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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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82280517 No.82280517 [Reply] [Original]

Regular Checkups Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Ari is LIVE! Mentioned first because I mean it's her 3 year streamerversary. She's going to be playing Mario Kart with Grape, Heavenly, Froggy, Nagzz, Quinn, Zen, and Mouse! Though if you want an alternate POV, then Zen is also live if you want to be a thread purist. Other than that Henya is LIVE! And she's presumably still sick and recovering, but she's still showing up so that's nice! Finally Mel is LIVE! And she's doing so for Lewdcast. She's going to be talking to the inventor of a buttplug. That's not as incorrect as you'd think. That's it for now so pick a stream and keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/LIMART05/status/1820308743499690261

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>82262816

>> No.82280600

>not black

>> No.82280625
File: 1.78 MB, 1553x893, 1710203057161979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Froggy has a cute mii

>> No.82280656

pneumonia fucking sucks, i had that a month ago, poor kettle

>> No.82280658
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Quoted by: >>82281587

sonch love

>> No.82280668
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I can't believe henya fuckin died

>> No.82280672

Henya's days are counted

>> No.82280685
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x1378, silverblep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I worked for Uber, I gave Silvervale a ride to her hotel from Twitchcon. She was fucking furious, yelling on her phone about how Gunrun wouldn't provide her transportation just because she quit Vshojo, and how she hates riding in "some tiny-dick retard's Prius." I could hear a lady on the other end of the call pleading, "Child! Settle down, child!" When we arrived, Silver said "Here's your tip," and ripped a fart so toxic that a scrap of her charred underwear was left fused to the seat. My car still reeks of eggs and burned hair.

I'm just wondering now, who is the other driver she was talking about? It's funny that we're both Prius owners.

>> No.82280708
Quoted by: >>82280772

Henya with both pneumonia and sick with covid.

she's getting everything this year

>> No.82280710
Quoted by: >>82280761

mel has some of the chillest intro music

>> No.82280731

I missed this poster

>> No.82280761

*chillest ffs

>> No.82280772
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Soon she'll get bronchitis too

>> No.82280786
Quoted by: >>82280830

>a lot of Henya's American family is visiting Japan next week and she doesn't think she'll be able to see them now

>> No.82280830
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>> No.82280843

No one cares about your opinions op, you mentally ill retard

>> No.82280905
File: 521 KB, 2560x1440, loud mel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel decided to start the stream by blowing out everyone's ears. Thanks Mel. Qdot lives up to his avatar by having a 3d model of it.

>> No.82280920
File: 811 KB, 160x128, KEKG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't take the vax
>get covid, suffer for a week

>take the vax
>get covid, suffer for 3 months
>never fully recover

>> No.82280963

>being retarded and have fucked up audio
must be a day that ends in y

>> No.82280980
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>> No.82281014
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Quoted by: >>82281218

>Froggy thought the purple part of Quinn's hair was a lightning bolt he'd shaved into his head

>> No.82281019
File: 1.09 MB, 1003x1033, 1708465935614525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82281032
Quoted by: >>82281191

dude looks like a furry basedjak

>> No.82281060

>Qdot has been working in the sex toy industry since 2004
holy shit

>> No.82281073

> first months of the year: hay fever
>second half of the year: covid and pneumonia

>> No.82281093

The heat from the vaccine cooks the virus

>> No.82281141

Watch her get measles next

>> No.82281191

He sounds exactly how you would expect him to sound with that avatar.

>> No.82281204

Or my coworker:

>don't take the vax
>get covid, suffer for a week

>> No.82281212

patient 0 for a new wave of the bubonic plague

>> No.82281218 [SPOILER] 
File: 444 KB, 725x648, 1697485349050593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just realised he reminds me of this twat

>> No.82281224
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At this rate Henya will learn the English word for every illness the hard way.

>> No.82281230

henya doing a mouseathon

>> No.82281244


>> No.82281270

Or be me:
>Take the vax
>get covid, have a fever for 3 days

Henya's immune system just sucks

>> No.82281277

does the wigger have the heavenly pass?

>> No.82281287
Quoted by: >>82281370

Or me
>don't get the vax
>continue to be healthy

>> No.82281292


>> No.82281304
Quoted by: >>82281362

I can tell this is Darker than Black but don't remember this dude

>> No.82281309

henya officially dumping roomie... Sadge

>> No.82281310
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>> No.82281313

you forgot to mention your friend was 300lbs, with respiratory and circulatory issues, veins full of sodium and sugar, etc,

>> No.82281314

>using a sex toy that activates every time John Wick fires a bullet
I think that would kill someone, Mel.

>> No.82281362

from the OVA

>> No.82281370
Quoted by: >>82281483

i mean if you don't really leave your room the chances of getting sick are very low.

>> No.82281416

As someone who made the mistake of watching the last John Wick movie on 4D, you DON'T want that shit

>> No.82281452

>Grape put a corroded battery into her mouth as a kid

>> No.82281460
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>> No.82281483

Went to work, went to the gym, got my groceries, lived completely normally.

>> No.82281491

combine that and fugi's (?) tool to track chat frequency and you could get off to emote spam

>> No.82281587

christ, how many hours does that woman have in ARK?

>> No.82281609
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>> No.82281649
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Quoted by: >>82281685

If the first google result for "kson steam" is actually her then

>> No.82281672

dude i tried so hard to like this game but it's so shitty and janky. They last move to "resell" the same game just killed it to me

>> No.82281685
Quoted by: >>82281762

holy shit
it's like the female version of an autistic Paradox grand strategy addict

>> No.82281693

I take my stock advice from Henya

>> No.82281726

stonks dayo

>> No.82281744

She's buying the dip

>> No.82281762


>> No.82281776
File: 397 KB, 112x112, 1722167108742634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy the dip dayo

>> No.82281857
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She is a genius after all, she knows what she's talking about.

>> No.82281886
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Quoted by: >>82282051

Froggy in Mario Kart is the best. Zen is still awful at this game

>> No.82281929
Quoted by: >>82281983

>Ari is LIVE!
Let me know when she's dead.

>> No.82281983
Quoted by: >>82282020

she aint going to fuck you anon

>> No.82282020
Quoted by: >>82282196

That's why he's waiting for her to die. He's fucked up like that

>> No.82282051
Quoted by: >>82282090

Haruka should have been first...

>> No.82282090

If she was here she definitely would have been considering the competition.

>> No.82282092

>Mel has lost buttplugs several times because she forgot she was wearing it

>> No.82282097
File: 458 KB, 534x660, 1691194297871441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82282417

I had a coworker who somehow got covid 5 separate times but was still vehemently anti-vax. I don't know how he and his wife went through all that without thinking "You know, it might be kinda nice to not get this again." I hated that guy. The last time he and his wife had it he came to work knowing he was sick and I got it.

>> No.82282121
File: 16 KB, 300x76, 1711109544555692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chatter speaking for everyone in mel's chat

>> No.82282166

Mel wants to interview a gastroenterologist to find out the limits of one's butt hole. Coming from Mel, that makes me worry.

>> No.82282191


thats my oshi

>> No.82282196

Not breathing or talking would make her more appealing I guess.

>> No.82282230

She's also fallen asleep wearing a buttplug before.

>> No.82282250

Either she gets the answers from a professional, or she'll find them out herself.

>> No.82282306

i want to NTR Melody

>> No.82282407
File: 502 KB, 1094x446, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head empty

>> No.82282417

Honestly if he's gonna get it 5 times I don't know if a vaccine would even help him
People who got the vax and all the boosters were still getting COVID

>> No.82282471
Quoted by: >>82282996


so basically the same thing that happened to the cozy wolf. cant mother fuckers learn anything.

>> No.82282469

Qdot brought up sticking a WiiMote in yourself to Mel without knowing kek.

>> No.82282520

Mouse please bring back an r18 daki or release a new one. It would make my generation.

>> No.82282537

Imagine Haruka but streaming

>> No.82282596

she is in the grippy sock jail anon, she will come back

>> No.82282711

Imagine Haruka butt streaming

>> No.82282717

Mel tells a story of how she once used her grandmas phone to repeatedly call her cell phone to get off and Qdot gets excited she's using teledildonics. This Lewdcast has been great so far.

>> No.82282996

Poor Lumi...

>> No.82283021
File: 110 KB, 930x1355, GUPCLyZWEAEe50R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82283083


>> No.82283083
Quoted by: >>82283168

I'm gonna jerk off

>> No.82283135

Holy shit, this Vienna story from Qdot lmao.

>> No.82283168
Quoted by: >>82283719

Im jerking off right now

>> No.82283405

So realistically, what do you think the odds are that at least one person between Ari, Froggy, Grape, Mei, or Sushi gets in? Assuming they all applied.

>> No.82283472

Hate all of them

>> No.82283496

sushi is the most likely to get in. she has those vshojo vibes.

>> No.82283499

Assuming there are really 3 slots each for EN and JP, Sushi has a great chance just for lack of competition on the JP side. Of the others? Who knows.

>> No.82283510

I'd say pretty high. Though Froggy and Grape are unknown quantities. I'd say Ari too but Ari's pretty close to the group so I'd be surprised if she didn't. I'd think Grape did but don't know for certain, and Froggy still treats streaming as a secondary thing

>> No.82283515

Love all of them, they're all /in/

>> No.82283620
File: 44 KB, 800x800, silvers_ass_542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82284278

Love my wolf wife.

>> No.82283719
Quoted by: >>82284393

how was it?

>> No.82283782

Sushidog's chances are good. It seems like she would tick all of the boxes, unless they have some weird thing about picking someone full JP.

>> No.82283796

Ari having such a coomer sex model but being permanently weirded out by coomers is really sad. If she really hated being sexy she'd have commissioned a new outfit ages ago

>> No.82283807
Quoted by: >>82283986

Practically guaranteed, auditions or not
Probably not, she seems like she doesn't really take streaming that seriously
I'd say a 50/50, she's great with the girls but there's also a LOT of competition
If Gunrun's been watching her tech stuff, she's so fucking /in/, otherwise probably not
They'd be incredibly stupid not to pick her up, there's also seemingly less competition on the JP side

>> No.82283873

Zen would be clowned on Twitter if any of them gets in except Sushi because nobody really thinks about JP.

>> No.82283877

Ari would be the most likely if she wants it. Strong connections to most of the group, and has a solid following of her own. It's more if she feels that she'd be better off as an indy or if she joined VSJ.

Sushi makes sense as a good bridge between JP/EN.

Froggy is great, but she's focusing more on her art, so idk if she'd commit to streaming as much.

Grape and Mei seem less likely to me than Sushi or Ari.

>> No.82283890

Not a big fan of Ari ngl

>> No.82283908
File: 12 KB, 459x91, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82283971

Same. I don't like how she's content on being the sidekick. Where is the ambition?

>> No.82283972

its okay to be wrong

>> No.82283986
Quoted by: >>82284033


>> No.82284015

>finds a game
>hyperfixates on it for days on end like a motherfucker just like me
Oh yeah she's autistic.

>> No.82284028
File: 178 KB, 680x408, 1714257357012821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zen would be clowned on Twitter
schedule some collabs with henya and mouse and she'll get over it

>> No.82284033

Yes, I'm a vtuber fan, how could you tell?

>> No.82284042

Qdot became asexual because he did so much tech support for other people's sex acts. What a way to go.

>> No.82284065
Quoted by: >>82284294

I didn't catch Froot's second Guilty Gear stream. Anyone here who did and know what she thinks of it now? It's far from my favorite fighting game but I also just love fighting games in general so any FGC VShojo is good to me.

>> No.82284095

none of them will be recruited. None of them is Vshojo tier.

>> No.82284166

explain "Vshojo tier"

>> No.82284193
Quoted by: >>82285758

So what is the point of being a +sperg

>> No.82284227
Quoted by: >>82284291

Who would be vshojo tier

>> No.82284272

Sushi is almost surely getting in through the Japanese auditions. Mei, if she decided to show off that AR technology that I think someone posted one time, then she has a decent chance of getting in. Grape and Ari for me is a 50/50, Froggy, she'll make it through the first part but I don't see her winning one of the spots..

>> No.82284273
File: 1.21 MB, 1804x553, 1705757056005326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82284278

i dont remember posting this but yes, i do with all my heart.

>> No.82284291

Someone who can lead and make their own content.

>> No.82284294
Quoted by: >>82284409

She seems to have bought the DLC cause she was practicing Bridget. Dunno if she got all of them or just the ones that looked good to her. Was just practicing more of the game and getting motion inputs down but evidently its still sticking in her mind.

>> No.82284317

henya is a fucking anon...

>> No.82284369

henya is fucking anon...

>> No.82284378
Quoted by: >>82284462

So not a single vtuber

>> No.82284393

Still at it

>> No.82284404

someone clip the ''lurk 3 years '' kek

>> No.82284409
Quoted by: >>82284513

Nice. Considering her whole reason for getting interested in the first place was ABA I'd assume she got that too even if she didn't practice her on stream.

>> No.82284424

better graduate half of vshojo then

>> No.82284428

henya is fucking anon

>> No.82284432

henya wanted to be quirky when she was a kid

>> No.82284462

Literally everybody in vshojo does that. They all have their own things going on.

>> No.82284477
Quoted by: >>82284578

well we got those already, there's no need to add more bottom feeders.

>> No.82284513
File: 23 KB, 998x146, 1708349902192216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spent an hour or so watching lore videos beforehand, too

>> No.82284559

Sushi has a significant buff in that the JP apps clearly didn't get as much traction which means much less competition

>> No.82284569

>Henya telling newfags to lurk more as a kid

>> No.82284578

So who would you pick?

>> No.82284604

Shouldn't have opened her big mouth then.

>> No.82284612
Quoted by: >>82284867

lmao even

>> No.82284629

>grape, froggy, quinn, ari, mei, and sushi all have dedicated antis
They made it. They're Vshojo material.

>> No.82284684
File: 3.71 MB, 720x720, 1721692037554356.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82284714

They're all /in/

>> No.82284748

>dedicated antis
He isn't relevant enough to even have that.

>> No.82284791

Henya giving chat PTSD

>> No.82284831

a fucking ari POS shill jesus

>> No.82284865

I don't care about any of the EN +s, honestly. Hoping for someone we don't know or isn't often talked about.

>> No.82284867

Heavy into music production.
Solo streams, GTA (puke), GFC.
Almost solo the entire time, makes her own content.
Does her own thing
Does his own thing
Podcasts, conventions, WH stuff, random games, collabs with a wide range of liggers.
Got her sex stuff going on
Does her own thing, 24/7 yapping.
Does her own thing.
Does her own thing.

>> No.82284869
Quoted by: >>82285031

Mmm, don't act like entire threads weren't dedicated to shitting on him when he was in a collab

>> No.82284891

Only Ari and Sushi.

>> No.82285031
Quoted by: >>82285155

I'm still trying to figure out what his appeal is. I watched a couple streams of his to see if there was something everyone else sees that I don't.

>> No.82285069
Quoted by: >>82285142

go back lig you beggar

>> No.82285142

Bake /vsj/

>> No.82285155
Quoted by: >>82285469

Theoretically, his wigger shtick is amusing to some people.

>> No.82285190

Tiny dicks don't drive Prius

>> No.82285203
File: 215 KB, 1280x1920, 1699114601490826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82285411

Mel, you're revealing your real age...

>> No.82285218
File: 11 KB, 96x96, MomoHMM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I agree with most of the anons posting about /in/ posting or summary of talents. I dare say you don't even know what you are talking about to the point I worry if it's a psyop, but that just may be my late onset schizophrenia

>> No.82285250

I like how Henya is incresingly not giving a fuck about referencing her PL

>> No.82285328

alot of it is shitposting.

>> No.82285338

>you'll have someone who'll support you
why is henya shittalking niji like this?

>> No.82285345

If that's all it takes, why isn't Connor /in/? He even has 3 models.

>> No.82285346

I don't think anyone has any idea what they're really talking about in this thread, me included.
I'm looking forward to seeing the results of auditions though, change is fun!

>> No.82285353
Quoted by: >>82285409

This guy >>82284867 clearly has no fucking idea what he's talking about and may be the dumbest poster we've seen today. You can just say it. We're anonymous

>> No.82285365

corporate mandated shilling

>> No.82285392
Quoted by: >>82285522

I'd say only Mei has an actual dedicated anti. Quinn is just generally disliked.

>> No.82285406
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, 1653409279115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're sus

>> No.82285409

Explain how I'm wrong

>> No.82285411

isnt she in her 30's?

>> No.82285442
File: 15 KB, 600x156, 1711557858434452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ari for these Mario Kart games

>> No.82285469

I'm more amused at how much he sucks at Mario Kart

>> No.82285483

uh oh shill melty

>> No.82285491
Quoted by: >>82285870

No, she's younger than that.

>> No.82285522
Quoted by: >>82285696

The one time , i genuinely was concerned for someones well being on here was that Mei Schizo. Holt shit they lost it

>> No.82285534
Quoted by: >>82286152

>Grape said she's 6 feet now
Okay I may have to recalculate I didn't know she got bigger in her updated model. I think you can say that Grape's tail is definitely fatter than Zen's now.

>> No.82285537
Quoted by: >>82285931

why is the rat still offline?

>> No.82285539

No I love Fefe too much to bake vsj

>> No.82285545
File: 123 KB, 1290x854, 1696894528639124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82285901

I believe she's 31, same as Zen

>> No.82285546
Quoted by: >>82285615


>> No.82285561

Henya hates in posting and beggars

>> No.82285575

Henya HATES holofags who kept going on about her joining.

>> No.82285595

he's not desperate like these other losers

>> No.82285615


>> No.82285696

Since he's not here right now I'll just say he gave me p*t schizo vibes so I decided to try pretending I was Mei last night and he basically flamed out and stopped posting shortly after. So I'd suggest anyone else try that in the future. It's not even his first time doing that.

>> No.82285701

his antis is being mouses bf out of jealousy vise versa

>> No.82285745

>Henya HATES holofags

>> No.82285758

Annoying the thread basically

>> No.82285770

i love how covid make henya ultra savage. Dunked in kson last week and now is dunkiing on the beggars KEK

>> No.82285786

Mel is so annoying as a host. When she is clearly knowlegeble on a topic yet speaks around it and just semi-references it, it confuses people and makes her seem stupider than she is.

>> No.82285844

Sickness is slowly turning Henya into Mouse

>> No.82285870
File: 325 KB, 464x586, 1703790263420139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you hunt down her RTX, she has her real age out there

>> No.82285892

latina henya my beloved

>> No.82285897

Henya hates dramafags too.

>> No.82285901
Quoted by: >>82286054

kek no, Zenner is 39 and two years younger than Mata

>> No.82285910

She has to walk on eggshells thanks to twitch TOS unfortunately. And even more unfortunately Mel takes that very seriously so that's what we get.

>> No.82285931

She mentioned not being sure if she will stream today.

>> No.82285938

she stared death's face and now she is scared of nothing

>> No.82285960

the world cannot contain two Mouses...

>> No.82285990

Now i'm just waiting for a 2ch mention

>> No.82285998
Quoted by: >>82286065

Mel is into bestiality now?

>> No.82286021
File: 153 KB, 1094x1505, 10871767730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82286199

I wish Vshojo could go back being unapologetically a VIP club only to the biggest names. The champions league of vtubers. This whole shtick of vtubing Jesus and reaching to 2 views is going to bite them in the bum one day.

>> No.82286024

Henya hates dramafags
Because he’s a person that doesn’t care about being a Vtuber or even a hybrid. If you take Mouse out of the equation, he would only had the one model of that video, and if you are considering that’s gonna be a Vtuber, then I hope Pokimane is the next member

>> No.82286049
Quoted by: >>82286273

Now Henya's talking about Niji's stupid practices of airing their shit out in public.

>> No.82286054
Quoted by: >>82286092

Zen is 31, mata is 32

>> No.82286059

Mouse joined Ari's call

>> No.82286065

She's a white woman

>> No.82286092

nope, Mata is in her 40's

>> No.82286093
File: 2.78 MB, 186x105, 1699472977702050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82286185

I love feisty Henya

>> No.82286112
File: 211 KB, 1440x1800, 1721435703572838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never been to university? The more someone knows about a topic, the more opaque and indecipherable they are.

>> No.82286145 [SPOILER] 
File: 256 KB, 1106x1105, HenyaCdawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no.

>> No.82286151

Apparently Funko scalpers are budging in line and demanding Mint and Matara sign Funko Pops so they can resell them.

>> No.82286152

Fatter but not longer. This matters for my futa fantasies

>> No.82286185
Quoted by: >>82286352

>Mouse: I guess I have to do what my property wants
>Ari: Thank you Mouse
>Mouse: You're welcome, property

>> No.82286187


>> No.82286199

Honestly if they turn down 4views just to grab some mediocre 2views in order to look like saviorfags, I'll lose some respect for them.

>> No.82286212

Give me yous

>> No.82286224

Mata pretends to be older than she is because something something hagmaxxing.

>> No.82286253

nigga... Don't asks me how i know but the other anon is right

>> No.82286260
Quoted by: >>82287167

??? How does that help a scalped Funkos value???

>> No.82286267
Quoted by: >>82286348

Thanks nerd, but holy fuck I didn’t knew people did that, wtf Canada

>> No.82286273

I was thinking more about the Kevin drama and slapfighting.

>> No.82286277


>> No.82286316

dont google Monkeyism

>> No.82286325
Quoted by: >>82286456


>> No.82286335

sure you do. and my uncle is Gunrun kek.

>> No.82286336

She said it on stream too don’t worry

>> No.82286348

Canadians are nothing but sweet and kind. This is clearly slander.

>> No.82286352

So when does Henya start calling Heavenly her property?

>> No.82286369

what's with the doxxfags today

>> No.82286373
Quoted by: >>82286526

Since you asked so nicely.

>> No.82286385

Qdot is enabling Mel's edging fantasies. But that orgasm tracking technology sounds pretty cool if it could be applied to a lewdtuber somehow.

>> No.82286404
Quoted by: >>82286981

faggot why would you post that?

>> No.82286431

we're not in /hlgg/ and out streamers show their ugly faces on stream. calm your tits.

>> No.82286456
File: 113 KB, 815x1080, 35176AEF-78D7-4F0B-973F-62BDE7822B2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

>> No.82286484

oh no, now I have to watch and support Matas sister.

>> No.82286504
File: 30 KB, 500x335, SHUSH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82286647

Why do we care? We got a Henya pop off, Lewdcast and Maldio Kart rn watch streams.

>> No.82286521

Do you think Inis applied?

>> No.82286526
File: 10 KB, 218x231, C1006E88-3BE7-42B1-91E0-E28FE0F1DFAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro

>> No.82286546
Quoted by: >>82286733

wtf tts

>> No.82286549

Mouse has joined the karting

>> No.82286581

Mouse is baby

>> No.82286600

Sasuga retarded Henya tts'er

>> No.82286606
File: 829 KB, 2048x3072, 1696812358109581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouse is such a heartless bitch, lmao.

>> No.82286609


>> No.82286613

>Mouse does adult things
Stream them Mouse

>> No.82286647
Quoted by: >>82286784

because they all suck ass

>> No.82286657
File: 90 KB, 680x538, GRRzsf4bcAALFq7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82286691

>> No.82286691

Can't believe she's dead

>> No.82286709
File: 833 KB, 675x974, silly glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82286864

The fact that Mel's glasses don't tilt when she moves her head to the side like usual is kind of disappointing.

>> No.82286716

Henya HATES terminally online anons

>> No.82286723

okay poorfag

>> No.82286733
Quoted by: >>82286848

what did they send?

>> No.82286766

VOD gonna get nuked

>> No.82286779
Quoted by: >>82286819

Henya will nuke today's vod

>> No.82286784
File: 127 KB, 1070x1333, GPlh7DHWoAAvVzB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82286858

/ggg/ is on the catalog bro. Go away.

>> No.82286786


>> No.82286819

WTF is happening?

>> No.82286825
Quoted by: >>82286848

Nuked nuked, or "nuked" nuked.

>> No.82286838
File: 194 KB, 788x445, 2024-Striped-Hyena-block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82286883

hyena dayo

>> No.82286848

>Henya I just want you too know That I remember when that happened last year and there were people ready to kill for you and find the bully's

>> No.82286858
Quoted by: >>82286894

No' I'm Vshojo

>> No.82286864
Quoted by: >>82287050

you expect her to know what she is doing?

>> No.82286875
File: 569 KB, 2560x1440, gog bot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82286883
File: 227 KB, 763x492, 1695206024912069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82286894

Stream bitch.

>> No.82286905

She said Manchuria deserved it

>> No.82286939

shes shitting on annoying fags

>> No.82286962
Quoted by: >>82287160

Imagine having so little self awareness that you think it's ok to send that after her rant about online threats. Unbelievable.

>> No.82286966


>> No.82286965

Unmuted sneeze getting nuked from orbit

>> No.82286981

Refer to the previous thread. PLs are chill here.

>> No.82287038
File: 59 KB, 1000x871, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who in the fuck sends that as a TTS and thinks it's a good idea
I bet you 20 bucks it's a phase/Kirsche fag

>> No.82287046

vtuber PL's are chill. Fleshy PL's not so much

>> No.82287050
File: 392 KB, 599x597, mel glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I mean is, I'm sad we aren't getting the usual meme retard glasses.

>> No.82287059

Can we just bankrupt Funko and jettison their garbage into the sun already

>> No.82287072
Quoted by: >>82287715

>"what they took from you" fags being retarded.
Color me suprised!

>> No.82287079

that one is a fleshie

>> No.82287111

Tourists like that were commonplace in Henya's early days.

>> No.82287120

It started about some things on the internet, spoke a bit about beggars (like the ones that hounded her and for example, Mint), dramafrogs of other vtubers, and lastly the memberships leaks until this one hit the Henya tower >>82286848
Pretty much it was the last straw.
To the logs I go, I have the username

>> No.82287135
Quoted by: >>82287281

Autists shouldn't be allowed to handle money

>> No.82287152

Henya referenced PL stuff too hard, and mentioned how frustrated she's been with antis and people using her for drama and sending her death threats (over the HL drama). She knows people will comb through the VOD and will use it to drama farm.

>> No.82287155
File: 128 KB, 800x529, Empire of Japan Henya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82287160

and she ironically just taught chat Japanese memes about lurking moar and reading the room earlier kek

>> No.82287167

Well I dunno if Mata's would do anything but Mint has become rather prolific for her love of Metal Gear and any adjacent celebrity signature is going to increase the value of merchandise

>> No.82287165

Had a model.

>> No.82287192
Quoted by: >>82287397

When will Henya spill the beans on Vei

>> No.82287199

sounds like they wanted some jp voice actor to sign shit

>> No.82287237
Quoted by: >>82287304


>> No.82287244
File: 14 KB, 635x182, 1703626250334550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82287281

why are ttsfags like this

>> No.82287281


>> No.82287304
Quoted by: >>82287389

on Aris stream or Zen you choose the POV they are playing Mario Kart
Yeah check his logs

>> No.82287333
File: 25 KB, 112x112, MOMOIKZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82287341

Zen is going to help Ari with her birthday plans because Zen knows everyone

>> No.82287352

can't wait kek

>> No.82287353

he's a snacker https://vtlogs.moe/?channel=henyathegenius&username=zeldamaster327

>> No.82287384

oh she is back already?

>> No.82287389
Quoted by: >>82287577

No I was just shocked by what Mouse said kek

>> No.82287397

The one anon has live footage of Vei and Geega flying the plane

>> No.82287428
File: 89 KB, 1500x500, iwiwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its league

>> No.82287458

i'm so surprised

>> No.82287464
File: 192 KB, 500x500, 1695404537117821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this stream was a rollercoaster

>> No.82287474
Quoted by: >>82289219

> snacker
Same chatter circle as phase fags so it makes sense

>> No.82287491
Quoted by: >>82287594

It's w/ Dodger and not regular league it's the VS knock off

>> No.82287510

its Vampire Survivors inside League.

>> No.82287523
File: 182 KB, 772x304, Screenshot from 2024-08-05 19-02-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82288002

This is a vtuber.

>> No.82287526

>Gunrun sent Mel a DM on twitter right before she closed them and that's the first time they ever communicated
What fucking luck.

>> No.82287539
Quoted by: >>82287595

Please someone tell me you are recording this Henya stream

>> No.82287577

What she say?

>> No.82287594

still gross

>> No.82287595

Fuck off.

>> No.82287611

Did gunrun, mowtendoo, and Sanders find the right talent yet?

>> No.82287653

Oh wow, Mel admitted that she worked as Vshojo staff when Vshojo was first started for a couple weeks. When they got more actual staff she moved away from the role.

>> No.82287673

Yeah, I could expect this kind of retardation with that username.

>> No.82287688
Quoted by: >>82287809

dunno, but would it surprise you that they've left doxx up in the bait threads for hours but you-know-who sniped a monke pic double quick

>> No.82287694

Heavenly is manlier and cooler than Connor

>> No.82287715
File: 163 KB, 1027x1150, 1694397156543215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's funny is him mentioning that and the fuck just started following her this year, fag
It sucks, leaving all politics and shit aside, I hate some people use the flag of anything that supports their ideology, but most of them get filtered by something and almost never stay, with Henya, the only bar really is Twitch. Luckily it did ended up filtering some people, but not enough.

>> No.82287746

"I love BBC"

>> No.82287763

mouse based and true as always

>> No.82287800
File: 1.90 MB, 810x564, RaggyChiffon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82287809

its funnier when i reported myself and i am still here

>> No.82287823
Quoted by: >>82288221

Shia has joined the call

>> No.82287842
Quoted by: >>82287911

Her model concept is amazing
did she apply?

>> No.82287870


>> No.82287885

Based and true

>> No.82287911
File: 3.34 MB, 1360x720, Raggy Chiffon [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcgw0td.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82287962
File: 872 KB, 761x621, gremolin_sadge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82288002
Quoted by: >>82288257

Eh she was mix flesh/vtuber then. best to just not bring it up. don't be a doxxfag.

>> No.82288027

https://x.com/raggychiffon?lang=en she has a nice voice

>> No.82288072

>Mouse guilt tripping Heavenly for not playing Roblox with her

>> No.82288141

I remember Lae-Dee shilled her a long time ago during one of her segments, I'm surprised she doesn't get more attention

>> No.82288221
File: 843 KB, 800x1080, 1697370788316134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bunny man, let's go!

>> No.82288257

Nope. It's all or nothing, and we all know it's not nothing.

>> No.82288264
Quoted by: >>82288326

Think you're too good for vshojo huh, you bitch? you ain't shit hoe

>> No.82288326

She said she isn't applying because she has never streamed in her life

>> No.82288342
File: 77 KB, 1083x562, 1714322485091301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its only a matter of time before we are free of him forever

>> No.82288426

God fucking damn.

>> No.82288478
Quoted by: >>82288530

You are so sad thumbing those up.

>> No.82288480

>Proximity audio
>No Mouse POV
every time

>> No.82288512

these retards never had real friends just like you sperg

>> No.82288530

I'd say he's probably happy about it.

>> No.82288547

Please stop reposting your youtube comments here

>> No.82288565

Yes, as in connor/connor & mouse

>> No.82288575
Quoted by: >>82288853

It's time for viewer submitted questions for Lewdcast.

>> No.82288612

that is the cutest vtuber model ive ever seen

>> No.82288620


>> No.82288638

>henya's skeleton is caucasian

>> No.82288649

henya talking about poop. new vei/michi/rain

>> No.82288776

I wouldn't get your hopes up. Mouse forgives him too easily.

>> No.82288804

peepee poopoo org

>> No.82288813

So this is the real Henya

>> No.82288847

finally, vshitshow

>> No.82288853

And of course the first question was about making Buttplug.io compatible for Gwent because Mel's community has been memeing about it for months. What's surprising is that Gwent is literally a Adobe Flash game within the Witcher so it's been giving him troubles. Qdot is working on it thought and it's going to happen at some point.

>> No.82288873

FINALLY. All we need was to her to almost die

>> No.82288884

trying too hard sperg

>> No.82288895
Quoted by: >>82289221

We can only hope, brother.

>> No.82288898

You know there are probably people in chat who would legitimately eat Henya's shit.

>> No.82288912

Hahaha TTS is being based as usual making /vt/ seethe

>> No.82288914

Finally a replacement for pee pee poo poo cat

>> No.82288944

this is what henya was like during her membership streams in the past

>> No.82288981

I've no doubt there are people on this board that eat their own

>> No.82288982

yeah me

>> No.82289002

Mouse- It's time for our slut era
Yes please Mouse

>> No.82289018
File: 305 KB, 913x499, vshitshow4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82289183

You will never escape what created us.

>> No.82289037

Yeah, welcome to membership stream kettle. Fully unhinged.

>> No.82289040

Why is Mouse 100x funnier when she's zooted?

>> No.82289047

I'll take it... I need mommy...

>> No.82289056

I know right? Imagine eating henyas deli erm disgusting shit, weirdos…

>> No.82289078
Quoted by: >>82289324

Limiters come off + she's not around Connor.

>> No.82289080
File: 183 KB, 325x321, 1648702087475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the TFT thing was funny

>> No.82289090

Because she lets her true self come out more.

>> No.82289152
File: 582 KB, 1920x1080, 1703974760129619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82289285

Mouse uploaded that art she got from her mods

>> No.82289156
File: 100 KB, 299x356, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will take this story to our graves

>> No.82289167
Quoted by: >>82289232

Autists don't understand bits, they think everything is serious

>> No.82289182

they just love babying mouse.

>> No.82289183
File: 1.62 MB, 1598x1096, 1693780191901666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82289216

same and clearly everyone was playing into it kek

>> No.82289219

Uhh according to who? Afaik filian's closest friend is Lanya who literally gets /in/posted here.
She has collabed with Phase members but so has Henya.

>> No.82289221
File: 956 KB, 2868x2296, 1718501010209694m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>82289373


>> No.82289228
File: 461 KB, 527x499, GSYpxh9W0AAsUK4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Henya: So remember when I fell on the toilet and got all my ass in piss and started crying
>MarioBGM: Clown Music intensifies

>> No.82289232
Quoted by: >>82289570

is it really a bit when he has made her cry and have a panic attack on stream twice just in the last several months?

>> No.82289261

it's another round of 'the least qualified people on the internet judge social interactions'

>> No.82289285

>from your mods
picture ruined

>> No.82289300
File: 1.11 MB, 850x1133, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much bros

>> No.82289303
File: 1.67 MB, 816x1200, 1717132985399695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouse has stopped reposting art again :(. Someone needs to get her back on mc to do the gallery.

>> No.82289308
File: 1013 KB, 903x792, henyathegenius_2024-07-28_00-14-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shit louder.

>> No.82289324
Quoted by: >>82289455

literally talked about fucking yesterday watch streams

>> No.82289373

You suck this faggot dick too much /vsj+/

>> No.82289385
Quoted by: >>82289436

I'd titty fuck Ari

>> No.82289410
Quoted by: >>82289566

Qdot out here just enabling all of Mel's foot fetish machine fantasies.

>> No.82289423

VTubers don't poop, they shit

>> No.82289436

I'd have my house crushed by Ari's tits

>> No.82289451
Quoted by: >>82289529

Go back

>> No.82289455
Quoted by: >>82289738

yes because mouse only talks about those things with people she is comfortable with like candii and mel. notice that she didnt mention that at all while connor was still there.

>> No.82289483

They shit roses

>> No.82289523

Except my wife, who has constipation.

>> No.82289529
Quoted by: >>82289684

I'm going back to fuck your mom for sure

>> No.82289566

No wait, I misunderstood. Mel just wants a lube pump she can activate with the press of a foot so she doesn't lose her focus. Which apparently exists.

>> No.82289570
Quoted by: >>82289638

fucking when?

>> No.82289632
Quoted by: >>82290119

imagine being a sad fuck getting triggered by a welshman kek

>> No.82289638

during rust and chained together watch streams

>> No.82289659
File: 382 KB, 1152x2048, 1705269041875307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally get it, holobros want girls that poop. But we have bitches that shit. It is clear to me now.

>> No.82289670

It was incredibly rude and he is, frankly, lucky he wasn't kicked from the world.

>> No.82289674


>> No.82289684
Quoted by: >>82289958

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18

>> No.82289732
Quoted by: >>82289814

Shipsisters have been ruining this general as long as he has been ruining Mouse's content. We have no jannies so they get away with it too.

>> No.82289738
Quoted by: >>82289824

u miss all buff and candi interactions with him or you nit picking for you retarded narrative?

>> No.82289765

Froggy and mouse together are great

>> No.82289781
File: 720 KB, 128x128, average day.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, talk about our streams

>> No.82289814

what do you want? she mentions him every 2 minutes, go bake /vsj/

>> No.82289824
Quoted by: >>82290027

we arent talking about buff and candii are we? we are talking about mouse and how she hides that part of her around him because she isnt comfortable with him. keep up.

>> No.82289853

too busy watching them

>> No.82289901

connorspergs and goslings having meltdowns when hes not streaming and mouse being zooted chilling you fucking losers need end yourselves

>> No.82289919

And what if I don't

>> No.82289935

Stop engaging the pmg fag wannabe

>> No.82289958

Thankfully I'm not you

>> No.82289968


>> No.82289992

agreed the sooner he's gone the better

>> No.82290008
File: 833 KB, 755x742, 1684038663169348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish public bathrooms in america were closed off like Japanese ones are. I hate that someone can see me taking a crap through the gaps between the door and wall. I also hate when I'm looking for an empty stall and accidentally look at someone taking a crap

>> No.82290021
File: 146 KB, 978x1224, 1710453984815893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82290027
Quoted by: >>82290242

you brought up mel and candi you fucking retard

>> No.82290029
Quoted by: >>82290060

I told you all that thread quality was not the fault of WWA, but of mousefags and spergs. You didn't heed my word.

>> No.82290056


>> No.82290060
Quoted by: >>82290363

ok wwa whatever you say

>> No.82290069
File: 2.11 MB, 925x1200, 1721676161944115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute roxy commission for Mouse's anniversary.

>> No.82290091

a little horse

>> No.82290119

Triggered? You give that faggot too much credit I'm just tired of discussing him instead of vsj members

>> No.82290123

new thread

>> No.82290143

Grow up

>> No.82290144

God I miss when Roxy use to pst her tits on discord

>> No.82290174

I really wonder what non-mod Roxy is like

They're obviously super close but I just can't imagine the Mouse I know and the Roxy I know hanging out

>> No.82290181


>> No.82290226
Quoted by: >>82290391

coming from a sperg LOL

>> No.82290242

are you okay? i said she is comfortable talking about it with candii and mel and not connor. you are the one who randomly brought up him and buff/candii. you should take a break dementia anon.

>> No.82290288

In both cases you should just maintain direct eye contact and pass the embarrassment onto them

>> No.82290363

You know it in your heart.

>> No.82290391

Conner will give you a great blow job tonight for defending him keep up the good work

>> No.82290394

Just report and ignore the retarded lost child

>> No.82290552

I didn't know you guys loved conner this much kek might as well change the name of the thread to /vsj+conner/

>> No.82290621
Quoted by: >>82290874

He's covered by the + already.

>> No.82290841

I don’t get why you hate him so much

>> No.82290874

