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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8238532 No.8238532 [Reply] [Original]

We all know and hate Niggersanji for having so many vtubers that it's impossible to keep up with them all, but is Hololive going down the same path?
Not including Holostars, Hololive has 48 active talents. And they don't show any sign of slowing down anytime soon. Soon it will be impossible to watch every Hololive vtuber, and as an idol group this is obviously bad business.
What repercussions will the large influx of Hololive idols have on Hololive as a whole?

>> No.8238676
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Quoted by: >>8239608 >>8248831


>> No.8238693
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Quoted by: >>8238755

First of all, you don't have to worry about keeping up with the males. And if you don't know all the Hololive chuubas after a month or two there's no hope for you.

>> No.8238696

I agree.

>> No.8238755
Quoted by: >>8238852

Anon, you can't just KNOW them. If you can't keep up with them all, what's the point?

>> No.8238835

>Only 48 without including holostars.
Seems pretty small when Nijisanji has I"m guessing somewhere under 200 livers active. Maybe more than 200 if you include all the ones that retired and/or was forced to retire. Maybe once they get to 100, then I'd worry but right now, it seems fine.

>> No.8238852
Quoted by: >>8238876

>he watches every Minecraft and Apex stream for the 5 minutes of interesting content out of hours of mind-numbing gameplay

>> No.8238876

I'm not a fake fan.

>> No.8238899

another shitty itoddler thread

>> No.8239608

I want to be dominated by Mito.

>> No.8239747
Quoted by: >>8240256

>Soon it will be impossible to watch every Hololive vtuber
It's already impossible to do so now which is why most Hololive girls all have lower view-to-sub counts compared to indies, smaller companies, even Nijis.

>> No.8240256

i'm starting to think some people confuse remembering all the names/characters and watching a varied amount of clips with actually following the girls. even if you're a jobless person who doesn't sleep and lives on the internet it's impossible to fully follow 50 separate vtubers.

>> No.8241017
Quoted by: >>8241087 >>8241220

They should graduate the low viewership, low activity and the ones trying to leech on their roommate.

>> No.8241087

Yes. If they don't have 1m by now they don't deserve to be part of the brand.

>> No.8241220

This is how real idols groups do things

I'm all for it

>> No.8241344

>8238532 (Fag)
52+5 talents is no where near 150+ Nijisasnji

>> No.8241427
Quoted by: >>8241616

the difference is in how long it took to get to that number and also the fact that all the holos arent just apex streamers and actually have different personalities

>> No.8241616
Quoted by: >>8241781 >>8243367

yeah everyone knows apex gremlin has the exact 1:1 same identical personality and content as societyman

>> No.8241700

Ih that's the goal. This, like smash bros, doesn't have slots. It's even more different in that each talent only costs them around 5k to get established (pc, iphone) and then a base salary on the level of mcdonalds if not worse. All those supas, memberships, youtube view money only contributes.

>> No.8241781

Yes, just like how no Holos are apex addicts.

>> No.8241805
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>We all know and hate
Bring your /v/ culture somewhere else

>> No.8241873 [DELETED] 

now who's projecting? im not a fucking incel you fucking retard im a fucking normal guy who just wants to hold a fucking conversation about something other than your dumb virgin autism and retarded "faggotry" you fucking cuck. you're the one going "oohhh, post more boobs you whores" and it's not only obvious that you are actually retarded but that you're the most retarded faggot in the history of the fucking world. you are so retarded that you think asking vulnerable girls to post pictures of their tits is a valid way to interact with someone. and if you think that's a valid way to interact with someone then you are truly a fucking cunt who probably thinks rape is funny. and if you think that, then you are a fucking retard with a very low IQ and a brain disorders so great that you are unuble to comprehend the concept that you are a fucking moron. and if you're going to claim that i'm somehow the simp incel, well that's a fucking bullshit excuse i've heard a million fucking times before. fuck you, you fucking retard. you are literally a worthless piece of garbage with no right to even say anything in the first place. i know you're the loser that has been posting on the incels thread and i'd like to take a moment to thank you for your posts. you've saved me from having to look at the garbage that is your life but here you are again making fun of me and you are just as retarded as you were in the first place.


>> No.8242039

Why would you want to keep up with all of them? Corporate slave? Just watch your favorites it's not that hard, Niji just wants to provide variety while Holos follow the same formula (not really but close)

>> No.8243120
Quoted by: >>8243610

There is no reason to keep up with all of them? I only watch the ones I like, there are great Vtubers in every agency but also really annoying ones in every agency, you couldn't pay me to watch the likes of Miko or Chiichan but I'll gladly tune into whatever Hisui or Towa are doing.

>> No.8243367
Quoted by: >>8244059 >>8255473

Does this board even know who is society man?

>> No.8243610
Quoted by: >>8245893

But if I don't subscribe to them and then never watch them, thus hurting their channel in the long run, how else would I show my support?

>> No.8244059

probably no one outside niji general but it's better this way

>> No.8245893

Give them SC, buy their merch.

>> No.8248730

When they start debuting 20 vtubers in a single year that's when you should start getting worried

>> No.8248831

i will put that finger up her ass

>> No.8248911
Quoted by: >>8252203

>as an idol group this is obviously bad business
You don't know anything about idols.

>> No.8250961
File: 39 KB, 382x268, 1617726903159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8251209

uhh, Sana is not a part of the nijiEN branch.

>> No.8251209

oh right she's a bug

>> No.8252203

What do you mean? It's not like there's any notable idol groups with FOURTY EIGHT members. That's WAY too many. Next you'll tell me there's idol groups coming out of Akibahara, when everyone knows that's just anime street.

>> No.8255430

>as an idol group this is obviously bad business.
>Total Members of All Groups: 892 Members

>> No.8255473
Quoted by: >>8256392

Society man's Susumu Hirasawa utawakus are my favorite.
Pure unfiltered S O V L

>> No.8255532
Quoted by: >>8255692 >>8255728

Nijisanji has more members in just their Korean branch than hololive has talents combined across ALL of them including the cover branches
And even the least popular one Anya still gets more live viewers than all of them combined

>> No.8255692
Quoted by: >>8256437

NijiKR only have 16 members anon.

>> No.8255728

I know Korean and Chinese sound like ping pong but KR and VR are seperate branches.

>> No.8256392

Oh shit. I love Susumu Hirasawa, I need to check those out.

>> No.8256437

Anon comes from the future where Hololive starts cutting members if they don't hit 1.5m in 2 months.

>> No.8257671

