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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.06 MB, 850x1301, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
80621686 No.80621686 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>80615827

>> No.80621694
File: 945 KB, 850x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.80621714
Quoted by: >>80625928


>> No.80621724
File: 302 KB, 1000x821, 1713028665743870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80621742

globo is being raided by anti numberfags.
You retards better have a better thread in place of them

>> No.80621756
File: 98 KB, 724x1024, 1720444938082167m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80622135

Moom soon

>> No.80621778
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>> No.80621793
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>> No.80621803
Quoted by: >>80621850

Migo threads tend to be clean
if they come here we can always post cunny to chase them out

>> No.80621819
File: 987 KB, 1648x1587, Screenshot 2024-07-13 Vtuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of the girls are busy with Anime Expo, or Japan, whatever they're called.
The convention season came in full.
Advent, EN in general, and ReGloss with their partners are also busy with 3D recordings.

Why they're doing this on a Saturday?
I don't know.
Where's Nijisanji too?
I don't know.

>> No.80621850

>now here are the cunny I was promised?

>> No.80621868 [SPOILER] 
File: 311 KB, 1280x1707, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80621876

ERB speedran then "barely does anything anymore" EN path

>> No.80621886
File: 3.61 MB, 1280x720, fwmc_versus_battle[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgptnoh.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't have any cunny but you can have a sex tape I made with my wives

>> No.80621892
File: 117 KB, 850x1200, GNxNY10bcAAbvJt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80621893

ERB is busy with the expo. She's also old. Let her have some rest.

>> No.80621898

>It's just retards using it for the same old Kiara vs IRyS/Bae shitposting
Man, global schizos really do have no originality.

>> No.80621936

Hololive moved on from daily streaming years ago anon. The last bastion was PekoMiko and now that Pekora checked out of number business, it’s only Miko who can be bothered putting out numbers

>> No.80621950

Good image

>> No.80621954
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She invited him to do a thing before.

>> No.80621958

Speaking of Expo

>> No.80621961

Looks like the typical uneventful saturday chart, back in the days it was almost guaranteed to be a Shuba gold depending on what she was playing

>> No.80621986

They are probably using bots at this point

>> No.80621985

their numberfagging attempts are always pitiful to witness

>> No.80621988

She'll definitely have a better schedule this week right? Also undertale tomorrow so it'll be a good measure if her laziness affecting her numbers

>> No.80622001


>> No.80622019
File: 2.02 MB, 1200x900, __ninomae_ina_nis_and_ceres_fauna_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_koahri__3a360446106c43d83919fe2a220642b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura 205 (+6)
FWMC 150 (Sold out)
Fauna 112 (+3)
Ina 110 (+6)
Mori 75 (+2)
Bae 71 (+2)
IRyS 58 (+4)
Ame 56
Shiori 53 (+2)
Mumei 51
Kiara 46 (+3)
Biboo 44
Kronii 43
Nerissa 42 (+2)

Fauna and Ina having hot steamy sex again.

>> No.80622025

Mmm, yes... Not bad at all.

>> No.80622027

A new Migo lewd, wow

>> No.80622045
Quoted by: >>80622179


>> No.80622050

Can't access catbox so I had to use gofile

>> No.80622061

>Fauna 112 (+3)
>Ina 110 (+6)
These two are scissoring from the start, no?

>> No.80622104

Some will still make this about Kiara selling the least

>> No.80622112

go away

>> No.80622122

This isn't new, however nyan is drawing this

>> No.80622127
File: 299 KB, 678x621, MIGO_GOLD_SILVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80622130
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x1000, うめうめ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover) *new*
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>symmetry *new*
>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs

>> No.80622132
Quoted by: >>80622165

>Some will still make this about Kiara selling the least
But she's not ?

>> No.80622135

Damn July 30th into Aug 4th is going to be a feast if Mumei and Marine are doing a birthday 3D. 2 3D debuts, 2 birthday 3Ds and some anniversary celebrations of some sort in one week.

>> No.80622150

How did Bae become such a merch goddess anyway

>> No.80622162
File: 36 KB, 1920x1080, always there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls consider
learn to drop hate
invest in a smile
love will come
maybe you will like it

>> No.80622165

That’s the point.

>> No.80622168

>Some will still make this about Kiara selling the least
Schizos in global already did that like 10 minutes ago, keep up.

>> No.80622179

Talking about the usual Miko lewds rotation

>> No.80622181

carried by model

>> No.80622201
File: 457 KB, 691x772, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did tortellini mean by this?

>> No.80622210
File: 522 KB, 519x906, BaeFP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the hell did Bae start being one of the upper tier for merch?

>> No.80622221

You’re saying that as though the ones here (which I’m saying as though they don’t post in both) have even an ounce of creativity.

>> No.80622240
File: 135 KB, 616x353, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Garou. It's a good game.

>> No.80622252


>> No.80622249

shilling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEMU9TuFzMg

>> No.80622253
Quoted by: >>80622437

Does CC do ASMR? Listening to her Minecraft VOD and whenever she giggles or talks softly I think she would be really dangerous with it. I don't even really like ASMR

>> No.80622286


>> No.80622292

Japan arc

>> No.80622296
File: 2.59 MB, 1807x1160, Twitch Jul 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitch isn't doing much better.
Found a graduation stream though.

>> No.80622299

>idol company
>zero actually good singers
what did hololive mean by this

>> No.80622319

First "new era" 3D birthday for EN capping a month with many collabos, JDON and great effort spent around studio and work for cover, her mindshare exploded this past year

>> No.80622342
Quoted by: >>80622506

Merch shilling works if you're a cute dork about it (Not too pushy, but putting emphasis that yes, this would be a good way to spend your money).

>> No.80622345

Wait I just remember, JapanExpo used to invite NijiEN while ignoring Hololive.
Now that's disgusting

>> No.80622346

>Recognizable bad takes

>> No.80622353

get your ears checked

>> No.80622381
File: 64 KB, 202x264, 170212345476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw an actual log of shit.

>> No.80622388 [SPOILER] 
File: 730 KB, 1080x2300, My oshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck bros, hololy has the best holomem in it!

>> No.80622390

Soon Raora will be the new queen of Justice

>> No.80622391

Last year was the first time nijien got there iirc, and we got le retard of vox akuma from it

>> No.80622417
Quoted by: >>80623001

Has she said anything about an original song?

>> No.80622429

Ever since the World Tour outfit.

>> No.80622437

She said she will do it for members

>> No.80622446
File: 42 KB, 602x452, main-qimg-dc21a8f6f7179293bb26e1e1b81179e2-pjlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Tutorial Boss

>> No.80622463
Quoted by: >>80622860

They didn't get invite this year??

>> No.80622506

And that's why Gigi constantly shoving her acrylic stands in your face doesn't work

>> No.80622507
Quoted by: >>80622583

But seriously, why does a photo app require internet connection to work

>> No.80622546
File: 2.30 MB, 2048x2732, 1709904134675262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80622614

O w O

>> No.80622568

But it did work for her. She is no longer the merch runt of the 4

>> No.80622569

Our resident ennacuck isn't much better honestly

>> No.80622571

Shiori outselling Mumei

>> No.80622583

Probably if they update or remove a model they don't want people using old versions of the app to keep it

>> No.80622607

Check out these vtubers

>> No.80622614
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, GSX_DnwW8AAQLcD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80622731


>> No.80622632

Her performances, birthday live and other similar shit probably increases a lot of her mindshare among especially amongst JOPs
I'll never doubt when Cover is selecting her as rep for events again since she does have decent mindshare

>> No.80622631
File: 526 KB, 1270x658, BauBauBitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80622778

>vtuber company
>0 actually good vtubers
what did nijisanji mean by this

>> No.80622650

le retard de Vox Akuma

>> No.80622703
File: 596 KB, 1375x2500, shion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one tiny garlic be so sex?

>> No.80622731
File: 78 KB, 270x309, 1697205751088663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mcdonalds hashbrowns are really good but i've sworn off fast food

>> No.80622737

They were actually /here/ last thread while malding

>> No.80622738
Quoted by: >>80622920

>FWMC is arguably on the path of becoming a Gura-lite
>Ina and Fauna trading blows under them
>We saw that Bae or Mumei can rise to the occasion
>Mori has too much shit on parallel to track anyway
Man it's so good to see holoEN finally becoming a true behemoth, following the growth of the past year and half is the real joy of this thread.

>> No.80622757

>fauna who almost never shills her merch
>ina who hasnt been streaming so much
how are these two so powerful

>> No.80622764
Quoted by: >>80622804

if they are not making out, I'm not interested

>> No.80622778
File: 317 KB, 1345x2048, 1696157662301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mocochan needs to be punished

>> No.80622791

I mean it helps that her board actually looks cool. Biboo's looks like it's made for a girl or tranny, Mumei's is straight up ugly. Iry's pretty ugly too. Doesn't Bae usually get mogged in merch by Fauna and Mumei?

>> No.80622799
File: 1.56 MB, 1240x1754, bibooflush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80623781

does anybody have the soundpost of gura and shion where shion goes white power and gura pauses and enthusiastically goes .. YES!

>> No.80622804
File: 2.49 MB, 1921x1081, 実写🔴エッ…?!エッ…!!まさかのサウナ配信…!!汗いっぱいかいちゃうぞっっ-真神ハティ-実写-はてぃめいラブホ女子会-YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80622803

Bae was always pretty strong in merch, partially because of her mama initially.
I think Bae's merch sales dropped off a little when her artist had a bit of a yab a while back.
Her current incline is really just everything she's been doing paying off. What else is there to say, she has been doing with content and promoting herself

>> No.80622816
File: 144 KB, 1121x1121, 98fea50130ca3143e79f1ad3b80bfc9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80622830
File: 133 KB, 1205x781, kanawaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would think the "Kanae waves" were just for NijiGTA (and paid by STGR) but clearly not

>> No.80622860
Quoted by: >>80624438

Vox le retard was busy in bml 2024

>> No.80622870
Quoted by: >>80622996

honestly you can just buy a pack of frozen ones and heat them up and it's the same fucking thing lol.

>> No.80622920
Quoted by: >>80622950

Mumei rising to the occasion by moving less merch than Shiori lol

>> No.80622939
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x690, irys carbonated sex.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80622938
File: 268 KB, 1600x1200, 1720789627415795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning /#/. I love Jelly!

>> No.80622950
Quoted by: >>80623318

Retarded newfag spotted

>> No.80622977
File: 29 KB, 609x338, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80623061

>> No.80622996
File: 147 KB, 488x490, 1709074136309573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what brand do you like?

>> No.80623001

Afaik no, only that she's recording a lot of stuff

>> No.80623007
Quoted by: >>80623127

Alright Im horny, can you give me hologirl twitter lewds?

>> No.80623031
File: 280 KB, 885x777, 1720883324851036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80624552

hags lost

>> No.80623033

If it was an actual incline, her CCV would reflect it. Her average for June is the same as her average from 2024, and that's 5K8, which is around the same number she always got. I feel like the design does a lot of the heavy lifting here.

>> No.80623046

went viral on JP Tiktok

>> No.80623047

Face cam vtuber kek

>> No.80623049
Quoted by: >>80623861

>massive mmo spacefighting game
>not a single vtuber is playing it

One of the coolest games I've ever seen and NOBODY is playing it. What the fuck?

>> No.80623061
Quoted by: >>80623231

Gura wont sold out if they keep increasing the merch stock
>Omocat actually number-antis

>> No.80623064

That did work, because she was a cute dork about it though

>> No.80623073

it's been a long time since I've had some but after googling it, the package seemed to be Cavendish

>> No.80623091

Just get a deep fryer.

>> No.80623093
File: 248 KB, 1000x1460, ina_garment_8a20e9de-4b35-40d8-a0e7-6b529f7feb67_1000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skateboard merch sales are worthless because it's so niche. T-Shirt sales are the best metric to compare merch popularity, especially if the designs are all similar like the Omocat shirts from a few years back.

>> No.80623095
Quoted by: >>80623149

did YT purge AVtuber content recently?

>> No.80623119

Anon, Gigi has the 2nd most sold Acrylic stands. Even beating out Cecilia and only getting destroyed by Raora.

>> No.80623127
File: 323 KB, 1280x2276, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80623137
File: 73 KB, 300x300, Fr30OW6aUAALKHB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80623197


>> No.80623149
Quoted by: >>80623274

yes, asmr is being killed en masse. We will never forgive Neal for this.

>> No.80623190

im out of the loop
who in holoen was fillian supposed to collab with before her model yab?

>> No.80623197

indirect kiss with oji-san o((>ω< ))o

>> No.80623201
File: 471 KB, 1280x2277, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80623204

Those shirts were ugly

>> No.80623226
File: 214 KB, 1039x691, File.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll never be as close to them as I am
>They are not who you think they are
These are really messing with my head, especially because her RM follows his RM since years ago

>> No.80623231

Its been less than a day, merch selling out that fast is retarded.

>> No.80623239

cool male vtuber you got there vshojo

>> No.80623244

she really does a nice polka cosplay

>> No.80623249
Quoted by: >>80623478

twitter sauce onegai!

>> No.80623266

JWU what was the homoyab?

>> No.80623274
Quoted by: >>80623324

didn't really meant the ASMR ones, meant the ones where they showed their body and were "stealth" masturbating
most of it is gone
fuck you Neal

>> No.80623303

Hooman, this level of cope is unbecoming

>> No.80623310


>> No.80623316
File: 120 KB, 315x200, NerissaDog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80623318

Most pathetic seethe in this thread so far

>> No.80623324

oh I know you just meant avtubers but they kind of go hand in hand.

>> No.80623330
File: 7 KB, 408x116, 6568459844706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80623345


>> No.80623347

They're too fucking expensive. $2+ a hash brown is not worth it.

>> No.80623350
Quoted by: >>80623406

I'll just leave this here: >>80594759

>> No.80623351
File: 704 KB, 765x1681, 1720876914744615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80623352
Quoted by: >>80623534

In the indie scene you gotta make as many connections as possible to incline. Once you make it big you can pretend you never interacted with these people. It's the same with Mumei and Ren.

>> No.80623358

>her artist had a bit of a yab a while back.

>> No.80623394

I refuse to believe any of these numbers are real because I refuse to believe people are actually throwing money at Fauna when she does nothing. Doesn't stream, doesn't care at all. The money that's given to her doesn't go into 3D lives, doesn't go into MVs, doesn't go into her ASMR, doesn't go into her channel, it simply doesn't go into anything but her personal funds where she buys clothes for herself and nothing else. So why the fuck are people still giving her money? Why the fuck would you just give her money for literally nothing in return? If she, at the very least, streamed daily I could maybe get it but she doesn't even do that. 5 streams in 13 days and this is somehow OK? This is worth giving money to?

>> No.80623406


>> No.80623408
File: 718 KB, 2160x3840, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80623421
Quoted by: >>80623534

Bro, are we suppose to know who these people are?

>> No.80623422

She had the AUDACITY to pirate photoshop 10 years ago or something stupid like that

>> No.80623445
Quoted by: >>80623582

I was spending around 30 dollars a day to eat at one point before I told myself to stop being lazy and cook my own food.

>> No.80623448

lmao jesus christ nips are weirdos

>> No.80623458


>> No.80623459

and then pay for it 5 years later

>> No.80623466
File: 602 KB, 2480x2423, 1709194135330528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also think Fauna is cute, forgot to mention.

>> No.80623474

None of these numbers are real. Neither are the anons in this thread, nor the vtuber. Wake up

>> No.80623478
File: 136 KB, 1280x1920, 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80623521

don't have it

>> No.80623501

>had to kneel to the cabal

>> No.80623510
Quoted by: >>80624105

who the hell is lily supposed to be lol

>> No.80623513

That's hard cope, if her design did heavy lifting her merch wouldn't have inclined to this degree in the last year in particular.
The design cope was always created because there is no other way people like you can rationalize it in their heads

>> No.80623518

Is it really her? I never thought she was a loli

>> No.80623521
File: 126 KB, 1280x1920, 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80623583


>> No.80623534

It's better that way
Makes sense to me, I really hope you are right

>> No.80623539

Cute panties

>> No.80623563

Explain to me why all of those "new bae fans" aren't watching her. Why is her CCV stagnant ?

>> No.80623565

>bae does idol shit and releases a good album
>merch sales inclines
truly a mystery

>> No.80623566

Yet under overlap people would rather watch anybody else but her.

>> No.80623570
File: 340 KB, 1451x2048, GSYDpMPW0AARGaX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80623630

now I'm horny, are you happy anon?

>> No.80623582

Buy in bulk from smart and final, it tastes the same sans excessive oil.

I know that man, $30 gets you a lot of chicken breast especially at Costco

>> No.80623583
File: 108 KB, 1280x1920, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80623604
Quoted by: >>80623741

Bruh that video was posted 7 hours ago and doesn't even have 100 views

>> No.80623626

sorry anon but the "stars fuck your oshis bts" rrat isreal

>> No.80623630
File: 144 KB, 1280x1920, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80623678


>> No.80623637
Quoted by: >>80623686

CCV is only one metric, if the other metrics go up that's still an incline.
With her streaming numbers she is still a bit stuck in the suffering heavily under overlap zone.

>> No.80623662

1- Her CCV did incline, graph anon posted how it did
2- The support is coming as a result of her idol activities, not because of her as a streamer
You are knee deep in cope trying to rationalize it as her design because her success is making you seethe for some reason. She went from someone who was always under IRyS in merch to someone who moves more merch than her now

>> No.80623663

>bae inclined with merch because of all the shit she did!
Doesn't explain why the lazy green whore is still doing well when she does fucking nothing

>> No.80623678
File: 217 KB, 1280x960, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80623683 [DELETED] 


>> No.80623686

>Merch sales inclines
>CCV stagnant
>Music numbers stagnant
>VOD views stagnant
>SC stagnant
So she got new fans who EXCLUSIVELY buy merch ? Sounds like they just like her design

>> No.80623697

You’re actually retarded, do you think Marine cares that Peko has higher CCV? Or does she care about what actually makes her money? Only /# cares about CCV

>> No.80623698

qrd, is suisei a flip?

>> No.80623713
Quoted by: >>80627704

And yet under overlap people would rather watch anybody else but her.

>> No.80623719

no she's french canadian

>> No.80623737

Her most recent stream got over 8.5k unraided for a normal solo gaming stream lol, go back one year and see how often she managed that much back then

>> No.80623741
Quoted by: >>80623911

Everyone are busy nutting to the FOTM shota

>> No.80623749
File: 104 KB, 1690x687, European Primetime Explained.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go /#/
European Primetime.

If you ever have a question about EU time or EU chuubas, extrapolate their stream times and content onto this timeline.

If you are European or anyone with a job, you already know these things. If you are a NEET, look at this so you can making bad posts.

>> No.80623752

she's flipping on my dick right now.

>> No.80623754
Quoted by: >>80623789

this applies to everyone in EN except Fauna and Gura.

>> No.80623763
Quoted by: >>80623965


>> No.80623766
File: 341 KB, 1080x723, 1709940509608423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80623767

>bae seethe
>fauna seethe
>suisei seethe
>concern trolling
All at once! Nice, time for hours of selenfag.

>> No.80623780

>What is global mindshare?
Keep crying about it man, you have been trying to cope with this for a year now because it betrays your expectation.

>> No.80623781
File: 881 KB, 640x640, white power yes[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzy3lax.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80623825


>> No.80623789

>time to shit on someone else to deflect
lost the plot, nigger behavior

>> No.80623810
File: 235 KB, 1136x864, Oppensmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*so you can stop making bad posts.

>> No.80623814

Bae has been a strong merch seller since a long time, I think it was her 2022 birthday merch with that stupid hat that showed us she could move merch despite her ccv

>> No.80623823
Quoted by: >>80624240

why is your time weird just use american time like everyone else

>> No.80623825

thanks, I love how full of pep her response is.

>> No.80623833
Quoted by: >>80623965


>> No.80623836
File: 2.37 MB, 1024x3240, 1720698607667541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80623854

>As a MiddleEastern Muslim
Imagine abandoning the EN market for this

>> No.80623856
File: 402 KB, 1280x2277, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80623857

funny enough adobe literally never minded people pirating photoshop... Now they are literally being sued by feds (I wonder what nips think about that one)

>> No.80623861

Is it big enough for matches with fans involved?

>> No.80623866
Quoted by: >>80623965

She got raided but you have a point.

>> No.80623867
Quoted by: >>80623943

Take a guess, Bratt retard lost in /#/ or beggar using her to make a silly point.

>> No.80623871

NTA but can you explain to me why her birthday live has the best vod growth besides Gura? I can see it that her birthday definitely turned people into fans who support her idol activities

>> No.80623889
Quoted by: >>80623965

>Even bratz don't watch Bae
The famous merch buyer, huh ?

>> No.80623890
Quoted by: >>80624344

Terrible idea, he should definitely have more embarrassing meltdowns and accidentally reveal how much homos and holos are segregated again

>> No.80623893
Quoted by: >>80624139

They dug up an old tweet about her pirating art software when she was younger, they actually care about that in Japan. Quite a bit surprisingly

>> No.80623903

you've got a all sort of monkeys if you're following 1,000 people

>> No.80623911


>> No.80623919
File: 40 KB, 638x339, Screenshot 2024-07-13 120615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80624003

She followed this nigga pretty recently; it's nothing more than professional courtesy. Don't think too much about it.

>> No.80623939


>> No.80623943
Quoted by: >>80624042

You mean mr. design having a melty right now?

>> No.80623944

Brrats read all those posts about Bae being the 2nd Promise merch runt (ahead of only Kronii) and took it personal

>> No.80623951
Quoted by: >>80625320

Fella is this GFE?

>> No.80623965

>waiting room raid followed by a 3k incline over the waiting room peak
Have you tried the nijisanji thread sisters?

>> No.80623971

You made it too obvious fucktard

>> No.80623977


>> No.80624003
Quoted by: >>80624155

>Pretty recently
Not really, that follow dates back to EN2 debut
>Professional courtesy
What does that even mean, she barely follows like 10 vtubers

>> No.80624008

ERB stream doko?

>> No.80624042
File: 54 KB, 420x374, 1719485964903392.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i-i'm not melting down t-t-they are
>proceed to shit himself all over the thread

>> No.80624059

Undertale kino tomorrow

>> No.80624087

someone needs to chain this little shit to a post

>> No.80624100
Quoted by: >>80624237

>It's not a raid if she inclined over it!
That's not how it works you fucking troglodyte. Especially when raids like that are usually people who are already fucking asleep since the raid train started from fucking Cecilia

>> No.80624105
Quoted by: >>80624332


>> No.80624124
Quoted by: >>80624181

Remember to #cut4hex falseflagger shitter

>> No.80624139

Their whole society falls apart if they let piracy grow, whole archaic business' are propped up by physical media

>> No.80624142

Opinion about Ibai? Are the numbers legit?

>> No.80624147
Quoted by: >>80624268

So the dude shitting his pants trying to cope by how it's her Bae's design is an IRyStocrat? why does that make so much sense

>> No.80624155
Quoted by: >>80624197

It means she's taking a big green dick.

>> No.80624156

can you fuck off niggers, homo will be terminated anyway

>> No.80624160

Anyone that doesn't sell at least 1/3 of their stock in the first 24hrs is a failure

>> No.80624181
Quoted by: >>80624273

It's funny cause you're just like your average homonigger hard deflecting to nijitards over the smallest of shit their homos get

>> No.80624185

Btw I checked and the last time she showed up on a homo's chat was on Thursday, on Astel's, and she sent... just one message. She might be learning.

>> No.80624197
Quoted by: >>80624272

Dude is an unironic homosexual

>> No.80624201
File: 20 KB, 368x360, 1714193714042728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait so the homos was lily's nepohires...

>> No.80624211

Niggas is brining up, pl shit

>> No.80624229
Quoted by: >>80624310


>> No.80624237
Quoted by: >>80624408

>Especially when raids like that are usually people who are already fucking asleep
Koyori raided her FF6 stream that's 10 hours away, I'll look forward to you shitting on her numbers later

>> No.80624240

The center of the world is Europe

>> No.80624242
Quoted by: >>80624442

Yes, it's a huge event, he's doing a boxing event on the Santiago Bernabéu with lots of Spanish and spic streamers and with lots of famous artists performing, even fucking Will Smith is there

>> No.80624250
Quoted by: >>80624423

Busy numberfagging Mrbeast new vid, will check him later.

>> No.80624258
Quoted by: >>80624310


>> No.80624259
Quoted by: >>80624310


>> No.80624268
File: 370 KB, 524x409, 6584784771316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look i post with a picture of a a specific Holo girl that means i'm of her fanbase
not my fault if you fags don't even watch your "Oshi" lol

>> No.80624272
Quoted by: >>80624327

I know I'm trying to scare the sapling; he's worrying over absolutely nothing.

>> No.80624273
Quoted by: >>80624378

Yes we are all fooled by your devilish act, you're a real hololive fan who's here shitting on Bae 24/7 and coming up with reasons why her merch numbers don't count, her subs don't count, her ccv doesn't count, just classic holofan behavior

>> No.80624287

He's recording a cover of Towa's Anemone.

>> No.80624298

those are regular numbers for ibai events

>> No.80624308
File: 1.81 MB, 4032x2268, 20240713_101252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive has EU fans???

>> No.80624310

Ok, doxx happy

>> No.80624311

It's always so funny that they bring up this kind of fake shit that would have been a long running topic before the homo went ahead and pissed himself.

>> No.80624313
File: 255 KB, 1500x2565, GRktUDUbsAEbwAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80624315
File: 110 KB, 287x306, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon 35p. you guys usually do a much better job lewdposting.
Also, Moom stream? Moom stream.

>> No.80624320

Keep seething sister, Bae is in the top half of EN by most metrics and no amount of assmad shitposting will change that

>> No.80624327

this is obvious discord raid anon

>> No.80624331


>> No.80624332

No, I mean the faggot

>> No.80624344

He is a dirty flip, he will always kneel and accpet to eat even shit to keep a job that pays in USD/YEN.

>> No.80624351

Not surprising
When he went on his rant I assumed he was primarily talking about Fauna and maybe Nerissa or Shiori
Anyone with a brain can see Fauna is and was fine with interacting with them, just doesn’t because she knows her audience wouldn’t be interested in it.

>> No.80624353

Fauna is gonna shill her merch today, right?

>> No.80624370

More than ID fans

>> No.80624371

So what's got the faggot all riled up now?

>> No.80624378

Yet under overlap people would watch everybody else but her.

>> No.80624396

Are you gonna cry some more?

>> No.80624402
File: 105 KB, 480x480, jurard-jurard-t-rexford.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be flip
>got a suddden urge to doox his senpai

>> No.80624405

>by most metrics
>Not in subs
>Not in ccv
>Not in vod views
>Not in SC
Anon ?

>> No.80624408
Quoted by: >>80624520

>Two hours (because bae is incompetent and late) is the same as 12 hours
Absolute retard

>> No.80624411
File: 458 KB, 691x710, fauner look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When he went on his rant I assumed he was primarily talking about Fauna
>Anyone with a brain can see Fauna is and was fine with interacting with them

>> No.80624423

He's also in MrBeast's newest vid kek

>> No.80624436 [DELETED] 

EU proved today that mutts are full of shit. Their seething is seamonkey tier at this point.

>> No.80624438
Quoted by: >>80624584

So does Hololive?

>> No.80624439
Quoted by: >>80624533

> Mass Effect.
Fauna pls...You're gonna love Tali.

>> No.80624442

This is why Kiara targeting football market

>> No.80624454
Quoted by: >>80624562

>Not in subs
lol didn't have to read very far

>> No.80624457

Posting popular demand

>> No.80624490

Fuck off Grimmity

>> No.80624495
File: 1.81 MB, 720x1280, 1688096474935258.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

< this vtuber? My wife.

>> No.80624498
Quoted by: >>80624535

unfortunately idol culture is a thing

>> No.80624518
File: 295 KB, 456x315, 1620179287351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80624520

Oh okay so this was all just Bae seethe.

>> No.80624533
Quoted by: >>80624924

mass effect is number poison to any vtuber that has tried it
even though i would watch someone play through the trilogy

>> No.80624536
File: 396 KB, 576x1024, gura CHU! 💙💙 [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fw63oyj.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80624535

by how you all loved to spam it everyday looks like he actually is /here/

>> No.80624552

Isn't Lucy a hebe? The idols are the real lolis.

>> No.80624562

are above her in subs, with FWMC closing on her too. She exclusively beat Fauna, Nerissa, Bijou and Shiori.

>> No.80624564

No fucking way he blame idol culture for that, literally every single internet user agree that doxxing is foul and only do so to their enemies

>> No.80624583
Quoted by: >>80624736

you homo will be terminated, none of your projections will change that

>> No.80624584

Niji doesnt have leftover money to pay enough staff

>> No.80624604

Brats are too used to global where nobody would fact check them

>> No.80624621

I mean in this case it's clearly a joke, but he sure loves to talk about idol culture a lot

>> No.80624632

Uhm....nijiniggerchama....... there's a new holo gen..... I'm so sorry you had to find out like this...

>> No.80624643

Merch is king, and Bae is among top half of HoloEN when it comes to Total Views / Monthly Total Views. No one GAF about individual VOD views.

>> No.80624652

I wasn't expecting Bae of all people to arouse some deep sense of insecurity in some posters to the point where they have to cope and equate her (recent) merch success to her design

>> No.80624658

Okay he got a point...

>> No.80624660

This is the first time ive ever heard this faggots voice, he kinda sounds like markiplier

>> No.80624675

Less than it had back when Ina got her 3D but yes

>> No.80624680

Bae is beating 1 month old channels? Impressive!

>> No.80624684

Faunaschizo this is a new angle, congrats.

>> No.80624685
Quoted by: >>80624769

>Bae beat in subs people who debuted 2 weeks ago
Anon, this is pathetic even for you. And even accounting for them, she would be right at the middle and on the second half once FWMC pass her.

>> No.80624705

How many kuji tickets should I buy today?

>> No.80624723
Quoted by: >>80624777

you're going to run out of cope at this point...

>> No.80624732

Brother what is this defence

>> No.80624736

Terminated for what reason?

>> No.80624769

>FWMC are beneath her but let's not count them because they'll probably overtake her one day
Bravo. I am literally standing and applauding right now. Fantastic post. Simply brilliant.

>> No.80624776
File: 227 KB, 680x802, idol culture bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No fucking way he blame idol culture for that

>> No.80624777

>Posted facts

>> No.80624780
Quoted by: >>80624884

Harassing other talents to farm drama

>> No.80624803
Quoted by: >>80624884

spreading hatred to other talents

>> No.80624805

It's a box event.

>> No.80624806
Quoted by: >>80625045

Merch is king but only if it's merch the girls produce themselves. These full branch or full gen merch items are indicative of which fans buy for the full group versus only their oshi

>> No.80624816
Quoted by: >>80624941

Anon, even accounting for FWMC behind her, she's on the bottom end of subs in EN. She's exclusively right at the middle if you count justice, who debuted not even a fucking month ago.

>> No.80624817

brrats shitting up /#/ is nothing new

>> No.80624820
File: 1.74 MB, 1366x768, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80624965

this fucking mountain of cheese

>> No.80624845

Maybe she will retweet it while looking for art. She will be down to like 25 stock by that time anyway.

>> No.80624855

This is why no one but saplings, hoomans and crats like /#/. You guys can't even be objective when it comes to numbers

>> No.80624859

How does Bae rank when it comes to HoloEN 3d debuts?

>> No.80624882

Did anyone ?

>> No.80624883
File: 45 KB, 902x230, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could take naps, I just feel dead after tryhing.

>> No.80624884
Quoted by: >>80624943

You are so retarded without even trying if you think management cares about what he said to that extent. He's streaming with no issues at all

>> No.80624899
File: 321 KB, 609x364, 1873146792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really getting sad you fucking retards, try to lurk for a while before attempting to numberfag in /#/ cause you are not doing your Oshi any favors here.

>> No.80624898

Why do you think the brownlet I am talking about who's equating her recent success to her design is a brat? please do explain sister

>> No.80624903
File: 1.10 MB, 768x1152, 1691775362815279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80625056

>good Christian girl who happens to collabo with males
>degenerate Church-tax dodger who literally practices witchcraft in front of Yagoo
>Based idol, love her, leader of EN
I'm not saying unicorns are going to Hell, I'm just saying this isn't going to look good at the pearly gates when you all meet Saint Peter.

>> No.80624918

True brrats get very defensive about criticism to their oshi

>> No.80624921

Why don't Novelites, KFP, or Jailbirds come here and shit up the thread? I thought it was a runt thing to defend your oshi to the death but it's always the same fans

>> No.80624922

I assume noone is falling for the classic
>as a [holofanbase], [bait]
>[holofanbase]s are [headcanon]
and this is all part of the larp.

>> No.80624924
Quoted by: >>80625456

> Number Poison.
We said the same about Witcher and the Dark souls clone.

>> No.80624926

was meant for >>80624643

>> No.80624941

>8 people above her
>9 people below her
That's what we call being in the top half, friend. Another example is merch numbers such as here >>80622019 where she is also in the top half. If you are this allergic to numbers you can always try global instead.

>> No.80624943
Quoted by: >>80625006

So you don't deny that he's harassing talents to spread drama?

>> No.80624944
File: 53 KB, 445x415, rape 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need those hands for a hanbdjob NOW

>> No.80624965
Quoted by: >>80625195

fries doko

>> No.80624969

All I see is you shitting yourself and crying about how Bae has inclined in mindshare

>> No.80624988

Gura only I think? FWMC tweeted when they were already out of stock.

>> No.80624989


>> No.80625006
Quoted by: >>80625140

Saying his stupid shit in front of his 100 members isn't harrasing or spreading drama, monkey

>> No.80625009
Quoted by: >>80625081

>She's on the top half of subs if you count for people who debuted 3 weeks ago
Bratz... This is just sad...

>> No.80625013

sounds like erb

>> No.80625021

you should try cocaine

>> No.80625024

She couldn't name yukimin...

>> No.80625036

>it's another nijisister acting like /#/ is a safe space for shitting on holo talents episode

>> No.80625037
File: 472 KB, 1500x2000, 1689911841105600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80625045
Quoted by: >>80625132

There is no way to compare one girl to another (except Gura who is ahead of everyone else) if you don't want to count full gen / branch merchs, then. Personal limited merchs almost always got sold out in time and normal merchs can't be datamined

>> No.80625047

I never realized it since we don't really discuss her much here but I'm shocked to see that Bae has such a pathetic schizo like you ITT

>> No.80625056

Hell is not a permanent sentence. Nor real.

>> No.80625059
Quoted by: >>80625191

>Laying dox while concerntrolling
Oh bonafide sister running defense for pagpagkun in the thread, it's been awhile

>> No.80625061
Quoted by: >>80625113

>If it was an actual incline, her CCV would reflect it.
Her sub reflects it

>> No.80625063
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, IMG_9544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80625065

Don't forget she is ahead of Sana

>> No.80625069

Taking naps isn't hard, you just have to make a habit of it. Naps are legit good for your brain and mental state.

>> No.80625081

In that case I'm sure Fauna is in the top half by the same standards too huh

>> No.80625098

It's literally one merch thing where she beat Mumei for once because her board design is cool and Mumei's looks like trash. Lets just ignore years of her getting mogged and pretend this means anything other than her design is way better on a super niche merch that probably has the lowest talent cut of any produce. Board costs a fair bit to make, omocat needs their cut, cover needs their cut, then the talent final gets their cut. I'd be surprised if they're getting more than 10% of this total,, meaning she made a few hundred wooo. That's like 1 streams worth of revenue, nice. Talk about grasping at straws.

>> No.80625101
Quoted by: >>80625242

>shitting themselves for one hour over: yet people don't watch her

>> No.80625104
Quoted by: >>80625151

She has one of the highest VOD views (or just the highest) in her gen?

>> No.80625113
File: 97 KB, 1564x566, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80625263

Her subgrowth grinded to an halt now that she stopped spamming #shorts stream.

>> No.80625129

Why the fuck are people schizoing out over Bae

>> No.80625132

You might not be used to it but we horse race merch sales for fun not to spam holo vs holo. Nobody takes full gen merch as a serious sign of popularity

>> No.80625140
Quoted by: >>80625255

>Saying his stupid shit in front of his 100 members isn't harassing or spreading drama
Yeah no shit, it's the doing it publicly on twitter that is. Which he admitted to. Which you haven't denied.
stones, glass houses etc etc

>> No.80625145

nigga unironically counting the new ones who debuted not a month ago lmfao

>> No.80625151

and in terms of ccv?

>> No.80625157
Quoted by: >>80625333

She literally just beat Mumei in the plushie rerun too sister, meanwhile your luxiem shitters are all becoming 3views

>> No.80625165

>Holo v Holo

>> No.80625177

Idk, something, something, merch, something, something, subs and CCV.

>> No.80625192

Something has to take some heat from their dinofaggot

>> No.80625191

>Concerntrolling is when you quote something that was actually said and post something that is actually true

>> No.80625195
File: 1.75 MB, 1366x768, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only potatoes, sorry

>> No.80625202

she sells some more merch than before

>> No.80625216

Not either of those anons but you never really answered my question earlier about why her birthday live performed so well well. I can see it bringing in new fans that would want to buy her merch.

>> No.80625225

>where she buys clothes for herself

>> No.80625236


>> No.80625242

Someone said this >>80625101 and they've been shitting for an hour straight

>> No.80625244

She is inclining by every metric in 2024 and the sisters can't stop shitting themselves over it

>> No.80625255

When did he publicly say that? What are you even talking about?

>> No.80625263

>ame ticked, after a year
Hololive might allow you to not stream but damn, the effect of not streaming to channel growth is detrimental. No more free boost that is mythmania.

>> No.80625276

Mumei has little to do here since we were talking about Bae being in top-half of EN when it comes to merch sales *recently*. She doesn't need to beat Mumei (who is solidly in the top half herself as well) to get there.
It's true that Bae's merchs didn't sell as well before, but at the very least, her last 3-4 items have been doing well. It's not just 1 or 2 exceptions

>> No.80625280

>Bae inclined in merch
>Made some sisters seethe and zero in on her because of it

>> No.80625320

hate it to break it to you but this is towa

>> No.80625322

what make you think i even was in the conversation to begin with, i just saw something outlandishly stupid and had to throw a glass bottle in their faces

>> No.80625333
Quoted by: >>80625476

newfag. Bae's total sales this rerun are less than the amount that Mumei sold more than Bae last time, and Mumei is selling this time too

>> No.80625337

Nigga it's always the same play just pull the biboo "dox" post from last year, word from word
>I hope you are right
>I'm so sad
>Can't keep this feeling inside me
A fucking estrogen-fueled salad of dox and concerntrolling, you aint slick.

>> No.80625341

Prot tip: 30 minutes or multiples of 90 minutes, nothing in between or you will feel like shit, less only if you haven't slept in 24 hours and are sure you will wake up

>> No.80625352
File: 342 KB, 1280x720, super marino in real life.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80625356
Quoted by: >>80625538

Pretending to be concerned about something to troll. Dunno what the exact definition is, but the wording fits.

>> No.80625366
Quoted by: >>80625547

This often happens when this thread says something positive about Bae, Mori, Kronii, etc.
Like their rrats need this thread to hate certain girls and when it doesn't they raid into here to have a melty

>> No.80625376

Lol you are seething so hard. What part of recent incline do you not understand? how many more merch runs does she has to do good in for you to not shit your pants over it every single time?

>> No.80625402
Quoted by: >>80625630

You know damn well what I'm talking about, it's too late to feign ignorance, only his dumbshit fans are defending him. Not even the unitytards on reddit are defending this.

>> No.80625412

I feel like being consistent on streaming does help when you are not gura and ina, with the exception of kiara where kfp is heavy on SC than merch.

>> No.80625441
Quoted by: >>80625664

>it's not 1 or 2 exceptions
>it's 3 or 4 items
holy kek, why can't you fag give it some time to have more data instead of pulling this kind of shit
who is insecure here

>> No.80625456

How is Witcher not a debuff? Fauna is down to 60-70% of her neutral numbers when playing late parts Witcher.

>> No.80625473
Quoted by: >>80625599

new fans that don't watch any of her streams but are magically dedicated enough to spend money on her merch but not her SCs is less likely than old fans rewatching

>> No.80625476

>Bae didn't incline recently bacause she had low numbers a year ago
I don't even know what the angle is supposed to be here honestly

>> No.80625487

I've never "doxxed" Biboo, stop chasing after boogeymen.
And it is worrying that she follows him and then the homo talks like that. If you can't make basic inferences, that's your problem.

>> No.80625498

>Check global archives because of the complaining
>You can openly shitpost on any EN
> Mods just let it happen now unless it’s directly shitting on Kiara, Mori, or Gura
How is that place still so Myth poisoned when there are 19 ENs

>> No.80625501

You should expect it any time someone who doesn't mind collaborating with homos has good metrics.

>> No.80625513
Quoted by: >>80625661

You guys know they don't even watch Bae it's just to try and make some kind of shit point like "see even if she does homoshit it's viable"

>> No.80625538
Quoted by: >>80625603


>> No.80625539

You forgot Bae and Ame

>> No.80625547

Well, this thread is built on the knowledge that
>Only CGDCT and unicorn pandering get you money and numbers
Any girl who broke that archetype mindbroke the thread because they simply cannot understand how one can be successful and still interacting with males

>> No.80625554

>why do people like Gura more than Shiori
Yea I fucking wonder why

>> No.80625599
Quoted by: >>80625705

Because she is an excellent stage idol but not necessarily a great streamer? you still haven't answered my question about her birthday live having some of the best growth by the way, let's not even mention the fact that she had dreamhack recently and japs liked her artsy fes performance

>> No.80625602

I’ll summarize anon’s grievance with a little theater

* Setting: Fauna and Bae improve their merch numbers *
>WOW! Look at that!
<(cheerful) KNEEL!
<(cheerful) KNEEL!
<(cheerful) KNEEL!

*crickets* (awkward silence)

>> No.80625603


>> No.80625630
Quoted by: >>80625776

I have no idea of what you are talking about because unlike you I don't follow the homos like a maniac. Can you point where and when he said the leaked comments from his members stream on public?

>> No.80625647
Quoted by: >>80625752

Kek this is 1:1 the shit he tries in /ggg/ too

>> No.80625661
Quoted by: >>80625951

lmfao called it >>80625547
remind me when was the last time Bae collabed with any of the EN homos?

>> No.80625664

Because she was neck to neck with IRyS before and one of them sold better than the other at times. Bae only got clear ahead with the last 3-4 items.
And yes, it matters because just 1-2 items can be chalked to luck, but 3-4 in a row over span of months should be enough to start forming a pattern

>> No.80625665
Quoted by: >>80625724

babidi babidi boowa bibidi majin buu wa

>> No.80625705

This premise makes no sense. Her Kamippoi na at OBP was poor vocally with missing all of the high notes and her artsy fes performance was confusing for the Japs

>> No.80625714

Is CazéTV an individual streamer or a group channel ?
It has higher YT ccv record than ibai's Twitch record.
The highest YT record is held by ISRO but it is not a streamer channel.

>> No.80625724
File: 511 KB, 640x360, miko Bibbiboppity[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyfvys8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80625820


>> No.80625736

Man, my farts STINK

>> No.80625740
Quoted by: >>80625802

It broke containment. Now people know what his motivations actually are and it's nothing wholesome anymore.

>> No.80625745

>Any girl who broke that archetype
who? Suisei and Kobo?

>> No.80625752


>> No.80625755

And yet under overlap people would rather watch anybody but her.

>> No.80625776
Quoted by: >>80625909

You're either too esl to follow a conversation, or you're intentionally misunderstanding what I said. Given your ardent defense of something not even reddit is defending, I'm going to assume it's the latter. Have a nice rest of your day.

>> No.80625793

I could've sworn everyone universally loved her Kamippoi na and her artsy fes performance was only confusing for people /here/ primarily (for valid reasons such as whiplash and setting)

>> No.80625800
File: 774 KB, 1083x502, jurards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro's clipmaxxing jurard

>> No.80625802
Quoted by: >>80625849

And yet management is letting him stream and use his socials with no problem, it's almost as if Cover didn't care

>> No.80625818

Both performances solidified her as the best dancer in hololive except for in this shithole of a website where self hating last SEAmurai shitters act like an English speaking girl could never hope to match the dancing prowess of titans like Subaru and Nene

>> No.80625820
File: 1.06 MB, 1103x621, MikorishThumba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bipity bop bibop bitty boowa it's a me mario

>> No.80625824
Quoted by: >>80625946

Are we intentionally ignoring that it's the worst month for hoomans?
Seeing as how next month is mumei's birthday

>> No.80625833
Quoted by: >>80625966

>following different 800 vtubers, she talks with all off them
>in the meantime she doesn't even talk with gura

>> No.80625849
Quoted by: >>80626098

>he thinks any of the higher ups caught any of it yet
roru you are in for a rough time buddy

>> No.80625855
Quoted by: >>80625903

>immediately falls back to EN vs JP
Every time

>> No.80625866

What's the homo drama, and why are anons forcing Kiara to be apart of it?

>> No.80625890

Hey you ignored my question about her birthday live again

>> No.80625903

>shits on Bae
>gets a perfectly valid response defending Bae
>waaaaah muh holo vs holo jp vs en this isn't supposed to happen
You will never fit in here sister

>> No.80625905

He is investing in dino stock it seems, if he gets graduated then normalfags will ask why

>> No.80625906

>totally not seething

>> No.80625909

Or you can't point these posts you claim he made to harras the girls and make drama because they don't exist. Just saying "hbd" isn't harrasing or making drama, retard

>> No.80625928
File: 381 KB, 2769x4096, 1698505246675314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80625936


>> No.80625937
Quoted by: >>80626150

the bottomest of the barrel lmao...

>> No.80625946

It’s probably just the usual schizo. It’s giving me deja vu with the January merch that ended up doing well after people bundled it with all the other EN birthday merch.

>> No.80625951
File: 350 KB, 519x448, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

June 28 it looks like?

>> No.80625959
Quoted by: >>80626036

Flip homo admits in members he's farming negativity/controversy to boost himself, queue various falseflaggers whenever it's brought up

>> No.80625966
Quoted by: >>80626101

She follows less than 15 vtubers in that account, anon

>> No.80625970

Thanks for proving my point raiding schizo

>> No.80625998
Quoted by: >>80626092

>her poor vocals
>b-b-b-but the dance
>perfectly valid response
that is not a EN homo

>> No.80626002

Kiara is like MSG you can sprinkle on any baitpost to make it more savory.

>> No.80626015

So true. Shitting on Subaru and Nene out of nowhere is our favorite pastime!

>> No.80626019

Which of them was an EN homo?

>> No.80626036

But what does that have to do with Kiara? I've seen like three different Kiara edits relating to it, and I have no idea why people are making her a center focal point in it. Did she say something, or what?

>> No.80626037

>random JP shitter
>EN homo
lmfao the jurard drama really mindbroke the sisters

>> No.80626038

maybe he's taking the idea of hate marketing to heart

>> No.80626050
Quoted by: >>80626092

>gets a perfectly valid response defending Bae
and other copes ratfaggots keep on repeating.

>> No.80626054

>She exclusively beat Fauna
Who's higher than her in CCV, so what does that tell you?

>> No.80626056

the floor is mirrored

>> No.80626064
Quoted by: >>80627141

Oof, that's a lot of effort to publish member only audio clips and yet barely any views. Well, maybe one will strike gold sometime.

>> No.80626092
Quoted by: >>80626230

Keep antiing Bae sisters, I'm sure your boys will incline soon thanks to your efforts

>> No.80626098
Quoted by: >>80626408

Whenever something worthy of a termination happens, the effect is immediate. It wasn't in this case, so nothing will happen. Cope and seethe he will be here forever

>> No.80626101
Quoted by: >>80626272

are you stupid nigger?, no matter who you click on there is a vtuber, it's literally all vtubers

>> No.80626105

It's just a joke related to the coincidence of vesfag disappearing shortly after raiding Kiara.

>> No.80626133
Quoted by: >>80626225

Nobody is saying Fauna inclined her box fans. Her incline is with core fans that will always prioritize her. Why is it impossible to defend Bae without attacking her genmates?

>> No.80626145
Quoted by: >>80626225

That she inflated her growth with #shorts stream and now that she stopped doing those her sub growth is inferior to Fauna's ?

>> No.80626150

Matches the vtuber

>> No.80626163

That CCV is meaningless

>> No.80626177
Quoted by: >>80626316

NTA but isn't he praising Subaru and Nene? did you speedread in your seethe?

>> No.80626181
File: 73 KB, 1233x366, 14019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that this is /uuu2/

>> No.80626193
File: 155 KB, 1440x1440, 1649561302751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two exact same video, but the one in shorts form got higher numbers

>> No.80626206
File: 78 KB, 695x305, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80626224
File: 493 KB, 525x584, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80626225

>Why is it impossible to defend Bae without attacking her genmates?
Meanwhile sapshits: >>80626145

>> No.80626230

>sisters attacking the sister insider homocollaber prime
This makes 0 sense unless you're following the Stalin maxim of accusing others of what you are.

>> No.80626272

Why lie? And only 4 are males, are they special to her or something?

>> No.80626279
Quoted by: >>80626340

Keep dilating sister, you will never understand how this hobby works

>> No.80626280
Quoted by: >>80626465

Why are you so sensitive over a factual statement ? The initial post mentionned Fauna.

>> No.80626285
Quoted by: >>80626403

I don't know man, I don't watch Bae but I'm happy for her success and I can recognize that it's due to her idol activities in the last year. I don't know why her success is making some retards seethe, we should be happy when a holo is inclining

>> No.80626307
Quoted by: >>80626455

Yup there it is, sisters really can't handle the fact that Bae ditched their boys

>> No.80626316

Read between the lines. It pulls down two of the best JP dancers down to the level of Bae the same way one might compare a third army JP's CCV to Fauna's

>> No.80626321

"Woman" hands typed this

>> No.80626322

Which leaves one suspect

>> No.80626334

why doesn't hololive have any competitors?

>> No.80626337

Kiara gets dragged into literally every drama, anon. Including ones that have nothing to do with holoEN or hololive in general. Try to name a recent drama that Kiara wasn't dragged into, I can quite literally only think of 2.

>> No.80626340
Quoted by: >>80626395

Jurard understands it pretty well since he's part of Hololive. You will never know Fauna like he does lmao

>> No.80626368

I'm watching three-year-old Ina vods

>> No.80626369

>down to the level of Bae
Keep saying it sister

>> No.80626374
File: 784 KB, 1024x1024, 1720845272587606.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80626523

>Only CGDCT and unicorn pandering get you money and numbers

>> No.80626394

and the mask comes off

>> No.80626395

Already slipping sis?

>> No.80626403

>her success
This is a gross exaggeration, and she would have double the "success" if she was never messed with the homos, now she has to work twice as hard for mild results.

>> No.80626408

y-yeah just like fagni and vepiss

>> No.80626439
Quoted by: >>80626559

I'm done with you monkey, now I know you're just trolling, no wonder after an average of 80iq cockposter

>> No.80626443



>> No.80626453
Quoted by: >>80626532

>down to the level of Bae
I personally think Bae is a better dancer, I could use that same argument and argue that you are doing the same but in reverse, in fact you are blatantly doing it.

>> No.80626455
File: 2 KB, 112x125, 1644332813964s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Bae ditched their boys
and other insane copes ratfaggots keep on repeating (while she is interacting with them on twitter).

>> No.80626465

Just like it is a factual statement that Bae is inclining, and she has surpassed Fauna in subs and IRyS and Mumei in merch numbers

>> No.80626480

how is that an attack lol

>> No.80626493
File: 323 KB, 1003x1619, MyHoloPlus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even have time to watch your Yaoi Faggots and Whores

>> No.80626502

grrrr I hate hololive, how dare they have better numbers than me :( STOP GIVING MONEY TO THESE WOMEN, I'M BETTER THAN THEM but I'm not jealous, you're all just wrong and stupid. Damn unicorns I hate you!!!!

>> No.80626506
Quoted by: >>80626581

You have been seething about Bae for an hour now, please look in the mirror

>> No.80626507
Quoted by: >>80626535

How many da bois can we expect in Bae's next 3D stream?

>> No.80626523
Quoted by: >>80626662

>Suisei mindbroke this thread every time
My point

>> No.80626532
Quoted by: >>80626665

There it is. Start holo vs holo first and then accuse everyone else of doing it. It never fails

>> No.80626535

next 3d wont be fast

>> No.80626544

>Ina willingly participated in a homo song but is still there
>Kiara has gone against the homos at every turn but is left out
Retarded larper

>> No.80626552
Quoted by: >>80626688

If the girls interacted with them and then stopped after joining Hololive, that suggests they only interacted out of necessity and not out of desire. Doesn’t help that so many of these dudes are aggressive creeps, if you don’t have to deal with them anymore, why would you?

>> No.80626559

>Make up shit instead of factchecking
>Get btfo
>I-I'm done with this!!!

>> No.80626561
Quoted by: >>80626703

This poster is definitely from the ernoul squad

>> No.80626567
File: 84 KB, 850x551, waterkuma 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we post cunny instead?

>> No.80626569

So how long do discord raids usually last?

>> No.80626581

Opened the thread 10 minutes ago and I did 2 replies, moron, you're arguing with another anon.

>> No.80626587

why is grimmity posting the same clip like 8 times ?

>> No.80626594

Btw, Miko have 2 more gold confirmed this month
>Fan project stream
>Micomet anni
Where tf are other Holos?

>> No.80626607

Ina is cute
Kiara isn't

>> No.80626613

Kronii and Ame are here, why do you think this was even a criteria ?

>> No.80626644
Quoted by: >>80626738


>> No.80626646

cuckposters usually camp here for a couple of hours

>> No.80626662
Quoted by: >>80626731

Speaking of, pretty sure the Flip Suischizo was born from this thread, no?

>> No.80626665
Quoted by: >>80626831

Anon 1: Bae is as good a dancer as Subaru and nene
>You: He's bringing them DOWN to Bae's level
Who is doing Holo vs Holo again?

>> No.80626688

They just know their audience and are smart enough to not do things that could lead their paypiggies to leave. Just like some holos reveal how they hang out with other girls or how they played offstream, the same things could be happening but with homos

>> No.80626691

Depends, when they have to defend their failures outside we get some breathing room

>> No.80626695
Quoted by: >>80626781

Pekora got an effortless gold yesterday by reading maros and showing her new logo in the last 10 minutes

>> No.80626703

>knows the sisters squad names
I never heard of any ernoul therefore you are definitely more in his side of the internet than me.

>> No.80626721

Recording Holo Summer '24 for Aug / Sep stream

>> No.80626731

No not really, he is a /hlg/ refugee, I was there for a good while before /vt/ so I know if a schizo is from there

>> No.80626738

What did Shioro ever do you mongoloid

>> No.80626741

What about the clear bias management got toward Bae i'm sure it got nothing to do with the homos.

>> No.80626781

>1 gold
Yeah and Miko have 5 gold locked in this month, is she the only one who can be arsed to do big number stream these days?

>> No.80626785
Quoted by: >>80626873

new angle just drop

>> No.80626821

>management is biased towards girls who work hard and are available and willing to participate in company work
Wow that's crazy. It must be the 3 homo collabs that Bae did years ago. There's no other explanation.

>> No.80626831

The sisters who hate Gura and pretend she is below JP first army level do it by starting holo vs holo. By comparing lower tier JP girls to Gura they pull her down to their level. It's the same strategy

>> No.80626842

SJW management

>> No.80626849
Quoted by: >>80627179

The only times anons will consider Kiara "CGDCT" is when it's time to do Unicorn vs Homobeggar culture wars since tards think Kiara is on their side. Outside of that, anons don't really care about/dislike her, and she's usually put with the rest of the homocollabers until it's time for the next culture war where they pretend that they've always liked her.

>> No.80626848

Holy shit I just realize, if Miko is going through and Steam Summer Sale haul, we might get Miko DB Kakarot vs Koshien streams

>> No.80626864
File: 161 KB, 850x1242, waterkuma 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80626873

i wanted to see if he was dense enough to bite
what about having homos in her 3D live?

>> No.80626872

Let's not discuss how much money she actively spends on projects, let's ignore that. Let's also ignore the fact that Bae talked about this recently on stream that Management gives the girls choices in what they want to do such as streaming or idol activities and we have examples of the opposite extreme like Fauna who are focusing more on streaming and don't want sponsorships or want to do Birthday lives. I'm convinced you are just a Baeschizo

>> No.80626881
Quoted by: >>80628398

Just beat sword saint isshin, good fight.

>> No.80626884
Quoted by: >>80627038

> Any girl who broke that archetype
Anon Bae has completely stopped doing homo collabs after dumb and dumber left, and even that one Barbie thing was more because of clown's beggar fans than because any of them actually cared.
CGDCT girls are defined by their ATTITUDE not by homo collabs.
Which is why Mori x.0 is now gaining at least some amount of traction in this thread. This is DESPITE multiple fuckups btw, meaning there ARE people that will still forgive you if you reform.
And while Mumei didn't catch that much shit for her one homo collab, Kronii's goodwill just completely collapsed, because of her ATTITUDE towards the whole thing.

>> No.80626893

It is the weekend. Pagpag homofags have all day to be schizo and deflect from the homo melty

>> No.80626895
File: 295 KB, 1017x1400, spiderys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80626899


>> No.80626904
Quoted by: >>80627352

>TopGear trio graduating

>> No.80626907

Bae openly said on stream that she was afraid of homo interaction and management pushed her to do it.

>> No.80626919
Quoted by: >>80627763

And Miko will be crushed by Koshien

>> No.80626939

how do you retards survive on this site if you are this willing to jump on baits like this?

>> No.80626960

>management is biased towards girls who work hard and are available and willing to participate in company work
Explain Kiara

>> No.80626972

some of my gameplay video on yt have more views than this

>> No.80626982

it's for next month

>> No.80627003


>> No.80627031
File: 434 KB, 676x535, 1718872843245580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good numbers?

>> No.80627034

I don't think the numbers Pekora got for that will happen again. It was the right vtuber not knowing the content at the right time sort of thing. Game might be a standard buff though, not sure if that will even be the case.

>> No.80627038

Not true, she had homos in her 3D stream way after their graduations and she kept on tweeting at them.

>> No.80627046
File: 882 KB, 960x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80627075

Kiara decided to move away from Japan to fucking Europe because she missed her cats lmao, what a shining example of ambition and dedication.

>> No.80627078
File: 112 KB, 850x755, waterkuma 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80627083


>> No.80627088

Kiara isn't available for more than half of the year. Bae moved to JP for a reason

>> No.80627100

The girl who still have the most sponsorship to this day ?
Part of the world tour ?
She complain a lot because she don't get to do stuff the way she want to do it, but she get a lot of shit compared to her popularity

>> No.80627112
Quoted by: >>80627200

The homos wouldn’t be seething over the girls like they do if that were true. Some of da boiz have actively shat on the girls.

>> No.80627118

Fauna never said she doesn't want to do it nigger. She want to get better before doing a 3D birthday live. Yet another retarded mask off moment, you don't belong on this site go back.

>> No.80627128
File: 1.76 MB, 2080x1250, 1712219189400237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She went from someone who was always under IRyS in merch to someone who moves more merch than her now
Ah, it's our usual IRySchizo making shit up.
>You are knee deep in cope trying to rationalize it as her design because her success is making you seethe for some reason
Yep, definitely the Dalit. Got tired of resetting your router and went VSPO keyboard sales route?

>> No.80627129
Quoted by: >>80627302

Do not open

>> No.80627141

Even though that faggot is blatantly shilling himself here I'd even let him have the popularity if that's what it takes for people to catch onto this sex pest faggot's shenanigans. I fucking hate it when only this place knows about serious yabs and I have to the casuals in stream chats etc. be clueless.
That being said it's funny he can't get any views even with the amount of shilling

>> No.80627153
File: 1.25 MB, 3024x4032, a brat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the reality, people who buy Bae's merch aren't Unicorns (for obvious reasons) nor are they homobeggars (because they don't buy merch)
They are idolfags, Unicorns are idolfags but an idolfag doesn't need to be a unicorn.

>> No.80627159
File: 878 KB, 761x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80627169

I mean what about Kiara? She was chosen for the world tour stuff, and is apparently giving Kiara more opportunities based off of what Kiara said in the coming future, no? Are you talking about the 3D live? Not sure what you're getting at. Unless you mean Kiara not being in Japan.

>> No.80627179
Quoted by: >>80627257

You are gong schizo over a botpost lol

>> No.80627185

Participate in company work is what we're calling signal boosting the CEO's favorite boys these days

>> No.80627192

6k for Shadow is kinda nuts desu

>> No.80627196

>Working hard
HAHAHAHAHAHAH, But maybe you are right, deepthroathing homostars dick is probably a hard job

>> No.80627200
Quoted by: >>80627250

No? Only the flip retard

>> No.80627217

And yet Ina said the opposite where management had invited her to be part of the World Tour thing, she didn't ask to join.

>> No.80627222
File: 368 KB, 1448x2048, 1710860211548033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80627237
Quoted by: >>80627294

You don't have to believe everything the talents say, especially when it goes blatantly against their actions

>> No.80627238
File: 131 KB, 850x1143, waterkuma 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80627239
Quoted by: >>80627337

>shit on shuba and nene
>shit on fauna
>shit on kiara
nice showing bratt retard, keep going

>> No.80627250
Quoted by: >>80627409

>ignoring the others homos that seethed
Okay, so you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

>> No.80627257
Quoted by: >>80627339

Even if it's a botpostit isn't btw, I'm still right.

>> No.80627260

Nigga that doesn't change my point about lack of activity in that area. Those who want to do it more will get more opportunities to do it, that's how holo management does it behind the scenes. There's a clip of of Bae talking about this

>> No.80627264
Quoted by: >>80627351

The mask finally fell off, took you a while this time

>> No.80627286

5 minutes in
>Homos-only bus to the expo to sign stuff
>Brags about being the first nousagi to get a picture of Pekora's signature
>"I got it first you guys are losers, I'm the winner here"
>"Nousagi's are crying right now because I'm the first one who took a picture of the signature"
>"Get on my level, work for Holostars"
>"I win" x4
>Asked if he met Peko
>Admits he didn't
>Copes by playing it off as simply being different schedules
>"The Holobus unfortunately isn't full of the like the entirety, we were just like uhh separated. Holostars like different section of time schedule and blah blah blah whatever"
>"We have our different schedules, they're a different branch after all right, so we have to respect the schedule, we can't suddenly merge everything"
>"They have their own time they have their own thing, and WE have our own thing alright
>"So yeah unfortunately we weren't able to like y'know meet all of them however y'know probably in the future who knows
>"But yeah we weren't able to meet them"
>Shows more signatures
>"I'm the real fan fuck all of you I got here first"
>"Privileges I guess, I work in the company and I will take advantage of it"
>More bragging about seeing Peko stuff before others

>> No.80627294
Quoted by: >>80627344

Then i don't have to believe Bae and i can freely think management is biased towards her. thanks anon you are very very smart.

>> No.80627302


>> No.80627306
Quoted by: >>80627417

>This time Bae ditched the boys, trust!
>Next homo event has Bae to fangirl and cream over them again

>> No.80627337

I see you metalgearunicorn, stick to containment breaking and falseflagging

>> No.80627339
Quoted by: >>80627411

Kiara is CGDCT and will never collab with your fags

>> No.80627344

>then I can shamelessly anti Bae for totally made up reasons
Nice try sister

>> No.80627351

I mean he is not wrong, desu

>> No.80627352


>> No.80627399

I don't know what is going on in here, but I just ordered a milkshake and they gave me a cup with ice cream in it instead.

>> No.80627405

> red flip homo replies to pretty much all the holo girls (except Fauna and FWMC) for a crumb of attention.
> ERB finally gives him some. Ollie ofc is doing it since day 1 since she nepo hired him.
> Get big head, start acting like some bigshot, giving advice to ERB and trying to act as if he isn't getting shut down by most of the girls, and that the homos aren't getting literally segregated during holofes (different schedule, different bus).
> Start replying to Kiara and Gura even
> Get bonked (likely by Kiara's complaints)
> goes to membership and seethes about "muh unicorns, muh idol culture" for 30 minutes
> reveals that all the birthday tweets and all of his retardation with mouse and DN is part of "hate marketing"
> pretty much everyone here, on reddit and on twitter shits on him for dramamongering
> fast forward, his collab with Ironmouse gets cancelled
(you are here)

>> No.80627411
Quoted by: >>80627567

Thank you for proving me right, anons will only consider Kiara CGDCT when it's time for culture wars.

>> No.80627409

Vesper and Magni graduated a year ago bro, let go.

>> No.80627416

its nerissa schizo he camps /uuu/ and post shit like this

>> No.80627417
Quoted by: >>80627570

I remember at the beginning of the year, a brat wandered in saying Bae hadn't done anything with the homos in months
Despite doing a Barbie collab and the homo side NYE countdown a few weeks earlier
The cycle will never stop

>> No.80627425
Quoted by: >>80627842

Ollie: good job
Let destroy hololive

>> No.80627437
Quoted by: >>80627704

And yet under overlap people would rather watch everybody else.

>> No.80627453
File: 87 KB, 850x362, waterkuma 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80627468
File: 142 KB, 850x1267, bilbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you like girl? I like girl

>> No.80627487

Give it to me, are these sisters or genuinely Unicorns seething about Bae ITT? because for once I genuinely cannot tell and if it's the latter, I'm feeling second hand embarrassment

>> No.80627507
Quoted by: >>80627545

My oshi works harder than Bae and she is not rewarded, maybe my oshi should collab and shill ZA BOIS to have better oportunities

>> No.80627519
Quoted by: >>80627618

I just assume both sides are raiders, or one of them is dumb and falling for raiders.

>> No.80627526
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>> No.80627530
Quoted by: >>80627802

>except Fauna and FWMC
Why though? That would get him attention too. Did Fauna ask him not to?

>> No.80627533
Quoted by: >>80627602

Literally Magni with Marine but worse lmao

>> No.80627545

Who is your oshi anon? Or are you going to refuse to name her so you can keep shitposting against hololive?

>> No.80627565
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>> No.80627567

It's only a war in your mind anon. That's just her style of content and it clearly makes you mad.

>> No.80627570

You should actually genuinely kill yourself, there is not a single brat who believes she will stop homo interactions

>> No.80627573

>Richest ENs
Gura > Mori >>> Ina > Kiara > Mumei > Fauna > Ame > FWMC >> Bae > Kronii > Shiori/Nerissa/Bijou >>>> Justice

>> No.80627595

Miko room with Marine tomorrow, another easy gold

>> No.80627602
Quoted by: >>80627922

>Magni with Marine

>> No.80627603
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I thought cunny post works...

>> No.80627612

Miko Marine collab tomorrow

>> No.80627614
Quoted by: >>80627787

I'm only shitting on her because ratfags keep on trying to make Bae be on the CGDCT level when she sacrifices nothing and just leech of her genmates good reputation.

>> No.80627618

I'm doing it out of boredom but i have to say apart from saying "yet people don't watch" i didn't say much negative, can't say the same about the retards biting it hard.

>> No.80627627

The thread was calm then like 5different bait angles dropped at once.

>> No.80627635
File: 3.00 MB, 1546x870, 1714251121097561.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunnyfags hop in, it's the queen of holorecruits debut

>> No.80627644
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>> No.80627645
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Quoted by: >>80627713

We love hebes in this thread

>> No.80627647


>> No.80627656

& IRyS...

>> No.80627674

syadou 7k and rising!!!

>> No.80627676

Who will gain the most from Advent's 3D debuts? I've got a feeling Biboo will. Her allegedly cute movements/mannerisms and good dancing will will some over, especially JP bros.

>> No.80627693


>> No.80627699

Projekt Melody >Ironmouse >Shylily >>> Gura

>> No.80627704
Quoted by: >>80627757


>> No.80627711

I only watch bae casually
Couldn't care that much about her

>> No.80627713
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that's a child

>> No.80627718
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>> No.80627725

>fucked up soundpost
laugh at this ligga

>> No.80627729

pretty sure raora has them big bucks too

>> No.80627745

>infinite loading screen
twitch people live like this?

>> No.80627754

>she nepo hired him
You still don't know what nepohiring means

>> No.80627757

Literally all it took and the best part is i don't even believe it for a second.

>> No.80627763

Koshien is not gonna get big numbers unless it's the draft and the day of the tourney, but the practice will get so-so numbers. Oh, by the way the draft will be on the same day as Pekora's anniversary.

>> No.80627768

why is she like this

>> No.80627779
Quoted by: >>80627820

>randomized filename
look at the top left, it's a countdown

>> No.80627787
Quoted by: >>80627927

You made me laugh

>> No.80627802

no clue
either blocked, or maybe too afraid before ERB, because he replied to Gura as well after she came in

>> No.80627806

Anon you need to be blind to no see the obvious bias with the mangament in cover, just compare her with Kronii, she is being sabotaged because she stopped doing homocollabs after dumb and dumbber graduated

>> No.80627809


>> No.80627811

yes you can tab out and your cpu doesn't die because of the chat

>> No.80627813

Out of 10!

>> No.80627815
Quoted by: >>80627887

None of those girls besides Gura makes more than Ina

>> No.80627820
Quoted by: >>80627873

Ok but why? She's ready now, why waste time?

>> No.80627833

There is not much competition until Koshien starts on the 17th, however the monthly gold might be already wrapped up by then.

>> No.80627842
Quoted by: >>80627889

Rent free + mindbroken

>> No.80627846

>she thinks it is a joke that people prefer her sisters over her

>> No.80627871

you fucking discord zoomers are so impatient.

>> No.80627872
Quoted by: >>80627914

You should keep in mind that having higher income doesn't necessarily mean being richer, though. Expenses matter, too.
I.e: FWMC & Bae probably spent quite a lot on moving to JP and monthly rents. Holo members who live with their family or friends would have a lot easier time with that.

>> No.80627873

to build up suspense you dummy!

>> No.80627887

Nothing can beat porn.

>> No.80627889

Shut up, ollie
Stop egosa in 4chan

>> No.80627914

>I.e: FWMC & Bae probably spent quite a lot on moving to JP and monthly rents
>he thinks that this is a significant expense

>> No.80627918

The same can be said of Mori. She still has many projects on the table thanks to UMJ but Cover has not favored her in a very long time

>> No.80627922
Quoted by: >>80628096

He thought he could get a collab with her because he was "Hololive"

>> No.80627926

>red flip homo replies to pretty much all the holo girls (except Fauna and FWMC) for a crumb of attention.
He doesn't do it to, Kronii, Fauna, Mumei, IRyS, Bae(?) FWMC

>> No.80627927
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and I pity you

>> No.80627940
File: 2.22 MB, 960x1234, 1710143348538401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we love children

>> No.80627948

gonna watch shonshon so I can find out where the fuck my oshi S oyapoya went

>> No.80627971

I mean, they probably bought new furniture and wardrobe and appliances and shower heads and stuffs

>> No.80627982

>This is what twitchtards actually think

>> No.80627990

>open catbox
>502 bad gateway
Guess I'll have to wait

>> No.80628019

you should spend more time on yourself desu :/

>> No.80628051

could even say he needs to "improve himself"

>> No.80628069
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x2340, nerissa jokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She brought this on herself.
I said DAY ONE that her family would overshadow her if she didn't space out their appearances, because she's not that good of a daily streamer just yet.

>> No.80628088

you can see that faggot is preparing his narrative for samefagging

>> No.80628096
Quoted by: >>80629075

Where did he talk about that lol I haven't heard that one in 2 years of people shitting on him and his retarded buttbuddy

>> No.80628113

Bae has been sabotaged many times, just because brats aren't mentioning it doesn't mean it doesn't happen
e.g Bae wasn't told she was allowed to have anniversary merch this year and it's too late now so she won't be getting merch for her anniversary this year
Bae's covers coming out on time is completely due to her own efforts, she pressures everyone who she is working with and literally sits on top of the mixer's head in live mixing sessions to make sure it comes out perfect and even then they have been delayed before, Mindcraft was delayed twice in case you forgot

>> No.80628125

I just ate a steak with mashed potatoes and I dropped some mashed potatoes and I can't fucking find them on the floor.

>> No.80628126
Quoted by: >>80628467

Honestly IRyS seems the most fucked over since she lives in Japan and yet Cover still almost never invites her to stuff.

>> No.80628129
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Why didn't Gura get invited to Mr. Beast's latest video? She has more subs than this dude.

>> No.80628163
Quoted by: >>80628379

>just yet
We will reach one year in two weeks. It's time to admit she will probably never be that good of a daily streamer. At this point, her most popular bit is her family by so fucking far, that it's not even close.

>> No.80628176
Quoted by: >>80628259

why was Fauna breeding macho men?

>> No.80628185
Quoted by: >>80628297

It's actually fucking amazing to me how low Nerissa's self esteem is. Like I am actually baffled.

>> No.80628186
Quoted by: >>80628231

Like always: you live and die by your solo content, and collabing with your family still isn't solo content

>> No.80628190

improve yourself metalgearpagpag

>> No.80628192
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>> No.80628208
Quoted by: >>80628404

I still dont get why Cover doesnt have popstar/singer school for the retarded hikkis/autists they chose as singer holos. Just scream at them for a month "IMAGE IS EVERYTHING, THINK HOW THE GENERAL PUBLIC VIEWS YOU" and then have a 3 month crash course in whatever archetype the singing holo fits into

>> No.80628214

But FWMC are getting a lot of opportunities and totally shun homos. It all comes down to how outgoing you are, you will get as much work as you're willing to take or push for. I don't disagree about management having a bias against Kronii which is unprofessional though.

>> No.80628223
Quoted by: >>80628312

>one mistake
the cover stuff got nothing to do with management

>> No.80628231

fuck off Vesper

>> No.80628236

Anon, IDK where they live, but the rent at some upper-middle level condo in Tokyo (I assume they are living in metro Tokyo) can go for 7-10+K bucks a month (not even talking about the more luxury / rich ones yet). That's pretty significant IMO.
On the other hand, I guess it's also possible that they rent cheaper rooms outside of metro Tokyo area, too. We just don't know.

>> No.80628240

I will continue to laugh at your continued seethe at the rat idol and her activities and inventing rrats to try and rationalize your headcanon

>> No.80628259

The funny.

>> No.80628265 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.80628274

> her sister stole all her friends
> now she's stealing all her viewers too
fucking OOF that's gotta HURT her ego man,,,

>> No.80628297
Quoted by: >>80628344

It left out the part where Nerissa's sisters actually did end up unintentionally stealing some of her friends which is why it triggers her.

>> No.80628301

yeah bae is doing great, I'm proud of her. I hope her future is blessed as an idol. Idol culture is great!

>> No.80628312

That's a pretty big mistake if you ask me, she was clearly bummed out by it and anniversaries happen like once a year.

>> No.80628317
Quoted by: >>80628819

I said the same. That bringing on her family so often just for the temporary number boost would bite her in the ass.
Same reason why attaching yourself to your oshi senpai right away isn't a good idea. Get an identity for yourself.

>> No.80628330
Quoted by: >>80628376

pretty sure it's because they haven't had birthdays yet
only one he missed was Fauna and Fuwamoco

>> No.80628344
Quoted by: >>80628402

Aradia seems like a blast so I understand why people would choose hanging out with her over Nerissa

>> No.80628348


>> No.80628376


Imagine comparing this to what both Kronii and IRyS had to deal with holy shit take your head out of your ass
Where is the sabotage here you fucking mongoloid
>her manager forgetting something once
>delay on covers that got nothing to do with Cover or management
Retard Kronii IRyS Fauna and Bae all have their birthday the same month

>> No.80628379

Migo took about 3 years to become who she is now anon.
I beleb in the power of CGDCT.

>> No.80628393

I don't seethe at all, all I do is warn others about your misinformation and prevent them for falling for the ratnigs lies and get surprised with homos on their faces.

>> No.80628395
Quoted by: >>80628997

Damn why is he so pathetic? Instead of jealousy I feel pity

>> No.80628398
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Good job anon, it is a good fight

>> No.80628402

their designs are so good too, goddamn.

>> No.80628405
Quoted by: >>80628478

Shondo about to hit 10k what the hell? Might actually cost CC viewers for today's stream since I'm sure there's some overlap in fans.

>> No.80628404

Cover needs to think a lot of their on boarding process after Nerissa and ERB. ERB attaching a lot of her identity to homos and a lesser extent holos gives her much less of a real identity and it's compounded by her lack of streams. Like Nerissa and Kiara/her family.

>> No.80628412

uh-oh Shondo starting

>> No.80628448


>> No.80628456

>shondos voice is more cunny

>> No.80628467

You might want to elaborate. What did you mean by "stuff"? She appeared in lots of official programs

>> No.80628476

>Kronii and IRyS had to deal with
That's on them, they are timid and docile compared to Bae in matters like this, Kronii only grew a pair recently

>> No.80628477


>> No.80628478

man, shondo is one of the biggest vtubers in twitch and she never gets front page kek

>> No.80628530

Uh... this lore is very obviously about SP leaving...

>> No.80628541


>> No.80628557
File: 378 KB, 1463x2048, 1720891129562443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80628629


>> No.80628595


>> No.80628602

reminder that chubi chases and jumpscares gura (cute)

>> No.80628607
Quoted by: >>80629067

>actually it's not management fucking up it's their own fault
>actually Bae isn't a pushover that's why it work out better for her
>it's not about bias trust me
lol lmfao even rumao dare i say

>> No.80628605

Are EU hours /lig/ dominant?

>> No.80628616


>> No.80628629

chick on the left is Miku but who is the loli on the right?

>> No.80628640

which holo would play this?
also funny that shitposters stopped once shondo started streaming...

>> No.80628654
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>> No.80628659
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>> No.80628668


>> No.80628670
Quoted by: >>80629067

That's EXACTLY what homoniggers were saying about their fags' preferential treatment. nice showing?

>> No.80628725

/lig/gers are always known for their holo hate.

>> No.80628741

This is just Dark and Darker

>> No.80628754
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>> No.80628780

these are cunnies from Monogatari anon

>> No.80628786


>> No.80628789

And you niggers are known to shit on every single indie.

>> No.80628812

They're both from Monogatari.

>> No.80628819

Isn't mumei who's oshi is korone didn't meet her and attached herself to her immediately but only after building herself up more

>> No.80628846

Since when twitchfags like unicorn pandering cunny?

>> No.80628847

>>Micomet anni
People are over miComet after Suisei's career got ruined and she will be chased out of hololive. Serves her right for insulting hololive fans.

>> No.80628853

shut up falseflaggers

>> No.80628879

Ligger raid

>> No.80628890

Maybe if the indie scene wasn't such a massive septic tank i wouldn't feel the need to shit in it so hard every time it's mentioned, faggot lol

>> No.80628892

anny streams? didnt she risk getting evicted by being a retard

>> No.80628897

Shonshon is mentally ill so its different

>> No.80628905


>> No.80628926 [DELETED] 
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>> No.80628937

they don't, that's why they tried to cancel her multiple time

>> No.80628941

There is literally an audience for everyone
You just need to know where to find your diamonds

>> No.80628946
File: 163 KB, 1303x1879, 1720756592003252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we get an actual cool girl in holoen

>> No.80628951
Quoted by: >>80629048

>front page
only for Vshojo

>> No.80628969

o7 anon

>> No.80628978

Their earliest interaction was probably picking berries together during Sportsfes, but you’re right about more substantial interactions happening later. It also took a while for her to do stuff with Ina (who she watched the most on the EN side) as well.

>> No.80628981

I am surprised he has the guts to do this
dudes always depressed

>> No.80628984
Quoted by: >>80629123

it's their only decent bri'ish vtwitcher

>> No.80628995

Shondo sus

>> No.80628997
File: 2.34 MB, 1280x720, homos_jim_crow_segregation[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fw00gty.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he also revealed that they don't even get to sit in the back of the bus

>> No.80629000
Quoted by: >>80629050

Shondo is a BRAND RISK
Pls undastand. Normies hate lolis.

>> No.80629002


>> No.80629015
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>> No.80629050

Normalfags should all kill themselves then.

>> No.80629048

but henya didnt get front page too tho

>> No.80629067
Quoted by: >>80629360

Go say this shit in public about how Bae is being treated favorably and you will have tons of brats calling you a completely crazy retard because she's super transparent about her struggles behind the scenes and how much work she has to do in order to get her shit. This is all a case of her superiority in work ethic leading to some disgruntled fans of some of the other girls like you rationalizing some made up stuff that is all conjecture.

>> No.80629069

>go to twitch
>become a semi facetuber
every time, it's funny

>> No.80629075

It's RM shit, before getting into homo he was making content out of Marine

>> No.80629101
Quoted by: >>80629233

Most EU viewers are also /lig/gers since HoloEN "forsook" them. No surprise /#/ is being taken over by them at this hour.

>> No.80629117
File: 20 KB, 320x262, Screenshot 2024-07-13 104236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but seriously they should have hired Shonshon
Sure, she has literal schizophrenia but shes cgdct...

>> No.80629123
Quoted by: >>80629183

i know at least 5 good british liggas and a dozen small indies

>> No.80629133

STFU or you will get 5 ERBs next EN5.Keep the cunny looney happy.

>> No.80629168
Quoted by: >>80629289

Great, now we have a squirmbrrat.

>> No.80629175

Imagine making being menhera your very lore.

>> No.80629183

the small corpo brits are quite nice too

>> No.80629205
Quoted by: >>80629279

2019 Cover would. 2024 wouldn't.
Everything is so plastic nowadays, I feel bad for the girls.

>> No.80629217

mental illness is cool now

>> No.80629233

Nah I will wait for holo scouts to sort through the junk for me

>> No.80629240

sounds based as fuck

>> No.80629242

Holy brown

>> No.80629261
Quoted by: >>80629313

it's fucking hot!

>> No.80629272

was she embedded on main page?

>> No.80629279


>> No.80629289

Keep making up schizos my dude, from my perspective people like you who cry victim complex are the true schizos

>> No.80629310

she has been doing these kind of videos on yt for for at least 10 years

>> No.80629313

turn on your AC

>> No.80629355

real mental illness is too much of a liability
also would be difficult to travel for her including getting the necessary drugs in japan
if there went anything wrong she might unironically in danger of harming herself or worse

>> No.80629360

And yet you are failing to name any of those "struggles", the fact that people aren't taking forever to shit out her covers her MV got nothing to do with "work ethic"
Please tell me what "work ethic" would have prevented IRyS to struggle more than a year to have her redesign done, or management taking forever with her orisongs, or managements spoiling her songs before she can announce it
Please tell me what "work ethic" would have prevented management to spoil Kronii's outfit reveal, not do the promo for her 3D live and her last outfit even tho she was actively talking to management on streams about those? even tho they lied to her face and she ended up doing everything herself?
Retarded mongoloid.

>> No.80629363
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