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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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82644377 No.82644377 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.82644617
Quoted by: >>82652683

cucks fetishist that like the appearance of pure maidens, butas

>> No.82645449

da wose

>> No.82646756

Embarrassment fetish

>> No.82646795

da wose

>> No.82646870
Quoted by: >>82646937

Cute, wholesome, enthusiastic. She's apparently cute irl too since when the NijiENs had offcollabs everyone was molesting her.

>> No.82646937
Quoted by: >>82647752

so she's a whore? gotcha

>> No.82647320

pink haachama

>> No.82647360

da wose

>> No.82647752
Quoted by: >>82648176

You are an incredibly ugly slug? Gotcha

>> No.82648176

Slug loves da wose thoughever.

>> No.82649904

She's cute

>> No.82650079


>> No.82650202
Quoted by: >>82651025

30 year old hag putting on an extremely fake, extremely forced squeaky voice and trying to act like a 14 year old.
She is the fakest person in vtubing by far

>> No.82650538
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she's da wose, of course!

>> No.82651025

Wait until I tell you about these vtubers who pretend to be dogs and put on fake voices, you'll really go crazy then.

>> No.82651631

Cuckening, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAJc-w9_xKg

>> No.82651659
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Quoted by: >>82652117

She's a sweetheart, embraces chaos, laughs at the misfortune of others and is based as hell.

>> No.82651728

>believing some snake
To each their own.

>> No.82651762

She has a uniquely seiso approach to her comedy that hits hard when it hits. The time when she invaded a crackhouse in GTA San Andreas and mistook a bong for a teaset cracks me up to this day.

>> No.82651766
Quoted by: >>82673491

This is what genuinely made me hate her and all of Nijisanji. She was out with Kiara and she couldn't even keep that sex pest away.

>> No.82651832

you seem to be obsessed with men. are you a faggot by any chance?

>> No.82652100

She was never going to fuck you, anon. She was never going to go panty shopping with you, either. You'll just have to find someone else to jerk off to.

>> No.82652117

So she's just Mint but worse

>> No.82652152

She's really good at Tsukkomi but can adjust well to Boke as needed.

>> No.82652220

After she threw Selen under the bus? None.

>> No.82652269
Quoted by: >>82652504

Anon...Selen IS the bus.

>> No.82652504
Quoted by: >>82652829

Nah, that's Elira.

>> No.82652683


>> No.82652773
Quoted by: >>82653029

>pomufags and fagoons constantly shitting on rosemi
Wow it‘s like being back in 2021

>> No.82652829

Big Seren and Big Erila the dragon sisters

>> No.82652834
Quoted by: >>82653029

Watch the Buds ignoring this for the rest of the thread or producing convoluted narratives to explain why something that totally happened has never actually happenend, and she's absolutely, totally getting out in just two more weeks.

>> No.82653029

They've grown tired of doing that. I think they've been broken in and became bonafide nijisisters. Stage of acceptance.
She didn't quit in solidarity despite being Selen's closest friend in Niji. And there's no sign that she will quit in the neat future either. Fuck her and fuck you.

>> No.82653173

Ok lol

>> No.82653291
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da wose

>> No.82653425
Quoted by: >>82663174

>She didn't quit in solidarity despite being Selen's closest friend in Niji
Nobody should have reasonably expected that, this is not how jobs work. But endorsing the black stream is just inexcusable.

>> No.82654145
Quoted by: >>82654745

>despite being Selen's closest friend in Niji
That was ALWAYS Pomu/Mint. Rosemi was never Selen's closest friend, not even close.

>> No.82654218
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Quoted by: >>82654356

But better, you mean.

>> No.82654356
Quoted by: >>82655984

rosecucks truly are delulu

>> No.82654745

I would argue that even people like Vox, Ike and Fulgur were closer to her than Rosemi. Or at least they pretended to be, considering what happened after.

>> No.82654910

da wose~

>> No.82654915

Afaik Selen collabed with Rosemi the most in 2023 out of everyone but it's been a while. I just remember that she hung out with Rosemi the most IRL where Selen talked about them going to a gun range and exchanging gifts or Selen helping her with her laptop.

>> No.82655283

Collabs don't mean shit. Who Selen got matching outfits with that weren't forced by management? It sure as fuck wasn't Rosemi. Who Selen had a private discord server with to talk about things? It sure as fuck was not Rosemi. Who the fuck did Selen travel to Japan for on a short notice? Not Rosemi, that's for sure. Who is Doki doing a duet cover with? Not Rosemi again.

>> No.82655502

>I just remember that she hung out with Rosemi the most IRL
Because Pomu wasn't there. The one time all 3 of them were in Japan together she spent all her time with Pomu while Rosemi was thirdwheeling them.

>> No.82655716

She's a woman and I'm lonely.

>> No.82655840

Rosemi couldn't be any different, Mint is someone who laughs at the misfortune of others and yet there's a semblance of regret on her voice for doing so, Rosemi will just fucking LAUGH and genuinely enjoy their misfortune.

>> No.82655984
Quoted by: >>82656014

I wonder who's your oshi for you to be so confident on calling others delulu.

>> No.82656014


>> No.82656174
Quoted by: >>82657445

What the fuck are you talking about? Pomu and Nina had banters with each other calling each other bitches whereas Rosemi is known for not being able to banter at all. She ruined a risk collab because she didn't want to choose targeting either and just surrendered.

>> No.82656448

she's ugly

>> No.82657445
Quoted by: >>82657479

I didn't mean to offend you rosechad pussy slayer, I too love Rosemi. She might be bad at banter but her reactions are genuine.

>> No.82657479
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Quoted by: >>82658155

>but her reactions are genuine.

>> No.82657542

Holy based, I will now watch your chuuba.

>> No.82657788

Might actually have to watch the rose now

>> No.82657908

i see rosecuck is back to samefagging lole

>> No.82658083
Quoted by: >>82658176

This thread has like 5 posters max

>> No.82658155


>> No.82658176

that's still 4 more than the amount of rosecucks

>> No.82658494
Quoted by: >>82658839

Midsemi Midlock

>> No.82658839
Quoted by: >>82659500

Mooooom he said it again.

>> No.82659500

Fraudsemi Cucklock

>> No.82660659
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You think Selen would want her friend to just quit her career and risk making a living just for them?
Fuck no, grow the fuck anon there's clearly nothing but love between them. Selen's justified beef is with the clique and shitty management, not rosemi.
Rosemi was always the one person Selen would bring onto her projects, even way back in 2021.
I'd argue she was closer than the nijimales you mentioned who came years later.

>> No.82663174
File: 201 KB, 1127x750, IMG_7229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a blind retweet, not an endorsement. For an example of what actual endorsement of that stream looked like, see Hex's quote tweet.

>> No.82664873

>You think Selen would want her friend to just quit her career and risk making a living just for them?
She was very grateful to Mint for doing just that.

>> No.82664903

Last good pillar of nijien. If she falls they will have nothing left.

>> No.82664947

>last good pillar
>goes panty shopping with luca on the regular

>> No.82665324

>*furiously jacking it* oh yeah, wose, wose wose wose NO LUCA GET OUT OF MY HEEEEEEAD
>*goes soft*
>posts on /vt/
>rinse repeats another two dozen times before crying self to sleep

>> No.82665417

Hence the constant seething over her

>> No.82665551

Such is life of rosecucks

>> No.82665988
Quoted by: >>82668532

>happens once, years ago
just because you post about it on the regular doesn't mean it happens on the regular

>> No.82666710
Quoted by: >>82666964

None. She's a rose, not a banana.

>> No.82666826
File: 349 KB, 828x595, IMG_7242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82667087

Between this and Rosemi's intro still featuring Selen, I think they're at least cool with each other

>> No.82666964


>> No.82667087

>rosemi invented having no furniture
Retarded rosefag

>> No.82668153 [DELETED] 

Nothing, coping nijinigger like to talk about her not part of Clique while she is so close to elira and not leaving anyway, the worst part is she's pomu Replacement as Luca cocksleeve

>> No.82668290

She's naturally moe. Not acting/faking like other moe vtubers.

>> No.82668337
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cute and funny (but not cunny)

>> No.82668532

Its true tho, Where's the lie?

>> No.82668718
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>Not acting/faking

>> No.82669089

>you get bullied, company you are working is an evil black company
>your "friend" Still in the company
If she's her real "friend" Then she will want her to Quit not stay, unless rosemi is part of the clique and not selen friend which is how it look like so far

>> No.82669237
File: 188 KB, 853x605, 1709550273780174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82669377

>>Not acting/faking

>> No.82669377


>> No.82669567

you have some really weird fantasies
get better soon

>> No.82669673

I think she's funny, I don't watch her all the time but watched most of GTA and had a really good time

>> No.82673335


>> No.82673491

Kiara IS the sex pest nigga

>> No.82674059

as an impartial observer whos not that into vtubers really and mostly watches indie, i dont find doki or enjoyable, she laughs all the time in that really forced way and never takes games seriously so watching her play games is boring because shes neither particularly good at them or is capable of taking them seriously where i would want to watch her reactions. her PL of batman was shit. Rosemi on the other hand is bretty cute and takes games seriously enough where i actually care about her reactions, her playthrough of GTA San Andreas was hilarious. Ill admit i havent too much of either but thats just how i see it off those two games.

>> No.82674066
File: 1.77 MB, 1161x736, kawachii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara said Rosemi is an anime girl irl
