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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8183740 No.8183740 [Reply] [Original]

How do you reconcile a hatred for women and 3D streamers with a love for vtubers? Let's examine some commonly cited reasons for hating females.
>Women aren't funny/creative
So we've established that you can't possibly watch vtubers for entertainment, so let's move on to the other points.
>Women are golddiggers/just after your money
But you watch girls pretend the other sex does not exist exactly to wring money out of lonely men. Some of them even have boyfriends behind the scenes.
>Women are bad at video games
And yet 90% of vtuber content they produce and you watch is video games.
>Women are obnoxious SJWs
And yet you watch vtubers whose roommates are SJWs, or who are friends with vtubers whose roommates are SJWs.
>Women have a roastie voice
This is a universal problem the anime avatar does not diminish. Even vtubers that tried hard to push past it like Gura have dropped the cutesy anime voice significantly since debut and now sound significantly more like 3D women.
And yet you support 3D women by giving them your views and cash.
>Women are whores
But you watch vtubers that're well past cock carousel age, or have had confirmed ex-boyfriends. Some of their roommates even sell scantily-clad images of themselves or do coomer-pandering streams.
>Women are stupid
But you watch vtubers like Gura who might as well be clinically diagnosed as retarded.
>Women are emotionally weak
But you use smug Watame reaction images, and she cried over fucking Undertale.
>Women have ridiculously high standards for men
And so do vtubers, just look at Tamaki.
So tell me, how can you watch vtubers when everything (you) hate about females applies to them too?

>> No.8183924

But I don't hate women.

>> No.8184060


>> No.8184077
Quoted by: >>8189743

All vtubers a babiniku though? Men are superior women.

>> No.8184112

Have sex

>> No.8184165
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Quoted by: >>8184746

The only thing better than a woman is a young girl

>> No.8184173

You're a supreme faggot and you need to neck yourself my man.

>> No.8184263
Quoted by: >>8184375 >>8184394

There's going to be a lot of seething and cope in this thread but you are 100% right OP. Vtubers are not anime girls, they're 3DPD through and through. You're only hurting yourself by pretending otherwise.

>> No.8184375
Quoted by: >>8184489


>> No.8184394


>> No.8184395

I don't hate women, and the majority of these conclusions can be applied to men too
Basically you are just a misogynist, isn't better just fix yourself than just blame everyone else for your fails?

>> No.8184408
Quoted by: >>8184461

Anime girls are cute.

>> No.8184439
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Quoted by: >>8184595

Why do you think Nijisanji turned into Manjisanji?

>> No.8184461
Quoted by: >>8185829

Vtubers don't act remotely like anime girls.

>> No.8184476


>> No.8184489

how fucking new are you that you don't even know where to see the ip count? god i hate this board for attracting you subhuman redditors.

>> No.8184504
Quoted by: >>8184566

Female vtubers exist because men want to believe in a better world, even if it's a lie.

>> No.8184566
Quoted by: >>8189441

But they act like real women with all of their flaws, so what fantasy is there to be had? What fantasy involves Matsuri saying she wants to chug another guy's piss, or Amelia bitching at her chat?

>> No.8184595

We are all faggots inside.

>> No.8184612

You sound like you need therapy,

>> No.8184613

If the NipNousagi's see this image, they'll go into a rage and report it to the cover.

>> No.8184635

Too long, didn't read, take your meds etc

>> No.8184655

why would you HATE women unless you're literally a faggot?

>> No.8184746
Quoted by: >>8185043 >>8185237

Kys pedo.

>> No.8184889
Quoted by: >>8184940


Women are to be seen. Not to be heard. Now get back in the kitchen.

>> No.8184940

That's just another reason it makes no sense to watch vtubers.

>> No.8185043
File: 306 KB, 742x1200, 1628736099344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, stop pretending

>> No.8185187

I have nothing but respect to all female otakus who's there to share their passion to badly playing video games, singing, drawing etc.

>> No.8185237
Quoted by: >>8185469

this website was built on pedophilia

>> No.8185319

I think you're gay but it is kinda funny how vtubers have pushed the internet back into a white knight/simp era. I thought those kinds of people were long gone.

>> No.8185376
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x1021, 1623464873396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8185520

>Women aren't funny/creative
women are overwhelming less funny than men, that doesn't mean they can't be funny
>Women are golddiggers/just after your money
yeah, it's in their genes
>Women are bad at video games
nobody hates women for this
>Women are obnoxious SJWs
my sister is an obnoxious SJW, yet I can perfectly live with her since she knows when to stfu about it, like most vtubers do
>Women have a roastie voice
no idea what's that
correct, now put on the dog girl model and do funny noises
>Women are stupid
and they are the cutest when they're almost retarded
>Women are emotionally weak
because they are stupid, see above
>Women have ridiculously high standards for men
they're also huge whores so it evens out

>> No.8185469


This website was built on my dick

>> No.8185488

>How do you reconcile a hatred for women and 3D streamers with a love for vtubers

/pol/ofags don't.
This is why they're in a constant state of cognitive dissonance and have to shit on the likes of Vshojo(while simultaneously calling everyone who shit talks their oshi a clip watcher) to validate their investment. This is the most psychotic fanbase for a reason.

>> No.8185520
Quoted by: >>8185690

This post doesn't even defend women, you're just saying "yeah they're 3DPD SJW whores but I'm a cuck with low standards so I don't care".

>> No.8185640

just dont hate people for no reason
simple as

>> No.8185690

why are cucks always projecting?

>> No.8185711
Quoted by: >>8186550

i like vtubers. i hate women.

>> No.8185793
Quoted by: >>8195407

I don't hate women, I just resent them for not having sex with me despite me putting in zero effort.

>> No.8185829

Because anime girls are just a checklist of character archetypes made to sell to socially stunted otaku with disposable income, no human being can roleplay as one of those on a 4-hours stream weekly without running out of steam.

>> No.8186166


>> No.8186357

I don't have women, I hate whores. Virtual or not makes no difference.

>> No.8186460

I don't hate anyone, though. I do avoid people when they're annoying but that's a call I make on a case by case basis.

>> No.8186505

I watched vtubers because they are able to prove all of these points wrong at one time or another

>> No.8186550
Quoted by: >>8188151 >>8190387

But vtubers are women, that's OP's whole fucking point. They're not different, they're one and the same

>> No.8186616

>But you watch vtubers like Gura who might as well be clinically diagnosed as retarded.
No. She PRETENDS to be retarded. The only one who is legitimately retarded is Mori Calliope.

>> No.8187924

OP is projecting because he is a misogynist himself... meds!!

>> No.8188151

they're being paid to pretend they're not.
in the same way you'd pay a prostitute to pretend she's attracted to you.

>> No.8188594
Quoted by: >>8188960

I only hate normie women and whores who cheat/fuck way too many people
VTubers are female otaku for the most part and I like female otaku, I hold a lot of respect for streamers who want to entertain their audience and put in effort to do things too, women or not.
I hate the VTubers who are normie women or have been shown to cheat on her partner or fuck a lot of people. I have the same standards for men.

>> No.8188829

not a single thing you said applies to me, you're referring to /pol/trannies which consist a minority of board activity.

>> No.8188960
File: 1.36 MB, 1340x752, Gold Exp FBK2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8189430 >>8189710

>VTubers are female otaku
all female otaku are fujoshi, prove me wrong.

>> No.8189353

Because chuubas aren't a love interest or a potential girlfriend, retard. They're not even a friend, just listening to a jap chick talk about her retarded life and gradually learn some jap while doing it. You are unironically unhinged if all the reasons you hate 3d women as sex partners is applied by you to chuubas, because you genuinely unironically do not have a chance to ever fuck them no matter how much of your simpbux you fork over.

That's it.

>> No.8189430

Pekora doesn't like gay shit, everyone knows that

>> No.8189441

The best kind.

>> No.8189604

>Women aren't funny/creative
*White women
>Women are golddiggers/just after your money
*White women
>Women are bad at video games
*White women
>Women are obnoxious SJWs
*White women
>Women have a roastie voice
*White women
*White women
>Women are whores
*White women
>Women are stupid
*White women
>Women are emotionally weak
*White women
>Women have ridiculously high standards for men
*White women

>> No.8189710

Some want the anime boys to fuck them instead of each other, retard

>> No.8189715

>cried over fucking Undertale
undertale is fucking based

>> No.8189743

Babiniku love

>> No.8189773
Quoted by: >>8189824 >>8189873

>Women aren't funny/creative
*Western women
>Women are golddiggers/just after your money
*Western women
>Women are bad at video games
*Western women
>Women are obnoxious SJWs
*Western women
>Women have a roastie voice
*Western women
*Western women
>Women are whores
*Western women
>Women are stupid
*Western women
>Women are emotionally weak
*Western women
>Women have ridiculously high standards for men
*Western women

>> No.8189774

I never understood who so many define themselves though what they hate rather than what they enjoy.
Nothing wrong with enjoying some hate fueled (you) baiting but if you are so caught in the hate that is lessens what you can enjoy, then you are a real NPC.

>> No.8189799
Quoted by: >>8189860 >>8195189

So black women are based is what you're saying?

>> No.8189824
Quoted by: >>8190140

Yet Gura is the biggest vtuber ever and the favorite here.

>> No.8189834

I believe none of those things. It's that easy.

>> No.8189860
File: 1.34 MB, 1123x1525, 1629237484138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8190277


>> No.8189873

have you interacted with eastern women or visited an eastern country at all?

>> No.8189874

I don't hate women you silly nerd

>> No.8189927


>> No.8189975


>> No.8190140

anon the favourite here is Ame

>> No.8190213

Thats a weird way to spell Pekora

>> No.8190277

>Literally an average anime girl painted brown
Yeah sure buddy.

>> No.8190368

ame is top 5 maybe, but not the favourite. I dont think theres a definite answer anyway but gura, ame, miko, haachama, pekora seems to be on same level and at some points korone, coco, fubuki were too.

>> No.8190387

no they're not. learn the difference

>> No.8190472
Quoted by: >>8191031 >>8191072

How to reconcile a hatred for women a with a love for vtubers:
1) bully Pekora
2) punch Pekora
3) make Pekora cry
4) slap Pekora
5) kick Pekora
6) say mean things to Pekora
7) eat rabbit in front of Pekora
8) push Pekora down stairs
9) pull Pekora’s ears
10) give Pekora headpats

>> No.8191031
Quoted by: >>8191755

go back to discord

>> No.8191072

>give Pekora headpats
With a blunt and heavy object

>> No.8191755

i only use discord to bullycide trannies

>> No.8191776
Quoted by: >>8193473

what 0 pussy does de a MF

>> No.8193473
Quoted by: >>8195720


>> No.8193951

The real answer that OP is ignoring is that nobody here actually watches vtubers.

>> No.8194395

You will never be woman

>> No.8195189

Based as fuck thread

>> No.8195407

Stupid whores can't stand a man that doesn't change his sheets and has piss bottles stashed under his bed.

>> No.8195429
File: 292 KB, 750x413, 1615059859576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8199759

There's always exceptional people in any group.
It's like niggers, most of them are violent and stupid but still you can find a few of actual civilized blacks among them. The kind you can even befriend or admire and will probably hang last in the day of the rope.

>> No.8195720


>> No.8195920

you sure? last time /vt/ favorite is pekora

>> No.8196114

this thread fucking blows OP
it literally only works for this board only
now try to use your stupid anime-girl-avatar logic on all the other 56 boards or whatever many are there

>> No.8196841

>women arent funny/creative
These are two separate points. In general men are funnier than women and at the tip of the craft it's no contest. But I'll bet theres even a few ladies in your life who have made you laugh at some point. As for creativity, you have to specify further.
>women are gold diggers
In general yes, and I'll agree with you here chuba wouldn't do this unless it made them money but you can say this for 99% of people working, including males.
>women are bad at games
Factually true and yet plenty of males also gain subscribers and money for "first runs" or the games fanbase supporting the game. Speed runners may seem like the most subbed content, but in reality it's the most entertaining people making the biggest dollars.
>women are sjws
In the western nations
>women have a roastie voice
I actually cant comment on this one because it sounds like weeb cope and not based in reality I always cringe when I read the term vocal fry.
the characters are 2d and easier to relate to because most chuba are playing a character and not themselves. It represents an ideal.
>women are stupid
So are 90% of /vt/ posters. It fits
>women are emotionally weak
And? You're argument about watame only reinforces the point. But being on this site long enough you see plenty of posts about people crying over aerith, etc.
>women have high standards
This one is the worst since again 99% of this website expects fit, virginal, slaves to be their wives.

The one thing you missed though is chuba are entertaining first and foremost. That's their job. Women have been entertainers before time immeasurable. Whether it be prostitution, serving food, what have you.

>> No.8197091
Quoted by: >>8199329 >>8199835

This. If I hated women I'd be embracing this fucking clown world bullshit that sees their happiness fall year over year both in absolute terms and relative to men. I'd be celebrating the conditions that create 40 year old used up roastie cat ladies lamenting they can't find a good man. I'd be fully behind every womens empowerment initiative that only pushes women further and further from their natural, happy place in society and into roles they hate, alienates them, and drives them slowly crazy. if I hated women I would be a feminist.

>> No.8197123
Quoted by: >>8197159 >>8197238

Why do trannies hate women so much?

>> No.8197159

MTF, non lesbo trannies want straight guys to fuck them.

>> No.8197238

because women are a living, ever present reminder that they will, no matter how much they delude or mutilate themselves, never attain what women have naturally and effortlessly.

>> No.8198980
File: 213 KB, 1494x1718, 1626020329106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're painting in pretty broad strokes here. I don't hate all women and I don't love all vtubers. Because they're not all the same. There are vtubers that I hate because they display the same negative personality traits that I can't stand in women. Likewise I'm more likely to love a vtuber if she has traits that I would find attractive in a woman. These things go hand in hand because that's how attraction works. The statement "I hate women" is not meant to be taken 100% literally.

>> No.8199329

this desu, it's hard to hate something so tragic and sad. Women today are a shell of what they could be.

>> No.8199581

Anon, how is your relationship with your mother?

>> No.8199759

Peko... In the day of the rope you are killed as well since it includes Asians.

>> No.8199835
Quoted by: >>8200129

Yeah, that is why the Islamic world has the highest suicide rate for women, because it's so good for them.

>> No.8200129

Honestly, this shit that happens nowadays are horrible for women, but so is islam tier shit, so is the kind of shit in the western world back when women couldn't work or vote as well.
Women will never be happy. So long as they're desired and viewed as baby machines, which is something deeply biological that cannot be overcome, women will suffer.

>> No.8200204


>> No.8202441

Projection the post. This "you" you're talking to is your sad representation of your fellow /vt/ards, informed by your own counterproductive takes on women, dissociated so that you may feel like the sneed in the lead, slightly superior to imaginary masses as resentful as yourself.
