Holo Live Jimmy Global
hey man
ok why the fuck are deadbeats like this?
Subaru exposed a subatomo...
>>OPJimmy reminds me of Reol sometimes
did kiryu forget about all the other scumbag stuff terada did
Bae cute!What a fucking ending
Koyo did it!
>>83085645Kiara and IRyS appeared on the Jerma/Ster/Vinny/Poke EDF collabhttps://youtu.be/F4WxOx7ISRk?si=am-dujW3pDLU8MHj&t=4036Daily reminder that Ster is indirectly responsible for FWMChttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47ddftKlehI
>>83086065>FUCK THE KOREANSDon't mind if I do.
Somebody save Majima from this shit franchise already
that ending is kinda weak
Name one (1) thing more kino than 2 shirtless men fist fighting
>>83086085so fucking kino...
Lapsama my friend
>>83086085femanons could never understand.
>>83086061what the fuck is this garbageput the penis in
That was simultaneously the dumbest and kinoest shit I've ever seenI get Yakuzafags now
Bae can't even form sentences anymore kek
>>83086092He said nice things about Kazama once, that's enough for Kiryu to overlook all the scumbag shit you did
Is Mori a big deal outside of our weeb bubble?
Majima saga is better than this slop of main story
There better be a Shion thread for Shion's return when I wake up.
>>83085973MoriLast Days/through the blue
Bae a cute.
As good as some of the others were, Yakuza should've ended with Yakuza 2 or at least remove Kiryu from the main character role.
no implied fagposting from any fanbases allowed in this thread
So any chance of Phantomime vinyl? It's my favorite full set of songs so far
My daughter!
>>83086076falseflag KING
>>83086076Thanks for posting your troll account.
>>83086022Kiryu is actually a retard, and not like in the funny ha-ha way, future games continue to expose thatOf course he has supreme plot armor, but no matter what he learns he always tries to idolize organized crime for some stupid reason
>>83086061Oh hey, annatheanon released the scene for this?That's pretty neat. I haven't seen any other artists that can make koikatsu look good
>>83086117two mechs punching each other with their only limb that's still intact
>>83086117Two shirtless men fist fighting but on top of a skyscraper.
>>83086133Majima saga has two good scenes the rest is incredibly forgettable
>>83086135It will be a towa thread
>>83086076Did you do this all yourself just now? lmao
>>83086149Gonna need you to elaborate on what implied fagposting entails
>>83086147Is she going to make more soup?
>>83086117Two shirtless men stopping their fistfight to team up and deal with another problem.
>>83086177In the rain.
>>OPSo when are we getting Regloss 3d? They've been practicing for like half a year already. Aqua just put a whole lot of eyes on Hololive they should capitalize.
>>83086132She's on big screens in public spaces and is on the radio so yeah sure
>>83086132In Japan maybe. FWMC said they heard her music being played in random places
>>83086135Is this one of them Niji's?
So this is the good ending right, Kiryu marries Sayama and they have a bunch of secret korean babies together, right?
>>83086061Where do you get these scenes anyways
>>83086085sex with that femhooman in particularsex with her for a THOUSAND years
>>83086117Oiled buff men wrestling
>>83086220Haha... Yeah...
>>83086117Shirtless men fighting on top of a raining skyscraper/destroyed Metal Gear
>>83086061the penis looks so fucking weird what the fuck.Was this made by a femcel
>>83086145they should have at least wrapped up his arc in 3 or maybe 4 at the latest (get married, his group of yakuza have reformed themselves to only honorably scam people and run real estate/ hostess, adopted daughter grows up)
>>83086147That ending broke her, this is the one time clippers would be justified using the word "broke" in the title
>>83086117Literally dying, but your fighting spirit keeping you going to finish a fight, not to win the fight, but to teach a lesson to your true bro
>>83086145Dadryu was worth 3, he pretty much isn't a main character so much as a walking WMD in 4, and his role in 5 is excellent and should've been his actual send off6 is so much worse in comparison even if it has a couple nuggets here or there (not to mention being retconned immediately)
Is kino even about kino annymore
>>83086198you know exactly what it means
>>83086219niji lolis are WAY lewder
My Ina!
>>83086117Two shirtless men fist fighting after a mech fight that resulted in the destruction of said mech
>>83086117Two shirtless mechas with missing limbs charging at each other for one final attack.
>>830862111 Year anniversary obviously.
>>83086121>>83086085>Females cannot understandBut bae appreciated the fight's kino? she just thought the kiss/bomb was stupid
>>83086220Yeah, totally.
>he wasn't afraid to tell me you smell uniqueWHAT
>>83086117two people fighting while having to avoid two stronger people fighting. That one fight from HSDK and the final boss fight of Crash 3 are fucking kino
>>83086220And Haruka gets a new mom that prevents her from growing up to be a complete retard.
>>83086117Two shirtless men in galaxy sized mechs throwing galaxies at each other which devolves into a pure fist fight.
Bae's idle animation is syncing with the music
>>83086211next month
>>83086195>>83086161>>83086160I dont think anyone is going to spend 2 years reviewing 168 songs for a few (you)s
>>83086164the worst he gets is probably from 4 to 5 with some of the bullshit he says about the "weight of the Tojo clan" and then immediately bailing again before the next game starts
>>OPI love ReGloss because all of them are turbo flatties.
>>83086164That's because he has been radicalized by his Yakuza oshi (muh Kazama-san) from a very young age.
>>83086318only low iq black people and /pol/fags care about this
>>83086117Luna's birthday 3D live
>>83086246I think its supposed to be a shota penis
>Mori loves actual feedback from her producerMori would love working with Rick Rubin
>>83086362>all of them
>>83086360You spammed 1 and 5 star reviews. You could do that in 10 minutes.
>>83086132from Japan side, she appeared on national TV, is a fairly frequent presence on radio, pops on TV ads, some decently big people invite her for collabsfrom western side, she still won that Fillain vtuber award which was just randoms from Twitch voting, beating out Twitch music chuubas and Suisei - without actively shilling it either, so she still has a pretty strong presence in people's mindstill very niche overall
>>830863635 is legit the dumbest plot in Yakuza with a final boss that literally isn't related to it at all.
>>83086402I can see her weewaa...
>>83086385Luna should fight me shirtless on top of a skyscraper.
I really want to see her react to Liquid and Snake fist fightingboth times
Overkill is so good
>>83086342unfortunately one of them is still a fucking alien who uses his tentacles in the fist fight, doesnt completely count
>>83086370Improved Jimmy
>>83086412its the account of a tranny who is also a mod for bradtasteinmusic, these are people who hate bae and kiara
>>83086360i believe it
>>83086061Why is moom there? Is IRyS teasing a hooman?
Still missin the Ina...
>>83086458holy shit
>>830862642 days of studio time is extremely fast for a pop song
Wait so I assume the cop lady dies later or something?I never heard of a yakuza game where kiryu ends up with a woman, I thought he was a permavirgin?
>>83086318That was fucking hilarious in the moment
>>83086474So yeah, a false flag account lmao.
>>83086220Yes, he marries her, retire from the Yakuza™ for good and moved to Okinawa to reopen his old orphanage and raised happy orphans, and later on Haruka became a successful idol without any dumb scandals caused by her own stupidity and they all lived happily ever after.
Hi guys.................hope you are all having a good night and enjoying the streams.I drank way too much tonight and I'm really lonely and cold because gozaru is on break. Would anyone like to snuggle and watch a stream together?
>>83086458HOLY KINO
Just in time for the best song in the album... your reaper is cool you damn skeletons
>>83086458Didn't this happen in a xenoblade game
>>83086458Wait this is basically just Gurren Lagann
>>83086061IRyS doesn't have the stamina to do this for more than 10 seconds.
>>83086458Literally Battletech
A fucking DJbeat
>>83086530holy shit lmao
teabros... i thought we had something special
>>83086411bf that looks like kanata
>>83086514I will accept your offer depending on your height, weight and skin color.
>>83086514Slit your wrists
>>83086160>>83086161>>83086195He's not trolling lol, but this deadbeat has crazy bad taste. He's like one of the 5 people that use AOTY for vtubers and it's comical how he gives every Mori album 5/5 while simultaneously calling Mori's favorite Ado songs "unfit for human ears".
>>83086540Gurren Lagann is literally kino: the anime, that's why SoL is the new meta for anime since shounen peaked
It shows maturity, and its the right call, but it's a little sad that she's given up on being a rapper
Mori should make more rock songs instead of rappingShe's a natural at rock
>>83086526I know it was a huge coincidence, but the timing was fucking impeccable lmao.
I saw Jimmy posts so I'm posting this
The rat survived
>>83086534Is it novel light or novel lite
Takos what the fuck are you SCing in my rat's stream
>>83086577True enough
>>83086538I think the first couple lines is the opening cutscene to Chronicles 1
>>83086586I genuinely thought Mori's best music wasn't heavy rap-focused
>>83086586Did you listen to the album?
Mori is only 2 degrees of separation from Limp Bizkit
>>83086556I understand rating a song that kills the momentum of the album but not as extreme as 0.5
>>83086606did i miss 9am regloss??
>>83086587Getting her to go towards rock was a 2 and a half year project by some deadbeats lmao
>>83086435Yeah but then Battle for the Dream comes on and I wipe every flaw away
>>83086559Kanata is a boy
>>83086621He needs some advice real fast, give him a break.
>>83086497she got written off to america because the writers changed between yakuza 2 and 3
>>83086621Ina, Bae, close enough
Yuri just mogged Subaru
>>83086559I wish kanata was my bf
>>83086435 Just finished 4, was pretty aiight. Final fight 1v1s(ish) was kino. Story jumped the shark a bit, and the lead into 5 (so far, 2 chapters into Kiryu's part) decides everything that happenedin 4 actually not even matter at all which kinda makes me angry. Redpill me with a Yes or No - does Daigo actually man the fuck up at any point in this story? Him being a little bitch for 3 and 4 pissed me off.
>>83086634I love Mori's singing, Live Again and Red have been my favorites since their releases
>>83086587She should sing the blues
https://x.com/lienliensn/status/1824641583301722583https://x.com/lienliensn/status/1824641583301722583https://x.com/lienliensn/status/1824641583301722583LOOK AT ALL OF THESE FAT FUCKS
it's funny how people desperately try to squeeze from Mori which black rappers she likes, but her nerdy white ass just loves the dictionary soup of Eminem because it tickles her poetry bone
>>83086667Kanata looks like this?
>>83086643Just Jimmy and Deso so far.
>>83086621sell the rights to my story to TLC
>>83086658are you fucking seriousIDK YAKUZAFAGS YOUR GAMES SEEM KINDA SHIT
>Mori got heated about the fax machines in the studio
>>83086688Relatable desu
>>83086667this but unironically
>>83086621Pretend the DNA test never happened.
>>83086534Turn off your high beams Shigger.
>>83086688But does she like Kanye West?
>>83086621What the FUCK did he mean by this
>>83086621get a vasectomy and take this information to my grave
She doesn't really like Tupac or Biggie. I feel like she was like most white surban kids who thought they could fit in the culture by buying into it without understanding it and walking the walk. Not that I'm complaining, a lot of famous rappers are fake as fuck including tupac. Rock fits her so much better.
who is the rapper of en
Mori being able to express what she wants a song to sound like to producers and other singer and then taking notes on her own performance really demonstrates her professionalism. She gets these collaborations because she works well with others.
>>83086700i looked and ive seen them i just forgot i guess
>burrito the length of her handSo a very small burrito indeed
>>83086659why is this image is so hot
>>83086687what the fuck
>>83086360That's Paruko, a friend of Brad and a really unique debbie, feels like if they weren't in love with Mori, they'd hate her stuff because literally everything they like outside of vtuber stuff does not match how they praise Mori's stuff.
Fauna's mediums.
>>83086514didnt you say awhile ago you couldnt drink?
>>83086621Is this a towa bae fanfic?
Just tell me what happens with Majima in the rest of this dumb series, I don’t give a shit about any other character, least of all Kiryu.
>>83086740It's c-man for me
>>83086687>JUST fuck my shit up Cheebs as a stickerI need this so badly....
>>83086647Its been a tremendous successRock arc Mori would be her path to finally having an anime OP
remember this, what was this about?
>>83086688Yeah it funny how she can just give token responses to what western rappers she likes, but she can go on and on on j-rap kek.
>>83086621Carry it close to my heart for the rest of my life and tell her I don't think we should have more kids.
>>83086730she does, unabashedly admits it too, lmao
>>83086061I've already jerked off six times todayPlease stop
>>830867130 and 7 are the only "good" Yakuza games.But all the other games have tons of fun shit, I know we live in the age where if a game isn't 9/10 it's dogshit, but not everyone believes in that, they're just not terminally online
>>83086759Ina is hot.Bae is hot.
>>83086779I had to because I was feeling depressed but now I feel really nice de gozaru
>>83086621this actually happened irlspoilers they broke up
>>83086739>She doesn't really like Tupac or BiggieYeah but she likes Outkast, so that's good enough for me
>>83086634Her rapping comes off as too chuuni to me, generally. The same style of lyrics sound better to me in a rock song, idk why
>>83086673Live Again is my favorite song form her, but recording and mixing can't be shittier on that one... i hope she does a remaster at some point
>>83086692Totally>>83086724When was I being ironic?
>>83086740Kiara solely on the fact that she actually said nigga while rapping. The others can’t compete.
>>83086774stop this random fucking nobody posting jesus christ these are literal nobodies that are only "notable" (big quotes) by being attached tangentially to other literal nobodies
>>83086713the game makes up its flaws with over the top anime-shitthere's no other series really like it. Metal Gear is close but that's more military themed scifi
>>83086803something other than kanye is the enemy
>>83086811Based, he used to be a lyrical genius, in shitpost and real ways
>>83086621Did this dude just finish playing or watching a 12 minutes vod or something
>>83086823What happened in between, did you masturbate?
>>83086503They're just a very "unique" deadbeat and not someone to take seriously
>>83086635I'm listening to it for the first time with Mori right now
>>83086759Sharp teeth and a mole, pretty nice combo
time for my favorite song on the album
>>83086739>She doesn't like the rappers because she used summonsWhy are soulsfags like this?
>Mori's MV got delayed because of Kanata's mamakek
>>83086759Pointed Teeth are always hot
>>83086774tranny who wants to wear moris face like that movie advent watchednice
>>83086713In this case the devs know Y3 is controversial and Kiwami 2 even has side quest acknowledging people's dislike in director change for 3.
>>83086886Well, she hasn't given up rapping
>>83086892have some standards anon...
>>83086846you can't have a girl as a bf anyway
>>83086840Honestly fair. Andre3k was almost always more about the music itself and not the culture. Sometimes his music came across as boring but well produced but that's just me. It's better than the fake "black thug" masculinity sold in the late 90's and 00's.
>>83086846despite being six foot you would still be the bottom to the kanacock
>>83086658That reminds me of Phoenix Wright meeting his old flame in court at the end of one of the games and she just never shows up again afterward.
real emo hours
>>83086840To be fair if you dont like BOB I think you might not like music in general
>>83086823That's like... really alarming dude. That's the basic recipe of depression and self medicating with alcohol
>>83086803Kanye’s dentist who addicted him to laughing gas
>>83086621Obviously I put more children in her
>>83086803His dentist (look it up)
Mori's bouncing Moris
why always Kanauru?
>>83086820I want my head between those tits
>>83086789He reunites with his version of Nishiki (yakuza bros for life) but his ex-wife (who he divorced because she aborted his baby) get killed because of yakuza things, then he's relegated as a side character without much plot importance for the rest of the series.
Mori's boobs
I want to fornicate with Mori's growls
I really like that softer intro portion, bouncing back and forth between that and the hard rock parts more would have made it perfect
>>83086925why not>>83086927isn't that the appeal
Look at this smug fucking rat
>>83086912so are they ever going to remaster them to make the story not suck and let kiryu get married
>>83086944apparently she got a life sentence and everyone is supposed to be okay with that despite 70% of jailed PW characters getting out of jail constantly
>>83086958when was this?
>>83086840and some of wu tang at least. Also MF Doom and maybe a little bit of Del. Good enough for me.
>>83086958I can't take Kronii seriously in the background there
>>83086983he gets shit done
>>83086913There is a difference between rapping and being a rapper
Is this the song that Kiara said was a Swift
>>83086955erm ackshually, its Mosh Mosh Mosh
>>83086983Cheap 3rd world labor
>>83086999Polka's B-day
>>83086999Pol Rock
>>83086999It's in the corner
>>83086739Tupac made some genuinely beautiful music, but the dude was kind of a deranged lunatic (or was playing at being one) unfortunately.
https://x.com/momosuzunene/status/1824679082904436987https://x.com/momosuzunene/status/1824679082904436987https://x.com/momosuzunene/status/1824679082904436987LET'S FUCKING GO
>>83087019Yeah, the softer parts
>>83086944That's fine because he should be with Maya.
>>83086803https://youtu.be/gGmE3SJiJaI?t=5h9m35sShe was playing monster hunter
>>83087029>>83087030Fuck me I gotta watch it
imagine the sound of a bunch of deadbeats moshing
>>83086740Biboo sounds the most pleasing.
>>83086992why are you so gay
Phantomime's musical direction is all over the place.
>>83086996I prefer the lipstick on
I'm watching a vod and anons don't appreciate how funny Mumei is
>>83086841Rap needs tight lyricism while Rock is just vibesAndrew W.K.'s entire discography is just him singing about parties and it works
>>83086983he literally lowballs everyone for pennies. there's a lot of artists like him nowadays but no one can drop their price to match his. but damn he needs to improve his work nothing has changed all these years
>>83086983Wow, it only took like... 3 years for one of the best group songs in Hololive to get an MV.
>>83086992If anon's oshis were boys would they want to be fucked or do the fucking?
>>83086983he's probably doing it for free at this point
>>83087051I wish I was home because I have a gif of that.
https://youtu.be/4YnwdsaDyiMhttps://youtu.be/4YnwdsaDyiMhttps://youtu.be/4YnwdsaDyiMMio has acquired perms for this game just now
>>83087040let's goooooooooooo!
man, that vocal at 3rd minute is violently sex
>>83087051It's just a bunch of rattling bones
>>83087061taking your oshi's cock isn't gay>>83087074I can do either
Oh shit it's Koyasu
>>83087070HeyHe also has some really good Gundam covers
That's fucking KoyasuInstantly recognisable
>>83086983Kronii's MV...
>>83087086Mio has figured out she needs to freeze her eggs but she is too late
>Cult Following was the one she rewrote on the spot
Gee Koyasu how come you get to voice TWO Yakuza characters
>>83087046why is your timestamp 30s off
>>83087042ofc she's like the song about cults
Wow, did you guys know nepolabo is releasing a new original song called "Blue Clapper"? I bet it'll be real good.https://youtu.be/Gf0iunVGj0I
>>83087112well fuck
>>83087086Only like three months late.
>Mori thinks these guys are cool
what did she mean by this?
>>83086867I took a short nap and played GTA with some friends.>>83086960I know....I don't know what to do anymore.
>>83087077>>83087071>>83087024Moona said his MV was the most expensive MV for her though and she's 2D animated mvs
>I'm a huge dorkNo way!
>>83087155>average bong
cute rat squeak
>>83087100when are you going to post a picture of your butt gayboy
>>OPI fucking love leotards
>>83086992>6 foot >want to be the little girlterrible fate really wasting god's blessings
>>83087070You can get away with rap music that's "just vibes" too, especially today, it's just that Mori's rap songs (generally) didn't try for that.
>>83087141>This post is nearly 4 years old nowJesas....
Thank GOD they brought back Koyasu to voice Yamai in Infinite Wealth, would've been a shame to waste him on this jobber
>forget your street fights>this is a trench warwhat is this in this sentence?
>>83087129Oh weird, I dunno youtube fucky
>>83087024He lives in L.A
>>83087066Same, imagine her lipstick marks
>>83087086Sounds like the kind of game Kaela would play
The Jojos watchalongs...
https://youtu.be/4YnwdsaDyiMIsn't this game really really yab?
>>83087190never>>83087196my ideal life would be a ranma 1/2 scenario where I can be the little girl but also go back to being my tall self almost wheneveralas that is not life, so I must simply be a man
Did they already spoil it for Subaru?
>>83087086Her eggs have gone cold...
>>83087207kek those glitched poses
>>83087244No one cares about that part, only the dumb flipping under pressure part.
>>83087216Because they finally did another major character that isn't based and modeled on a real life actor again.
>>83087226There’s not enough mask/lipstick porn of her…
>>83087138With a name like that? I dunno
>>83087218It basically saying "This isn't just a standard fight, it's something even more extreme! (like trench warfare)"
Bros, I fucking love Sunny DWho's with me?
>>83086983>all of Gen 5 being puppeteered by a SEAmonkey dudeThanks cover, amazing choice.
>>83087263How about your pits
>>83087177That's rather difficult to wrap my head around. Did she get High Tide for dirt cheap or something? 3D should almost always be cheaper.
>>83087263send it to me privately then
Can you all believe it?It's finally friday!
It’s actually a miracle this thread has been as nice as it’s been for the past few hours because the Jannies are AWOL and have been for a while
>>83087246>>83087250The anti-numberfag.
>>83087293and what is "this"
>>83087067Mumei is very funny and silly
>>83087298i thought it was disgusting even as a kid
>Not the console warsSOUNDPOST ONEGAI
Look at my wife
UPDATEMori is NOT predatory
>>83086958Kronii... you have to move...
>>83087246>>83087250APOLOGIZE TO MAJIMA-SAN
>>83087304I dunno but at this point I suspect it's about his ability to meet a short deadline rather than cost
>>83087246>>83087250H-he'll recline once he's done with his construction project!
Holy shit Majima
>>83087304Maybe high tide was made by ID person and had ID prices? Kanauru lives in LA and probably charges LA prices.
>>83087309>chumbuds seething about management in the 'log>brrats and co. enjoying Yakuzakino>debbies just vibingit's not that odd
>>83086114wait until she gets to Yakuza 5...
Bae is creaming rn
>>83087326The "it" being in her "cult" so to speak
Sunny Dee'light sounds like a Eighties rapper.
>>83086530I secretly like being bullied so it doesn't bother me when you post this.......
>>83087309Yeah, what the frick?
I don't really care for school uniforms, but I have to admit that IRyS with the braids hairstyle makes me want to fuck her non-existent brains out in the most primal way. That hairstyle is just fucking sexy.
Based Majima
>>83087397I'm partaking in all 3
>>83087310don't smoke, kids
>>83087263what what if you ended up pregnant
>>83087423Then it's not a secret anymore...
>>83087309Kino Bae and happy Debbie's who got a new album, mini 3D live and now a lyric dive.
>>83086133the only good scenes are towards the end.
>>83087196Idk about him but tall girls are the best IMO
Bae is being really cute rn
Persona 5 has prejudiced Bae against the megane guys kek
Do you like triple triad more or blitz ball? Others need not apply.
Is Majima Bae's favorite video game character ever?
Bae just came over the Mad Dog
>>83087419Clayface was so fucking good in the show
>>83087461I don't think about that scenario
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2XzF4WA0ycwe love Towa here
I was so excited for Ame tonight
>>83087437stop being so obtuse when a good time is right in front of your face
>>83087423God... Please, why wasn't a born in the US, so I could bully this guy's bussy?
That's kind of neat to hear because I was actually wondering about that given the subject matter present in other songs in the album. Lyrics as emotional vomit vs. lyrics as fiction exploring a theme.
Gura cute Gura cute!
Ah, right. Majima's moveset is kinda shit in this game
>>83087309just a nice reminder that there are only two people who shit up the thread outside of when new bait drops. if both of them go to bed, threads become good.
>>83087535Why engage with this
>>83087513i know that isn't true
>>83087539early dragon engine was eough, man
Not thrilled Mori's getting political
Why does Nishida stick with Majima after all the shit he goes through
Do you trust this reaper?
She's getting kinda weird about this
isnt mori exposing all the holos right now
Reine tells a joke in English but then says the punchline in Indonesian...
>>83086669Daigo mans up but i get ya
>>83087561He's cute and I'm bored
>>83087519please no more apex...
>>83087565actually, this seems more complexit's more like she's asking her fans to keep her on her toes because as someone idolized she has too much control over her following and can easily turn it into a mobit's a fucking heavy song
>>83087568Nishida is a true bro, also unlike Kiryu, Majima doesn't let his shinji/rikiya sidekick die
EN should do a folk song medley like the IDs did, it's really neat
>FaggotsHoly shit Mori
Oh god this is actually going to break Bae
>>83087570You don't speak English, don't try to pretend like you have any clue what lyrics mean
Wow Majima is actually not an idiot
>>83087649Majima has always just acted dumb
>MY MAJIMA IS STILL IN THERE SOMEWHEREBae is going schizoThat scene where he reverts to y0 majima will break her
Players down in hell don't want it the same
>>83087590Remember when Kronii went>It's breasting time!and then breasted all over those guys?
Skeptics works good
>>83087644In a good way or bad way?
>>83087646Even if that were true (it's not), she is currently explaining them on stream
>>83087535I don't know if I want to be bullied like that...
>>83087501Triple Triad, nothing else compares
>>83087529I'm not a whore you know.>>83087559being pregnant and giving birth is not something I want in my fantasy world so I simply don't think about itif it were real life and somehow this happened I would
>>83087593wkwkwk njirrr bikin ngakak
>>83087561He's undeniably one of the cutest posters here
>>83087423I wanna kiss you.
>>83087588what did she say
>>83087397I just want to move past Full Color already, man...
>beelines karaoke Kek
>>83087691true story
>not doing the karaokeBro...
>Sees song option>InstaquitsKek
>>83087521We got a lot of Ame mentions from Gura if that helps.
>>83087588she's just stating a fairly often overlooked obvious: anyone with a Holo tier following can pretty much point an army at some poor nigga and wreck their life if the people in the fandom don't question their actions out of loyalty to their idol
Swearing in lyrics is lazy writing, it's a good thing she is working around it
>>83087676So was he faking being stupid when he was disarming the bomb?
>>83087713i didn't know you had a bf otherwise i wouldn't have said anything
Bae came
>>83087760But why
Lmao mori
>We don't have McClane perms
I think Bae might actually be in love with this fictional character
>UMG Japan didn't have enough money for clearance
>>83087501Queen's Blood shits on both
>>83087713no settling down being married in your fantasy sounds like whore behaviour desuwa
Mori's neighbors now include Mon Jacclane and Go Strider
>>83087817>Skull with a tophatHmmm...
....Thinking Japanese people haven't seen Die Hard when it's set in Nakatomi Plaza.
>>83086669Depends on what you mean by "man up". things got really bad in the Tojo Clan.
>>83087803I don't, but you're still a stranger to me>>83087839why do I have to have kids to settle down and get married
>>83087246>>83087250>>83087319Kiara was fucking right
>>83087874She had to try
>>83086983They can't hire anyone else or this SEAnig will get diffed on main and they can't pretend his shit is cool anymore.
Nishida is overworked and underpaid desu
>>83087844that reminds me, when the next Ghost Rider actor is revealed to be Ryan Gosling, what happens between deadbeats and teamates?
>>83087704Don't worry, I got experience playing with shorter boys since high school. I was from the theater club, you see. Bullying is nice when done gently
>>83086658they didn't know where to put her so...
Sick and twisted miscreant's existence...
I looked away for 5 minutes and already don't understand anything from Koyo's stream
>>83087917we simply continue to be
isnt mori too rich and successful to be doing the whole people on the internet are mean to me if I have the wrong opinion thing
>>83087883it's your duty as a mammal
I wonder who she had in mind
>>83087979i think thats for other people to hear so they stop caring so much
>>83087979When you turn it into a good song like she did you are allowed
>>83087883ugh you just don't get it at all and i don't want to spell it out for you so i'm done
I wouldn't mind hearing Donmai at BD
Time for the best one
>>83087930I was in theater too...teacher really liked me
>>83087917Is there a teamate thing about Ryan Gosling? I personally ain't got any opinions about the guy and don't really care about Ghost Rider, so I have no beef.
I just realized the issue with Majima in this game, his attacks don't ragdoll enemies and lack impact as a result
uh-oh, shuba wants to pick sayori now
>>83088027I bet it will be Go-getters on one day and DONMAI on the other
>>83087979When you're rich and terminally online, you care even more. Just look at Elon and JK.
>>83087969What do you not understand?
>>83088039man, sucks that she got the model upgrade on her default outfit just to leave... shades of Coco 2.0
Catching up with the vod, Cecilia does a great job trying to interact with Nerissa especially for a first 1:1And for the most part Nerissa is doing well too!Birds girls!
>>83087979Does being rich magically cut off your internet access?
>>83088048I didn’t know it was even possible to be this much of a newfag and im the newest fag i know
Bae has an eyepatch just like Majima
>>83087986but I'd be a terrible parent
>>83087423Smash your skull faggot
why can't I watch fuwamoco rock n' rawr party?:(
>>83088074Holy shit watame cute
>>83088048You're in the wrong thread newbeat you need to go back to the morig kiddie playpen and lurk for a little longer
Man I can see DONMAI having some great choreography if she gets the right person for it. I see it on my mind already.
>>83088068if only money and fame could buy thicker skin
>>83088129moco-chan was too bruised after fuwawa taught her a lesson, so they had to cancel it. gomen
B-Bae, you can remove the crazy eyes now
>>83088129canceled due to brain hort
>be famous>cry and shit yourself if people criticize your takes and don't throw you a paradeI didn't even disagree with when Chapelle made trans joke but I hate this crybaby mentality about cancel culture.
>>83087798I mean he disarmed didn't he
Cid has become a real character and is no longer part of the background.
>>83088048Holy shit lurk 30000 years before posting again
Oh fuck, I just imagined Donmai with a live band
>>83088048how new
>>83088048cute newbeat
>>83088186Oh god oh fuck
>DONMAI>don’t mindBRAVO
>>83088186Donmai (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)
is maplestory worth getting into as f2p?I've only played a bit of maplestory 2
>>83088203well if you know that why do you want my theoretical child brought into the world...
>>83088177JK Rowling
>sat and explained every line to Jan Ken Johnny
>>83087917>what happens between deadbeats and teamates?Sex.
Koyasu is the killer isn't he
>>83088235absolutely not, it's extremely p2wt. someone who hasn't played since 2009
Kek Bae
>Donmai is about overcoming imposter syndromeKino.....
>>83088256He seemed to want her to
>>83088177Jowling Kowling Rowling
>>83088220I learned this word from yotsubato
>>83088235i heard it is now, on the Reboot serverFrom one of the maplestoryfags during the first collab
>>83088241it's an important thought experiment to have for fans of the genre
Whoever made this track needs to immediately go on Mori's speed dial list, it's one of her best ever
>>83088317What would the street fight look like though
>Mori complete misreading a lyric Jean-Ken wrote and coming up with something entirely newKek
>>83088334I like thinking about it for anyone that isn't me
>>83088317>Don't duck, it doesn't work and it only discourages the deadbeats.
Mori feels like a hag........
>>83088370Sounds exactly like something Mori would do kek.
>"can't let you do that, Star Fox"
Why did they forget about the Millennium tower y5 onwards
Will Bae play all the way through Ishin?
Woke up from a 12 hour napWhat are you guys watching?
>>83088393Well it, uh, is something she did, so yes.
Bae is cumming
Remember when this happened?https://litter.catbox.moe/04ry85.jpghttps://litter.catbox.moe/c59phs.jpg
>>83088381God dammit I can't find the old Mori fanart of her walking past a gutted Mk 5 tank
>>83088397Wym? Events happen there in both 7 and 8. 6 doesn't take place in the city though.....
>>83088418Mori and Bae
Is this the Majima side episode thing? Oh man she's gonna fucking go crazy at the final cutscene.
>>83088420I mean that it was completely unsurprising she did that.
Is Bae ogey?
>>83088418welcome back ryuji goda
>>83088393something mori did sounds like something Mori would doWoah…
Bae LOVES Mad Dog style
>>83088288More like still struggling with it, really
So uh, "Kiryu has never killed anyone" I know the meme.But has the devs ever said MAJIMA hasn't? I mean he's chain stabbing everything
>>OPojisan dick destroyer
>>83088373no yeah sounds terrible honestlyjust an awful experience
>>83088465No Majima has killed plenty
Subaru is growing a horn
>>83088465Only when you play as him
>>83088288If only Gura could overcome impostor syndrome
>>83088465Rubber knife
>the kids with their short attention span these daysis mori the boomeriest EN?
>>83088428>balls on the upper side of the dickokay
>>83088457No matter what Majima is just Bae's ideal man, she accepts it now, literally makes her horny
The artist of Mio's thumbnail art has made some really interesting stuff
Florist completely disappeared after this gameExplain THIS RGGfags
>>83088465Majima claims to have never killed a guy way back in Yakuza 0, but he's killed plenty by now.
Big juicy Shioass
>>83088418Reine talking about ID folk songs
>>83088525Just like all the other characters...
>>83088512Anonchama? the torso is behind her body.
If Pekora tries to be friends with Shion does that means Shion is gonna graduate
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YnwdsaDyiMMio, your eggs...
>>83088418I watched this, idk why Hong Kong dudes are making compilation parody’s in the year 2024 but hey it’s their hobby. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWucvXkmxQw
>>83088465It feels like he should but there's genuinely no confirmation for any character that's been a main lead in this series of ever killing anyone
>>83088470>doesn't want to get pregnant and stuck as a girl for a minimum of 9 months and maybe forever>tries to get me to do sofucked up man
>>83088524looking pretty cool herehttps://www.youtube.com/live/e4UUQwhMR4o?si=yk5UNoM6An1Y5FJ8&t=1189
>>83088525No he doesn't.
>>83088525Anon he's in 4 and 5 as well.
>>83088518Bae is gonna be so sad once she reaches the latest parts of the franchise
>>83087071He literally can't improve that fag bought everything for his videos what you see is what available in the asset store or stolen from somewhere. He literally just a camera man like he always sell himself to be.
>>83088525Purgatory was destroyed by an earthquake. It's assumed that he died when the earthquake hit.
>Fuck Aqua, quitting bitchwow Mori
>>83088567Damn, this is based, gonna watch it later
>>83088532big shori booty
glover bros....
It was Kawamura!?
>Glover bros can cum to meMorichama!?
>SBRWhat arc is she in right now?
Mori isntelling gloverbeggars to KILL YOURSELF
>>83086117two women bikini oil wrestling in a small pool
>>83088525He disappears after 5, probably because he's way too convenient of a plot device and they didn't want to write around him forever
>>83088596what do these ancient egyptian hieroglyphs mean
Majima has returned to the streets of Osaka
>>83088635Think she wasn't very far in, around the time Johnny and Gyro first set out
Damn this side-story is actual pure fanservice
wtf why did ame showed up in chammer 3dlive?
Poor Bae, her brain hasn't gotten a chance to relax
>>83088579yeah but if you did agree i could make fun of you for it at some point and that'd be really funny to me so it's just justified
Why is Majima paying at his own club?
>>83088677it's meant to tie some loose ends that started from 0.
>>83088565this game has a guy talk about snorting coke out of a prostitutes vagina within the first 30 minutes
>>83088680Because they’re sisters duh?
What is up with all the bae art with giant tits and assBae is a tiny lil thing not some BBW
>>OPTell me, what is so special about Hololive and why should I watch it?Linked here from /a/ btw, never watched a vtuber before.
>>83088727she believes in herself!
Deadbeats your oshi confuses me. She cries about internet people's criticisms of her, valid or not, enough to not shut up about it but also tells me to not to worry about all the noise.
>>83088704It would be funny but I'm glad I stood my ground nowI'd never live that down
>>83088749Bae's own mom thinks she's a growing girlthink of it as post-pregnancy Bae
>>83088752Do you have soundposts enabled?
>>83088518>>83088465>>83088677stop posting rat sex its creeping me out
>>83088675Tusk Act 1?
Man Mori really gets away with it with everyone lmao.
>>83088798Pure kino
>>83088772I assume this is a paid stream but I have no idea what I'm looking at
>>83088752Unscripted anime girl hijinks (sign shine scripted stuff here and there)
what is thishttps://x.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1824690111201812646https://x.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1824690111201812646https://x.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1824690111201812646
its going to be a real shocker if the culprit turned out to be kei ibuchiyknow, the guy with the unique design, with the famous voice actor, with the outsized screentime in cutscenes, the guy who acts suspicious and shady in every single scenegonna be real surprised if it's him
>>83088796nothing post about it, Mika has always drawn her with decent tatas
>>83088596Studio recordings with Ina I'm guessing.
>>83088776Those internet people are actually all her. She established all the back in the Your Mori EP that she is her biggest hater and has proven that claim 10 times over while still moving forward
What did they mean by this
>>83088752CGDCT in real time + idols
>>83088812>taking a fertile beautiful woman and turning her into a mother>Creeping you out
>>83088817Nice one
Wait, what the fuck?Apparently I've been living under a rock, Nerissa's Lilium cover is gone? That shit slapped, fucking why?
>>83088855>>83088860Just like the google calendar back in the day......
>>83088852>>83088855>>83088860TL: My Ina is being really cool right now...
Subaru is laughing so hard at this line for some reason
>>83088870I wish to reach these levels of schizo. I kneel Mori-chama...
>>83088797I'd let this creature clean my poopy anus.
>>83088866I meant the coomer art of her
>>83088852>>83088855>>83088860Ok this is definitely about sex
>>83088752>/a/people still use that board?
>>83088776People are notoriously shit at taking their own advice, y'know
>>83088315>imagewhat app is that?
>>83088915Say goodbye to your anal orb...
>>83088752Idk what soundpost this is so I'm checking
>>83088878I wish Bae didn't want to look like a street hoe but a cute silly baby
>>83088788fan of it in doujins though?
>>83088916ah right, continue
Massive Man….
>>83088947Apt soundpost for an introduction
>>83088909Unicorn bros...
>>83088752I used to be like you and believed that vtubers were just twitch whores with anime avatars but I gave them a chance since they were playing a game I liked and it turns out they're not twitch whores, they're just really fucking retarded.Like holy shit they're so fucking dumb.Genuinely, these girls are a bona-fide health risk to themselves. Anyways "Hololive" is the leading edge of vtubing because almost everybody else outside of this corpo is actually a twitch whore with an anime avatar, unironically.
>>83088752cute girls being retarded, a lot of different ones so everyone has one to suit their tastes, with some idol sparkle on themThis board tries to make watching them a miserable experience tho
>>83088899The rights were sold to another party and apparently caused her to lose them. It got taken down months ago
>>83088852>>83088855>>83088860I wonder if this Takotori emote exchange will be decipherable in the future
Oi rggfags, how long is this campaign and when does Makoto appear
this is so blatantly a yakuza 0 fanservice thing
>>83089017literally NOW
>>83088997They didn't have a clause in permissions to keep their specific version in perpetuity even with IP transfer clause? Who the fuck is running the fax machines at cover?
>>83088776>>83088870This is exactly her point. She wants people to prove her wrong by doing something themselves. Hating her is a waste of your time.
Hey listen to kakkoi Jimmy from the other day:https://youtu.be/QqL6IRSGoyE?t=2071https://youtu.be/QqL6IRSGoyE?t=2071
I come back and Mio is frying her eggs.. no...
>>83089021It's a closure for Y0 Majima
>>83088956Silly babies eventually grow up, and Bae is growing and VERY fertile
Bae is going to lose her mind
>>83088752Anime girls but they play video games and they talk to you.They also sing and dance for you occasionally.
>>83089049The Japanese
>Get Lost>Get Lost, Man>Fuck Offwhich one?
>>83088909unicorns btfo
>>83088752Others have described it pretty well, how it unfolds in real time and creates some really special stuff. The shared experience can be great within this thread, tough it can entirely depending on the time of day and your capacity to filter out schizos.
>>83088964depends on my moodI like it more when it's an accident and the girl still thinks of herself as a manlosing to cock is too common so I get annoyed by it more often than not
>>83089013zoombie sex
Chat should learn to shut the fuck up in scenes like this, I don't want Bae to accidently get spoiled
>>83089071The last one
>>83088776 her music is just made so indies relate to her
I wish I could break the computers of some people in chat.
Lamy has a stick!
>>83089071Fuck off
Oh god it's time
>>83088874A tako and a...jellyfish? what does it mean. Or maybe it's a penis
>>83089118She's not alone!
>>83088177Just kidding!
>>83089081losing is the best though...
>>83088752Hololive, especially with the groups of girls that collaborate with each other often, feels like a slice of life comedy anime about high school girls. And at every season finale there's a big idol concert where they live up to their dreams that they worked hard for. Shit like this happens on the regular:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSQ_7vbgBSs
>>83089123You know I would've paid for this if Cover didn't go all GAIJIN OUT and now I'm watching it anyway.
Bae is going to be mad when she figures out Yakuza 3 doesn't have Kaoru
>>83089143Ina is with AO
Majima is being RAILED
>>83089171I love Kronii and her nice big tits
>>83089061I refuse!!! Baeby should remain innocent forever
>We'll have some fun with the rrats
I will play Midnight Mayoi as I fight off NY mutant rats from eating my legs
>>83089053I don't have imposters syndrome and I tend not to take people's criticisms of my opinions on a serious level. I know a lot of my stances and opinions are imperfect or lacking certain point of views. Just feels weird for her to be like that.
>>83089068>>83088752singing and dancing is the most important part btw
Promise outfits?Justice outfits?Advent outfits?
Would that music actually result in a takedown?
Majima is being RAPED by Makoto
>>83089070>The JapaneseDear god...
>>83088916This outfit is so god tier
Mio will never finish this game with this horrible cooking skills
Mori Calliope smells
>>83089143They went to a library and then an aquarium
>>83089179I'm the only one who sees the appeal in someone being stubborn to the very end...
>>83089077Man this image takes me back, the more things change the more they stay the same
>>83089188Moom's 'why' still lives rent free in my head to this day.
>>83089232Gurame outfits?
still funny how Kobo joining revived her pretend family
>>83089021Good, best game deserves fanservice
Kobo is such a fucking brat
Majima should've just stolen Makoto from her husband
>>83089253I really shouldn't find Kobo to be so sexy
It’s over for Majima….
>>83089268stubborn is great but losing is the good ending
>>83088796HOLY NECK
>>83089021Yeah and
Why doesn't Majima just tell her...
CHAT IS THIS REAL??!?!https://x.com/takuslasher9/status/1824605420243030502
>>83089300the references to Council's host club are cute too
>>83089322Because she's happy retard
Majima, you should have just said...
>>83089298The fact kobo went full hog into it to the point she called them mom and dad off stream is hilarious.
Koyo blush
>>83089291>Ame's space outfit is a year old
>>83089077>where the fuck is GuraHow is this still true
>>83089311But everyone always loses...>>83089328See, anon gets it.
>>83089357>BlushOh she doesn't know...
>>83089290>lives rent free in my head to this day.
>>83089304>>83089322Look at Kiryu and Haruka. It wouldn't work out.
>>83089327cute! I used to have a cat that liked watching TV too
>>83089358Ame got spaced themed outfit and then played Starfield once....
>>83089253damn slutty brat
Bae is in pain
Kobo's signed to universal? Does she have an album?
>kamawanai >kama (scythe) wa naiWoah
>>83089402Good thing she can wear it while playing new Overwatch 2™ hero Juno!
>Makoto travel to America to be written out. >Kaoru travels to America to be written out (for 15+ years)I'm sensing a pattern.
The Cursed Dung Eater.
>>83089322>tells her>Makoto sticks to him or someone might found out she has contact with him>zshe gets involved with Yakuza shit againMajima knows his boundaries
>>83089428she's done stuff for holo-N, same goes for Moona
cute rat squeak at a sad moment
>>83089428Not sure how it works exactly. She doesn't seem to have a normal contract with them since it is through that holo n thing.
>>83089430I think I'd honestly prefer her play Starfield over that lol
I want to put my sausage with Mio's eggs
>>83089378It's been like 13 years
>>83089368yeah because the best ending is the one everyone wants to have
>>83089322because it'd ruin her life since he still has ties to the Yakuza.
>>83089345>>83089359>Good morning (lazy kaomoji)>(Its so hot I'm melting)>(I'm with you on that, despite the pain)>(Ready to go to our meeting and get our ears talked off?)>(This take (Ina) is in a panic over the situation, but will still cooperate for the sake of peace)>Kiara confusionDid I get it all right?
Reminder majima is already a married (divorced) man so he isn't the pure saint Bae thinks he is anyway.
Sex mention
>>83089498Yeah, to me.
>>83089473I don't get it
>>83089473Foobs' small sausage...
>>83089498MAJIMA IS (will be) A WHORE
>>83089428She's signed to Holo-N, which is basically a subsidiarity of a subsidiarity of a subsidiarity of a subsidiarity of UMG
>>83089431Kiryu also technically got written out after traveling to America.
>>83089504>I don't need sex.>I only need tabacco and bacon.real
>>83089322She's already got a whole different fucking life now after so many years, the last thing Majima needs to do is remind her of the past or put himself in her life again. He's just respecting her in that way by leaving her out of danger and staying nothing more than a happy memory that originally gave her hope. It would go against EVERYTHING he achieved at the end of 0 for her.
>>83089498she hasn't played Y5, give her some slack.
>>83088752Unironically, the idol journey.Or more specifically, the betterment of someone over time. We know these girls aren't perfect but they aspire to become better than who they were at the start, and that's inspirational. Some are funny and others are not, depending on your sense of humor, but it's always nice to see people work hard and grow from it.This is specifically about Hololive though, which is the most popular corpo in the vtubing sphere. There are genuinely bad corpos out there which encapsulates every single thing wrong about vtubers you probably heard, since vtubing itself is massive. Whether you "should" watch it or not is up to you, because there are some good indies out there too and in the end, you're also still watching a streamer, but if nothing else I think Hololive is good entertainment.
>>83089498I just realized she's gonna HATE Yakuza 5
It's crazy that if someone just heard this album without knowing anything about Mori, they'd probably think she's cool
>>83089497real sus anon, only woman can translate these
>>83089498Majima respects the sanctity of marriage and childbirth and keeps his purity.
>>83089537Does ANYONE like Yakuza 5?
>>83089402It really does feel like Starfield just broke a spell over thousands of people
>>83089431Why wasn't Makoto in Yakuza 8 which takes place in America?
>>83089504This looks like Detroit: Become Human but 1998
>>83089345>>83089359when the sex gets too experimental
>>83089562I love it.
Skeletons is a real good song but I feel hesitant putting it in my top 3 for the album for some reason
>>83089479that makes it sound like everyone wants to lose to the cock
>>83089540All the cool ones are dorks, ado? dork. Kpop ice cold looking bitches? dork. Every single one of em.
>>83089536hell yeah
>>83089562Aizawa fight is kino enough to save the game
>>83089402Maybe Bethesda should have made a better game.
>>83089498Is there any Yakuza character who doesn't go through COMPLETE character assassination?
>>83088992>>83088991>>83089068>>83089077>>83089188Pretty interesting, thanks anons.Never watched a streamer before so I guess I'll just search up "hololive" on twitch and go from there.
>>83089537She'll side with Majima. Bitch aborted his baby without even asking him.
This is my first time really listening to this album and it FUCKS pretty hard bros
>>83089498Yeah.Most Majima fans are women who never played past 0 so they don't know he's a predator and an abusive husband
>>83089562Would be fine if they cut it to just Kiryu and Haruka
>>83089428>signed to universalWhat happens when you sign to a label? Do you just like, pitch an idea and they are forced to bank or something?
>>83089570No Majima. Instead we had chad Yamai.
>>83089540Every musician is a dork until proven otherwise
>>83089600The ones that die
>>83089577that's my philosophical belief
>>83089601They stream on YouTube 99% of the time.
>>83089537She will hate 5Brats will hate 5 (its gonna take ages to finish, bloated ass game)That may be a huge filter, which is a shame because everything after that is gonna be amazing for her
>>83089601The only ones who stream on twitch stream valorant and are more focused on just playing the game than anything that was descibed in the replies
>>83089536Yup. An additional bonus with Hololive is how there are all these talents under the same umbrella, so you never know how or where their paths might cross and it's always exciting when they do.
>>83089601they stream on youtube.
>>83089428projects with Holo-n seems to come with fewer restrictions as half UMG half Cover. but also a less ambitious venture compared to fully signing with UMG
>>83089601>TwitchSubtle bait, enjoy Laplus and homos though
Reine talking about ((them)) ruining the internet
>>83089600Ironically the character who is genuinely insane and has medical schizophrenia is the most consistent/good.
>>83089632cock is scary...I don't want to lose...
>>83089601>twitchThis guy is going to become a plusmate
>Kobo got a label before KiaraKEK
>Mori got to sign a producer's piano next to Zuttomayo members
>What's up bro? Hows the divorce going?Cecilia is a fucking bastard, too real..
Koyo the hero!
>>83089615They're contracted to do albums and toursThey give them a loan they need to pay at the end of their career while they own everything you do while under their label
>>83089615really depends entirely on the contractbut usually you or they have projects in mind that'd get done with the label's connections and funding and your talent or star power or whatever and the label feels like they can turn a profit
>>83089615They fund your music but get a say in it, basically
>>83089077>Image board>can't post imagesIs still valid
>>83089675you're a grown man you can deal with a loss once in a while
>>83089600Kiryu is my GOAT but it's not like he has much character to assasinate anyway.
One last Majimmer karaoke...
>>83089702I hate losing I'm really competitive
>>83088752I think a lot of us understand this feeling but I'll speak for myself>enjoy cute anime girls>imagine cute anime girls, but instead of spending time with twelve 30-minute episodes of a fictional character, you can spend years of hours per day with an anime girl who can interact with you directly>for EN fans imagine that experience but them speaking english and understanding cultural references you relate to and sometimes making you feel like you have a girlfriendthe biggest hurdle is "3DPD vs 2D" except as vtubers they're not even "3DPD" in the traditional sense, they have the same comedic moments and wholesome interactions with each other as cute slice-of-life anime girls while also they grow and expose more real sides of their personalities as real peopleor in a less flattering sense it's going from fiction to parasocialism, it's like the in-between of being an anime fan and having a girlfriend
>Singing shiawase nara after meeting MakotoBae...
>>83088752imagine the retard in picrel, doing this cool ass transition in a live concert.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USmUfG_-Sn8&t=2307
>>83089639Idk I feel like Haruka in 6 would piss her off too
>>83089671Literally everyone loves him, the devs rescued him from a dumbass mobile ad
>>83089671Niggas will say they ruined him in 8 when in reality is the same in 7, now just with a more favorable outcome
>>83089601Go with Youtube, almost all the time that's where the streams are. If you've been doing your japanese reps there are a lot of great JP Holos in the main branch. If you're an EOP, you're mostly working with the Hololive English branch. Worth noting that the Hololive Indonesia branch actually has a lot of english-speaking content, so don't write it off entirely.
>>83089691Yeah. Mori for example had much more meddling in her first 2 releases from them and noticablly less in the next 2.
>>83089676when did that happen?
Majima had a hard life….
This karaoke feels extra sad
>>83089721Bring back Suichan's laser cannon
https://x.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1824695752268058901https://x.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1824695752268058901https://x.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1824695752268058901INA IS RAPING KIARA
>my more demo-KEK MORI
>>83089583is there any single woman on this planet who is not a dork
>>83089732He didn't get ruined at all in 8? The game's story was just worse but he as a character didn't ruin that
>mori almost said my my demonic body instead of skeletalKek
>>83089600Ichiban and perhaps...Mine?
Ina what the fuck
Now THIS is sex
>>83089716that's why you must
The way his voice breaks in the chorus gets me man fuck
>Fastforwarding the GF animationsKoyo did NOT beat the game.
>>83089771>>83089780... again??
>>83089771>>83089780INA NO
Mori's meaty body...
>>83089771>>83089780>>83089791>>83089793>kiara is the cat>ina is the slothIna is raping Kiara right now!!
Ina Raped Kiara
Go Majima Go...
>>83088752>it's a best girl episodeThese are 20 minutes long, you get three of them in a season, and the anime lasts three seasons. That fairly fortunate outcome gets you a grand total of three hours.Instead of that, how about three hours of your favorite character, about three times a week, for about three years?
>>83089806Yeah if only we could fast forward directly to the end of the game so Koyori can move on to the best Final Fantasy.
>>83089655>>83089633>>83089737You can stream on youtube?
>>83089793>>83089791haha ina... what did you uhh type in to get that one
>>83089771>>83089780>>83089791>>83089793it's happening
Ina raped Kiara in the sweltering Japanese summer of 24
>>83089771>>83089780such many cases
this game is just an excuse to get Miosha to say lewd things
>>83089805how can one comet be so powerful?
>>83089849is this loss?
>>83089671>genuinely insane and medical schizophreniadidnt even play the game and i can tell youre exaggerating things
kronies think this is peak
Majima is fucking broke
>>83089849HOLY SHIT
>>83089844no we're all coordinatedly messing with you
Majima is a broke fuck
>>83089229Have you ever heard Henry Rollins' routine about what it's like to open for Iron Maiden? "They are here to see one band, and you are not in that band."That is what a lot of Mori's career was like until she got to a place where her name meant something. She has a chip on her shoulder, yes, but lots of musicians have chips on their shoulders for decades.
Majima… can’t even afford food
>>83089893it's the final battle so she won't need the money anyway
>>83089849uhh mods?
>>83089780>Kiara shut the fuck upBased Ina
>>83089844Yeah I wasn't really aware of it before Hololive either. That being said it's woefully unoptimized, having chat open eats up a shitload of resources. Chat generally isn't worth using anyways, in my opinion
>Performing without monitorsHow does Mori don't have Tinnitus yet?
>>83089844have you been on /a/ and no other web page on the entire fucking planet for the past 5 years?
>Cici/Nerissa turned out to be a good collab duo>Maple story devs kneeling to gigi>Mori doing some slappin music>Bae going through every emotion in her body at majimaUnironically a pretty BUSSIN day for hololive, frfrnocapong
>>83089716I clicked on this post out of curiosity and it ended up being I think the longest and stupidest reply chain I have ever seen in an /hlgg/ thread
>>83089913Looking forward to this new song.
>>83089615It's basically a huge interest-free loan with the offer of connections which entitles them to have a say in what you make, whether you release it, exclusivity clauses, and to take a cut of whatever you make for the rest of the time you're signed to themFor many artists who will probably never make it big, signing a label is a death trap unless they really know what they're doing (or have middlemen acting in their best interests who do)
>>83089849ARE THOSE?
>>83089934the maplestory devs knelt? how?
>>83089849my ads...
>>83089934And Reine finally got back to Ace Attorney
>>83089934>Maple story devs kneeling to gigiQrd?
>>83089933just a couple of lads talking about our fetishes
>>83089934>Maple story devs kneeling????????????????????????????????????
>>83089805That is a HUGE fucking gun
>>83089570Majima is not the main character. Kaoru is there though
How did he miss Majima? is this the power of plot armor? the game shifts to gameplay to save the protagonists from cutscene bullets?
>>83089957Catching up with Gura was pretty nice
>>83089844Yeah, for like nearly a decade now
>takes the shot>misses
>>83089890Transferable schizophrenia.
>Ya done fucked up, kidIs that a reference to "Ya dun goofed" or is that just a common expression
otanablue is an overrated song
>>83089844Streaming has been slowly getting better in YoutubeThey already have better discoverability compared to Twitch, they just need to fix the memory leak caused by chat without the Hyperchat extension
>>83089771>>83089780>>83089791>>83089793should they be doing this on Twitter? dam girls get a room
>>83089934>Maple story devs kneeling to gigiWhat happened here?
>>83089933A simple conversation on the topic of pregnancy in gender bender media
>>83089732Bitches just can't handle a truly kind main character like my boy Ichiban, not even Kiara...
>>83089795I didn't know how to put "Only if you do first" without sounding like a gigantic homosexual
KAWAMURA LOVEand to no one’s surprise, it’s Megane man
>>83089995still looks like you're exaggerating