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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.82696902

Utterly MOGGED

>> No.82696971

>Mogged by Koshien
>Mogged in profits
Hololive.. only grows weaker

>> No.82696999 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>82698269

TEAgoslingniggers are pathetic

>> No.82697015

Reminder that Kuzuha heavily promoted Elira's 3D. He "accidentally" pulled up her 3D advertisement during his stream and left it up on his stream for over an hour. Then told his entire audience to watch her. He never did that for anyone else

>> No.82697241

Weird, why would he do that?

>> No.82697287
File: 964 KB, 883x551, tP7seVBx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, what?
did they really get the highest in EN despite youtube culls? That's actually incredible.
These hag dogs are too powerful.

>> No.82697292

Haha what a crazy and totally coincidental accident

>> No.82697310

no one likes Kiara, huh?

>> No.82697345

I like her. She's hot.

>> No.82697374

I do

>> No.82697407

And don't forget Ike had to pay out of his pocket to get Hatsune Miku on his stream.

>> No.82697487
Quoted by: >>82706448

A few thousand people like her.
Not even your mom likes you..

>> No.82697535
File: 606 KB, 1046x1287, kiaraincline_070530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara inclined hard in 2024. Seethe.

>> No.82697546

Yes. It's called a licensing fee. Which everyone has to pay. Are Holokeks retarded?

>> No.82697585

Better that than management telling Gura no even though she can pay for it.

>> No.82697615
Quoted by: >>82697663

>tfw you pay 70k to get mogged anyways

>> No.82697662

I doubt anyone from Justice will be able to surpass them, for better or for worse.

>> No.82697663

True. Hololive spends all this money on 3Ds only to get mogged in profits. Embarrassing

>> No.82697671
Quoted by: >>82697757

>sub 15k 3D showcase
also wtf happened to Luxiem? aren't they the hot shit

>> No.82697695

worry about your dying branch nijikek.
keep praying it still exist next year LOlolololo

>> No.82697702

At last, we’ve found it: The Final Nijicope

>> No.82697739
Quoted by: >>82697825

Didn't nijiCN lose like 40% of its revenue compared to last year?

>> No.82697757

Oh they're shit all right

>> No.82697767
Quoted by: >>82697926

>same revenue
>double profits
2% merch cut is REALLLL

>> No.82697825

Didn't HoloEN do so shit, they merged them along with all the other branches in their last 2023 report?

>> No.82697864

nijien only grows weaker

>> No.82697880

>coping even harder

>> No.82697926

>Same revenue
>Double profits
HoloEarth and a California office being a retarded money sink is real

>> No.82697957

>California office
Get a load of this retard

>> No.82697965

Do the superchats as well, it'll make the Niji side even more GRIM

>> No.82697969
Quoted by: >>82698043

true but its nijien. riku merged nijien with jp branch revenue. he knew en branch is failure

>> No.82698024

3 hours in and it's already at 460k.
Their two songs are so much better performed with dancing it's not funny.
Can't wait for Lifetime Showtime full release. Patra did great.

>> No.82698025
Quoted by: >>82698227

Didn't NijiID do so shit they had to merge the whole branch?

>> No.82698035
Quoted by: >>82698134

yeah yagoo should waste them into buyback and canvellation stock instead

>> No.82698043
Quoted by: >>82698142

Then why can I see the revenue on the reports meanwhile how much money HoloEN made is completely hidden from investors? It's because they're an embarrassment to the company and they have to keep up the facade that they're worth it

>> No.82698057

>in profits
And where do this profits go?

>> No.82698134
File: 144 KB, 1080x1485, Screenshot_20240811-030012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, he sure should. KEKAROO

>> No.82698142
Quoted by: >>82698178

>confirming nijien is even more embarrasment than holoen
okay sis

>> No.82698166
Quoted by: >>82698300

How many buybacks did that take?

>> No.82698178
Quoted by: >>82698286

>NijiEN revenue is reported
>HoloEN revenue is hidden
>"So NijiEN is more embarrassing than HoloEN"
What causes this level of cope?

>> No.82698201

>Hololive is doing great in terms of talent retention, morale, and how much the audience loves them
>Kurosanji fans can't stop talking about muh numbers
Just further proof that even the fans care more about Riku's pockets than they do about the talents they "watch"

>> No.82698207

and yet he still not.feeling good having a ceo for actually care to the talents than investors <3

>> No.82698227

Didn't HoloCN do so shit they had to fire all their members?

>> No.82698230
Quoted by: >>82712103

holoEN never appeared as a separate item in any earnings report (or any other vranch for that matter), NijiEN on the other hand was right front and center on every report until last one where it mysteriously vanished and then during the Q&A Anycolor said that EN numbers won't be taken into account any more...

>> No.82698237
Quoted by: >>82698288

You need to halve the numbers because it's two livers sharing one channel.

>> No.82698269

Omega era nerf myth so bad. Glad it’s over though

>> No.82698286
Quoted by: >>82698418

>holoen is above nijien in every metrics
nijisis : holoen must be below nijien because cover didnt report the revenue

yeah keep coping

>> No.82698288


>> No.82698300

>You don't understand. Investing in your stocks is a retarded waste of money. Use it to develop a shitty scammy MMO that looks like a PS2 game

Dead on arrival game

>> No.82698332


>> No.82698347

Enlighten me in the ways Nijisanji has invested in improving their product.

>> No.82698378

kanauru ass buff

>> No.82698393

Fans can enjoy the game vs only investors happy
hmm. riku didnt care about you sis

>> No.82698418

>Myth is down in everything
>Most of council has fallen
>Advent is only relevant because of Fuwamoco and Biboo getting botted to shit by Holodrones
>Justice is their biggest flop gen

Meanwhile Vox is among the most superchatted in the entire company. Feels good for Nijisanji to be at the top

>> No.82698436

>cancellation stock
>more bot
keep coping holokek

>> No.82698438

They uhhhhhh... bought 1 (one) KU-100 for all livers to share

>> No.82698489

>one hundred percent evaporated money into the investors’ wallets

>> No.82698496

>justice is biggest flop
how flop is denauth then?
>vox most supperchatted
still cant beat kiara kekarooo

>> No.82698503

Now you're just moving goalposts.
I gave you a proper question and you circled back to muh stocks

>> No.82698539
File: 154 KB, 354x347, 8F22132D-5B49-4C41-AC83-46F5E86B4A39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mmo concert
All i can see is kino

>> No.82698586
Quoted by: >>82698688

Hey at least we can play holoearth right now. How about you nijifags?

>> No.82698588

>Building a bigger studio than Hololive's
>Non stop 3D debuts
>Getting producers to compose songs with their members
>Holding big events
>Not forcing them to stream on Billibilli

Must feel bad to be a holofag

>> No.82698631


>> No.82698646

Pretty unlucky for Shiori. The viewer cull ended literally the day after her 3D showcase. She would've been at least 70k if she did it one day later.

>> No.82698659

Enough about hololive, now talk about nijisanji

>> No.82698673

>holding big event
uuh niji cancelled anime AC concerts sis. did you get amnesia?
>nonstop 3D debuts
where ID and kr 3D debut? they are niji too

>> No.82698679
Quoted by: >>82722081

>holding big events
Are you referring to that one that had like 4k viewers even though it had every EN member live at the same time or the cancelled concert?

>> No.82698688

It's not even out yet, retard. And they already confirmed they will be running a scam money grabbing scheme and it won't be an actual game but more like a Metaverse scam

>> No.82698695
Quoted by: >>82698926

>the only part that is partially true is the first one
>the rest are all lies

>> No.82698731

>Based on hours watched
Surely she's always been high on that metric for English vtubers, at least within Hololive. The only person I'm surprised she beat is Kaela but I've never even heard of some of these literal whos.

>> No.82698743


>> No.82698812
Quoted by: >>82699011

Do you even know what does that word mean?

>> No.82698831

Why she'd take so long? It's a bit late to do so at this point.

>> No.82698838
Quoted by: >>82722081

>ID and KR still not getting 3D
>again ID and KR stl not getting songs composed by producers
>cancelled AX concert
>withdraw from china because they lose mindshare with cover

feeling good to be a nijifag

>> No.82698926

>Create an entire project dedicated to getting famous producers to work with their members
>Iluna and Xsoleil already hinting at their 3Ds meanwhile JP members get them basically spammed
>AR live made fuck you money . Nijifes every year
>Niji members voluntarily go on Billi meanwhile Holo girls are forced to wear burkas and swallow their pride

Don't cope too hard

>> No.82698987

>>AR live made fuck you money
Proof next thread?

>> No.82699011

Yes. Making digital items limited and time gated is a scam. Especially when it'll probably cost money to even get the game and it looks like it was made 25 years ago

>> No.82699036

do you think riku will give 3D to TTT and denauth? oh wait did they even get silver playbutton?

>> No.82699066

Xir meant
>fuck all money

>> No.82699088
Quoted by: >>82699208

How is that a scam anon. Do you not get those items when you purchase it? It’s scummy sure but it is not a scam.

>> No.82699093

That’s not a scam, kek

>> No.82699115

Does Holocucks suddenly not remember the investor reports they read? Short term memory loss is common in retarded children

>> No.82699144
Quoted by: >>82699198

>Iluna and Xsoleil already hinting at their 3Ds
yesssss cant wait too see them getting flop numbers.
so where is anime expo concerts?

>> No.82699149

Go ahead and refresh my memory, then.

>> No.82699191

yes. i remember nijien revenue jeep getting lower revenue each quarter.
cant wait for next quarter <3

>> No.82699196


>> No.82699198

Oh, THAT’S why the organs called them FLOPSOLEIL in the Secret GC stream. It all makes sense now!

>> No.82699208

Do you know what a scam is? Deliberately using underhanded and scummy practices to get people's money is a scam. Creating a fake sense of scarcity is a scam

>> No.82699256

>AR live made ton of money
>nijien revenue actually decreasing

>> No.82699321
Quoted by: >>82699401


>> No.82699326

in my opinion is not a scam

>> No.82699334
Quoted by: >>82699380

I like her when she shakes her ass but that’s about it

>> No.82699351

Man this ESL nijinog is absolutely seething

>> No.82699380

Holy fuck, are you me?

>> No.82699401
Quoted by: >>82699523

>20 ID organs
>only one organs got 3D
where the support?

>> No.82699413
Quoted by: >>82699462

Do you not remember the cope? That they would have lost more money if the AR live didn't singlehandedly boost the fuck out of their numbers? Riku even said they made way more money than they expected. Holodrones continue seething

>> No.82699462
Quoted by: >>82699498

Oh is that mean we will see the lowest nijien revenue next quarter because cancelled anime expo? damn i cant wait until next montu

>> No.82699469

Yes? Even with AR Live, NijiEN's revenue last quarter is the lowest it's been since pre-Luxiem times.

>> No.82699498

Oh, good point.

>> No.82699523
Quoted by: >>82699597

You mean the ones they working then half the members left after the merge? They were getting outfits out the ass and you don't think they were getting 3Ds? The amount of members in Niji with 3D completely mogs the amount of holomems with 3D.

Where is that small amount of profit going?

>> No.82699555
Quoted by: >>82699730

Funny what happens when girls provide content that people have been asking for. Bouncy tits and uncensored pantsu? Finally. Hopefully cover is taking note and graduates all the homos for good measure. Let's right this ship and take our hobby back.

>> No.82699597

holy cope...how about KR?
KR still staying after getting merged

>> No.82699689

The Hololive side is dumb. Advent were really the only true 3D debuts. Both Myth and Council/Promise/Hope already used their 3D models before their 3D "debuts".

>> No.82699707
Quoted by: >>82699729

Sora didn't have to pay.

>> No.82699729
Quoted by: >>82700239


>> No.82699730

That’d be too kino to be true, but i do hope the girls follow FWMC’s lead.

>> No.82699743
Quoted by: >>82699957

Scam is a type of fraud and it is illegal
>Creating a fake sense of scarcity is a scam
This anon doesn’t know what luxury items are.

>> No.82699955

The ching chong attempts at English are so fucking bad, man...

>> No.82699957

>Legal definition only
Do holokeks really? A digital item is not scarce because it's coded into the game. Going out of your way to make it scarce in addition to time gated is an underhanded way to make money, which is a scam

>> No.82700092

Weird that only the black screen stream Niji's are higher in views.

>> No.82700202

>Look at us, we beat the company that has had its reputation dragged through the mud!
Yes, bravo you idiot. Frankly you should be ashamed that Vox and Ike at their lowest point still managed to beat three Holos. All that advantage and you still couldn't secure a complete victory. Vox and Ike, who did the black screen stream that erased so much good will. You lost to them. Let that hang over you for the rest of your life.

>> No.82700239
Quoted by: >>82700954


>> No.82700322

I mean you have to split the number in half since there's two of them...

>> No.82700356
Quoted by: >>82701000

Scummy business practice is not a scam. That’s what I’ve been telling you. I bet you think all gacha games are scam too

>> No.82700390
Quoted by: >>82701557

No, they have one channel.

>> No.82700499

even shitposting that's more views than every nijiCN 3D except Elira's

>> No.82700532
File: 98 KB, 247x281, 1722908650910921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82701059

>Justice is their biggest flop gen
>Feels good for Nijisanji to be at the top
Anybody want to tell poor Anon about Denauth?

>> No.82700540
Quoted by: >>82700587

Any Holo in that list mogged by Elira should retire

>> No.82700579
File: 28 KB, 300x240, 1722891232696441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82700587

How about I just rape you instead?

>> No.82700666
File: 127 KB, 800x450, 1722296493514778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijifes every year

>> No.82700856

Have you never heard of gacha before? See, this is why I don't like tourists.

>> No.82700954
Quoted by: >>82701277

Where do they say that Hololive didn't pay for that?

>> No.82701000

Yes they are but they're not as bad because they're not in game items limited to how many other players want to buy them. Imagine a gacha where you can't pull who you want because only 100 people can get their character on their banner

>> No.82701059
Quoted by: >>82701170

Bot Biboo more, faggot

>> No.82701170
Quoted by: >>82701204

Like how you botted denauth and they still did horrible?

>> No.82701196
Quoted by: >>82701245

Stock buybacks
The black company is seeing a lot of red in its books

>> No.82701204
Quoted by: >>82701922

I accept your concession, Holokek. Wonder how many bots you regularly spend on 3Ds

>> No.82701229

Kek. She is hitting 4k CCV on a good day with bot.

>> No.82701245

But enough about Hololive

>> No.82701277


Here's the specific part if you don't want to read the whole page:

"New Characters at Meet & Greet - Tokino Sora, GEMS COMPANY and more!
At MIKU LAND, visitors can meet up and take pictures with their favorite Piapro characters such as Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Len, Megurine Luka and also popular idols. Special guests include, Tokino Sora (https://en.hololive.tv/portfolio/items/tokino-sora)) from the VTuber talent agency Hololive, the idol group GEMS COMPANY (https://gemscompany.jp/)) produced by Square Enix, VTuber Shinonome Megu (https://www.youtube.com/c/MeguRoom/)), Mikudayo and Snow Miku's pet character Rabbit-Yukine.

VOCA COLLE VR Night in MIKU LAND ~Hatsune Miku 14th Anniversary~
VOCA COLLE VR Night is a VR clubhouse event that features Vocaloid songs ranging from popular classics to new trending songs from The VOCALOID Collection (https://vocaloid-collection.jp/).). In celebration of Hatsune Miku's 14th Anniversary, the latest installment will take place on August 31st, 19:00-21:00 JST and will be streamed live on Niconico. Performers include Tokino Sora, GEMS COMPANY, Shinonome Megu, Mikudayo and also Rabbit-Yukine."

Let me know if you want me to give you something more. It'll take a while though since I'm on the road and signal isn't the best here. Plus, it's from a while ago so I have to do some digging.

>> No.82701347 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 1727x554, ac cover stocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holocuck stocks crumbling deflection thread

>> No.82701557
Quoted by: >>82701608


>> No.82701608
Quoted by: >>82702020

>t. Cumbud

>> No.82701631

>this kills the NDF

>> No.82701684
File: 141 KB, 342x256, p30LzVC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82701840

Why? It's one channel. One video.
And that one channel obliterated expectations even through the youtube cull.
Speaking of youtube validating views, jesus fucking christ. 500k already. This is obscene for EN.

>> No.82701686

to the fucking YACTH

>> No.82701698
Quoted by: >>82706566

gross, how can you subject yourself to watching her

>> No.82701701

bla bla sorry I don't care about your whore, holozhang

>> No.82701770
File: 257 KB, 690x467, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok you'll get your twins eventually

>> No.82701776

>not forcing them to stream on bilibili
must be nice to have kurosanji only fans to be contained in a single platform sister

>> No.82701795
Quoted by: >>82702047

That never said Hololive didn't pay for it. Do you need reading lessons?

>> No.82701840

>503k views in 4 hours

>> No.82701865

ok but where is the rest of them?
and kr i only know 2 got their 3D but what about the rest of them? are they not niji's employees too?

>> No.82701905

Homos did it first and this simple fact makes you seethe

>> No.82701922

0 because i fucking made them

>> No.82701947


>> No.82701996

homos didnt do it first
it was a flesh tuber did it first

>> No.82702020
Quoted by: >>82702094

Be honest with yourself, they are not talented enough as entertainers individually.
Combine any two ENs into one channel and that number doesn't look that impressive now does it.

>> No.82702047

Special Guest
If you invite a guest over for dinner, do you make them pay for the meal you cook? No, of course not.

>> No.82702094

It’s one channel and has been since their inception. I know this is difficult to comprehend, but that’s very different from a collab or pooled noombers.

>> No.82702106
File: 63 KB, 823x597, ouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82702425

>botted dogs numbers
>botted holozhang numbers
Too bad you can't bot your stock

>> No.82702154


>> No.82702297


>> No.82702380
File: 123 KB, 216x277, 1711010677033949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82702434

It's been literally confirmed that NijiEN has a queue for graduation because they have so many people wanting out, how can anyone claim that NijiEN is doing better than HoloEN is beyond me.

>> No.82702381

>Faggot actually took someone being called a special guest seriously
Holy kek

>> No.82702425
File: 437 KB, 765x767, 1723352185291654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82702714

>Bot cope
Just talk the L, sister

>> No.82702434

>It's been literally confirmed
Proof in two weeks?

>> No.82702439
Quoted by: >>82702513

>words don’t have any meaning if I say so to fit my narrative

>> No.82702482
Quoted by: >>82702551

Bettel 2 isn't employed by Cover, genius. Try again.

>> No.82702512

>A permanent off collab
Thanks for admitting it, it's even less impressive than a simple divide by two.
You can never claim Fuwawa is more popular than X EN or Mococo sold more merch than Y member.
If you don't want people to downplay their "achievements" then you should also stop comparing them to individual members responsible for all their success.
Something about having cake and eating it

>> No.82702513
Quoted by: >>82702577

Do you watch shows and think the producers didn't hire people to guest star in episodes because the credits said they were a guest?

>> No.82702531
File: 195 KB, 800x1024, 1721829459754457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82702551

Perfect time for Fuwamoco to steal Bettel's idea then

>> No.82702577

So you're saying Miku paid Cover to have Sora appear at her event? That's even worse for NijiEN.

>> No.82702583
File: 591 KB, 623x1149, mint grift connect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82702850

>every single member that left is shit in one way or another
rly makes u think

>> No.82702599

This version is old, Hex is quilling himself soon. Coincidentally, he also proves the existence of the graduation queue.

>> No.82702613

>Prove there's a graduation queue
>Look at how many people got fired or graduated or just simply don't exist
Still waiting on that proof, holocuck

>> No.82702649
File: 28 KB, 601x348, 1708764271389823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82702810

>Kotoka MIA for six months now
>Kunai indefinite hiatus out of no where
>Vivi very vividly showing that she really wants out of Nijisanji
>Even Wosemi is showing signs of wanting out
>Hex literally changing his other life pfp to look exactly like Hex while telling the world he just doesn't give a shit anymore

>> No.82702663
File: 7 KB, 245x250, Aqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, Anon. I found the link to the stream of Sora talking about it while you and the other Anon were arguing. This is around 3 years ago, I think. If you can't find proof of her saying that she paid out of pocket to appear like Ike did, then my point stands.


>> No.82702668


>> No.82702694
Quoted by: >>82702789

Miku didn't pay shit. Hololive begged to have a presence at their event then shilled out the money for it.

>> No.82702714
File: 38 KB, 257x246, shitterdogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they back to this a day later?

>> No.82702741
File: 600 KB, 660x760, 1710495980385553.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this Towa.

>> No.82702744

>a day later

>> No.82702789
Quoted by: >>82702855

Nope, she was invited as a special guest. >>82702047

>> No.82702810
Quoted by: >>82720609

>Kotoka MIA for six months now
Did you retards just forget it's solely because you faggots harassed her into hiding?
>Kunai indefinite hiatus out of no where
>Out of nowhere
She was having health problems and said this multiple times in streams. She'd have just quit instead of going on hiatus
>Vivi very vividly showing that she really wants out of Nijisanji
If you're a schizophrenic gossip girl, sure
>Wosemi is showing signs of wanting out
In your dreams
Did you just copy and paste this shit? LMAO

>> No.82702850

>nijisanji keeps hiring bad talents
rly makes you think

>> No.82702855
Quoted by: >>82702924

Yes because she paid. Making her a special guest. I can pay to have a cameo in an indie game and be a special guest

>> No.82702870

Afaik, there's not any proof of Miku shilling out money for Sora like Ike did for her. No proof of Sora or Holo paying for this either. There is actual proof in the article and videos I posted of Sora being an invited guest and having a meet and greet with the Crypton vocaloids like any normal gig.

>Sora: Len-kun and Lin-chan were also there and joined me for a meet and greet, Len-kun came right up next to me and tried to take a picture with me! I was so happy!

>> No.82702901
Quoted by: >>82722003

>like any normal gig.
Holy shit, you actually know nothing. LMAO

>> No.82702916

The list not even being accurate is the best part

>> No.82702924

Ah yes, the small, hidden gem indie known as Hatsune Miku.

>> No.82702944
File: 390 KB, 776x834, 1704944799241535.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Nijisanji hired people slower and actually vetted the people asking to be in, they probably could have avoided so many clear as fuck landmines.

>> No.82702947
Quoted by: >>82703050

but enough about cancelled concerts where poor niji 'fans' already flew out to the con.

>> No.82702962
File: 96 KB, 695x1024, 1714279346333225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82703136

You mean nijien organs went from 40k 3D debut to 1k ccv in one day?

>> No.82702985

>There's no proof that Hololive paid for this if you ignore that there's a licensing fee for collaborations including Miku

>> No.82703040
File: 237 KB, 466x390, 1720159780209339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82703381

>Not forcing them to stream on Billibilli
As opposed to willingly stream on Billlibilli to try and get some pity chinese woman viewers and literally have an outfit tailored to them only for it to backfire tremendously?

>> No.82703050
Quoted by: >>82703096

>Flying out to the con two weeks in advance and getting upset at getting a full refund for the ticket
Sounds like their own fault for being retarded

>> No.82703068
Quoted by: >>82703107

>licensing fee
In this case, it would be Miku paying Cover to license Sora for use in Miku's event.

>> No.82703096

They were supposed to know ahead if time that a ChroNoiR concert was going to be cancelled? How? I thought the charts for the seating were fake? And that the concert was cancelled over security concerns? How do they predict that?

>> No.82703107
Quoted by: >>82703185

Nope, they wanted in on her event so they pay the fee.

>> No.82703111
File: 296 KB, 482x454, 1707290584100423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82703131

Guys I don't want to fight anymore. I just want to be friends.

>> No.82703131

It is too late; it was always too late.

>> No.82703136

> Runescape

>> No.82703142
Quoted by: >>82703182

Were you torn apart by your ape family as a child?

>> No.82703182

Not an argument.

>> No.82703185
Quoted by: >>82703270

Yeah, Miku had to pay Cover the fee to have Sora appear. Glad you understand now.

>> No.82703237
Quoted by: >>82703310

>tfw you need to develop clairvoyance to know when not to go to a Niji event just in case it gets cancelled
The absolute state of the NDF

>> No.82703270
Quoted by: >>82703422

>I paid to sing at this concert so that means they have to pay for my collab fee
Holokeks are pathetic

>> No.82703310
Quoted by: >>82707221

Why do holokeks love to strawman?

>> No.82703313

>Implying that Hololive organized this collaboration and not the people that invited them along with other groups

>> No.82703381

>Your members willingly chose to stream on Billibilli while mine get forced to by management after they got endlessly harassed and get forced to cover themselves up to not upset the CCP. Take that, sister!!!

Holokiddies have brain worms

>> No.82703422
File: 93 KB, 827x1226, 1722468292628008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82703543

I don't know how many times it needs to be reiterated that the event had Sora as an invited guest.

>> No.82703461
File: 56 KB, 651x750, 1702650904163367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm beginning to think that there are some people here who actually don't know how to read.

>> No.82703543

Yes, she paid to get invited. Like paying to get a cameo somewhere. It's advertising. Gura will never get near Miku because of how expensive it was for them to get Sora in Miku's event

>> No.82703588
File: 43 KB, 804x448, holodomino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holobronies are scared of holo collapsing because of recent events while Nijichads are confident in their company because they have already survived the worst.

>> No.82703603
Quoted by: >>82703668

Have you never been invited to anything, anon?

>> No.82703668
Quoted by: >>82703789

Yes, and that's why I know that if I have to pay to get invited as a special guest at a big event, that's an advertisement and not a invitation to eat pizza and sing karaoke

>> No.82703766
File: 21 KB, 290x276, 1722734644201826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82704445

You fuckers are going to make me lose it. Did you not watch the stream I linked? The one with the chuuba in question actually talking about this.

>> No.82703789

So Miku paid to be invited to Ike's big event? Then why did Ike say he paid to have Miku show up

>> No.82703793

wait, ignoring the fact that you don't force people to pay when they're the ones being invited, did you just imply that Ike "2%" Eveland can afford something that Gura couldn't?

I'm pretty sure a single gura merch run earns more for Gura than Ike has made during his entire career.

>> No.82703872
File: 311 KB, 978x1442, 1700359342797913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82703902

>Nijisisters unironically believe anyone in NijiEN makes more money than fucking Gura

>> No.82703902

Gura does not stream, so yes, anyone who streams makes more money than her.

>> No.82703953

This is glue-eater tier retardation.

>> No.82703958
File: 415 KB, 967x623, 1720745822621136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's membership numbers alone probably makes more money for her than Ike has made in his career.

>> No.82703964

Holo management is literally cucking Gura from getting her Miku collab

>> No.82703984
File: 31 KB, 460x1150, gura-sushiro-collab-numbers-update-v0-2ryqmq24g6rc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82704070

Sister, her sushiro ipass thing earned over 2.1 million us dollars during its first run.
I'm sure it earned similar numbers on its second.

That is ONE merch run. one single merch run.

>> No.82704028
File: 39 KB, 347x431, 1699137328055079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82704100

The terminal delusion in this thread is fucking radiating.

>> No.82704070
Quoted by: >>82705184

And Gura still doesn't have enough money for Miku? KWAB

>> No.82704100

I swear that I’m going to die from all this palpable NDF cope giving me an unidentified terminal disease.

>> No.82704445

I think that anon is pretending, he got too deep on his hatred and narrative so he refuse to accept the fact then trying to twist them even if it's ridiculous that not even himself would believe, also to add this, Sora got invited twice

>> No.82704456
File: 601 KB, 881x909, cum to fuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came to the wrestling segment.

>> No.82704478
Quoted by: >>82704598

didn't make a difference

>> No.82704530
Quoted by: >>82705483

Niji paid Miku just like they paid the NBA to "collab" with them. It's like a monger bragging about how much he fucks. No one is impressed.

>> No.82704550

So they paid for her to show up at Miku events twice. Good attempt at marketing

>> No.82704598

But it does explain why she got 15k+ more than Luxiem

>> No.82704617
Quoted by: >>82704692

The ccv is a nonsense stat, probably displayed incorrectly by youtube.

>> No.82704692
Quoted by: >>82706570

True. Should compare superchats instead.

>> No.82704709
File: 453 KB, 1081x1080, 1721355282828682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82705114

Ah, I see. I normally stick to JP side of things so I didn't expect the EOP side to be this retarded. Didn't know Sora was invited twice. I'm hoping that you have the link to the stream if she ended up going. It's cool if you don't. I can find it myself when I have the time.

>> No.82704733

The major cull, that we experienced for like a month, ended right after Shiori 3D. You could add easy 20-25% CCV to Myth and Promise (pre-november2023 cull, could be a bit different for Myth but I don't remember the exact situation around that time, let's assume it was still the same as Promise), and 30% to Shiori, to match them against Biboo/Nerissa/FWMC numbers more accurately.

>> No.82704754

>Kiara that low

>> No.82704804

She wasn't all that popular early on.

>> No.82704946

Wasn't that showcase like 5th time Myth had used their 3d? It wasn't novelty at that point, their ccv could be bigger by at least 30% if it was true 3d debut

>> No.82704954

Myth had been using their 3D way before their proper 3D debuts.

>> No.82705068

Gonna make a prediction.
Justice's 3D debuts won't crack the top 4. Well, out of the three, I could see Cecilia actually beat Mumei, but I think the dogs have set a bar too high

>> No.82705114


>> No.82705136

Anon the 3d debut was prerecorded in a studio. You really think its live? Why do you think holomems have a Japan arc?

>> No.82705184
File: 76 KB, 686x386, hq720 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should Gura spend 75k on Miku?

>> No.82705483
Quoted by: >>82707240

This, but Hololive and Dodgers. They also used your superchat money to invite Vaultroom's owner as a special guest.

>> No.82705569

>Mogged in profits

>> No.82705934
Quoted by: >>82711307

Holy shit did the hag yab kill Luca so much? AFAIK he stayed far away from any Doki drama but Ike and Vox still beat him after the black screen video.

>> No.82706012

nijisisters completely collapsed after this

>> No.82706079

how many bots for fwmc

>> No.82706448
Quoted by: >>82706574

What a neurotic response to a normally innocuous exaggeration...
Were you raised by a single mom?

>> No.82706566
Quoted by: >>82707170

Kiara is good. I pity those who dropped her on debut due to her voice and never gave her a second chance.

>> No.82706570
File: 59 KB, 344x148, 2.5M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should compare superchats instead
Still BTFO everyone's 3D showcase

>> No.82706574

You are using ChatGPT or are Indian, which is it?

>> No.82707170

I gave her like 10 chances. There are more issues to her than just the voice. And I'm not even saying she is bad, just that she has multiple ways to filter people, not just her voice.

>> No.82707221
Quoted by: >>82707394

why do nijikeks love to deflect?

>> No.82707240

>This but

>> No.82707394

That's all kurosanji defenders can do since the truth hurts.

>> No.82708840


>> No.82711307
Quoted by: >>82711438

Raz's document was, in fact, not a nothingburger like nijisisters said it was.

>> No.82711438

That shit was anathema to them, whether they knew it at the time or not. Sewed the seed of doubt, and for good reason; no one should accept it.

>> No.82711652
File: 183 KB, 1146x325, Pero king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82711753

>"King" lost to Pero

>> No.82711753
Quoted by: >>82711930

birthday party vs fking afk journey lmao

>> No.82711930

>Fat fuck vs the biggest Niji liver

>> No.82711956
File: 2.40 MB, 1158x1637, 1699432739221277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you hate the talents or are you just a shareholder?
Invoking profit is kind of a self-own tbhfamalam

>> No.82712103

Nijicope is usually some form of projection. He would have a point if he was saying that they were using HoloEN’s figures to hide the other foreign branches, but these people aren’t all that smart.

>> No.82714189

Nijikeks we are losing mindshare everywhere AAAIIIEEE

>> No.82715729
File: 309 KB, 481x488, 1722731998430069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82718557


>> No.82720609


>> No.82720774
File: 102 KB, 827x1182, 1722911401657036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Anon.

>> No.82720871
File: 851 KB, 1000x1000, 1665062129511989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hours watched

>> No.82722001

fuwamoco deserves those numbers

>> No.82722003

The only thing I didn't know is that Sora was actually invited twice. >>82705114

>> No.82722081

Why are you ignoring jp, aka their main branch?

>> No.82723081

Duo channels existed in Niji before fuwamoco.

>> No.82723249
Quoted by: >>82723983

what youtube cull?

>> No.82723759

Cull is over but yeah the number is real

>> No.82723983

YouTube fucking around with displayed number of people watching the stream.
