This one
>>OPcute trinity
I love Ina!
I love Mori!
I love this doll!!
>>OP>>81846639You now notice Ina is casually in the middle of taking a shit or piss
>>81846647Hey, me too!
I'll show you a dark nut if you know what I mean, lmao
>chained together was easyCeci's reality is hers and she does with it as she wills!
>>OPI love it when people here still pretend myth has this cute unity
JWU, what was /hlgg/'s thoughts on Marine's new song being done by Toby Fox (again) and sounding a lot more like his classic homestuck stuff?
>>81846685She's masturbating
sex with dolls
gg sex
I don't watch Ina, but what makes people say she's the smartest?
>>81846685Oi, don't do that
My Ina!
>>81846711I don’t care about JPs
CC reading too deep into the lore
>>81846715People do that on the toilet? That's gross
>>81846711pretty great!
>>81846744This should explain it
Nice sleep schedule bae…
>>81846740 more Ina...?
>>81846744she is THE dandori master
>>81846810towacock too good
>>81846773Sometimes it's the only way to get privacyIna is just a degenerate and does it in front of her genmates
>>81846744>graduated university >able to network and market herself effectively to live off of her art skills>had an actual job pre hololiveThis puts her above a lot of girls.
>>81846744she's like a geologist or something dopey like that
>>81846764she really is a child
Bae a cute.
>>81846703No need to pretend when less than twelve hours ago they were being super cute together.
>>81846703Myth house is happening again soon.
>>81846869She's gonna fuck Biboo?
>>81846874LA+ and Biboo literally eat like children and order off the kids menu.
>>81846869Has she ever talked about Geology onstream? That sounds interesting.
>>81846899Take your meds
>>81846909You sure Ina is staying at the same place? Remember she is staying there for like 6? months so she probally got a more permanent place like Bae did before her real move.
Towa is really trying to make sure there will be a base left standing tomorrow to take photos in
>>81846917She already did
What did she mean by this?
>>81846934Having met a couple of chibis and even dating one, seems to be more common that it seems
>>81846869>I was a volcano autist my whole life >try geology major in college >couldn’t give two shit about the gorillion rocks and minerals unrelated to volcanoes >flunk out cause almost nothing I was learning had anything to do with volcanoes Oh well
>>81846934Laplus at least drinks and tells me she a grown woman. I'm still not convinced Biboo isn't an actual child.
Go to sleep to Towa taking care of the baseWake up to Towa taking care of the base
Why doesn’t Biboo get more shit for killing the sweaty gamers chained together collab and then not even having the decency to reschedule it?
mental breakdowns everywhere
>I think it's time for multiplicationThat's what Germans say for sex right?
>>81847061>>81847091Which one!?
>>81847018My sister is like I think 4'10 or 4'9 and she only orders off the kids menu.
>>81846934I wonder if Lui enjoys the fact Cover keeps hiring tiny girls who are more than happy to act like a surrogate child to her.
CC is way too /here/, feel like she would vibe with outer wilds where half the game is reading old thread archives and figuring out what to do based off the info in the shitposts
>>81847018>dating>girlfriendAnon. I'm so proud of what you've accomplished, what you've endured. That makes the rest of this even harder. Everyone will want to talk to you. Every youngster will look up to you. And want to emulate you. And then what? They'll want to leave. What happens to the board if we lose the best of a generation? What if we are the only safe place on this website? ...I can't take the chance of losing them. I've made a lot of tough decisions since I took this position. But none of them harder than this one. I'm sorry. You're a hero... and you have to leave.
>>81846862I dropped out of college 4 times. Who is the holo most like me.
>>81847082Biboo is cuteNo one cares about sweaty gamers.
>>81847082sweaty gamers feels like a forced group tbqh it feels so disjointed, not much was lost
>>81846934it was really cute when she returned after a long hiatus and lui-nee made her hamburger steaks on stream
I know this is offtopic but please can anyone tell me how to download a "view only" video shared in google drive? Any extensions or app?
>>81847144Mumei or Haachama
Lapsama my friend
>>81846951Watch streams
>>81846744Botan is the smartest
>>81847144Look at Mr. Moneybags over here, not having to join the army after the first time he dropped out.
>>81846675could you post that one line art picture of her that i really like please
that teleportation noise reminds me of the monty on the run theme
>>81847128Yeah, supposedly the stomach is around the size of your closed fist, right? makes sense eating from the kids menu since the portions tend to be tiny
>>81846934>>81847177>>81847184these two knew each other before debut i'm pretty sure right?it is a shame we very seldom get laplus playing games with the other hololive girls (outside valo) but it is what it is
>>81847198there's no way moom is still in college right? it's just a convenient excuse at this point
>>81847184>>81847177Lui, Laplus isn't your real daughter...
>>81847299She is still in college. Why would you think otherwise?
>>81846711i like it
>>81846740Would you a Gigi?
>>81847248I owe the banks and the government lots of money now. I wish I enlisted 8 years ago.
>>81847197Without options, best you can do is using OBS to record the video, its the caveman method some people use to make clips
>>81847340She's been in college for 10 years by now (Council debuted 13 years ago)
>>81847197maybe yt-dlp could work or something similar
>>81846978Ina's planning on staying with Bae for a bit. The two of them already shared beds for a bit, but we also don't know how long Ina plans on bunking with Bae so it could be anywhere between a day, a month, or the entire time.
>he hasn't finished post-secondary schooling or a trades apprenticeship
>>81847297They interacted before, but didn't really know each other. I do wish Laplus was on Youtuber more to collab with them since she's super fun in collabs. She likes what she likes though.
>Ooo! That was a big one!Thanks CC
>>81847418>Got my welders>Electrical apprenticeship done>Then I went to med school
I actually hate that the advent 3D debuts are coming up because it mean other ENs won’t be able to stream at the same time
>>81847018I've had two GFs in my life and they were both either as tall or taller than me (5'10" and 6'1" respectively). One day I want to date a midget.
>>81846909myth house was a disappointment the first time, 2nd time won't change.
>>81847497and that matters why?
>>81847418dont know what you are saying but uhh yeah good luck getting scammed
>>81847416Was that ever confirmed? Bae's place is fucking tiny.
>>81847497this is bait
>>81847497>Kiara will be forced to stream in JST evening rather than JST morningPerfect
>>81847510Less streams from ENs that are actually worth watching (not Advent)
>>81847519>dont know what you are sayingyeah I know you wouldn't, dummy
>>81847525No that guy made it upIna will almost certainly booty call Bae immediately though
>>81847497i mean 2/5ths of myth don't stream and mumei is incredibly reliable in terms of streaming. So nothing will change.
>>81847418I got my BSc in Biochemistry and during my time in the lab I also got my certification for Medical Coding so now I WFH making $29/hr
>>81847597thanks Ame
>No good streams until Biboo anniversary karaoke
>>81846711My thoughts were Marine is really a lot like Raden, not just in the obvious ways, but also in the fact that's she's the only person Cover ever hired from her interest area (in which she was a fan, not just a creator) and this performance was really showing it.The new studio was worth it.
I had 3 burgs and a big bowl of homemade mac n cheese for lunch
wait I've seen this boss in Mario 64 before
>>81847654Did you drink diet soda?
would any ENs (aside from IRyS, I know she did, bless her) play Nobeta?
>>81846909No? Where are you even getting this from? Only Kiara and Ina are going to Japan since they have that world tour thingy. Plus Mori has her own place obviously
>>81847418>Become male nurse>People were literally throwing themselves at me to hire me since they need male nursesGoing into this field was a good idea
>>81847678FuwaMoco did
>>81847579Oh yeah for sure. I could see Ina staying at Mori's place for a bit. She has a decently large house with a guest room, but I bet Ina has her own place ready though.
Name one stream today that isn’t slop
>>81847370>>81847412Yea screen recording was my last option but thanks for the answers
>>81847678Nobeta is unironically boring to play.I REALLY wanted to like it because I adored the demo, but playing the full game felt like a slog for reasons I can't pin down and watching Holos play the game was a snoozefest.
We're in the homestretch now!Are you excited? I am very excited to see Raden especially in 3D, and also Banchou dance
>>81847546>anyone other than Advent>worth watching Lmao
she did it!
I wish CC became big inside of me
>>81847699>a good ideaI mean...There's a reason male nurses are kinda rare...Good luck though, anon. You're gonna need it.
>>81847669jesus christ
>>81847497I hope Gura overlaps those shitters and puts them in their place
>>81847018No but seriously explode.
wtf is that thing aki is flying? Is that a dino or a craft?
>>81847283isn't it both of your fists put together? seems to make more sense, there's no way the portions I consume fit inside my fist
>>81847739>>81847788not now selenfag
>>81847788She isn't allowed to.
>>81847739>posts the most boring streamer in adventNot really helping your arguemrnt
>>81847677No just some beers
>Zelda is a shotacon
CC making fun of manlets
>>81847730>for reasons I can't pin downwell i mean the game was more of a push for the loli art to begin with honestly, the game just felt kinda lacking
>>81847699My buddy became a nurse and the same thing happened to him. Although he is a bit annoyed at the situation because he became one to help people and apparently he is mostly used for physical work that takes multiple female nurses and barely gets to do proper nurse work lmao.
Wtf anya was streaming
Stacked night
>>81847867Only biboo respects sigma grindset short kings
>>81847738>Gura had more subs couple of months after debut than Regloss has a year afterOof. And that was back when Hololive was way less popular than it is now. How do you flop that bad? Is it because they don't have Hololive brand? Or is JP vtubing simply slowly dying?
if I pretend to be gay and lose some weight to twinkmaxx do you think Gigi will notice me
>>81847823>there's no way the portions I consume fit inside my fistNTA but it's less of a clenched fist and more like 'you're putting all four fingers onto your thumb' size.That being said, the stomach is a lot like a vagina if you think about it: Both can stretch to accommodate larger amounts of mass and nobody wants to admit they stuff themselves with more than people expect.
>>81847788Would be based, but Cover obviously wouldn’t let her
*Anya's your oshi*
>>81847901what happened between shiori and nerissa...
>>81847738i want to see lilika
What is Ceci's opinion on stuffs?
>>81847901Stacked if you have low standards maybe
CC and advent has saved EN
>>81847901Adventrix and Justchads winning big.
>>81847930that analogy has no right to work as well as it does.
>>81847901im ready
CC is a funny gal
>>81847901>not a single myth or promise streamNothing worth watching desu
>>81847901Outer Wilds kino soon
>>81848012Not true.Older gens are still more popular.
>>81848042this but unironically
The lawyers will be in touch miss Immergreen
Yooo she's crazy on that kazoo
>Advent's 1st anniversary >kino offcollabs and proper Unity>Myth's 4th anniversary >probably going to play some kusoge for an hour while trying their hardest to pretend they want to be thereYikes desu. Can we just graduate all gens except Advent since they're so mid af?
>>81846685I was instead wondering where the shark tail went.
>>81847901>karaoke anniUgh I’d much rather have a good zatsu
why does she always have a kazoo ready to use within reach?
>>81848092not now selenfag
>>81848077Kazoo duet when?
>>81847994>>81848042talking about standards when you oshi this thread
>>81848059They dont stream lmao
>>81848092Both suck.
>>81848077honk honk to you too clown
>>81847730Bad stage and dungeon design. There I said it.
>>81847901I claim Ollie's sexy body for myself.
>>81848111it's natural to have important objects close by
>>81848166yeah that guy's a faggot but needed for context
>>81848130Gigi plz
>>81847826>>81847946Pretty sure a lot of girls overlapped homo 3D debuts. I don't think Cover cares. Even if they did they can't really do anything about it
>>81848092i dont know if you post this garbage because you truly believe or because you think it's hilarious, but either way it's pathetic
>>81848139They don't need toStreaming is for level one runts Level 100 mafia boss is busy with important projects.
>not a single JOP in Cecilias chatwhy do they not like her?
>>81848092Kek based. Myth is old and busted. They lost
>>81848130God, I love when Holos act like lesbians, especially when they latch on to one particular member and refuse to let them go.This is not ironic, I genuinely like it and want to see more stuff like Gurame and CCGG
Ototori belongs to be shafted like bloop
Nice thread, faggots.
>>81848233Anya just raided
>>81847960>>81847994>>81848042>I make a post showing I'm excited for streams>Fags use it to shitpost with their usual retardation
>>81848059how come fwmc will reach 1m before most of promise then
>>81847688Ame and Gura are both going to Japan, everyone will be there to record the Myth 3D anniversary.
>>81848233She’s kinda boring
>>81848130Is this flirting?
Biboo anniversary number predictions? I'd say about 80-100kccv
>>81848233its 5 in he fucking morning, ony JOPS up are the ones whos oshis are streaming.
>>81847699Hope you enjoy working in healthcare, anon. I couldn't stomach it, too much suffering for me to tolerate.
>>81848233>not a single JOP in Cecilias chatIs this supposed to be a bad thing?
>>81848248careful you might get banned for being too mean to them
>>81848248there's nothing wrong with the first post
>>81848248Hes right tho. Not stacked at all. Boring kusoges and superchat begging streams
>>81848253Because you proposed a faulty premise.
>>81848306Nice moan Bae!
>>81848233she doesn't have a cutesy voice like biboo or fauna or a sexy one like nerissa
>>81848354man you're throwing everything at the wall today
>>81848253Farming dead shorts subs
>>81848354not now selenfag
>>81848237what part of this is lesbian?
>>81848354You really aren't funny.
>>81848354Where do people like this come from?
>>81848393Two women
>cc is streaming >thread is shitLike clockwork
>>81848324You know I’m right. For en standards she isn’t boring but jp viewers have much higher standards so they only watch ens that can match
It's been a while since I got to post this. Otsukeris~
I think Shiori is the holo most like Dennis Reynolds
>>81847880Female nurses are some of the bitchiest women in the world. Honestly can't blame them with the amount of awful nonsense they have to deal with in a day, you either harden yourself and take no shit or the job kills you.
>>81848306Towa didn't want bae to share those moans publicly
>>81848233its fucking 5am and most are/were watching the ark streams
Today is Shiori humiliation ritual.She couldn't even get 5k ccv for her anniversary, the rest of Advent will easily 10k+
>>81848306Towa panicked because she didn't want the world to know what kind of noises she elicits out of the rat
>>81848450top professions for shitheads of both sexes are cops and nurses
>>81848233Wow, JOPs don't usually watch someone they can't understand at allBig news right thereAlso it's 5 in the fucking morning
Ceci's big plush
>>81848501I knew that legalmindset was behind this all along
>>81848516what's ccv?
>>81848445Frank - MoriDee - KiaraCharlie - Gura Mac - Ame
Yup, I’m thinking today is a VOD catchup day, no good streams.
>>81848554CC's Vag
I'm watching Kiara's VOD and it's funny how whenever she's streaming at weird times she has EN girls showing up in her chatAlso, Takotori collab soon, Offcollab soon, KiaRyS SOON
>>81848294All of my placements were in palliative care hospital that ended up hiring me You're suppose to switch us places, but all of the girls that ended up there needed switch not able to take it and I ended up switching in there every time.Everyone here is nice.
>>81848581>KiaRyS SOONproof?
Server closed for today.Time to sleep and dream about dinosaurs, giant robots and burgers.
2HU mention
>>81848578dolls don't have vaginas
>>81848610feeling in my bones
sex with friend
Did they lose Chained Together perms again? Since that Bijou collab and Sametori collab seem to be cancelled
Is Nerissa doing a karaoke, or is the thumbnail just bait?
Ceci is very chatty about random stuff today
Is it just me or is youtube lagging real hard out of nowhere?
>>81848651I'm random stuff
>>81848647>Bait>Stream title clearly implies chatting
>>81848425>thread exists>it's shitall the time
>>81848662t. pile of 2hu keychains
>>81848657just you
>>81848569Frank - ShioriDee - NerissaCharlie - BibooMac - MococoDennis - Fuwawa
So was ERB was not with them for the crane game and arcade adventures?
>>81848642what could they even do together for a stream?
>>81848516so why do phasebrowns hate Shiori? did that comment about being poop colored really set them off?
Sana may've left but she will never be forgottenSana love!Day 693
I just had ice cream and I'm a grown man!
CC probably plays like 7 gacha
>>81848731sex, the answer is always sex
>>81848727eigo jozou
>>81848727Isn't she in Britain?
Which Hololive member has the best Death Stranding playthrough? I want to watch it.
>>81848306how do you explain this
>>81848727I haven't heard CC told any Japan 's adventure story with ERB. Only RR and CC showed up
>>81848777Unironically Anya.
>>81848777Anya got retweeted by Guillermo Del Toro once
>>81848842Del totoro and Kojimbo
>>81848581just makes it sad that the exact opposite happens in her usual slot
>>81848306That was an instantaneous reaction, they have definitely done this at home before.
Shiori suddenly announcing an offcollab with JP Stars during her anniversary stream would of be kino ngl.Keep in mind that it took Kronii a year to start doing homocolabs and Ame 2 years. So it's never late to start
>>818488922 more years!
>>81848833 (me)*RR and GG
>>81848860Watch Anya and Pekora show up in death stranding 2
>>81848868I miss watching Kiara's streams with Nerissa
So we've decided these are the Advent anniversary streams ranked?Biboo >> Shiori > FWMC > Nerissa
>>81848306Brats mind explaining why she did it
>>81848892please learn english
>>81848892her stream was yesterday
How many gacha do think CC plays, cause it sounds like she get's scrammed out of money a lot
>>81848959Sounds about right unless Nerissa has some secret surprise which I doubt
>>81848972They forgot they are live.. They normally do this in private.
>>81848957it's been like 6 months ngl
>>81848892ive really felt the urge to explain why this shitpost is dumb has little logic but, well its a shitpost and you dont really mean it so why would i bother
>>81848972She forgot they were streaming for a moment
Ceci... your autism...
You guys do realized that you are watching women, right?
>>81849051It wasn't even worth a reply, should've just ignored it
cc kek
Professional gamer...
holy shitGO CC GO
[Bad News]CC is having an autistic melty
Otomos, holy fuck your oshi is really fucking autistic
what the fuck
Why is the thread so slow?
this CECI is ANGY!
I love CC so much
I haven't replied to shitposters for a whole day, I deserve your praises in the form of your oshi's butt
what the FUCK is going on CC has been blessed by the gods of gambling
exponential growth
why do holos love gambling
>>81849098Not gonna lieI haven't watched a Holo stream in over a yearI'm only here because this is the fastest thread and people here respond to the dumbest shit.
She's rich!
Holy shit CC is rich!
Ceci knows when to hold 'em, and when to fold 'em
>>81849098Delete this
wtf CC is cracked at gambling
>>81849200japanese company
holy fuck cc
Well, Cece just made a lot of people into compulsive gamblers just now.
>>81849203What a sad life, find another hobby
Cc is kind of a spaz huh?
>>81849098all holos are old men using voice changers
>number go up!>serotoninSOUNDPOST ANON ONEGAI
>>81849200It's fun, I play 5 gacha's it's normal
The house...lost
what were the odds of CC just winning this much?
>>81849200Gacha brainrot
>>81849203You should watch Fauna. She'll change your mind about holos
minish cap my beloved
>>81849225And it's only one of her numerous merits.
>>81849298about 1%.
I want to have sex with Cecilia Immergreen.
>>8184929850-50 6 times in a row is 1.5625%
>>81849335That's why the threads most of the day were pretty peaceful...
>>818492981.5% for 6 times in a row,7 times a row (999 rupees) would be 0.78%
>>81849335It wasn't an immigrant. He was born in UK.
ARK was literally a lifechanging experience for Bae
Goddamn the spelling bee generated so many memes and OC. Who knew a spelling bee could be that influential
>>81849366She looked up the seed based on her ram
>>81849393Thats so cringe. Ark is soulless
>>81849359If you had sex with her would she wear a suit that gave her doll joins and made winding noises the whole time?
>>81846675She's just so cute and sweet and kind and smart and cool and clever and creative and dorky and talented and pon and she loves her otomos just as much as she loves gambling and even though she's rich she thinks 300 rupees is too much for a boomerang and she can play the violin and the piano and she makes the cutest little noises and her humming is downright angelic and she comes up with the funniest skits like how she shrinks herself down and mirrors herself and she's a great collab partner for Justice and her senpais but especially with Gigi they're so cute together they should kiss and she probably smells really nice like freshly brewed tea or maybe mint and she's just the cutest sweetest best most adorable and perfect doll in the whole world and I love her so so much!!!!!!
>>8184929850%. You either win or you lose.
>>81849393So much for her improving sleep schedule
>>81849396I would plant my seed in her ram
>>81849393no one cares
>>81849393Was it really ark or was it her desire to please towa
>>81849423I hope so!
>>81849478It's hard to sleep with the towabanana in your ass
>>81849423Would a woman be autistic enough to do this?
Kiara in around 16 hours
>>81849393All nighter is code for sex btw
>>81849555A german woman? It's possible
>>81849359Gigi please focus on your upcoming stream
>>81849555Getting jerked of like that would be so hot
>Shiori hates knife ears>CC wishes she had knife earsThey aren't...
>i wish i was an elfUnsubbed and reported.
So... What's up with Zelda's world?
>>81846675>>81849424Here here, dollfriends!
just german things
CC is brapping again
>>81849656Hot she's just like me
are expensive chairs really worth it though
who the FUCK is shiggy
>>81849644Brown Amazonian women owe me sex
>>81849555>>81849423>>81849587>Person becomes so into being their avatar that they actual tattoo doll joins on their whole body to look like a doll at all timesSee I can make this werid and not hot.
Bulbasaur and Shiggy???
>>81849705yeah if you sit on your ass all day
>>81849675Wealth beyond measure, outlander
CC can't have sex with the other two girls... she's sad now...
>>81849708German name for Squirtle
>>81849722What’s the downside?
>>81849769imagine being born without a penis, thats what cc feels, she doesnt even have balls either
How was Kronii's ring fit last night? I haven't been able to catch any of her streams for so long
>>81849675Thank you, it's perfect!
>>81849705i got one of those secretlab chairs and its pretty nice
>>81849763Ceci should play Morrowind.
You now notice the stream title has Immer in it
>>81849816Extremely dorky.
this game is a product of its time
Whoa, he's just like a real landlord
>>81849708>who the FUCK is shiggythe shiggy
>>81849807Wait, what do you mean? Girls don't have balls? It doesn't make sense
>>81848741Based Shiorin
>>81849879where do they store their pee
>>81849789Anon do want to have a sex with a woman who always looks and pretends to be a doll girl? What if she would pretend to wind herself back up doing sex all of the time?People would want this?
>>81849859perfectI'll make some time for it then, the revelation to her a couple months ago that people watch those streams for lewd reasons was still probably lodged in her head SOON
>>81849924within their eggs
>>81849839Agree, but I'm afraid her inner German racism would take over and she'd make one remark too many towards Argonians.
>>81849909Reminder that Ina asked to be flat.
That's not true CC
>>81849939Whoa, that's Moom
>>81849939what the fuck
>>81849939>Five Slops at Freddys
>>81849587bro your dick would be getting CONSTANTLY pinched
>>81849932She randomly started make really sexy moans and sounds like she was having sex all of a sudden during going "This is what you want right haha got you haha take that" . Not sure if her brain was melting during it or not.
>>81849939Hell yeah
>>81849931Like I said before, what is the downside?
>>81849939Finally a good stream
>>81850033You must be 18
>>81850033I will be happy only when Kiara plays it
>>81850018timestamp please
>>81849939Why this garbage game
>>81849939oh shit!
>>81849939It was actually the plan just for the weekend, becareful with 1 am guerilla karaokes
Immer has become Inner...
What's the latest game that lets you have biological kids with your in game spouse?
>>81850081Let me see if I can remember where is was.
>>81849970>inner German racism
>>81850112someone post THAT pic
>finally free from the olympics>can't watch gg because I haven't played the game yet
Dark CC israel
Sisters, Mumei's been masturbating to furry-porn again...
>>81850018GOD i wish I could have a job that starts later in the day, I can't justify staying up every night for her when I need to get out the door at 4 in the morning
>>81849939Holy shit, day saved. I was prepared to marathon VODs all day.
with her OBS trickery, I wonder what she's cooking when she does her first outfit reveal
dont cry for me im already dead ahhh music video
>>81850149>>81850154The bird and her hair has broken transparency in places.
It’s jigglypuff upside down
>CecillianCECILIA NO
>>81849939What's with Bae's friends and using first time playthroughs as selling points
>>81850172Why are Takos like this?
>>81850201>nobody pointed out Marine has the eyepatch on the wrong eye
I unironically think Mumei is secretly one of those DeviantArt autists with a fursona who masturbates to furry fetish porn.
>>81849939Fauna will kum today
>>81850182Every outfit reveal where they lower themselves from above/pan upwards reminds me of this
>>81850256>furry fetishyea bro I also have a girl fetish and a boob fetishget real
Otomos your oshi is so smart...
>>81850321ah ah ah
Man, Din and Nayru are still the best designed Zelda girls. Marin is great too. Seriously what was with the Game Boy Zeldas and having peak character design?
>>81850081 did this like 3 times I think? I can't find the one I was looking for, but this one is fine. It felt like her brain was actually melting that stream.
>>81850420bau bau
>>81850256Mumei wears a dog collar while masturbating and when she climaxes she howls like a wolf.
>>81850394Forced to simplify the designs due to hardware limitations.Once again this proves that having limits breeds creativity, like with Silent Hill using fog only because the playstation couldn't handle properly rendering everything else.
I really want to watch Gigi play Outer Wilds but there is this nagging feeling that I need to experience the game myself even though I never intend to play it.
>>81850063fnaf came out like 10 years ago dude
>>81850413kronii sex
Green is not a creative color
>>81850413>brain was actually meltingseems to be a theme with her 3d/vr thingsI still remember the scuffkino that was her superhot vr streamalso god bless her she's such a fucking sexy dork it's not fair
>>81850454I'm watching Immer but let me know if she finishes cwab game for real this time.
>>81850490Those hands? Fauna’s.
>>81850498This. The current zoomer hotness is Skibidi Toilet. Michael Bay is even making a movie about Skibidi Toilet, which is doubly-funny because his lawyers tried suing Valve's 'Garry's Mod' for using "Skibidi Toilet's" assets.
gremwife time
>>81850581Ririka and Mori are confirmed.
>>81850456I remember having a pink Fuwawa to reply to someone replying >pink >fuwawa, but now I can't find it or maybe I lost it or maybe it never existed in the first place, it's over...
I'm in love with Gigi.
>>81850454I'm ready
>Purple>Green>Red>Blue>OrangeRate Ceci's favorite colors.
Fauna and CC
>>81850498It turns 10 in like a week.
>>81850648That's every color
>>81850581Kaela is goingsource: I made it up
>>81850468It will enhance your enjoyment if you aren't one of those backseaters.
>>81850627Wait is Rrika confirmed? I know she really really loves Biboo
Fauna cute
>>81850581archived karaokes arent worth watching
>>81850582today is outerwilds
>>81850586actually that might have been a false/fake lawsuit, the skibibidi toliet guy didnt even know about that and was super confused about the whole thing.
Will she ever come back?
The grem who's always talking about wanting to kiss Gigi is my favorite grem.
>>81850648what about her real favorite color
>>81850728That's not me...
>every new gen has banger holos>stream schedule is packed almost every day with tons of overlap hell>can't deal with the fomo and just end up playing vidyaHow do i stop being autistic
>>81850711Sorry, my brain is especially smooth today. Hope she has fun. Her OW streams have been great so far.
>>81850581I think Bae might show up since she said studio time by 11am
>>81847773>There's a reason male nurses are kinda rareWhich is?
= COMFORT EVALUATION =>Eatin'>Drinkin'>Watchin'Mike's HarderMcGangbang x2Gigi
this joke isn't funny anymore
i had to skip the last gigi wilds stream, what did she learn last time?
so many Gigis
Gigi doko?
Good morning, Ruffian
>>81850787godspeed, otomo
>>81850828Fuck off newfag
>>81850840what about mococo
sex with femichimi
>>81847928Terrific picture
>>81850828stay newfriend
I wish Germans were real
>>81847930>the stomach is a lot like a vagina
>>81850898Femichimi would be nice, but I want Marine as wife
>>81850898She's probably a menhera
>>81847955>my oshi is not in the picture
>Biboo anniversary with guests today.>Kiara 4 person IRL collab Thursday. The off collab excitement is killing me!
>>81850936But her dried eggs...
>>81850840jesas those HANGERS
>>81850828Quadruple cheeseburgerMiller High Life: The Champagne of BeersGigi
>ERB was forced to wake up earlyGigi is the top in the relationship
Erm.. Would you like to play Slay the Princess with me?
>>81850898No, they're all lesbo fujos
How do you get rid of FOMO? I have to catch up on a dozen streams and it’s driving me insane.
>grems live in a stinky shoe box
>>81850971I will make them fertil again
>>81850819Being usually the only male in a workplace sucks and you are often stuck with the worst jobs.
Why does Gigi laugh so much?
will anything OW match the shitposting over the white hole station with fauna or the Ame sun station?god how the fuck was Fauna's already over half a year agofuck retards for putting her off from doing the DLC on stream goddammit
>>81851005>Not wanting to fall asleep to the soothing smell of your oshi's stuffy shoes
>>81850819A female dominated workplace is usually hell
>>81847955holy shit it's 1RyS
>>81850969>>Kiara 4 person IRL collab Thursday.yeah but who is going to replace the one who couldn't make it?
>>81848306The rat brain reacted on instinct
>>81851005It's okay because I get shoved against her flat chest during the day.
>>81850819>Overworked because you're male >Being male = you do all the physical labor because women are lazy>Being a male nurse = you get inconceivably judged for being in a "feminine" job with way more people assuming you couldn't make it as a Doctor than you realize (yes they're retarded)>Being the only male nurse = you get thought of as being gay
>>81851047Remember when she spent like a whole episode on that poem and referenced it several times later as well?Good times
How's CC playing minish cap "legally"? Is the game part of the NSO plan?
>>81851105Who knows since we don't know would miss it in the first place.
>>81851000you need to learn how to let go
>>81851047Nothing can top Fauna's edging
>>81850628Grems are my favorite fan design
gigi is explaining her joke again
>gangnam style walkWhat the fuck, GG
>>81851127Reminds me of Tom Holland saying "people called me gay for being in ballet class when I was 15 and joke's on them I got to see girls in tight clothes all day"
>>81850969Too bad there are no good ENs in Japan currently
>>81851153Yeah the upper tier of NSO stuff gives you GBA games. She split the joycons and is playing like this so it doesn't hurt her hands.
Which holo would most likely wave dash down the hallway instead?
I wonder what an Ame and CC project would be like
>opens paintBut what about the game?
oh thank goodness, I thought this story was going to be about gg sexually harassing cc in front of the manechan
I enjoy the zatsu parts of Gigi's OW streams more than the actual gameplay
It's kinda weird how Breaking Dimensions is in less than a month ad so far the only ENs who went to Japan are Advent and Kiara. What about the rest? Did they record it during Fes time?
That white guy?Me
Would you?
GG is a retard KEK
Is gigi just an elaborately-disguised wobbuffet? what is her fucking tail
That white guy was me btw, I mating pressed her after she said OPPA GANGNAM STYLE with AAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY SEXY LADY
>A White guy called Gigi cool in Japan and he got a Gigi Gangnam style in responseIT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
grems... I'm starting to think gigi is somewhere on the spectrum
geegee sounds drunk
>>81851359>what is her fucking tailA grem
>>81851316Skinwalkers anonskinwalkers everywhereenjoy your show
Gura cute Gura cute
this is the giddiest i've heard gg in a while
>go to Japan, the most dignified 'don't act weird in public' country on Earth>go "OPPA GANGANAM STYLE!">and do the dance down a hallway right in front of staff watching you>random guy going past awkwardly tries to break the tension by going 'c-cool'>"OPPA GANGNAM STYLE!"wtf is wrong with this gremlin?
Well, I admire that she can commit no matter the cringe
I didn't understand any of that story
>>81851430random guy is apparently a celebrity kek
>>81851392hired professional dancer btw
>>81851392>skinwalkers Wrong company. Cover doesn't use skinwalkers. Retard.
Is Gigi, into, you know… BWC?
>>81848731lick eachothers assholes
>>81851430he said VERY COOL not c-cool stop trying to self-insert as a white guy 1000x cooler than you
>>81851316Kiara is in World Tour, which is definitely not prerecorded.
>"it was connor"I will break into YouTube HQ and delete chat from the website.
I can fix her...
Jackass crew...
Grems.... your oshi is kinda...
>Gigi interacting with random malesYeah I don't like this
No way she either dylan or cole sprouse
Cecilia Immergreen is cute
>>81851499thats like half of EN buddy
that celebrity? all me
>>81851444she did a goofy dance thinking she was alone but stumbled upon strangers and one of them was a white guy and cc saw him and said it was a celebrity (not an e celebrity but an actual tv celebrity)
>>81851316Retard not even paying attentionThe only ones not in Japan yet are gurame and Fauna who probably recorded hers she's ago
>>81851499It's a requirement
Category 1 sagger>The breasts are firm and soft enough to have a beautiful shape even without support. With this type, you don't have to worry about sagging breasts.Category 2 sagger>Although it seems like she is losing to gravity a little, there is no need to worry as the demand for long breasts is actually increasing these days.Category 3 sagger>They are quite soft and are called "soft breasts" or "slime breasts" and are slightly saggy, but the weight and softness when you hold them in your hand is unmatched and supreme. The level of happiness when they are in close contact (the area where the breasts can be touched) is also high, so there is nothing to worry about.Category 4 sagger>They're almost entirely water, a level you don't see very often. They may be saggy, but their SSR rarity and softness make them space breasts, and it's no exaggeration to say they touch the very essence of the universe. In other words, if it's Senchou's breasts, they're precious, so there's nothing to worry about.
I bet GG pees really loudly
>>81851127>>81851228>>81851086>>81851039How is it different from being a male vtuber?
>>81851499Cute? Yeah, yours too!
>>81851534Did she say he was white?
>>81850498Its zoomer media
>gigi hasn't had catfoodWhat is wrong with her? All the best ENs eat cat food.
>>81851501>anon claims he has an oshi>talks to the female cashier at the grocery storewhore
>>81851607she called him "some white guy"
>>81851607Verbatim is "white guy"
Gigi should do a cat food taste test stream.
Why doesn't pet food taste better?
Kronii pet play with Gigi.
>>81851457>BWCThe Biological Weapons Convention?
>>81851588you don't need to explain yourself to a bunch of basement dwellers on twitter that you're doing your job instead of fucking their oshi-- i mean your coworker.
>>81851457after hearing this, things Bae has said before and Enna from the company next door I am 100% convinced all young chinese women are into BWC
>>81851650Please don't tell her this, she would probably do it
>>81851654cat have like 10% of the taste buds humans do
>>81851622This but unironically. I don't talk to "female cashier"s and if you regularly do you don't belong here.
>>81851720holy based
>>81851713So? They still could eat tasty stuff
>>81851430Foreigners go to Japan and think they are an anime protagonist.
>>81851688Not now nijisister
>>81851720If the cashier of the place I usually go buy my groceries to is a female I won't stop going there just because she's a woman
>>81851720I bet you still talk to your mother anyways
>>81851720nta but a female cashier recognized me as my mother's son and I don't know hiw she did itthanks for reading my blog
>what's the safeword? I'll never tell youSex with GG would be a wild experience
>>81851795Just use self checkout
>>81851781it's not being an anti to say they're into BWC anon, we're all white here afterall
>>81851720Why are you acting like talking to the cashier is something special
>Fucking watch streams for the safe word you fucking tardHoly based Gigi telling others to watch streams.
>25 minutes of yap before gaming Is this a new record for her?
>>81851867Yes. She usually goes for 15
>Gigi can't read>I can't readWE ARE
5pm est.. home...
>>81851850Gigi streams in one of the worst timeslots possible. It's hard to watch her and seeing her maintain this 2-view mentality isn't doing her any favors.
I miss Ina and I hope she's having a good day and masturbating a lot to some really good shit
Gigi wants Biboo so bad
>Changed the NPC summon signs in certain boss fights to allow the user to summon NPCs simply by pressing the action button once.IRyS was literally asking for this last night while doing Bayle
Gigi is gonna make an ERP channel with Biboo...
>>81851911It's not even the first time
>>81851911do you mean uzai inu
>>81851688It's pretty simple. Boomer chinese men are some of the most awful parents on earth. Kids who grow up with that look at the other side of the fence and decide that grass is greener. It's not really even a race thing so much as just a desire to distance themselves from that baggage.
What is this about discord and GG?
what do you call this ship