The 150st Wind>NEXT STREAM:【???】???[link pending]>LAST STREAM:【MEMBERSHIP OPENING】The doors are open! Come on in!>Links:YouTube: Videos:>Music:>Merch:>Tags:#ImmerScreen (Stream) (Art) (Music) (Memes)>/grün/ OP Template:>Previous thread: >>81706531
Just gonna drop it here emotes are really cute!
>streaming times as a picture.image
reminder: only idiots (holofags) chose to stay there instead of going home and got cucked as a result...and cc agrees!
>>81712992I love the emotes
Don't reply to it
>but anon... (you) are holofag...
>>81713092you have to explore all the bad endings before completing the game.
They're just jealous their parents don't let them drink cola and watch Ceci.
>>81713231Good luck in the cuck waterfall.
>CC starts focusing on the new otomos, her old bird gets upset and jealous>goes on a journey to reconcile with the bird and let them know that she still cares the for bird despite recently playing with the new otomos and that they're still friends>Idiot otomo chooses to stay inside the waterfall and CC leaves with the bird
>the waterfall as an analogy for twitch
>>81713248anon... the cap is still on...
>>81713308don't tell her, she's cuter that way..
be nise
>>81713445I need to create life with that creature.
>>81713445God damn Gigi is sexy...
I almost wanna go back in the archives and dig out the original cranker posts. I can't believe this madwoman actually did it.
>>81713445I want this as a stress toy
>>81713681The first cranker... >>78879227
>>81713770>It's a Novelite
>doll hands grasp your balls
t-thanks cc...
Post Brap Soundpost
Iiiiiiiiit's wind-up time!
>>81713445I want her so bad
noo this totally organic post that totally comes from true /lig/ger is being mean to us hololivers! We should now hate eachother!
>>81714188I wonder if that’s why she liked it as a fan name. Basically calling us sickos
>>81714390sums up the holo fanbase pretty well
Foolish early otomos will never get eaten by Cecilia.I AM ONE WITH THE CC
>>81714391I hate them now!
I love Cecilia Immergreen and her lover Gigi Murin
>>81714572I legally changed my name to Gigi Murin
>>81713770Did you just search for "cranker"? Just "crank" or "cranks" was the original idea IIRC
>>81714391I wouldn't doubt it if it was a liggerman stirring the pot but it's definitely not one of CC's fans
>>81712992What did NoctiLuca work on? I saw them in CCs credits and thought it was because they drew the emotes, but clearly it was something else
>>81714640...yeah. Crank gave too many results and I got lazy. I'm sorry
>>81714701The member badges
>>81714188They do share the same root but that's about it.Both go back to krankaz(bend/twisted)
I hope Ceci expands on her exclusive tier content further on down the line.
>>81713868I'm glad that most of the more cancerous faggots switched to GG. Ingram is cool I guess.
>>81714702It's cool, I found the true king of /grün/
>>81715018I hope she only does it max once per month, twice or even 3 times is really pushing it.
>>81715233If anything she’ll cut back, not add more
>>81714845Ah yes! They are cute too!
>>81715233Read, otomo, read.
>>81715179these 3 are what i found>>78433739>>78443321>>78541278
>>81715179 (me)Nevermind, I found one earlier.
I bet CCs next schedule is gonna have a surprise on it
>>81715427Yeah, the last one is the one true king. The two others are just talking about other stuff, like CC's crank on her head.
>>81715590We don't know anything about her next schedule, literally every stream will be a surprise.
>>81715743We know of a couple collabs, but not the content
>>81715590special surprise on wednesday maybe? if not i'll keep huffing copium
>>81715743Stream tomorrow. EN collab on Tuesday
>>81716012What stream? What collab?
>>81715590CC and GG will finally get a break from each other
i have no cog and i must grün
>>81716137Don't give me hope.
>>81716137As much as I want them to have kissy kissy gay sex it's fine if they have a week without collabing
Ok brotomos, how do we get rid of that stupid bird?
So is it ototori like little brother bird?
>>81716887First you'll have to find someone to get you out of the waterfall.
>>81717071I went home with her! I'm not a retardtomo.
>>81715910What's happening on Wednesday?
I wonder what she had prepared if people voted to not look for the damn bird.
>>81717537She would call people idiots and go look for the bird anyway.
>>81717537Otomos have a kind hearth, she knew the bird wasn’t going to be ignored
>>81715215Cute! CCGG love!
What happened to all the eaten otomos?Eatomos...
>>81717537She would just give some kind of excuse and go search for it. Just like when you press the wrong option in a VN.
>>81718830probably just end the stream or at least just pretend to end the stream and give option to try again
>>81718698they're part of her now
She didn't say at what time the next stream will be, did she?
>>81720316no but she said schedule soon
>>81720316There is a GGCC Biboo Ina collab tomorrow playing the game Rabbit and Steel.Ina just talked about it on stream
Immerquest is my favorite RPG.
>>81720747Flatty united!
that's 2 collabs already locked in for next week, I hope we will get more solo streams for the rest of the week
>>81720747The game is basically a FF14 raid simulator and the other 3 except CC all have FF14 raid experience that I know of.Has CC talked about having any MMO experience?
>>81721413She used to play FF14 too years ago, I think.
>>81721413No sure, is a good question, Gigi mentioned she consider getting Ceci into FFXIV, but decided not to, since is too much of a time investment
>>81721553Thank God, that game is a chore to watch
>>81718698Crushed in her clockwork innards.
>>81721553Cecilia lost years to FFXIV already, she knows not to get back into it.
>>81721631Any MMO is, if we're being honest. Has to be the most anti-fun genre there is.
>Wake up>Cranks are suddenly canon nowCogsuckers....
As crankers my only option is to join otocranks
>>81721715Is mostly there for the social aspect, if you have a group of friends it works as an interactive chatroom, but if you are solo, yeah, I wouldn’t touch those things
>Look at the artists who did her membership assets>Look at the one that did the membership iconsI didn't realized she rigged other besides herself
>>OPi will fuck this doll
>CC>GG>Ina>BibooWhat do you call this crackship cranks?
>>81724033The Flat Foursome
>>81713293He will come back. Stronger than ever.
What if she was purple instead of green? Cecilia Immerpurple.
>>81724033>flat>funnyF L U N N Y
>>81720747Biboo + GGCC is gonna be a riot. And Ina will provide extra cuteness. Game looks kinda strange though. Steam description: "You can kill your friend by clipping them with a "spread" marker for laughs" Haha, whelp.. RIP to much progress.
What time is the collab though
>>81723730only one, they’re still pre debut because it’s a donogoal
>>81724717Ina's schedule has her stream on the 29th at regular CCGG time (10pm CEST)
Immerheim über alles!
Mori just said she's doing a Dead By Daylight collab with CC, ERB, Raora and Biboo, tomorrow. On top of the Ina one? Just how many collabs does she have this week lol?
>>81727399Workaholic...However I will pass because fuck DBD that game is straight up ass
>>81727399She also said it's at 1pm CEST
>>81727399Skippa skippa
>>81727399DBD + ERB is a skippa from me, sorry CC
>>81727824We like Erb here
>>81727508Yeah, I will skippa that one too. Bad time, game, plus Mori and ERB. I sure wish they would announce these streams sooner. How fucking hard is it to tweet "stream tomorrow at 1pm"?Also, as I'm writing this she tweetet >>81727942 So we have 3 streams tomorrow/today?
>>81728011Seems like 1pm CEST DBD to 4pm Raviolin to 10pm CCGGBBINA
>>81727942Cool. But where's the schedule?
>>81727942If I was still a NEET I would be eating so good
>>81728151At this rate I will never catch up with VODs, even if I skippa the DBD collab.
This crazy automaton.
>It's been a month now, maybe she'll stop spamming and finally get some sleep
>does three streams in one day to make up for the delayNice
at least she isn't streaming past midnight
>>81727942She's going to smell so bad by the 3rd stream
>>81728151What the... (as she would say).
Just realized that tweeting means she is still awake. She's going to be cranky for raviolin again...
>>81728695Probably the energy drink she had keeping her up since she’s not used to that level of caffine
>>81728695Or she just woke up (said she was tired and wanted to go to bed after membership stream)? Her sleep schedule is fucked again, either way.
>>81728466Talents will try to grind hard especially at the beginning, she will likely slow down a bit latter, but with the collab ban removed is time to collab with senpais and try to give herself more exposure to the old guard
>>81727399Now that Raora's schedule is up she meant tomorrow (JST) which is Tuesday. The collab is on Tuesday
>>81728151Looks like the DBD stream is the day after the other streams, according to Raora's schedule
>>81728695she still has like 12 hours to sleep before the collab
>>81730485Yeah, when I posted that I thought the DBD collab was today instead of tomorrow.
>3 collabs in a dayhuh. I'm not too sure about that, feels like she's gonna be basically dead by the last one.
>>81730608dont worry dude, ill be sure to wind her up in between
>>81730608It's only 2.
>>81728870i wasn't really feeling her today, but now i wonder if it's because of her over-caffeination
>slowly fall off because other shit going on>can't watch all streams so think "I'll watch them all later">later never came, too busy>tune in for membership>"guess I'll start watching now">three collabs in 1 dayyou're not making it easy CChow do I solve FOMO?
No Justice collab this week, at least, thankfully no double dose of ERB.
>>81731317I don't watch collabs with more than 3 people
>>81732058Good general rule as long as you make exceptions for stuff like the debate stream.
>>81732920I didn't watch that or the spelling bee, I only care about CC
>>81733176If you cared about her you would watch those streams.
>>81733254Indeed, she won the spelling bee after all
>>81733312I wonder if this Otomo will survive the Japan arc next year
>>81733254>>81732920I can like cc without liking the big happy family collabs when I don't give a shit about anyone else in them
>>81733176You should watch the spelling bee stream, it was surprisingly chill despite the amount of participants and had some great moments
Hi Otomos, curious Heimin from the other day checking back in. I did my reps and I am proud to join your ranks. I'm looking forward to watching more CC from now on!
>>81733767I'll watch someone else
>>81733984Welcome back! I'm glad you've been enjoying her streams.
>>81734054Yeah, he doesn’t sound like an Otomo to me
>>81733984Go fuck yourself with a chainsaw why do you come here and brag like that cunt this is how some react to people having fun because they have a miserable life. Dont take it serious, like someone absolutely will.
>no 1-on-1 CCGG next weekit's over...
Anyone got this in higher quality? Evertime I tried to screenshot it, it came out rather meh.
>CC collabing with Raora to learn to draw in 10 hours>CC collabing with her oshi Ina in 16 hoursShe should really go to bed
>>81735203She also posted the news about 1 hour ago, about 5 am. She is in Europe right?
>>81735203she's learning to draw to impress ina
>>81735133The shippers made them hate eachother this quickly…
>>81733984How many times are you gonna run this same routine man
>>81734136>>81734172Thanks friendos, I actually liked the Dishonored streams a lot more than I expected since I haven't played the game before. Might have to give it a try now.>>81734861I learned a while ago to ignore people sperging out over people sharing their thoughts here. Has that anon been attacking other people too?
>>81735781Ceci has more than enough collabs this week, also they are going to collab tomorrow and well there was a Gigi mention on today’s stream anyway
>>81735819nta but what are you talking about?
>>81736241>Has that anon been attacking other people too?yeah there are like 4-5 of them that almost always respond negativly. One of them wrote that "you" want to make people jealous. Which says a lot more about that person.
>>81736666Nice quads. That's a shame though, but unfortunately part of the growing pains when each new gen debuts. I remember hanging around the Shiori general for a bit after she debuted and it was a nightmare in there. Then the same people that would shit up their threads would move to other Advent members as time went on. Wouldn't be surprised if they've moved on to Justice now.
>>81736896>Wouldn't be surprised if they've moved on to Justice now.sad truth otomo
>>81736532This same heimin has done this thing of going into splits, talking about how he thinks the splits oshi is really cute or whatever, asking for clips and how they're gonna start doing their reps. They've done this with: Deadbeats, Hoomans, Ruffians, Takos, Zecretaries or whatever they're called, Chumbuds I think, Pebbles, and even outside Hololive like with Selen and Nene from ProKawaii
>>81737750Why do you care about what another person do?
>>81737750I'm the one who posted in here. I've only ever really lurked in Shiori's general when she debuted and sometimes Towa's in the past. Justice debut was the first time I've even visited /vt/ in over 6 months.
>>81738073Cause it shows up in my archive searches mostly.>>81738089Then it's a mighty coincidence you've got very similar phrasing. Not like I can stop it, regardless.
>>81737750weird behavior to keep tabs on something like this
i don't know why people want to announce what fanbase they come from when it is irrelevant to what they're posting
>>81738222see >>81738238People do archive searches? What's the point?
>>81738403Hooman here, I agree
>>81738222Coincidence indeed. Heimin are generally pretty friendly and lurk in other generals since Kanata's is on the slower side. Don't know what the state of other generals is like these days though, since I did only just come back and a lot has happened on this board since then.
>>81738698they sanded off my wife's nose
>>81738403Pioneer here, I half agree
>>81738572I never said I wasn't weird. Anyway Ceci thread so.I am absolutely in love with the way she talks. Her voice, cadence, pronunciation, laugh, it all comes together in a way where when she talks I'm just completely enraptured in her. Yet at the same time I feel like there's one more thing about her that I'm missing in my analysis that causes that reaction in me. I wonder what it is?
>>81739358Genuine love otomo, that is what you are missing.
That's a lot of collabs. Shame DBD isn't really a wage rage inducing type of game.
>>81727399Not ERB....
>>81742180As long as she's not occupying a 1-on-1 collab slot honestly.
>>81742305i wish erb would drop that leader title already, she's no fucking leader, she's a saboteur
>>81742305I guess, it's like she's not there anyway when it's more people.
whats up with vtubers who have big tits and having terrible taste in games
Anyways. According to Nerissa, her collab should be in the first half of the week too, so probably Tuesday after DBD or Wednesday. Unless there are even more surprise collabs, second half of the week should be solo streams.
>>81743178I think Fauna's taste is fine outside of of DOTA.
>>81743545>of ofNot even sure how that happened, but I'll own that mistake.
>>81743545Fauna is spiritually flat. I will not explain.
I was told there was another brap incident after the minecraft one, is this true?
>>81743620Shut up, Fauna has MASSIVE tits.
>>81743641Senpai, gomenne <3, I don't know what you are talking about.
>>81743620Explain Kiara's and Nerissa's taste in shit games
>>81743620I understand your implications in that post and am aware of the source, however:
>>81743641Uh oh Phasecuckywucky got ntr'd on stream for the billionth time
>>81743721>Senpai, gomenne <3You made me think for a second that I was in the other thread lmao
>>81743839nta but you literally just got ntr'd by cc...
>>81743736Bird brains.
>>81743936nta but explain?
>>81743936>he wasn't the bird>he voted to stay in the waterfallYour own fault at this point, tbqh.
>>81743981scroll up to the top
>>OPGrün, grün, grün sind alle meine Kleider;grün, grün, grün ist alles was ich hab.Darum lieb ich alles, was so grün ist,weil mein Schatz ein Jäger ist.Green, green, green are all my clothes;green, green, green is all I have.That's why I love everything that is so green,because my darling is a hunter.
Would you let Ceci insert her greenwhite sword inside of you?
>>81744570She's a spear user.
Reminder that we like everyone in hololive here
>>81731317>how do I solve FOMO?watch all vods at the same time
What feeling does this screen convey?
>>81745399>wewho is this we? and why are you implying that you hate everyone that's not from hololive?
everytime I open this thread, you guys are either fighting about something stupid or shitting on other members...
>>81745843>"i like coffee">wtf why do you hate tea??The state of the discourse of this thread...
I like and regularly masturbate to all Holos!
>>81745951Fellow whore
>>81745904I like both coffee and tea which makes me a walking contradiction
>>81746258There is no contradiction, you are just fence sitter with shit taste and are wrong about everything.
>>81745951Me too!
>>81745896Burger/SEA hours, please understand.
>>81746602Burger here, it's midnight on the west coast and 3am on the east coast. We've handed off responsibility to the Australians/SEAdwellers.
>>81745951based whore
>>81746682The thread is regularly shit before, during, and after stream
>>81745951Koahri needs to draw more Cecilia or I'm going to scream.
>>81746999Cecilia Immascream
>>81747547Hi CC!
>>81746863It's usually okay during EU hours. I guess SEA got over not being able to watch and they have easier targets to shitpost about. You can tell when Western hemisphere NEETs go to bed some time before CEST noon and wake up in the evening by how bad the thread is, very cool.
I always wonder why Australia is left out of shitposter discussion these days when they've some of the most notorious ones on this site for 20 years.
>>81720747>no Gura>no MococoFuck, we were denied the full EN flat experience
>>81747934They drown in the sea of archipelago dwellers.
I still can't believe that CC exists. Unironically best timeline.
>>81747934Its because back then the internet was just the Anglospehere and other smaller language bubbles like Japan and most of EuropeAustralia were notable shitposters because they were one of the few anglosphere countries back then that fully embraced PC gaming so they have more time shitpostingVtubing started in the late 2010s when the rest of the world has caught on in the internet already has penetrated every country on Earth especially India and SEA which makes a huge chunk of the internet population today
>>81745399I HATE every single hololive member CC included and virtue signalists can suck my dick
>>81748194Green coffee bath!
>>81748767Disgusting. Please never reply to me again.
h-how much is tier 2 in USD?
>>81748842Probably $10, that's the amount I pay in my local currency at least.
>>81748842Too much for a poortomo like you
>>81748842Ten bucks.
>>817488421.5 BigMacs
>>81748945Is it that bad already over there? The West has fallen.
>>81748940>>81748913>>81748902wtf why is so expensive in my currency, is 4 times tier 1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>81748995Is it some Latin American meme currency?
>>81749020yeah mxn
Membership is so cheap stop complaining.
>>81749063Yeah, somebody posted similar ratio with some sudaca shitcoins. She hates you.
>>81748842about one 40 cm pizza (the poor without the meat or the good stuff)
>>81749146You should kill yourself
Reminder that her sticker set and starting voice ends in 20mins.I don't ever SC so I bought the voice instead. Fuck the jewtube 30%cut
>>81749364>giving money to holojews
>>81749364I can't get merch delivered so I bought 3 copies of VPs instead. Probably should get it figured out before custom merch starts coming in.
>>81749440voice packs are easy money for the talents themselves; if you simply want to support your oshi and not give yt a cut then vp's are the way
>>81749488streamelements and streamlabs gives 100% to my oshi
>>81749440Why do you hate Hololive so much?
>>81749552Cool, go back to your oshi's thread then and stop shitting up ours.
>>817207474x times pic
>>81749364The starting voice sale doesn’t end when the physical goods do. You can buy it whenever
>>81749460>I can't get merch deliveredy
>>81749728It's not a starting voice pack, it's a pre-debut pack that does end in 5mins. Start voice is a separate thing
>>81749843He was talking about the starting voice
>>81713445i need this as an onahole.
>>81750315well then he, being me>>81749364is a fucking retard and i'll go spank myself later for good measure.i mean the pre-deb voice
>>81750409In that case then you are correct and not a retard and I love you have a nice day
>>81748194Why does her pee have a green tint
>>81720747They only need a roof now to build a house, because they already have 4 walls
>>81750767Bunny girl Ceci art I hope
>>81745951based unicoomer
The Immerheim Guard has awoken. None may post bait past this point!
coffee is great and tea sucks dick
Will we get a member stream this week? What do you think?
>>81751236She got into too many collabs, so I don't think so. Probably solo streams are going to be rare
ASMR soon
Watching the VOD of CC membership opening stream now. Your oshi is silly.
CC should take more rest days. At least 2 a week.
reminder that sapcucks are not welcome here
I’m assuming by these posts that some more drama has occurred involving vtubers I do not care about and/or have never heard of.Man I love Hololive.
im just shitposting but dont know about the other guy
>>81751849Nah, it's /lig/gers as usual.
>>81751849It's just [group you dislike the most] shitting up the thread as always.
>>81752554Fucking Albanians. I knew it.
I can't believe that half the germans I know are cute and the other half is Kiara
>>81751266All the collabs are in the first half of the week unless there are more than 4. No full Justice or Gigi 1-on-1 this week.
>>81752633But otomo, Kiara is Austrian. Never tell an Austrian that he's German, it's a one way ticket to world of hurt.
It is funny to see brown monkeys trying so hard to bait in dead general, because all euros are at work and burgers are still asleep. Plus she streams in civilized hours so sub 80 iq browns are not part of this fanbase and won't reply to you
we have an empire now?
green = whorethis never wrong
>>81752863they'll just complain about it loudly.
>>81753169I still love all green women, vtuber or not. Green is just the color of superiority.
lool for birdlind birdhave menboslip partyhuh?
>>81753419I didn't really notice it during the stream but what is that background?
>>81753474a very violent one
>>81753474It’s the new room exclusively for crankers to crank themselves silly in
>>81753419>He doesn't know about the secret third tier membership strip party
>>81753419>member slip partyalright sign me up
>>81753474it's our headquarters
>>81753474>he wasnt invited to the gooncave.
CCPog is real...
CC play SC onegai. minutes
I thought it was supposed to be in RR's channel?
>>81756729im just might make it back from work im time
>>81756759Indecisive automaton.
>>81756759change of plans
>>81756759>Membership opened yesterday.>Raora doesn't put up a frame.A certain redhead should take notes.
>>81756759It was supposed to be on CC's, it was moved to RR's yesterday because they were trying to give CC time to prepare for membership opening.