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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 404 KB, 650x650, Hakos_Baelz_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8164448 No.8164448 [Reply] [Original]

>Bae's emoji is a six-sided die, used both in gaming and as a metaphor for the concept of randomness. The physicist Albert Einstein famously used the term in the latter sense regarding quantum mechanics, stating "God does not play dice." The notion that events may appear random while actually being deterministic is a foundation of a field of mathematics known as chaos theory.

"Man I love this Einstein quote. I just need some dice-related VTuber to debut so I have an excuse to put it on the wiki." Imagine how excited this guy was.

>> No.8164466
Quoted by: >>8164496


>> No.8164482
Quoted by: >>8165289 >>8178140

if she doesn't actually tabletop i'll be disappointed

>> No.8164485
Quoted by: >>8165105 >>8174842

Isn't the die Kuzuha's oshi mark?

>> No.8164496

Found the faggot who put it on the wiki

>> No.8164519

how many times d you come today?

>> No.8164828
Quoted by: >>8199895

To which much more based Niels Bohr replied: "Do not tell God what he can not do."

>> No.8165105
Quoted by: >>8165669

What a cunt. She could have picked any other rat related thing and she picks Kuzuha’s.

>> No.8165289
Quoted by: >>8176202

So is she more Skaven than she is Chaos God?
Original or 40k?

>> No.8165669
Quoted by: >>8165929

Not my problem but isn't his fanbase pretty vicious? She might get attacked by angry fans

>> No.8165775
File: 180 KB, 1440x621, C87E1338-BD13-4BAA-B4A7-E1A241758406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clap clap clap

>> No.8165796


>> No.8165929
Quoted by: >>8167466 >>8183515

They might not care about hololive but we’ll see I guess lol.

>> No.8167466

Might be smarter to avoid something that could possibly create conflict than to risk it. Especially when the overlap is not with some random 2 view but with a bigger senpai

>> No.8167489
Quoted by: >>8167584 >>8172534

ballz is the official schizo chuuba

>> No.8167584

we already have haachama

>> No.8170931
Quoted by: >>8171467

Einstein is now just quoted in some random vtuber's wiki. If only he were still alive to see it.

>> No.8171467

I highly doubt he would enjoy being reminded how he was BTFO when quantum physics proved that his views on determinism were wrong.

>> No.8172534

She can be the rrat chuuba

>> No.8173897
Quoted by: >>8177087

Who's the senpai?

>> No.8174842
Quoted by: >>8180232

This is how it starts.
Nanashi(774) was used explicitly as a name to divert from 774, the Japanese vtuber company that's quite open about wanting to get into the western space.
Die is used explicitly to divert from Kuzuha, one of the biggest competitors.
It's subtle now, but expect more blatant things in the future. There's already many westerners who think that vtubers = Hololive, and Cover wants the amount of people who think like that to grow.

>> No.8176156

The basis of chaos theory is that small changes to initial conditions make large changes to the outcome, causality is just something that's assumed by default until you get to shit like QM where the randomness, to the best of our current knowledge, is actually real.

>> No.8176202

Skaven's Great Horned Rat is a chaos God since Age of Sigmar (may have been since End Times I can't remember),

>> No.8176345

ogey rrat

>> No.8177087

Kuzuha channel
Pretty rude to her senpai

>> No.8177775
Quoted by: >>8178590

Maybe, but as time goes on the number of oishi marks is staying the same whilst the number of vtubers is growing larger. There will have to be overlap eventually.

>> No.8178140

Like in a million years she would. Way too casual.

>> No.8178248
File: 3.96 MB, 436x436, Ratnite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ogey rrat

>> No.8178412
File: 107 KB, 1024x1008, -Warhammer-Online-FB-Games-FB-Other-6184741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8181215


if she doesnt do a total warhammer stream as skaven in first week im going to become a detractor

>> No.8178434
File: 183 KB, 640x637, 1chwcdfwdbi71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8178524

could you imagine if they planned on, like, doing anything with this lore?

>> No.8178565


still has bomb eyes but thats a nice minimalist approach

>> No.8178590
Quoted by: >>8178822

Yeah but overlapping with a big senpai sounds like a huge faux pas to me

>> No.8178822
Quoted by: >>8179319 >>8179565

Same industry, different companies. The menus will have items that overlap. The consumers won't care much since there's no significant overlap between their consumption. If anything, it would be down to which company makes the best chicken sandwich.

>> No.8179319

Weird comparison. All fast food places will offer hamburgers, for example. Not really comparable to the situation discussed.
But an oshi mark emoji was something she deliberately chose. Hopefully his fans don't notice and this doesn't lead to a bigger yab.

>> No.8179565
Quoted by: >>8180429

Well Pomu changed hers because it overlapped with Anya so I guess it would be a bad look if Holo didn't reciprocate.

>> No.8179620

Mouse TMSK

>> No.8179773

You went too far the other direction and now she's boring. Remove the rat, give her back the ears and the choker.

>> No.8180232

Tell me who's recognises chuubas by their fucking oshi mark? In what scenario would Baelz's mark being a dice take any amount of viewership away from Kuzuha? "Oh, I'm really in the mood for a dice mark streamer today" ???

>> No.8180429
Quoted by: >>8180624

That's a different situation though. Anya is her senpai and has a bigger fanbase.
It would be weird if Pomu chooses something that overlaps with her.
Anya or her fans might get mad so it was good that Pomu changed to avoid all that in the first place.

>> No.8180512

this is her at night getting ready for some good night SEX!

>> No.8180624
Quoted by: >>8181198

What? Anya is in Holo and Pomu is in 2434, they're the same "senpai" as vtubers as Kuzuha/Baelz but not as coworkers, and Anya is right at the bottom of Hololive, I'm not entirely sure if Pomu does have a smaller fanbase desu, but Anya is tiny compared to Kuzuha at least.

>> No.8180631
File: 28 KB, 390x332, aaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8180809 >>8181953

People use the die for Kuzuha but it's not actually his oshi mark his oshi mark is nothing

>> No.8180809
Quoted by: >>8180849 >>8181953

I'm sure his fans won't mind at all then

>> No.8180849
Quoted by: >>8181953

they have other things to do and he doesn't give a fuck about most things so why would they. if a random schizo wants to make it an issue that's just a schizo being a schizo, it really doesn't seem like it would be a problem.

>> No.8180910
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1602637165971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8181689

I'm already sick of this bitch and she hasn't said a word

>> No.8181198 [DELETED] 

Doesn't Anya have more subscribers?

>> No.8181215
File: 82 KB, 1013x281, WarpstoneSuperchat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I can't superchat in warpstone, why even live?

>> No.8181689

take a break from /vt/ for a few days then

>> No.8181953
Quoted by: >>8184006 >>8184625


Fan marks are mainly for twitter
Twitter usage is way higher in Japan
Any JP fans who use the dice will be assumed to be kuzuha fans unless Ballz somehow blows up to gura's size.
Honestly seems like a mistake and she should get it fixed.

>> No.8181996

Before college look

>> No.8182125

Some Mori's fans are using a dice too because of reasons

>> No.8183515

I think Baelz has more to worry about from Gura fans than she does from Kuzuha fans. Sadly Gura has a fanbase that actively attacks other Hololive members.

>> No.8183621
Quoted by: >>8212783

we're timelooping this one again?

>> No.8183644

Can you do this for Pinky Pop Hepburn? I wanna see what she looks like without all the overdesignedness.

>> No.8183752

Rrat theme

>> No.8184006

Great. Now you have me imagining Baelz inflation.

>> No.8184159

We need a d20 emoji

>> No.8184163

I liked it when someone did this for polka

>> No.8184517
Quoted by: >>8185734 >>8212783

Iofi deserved what happened to her

>> No.8184625
Quoted by: >>8185918

has it been an actual problem before? for example i think noel shares an oshi mark with kenmochi toya and she didn't have to change it or anything.

>> No.8184670

I want to impregnate her belly button.

>> No.8185734

It's just a video game. No wonder chumbuds have no friends IRL and have to resort to Gura as their only friend.

>> No.8185918
Quoted by: >>8207380

Petra Gurin and Amicia Michella both use the penguin oshi mark, but what Petra does is add a snowflake emoji as well to differentiate hers from Cia. So that's all Baelz has to do, she can keep the dice but add a mouse or a piece of cheese or something as well. That is of course assuming she cares about sharing hers with Kuzuha, the only reason Petra cares is because Cia is from the same company.

>> No.8187267
Quoted by: >>8187461

>”I have a special relationship with the rat”
>”I’ve gotta go help a Kouhai with something after this”

Bets on her being Semensquare’s sister.

>> No.8187461
Quoted by: >>8188076

Are you talking about Calli? When did she say this?

>> No.8188076
Quoted by: >>8188187

I can’t remember for the life of me, I’ve been watching too many of her late-night streams while also getting next to no sleep. Mostly just a joke rrat anyway, but she did say that, so hopefully another Deadbeat with better memory can come by and point out which videos they were.

>> No.8188187
Quoted by: >>8188665 >>8188768

Well I kinda hope it's true, it would be pretty cute if someone got to work in the same agency as their actual sister.

>> No.8188665
Quoted by: >>8190240 >>8190799

This board would go nuts about nepotism but I think it would be cute.

>> No.8188768
Quoted by: >>8188972

you are retarded if you think this is true

>> No.8188972

you mean it's retarded ENOUGH to be true!

>> No.8190240

They already do this for IRyS for some reason and I don't even know what the story is behind that but I think she is cute so I say whatever pisses off /vt/ is good civilization.

>> No.8190799
Quoted by: >>8196432

Aki is Yagoo's wife and Sora is their daughter it's too late to care about nepotism

>> No.8196432

I just read that Yagoo apparently named Aki, huh?

>> No.8199895
Quoted by: >>8200559

What's up with all these religious physicists?

>> No.8200559
Quoted by: >>8203093 >>8213153

Nobody was talking about any supernatural god. Niels Bohr was an atheist and Einstein disavowed religion and supernatural beings. Einstein famously remarked “God does not play dice” and Bohr replied “Einstein, stop telling God what to do”. Einstein was skeptical that Quantum Mechanics was the correct formulation of physics and was criticizing Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. At the time, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle appeared to be incompatible with Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. Einstein viewed Quantum Mechanics as being less secure in its mathematical foundations than Relativity. Einstein did not reject Quantum Mechanics, rather he felt that there must be some as yet undiscovered version of Quantum Mechanics that would prove compatible with Relativity. Physics is wrestling with this very problem today and we still don’t know which theory should be modified, but all attempts to fix Quantum Theory seem to break it instead. Nobody, not Bohr, Heisenberg, Einstein, et cetera, liked the philosophical implications of Quantum Mechanics, but it seemed to be correct in spite of anybody’s preferences or difficulties. All alternative theories failed in some way. It is important to understand that there were viable alternatives to the Copenhagen Interpretation, for example the de Broglie–Bohm theory, that were rejected on philosophical grounds, i.e. the principal of Occam's razor, as introducing unnecessary theoretical elements. Bohr meant that the consensus of the physics community had grown to accept Quantum Mechanics and in particular the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Bohr was criticizing Einstein’s position by reminding him that empirical results take precedence over theoretical considerations.

>> No.8203093

I learned a lot thanks.

>> No.8207380
Quoted by: >>8207531 >>8207607

Kuzuha probably won't care at all. That man can't even be bothered to use different thumbnails. Dunno how his fans will feel though

>> No.8207531
Quoted by: >>8207607

I'm curious if it would bother Kuzuha at all if Baelz started using thumbnails that said "Baelz Channel" and that's it for her streams.

>> No.8207607
Quoted by: >>8211687

Probably not.
Much of Kuzuha's fans don't really pay attention to other vtubers.

>> No.8210281


>> No.8211687
Quoted by: >>8212170

So Kuzuha is kinda like the Nijisanji version of Gura?

>> No.8212170
Quoted by: >>8212231

Gura has more subscribers than Kuzuha

>> No.8212231
Quoted by: >>8212323

And yet Kuzuha makes more money in superchats. Interesting.

>> No.8212323
Quoted by: >>8212758

Why would that matter when Gura gets more viewers

>> No.8212392

people who write wikipages actually have aspergers, who would have guessed

>> No.8212680
File: 473 KB, 1512x2552, 1626876909248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8212783

Iofi again? Maybe the girl should geow some spine and not cherrypick 1 negative comment over thousands of positive comments. And oh, she also deleted the tweet that she'll be translating by the way.

>> No.8212758

Viewers don't matter if you aren't making money off them. And I like how you said subscribers first but then used it interchangeably with viewers. Kuzuha actually gets more viewers than Gura, but thanks for playing. You lose.

>> No.8212783
Quoted by: >>8212946 >>8212995

Why are you bending over backwards to defend a bunch of manchildren attacking Iofi? Why do you choose this hill to die on?

>> No.8212946

fuck off dramafag

>> No.8212995
File: 440 KB, 902x593, 1626008157147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you not want tribalfagging

>> No.8213153

Don't you love it when rrats are even at work within the physics community.

t. Maxwell's demon
