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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, GTGa7MEWwAEqQAc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
81335015 No.81335015 [Reply] [Original]

>two more weeks unikek
>it's fine as long as she's only texting the homos
>she wouldn't actually sabotage her career and homocollab

>> No.81335236


>> No.81335255

Are you apologizing to yourself?

>> No.81335266

>Two days off
>One day of supa reading
>One day of karaoke re-runs
>Triple gangbang homocollab
Could there be a worse schedule

>> No.81335341
Quoted by: >>81337820

I don't get it, which posts specifically are you greentext replying to and who has to apologise?

>> No.81335401
Quoted by: >>81335448

She's by far the worst pickup for Justice. I can't stand her nasally voice and inability to read the room. An absolute bore in collabs.

>> No.81335412
File: 346 KB, 524x631, Biboo Really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not our fault that she is even dumber than she looks

>> No.81335448
Quoted by: >>81336392

>for Justice
you can just say 'for EN'
I really can't think of anyone worse than her

>> No.81335458

Lmao such a predictable whore, I didn't think she'd break the ass by sucking off three at once though

>> No.81335466
File: 434 KB, 1256x633, 1000000352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she needs to graduate, the queen is not amused

>> No.81335503

Even without the homos I don't know how to defend this.

>> No.81335620
File: 1008 KB, 1163x1440, 1714060252835568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who could say no to that?!

>> No.81335677

Justice is the diversity gen, apart from GG. Two Europeans and one doing frequent homo collabs.

>> No.81335717

Maybe one of older Kronii schedules?

>> No.81336009

This is just funny to me cause it shows that none of the homos were avoiding collabs with the girls by their choice. As soon as one of the girls is willing to associate with them, they’re all over her

>> No.81336246
Quoted by: >>81336402

It was pretty obvious after Kronii got bullied into dropping male collabs.

>> No.81336392
File: 737 KB, 828x596, thecouncilofmoris_044044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>81338770

Pink Mori is still the worst of the moris.

>> No.81336401
File: 482 KB, 865x726, 1705061750669219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably one of the worst schedules anyone in hololive has ever made

>> No.81336402

>bullied into dropping it

>> No.81336623
Quoted by: >>81336756

Are people really upset about this lol she was flirting with homos since day 1 we all knew this would happen

>> No.81336641

Jurardchads.... it was supposed to be our time....

>> No.81336756

It's faux outrage. Everyone knew she was going to collab with the guys at some point. They're just pretending to be shocked for shit posting reason.

>> No.81336811

>Gay cock obsessed drama
>Meanwhile I listen to her Otona Blue cover at work.

>> No.81336852

I'm not shocked, I just like shitting on her fans for being cucked losers

>> No.81336900


>> No.81336972

I think more people are annoyed about the skipping a holo event to get gangbanged by homos than her actually collabing with homos
Personally I'm glad she's taking this route, the less time she's with Holos and the more ostracized she is from the group the better.

>> No.81336994
Quoted by: >>81337184

How can her fans be "cucked" when she never set her self up as GFE/Parasocial vtuber to begin with?

>> No.81337013

I recognize that bulge

>> No.81337020

Based, hopefully the whore just disappears.

>> No.81337077
Quoted by: >>81337134

But you don't know the reason for that. It's all speculation.

>> No.81337134

>collab with the girls
>collab with the boys
You know she was invited, but just chose to go with the boys instead.

>> No.81337184

The definition is someone who watches that content at all, being fine with it doesn't change the term

>> No.81337227
Quoted by: >>81337281

And with two of the most popular homos nonetheless. The femcorns meltdowns will be entertaining for sure.

>> No.81337281

It really just hurts everyone involved, total self destruction for the sake of cucking their fans

>> No.81337287
Quoted by: >>81337331

Definition = shit I just made up in my own head.

>> No.81337322

Unicorns and phaseniggers running the hate campaign. Then pointing finger at eachother when called out

>> No.81337331

>randomly seething

>> No.81337390

Good on her. I'm actually glad she's not gonna be there.

>> No.81337426

why didn't she just join holostars as a tranny

>> No.81337461

>This isn't gonna happen
>And if it does then it's a good thing
>And if it isn't then it's not bad
>And if it is then it doesn't affect you
>And if it does then you deserve it
Your brain on "if you don't like a ticking time bomb because you have basic pattern recognizion then you're a holo anti" globaltroons

>> No.81337491
Quoted by: >>81337568

>Get's called out for making shit up and presenting it as fact.
>Can't respond so resorts to deflection instead
Every time

>> No.81337495
Quoted by: >>81337924

What time does the spelling bee start in BST?

>> No.81337513
File: 123 KB, 669x669, thedoginmyhands.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>81337864

Is so funny to me see al the unicorns seething posts, keep going I'm almost done

>> No.81337568

>making shit up
calling a girl a whore for collabing with males and the viewer a cuck is made up yes.
the definitions don't change regardless.
why are you upset?

>> No.81337760

Why are you? I mean you don't watch her, but you talk an awful lot about her.

>> No.81337820
Quoted by: >>81337865

Which posts are you referring to, these are the posts I made

>> No.81337830
File: 130 KB, 827x1024, 1721399484587091m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Rosarian
I want her out of hololive and will shit on her and you until I get it.

>> No.81337835
Quoted by: >>81338024

Based ERB. Keep up the good work! Ignore the seething unicorns. They're from the third world, poor, brown and forever alone.

>> No.81337864

>fapping to /vt/ posts because erb doesn't stream

>> No.81337865
Quoted by: >>81337908

Why are you upset with a girl you never watch? .

>> No.81337866


>> No.81337908

Again, which posts are you referring to?

>> No.81337924

4am, completely unthinkable that she wouldn't want to stream at that time

>> No.81337980
Quoted by: >>81338237

Fuck Gura and Ame for their retarded ass stream times.

>> No.81338008
Quoted by: >>81338237

Judging by the crab game collab she's not great with late streams

>> No.81338024
File: 1.18 MB, 1080x1728, Screenshot_20240708-225719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah thats you rosarian.

>> No.81338095
Quoted by: >>81338136

Arbitrary definitions made up by shitposters. Nah

>> No.81338103

wow the cucker himself. there's never any worse sex pests than guys who pretend to be gay

>> No.81338136
Quoted by: >>81338263

Then it shouldn't bother you if you're called a cuck

>> No.81338203

Does her husband know?

>> No.81338232

I'm a Rosarian and I for one am excited to sit in the cuck chair while Flayon fucks my oshi.

>> No.81338237
Quoted by: >>81338373

>>81337924 (me)
i got it wrong, it's 1am BST, still kind of late for a hag though

>> No.81338262
File: 181 KB, 720x556, Vesper Yaba Daba Doo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81338263
Quoted by: >>81338354

It shouldn't. But your lack of understanding of the English language does a little bit. Not going to lie.

>> No.81338326
Quoted by: >>81338563

yeah, you're right, it's not like literally every single person on /vt/ was denying it, saying this was another Shiori situation. Definitely.

>> No.81338354
Quoted by: >>81338735

>ESL coping about how they presented themselves in a public space

>> No.81338373

That wasnt a problem with Advent vs Justice though...
Or crab game
Or Fauna's dungeon

>> No.81338389

Haha, say what you want, she's the only interesting vtuber from Justice and the only one I'm subscribed to.

>> No.81338415
Quoted by: >>81338628

>The guy tho never beg for the collab
I'm totally fine with him
He's the only good homoEN
Also unicorns don't care about ERB in the first place

>> No.81338426 [SPOILER] 
File: 881 KB, 255x192, 1719447229547320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>81338763

>t.Poor unicorn SEAfag

>> No.81338459

She wants nothing to do with the lazy, selfish grifter Gawr Gura so I don't blame her,

>> No.81338500

i guess? i don't really see how her not attending is a problems though. there's 19 HoloENs, GurAme + 13 participants makes 15 people in the collab and 4 not taking part, why not hate the other 3 who won't be there as much as her?

>> No.81338541
Quoted by: >>81338685

But erb is the one spamming sc readings and barely streaming in debut month how does that work

>> No.81338563

Shooting didn't put Bettel and Oga in her debut slides and talk about collabing with ALL of Holopro

>> No.81338575
Quoted by: >>81338685

>rebroadcast spammer
>multiple days off a week
Jej, she only has energy for DA BOOIZ and you know it. She should quarantine herself to only collabing with them now.

>> No.81338613
Quoted by: >>81338760

>why not hate the other 3 who won't be there as much as her
Because the other 3 will likely not stream on the same day?

>> No.81338628

>good homoEN
kill thy self.

>> No.81338685

And yet she still works harder than the lazy, selfish grifter Gawr Gura.

>> No.81338698

she'd rather collab with 3 holostars than participate in the legendary Amesame event
like, seriously?

>> No.81338711

Dont forget that she's skipping the Amesame event on the same day to join the homos lmao.

>> No.81338729

>if I repeat it, that’ll make ERB look better!

>> No.81338735
Quoted by: >>81338861

I just think calling a fan of a vtuber who specifically does not do GFE or Parasocial content a cuck because she's doing a collab with men is pretty retarded. I could understand if she was pushing the GFE experience, but she's not and has made it clear from day 1 where she stands.

>> No.81338751
File: 460 KB, 2401x1440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81338760
Quoted by: >>81338906

so she should take the day off and have an even barer schedule instead?

>> No.81338763

ermmm is that a hecking woah jack????
enjoy your 3 day vacation!!!!

>> No.81338770
Quoted by: >>81338813

This post was made by a teammate btw

>> No.81338790

>should I collab with two lazy, selfish grifters who never stream or do something new and groundbreaking?
Work it out, cumbuck. Or but wait you can't because you don't even watch Hololive!

>> No.81338813


>> No.81338861
Quoted by: >>81338955

Anon I would call you a cuck simply for using the term parasocial content, nevermind the cuck shit you watch

>> No.81338906
Quoted by: >>81339076

Honestly? Yeah. Even if she can't be in the AmeSame event it's still a horrible look to skip it but collab with the male failures on the same day, especially when it's been barely a month since her debut.

>> No.81338910
Quoted by: >>81338980

I hate her because she's a shitlib and has an obnoxious voice, I don't give two fucks about stars collabs

>> No.81338911

>new and groundbreaking
Kek, Kronii already did it, fag. I shall look forward to each and every homo graduation, although at this point, it seems termination is much more likely.

>> No.81338913


Sabes?, sere ESL, pero eso no impide que me importen un carajo tus opiniones y lo escribo en español para que se enojen más.

>> No.81338929

>content warning
>new and groundbreaking
Rosarians...you don't even have a stream today

>> No.81338949

>Or but wait you can't because you don't even watch Hololive!
Ironic >>81338751

>> No.81338955
Quoted by: >>81338986

Clearly I don't see vtubers in the same way as you do.

>> No.81338980

I suppose those are two more reasons, sure.

>> No.81338986
Quoted by: >>81339033

Didn't ask

>> No.81339033
Quoted by: >>81339082

Didn't need your permission to respond.

>> No.81339058

please go back to virtue signaling on xitter, Kris

>> No.81339076
Quoted by: >>81339153

kinda feels like you're getting offended on GurAme's behalf when they most likely don't care at all

>> No.81339082
Quoted by: >>81339139

Not what I was saying

>> No.81339139
Quoted by: >>81339158

I see you want that last word. Ok, you can have it.

>> No.81339153

No, I'm sad that Cover wasted a slot on someone who acts like she wanted to be in nijiEN rather than holoEN.

>> No.81339158


>> No.81339203

stfu faggot, everyone knew this was gonna happen
you want a medal for stating the obvious?

>> No.81339240 [DELETED] 

this bitch is literally join hololive to find a husband

>> No.81339300

Every stream would be a homo collab if she could. I just hope there aren't any straight men simping for her at this point. Have some shame and pride as a man for fucks sake.

>> No.81339314

>this bitch literally joined hololive to find a husband
Fixed that for you my little ESL third world SEAnigger piece of shit.

>> No.81339326

kill yourself ESL

>> No.81339338
Quoted by: >>81339609

so, you hate her because she collabs with homos (several other holos have also done this) and you also hate that she's not in the GurAme collab (even though you'd enjoy it less if she were there)?

>> No.81339439

Based me too. Rosarians will never have a peaceful thread as long as I'm alive and that whore is in Hololive.

>> No.81339496

I do not hate her for not joining. I think it's funny all her genmates are participating but she chose homos instead.

>> No.81339582
Quoted by: >>81339804

>I think it's funny all her genmates are participating but she chose homos instead.
That’s what’s fascinating to me. The timezone cope doesn’t even stick if they all have to adjust to be there, anyways, with a few exceptions.

>> No.81339609

>you hate her because she collabs with homos
That's not what I said. None of the girls who collab/collabed with the homos have sent what's almost 500 messages to their chats after a month since their debut and chose to collab with them and skip a event with their actual branch. Not even Bae who was the biggest example of a homo fan in holoEN ever did either of that. And you're correct that I would enjoy the AmeSame event less if she was there, however that still doesn't erase the fact that Cover hired someone who wouldn't feel out of place in nijiEN but sticks out like a sore thumb in holoEN.

>> No.81339728
Quoted by: >>81339804

>skips the spelling bee to be with the homos

>> No.81339752
Quoted by: >>81339925

Could there be a worse Holomem?

>> No.81339768
File: 96 KB, 659x1024, 1721460500662750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>81339837

Roses are red
The fire in her heart is blue
She's ready to swallow a Filipino's white glue

>> No.81339804

The girls can wait but her sopping wet pussy can't wait to be filled with da boys' semen

>> No.81339837
Quoted by: >>81340034

no flips in her collab cock carousel yet

>> No.81339867
Quoted by: >>81340023

I respect ERB even more for not wishing to be in the pile of shit that is going to be AmeSame. It's going to be all "Me me me" from Gura who should just graduate at this point considering she clearly doesn't want to be in Hololive and offers nothing.

>> No.81339921
Quoted by: >>81339981

>Orale walala arriva vamonos yo querro taco bell jaja.
Wow you sure show them kid.

>> No.81339925

Mori before she got reigned in was pretty bad, but not presently is there any worse a Holo than ERB.

>> No.81339940
Quoted by: >>81340023

so true sister!
don't forget to dilate!

>> No.81339981

I miss that chihuahua mascot, he was pretty funny to me.

>> No.81339996

Mori was never this bad, as much as people didn't like her she has literally always worked hard

>> No.81340023
File: 62 KB, 1438x328, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>81347565

I was going to ask what happened with niji today to explain the mental illness but I think I got my answer.

>> No.81340034


>> No.81340042

and there are 3 other holoENs that are also not participating, seems like a weird thing to get hung up on
why would you even know about her sending messages in the homos chat? if you dislike them you should probably avoid watching their streams just in case something happens that you can get angry about

>> No.81340073
Quoted by: >>81340129


>> No.81340122

Lost a lot of respect for Gigi, CC and Raora if they want to participate in that mess, especially since their core audiences won't be able to follow along at that hour...

>> No.81340129

ERB agrees

>> No.81340240
File: 79 KB, 750x751, 1690221044871395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>81340262

>open ERB thread
>call her a Stars cumrag
>close thread
and repeat until the end of time

>> No.81340262

I fucking kneel...

>> No.81340303
Quoted by: >>81340689

>and there are 3 other holoENs that are also not participating
Again, they'll likely not be streaming on that day to begin with
>why would you even know about her sending message
Morbid curiosity? Hololyzer exists for that and after someone posted her sending 100 messages to the dinofag it became funny to check how much time she's wasting watching the homos instead of streaming.

>> No.81340319

Keep trying, it sounds super genuine and not at all like a “no u” since ERB is hard to defend, action-wise.

>> No.81340341
Quoted by: >>81340509

Mori at her worst was more entertaining than ERB at her best.

>> No.81340377

ERB defenders = Hololive antis
a simple fact

>> No.81340435

ERB haters = nijisisters
a simple fact

>> No.81340509

Well, at least that’s true, unfortunately.

>> No.81340540
File: 79 KB, 1024x682, 1721483410126973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off retard otomos don't need sleep we'll watch Ceci anytime

>> No.81340560

ERB = whore
a simple fact

>> No.81340576
Quoted by: >>81340734

Why would the NDF hate her?

>> No.81340640

You know what, fuck it. Yes I hate current Hololive and what they've forced upon this whole community. It used to be just people having fun with anime avatars, it didn't matter what genitals they had, even Hololive used to stream with guys all the time I don't even know what changed that made you freaks latch onto them. So I'm glad Cover is doing stuff to drive you fuckers out but clearly it's not enough so until they go full force I'm going to continue "anti" them whatever the fuck it means. ERB is the best thing that has happened to vtubing in a while and I'm fucking giggling seeing you fucks squirm, shit and piss about it.

Get the fuck out of our hobby.

>> No.81340655

>nijisisters love male vtubers
>ERB loves male vtubers
why would they hate her? are you dumb?

>> No.81340689

>Again, they'll likely not be streaming on that day to begin with
so if they do stream on that day will you start hating them as well? i doubt it
>check how much time she's wasting watching the homos instead of streaming.
see, when i have free time i do something that makes me happy, like watch stream or VODs, i don't go rooting around for things to get mad about like homo chatlogs

>> No.81340704
Quoted by: >>81340739

ERB is the future of Hololive and I for one am glad for it.

>> No.81340734
Quoted by: >>81341000

for deflection purposes.

>> No.81340739
Quoted by: >>81340771

try harder faggot

>> No.81340771
Quoted by: >>81340909

You don't belong in this fandom anymore, unicorn. Fuck off.

>> No.81340791

Seeing all the lolcows losing it over her is pretty hilarious.

>> No.81340909


Peak Twitter outrage bait. It's too obvious though, but let's see if anyone bites.

>> No.81340958

kys faggot, this was never your hobby. going back as far as 2016 vtubing has been completely dominated by virtual women interacting with women outside of nijiniggers.

>> No.81340962


>> No.81340978
File: 455 KB, 923x1499, 1673146332751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81341000

From? They’re barely even alive right now, what’s there to deflect? They already got hit by the PS2 era Fatalis.

>> No.81341008

Not sure if self reply or you took the bait but come on...

>> No.81341020
Quoted by: >>81341315

>and there are 3 other holoENs that are also not participating,
Stop deflecting to others. Her entire gen she is in. They debuted a month ago. The older established gens are helping out justice with special event streams. A generic content warning stream can happen at anytime, this won't. I am simply explaining why it looks funny to ditch justice for a homo collab. If you are excited for the homos, enjoy.

>> No.81341036

>Get the fuck out of our hobby.
You should start watching streams before acting possessive towards vtubing, sister >>81338751

>> No.81341129 [DELETED] 

Glad that we established that you and all homobeggars really are a hololive antis, talk about a quick mask off moment kek

>> No.81341138

We're taking over, it's unstoppable. Idol and unicorn faggotry will be erased. Resistance is futile, but hilarious.

>> No.81341165
File: 211 KB, 500x492, 1720135812121729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile the rest of justice is only doing CGDCT content. You sure revolutionized holoen sistah!

>> No.81341191
File: 1.12 MB, 720x958, ERB[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk1e7x2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>81348896

>this thread

>> No.81341207

Glad that we established that you and all homobeggars really are hololive antis, talk about a quick mask off moment kek

>> No.81341215

Don't you have an ARK seethe thread to make?

>> No.81341219

Be careful not to quill yourself, sister.

>> No.81341234
File: 429 KB, 2401x1440, 1721578076507941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81341290

>Going back as far as 2016 vtubing has been completely dominated by men pretending to be girls and recording themselves masturbating
Fixed, don't lie. I was there on /a/.

>> No.81341315
Quoted by: >>81341802

if you say so, but having watched both gura and ame since debut i doubt they're feeling too upset or insulted at liz not showing up

>> No.81341537
File: 3.78 MB, 5000x2124, 1704736555611740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>81342081

>We're taking over, it's unstoppable. Idol and unicorn faggotry will be erased.

>> No.81341622


>> No.81341802

I am not speaking for them, I don't know them personally or said they would feel insulted. I can only say the audience does notice when these type of splits happen. The gen leader breaking off and joining a collab with homos when there's a big holoen collab the same day just looks funny for onlookers.

>> No.81342081

I love CGDCT so much

>> No.81342209
File: 254 KB, 827x683, dude weed lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81342249

They're one in the same. They just have a pipe dream of ERB turning everyone into a homo town bike so Hololive's quality goes down to Niji's.
This will NEVER happen btw

>> No.81342395
File: 88 KB, 802x799, 3424234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is full of real sisters.

>> No.81342430

Who are you quoting?

>> No.81342683
Quoted by: >>81343015

>Liz, spell color
>C O L O U R

>> No.81343015

This yab is the real reason

>> No.81343704
File: 441 KB, 695x532, 1721456773488940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roses are red
The fire in her heart is blue
She's ready to swallow a Filipino's white glue

>> No.81343834

ERB is just following the same idol path as Sora, a path full of male collabs.

>> No.81343891

NijiEN is dead. The only big agency to join now is Hololive. /here/ wanted Nijen dead, now they have to deal with the consequences.

>> No.81344061

Go back tourist, the hobby has always been this way.

>> No.81344122
Quoted by: >>81344230

No one cares about your sluts.

>> No.81344230
Quoted by: >>81344316

Which ones are proudly collabing with the homos? The only slut is ERB.

>> No.81344316

Do you call the JP girls sluts when they collab with the stars?

>> No.81344344


>> No.81344389
Quoted by: >>81344468

Anyone who does collabs with homos is, yes.

>> No.81344468
Quoted by: >>81344572

At least you're consistent. Lots of hypocrites in VT who don't say shit when the JP girls do it.

>> No.81344572
Quoted by: >>81345170

I want CGDCT. Simple as that. I don't want sex pests (literally every single homo) in my streams. Yagoo needs to make a separate gen for the Homobeggars and transfer the other members who like them into that.

>> No.81344581
File: 559 KB, 1079x1972, lizcumrag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81345170
Quoted by: >>81345217

This Anon is a sex pest

>> No.81345217

I'm not a homo

>> No.81345272
File: 274 KB, 853x1000, 1683919686420222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81345659

Well to be honest it's more like sabotaging their careers. Look what happened to Magni/Vesper.

>> No.81346256

I'm glad she's collabing with the homos, I was wondering when she would.

Seeing anons pretend to care when they'll probably watch out of morbid curiosity is funny.

>> No.81346350
Quoted by: >>81347491

Why frame this as a negative thing? Call them leeches if you want but guys like to hang out with girls. It's not some insane leap of logic.
Food for thought, maybe the other ENs want to collab with males but they know they can't, so they get upset and stream less.

>> No.81346382
Quoted by: >>81346416

I don't need to watch. I already know how the conversation(s) will be
>3 men telling ERB how they want to fuck her and get her pregnant for 2-5 hours straight
>ERB laughing how she's making groundbreaking content

>> No.81346416
Quoted by: >>81346554

Please stop bringing your NTR fetish into interactions between real people.

>> No.81346446
Quoted by: >>81346563


>> No.81346554

Is it NTR if I don't care about her?

>> No.81346563
Quoted by: >>81346863

Crimzon Ruze is a fun chuni and arguably the most in-line with ERB's character personality.
Flayon is cute and inoffensive and his sincere passion for Japanese media makes him endearing.
Bettel is not only good at physical comedy, he's one of the best yappers Cover has ever gotten.
I don't see the issue.

>> No.81346698
Quoted by: >>81348810

So /vt/ is just going to be 50% seething faggots reeeeeing because one member does content they don't like now, huh?

>> No.81346729

Still mad Ike told you to fuck off ??

>> No.81346863
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>> No.81346889
Quoted by: >>81346986

I haven't been interested in her because of her performance in collabs, but I might have to watch the gangbang collab to see if she's suddenly a different person

If she's boring with Justice, but fun with the guys, that'd be something

>> No.81346986

It's a Catch-22.
If she's still a wallflower in the collab with 3 high energy boys, that means she's just not good in them, period.
If she has noticeably better chemistry, this will fuel endless shitposters with ammo for the foreseeable future.

>> No.81347461
Quoted by: >>81347509

Your oshi gets dicked down every night too

>> No.81347491

It really would not surprise me if plenty of Holos are interested in collabing with the guys, but they're not stupid. They know their audience and it would definitely hurt their careers at this point. ERB is setting the expectation early that she's gonna do it so it'll likely hurt her less rather than pulling the rug out from under gachikois months/years down the line.

>> No.81347506


>> No.81347509

Yeah, by me.

>> No.81347565

what the fuck. This can't be real. 3 hours in? Didn't vox just have his 3D debut?

>> No.81347706

JP do it semi-regular and get less shit that the EN girls. That's kind of crazy when you remember that Japan is the home of idol culture. What happened to the HoloEN fans to make them even more militant than their JP counterparts?

>> No.81347807

It turns out western vtuber fans are even lonelier losers than the real deal otakus. Insane.

>> No.81347906

Here comes the invisible gun argument.

>> No.81347923
Quoted by: >>81348872

im a unicorn, IDGF about betty, she just needs to keep to herself and she will be good with the unicorns.

>> No.81348178
File: 24 KB, 345x438, 1673799262665809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>81348295

did this post make you lose your virginity to a femcel?

>> No.81348227
Quoted by: >>81348430

Yeah this is pretty bad, I'm expecting her to go on forced break soon so management can help her reevaluate her activities, this isn't sustainable

>> No.81348295
Quoted by: >>81348346

I know you're going to struggle to come to terms with this, but I'm married and get sex whenever I want, bozo.

>> No.81348343

where did you invent this cope lmao, all the sisters love her for making drama in hololive

>> No.81348346

I know you're going to struggle to come to terms with this but troon ideology has left you unable to tell how bad your lies are.

>> No.81348430

wtf are you talking about?

3 collab gaming streams
1 solo gaming stream
1 super chat reading steam
1 Karaoke stream

6 streams in a week, or 5 if you don't count the Karaoke rewind. Hardly anything for management to be concerned about.

>> No.81348431
Quoted by: >>81348620

Si no te importa una mierda, ¿por qué respondiste, pendejo?

>> No.81348620

Porque medio la puta gana maldito unicórnio cornudo incelico. Si la verdad te molesta matate.

>> No.81348810

We're crowing on you retards for pretending that she'd never collab with the homos like Shiori

>> No.81348840

>out of morbid curiosity
Sure, retard. Keep begging

>> No.81348872
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, 1695909352882392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>81348914

>keep to herself

>> No.81348896

two more weeks, right anon?

>> No.81348914

She's getting passed around by every homo. That's impressive.

>> No.81348930
Quoted by: >>81349114

There's something very funny about a white British chick worshipping 2 Flip men's dicks.

>> No.81348956
File: 62 KB, 1000x553, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a homo

>> No.81349109


>Content Warning with Bettel and Flayon.

Based, sign me the fuck up.

>> No.81349114

The male fans of those homos are gonna self-insert so hard, kek

>> No.81350118
Quoted by: >>81353631

I can’t believe ERB is doing something people said she would since her debut. I am truly devastated as a unicorn.

>> No.81353631

I don't know what world OP is coming from. Nobody who watches only girls watches ERB.

>> No.81353755

This is the weirdest falseflag I’ve ever seen.

>> No.81357720

uh oh
