Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: schedule for Nijisanji EN: watch streams at the same time: Minecraft server: Livers and Miscellaneous: to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.Previous thread: >>80837798
I LOVE Finana so much bros!
this one was first
Feesh is almost done downloading the game and she loves the furry guy and the favorite female is the one that looks like her
feesh wants a battle maid costume
Feesh seeeeeeex (I hate how my phone keeps autocorrecting feesh to fresh)
>>80853976Same.It's a shame we'll never get a vtuber by him since he seems to at least be a fan of Sana'd be nice if Fumikane/the Strike Witches artist had one too but oh well.I'm actually really sad that Mery my favourite Hyouka artist made a few vtubers and they all graduated.
cocksleeve material
>>80854661>FumikaneThat would be sex but I don't even know what happened to them
Twisty and Rosemi taking turns giving you a BJ or double team footjob?
Feesh has the hots for the guy MC! cute jelly animationstargazers have the best mascot design
Stop murdering your own fans, Ike
>>80854749fuuchan aside I've always had this plan to flail around and scream in bloody panic and shout that I can't swim if I ever get pushed into a pool again. I can swim fine but I want to ruin everyone's mood a cute thumbnail.
>>80854661the reaction to this still cracks me up
More young teen looking girls (13-16) when?
vocaroo anon I saw you post in the wrong thread
Sonny LOVEFeesh LOVEWosemi LOVEShubert LOVEStream Cendrillon Stream Break Free Stream Ringo Mogire Beam Stream Infinity
sex with my cute wifeI forgot to say it last thread but the Hex yume pic in the OP was so cute!! I love yume art
>>80854749i would do this but not on purpose i actually cant swim
Gooning to da wose b4 workout
>>80854887is getting pushed into the pool a common occurrence
>the bad words are censoredNot sure if funny kino or lame
>>80854879this will never work until vox does it too, vox pushes the ship himself all the time and there is nothing ike can do about it
>>80855249Morning Briskadet.Hope you didn't stay up it's nearly 9AM..
Feeshmom cleaned her room and probably moved Finana's controllers
i just had an epiphany; is booba just a typo of boobs?
>>80855670No it means boba. Remember it next time you order milk tea.
>>80855670no it's just twitchfag lingo
>>80855670what of course not that would be ridiculous
>>80855426it happened twice when I was a way young and I haven't gone to a public pool since
The D for Doppio is for Deadpool...
Honestly I think quildren had it coming
>Check catalog>Hex thread>ENTER>204 posts>Due to my filters I can only see 36 postsI can only imagine what's going on in there.
A..the menhera's hitting..
>>80856061>quildren btfo>vantacrew btfokadets are next mark my workds
>>80856061>Honestly I think quildren had it come
Finana saying he's a combo of Vanta and Doppio but I kind of get the Deadpool comparison.
>>80856231Me but this general
>>80856231Is this a Hades reference?The little ghost guys kinda look like that one ghost next to Hypnos.
I want to commit a crime Rosemi-sama...
>>80856313Its a hades 2 reference.
>>80856243Ike and Vanta are my favorite male vtubers and I hope they continue the crusade, shippers are the bane of this hobbyYurifags and hershippers are pretty bad and piss me off too but (with a few exceptions) they don't invade streams and SNS nearly as much and usually keep to themselves
>>80854803Bro it's right here
>>80856463God I hope Vivi streams Signals ASAP
>>80855492I got an hour of sleep after sonny's stream before I had to start work. I'll take a power nap when I can.
>>80856316It's not a crime if nobody finds out
>>80856243Sonny is the biggest sonnybankek though
>>80856601Poor little lolicon Briskadet.Well hope you do manage to get a few hours in later. You really should have just slept during his stream if you needed to though.
Total shipper genocide
>>80856243I guess I’ll bite but as far as chat and twitter goes briskadets’ only issue is running jokes into the ground which Sonny already kind of called out back during the billboard thing and it’s not really been a problem since
Man..I'm so hungry.Wish I had a cute maid anon to cook for me.
>>80856231wait this sounds kind of fun... someone stop me from going catalog diving
>>80856788Cute as fuck
>>80856243sonny already whipped his chat and they dont bring up alban or ship/mpreg/fetish shit the way other boys chats do for ships or certain livers themselves. if you mean twitter, they do not do shit like vantacrew whining about zako or quilldren turning ike into a vox accessory
what the fuck is going on here
>>80856906adventures of luca and ikey
>>80857247Mental illness
>>80856788Wish someone in Niji EN would play the Digimon games
>>80857247have luxiem collectively decided to start mocking and attacking their insane fans or something?
I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!
hes being so active in the bird app its making me miss him more orz
>>80857468grow a sense of humor dawg
>>80857247When more than one of them start replying to a random post like this I always assume someone shared it in their discord and I can only assume in this case they must have just been like what in the fuck is this
>>80857752my brain made the connection between shu saying pee and the horse sitting down to shu sitting down to pee
>>80857744There is no humor to be had when life is a battlefield.
>>80857611dave 11 am jst
>>80854803>>80856557>pick Twisty Rosemi footjob>Toesemi is akward but her perfect feet make it feel like heaven>Twisty is a natrual but sneakily kicks you balls sometimes>Da Wose scolds her and says "that not how a lady should behave">Twisty laughs and keep kicking you every few minutes anyways just to hear Rosemi whine>cum eight times in under an hour despite being in pain>The Great Rosemi sama leaves to clean her feet and legs in her bath>Twisty locks the door >quickly jumps on you and kisses your now aching balls while apologizing for being too rough>gives you a cleaning blowjob for good measure>stops right before you finish>tells you teary eyed not to tell Klara she did extra or she'll be in trouble >Zako leaves the hotel room to clean up herself>get dressed>knock at the door>King of The Iron Fist Tournament Rosemi Lovelock from Nijisanji EN's second wave Obsydia comes back fully clean and dressed>asks if you're ok after Twisty's torture>feels your cock through your pants while saying she feels bad for you>cum insatntly>Rosemi screams and pushses you back into the hotel room>quickly undoes your pants and cleans your cock with her handkerchief while rambling>looks behind her before kneeling down>licks the tip clean>apologies very loudly and bows before running away, leaving her engraved handkerchief on the ground
>>80857327>Digimon games
>>80857934not happening
>>80854879Why the hell did he directly reply to some random fan?Also so many organ meltdowns these last few days, the merge is coming. I hope the few good people can get out
my organs be shitting nasty right now
>>80858295if your organs have shit in them you need to see the doctor...
he's slowly telling everyone in en into a furryhow do we stop him?
>>80858209July 32nd, this time for sure, yep
Feesh is cooming over Lycaon. Also Sol...
oh ive never seen that blue girl before, shes cute
Is Lucy just Rosemi?
I love tits so much
>>80858471they meant July of next year, pinky promise with a cherry on top
Ike's alleged "first in vtuber 3D history" plan will be the witness in 3D
>>80858586judge for yourself
>>80859036anon died...
>>80858586>>80859158they're extremely close, but we dont know for real until we get to the faction's chaptersrosemi is kind of a suck up for anyone she assigns "oni-sama" role toward
>>80859158didnt show her ult when she goes HOME RUN DESUWAAAAAAA.....
>>80859158Hmm thinking about redownloading..
>>80859231lucy is a funny character shes a home runaway ojousama that joined a biker gang i like her a lot and it helps shes like the best support now
>>80859158She even has a pig mascot
>>80859036The only supporter I had... dead...
I can't tell if I am imagining it or not but in Xenoblade 2 is the Nia's tiger guy blade supposed to want to fuck gramps? Some of the things he says to him just make me be like what.
>>80859332Micro bikinis are overrated. Doesn't leave much to the imagination
>>80859396focus on your recovery, Elira
>>80859438Like when Mythra is in the guys room with Rex and does her tsundere bit and then gramps comments on her skimpy attire the Tiger guy is like pot calling the kettle black because he isn't wearing any clothes at all while they stare at each other and I was like uhh what
>>80858448we don't, this is how we get our kuroblood liver
When I say "cowgirl Maria" do you think of:A. Sex with Maria in the cowgirl positionB. Maria dressed as a sexy wild west cowgirlC. Maria dressed in a cow pattern bikini with a bell strapped to her neck and a cow tail
>>80859561wheres the image that got posted of the lone straight guy against a mob holding pride flags that used to be posted here because we need that with furries>>80859606A.
>>80859606cowkini Maria with huge tits
Finanas gonna get canceled for playing a Mihoyo game while twitter is trying to cancel Genshin again.
>>80859606B without the sexy part
matara please save her
Feesh wants the knot
>>80859606B except she's not overly sexy and also robbing a bank
>>80859678Shut up Jill
>>80859606probably the first one, if it was a girl with big tits already then probably the last one
>>80859606A and C together
>tricks the catalog into thinking Ike hates when they ship him with Vox>they all start trolling him by posting gay ship art and IkeAkuma stories>He's actually trained to cum every time he sees IkeAkuma content and I'm harvesting his cum with a machine attached to his little bratty sub penis>I am Vox Akuma
>>80858605Alright about what?
>>80859897no you are kyousha and you are filipino
>>80859862not pekobro but yes, the inconsistency of pekora's chest size in art tends to create good shit with how slutty her outfit is
>>80858003>>quickly jumps on you and kisses your now aching balls while apologizing for being too roughThis is so real wtf
Big boobs make everything better
Reminder Rosemi is taking a break because of her surgery.
my very american oshi is really proud of his silly video
It's over, NijiEN has fallen.
>>80860273The funniest thing is, Maria doesn't give a shit about this kind of posting as long as they keep her chest flat
feesh is complaining about her 3 year old phone being too olddamn zoomercorrection needed>>80860273how can one man be so based?
>>80860273love to see this guy is still on the futa train
>>80860273Futa faggotry really fucked up this guy
Sleepy Feesh...I'm sleepy too...
>OMG he's so HUGEDamn erotic bratty feesh
Terminate Reimu Endou.
>>80854879I hope that fan keeps posting things like that to piss him off. Men should know their only purpose is to be nothing but sex toys for each other for the viewing pleasure of women. The fact that he feels pathetically degraded about this makes me want him to feel like an accessory even more.
>>80860273based based based
>>80859606B1) Maria with her sexy cowgirl outfit and cute boots and handling ranch business.
>>80855725wtf I've been drinking boobs this whole time? No....
>>80854879Why is he saying this when he quite literally always mentions and talks about Vox unprompted. This isn't coming from anywhere. Ike announces his 3D debut through a collab with just Vox and then says this? He's giving mixed signals here.
Impregnate Rosemi Lovelock.
Would you suck your oshi's toes
>>80861029sad that men can't just be friends without fujos making it weird. I kind of get kyo now.
>>80861169I pray daily for the opportunity
>>80860273Cute and based pudding...
>>80861169I would bite his whole foot off given the chance
She's temped to pull just to hear the music change....
>>80861224That’s the schizo
So there is Scarle's moon charm.I wonder what outfit this is attached to.
She's doing it....
the feesh has become a whale
>>80861050no digas eso bro, ella está /aquí/...
I want my cock milked by farmer Maririn!
i still cant believe they gave ellen puffy nipples in her banner art
>>80856243I really hate how the girls never do these kinds of talks but that's probably because they're the ones pushing their own ships in the first place.
Feesh wants to rap
>>80861169Without doubt
>>80861687Are they inverted too?
I have been in the middle of nowhere for the past 2 weeksare there any VODs that I should watch? how was Vanta and Twisty
>>80858003>Rosemi Lovelock from Nijisanji EN's second wave Obsydia comes
>>80861739finana raper real????
>>80861214The grip on the hip...
>>80861714the only fanbase delusional enough to take female ships seriously were dragoons with pomulen
>>80861489so all iluna has this moon charm on their outfits?
>>80861820no they're extremely perky...
>>80861687why are you a straggot
>>80861714I think there just needs to be more complaining to get them to change their mind.
i just got back from the hospital and i missed the 3D announcement and the panicore collab...
I just came back from my Mars mission did I miss any mysta streams?
>>80860273>Quilldren posts innocent fluffy ship post>gets called out by oshi complaining that he's treated like an accessory>fans of the females post actual disgusting nsfw fetish shit>none of the females say anythingThis is why I will never support the girls. Fucking hypocrite bitches
I just came
>>80861926i just find it funny i didnt even pull for ellen.......>>80861820i have no IDEA
Now the that dust has settled, who had the best 3D debut in Luxiem?
i just
Just got back from a delivery job to a dude called I. C. Weiner, what's a vtuber?
>>80862055Timetraveler anon?
>>80861994Yeah you missed the collab where he had sex with Mika in her kitchen and Mystakes were denying they were even in the same room the whole time.
>>80862175Damn, I missed that one too
>>80854969Damn, I love children
>>80862011why are you pretending to be a woman
>>80861831Watch summerjam live concert, rosepeto radio show, half of luxiem 3D debut and thats pretty much it if i remembercorrectly. As For the collab it was like how you expected with the way vanta and twisty interacted during the elden ring totsu, ragebait and nonsense
>>80862055Oliver Evans
>>80860273I want to drink Maria's milk
>>80862239>nooo you can't just call out the females they are my heckin' perfect waifuNeck yourself. I'm so sick of this fucking hypocrisy and women getting away with literally everything while the males' fanbases have to put up with their shit.
i need to be smothered by ellen's fat fucking tail
There was a post during shitpost hours that mentioned something about there being an industry first in Ike’s 3d but can someone tell me if that’s actually real or not
>>80862377Maybe women should stop being obsessive parasocial fucks that make the boys consistently uncomfortable?At least we're just horny, you're fucking weirdos.
>>80861169Yes, Reimu's latina toes need to be licked daily.
>>80861831maririn and fuuchan had outfit reveals
>>80862442It's real, he said it himself right at the end of the stream.
>>80862279thanks anon>ragebait and nonsenseexcellentperfect
>>80862377men don't want to be infantilized, it's that simple. I fail to see why that's the female liver's problem.
>>80862442He did say that, he said he wasn't positive though
>>80862442The FIRST EVER Ike Eveland 3d debut stream
life sure is a battlefield when you're fighting yourself
Ueue, I love Rosemi-sama so much
Just got back from mastrubating hello gm
>>80861831>spoilerIt was beyond kino, Vanta is sick of some of his chat/twitter fans' bullshit so he went all out entertaining Zako's antics and it was pure degeneracy
>>80862442yeah he said he was going to get gangbanged by over 30+ people also every graduated and terminated member will show up to sing kumbaya>>80862765gm
>>80862779fun fanfiction you got there bud
Oh thank god that's over, I just returned from my trip to Mount Everest, got lost for a few years, and finally returned.Now when's mayuyu's next stream
>>80863004why are spiritmates like this?
>>80862585>men don't want to be infantilizedI DO! I DO!BABY ME! BABBY ME! UUUEEE UEEE UEEEE!!!
>>80862954Looks like someone's pissed they got banned from Vanta's chat
>>80863240I love this pomie like you wouldnt believe it (lie) where's Aia's guest
>>80863240I hate this pomie like you wouldnt believe (truth)
Oh thank god that's over, I just returned from my trip to Innsmouth, got inducted into a cult for a couple years, and finally returned.Anyway, praise Dagon. I Mean when's the next Pomu stream?
Post wose or twisty lewds
>>80863449She’s streaming atm
reminds me of vox saying girls find stuff cute that boys don't except he expressed himself terribly and gave a bad example. girls develop cuteness aggression for the weirdest shit
>>80863831My oshi finds weird things cute and he’s male hehe
i did not think my post would spawn this many shitposts my bad
Where did short hair Fulgur even come from
>>80863734It was joke anon... Her calling Karim a simp is funny
>>80864062>he's maleare you sure
>>80862794Ike will only get gangbanged by men.
>>80864233Those men? All me.
>>80864251Okay, Vox.
>>80859713I genuinely don't think enough women watch Finana to notice.
I saw Ike's tweet, it's straight up fucked up, the drama never ends
I love my bird wife Enna! BESBOL SOON
>>80864332wht the fuck would he say that to him im literally shaking right now
Time to groom latina scythekicks
>>80864179He is osu no gonge
>>80864457post his cock as proof
>>80864273So it’s an edit he made? I’m confused
>>80862585They did it themselves. Then you have people like Mysta, Kyo, Hex, Vanta, Yu having a melty down the line when their fanbase treats them like a joke, because they failed to establish boundaries and would rather degrade themselves for money at the start.
>>80864413I'm genuinely happy for this idk why
>>80862442>first ever 3D performance with a lovense
chat is full of eñes
>>80864571why hex gets lumped into this besides tourism is beyond me, he vibes well with his chat
>>80864571when has hex ever had a melty about boundaries? he wants his chat to tell him everything
>>80864571tbf they don't even have to set boundaries just filter them out. The others might not be able to but Ike could've easily had a more adult fanbase if he talked more about incest VNs and the like.
>>80864413Ike is one of the reasons why IkeAkuma has so much traction, because he always involves Vox in everything and talks about him all the time. He brought this on himself and he needs to know his place.
>>80863732>Flat>Thigh Gap>Sweat On Stummy>Cunny Is One Inch Away From Being On DisplayThis Image Is Pure Sex
>>80864572my bet is an actual toggle on the archivist outfit
>>80864413Why do these people shipbait so much then proceed to tell the fans to fuck off after a while?
>>80861739Mari Mari Incident Waiting To Happen
>>80864413gg ike
>>80864854It’s not shipbaiting if you’re actually a homo
>>80864738>incest VNsIke would get cancelled by the fanbase similar to the Mcdonald’s tweets even early on
>>80864658>>80864716Not really a melty, but he harbored a shitty fanbase and left them to harass each other, while saying he has no obligation on telling them to stop it.
>>80864854Over such a harmless tweet, too. The OP was objectively correct, With the exception of their first point, they're right, literally every milestone Ike has involves Vox in some type of way.
>>80864958seems like the smart move to me, why would he involve himself in fanbase drama?
>>80864854Ike doesn't do shipbait at all, in fact it's been a year since he had a collab with vox 1 on 1. Doing a collab 1 on 1 also doesn't count as a shipbait, I didn't even hear a single vox's usual flirt attempts but shippers are gonna be like that
>>80864952Cancelling doesn't mean shit unless you're a faggot and him having done that would've helped filtering out shit heads. Though I'm talking in general terms, this specific incident is partly his own fault due to the 'unintentional' shipbaiting.
>>80864854Money. Fujobux was THE moneymaker for EN because there were no guys being that blatant and fanservicy at the start. Once they started getting uncomfortable with the fanbase they built up, they stopped making it their main selling point.
>>80864952what are you on, two people in EN have streamed andy and leyley
is it me, or the yume market is stuck on love and deep space which is just kpopmax in male fashion
>>80864854wrong luxiem twink, mysta graduated already
this is already cute just as it is starting kek
>>80865195They’re so boring looking, whenever I see art of that blonde guy I insert Sonny into it though
ay le dijo señora...>señorita!>ah, chiquita
doppio called reimu señora......
>>80865095>Ike doesn't do shipbait at allYes, he does, he flirts with Vox every time they're on screen together. Out of all of NijiEN, or even Nijisanji in general, Ike talks about Vox the most. He's the first person that comes to mind in Ike's head. What else did he expect when Vox's announcement was with all of Luxiem, and Shu's announcement was at the end of Summer Jam where there was a lot of unity, and Ike's announcement was just with him and Vox?
>>80865331Reimu my beloved
I wanna make dessert for my oshi and watch her eat it happily from across the table =w=
>>80865141>they stopped making it their main selling pointThey still do it. Fujos are the only fans they have.
>>80865341And women wonder why we hate you.
I just think it’s cute that Ike thinks he’s someone without vox ToT
>>80865114>Unless you’re a faggotWhich he is…>>80865172That game isn’t cancel material anymore after the creator almost quit due to the backlash and needed a publisher’s help to continue.
>>80864952Ike would get cancelled for the sexual harassment allegations first and foremost. He and any of the other guys won't get any cancel culture as long as they remain in Niji, because twitter freaks love making corporate ties and allegations as their entire personalities, so you rarely see them going against their interest groups even if individuals from said groups exhibit actions that would normally cause a cancellation.Hypocritical creatures.
>>80865404No matter how many times you show me this tweet, it won't change a thing I've said. I bet you anything that Ike was just mad people are catching on to how obsessed they are with each other.
>>80865442This reads like an ESL trying to sound good at english
>>80865442how's changing the world going for ya?
>>80865442this was a lot of words to say absolutely nothing, impressive
doppi is already fluent in spanish, ssg schizo
>>80865437>bases 50% of his content on collabs with Vox>constantly talks about him>only focuses on him during bigger collabs, even with all of Luxiem>wonders why fans associate him with Vox so much
the only sentence is spanish i've retained from 4 years of it in high school is donde vamos para comer, and i don't remember where the accents go
his nijiÑ introduction is not bad>y mi favorito letra es D kek, cute
i can't help but wishi could stay right by your sidethe more i'm loved the more i know that in my hearti'm scared of growing lonelieri promise stilli'll never once regretthe limited time that we havewondering
bug fables as insecto historias KEKlas fábulas de los insectos
doppio's spanish reminds me of ryoma
>when a liver folds for their fansHAHAHA COWARD>when a liver stands up for themselvesHAHAHA THEY'RE GETTING ONE GUY-ED
>>80865796Who are you quoting?
Now you can probably see how the girls feel when they're reduced to accessories for the guys or just used as props to increase the value of the guys.
>>80865582If he's really Brazilian it wouldn't surprise me if he also knew Spanish. Gotta be smarter than average there to be a vtuber
the only thing i know about vosotros is it triggers people, and that doppi has a brazilian tony friend so he recalls some phrases he learned from him
>>80865822trying too hard
they use that on spain doppi.. >>80865825i thought that one of his many personalities was Spanish
>>80865825but the only brazilian liver is finana
Comeboid soon, be quiet anons
>>80865825i thought he was some type of asian? his pronunciations here really suck
>>80865903why? because it's rude and you should be using ustedes?
breaking news: doppis fave color usually is magenta but only for today is yellow/amarillo kek
>>80866064idk im not spanish
>>80865930>>80865986>>80866033I was just throwing it out there because I'm not sure where he's from. Could be Asian, could be Portuguese, second generation, etc
>la rosa es mi amigacuuuute
shes making him say culo...>>80866064nta but vosotros is mostly used by Spain. the rest of latin america doesnt really use it iirc
>>80866134His other voices are asian, white and black
NijiEN for this feel?
>>80866230interesting... i only know they pronounce Z sounds as a TH sound instead
she made doppio CUSS
>doppio no onions frito, onions culoKEK ay mi niño, that is not how you say cool in spanish
>>80866294>onions, onionsKEK I know its the filter but still
well that was a waste of time, back to doppio
>>80866294the onions filter must really fuck with spics
>los culos eres/estan en el refrigeradoroh god>>80866359brain mushy, i forgot about the filter kek
>The asses are in the refrigeratorWhat kind of restaurant is this
doppio learning the beauty of romance languages with their gendered and plural words. wait until he gets to verb tenses
>>80866369Who is aia's special guest?
sperg melting down over getting btfo is the cherry on top of this week of kino
>>80866465herself doing a voice
>he gave me the G passthere's no way that doppio is white..........
>>80866482He's magenta
>>80866482that would actually be the funniest plot twist
>estas buena>estoy buenoalv doppi can flirt with the rest of his personalities in spanish now
>>80866475Well damn
>>80866475wtf doppio aia is stealing you shtick
its pee, to pee
wuca wuca!>do you talk about pee in your streams>s-so-sometimeskek
its the first time ive heard of chichi as peeing, sounds cute
How many anons know Spanish?
Vtubers are my toys that I can play with however I please and no amount of them complaining about feeling like an accessory will make me stop objectifying them.
>>80866827i did spanish at school but i remember none of it because i live in an english speaking country and language education is a joke in english speaking countries
>voy a hacer un misterio en el bañoominous, i like that kek
I blame the Spanish for this
>>80866827i only know gasolina and dale
he learned the word tetas from his portuguese teacher with the picture of a cow..
>>80866827Did 7 years of Spanish, thankfully I met my latina wife so it didn't go to complete waste.
Doppio's Portuguese teacher was a troll
>>80866827Only know the memes
HmmmSo if anyone remembers Kanon from VirtuaReal, the utaite/artist/streamer who graduated after being harassed by antis, I'm decently sure that she's the person credited alongside Petra with the English translation for What's Waiting For Us's lyrics
>>80867019is there any particular basis for that, or
>>80856243>>80856545>>vantacrew btfo>Ike and Vanta are my favorite male vtubers and I hope they continue the crusade, shippers are the bane of this hobbyVanta only asked his chat to stop being weird and to follow his rules. He said nothing about shippers. He wore a vantayu shirt in public, for fuck sake!
Going through baby fever rn
doppio turned fucking Polish at the end there
he has an italian way of certain pronunciations
doppi reading in spanish is cute.. did he actually understand the question tho kek>>80866827native-level as it is my mother-tongue. im esl
>>80867149are you on your period
>regreso>anons estan hablando espanolque pasa aqui?
>>80867129>thinking brotuber faggots watch streamsNever trust any post that says they like a male liver and call them "based for btfo-ing their female fans" about something.
>>80867258HAY ESTAAAAAAAGGARENLO they do the same with Sonny and Alban
strong HA>>80867258douzo
>reimu forcing yet another ship with another maleThis is why she's eternally a 3view and can't grow a personality
This but Twisty and Rosemi-sama
>>80867301SWNBJ AWNBJ
>>80867286It's a 10 minute video, how could they not have watched it! Also funny how dramatards like to hyperfocus on this shit, but they not listen to a thing Vanta said.
when are we getting our italian daddy male
>>80867352incel chama...
>>80867375i always get bored of 3d porn, its either too short and you have to watch it on loop to have enough time to get off to it and it gets boring or its just the same animation looping for so long that its boring to begin with
millie perfeito kek
>>80867454it wouldnt be such a problem if you didnt feel the need to reply to every single bad faith poster who brings the topic back up again, you will never convince them to watch the video or understand it.
Vox 3D>>>>Rosemi 3D>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else
he cussed AGAIN!
I can understand espanol but reading it makes me sound retarded because I have utterly fucked intonation and I can never verbally read when a sentence is ending
WHY DOES HE KEEP SAYING THAT scythespics are eating well
no puedo usar acentos porque mi computadora no tiene la funcion
>>80867811No mames
>>80867664vox 3d sucked, he took what is supposed to be a celebration and fun time and turned it into a bunch of pretentious film school wannabe self indulgent woe is me garbage
necesito tecla de espanol...
To brazilian anons, are south americans racist or is it just their humor? An argentinian midfileder is getting shit on for singing a song about black frenchmen and he’s getting off scott free from their fans
¿Pio o Pío?
>>80868056Enzo did nothing wrong though
>>80868056argentinians are worse than white people about how much they hate blacks
>>80867926But it looked and sounded cool
stop flexing on me enna
I think sonny should tell sonnyban shippers to fuck off like ike did with ikeakuma shippers
hm what is uki cooking
>>80867926you'll never get it, man
160 pound dog
i thought he was talking about cosinas like kitchen...
>>80868155I think so too but he plays for an English club with black french teammates. Truly boggles the mind as to why he’d post that on IG
his brain is so brazilian-wired kekman i want a coxinha
>>80868056brazilians and argentinans are like Racist Numero Uno we are numbah 1! type racist because they hate black people so much
>>80867352>this post happens>someone posts the stream in cbdct shortly afterPhantomos need to get better at shitposting. They used to be a lot better than this.
reimu's culo muy rico
>>80868333never mind it was at the end
>>80867454>how could they not have watched it!They don't watch streams! Even 10 minute ones!
theres a she wolf in my closet let her out so she can breathe awoo ><
>>80866827I'm native
I think niji should sponsor with the Astros so we can have a Astros vs dodgers World Series match
>>80868319why even bring attention to it? that general is so dead no one is going to get angry that doppio, a guy who never avoided women, is collabing with a girl.
Only Willy is on Zomboid
which nijien boys should tell their delusion fujos to fuck off next?
oogi time
>>80868547Why would Phantomos even care? Everyone knows about Vox anyway
>>80868218I thought argentinians were all italians
>>80868614just ignore it?
>>80868673Italians and german nazi exiles
I'm watching Ennaur and I have Mint on as well and I'm vibing to the drums Also buds, how are there year long buds who still don't know the letter password?...
>>80868609is he releasing a new song? im watching but idk if hes mentioned it before
>>80868673>argentina >whiteis like a 15 year old meme at this point, how new are you
naruhodo, im learning
>>80867926>noooo don't break the mold and elevate the medium into what it could beee Bitch.
>>80868547>no one is going to get angry that doppio, a guy who never avoided women, is collabing with a girl.Why would they? I don't think you know that thread at all. Besides, I'm just pointing it out since it was so obvious it was a phantomo falseflagging.
southern enna my beloved
>>80868744seems like it, probably tomorrow during his stream
>>80868764youre kicking up a fuss over a single post. i am agreeing with you, that thread will not care if its a phantomo shitposting but go ahead and make more posts about it i guess
dolceposter come back he's being cute and funny...
does uki just not know what a chantilly is
>>80868749he didn't elevate shit lol he took something that is usually fun and entertaining celebration of a vtuber and wasted it making it into a load of self indulgent horseshit that would get laughed at even as a student film
wilson is on zomboid btw
>>80868833I'm just pointing out falseflagging when I see it the same as this thread does when falseflaggers shitpost here. How am I kicking up a fuss?
reasons why i like the complexity of spanish
so it's like how japanese has some words with on readings were they change the mora like ka to ga etc to make it less weird to pronounce
>>80868984pointing it out in here and not there and making several posts about it is worse than one single post that will probably go (You)less in a slow general.
there are differnt kinds of sardines though
>>80867019Okay never mind that I thought I was onto something but then I found an old post from 2020 where Karon and this person actually interacted so turns out I got the wrong person. Which is a shame, I hope Karon's okay out there.
>>80869067I made one single post. You are claiming I'm making a fuss when I made one single post. If it wasn't that serious, this conversation would have been over. Calm down.
>>80868829oh yay! looking forward to it, thank you
>elles/ellas sonme learning spanish
>>80869067This is probably the phantomo that posted it
i hate melons, banana artificial medicinal flavouring is just nasty.
voce is vos, argie doppi israel
>>80869067Shut the fuck up and ignore it already
>>80869171if it wasnt that serious you wouldn't post about it at all
is this the first time she mentioned that she hates boba?
The only yummy medicine is fruit gummy vitamins and Flintstones vitamins.
the first time enna had boba, she vomited it out with the boba balls still intact
>>80869301No I recall her saying something like this 2 years ago
las perras...
>>80869338shes didnt chew them?!?!!!
zomboid reduced to just wilson and enna
>>80869301I can't tell if this post is sarcastic or not
>>80869303>Flintstones vitaminsMy favorite vitamins when I was a kid bud.
>>80869400i have short term memory loss
the quild ike replied to is about to commit suicide
I fall asleep.. Yuyu strem... I woke up at 3am.. Yuyu strem.. I wake up for work.. Yuyu zomboid... GoshGOOG mormign
>>80869398as long as there's no aia, it's perfect. i haven't enjoyed a zomboid collab in a while
I had boba one time when I didn't know what it was and spat out the ball because I thought it was bad to eat them and would need to go to the hospital
wilson is paying for the server but no one is playing...
>>80869458Hope she does a flip
>>80869488This but unironically
>>80869469mornin *boonks you*
>>80869171Anon you're replying to iPhone yaminion. She's done this before with turning a non-argument into one. Watch her accuse someone of being obsessed with thread schizos as soon as she gets called out. Just ignore.
>>80869497a kid went to the hospital once because she just swallowed them whole and her stomach couldnt keep up
Bau Bau?
>>80869469GOOG mormign, Wildottir! Watching from Enna's POV! Have fun =w=
he got the burger!!
old spanish texts tend to use the vosotros/as cause Spain without an S
>>80869295If you're this offended over one post I'm just going to assume it was you. There was no reason to make it go on for this long if you didn't feel called out.>>80869520I figured as much. That's my last reply. Someone always needs to rile the thread up when everyone else is having a good time.
>>80869527thats natural selection
>>80869469goog mormign yuqtie!
To preface I love Zomboid but it makes me weirdly happy Sonny decided to stream solo for us today instead of joining Zomboid like usual even if I’m probably just being delusional and he never even considered that
he is teasing oli again
Yuyu found an m9 in a kinder classroom..
wilson was shocked to find an m9 in a kindergarten (in zomboid)
>>80869651Hasn't he done both Zomboid and a solo stream afterwards before?
>>80869590the fact that i told anons to ignore it and move on is worse than whatever you're doing?
uki STILL giggling cutely at the fucking farting sounds holy kek
>>80869408The real ones know!
c'mon sonny, hopcon zomboid
>>80869458they deleted it kek
Obsidia and xlolei what waves are those guys??!?
spiritmates, say i had to bust right this instant as quickly as possible, what's the best timestamp to bookmark?
>>80869512Why.. That would fully wake me up but uuuuu>>80869560Ennaur rabu!!!! I'm so happy they still play zomboid it's still so fun ueeee also, Da>>80869647Hi babe. Chu. Wonk
pollo poio posho
ew dont describe it
good ol' sensei and his bratty student banter, home...
>>80869808a-aaa chu chu
Is it me or are the zombies moving faster than usual
>>80869120>>80867019This is Karon
>>80869788Nobody's ever said either of those, so I don't know what they're on about.
>>80869788no one says that shit anymore except for luxiemsisters anyway
sometimes the pronuciation of spanish from other countries gets stuck in my mind and i pronounce it the way they do
not like there are many yuros and less so spaniards watching at these hours kek
>>80869788No one ever said that about xsoliel lmao
>>80869788literally no one says xsoleil will always be 6
>>80869788Fucking nobody has ever said "Obsydia will always be 3" even when there were still three members