For the 433rd time, what is Ope?! ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.>New merchNerissa 1st Anniversary Celebration: English -Advent- 1st Anniversary Celebration:>2nd Advent orisong: Sirens>Streams▼ Next appearancesPossible twitter spaces @ unspecified dates & times▼ Next streamFri 08/09 10PM CT, Nerissa's 3D debutLast appearance08/04, call-in on Mumei's birthday:▼ Last streams07/31, members-only zatsudan:>MusicFirst original song: Say My Name cover of DECO*27 - Salamander of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover karaoke offcollab (Jul 2024) & Karaokes rentry>Useful LinksYouTube: tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixivMerch: thread: >>82154221A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.
>>OP>Basic introduction to the new JailbirdsDebut Stream Interviews>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users/ope/'s library of Nerissa's Sounds of recommended streams regarding membership on other channels & mentions>General ToolsSchedule OP Template
2024 to dateSolo streams: 77Collabs: 77Twitch collabs: 5Solo karaoke: 4Members: 12
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world
I think Nerissa is the sexiest and the cutest woman on earth and that's why she's my wife
man moom 3D birthday was greatare holos allowed to have a 3D birthday the same year they have the 3D debut? because that would explain why Rissa is busier than the rest of advent...
having Rissa like several of your replies on twitter, but never any random tweets. What do?
(8/9 | 8/10)RISSA 3D DEBUT LIVE IN 4 DAYS 22 HOURS AND 2 MINUTES AS OF THIS POST!!!10:00PM (CST | 8/9) | 12:00PM (JST | 8/10) | 03:00AM (UTC | 8/10) | 05:00AM (UTC+2 | 8/10) | 11:00PM (EST | 8/9) | 8:00PM (PST | 8/9)
>>82234094Yes. 1 at minimum (most often for birthdays), but multiple allowed. 3d debut is not included in the 1 minimum
Will she have guests
>>82234094It would make sense so she didn't have to fly back in November. Although being a Midwesterner, Japanese Autumn/Winter would probably be much more palatable for her.
>>82235446Since Biboo had several including Towa, I imagine Marine will be there for Rissa's.
>>82235446Maybe Ironmouse or Zen?
>>82235446She pretty much confirmed kiara and said she was doing stuff with marine If they are not on her 3D debut I expect them on her 3D birthday
>>82235536Yes, but thanksgiving, fall festivals and Halloween
>>82235882This might be the funniest shit i've heard in a couple days
>>82235882LMAO, the only outside guest I could see for any debuts left is Patra in FWMCs
Fiiiine Rissa, I'll play stardew with you. But you have to give me a scalp massage and tell me that everything is gonna be okay
Hand holding with Rissa
>>82234094Kiara and Ina both had a 3D live last year after their 3D debuts
Naming our baby with Rissa
Naming our child Maradia
Kissing Rissa's hands and thanking her for making food
Schedule doko
>>82243792Why do you ask questions you know the answer to, jailbro?
>>82243926I thought she was coming back this week...
>>82243792She effectively posted in her community tab that there would be no schedule.
>>82243968Hopefully she is but it's better not to expect anything. Maybe there'll be a stream or space before the debut but I doubt there would be anything more than that.
>>82243968Well yes she's coming back from her trip to have the 3d streamNothing beyond that is guaranteed
Now this is interesting. She should be asleep right now if in NA but she retweeted her merch. Manager action?
>>82245261Or, you know, she's in Japan.
>>82245261I'm in Japan right now, retard.
>>82245349hows the ¥?
>>82245541As dead as Rissa's schedules
Mamarissa is so sweet.
Rissa pondering a melon.
>>82247217Nerissa is such a child it's unreal
>nerissa is not streaming >shiori is not streaming THEY ARE
>>82248167giving me a double blowjob
>>82248362I know me.Baiters actively just cycling Rissa and Shiori, FWMC next I guess?
>>82247985Can you make your baits more obvious because i'm not even sure what you're talking about
>>82248815Depends on how the 3d debut goes.
>>82248949Not really. /baubau/ is under eternal siege.
>>82249540Aren't we all...
Will she have Kiara on her 3D showcase?
>>82250125Almost certainly.
Would you ever slap nerissa across the face?
>>82249803Pretty much, its the main reason I don't take too much stock in the heavy pouring doom and gloom, I see much the same narratives spread with Advent, "oh they're keeping secrets", "oh they only care about the money", and whatever sprinkles doxxing people spread as per usual. Its stanky. But we ball anyway. So besides guests, what skits might she do? Musical bit? FF7 song(if she did Memories to Keep I'd flip), or other game bit like Fishing in Stardew or Gathering Bones for OSRS?
>>82250837(me)Whoops, the song was "No Promises to Keep", my bad. Wonder why I thought that, must have gotten something mixed up.
>>82250822In other breaking news: water, wet.
So since she will have taken 30 out of 45 days off she will definitely stream every day next week after her 3D debut right. Because she misses her jailbirds so much.
>>82252654If only life were so simple...
>>82252789Biboo just had her 3D debut and she's been streaming every day after so far..
>>82252895Okay, and? Everyone has different lives and circumstances. Are you an NPC who does the exact same things every single day?
>>82252965You're right she'll probably be recording the next album
Shes talking about dicks
Doing archive reps:>>82203028Thoughts?
>>82254133I agree with everything expect for the sentences containing ERB
>>82253817Who is? Are you a schizo hearing things that don't exist?
>>82254133Nerissa never stopped enjoying singing. She’s been resting her voice as much as possible, which sadly means a lack of karaokes for us to enjoy.
>>82254133I disagree with everything. ERB is not a great singer. She is good but not great, however, she has no shame and is just: "it is what it is", which is also why she rebroadcasts so much and homocollabs. Meanwhile Rissa is the perfectionist and everything has to be flawless for her or she will breakdown due to her insecurities. Yes it is tiring and stressful to do everything perfect, which is the way she wants it, but once it is perfect, she does she enjoy singing. No ERB and Rissa should not collab.
Rissa needs to do a voice acting/teaching how to VA streamfor obvious reasons
>>82254910for obvious reasons, obviously
>>82254411Anyone that says ERB isn't a great singer is either deaf or incredibly biased. Opinion discarded.
>>82254133It's right that Rissa and ERB obviously have very different relationships to singing, but I don't agree with the conclusions. ERB is talented and that was likely recognized and encouraged early in her life with praise and support. Rissa instead grew up in the long shadow of her sister. Even if her parents thought she was a good singer, the praise and support she received would always fall short of what Aradia did. I suspect Rissa feels on some level that someone needs to beas talented as Aradia to feel entitled to sing to an audience. She probably knows this is an irrational feeling, but nonetheless, I suspect it's there in the background.
>>82255101She's got the talent but is otherwise a shit singer, you have to be literally deaf or retarded to think the bullshit she pulls constantly in every song is good music
>>82255101Technically shes great but her natural voice isnt anywhere near as good as nerissas
>>82255101You're the retard. She's a great and powerful vocalist, but she is just a good singer. She has no idea how to perform or respect songs and ruins them by belting unnecessarily or going out of tone also unnecessarily. Like it's cool that she is able to, but if you're unable to fit it into a song correctly, you're ruining it the song which she does quite a lot. It's like putting a death metal scream in a jazzy tune. That makes her a great vocalist, but a just an above average singer since she doesnt "feel" the song
>>82255101this. You'll never get an honest opinion here since the retards NEED to tribalfag. I watched a couple of her karaokes before I got bored of Justice and she is great, she does play around with the songs too much but her talent is undeniable and she knows how to have fun singing.
>>82255101>>82255491>>82255691based views
Stinky Rissa pits in the summer heat
Yomosaka got to see a picture of Nerissa half naked...
>>82259328And who the fuck is yomosaka?
>>82259859>裸adding that one to the vocabulary about my day in spoilersThe senior resident told me to go home early today, the sub-senior also agreed. 15 minutes after I left, a junior resident that hasn't been there for even 3 days called me and said that I shouldn't have left because there's work to be done. There were 9 other interns who could do it. I left anyway because fuck him
>threadshitters don't know the best and most dedicated Rissa artist They are not sending their best!
>>82259328Yeah, i could see her half naked too if i would draw that myself
>>82260190It's okay, it's just monday. How much worse can it get?
>>82250730I'm not giving her a reward like that unless she works for it
>>82259328so he gets to see their faces, but not anyone else. what a joke.
>>82259328Nice rrat. Where'd you get it from?
>>82262364Probably from yomosaka's post about how he was in charge of some of those behind-the-scenes advent in japan drawings
>>82260190sorry to hear that erbird. fuck him, if the big man told u to take a break then take the break. that aside, OLrissa...
>>82259493>he doesn't know Shioraven primeWe churn through jailbirds fast
>>82262728Those arent Jailbirds to begin with. Every Jailbird has to know Yomosaka, Das Dokter and Keisea.
>>82262518I'd work 20 extra shifts if OLRissa was my senior
>>82254133No thoughtsRissa loveERB hateThe End
>>82262507If that's how fast conclusions are made, then Rissa is married to me. After all she sang "kiss me" to (me) specifically on valentines day
>>82262823i like fongban's way of drawing jailborbs and chibirissa too. i luv me some good yomosaka though. if you don't know dasdokter then can you even call yourself a jailbird lol>>82262946i'd work so much overtime to get OLRissa to comfort me. to be fair who wouldn't with a beauty like that?
>>82263564Fongban is a jailbird himself and his artstyle is indeed very cute. You can occationally see him in Rissa's chat too.
>>82263618true, i've spotted him in a couple chats before. my otaku midwestern demoness wife truly does attract all.
>>82262946I've been working overtime since thursday with two hours of sleep and I don't have a Rissa to comfort me. Only stacks of cash. Save me white girl
>>82264209>he gets paid
>>82264209To be fair, you wouldn't be able to watch her much anyway.
>>82264209>paidMeanwhile i'm doing overtime at an unpaid internship because the OPCW doesnt pay shit. I'm literally still at my office rn and then i have to travel for one and half hour by public transport to go home.
>>82264490I feel you bro. 12 hours a day + 2 hours for the back and forth transportation and I don't get paid a dime either. Internship is legal slavery
>>82265545Odd but funny car
I miss my wife, brosI miss her a lot
>>82265951Have this
Good night jailbros. Record the twitter space for me if she does one
Would Nerissa give good butthole kisses?
Don't panic, but wife is awake.
>>82267553She's up really early today.
Also in case you hadn't realized it but SMY passed 500k streams on spotify
I think Nerissa would have sex with a jailbird if they were female
>>82267553Indeed, but she did tweet about being sleepy ~8 hours ago...
>>82269582She just replied to a a shiorissa artist
>>82270248 (me)I think it is the guy who made
>>82255112Pretty much this here, including the fact she was severely embarrassed and seems to have been so many times in her life for mess ups, she is constantly self-deprecating and unsure. The play recitals and the one solo she had where she got sick and informed the teacher about it, only to be dismissed, these all culminate into where she is today. But in a place she can be herself without ridicule, with support from peers, I think things may change, some it already has when we see her try karaoke and just let her hair down and say fuck it, she is supreme. It'll be up to her, but I think she can power through it, if she can fake it enough people thinking she is an extrovert, she'll be fine.>>82264662>Internship is legal slaveryOh it definitely is. Was supposed to have the game me and a few colleagues made reviewed by Bethesda devs, they told us they could make it due to rain. A semester of work, including having to help code when some of our programmers got sick in the middle, and they never even viewed it. I think the county school system we made the game for still uses it at least. Still mad about that to this day.
>>82271671A DEVBIRD?
>>82272987It was a lifetime ago, was trying to get into testing in college, and between what I said, and Zenimax finally taking my resume wanting me to ride 3 hours to work a $13.00 an hour job (while my current job paid the same and had a chance for extension)as a tester that ended in 3 months with no chance of hiring afterward because they said they only hired in "cycles" of 3 months contracting in QA at a time, I soured on the industry and got other work in IT with my degree.
>>82273753Honestly a smart move. Game development is a sweatshop industry. Horrendously long hours for mediocre pay and benefits. You have to really love games or be an artist who needs a stable income to want to work for the AAA companies. Indie studios on the other hand are for young people with no major responsibilities or people with other sources of income.
What is this? Saw it on Ina and Gigi's streams
>>82274731It says it right here, it's the holoSummer bingo card. Talents can compete to win a prize (but I don't know what the prize is this year).
>>82274731a bingo card thing for the talents to do. last year had everyone who did it entered into a raffle with a bunch of prizes, but i'm unsure if its gonna be the same this year
i want to rest my head on nerissas lapsomething tells me a lot of my problems would be solved by doing this
>>82276908when i was 14 i managed to get to rest my head on my older cousins lap. i think i peaked there
>>82277014my first and only sexual experience was with my cousin
>>82262507a cover intern could've easily painted them black before sending it to the artist
>>82276908Getting honest affection helps anyone's mood, I get ya. Especially during a light rain, thats a good ass sleep.
rissa game streams wishlist (is very, very improbable)>mario galaxy>pikmin series>persona 3/4 (she's already played 5)>needy streamer overdose>celeste
>>82276908>rest my head on nerissas lap>something starts poking you in the head>A conspicuous bulge appears under her dress>Rissa squirms, rubbing her thighs together>You look up and see her blushing and struggling to appear nonchalent as she looks at anything but you...
>>82278447>she's extremely flustered, and trying to hide it from you>"I'm so sorry, anon, I'll go, I'll go">you console her and tell her that it's alright>and you offer to help her out
>>82278215mario galaxy would be kino
I like the rissa erb dynamic
>>82279730fuck off
>>82279730Die nigger die
>>82279730I don't see the dynamic. I only see a socially awkward brit struggling to keep up with Nerissa. ERB + Rissa makes Kiarissa look like Gumei, and Gumei look like heaven itself.
>>82279730she has better chemistry with other members
>>82280110>Suddently German
>>82279730it'll be better when ERB stops taking the greater exardia and monitoring lore shit so seriously
>>82277349holy basedwait you might be gay
>>82280760she's a case of how NOT to do kayfabe. FWMC and a lot of JP are how you should do kayfabe. in short,>don't try to force kayfabe when its not applicable>don't try to involve others into your own kayfabe when they aren't interested>do keep kayfabe up in small ways>do make jokes, references, community memes that involve kayfabe
i want to bury my face in nerissas sweaty armpitsomething tells me a lot of my problems would be solved by doing this
>>82280110I also like the autobiography by Jamil Al-Amin, who later on went to kill a police officer and go to prison.
>>82281045speaking of sweaty armpits, i wonder how a Nerissa x Gigi collab would go. hopefully well
>>82280942Calli has the best kayfabe in hololive. Never gets annoying, always cute, always fun.
>>82282680uh, anon. were you around in the early days of the branch? mori's kayfabe used to piss so many people off. she's pretty good nowadays but back then was..... wow
>>82282795I find nowadays that advent does the most amount of kayfabe and myth does the least
>>82282795I've been following her since day 1
>>82282967Myth is the oldest, so they've mostly slowed down the amounts of kayfabe they do. Kiara especially is really just herself, it feels like. Advent is pretty high already without FWMC and then FWMC supercharges their kayfabe levels.
>>82279730i like the rissa fuwawa dynamic
>>82284728I think Nerissa should consider having lots of sex with Fuwawa
>>82284892nerissa is like a babu so it probably activates fuwawa's older sister instincts(sexual instincts)
>>82282795>in the early days>used to>but back thenWho cares
>>82282795Her kayfabe is the same now as back then so you're either admitting you're a schizo or you let the schizos of the time dictate your feelings.
>>82285764she's pretty damn different, anon. when I go back to 2020 Mori it's hard to watch sometimes, but for about the past year or so I've really enjoyed her.
I came inside Nerissa when she was sleeping
>>82287477Impossible. Her big white girl pawg ass doesn't allow penises to go inside.
>>82287477I need Rissa so bad bros
>>82287477that's rape...
>>82285063She wants Rissa to bully her. She felt that kabedon and wants part 2. Its why she pricks at her so much, just play back the way Fuwawa calls her stinky, its one step short of manic, you could feel the gleeful smile she has when saying it.
>>82288124Rissa is constantly horny, so you're wrong.
>>82288651This. Fuwawa is that one brat that needs correction by the Ravencock
I need white girl bubble butt
>>82291343how about a fast food induced cellulite butt
>>82291711Good, I love jiggle.
I bet her ass isn't even that big
>>82292697I bet her ass is so big it could make a Latina jealous
They say Rissa can steal your gyatt if you stick it out for her and add it to her own. Manyuu Hikenchou-style.
>>82293245That's... i wanna see it
>>82294732what happens if there are braps
>>82262134Yomosaka is a woman
>>82295475Do not reply to the kike worm
>>82295475Yeah and my future wife
>>82296371I wanna moleschizo a lot but keep getting distracted by my arousal
>>82295475do you have any source for that? because I never got this impression from them
>>82295475I love when yomosaka does shioraven futa sex and paizuri
>>82296371mamamia ina where are you touching the rissa
I want to wear heels
My membership expired yesterday, and I plan to renew it once Nerissa provides us with a good members stream that isn't a zatsu or our members summer wallpaper. How many days will I go without membership?
>>82295475doesnt matter, its still not right.
>>82300915What a coincidence, my membership expired exactly 7 days ago! I'd say you'll have to wait at least 90 days, possibly longer. As for myself I don't see me renewing again. There were only ever 3-5 above average mem streams and the rest were average zatsus where she ended up talking about the same stuff the next day in a regular stream anyway. Just not worth it
CoolAnyway, I love my Rissa with all my heart
Do you love long, black hair? Or do you prefer shorter
>>82302912If we're talking irl, long, heavy (healthy), black hair
>>82302912Women with long, dark hair make me weak. Be it 2D or 3Da84nw
>>82302912Women with long, dark hair make me weak, be it 2D or 3D
>>82302912I guess I prefer long hair, but it's not like my preference matters at this point
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
>>82302912Long long long
>>82305690Jailbird bean bag bed would be a great item and fits her personality. A large plush that doubles as a bed. Shipping would be atrocious definitely, but who would buy?
>>82308277>Rissa when she looks at my crotch Also, is that an IDM video downloader I see?
>>82309489Yeah I forgot to disable it....
I hope Nerissa milks her 3D debut like this
>>82309957you gonna tell us you're straight?
>>82309957I was just about to go to sleep after my hellish shift…
>>82309957>Aqua is graduating>Nerissa has a surprise later
>>82310723OWARI DAwhat the fuck
>>82310723You better be baiting me
>>82310838Everyone at holo seems to be retweeting it. It's either a hiatus or a graduation (or by God's mercy, a 3D cancellation)
Nerissa forced Aqua to graduate
>>82310906some people are theorizing that this is a prank because pulling a prank is on the summer bingo card, but i think that we're in for real shit
>>82311085I would be pissed and I've never even watched Aqua if she did this. If Rissa even remotely thought about pulling a prank like this, there will be no comeback
>>82311116Ame did it once, and turned on the stream to show us she made amogus cookiesIt was the closest I'd ever come to a panic attack
>>82311116Cover would just outright terminate her ass for pulling off a graduation prank
Leave already, you cunt-licking dyke. Go home.
>>82311665>>82311725That came out of nowhere, she really just drops songs out of nowhere. I'm looking forward to it.
Now, Nerissa, this is very important. You continue building up the hype. Each day until the 3D debut should be more exciting than the last.
>>82311974Considering this will probably be first shown on the 3D debut, this is building hype
>>82312074I assume so as well, I'm just surprised she didn't build up to the reveal more, she just gave a warning half an hour earlier. Not that it matters much, of course, there'll be hype regardless.
>>82311779nakey nakey rissa
>>82312300I mean she's been saying for weeks, if not months now, that she's cooking lots of stuff>>82312300It's better announced than Biboo's and FWMC's at least....
>>82312074I agree, this is hype AF, but the timing feels disturbingly odd. Like imagine if she just drops it during the 3D?
>>82312385rape this whore, its past time,
The kike sure is seething that a White person is succeeding in life
>>82312332I was talking about the announcement itself. Building excitment for it like saying a day earlier that there will be a reveal tomorrow, a short teaser, and stuff like that. Again, it's not a big deal, it doesn't really change much, it just surprised me she chose not to do a bigger build up to it, like some other members do.
channeling my inner midwesterner by eating two large orders of culvers cheese curds
She won't do a karaoke for this one either.
>>82312555She doesn't usually build hype in a structured way for things, more like hints here and there and then she drops it, usually without much fanfare
Hello jailbirdchads, I came to congratulate you on the new original. I liked Say My Name, so I can't wait to hear her new song.
>>82312939Oh I know, it's why I said she drops songs out of nowhere. The only time she teased something ahead of time was SMN, right? When she released the teaser during her birthday (if I'm not mistaken).
>>82313059Yeah teaser on her birthday release 6 months later. But this one is already listed on spotify so it will drop these coming days
>>82313059Yeah, she did that teaser 6 months prior to SMN. Otherwise, if my memory serves, the most she's done is like a countdown during a regular stream and raiding into a new song. Afterward she'll remind us occasionally to stream the song
>>82313099Yeah, it'll probably drop soon after the 3D. I'm excited to listen to it, it seems this one will be more emotional.
>>82311665If it's just one song it's not worth the lack of streams. Biboo and Fuwamoco released a song too and they didn't need so much time off.
>>82314072t. eternal doomer
>>82314283I mean they managed to stream more than twice as much us her the last few months while doing things like con appearances and karaokes while recording original songs as well. Just saying a single original song doesn't make up for the absences.
>>82314283I do kinda have to agree with him. It's great that she's releasing a new song and I'm really looking forward to it but it doesn't really make up for how little she's been streaming. That being said, maybe there'll be more stuff released in the future and the absence will make sense so it's best to give a chance, at least.
>>82314379>>82314546Yeah I don't care. I'm a nerissa fan not a scrimblo fan.
>>82314379True. I've been thinking for months that releasing an orisong, or even two, along with 3D debut, wouldn't be worth having lackluster (putting it charitably) streams for a third of the year. My expectations are rock bottom so I'm hoping she surprises us with some more good stuff coming soon
I've never had an oshi before Rissa. What's considered a 'good' buildup to a song release when it comes to holoEN?
>>82315195>Post a (???) Waiting room 5 days prior to release. >Make schedual with ??? On it and a karaoke or 3d before that>say you have big plans on stream and socials
>>82315442And whatever you do, do not put the ??? As a picture of yourself in front of a white background
>>82315902Do it!!
>>82315902No, a black background with some self drawn ??? And the ??? On a schedual. That's how it's always done. Contextual elements are important
>>82315171This oddly triggered a memory. Remember when SMN dropped and she dropped the whole Nerissa Ravencroft podcast thing? I thought for some reason maybe she would take some of her content that route, but nope. I do agree, this almost feels like it needs a good number of original songs, otherwise we all just got major blue balled for the better part of the last 6 months.
Well I hope I like this one
>>82316352The podcast! It's a shame she never repurposed that for content on the main yt channel, it was interesting>blue balled for the better part of the last 6 monthsYeah, I've lost a lot of my enthusiasm for her because of this. At least 3D is locked in so that will be fun, even if it's not worth the last few months
>>82314754Same. She mentioned cooking a lot of things, used up a great deal of her money, and we have not only 3D debut and given in EN, she is one of their power vocalists, they have an EN concert in a few weeks. She's made emphasis that she needs to save her voice and focus, so I'm letting this bird lady cook until the meal is done and not fidgeting over every little thing. Now, beyond the predictable wringing of the hands of some, what style will this be? A ballad? If its more emotional here, maybe a lounge type song ala Eye on Me(which good God if she ever did that with say Shiori on piano, I'd become Laguna was with Rinoa's mother Julia and get weak) to get us all twitterpated. Speaking of Eyes on Me, I wonder how much it'd take to get rights for singing it, I heard Mumei talked about song acquisitions being expensive and it cycled back to Rissa talking about putting down the bulk of her cash. Did our girl cash out after seeing Lilium with all her hard work with her sister on it turn to dust and wanted to ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, not get any BS this time?
You are such a faggot redditor
>>82317739Aw I'm sorry buddy, am I too positive for this? Want me to cry some for you? Shit, lighten up.
>>82317962I thought he was just a faggot actively trying to shit the thread, but it might be that he has a serious mental disorder that makes him unable to enjoy anything or derive any sort of happiness in life
Okay what the fuckAqua is graduating officially, citing disagreement with the company
>>82317962It's because you write ridiculous essays where you're more often than not wrong. She's not a power vocalist, stop using that phrase. Just like the other day you wrote a thousand words trying to explain why her merch took 8 hours to.sell out versus two minutes for Fuwamoco. Here it is in one sentence: she is far far less popular than they are. Go.back to redit you autistic faggot.
Don't forget to bump today otherwise threads gonna sink faster than usual
>>82319142Why are you so whiny?
>>82318768this is wild
>>82318768hopefully this doesnt result in a domino effect
>>82319977I fear it undoubtably will
>holoJP>gamer>plays mostly fpshitSorry but I do not care
>>82319977The way she said it was very ominous desu
>>82319977Realistically, it depends on what the disagreement was about, Coco leaving didn't really spark people to jump ship en masse, and everyone's circumstances are different. Lots of shit happens in the entertainment industry, which this is, we are just completely ignorant of until its exposed. Could also not really be nefarious either.
>>82320702Yeah it could be a contract disagreement for all I care. Needless to say this place is gonna be a hellscape for a while regardless
Rissa announcement will get burried by this...
>>82322037unfortunately yes but its kinda her fault for not building hype sooner
>>82320909I'd say people just need to keep calm and wait for actual, verifiable facts before exploding, but humans ain't like that. Needless to say Rissa if you're reading things around here, drama abounds, give things a couple of days because the goldfish memory of the greater vtuber fanbase is gonna be aflame for awhile. What a time to lay these bombs when Advent has a good momentum going.
Bitch had to go and sour the mode for everyone during Advent's 3D debuts.
>>82321483There's plausible deniability, but my moleschizo senses are tingling
>>82322486Yeah it is really dumb that they couldnt wait a week
I'm here for Rissa
>>82322486But i like the sour mode...
damn, jwu and everything is on fire. on one hand, super hyped for the rissa orisong? ep? album? (idk i’m a newfag and jwu so i got no idea) on the other hand, sad to see aqutan go, haven’t watched too much jp but she seems like a sweet girl. unfortunate timing nonetheless, but my excitement for the rissa stuff ultimately outweighs the sadness of aqua leaving
>>82326377Rissa met Aqutan?
>>82326483It's probably only an original yes, but it's great news nonetheless. Idc about Aqua either, but the circumstances of her leaving raise lots of eyebrows
>>82326828yeah, from what it seems there was some kind of difference with management? will have to wait for a good tl to see what exactly it was as my nihongo is not jouzu. regardless, i hope it doesn’t bode negatively for rissa and hololive’s future.
>>82326483>>82326828Tbh i feel like it's not just a single. If i remember how Bae did it, it was playdice and then Psycho which was announced to be part of her EP.
I dont wanna grim post but i really need Rissa rn. I'm so sad it represses my horny feelings.
>>82326483Aqua has alot of great moments. Her and nene during the holo hardcore minecraft server was hilarious, check it out one day
>>82309746I hope Nerissa milks her 3D **** like this
>>82327467All my oldjailbros remember Aqutan's old mindrotting recorder bgm, her silly laugh and her minecraft bush war
>>82326632Come on now. She probably met most of JP and just doesn't say anything.
Jailbros this isn’t a cover of the drake song is it?It’s an album?Sorry I jwu and I’m phoneposting on commute
>>82328826It's either an EP or an Ori song with an unfortunate name
>>82328980Thanks jailbroHoping for that album
>>82328826>Cover ever allowing a cover of an English songYou're funny, Anon
>>82327467>>82328221thanks for the recs jailbros, will check her out. i’ve seen a couple of aqua and nene clips (like the sao rp) during the hardcore server, they were great.
>>82329540Yeah my brain is too silly in the morning
Gonna be a busy day…
>>82332557I literally took my eyes off the thread for a minute and it was 10 alreadysigh....
>>82331687When I think of Rissa I always think of wet pussy
>>82332802Don't we all?
>>82332836No, Rissa is a fragment of my imagination and I am a fragment of yours.
>>82330265Just watch her minecraft vods. I loved those especially everytime she either wanted to prank someone but instead became the victim of her own prank, or when she gets stuck with pressure plates iron doors
Are you awake baker-dono? I'm asking a little bit early as the thread will probably get shoved off the catalog fast
>>82333159Have you hydrated?
>>82333159Great!! Will you be using Rissa's new ori's cover art as the thread picture?
>>82333189Yeah. >>82333192Yeah.
>>82333289But did you hydrate properly today?
>>82333581Of course. Plenty. See, some even splashed onto my face.
>>82333885FFFFFCm'ere baker-dono, I'll give you a hug
>>82333885No... baker-sama you cannot do this to me. This is evil.
Baking early due to stormy weather.
Cherish your oshi, Jailbirds. Love you all, no homo.