatever as long as it doesn't cost niji money or effort to think about.
If they want to stay, they can.
If they want to graduate when their contract is up, so be it, whatever.
There wont be any effort to try and revive the branch at all but they'll keep it formerly a thing and passively leech their cut as it dies (they even said they don't expect growth and are refocusing on japan in their report)

>> No.83796466

I don't even hate the talents anymore I only nijifags now

>> No.83796513

they memoryhole shit all the time

>> No.83797456

>Kyo decided to not retweet it
That only hurts your argument, why would a clique member and Enna's bicycle not retweet it if everyone knew what it was? He was more than happy to jump at the chance to use 39daph to cover for the clique, if he knew the contents of the stream he would have quote tweeted it with the most glowing endorsement of all.

>> No.83797918

But she has already collabed with both Selen and Pomu in the same stream

>> No.83797996
File: 73 KB, 1021x619, nyfco sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering we know sisters make comments like this when they think their not being watched, yeah I think its them acting up again,

>> No.83798159

At this point, I'm not sure if ANYONE knew what was going to be said there
Riku's apology was sensible, the black stream was a legal circus

>> No.83799328

I went to the thread and they moved on from the topic so the attempt to stir up drama for screenshots fell flat. Unless you can make a video off of one 4chan reply?

>> No.83799534

she probably hopes to get canned. but i wonder though. why wasn't she in the last slam.

>> No.83799601

if they go by the previous two slams seating, she's more likely to fight sykunno.

>> No.83799673

>After the slam Vivi will tweet out that she's going on break, all that training sure was tough!
Graduation soon after.

>> No.83799680

Kanna mentioned!

>> No.83799729

is that hecken Sykkuno

>> No.83799809


>> No.83799880

Doki just mentioned on stream that Vivi had nothing to do with her bullying.

>> No.83799892

Well, confirmed that Vivi didn't bother to talk with Doki.

>> No.83799897

She just said on stream they won't be in the same league and won't be interacting whatsoever

>> No.83799959

Oh Doki is talking now about how she told Sajam to let Vivi in because she wasn't involved in what happened..

>> No.83800026

>Vivi was not involved

>> No.83800031
Quoted by: >>83801454

Again, you are not reading me. I put a big IF in there, because Doki would be obviously addressing it. And she did it.

>> No.83800078

Also seems Niji put a no interaction rule

>> No.83800137

>doki still keeps bringing up the thing
holy shit woman move on lmao
drama hungry bitch

>> No.83800177

>Vivi wasn't involved
>They won't interact between them
not cool
>Doki was anxious about it
this means that she hasn't talked with Vivi since the drama

>> No.83800180

>Nijikeks are at the mercy of Dokibird

>> No.83800199

>he decided to cover his own ass and not take part on it.
See this again.
He did attack Doki.

>> No.83800225

trying too hard sister

>> No.83800233
Quoted by: >>83800328

Fagoons will continue pretending like Doki isn't perpetually seething. What are those receipts, Dokicunt?

>> No.83800235

so now the rrats is how many were forced to support the black stream?

>> No.83800277

>Keeps bringing up the thing
Literally just a 1 minute scripted section talking about how she's fine with Vivi playing but they won't be on the same team

>> No.83800310
Quoted by: >>83800398

>this means that she hasn't talked with Vivi since the drama
And why would they. They didn't even get to know each other

>> No.83800328

Keep seething Nijikeks, you are at the mercy of Dokibird.

>> No.83800352

>No Rosemi
Oh no no no no HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.83800372

>doki straight up said vivi is innocent
Gotta find new material now, huh?

>> No.83800397

I'm glad they won't interact, the fact that Dragoons need to be told to behave makes me worried honestly. Paladins are fine and do nothing.

>> No.83800398
Quoted by: >>83800562

>Hey, sorry about that one thing. You were my oshi and I felt really bad about not trying to help you.

>> No.83800422
Quoted by: >>83800707


>> No.83800437
Quoted by: >>83800567

She had the opportunity to straight up boot Vivi off the tournament because Sajam was gonna back her over Vivi, but Doki gave the OK because she thought it wasn't fair to Vivi.

Glad she's out of that shithole because she's better than you nijicucks deserve.

>> No.83800461

>Dragoons need to be told to behave makes me worried honestly.
she didn't say that

>> No.83800463

Less the dragoons and more the tourists.
Her regular were already telling the grey names to chill

>> No.83800473


>> No.83800479

Rosemi doesn't like 2D fighters, she wouldn't be here even without her extreme anxiety

>> No.83800483

Oh go fuck yourself.

>> No.83800552

Lol how many Paladins are even left at this point?

>> No.83800562

That's a one-and-done
There's no assumption of continuing to talk after that

>> No.83800567

And more things that never happened

>> No.83800575

>Gotta find new material now, huh?
Anon, you don't know how to read.

>> No.83800594
File: 140 KB, 329x363, cjZ1HiEZHK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83801006

Go fuck yourself, sister. Your ilk was caught attacking Vivi multiple times.

>> No.83800640


>> No.83800643

we know you don't watch streams no need to flaunt it around

>> No.83800707
Quoted by: >>83800814

What? She got sacked livestream and never picked up the game again? LMAO

>> No.83800736


>> No.83800775


>> No.83800790

the projection is strong with that one

>> No.83800814

>Tekken player

>> No.83800821
Quoted by: >>83800990

>this means that she hasn't talked with Vivi since the drama
Not really surprising, since it was the same with Mint.

>> No.83800823

>It wasnt Niji preventing it
>It was the fat cunt
Didnt think I could hate dookiefat more than I already do but here we are.

>> No.83800917

seethe, the yellow bird has the power to blacklist all of your livers LMAO

>> No.83800953

It literally was Niji you phasekek, she already mentioned she's been banned from attending certain events by them so she didn't want to do the same to Vivi

>> No.83800970

Seethe more sisters. Your 3view shitters are at Dokibird's mercy.

>> No.83800990
Quoted by: >>83801138

Yeah, the Mint arc confirmed that no one from Niji bothered to talk with Doki after what happened. But that was months ago, so there was always the chance of someone trying to reach out to her after seeing her reconciliation with Mint (and Matara). And that most likely just didn't happen.

>> No.83801003

I am sure the 3 paladins are glad about it

>> No.83801006

>Dragoons dindu nuffin

>> No.83801092
File: 88 KB, 654x499, Doki W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god the seethe levels are off the chart today, im going to rub one for the sperging nijiniggers!!! Please keep crying, i need to more tears to use as lube!!!

>> No.83801133

Niji adding the no interaction clause is fucked up to begin with.

>> No.83801137
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 4675476467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kneel Nijisharts

>> No.83801138
Quoted by: >>83801225

That implies Doki and Mint had bad blood. They never did. They were just both afraid and assumed shit that wasn't there.

>> No.83801203

It's Niji, what did you expect

>> No.83801225

Sure. The point is, they went back to being friends.

>> No.83801249

Happy for Vivi.

>> No.83801279

Yeah, this is fucked up. Also blacklisting her from tourneys Niji is participating in

>> No.83801454

Point taken, but in my defense I typed that before Doki's stream started. Besides, there's still 31 others (including Kyo and Hex) where she hasn't officially said one way or another if there's amicus or animus (or nothing at all) between her and them.
Plenty of circumstantial evidence for a handful of them, particularly with Enna and Kyo (see her Dress To Impress stream); but nothing concrete like she did in re: Vivi.

>> No.83801279,1 [INTERNAL] 

Doki said Vivi was not involved in whatever happened, yet she said nothing and threw her under the bus. For 8+ months. The same she has been doing to innocent people who were not involved in whatever happened.

Now she's "sympathetic" and you guys still claim she's the better person.

>> No.83801644

Drama tourist, this was the plan all along, kamos literally helped her get there

>> No.83801736

This pretty much confirms that Vivi and Vox had to drop from the previous tournament because of Doki btw

>> No.83801849

Because of Niji*
I doubt Doki would have denied allowing Vivi to participate in the previous tournament. Only Niji would have denied that.

>> No.83801891

>doki straight up said vivi is innocent
So how long until Niji punishes Vivi for not having antagonized Doki?

>> No.83801899

it literally does not
the opposite actually because doki would not keep vivi out

>> No.83801975

Sister there are other exNijis who fit that description better, like Michi or Kuro. Try harder

>> No.83802042

>sisters seething this hard
doki keeps winning

>> No.83802137

fat bitch blocked people from behind and manipulated others into believing that management was the one who blocked them

>> No.83802191

how does it feel that a BPD bird has the power to blacklist all your 3views?

>> No.83802248


>> No.83802424

Are you faggots retarded? That is the most basic of things done in corpos, Holo included

>> No.83802533

Well maybe it's time for corpos to stop acting like a Cartoon Network villain.

>> No.83802571

Hey how do TSB collabs go again, are they allowed to play with their corpo Holostars accounts? Or roommates?

>> No.83802628

>Holo included
Give some examples.

>> No.83802652

I am holo fan and i give a fuck about this, i literaly only come to this post to watch what are your reaction about Doki in the same space that Vivi, I even not know what is this event about, and for the record, i was not disapoint

>> No.83802660


>> No.83802746
Quoted by: >>83802963

If you mean the Helldivers collab it was because Holo didn't have perms for HD. The stars appeared as their selves in Wrestletuber, your point is moot

>> No.83802785

No, examples of Hololive blocking theirs talents from participating on tournaments or events, or adding the "no interaction" clause.

>> No.83802961

hololive is just as bad as niji ok?

>> No.83802963

Wait, the permissions bullshit even extends to something like being in vc while a completely unaffiliated person is streaming the game?

>> No.83803038

>vox still not invited
lmao, based

>> No.83803066
Quoted by: >>83803172

Kanata not allowed to bring Kson onto her stream, Sana avoiding everything to do with Holo like the plague

>> No.83803099
File: 51 KB, 200x200, 76545678876456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Njijitards still seething at Ex-Livers
Hey Nijikeks, maybe if you retards watched your own Livers instead of seethe-watching Ex-Livers they wouldn't all be a bunch of 3view-shitters lmao

>> No.83803172

>Kanata not allowed to bring Kson onto her stream
Proof? This is the first time that I hear that Katana wanted to collab with Kson.
>Sana avoiding everything to do with Holo like the plague
That's just Sana not wanting to have anything to do with Holo.

>> No.83803209

He didn't, Sajam invited him and he didn't show up.

>> No.83803229
Quoted by: >>83803526

Isn't no interaction with graduated talents literally the industry standard?

>> No.83803232
Quoted by: >>83803468

>Title is Niji and Doki
>comes in to see Hololive living rent free once again
Never change, niggas.

>> No.83803247

>>83803172 (me)
Oh no, minor spelling mistake.

>> No.83803306

Well not drama, just in definite shill territory

>> No.83803360
Quoted by: >>83803529

NTA, but yes. Appearing on stream playing something they don't have perms for is no-no, doesn't matter whose stream that is. It's not like they would just be on VC talking without playing the game at all, no?

>> No.83803468
Quoted by: >>83803554

Nijifags gotta deflect to something

>> No.83803519

Kanata hasn't mentioned Coco in likeat least 2 years beyond a passing mention here and there when watching old clips or when someone else brings her up

>> No.83803526

Direct collabs yes, but NijiJPs/KRs have participated in tournaments and stuff with ex-JPs and ex-KRs with no issue. Even if they end up interacting in-game.

>> No.83803529

That's so fucking stupid, holy shit.

>> No.83803554

If only they were any good at Sekiro to pull it off

>> No.83803590
Quoted by: >>83803659

isn't the management Elira and millie?

>> No.83803634
File: 37 KB, 157x153, 1721791167987798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83803654

And? The holos still talk about Coco and Mel. I'll repeat myself again:
>No, examples of Hololive blocking theirs talents from participating on tournaments or events, or adding the "no interaction" clause.

>> No.83803659

No, management is cowardly and would never allow themselves to be seen by the public.

>> No.83803729

Holo, retard.

>> No.83803760

That isn't the same as not being allowed to bring Kson onto her streams. If anything, Kanata and Towa still talk about post-graduated Coco now and then

>> No.83803822

What a sad thread. Full of
>surely two weeks from now selen and pomu will be revealed as the traitors that the voices in my head told me they are!
while they drive themselves off a cliff

>> No.83803828

also sisters
>This is a nothing burger, everyone does it. No, I will not give examples. Move on.

>> No.83803831

Niji members aren't not allowed to talk about members who quit or got fired, you retard. They're not allowed to interact with people that got fired

>> No.83803840

They should all graduate together so they can be happy.

>> No.83803938
Quoted by: >>83804734

I don't really care about this conversation cuz I'm just here for the fighting games, but didn't Cover force them to move out of their shared apartment?

>> No.83803946
Quoted by: >>83804734

I just meant that for all we know they might as well have not interacted at all in the last 3 years, Kanata has shown no interest in collabing with Kson/Coco. Obviously they're fine to talk about considering how much they me mebtuoned Coco suring ARK.

>> No.83804031

They're a sad bunch

>> No.83804073

BoxBox? Have not watched that guy since he stopped playing LoL/Riven His Riven Cosplay stream still lives in my mind, God what a faggot I was that day.

>> No.83804144
Quoted by: >>83804611

Sajam said whenever someone told him about wanting to participate, he would dm them about filling out the form, and they would not do it.

if you can't do something as simple as filling out a 2-minute form, you have no commitment to play

>> No.83804340

So did Doki just reveal how shitty Niji is since they won't let anybody there interact with her

>> No.83804611
Quoted by: >>83806325

So it all boils down to Vox being a lazy fat le retard? Not
>Nijisanji is blocking him
>Doki is blocking him
>he backed himself out because he hates Doki
But simply
>he is a lazy fuck
God fucking dammit, that's boring.

>> No.83804686

did you know that there's a Youtube Music Weekend last week and for some reason no Holo participated in it? it's because mafumafu was there

>> No.83804731

She literally said it on the stream that's up right now.

>> No.83804734

>but didn't Cover force them to move out of their shared apartment?
Yes, but that's a different thing. It wasn't about Kson being a former talent, it was about her being part of a rival company (Vshoujo).

And what I mean is that Kanata (and plenty of more holos) still talk about Coco.

>Kanata has shown no interest in collabing with Kson/Coco
Anon, the problem here is that you are moving the goal, maybe without realizing it.

>Current hololive talents haven't collabed with former hololive talents
That's a fact, but we don't know if it's because of a company rule or just etiquette (probably a little bit of both)

>Current hololive talents have collabed with former hololive talents using their PL accounts
That's a fact, Choco has been spending a lot of time lately with Kson.

>Current hololive talents can talk freely about former hololive talents
That's a fact, they talk about Coco and Mel now and then.

>Current hololive talents can talk about the new reincarnations of former hololive talents
That's a fact, Haachama was literally playing yesterday Kson's quest in Yakuza 8.

>Current hololive talents have been blocked from participating in events or tournaments because former hololive talents were also participating
We don't have any example of this.

>> No.83804781

Vox was part of the black stream, management probably told him not to participate to avoid being a hate magnet

>> No.83804791
Quoted by: >>83805126

In case you don't know, Helldivers is a multiplayer game, so they were all playing it.

>> No.83804907

>it was about her being part of a rival company
ah that makes sense

>> No.83804920

based fact checker

>> No.83804934
Quoted by: >>83804994

>Current hololive talents have been blocked from participating in events or tournaments because former hololive talents were also participating
Didn't some holostars participate in an apex tournament with the orc?

>> No.83804994
Quoted by: >>83805098

That orc doesn't play Apex.

>> No.83805059
File: 6 KB, 195x198, 1723741585159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace the chaos

>> No.83805098
Quoted by: >>83805223

wait, maybe I'm thinking about the other dude, their names are similar. Lando?

>> No.83805126

It just makes no sense that they can use permissions to dictate what somebody plays, even if they're not streaming it. It's like some sort of legal kayfabe.

>> No.83805214
File: 293 KB, 427x448, 1719423728140344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You weren't here when the Holocaust happened, right? Cover won't take any fucking chances with perms.

>> No.83805223

No, not the other guy either

>> No.83805298
Quoted by: >>83805656

I think you're a bit confused about the situation, and the other anon that had replied to you didn't help. They played on their roommate accounts so they could stream it, BECAUSE they didn't have streaming perms in Holo to play it on their main channels. This has nothing to do with playing it offstream.

>> No.83805495

Chammers literally appeared on Kson's birthday btw. I'm sure there are some rules to prevent some hypothetical "leeching" from happening, but I don't think Cover would have any problems with events like this tournament.

>> No.83805656
Quoted by: >>83806015

So the rm accounts wouldn't have been required if they decided to skip streaming their povs

>> No.83805719
Quoted by: >>83806548

>>but didn't Cover force them to move out of their shared apartment?
Wait what? Why do they even have the right to determine who you can live with? I had no idea that's why she'd moved out.

>> No.83805764
Quoted by: >>83805896

Now how many times have any Holo members talked about Mikeneko or Rica

>> No.83805854

Reminder that even as far back as Subaru-Maimoto-Ui, it was niji who initially tried to block the collab. They're just cunts for no reason.

>> No.83805896

Mikeneko is a whole different thing
She has gone nuclear shortly after termination and she hasn't improved so far
Why on Earth would you mention her

>> No.83805974
File: 1.85 MB, 1334x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83806085

Why do people like to post easily disprovable lies about cover management?

>> No.83806015

I mean, who knows. This is such a niche edgecase I doubt they have explicit rules covering. (Since usually you'd be streaming with corpmates, so someone would need perms anyway.) I'd assume it would be ok on someone else's channel, but I also wouldn't be entirely surprise if they just denied it because the rule is slightly overbroad. My point is just that this case doesn't tell us anything either way about that specifically.

>> No.83806085

This is completely irrelevant since there are no ex-holos there

>> No.83806300

damn, it happened. I wonder what'll happen.
How fucked would Vivi be if she ended up on the same team? Would Niji terminate her on the spot?

>> No.83806318

This is a fgc tourney so no interaction rules are an immediate red flag against the one demanding it. Not surprised Sajam spoke with Doki about it first. fgc is the only community that runs open brackets

>> No.83806325

They could've also been instructed to just ghost it after being denied some permission while filling the form, and Vivi ended up being the only one that bothered fighting against it.

>> No.83806469

Took me a while to realize who's the niji lol

>> No.83806530

No. She'd just leave.

>> No.83806548

>Why do they even have the right to determine who you can live with
No, they don't. Technically, they "forced" Kanata to move out - and this is definitely debatable - but they didn't do it directly.
Going by what Kanata said, they explained to her that there would be security concerns and after discussing with the management, she decided to move out. The security concerns (i.e: possibility of leaks, Kson's friends coming over, etc.) were real, but how strong handed Cover was would be up to your guess

>> No.83806579

>Would Niji terminate her on the spot?
Yes, but they won't interact because they aren't in the same bracket

>> No.83806700
Quoted by: >>83806862

They're not only on different teams, they're in different brackets. They will not meet in the tournament, at least not on stream.
Also Niji put in a "no interaction with Doki" rule as a condition of Vivi being allowed to participate in the tournament.

>> No.83806726

this is basically the same as
>i'm not racist, but *says incredibly racist remark here*
what's the difference.

>> No.83806812

Mel is a good example of the kind of stuff that can happen when someone leaks important stuff, even by accident. The other party literally asked for her head.

Kanata moving out was the best for both of them.

>> No.83806862

Did they? I know Doki mentioned not wanting to kick people out, but did Vivi say anything yet?

>> No.83807060

Vivi will not say anything.

>> No.83807242

you think niji will let her say anything?

>> No.83807593

Niji probably won't let her(Vivi)

>> No.83807952
Quoted by: >>83811318

She has one foot out the door already.

Management is so desperate to prevent scandals they aren't punishing the vtubers anymore. They've been openly PL posting and breaking rules left and right and going unpunished because management is terrified of applying any discipline on them

>> No.83809100


>> No.83809900
Quoted by: >>83810463

Doki was the alternate for Team RIP when they did a tournament in July and she played with rpr and Axel when Altare wasn't available, you drooling potato. She can collab with the Stars just fine.

>> No.83810463
Quoted by: >>83811452

Don't forget that she is actually doing a custom Apex tournament with Axel and Altare sometime in September, also the way Doki said today in her YouTube community page on how she was nervous about interacting and meeting new people has her very nervous and anxious makes me think that the lack of collab with Hololive girls it's just her no wanting to inconvenience the Hololive girls over fears that they might get harassed by nijisisters

>> No.83810613
Quoted by: >>83810773

What a deranged thread. It's like two groups of people that hate and endlessly shit on each other. Does anyone know why /nenmen/ even exists anyway, if /nijien/ is still full of mostly male posting and sisters seething anyway?

>> No.83810773
Quoted by: >>83811057

Anon, /nenmen/ is more legit that /nijien/ and /lazy/, all evidence EVEN FROM NIJI point that all they have left is underage fujowhores.

>> No.83810990

>Long ass post about reddit
Am I suppose to care? Retardation is suppose to be called out, not praised.

>> No.83811057
Quoted by: >>83811403

Wtf is /lazy/???

>> No.83811212


>> No.83811318

This feankly. It’s PL activity galore and scandals at every turn. Management probably is done but they don’t want to lose their comfy jobs so they push the minimum like last year, except this time the branch is sinking.
I say they left Hex out because they didn’t want to deal with his fanbase, the whole thing was kinda rished in a week or so. JP is not going great either overall but over there they only care of 4 males so no one notice if the accessories get ruined.

>> No.83811403
Quoted by: >>83811506

The lazulight sperg post, one time they fucked up the bread so I like to call it that way cuz it literally has zero reason to exist outside nijisis spamming the board.

>> No.83811452

>Don't forget that she is actually doing a custom Apex tournament with Axel and Altare sometime in September
Wait really? If so that's great!

>> No.83811506

I look in there every now and then and every time all I've seen is either people talking about mint streams, posting porn, or complaining about finana. Meanwhile nijien as far as I can tell has around the clock seething and looks like a /soc/ offshoot

>> No.83811589


>> No.83811753

Source of the no interaction rule?
Or where doki talks about not wanting to disallow participants?
Also, glad to see Kanna participating.

>> No.83811864

It's in her stream around 15min in
Expect a billion drama videos on it tomorrow

>> No.83811879

watch her stream retard

>> No.83811894

I'm happy for Vivi and hope she can leave that shithole of a black company even a second sooner.
