Sand in Awkward Places EditionWelcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.Michi is LIVE! I mean kinda. She's on benzos and is knocked the fuck out so she passed out on stream. At least as of this writing. Maybe she'll be back by the time this thread goes up? Maybe she'll just sleep until her collab starts in several hours. We'll find out! Alternatively if you want some VShojocraft then Saiiren is LIVE! And probably still sleeping off that hangover. That's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.VShojo is:Froot - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Channels - |総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion/lig/ for more + and former member discussionPrevious Thread: >>81010566
Love my wolf wife
Giri sad
In lighter news
She wakes
Michi woke up (kind of)
>>81027894Michi is so zooted she's legally brain dead.
>>81028896Without spergs and baiters keeping the thread active, it's a dead thread
maybe, quite likely having a show between Camila, Froot and Michi that's yap/game night
>>81028974Yeah, spergs and baiters and lack of moderation drove out normal posters, and now they are busy on the catalog. There are no available normal posters left for american nights / EU mornings.
For your consideration:
>>81029145Hell yeah, they should add Mel too
>Michi is taking a break next month>For 3-4 weeks
Possible 2-3 week Michi break in August Medical stuff
>>81029175>>81029183It'll be rough, but it's good news. Hopefully she can get rid of her medical issues.
>>81029155Consider it considered
>>81029147sadly, yeahfor the last week or two, i'm also thinking about leaving, to be honest
it's been 3 years of "trying" michi
>Michi going for the Ball joke on HeavenlyLow blow
M/in/t choco-chip.
>>81030462Im dead
anons i have diarrhea what do i do
>>81030733Drink lots of fluids, dehydration is dangerous
>>81030733grab your charger and your phone and hang on tight
>>81028974some spergs are better than the nostalgia retards like today shitting up the thread
Mel has joined to Michi's stream
Melody on Michi's stream
Big dummy on stream
>Mel has finally fixed her mic bets on how many days until she fucks it up again
Michi please buy galvanized square steel
Michi understands that girls are cuter when they're retarded
>>81031315>nsfw artist>sfw art of mouseevery fucking time
>>81030146Does it taste good?
Exodamn posted cool WIPs on Twitter can someone post them? I'm going back to sleep.
>>81027568i dont remember posting this but yes, i do with all my heart.
>>81030909yes and the cinnamon bun has joined her.
>>81031632Is that the Gundam guy?
>>81031692Gurren Lagann but yes
>>81031315>Account withheld by indo government demandI love Indonesia
>>81028978I need Mei /in/ now, so tobs can be a + again
I am Henya
Fucking Crowdstrike. Sev 1 waking my ass up. Guess I'll watch these two dummies while patching 50 servers
>>81030733record a couple of audios, take a few pics and sell all to the right folks
>>81031940Go hang out in the Henya discord I'm sure the 80% of her Hentais that are tech bros are feeling the pain
>>81031779*cums on you*
>>81031940damn it already has a wiki page's funny that because it's 2am here I wouldn't have known anything was wrong but a lot of 24h facilities are in deep shit right now huh
>>81032142It's bad. Manual remediation needed to fix on-site only. Bitlocker keys better not be stored on a physical server without snapshot that also bootlooping or you're fucked. Luckily our keys are in EntraID so we can grab them but techs still have to hit up 15000 devices.
do we even have one member who doesn't have a tragic sorry JFC DUDE
>>81031940>>81032142>>81032219Ditch the microshaft virgin. Embrace the chad penguin.
>>81032311sure.... *cough*
Always good to see Kuro supporting fellow male vtubers.
>>81032311OH YOU sweet summer child
>>81032345Luckily we started to we have about 20% of our environment on IGEL thin clients. Those are my babies. Those sucker's will be the only thing saving our bacon come morning.
>>81032219oof yeah the more I look into it the more I'm realizing how bad it actually is. there's what, tens of millions of devices now bootlooping that have to be manually fixed? and most of them are for fucking hospitals and shit?if an accident can cause this much chaos how the fuck is anyone supposed to feel safe from a purposeful cyber attack?
>>81032311If it wasn’t for the fairy we would have lost a beautiful soul
>>81032411>>81032372>>81032351What are you talking about we don't know anything about Himes VA....
>>81001903>Who do you think would be the 2 most likely /in/ candidates among the current +s, from a business standpoint?EN:Shylily and SinderJP:Rica and Onigiri
>>81032453Onigiri is a fucking npc, she's shit
>>81032552Name a bigger jp +
>>81032591Onigiri is not jp you dumbass
>>81032618She lives in japan so yeah she would join vshojoJP if she were to join.
>inshallah is michi's favorite word
>>81032677me too
>>81032591Your mom
>>81032646I'm not sure thats how that works.
>>81032646didn't happen for Hime
Lily is bullying Kuro.
>>81032799Lily whipping out her massive cock
>>81032677"inshallah we will boil him tomorrow" is one of my favorite sentences
>>81032799She's so shit its unreal
1k left
>>81033014Once she's /in/ around December she'll hit 100k
>>81032799Vei was right
>>81032356Maybe Michi had a point when she said Mouse and Kuro are similar
i want to stick it in mei
>>81033468that would be gei
>>81033491Why are you gay
NICE TRY WHORE you're never gonna see my penis! NOBODY gets to see my penis!
>Mel has a folder on her desktop with dickpics from 'chat'I now want to send Mel one
Mel's trying so hard to be a pickme for shrimpdicks
>>81032799I muted her on x
>If the smaller the better>then that's a vagina
>>81033742what is she saying
>>81033742If someone doesn't have to try at all to be a pickme, they're just being that thing for real. But if they have to work at it, to think about it and strategise and practice, can you see how that can end up making it even more real than if it were natural? A good enough copy to convince people who are very suspicious of fakes might easily end up even more precious than the original.
Daily reminder that general geega brush her cat's teeth
mtd wtf bro
>>81033848It should have been me
>>81033879So much for talent freedom. Forced sleeping BAKA
>>81031469Its a shame but plenty of nsfw artist are under the impression she does not like nsfw to be made of her.
I miss Henya
>>81033848The fact that not even 5% of pet owners can be bothered to do simple things like this for the pets that they say they love is so telling. It increases their overall health, directly, and it means you'll be able to spot signs of anything subtle much earlier too. But it takes two or three minutes out of your day so it's nearly unheard of. Most people honestly don't deserve pets at all.
Sinder won
>>81031779i need a version of this without the melons. instead, we see her flat tits over her hanging top. PLEASEEEEEEEEE
>>81034378having a melty?
>>81034378I did.
>>81034105Love you geega
god i hate baldur gates so much
>>81034262Won what
>>81034849wife wolf prize
>>81034849She's not a sociopath
I won
>>81034925Just fact checked this with wolf wife committee and they said you're wrong
>>81035176Why settle for less?
>>81035176ew discount sinder
I’m surprised the auditions don’t ask for you to input your numbers like holo and niji. Are they really going to manually look through everyone’s socials?
The absolute state
>>81035618isn't that already decent proof that they're not focused on numbers? the first thing they're going to see of a person is their name, then their reason they want to join, then their application video
>>81035892I'm gonna cum
>>81036041Looks like JP found somebody that doesn't have a model or wants a new one?
>>81036080>scam>retard>kill yourself
>>81036080might be just an art commission for upcoming project. that is some good art goddamn
All of you that doubted Katie is a woman? No man is ever typing this.
>>81036249I ain't reading all that shit, especially when skimming and seeing it's just common sense
>>81036249wtf is this manifesto? Will she shoot someone?
>>81036249She cannot be a serious candidate if she goes on a random 10 page twitter rant every week.
>>81036249shes fluent in 4 different dialects of yappanese holy shit lmao
>>81036080>Followed by Froot and MouseIt's merch, like this kind of reach out usually is.
>>81036249Damn. She gets oneguyed like 3 times a week. Just turn your phone off and go rail your gf instead of writing essays on twitter.
>>81036249>Mouse won't say what she thinks because it would reflect badly on the other girls>Nyan left because she doesn't want her reputation to continue affecting the other girls>Vei left because she wants to say retard without it affecting the other girlsImagine hiring this and she spews random bullshit like this.
>>81036529Sounds like it is another vtuber shit talking another vtuber, bit different than some random nobody.
>ALLLOOOo~ I'll be making the youtube waiting room tonight ( i forgot how they work )>but FRIEREN ep 1-4 watchalong this saturday ~NOON EST ish :)>ehheheheheheheFrom M&M patreon
>>81036249>no manthis is a toaster post
>>81036249>"Just gonna keep it light">4 paragraphs of text
>>81036634>two hags watching elf hag animeDamn, if only it wasn't patrons/members only
>>81036726might be just Mata, they are both doing solo streams
>>81036249kek, sure, it's not like freaks on twitter do that shit on a regular basis
>>81035338I got to give credit where credit is due. That is a very elaborate self-own.
>>81036249eh, there's a chance this is related to people being mean to froot, so i'm totally down for katie to stab some bitches
>>81036080It's for Merch
>>81036576I rather have members that defend other members
>>81037727This. We need to stand up for our fellow humans and cast aside pretenders.
Why can't people stop hating on froot? is it because they have dick envy?
>>81037871Education diff
>>81036249im gonna pretend this is for mouse or froot and thank her for it.
>>81037871incels and other flavours of misogynyyou'll notice a common refrain to their spergingplus some culture war chudsbasically no one we'd ever miss
>>81037871They envy people with the capacity to improve
>>81038060>incels and other flavours of misogynyso you have no clue either
>>81038170bit close to home?
>>81038170The actual answer lies within the goat semen inside your throat
>>81038196I love Froot, that's why I call you out on your bullshit.
>>81035338>discount clover valley silver
Y'all alright in here?
>>81036249We don't want more manifesto schizos we have enough with froot and zen
>>81036249TLDR>Don't be an anti
>>81038676It's actually a lot worse if you never have a moment like this, because it's not clear how bad it will be if it does happen. To management, limited yabs over reasonable issues that get contained quickly are a better sign than a completely clean record for that reason.
>>81037871it's because she is actually young and hot and that drives women crazy.
>>81038787If this is addressed to anti (which I don't think it is), it's bad because it will just feed them and give them attention. If this is addressed to actual Vtubers (which I think it is) It's still bad because there are better ways to deal with it. It's a lose - lose situation.
>>81038976Right, but it's also so minor it doesn't matter, which is what makes it actually good. It means Katie knows where the lines are even when she's upset enough about something to make a long post like that. You can't know that someone has that quality until they're actually in the situation for real. So her demonstrating it here is checking something off managment would very much like to know in advance, but normally can't with a newer vtuber or someone who never had enough eyes on them that they're pushed to react at all yet.
Sorry I'm going to anti anyone who's annoying me
>>81038632Y2K is real now
>>81038976Looks more like someone in a discord talked shit, form this type of thing I wonder if that person was like "X said X about Y" And prolly linked a clip or some shit
>>81036373>it's just common senseget help>>81036381>shehopefully himself>>81036461>She>she>>81036496>shes>>81036529>She>>81036249>woman>>81038044>herno.
uh oh silverfag melty
>>81039252just accept that your in denial about your own gender identity, its okaythis is a safe space
>>81039284>reeee silverfag reeee
>>81039333There are 2 genders and no safe spaces.
>>81039400gender is a spectrum, anoneducate yourself and do better
>>81039400except for your dick because it never sees any action
>>81039284go take your medsyou're fighting ghosts again
I love vshojo and big tits.
>>81036041this is for merch art, that guy is responsible for merch
>>81039481take your meds schizoyour colon's exploding
>>81039556>n-no youkek, mindbroken
>>81039476This comment would hold more weight if you weren't /here/Nobody on this board is getting any action apart from the vtubers that drop by
>>81039623NTA but speak for yourself, i have a frootposter under my desk sucking my cock as i type
>>81039489Its tradition
>>81039426When a baby is born the parents are either told 'it's a boy' or 'it's a girl'1+1=2
Pink rat love.
>>81039614yep that's a melty
Fucking told you guys
>>81039737aww, poor you
>>81039730Pink rat love
>>81039556uh oh melty
>>81039623being a chick, not fucking other people is an active choice I makethat doucheweasel isn't getting shit whether he wants it or not
uh oh silversperg melty
>>81039830Yeah I bet being 400 pounds is also just a choice you made, lmao.
>>81039544bless you momo and bless the big roach tiddies
This is what happens when you don't make /IronMouse/ and eccept groomers like Mei
>>81039623eh, given the paucity of other viable discussion spaces, you'd be surprised
>>81039984And bless you Gecko
>>81040000I miss cunny.
I love Meicha and Sushi.
>>81039889>>81039904cope and seethe
Why are Mousefags spamming?
>>81040118Tranny and Tranny Protector gtfo
What Baldur's Gate does to a thread:
someone she remove twitter from mata
>>81040607try again in english
>>81040669Just noticed. I typed with my feet
>>81040488She won't be /in/
Kuro is live on YouTube
>>81040607After pink cat, can't wait for the momo gosling massacre day to happen again kek
>>81040607Lucy 2.0 just dropped
everything alright k9s?
>>81040830Did kuro say a reason why YouTube stream today?
>>81041221How do you do that? Wolf wife live!
>>81041299It just pops up randomly.
>>81041311More Fallout, let's go!
No /voms/ so I'm forcing you to watch my cute peanut
>>81041362I'm not gonna lie it's funny she said that to this type of post,since Ive seen a lot of vtubers say the same thing about relations.ヽ(・ω・´)ノ
>>81041010yeah. gonna be a fun day. hopefully also gura and others. the seething will be legendary>>81041552and kuro ofc
>>81041618Kuro responded to the tweet ( ´△`)???
>>81041519i only enjoy the toot
>>81041519cant understand shit
>>81041519this broke me, and I got nostalgic...
>>81041311>>81041455Nobody asked. Also, who?
>>81041311and speaking of, they are putting in a lot of work for what is supposed to be a one shot.
>>81041519I'll wait for the dub.
>>81041680>( ´△`)Put the trip back on you fucking whore.
>>81041793a double toot? we're not worthy
>>81030733Are you asking for recipes?
(* ´ ▽ ` *)Important amendmentsPat the kuroEat the kuroBeat up the kuro Squish the kuro
>>81041680yes. he said that he's been ravaging the bussy of his thai ladyboy lover for the better part of the last 2 years and they're going to make it official in his next irl stream
>>81042122>(* ´ ▽ ` *)Kill yourself.
We need more mental illness here.
For any momo in this thread how do you feel about bricky?
>>81042425He's not my real dad
I want to correct this brat so fucking bad
>>81042122so true, sist --- wait, why do you want to beat him up?
>>81042451He's the dad that stepped up.
>>81042472For fleshstreaming
>>81040140It would be cute if she get chosen but I can’t see her joining with how much she has on her plate already
>>81042425i like him, he is funny
>>81039730Pink rat marriage
>>81042472A kiss with a fist is better than none?
>>81042629tough luck she hates marriage
>>81042425Mata is having fun so am I. I liked Bricky videos to waist hours at work. So it's a bit wild that this is where we are at now. On that note: HENYA FEEL BETTER SO WE CAN GET HALO 3!
>>81042710one bad experience and women shit themselves for life, istg
>>81042577but she applied so that wouldn't be why
>>81042425He's fine but I hope she collabs with other 40k content creators.
>>81042425They aren't ready anon
>>81042541Yeah and being a dummy for letting his talents go to waste. Produce more music
>>81042812probably did it to promote the tweet.
>>81042812Oh she did? Guess i miss that post on twitter. Well I will be praying she get picked.
Is mouse streaming after the auction?
>>81043093she said she was going to. got to catch that huge raid
>>81042713That's a man.
>>81043318That's a fox girl.
>>81036249That's nice. Watch THIS.
sex with u-san while we watch porn on pornhub together
>>81043535holy shit
>>81043535holy its like the size of her tits
Is u-suck applying?
>>81043766Frootposter is /in/
Hope u-shit got denied
>>81043648>>81043609That's a man
>>81043896You can't even get your bigotry right retard
>>81043896Yeah you're right
>>81043609I wrote this???
>>81043535Honestly if she wrote like an actual letter that would of been cute because this is to long ( ̄ー ̄)
>>81043535We need to go even further beyond
They really want the old clique to get back together huh?
>>81043896That's MY man
>>81043535>Woah nigga too long or whatever.png
>shoto arrives 25 minutes late>u-san just starts downloading the gamethis is gonna be fun
>u-san hasn't even bought the game yetYugo still lives
>dacapo enters>michi "wait how do i fuck a bear"
>>81041833uh oh schizo melty
He is so dumb and I am a little in love with him. Just a bit.
>>81044039I don't just LIKE u-san I LOVE this son. Not only talented but one of Moms biggest supporters and a good friend of Zen so I hope we get them /in/.
>>81044335Fucking hate nijishit
>>81044039funnily enough, back in niji Yugo was not favored by the cliquein fact, rrats has it that it was the clique who got Yugo out in the first place
this convo is so fucking cooked
>>81044385Miss G*ra, huh?
>>81044411I was not talking about that clique
>>81044028keep your shit opinions to yourself
>>81044166they're just buying them the game now kek
>>81044553then stop being sad
wait did i catch that correctlygigamichi was made by one of u-san's artists?
If I can't imagine me topping her.I don't need her to join
>>81044567imagine the smell
>>81044596i'm sad for you bby
>michi can't gift steam games outside her region because the local currency is so shiti'd never considered that
It feels like they're forming their own ecosystem outside of vshojo, i was happy when they joined but they slowly brings all of their old friends to vshojo and that kinda bummed me out.
Just realized there's enough former nijis in vshojo for them to collab as a regular group
>>81044751Man. I used that loophole so much on steam for a time
>>81044762How is that bad?
>>81044762Everyone has their own friend group outside vshojo. Corpo and brand loyalty is retarded.
>>81044567Wait, Froot commissioned this herself?
>>81044963Love your oshi, simple as. Amen.
>u-san saw shoto's dick and is doing sph now
>>81044762Well they do live on the other side of the world. Other than Mata who is a big collab pusher when she is home.
>>81044762pretty sure every single Vshojo has their own groups outside of Vshojo
new thread>>81045050>>81045050>>81045050
>>81044971Hey. Use his model.
>>81044963I don't have any argument for this cause i don't care either, i just don't like it
>>81043535Waru ov texto domain expansion
>>81045059good for them I guess...