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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.82500253

Can you name any Russian vtubers?
I thought idol Kattarine could be Russian?

>> No.82500291

Vtubers wont be affected by this. As long as my girlfriend Gilticus keeps streaming, I'm happy. She is SO HOT!
Mana the blue haired girl.

>> No.82500299
Quoted by: >>82501066

it's okay, it's just for niji streams

>> No.82500360

>it's okay, MY oshii's streams aren't trash

>> No.82500391


>> No.82500446

>Russia banned
Shes called mikeneko now

>> No.82500538

He ought to have bigger concerns than that at the moment

>> No.82500738
Quoted by: >>82519107

russians are so fragile

>> No.82500831

I assumed SmugAlana was one.

>> No.82500993
File: 1.07 MB, 1175x923, prayge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inshallah may the world follow suit

>> No.82501066

it says "thrash" streams not trash streams

>> No.82501364

oh fuck. what will i do without my heavy metal chuubas?

>> No.82501479
File: 111 KB, 624x474, 1719454996764793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82501563

She might be by birth/parents but I'm pretty sure she's lived in NA for quite a while.

>> No.82501567
Quoted by: >>82501889

I thought she lived in America with Russian born parents

>> No.82501622


>> No.82501705

>information that offends human dignity and public morality, expresses clear disrespect for society, contains images of actions that have the signs of being unlawful and violent, and is disseminated for hooliganism, financial gain or other foul motives
It doesn't seem to be aimed specifically at vtubers, and I wouldn't say that most vtubers really fall under those specific characteristics. Then again it's so vaguely worded I suppose it could be used to go after them if the government wanted to.

>> No.82501779
File: 44 KB, 448x481, ZenPain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so tired. I want to leave this country so badly.

>> No.82501824
Quoted by: >>82518160

Futakuchi wishes she was Russian, does that count?

>> No.82501862
File: 312 KB, 564x626, Fy04I9RaQAIKWwz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's rough buddy

>> No.82501889
Quoted by: >>82508404

No wonder she such is a culture war vulture grifter.

>> No.82501988
File: 1.94 MB, 400x493, 1651865341190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You joke, but the government unironically banned Youtube in here today.
First they were slowing it down since last week, half the country had videos lagging at 144p, and blamed Google, who officially left the country when the shitshow two years ago started, for doing it. Today they removed the slowdown, but now you can't access Youtube without a vpn. The funniest thing is, they blamed it on Google AGAIN. They apparently ignored Putin's requests to unban some deranged /pol/-tier channels, so he retaliated against big tech by banning the site altogether. Of course, Youtube doesn't give a shit, so the only people who got hit by the block were regular citizens.

>> No.82502195

can you still access twitch?

>> No.82502204

Am I right in thinking thaf YouTube itself had already stopped you guys being able to superchat and join memberships, because of the Western boycott against Russia?

>> No.82502273
Quoted by: >>82503310

If you are in Russia, you can use GoodbyeDPI.
The speed through a VPN probably sucks.

>> No.82502349

Do invidious instances still work?

>> No.82502544

Lykalynx, though dissapeared some months ago

>> No.82502612
Quoted by: >>82543615

ky0resu is a russian expat in spain no?

>> No.82502829

Sometimes but in general no. There are some options to bypass the restrictions, but I believe they will eventually ban everything maybe except for for

>> No.82502934
Quoted by: >>82503747

the hell is a thrash stream

>> No.82503310
File: 3.07 MB, 1851x1792, snyezha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matara Kan is probably the biggest Russian-speaking one. Her name is literally "Mama Roach" in Russian. But obviously she doesn't live here, if she ever did. Also I think Lumi is like a quarter Russian..? But she obviously never lived here and doesn't know the language.
As for Russian vtubers, I can remember Planya and Cнeжa (pictured). I haven't really interacted with them much, my mind was occupied with the Holobox by the time I learned about them.
There's also a guy who covers MMOs called Orc-podcaster, he's been active since the early 2010s, but he wasn't presenting himself as a vtuber, more like a normal reviewer with an orc avatar. So he's technically a vtuber, but he's been grandfathered into the fold instead of debuting as one. Like Annoying Orange.

Yup, no supas or members since Rushia went off the deep end. Maybe there's some way to get to a vtuber through streamelements, but I doubt it. Not sure if we could get gifted memberships either, never got one.
The bright side is that the site's been ad free all this time, but, like, adblockers existed anyway.

Not as far as I've heard.

I've been reduced to watching La+ play Valo today instead of catching up on clips and vods.

Yeah, it works. For now.

>> No.82503313

NTA Twitch works without problems. I can buy subs and bits, also there are no ads on twitch at all.
Right. Payment in all Google services does not work without jumping through hoops.

>> No.82503610

Fuck it
If GoodbyeDPI stops working, I will go to Kazakhstan.

>> No.82503747
Quoted by: >>82504520

It seems to be a stream where the audience pays the drunk streamer to do certain tasks/acts.

>> No.82503832

Fucking based

>> No.82503891

What is even the motivation even behind this? You might as well ban hentai first and kill access to sadpanda. Did someone get political using a Vtuber avatar because that is the only reason they would do this.

>> No.82504232
File: 177 KB, 322x355, nijijp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also speaking of recent Russian interactions, this Niji JP girl I can't remember the name of had a video essay made about her, which brought her a lot of Russian viewers. She noticed them and was pleasantly surprised by it.
And on English-speaking side, Tenma has a surprising amount of Russian chatters. She recently played some Kazakh horror where you have to yell swears at a witch to make her go away. Tenma's attempts to pronounce Russian swearing were golden.

>> No.82504307
Quoted by: >>82519107

he just lost the war

>> No.82504336

it's streams in general, anon. not just vtubers.

>> No.82504353
Quoted by: >>82505216

You could argue the vague wording was done intentionally to legally allow removal and punishment of any piece of media that is considered a thread for public order, in bad taste or promoting problematic values, from their point of view obviously. So literally just a free pass to remove whatever they don't like.

>> No.82504398
Quoted by: >>82504509


>> No.82504509

ok pencil dick

>> No.82504520
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-600289119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ober

>> No.82504522
Quoted by: >>82515018


>> No.82505216
File: 306 KB, 1100x1466, rozkomnadzor-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, Russia has had a little censorship burau for decades called Roskomnadzor. The Russians even made a meme out of her.

>> No.82505221

I hope you do russkiniki

>information that [...] is disseminated for hooliganism, financial gain or other fool motives
May as well have said "whatever doesn't suit our message that very exact second is banned" kek

>> No.82505287

Matara might speak Russian, but she is a Jew from Kiev, so watching her is probably considered "unpatriotic".

>> No.82505299
File: 1.02 MB, 670x1080, 1702465124977294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Russia!

>> No.82505431

Did this slav bitch even stream this year?

>> No.82505543

>its another episode of a thread with >50 posts but no one actually read the article

>> No.82505685
Quoted by: >>82506484

Text from the article is literally posted in a reply above, you retard.

>> No.82506484
Quoted by: >>82506692

>Did this slav bitch even stream this year?
Is in the article?

>> No.82506692

I said
>in a reply above
>in a
I didn't say in THE reply above.

>> No.82506976

>Suffer drainbrain
>Be unhappy
Such is life in Russia.

>> No.82507397

>expecting anyone to actually read

>> No.82507667
Quoted by: >>82510113

And then, somehow, it got even worse.

>> No.82507674

Isn't this the girl who said the n word?

>> No.82507957

>orc avatar

>> No.82508352

Holy shit. This guy is one of the first vtubers. He started in 2011

>> No.82508359
Quoted by: >>82519107

All the good russians worth listening too left Russia about two years ago. Now basically it is just a nation of slavic /pol/tard types.

>> No.82508383

What a shame. lol lmao

>> No.82508404
Quoted by: >>82508541

Your chuubas are lefty grifters, don't crab.

>> No.82508541
Quoted by: >>82509195

Unlike you I don't watch Vtubers for their political takes.

>> No.82508560

I was lurking through twitch at weird anglospere hours the other say and seen this one Russian lolituber who had like 40 viewers. Don't remember their name though

>> No.82509195

Doesn't change the fact that they're still lefty grifters who'd wave around some idpol flag at any given moment. Just because you bury your head in the sand doesn't make it any less true

>> No.82509655

Oh no, Aqua was his oshi

>> No.82509967

From the thumbnail, I thought that was a tribute

>> No.82510113
File: 127 KB, 640x849, Russian_siinger_duo_Tatu_paragate_by_yiska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess in the end one can't be just be Tatu and dreams.
The lesson to be learned is that you ALWAYS leave Russia if chance presents itself.

>> No.82510743

Why do russians speak so oddly? For instance, they always leave out tense verbs when they ask questions.

>Why vtubers always streaming?

It's, "Why ARE vtubers always streaming".

>> No.82510836
Quoted by: >>82511461

How many languages can you speak and type in, anon?

>> No.82511461
File: 49 KB, 1024x555, 1723147378944273[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically I can type in any language with AI translation. I think Russian sentence structure would sound weird in any language, though. I just don't get why Russians speak like deranged haiku poets.

>> No.82511896

Isn't that fat whore kirsche russian as well?

>> No.82512050

""""Russian"""" in the same way a quarter of people in New York and Chicago are """"Irish""""

>> No.82512184
Quoted by: >>82518160

Sati Akura

>> No.82514852
Quoted by: >>82515119

so Botan gets a second COVID boost?

>> No.82515018

I feel bad for Botan's fans D:

>> No.82515029
Quoted by: >>82518726

>american doesn't know or understand that the verb "to be" is fucking weird and really problematic to anyone who's not aware of it to a high degree

>> No.82515119

oh i read it as being streamed "from" Russia

>> No.82515163


>> No.82515501

niggers provide a source and you STILL dont read it

>> No.82515709

She's an atheist which doesn't exclude her from being Jewish but ive never heard her make any Jewish cultural references beyond generic Eastern European stuff.

>> No.82516106
Quoted by: >>82519107

Who gives a fuck? Russia is a dogshit country anyway.

>> No.82516819

In Russian you can place words in any order, it's really fun

>> No.82518160
Quoted by: >>82536846

That's too bad. Her covers were okay.

>> No.82518364

The real mistake is a non native English speaking country trying to tell English speaking people what to say or do.
We have enough from that from England we don't need other hands trying to cover our mouth.

>> No.82518726

>untalented burger has no concept of being multilingual

>> No.82518889

She lived in Russia for a bit to remember living in an apartment in Moscow according to what she said on stream

>> No.82519107


>> No.82519138

It's far more common for Americans to start telling Brits, Australians, Kiwis (and to a certain extent Canadians) that they spell certain words incorrectly than it is for any of them to tell Americans the same thing.

>> No.82519289

One of those was an actual Russian anon just explaining the issues they're having with trying to access YouTube, you mass-replying faggot.

>> No.82519665

same shit will happen in turkey soon, they banned instagram and roblox this week
it's always funny when the politicians either dont understand how the internet works or they're so narcissistic that they think these mega-corpos would listen to their retarded demands

>> No.82522587

I thought she was Irish.

>> No.82524892
Quoted by: >>82530213

How come I never see you guys on /sp/? Were you region banned or did you just get bullied off the board?

>> No.82525272

>if you criticize russia, you're a redditor
how's that boot taste, faggot

>> No.82525526

Modal verbs aren't a thing in modern Russian. In fact, present tense forms of "to be" evolved out of the language hundreds of years ago. The sentence structure is also much looser, most words can be rearranged without changing the meaning of the sentence.
>Why vtubers always streaming?
I've actually seen more SEA languages do this than Slavic ones. People like Kaela definitely speak like that.
If you want more Russian-sounding mistake, do not use article. Unlike "to be", which is just an anachronism, articles were never a thing in Russian, so people learning the language really struggle with them.

>> No.82529625


>> No.82529697

Nice. I'm for it. Drag these damn kids off their ipads before they actually return to monke

>> No.82530213

Those demands are extra retarded when google already operated here at loss for 2 years during sanctions just to keep the userbase afloat (probably it hopes this shitshow ends soon enough). All they achieved is making more people learn about bypass methods. It's all so tiresome.
I post in /oly/ sometimes. I assume most people left because our athletes can't compete in global events in any meaningful capacity.

>> No.82532250
Quoted by: >>82532399

does katarina actually live in russia? She did a collab with my oshi a while back and seemed nice.

>> No.82532399

She is not in Russia

>> No.82532591


>> No.82532852
Quoted by: >>82533294

>no one bothered to click OP link to get the joke

>> No.82532890

Oh no how will we survive without this highly derivative reaction slop. Report her to homeland security.

>> No.82533294
File: 212 KB, 1855x997, 1706414082165306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a given

>> No.82533575

does anyone have a link that doesn't go to a russian state owned news site?

>> No.82533921

This is now a holy war.

>> No.82534445


>> No.82534470

Stop being so sensitive. It's banter. They're having a laugh with you.

>> No.82534572

Either a bot or a reply from someone in Serbia.

>> No.82535139

god fucking speed vodka bro, may you view your oshi without any of this nonsense again one day

>> No.82536840

What a shame. Putin should focus on his war not stupid shit like this

>> No.82536846

I think she lives in the UK or smth so it shouldn't prevent her from streaming/posting videos itself, it just might affect some of her viewers

>> No.82537196

>Mana Renewal
any news from her? did she graduate?

>> No.82541601
Quoted by: >>82543615

We've seen her doxx, her face is very stereotypically slavic.

>> No.82541942

Nice stuff is for oligarchs children. Gopniks and peasants should just drink vodka and go to meat grinder in Ukraine

>> No.82542379

Time for Russian Vtubers to move to Kursk

>> No.82542468

not my russian girls

>> No.82542614

Not my Playna who I never watch for some reason even though I liked their model enough to sub. I should go check tha-
I see, well nothing of value was lost as far as I'm concerned

>> No.82542909 [SPOILER] 
File: 383 KB, 2160x3840, suisei sextfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pulls this shit in hopes of restricting the influence of the last true romanov heir

>> No.82543040

So your answer was Zero. Got it

>> No.82543615

no, she's half-Russian half-Spanish as said on stream, j-words!
nope, she looks like an eastern european j-ew (a.k.a. khazarian).

>> No.82543953
Quoted by: >>82544823

In Russian, those are almost nonexistent. The "are" isn't said, with its meaning folded into the structure of the sentence and tense endings of other words.
So if you think of a simple sentence in Russian, and then "naively" translate it into English, word for word, you end up with no "are".

>> No.82544823
Quoted by: >>82545887

So that be of explain why russian type like this.

I've been reading some direct translations of native russian lately and it's all so weird to me. They're talking in metaphors all the time. Perhaps something is lost in translation.

>> No.82545887

>They're talking in metaphors all the time. Perhaps something is lost in translation.
Talking in metaphors is pretty normal in Russia. That's just how language evolved here.

>> No.82546027
Quoted by: >>82548722

Alana's parents moved to NA. She can speak Russian, but is barely literate.
Matara (technically Ukrainian), kyoresu, Mana, Planya. I don't really watch the last two, but apparently Planya's left arm went numb and basically became paralyzed about 2 years ago and the doctors had no idea what's going on, but she's starting to recover nowadays and is currently playing elder ring with foot pedals.

>> No.82546400


Mans is just mad his oshi won't love him back after he sent five red superchats worth a combined value of $4.23

>> No.82546777
File: 19 KB, 480x447, 1653270263223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one, lmao

Good riddance

They can't ban shit. Every time they try to ban anything it either fails or there is a workaround method.

>> No.82547005

kirsche is a insurance vetter anon
Not a real human bean.

>> No.82548722

>Planya's left arm went numb and basically became paralyzed about 2 years ago and the doctors had no idea what's going on
Sputnik status?

>> No.82549990
File: 1.18 MB, 1304x814, y83jkpv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82551324

Mana Renewal (graduated), Yoclesh, Tomimi Moruru and Ky0resu.

>> No.82550046


>> No.82550167

I think Nonomiya Mikan is Russian-American

>> No.82550452

dont worry bro your liberators will arrive shortly

>> No.82550663

I'm reading the link and not seeing anything about it.

>> No.82551030

to any Russian reading this and have problems with youtube
here's a free vpn/proxy list
download nekoray:
then download this vpn list (8k vpn nodes)

youtube tutorial link if you can still access it:
ripped video from youtube:
download it to see the full video

some nodes are old and no longer work, you'll have to ping all of them to see which ones are working, the video explains how to do it

yes it works and i've been sitting on some of those nodes for more than a year at this point
no, you can't post on 4chins with it, 99% of them are blacklisted here
only ONE node is not permanently banned and some faggot on /pol/ constantly gets 3day bans with it

>> No.82551324
Quoted by: >>82552797

>Tomimi Moruru
I want her to raise our children.

>> No.82551482
Quoted by: >>82551591

no need for a vpn, goodbyedpi works perfectly for youtube

>> No.82551591
Quoted by: >>82551651

i know but half of the web is pretty much banned in Russia, who knows what they'll ban next, having something to fall back on is always a good move

>> No.82551603

always amazes me how many slavs and other insects there are on 4chan, no wonder its so shit

>> No.82551633

Kyiv* FTFY

>> No.82551651

true, maybe I'll need a vpn someday when we go full china route

>> No.82551857

>Just download this FTP port establisher for your IP address, bros
>Remote access protocols will be established in 30 seconds or less, or you'll get your cypto account back (I won't ever give it back)

>> No.82552163

Hope the orc bro is alright. He's been one of the OG vtubers

>> No.82552797

who is she? i only saw her on Mikan's stream

>> No.82552889
Quoted by: >>82553309

I hope putin bans online video games next.

>> No.82553309

I hope he gets retired, to be honest.

>> No.82553520

Good for them.
Women should not be making money off of lonely men while not getting married and having children.
Men should not put women on a pedestal and reward them for this selfish behavior.
