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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.83025645

What’d Niji do this time?

>> No.83025654
Quoted by: >>83027452

Gura...milked me...

>> No.83025661
Quoted by: >>83025722

gura if you're reading this if you don't stream once per merch I won't buy it

>> No.83025722

Somebody else will buy it anyway

>> No.83025736

>can't accept his shark's failures

>> No.83025757

Gura if you read this.. it's okay don't stream chumbuds can live without you :)

>> No.83025818

Gura if you read this, my cock is at 31°15'15.53"N 24°15'30.53"W

>> No.83025830

Yessss same channnn milk my dickkk!!! ToT

>> No.83025878

Gura if you read this, my cock is at P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.

>> No.83025932

she keeps us in chastity all year long and then milks us dry all at once

>> No.83026081
Quoted by: >>83026836

My name is Anon's cock. I'm 33 inches. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.

>> No.83026143

>Gura accidently knock her head.
>She suddenly remember anons cock location.

>> No.83026172

yeah mr. beast is horrible

>> No.83026252

She needs to milk me more.

>> No.83026368

>members only
She's a mercenary

>> No.83026434

>he doesn't know
She's busy streaming for Phase connect

>> No.83026514

She successfully hustled millions of men, I wouldn't call that a failure by any stretch of the definition.

>> No.83026760

>broke antis’ minds just by selling a pair of earphones

>> No.83026836

>recently read part 8
The final villain's Stand is godlike, one of the best in the series
The story though... Huh...

>> No.83027191

Sound based for me see gura "gets it" if you're not in the vtuber industry to make as much money before the fad dies off then you're on the wrong business.

>> No.83027315

Poorfag cope

>> No.83027342

I'm pretty sure she got rich well before she stopped streaming regularly

>> No.83027399

Such is the life of an "idol".

>> No.83027452


>> No.83028007

nah thats definitely phase cucknet

>> No.83028539

>Phase cucknet, who didn't have a yab the entire year, did something
>It's a talent no one heard about
>Nothing since then
Senpai, Gomenne <3

>> No.83029705

More fans are upset that it sold out in 5 minutes.
They better get more in stock or there will be a riot.

>> No.83030173

>milks her fans
More like premature ...
Sold out in 5 minutes.

>> No.83030198

I think there's a guy in niji who faked his death after doing a fundraiser

>> No.83030243

I find it kinda hot that she only wants us for our money. She should take the mask off and go full findom.

>> No.83030562

Ayame taught her well

>> No.83033186


>> No.83035458

4 streams in one month is pathetic

>> No.83035602

>Senpai , Gomenne <3

>> No.83036760
Quoted by: >>83036832


>> No.83036832
Quoted by: >>83036966

Why you no have membership?

>> No.83036966

I'm from India

>> No.83038917

>milks her _____ to get _____ then drops _____

>> No.83038982
Quoted by: >>83039599


>> No.83039126
Quoted by: >>83039599

Why are you poor?

>> No.83039207
Quoted by: >>83039599

they deserve it for being losers with no worth

>> No.83039599


>> No.83039898

>pagpags with no money seething on gura
Thats one of funny seethe thread for today! congrats!
See you again tommorow anons!

>> No.83042455

Hex graduation.
Holo concert underway
Mint and doki appearances at cons
Niji ens most popular liver is a VTA dodger

>> No.83043319

Her fans are doormats who get off on being ATMs for "the most subscribed Vtuber." I've long since given up on them ever growing a spine, though I will grudgepost when we inevitably go through the next "we are so back" phase.

>> No.83043370

I wish she milked me....

>> No.83043508
Quoted by: >>83044095

sage goes in the options field, newfriend

>> No.83043510

And I'll keep giving her money. She's my little dodgers star

>> No.83043995
File: 91 KB, 662x1024, 1720719333051084m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>83062736

I moved on to biboo.

>> No.83044095

All fields, nigga

>> No.83044114

apex vsai event

>> No.83044915


>> No.83048329

>Mint and doki appearances at cons
mint had to hitch a ride with Phase connect lmao.
Your ghost has declined

>> No.83049883
Quoted by: >>83050258

Gura can milk this dick

>> No.83050258
Quoted by: >>83050827

with a pair of tweezers

>> No.83050827
Quoted by: >>83051449

Why would Gura need tweezers for my big dick??? That's not practical. She's needs to use both hands for this milk job.

>> No.83051449
Quoted by: >>83054018

she's tiny but I think she can handle your one inch punisher

>> No.83051643

>poorfag OP BTFO again , Gura member stream in 1 hour

>> No.83051978

Based and heeb pilled shork.

>> No.83052188

gomenne, phasecuck senpai <3

>> No.83053165

Chumbuds just have a findom kink. Don't kink shame them.

>> No.83053343
File: 511 KB, 600x853, 1720705941265031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will she ever get tired of milking them?

>> No.83053845

so like every company ever? ogey

>> No.83053961

sisters still mad I see

>> No.83054018
Quoted by: >>83068021

post dick

>> No.83054222
Quoted by: >>83055811


>> No.83055811
Quoted by: >>83056264


>> No.83056264


>> No.83059699

make that money

>> No.83060005

They enjoy being milked

>> No.83060928

That's what happens when you insult a Vtuber the majority of /vt/ LOVES and would DIE for.

>> No.83061845

Where does she sell the milk? Do milk banks buy it in bulk, and can you just sell someone else's milk to them?

>> No.83061961
File: 24 KB, 540x360, waiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for chumcucks... but their dark fate is a valuable lesson to the rest of us: You can love your oshi as much as you want, but never outwardly show it, especially monetarily. Doing so will have you dropped like a sack of bricks, making the threads filled with insane repeat posting anons just to cope.

>> No.83062736

its been a great year of beebs

>> No.83065368


>> No.83067900


>> No.83068021
Quoted by: >>83069520

Gayest board on 4chan

>> No.83068094
File: 4 KB, 100x250, iu60yptp4y84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83068374
Quoted by: >>83071183

>comes back once a month to get cucks to renew their membership
>only streams to shill merchandise or special events
If you're still a chumbud, I don't respect you.

>> No.83069421

Average Cumbud experience

>> No.83069520

Bunch of men talking about each other's dick, gayer than Homos

>> No.83069668

She will never stream full time because the risk of streaming full time and creating a potential yab (Coco, Rushia) is far too high for Gura and Cover to actually take.

>> No.83071183

Phasecuck Senpai , Gomenne <3

>> No.83073783

She's smart.
