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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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81838695 No.81838695 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>81838770

Mori Calliope, Vacationing Ahead

>> No.81838723

it is time to meep

>> No.81838770
File: 1.01 MB, 634x1027, 1674055893775644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>81804163

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjXUbssyAIc
Upcoming stream: _(:3」∠)_

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
Phantomime (August 16, 2024) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_pt_ec
//// Stream Go-Getters+Yoon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HXo0zEnMpU

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
(NEW!) PHANTOMIME pre-order [Standard/Limited/Super Special Awesome Limited]

One Piece Day ’24 SPECIAL LIVE
August 10-11, 2024 @ Makuhari Messe, Chiba
capacity: 7,860
guest starring: GRe4N BOYZ, Mori Calliope, Ado, BE:FIRST
//// Live archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.81839029

Didn't catch the last couple of streams but wasn't there supposed to be an expensive merch drop at the end of the month? Or was that happening closer to the album release?

>> No.81839336

Closed to the album. Though I don’t know if I can get it lmao, I just dropped 100 bucks on Marine’s album (including shipping)

>> No.81839351

I think she said it's at the end of August, right after the album release.

>> No.81840206

leakbeat post
LUSS - Pao Ying Chub! drinkin’ (with Mori Calliope)

>> No.81840214

Marine’s new song is genuinely phenomenal, on all fronts. Very much captures a timeless feeling. Toby Fox is on a crazy musical journey jumping around from his original stuff to Pokemon OST’s to Vtubers. I still remember that anecdote where apparently Sans got added to Smash after he apparently beat Sakurai at Smash when he got invited to his home.

>> No.81840656

Finally the skibidi toilet collab! Kek.

>> No.81840761
File: 27 KB, 334x298, cjBnf2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this song

>> No.81841076

I love Mori and her FAT BUTT

>> No.81841230
Quoted by: >>81855866

Man, Mori's musical journey is Wild.

>> No.81841592

lmao wtf

>> No.81841633

>skibidi mori

>> No.81842432

holy fucking kek, cant wait to see what lyrics Mori conjures for this

>> No.81843319
Quoted by: >>81843832

Ok, I really want to know how the fuck this happened lmao. A decently well known k-pop star ok sure, but a thai group? wat?

>> No.81843832
Quoted by: >>81844351

they're under Warner Music apparently, basically an inter-company blowjob for giving Mori Go-Getters

>> No.81844351


>> No.81844853


>> No.81844893
File: 55 KB, 1024x1024, 1722053678109906m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was the DBD collab?

>> No.81845090

Was p good, group had rather good chemistry considering it was a first time collab

>> No.81845987

fun, Morp got to be Pinhead and kill everyone

>> No.81846080
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81846328

Started with a Morbi sweep, then with her dying every round. Everyone was cute, too.

>> No.81846383

Mori Calliope's extremely kissable butthole

>> No.81846841


>> No.81847983
Quoted by: >>81848029

I saw some posts that Mori hinted at being at biboo's thing tonight? I was pretty fucking tired during the DbD collab so I didn't catch that. anyone got a timestamp?

>> No.81848029
Quoted by: >>81848471

It's in the last like 5-10min, during the outro segment.

>> No.81848471
Quoted by: >>81857048

Ah yeah I see it.

>> No.81849972

I knew what artist that was before I opened it

>> No.81850259
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>> No.81851239
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>> No.81851271

I was rewatching the spelling bee collab, and I was wondering why Mori's mic whenever she's in a collab makes her sound like she's inside a box, she sound so muffled and barely eligible when two or three people talk at the same time.

>> No.81851673

Maybe the mic was going through her controller again?

>> No.81851861

Do you guys ever leave these types of comments on her comments or just here? I mean she's the one that should read them

>> No.81851865
Quoted by: >>81852084

who are these guys can anyone tell me?

>> No.81852084

Thai pop group. No clue how this collab happened.

>> No.81852117

But that's where she proinks from.

>> No.81852799
Quoted by: >>81853104

that's a weird choice I hope their song is really good

>> No.81853104
Quoted by: >>81853259

It's goign to be a remix of a recent song they put out.

>> No.81853128

They composed a song for Phantomime.

>> No.81853259
Quoted by: >>81853483

time to get that skibidi Mori art ready

>> No.81853483


>> No.81853512
Quoted by: >>81853661

She never finished Poppy Playtime

>> No.81853515
Quoted by: >>81853566

Mori Calliope

>> No.81853566
File: 138 KB, 1215x1133, 1676394154014741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is cute

>> No.81853661
Quoted by: >>81858157

I'm pretty sure she's waiting for when her and Bae's schedules line-up for it

>> No.81854747
File: 1.73 MB, 2400x3200, GTt-4Nia8AAA10g[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.81855223

FUCKING mori calliope’s TITS

>> No.81855629

Why doesn't the official Go-Getters choreo include the coochie grab + thrusting motion?

>> No.81855866

She really is Ms. Worldwide.

>> No.81855981

The coochie grab was a Waller original idea

>> No.81856016

Doesn't want to be sued by waller

>> No.81856977

is Mori gonna be on Biboos stream or do we already know who Biboo will have

>> No.81857048

Almost certainly

>> No.81857499

She more or less confirmed it at the end of DbD

>> No.81858157

or both think it would be awkward as shit to pick it up after all this time and just let it be forgotten

>> No.81858187
Quoted by: >>81858271

no Morp tonight?

>> No.81858271
Quoted by: >>81858723

she's at Biboo's

>> No.81858723

Well since Ririka and Marine(just confirmed on twitter) are also going to be there, I'm guessing it will be at the studio.

>> No.81858800

If all of EN lived in Tokyo, would they hang out all the time?

>> No.81859187

Yes, but they wouldn't talk about it on stream.

>> No.81859351

Yeah, for sure

>> No.81859621

>More EYE
>Calli OPPAI

>> No.81859765
Quoted by: >>81859903

That's a beautiful mispronunciation. Still appreciate his drumming

>> No.81859903

at first i couldnt help but compare him to 8bit drummer but after he warmed up a little he got a groove. I like his fills and freestyles better

>> No.81860454
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>> No.81860811

Morpchop sandwiches!!

>> No.81861103
File: 188 KB, 392x345, Screenshot 2024-07-16 222829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

morbit, didit no going and you tell me do things i done. runnin

>> No.81861117
File: 653 KB, 2304x4096, 1721912239473828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calli OPPAI

>> No.81861146

18 years ago. Holy fuck.

>> No.81861455

Feels insane that it's been a year since /morig/ was freaking out about Rissa saying Ope on twitter

>> No.81861510
File: 497 KB, 640x800, default.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The meme is now old enough to vote, fuck, and go off to war. God damn.

>> No.81861869
Quoted by: >>81862485

That shit was kinda worth freaking out over since "Ope" wasn't even really a thing outside this thread. Even in global it wasnt well known although it had spread there since. Then it turns out to be some random ass Midwestern saying lmao.

>> No.81862171

Why are white women so attractive

>> No.81862254

if you really to really feel old Chie Satonaka from Persona 4 is now 30 today

>> No.81862432
Quoted by: >>81862727

That one girl from persona 5 is 25 and probably a cop by now.

>> No.81862485
Quoted by: >>81862670

As someone from the midwest, I found it really funny that people were targeting "ope" like it was some hyper specific thing.

I guess it shows you how global Hololive is, as most folks (outside NA) don't understand just how big the US is.

>> No.81862670
Quoted by: >>81863698

My family's from Minnesota and I thought it was funny. My favorite was when Nerissa explained "oh, for cute" to baelz

>> No.81862727
Quoted by: >>81862791

you mean Makoto?

>> No.81862791

Yeah, her

>> No.81863119
Quoted by: >>81863455

the main characters from lucky star are in their mid 30s now

>> No.81863335

shes getting fatter and older and you can really see how it stresses her out now

>> No.81863434

I guess Kronii is in Japan since Kiara has a off collab with IRyS, Raora and Kronii on her schedule. I dunno why Mori and Kronii seem to be allergic to off collabs together when they always seem to hang when Kronii is in Japan.

>> No.81863455

holy shit! kek

>> No.81863512 [SPOILER] 
File: 86 KB, 492x232, 1684806506962927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more reason for me to give her children

>> No.81863698
Quoted by: >>81863889

I want another midwesterner to join just so the two of them can go heavy northern mid-west accent on the rest and leave them all confused.

Saying something along the lines of "Jeez Louise, that was a real gullywasher doncha know? We looked snookered last night walkin around slicker than doorknob."

They get too busy drinking.

>> No.81863808

I love curvy older women.

>> No.81863889
Quoted by: >>81864134

>They get too busy drinking.
That would be a great stream though

>> No.81864053

fatfuck mori gets too insecure around cum-gutters kronii

>> No.81864134

Imagine Kronii fooling mori into thinking she's basically sober and then all of a sudden she yells "CALLAYYYYYY" like she's Arthur Morgan

>> No.81864139
File: 425 KB, 606x563, 1641884589015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice catch, blanco nino.Too bad your ass got reeeeeeaped

>> No.81864484
Quoted by: >>81864895

>Mori and Kronii seem to be allergic to off collabs together when they always seem to hang when Kronii is in Japan.
The thing is when Mori when meets another member IRL, her mind registers them as normal friend therefore they should just normal stuff together like go out to dinner or catch a movie, etc
She doesn't really her "streamer brain" on and thusly doesn't think to make their time together into content

>> No.81864895

A tiny bit of content brain would be nice though

>> No.81865347

the older the berry the sweeter the juice

>> No.81866081

They should allow Meeping to be a sport at the Olympics

>> No.81866184
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Quoted by: >>81866445


>> No.81866270
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I'd win

>> No.81866394

the spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised

>> No.81866445

Not sure if you linked this because the cute sneeze or the cute singing after it. Anyways, cute!

>> No.81866578
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>18 years ago
That's a reupload. Those videos pre-date YouTube

>> No.81866680

I'm watching the spelling bee collab and how did Mori not come in first place with GG?

>> No.81866754
Quoted by: >>81867142

They fucked up. Ame clarified she should of tied with gigi in the superchat reading she did the next day. Mori was also happy with 4th so it's fine.

>> No.81866783

I guess no one kept score, it was just for fun anyways so it is what it is

>> No.81866856

Too dangerous. Child would feel inspired to try at home.

>> No.81867084
File: 3.54 MB, 1000x562, Card-carrying Pebblephile Mori Calliope[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdzlkkc.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81867142

En is too good at spelling. It should have been a geography bee

>> No.81867488

Morp activity tonight?

>> No.81867551
Quoted by: >>81867681

Does the horizontal hula count?

>> No.81867601

Go watch biboo's stream. She should show up at some point.

>> No.81867681

>>81867551 me
Fr she might be in beebs' thing

>> No.81867695

Nobody was accurately keeping score, so they kinda just made some shit up that didn't match-up with the actual score lol

>> No.81867806

Biboo just biboo taxed me

>> No.81867875
File: 1.11 MB, 974x898, Tombstone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morp n' Beebs!

>> No.81868286
Quoted by: >>81869323

Who's koseki bijou?

>> No.81869323
Quoted by: >>81869434

Rocksis of Ratsis

>> No.81869434

She seems pretty cool. I think biboo would like her

>> No.81869763


>> No.81869779

Speaking of pronunciations, remember when Kiara said tighs?

>> No.81870424

That was a really wholesome thing for wawa to say. I'm so happy she has these kohai

>> No.81870488

Can't wait for Mori to try to do her worst shounen speech

>> No.81870559

her best worst shounen speech*

>> No.81870678

And it will be glorious

>> No.81872160

did I miss this Morp?

>> No.81872226

Not yet

>> No.81872232

Nah not yet

>> No.81872434


>> No.81872470

>Morp enters cooly

>> No.81872509
File: 395 KB, 2048x2048, F_fh7-paUAA7_II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small stone being

>> No.81872513

Morp on biboo stream

>> No.81872669

is that why Mori was gone for a few days a week or two ago?

>> No.81872738
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>> No.81872790

"that sign can't stop me because I can't read!"

>> No.81872841

the trip with advent? yeah

>> No.81872922
File: 3.06 MB, 720x1280, throwing it back like Waller[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1vdtr1.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.81872929
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>> No.81873092

talk about a kumbaya!

>> No.81873293
Quoted by: >>81874257

I still feel the same about this song as when it was announcement I like it but don't give a shit about the SS anime

>> No.81873301
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she thinks she's kakkoii

>> No.81873303


>> No.81873309
File: 43 KB, 350x350, Mori Sans shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This last part of this song goes damn hard.
>Welcome to Miss Fortune's game
Good job, ladies.

>> No.81873314

Why are you talking about your mom in the Mori thread?

>> No.81873406
Quoted by: >>81873451

>she asked them to make the JP lyrics hard on purpose
kinda based

>> No.81873451

kinda kakkoi

>> No.81873449

Thanks laplus

>> No.81873488
File: 1005 KB, 809x598, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look good together

>> No.81873491
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A true son of Mori.

>> No.81873497

>we are taking jobs for shinigami
Curious how she mentioned this yet has never once mentioned any form of promotion that was supposedly so important it had an entire concert and album involved with it

>> No.81873747
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Quoted by: >>81873814

She did in my brain, and I'm literally never wrong

>> No.81873801
Quoted by: >>81873941

they have openings because of the promotion
checkmate atheists

>> No.81873814

That Biboo looks like she's about to unleash an Emerald Splash

>> No.81873941

I'm applying now I need to do my murder reps

>> No.81874222

Did you not listen to the FWMC twitterspace

>> No.81874257

Eh the anime is kinda shit anyway, it's missing the SS 'edge' that you would usually see in other SS media

>> No.81874689
Quoted by: >>81875078

Lmao, it always makes me laugh that JP are able to catch that she is a lolicon not shotacon. They somehow understand that one English teaching stream clip more than English speakers

>> No.81875078

She's neither, we joke but she just likes cute small girls because of her fondness for things like cats and kids/elderly people. She wants to protect and nurture basically

>> No.81875107
File: 498 KB, 925x2557, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.81875194

Wait did you miss both the FWMC twitter and her talking about the bath tub incident during her 2nd DS1 stream? lol

>> No.81875313

How do promotion beats reconcile this with their beliefs?

>yea just an apprentice
>hold on im getting close to not being an apprentice
>I just have to do a couple more tests

BONUS: Referring to herself as the grim reapers apprentice

>> No.81875557

When he's right, he's right

>> No.81876895

My knees are shattered

>> No.81877857

Happy Mori was there today because there's a decent chance she'll miss out on seeing a lot of the members in early August because of the vacation

>> No.81877994


>> No.81878126


>> No.81878347

Anon, she is going to be gone for less than a week.

>> No.81878370
Quoted by: >>81878446

>Kari sando

>> No.81878446

>Kari-san Do ryaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.81878538
File: 948 KB, 1275x707, Screenshot 2024-07-30 205908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori got to see Biboo naked
I'm so jealous TuT

>> No.81878570

Didnt she say she'd be back right before the album drop?

>> No.81878758

She said she wanted to stream that day, but, we all know that's not possible.

>> No.81878772

She called it a short trip. That has always meant 3-5 days

>> No.81878930
File: 700 KB, 778x558, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that scatting

>> No.81878940
Quoted by: >>81883779

Snek doin' the dance

>> No.81878972
Quoted by: >>81879038

so when is the Ark finale anyway

>> No.81879038


>> No.81879402

Yeah, but we only know Kiara is staying long. Kronii may be gone by the time she gets back

>> No.81879504
File: 126 KB, 240x320, 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAMN, that GG performance was a BOP
and SEX, with her being that close to the mic

>> No.81879542
File: 774 KB, 1961x2404, 1717554691087824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would exchange two of my functioning organs for a Takamori offcollab

>> No.81879573

well its happening RIGHT NOW

>> No.81879623

Well good thing Kronii is there right now and she ain't leaving for a few days plenty of time to do something. Not like they ever off collab lmao

>> No.81879780 [DELETED] 

>a lot of the members
Don't you think she feels obligated to the reaper business because some pretend to care about "her"?

>> No.81879840

I think kiara mentioned at some point wanting to do a off collab stream of that painting thing they did as a big group before.

>> No.81880012

snek girl did the dance

>> No.81880387
Quoted by: >>81881204

Somehow I knew that the new album would be released in August even before the official announcement, even though I am not leakbeat.

>> No.81880497
File: 234 KB, 1446x1600, 1715140178033106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the OGbeats still rocking it. Good work, snek. ~~~~~~~~~~:>

>> No.81880648
File: 91 KB, 850x1180, __ririsya_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_m_r_b__sample-2ea63ac739dfccad7f0dec922955446c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes my snake the big snake.

>> No.81880970

Holy sex

>> No.81881204


>> No.81881295

huh, I expected significantly more bounce

>> No.81881643
File: 925 KB, 814x969, 1665811772363025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dulce et decorum est pro mori mori

>> No.81881774

*pro mori vivi
donta cutto in the line-o, as they say

>> No.81881812

Do not say with such high zest to anons ardent for some desperate glory this old lie.

>> No.81882729
File: 12 KB, 223x349, 9ab9febbaca80b7f0d48cd88c6179087[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81883779
File: 430 KB, 753x665, 1705982862296030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based snek

>> No.81884145

Is Mori not streaming her PoV for the ARK finale?

>> No.81884186
Quoted by: >>81884307

I think she is, she might just put up the frame super late like she did in the last stream

>> No.81884307
Quoted by: >>81884745

she'd probably mention it if she planned to
feel free to correct me if she did and i just missed it

>> No.81884745
Quoted by: >>81885173

She said she planned on streaming the finale

>> No.81885173

shit, do we know when everyone else starts streaming? gotta know when i should wake up if i want to catch it

>> No.81885259
Quoted by: >>81885464

I want to do shibari with Mori

>> No.81885273
Quoted by: >>81885538

4 hours from now is usually when everyone starts

>> No.81885297

Checking Holodex it seems most people are staring at 3:00am PDT, so I guess she'll either put up a frame soon or start late

>> No.81885464
Quoted by: >>81896496

remember when there was a shibari photoshoot gone wrong and the girl got strangulated to death by her neck? Lol

>> No.81885496

Watching the DbD collab and got up to the part where Mori mention's Raora's rap. It's adorable that you can hear her put her face in her hands as she's howling with laughter and then mutes herself. It's also very funny Mori can still get that kind of reaction out of people with an offhand comment. I think I'll try to catch the pink Italian cat streams.

>> No.81885538
File: 600 KB, 1920x1100, 20231109_015814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'm only getting 4 hours of sleep then, g'night debbies

>> No.81885666

Atleast you can sleep. I'm stuck at work for another hour...

>> No.81885880
File: 1.07 MB, 1340x701, 1711810051487294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nini debbie I'm going too

>> No.81886920
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>> No.81886936
Quoted by: >>81887646


>> No.81887329

the world is a Myth

>> No.81887646

The Callio-car, if you will

>> No.81887732
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>> No.81887762
Quoted by: >>81887834

Mori calling into fwmc right now

>> No.81887764
File: 1.21 MB, 1267x706, Screenshot 2024-07-30 234640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morpo on the BauBau's stream btw

>> No.81887834
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>> No.81887961

I want a call from a airplane bathroom atleast once.

>> No.81888122

I guess that is why there is no frame. She ain't even home yet.

>> No.81888137

Felt like it's been a while and Mori was intentionally avoiding doing that for a while because of "backlash" and not being professional but it's honestly kino every time.

>> No.81888206
Quoted by: >>81888282


>> No.81888238
Quoted by: >>81888284

It's only retards who try to make everything she does bad. Making a effort to call in even if it is really inconvenient is always good.

>> No.81888282

She lurks everywhere or at least used to

>> No.81888284
File: 379 KB, 545x665, 1686364984134165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you guys overestimate how many people actually care

>> No.81888310

Kek I can see why she'd not want to do it, yeah. It's definitely nor professional or well organised. But it's crazy funny to me, and it ages like wine with each incidence.

>> No.81888526

How are the jp bros this based?

>> No.81889487

Do you ever think about Mori Calliope

>> No.81889581

Yes, but I'll never tell you that I do

>> No.81889814


>> No.81889910

Some girl. I think she has a youtube channel

>> No.81889925

The Grim Reaper's first apprentice. Due to modern medical care causing a decline in the reaping business, Calliope decided to become a VTuber to harvest souls instead. It seems that the ascended souls of the people who are vaporized by the wholesome interactions between VTubers go to her as well.
That being said, despite the image her hardcore vocals and manner of speech gives off, she's actually a gentle-hearted girl who cares greatly for her friends.

>> No.81890029
Quoted by: >>81890160

>The Grim Reaper's first apprentice
you better delete this post lest you upset those who still live with their fingers in their ears

>> No.81890160
Quoted by: >>81890378

The autism it takes to make "is mori the grim reaper" a longstanding thread argument...

>> No.81890263

Great... I missed all meeping time yesterday.

>> No.81890334

She showed up to both biboo's and FWMC's streams.

>> No.81890378
Quoted by: >>81890461

Yes it is beyond autistic to invent a scenario where a promotion takes place, but this promotion is never once spoken of and there exists no evidence in its favour, and the level of autism it takes to continue to hold this belief even when during the pizza making collab, Mori herself specifically said "I'm getting close to not being an apprentice, I just need to do a few more tests" is beyond comprehension, yet here we are.

>> No.81890400


>> No.81890461
Quoted by: >>81890488

If I hated anyone in this thread, it would be you

>> No.81890488

And that doesn't change the fact there was never a promotion

>> No.81890504

I think about her FAT FUCKING BUTT

>> No.81890518
File: 380 KB, 1172x1684, FnuufSNaQAERVEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>81890864

Mori just has to open porn at work to get a promotion, like I did

>> No.81890695

sounds silly

>> No.81890864

Does your boss share your kinks?

>> No.81890960

I like it when a one use parataxis in their posts for comedy

>> No.81891623

You're daily dose of Meep, sire

>> No.81891806
File: 925 KB, 1322x1080, 1690727006477434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>81891995


>> No.81891995
Quoted by: >>81895318

FUCK that FAGGOT who was going around making false copyright claims on Halo music, they took that rainforest collab from us

>> No.81892651

Did she mention anything about the Ark finale?

>> No.81892671
Quoted by: >>81892721

I think that last stream was it

>> No.81892721

Whelp that sucks, guess I'll watch Bae just in case Mori shows up.

>> No.81892761
Quoted by: >>81892979

Yea she said she wanted to stream it, but if the call-in on FWMC was anything to go by, then she's probably busy right now

>> No.81892979
Quoted by: >>81893161

Maybe she was still at the studio after being in Biboo's thing?

>> No.81893161
Quoted by: >>81893177

She was on her way somewhere else when she called into FWMC's thing. like she was literally on the street somewhere in tokyo when she called lmao.

>> No.81893177
Quoted by: >>81893204

What if it was on her way home?

>> No.81893204

We don't know. Just saying she left the studio at some point between biboo and FWMC's thing.

>> No.81893499

sex with biboo or mococo?

>> No.81893561
Quoted by: >>81893601

I'm not super comfortable with how biboo looks like she's a child

>> No.81893601
File: 437 KB, 585x568, 1700922871415071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>81893670


>> No.81893670


>> No.81893783

So no morp tonight? Sigh.... Thought we'd at least get the final ark stream before it ends. Guess not..........

>> No.81893806

i'll take them both, i'm hardcore

>> No.81893819
Quoted by: >>81897223

Guess not

>> No.81893926
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>> No.81894050
Quoted by: >>81894152

Given that Mori's brain seems to vacillate betweej THIS IS MY STREAMING PROJECT versus THIS IS MY ALBUM PROJECT apparently without breaks, i can understand her inclination to do offcollabs when she feels like it

>> No.81894145
File: 79 KB, 550x655, 1607174629441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, that's a banger MV from Marine. I'm so fucking bummed out that Mori's project fell through.

>> No.81894152

Ah fuck there was a quote I was replying to but I lost it. So it goes.

>> No.81894210
File: 1.60 MB, 1200x1197, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.81894261
File: 124 KB, 322x309, default_mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 3 of lurking the morp thread

>> No.81894263

I had a feeling making it about suicide squad was a bad idea

>> No.81894302

I continue to mind the guy lurking the mori thread, purely because he said not to mind him

>> No.81894305

I could actually use clarification on this point - is Go Getters MV canceled or just postponed?

>> No.81894360
Quoted by: >>81894471

she implied in her members gaming stream that it will come out, but who knows honestly

>> No.81894368

NTA but it's in development hell with no reason for optimism, iirc

>> No.81894441
Quoted by: >>81894495

Will Mori have time/opportunity to fuck Kronii hard before her vacation?

>> No.81894471

and just to make sure i am not getting mad at a guy i invented, the Go Getters MV was what she put all her money into for like a year?

>> No.81894480

It's in limbo. She begged to release it at least this year but they're like "¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
My take is: she contracted a big studio to make a god-tier mv, that's why the cost was astronomical, but the big studio didn't finish it in time, and now they're starting production on some new anime and can't spare any manpower. So it's not finished and can't be finished any time soon.

>> No.81894495

Kronii is in Japan now so yes, but we won't hear anything about it until later.

>> No.81894536
Quoted by: >>81894602

okay lets dial it back, not "all her money". still those fucking drawing drives though.

>> No.81894582

I think so, I was pretty skeptical about it but the past month has convinced me that its the one

>> No.81894602

UMJ and Cover also put money into it so they are probally pretty fucking annoyed at the studio too.

>> No.81894611
Quoted by: >>81894729

I'm fairly she she implied that is coming out after all, but it'll just suck because it'll be such massive delayed that it'll release with no momentum behind it

>> No.81894729

Eh depends. Loli-kami has out for almost a year with like 300k views before the MV made it the most successful vtuber song ever. I wouldn't even put Bibbidiba in Suisei's top 15 songs, but the MV carried the shit out of it. We won't know until we see the MV.

>> No.81894772

She made an Oshi no Ko MV

>> No.81894803
Quoted by: >>81894891

>Eh depends. Loli-kami has out for almost a year with like 300k views before the MV made it the most successful vtuber song ever
Yeah I'm hoping a similar situation happens with Go-Getters MV, hope it has some eye-catching animations that help push it to a new audience

>> No.81894825

"Cinderella beats the shit outta a prima Donna director for being an ass" is a pretty singular concept, so I get it

>> No.81894891
Quoted by: >>81894957

> eye-catching animations
And most importantly, memeability.

>> No.81894925

I am fine with the MV not coming out as long as she gets a refund, Suicide Squad is not good enough for it.

>> No.81894957
Quoted by: >>81894980

I really hate what tiktok did to youtube music videos.

>> No.81894974
Quoted by: >>81895159

Lolikami had the opportunity to be discovered, a lot of people already know about the ending so it's not the same situation

>> No.81894980

Maybe tiktok getting banned in America will put that back in Pandora's box

>> No.81895110

Not a chance. Shortform content's been the wave for years. Tiktok just carried the torch in a world without Vine.

>> No.81895159
Quoted by: >>81895493

Anon, that is dumb as fuck reasoning people are enjoying the song despite the anime, not because of it. If anything the MV will get even more initial attention because so many people already know the song(It's closing in on 3m views on youtube fast which is pretty fucking good for a MVless song) and even more people will want to see the MV for it. Hell maybe whatever issue with her youtube channel that she said was confirmed will be fixed before the MV comes out and it turns out better for it.

>> No.81895306
Quoted by: >>81895692

There will inevitably be copy cats who will offer the same thing anyways. Just accept that shortform content will dominate the next decade and leave of forms of videos behind, kind of like how bulletin boards got replaced web forums

>> No.81895318
Quoted by: >>81895374

The Halo Reach one or something else?

>> No.81895374

At the time there was some guy/group throwing out false claims on Halo music, which made them postpone the Reach playthrough, even the actual composer got his channel striked lol

>> No.81895493

I didn't said anything about the anime, I said people already listened to the song so it may not make the same impact as when it dropped despite the new MV. Obviously the song is carrying itself.

>> No.81895539

Mori I love you I hope you have a good vacation

>> No.81895692

Vine WILL return

>> No.81895857
Quoted by: >>81895931

Bae is being treated like a slave by making all these bullets. She is going to get a date with the Towa banana because of it though

>> No.81895908
File: 8 KB, 182x230, 1718990231294463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will Mori's last stream before going on vacation be?

>> No.81895931

Towa should be careful. After watching her CoD stream, bae is definitely the type to frag her commanding officer

>> No.81896141

Maybe a zatsu or something

>> No.81896496

No. When was that?

>> No.81896956
Quoted by: >>81897158

Ark Souls: Mini Motorways P3P Tartarus Grinding Edition (ft. Shadowverse)

>> No.81897158
Quoted by: >>81897518

So you're saying mori is streaming the ninth circle of hell straight into us

>> No.81897223


>> No.81897227

Oh hey

>> No.81897343
Quoted by: >>81897430

Oh my god lol she's gotta put these frames up earlier

>> No.81897430

Yeah, this was almost a guerilla stream for all intents and purposes

>> No.81897518

Maybe if you add a pinch of Fall Guys (but you can't join) to it

>> No.81897556

fuck you Mori I have to be VOD gang and go to sleep

>> No.81897641
Quoted by: >>81897687

Drink some coffee weak lil nigga

>> No.81897650
Quoted by: >>81897696

does anyone have that pic of Mori on a unicycle?

>> No.81897687

I don't want to sleep all day

>> No.81897689

Just put it in your phone with some headphones and plugged so it's charged

>> No.81897696
File: 132 KB, 1007x1791, FUlPsnmWQAEnSDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>81897774


>> No.81897774

that's the one thanks

>> No.81897895

I didn't expect her to leave so soon. Will she be in the US for at least 2 weeks?

>> No.81897923

if we're lucky kek

>> No.81898005
Quoted by: >>81898038

Idk, the why she's talking it seems like it'll be for a few days

>> No.81898018

2 weeks at most, she said she'll be back in time for the album release

>> No.81898038
Quoted by: >>81898262

If it was, she's kinda ambitious about all the streams she has planned

>> No.81898114

I thought Fra was done with vtubing? Is there hope for BGV to come back?


>> No.81898262

That's honestly just her M.O, you should know by lol
She basically incapable of just not streaming while on "vacation", it almost always winds up causing her stress, cause she's trying to stream in unideal conditions like hotel wifi, or a relatives house who has barely functional internet

>> No.81898369
Quoted by: >>81898623

>152 cm
>too big

>> No.81898623

She may have meant [too big for] [me at 152 cm]
Nihongo is tricky like that

>> No.81898691

I'm tired as shit bro

>> No.81898693
File: 535 KB, 1022x585, 1691497491458898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Tutumane survive the final raid?

>> No.81898737
Quoted by: >>81898997

Yeah, Mori will do everything in her power to keep Tutu safe

>> No.81898757 [DELETED] 

Wait...? Will the One Piece concert be pre-recorded?

>> No.81898997

what about Patches she just let that little nigga die

>> No.81899021

difference is one is Tutu and the other wasn't

>> No.81899188

silly deadbeat, you can't kill patches for good
he just comes back in the next one

>> No.81899189

wonder who interviewed her

>> No.81899298

That is a weird thing, why hasn't her family ever come to visit her? No passports?

>> No.81899314

Is this "vacation" really unavoidable?

>> No.81899322

they did actually, remember the random family visit she got earlier this year?

>> No.81899329

Highly doubt they don't have passports, she just didn't answer if that question was asked

>> No.81899416

luckily it is to formally decline contract renewal

>> No.81899479

>No passports?
I'm not American, maybe it's different there, but isn't getting passports easy? Just wait some time and maybe pay a fee and that's it? Unless it's more complicated I can't really imagine in as a reason for not visiting.

>> No.81899521

When I got passports it wasn't hard, but most Americans don't have passports and a lot of people have never gotten passports

>> No.81899549


>> No.81899630

Her family seems to be doing pretty well so it would be surprising if they didn't have passports.
Especially with how often Mori said they traveled in the past.

>> No.81899640

Big this energy

>> No.81899696
Quoted by: >>81899770

>why is the richest one who lives in a different country from everyone else and has a job where a large portion can be done anywhere with good enough internet the one who travels

>> No.81899770

This isn't my bugbear, but "with good enough internet" is a highly salient and not at all assumable caveat

>> No.81899783

Yep. She announced this vacation a month before the other participants. She seems pretty invested in this vacation.
