【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com/@idol_corp【 Twitter 】 https://twitter.com/idol_corp【 Schedules 】 https://holodex.net/?org=idol%20Corp / https://pomu.pages.dev/jidf【 Merch 】 https://shop.idol-company.com【 Archive 】 E-Sekai + Genesis: https://idol.icebox.moe / Endless: https://idol2.icebox.moe / Former members + Events: https://grad.icebox.moe=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=idolEN Genesis:【 Kattarina Qutie 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@Kattarina_Qutie / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Kattarina_Qutie【 Nikki Rei 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@NikkiRei / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Nikki_Rei_Idol=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=idolEN E-Sekai:【 Juna Unagi 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@JunaUnagi / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/JunaUnagi【 Rin Penrose 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RinPenrose / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RinPenrose / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/RinPenrose【 Fuyo Cloverfield 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@FuyoCloverfield / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/FuyoCloverfield=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=idolEN Endless:【 Roca Rourin 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RourinRoca / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RocaRourin【 Poko Rakun 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RakunPoko / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/PokoRakun / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/PokoRakun【 Kai Saikota 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@KaiSaikota / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/KaiSaikota / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/KaiSaikota【 Momo Otako 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@OtakoMomo / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/MomoOtako【 Coni Confetti 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@ConfettiConi / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Coni_Confetti / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/Coni_Confetti=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=idolES EternalS:【 Meica05 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@Meica05 / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Meica05 / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/Meica05【 Koa Akugaki 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@AkugakiKoa / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/AkugakiKoa【 Ruby Runeheart 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RubyRuneheart / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RubyRuneheart【 Lalabell Lullaby 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@LalabellLullaby / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/LalabellLullaby【 Taiga Toragami 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@TaigaToragami / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/TaigaToragami / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/TaigaToragami=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=idolEN ENCORE:【 Enya Ignis 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@EnyaIgnis / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/EnyaIgnis【 Shabel Tonya 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@ShabelTonya / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/ShabelTonya【 Chikafuji Lisa 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@ChikafujiLisa / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/ChikafujiLisa / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/ChikafujiLisa=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=【 idol Friends 】V&U >>>/vt//vnug/EIEN >>>/vt//eien/kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/Prima >>>/vt//ppg+/VSMP >>>/vt//vsmp/V4Mirai >>>/vt//v4m/PixelLink >>>/vt//pxl/Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/VReverie Extended >>>/vt//vrex/=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Previous Thread: >>82425822
fuyo makes me happy <3
Why does YouTube force you to refresh an upcoming stream when it starts instead of just starting automatically like it used to?
Sweaty sex with Poko
I love Momo
Can we please fix the OP? Some of the girls in there are not part of Brave Group's Idol.
Focus up, the future is for later, right now it's time to pay for Tonyas tuition
>>82445502learn to read catalogfag.
is it over?
Sex with Koa!
There's no shot Brave is gonna make a 3D model for someone who doesn't even stream. Momo has to be the laziest corporate Vtuber I have ever seen. I've never seen anyone give less effort than her. Doesn't stream, can't communicate for shit. Perfectly happy ghosting her fans for MONTHS. Literally, why is she even a Vtuber? Her passion is dissecting bugs or whatever she does. Her channel has always been the absolute last priority in her life, and that's not something Brave should want or reward.
Did Rin also get the IP for Rinako?
>>82445502Don't they stay until November?
>【ANUNCIO】 HABLEMOS SOBRE EL FUTURO DE KOAFuck, she's graduating isn't she? (I don't speak Spanish but can kinda understand a little)
>>82445502They're gonna have Idol on their social media until November.
How over actually is it?
>>82445608she is literally not graduating according to the idol press release.
>>82445502They're not leaving until November. If you don't like it, you can leave until they left.>"B-but, muh numbers, they're gonna do fleshtubing shi-"Shut the fuck up.
>>82445608You don't speak english either it seems.
I want to sniff Coni's feet
so are they all graduating in november?
>>82445608She's just rambling, but no she's staying
>>82445608no anon, she stays, my dick and her cunny ass stays here
>>82445502/jidx/ will keep any talent that doesn't drop/lose their model.
>>82445586You will watch Momo's comeback stream and you will enjoy it, and you will be filled with hope as she claws her way from likely two-view to three and beyond, as you watch as her "absolute late priority" succeeds
>>82445608tas pendejo weyno she isn't graduating anytime soon, she'll probably just take a break or something
>>82445502I will kill you and then rape your dog
>>82445764goddamit now it's overlap again
>>82445679>fleshtubingWhere did you even get that idea?
>>82445586That Korean snatch she offered must have been real good.
idol sucks shitimagine managing to lose one of the cutest vtubers in the world due to your utter incompetence and mismanagement
>>82445764What the actual fuck is wrong with this woman, she has to be capable of doing a normal stream, she has to be
It was a fun ride jewbros, I would have liked Meica to stay more but I guess it is what it isGodspeed anons!
>>82445824Wait Kai literally raided Poko like 10 minutes ago.
>>82445764KEK. Keep making fun of doomretards even if you fed them fat Coni
>>82445502Go back, tourist
>>82445863And yet they kept Poko, factors are at play here that you have to keep watching to find out
>Rin is gonna stream even less as an indie
>>82445902take care my dude, and tell the brown faggots of indiES that i say Fuck you
>>82445764HOLY BASED
>>82445863on the bright side now she won't have to fight retarded management anymore and she'll keep le funny leprechaun
>>82445849One of the Katta schizos suggested she was gonna become a fleshtuber after she graduates from Idol despite no evidence for that whatsoever (if anything, it looks like Brave will allow her and the other girls who leave to keep their models after sharing revenue for a year). Jakarta's clearly not sending their best.
>half of it goes to brave
>>82446078as it should
Fuyo will stay Fuyo
>>82446078How else would they get the money for full 3D models?
>>82446078its a WAAAAAYY better deal than paying the AT LEAST 20k USD than its worth
We somehow survived broshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKu7QhDfaTQ
>>82446012they could beat poko black and blue (pun intended) and she would stayshe puts the stockholm in stockholm syndrome
>>82445608Honestly she doesn't sound sad or concerned at all. In fact I'd say she sounds excited for the possibility of having 3D and "being more of an idol".
Coni making fun of doomsisters livehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP6BMpDurBkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP6BMpDurBkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP6BMpDurBk
>>82446072>One of the Katta schizos suggested she was gonna become a fleshtuber after she graduates from Idol Huh? Why would anyone think that? By all accounts, she likes being a VTuber
>>82445764Turns out the "CONI HATES FUYO" posters were right all along
roca's fat dutch ass in 3d
>>82446100>this guy does a song for Yuko's birthday>all of THAT happens>does a song for Fuyo>chooses to not go with bravidolBros please be careful if he does a song for your oshi.
>>82446078Half that IP makes, just stick heavily with their pl for a year and bam, pretty much free ip
>>82446212Like anything the Katta Schizo says, it all traces back to "muh numbers". It's as retarded as it sounds.
>>82446078did she say half? trying to pay attention to so many streams is difficult
Rinako confirmed
>JunaNot a surprise, nearly her whole body was out of the door by the time of the acquisition announcement. She's probably just sick of corp scene in general, even if she might have more success with Brave.>FuyoA bit more surprised here, but I'm pretty sure Juna was the last person in Idol Fuyo was particularly close with, so it does make sense.>RinAnother one I kinda got caught off-guard by considering how positively Rin spoke about Brave, but that may have been a mix of them leaving a good impression on her (including letter her keep her IP) and feeling she'd be better off without a corp, especially since she's largely been the most successful.>KattaI'm not a big Katta watcher, so I didn't really know what to expect from her. I could've seen both her and Nikki either staying or leaving.>MeicaI barely dabbled in Meica, language barrier and all, so I can't share my own take on her departure. Best guess from what little I know is something similar to Juna, though possibly less bitter.Of those staying, I'm not particularly surprised there aside from Coni. Kai's been ecstatic ever since the California trip started, Roca and Encore could all greatly benefit from Brave for their music pursuits, everyone within the company loves Poko and she hasn't seemed to voice much discontent, and I think ES are probably content as long as they get a steady paycheck (plus, Ruby wanted to be a corpo for quite some time). I can't speak on Nikki, but I'd be interested to hear another anon's take regarding her staying.>>82445001I subscribe to this theory.
>>82446306>Katta schizo is a numberniggerHahaha, oh wow
>>82446321I thought she said portion, I don't remember half, but yeah I'm also a little distracted
I guess Juna is just gonna coast on notJuna for a year and do the occasional Juna stream here and there and then she'll maybe merge both identities
>>82446178Poko had an entire corporations worth of girls telling her that it's up to her, she had entire months to make her "difficult decision." Poko did what was best for her, and so did all the other girls
when does Lani get her sexy vtuber management model???
Roca makes me happy.
>>82446321She let half slip out and then corrected herself to portion
>>82446380It happens more often than you'd think.
>>82446186spics like drama
>>82446177Can't believe we survived the storm
>>82446206wait...rrats? what did she win? that implies someone lost. who lost? maybe she'd alluding the the jew
Chat is trying to groom Rin into doing IRL stuff/room tours
>>82446399which is a shame because the notJuna korean lesbian model is kinda ugly and the mouth rigging/tracking is bad
>>82446499The only one losing here is me, I'm losing cum.
>>82446078she could have a donothon a day after the Brave contract ends
>>82446468She hasn't moved in with Mozzu yet; the storm hasn't even begun
Coni HATED those girls!
am I bad person for wishing coni left
>>82446306This.Katta stated many times that she will never become a face streamer again and feels weird to do hand cam streams. That’s why she always cosplays her model too.
basically fuyo wants to own her model more than anything else
>>82446500heh that was fast
I sorta feel that maybe Fuyo left because she would have been the only member of E-Sekai left.Yes, now Nikki is the only pre-Endless member left, but still would be weird.
so it sounds like Brave owns the IP if they don't take the deal>>82446499she wins a 3d model, something she's wanted for a long time
Oh so they won't be able to keep your IP if you leave Brave after signing the contract
>>82446399Well, she has said Juna will return, but I'm not sure she'll still be around by the time the revenue sharing clause expires. She gets a third of her Juna views on her PL.
Fuyo/Koa offcollab will never happen now...
Coni wanted Idol to be KILLED and rebranded under Brave
don't tell me fuymobros are gonna be shitstirrers now
>>82446601Isn't that standard? Only CyberLive (and this acquisition) have allowed their girls to keep their models.
Coni is VERY happy to be with Brave. Probably why she stayed.
>>82446608her last stream maybe, she was averaging like 25 viewers in the streams before that
>>82446586I WILL see Rin's bare feet. And i WILL unload LITERS of cum to them
>>82446555>she always cosplays her modelThat should be the standard for any vtuber.
I don't think fuyo realizes how important that corpo safety net is for someone that takes a burnout break every other month
>>82446671Fuyo actually hates Spain. She didn't want to be forced to go back there again.
Surprised that Fuyo actually wants to keep her IP that much
>>82446671You should have listened to Juna. She hinted at this months ago.
>Fuyo is leaving because she is just THAT attached to "fuyo" and the luckycharms
>>82446754She's had months to realize it
>>82446698it sounds like the option to walk with the IP only applies to this chance, not later if they sign
Too many streamsI need summaries of what everyone is saying
>>82446671Also Fuyo/Lala. That sucks.
>excited for 3d>has a bunch of projects being cookedRally around the true green thing!
If Rin get to 1M subs she will engrave it RinPenrose BraveENGroup just to shit on the jew
>>82446730Fucking hell. I'm sure that we'll lose her for good then.
The daisenpai of Idol is a Jewish carpenter. Truly poetic.
>>82446500And the indie jungle start...
>>82446737She’s one that actually likes the hobby and the people that support her.She will be great as an indie, and the thread will lose the pagpag shitters.She’s great and most of the anons here are retarded
>>82446597>>82446601Rin mentioned in the original announcement Encore would still keep the IP and could leave with it eventually if they join Brave, but of course that's not the same for Endless and ES
>we're out of the sewerskek coni
>>82446767Hopefully Lala will rise to power in a few years and make Spain great again
>>82446811Coni happy about 3d and celebrating. Fuyo an idiot. Rin is leaving. Tonya has a donothon that isn't going well. Koa is looking forward to her 3d too. Lala doesn't even know the Idol has been bought out.
>>82446848SEETHE BITCH
>>82446811froyo summary so far>leaving>keeping the model/IP/channel/etc>staying as frozone>is cute
>>82446784Yeah, she's gonna to get groomed really fucking hard.
Fuyo is offtopic.
>>82446848I don't have enough KEK pics for this.
I hate Fuyo Cloverfield.
>>82446784>leaving now so she doesn't lose Fuyo in case she wants to leave laterIt's a half retard and half smart decision. What the frick
>>82446811im only watching Koa, she says she is gonna get a 3D model (UOOOHHH) and will stay in idol
>>82446906She's still with Idol for three more months, retard
>>82445838A big contribution to it may have been that she seemed like their emergency stand-in for anything audio related. Covers we're always "Worked on by Juna", probably because they couldn't pay anyone else. Not being on the hook for that would be a relief. >>82446061>I don't really know what to expect from BraveThey seem okay. The only Brave Group VTuber I've watched is Bonnie Barkswell and her management seems to be lightly moderated, which allows some pretty interesting streams to come about.
>>82446848>congratulate the person putting their oshi through hellWho is congratulating anyone
>>82390496checking on you, did you kys? did you win?
I absolutely adore Koa's voice. I could hear her yapping in any language for 24/7
>>82446965I'm not sure I'll survive the 3D
I will never forgive Yuko for making Fuyo cry.
>>82446977tick tock cuckycharms
How much hate sex will Mozzu and Coni have tonight?
>>82446848I would wish awful things to happen to vdere if Spica wasn't there
>>82446946That's the only reason I would consider leaving as well. Having control over an established IP is huge if you are even halfway popular. It's like if an actor would be allowed to hold IP rights to the character everyone associates him with.
>>82446698CL was weird, since at least one of them owned the IP and model before debut.
>>82446848>groomed a girl into moving in with her>still can't get her out of the corpo lifeHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>82446985watch v4m if you want a better example of what their management will be like. Bonnie is under Brave EU
What went so wrong with E-sekai
>>82447017Same. I don't speak Spanish.
>>82446848I know she's probably not in the discord but does she even read Twitter? People were pretty publicly shitting on the company and Aviel for months now. In direct replies on both platforms.
>>82446848why did she ever join kawaii then
>>82446848>>82447090despite it all, im looking forward to vdere gen 2. spica is a gem.
Someone in chat asked Koa if she's going to keep streaming in both languages (ES and EN). She said nothing has changed, she will keep streaming in both languages even though Spanish is her main language. She would also like to explore streaming in Japanese but she needs to find someone to talk to in Japanese for that.
>>82447138she is retard (and a bitch) please understand
>>82447110Aviel didn't do enough research.>Yuko applies on the last day of auditions>oh FUCK this girl is creative and has a cute voice. she's in no fuck you I will not look her drama up
>>82447206/lig/ poster...
>>82447198That's more or less what she said during the Nobeta stream.
>>82447206Wait, she's joining Idol?
>>82447090anyone laughing at this is such a retard, they are still best friends living together. you will never get rid of mozzu sadly
>Coni daki in the worksSEEEEEEEEEEEX
>>82447164Give me a rundown on her.
>>82446893Having a donothon during this shit was certainly a choice
>>82447248>brave-sama can I have a daki>hai>I'M STAYING SIGN ME UP
>>82447206who what
>>82446893cute Lala just playing a game without saying anything about the announcement
>>82447290Do your own reps and stop asking to be spoonfed
I like how Coni face tracking is working in reverse
>>82447206>>82447278fuck off /lig/shitter
>>82447127yeah I dunno, shitting on management is a time honored traditionI can only assume she's terminally /here/ and takes the larpers who fellate corps at the expense of the girls seriously, because she's retarded
I honestly think the rest of ESekai left is because they are a broken gen. So they don't have the unity power like Endless does to stick out or sell merch. As a business standpoint it probably was for the best for them to leave and find opportunity elsewhere. Still a shame to see them leave though.
>>82447270>literal friends with v4 girlsanon, mozzu may be a vagueposting menhera but I don't think she was talking about brave.
>>82447356let's be honest at least anon...
>>82446848at this point I think she's actually incapable of not blasting shit into public with the seeming intention of making people hate her
kekI don't know what the intention with Runny was but I chose to interpret it as death by seggs
>>82447432based fatass
Rin will not be forced into having a dakiKilling myself, see you guys tomorrow
>>82447400c'est la vie
>>82447325Mariya in v4 needed a whole donothon to convince brave to make Daki merch. They give Coni a daki just for joining
>get filteredgood start
>>82447446>interpretit's literally death by sex!
we are so back
>>82447461>>82447478come watch pippa too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NphKqVGWmg
/jidf/riend has some things to say about the announcement
>>82447494well everything v4m did was the first time Brave US did anything.
The way Coni is talking is like Brave is saying Yes to everything they want. Why would anyone leave lol
>>82447432Damn boy she THICC
>>82447446You might be autistic, anon
Just came back from eating Taco Bell, what did I miss?
>>82446985Brave jp is literally one of the most hated jp vtuber companies, the only reason it isn't one of the blackest companies out there is because shit like wactor exist and so far brave hasn't been THAT levels of black. But remember if they did get lisa and tonya's ips they would 100% not hesitate to skinwalker them if they wanted to, they did it with gamebu and now gamebu's dead and the 2 that got skinwalkered aren't even under brave anymore, miria works for a completely different company now(though still pretends she was the original miria, despite getting heavily shit talked for it whenever she does or uses the originals models.) and i'm pretty sure it's the same for cocoa.
>>82447412She also explicitly said Menace isn't joining Vdere, but that never stoped shitposters.
>>82447548So you posting from the toilet?
>>82447523I will
>>82447592But Poko is streaming.
>>82447548All of them are investing in crypto!!
>>82447548Juna ruined Fuyo, Coni's groomer is seething
>>82447537Rin and Meica are big enough to go indie, the other 3? idk
>>82447446It's literal succubus drain
>>82447110management kept the kid gloves on for too long with Yuko and Pochi instead of wrangling them harder, Rin was a golden-goose and isolated from everyone else due to how different her content was, Juna always wanted an out(whether it be getting into Niji in the first year or going indie), Fuyo burns out too often
>>82447435KEK, I doubt Aviel has a fanbase much larger than (you).
>>82447636Based. We need a pump right about now.
>>82447553But literally who the fuck gives a shit about Brave JP, Idol was bought by Brave US
>fuyo basically confirmed juna won't stay as juna after November
>>82447537The two graduations v4m had only happened cause they got offered literal dream jobs. So far the US branch has been one of the more accommodating corpos I've seen
I'm guessing no Fuyo streams till november
Fuyo pomf streams will be a thing now.
I need fuyo to end so I can give tonya money and go to bed
MATPAT as Rin manager confirmed
>>82447553if it was jap brave handling the day to day affairs I'd be pretty fucking worried, but brave US seems to be running alrightI dunno how management structure works or how autonomous they are but they do seem to be avoiding typical black company shit
>>82447732Juna HATES fameely
>>82447616Yeah and it's pretty late for me, I'll watch vods tomorrow
Fuyo should take that sponsorship
>>82447732juna is so stupid lol
If purple silhouette is the one that left I’m going to fucking lose it.
>>82447788She's for meatbeaters and brosties now.
so basically, the smart girls (besides meica) stayed, and the dumb girls are leaving.
it's me, I am the manager
>>82447866It better have been red or green. If blue, purple, or yellow I'll be fucking pissed
>>82447895But Coni's still here
Fyuo is a good girl.
>>82447900how much for a kiss?
Total esekai death! I guess Momo was just antisemitic.
>>82447768the best possible outcome
>>82446848I think she's just shittalking Aviel / Idol. Sounds like he was a retard.
>>82446177>>82446468>>82447265damn it feels good to be a carnie
>>82445613Holy shit I just realized something.Juna said she'll be getting the new outfit(for Juna) in late August/September. Either that thing is dead, or she'll debut it and then never touch Juna again a month later.
>>82447866I hope it's not the pirate
>Vtuber event>Hispanic ConventionsHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA Koa you're a fucking retard
so the rrat that fuyo was a bully was true?
>>82447553>SkinwalkingThat reminds me.So EN3 is confirmed to have a talent leave before debut. What's the opinion on recasting that model? They've got a couple of months, it could be feasible or is she just gonna get shelved permanently.
>>82448071¿Cuál es el problema? Dreaming is free... who knows
What are our guesses on who left from en3 ?
https://x.com/fluffenfox/status/1820863288588337333comfy sched this week
yea, I'm thinking we're back
>>82448103she actually said>tummy hort so I'll be talking about the subject.lele is a babified version of duele
>>82448125They already said they'd debut 4 talents in October, but they might reuse the model for a later gen in another part of brave.
>>82448070Not the lolis not the lolis not the lolis not the lolis...
>>82448103>lele pancita>read tummyKek the translator sometimes misses these neologisms. Lele = uwu form of "duele" (it hurts).
>>82448156Off topic
>all of the male collabers leaveAnd nothing of value was lost. Now resurrect Yuko, Pochi and the pink one.
>>82448103Will she be able to afford electricity under Brave?
>>82448156dumb whore
I forgive Pochi
>>82448211Taiga is staying, retard.
I'm honestly just glad Yuko missed out on this deal. Fuck her
>/idf/why are you keeping the zionist tag? the jews are gone.
>>82447866I'd only be fine with the bear leaving since she looks too hag for me, but all signs pointed to her being Koinu somehow, so I'd still be sad losing her.
>Plant biologists found out that introducing multiple copies of a gene that codes for purple petunia flowers led, not as expected to a deeper purple hue, but rather to plants with white or variegated flowers
>>82448211>Now resurrect Yuko, Pochi and the pink one.lol no
>>82448313Go back, tourist
>>82447553You literally have nothing post OG Cocoa leaving (and OG Cocoa wanted for her fans to give current Cocoa a chance, so if I'm being truthful you have nothing post Game Bu)
>>82448313I like being a jewbro.
tonys WILL fart in her sleep and the mic will pick it up
>>82448211>Now resurrect Yuko, PochiYuko is literally dead, noone can ressurect her, and Pochi is too menhera to come back. I want Kyo back though
>>82448136LatinxPoorfags don't know anything about internet/weeb/otaku culture, and they try to relate everything to fucking memes from toxic Facebook groups.It's horrible to see a Latinx talk about things from English-speaking communities: It's like a Moroccan living in Spain telling you "Hey, can I fuck your wife? The government protects me and if you do something to me, I can report you." You know something is wrong, and you have to do something before it's too late.
all of the girls who left other than meica will redebut as wildfyre
>>82448313Go back to /pol/
Jewbros staying strong.
What the actual fuck is Koa rambling about
https://youtu.be/90WD_ats6eE>Aqua graduating>now thiswinds of change...
>>82448426>It's like a Moroccan living in Spain telling you "Hey, can I fuck your wife?wtf...
>>82448091It didn't happenAnd if it did they deserved it
>>82448390it's called gentile
>try to open the twitch deleted links>twitch always force ads on me before I can even watch the streamI hate that tranny website so fucking much
>I'll never be able to post this againMan I think I'm just going to delete this folder. Sucks for all the Poko and Koa images though...
>>82448490>now thisThe acquisition happened before Aqua's graduation announcement
>>82448156Is she just posting them herself?Is she doing that badly on numbers?
>>82448543Post your favourite ones
>>82448182Why? She's pochi don't you know?
>>82448543Wait, upload it give me the cunny pictures
>>82448543Now you have to post it in /lig/
>>82448539You don't get it bro, you just need to install 20 different addons to make it useable.
>>82448618Go back, troll
>>82448313Nikki is still here.
Yo what the fuck is going on in here?
>>82448543post the poko and Koa images idiot... please
>>824482112/3 are on an ongoing male "collab" though
>>82448618There's no Idol member with that name. Read the OP, retard.
>>82448070The purple hat thing could go.
>fewer streams than before>no gameplay>no funky stuff>no ASMRit's looking grim for Fuyo's future even if she keeps the IP
>>82448539Skill issue, but I'll spoonfood you anyway because fuck Twitch and fuck their advertisers and fuck the cancer they're spreading.>pixeltris
>>82448660drama tourists
>eternals>lasts about 3 monthsBiggest case of false advertisement since The Neverending Story
>>82448543Post the Koa ones, Idiota
>>82448426It is a compelling argument, but people that go to conventions have (or will have) the means to go there and pay entrance fees... of course if there is no entry fee then there is no filter. Any Idol Corp booth would be full of the unwashed masses and they would make lines to talk to their Oshis through a screen and buy nothing. A total net loss... and while the girls would be happy thanks to this support (that again, nets no money) the risk of any le meemer grifter is too high.So yes, I agree with your argument but a con is doable with basic precautions. WHEN IDOL IS POPULAR that is... I see no point in participating in a con if the girls are low to middle-end 3views.
>>82448539twitch legit sucks for streaming I have no idea why so many retards on this board defend that website
>>82448337Cute but, what the fuck is going on with the watermarks?This supposed to be a stock image?
>>82448709Wait till after nov
Love Mistress Katta, hate threadshitters. Simple as.
>>82448795At least ENdless lived up to their name
>>82448795how brown?
>>82447834Yes, she is Korean.
Fuyo wants me to go to her maros and call her stupid idiot because shes retarded and needs my firm hand
>>82446848KWABcaptcha: v4m
>>82448709It hasn't been bright for almost a year now
>>82448419great idea, she'd have even more management to fuck
I believe Meica will continue to log into th discord VC and sleep with the other girls... I believe...
Chio...I hope Fuyo can make enough money to keep doing fun things as Fuyo...
Fuyobros lost hard today
>>82448709hey at least there's streams
>>82448967You need to go back
>>82448827it only gets worse...
>>82448608She'd be pretty dumb to. She didn't have many fans /here/ when she was actually in idol and streaming.
>>82448910TFW I pull out my cock
where is she going with this...
>wants to keep the Fuyo IP>doesn't want to continue as Fuyo
>I really wanted to keep my IP>fuyo is going to stop streaming?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
>>82448543Post the Pokos and Koas anon
>>82449042I'm in the toilet what happened
it's clover...
It's actually clover....
>>82448795Eternals was a gen of 4 since the start.
Momo and Lala secured. That's all that matters for me honestly.
>>82449081>>82449085maybe she is retard...
Am I retarded? Or woman moment?
The fuck is this woman thinking
lol retards, that's mitty talking
>>82449012About that
How will this affect the vsmp?
Just saw the news, can't say I'm surprised that the remaining ESekai girls are leaving.It really doesn't help that 2 of their genmates are already gone, they don't really have much unity left like when they debuted.Meica never really felt like she was even in Idol in the first place lmfao.I am surprised Katta is going though..Not surprised Coni is staying, it was obvious her irks were with management issues that are now not applicable. Hope brave managers listen to her suggestions and help her out more.
>Endless talked and all wanted to stay together LOVE ME ENDLESS!
I dont know what the fuck Fuyo is doing
What the fuck is Fuyo doing...
>>82449126I'm happy about Momo staying.
Actually retarded.
Is she fuckin dumb
>>82448795meica was just a publicity stunt
Koa wants Lala to go to her house and they will play a scary horror game.
>im so confused i dont know what fuyo is doingLMAO
I'm going to ugly cry...
What happened I'm watching Koa
Fuyo you stupid nigger.... Mitty sucks
>>82449245She's getting raped
Why buy the ip then????
this is like actual terminal woman moment what the fuck
Yeah, it's fucking over. Fuck this shit.
>buying the IP>not going to use it very much>obviously dancing around going back to Mitty>buiyng the IP solely to give Fuyo the old yeller treatmentFuyo I am actually at a loss, I don't even know what to type
>>82447755I still can't believe that horse girl got in Hololive. Her voice is bad.
>>82449164Pillow invited meat(Juna) to vsmp the other day. They'll just rejoin in their PLs
Actually fucking Clover
>I'm going to buy the Fuyo IP so I can end the Fuyo IPWomen...
Turns out all of the Cunny Stack is retarded
>>82448981It's Chiover...
>doesnt want to throw fuyo away>throws fuyo away??
>>82449278bullshit! no one who watches koa can post here with just one hand
Did fuyo anounce she's pregnant? Why did all the fuyobros start doomposting
sorry fuyobros
Fuyo RPG maker game..
the more she talks the less fucking sense she's making
>>82449164Literally not at all.
>>82449395Thats why we loved them
>Fuyo is just having a very fucked up woman moment Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
>>82449269>Juna infected her with retarditisEven when she's not being used to shit up the thread, that bitch manages to ruin things for us.
Holy fuck, even for announcement stream Koa can yap for hours
she must have been fucking traumatized, what the hell was going on
>I will stop streaming as Fuyo>but I can do fun projects as Fuyo... like sell merchgoddamit
>>82449434Koa inspired me to use my toes
Oh like NSFW stuff, I'm thinking
she just doesnt want to stream anymore lmao
>>82449394>created something out of passion>attached her whole life to it for a couple of years>destroys itSeems based.
>"It's not clover!"Cope
fuyo is just afraid of people hating on her for making the decisions she wants to make for herself, man up fuyo lol
Omfg. Fuyo is keeping her ip purely to keep making porn of her. That's next level
So fuyo ip will be like jangling keys then?
>its not over>its literally overok Fuyo, weird cope
>>82447895yup looks like this is true
>Wants luckycharms to be the paypigs
>>82448795Only Meica is leaving tho?
So she just wanted to keep the IP for the sake of keeping it, but wants to stream as something else, I guess??
Status trust woman Korean?
>"I dont want to manage multiple IP's">"I can do some streams and projects as fuyo in the future"????????
I hate this so much
So she will stream as another persona but have Fuyo as a side character or as some kind of alter ego? like a mascot?
So she's just turning Fuyo into a character?
I'm actually just fucking stunned at the level of galaxy brain shit going on here
Fuyo, do you really think you're gonna do anyt of those things?
So yeah, she is effectively going to leave the small corpo scene for good. Taking herself out of the public eye
Fuyo's character will become so fucking irrelevant very fast
Girls are way too confusing
>>82449619Always trust
>>82449635For hentai projects
Lala>Oh there is a ton of people doing streams!>Hey Akugaki Koa!>Oh Tata let's see HMMM...>>Let's talk about Koa's future what is this stream? Oh DUH she will be evil of course>Let's raid Tata she has less people
I don't think I'll ever understand women.
>>82449619You won't fool me Yuuna.
RRATFuyo is keeping Fuyo so she can draw porn of her, but will re-debut in Brave using the model of the 5th 3rd gen girl that quit before she debuted.
No point in watching if she's not gonna be fuyo.
She's obviously fucking off from Fuyo so she doesn't have to give Brave half her fucking income
>>82449619When I'm not on this small corpo thread, I'm on /vnug/, so yeah.
Fuyo is so fucking dumb I'm genuinely impressed
>>82449766unironically agreeMitty is going to flop so fucking hard
Fuyo is trying really hard not to pull a yuko here it's obvious, you know what that means.
>>82449707Kek she's so sweet
>>82445764what did she win? I'm out busy and can't watch
>>82449748okay now this is epic
>>82449773she could keep fuyo and keep her income as indie
Goddamn I forgot how annoying clover cucks were. Maybe it's better Fuyo is leaving.
>>82449773at least read the thread you fucking retard
I Assume the vision fuyo's talking about is something like kizuna ai twins before it all went wrong
100% this was Juna's doingNo other fucking reason for her to say that.
i'm late as usual, just saw the announcement, can't belive we lost Katta after all these years
>>82449773Even of that's the case why announce she's retiring Fuyo after november
This only really makes sense to me if fuyo just doesn't really wanna be a streamer anymore.
Trusting Fuyo after what came out in the thread during her debut was retarded in the first place
>>82449619holy sex
Fuyo still has three months to not be as retarded as she's being right now
>>82449910Wasn't here during that time. What happened?
Oh damn, what an odd thing to get excited about.What is this gelbooru thing?
>>82449944It's terminal
Fuyo is just tired of streaming, its that simple.
>>82449596Thats literally what fans are
I mean, its not that hard to understand. if she was going to stop streaming as Fuyo anyway, then may as well retain the asset of Fuyo's IP. always better to have an asset, then not, even if its value goes to shit because she drops it
Fuyo is doing this intentionally so she can stream a few times a week on an inferior model and just draw hentai like she said
>>82449903I feel like she doesn't really know what she wants
Something wrong I hold my head Fuyo goneOur nigga dead...
Well, with fuyo gone in 5 months there definitely won't be a need for /jidfx/
Generally makes sense. Take the IP. Wait out the year for the 50/50 split to end. Use her old IP to stream and make money. Use fuyo iP for so much porn after
can believe frumbo is giving up racism...
>>82449903Well if you think about it she has the skills to make NSFW of a built-in cute and funny fan base..
>>82449956Do your fucking reps. God, there's way too many retarded tourists in this thread who always ask others to do their work for them.
Lala end stream>Alamadre, acabo de ver algo importante... Oh yeepers, I just saw something important>I didn't noticed I was gaming...>Eeeeeto... I will go to twitter!
>>82447084Pandora owned the character, channel, and likeness but (until it folded) Cyberlive owned the character model Pandora used.
>>82449964its like a database of anime images
>>82449964holy shit you're that much of a tourist?
>Keeps IP to not lose fans that don't know Mitty>Turns fuyo into a character while streams as Mitty
>>82449853Yeah, I was just a casual watcher, but I will miss her. I enjoyed the Abductions quite a lot.
it hurts
>>82448313>the jews are gone>the only Jewish chuuba is still inwdhmbt
>>82447648Aviel was probably the only thing keeping Katta in Idol
>>82449964does she do anything but thirst trap?
>>82445902why did she even join in the first place she's a twitch streamer and barely interacted with anyone in idol outside of ES group collabs
Fuyo saving f you to brave lol
>>82449964>>82450071hoyshitguys my baiting sucks don't fall for it
isnt she already active in her other discord?
at least she isn't making a groomcord I guess
>not doing much with fuyo for a year Lmao
Koa (claims she) can do a split
Fuyo's Twitch hate is the only smart thing she's said this stream
>>82450062Motherfucker that's so far back, even using warosu I have no clue what to search up for this
>>82449964It's danbooru with no quality standards but you also don't have to pay to see loli
Sounds like she's going to wait out the whole 1 yr share of revenue thing if she uses the IP. She's "retiring" the Fuyo model for a year.
>>82450111Katta is Jewish even if she isn't Israeli
okay yeah I guess that makes alot more sense
>>82450158don't worry anon, I'm savvy enough to read the sarcasm.
Koa NewsShe can do splits on my cock
>>82450035Yeh she keeps referring to waiting out the year.
>>82450141Idol probably paid her a lot to be the flagship streamer to help all the smaller spanish girls.
>>82450184>I like to feel my muscles stretched
>>82449773Told you retards
>>82450192"Idol e-sekai debut"
>I want to keep streaming, if it doesn't work out I can just draw hentai>I won't be streaming>I'm leaving because I really want to keep the fuyo IP rights>I'm killing fuyo>I'm planning cool stuff with fuyo>I'm doing nothing for a year with fuyomake it make sense aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>I wont do shit with Fuyo for a yearDamn, she really hates brave that much?
>>82448384So did you just forget the first thing that happened upon brave buying vspo was suspending noah for literally no reason at all. Stop sucking off brave you fucking retard, atleast say some shit like brave na might be different, you might have a little bit of a point there, but brave jp is black as fuck.
>>82450200I'm surprised brave didn't make them stream. Was wondering if they could just sleep on it for a year
>>82450192>I have no clue what to search up for thisWarosu has a date range search. Just use your brain a tiny bit.
>>82450185Do you really believe..
>>82450243>>82450141She got her model's toggles and nice birthday merch too. Without much effort.
>>82450184I don't believe her. There is no way her 30+ old bones can handle it
>>82450282What's hard about understanding she doesn't want to pay the brave tax?
>>82450200I know enough about content trends and algorithms to know that isn't going to work out well
>>82449212me too, i hope she comes back
She was right once again
Ok, Fuyo is a walking corpse
>>82450310If that's the best you have you literally have nothing
Fuyo I don't think you're supposed to be this obvious that you're avoiding the Brave profit sharing...
>>82450282Did she really say she's drawing hentai? Everything on Mitty looks sfw
Does any passive money the channel makes count toward the payment plan?Is idol going to continue selling their merch up until november or even after?
>>82450373She's going to pay the relevancy tax instead. Which is a much steeper cost.
pre-stalling your indie career momentum seems like a questionable financial decision, a year is a long time in vtubering
fuyo's plan sounds dumb
She obviously will keep streaming but having Fuyo as a character, part of her lore, etc.But cannot say soThat's why "Fuyo" will be part of funny streams every now and then but won't stream per seShe's not allowed to be open about it
>>82446848what the fuck is her problem
>>82450549Except for the part where she wants to kill Carnies
>>82450523You missed pomf stream, huh?
This is weird. The ones I expected to leave are staying, and the ones I expected to stay are leaving. Except for Fuyo, I thought she would leave, but I'm surprised nobody else is following her.
>>82450629I believe her.
>>82450680Erm I saw the fairy game stream, is there more?
Should I keep watching fuyo or is she pretty much done and I can make dinner
fuuuuuuybros status?
>>82450632Aren't the Carnies into that?
>>82450571well she did admit earlier that she makes bad financial decisions...
>>82450632have you heard of a fear boner?
>>82448070either of the lolis better not have left
>>82450282 if keeping the ip was the only reason to leave she will have no attachment to the fuyo after the one year, thats stupid
>>82450707>but I'm surprised nobody else is following her.Well she is following her gen
Man, I'm going to miss her. At least the months she spent away and depressed make it a bit easier to digest since I oshihened in that time.It is still sad as fuck.
>>82450603it sounded EXTREMELY retarded as she was explaining it but it's making alot more sense now
>>82450794No, I'm not fucked in the head
>>82450519Apparently people still aren't getting it and there's literally no clause that forces her to make money on the IP.
>>82449619Why does this slutty cat wear different bras everytime I see her?
>>82450549Did Mozzu finally get her own foot surgically sewn inside her mouth?
>>82450776Change is scarybut we'll see how it goes
>I won't stream games>I will graduate as Fuyo>I won't stream much anymore>ok but I will stream hentai games=???????
>>82450828your loss
>>82450800She always had more unity with Endless than anyone from her gen. That's why this is odd to me.
>>82447755what dream job did abi even get?
>>82450889What in the fuck did she mean by this
fuyo leprechauns or w/e they are lost BIGLY
don't forget that she will be mitty, and she has friends, dont cry and get angry about her friends, ok?
>>82450889She's going back to her PL and waiting out the revenue sharing period on Fuyo before doing stuff with Fuyo again.
Need more Fuyo Pomf streams
>>82449865She is only going to retire it for one year. After that year then the revenue sharing goes away and 100% of the money she earns as "Fuyo" will be hers.
>in the end, only Rin is being smart about taking her IPI don't think I'm taking anyone as an oshi ever again. I was going to say that big corps are free from this kind of stuff but then I remembered Aqua.Vtubing is a shit hobby I hate it so much.
sssh ruby is streaming
>no onaholeIT'S SO OV->well maybeWE'RE SO BACK
>>82451034sounds like a breach of contract and quick way to lose the IP forever
>>82450519What's that?
I am confused, the fun things are gonna be Fuyo or Mitty?
>>82451079This is your chance to finally get out. You'll be saving so much of your time and money.
NEED Fuyo onahole
>>82447755Abi not doing a graduation stream following an out of nowhere announcement is still pretty fucked up to me
>>82451082post stream idiot!
>>82451079Aqua hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahaha
>>82450282The only thing that made sense was having genmates being very important to her and having shit luck despite being a leprechaun ;_;
>>82451079>Vtubing is a shit hobby I hate it so much.
>>82450990>Alice rabbit hole
Will mozzu bring down the lesbian wrath onto coni?She seems unstable enough to be the beating one in a lesbo household
>>82451014I'm gonna miss her fat tits
I don't understand Fuyo.I am dumb give me a QRD
>>82451179https://youtu.be/1-Mfy6iCqs8https://youtu.be/1-Mfy6iCqs8https://youtu.be/1-Mfy6iCqs8fakiu bitch
fuyo I know you're still used to aviel being the boss but you can't be this blatant about trying to jew brave
remember to throw a couple bucks to tonya for her birthday if you can!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNOVnQum1bshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNOVnQum1bshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNOVnQum1bs
Man, I remember when Esekai first debuted and we were all convinced it'd be such a great gen... Now they're all graduated.Plus I'm sure this shit must be mentally draining for the other girls too. Ever since the Riro incident, Idol has been a nonstop downward spiral. PLEASE, no more yabs or retarded woman/manager moments after joining Brave now, some months of calm and getting used to the new normal would do everyone good. Jesus.
>>82451079>Vtubing is a shit hobby I hate it so much.I want out too
e-sekai are a bunch of dysfunctional retards holy fuckat least it's over
>>82451014>free model>gets a little exposure outside her usual spanish community >walks away without getting doxxed like her last jobPretty good for her.
>>82451098You haven't seen the contract. Why do you assume there's a clause that demands she make money on Fuyo?
>neglect fans for a year just to nickel and dime corpo for a few benniesepic, very nice fuyo
>>82446848>another corpo cucked her AGAIN with ConiWell deserved, bitch. You are not getting the corpo buff and leeching off Coni's hardwork in a shameless way.
>>82450680Is there an archive?
>>82451269I don't think she'd be talking about it if they hadn't already talked about it
>>82451079What's wrong with what Fuyo is doing? All the people who care and give money will follow her to her PL and avoid the Brave tax
>>82451250coni is the inside job to get Brave Group to acquire vDere.
>>82450952Supposedly some kind of IRL talent agency, hence why she had to instantly terminate her contract, and left with 0 repercussions. Worse case had to pay a small fine behind closed doors that she clearly didn't have problems paying off compared to where she was going. >>82451180The only thing that's worrying about it is how grift lenient v4m's contract is. Vaguely worried about how many of the girls who signed on just plan on reaping benefits just to jump ship somewhere over a woman moment.
>>82449081>>82449085sounds like peak woman decisions
>>82450563If she starts drawing, probably not that steep
>>82446893>Lala doesn't even know the Idol has been bought out.Lala is truly a loli even in mind.
>>82451277I think with Brave it has the possibility of being a fresh start for everyone. They seem decent enough. Brave seems to be handing out nice 3D to everyone under them.
>>82451317Once she gets the IP she's obviously going to link her PL for everyone.
>>82451346I hope that happens because it means Mozzu will likely unalive
>>82451264One of her close friends was a drug-whore that ruined their relationshipAnother close friend also shit up their relationshipThe third close friend is korean.Some times life gives you a bad hand
how the fuck is watching vtubers a hobby? was watching tv a hobby back when people did that?anyway now that aviel has shown his true colors and sold out the girls for israel like the HOOK NOSED SHYSTER we all knew he was i guess he can dedicate all his time to raping hostages in prison and the girls can finally see what it's like not to work for a heeb
not here for drama but I'm a casual fuyo enjoyer, can't call myself a luck charm, I will honor her wisheshave a good night jewbros, I'm gonna catch up on all the fucking overlap I missed
>>82451455I don't want to watch her PL
So what are the chances that Juna's strategy is exactly the same as Fuyo's?
>>82449619damn those are nice tits
>>82451539they are both dumb so maybe. it's very likely the bite them in the ass if i'm being honest.
>>82451539How do you think fuyo got hers? Lol
>>82451272what a shitty time to have a birthday. Is it her real bday too?
alright who was it
>>82451539I doubt Juna is going to go all-in on lewd content
>>82451344I like Fuyo, the character. The person behind her is nice too, but the Fuyo character is the one I grew to love.
>>82451604>suddenly every vtuber in the world is going hard on donothons for that $$just the new fad everyone is doing lately for a quick buck.
>>82451312They all said it on stream. And in the anno. Revenue share. 1 yr. Unless they are all lying.
>>82451491Yes watching tv is a hobby. Watching soap operas is a hobby. Watching wrestling is a hobby. Why the fuck would watching vtubers not count as one?
>>82451635Doesn't juna have a futa togle?
>>82451686>new fadBro, this has been a thing on Twitch for years
>>82451604It's her real birthday, yeah. Just bad timing.
>>82451650this. i don't care about mitty
>>82450000that makes sense
>>82451686VAllure is doing paid clips now too. It turns out that Aviel actually had good ideas, they just weren't implemented too well after he ran out of money.
>lala offcollab still happening
>>82446893Lala is truly retarded she makes me so horny
>>82450093What Mitty are we talking about? I've seen 2
>>82451754i dunno man, i don't think of anything that passive as being a hobby but i don't know when or why i started thinking of it like that
>>82451736Yeah, rev share as Fuyo. So she's not going to use Fuyo for that period. There's no obligation for her to do activities that generate revenue on Fuyo.
>>82451956She's Ben Stiller? Grim
>>82451776then you dont care about "Fuyo" the model is just that, a model. its like not liking someone when they wear one hat over another.
>>82451468Now I am more confused
>>82452102It's just not the same...
>>82451491>was watching tv a hobby back when people did that?yes? watching movies in the theatre can be considered one too if you do it enough.anything can be really, even cranking your hog
>>82452102B-but the paper-thin kayfabe!
>>82451736yeah and she plans on sharing her revenue of $0 for 1 year
>>82450317Maybe Brave realizes they're inheriting a ship on fire and are just doing this to keep up goodwill. All those problems with people not getting paid on time look really bad, especially if new management are seen to be making similar bad decisions as the old. Brave is probably just gonna do what they can to make the current talents that want to leave happy so they can focus on growing their newly acquired company.
>>82452149i thought the same about Coni, but I grew to love her just as much as Menace
>>82452102RetardadisimoIt's not a model it is a CHARACTER
>>82451277Someone post the music video soundpost
>>82452102you don't care about vtubing, go watch twitch thots or something
>>82452102try again
>>82452161>even cranking your hogoh hell yeah, guess i do have a hobby. now when i'm answering fluff questions in job interviews i can say i spend a lot of time on my hobbies and then hurriedly change the subject
Holy fuck Koa antis live rent free in her head! I cant believe she is still talking about those spics complaining.
>>82452243its a bundle of pixels that someone talks through, it literally means nothing compared to the actual human behind it.
>>82452102Actual retard
>>82452243still the same person with the same feelings and ideas, unless you just want to accept that everything was a act and a character
>>82452102The people that don't care about potato is because they don't want to see her under a persona where she male collabed and talked about HIMLucky charms are not very sincere
>>82452102you sound like a capipi
>>82452347>>82452450I could not care less about the human, she exists to entertain me.
>>82452345They probably still pester her about that. Also she has been bleeding ccv for weeks, I'm sure she has noticed.
>>82451468Sounds like she's the problem if she keeps having this problem, no?
>>82452102It's more like having an anime character as your waifu, but not feeling anything in particular for her voice actress.
>>82452278You don't watch Fuyo. The character is just her with some window dressing. She acts the exact same way in her PL.
>>82446698Tsunderia and Prism as well.
>>82451452This is why the new gen will be important.They'll function like a blank slate pretty much, the first gen for which this structure is the default, if they're interesting enough it'll make people forget about the drama before Brave.
>>82452450the person and the character are intertwined when you seperate them it isn't the same
>>82452516the comparison doesnt make sense to me, iv never chatted with my waifu, made her laugh. streamers are much more than a passive entertainment like anime is.
>>82452102a vtuber is both the body and the soul
All the "Fuyo will never betray us" posts around the time Yuko and Riro graduated sure aged like milk lol
>>82451587If they are reading this and didn't get a lawyer to check the contract and trying to milk Brave for their IP, they are retarded and they should be doing that now and changing their plans as it likely 99% not allowed. Corpus that aren't dumb which Brave isn't and they wouldn't normally leave a loophole like that. And losing relevancy is much worse than paying 50% for 1 year.
>>82452896She was forced to do it unlike the other grifters, even if her plans sound very retarded
>>82452723Sure, but saying the character doesn't matter at all is just stupid. Like most of the reason anyone picks any vtuber is their model, and why whenever they graduate they never get all their fans to move to their PL. It's just not the same thing, I don't know how else to explain it to you.I might try to watch Fuyo's PL sometimes but it won't feel right chatting and it looks like she won't even do her fun game playthroughs anymore. It's all over. Everything is over.
when is the hebrew shit gonna end for streamlab donos?
Who's her PL? Spoon feed me like the nubian king I am
>>82452896she didnt, Idol betrayed their talents. Idol doesnt even exist anymore, no need to dickride them
>>82451776cool, see you in her streams.
>>82452345its not really rent free when they are spamming her all the timeantis are working really hard
>>82452937yup. im pretty sure they haven't thought this whole "no streaming to avoid the tax but keep my IP heehee im so smart" thing through.
>>82453064It is so easy to find you should be ashamed for asking, all I had to do was google the name people were posting plus "Portuguese vtuber" and that was that.
Those are definitely drawn via tracing, don't ask me how I know.
>>82453465You glow.
I like when Koa uses Mexican slang.
I'm jacking it to fuyo asmr one last time tonight
>>82452896>still loves her fans>still going to stream on PL>still going to keep the same tone on her PL streams>not going to have a groomcordWhat "betrayal" is there?
>>82453545Anon, he is probably talking about tracing another artist. I would swear I watched this set of images with Nina of Idolmaster and Kana, even the poses are basically the same
>>82453666i fucking hate mexicans. koa should become spanish already.
>>82453878Ok Argie
>>82453733>>still loves her fansnot enough to stream as fuyo