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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 985 KB, 3572x4096, by_miraru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
80794527 No.80794527 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>80914777

Last Thread - >>80711206

Current stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxuGCr4_UBw

Promise BEEGsmol plushie rerun - https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_beegsmolpromise (currently sold out)
OMOCAT skate deck - https://www.omocat-shop.com/collections/omocat-x-hololive-en/products/ceres-fauna-skate-deck (8 left as of this post)

Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings

>> No.80794698
File: 2.76 MB, 2160x2640, 1686538322839480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in there champs.

>> No.80794709
Quoted by: >>80794763

I love my Princess oneesanwife

>> No.80794763


>> No.80794820
File: 2.22 MB, 1008x720, 1719444492061809.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80795357

Rare early bake

>> No.80794878 [DELETED] 

>Friend had a salt water aquarium
TF? Were they actually millionares?

>> No.80795047
File: 133 KB, 799x581, 1620911266821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80795206
File: 3.47 MB, 842x554, rawr [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdnmjvo.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80795357
File: 600 KB, 922x940, 1710622098128352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usual baker hasn't been around I'm just kinda doing what I did back when I would bake awat

>> No.80795510
Quoted by: >>80795566

How can I become faunas cat?

>> No.80795566

shit your pants apparently

>> No.80795606

I know more about this cats bowel movements than my own

>> No.80795650
File: 336 KB, 2422x1716, 1711331422265540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80795949

Fair enough. Feels like a few regulars have dropped off lately

>> No.80795735
Quoted by: >>80797186

>bake awat
Ive been meaning to ask. Why do you lot never have a subject? is it just tradition or something?

>> No.80795949
Quoted by: >>80796304

I found an ex-sapling in the /vag/ thread

>> No.80796049 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>80803732

Did you know that lilies are deadly to cats? Even a tiny amount of lily pollen is fatal to cats.
Thought you might find that interesting.

>> No.80796156

are vegans actually mentally ill

>> No.80796304

idk if theres another sapling, there, but Fauna is still my oshi
I just have a mommy thing so im keeping an eye on the big titty goat mom in vallure

>> No.80796497
Quoted by: >>80796571

Fauna has been reading my comments a lot, i think shes in love with me

>> No.80796559
Quoted by: >>80796951

No, I'm late. What did I miss?

>> No.80796571

same dude feels good

>> No.80796584
Quoted by: >>80796644

Isn't that the pornish corpo, it's pretty different content no?
Seems weird to choose one or the other

>> No.80796641
Quoted by: >>80796712

>not loving fauna for her dorky personality and needing the mommy meme

>> No.80796644


>> No.80796712

>not loving fauna for her dorky personality
when the hell did I say this

>> No.80796951
File: 382 KB, 410x410, 1709939287834578.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did I miss?
Also more stories of Fauna revealing her elitist hipster past

>> No.80796954


>> No.80797004

growing old and dying while fauna watches!

>> No.80797003

I'm Edward

>> No.80797060
File: 768 KB, 691x417, EdwardCapture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what we're up against:

>> No.80797102
Quoted by: >>80797146

Literally me.

>> No.80797121
File: 94 KB, 329x366, 1635036406752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's way too fucking hot

>> No.80797146

I posted this.

>> No.80797148

i could take him, im built different

>> No.80797186

>you lot
I haven't watched Ame in like two years just fwiw
But yeah that's how it had been since the beginning, things weren't as structured as they are now with how talents have generals setup and organized before they've even debuted
A lot more haphazard back then
I think /hic/ might've had a short stint?

>> No.80797306
Quoted by: >>80797494

he dies in goblet of fire, no contest

>> No.80797330
Quoted by: >>80797381

I still think Jasper is hotter

>> No.80797381

unfathomably based.

>> No.80797494
File: 505 KB, 768x768, 1697862901441322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cedric would've beaten Peter Wormfag in a fair fight

>> No.80797501


>> No.80797810

I can listen to this woman yap for hours non-stop.

>> No.80798082

Dude she is so insecure about it.........

>> No.80798183

She gets specifically insecure about liking stuff aimed at women sometimes

>> No.80798369
Quoted by: >>80798551

shes a girly girl in the age of tomboys

>> No.80798431

Is there an end to cursed vampire fanfiction knowleadge Fauna will bestow on us

>> No.80798551
Quoted by: >>80798701

I guess she likely just has a relatively low percentage of female viewers. Probably doesn't help
You'd think girls talk being so popular would help her get over it a little

>> No.80798701

yeah but to be fair girls talk is only popular because male viewers want the inside scoop on the esoteric texts

>> No.80798748
Quoted by: >>80799183

was probably the fact that it heavily focused on incest, not so much that it was girly

>> No.80798775

About what? Was it the book she's reading

>> No.80798898
Quoted by: >>80799037

I haven't even gotten a shipping notification for my shirt...

>> No.80798926
Quoted by: >>80799342

nooo i like the quiet little server they have going for now
i do want to see them interact with the main server at some point too but i want to see them go through normal minecraft for a bit longer

>> No.80799017

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust and Near Dark are the coolest vampire movies

>> No.80799037

If you ordered it with the birthday merch they'll be shipped out together when they're both ready

>> No.80799106
File: 1.16 MB, 2000x1000, 1719266635149052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

large father

>> No.80799183
Quoted by: >>80799517

Well yeah I see that now. That's fair

>> No.80799342

They should have let Justice play on the EN server, but only the EN server.
Let them carve out their space on there

>> No.80799410

this is a long shot: are any other saplings going to yugioh nationals?

>> No.80799517

Tbf I think this is the first time anyone's mentioned it on stream. I think Ame talked about it before but noone ever explicitly mentions they're related. No way to know unless you read it I was also a vampire weeb

>> No.80799688

Fauna shouting Let's gooo as i finished inside her

>> No.80800054

The fuck is some of these usernames "lesbianholofangirl" lmao

>> No.80800079

Wednesday collab

>> No.80800082

No stream on Tuesday
Possible collab stream on Wednesday FST +3

>> No.80800202

"tokenlesbianholofangirl" i think

>> No.80800326

>gets raided
>hears this awful voice
>closes stream

>> No.80800334

She? was quite excited over the slime girls

>> No.80800427
Quoted by: >>80800799

Her voice is sexy

>> No.80800508
Quoted by: >>80800529

who did she raid so i can call you a faggot or not? i didnt get redirected

>> No.80800529
Quoted by: >>80800622

Gigi playing Outer Wilds

>> No.80800547
File: 1.09 MB, 888x1011, 1702767522503954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sunshine has returned to the Mondays of Minecraft for now! good night /uuu/

>> No.80800587
File: 135 KB, 1024x1182, 1718684247044068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collab speculations?
FST+3 is 10am JST btw

>> No.80800622

Wtf. While I didn't get on with her at first I'm sure everyone likes her after the dungeon stream. Confirmed gay.

>> No.80800704


>> No.80800799

I don't think her voice is awful but it is not sexy

>> No.80800907

She's been around for quite a while now

>> No.80800946

Idk what do other mems have on their schedule?

>> No.80800961
File: 3.64 MB, 480x270, 1720810624351634.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gigi is fun. I'm just can't follow the game very well and I keep unintentionally dodging playthroughs so I still haven't seen it.
What's going on?
Where is she going?
What is she going to do?
I'll just watch til sleep's dark hand reaches up and drags me to subcon.

>> No.80800980


>> No.80801061
File: 52 KB, 339x471, squeeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80801119

Nothing on any of the Justice schedules, or FWMCs. Think Biboo is still busy and Mumei should be away for a bit too.
Maybe, but I think she might have said she's going to be busy for a bit to in members

>> No.80801257
File: 2.99 MB, 1920x1080, 1716082036789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not take my meds

>> No.80801304
Quoted by: >>80801904

You didn't watch Fauna's?
It's an exploration/puzzle game we're you piece together the story as you go through. the game loops so there's some time pressure

>> No.80801337
Quoted by: >>80801904

I love GG and will buy her membership, but Outer Wilds might be one of the most boring games of all time. I have no idea how people do it.

>> No.80801439
Quoted by: >>80802007

Don't get my hopes up, I'd love for another FauRyS collab

>> No.80801529

Why does your oshi love block game so much Saplings?

>> No.80801548
Quoted by: >>80801677

IRyS is barely asleep at 10am

>> No.80801659
Quoted by: >>80809715

Perfect game to Zatsu over, gets to leave something for the future generations

>> No.80801668

She loves to yap with the saplings

>> No.80801677

She goes to sleep at 5am, 4 if she finishes her BL manga early

>> No.80801904
File: 4 KB, 346x339, 1672813780869384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think at the time I was watching livestreams, but I'm not even sure who I was watching. Vods have a high "I'll catch it later." Energy.
Gigi is worried about people spoiling the game and comparing playthroughs but I'm not even sure how you'd do that. Unless you're giving puzzle solutions? If you told me the ending to the game I'd probably not understand.
Tis definitely a game. Yes. Yep.

>> No.80801912
File: 972 KB, 2688x4096, GQs2xKvb0AAWaWM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gigi is sex, you can fuck off

>> No.80802007
Quoted by: >>80822899

They’re both introverts who don’t reach out much, plus the 12ish hour time difference. It’ll happen eventually.

>> No.80802055

>comparing playthroughs
She just didn't like chat making fun of Fauna about the WHS so she told them to stop

>> No.80802104

Yeah, it's a game that once you figure out the specific end-game knowledge, it kind of ruins the game.

>> No.80802179

Oh. The intent is sweet I guess.

>> No.80802387

Fauna did hers as a let's play in 1 hour chunks, I liked it a lot.
It's a knowledge gated puzzle game, once you learn something you can't really unlearn it and it ruins the exploration aspect of the game

>> No.80802516
File: 3 KB, 337x57, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dev who always watches also told chat to shut up

>> No.80802562


>> No.80802694
Quoted by: >>80802801

Doubt it was saplings and more clip watchers, those made lot of harm with their bait titles

>> No.80802801

He's probably not that familiar with hololive naming conventions to be fair

>> No.80802919
Quoted by: >>80803306

what does whs mean?

>> No.80803002
Quoted by: >>80803189

wait, gigi was defending fauna?
i like her even more now, thats cute af.

>> No.80803189


>> No.80803233
Quoted by: >>80803381

when? I only watched the first 2 hours (I was working and I will watch the vod later)

>> No.80803306

White Hole Station

>> No.80803382

based as fuck. cute gremlin. nice to see some fauna love.

>> No.80803381

Saw some speculation that it might be Bae and Shiori?

>> No.80803441
File: 1.29 MB, 1836x2038, 1720998476294610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nice thanks

>> No.80803509

damn, ok, gigi kinda based

>> No.80803520

My shirt just came in and I regret not getting a second

>> No.80803577
Quoted by: >>80804697

pls...shiori is cute but not bae. i hope this is a shitpost.

>> No.80803583
Quoted by: >>80803860

Hows the quality on the shirt?

>> No.80803732 [DELETED] 

Watch streams. Fauna was literally talking about plants that make cats sick. That plant is the number one house plant that kills cats in the US because people often don't know that those flowers are toxic. How is that off-topic? What are you doing where you're moderating the thread but not watching the stream?

>> No.80803860

Pretty good, feels nice. I think it's screen printed so it has a strong smell to it

>> No.80803934 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>80804582

another doxx nuke saps, xhes trying really hard today

>> No.80804004

I bundled mine with birthday merch like a reasonable person so it's still a ways out

>> No.80804243
Quoted by: >>80804697


>> No.80804582 [DELETED] 

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.80804697

First of all >>80804243
It's the only names I've seen thrown around that had mentioned some kind of upcoming collab. So nothing confirmed
Still hoping they'll be a chained together collab at some point

>> No.80805313
File: 575 KB, 2519x4096, 1721096647237464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80808020

shes a dork

>> No.80805869

Requesting Mama Kirin trying to fit in her old cheerleader outfit

>> No.80806458

Why not Fauna?

>> No.80806539
Quoted by: >>80809549

embarrassed or jealous fauna in the background

>> No.80806880

I wanna see MILF gazongas and gyatt popping out

>> No.80807207

i wouldnt mind some mama kirin art if any really...

>> No.80808020
Quoted by: >>80808623


>> No.80808623
Quoted by: >>80808766


>> No.80808766


>> No.80809549

>embarrassed or jealous fauna in the background
Someone should recreate that Tiktok video with the daughter and her impossibly young mom!

>> No.80809715

>Perfect game to Zatsu over, gets to leave something for the future generations
Also we get to see progress of that tree

>> No.80809887

Mamakirin gave Fauna her flute. In some sense Fauna...she was indirectly lip kissing her mother.


>> No.80811863

why is this so hot...

>> No.80813968
File: 420 KB, 850x1511, 1720936938084972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this??

>> No.80814200
File: 135 KB, 1200x930, GKIrwIpWMAA2rEV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will never forget hebe fauna

>> No.80815625
Quoted by: >>80828822

I wish he still did hololive art

>> No.80816699

>not a pic of Alice the goddess

>> No.80818857
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x1080, my-girlfriend-is-shobitch-episode-3-ah-this-is-my-first-v0-u1rl82x6x8ob1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80822153

Oyakodon is always hot. (Metaphorically and literally. (There should be a fauna edit of this).
Also the dish irl is a great source of protein and necessary fats.

>> No.80819372
File: 136 KB, 291x403, 1717376918715178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80833501

Good night sappos

>> No.80821832

don't die

>> No.80821854
File: 2.87 MB, 3800x2400, 1695437591526440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80821998
File: 198 KB, 943x1100, 1710077633095248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saplings, I want to do lewd things with Fauna...

>> No.80822045
File: 272 KB, 1600x1801, 20240513_004544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hebe Fauna entering her room just to catch Mama Kirin trying out her school uniform and cheerleader outfit.

>> No.80822153
File: 759 KB, 1024x528, Fauna's Faunas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Oyakodon Giga-Saplings.

>> No.80822179

How the heck is /uuu/ still alive?

>> No.80822255
File: 304 KB, 1020x730, 100341451356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moms trying on their daughters' clothes is toppest tier. Whoever invented this concept is a genius and a scholar.

>> No.80822899

Well, Fauna said she would like Switch Sports collab sequel with double mocopi, and IRyS was testing hers, as long as she changed her WiFi setup they could do it, with FST+3 being middle ground timeslot.

>> No.80822988

Based. But I don't think she was mad about the White station considering she was joking about it too, she must be mad about all the back-sitting and mean comments.

>> No.80823038

Apparently it's a Bae and Shiori collab.

>> No.80823231

In this case, Chained Together?

>> No.80823320

Did one of them say this?

>> No.80824416
Quoted by: >>80830852

I can like this right? It isn't AI surely.

>> No.80826041
File: 155 KB, 877x1240, 1705534276549776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna is so great, bros.

>> No.80826952


>> No.80828822

last time I saw him he was trying to groom some small indie vtubers, so it's for the best he isn't involved with hololive now

>> No.80830852

Looks safe, and the account has other art.

>> No.80831933
Quoted by: >>80832934

Fauna has cute feet

>> No.80832934
File: 215 KB, 582x720, __ceres_fauna_and_ceres_fauna_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_sydus__54082455f3a48f579e4cc3d667e511b2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80832954
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80833111

So what is the collab on Wednesday anyway?

>> No.80833501

is this real?!??!

>> No.80833503


>> No.80833946


>> No.80833971
File: 301 KB, 2097x1125, 1707140448309908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweaty Chainers

>> No.80834780

I kinda wanna see a Mama Kirin and Papa Kirin art, we practically have neither. I also wanna see art of her peeking on her parents doing it and touching herself thinking of Us but that's a whole different thing

>> No.80834981

She is not gonna debut Mama Kirin, let alone Papa, so there isn't really a reason for art.

>> No.80836280

> Nerisa introduces entire family to stream
> Has a mental break down over it
Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.80836543

That's because she knows her family is more entertaining and everyone watches her for them

>> No.80837076

That's different. Plenty of holos introduced their mom on stream, but kept it rare, like literally only once, maybe a couple times, all in span of years. Meanwhile Nerissa made it kinda a big deal to debut like half her family almost immediately, with multiple collabs with her sisters, all the while neglecting her solo stream game. Fauna inviting on stream Mama Kirin for the first time in 3 years, and probably not again for a long time, if ever, would be a completely different experience.

>> No.80838044
File: 97 KB, 1024x778, GHjJpndXUAAaoB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80838253
File: 1.44 MB, 615x540, 1718962406594512.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since no one has done it, I will

>> No.80838542

anyone else think she has UUUUU'd a lot less lately

>> No.80839784

i miss her uuuuuing uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.80840060

I've had that feeling for a long time tb.h. She mostly does "UUHMMM" rather than a true "UUU".

>> No.80840184
File: 144 KB, 427x262, 1713836967779550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80850952

Nice I was really hoping they'd do this

>> No.80840956
File: 109 KB, 674x1024, IMG_3737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranking my favorite Fauna ASMR’s because I’m bored:

>1.【KU100 ASMR】 Seeking Help From A Strange Healer [Horror Roleplay]
>2.【KU100 ASMR】 Squishy & scratchy ASMR Cat girl ASMR
>3.【KU100 ASMR】 Bubbly water ASMR for sleep & relaxation Unintelligible whispers
>4. 【KU100 ASMR】 Elf ASMR Whispers in elvish & assorted ASMR triggers to heal your mind
>5.【ASMR】 KU100 onomatopoeia ear cleaning whispers For sleep and relaxation
>6.【ASMR Roleplay】 Priestess Cures Your Insomnia [Horror ASMR]

>> No.80841387

I listen almost exclusively to catgirl ASMR because it's the most erotic thing ever.

>> No.80841542

I’m glad they got a full group, this game is way funner to watch with more than 2 people.

>> No.80841858
File: 364 KB, 1679x2048, 1698165690024653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80842723

Good taste lost little lamb

>> No.80842425
Quoted by: >>80842502

I want to know when officially she lost the nervous giggle tic. It was such a ubiquitous habit early on, and then at some point she just some stopped doing it completely.

>> No.80842457

>no picture
What a fag

>> No.80842502
Quoted by: >>80843111

>stopped doing it completely
You don't watch streams.

>> No.80842723


>> No.80843111

Nowadays when she laughs, she laughs because something was funny. It’s not the same as when she was doing it as a nervous impulse.

>> No.80843309
Quoted by: >>80843611

Watch yesterday's stream again. There were plenty.

>> No.80843449

>stop being nervous
>stop doing things on nervous impulse

>> No.80843611
Quoted by: >>80844227

If my brain didn’t pick it up the first time I watched it, watching it again isn’t gonna change that. Find me a specific timestamp, I’m guessing it’ll just be her giggling at something chat said.

>> No.80844227

>it’ll just be her giggling at something chat said.
No, nervous giggles.

>> No.80847750

fauna today?

>> No.80847954

no nigga

>> No.80848385
File: 771 KB, 736x1080, sassy sapling[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8cj0rv.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80849711

>> No.80849573
File: 50 KB, 612x408, 1699341490882764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80849803

The worst day of the week

>> No.80849711
Quoted by: >>80873302

I want a sexy outfit like this for Fauna

>> No.80849803
File: 68 KB, 612x408, 1717694007675463.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80850952

Yeah. Only regret is that it won't be the first time for Biboo and Kaela. It's always more fun if everyone starts off equally clueless.

>> No.80853622
File: 651 KB, 883x873, 1702684957224727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80853673

More like DORK angels, amirite?

>> No.80854927
File: 136 KB, 479x384, 1691896445304763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80855653

I I still believe than bae shouldnt be part of that group

>> No.80855884
Quoted by: >>80856191

Bae may not be the most skilled gamer in the world, but she always gives 110%.

>> No.80855966

I can't believe Mumei would do that...

>> No.80856129

Has someone painted a Fauna chapter? What color scheme that will be?

>> No.80856191

yeah I know, I like bae but the originall collab was about sweaty gamers and bae is obviously one of those, shes there just to show the complete opposite of that which I kinda get it, had they ommited that it was supposed to be a collab with sweaty gamers then I wouldnt have any issue

>> No.80857432
File: 1.30 MB, 4093x2894, 1707103373867572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80859835

>> No.80858215

Fauna chapter? Green, gold gilding, her apple chapter symbol, helmet can come with horns shaped like hers for captains probably specializes in power fists for maximum slap power

>> No.80858527

Bae's becoming a gamer arc has been pretty good though. The Lies of p, Sekiro streams have been fun. I just see this group as part of that

>> No.80859623
File: 1.03 MB, 2464x3850, 1711741615068732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80859802

Suisei... your hoshiyomis want a mascot..... please....

>> No.80859835
Quoted by: >>80860115

I hope she gets back to Dark Souls. At least DS1, it's a classic and relatively easy/short. (ER is alright but there's just so much stuff and it takes ages.)

>> No.80859942

I know it's Fantasy, but Fauna would fit right into Wood Elves or Bretonnia.

>> No.80860115

I really hope fauna jumps into elden ring after dark souls, i know she'll love the themes of the erdtree and the ancestor spirits in siofra river well

>> No.80860368

I can't lie, I'd enjoy it too. But ER is a very long game if she wants to explore and Fauna generally avoids those. (Witcher is long, but not as long as ER, especially if you don't figure out bosses within a couple of deaths.)

>> No.80860864
Quoted by: >>80861881


>> No.80861881

i wonder if they smell like grass...

>> No.80864230

Is this a reference to something?

>> No.80864239
File: 422 KB, 2296x2160, 1694160038262409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80864510
Quoted by: >>80865037

Its that ichio some sapling made, i dont remember what its called, its like a potion seller game or something

>> No.80865037


>> No.80866899
File: 1.47 MB, 2000x2500, 1719718375785091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80868325
File: 229 KB, 1920x1580, 1716546540864525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80868854
File: 363 KB, 2499x2043, xs6vpsfjykbd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80869432

Someone post the breastfeeding version

>> No.80869432

You'll get banned for it

>> No.80869786
File: 387 KB, 2000x2400, 1710091642542076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for her to be able to wear her green dress
Gooba cute

>> No.80869863
File: 148 KB, 1080x1350, 1698889327373711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80870645

>> No.80870444
Quoted by: >>80871152

Has Fauna ever talked about potentially replaying Okami? I would love to watch her play her favorite game. I know Okamidden has too much problems when it comes to streaming so that is a no go

>> No.80870645
File: 18 KB, 107x94, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me btw

>> No.80871152

Yes, but I doubt she'd play it

>> No.80873049
File: 382 KB, 1500x2456, 20230810_123627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80873126
Quoted by: >>80873678

No Biboo in the collab tomorrow

>> No.80873302
Quoted by: >>80873725

Same, but I think a pill I and many others probably don't want to swallow but might have to is that she's not a big fan of the lewd of herself, Cowkini arc excluded

>> No.80873678

>just Bae and Kaela
hmm idk about that

>> No.80873725

Fauna is a prude....

>> No.80875443
File: 266 KB, 1536x2048, 1702726023836519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80877869
File: 1.12 MB, 4096x2844, 20240706_103947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80879764
Quoted by: >>80881211

>comments like these are why we aren't going to get Fauna DLC
that chat comment is right, it hurts what we lost...

>> No.80881211

I really hope she turns back on her word

>> No.80882578
Quoted by: >>80882668

Why doesn't fauna stream on tuesdyas? voice lessons?

>> No.80882668

That's what she calls it but it's actually sex lessons (with me)

>> No.80883381
Quoted by: >>80883839

I'm fine with no ER because every-fucking-one else already played it, I'd rather watch Fauna play something else.

>> No.80883839
Quoted by: >>80884206

yeah but i love fauna and i love elden ring and i like seeing how everyone goes through it, kanata isnt even going through the story shes just been exploring the map

>> No.80884206

Eh, I'd rather watch her play Hitman again than turn her channel into yet another ER infested one for months.

>> No.80886570

You know what’s funny? The most logical fourth member isn’t Bae, it’s Kronii. Too bad I guess. Collabs used to be Kronii’s greatest strength.

>> No.80886848
Quoted by: >>80887160

>not hating Fauna

>> No.80887033

>The most logical fourth member isn’t Bae, it’s Kronii
oh fuck no, give me bae all day erryday

>> No.80887160
Quoted by: >>80888093

Ngl I am kinda pissed at Kronii over it. It’s not really fair, I’m just mad at her ruining the vibes just as Promise is finally an official gen.

>> No.80888093
Quoted by: >>80888723

We don't exactly know what happened.

>> No.80888723
Quoted by: >>80889313

They were dating then broke up. We know what happened

>> No.80889313

We don’t know that. All we know is that vibes are way off from last year. Ignorance is probably for the best here. Fauna wouldn’t want it to be a distraction.

>> No.80892284
File: 3.86 MB, 402x220, Fauna not so patient[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnkt9cf.wav].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well at least the first part is true

>> No.80892587

Bae just said the collab has been postponed btw

>> No.80892848


>> No.80892973

Just said it on stream.
So watch out for a potential regular stream at FST I guess

>> No.80893511
File: 465 KB, 1070x2048, 1705990015734651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, better to play with the entire gang. Witcher then tomorrow.

>> No.80894666
Quoted by: >>80894928

Biboo busy with some recordings then?

>> No.80894928

Yeah some scheduling issue popped up at the last minute apparently

>> No.80895493

I expected this

>> No.80896223
File: 3.05 MB, 1918x3299, 1666123700325523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80898691

good post

>> No.80900461


>> No.80903669

Crab Game was I think the first time where she distanced herself, finally accepting what's going on.

>> No.80904766
Quoted by: >>80905417

Why are you ignoring that Fauna has been talking about Kronii with problems?
Kronfau as a duo has always been rare.

>> No.80905417
Quoted by: >>80905531

Nobody is saying that Fauna was avoiding Kronii, only Kronii seemed to have some problems for months now.

>> No.80905531

Kronii seems to have problems with everyone

>> No.80906526
Quoted by: >>80907282

>Ignorance is probably for the best here. Fauna wouldn’t want it to be a distraction.
It's already a distraction. And the only thing ignorance is producing is speculation that they had disappointing sex.
I'd say the most realistic scenario is that they had an argument that exposed irreconcilable personal differences, and they can't look past it (women). But they can't come out and say it because then it'll be super awkward for the rest of the company, and you just know chat would never shut the hell up about it.

>> No.80907127

Rrats are really running wild in here, huh?

>> No.80907246

happens when brownfeet recycles his hlgg trashbait talking to themselves for 12 hours

>> No.80907282

I don't watch Kronii at all to know if it's something she has talked about, but it's really noticeable she barely collab with other EN members now. I believe its the only one that didn't acknowledge Justice before collabs too
Adding the problems with management that only she have been vocal about it genuinely makes me worry she will end up graduating

>> No.80908069
File: 563 KB, 1740x2787, 20240202_124447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont look at me i haven't replied to any of it

>> No.80908163

>kronii graduating
yeah nah, we're not that lucky

>> No.80908206
File: 186 KB, 423x496, 1720236729503435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80908457

Kronii gets mad at random strangers on airplanes talking about dumb things. There's no way she wouldn't eventually piss off other EN members.

>> No.80908968

Cover... fix her eyes....

>> No.80910383

up you go

>> No.80910985 [DELETED] 

It strikes me as odd that Kronii collabs way more with ID girls than ENs.
Also her RM twitter drama posts like a 15 year old girl, very cringe.

>> No.80913099


>> No.80913168
File: 86 KB, 905x1300, GSsGWUeXsAA7ohm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80913224

You have 4 hours to kill this stream.

>> No.80913224
File: 2.34 MB, 2880x3840, GSs32NCasAAomqw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean thread, how did that happen. Anyway, an excuse to keep posting.

>> No.80914777


>> No.80917373
File: 223 KB, 1000x1246, 20240616_111418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80919412
File: 673 KB, 2754x4096, 20220411_075239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80919454


>> No.80919790

watch fauna be lazy and say she has homework or something

>> No.80919984 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 256x208, 1704676569542721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80921131

that homework? me

>> No.80920651
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, 1700413386662409.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80920772

It is that time of the month, but it'll probably be tomorrow.

>> No.80921131

Whyd you kill clover...

>> No.80921201

>it's still replying to itself
the effect of warm fanta on a schizo

>> No.80921262

Mine just came in. I'm kinda bummed though. The design is nice, but it's way too big for me. I guess they made it with the average burger in mind.

>> No.80921700

I'm glad we're finally mature enough to keep /uuu/ up permanently. We've had lots of good discussions from tons of saplings

Thread police/thread schizo/moomposter finally gave up so we can thrive.

>> No.80921799
File: 92 KB, 1140x1046, 1719562870205172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80927544


>> No.80922257

I don’t want Kronii to graduate. I do want her to grow up a little.

>> No.80922364


>> No.80922466

Got my beegsmol Fauna. Not normally that into merch, my only other item is a Fauna acrylic clip I picked up in Akiba. But I had to have this, it captures her too perfectly. Today was a good day.

>> No.80922529

Nice, got lucky, i heard it just sold out on both websites

>> No.80923167
File: 92 KB, 2255x452, 1715703780186775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want the deck yet you haven't bought it yet
Why are you tempting fate?
Don't overthink it

>> No.80923585
File: 3.96 MB, 600x600, It Was A Good Day[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4sji13.wav].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80924005

So, what are we thinking? stream today or no?

>> No.80924277

I'm not holding my breath

>> No.80924529

Probably debating what to play.
Unless she made plans over normal stream time

>> No.80925646

Good one

>> No.80926308
File: 275 KB, 1500x1500, 20240113_122317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80927544

as if that wasnt obvious, thats why having permanent thread is bad

>> No.80927956

And why is it?

>> No.80928132

Moomposter can you fuck off already, we all hate you here.

>> No.80929126
Quoted by: >>80929436

this but unironically

>> No.80929405
Quoted by: >>80929608

what sent brownfeet into overdrive, did he get that mad about doxxing himself again?

>> No.80929436
Quoted by: >>80931331

I wasn't being ironic...

I've enjoyed seeing fellow sappos talking about their merch. I guess the thread police moved on to other girls in Justice, we can now do as we always wanted and keep a permanent split rather than being a laughing stock.

>> No.80929608
Quoted by: >>80929675

>we can now do as we always wanted and keep a permanent split
>we all hate you here
>we're finally mature enough to keep /uuu/ up permanently.
Be less obvious, brownfeet. Bump limit soon, back to the catalog.

>> No.80929675 [DELETED] 

>>80929608 (me)
meant for >>80929608

>> No.80929861

For what it's worth, I've been here since a couple of months after Fauna's debut and I always (politely) disagreed with the decision to nuke /uuu/ outside of streams.
I understand that there are positives and negatives, but if every other general can manage, I don't see what makes us so special. I'm visiting a couple of other holo generals and I appreciate the ability to drop by to discuss the latest streams in the off-hours.

>> No.80930041
File: 11 KB, 762x822, 1708548075284173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of here, Fauna is the best ok.

>> No.80930185

Not that I would ever be willing to commit to baking, but I’m curious how people would feel about a permanent /uuu/


>> No.80930284

why are we starting this timeloop again?
the board is just slow right now shitters will show up again when its not it happens every time lol

>> No.80930471

>moomposter botting the poll again

We really need to banish this fake sappo from our community

>> No.80930527

something triggered brownfeet, he's the only one advocating for permanent threads and it's not even subtle

>> No.80930533

Just brownfeet trying to force it. Since the stream ended people have been gossiping about kronii and shitting on her, calling Fauna lazy etc... Most likely him trying to start drama but people still bite the bait and there's no point in giving him (or any other anti) a testing ground to A/B test bait.

>> No.80930562

OG baker told me the 2021 poal was still binding when last I asked. I didn't want to cause a stir so I left it since most of the other vocal saps seemed to agree with him.
Personally I don't mind either way, but I do think leaning on such an outdated poll is a bit strange.

>> No.80930645


>> No.80930796

>24 votes
I doubt there's that many posters, botting is so obvious.

>> No.80930856

he's scared

>> No.80930878

Yep, I told you so. >>80930471

Now that we know that all the real votes are for keeping the thread up, I'm glad we can be like all the other fanbases and splits here instead of being laughed at by the rest of the board for being too weak and having thin skin.

>> No.80930927

Let's try this instead

>> No.80930936

it's actually really funny watching him meltdown

>> No.80930980

actual melty, what the fuck

>> No.80931040

just take the hint and leave

>> No.80931294

We need to do this when the schizos aren't around, neither of these count because of that faggot moomposter botting all the time.

It's so obvious, there are at most 2-3 of us here.

>> No.80931331

I have literally never seen anybody use this term other than the fag in global who spams /trash/ fetish porn. What even is this?

>> No.80931411

it's either someone bored pretending to be brownfeet or brownfeet having a melty

>> No.80931434

Kill yourself vermin

>> No.80931451

some people do use it semi-ironically, along with sappy crew.

>> No.80931511


>> No.80931531
File: 478 KB, 560x560, 1697893425873459.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80932277

I say Sappos, what's wrong with it?

>> No.80931566

Fauna love

>> No.80931570
File: 56 KB, 717x626, 1719464834760625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, he's flipping airplane mode on/off and voting from UK. I can see it kek.

>> No.80931576
File: 178 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_3910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here’s my 2 cents on the thing. I made the poal, and I’m in the camp of wanting /uuu/ to be around 24/7, and I’m sure there are others that agree. However, of whether these results are or aren’t botted, at the end of the day, you need enough people that are actually willing to bump and bake the thread if you really want it to be up permanently. So if enough of you actually care about trying to do that, go ahead because nobody can stop you from trying to do that. But I’m gonna guess there simply isn’t enough passion to make this a permanent thread.

>> No.80931625

What a pathetic faggot

>> No.80931716

browfeetschizo, can you please go shit up bait thread on the catalog instead

>> No.80931737
File: 1.45 MB, 400x400, kirin-gigglin-[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fh81wr7.mp3] (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80931747

Hi, I voted no. I am not your white whale, Captain Ahab. I will continue to vote no because these threads suck when Fauna's not streaming, as perpetually demonstrated, even in this thread that just barely lasted one day too long.

>> No.80931773

Brownfeetschizo needs actual meds

>> No.80931822
Quoted by: >>80932366

I'm gonna be honest. I don't frequent /uuu/ anymore. Surprised the thread is even alive atm. I just stay in /uuu2/.

>> No.80931830

Why are all the yes votes from the US?

>> No.80931848

It's 50/50 I guess. Can the people who don't want a permanent thread state their reasons again? other the schizos and doxposts, what are you guys afraid of? Thread is exactly the same whether she is streaming or not.

>> No.80931899

Because the pollmaker is having a samefag schizo off with his boyfriend.

>> No.80931907 [DELETED] 

>be brownfanta
>bump 5 simultaneous bait threads and keep /uuu/ up all day samefagging to own the "sappos" for the last 40+ hours
>nobody bites even your best bait
>fauna doesn't stream
>have a nuclear meltdown because you realise you've just wasted the last 2 days of your life for nothing and start spamming polls
>still get destroyed
i actually can't stop laughing, this is one of the best mental breakdowns i've seen out of this retard

>> No.80931931

It IS interesting that the Yes votes are the exact same in both polls, but the No votes are very different.

>> No.80931978
File: 287 KB, 450x550, CeRxes Fauna[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7x8ime.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds or kys

>> No.80932014

Because those are the only actual votes

>> No.80932060
File: 97 KB, 581x698, 17070836799576391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80932226

>no stream
>no tweet
lately she's been disappointing me so much

>> No.80932110 [DELETED] 
File: 614 KB, 1810x1122, 1721167521462017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80932304

ok that got me, this is why he snapped i guess

>> No.80932114
Quoted by: >>80932304

he also got so angry he doxxed himself again

>> No.80932226

She'll tweet soon

>> No.80932277
Quoted by: >>80932364

Don't feed the moomposter. He's obsessed with Selenfag and thinks he's the same person as his crush brownfeet. He camps global and calls anyone who makes a sappo post Selenfag.

>> No.80932290
File: 26 KB, 200x161, 323172576920447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80932304

pathetic samefagging retard.

>> No.80932364

I don't even get what Selenfag does that is so bad, the BBC memes are obviously a joke not meant to be taken seriously.

>> No.80932366
Quoted by: >>80932759

Yeah, same here. It's honestly hard to be a "regular" for a european anyway since threads only up when the frames are up. This is precisely the reason I wanted a more permanent /uuu/, but the whole conversation is toxic now that brownfeet is involved.
Unfortunate, because I do like my fellow saplings here on /vt/ a lot and wish I got to talk with you more. We're so spread out otherwise. (Though I have probably talked to a few of you in /grün/ lately.)

>> No.80932440

I think she should do a teapot merch in the future

>> No.80932469

>Both the Strawpoll and the Poal have exactly 10 Yes votes
>the Poal somehow has 8 more No votes then the Strawpoll
I think it’s safe to assume that somebody is botting, and it’s the person that doesn’t want /uuu/ to be up.

>> No.80932570

Can you post the votes and IP's again? That'd be an easy way to put it to rest when they're all from the UK like you said

>> No.80932638
Quoted by: >>80932701

I wasn’t the one who made the strawpoll, you’re gonna have to ask the person that did.

>> No.80932701

If we don't get a response before the thread dies we'll just assume that this is cope then, that's a shame

>> No.80932706

I've seen enough generals to know how it would work. The thread would be active when Fauna's on, just as it usually is. There will be things to discuss. But then the rest of the time, it'll just be flooded with asinine shitposting, everyone will get bored with it, and the rest of the board will grow to resent /uuu/ for constantly taking up space with a shit thread.

There's nothing wrong with the status quo. I say /uuu/ should share its space and only pop up when Fauna is streaming, just like every other holo thread.

>> No.80932732
Quoted by: >>80932805

I've seen the same person who's against it try to push for no threads elsewhere, the argument that no threads somehow makes the thread better overall stopped being valid well over a year ago. The best period /uuu/ had was ironically the pre recorded stream era since it was always up

>> No.80932759
Quoted by: >>80932988

>Unfortunate, because I do like my fellow saplings here on /vt/ a lot and wish I got to talk with you more. We're so spread out otherwise.
As someone who doesn't want a permanent /uuu/ and also a euroling, I feel the same way. It's not that I don't like saplings, it's just that permanent threads result in more drama for the chuuba (and by extension the fans too). I also feel like the quality is better since all of our pent-up fauna love comes out at once, we have more time to think about things to say/jokes to make and we don't have the chance to run jokes into the ground.

>> No.80932778
Quoted by: >>80932830

That does seem pretty obvious, yes. But I am also sure they're doing it with all the best intentions in mind. They sincerely believe that brownfeet will ruin this thread if it's left up. (And who can blame them? I kinda wanna spite that fucker too, but I also don't want him to steer whatever we're doing by just doing the opposite.)
The way I see it, we're still split. I agree with the other guy who said that it's moot anyway since someone would have to take on baking responsibilities. I'm certainly not doing it.

>> No.80932795
File: 81 KB, 810x929, 1714455520931300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80932887


>> No.80932805
Quoted by: >>80932848

>same person
nigga you got destroyed on two poll's, it's clearly the majority. take your meds

>> No.80932830
Quoted by: >>80932848

>with all the best intentions in mind
No, fuck off. Browfeetschizo, you ruin everything.

>> No.80932848


>> No.80932887

fucking moomposter flying to the US to continue his botting what the fuck
im glad all the real voters for yes are from the US at least

>> No.80932915

I mean playing devil's advocate, that'd be an incredibly easy rig for someone on the Yes side as well, especially if they're smart enough to then play it to the thread knowing that one retard was samefagging. Even removing his votes, No was still solidly the majority from the previous image. I'm especially sussed out by how all the Yes votes came from the US back when it was just 5, so I'd like to see the stats like >>80932570 suggests.

>> No.80932962

It just sucks because sometimes I want to make esoteric Fauna related posts that simply aren’t appropriate for global or /#/. I’m a multithread drifter, and use all 3 threads for different purposes.

>> No.80932988

>the rest of the board will grow to resent /uuu/ for constantly taking up space
Fauna is one of the biggest EN streamers on this whole board. There are very small streamers who have permanent active threads. I can see your other points, but this one argument is flawed IMO.

Those are fair points. I'm glad we can at least have a normal discussion about this, even if we disagree.

>> No.80933027

>at the end of the day, you need enough people that are actually willing to bump and bake the thread if you really want it to be up permanently
Yeah, pretty much this. All the Saplings that don't want a permanent thread can fuck off after the stream ends. But the main reason we don't a permanent /uuu/ is because we're a small general and Saplings are scattered all over the board, most are in /hlgg/ and /#/.
There's basically no posters here when NA goes to sleep and the thread dies. If someone can keep bumping it then we'll have a 24/7 thread.

>> No.80933031

I don't think it really matters that much and needing a consensus before posting a thread on 4chan is gay. I only don't bake because I don't care enough to.

>> No.80933050
File: 58 KB, 680x502, 1720486634794234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked the thread, and it went a bit crazy there.
Guess there's no stream today, so see you tomorrow uuu

>> No.80933089

>will grow to resent /uuu/
You say this as if it doesn't already happen.

>> No.80933130

Even if the threads are shit, stream quality has only improved.

>> No.80933164

This. Don't want a thread? Leave. Want a thread? make one.

>> No.80933189

this whole argument (between is moot when brownfeet has tried to keep threads up forever and they get to like 5-6 posts before he gets bored samefagging and they die. but we all know he's just 'arguing' with himself right now so im wasting my breath

>> No.80933228
Quoted by: >>80933269

>so im wasting my breath
Good, Leave. No one cares what you think.

>> No.80933269

keep losing to saplings, i'll keep laughing. imagine getting mindbroken by a green circle

>> No.80933300

There are already tons of schizos that hate sapling and Fauna. Having /uuu/ around all the time isn’t gonna change that. At least here it’s easier to report shitposters.

>> No.80933302

we need moomposter to completely break the guy, he's really mentally weak rn

>> No.80933348

Okay that's funny as fuck, I didn't even realise he'd tried so recently. What a mindbroken faggot

>> No.80933377

See, my thoughts on it are that no matter how much this thread is samefagged or how many polls are made, I've SEEN attempts at making permanent threads and they ALWAYS die with almost no posts every time. They get made at least once a month and nobody ever posts in them. I just don't believe there is such a sudden large number of people who want them when it's constantly attempted and failed, no matter what this thread says. I don't get what the point of manufacturing consent is supposed to be when nothing's stopping the people who supposedly want it from making the threads. Likewise, nothing forces anyone else to post in those threads, hence them always dying early.

>> No.80933385

Us saplings are nothing if not conscientious

>> No.80933403

New thread

>> No.80933417
File: 83 KB, 1244x778, 1706215925832685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lot of samefagging going on atm but for anymore not familiar it goes like this
>Shitter forces the conversation about an always on /uuu/ by talking to himself
>Most disagree
>Call those people moomposter
>An off hours /uuu/ is made by said shitter
>It's lucky if it lasts 50 posts because no one wants it
>Things go back to normal next time Fauna streams
>Repeat a few times a year
