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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 736 KB, 743x743, rspalco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
83606809 No.83606809 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>83607310

>ingests layna's red silk panties

>> No.83606842
File: 759 KB, 1280x720, anchor2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 5 O'clock Somewhere Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomzoom vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
Saruei petting shrunken filian
Frog Ridah!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Wrestletuber Day 2
VTUBER SPELLING BEE - Who's the smartest Vtuber?
Filian vs Laxatives (DARK SOULS SPEEDRUN)

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:06 - 24:02 UTC

>Recent Stream


>Previous Thread

>> No.83606856

Filian is based

>> No.83606993
Quoted by: >>83607111

filian is getting drunk

>> No.83607111

Yeah significantly more than she did in her 4loko stream

>> No.83607123

Based, frick cantaloupe.

>> No.83607150

Someone's saving the vod, right?

>> No.83607219

Not really, also any alcohol is good as long as you enjoy it. Elitists can eat rubble

>> No.83607272
File: 3.42 MB, 846x720, IRLblelele[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F35tby2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah twitch is

>> No.83607290
Quoted by: >>83607448

why does Filian keep interrupting Layna? Pretty rude

>> No.83607310
Quoted by: >>83611897

>gets raped while being blackout drunk

>> No.83607361
File: 3.85 MB, 1152x648, filiBleleleHug[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsdynsa.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83607369

I can start archiving now I just got home

>> No.83607391

why does Filian keep existing? Pretty rude

>> No.83607448

She's doing it just for you, so you have material to schizo post with for the next week. Be sure to thank her.

>> No.83607696

virgin confirmed, does not know the smell of old man balls

>> No.83607720
Quoted by: >>83607827

Layna confirmed whore

>> No.83607767

Poor Tomato.
He will never have balls licked or dick sucked

>> No.83607827

filian afraid of getting HIV from her, maybe you're onto something

>> No.83607889

>chat, i'm gonna eat layna

>> No.83607916

Why would layna ask her about the smell of balls if she as the closest friend knows that she is a virgin?

>> No.83608030



>> No.83608051

Setup for the threesome later in the night

>> No.83608100

I love this stream so far

>> No.83608127

she knows my balls and penis smell good and refreshing and filian has never experienced disgusting tomatonigger balls

>> No.83608199
Quoted by: >>83608265


>> No.83608221

>sorry babe I'm lifting
holy kek

>> No.83608253

She is already a bit wasted kek

>> No.83608265

Frick you!

>> No.83608303

did she flash her face on the dumbells?

>> No.83608326

I fucked up my frenulum jerking off for too long while on a bunch of adderall ngl

>> No.83608362

>keeps putting drink on the hot grill
she really is retarded

>> No.83608383

>Caffeine and alcohol
She's gonna crash out kek

>> No.83608415
Quoted by: >>83608566

she's unironically saying bussin, jesus christ is she actually a zoomer? or just completely brainrotted?

>> No.83608438
Quoted by: >>83608553

>is it hot?
>touches the pan with no hesitation
she is rarted

>> No.83608538


>> No.83608553

Which kind of proves everything she says is true if exaggerated.
Cause she ain't that smart, she just has great content brain.

>> No.83608552
File: 2.50 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot 2024-08-25 082813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83608787

>> No.83608566


>> No.83608615

new zealand status: bussin

>> No.83608624
File: 172 KB, 421x386, 1720767823242717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People remark all of the time how fast I can make webms. But every time I mention how I make webms everybody laughs at me and calls me a boomer because

>> No.83608727

lol i just use obs and streamable to crop

>> No.83608741


>> No.83608756
Quoted by: >>83608892

LAX and Las Vegas are such fucking doshit airports filian what the fuck are you doing

I got stuck at the las vegas airport once and the fucking slot machines were so loud even at 4am

>> No.83608787

yeah, me

>> No.83608789

>talks about her new plant
>immediately puts it on the grill

>> No.83608892

LV airport also has absolutely disgusting water at the water fountains

>> No.83608891
File: 2.52 MB, 1919x1078, Screenshot 2024-08-25 083055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83608946
Quoted by: >>83609210

I mean people give me shit all the time for using the command line and ffmpeg, but it gets results. And you get even better results than me, so I want to learn from you

>> No.83609210
File: 238 KB, 717x779, 87634563456354645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffmpeg + command line is extremely zoomer friendly, just ask an ai for the commands

>> No.83609333
Quoted by: >>83609643

wait ffmpeg isnt the standard way?

>> No.83609345

>half of chat has seen the discord Layna message
didn't expect that.

>> No.83609446

Tipsy Filian is cute

>> No.83609512

needs more karmotrine

>> No.83609521

Filian acting like a kid tasting wine for the first time

>> No.83609643
Quoted by: >>83609752

no it is I'm just saying its retard easy because you can just ask an ai how to do it instead of bothering to read boomer docs

>> No.83609752
File: 2.55 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot 2024-08-25 083605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i read the forum docs for ffmpeg tho its piss easy

>> No.83609833

I don't have a problem figuring out the commands, it's making webms quickly that I'm trying to get better at because I do a lot of guestimating with the cropping dimensions and the bitrate. And the command line is NOT zoomer friendly, zoomers were raised on locked down mobile devices, they don't even know what a file system is and half the people I see trying to learn how to make webms give up when they get laughed at for using a website to convert things

>> No.83609958
Quoted by: >>83612903

lmao layna whisper to chat is such a weird experience. she seems kinda lonely.

>> No.83609965

that's where you're wrong, a 6 year old could make soundposts and webm's in the ffmpeg command line if they chatgpt that shit

>> No.83610198

Bless my retarded wife

>> No.83610213

>just starts drinking primarily sugar based liquor on probably an empty stomach
she really doesn't drink

>> No.83610218

Like half of the zoomers doesn't know you can block ads. Newer gens are more retarded with tech than previous ones were

>> No.83610229

that bacon?

>> No.83610244

>mic in the bacon

>> No.83610253

hoy frick Layna can't cook bacon. What's wrong with modern women

>> No.83610266
File: 2.46 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot 2024-08-25 084020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just tried it and >isreal

>> No.83610323
Quoted by: >>83610530

there's no way filian will be up for drinking more tomorrow.

>> No.83610373

drunk dancing lmao

>> No.83610402
Quoted by: >>83610498

what is she doing to the bacon
holy fuck

>> No.83610498

panic cooking it cuz she doesnt want filian to die

>> No.83610530

She is just setting the stage for calling it at the 2.5 hour mark they are not degenerates who get actually drunk in the morning

>> No.83610536

Dancing will just make her stomach more upset

>> No.83610554

is nz bacon different from us bacon??

>> No.83610600

You see filian dancing almost blackout drunk on the club and she gets close to you
what you do?

>> No.83610617

Hoped she is going to get a little wilder before feeling sick

>> No.83610672

Yep she's drunk kek

>> No.83610675
Quoted by: >>83610973

cook her some bacon

>> No.83610743

explain to her why she has to eat all the eggs

>> No.83610752

take another hit of ketamine off my car keys in the bathroom and start dancing the robot

>> No.83610819

They probably have different regulations than US so I'd assume so (idk if more or less restrictive)

>> No.83610820

Please vomit on stream Filian

>> No.83610838

Touch her butt

>> No.83610867

holy shitttt this is so cute

>> No.83610920

that does not look great

>> No.83610948
File: 2.66 MB, 1919x1078, Screenshot 2024-08-25 084504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83611048

>> No.83610973

Layna dont thread and stream at the same time it is not safe

>> No.83610977

Does fil always have a lot of Russians' getting banned?

>> No.83610993

>raw bacon

>> No.83611048

Holy Shit! Layna can't cook

>> No.83611097

Her ass would not have survived one party alone

>> No.83611112

fil doesn't do most of that

>> No.83611111
Quoted by: >>83611242

I have seen British channels call American bacon "Stripy Bacon"

>> No.83611120
Quoted by: >>83611314

everyone is always getting banned, have you seen how many soldiers we lose in the average stream? it's not a russian thing

>> No.83611139

I've noticed it recently don't know why though maybe some Russian channel started uploading subbed clips of hers

>> No.83611242

streaky bacon

>> No.83611255

when she's not streaming she's goreposting dead ziggers in /uhg/

>> No.83611305

>her voice is all over the place
>she walks a little weird
>she says even more random shit
I love it

>> No.83611314

the 7tv extension shows a bunch of 10 miute timeouts.

>> No.83611313

I assumed her collabs with KyoResu and Arisa were the catalysts

>> No.83611341
Quoted by: >>83613550

My steps won't really help you very much because my speed is due to my years of familiarity with this method.
FRAPS recording uncompressed .avi files that take up 4GB for ~60 seconds of footage which is insane. You can't realistically record it on a HDD, you need to do it on an SSD.
Then when I find a moment I want to make a webm of I stop recording and open the .avi file in Virtualdub. If the moment takes place between two files I have to append the two files together.
Then if I'm not cropping the video I just use Virtualdub to find the exact frames I want the webm to start with and end on. If I am cropping I do so in Virtualdub. Filters -> Add -> Null -> Cropping. Then I save the avi as a new avi with the proper frames and dimensions.
If I'm making a soundpost I save the .wav at this point as well.
Then I toss the new .avi in Webm for Retards and adjust the bitrate. 5000 for anything less than 10 seconds. Lower for longer videos. You get a feel for it after a while.
Then while that's converting into a webm I'll open the .wav file in Audacity and convert it to mp3. Then I upload the .mp3 to catbox and copy the filename.
Paste the catbox url into a pre-made notepad file so I can extract the 6 characters and easily construct the final webm & catbox url for a functional soundpost. By this time the webm is done converting and I just paste the filename and post.

It's a stupid process that is definitely inefficient, but when you've been doing it for years it can become second nature. But the video quality is high, and it's easy to find the perfect start/end frames. The fact that people think what I do is fast is always funny to me.

>> No.83611390
File: 2.63 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot 2024-08-25 084846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your bacon, /flip/sirs

>> No.83611426

any link?

>> No.83611495

She seems like a fun drinking buddy for now
t. Have never been drunk

>> No.83611533

she's kind of an anonying drunk huh

>> No.83611610

nah, she's the type you need to babysit

>> No.83611644

bro same

>> No.83611642
Quoted by: >>83611877

3 drinks in an hour and a half. Definitely a lightweight.

>> No.83611676

You can't take her anywhere but it'd be fun to hang out with her.

>> No.83611686

She's like 90 pounds and had 3 drinks in little over an hour it's not surprising she got drunk too fast

>> No.83611787
File: 2.81 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot 2024-08-25 085043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>layna's face

>> No.83611829

no wonder billionaires move to NZ

>> No.83611877

a tiny woman, little drinking experience and an empty stomach.
She's fucked.

>> No.83611882

She's dead

>> No.83611897

Just like her bf Vedal at Twitchcon

>> No.83611942

this is like her second or third time being drunk, of course she's be annoying

>> No.83612186

>cucked by an uber driver

>> No.83612229
Quoted by: >>83614634

>Layna is openly not single

>> No.83612415
Quoted by: >>83612684

>32 is too old
shotacon confirmed

>> No.83612479

>32 too old
Sorry anons. Shotacon allegations are back

>> No.83612526

filian once again exposed herself as a shotacon

>> No.83612540

not beating the shotacon allegations

>> No.83612659
File: 103 KB, 1600x900, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry oldfriends, zoomerCHADS win again

>> No.83612660
Quoted by: >>83612829

This means she is atleast average if she is getting rizz attempts

>> No.83612673

>Filian is getting rizzed up

>> No.83612684
Quoted by: >>83613545

Vedal won.

>> No.83612751
Quoted by: >>83613545

See this is why I believe the Vedal allegations, he is but a young lad with a babyface and Filian is the ojisan

>> No.83612764
Quoted by: >>83612946

I'm bored. Might go play Civilization 4 or watch X-men Apocalypse.

>> No.83612805

>im single
>oh i'm single too haha
bro she is completely clueless to navigating social situations

>> No.83612829
Quoted by: >>83613054

the average taxi driver probably doesn't have the highest standards

>> No.83612890

Are snackers always this cucked?

>> No.83612903

I love this bit I just wish I could hear her better

>> No.83612943
Quoted by: >>83613545

>filian prefers younger people
The turtle is going to cuck this entire thread.

>> No.83612946
Quoted by: >>83613523

watch X2 instead

>> No.83612977
File: 136 KB, 400x378, 1694919137249594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32 IS too old.
If you wasted your 20s and didn't accomplish anything then life is basically over for you. All of the greatest minds and artists peaked in their 20s. This is the way nature intended btw, your body literally starts breaking down by the time you reach 30.

>> No.83613054
Quoted by: >>83613348

This is cope

>> No.83613151

it's over....

>> No.83613293

Julius Caeser would like a word.

>> No.83613348
Quoted by: >>83613544

where I live, taxi drivers are all shitskins that would fuck a goat

>> No.83613353
Quoted by: >>83613500

>i'm 31
it's fucking joever. may as well start digging the grave now.

>> No.83613382

you can always become a politician

>> No.83613421
File: 2.92 MB, 1916x1079, Screenshot 2024-08-25 090130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only unicucks

>> No.83613436

That can't be true, scientists all get old as fuck before they get known for anything

>> No.83613469

She did just call them cucks

>> No.83613500

Back in the game, bitches

>> No.83613523

No. I watched days of future past yesterday and realized the old x mens cringed me because wolverine was being cuckex by that cluster B cunt the whole time.
LIVE https://youtube.com/watch?v=av2WGKOl6Mw&pp=ygUISG9sb2xpdmU%3D

>> No.83613539

Heh, bunch of whippersnappers in this thread.

>> No.83613544

They're in New Zealand where everyone is either white or pacific islander

>> No.83613545
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1724490066082622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No so fast, fillyfriends

>> No.83613550
File: 31 KB, 794x372, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, your method is a far cry from the solution I've been thinking of involving batch files to automate certain processes and math to calculate the maximum bitrate possible for the file size constraints of 4chan, but I can still gleam some useful insight from it. Mainly that I need to find a lightweight video editor that I can use to easily crop webms instead of taking a screenshot of the clip and opening it in paint to manually measure out the dimensions of the crop. I tried using DaVinci Resolve once but just opening a video file with it would make my entire computer chug.

Something that might be useful for you is the soundplayer script's built in soundpost maker function. You hit the "Tools" option in the little drop down arrow in the corner, then it brings up this tab where all you have to do is plug in the webm, sound file, and write a filename, and it uploads the sound file and formats the filename for you

>> No.83613824

Based Layna
making chat all parasocial
can't ban em all

>> No.83614027
Quoted by: >>83614767

There is more Maori and Asian than Pacific Islander here

>> No.83614031

Layna is pretty based.

>> No.83614068

Something like 25% of NZ's population are foreign born migrants.

>> No.83614162

achievos saar in shambles

>> No.83614196
File: 2.88 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot 2024-08-25 090555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she goes ultra sped on booze

>> No.83614537

Her hatred of ads make me even more parasocial. No salvation for me

>> No.83614634
Quoted by: >>83614799

I hope layna know when she get dump for saying shit like this, no one going to feel bad for her.

>> No.83614767
Quoted by: >>83615899

Aren't Maori considered pacific islander?`

>> No.83614799
File: 136 KB, 271x403, 1714326942698419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83614912

>layna is lying again

>> No.83614958

filian is so hyper. she must have taken so much drugs for this.

>> No.83615070
File: 2.90 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot 2024-08-25 090946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83615551

American bacon is what we in NZ call 'streaky bacon'. It's more fatty so it crisps up easier

>> No.83615668
File: 2.87 MB, 1886x1078, Screenshot 2024-08-25 091324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's holding layna hostage

>> No.83615722
File: 261 KB, 853x480, 1609582655072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>L*yna openly discussing her vegan b*yfriend

>> No.83615731

>pulling Layna's hair
Filian is kinky...

>> No.83615814

Filian is a mean drunk wtf

>> No.83615899

Nope. Even though they look really similar, Maori are from NZ (origins from islands ofc but yeah)

>> No.83615903

What did she say?

>> No.83615948
File: 2.70 MB, 1919x1077, Screenshot 2024-08-25 091451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she crunk

>> No.83615985
Quoted by: >>83616333

She does that all the time, Layna is hagcore to the max. Shes as anti unicorn as it gets.

>> No.83616000


>> No.83616029
Quoted by: >>83616357

why does she need scissors to pee?

>> No.83616298

why does she know so much about handegg
i thought she's a leaf

>> No.83616333
Quoted by: >>83616667

>long distance boyfriend
Most vtubers pretend to be single and loveless, layna pretends to be in a relationship.

>> No.83616357

too much fibre

>> No.83616431

We have the CFL up here

>> No.83616538

Canadian handegg is pretty much the same with a bigger field. NFL is popular there too

>> No.83616546

>she used to play (european) football

>> No.83616667


>> No.83616676

actual lesbian confirmed

>> No.83616699

Any filbutt yet?

>> No.83616714

This explains why she knew how Euro finals went. Fuck I am getting increasingly parasocial due to this stream.

>> No.83616740


>> No.83616752

Footy is the go to sport for women in north america

>> No.83616891
Quoted by: >>83617239

nah she goes both ways 100%

>> No.83616993

she's genuinely, unironically retarded

>> No.83617106

You guys really though handegg kek. Women dont play that and if they do is that gay version with the flags. Soccer as you usadians call it is pretty popular for women in the US and Canuckland.

>> No.83617239
Quoted by: >>83617404


>> No.83617314

Quick autists, what model of phone does she use?

>> No.83617404

Well, Vedal is young, and quite feminine so...

>> No.83617579

Nah, that's Numi.
She's a virgin because clam slamming doesn't count.

>> No.83617724

this is the TRUE girl's night experience

>> No.83617795
File: 61 KB, 900x900, 543254354326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>L*yna just casually ruining her career

>> No.83617802

Huge ass reveal confirmed, filian's thighs are gigantic.

>> No.83617937
File: 2.01 MB, 260x260, 1463520638235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filain just confirmed her thighs are dummy thicc.

>> No.83618061
Quoted by: >>83618314

shit now i want beacon and eggs but its two in the morning and nothing is open. ill get some tomorrow.

>> No.83618079
Quoted by: >>83618440

>power went out 30min ago after I made a drink
>can't watch the fucking stream
I feel cucked

>> No.83618115
Quoted by: >>83618352


>> No.83618221

she doesn't care, she has always been super untraditional.
She has shown her face ages ago, and does regular normal streams.

>actually believing her lies that she has a "long distance boyfriend"

>> No.83618314

Snacking at night is fucking dope. Get something mate

>> No.83618352
File: 84 KB, 492x291, misinformation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's bait blogposting

>> No.83618440
Quoted by: >>83619646

no phone data left?

>> No.83618486

filian shoe leak.

>> No.83618747

>Filipino boy blames Chat

>> No.83618925

>the 32 y/o uber driver was indian
>and mid

>> No.83618959
Quoted by: >>83620146

>he was indian
holy fucking kek

>> No.83618980

Classic jeet creeping on anime catgirls

>> No.83618985
Quoted by: >>83619611

Achivos and Vedal BTFO

>> No.83618998


>> No.83619037


>> No.83619039

>he was Indian
Aight, we know who has no chances with Filian

>> No.83619047

based filian hating jeets

>> No.83619083

>filian was the Uber drive hot
Guys, he was Indian...

>> No.83619078
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1663646407737734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was indian

>> No.83619077

I called it!
Shitskin and racism confirmed.

>> No.83619094

>was the uber driver hot?
>he was indian
is the racism not a meme?

>> No.83619133

>Filian is racist agaisnt indians
This is how you know she really is Canadian, they have gotten extremely tired of Indians

>> No.83619135
File: 26 KB, 275x274, 1471100166460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was indian

>> No.83619170

Jeets can't help themselves

>> No.83619183
Quoted by: >>83619703

>was the uber driver hot?
>Chat, he was indian
damn son

>> No.83619192
File: 2.56 MB, 550x550, fillythunder[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fj5agwo.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83619367


>> No.83619413

>gets mildly intoxicated
>racism mask slips
she should become an alcoholic, uh, for content

>> No.83619429
Quoted by: >>83619881

What, a Canadian Woman hates Jeets?

>> No.83619441

fucking basterd bitch

>> No.83619461

fillian actually acting her age is gonna make me act up fr fr

>> No.83619611

We've seen Vedal's flesh before he is pasty white. Also probably blonde with nazi grandparents, or jews. Either way he is white or hwhite.

>> No.83619646

Not enough for video streaming

>> No.83619703

she is so drunk hahahah

>> No.83619743

>these random sperg attacks
that is why her being a virgin is not unrealistic, if you touched her butt you would get the autism screech

>> No.83619881
Quoted by: >>83620313

Keknadians have lately become the most racist agaisnt Indians after they reached peak visascamming.

>> No.83619948

Now she's in the fun drunk phase

>> No.83620024

Shes actually drunk oh god its over bros

>> No.83620146
File: 69 KB, 1200x630, 1720850136054108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hope someone makes a soundpost of that.

>> No.83620275

I’m unsubbing

>> No.83620281
Quoted by: >>83620603

If layna doesn't intervene, Fil might pee herself on stream.

>> No.83620313
Quoted by: >>83620607

Nations become racist after mass immigration. More news at 12.

>> No.83620499
File: 2.29 MB, 1913x1071, Screenshot 2024-08-25 093529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83620574

Yeah, she is 100 percent drunk

>> No.83620569

>ywn tard wrangle drunk filian

>> No.83620586

>ywn have drunk filian waddle autistically around your room trying to touch everything

>> No.83620603
File: 2.04 MB, 514x480, 1662426428582321.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no.

>> No.83620607

Yes but they spend like a full decade defending the obvious grift and shit got so bad that actual indian terrorists are killing those sikh dudes or however you spell it on actual canadian soil, but thats neither here nor there

>> No.83620787

It's indian terrorists killing sikh terrorists it's pretty crazy

>> No.83620950

the vod won't survive

>> No.83621069

Same happened in the western europe and especially the nordics. They were shitting on central/eastern eu for not taking any immigrants and now they are even bigger haters of Arabs than ce/ee are.

>> No.83621103

>she's making a podcast
>with fefe

>> No.83621223

Filian is really speedrunning every secret that tomato and layna have

>> No.83621331

She's a social doormat, we know this

>> No.83621450

Tourist here. Your oshi is kind of a child.

>> No.83621499

Our fussy drunk

>> No.83621555


>> No.83622170

My kemonomutt is 36 and older that you, chud. Respect your elders.

>> No.83622368

wtf why is she talking about me?!?

>> No.83622597
Quoted by: >>83623127

Filian's gonna be sick after drinking the whiskey

>> No.83622722
Quoted by: >>83623029

>seiso streamer has 2 drinks and is all about cocks, tits, leaking shit and racism

>> No.83622830
File: 550 KB, 831x459, 1684039331463125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83623044

take me back bros

>> No.83622848


>> No.83622864
File: 2.82 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot 2024-08-25 094531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83623029

she's just like me fr fr

>> No.83623044
Quoted by: >>83624749

blame Mel and her depresso

>> No.83623070

whiskey is good

>> No.83623127

vomit incoming

>> No.83623208

>this fucking song
where is that one cursed fildal video again

>> No.83623236

whiskey is bad

>> No.83623272

layna acts more like filians mom than a friend of equal age

>> No.83623349

What goes up must come down

>> No.83623450

You're just noticing?

>> No.83623614
Quoted by: >>83623815

I'm surprised they even made plans tomorrow. Filian is gonna be so hungover

>> No.83623610

Filian must be crying right now

>> No.83623815

It's morning for them so she'll have all day to rest and hydrate before tomorrow so who knows

>> No.83623857

fily is retarded from all the wrong flips pls understand

>> No.83623935
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>> No.83623951
File: 144 KB, 720x722, 1652284681775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boss... bee?

>> No.83623984

Layna doesn't know how to have fun

>> No.83624066
Quoted by: >>83625179


>> No.83624115


>> No.83624136

filian is gonna be shitterred

>> No.83624153

>shoutout to vedal

>> No.83624183
File: 2.75 MB, 1280x720, sunshine[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3isydt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83625179


>> No.83624250
Quoted by: >>83624560

kek calling out vedal for hiding his alcoholism. layna really needs to help filian not ruin herself.

>> No.83624285

This woman is too powerful, she needs to be stopped

>> No.83624300

And all other stuff. Hangover for sure. Love it

>> No.83624361

>thinking about vedal while drunk
cute couple

>> No.83624535

>Drinking high proof whiskey as an amateur
Classic mistake

>> No.83624560
Quoted by: >>83625313

He is way better at holding his liquor that most. A filian x vedal drunk stream would be kino though.

>> No.83624683

Tbf I don't think anyone actually likes alcohol. But being pissed is pretty damn nice.

>> No.83624749

you mean layna

>> No.83624829

cider tastes nice

>> No.83625097
File: 666 KB, 670x280, alcohol[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F85imxj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83625179
File: 237 KB, 768x523, blonturt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf you guys were right he is a pure aryan, vgh...

>> No.83625207
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>> No.83625240
File: 2.73 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot 2024-08-25 095555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83625290

Layna is just trying to kill her at this point

>> No.83625308
Quoted by: >>83625521

>100 pound girl takes 3 shots of 120 proof whiskey in like 10 minutes
interesting strategy.

>> No.83625313
Quoted by: >>83625607

sorry i'm not into cuckolding

>> No.83625400

>filian didnt give a fuck about layna's sincere words of friendship
lel, that's my ADHD streamer...

>> No.83625407

Wine pairs great with food

>> No.83625521

This is the strategy where she spends the afternoon and evening laying on the bathroom floor throwing up

>> No.83625526

>filian drinks until she face reveals

>> No.83625574


>> No.83625607
Quoted by: >>83625914

They're just good friends.

>> No.83625721
Quoted by: >>83625905

oh god filian is out of control. layna should cut her off.

>> No.83625802

rapid whiskey = black out

>> No.83625905
Quoted by: >>83626050

Layna will pimp her out to tomato

>> No.83625914

>they were roommates

>> No.83625922

Seeing how she drinks I can see myself in her when I first sat down to drink for real. I like it

>> No.83625930
Quoted by: >>83626200

So how much is she gonna puke later?

>> No.83625960

And now it's time for bed

>> No.83625988

sounds like filian is gonna get to check out NZ hospitals too

>> No.83626050

Tomato aint there, if hes even real. Now Vedal, on the other hand...

>> No.83626140

good stream

>> No.83626156

No, please no. One more hour at least, pleaseee

>> No.83626200


>> No.83626336

>we almost got face reveal
Oh come on, I wanted to see her "wicked" scar...

>> No.83626378

i wasnt buying her "never did alcohol"
but doing 2-3 drinks and then finishing with 3 whiskey shots within 10 minutes as a smol woman is stupid enough to make me believe it

>> No.83626649

She has drunk a little before she said, but no serious drinking.
And she obviously overestimated herself, so that tracks.

>> No.83626773

Very realistic first time serious drinking experience indeed. You always go overboard since it feels so fun and then you have a killer hangover

>> No.83626908

>Layna is keeping the shilling up, while Filian collapses into noises

>> No.83626941
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1722442792099920s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traveling across the globe for ylyl slop

>> No.83626969
File: 3.00 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot 2024-08-25 100207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate the stream lads

>> No.83626997

I don't know why Layna thought whiskey was a good choice. Whiskey tastes vile and is a poor choice for someone who doesn't have a lot of experience with alcohol. Wine, cider, or mead would be a better choice.

>> No.83627027

>fuck 'em no raid
ngl layna kinda based

>> No.83627078
Quoted by: >>83627246

Does Layna stream at the same time as Filian does?

>> No.83627125
Quoted by: >>83627729

sounds like it was filian's idea. I guess she has a lot of money to splurge.

>> No.83627128

I liked it, 8.9/10

>> No.83627135

i'm surprised i can still fucking understand her

>> No.83627164

Apparently Filian requested it

>> No.83627170

it was filian's choice actually

>> No.83627223
Quoted by: >>83627982

She is gonna puke all over Layna's apartment real soon. I speak from experience...

>> No.83627246

I don't know when the stream will be tomorrow. I must have missed it.

>> No.83627260
File: 3.37 MB, 500x421, 1685982576228813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83627556

>10k avg stream

>> No.83627283

Honestly 10/10. Lots of fun start to finish.

>> No.83627301
Quoted by: >>83627710

>Wine, cider, or mead
liqueur is the real woman's choice to get wasted on, high alcohol and so much sugar that you taste none of it

>> No.83627353

8/10 need more drunk filian asking layna how many nude photo she sent too tomato

>> No.83627360

Filian wanted it.
Shocking with the hard stuff just makes for better content for shorter streams.
Unless you want to do a Bao

>> No.83627357
Quoted by: >>83627795

>6969 get
was a good stream. I was playing EDF, and ended up pausing the game most of the time so I could hear what wacky shit she was talking about.

>> No.83627556
Quoted by: >>83627879

It will be 50k when she reveals her sexy fit body

>> No.83627710
Quoted by: >>83627865

those are my favorite too.....

>> No.83627729
Quoted by: >>83628221

If you were to travel halfway across the world would you be a cheapskate?

>> No.83627795

based, i do that often when im listening fil in the background

>> No.83627865
Quoted by: >>83628723

You're probably diabetic.

>> No.83627879

i could only see her irl stream if she gets the OTK bag

>> No.83627903

10/10 my favorite part was when she shat on Indians

>> No.83627982

The smell will be vile.

>> No.83628086

I think she is one of the people who like the aftertaste of it

>> No.83628180

okay I think I have a VOD of everything after he first 30-45 mins if she takes it down

>> No.83628221
Quoted by: >>83628700

I would splurge on experiences that I would enjoy. I don't know how a $150 bottle of whisky does that for someone who doesn't drink.

>> No.83628352

I feel like the biggest failure of this stream is that the drinks Layna made all had alcohol that could be clearly tasted. For someone so inexperienced with drinking you start with stuff that you can't even tell that it has alcohol in it and then you go down to heavier callibers like vodka or whisky since after getting a bit drunk they go in easily.

>> No.83628609
Quoted by: >>83629556

honestly based layna for not concern fagging

she knows filian is gonna throw up in about 30min, but didnt even hesitate to give her her 2nd and third shot

>> No.83628700

>she doesn't drink
Exactly. Curiosity got her.

>> No.83628723

What a weird comment

>> No.83628793

This drinking stream got 10k, the scuffed cooking one got 15k, if Ved and Fily made a drinking stream with bodysuit for him and handcam for her we could get to 20k, maybe more. Sorry for numberfagging btw, just thinking here.

>> No.83629202

Neuro fad is over

>> No.83629243
Quoted by: >>83629835

Btw we will need post stream baking in a bit. This one got /flip/ to be quite talkative.

>> No.83629524
Quoted by: >>83629740

Erm, explain this then

>> No.83629543
Quoted by: >>83629869

indian clip?
I had to do something and i missed it

>> No.83629556

She is cool like that and doesn't intervene too much with her energy like when she got that microphone she just let her go with it

>> No.83629650
Quoted by: >>83629937

>hates indians
>the top mod is indian
what the fuck is she on???

>> No.83629740
File: 1005 KB, 1692x749, beefsama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my picture its over, anyway... and inb4 fily has a b2 account too...

>> No.83629754


>> No.83629835
Quoted by: >>83630235

can bake again

>> No.83629869
Quoted by: >>83631650

She was talking about her uber driver being a creep. Then maybe 15-20 minutes later he was brought up again and she mentioned he was Indian.

>> No.83629937

Idk, I feel like this is taking her response further than what she said. She certainly doesn't find them attractive though kek

>> No.83629962 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1673920784736336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83630756

>botted chink numbers

>> No.83630101
File: 992 KB, 1671x703, bigwhitecat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83630679

Filian for comparison, ngl its pretty good actually for what it is. Nwero's just really big in China for some reason.

>> No.83630235
Quoted by: >>83630649

Thanks a lot, now I can go to sleep in peace.

>> No.83630649
File: 21 KB, 463x463, filiEep2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gn snacker

>> No.83630679
Quoted by: >>83631025

It's because Neuro is a loli. Chinese love lolis, all of asia as a matter of fact. You are on an anime imageboard and you don't know that?

>> No.83630756
File: 1.04 MB, 1752x720, beefclip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83631465

>he doesnt know about the neuro b2 clipper industrial complex
it's been going on for like a year now i think, theres hundreds of channels that clip her, and by osmosis clip other related streamers, Filian included

>> No.83631025
Quoted by: >>83631765

Its less the loli and more the AI, china loves AI and for them it never became vilified like it did in the west. And ever since the whole holo schism theyve been looking for new chuubas to obsess over. Theres a lot of indies that get clipped there. But Neuro's the biggest by far, they love most of her collab partners too and wanna fug Vedal

>> No.83631465
Quoted by: >>83631737

>trusting chink numbers

>> No.83631646

filian is such a great streamer. can't wait for tomorrow.

>> No.83631650
Quoted by: >>83632293

I did see the uber driver story but then I had to do something and just came to the end of the stream (layna showed hands) maybe i'll just watch the vod

>> No.83631737

Theres like a billion people that live there dude, and for what reason would they fake some foreign streamer numbers when their actual native streamers dont get those numbers.

>> No.83631765

Plus Neuro, simply by being an AI, is less likely to be controversial. Even if she says some dumb shit about Taiwan or whatever (which is pretty unlikely anyway) she has the excuse of being a literal AI.

>> No.83632226
Quoted by: >>83632473

can you fuck off to your pedo swarm thread already

>> No.83632293
Quoted by: >>83634595


>> No.83632473
Quoted by: >>83632794

Oh you didnt hear? All the pedos were killed in /swawrm/, only shipfags, women, and actual fagfags remain. It's like /lig/ 2.0 over there for the last week or so.

>> No.83632565

Imagine Filian starting an alt stream right now. That would be pure kino.

>> No.83632706
Quoted by: >>83632983

>stream of just vomit noises
Not my kinda thing but would be funny ig

>> No.83632794


>> No.83632805

drunk friend experience

>> No.83632983

Not into puke either, but it would be my thing anyway. I just want the most raw, unfiltered version of Filian, even the unsightly sides of it

>> No.83633006
File: 1.55 MB, 556x815, Real Cat[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4ssfu2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be wild.

>> No.83633073
File: 2.46 MB, 1484x916, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83633479


>> No.83633259

LA Beast collab when?

>> No.83633306
File: 2.51 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot 2024-08-25 103214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83633387

Guaranteed face reveal

>> No.83633479

Her shoe size is 36 (5.5 US)
it was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.83633631


>> No.83633912
File: 2.47 MB, 1920x1080, Fillynuts[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flieui8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think I'm retarded or something?

>> No.83633919

Achievos saar please stop honeypotting

>> No.83634002
File: 357 KB, 1400x1400, disgruntle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83634037
Quoted by: >>83634429

Also if they were not lying about Filian's height 5'3" (160cm) is way taller than I expected.

>> No.83634429

They were I'm pretty sure

>> No.83634595

yo thanks

>> No.83634626
Quoted by: >>83634941

Achievos my dude how are you feeling after todays stream. Devoting all your time and effort only to get >indian from filian.

>> No.83634941

Pretty sure he would go complain to other mods instead.

>> No.83635687
Quoted by: >>83635923

Downloading the whole vod just in case, but god is it slow due to my shit internet.

>> No.83635923
Quoted by: >>83636106

Odds are low it would be taken down considering nothing sensitive occurred.

>> No.83636106

It's Filian. She has taken down vods for less.

>> No.83636436
File: 198 KB, 645x476, breddie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

