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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 184 KB, 1280x1228, meopen429 1803010758974021804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
80769875 No.80769875 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>80778648

Bedtime Edition
Previous Thread >>80738942

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel
>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.80769888
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, Pledge of Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80769894 [DELETED] 

I seriously don't give a single fuck about merch or live events or RL collabs.
I just want them to play silly video games while making cute noises. That's all.

Anyway, who the fuck is Ally & Sally??!??!

>> No.80769907


>> No.80769947
File: 720 KB, 810x612, 【FUWAMOCO MORNING】episode 106 🐾 #FWMCMORNING 37-9 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated schedule
minecraft replaced with advent & justice collab on sunday

>> No.80769946 [DELETED] 

>Anyway, who the fuck is A&S
They are my wives!

>> No.80769955


>> No.80769957


>> No.80769980

I can't stop dreaming of Bae's thighs

>> No.80769996
File: 154 KB, 1008x1080, 1713333062358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chained Together is a late night EN stream like Suika was
I won

>> No.80770043

>late night
7am for me whereas suika was around 4am iirc

>> No.80770045

I'm looking forward to the RnR

>> No.80770047
Quoted by: >>80770108

>[Deleted] almost instantly
uhh, janny? what the fuck are you doing right now

>> No.80770060 [DELETED] 

I'll unironically do it, aeon.
I have a baseball bat with your name on it, I'll hit you so hard that your eyeballs will pop out of your skull.
When I finish with you, you'll have to change your name from "laughing fox" to "dying fox"

>> No.80770068

>late night

>> No.80770093


>> No.80770108

He finally woke up from his week long slumber, it seems.

>> No.80770118 [DELETED] 

Why did this get deleted so quickly?

>> No.80770138

Whenever I see the JP vs EN stream debate I remember the nip post saying
>stop speaking this debuff language
Whenever they spoke nip

>> No.80770185


>> No.80770218

Why do they call their own language a debuff language kek? Is it some JP meme I don't know about, of do they actually think its a debuff for an EN girl to speak in JP?

>> No.80770223
File: 489 KB, 1194x666, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80770259

Debate settled.

>> No.80770259


>> No.80770260
Quoted by: >>80770300

>anon who just quoted a youtube channel's name/ a video's name got banned by the ruffian janny

>> No.80770292

Hearing shitty JP spoken by an EN girl is endearing maybe once and then it's just pointless especially when FUWAMOCO are just trying to compete with JP senpai with their JP streams. They're an inferior product

>> No.80770300
Quoted by: >>80770429

>the ruffian janny
Holy fuck how new? If anything the jannies hate us. This is the first time they've deleted dox in weeks.

>> No.80770313
File: 1.71 MB, 1191x1684, ParunPrunPa 1709973021208014984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more games that pique mococo's autism

>> No.80770333

we'll get our disgaea streams one day

>> No.80770354
Quoted by: >>80770410

Show Fuwawa some love too.... Her playing hitman was funny.

>> No.80770357
File: 17 KB, 609x504, 1717042888560255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOPs won.
Every faggot that said that it was a JP stream should kneel to us.

>> No.80770367
File: 12 KB, 166x163, 1720144977875696m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80770509

So is hamster also the vocaroo femruffian?

>> No.80770392

She should play Sekiro or DS1

>> No.80770410
Quoted by: >>80770438

She LOVES the mechanic meme.

>> No.80770429

Anon, the post was deleted like 60 seconds after it was made.
Either their RL names auto-reports the post, or the janny is a literal ruffian who browses these threads.
There is no other explanation. He's literally in this thread right now, deleting posts in real-time.

>> No.80770438

she probably doesn't even remember it

>> No.80770444
File: 147 KB, 1919x1080, 1704935686668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're an inferior product
They're a superior product, but the JPs don't think so because they have bad taste and refuse to learn the superior language. English is the most beautiful and well constructed tongue that has ever existed in human history. There's a reason why it's effectively the modern trade language. It is language pefected.
Japanese is the language of a broken, raped people whose culture was decimated and re-created by Americans.

>> No.80770457

I hope the dogs gang up on ERB and beat her to death

>> No.80770472

>some artist open comms
>looks normal
>"ToS detail attached in reply"
>check it, link to a gdocs
>"By using our services, you grant [REDACTED], LLC. the right to use, modify, display, and
reproduce the commissioned art for promotional purposes."
wait what

>> No.80770476

stop avatarfagging

>> No.80770509
Quoted by: >>80770583

yes please stop being a groomer

>> No.80770523

It certainly wouldn't be the first time I hear that certain names get you auto banned, hence why people say deerskin or cake princess. Hell apparently K-san too.

>> No.80770524

>Either their RL names auto-reports the post
No, because people have been openly saying their names for over a week woth no deletions.
>or the janny is a literal ruffian who browses these threads.
Again, no, because otherwise he would have cleaned up the last 40 threads. As far as I know, there was no application.

>> No.80770537
Quoted by: >>80770655

No, you don't understand Eren-kun
FUWAMOCO speaking EN is perfection personified
FUWAMOCO speaking JP is the inferior product of FUWAMOCO (Forma de EN)

>> No.80770543
Quoted by: >>80770579

When JPs watch EN girls they do it because they expect a EN stream (they probably use it to practice English or something) if they want JP streams they already have their JP girls that speak a native JP and have more in common with them.

>> No.80770560 [DELETED] 

sex with ally and sally

>> No.80770579

Ah yeah that makes a lot of sense.

>> No.80770583
File: 255 KB, 512x511, 20240713_130252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the gromee excuse you

>> No.80770592


>> No.80770594

wrong thread

>> No.80770595


>> No.80770606
Quoted by: >>80771011

Personally I dislike when nip chuubas speak English. I assume it's the same for nips with EN chuubas and Japanese.

>> No.80770636

>no orbital strike

>> No.80770655


>> No.80770664

Turns out you just need to swap the name order

>> No.80770686

Kek I fucking wish we actually had a Ruffian janny. When the jannies are actually fans of a girl, their threads are spotless. I feel like this anon is just deleting his own posts, or we actually have someone watching the thread for literally the first time ever

>> No.80770722

RIP lmao

>> No.80770754

I'm pretty sure if they were actually here, they'd delete all the posts talking about jannies since that's off topic and has resulted in bans before.

>> No.80770788

>All VTuber discussion should pertain directly to their streams and content. Off-topic and 'IRL' discussion will be deleted.

That's wack.
Not even a warning? It was an honest mistake, and you just decide to hand out a 3 day ban?
I can evade your ban with a single click, but I always imagine the poor bastards who got caught in the crossfire don't have that luxuryy.

>> No.80770815

I'm saying that FUWAMOCO speaking Japanese is an inferior product. Both in comparison to themselves speaking English and to many actual JP hololive members.

>> No.80770818

Unironically how new?

>> No.80770862
File: 130 KB, 1179x1165, 1721055856064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7.15.24 episode 106 A small selection of 2ch comments.

>It's been a while, fluffy morning
>Hello hello bau bau~
>It's morning
>Just hearing the fluffy bop bop makes my face break out in a smile
>Fuwawa: "Pero is trash"
>I still don't know who Pero is.
>[response to above] That's the missing piece of Cerberus.
>The night barking of a guard dog is good for your health
>Mokochan: "I'm hungry!"
>I guess overseas bros learn about Japan's annual events through Hololive...
>It's amazing how they can translate and convey fluffy Japanese culture in English.
>I wonder if Mokochan's throat is infected with DOGTOR?
>The morning is over...

>> No.80770880

>Unironically how new?
VERY new if he's complaining about a "Ruffian Janny" in this thread of all places.

>> No.80770899
Quoted by: >>80771025

Sometimes it's pretty silly, I remember getting banned for mentioning Bae's tattoo's for irl discussion even though I was talking about her model's

>> No.80770928

if you dont see what he's trying to do then you clearly are the newfag

>> No.80770963
Quoted by: >>80771199

Post the femruffian's countdown and "I want you to cum for me" vocaroo, I woke up really horny for the femruffian

>> No.80771002

Baused and true

>> No.80771011
Quoted by: >>80771286

>Personally I dislike when nip chuubas speak English
I actually like it, but only as a novelty they do occasionally. Id rather they speak in their native language, but the occasional EN chat read is always nice.

>> No.80771019
File: 3.60 MB, 1340x944, FuwaMoco We don't like you. You can go away. We don't need you here.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyt6a6s.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80771104

>> No.80771025

Damn. Jannies and mods should go through a training session where they learn about incremental approach.
Evading bans is so fucking easy for people with proxies or dynamic IPs that all it does it pisses the person who got banned off.

>> No.80771054

They only hand out warnings when they feel kind

>> No.80771060

Oh okay, carry on then.

>> No.80771088
Quoted by: >>80771192

Anon, they get more views compared to an average JP senpai with their JP streams.

>> No.80771104
File: 179 KB, 640x624, 1707452783883092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rape these puppies.

>> No.80771169

They still haven't addressed what happened to the president bros... I thought for sure they'd talk about it today...

>> No.80771192

That's because it's a novelty. They don't always stream in JP, so when they do it, it's more "special"

>> No.80771199


>> No.80771229
File: 235 KB, 1150x1071, __kiryuu_coco_akai_haato_and_tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_kukie_nyan__5f19f7c5619fd59f96b03fbd0831a9a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80771270

Why doesn't Kanatan voice any character in the shikanoko anime? That's like the biggest missed opportunity for cross-promotion

>> No.80771262
File: 35 KB, 690x314, Screenshot_20240714-121252_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pudding rat...

>> No.80771270

Wrong tab

>> No.80771274
Quoted by: >>80771356

Not their president.

>> No.80771286
Quoted by: >>80771671

>the occasional EN chat read is always nice
I dont mind that to be honest, or when they ask about some specific thing that a JP person cant answer. The issue is when it gets longer than that, I've always ignored the EN pandering streams.
Ko'one gets a pass because the way she used to speak in those was so basic and broken that both sides were able to laugh at her antics

>> No.80771322

what the fuck am I listening to

>> No.80771326
File: 277 KB, 517x651, 1709543538570855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, thanks!

>> No.80771344


>> No.80771356
Quoted by: >>80771395

Maybe they'll talk if Abe gets shot

>> No.80771374

Sex with wuffians

>> No.80771388

why are even femruffians such goddamn temptresses?

>> No.80771395

>if abe gets shot

>> No.80771415
File: 298 KB, 558x613, 1717810648395963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80771446

To be fair, the tweets were hilarious

>> No.80771613

That's nice, I'll be sure to give it a watch then, thanks

>> No.80771637

>they played the original RCT, rather than OpenRCT2
what a shame

>> No.80771654
File: 165 KB, 1208x488, miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, that is nothing.

>> No.80771671

Yeah true, but the occasional EN pandering stream was never an issue, though i dont think any girl really does that except Ririka(and that is NOT "occasional" she does multiple a month).
It's just like with FWMC. The occasional JP stream aint an issue, but most JPs who will watch them do it with full knowledge that they're EN.

>> No.80771745

Careful anon. Some retards will argue ririka's case is special.

>> No.80771752


>> No.80771776
File: 75 KB, 1079x500, 1691481454179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually real
Holy kek

>> No.80771834
Quoted by: >>80771925

Is she cute and funny?

>> No.80771845

The issue with JP streams is entirely FUWAMOCO's fault with how they view them. They think they can somehow satisfy JP only and EN only fans which is fucking insane. They need to realize that's never going to work and be happy with JP tourists and taking all the subs and views from cross branch events like MK8/MC. Trying to do JP streams is a dead end waste of time. They will just make everyone sad.

>> No.80771925
Quoted by: >>80772151

not cuteandfunny but built like Mococo

>> No.80771944
Quoted by: >>80772157

femruffian called me her wuffian in a vocaroo i asked for

>> No.80771961


>> No.80771964

Mori is doing a JP stream today. Retards like you are control freaks.

>> No.80771978

justchads are getting ASMR from their girls before Ruffians...

>> No.80772009

Anon, they're doing an EN stream at JP primetime, when a long time ago they would have made that a JP stream. That's what they did back in Jan for their takoyaki stream. They said they weren't streaming that day but wanted to, so they added that JP stream.
I think they've changed how they view JP streams that aren't collabs

>> No.80772017
Quoted by: >>80772081

we already got one

>> No.80772038
File: 43 KB, 440x440, 1720843369902512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before Ruffians

>> No.80772081

Stop getting peoples hopes up. That stream was basically just a Nadoka asmr with a small FWMC cameo

>> No.80772135
Quoted by: >>80772173

>restreamed karaoke
>superchat reading
>restreamed karaoke
>superchat reading
at least ruffians arent rosarians

>> No.80772151

Ah the menhera hamster then? How did you even find out?

>> No.80772157

Alright you can stop talking about her now. If she's turning into a whore after a little bit of private attention, then she isn't worth mentioning

>> No.80772173

I like karaokes fuck you

>> No.80772181
Quoted by: >>80772315

so glad i studied japanese so that i can enjoy both

>> No.80772189

She should play factorio

>> No.80772200

anyone been watching this not!hololive anime?

>> No.80772217


>> No.80772275

I will never get why people like you are mad over an extra stream or two.

>> No.80772315
Quoted by: >>80772495

I've been studying it too, but that doesnt mean I want them to do more JP solo streams.
Like that other anon said, JP girls should be JP, EN girls should be EN with collabs/events being the sole exception

>> No.80772345
Quoted by: >>80772428

ID girls should be ID

>> No.80772372
Quoted by: >>80772505

Im not mad over extra streams since they're doing one later this week early in the morning. JP solo streams are not and never will be okay.

>> No.80772428

Yes they should, but ID should also be nuked from orbit.

>> No.80772480

why are we looping? they arent even doing a jp stream or even a collab this week

>> No.80772495
Quoted by: >>80772614

I just treat JP streams as a different variety of content. It's nice hearing them talk in Japanese sometimes too

>> No.80772502
Quoted by: >>80772698


>> No.80772505
Quoted by: >>80772788

>JP solo streams are not and never will be okay.
Literally why? If we talk about fomo, they are already in a bunch of cons and events that people cannot catch. A stream here and there wouldn't kill anyone. And I don't get why two chuubas, who like Japanese culture and like speaking Japanese, cannot do Japanese streams.

>> No.80772515
Quoted by: >>80772726

I thought the chain was about a JP language stream by them. I don't care when they stream if it's in EN. But streaming solo in JP is awful and I'm glad they seem to have realized.

>> No.80772537

how the fuck do people respond to their tweets in literal seconds

>> No.80772575

desktop notifications
i didn't reply though

>> No.80772614

>It's nice hearing them talk in Japanese sometimes too
It is, but they do it in pretty much every stream, and they exclusively speak in Japanese during collabs. I don't need solo streams for that, and they dont really get what they want out of them.

>> No.80772652

I was just browsing and saw the notification. my reply was already ready to be pasted kek.

>> No.80772672
Quoted by: >>80774036

I feel like they changed their mind about doing more JP solo stream after the golden week... I don't know if it's because they didn't get as many JP fans as they wanted from it or because of the mengen comments but they haven't done any collabs or JP streams since then, and the one time they could do it (the JST suika stream) it was in english.

>> No.80772698

>donate $100
>Google takes $30
>Hololive Agency takes $35
Uhhhh, who am I donating to, again?

>> No.80772699
Quoted by: >>80772825

for most tweets it's easy I just keep a notepad of my typed responses and copy paste it in. they are really unoriginal in what they say especially for stream tweets and during the Japan arc

>> No.80772726

I just don't see whats a big deal if they do both EN stream and JP stream on the same day. Is not like they are cutting content.

>> No.80772767

some ruffians have stuff prewritten tweets because they think they need to respond to each one

>> No.80772788

>Literally why?
>And I don't get why two chuubas, who like Japanese culture and like speaking Japanese, cannot do Japanese streams.
HoloEN with a primarily HoloEN fanbase. Speaking in JP is fine, doing it primarily in one of their non-collab streams is not because their primary audience cannot enjoy the streams. They are for tourists, simple as.
If they want to speak in JP on stream so badly, then they should swap branches. Thankfully, they don't, but they still get confused and think the "JPs dont know they can speak Japanese" when that isn't true. They DO know.
Their are better ways of gaining subs, better ways of streaming for their fans, and better ways of speaking JP on stream(collabs)

>> No.80772810
File: 175 KB, 751x1015, 171972bau3574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80772902

I'm ready. I saved up and am debating between more words in a rainbow or more powerful reaction with a max aka. Rainbow is way cheaper...

>> No.80772825

I accidentally pasted my erotic fanfiction in the replies how do I delete a tweet

>> No.80772845
Quoted by: >>80772893

>If they want to speak in JP on stream so badly, then they should swap branches.

>> No.80772850

An extra JP stream means they're wasting time streaming for another audience who won't stick around instead of doing HW or recording. It's a waste of time and they shouldn't do it.

>> No.80772856

because no one is asking for them to do JP solo streams not even JP hololive fans want them. It's doing an intentionally worse stream for everyone for no reason.

>> No.80772893
Quoted by: >>80772948

Do you think what I said doesn't also apply to her?

>> No.80772902 [DELETED] 

That's certainly an opinion if all you care about is numbers going up like a soulless monkey.

You are so fucking pathetic. If you truly loved FuwaMoco, you'd donate to their Patreon.

>> No.80772910
Quoted by: >>80774036

I.e. we guilt tripped them until being scared if jp streams

>> No.80772948
Quoted by: >>80773072

So what you said doesn't matter. EN has always done JP solo streams. Ririka herself does weekly EN streams. I don't see why you assholes have to be so controlling.

>> No.80772950

>all you care about is numbers going up like a soulless monkey.
literally FUWAMOCO the entire time since moving to Japan

>> No.80772987

deepthroat that bait anon
i know you love to

>> No.80772997

>That's certainly an opinion if all you care about is numbers going up like a soulless monkey.
They literally said this is why they want to do more JP streams tho. I'm just saying there are better ways of gaining subs and achieving their dreams.

>> No.80773052


>> No.80773072

Ririka set that expectation from the start. FUWAMOCO keep on again off again having JP streams with no consistency. And now they have almost 900k predominantly EN fans so suddenly switching content to JP would be a huge blunder. If they weren't afraid of massive backlash they would have done it already but clearly they saw it was a bad idea. Maybe the one smart thing they've changed in response to feedback.

>> No.80773143

They want to do JP streams because they want to be JP idols.
Their grand dream of being cute idols necessitates a Japanese fanbase.

>> No.80773153

>they still get confused and think the "JPs dont know they can speak Japanese" when that isn't true.
their explanation behind wanting to do more japanese streams during battle plan 2 was so weird to me. "some japanese people don't know us, they don't know even know fuwamoco can speak japanese". kek i called bullshit on that back then and i call bullshit on that now. never mind the fact that their audience in japan is considerably large, never mind the fact that fuwamoco made the actual news in japan from the mister donut pilgrimage just before that, never mind the fact that fuwamoco have appeared on their JP senpais streams speaking fluent japanese, never mind the fact that they go out of their way to speak japanese to their japanese viewers before and after their normal gaming streams with superchat readings, never mind the fact that their bios and posts on twitter make it clear that they speak japanese, never mind the fact that japanese fans speak about and reach out to them all the time on twitter

>> No.80773169
File: 919 KB, 1808x2410, 1698200690416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fluff did you just say about Japanese streams? Kisama...I shall strike you down for the good of ALL Ruffians

>> No.80773244

>Ririka set that expectation from the start.
She didn't btw. She only started spamming eigo streams after her VCR arc.

>> No.80773285

it's massive cope on their part to ignore the fact that they won't ever have a sizeable JP stream audience. What they have now is what they'll get. It's not that fans don't know them, it's that they don't care or already have other actual JP oshis they are busy with

>> No.80773313
Quoted by: >>80773397

>Massive backlash.
>Still sell the most merch.
Yeah, I don't think they should care about a bunch of crybabies.

>> No.80773343 [DELETED] 

who is ally

>> No.80773397

Remind me again when their last JP solo stream was

>> No.80773409
Quoted by: >>80774077

I see posts like that every time now.
It's half meme, but a lot of JP speakers want to watch cute EN girls do cute EN things. America particularly has an outside influence on culture, so while EN fans might like watching anime, JP fans fucking love watching Marvel with Fubuki or Subaru. They also want to hear more western songs in karaoke.

>> No.80773429
Quoted by: >>80773547

golden week?

>> No.80773451

the girl from the notebook

>> No.80773469 [DELETED] 

I am going to ally myself with the ruffians to sally forth into the Japanese streams.

>> No.80773496


>> No.80773517
Quoted by: >>80773613

So will you shut the fuck up if they ever do a JP solo stream?

>> No.80773547
Quoted by: >>80773574

So a special occasion that was already planned. It's been months and they haven't had another after they saw it flop and EN fans bitch. If they thought JP solos were still a good idea they'd have done one but they realize they're doing fine or even fantastic without it. Like you said they have a lot of JP fans without doing cringe pandering streams

>> No.80773550

An early smash ultimate player that mained snake

>> No.80773553

You might not be able to read it but sometimes they get comments asking if its okay to comment in japanese during their streams and others saying they'll try to comment in english and apologize in advance in case they come off as rude. Maybe those comments got to them.

>> No.80773574

>after they saw it flop
5-view streams. Flop. Sure buddy lol.

>> No.80773613

No I'll use 6 alts and post walls again about abandoning their EN fans and many other Ruffians will join again. Its clear most are uneasy about it.

>> No.80773662
Quoted by: >>80773707

And I will drop 500 to call you shitters out.

>> No.80773693

You guys are pretty whiny

>> No.80773707
Quoted by: >>80773937

we already saw who they listened to more but go ahead I won't be mad about you giving them money

>> No.80773840

just kill yourself already JPschizo you lost

>> No.80773866 [SPOILER] 
File: 634 KB, 1122x1080, 1720986981877309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80774139

>> No.80773907
Quoted by: >>80773986

time to get comfy

>> No.80773911

Where are the likes.

>> No.80773922
Quoted by: >>80773974

Baused. I have some alts ready too, in case they decide to spam JP solo streams.

>> No.80773937

I hope you kill yourself when their first sololive finally happens in a JP venue at JP prime time entirely in JP

>> No.80773974

I will just tag them with screenshots from here and make it seem like a bunch of schizos and lunatics are spreading hate. lol.

>> No.80773986
Quoted by: >>80774089

what does RABBIT mean?

>> No.80774036

Probably, but we'll never actually know until they try to talk about it and have another breakdown. I'd rather they come to these decisions naturally by themselves rather than be guilt tripped into holding back.
If they TRULY want to do something, and they actually want it with all their hearts, then they should just do it. First, they should say what they want to do as clearly and unambiguously as possible, practice talking about it off-stream so they don't have a breakdown, and then communicate clearly with the Ruffians.
If they want to do more regular JP streams, they need to do this and stop looping between planning on doing more and then not doing any at all. Sure some will be mad and leave, but they should ACTUALLY accept that and allow those people to leave as amicably as possible.

Of course, that's assuming they 100% want to do more.

>> No.80774050
Quoted by: >>80774160

Go ahead, they already are /here/ and take the feedback more seriously than other places because we can be honest here without a witch hunt by the yesmen.

>> No.80774062

NTA, but I would criticize them too if they decide to abandon the EN fans for the JPs. Screenshot this too, so that they can see that some of us are actually worried about it.

>> No.80774077
Quoted by: >>80774701

>a lot of JP speakers want to watch cute EN girls do cute EN things
I've seen some nips live posting about mumei saying similar stuff, they like to see and learn about foreign culture

>> No.80774089
Quoted by: >>80774164

short for "Rub it" she's rubbing herself

>> No.80774139

>hfw she's straddling you when you regain consciousness

>> No.80774138
File: 73 KB, 700x675, 1719670139826793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to this day i still have never watched any of their japanese streams

>> No.80774160

>they already are /here/ and take the feedback more seriously
You guys are deluded. lol.

>> No.80774164

she edges to SCs? damn maybe I was too harsh on her

>> No.80774232
Quoted by: >>80774298

same and I didn't even comment on any of the tweets or VODs despite never missing any other stream or tweet.

>> No.80774277
Quoted by: >>80774345

I'm sure they cry themselves to sleep over it every night

>> No.80774298


>> No.80774345
Quoted by: >>80774380

you are being sarcastic but if you knew them you would know they are the type of people to genuinely cry over a single fan leaving them as opposed to the thousands who remain

>> No.80774362

Wait, when did they have a breakdown

>> No.80774380
Quoted by: >>80774406

Anon, they have been through this many times. You ain't the first to leave, and you won't be the last.

>> No.80774396

battle plan 2 mengen

>> No.80774406
Quoted by: >>80774497

and that doesn't stop them from beating themselves up over it kek

>> No.80774424

Battle Plan 2 stream, anon. They cried for 3 hours about fnas leaving due to Golden Week.

>> No.80774434
File: 30 KB, 589x504, 1717042888560255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about you guys, but I'm really looking forward to the late night Chained Together ENGLISH stream!

>> No.80774497

It's why I'm convinced they hate the Aeon guy more than anyone else because he torments them with suicide letters every other week

>> No.80774538
Quoted by: >>80774630

I am pretty sure they hate Raul more.

>> No.80774564
Quoted by: >>80774674

And don't forget about the SC reading they did the next day, they almost they were really depressed in that stream.

>> No.80774576

can't wait to hear what they tell him to write in his fan letter
>something happy please

>> No.80774611
Quoted by: >>80774654

What are you playing during the 7 hour SC reading

>> No.80774630

I'm talking about fans that they consider human

>> No.80774654

Probably Cyberpunk cause I just got the DLC. Or maybe Rouge Trader.

>> No.80774676

It might be difficult right now because of scheduling issues, but they should aim to do 2-3 JP collabs a week. Get people used to the idea of them streaming during JP hours and speaking in Japanese and then they can add in JP solo streams further down the line. Now even if some EOPs revolt, they will have a big enough fanbase that they won't feel the financial consequences.

>> No.80774674
Quoted by: >>80775543

Fuck I had a stroke while writing this...

*They almost cried multiple times, they were really depressed during that stream.

>> No.80774701
Quoted by: >>80775496

The one thing they REALLY hate is when an EN girl releases an original song and it's in Japanese. I see them bitch endlessly about that, more than we do even.

>> No.80774721

Mococo loves raul!

>> No.80774751
Quoted by: >>80774804

Thank God that you are a nobody and they don't listen to you because you couldn't write a better script to destroy their channel even if an anti had wrote it.

>> No.80774782

Kill yourself, shitposter.

>> No.80774804

Is all business though. The people who bitch and whine during GW don't even SC much.

>> No.80774816

Didn't watch fwmc morning yet, was there anything to justify this JP loop there?

>> No.80774853
Quoted by: >>80774911

You're shitposting, but theyll never do this kek.
If they do this they should talk about it first, like I said in my post. The mengen comments showed that there's a decent chunk of fans who will either go insane or go schizo, and it would be in their best interest to give those fans an off-ramp so they don't expect things to "get better."

>> No.80774898
Quoted by: >>80774956

announced the next stop on FUWAMOCO WORLD TOUR 2024. With an exclusive meet and greet and weekly stream in tea shops across Japan

>> No.80774911
Quoted by: >>80775030

>there's a decent chunk of fans who will either go insane or go schizo
Yeah, but they are poorfags. From a financial perspective, they don't really matter that much. Just hire a bunch of mods to ban them and delete their comments.

>> No.80774913
Quoted by: >>80775042

They confirmed that the 7am Chained Together stream is actually an EN stream, so no lmao

>> No.80774940
Quoted by: >>80775042

chained together was confirmed to be an english stream which made some ruffians want to grudgepost the ones who insisted it would be japanese because of the time which then brought us here

>> No.80774956

Tea shop Collab would be really cool. Hope they can have some kind of JP store Collab near FES, I'd be able to go.

>> No.80775013

JP beggars are having a melty because the Chained Together stream is in English.

>> No.80775030

Do you really think their EOP paypigs will stick around if they cut half the streams for JP? What, Andy alone? Who even is another high donator that understands even basic jp

>> No.80775042

I kind of assumed it would be English, it's similar to the suika ones, but I'm curious about the reason. When I suggested endurance to subs people said it would take like 12 hours at the current pace, so it can't be that. Well, no point in wondering, I'll watch fwmc morning before the supa reading stream.

>> No.80775110

>if they cut half the streams for JP?
I never say that. I said extra JP streams. I never get why a few of you start going schizo whenever they do a few extra JP streams.

>> No.80775176
Quoted by: >>80775997

No. A couple schizos were waiting with bated breath for that stream to be confirmed as a JP stream so they could start looping.
Its been confirmed as an EN stream, but that doesn't matter cause they were planning on shitting up the thread with a dead loop anyway.

>> No.80775188

because they are killing themselves overworking even with what they are doing now and you think they should add even more streams? and ones that I can't watch or understand at all? retard take

>> No.80775199
Quoted by: >>80775618

I thought it was obvious? They are planning to do it as a vertical stream. Doing it during JST will allow them to tap into an audience on a different timezone.

>> No.80775201

KEK that guy is delusional. Their biggest paypigs have meltdowns on Twitter every time there is a lack of streams, if FWMC actively reduced EN streams to make JP solo ones I can assure you that most of them would oshihen or become antis.

>> No.80775263
Quoted by: >>80775384

Is this who you guys were talking about yesterday? How’d you even put a name to her?

>> No.80775286
File: 55 KB, 1451x810, fuwamoco_en 1810906136994033831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80775482


>> No.80775297

The SC reading tonight is gonna be a vertical stream, so they'll get close to 8k subs tonight. If their chained together stream is also vertical, then they'll easily make it due to all the JP zoomers scrolling shorts.

>> No.80775311

Pretty sure mugetsu, agri, gray etc will be okay with it.

>> No.80775384

She posted in the thread and pointed out that menherahamster is her twitter account.
She posted a voice tweet as proof and then deleted it cause she realized that was fucking retarded. Then she went menhera cause FWMC apparently stopped liking her tweets

>> No.80775383
Quoted by: >>80775545

>extra JP streams
Do you REALLY think that they are in a position to do extra streams?? Answer this honestly.

>But maybe they'll have less homework in the future...
No they won't. They said multiple times that they take all they can get, and they haven't even started doing real homework for their rm, once they start with that they'll have even less time.

>> No.80775405
File: 141 KB, 746x1024, 1720669149357289m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being real with you guys.
I don't think I've ever masturbated to FUWAMOCO, though I have to Biboo.
I easily consider them my #1 gachis, in fact they're the onlynone who's streams I've watched since Haachama in the very early days.
Maybe it's because I do in fact care about them that I can't bring myself to do it, even though they've come out supporting lewd art just as much as any other fan project.
Though I feel a bit conflicted and don't know if this makes me a worse ruffian.

>> No.80775482
File: 91 KB, 1024x932, 1720818983361928m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80775485

Same. I don't lewd them.

>> No.80775493

Gray doesnt even really watch them anymore outside of big streams, so he doesnt matter. You should have named the pigs who are still here and still interact with them.

>> No.80775496

I dont mind EN having japanese orisongs but I guess I'd be bothered by JPs having english orisongs so I guess I get how they feel. Its pretty funny how this works.

>> No.80775543
Quoted by: >>80775675

Which one exactly

>> No.80775542

I used to be like you until they seduced me during Marshmallow Mania.

>> No.80775545

>Do you REALLY think that they are in a position to do extra streams?? Answer this honestly.
Aren't they doing it this week?

>> No.80775559

Ah the perfect wuffian

>> No.80775568
File: 130 KB, 314x346, 1704731895341652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips and tricks on how to groom the femruffian?

>> No.80775585

I just wanted to say thank you. I came to femruffian and then I came to an owl.

>> No.80775618

Makes sense, and there's the ausie thing this month too, right? It's probably a good time for that audience.

>> No.80775620

Message her, be nice, and pretend you aren't trying to groom her. That's the way to successfully groom someone.

>> No.80775623
Quoted by: >>80775684

Ah naruhodo. I wasn’t even aware she had come back after that one week where she was blessing us with vocaroos (I requested the countdown so technically it’s for me). Pretty retarded that she doxxed herself. Could’ve just lived in infamy here but now she’ll be stalked by schizos for the rest of her life

>> No.80775658 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>80775889

Same, except that I have masturbated to a & s.

>> No.80775675

This one

>> No.80775677
File: 766 KB, 1008x874, 1705508720556496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had lewd thoughts about them in a while. I've even stopped going to sleep thinking about holding Mococo in my arms. I don't know what it means but they still make me smile when I watch streams.

>> No.80775684

>>80775623 (me)
Instantly proved my point kek

>> No.80775690
Quoted by: >>80775936

Give up and find another one. This one will groom you instead.

>> No.80775693
Quoted by: >>80775804

I was this way for a long time until I learned about them more. Then 1985 and Marshmallow Mania happened and I haven’t stoped since.
Agri can speak Japanese? Since when?

>> No.80775694
Quoted by: >>80775936

You don't groom the femruffian, the femruffian grooms you.

>> No.80775698

what you fucking JP beggars are forgetting is that they don't have JP paypigs no more, so they're risking something for a lot of nothing
golden week has proved that they gained fucking nothing
no subs
no extra supa

so the only reason left that you want them to stream solo jp is only because you, in your great omniscient mind, think that they want to stream solo jp

>> No.80775768
Quoted by: >>80775868

You are big mad about a group of people who just enjoy things.

>> No.80775804

>Agri can speak Japanese? Since when?
I dont think any of the top pigs who are still here can speak any JP at all.

>> No.80775836

gray is a tourist for them
mugetsu literally uses deepL
agri I've never seen use a lick of JP

>> No.80775868
Quoted by: >>80775910

except they don't just enjoy things
they swing their penis around saying they're the only correct one and everyone else is inferior

>> No.80775887

Why are we talking about JP streams? I’m still at work so I haven’t gotten to watch today’s FWMCmorning, did they say something?

>> No.80775889 [DELETED] 

One anon here awhile back talked about fapping to fuwamoco on one monitor and a & s on the other. I tried that once and have never stopped to this day.

>> No.80775910

True, and the fact that you had to bring up money or viewership to compensate for your inferiority proved them right.

>> No.80775936
File: 411 KB, 1602x1548, 1709540704983192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80776018

>This one will groom you instead
>You don't groom the femruffian, the femruffian grooms you.
I need more details...

>> No.80775944 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>80776065

it's so fucking hot. last night during the stream I had their pictures up and exploded 5 times in 4 hours... and went again right after the good bye

>> No.80775992
Quoted by: >>80776057

Man I can just imagine their runny behind the screen makeup

>> No.80775995
Quoted by: >>80776108

The Chained Together stream is EN and not JP but the people who wanted to do a JP timeloop are doing it anyway.

>> No.80775997
Quoted by: >>80776108

see >>80775176
It was confirmed that their JST stream is actually an EN stream.

>> No.80776013

the fact that you have nothing to prove your superiority proved me right

>> No.80776018
Quoted by: >>80776089

There’s no more details. Weaklings here will just fall in love with any girl that gives them attention so they’ve all formed a parasocial bond with this girl who played with us for a few threads

>> No.80776021

They were accepted into hololive JP effective September 1st.

>> No.80776057
Quoted by: >>80776396

Why would they wear makeup to stream?

>> No.80776065 [DELETED] 

For me, its the video of Mococo dancing

>> No.80776089

I'm going to assume she hasn't DM'd you because you'd be singing a different song.

>> No.80776101

EOPs are all bark and no bite. Come back to me when you guys spend more than 10k.

>> No.80776108

Oh so it’s forced seethe. This bait is way too old man. Nobody cares anymore

>> No.80776118

Keep parrading your penis around, anon
I'm sure you ain't overcompensating or something

>> No.80776153

just wait until we have it in the 3D live and BD. the combination cut of that + the just dancing is gonna kill me

>> No.80776157

That one and fuwawa’s childbearing hips and thighs have both done numbers on me.

>> No.80776166

I think she'd really get a kick out of Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

>> No.80776171
Quoted by: >>80776271

Come back to me when there's JOP that spend more than 10k

>> No.80776173

Kill yourself you creepy virgin

>> No.80776243

Unless you're Andy they have no Japanese fans that SC any meaningful amount. And that's even after considering how worthless the yen is now. Their entire livelihood depends on American fans

>> No.80776254

I hate ruffians

>> No.80776261
File: 216 KB, 582x485, 1720925436276399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80776361

Is she a seductress or something?

>> No.80776269
Quoted by: >>80776419

don't use a ryan gosling pfp

>> No.80776271

False dichotomy no? Is not just EOPs and JOPs. There are people who are fine with them streaming both in Japanese and English. You fags who shit up their VODs during GW are a bunch of insignificant poorfags.

>> No.80776310

the femruffian has only messaged one person day by day so you guys have horrible opsec and the expose is gonna be grim. biggest sting operation since Chris Hanson retired died or whatever happened to him

>> No.80776355

numberfags and paypiggies are truly the worst

>> No.80776357


>> No.80776361
File: 114 KB, 625x946, fuwaafluffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80776365

Imagine using an AI voice to groom a bunch of cheater ruffians and then expose them

>> No.80776392

Oh hi hamster :3

>> No.80776396

Do they actually wear makeup?

>> No.80776419
File: 144 KB, 314x341, 1704731895341652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to groom femruffians and rape shitposters, you won't be able to do anything to stop me.

>> No.80776427

I like FUWAMOCO, do you like FUWAMOCO?

>> No.80776436


>> No.80776437

your asd is false dichotomy
people that are fine with both are also fine with just EN stream, so you're asking them to risk something for a lot of nothing

>> No.80776466

I’ll love you forever if you’re bullshitting

>> No.80776480
File: 694 KB, 1017x612, 1720449002850711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80776491

Femruffian, what have you done? You have created a legion of simps who lust after you more than they do fuwamoco. You must take responsibility for this by sitting and bouncing on my dick.

>> No.80776538

too bony

>> No.80776568
Quoted by: >>80776824

It will be funny if she really reveals which idiots have been dming her.

>> No.80776576
Quoted by: >>80776727

>the femruffian has only messaged one person day by day
How would you know?

>> No.80776719

God "femruffian" please reveal who has been dming you. It'd be so kino to call them out in prechat.

>> No.80776727
File: 640 KB, 389x456, 1692051148600457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80776738

You have a choice whether or not you wish to be groomed, femruffian.

>> No.80776744
Quoted by: >>80776803

>Then she went menhera cause FWMC apparently stopped liking her tweets
She got ESR today though didn't she?

>> No.80776746

She hasn't gotten me yet...

>> No.80776775

the only reason to stream solo JP is to cater to JOPs, and they're also a bunch of insignificant poorfags
except even more of a poorfags due to deprecating yen

the neutral one will remain neutral by definition and thus should still be satisfied even if they stream only in EN

>> No.80776803

I don't think so

>> No.80776809
File: 31 KB, 163x161, 1717044933467375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why expose those willing to give money?

>> No.80776814

here you go
>Daniel Faggot
>f art
>Gay Nwordaya

>> No.80776816

I don't even know who femruffian is nor have I seen her
I'm that based, I only care about FUWAMOCO

>> No.80776820

>it's all a set up by FUWAMOCO
>Friday's FWMC MORNING has a segment that is just called CHEATERS
or she never mentions it publicly but just starts laughing and teasing everyone on her list when reading SCs promising to always be loyal

>> No.80776824
File: 101 KB, 381x321, 1705424725502082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She started DMing me, so I'm not doing anything wrong...

>> No.80776866

>implying I would ever talk to a female
I only DM men

>> No.80776873


>> No.80776876


>> No.80776884

Raul doesn't like romance, watch streams and read prechats

>> No.80776946

>No proof
Lame larp

>> No.80776948

I cant decide who I hate more, women or trannies. This thread is making me lean more towards the latter.

>> No.80776972

I don’t dm anyone period.

>> No.80776992

what stream was raul on

>> No.80777027


>> No.80777029


>> No.80777059

FWMC and my mom are women, so I cant hate women. A certain type of MAN is the issue. Women who are attention whores are only a byproduct of the men who give them attention, and trannies are men.

>> No.80777070

>invest time learning into learning about a third worlder
Erm no

>> No.80777088

what does the latter mean when there's three things listed?

>> No.80777119
File: 452 KB, 1120x436, spinning_wives.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We'll just chat here for a little bit...
God I love both of them.

>> No.80777133


>> No.80777178


>> No.80777181

Who would win? Fuwawa or you on a fight?

>> No.80777239

Fuwawa cannot beat the ojisans.
However if she just giggles I may fall dead on the spot.

>> No.80777261

I feel like I would, but Fuwawa is tricky and devious. I can imagine letting my guard down when faced with a cute hag.

>> No.80777263
File: 253 KB, 1084x2048, 1718111279767637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd put Fuwawa in her place, underneath me while I thrust inside her.

>> No.80777270

I just farted

>> No.80777287

My dick.

>> No.80777288
Quoted by: >>80777349

Depends is she gonna suck me dry so I pass out from fluid loss?

>> No.80777349 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 720x974, 1719183304103011.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80777355 [DELETED] 

oh boy, found an old video
they look very ugly without makeup

>> No.80777368


>> No.80777408
File: 315 KB, 1448x2048, fuzzylove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to deploy the fuzzy sex superchats. She is going to be so silly after 6 hours of streaming

>> No.80777434

I don't want to be a fag but I just need to know...
Does the stream get more interesting or zatsu at some point? I'm an hour in and there's been pretty much zero zatsuing and just rollercoastering. Comfy I guess but with the limited time I have right now this feels a bit like a skip for now.


>> No.80777437

Aw fuck I hope my fap training pays off

>> No.80777461
File: 31 KB, 126x165, 1715463566771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are beautiful!!

>> No.80777482

Who's worse, chumbuds or ruffians?

>> No.80777487

if it isn't doing anything for you by now then it won't get better. sorry you can't appreciate them at their cutest

>> No.80777498
File: 387 KB, 1168x2048, 1694298776730707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80777750

I would grab Fuwawa's wrists with my hans and push her down onto the couch so quickly before pulling up her dress and going for her sensitive baubau areas that she wouldn't even know what's happening

>> No.80777516

And sexy.

>> No.80777519

Ruffians obviously

>> No.80777536

No, its just roller coaster autism. Cozy, but you aren't missing much.

>> No.80777552


>> No.80777630
File: 34 KB, 122x163, Love[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdh9gaa.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80777634

I love superchat readings because it's a guarantee they will give me attention without me trying.

>> No.80777653

Well it used to be chumbuds, but the worst most menhera ones left. The antis moved to FWMC.
All thats left are the casualbuds and handful of autistically dedicated loyalbuds.

>> No.80777691

Depends what you want out of them. Cute decorating and lots of chat back and forth made it a really chill and fun stream for me, but all I really want is them sort of relaxed and not trying fully to entertain or 'make a moment' out of their stream.

>> No.80777707
Quoted by: >>80777762

is there actually going to be a ruffian orgy at NYC? I heard rumors but need to know if I should clean up before the trip or ruff it out

>> No.80777721
File: 163 KB, 348x406, 1711519259926289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo’s autism made her REALLY hone in on what she was doing so fuwawa was the doing the most of the talking with chat. Both were clearly too into it though and it was cute.


>> No.80777750

Fuwawa is the type of girl to tease you and egg you on so much that you reach your limit and just grab her and throw her down towering over her with her looking at you like this >>80777498
Then she'd look at you smugly with a soft "ehehehehe~" laugh enjoying how agitated and possibly angry and annoyed yet also lustful you are.
"What are you gonna do to me now?"

>> No.80777762

Yes, but it's only between men, no femruffians allowed.

>> No.80777770
File: 207 KB, 512x512, 1700198511653292.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a 40 minute stream that's mostly shilling

>> No.80777867

Hololive gave them a lifetime opportunity to ascend from mediocrity.
The RCT video is boring, yet I enjoy every single game they're playing on FWMC.

They should stop chasing their dreams and just settle for prepetual Hololive bucks.

>> No.80777868

… then she’d see you actually about to take your pants off and she would turn into a flustered mess. Trying to backpedal on the bold actions she took which led up to that moment.

>> No.80777882
File: 1.96 MB, 393x299, 1709809999068616.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking temptress... I need to show her a lesson.

>> No.80777895
File: 569 KB, 3376x1964, debuflanguage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People talking got me wondering so I went back through some JP screencaps to see how often they complain about Japanese in EN. It's a lot actually. Funnily enough, a large portion of it came during FWMC's debut. This is just from the screencaps I had and it's by no means exhaustive, and like I said I'm quitting at their debuts because I've already wasted too much time on this.

>> No.80777902

gets me every time kek

>> No.80777951

The only ones saying it's worth watching are people that got sucked off constantly during it. It's a boring background noise stream at best unless you are mentally ill and hopelessly in love with them

>> No.80777959

They are below average. Outright la creaturas when they were younger.
Ruffians are the worst fanbase.

>> No.80777991

That's not unique to FUWAMOCO, they've always been hating it when EN holos go with JP, especially for songs or collabs or things for example.

>> No.80778011

I didn't even chat once and I loved it

>> No.80778058
Quoted by: >>80778220


>> No.80778105

Holy kek

>> No.80778108
File: 183 KB, 640x480, 1710556094541875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80779244

>you are mentally ill and hopelessly in love with them
Yup, that’s me.

>> No.80778132

Identity will hit 1M by Thursday.

>> No.80778140
Quoted by: >>80778170

>mentally ill and hopelessly in love with them

>> No.80778165
File: 32 KB, 573x504, 1717042888560255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The enemies of my enemies (brown JP beggars) are my friends.

>> No.80778170

Not really

>> No.80778175
Quoted by: >>80778231

This. It's nice background noise but as a stream it was pretty shit.

>> No.80778182
Quoted by: >>80778510

shut up luigico

>> No.80778217
Quoted by: >>80778454

>unless you are mentally ill and hopelessly in love with them
So every single person who's over there in the first place? I don't know why you'd be over there at this point unless you're literally in love with them.

>> No.80778220
Quoted by: >>80778388

imagine if Fuwawa started saying personal good nights to Ruffian chatters like that. people would riot

>> No.80778231

You don’t have to samefag, anon. It’s not like you paid for it anyways.

>> No.80778388

That's why we need femruffians to give us personalized good nights

>> No.80778454
Quoted by: >>80778518

I can't deny it at least, I'm hopelessly in love with them even if I know it's 99.9% never happening

>> No.80778482

>I hate relaxed streams where they can just chill and get into the game
Eat shit faggot.

>> No.80778510
File: 35 KB, 125x160, 1720326985716253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80778656

The Ruffians are the best!!!!
Come on anon, say it! I know you want to! I'll break your legs if you don't do it.

>> No.80778518

Try 100%.

>> No.80778572

Jason Momoa married his waifu, you can too.

>> No.80778590
Quoted by: >>80778665

there's some timeline where it happens so i'll continue making the right choices to not let that opportunity slip if it happens
i don't believe this and anyone that does needs to be forcibly institutionalized for everyone's safety

>> No.80778648

>>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
where japan expo

>> No.80778656
Quoted by: >>80779024

Kys ugly I hate all of you
You ruined any chance this fanbase had of being good

>> No.80778665

I unironically believe this, and I'll make it a reality.

>> No.80778713

>comparing Jason Mamoa to the pasty white men in their 30s

>> No.80778726
File: 350 KB, 1870x2951, 170829394824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's only one femruffian I love

>> No.80778765

I would never want to marry FUWAMOCO because that would require full time commitments to me and then they couldn't do what they loved most, be idols.

I will marry Newissa instead, cure her depression with a family, and we will watch her friends FUWAMOCO together, and occasionally have foursomes with them.

>> No.80778794

If they married me, I would divorce and anti them on the spot for not only doing what counts as a male collab but having a husband even though they were supposed to be idols.

>> No.80778797

I knew Newissa was a turncoat...

>> No.80778839

Good news is you don't qualify as a man anyways.

>> No.80778848

I couldn’t marry them because they are hard headed and close minded. Still love them though

>> No.80778867


>> No.80778880
File: 917 KB, 927x1104, 1718203489384934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objecting to your own wedding mid vows

>> No.80778952

Baused and true. It would mean they aren't truly dedicated to their dreams or fans which means the women I love are not actually the women I fell in love with.

>> No.80778980

which stream?

>> No.80778989

Damn sexy bird bitch, causing me temptation alongside the rest of Advent.
Fuck why is advent so fucking sexy compared to every other EN gen?

>> No.80779024
File: 35 KB, 126x160, 1720326985716253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80779100

You are a stupid fucking retard and you deserve to die a slow and painful death.
FWMC want us to be friends, if you are not friendly to other ruffians, I'll bonk you in the head with a metal bar until I completely break your skull.

>> No.80779050

RM stream

>> No.80779081

dont care about the fanbase
im just here for funny sound clips

>> No.80779090

Comments like this is why they don't do comfy streams as FWMC.

>> No.80779100


>> No.80779131
Quoted by: >>80779234

I want Nerissa to invite me over to her house and let me bury my human bone in her alter.

>> No.80779135
Quoted by: >>80779215

i like theme parks i like theme parks i like theme parks yeah yeah yeah

>> No.80779159

whats this about rollercoastering half an hour ago whatd i miss

>> No.80779197
Quoted by: >>80779570

they're about the same as gen2

>> No.80779209

roomie streamed yesterday

>> No.80779215

Dan dan dan dan dan

>> No.80779234

unironically post these on her egosa she will give you a like. she is really depressed and this would cheer her up as long as you are funny or respectful

>> No.80779244


>> No.80779256

those who know, know
those who don't, get banned

>> No.80779312

She deserves to suffer.

>> No.80779351
Quoted by: >>80779570

Hag generation
Even the cunnies are hags

>> No.80779379
File: 14 KB, 480x360, Bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think sakura trees can bloom, even in the desert?

>> No.80779436
File: 602 KB, 1000x1000, thumbsup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80779494


>> No.80779462
Quoted by: >>80779573

i want them to literally cuck me

>> No.80779468

>when Fuwawa reads you and says Right, yeah yeah and you know you synced with her
such a good feeling

>> No.80779494
Quoted by: >>80779566

What happened between her and Pekora?

>> No.80779520
Quoted by: >>80779627

I like it more when she goes 'Ahhhnnnggg' at my comment.

>> No.80779566

miko raped peko

>> No.80779570

Meh I guess you're right to a degree, I kinda forget they exist nowadays.
I've tried but my tweets never show up so I'd have to sc her instead and we already have enough schizo's here, I don't wanna have to worry about /ope/ stalking me too.
It all makes perfect sense.

>> No.80779573
Quoted by: >>80779628

Same... I need more FWMC NTR

>> No.80779595
Quoted by: >>80779990

For me, it's when she giggles and smiles at you.

>> No.80779627
File: 53 KB, 400x397, 1693756547321666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80779712

I like when she goes "..." after reading my comments

>> No.80779628

You are going to love the Season 2 finale

>> No.80779681
File: 327 KB, 1025x1346, ChristmasDateMoco[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fj3pn6e.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80779845

Going on a cute date with Moco-chan...

>> No.80779712

Wuffians are being extra silly HUH?

>> No.80779717
File: 1.38 MB, 1255x1928, 1715730484492604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No she doesn't, she's a very beautiful lady with a great voice. I'd say she deserves my love and autistic SC's but those are currently reserved for FUWAMOCO.

>> No.80779745

I should specify I want GOOD NTR, not half-assed NTR that barely gets my cock hard anymore

>> No.80779781
Quoted by: >>80780085

I need FUWAMOCO to nurse my cock back to health!

>> No.80779782

>the cuckschizo is here
Enlighten me.

>> No.80779828
Quoted by: >>80779913


>> No.80779845
File: 344 KB, 2048x2048, GPJY3uVasAEEHIj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80779982

Going on a cute rape with Moco-chan!!

>> No.80779855

I would agree with you, but she wants to make others play OSRS.

>> No.80779913
Quoted by: >>80779983

I'm not the purityschizo, I'm the OSRSschizo.

>> No.80779926
File: 198 KB, 320x208, firefox_ZhLyOEoZAJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80780042

Yeah, I do...

>> No.80779933

I was fully supportive of her until that moment. And I gave her three strikes and she still blew them all for fucking OSRS. It's a shame. I would have loved to make her a mother.

>> No.80779982
File: 630 KB, 900x1200, 1716251718985743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80780078

Moco-chan is perfect for rape.

>> No.80779983

Yes you are lol. I won't forget how you sent nonstop pretentious seething walls-of-text about nerissa before you were called out.

>> No.80779990
File: 381 KB, 450x618, Fuwawa giggles[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdppv8z.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. The few times I could get Fuwawa to giggle made me happy.

>> No.80780005


>> No.80780042
File: 429 KB, 753x663, 1712025319860781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more mechanics

>> No.80780078
File: 1.02 MB, 1302x1842, Pleasepat....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80780310

Inflicting pain and suffering on something so cute is terrible. You're terrible. This is meant for holding, protecting, comforting, and pleasuring.

>> No.80780085
File: 121 KB, 847x1304, 1702499323831051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need FUWAMOCO to nurse my cock back to health!
Who do you want more specifically?
I wouldn't mind another collab but obviously the other girls weren't liking it all, so it won't happen again.

>> No.80780126
Quoted by: >>80780232

It's clear Biboo hated it and FUWAMOCO were indifferent but would play it again if asked. Shiori just hated the collab and is considering playing it solo if she does, kek.

>> No.80780135


>> No.80780181

sniffing their sweaty butts

>> No.80780232

That's what I mean they'll never collab again for OSRS, which is fine I found it fun amongst the frustration and confusion.

>> No.80780300

Dont make me post that Frieza image

>> No.80780310
File: 130 KB, 891x1941, GN-rKCYXIAAsgfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80780461

She can't defend herself with her delicate little body, I can do whatever I want and she won't be able to escape or resist.

>> No.80780329 [DELETED] 
File: 245 KB, 1061x2006, 1712447134438572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80780330
File: 2.33 MB, 1280x720, Fuwawa Mechanic [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8ucc0l.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80780367

vagina bones

>> No.80780393
Quoted by: >>80780520

Unban me Elon

>> No.80780449

She is literally asking to be raped in that pic. No man would be able to control himself after seeing that.

>> No.80780461
File: 203 KB, 1077x1523, PoutingButReady[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fov0fhv.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd really do that to her? This sweet, cute woman?

>> No.80780467
File: 889 KB, 2492x4096, GOPcljea0AAenxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this woman just showed up at my work and I'm about to lose my job because of her

>> No.80780515

why do my farts stink so bad?

>> No.80780520
File: 696 KB, 270x270, 1643896281378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feel bad I'm in the same wing of twitter hell with you.
I'm gonna bite the bullet and start posting pics of myself to see if that makes a difference.

>> No.80780532

her tears and NOEH would only make me harder. She could have avoided it if she had accepted being sexy but time to prove it to her and make her a mother

>> No.80780533

Janny, what the fuck man? Do you know how many time this has been posted before and has remained untouched? Literally what’s wrong with it you homo?

>> No.80780552

Fuwawa. Those giggles and fat tits are to die for!

>> No.80780587

There's no bush and he's a man of culture. Just post a Moco-bush and he'll leave it alone.

>> No.80780594

even this Mococo is poached now? I don't even like gorillas either because we have a MEGA but this is ridiculous

>> No.80780600

I got a warning for posting a sfw swimsuit pic of Mococo last week..

>> No.80780624
File: 19 KB, 581x428, 1714327069451280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 342: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 8 new cards. For immersion I've watched one episode of an anime.
I've finished with Core 2.3k! https://files.catbox.moe/i0acqj.png Right before advent anniversary, like I envisioned.

>> No.80780650

God... The way she says "noeh" is so fucking erotic... Mococo is pure rapebait

>> No.80780681
File: 337 KB, 550x453, ApplicationFrameHost_rHsN28MVKo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, watch.

>> No.80780691
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1719366116193171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80780829

Imagine the dialogue, she'd say like half a sentence and then giggle.

>> No.80780757
File: 382 KB, 790x609, 1691985153456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80780838

You didnt even post the full pic. But yeah you should be banned for implying mogotyan has a bush. She is clean shaven

>> No.80780766
File: 3.79 MB, 1080x1620, 17045162832839.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80780773

I love fuzzy.

>> No.80780821

I want to burn my face in mococo’s fuzz!

>> No.80780829

I can only get so erect! Absolute, perfection! Her giggles are my biggest weakness.

>> No.80780838

I'm surprised this one doesn't get hit. Would be really funny if it did.
