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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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83231198 No.83231198 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>83233200

The 186th Wind

>NEXT STREAM: [pending stream on Monday]

>LAST STREAM:【PREY】Are we hunter or prey!?

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
#Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
#ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
#ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous thread: >>83123332

>> No.83231217
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>> No.83231710
File: 1.17 MB, 4096x2979, 1589234929817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink tea.

>> No.83231720
File: 168 KB, 548x548, Crytomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83231746

Where are the Otomos?

>> No.83231746

It's 8 AM in yurop.

>> No.83231890
File: 148 KB, 982x1000, 1638584747671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cecilia is streaming today. What will she do?

>> No.83232353


>> No.83232394
Quoted by: >>83232445

Cecilia Nimmertweet

>> No.83232445


>> No.83232521
Quoted by: >>83232586

She said SC reading

>> No.83232586

She said that she will read last stream's SC today, not that it will be a superchat reading.

>> No.83233200

Sex with Cecilia Immergreen until every last void within her is chock-full of my semen!

>> No.83233552
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, 1602868826417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83233628


>> No.83233628

why is she so obsessed with certain food? Does she have autism?

>> No.83233637

It's yummy.

>> No.83233724

Shes german

>> No.83234726

who doesn't like pancakes

>> No.83235201
File: 197 KB, 385x374, 1591112971692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83235598

I wonder if cc is into doll play where she pretends her body stops winding and lays there like a doll and lets you do anything on her.

>> No.83235602
File: 126 KB, 1500x1500, 1691617503418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83235608

Will there be a Justice Breaking Dimensions Watchalong?

>> No.83235781

Wouldn't mind one at a later point when the vod version is out. Last year they changed a couple of times. The camaera work was pretty bad during the live itself, way too many crowdshots.

>> No.83235876
File: 364 KB, 1920x1080, 1574854689839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83235922

one member doesn't make it a gen thing

>> No.83236054
Quoted by: >>83236092

I'm sure ERB will do a watchalong and nobody else will.

>> No.83236092

at least its something else than rebroadcasted karaoke

>> No.83236348

It's pretty much implied that everyone in Justice will watch it
I would suck for everyone that isn't GG since they're gonna fuck up their sleep schedules further

>> No.83236439
Quoted by: >>83236913

>fuck up their sleep schedules further
Is that even possible for CC

>> No.83236475
Quoted by: >>83236522

There is no mention about that being a collab and so far she did mention it on her schedule if something was a collab or on another channel.

>> No.83236522
Quoted by: >>83236532

What is this cope?

>> No.83236532
Quoted by: >>83236556

What is this begging?

>> No.83236556

I don't care for the watchalong, especially at midnight, but going full "guys, we can't prove that 1 + 1 = 2 yet" because you don't want it is just pathetic.

>> No.83236626

She has done that for anything so far. So why would she would suddenly stop doing that is , that is unreasonable.

>> No.83236779

>I don't care for the watchalong
>I just want to start a shitfight
thanks for the confirmation

>> No.83236913
Quoted by: >>83236954

Raora's sleep schedule is double fucked since she has jetlag

>> No.83236954
Quoted by: >>83244554

When is she going back to Japan?

>> No.83237292

Minish Cap finale.

>> No.83238229
File: 166 KB, 1448x2048, 1568017701042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83238802

What's the point of a watchalong? It's better to just enjoy it in it's entirety.
Which is what I think Ceci would do.

>> No.83238944
Quoted by: >>83239027


>> No.83239027

Never reply to me.

>> No.83239592

I don't know, which is why I don't care for it.

>> No.83240448
File: 1.10 MB, 2480x3508, 1709011573999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83241339
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Quoted by: >>83241411

>waiting for schedule

>> No.83241411
File: 1.08 MB, 3291x3742, 1572238718532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83241548

I doubt that it will come out before the stream.

>> No.83241548
File: 158 KB, 582x584, 1723834478440656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83241577


>> No.83241577
Quoted by: >>83241766

>not waiting under the waterfall
Couldn't be me.

>> No.83241766

Dumb waterfalltomo.

>> No.83242075
File: 81 KB, 640x640, Otomo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83242396

>No Ceci until this afternoon.
Might as well kill myself.

>> No.83242396

But the stream is in the evening.

>> No.83242416
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>> No.83243378
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>> No.83243622
File: 2.57 MB, 600x600, 1719429623437328.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83243690

>they're gonna fuck up their sleep schedules further
Alright, from here on out no more wringing our hands over our WFH, set-your-own-hours streamers' sleep schedules. It may have been funny at first to some but it has gotten completely out of hand

>> No.83243690

Most of the audience are not WFH, set-your-own-hours streamers.

>> No.83243714

Then watch VODs fomotard, not doing this timeloop with you again

>> No.83243764

Who are you and why do I care about your opinion on anything?

>> No.83243773
Quoted by: >>83243889

Just get a better job then.

>> No.83243860

You are going to be shit on by 2 resident narcissistic faggots

>> No.83243889
Quoted by: >>83243924

I am soft retired starting this week. Most of the audience are not.

>> No.83243892

>>83243860 (me)
I was late…

>> No.83243922
Quoted by: >>83247196

this conversation is just one dude isn't it

>> No.83243924

Sucks to be them.

>> No.83243963

I am not the one who started this conversation by replying to a 4 hour old post because I need everyone to know I skip half the streams because I'm a cool guy like that.

>> No.83244021
File: 215 KB, 680x658, 1723825394844580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83244509

Another timeloop. You are boring, come up with something new.

>> No.83244554
Quoted by: >>83245164

Raora's back in Japan, she's streaming with Ririka right now

>> No.83245164
File: 461 KB, 1608x1608, 1577894299982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83245230

Oh, okay.

>> No.83245230

Scratch that it was not an offcollab she's still in Italia

>> No.83246427
File: 175 KB, 1500x1500, 1599867063293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minecraft... forgotten...

>> No.83246539

It's just a terrible game.

>> No.83246782


>> No.83247089
Quoted by: >>83247296

wasn't she just on raora's Minecraft stream a few days ago?

>> No.83247196

It's a timezone war. Americans want her to stream late, euros want her to stream early. The whole "vod vs. live" bickering is just a symptom of that.

>> No.83247296

Yeah, and now that I think about it she talked about it with Nerissa too, but that was about the EN server.

>> No.83247322

I fucking love Ceci.

>> No.83247853
File: 2.01 MB, 1480x2400, 1610799055279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83247857

I love fucking Ceci.

>> No.83247957

I love when Ceci fucks me.

>> No.83247997
Quoted by: >>83248237

All me.

>> No.83248201

>doing reps
>cc is a lady

>> No.83248237

Females OUT

>> No.83248422
File: 1.42 MB, 850x1202, 1708719609473080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey rotund green bots,
I'm currently one hour into your oshi's Factorio VOD.
Has she mentioned if she plans to stream this again in the future?

>> No.83248552

I don't think she hated it but there were a lot of backseaters pulling their hair out about the way she played.

>> No.83248551

I think she does at the end of the VOD.

>> No.83248573

Watch until the end to find out.

>> No.83248796
Quoted by: >>83249886

>no smell
>tfw can't imagine the smell

>> No.83248856
Quoted by: >>83251066

Why would you want more Factorio?

>> No.83248961
File: 1.04 MB, 3190x4096, 1568494121761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83249251
File: 27 KB, 680x209, 1662681665908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83249614


>> No.83249346

What's the point of two watchalongs? Isn't it the same concert?

>> No.83249417

Pretty sure they said the setlist is different each day

>> No.83249450

There are two separate days.

>> No.83249609

Day 1 and Day 2 have different setlists.

>> No.83249614
Quoted by: >>83249669

As said, it's something she does mark on her schedule. Did you get the wrong post?

>> No.83249669
Quoted by: >>83249870

Do you think that I photoshopped the tweet or something?

>> No.83249870
Quoted by: >>83250033

It's exactly as pointed out, she does mark those things on her schedule. It just happened that she has forgotten to do so, thus the need to update her schedule.

>> No.83249886

wonder what kind of grease CC uses, or is she self-lubricating?

>> No.83250033

I was pretty sure that >>83236626 post implied that it won't be a Justice collab since it's not listed as such on ERB's schedule. I'm pointing out that she forgot to mention that it's not on her channel.

>> No.83250199
File: 268 KB, 848x1199, 1582726241968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83250321

>> No.83250203
Quoted by: >>83250367

You need to read too much into things, it's like you are actively looking for a fight.

>> No.83250321


>> No.83250367

i think you guys should kiss

>> No.83250408

otomos dont even have lips

>> No.83250407

>* Streaming Plus Service is only available in the following countries and regions.
>Australia, Brazil, Canada, HongKong, Indonesia, South Korea, Macao, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States

>> No.83250439

Not now, Gigi.

>> No.83250455

>He wants to pay the gaijin tax
Just use SPWN.

>> No.83250488

What are you on about?

>> No.83250506
Quoted by: >>83250660

I mean it's a difference of like 200 yen between SPWN and the other one, right?

>> No.83250651
Quoted by: >>83250846

i just used the official EN site and it has no mention of SPWN at all, maybe they will fix it right after merch shipping to EU

>> No.83250660
Quoted by: >>83250984

A little more than that, it's 13200 versus 12000 for both days (Or 7150 and 6500 for 1day respectively)

>> No.83250717


>> No.83250846
File: 1.16 MB, 1127x625, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a toggle between EN and JP in the top left corner menu. EN will redirect to Streaming+ while JP will direct you to SPWN.
There is no meaningful difference in terms of stream quality between the two. Both suck.

>> No.83250984
Quoted by: >>83251089

Weird. Is some of that in extra fees? I went with SPWN for my tickets but when I was comparing the two it seemed almost identical.

>> No.83250992

Should have been top right corner, my bad.

>> No.83251066

Because I don't care about what you think of what I like?

>> No.83251089

Dunno, some sort of regional pricing bullshittery maybe?

>> No.83251101
Quoted by: >>83251178

Streaming+ is not available in Europe according to their page...

>> No.83251178
Quoted by: >>83251259

Just use SPWN.

>> No.83251259

i will, but it would be nice if I could get there without using JP versions of sites as default or asking on basket weaving forums

>> No.83251804

>still no tweet
CC please...

>> No.83251899

shes evil
she wants (You) to suffer

>> No.83251916
Quoted by: >>83251957


>> No.83251954

stop being so needy, go back to making tea

>> No.83251957
Quoted by: >>83252031

There is a stream in 3 hours. Or maybe 2. Or maybe there is no stream, we just don't know.

>> No.83251995
Quoted by: >>83252092

Just check out her likes

>> No.83252031
Quoted by: >>83252286

Cool. Just be patient.

>> No.83252092

Don't worry. Musktard will do something about the workarounds soon enough.

>> No.83252286

Yeah, it's not like I have anything else to do.

>> No.83252699
File: 873 KB, 1200x675, 1724083042011706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justice watchalong confirmed
Also guaranteed stream on Wednesday

>> No.83252832

>Justice watchalong confirmed
>It's not confirmed
Thanks for the news

>> No.83253200
File: 211 KB, 1355x1200, 1683431535124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no maple story

>> No.83253349
File: 230 KB, 2000x2000, 1707751516985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83253422

CC wake up

>> No.83253422
Quoted by: >>83253520

autoparents took the wind-up key...

>> No.83253494
Quoted by: >>83253529

where is cecilia

>> No.83253520

time to use a fork as a replacement

>> No.83253529

In my basement soon tm

>> No.83253874
File: 144 KB, 1200x799, 1723315737839851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standing by

>> No.83253961

CC alive!

>> No.83253977


>> No.83254040

time to cancel my dinner date

>> No.83254190

Oh sheet, that's a cute sprite

>> No.83254654

she has fond memories of pancake breakfast in bed after marathon sex session the night before with me

>> No.83254695
File: 33 KB, 176x189, 1721730724025882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gonna miss the end of Minish Cap because of work.

>> No.83254819

we're 10 days wtf away from the first month of membership... predictions on what she might do to celebrate?

>> No.83254927
File: 382 KB, 641x640, 1721475904410475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milestones are so pointless imo

>> No.83255012
Quoted by: >>83255352

CC pissing stream, she will piss all over Otomo plushies.

>> No.83255181
File: 268 KB, 2048x2048, 1712950412922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83255352
Quoted by: >>83255478

She wouldn't even piss on us when we were on fire...

>> No.83255448
File: 151 KB, 360x360, FZ3vX6AgPf4YdVOLGgZVZOSECltZbmY1KLLESFPHH9Av7ybXm3Y_HML6JMrXK5Y1M2ULqmkpAO4w0-h0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ringo/ is leaking again

>> No.83255478
File: 605 KB, 2300x1885, fatomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83255938

why would she pee oilonto us when we're on fire...

>> No.83255493
File: 223 KB, 1500x2000, 1574401973422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 PM stream
Nice nice.

>> No.83255938

Some Automaton just want to see the world burn.

>> No.83256459

If you could take Ceci out on a date, where would you go?

>> No.83256631
Quoted by: >>83256681

Love Hotel

>> No.83256657


>> No.83256681
Quoted by: >>83256798

How classy of you

>> No.83256783

A restaurant, not enough information.

>> No.83256798

Just efficient.

>> No.83256856
Quoted by: >>83257239

I would take her to the aquarium and dinner afterwards. And then to a love hotel.

>> No.83256924

panda express

>> No.83257201


>> No.83257239
Quoted by: >>83257560

>I would take her to the aquarium

>> No.83257326

Why out tho?

>> No.83257560

I'm a guy...

>> No.83257992
File: 122 KB, 1200x1000, 1705924472754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost time.

>> No.83258091
Quoted by: >>83258279


>> No.83258116

Someone call her cute for me.

>> No.83258216

It's over...

>> No.83258276

Late again. I will have to punish her severely.

>> No.83258279
File: 5 KB, 443x22, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like ccilly

>> No.83258406
Quoted by: >>83258434


>> No.83258434

Otomo... you're getting rusty...

>> No.83258477


>> No.83258576
Quoted by: >>83258693

i will never forgive her for this tardiness

>> No.83258582

Doll starting up, [Eingabe] the stream now!

>> No.83258693

I shall punish her after the stream.

>> No.83258764

Those hard cucumbers? All me.

>> No.83258831

does that still count as instant loss?

>> No.83258896


>> No.83258969

she's as autistic as ever...

>> No.83259074

the fatfuck left us...

>> No.83259098

>Kill them all, no prisoners!
Told you, she's evil....

>> No.83259119

She is being evil again.

>> No.83259155
File: 343 KB, 1356x2048, 1639342464598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83259246

She's so autistic

>> No.83259375


>> No.83259459

>100€ Mic arm/holder
That seems a little excessive, no?

>> No.83259514

Buy once, cry once.

>> No.83259554
Quoted by: >>83259647

>Still squeaks like shit after only half a year
She got scammed
Buy cheap, buy twice

>> No.83259564
File: 21 KB, 860x552, apple-pro-stand-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83259647
Quoted by: >>83259745

I'm not arguing against buying a good mic arm but that seems expensive. That's like 1/4th of some of the better microphones..
Even more so with how she still got issues with it.

>> No.83259726

Accent too strong, kek

>> No.83259745

if it's solid non-hollow metal I could understand it, if it's plastic that shit is too expensive

>> No.83259760
Quoted by: >>83259805


>> No.83259805

First vaudeville now this... AI hates her.

>> No.83259873

I love when she does this

>> No.83259922

We are NOT bomps!

>> No.83259923

>Ahmed tomo
I chuckled.

>> No.83260007

It's her accent. No matter how hard she copes.

>> No.83260058

The easiest way would be to let it parse the game audio instead of doing voice commands.
I've seen other streamers do stuff like that a long time ago.

>> No.83260134

Easiest would be using her feet

>> No.83260163
File: 2.28 MB, 1920x1080, (3) 【ZELDA-Minish Cap】FINALE we will be the hero in shining cloth! - YouTube - 38_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83260222

>"I don't have an accent!"

>> No.83260257

That's true but that would only work for specific games and every new game would need new configs. With voice recognition you could add effects that work in every game and could work in zatsus and collabs as well.

>> No.83260275

That would involve her doing something fucky with the switch

>> No.83260280

Is that not how you say it?

>> No.83260298
Quoted by: >>83260339

The second B is silent. It's just "bom"

>> No.83260315

It doesn't recognize the word if she doesn't pronounce the b.

>> No.83260330

She woudn't need to mess with the switch, the audio coming in from the capture card would be enough

>> No.83260339
Quoted by: >>83260630

English is a weird language.

>> No.83260356

AE/BE - ˈbɑm/ˈbɒm

>> No.83260434
File: 798 KB, 646x818, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83260465

She got a chest now, kek

>> No.83260443


>> No.83260464

Nah, she has the audio go through her PC.
A streamer I used to watch like 10 years ago used to do lots of shit like that with his main game (Spelunky).

It'd be something like record a sample of the effect she wants to tie something to, lower the sensitivity(?) to account for background music changes, pick an OBS hotkey for the scene to set it to or some such.
I remember there was a specific tool they used for the audio stuff that made it really simple according to them, but fuck if I know what it was with how long it's been.

>> No.83260465

still just as flat as before

>> No.83260516
Quoted by: >>83260597

I think she doesn't have the voice recognizer in push-to-talk to it is listening to everything she says and is processing other words along side the key words so it can't detect the key words correctly

>> No.83260597

Highly depends on how she has it set up. If it's just using a text-to-speech model she only needs to check for the last word she used. That would be quite lean processing and memory. For what she does the smallest whisper model should be enough.

>> No.83260630

There are more silent letters than you realize

>> No.83260856

I love CC.

>> No.83260882


>> No.83260886
Quoted by: >>83260927


>> No.83260899

Sex with CC Clones!

>> No.83260927

Unfathomably based.

>> No.83260980

>didn't want to buy the boomerang
>didn't want to buy the larger quiver

>> No.83261568

Would you want her to stream Elden Ring?

>> No.83261616

No, way too long, but I wouldn't mind too much.

>> No.83261617

She won't finish it so no.

>> No.83261620

She managed to make games fun so far, even if she really didn't like the game.

>> No.83261635

rather any other souls game

>> No.83261645

No, not really. I would much rather watch her play DS1 or DS2.

>> No.83261680

Sure, I've never played ER and I've only watched one other person play it

>> No.83261686

I think it'd be fun, but it'd also be like 20 streams and that's like 5-10 other games she could stream.

>> No.83261747

DS1 drunk

>> No.83261848


>> No.83261871
Quoted by: >>83261997

Do they have perms for the Made in Abyss game?
That'd be an incredibly fun stream I think.

>> No.83261875

Selfishly, no. I'm sick of soulsborne games.

>> No.83261898

only if she plays drunk and does a funny build otherwise I would prefer any Dark Souls (including 2)

>> No.83261930

i really want the ds2 stream even if she only plays it once

>> No.83261962
Quoted by: >>83261991

Effortless win for the right.

>> No.83261991
Quoted by: >>83262029

what the fuck actually happened?

>> No.83261997

Not sure, I think I remember a JP doing a sponsored stream of it? I'm fairly certain nobody streamed the full game though

>> No.83262029
Quoted by: >>83262073

I don't get the question.

>> No.83262073
Quoted by: >>83262176

why did the clones evaporate so fast when doing it from the left square and the one from the right easily stayed 5 times as long?

>> No.83262176

She was hitting the buttons with the clones. They stay if it's only for a moment but she couldn't get it right.

>> No.83262237

hiro getting called OUT

>> No.83262320
Quoted by: >>83262421

How far is she into the final dungeon? Has she started the final ascent?

>> No.83262421

I haven't played it myself but the map looked like it's almost explored.

>> No.83262426

I'm a streamer now!

>> No.83262536
Quoted by: >>83262573

She's drinking german ghetto icetea..

>> No.83262573


>> No.83262580
Quoted by: >>83262628

I had a kid in my class in elementary school who would always have one of those instant ice tea pellet container things with him and eat them raw undissolved straight from the container
Wonder what he's doing now, even 8 year old me thought he was deranged back then...

>> No.83262628
Quoted by: >>83262692

the ahoi brause guzzler...

>> No.83262692

That's fine. I've done that myself once or twice, it has a fun kick
But just mindlessly munching on those cheapo ALDI ice tea pellets all day every day is next level

>> No.83262774


>> No.83262784 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 600x342, EoE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83262925

>tumbling down, tumbling down~

>> No.83262925

Hope we get the full song for a Karaoke sometime

>> No.83262940
Quoted by: >>83263389

Minish Cap has the best finale out of all the 2D Zeldas.
This entire final boss sequence is great.

>> No.83263008

I think it's archivable and I'm not sure how long it will take for her to do an archived one.

>> No.83263036
File: 155 KB, 850x1175, d10c89b6d00b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83263047

It's on karafun so yeah, it's archivable

>> No.83263058
File: 73 KB, 283x634, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Permissions are either going to be very easy or very hard. There was a planned EVA collab around council debut but nothing ever came of it.

>> No.83263161

that otomo she is whispering to? me

>> No.83263202
Quoted by: >>83263381

I've played Minish Cap a LOT since it's my favourite Zelda and I had absolutely zero idea this was an actual timer...

>> No.83263381

leave it to the slightly autistic doll to find out

>> No.83263389

Phantom Hourglass also has a great ending. The rest of the game is so so but that final run through the Temple of the Ocean King where you can actually kill the phantoms is great.

>> No.83263472
Quoted by: >>83263509

why is CC so xenophobic towards other fanbases

>> No.83263487

I love this ETL doll...

>> No.83263509

She loves her Otomos!

>> No.83263823

I remember the final boss being pretty tough, she might have to go get more upgrades

>> No.83263828

Why isn't she using bombs?

>> No.83263837


>> No.83263872
File: 64 KB, 395x296, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83265853

Isn't that enough scrolls for that special ghost trainer?

>> No.83263938

For once I'm glad she's bad at games. Got back from work just in time to catch the ending.

>> No.83263970

Because she's the bomb!


get it?

>> No.83264002

No. No, I don't.

>> No.83264022

oh I get it

>> No.83264069

the bombs are actually bombtomos

>> No.83264087

Oh like PAN-thera. Like she uses a uses a PAN to cook with!

>> No.83264313

Oh she make it

>> No.83264359
Quoted by: >>83264509

She hates tall guys

>> No.83264416
Quoted by: >>83264483

Don't you have to do the timed segment again if you die?

>> No.83264483
Quoted by: >>83264800

There's like 4 phases to this boss too from what I remember

>> No.83264509

5’11 bros we’re so back

>> No.83264614

>Doesn't like second phases.
Every good final boss has multiple phases.

>> No.83264800
Quoted by: >>83265153

>CC instantly knew that Vaati's 'tall form' was weak to the sword and she attacked his 'weak point' the second it showed up. She also knew to use the 'gust jar' when it was impossible to destroy his mini eyes.

>I however, was dumb and thought Vaati's 'tall' form' was only weak to the 'bow & arrow' so when his eye was exposed, I never once thought to use the sword at all (which was what would help me win the fight quicker). This meant the fight drag on FAR too long because I kept trying to hit him with the arrow from my bow but he kept teleporting thus making the fight drag out longer. I also didn't realise I had to use the gust jar when it was needed.

There's 3 forms, anon. 1st is the tall form, 2nd is the eye form, the last form is the eye with the arms (which I had to use a walkthrough because I didn't know how to beat him)

>> No.83265050

it's over...

>> No.83265153
Quoted by: >>83265299

I was just thinking she does a good job reacting to things as if it was the first time even though she's played it before.

>> No.83265230

Took long today.

>> No.83265239

>148 minutes

>> No.83265251

I'm so tired... how the fuck does CC stay up this late?

>> No.83265261
File: 181 KB, 694x741, CC Lemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So thirsty...

>> No.83265264

She wakes up late.

>> No.83265299

Oh, has she already played this before? I honestly thought this was her first time playing it. And she's already doing a good job although I was surprised she let the bell ring for the third time. Those darknuts really stalled her huh.

>> No.83265357
Quoted by: >>83265404

>gave us a knife
>doesn't trust us with a bow
What did she mean by that?

>> No.83265377

She saud she played It as a child.

>> No.83265393
Quoted by: >>83265631

she does this regularly, it's normal to her

>> No.83265404
Quoted by: >>83265441

She's weak to piercing damage.

>> No.83265409
Quoted by: >>83265489

I think she mentioned she played it a long time ago.

>> No.83265441
Quoted by: >>83265495

I shall pierce her

>> No.83265489

Ah, I see. Well again she's playing REALLY WELL despite having played it long ago and at least she didn't make dumb mistakes like I did or worse, use a walkthrough for Vaati phase 3.

>> No.83265495
Quoted by: >>83265628

That's already my job.

>> No.83265628

She does not seem satisfied yet.

>> No.83265631

she needs to fix her degen sleep pattern

>> No.83265764

She's streamed it before too

>> No.83265853
Quoted by: >>83266046

You need ALL of them in order for the ghost trainer to teach you. For example, if there's 8 scrolls (ghost trainer is the last one) then you need 7 scroll's from all the other trainers that are hidden throughout Hyrule.
I know the one in Hyrule town gives you the most scrolls and there's on in hyrule castle garden (which you need to use the lantern to make the trainer see you), I don't know where the others are though.

>> No.83266046
Quoted by: >>83266141

Does she even need it? If it's optional its usually not required to beat the game.

>> No.83266059

Back in 2021, it seems. Shame there's no archive.

>> No.83266104
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>> No.83266141

She doesn't need it no, but it would come in handy because I think one of them is:

- faster charge when trying to multiple yourself
- A big spin attack (I think) that let's you move all over the place. I remember using it in the second room when the first bell tolled but I don't tihnk I used it elsewhere.

But again, its not needed.

>> No.83266154
File: 997 KB, 1506x1000, 1720312580648705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong tab, friend.

>> No.83266211
Quoted by: >>83266255

gg is the replacement...

>> No.83266229

Onward, steadfast mount!

>> No.83266255

Oh, I get it now. They still hand out, no one is being replaced. I think it's just a coincidence, and in any case it's still the wrong thread for that.

>> No.83266427
Quoted by: >>83266712

>respawning pots is just a door transition away
>they keep the same contents
what a baby's game at least in lttp the pot drops were randomized

>> No.83266647
Quoted by: >>83266850

did she complete it back then too?

>> No.83266712

Or memory limitations, not saving pot contents will save storage space on the rom.

>> No.83266850

There's a clip of her fighting the last boss so I assume she finished it even if she struggled, I doubt she got filtered by a child's game 10 minutes from the ending.

>> No.83266859

when did she lose all her gaming skill

>> No.83266929

Guys... she's a scrub...

>> No.83266944
File: 4 KB, 1040x582, file_(15) (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83266946

Oh my God shes so autistic... just subbed

>> No.83267029

>German Autistic Screeching
She's perfect

>> No.83267049

well she's also trying to do le immersion thing

>> No.83267110

If CC hadn't taken a GO there and managed to deflect the energy balls from the mini eyes with her clones she would have finally beat Vaati phase 3.

>> No.83267163
File: 3.00 MB, 1657x1427, 1710109122389275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rune Factory on Wednesday
And it looks like it's a Justice watchalong

>> No.83267222

>but I'm backseating CC
Doopid GG

>> No.83267226
Quoted by: >>83267336

Will the panel get streamed?

>> No.83267234 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 1313x738, 1724096575644931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83267661


>> No.83267277
Quoted by: >>83267564

Nice. That and 3 are like the peak of the genre.

>> No.83267336

It's only an hour anyway, it will be 1/4th concert shilling and then unfocused chatting about nothing, just in a big room with a live audience of fat guys

>> No.83267533

>I remember everything I've ever done wrong

>> No.83267564
Quoted by: >>83268136

People always bitch about the randomness of the events, some of which are required to experience before you can advance the story, but I don't remember much trouble.
I think I got bored of it just before the actual final end and didn't finish it.

>> No.83267599

She's starting to get sleepy

>> No.83267661
Quoted by: >>83267695

that way

>> No.83267695
Quoted by: >>83267771

We like the tranny here,

>> No.83267771
Quoted by: >>83267871

i mean i like her too but not in this is a /holofag/ thread

>> No.83267789

So we getting 2 collabs on Wednesday

>> No.83267871
Quoted by: >>83267898

Did you just have a stroke?

>> No.83267898

yeah mb, but you get what i mean

>> No.83267979

she's getting cranky

>> No.83268002

Oh no, her key became a crank.

>> No.83268122

she's getting sleepy

>> No.83268136

I understand the complaints since IIRC even with soft reset spam you had to deal with RNG to make a bachelor/bachelorette your BF/GF and another event to let you propose to them (Margaret needed 4!). Still a really good game.

>> No.83268165

>save states are cheating
you know it, refagsters. play the original or don't play it at all

>> No.83268425


>> No.83268488

stoopid game

>> No.83268606

She did it!

>> No.83268647
File: 143 KB, 759x1200, 0020-258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83268724

she can finally sleep now...

>> No.83268761

> keep vaator as a pet

>> No.83268838


>> No.83268859
Quoted by: >>83268933

Is this just a gba version of OoT ending credits zeldas lullaby?

>> No.83268933

What LttP did for the story OoT did for the soundtrack.

>> No.83269035

Evil woman
