hey man
Mori should do a 2hu arrangement
Bae a cute.
I love Ina!
>>OPholy dragon boobers
>press any button >presses close
>>83367935Bae cute!
the 2hu...
>SINDERELLA release partyHoly shit
>>83367750Based cat fixing problems with sex
IRyS can look pretty dumb huh?
>>83367991shes smarter than she looks
>>83367946>I have two excuses to post this todayWeird lol
>>OP>my oshis not includedshit art
>>83367963oh nyoo
>>83367865>why is Cover lying about it instead of using it as an opportunity to advertise how great their expensive new studio is?They don't need to advertise their studio, it's not for public use
I love Mori!
>>83367991What do you mean?
>"Bento" is "eat a bento, right?"
>>OPWho's the brown girl supposed to be?
>>OPWhat the fuck is this, the artstyle and quality are all over the place
Almost 2 year old supers lmao
so are they actually going to NYC or is it kayfabe?
>>83368060absolutely disgusting. I'd bet the Fauna and Mumei artist is a Californian
>eat another bento
>>83368103FAT FUCK
>>83368060i didnt look at the source but im betting art collab
>>83368077I really like this animator. The kanade ao one is my favorite
>>83368020Not advertising it to customers, but to potential investors who need to be impressed by their capabilities.
>>83368060It's probably a big artist collab which also explains why the collection seems fucking random>Nikisei>CouncilRys>Myth>Korone, Ollie, Suisei and Coco for some reason
>>83368087What happens if we get an off-collab from New York?
Watched what i missed from Gigi's streamThis gonna be the smoothest holo playthru
>IRyS spent 343$ pulling for Kaworu
>>83367940Hey, me too!
>350$ en forma de yen for Kaworu in shironeko
>>83368180Oh, she got good? Nice
>>83368203Eh rookie numbers for fgo fags
Anya cute!
>>83368087Unless someone can come up with some actual evidence that they're not going, Occam's razor says they are.
>>83368165If a potential investor cares about their 3D tech, they can ask
>>83368228Anya is fat
>>83368228i like this anya (again)
>>83368087what kind of dumb question is thisthey're actually going there obviously
>>83368228Do you think more people are realizing Anya's cuteness lately?
>>83368203that's like only buying all the things once
why do fauna and Mumei look like that?
>>83368203>that's not a sin right? Ehe
>>83368245She's a growing girl.
>>83368244Whales are dumb and they need to justify their dumbness somehow, pls understand.
>Sinderella released almost two years ago
Gura cute Gura cute!
IRyS is hacking the economy (in her head)
>>83368292>UnAlive, Shinigami Note and Sinderella was released in the same year
>>83368309Gura should sit on my face
>>83368347As soon as I thought I understood lesbians
>>83368347heh, GAYY
>investingIRyS NO
>the only thing I know about stocks is Animal Crossing
>>83368337I think that was the year she released like 50 songs? lmao
>>83368037That's Mumei.
>>83368251Anya needs to do more live guest appearances for that
what the lappy doin?https://x.com/wagahaida_L/status/1826127536361021806
>>83368372I mean, there are safe stocks that are basically slightly better version of bank savings account
>>83368374you forgot to sell your turnips cheebs...
>>83368309Gura is based for saying she shouldn't wear anything under the hoodie if not for YouTube
Bae has been streaming for 5 hours, is she ogey.
>>83368410Yeah. If you don't know much about investing and finances, you just need to get a genuinely trusted friend or investor to help you park that shit in one place, then never ever touch it. I've just been making higher-than-bank interest rates for a while and it's not the kind to crash abruptly.
>>83368408Her parents are moved to tears by her simple message of appreciation.
>>83368438goddamn porn addict
>>83368471Yeah. I found a really good guy at my bank. Dude turned 90k into 121k in the last year and a half. I'm goign to let him do his thing lmao.
Retarded question alertI heard someone say all of EN sans Justice would be in New York for the concert. What's the reason they would have to physically be present?
>>83368462She forgot to end the stream on youtube's side
>>83368529Who says they have to?
>Lawful HolosInaCalliBaeFaunaMococoERB>Neutral HolosAmeKiaraKroniiMoomRissaShioriGigiRaora>Evil HolosGuraIRySBibooFuwawaCC
>>83368372Keyboards are an investment
>>83368529They're streaming the concert at home. It's on their schedules.
>>83368546I swear I heard someone mention about traveling for the concert but I could be wrong
>>83368548change biboo to lawful and shiori to evil
>>83368337Reminds me when DMX dropped his debut albums in the same year.He was my favorite rapper before Mori
>most of the time 1 million yen is not enough for a cover, for originals even moreTo absolutely no one's surprise
>>83368509Me or her?
Anyone else drunk right now? I lost my job so I'm using my free time to get fucked up every night and catch up on Hololive vods.
>>83368591I liked him a lot as a kid too
>>83368599I meant her but if you have to ask...
>3D lives are expensiveyeah, that's why Fauna doesn't do them
It's so bullshit that Cover makes them pay for their own 3D Live that was even reduced to once a year now.
>>83368596 (me)And 3D lives too, 1 million yen is not even close to paying for it
will you guys be watching pekora play moneky game with me today
>>83368596>usually costs over 7k for a cover>that'll make them dickall backChrist.
>>83368596This is objectively false.
>>83368387>>83368058Doesn't look anything like Mumei or Flare.
>>83368548What a retarded alignment list.
>>83368626Having something in common with Gura is cool by me.
>>83368627>IRyS: It's fanserviceYeah that tracks
>Happy holes!Who the hell says that?
>>83368596man this is so expensive, they might as well just do bad art and draw it themselves in the MV to save up money lmao
>>83368596Yep, that's why it was insane when Mori put out a EP on debut and that was only because she could do alot of the work herself and had music friends.
>>83368589Shiori has her quirks, but ultimately she stands to be impartial. Biboo has the in built urge to cause mischief, not to mention she brought that evil song into life.
>>83368644what is a shitpost
>>83368650Bae spent twice that on Mindcraft
>most of us don't expect to get the money back, we do it for you guys
>>83368596just get cece to make the track in FL and then they can record vox on an iphone. if they do it on stream they would even make a profit
>>83368637>reduced to once a yearonly JP suffered from that since other branches didn't even have anything guaranteed
>>83368725And most of the time you guys don't even watch them! Disgraceful!
>>83368616I'd kill for Mori to do Slippin for karaoke
How much longer do I have to wait before I can plug myself in and go on a fully haptic and synaptic beach vacation with Gura that's so real I can forget my shitty reality?
>>83368720That was mostly from the art. People checked how much the artist charges for illustrations and getting 15 done would be almost the entire million yen she won she won.
>>83368706its kind of like funposting
>>83368648Sure, Ape Escape is a classic
>>83368693yeah try to guess who did the art for Mumei's Japanese song about ants.Yeah she did the art herself
>>OPMumei looks EXACTLY like me in this picture
>>83368548Fuwawa is not evil
I hope Kiara and her indie friend sing SSS today.
>>83368766how do you reconcile the want for this with not wanting 3 letter agencies to access your brain
>>83368795Apparently UMJ paid Mori the standard rate to make those 2 MVs she animated for herself. I wonder how much that was.
>>83368767The Ame art was worth that alone
>>83368767He pulled that number out of his ass, Bae never mentioned exactly how much it cost, just that it was a little over the million yen that she won.
>>83368798Fluffy paws typed this
>>83368644>Tweeted out the Mint collab>Sent a gay reply to Raora immediately after>Was probably talking to Reine with how Reine replied to Raora immediately after KiaraKiara must be horny with how she's speedrunning woman today
>>83368693Yes this is how you get fat nekko kino.
>>83368758I always watch my oshi's covers though.
I'm tired of pretending IRyS is dumb, she's pretty smart but just acts stupid for comedic value
I'm tired of pretending IRyS is not dumb, she's pretty dumb but at least she's cute
>>83368811At this point I don't care if they have access or not, I just assume they already do. I'll be a lot more compliant and easy if they just hook me up to a onions IV and keep me occupied with a false reality in which I can have some joy. They can harvest my organs and let me slowly die as long as I just pass away in an artificial bliss.
Shiori is deadass in NYC
>>83368892woah...someone should write a book about this...or maybe a movie...
>5hr members streamWTF is Bae doing?
>>83368892rapidly sprinting towards "please put me in the matrix" every year
>>83368930Wait bae is still streaming in members? What the fuck.
>AneRyS has won many lotteries, she maxed out her luck statMeanwhile IRyS...
imagine not dumping your level ups into luck
so why did kronii do 2 streams of each pokemon game before dropping them both?
>>83368930Bae wants you sooooo BADDDDDDDDDD
>>83368930>>83368956She stopped like 3 hours ago but didn't fully end the stream.
>what if I don't have goals in life?
>IRyS doing all the bingo offstreamneeds correction
>>83369003because finishing games is less fun than starting them
>>83368698Producing music is actually the cheapest part since you can do 99% of it on your home and go to the studio for the finishing touches
>>83369022good. fuck normalfags clogging the suggestions and giving shitty advice
>>83368582I can't give you a definitive answer. Songs segments can be pre-recorded. Actually, they're always pre-recorded, that's what "dance practice" is. If a member gets sick and can't perform, or just doesn't feel like it, they can pill a backup. I don't imagine that theater has a huge backstage with enough room for equipment, staff and 14 girls to perform at the same time. Imagine all song and dance is pre-recorded, only interacting with audience segments have to be live. And even then-It's just data. They don't have to be there, they can stream it from somewhere else. And if so, why not stream it from japan and their studio specifically build for this. Probably lag and connection. Safer to do from somewhere near the actual venue. So, I think the girls WILL be traveling to new york, it's confirmed. Mori said that she asked for bigger hotel room so she could invite others on a whim like "Stream started, I know you're watching and we're in the same place, come hang out." That's just how it is, they have to, live is in NY, so they will be in NY. But the question is, will all of them actually be in the rented studio, performing, or some will just watch the live from hotel room and spend the rest of the time in the big apple like on vacation.
spreading the nephilim cheeks
>>83369038what's the expensive part?
why dont we do /hlgg/ bingo? it could have stuff like "make one piece of OC" or "dont reply to a shitpost" or "say something nice to an anon"
>>83369056id be done in a day
>>83369056I already won /hlgg/ bingo.
>>83369056the schizo bingo was too easy, you can fill it out in every EU hours
>>83369038Yeah I can pirate FL studio and make a song right now. Won't be good, but I can make one.
IRyS is singing secret base
>>83369055Touring costs are usually the most expensive part of an artist's balances sheet but since Cover pays for that the expensive part for them is the animated music videos which is way more expensive than a typical music video
>>83369045>Probably lag and connection. Safer to do from somewhere near the actual venue.THE PING FROM NY TO TOKYO IS LESS THAN A SECONDLATENCY IS NOT AN ISSUE
>you found me... pyon~
>>83369108Go back to /r/iamverysmart they miss you.
>>83369056"call something slop""get accused of being a thread schizo"
>>83369108The fact you even had to use seconds as the unit should illustrate how bad the ping is
>>83369056I'd be finished in 8 hours as long as it doesn't involve college levels difficulty. the internet is a cesspool of fakes.
>>83369107skill issue on your oshis part, mori did her own mv (cost 0 dollars) but on top of that she did it in members which made her money
>>83369128these things never happen to normal people
https://lnk.to/mc_pt_ecSTREAM PHANTOMIME
>>83369134Everyone died/10
>>83369134Despite playing 6 hours we some how barely any progress/10
>>83369134She should have finished the game today/10
>>83369134did she beat it
Plappy the Lappy
>>83369171She couldn't have finished it today
>>83369144Happens to me every day, just say anything somebody doesn't like and you get called whatever celebrity schizo they've decided holds that opinion
>>83369163why are they going to NYC then
>>83369182technically yes, she did reach AN ending
>>83369182She reached the bad ending, good ending next stream
>>83369198sounds like you are not a normal person anon
>>83369163>THERE'S NOTHING SMART ABOUT ITThat just about sums up your posts.
>>83369182Yes (No)
>>83369220That's the point retardThese are dumb facts and people still don't understand them
>>OPKiara is the most disgusting one in this
>>83369198damn, you must some kind of a huge asshole for that to happen more than once by happenstance
>>83369134Why is this b-word always so down on herself, I wanna hug her/10
>>83369213And what are you, some collectivist cuck who never says or thinks anything that upsets others
>>83369232Oh the irony lol.
>>83369134MoriWalkedMitsuruHomeGently/10Man, kind of a downer ending there with the music talk
>>83368548Myth lore is that Mori got put on hiatus for saving Watson from dying, so I'd say she's firmly neutral.
>>83369269Meds. Now.
>>83369284huhaha gigi pizza nomnomnom
>>83369269getting along with people doesn't make you a collectivist ancapman
>>83369056That's just three things, it needs more stuff to work
>>83369081Madlib, a prominent hip hop producer, has been producing on an iPad for a decade nowUnless you deal with live instruments there's no other incentive to use a studio other than to master the sound to fine tune
>soulslike>massive hitWhy aren't any of the girls playing it?
>>83369269>collectivist cuckthis is a funny way to describe "normal guy who isnt constantly pissing off everyone around him" lol
>>83369144one time during that period where posting that edited a-chan tweet about kiara being welcomed to JP was the trendy thing I got called belgian (i think) because I linked the actual tweet
>>83368644>Add sugar on a cerealI thought cereal flakes has tons of sugar already.
>>83369331Pekora is playing it
>>83369331Gotta support the cause
Why can't people here comprehend that none of the girls would pass out on an all expense trip to NYC?
>>83369333The issue is in /hlgg/ if you say "I don't like something" you get lumped in with people who stalk, dox and would probably kill Hololive members if given the chance
>>83369331>>83369343In EN
>>83369324Do you know how much madlib charges? Its more than what cover/holomems are paying
>>83369337t. burger
>>83369134Finished kinda/10Just another quick stream to finish the game right?
>>83369163>sending a ping one way takes less than a second! This means all data is practically instant!
>>83369356this has never happened to me and i freely talk about things i dislike all the time
>>83369349Because NYC is filled with New Yorkers
>>83369085>3750 ATK vanilla
>>83369283Eh when she spent 2 seconds thinking about it you can tell she realized it wasn't so bad because she gets a higher album cut from being successful. The spotify thing affected everyone as well so I don't think it would be an issue.
>>83369363>2millionIsn't that bigger than ER, GTA and the likes? wtf
IRyS the SCs..
IRyS watched Black Magic M-66
>>83369356i've talked shit about mori's music very oftenand kiara's singingjust put it like a human being with a opinion instead of a schizo with a hateboner
>>83369421>just put it like a human being with a opinion instead of a schizo with a hatebonerI do
>>83369363Mori said she will probally play it.
>>83369232Bae and Mori were on location for Dreamhack Melbourne to perform their MC segments
>>83369409>I'm going to end the stream early>She doesn't
Brat Chat soon:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpAACYRxYy8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpAACYRxYy8
>>83369427werks on my machine dudeliterally a you problemmust be badly socialised or something
>>83369432it wasn't a hololive event
>>83369427link 5 examples
>>83369407It's unironically all from China lmao. Something 88% of the steam playerbase is Chinese
>>83369454It was.
>>83369413IRyS should sit on my face
>>83369454damn, hololive down under wasn't a hololvie event, crazy
>>83369356>if you say "I don't like something" you get lumpedNo. But if you say "Something sucks", then you do. It's a very simple distinction between stating your opinion and trying to pass it off as anything more than that (objective truth).
>>83369452It's a thread problem, you just don't have opinions that push people's buttons
>>83369396Ame can just casually go to the Bronx so they're probably fine for the most part
>>83369445Stupid airhead, needs rape correction
>>83369479>>83369488It was Dreamhack
>>83369454>a hololive event wasn't a hololive event anon?
Talking about the HoloEN concert and maybe being there next year>Life is beautiful, we should keep living>Life is RobloxGigi-chama...
>>83369529It's also a Hololive event retardo.
>>83369529that was the convention that the hololive event took place at, yes
>>83369506Sorry dudeNot your hugbox
>>83369506>everyone hates me and calls me a schizo>must be because im such a unique and original thinker
>>83369498Definitely not>call Mori's singing trash>get called a fag, a couple of kyses and maybe someone who agrees>call Kiara's singing trash>get called schizo by a dozen people
>>83369555>>83369566He's just trying to sound smart but I doubt even he knows what he's trying to say.
>>83369576>Not your hugboxThat's exactly my point
https://x.com/moricalliope/status/1826174068883861889https://x.com/moricalliope/status/1826174068883861889https://x.com/moricalliope/status/1826174068883861889WHAT IS IT
Biggest yab in hololive history
https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1826174068883861889rrats on what it is?
>>83369592>>83369602>>83369614MEET N' FUCK KINGDOM STEVE
>>83369555>>83369566Hololive did not organize the event, they were invited to someone else's event, they have less control over the setup
>>83369612>no recording>records anywayYab
>>83369592>>83369602>>83369614finally, custer's revenge
>>83369592>>83369602>>83369614Konami perms
>>83369614The Guy Game (2004)
okay but it's clearly MGR, right
>>83369591All you stated here is that deadbeats (or people falseflagging as them) are less likely to interact with low-quality posts.
>>83369592>>83369602>>83369614Finally DOOM 3
>>83369628They actually did organize a Hololive event in Dreamhack moron. >Less controlIf they had less control they would've pre-recorded an MC instead and not sent Mori and Bae into the venue. Do you even read what you're posting?
>>83369645FWMC should backseat her
>>83369592>>83369602>>83369614>>83369626Ogre Battle 64 bros... we're winning...
>>83369614leisure suit larry finally!
>>83369602>>83369592Golden eye 007, let's fucking gooooooo!
>>83369592>>83369602>>83369614IT'S UP THERE STEVE
>>83369592>>83369602>>83369614>>83369626IT'S TIME
>>83369714Do you think Jimmy will play the Goat Simulator 1 remake?
>>83369693Dreamhack was the event, they had a Hololive panel at the event
i know its a bit silly but i do get happy when i see someone i'm a fan of put a heart on my comment
>>83369745>PanelSo you don't know what the fuck you're talking about then.
Y'all retards unironically think that Bae and Mori went to Australia to MC lmao? Y'all think they magically found some mocap studio in fucking Australia or something? Instead of just doing it from Japan? Fucking kek y'all.
>>83369645>>83369696God, I fucking WISH.
>>83369805y'all y'all y'all
the bibooty
The orgy at Bae's home
Kinda worried about my oshi going to New York desu. I watched Sopranos and it doesn't look like a safe city to be in
>>83369810SotN was in the replies, it's a solid guess. She loves that game and was dissapointed she's couldn't play it, settling for bloodstained instead.
>>83369753all me btw
>>83369850New York was the inspiration for Gotham City.
>>83369796Concert, whateverIt was part of the Dreamhack event
>>83369810Heretic and Hexen
>>83369894They had Metal Gear perms for a while already
>>83369906Not MGS 4, 5 or MGR.
So, how was Biboo SF6? Did she enjoy it?
>>83369753Me getting my dick sucked by towa
>>83369906Only for 1, 2 and 3.
>>83369906touristchama MGS perms are game specific and what Konami feels like it
I need IRyS to coach my life
>>83369614Crash Team Racing
>>83369882A Hololive EVENT is a part of Dreamhack
>>83369923she spent forever in the tutorials and training but once she got going in real matches it was fun
>>83369946Why do you wanna die?
>>83369948that would be unironically sick
>>83369933Is that stalker? I don't think Mori or any other holo even knows what stalker is.
>>83369850I played Yakuza and Tokyo doesn't look like a safe city to be in.
Can some crats please tell IRyS that Bae still hasn't turned off her stream.
>>83369978Botan doesThe ruskies told her about it
>>83369990what the hell was cover thinking building a studio there
>>83369950Dreamhack is the event. Hololive were invited to the event. That means Hololive have less control over the setup
>>83370000I doubt Bae is even at home right now so it would be pointless anyway.
>doesn't recognize megamanIRyS should have played more vanilla megaman
>traumadump SC bait just to shill fucking Gundam>irysHirysLong time no see! Since March, my father has been diagnosed with cancer and is too weak to undergo surgery. I helped him with his illness, and then last month, my father went to heaven. Since March, I have been studying for the national qualification exam and passing the exam. irysScared, who gained 40kg in weight in one year Last week, a friend from Singapore who I became friends with because of IryS came to Kagoshima and we went on a trip to Kyushu for a week. I can understand English, but I can't speak or write it, but I can't remember it, but apparently I can only speak when I'm drunk. By the way, why don't you watch Gundam SEED Freedom at the same time?
>>83369356you're anonymous, retard. no one thinks anything of you unless you tripcode or are easily identifiable by your behaviour. just say what you want to say and accept that others will do the same. there are no stakes nor anyone worth impressing here.
>>83370025It's about time you took the L, you have been making a fool of yourself for days.
>>83370040let's goo?
>>83369978Gura referenced Cheeki Breeki once or twice
Monke game when she is back from new york.
>>83370050Prerecorded MCs are terrible
>>83370082wukong more like uhhhhhhhhhhh
>>83370082My friend is playing the monke game, he said it's very fun.
What do you do in Wukong?
>>83370107You monkey around.
>>83370107you're a monke, and you hit things with your stick, and you're a monke
>>83370107pekora died a LOT so i think that mostly
>>83370107Heard it's like DBZ fan fiction or someshit.
>Pekora loves Gil>IRyS loves GilTHEY ARE
>>83370107You Kong on your Wu.
IRyS hates Shirou
>>83370107travel west or something
>>83370107Monkey business.
>>83370043>>83370046>slop nights at sloppy's
IRyS says Sakura is a WHORE
>>83370137Money hungry.
>>83370107Okay so basicallyImagine Devil May Cry but instead you're a monkey and you're fighting monster monks and giant buff wolf men
>>83370053Nta but go back to twitter you talk like a faggot
>hates Shirou>hates SakuraWTF I LOVE IRYS NOW
>>83370191you write like a mobile monkey nguyen, go back to facebook
>>83369363isn't it like 80% chinese drones? who cares
>>83370191I don't use Twitter sorry. Did I strike a nerve anon?
>>83370202suityan thighs wrapped around my face
>>83370224go back to /v/
>>83370219sounds pretty strong, I wonder if it has limited uses?
>>83369198KFP are the worst offenders of this. They're obsessed with their schizos
>>83370224Bro stop coping, no one wants to play your eye bulging nigger afro lesbian game
>>83370246you're the one numberfagging a videogame in the vtuber thread
>>83369602Kanye quest 3030Mori will ascend
IRyS cried reading dandadan
>IRyS cried reading Dandadanbased
>>83370199>hates ShirouMan I love IRyS but her shit taste never ceases to surprise me.
>>83370247Probably does, like the reroll.
>>83370218>>83370231>had to samefagStop talking like you're from the ghetto
>>83370199>hates ShirouIm sure she hasnt read the VNAlso, most women wouldnt get it anyway, not surprised
>>83370257this shit is so goofy, you aren't even talking about the quality of the game or favorite moments it's just number wanking every time i see someone mention the game
taso nowhttps://youtu.be/DdKWbqsvpl8https://youtu.be/DdKWbqsvpl8https://youtu.be/DdKWbqsvpl8
>>83370287I don't know why you're so angry, did your uncle touch you again?
>>83370004Botan knew about Stalker and the Metro series long before the ruskies talked about it.
>>83370331heimin post ass or i'm not watching
>>83370331who the fuck gave her a knife???
>>83370280>>83370309Shirou is retardedyou can't save everyone, it's impossiblesometimes sacrifices need to be made
>>83370309Yeah, his hero/savior shtick is quintessential "women will never understand" core.
>>83370337Nice inspect element, ghetto monkey
When is the EN concert?
>>83370366And an ook ook to you too.
ERB can speak japanese?
Holy Chuuni
taso is so cool...
ERB is so haggish
This is just Kanade skinwalking Ao kun.
>>83370309I've never gotten why fatefags think Shirou is this ultra-misunderstood, deeply complex character that is completely re-contextualized by reading his inner monologueI read the vn. He's still retarded
>>83370318Why does she always look confused?
What the fuck is going on in this ERB collab stream.
Is Ao sexier than usual?
>>83370246Literally look at the statistics, like 80% of the playerbase is from China.
>>83370390Why are you black? Speak like a normal person
Kanade's english voice makes her sound not retarded
I liked the voice taso used for that cover.
>>83370470i already watched but thanks for whoring out
the difference in the model quality is so stark
I want to suck Gura's penis
>>83370492Now i feel bad for being tricked
yeah... it surpassed my cringe threshold keep me updated bros...
Wait how is this gonna work?
>>83370429He IS retarded, thats not the pointAlso while i agree its not super deep, he is misunderstood given the retarded surface level stuff you see posted around.With that said if you really got it and still hate the dude, thats fair. You went way beyond the average folk.
>>83370513Which one
Was there another hololive official card game stream with fbk in it? Not sure if I dreamed it or I just can't find it
>>83370557It's not, which is why this is gonna be kino
>>83370564I think I could take both at once
>>83370199So what you're saying she hates Heaven's Feel?
Cecilia, please turn on my cringe inhibitors
>>83370472This but in reverse
>>83370472Her accent almost 100% disappears. It's creepy.
kanade's laugh is the best
>>83370592>she hates Heaven's Feelonly when Sakura was in the scene
so ao kun is ao kun and kanade is also ao kun?am I understanding this correctly?
>>83370623So she's an UBW fag?
>>83370630Wait so that's what's happening
>we taught her wrong on purpose, as a joke
>all completely misunderstand each other>they just roll with itkino collab
kek ao
Is Kanade secretly a genius?
Very sexy guy
Oh no they're learning British
what is this? 2020 hololive?
>>83370592>>83370641It's not accurate to say she's not important, but when people talk about liking Heaven's Feel, they're talking about all the parts without her
Kanade has less of an accent than the rest of Justice when speaking English
jwuis Kanadi overslept again?
>>83370514Thanks for whoring out for me so I didn't have to.
IRyS should eat more cheesecakes
>>83370745who do you think is the voice in the background?
>peko played wukong in englishhuh
>>83370745She died from an exploding microwave and is now possessing Ao.
So does Kanade check with this both the impersonating another holo and prank on the bingo
>>83370765no jap version
>>83370765options are ching chong or brit bong
she's going to get stomach hort from the cheesecakes again
Ao-kun (REAL) is so lost
>>83370806not usa bong?
>>OPWhy yes I'm a trans. How could you tell?
>>83370765She picked eigo to help all the kaigai nikkis from recommendations by chat
People in the UK really speak like that?
ao secretly enjoys being possessed
>>83370859open bobs, show bits
>>83370865Unfortunately, yes.My Russian friend married a Brit and moved there a couple of months back, she has already started using the expression "bits and bobs".
>>83370746it'd be wrong for you to do it in a thread with your boyfriend
>expa>EGG&SPAM?!Kek ERB
>>83370880Time to cash in
>>83370834Post bussy
>>83370905Who's my boyfriend now
What the heck out somehow worked
>>83370880>reward is less than the cost of the wanted poster
>Watch some VODs along with FWMC VOD in the background>Hears Eigo Rabu Rabu Onyon>100% vol because I'll miss that Onyon and it's such a legendary song>Mococo cried
Real retard on the telly!
Kanade show up 30 minutes late for a collab, how unprofessional
What was the "surprise"?
Flattery might get Ao somewhere...
This shit is beyond cringekino
>>83370989A Korean
>>83370989Ao was not Ao!
>>OP>Ayame willingly standing beside a halfbreed>Coco in 2023
>>83370989There was no second Ao, it was Kanade!
how the fuck is this collab even working? is it running on pure cringekino energy?
Imagine having sex with Mori while she uses her English Teacher voice the entire time>Very good, anon! I am very close to cumming! And by cumming, I mean I am very near an orgasm!
>>83370931The one that comes to mind The one with the pastebin
>Wants to say "I'm ikemen, while Kanade is aho">doesn't know how to say "aho" in EnglishAo suffers the most
>>83371032They're somehow stumbling through it
is /vt/ going to make a collaborative effort or something for Aqua's graduation?
ERB needs to stop being so bouncy it's very impolite to her flat collab partners.
mep mep!https://x.com/pavoliareine/status/1826190240958349679https://x.com/pavoliareine/status/1826190521955664309
>>83371044Only problem is that if we were dating it'd automatically make us riajuu and thus required to explode.I prefer not exploding thank you. I have my oshi.
Uno reverse
reminder that HoloX decks are banned
>Ao tried to call Kanade a kusogaki>Calls her poop in English
>>83371055>while Kanade is ahoyeah, her hoe
Has this surpassed 66 minutes yet?
lapsame your friend
>>83371055did she ask Kanade how to call her idiot? lmoa
i feel like this collab is like watching a car crash, like its not conventionally entertaining but i cant stop watching it
>IkeWoman>What does Ekiskaliba mean?ERB.......
Is ERB too retarded to understand that it's just "Ultra" and "Excalibur" pronounced in a very Japanese accent?
>>83371078The only problem huh
Hololive's lesbian age gap duo
>ExcaliburIt all comes back to the brits
Combined IQ of Kanade, Ao and ERB?
>>83371118her context clue skills are a bit lacking…
I wonder if they're laughing about the same thing
>>83371132>>83371118she has like actual autism, not the kind we talk about here sometimes
>>83371118wasei eigo isn't English
Wait, so every holo has their own deck?
>Egg Girl Kanade>>83371118Your Queen isn't too good at Japanese...
I don't know what it says about them that Ao is the smartest one in this collab.
>>83370246>>83370257nta but 80% of the steam players are chinks.
>>83371166but kanade is in this collab? do you not see her for some reason?
>I can enjoy yuri depending on the context She didn't sound convincing
>ERB: Ao, say - "Kanade, you're cheecky">Ao: Kanade, you're chicken.my fucking sides
The Britishisms add more to the confusion kek
>Cheeky?>Niwatori?This is too good
>>83371190straightest woman alive best friends with flare
>>83371190yuri (hetero)
>>83371084I’m pretty sure “poop” was her intention from the beginning lolI was expecting her to say she is unko at first but she went with English that’s just ao
Will Gura play the Wukong gaem?
[IRyS News] she wants to do a Prisma Ilya wachalong next. she'll check the perms first
https://x.com/hakosbaelz/status/1826192377943626181https://x.com/hakosbaelz/status/1826192377943626181https://x.com/hakosbaelz/status/1826192377943626181MY DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK
>>83371218But that has yuri
>>83371227every holo should do hourly sweat check-ins
>>83371218but it has gay loli sex
>>83371239That's the yuri she enjoys depending on the context, lolis kissing
>>83371190I will always remember her seething over WfM
>poopy baby
Kanade is ao's dog
what the frick
>>83371239her inner lolicon trumps yuri for it to e considered
Bae just found out she has kept her membership stream up the whole time
but then who was phone?
>>83371227>>83371249This is good>>83371278She forgot to turn off the live stream from Youtube's side
>whos our daddythis is a valid question, thats why kanade is the smartest!
>>83371275in terms of sex, thats hotin terms of nationality, thats racist
>>83371267No! Pretty princess!
>>83371121Well not the only only problem I just use that phrase too much.
>>83371218Do you actually have to get perms for a watchalong? It's not like you're streaming anything on the screen. Can't you just watch it? The only reason I can think of why you'd need to ask to do a watchalong is because you're worried it's something that would reflect badly on the company, like a Salo watchalong.
we are the shiny smily stars
>>83371312kanade makes me laugh so fucking much lmao
They're just making random noises at this point...
>>83371125awww, I want a lappy hug too
>>83371314watch streams you filthy tourist
>>83371313good data for the next chapter
>>83371334Nah, I don't like Irys.
>stinky baby poop senpai>pee senpaiThis is so dumb, why am I laughing?
Lmao Kanade
poo senpai and pee senpai, wtf is this collab?
they've been making poop jokes for 20 minutes now and laughing like it's the funniest shit ever
>>83371239lesbians are dirtylittle girls are the most pure thing in existanceloli yuri is purity x2
I honestly feel like Kanade has one of the cutest air head models i've ever seen
>>83371314how fucking new are you
I thought these were adult women?
>>83371359one of the most perfect rigging to personality combos in holo i think, she is fucking retarded
>>83371353>>83371356I really can’t think of anyone in hololive more likely to have this outcome than ao and kanade
>>83371342watch streams, retard
>>83371371only erb, the other 2 have mental retardation
>okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkim convinced this is kino content
>>83371340peal japanese humor
>>83371394Nah, I hate Irys.
wa'g'wan me breddah
>>83371342IRyS is not the only one who has said that WATCH STREAMS OR AT LEAST READ THE THREADS RETARD
>One on one>wanwan?great cross cultural communication there
Someone should've told ERB that if you pronounce english words in the most caricature racist way possible, it somehow works and japs understand that better. Is it racist if it's actually true and helps...?
>100 girlfriends>they're all Ao-kun
>>83371439Subaru calls it "katakana english", iirc
>>83371239But also has incest
IRyS hasn't played Genshin in 3 years. She's clean
Well, it's been 50 minutes.
i have gained NOTHING from this collab and am made WORSE for having watched it, i loved it
I didn't get what the point of any of it was, but it was cute!
what was that...
>IRyS REALLY loves Nahida>Also likes Kleehmmmm...
IRyS is unironically UOHHHing on stream again
>>83371480Poo and pee senpai /10
>>83371490She's great
>>83371400ume ume
>>83371480need more like it / 10
Favorite genshin characters by IRyS she stopped playing when she got in hololive>Klee>Nahida
>>83371474I deleted that shit when they banned Coco's name and never looked back.
The power creep is going to be insane in this game
I'm convinced that Kanade was just doing a bit, ERB decided to do her own bit, and Ao-kun thought those retards were serious, and decided to end the stream.
>>83371480Extreme autism/10
>>83371489Really brings tears in your eyes, doesn't it?
>>83371343Are you the one writing it?
That was one of the streams of all time.
is IRyS a, you know...?
>>83371511Does Mihoyo still hate Hololive?
>>83371512I quit because the updates took ages to come out and the game sucks as an open world game.
>>83371515this is 100% what happened and it fits perfectly with the rest of the retarded shit i just saw
>>83371480Having eggs and spa with poo and pee-senpai/10
>>83371480Kanade is cunny/10
>>83370765She switched to Chinese later on...
How did this collab even come to happen anyway? Is it gonna be some ongoing series Ao does where she invites different EN members?
>>83371422Liz's autism is too powerful. It's the strongest I've ever seen.
>>83371546>let's just say that I really liked Klee = I masturbate every day watching lolis
>>83371573prank bingo
>52 minutes
>I'm gonna finish 1 hour before my meeting>I'm not feeling it today guys, maybe I finish the stram early>Ends up finishing 4 min before her meeting
>ah, Nahida, yabe, ah Nahida, yabe>...that's what I'm going to do for the remaining four minutes before the meeting......
How come EN has so many loliconsIsn't that weird for the west...?
can kanade be sexy and kakkoi too?
>>83371648you need a certain type of brain to get into hololive
>>83371630this IRyS taste in woman
>>83371666No, she's too retarded to be either, it's cute or nothing, plus the cute factor scales with retardation points.
Why doesn't IRyS have a loli model like Kaela and Moona yet?
>>83371691Kiara soon
>>83371691Oh my god, a ghost!
>>83371707kiara who? that's clearly nashi wawa
I am going to sleep.i have to be in a Marshmallow collab stream in a few hours.
>>83371696She can commission one any time she wants. She'd only be able to use it twice a year though.
>>83371696Management told her that she was gonna be able to use it approximately once per year and she decided to use her 1 million wish on other thing
>>83371648Normal for disgusting weebs
>>83371692reminds me of that time someone here posted a lewd Nahida cosplayer that looked REALLY underage (she wasn't) and I came bucketsthen Twitter took down the account (or maybe she deleted it)
>>83371727Is this more German humor
>>83371728Goodnight or goodnap CC
>>83371691woah i hope these two get along for their first collab
>>83371691Why nashi?
>>83371696Kills me we'll never get more of ina's cunnyrys design
>>83371530Botan is not for sex
https://shop.hololivepro.com/search?q=hololiveofficialcardgamehttps://shop.hololivepro.com/search?q=hololiveofficialcardgamehttps://shop.hololivepro.com/search?q=hololiveofficialcardgameYou can buy the hololive TCG starter packs now
i just realized that you don't play sun wukong in black myth wukong...
>>83371739I feel like I've seen that cosplayer too, I honestly didn't even know who the character was until today, she really looked that Nahida
>>83371792I think Ina should do something with the loli Ame drawings she has
>>83371530>filenamenow I have an excuse to post this againhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LLS_nWntyI
>>83371792She should do that stream again since omega management can't cap the time of the collab again
we need holo like this
holowitch 3D costumes soonhttps://x.com/holoWitches/status/1826182454488780806
>>83371803do the ens have cards?
>>83371803$13 for a starter deck is not THAT bad. The packs being 7$ for a single for $35 for a bit of 12 is a bit high
>>83371865Nanashi Mumei
>>83371866Oh damn, they are really going all in on this
Get it pekkers
IRyS OUHH'd a lot today. she fucking loves cunny too much
>>83371865We already have a Holo like that, retard.
Mayonnaise is a drink!
>>83371871Mumei and Kiara are literally in the art for set 1
>>83371880>>83371901Mumei doesn't wear slutty microthongs
>>83371901But without the skirt
>>83371805you do at the very start
>>83371931t.doesn't have a tier 5 membership.
>>83371931>He doesn't know
>>83371691>2.5k waiting with almost an hour to goKiara is Gura-tier now
>>83371731But she doesn't have to use a wish on it, Kaela isn't at 1M yet and Ckia has been there for a while now
Am I the only one who really wants to sniff Kanade's butt?
>>83371866So why did they pick 4 lesbians 1 extremely horny woman and Shion
>>83371965That's a lot of mint fans.
>>83371984IRyS is a little bit... you know..
Koyori has fallen....
>>83371691>Nijishit again I thought Kiara repented and stopped associating with that garbage?
>>83372028Being this retarded must be criminal.
>>83372025Well help her up then, damn.
https://x.com/TchelQi/status/1826195459221684253https://x.com/TchelQi/status/1826195459221684253https://x.com/TchelQi/status/1826195459221684253thoughts on this dog?
>>83371967I can see the Moom juice...
>>83372092croissant emojiFuck you.
>>83371984Favoritism for ID management or something like that
>>83371965Mori raided
I hope Mint and Kiara sing both SSS and Virtual to Live today.
i love this retro gamer
https://youtu.be/mRT4PELTcJYAzu and daughter soon!
>>83372190migo my bebi
90s games had a certain charm
>>83371874That's not $7 for a single anon, that's a leader/energy set (sold out already btw)
>>83372242I played a lot of this game on a snes emulator when the English translation patch dropped.
>>83372242Cool filter
>>83372137>IRyS: can I use my 1m wish on a loli outfit?>Cover: sure, but you'll only be able to use it like once a year>IRyS: okay, I won't get one then>Kaela: can I commission a loli outfit?>Cover: sure, but you'll only be able to use it like once a year>Kaela: watata!
>>83371739>>83371817Damn, I’m interested know and am know wondering if I’ve seen her or not too…
>>83372308ID actually appreciates the things Cover does for them.
>we'll have mandatory management organized holocard game tournaments
>>83370277I dropped it because the author wouldn’t resolve the stupid love triangle bullshit
>>83372370based, i bet Kroma will win
>>OPWait a sec, Ollie doesn't have huge tits.
>>83372370Fubuki is gonna own these so hard if she's not banished to commentary desk.
>>83372377just your usual shounen things
why isnt she streaming this on bilibili
is that a rrat on the telly
we love towa
>>83372524I love towa the mostest
>>83372506sallie is really hothttps://litter.catbox.moe/8ccsn7.jpg
>>83372524Towa is olev.
>>83372532yeah? if you love towa so much, name 3 towas
>>83372550towa, sexy, girl
>>83372550There is only one Towa. She is unique and precious.
Whose chest is bigger, Ame or Kiara?