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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.80615434


>> No.80615461
File: 12 KB, 592x137, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80616431


>> No.80615476
Quoted by: >>80615577


>> No.80615488
Quoted by: >>80615705

Wonder if it was griftermouse who canceled on him, she wants to dodge "controversy" like Neo dodges bullets

>> No.80615490

It's been postponed for like a month you retard

>> No.80615526

Is he gonna get terminated and join vshojo in a month? Great news!

>> No.80615534

Sup Jurard, eat my dick. I will not only never watch you, I will never watch anything related to Holostars so long as you are in it. If you really care for your genmates, you'll graduate and stop pulling them all down with you.

>> No.80615552
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>> No.80615565
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Quoted by: >>80615874

Don't worry, he studied communication, Mousey can take all the heat

>> No.80615577


>> No.80615610
File: 411 KB, 1024x1024, 1718968619245166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really feeling the power of "hate marketing right now"

>> No.80615624


>> No.80615639

Is Jutard the new Millie? Why can't flips just shut the fuck up, no, membership is not your safe space since gifted exists

>> No.80615686
File: 1.23 MB, 1024x1024, 171266378090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80615705

Except it's not cancelled, it's postponed

>> No.80615723

Ironmouse is avoiding him for a month already? Sounds serious

>> No.80615726


>> No.80615732

It's just SEA things. Remember when Ollie got pissed at her fans because someone leaked a membership conversation?

>> No.80615736
Quoted by: >>80627089

>lets schizos /here/ mindbreak him
>rants about how little they bother him for 30 minutes
>gets BTFO'd when the schizos /here/ leak his shame everywhere
/vt/ really is too powerful, he should've just shut the fuck up kek

>> No.80615759

Guess Ironmouse doesn't appreciate people taking advantage of her for clout/content. KWAB

>> No.80615763
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>> No.80615800

Who a bitch? Him or her?

>> No.80615834


>> No.80615865

You just lost to a board of manchildrens.

>> No.80615874 [DELETED] 
File: 2.67 MB, 1536x1536, gigakek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80615885
Quoted by: >>80630082

Didnt he said bad shit towards IM on that member stream too?
Something like shes just a stepping stone because shes popular?

>> No.80615891
Quoted by: >>80616003

Nah that's not the issue lmao, Ironmouse has a cloutchaser mindset herself. She just tries to stay out of controversy and right now people are hammering on the fact that Jurard kind of shittalked the holo girls, so she obviously doesn't wanna associate that.

>> No.80615910
Quoted by: >>80616121

Graduation incoming!

>> No.80615917

>Using sister image
Retard, you should put Basedboy instead

>> No.80615921
Quoted by: >>80616257


>> No.80615945

t. Jutard, look in the mirror you sexpest incel, you're no better

>> No.80615953

ya seethe?

>> No.80615963
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Quoted by: >>80616293

....why are you and anons in this thread updated with a homo? jesus christ

>> No.80616003

It's not the cloutchasing that's the problem, everyone accepts that it's just part of showbusiness, it's how blatant Jurard said she used the negative twitter interaction with Ironmouse as planned, and that Ironmouse can "take it as she is big enough".

>> No.80616063
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Remember no homos allowed.

>> No.80616104
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>> No.80616121
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Let's not jump to conclusions, it is just a postponed collab.... for now

>> No.80616171

>Vesper 2.0
>Vesper 2.0
>Vesper 2.0

>> No.80616257

Flip homo poking the hornets nest that is unicorns. One retard triggering a mass of overweight retards that think they're giga chads because they're getting triggered by another retard throwing out the oldest bait (I GET TO BE WITH YOUR OSHI YA LOSERS). Iron Mouse cancellation may or may not have to do with the drama but I really fucking doubt it. Probably is avoiding him but only because he's annoying, not because he's triggering a demographic she doesn't give a fuck about.

Fuck you nigger, unironically kill yourself. Vesper never did any sex pest shit and you're a brain dead retard that believes him sitting in a corner avoiding people while astel fucked with him in an apex collab = Him being a sex pest avoiding his gen mates and trying to hang out with holo girls.

>> No.80616293
Quoted by: >>80616393

There are dedicated anons who bring the funny to us. Reading is not that hard.

>> No.80616304

Ironmouse is known to be sickly. Is is really surprising she might need to postpone a collab or two? Stop trying to fit natural coincidences into some schizo narrative just because you hate him for being male.

>> No.80616337

Why do people always forget Magni....

>> No.80616351


>> No.80616393

>caring about a homo
you guys are a lost cause
or maybe you anons are sisters oh well enjoy your thread i guess

>> No.80616399

>sister actually melting the fuck down
thats some delicious cope and seethe, more please

>> No.80616411
File: 95 KB, 317x162, 1720784564540987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao the cope

>> No.80616431

dmitri jap at works, dmitri the GOAT

>> No.80616442

Because he didn't actively antagonize the Hololive fanbase. He was just a dumb clout chaser.

>> No.80616446

You care about anons who care about a homo.

>> No.80616503
File: 282 KB, 2000x1342, 1697876762646445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why people think it's unicorns, we don't; even have any real unicorns here just people to pretend to be one for (you)s.
This guy straight up was being a faggot and saying shit about the people he works with. I think he should be bonked for that shit and I really don't care if the girls want to collab with guys. It's not just unicorns who think the shit he said was fucking stupid, but people act like it.

>> No.80616506


>> No.80616518

Unlike you, we dont take a blind eye when the girls are being ridiculed by homos

>> No.80616521
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>> No.80616546

KEK so true
Even I just post unicorn image just for fun, specially something like this

>> No.80616578
Quoted by: >>80616667

>Collab postponed in a whole fucking month
>Mousey keeps streaming alright during that timeframe
I have a rope here flipshit. You might want to use it to unalive yourself.

>> No.80616651
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>> No.80616667

>Sudden burst of illness that can pass just as quickly are not a thing
Also really not helping yourself by telling someone to kill themselves just for disagreeing with you, but what else can you expect from a self hating unicorn

>> No.80616699


>> No.80616778

Cover will give an ultimatum for Mousey to colllab with him as he said in a month otherwise no more Hologirls collab

>> No.80616817
File: 704 KB, 765x1681, 1720876784405820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jenma tweet a few hours ago

>> No.80616873

No reasonable takes in this culture war thread

>> No.80616874
Quoted by: >>80620277

orange woman...good?

>> No.80616916
Quoted by: >>80617089

Sadly for you, there are VKeks on #s thread
They saw what homo said towards Mousey and absolutely relay it to her

>> No.80617030
Quoted by: >>80618000

She really has that "power" hahaha

>> No.80617032

Nice try, you can't deflect to muh unicorns here jutard, this is the hate he craves so much roll over and take it

>> No.80617042
Quoted by: >>80617323

Is the sudden burst of illness here with us flipfag? For a whole month mousey literally stream without any problem. You telling me for a month mousey keeps having that "sudden burst of illness" to postpone her Collab with jutard? See how retarded you are? Again kill yourself flipmonkey, this hobby is going to be better if you and your garbo oshi are gone.

>> No.80617087
File: 10 KB, 360x518, 8456456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orange woman are Great

>> No.80617089

But why would she care? She can take the hit right?

>> No.80617139

This entire thread, the chaotic energy, the lack of coherent sentences, it reaks of SEA posting.

Besides him being low hanging fruit with all the little yabs, I think you guys hang on this dudes every word, every tweet and clip ultimately because he's one of you and it's like a jealousy thing too. That's my headcanon.

>> No.80617174

FYI this is the third or fourth time it got postponed. Every previous time it's been something on Mousey's end, either scheduling conflicts or sick days.

>> No.80617175

This, he knows because he's a communications major

>> No.80617217


>> No.80617225

Nice try you dumb flip asshole

>> No.80617226

I wouldn't believe it was because of the meltdown if it wasn't for his "i need to stop and chill" comment

>> No.80617252
File: 181 KB, 1536x1536, unicorn chad 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80617714

>I need to stop and chill
hmm, I wonder why

>> No.80617254

>She can take the hit right?
Only connor is allowed to hit her

>> No.80617284

Look at this ESL talking about sea hours.

>> No.80617291
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, 1698214124872462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The homo is scared...

>> No.80617303

isn't she always sick and dying, doesn't stop her from streaming solo though

>> No.80617306
Quoted by: >>80623881

I know alot of people here don't like Ollie but I'll always love that time she went fucking ham at the brownies in her chat that complained about her speaking English

>> No.80617323
Quoted by: >>80617731

>You telling me for a month mousey keeps having that "sudden burst of illness" to postpone her Collab with jutard?
No you retard, obviously she only had one bad day, and her schedule is just that full.
If you need to postpone your doctors appointment you won't get rescheduled to the very next day, but weeks later because their schedules are that full

>> No.80617341

It's a flip on flip violence here itt

>> No.80617393

Unicorns, I kneel

>> No.80617399
File: 39 KB, 720x720, kiaras-old-job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80620621

She has experience disposing of undesirables.

>> No.80617412
File: 2.76 MB, 3040x3448, 1719541178771073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80617714


>> No.80617436
Quoted by: >>80617909

>Ironmouse is known to be sickly.
>Wait, she's going to Disneyland? No problem!

>> No.80617495

> you remember the kitten tweet that I did to ironmouse? that was like, ultimate marketing material
> it honestly started off as a joke because I know ironmouse is like a famous streamer and she can take a lot of blows

What the fuck was he thinking?

>> No.80617555

Wouldn't it be finally if anyone outside of here actually cared about his rant

>> No.80617558

This is 100% relayed to IM by VKeks /here/

>> No.80617580

Holy shit she is too powerful

>> No.80617597

Oh no, did Ironmouse find out about his 48d galaxy brained chess move to get a eyes on him?

>> No.80617602

so we can conclude wawa is the sole reason vesper got killed?

>> No.80617668
File: 158 KB, 587x595, 1705073921841318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vesper was objectively worse, he got suspended, Jtard got nothing.

>> No.80617670

There's days where she's actually so sick she can't stream. In particular taking plasma fucks her up and they kept scheduling the Jurard collabs for the day after that.

>> No.80617701
File: 222 KB, 579x586, 1719519829420516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ironmouse is known to be sickly

>> No.80617714


>> No.80617723
File: 127 KB, 850x1215, __takanashi_kiara_and_takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kuroi_suna__sample-9123198f97beee2fb2a2a4da68eea49b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mousy? It's Wawa. I'm cleaning Holopro house again. Shut the collab down. The faggots are out of line again.

>> No.80617729

>Ironmouse is known to be sickly.
He bought her lore as real life scenario

>> No.80617731

>Collab was postponed 4 fucking times coz mousey unexpectedly had an appointment the day of the collab
Flipshits really do have a bad comprehension. Well what should I expect from a pagpag eating worms. Whatever copium you monkeys takes , your dinofaggot oshi will remain a delusional leecher.

>> No.80617746
File: 1.31 MB, 2253x4096, 1705538516135642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80618939


>> No.80617772

I would kneel

>> No.80617779

it would be really funny if she keeps postponing without acknowledging it at all

>> No.80617810

Nice hate marketingâ„¢ lmao.

>> No.80617811

this collab will NEVER be mentioned again, and we all know it
faggot got cancelled kek, negative publicity is a bitch

>> No.80617829

I was already racist against flips because of Doxxsagi and Luca and Hex, so I was especially suspicious since 2 flips were added to holostars, but the faggots at /mans/ told me to give him a chance.
Jurard was always a faggot. Previous coomerbaiting videos about girls, Ollie nepo, Doxxsagi + IM clout chasing, retarded degree in communication.
The rest of the stars are unfortunately going to be lumped in together with him and be tarred and feathered because of his hate marketing and accusations of being a sexpest 2.0.

>> No.80617880

These unicorn images are cringe incarnate.

>> No.80617892

they're all subhuman leeches

>> No.80617909
File: 369 KB, 543x467, 1658699136734062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80620375

Anon, she went to disneyland on an ipad, on a screen. She was being carryied around....

>> No.80617910


>> No.80617948

Are you legit illiterate?
I brought the doctor appointment as an example of why you can't reschedule to very next day, but I guess in your shithole you don't have healthcare, so you wouldn't know.
Using another example, if you reserve a seat at expensive restaurant, but have to cancel for reasons, you won't get won't be able to reserve the seat for the very next day, because it will be taken by someone else.
In case of Jurard or Ironmouse it can be recording voicelines, doing idol training, management meeting, or other various responsibilities they have.
Do you understand now, I do I need to dumb it down even more for you

>> No.80617967

don't funpost too hard or you are going to look as silly as dinoflip did after his rant. He still has a stream scheduled, if he got punished it was all done behind the scenes as expected with no actual consequences.

>> No.80617977

I still want to know the truth about him molesting a flip vtuber. This is the career killer.

>> No.80618000

Kiara unironically have alot of connections in holoEN for music productions.

>> No.80618007
Quoted by: >>80623346

>holostar getting punished ever
lol, kek, etc

>> No.80618028

>are you legit illiterate
>you won't get won't be
>I do I need to dumb it down even more for you

>> No.80618029
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Quoted by: >>80618062


>> No.80618033
Quoted by: >>80618113

Rest of the stuff aside because it's true, what's so bad about coomerbaiting and nepohire stuff? It comes across like like when twitter they/thems add random stuff when trying to cancel someone who hurt their feelings.
Coomerbaiting is literally what girls encourange and are clipbaiting with, some of them at least. Nepohire stuff should be irrelevant imo, literally half of the holos after gen 2 are nepohires jp homos too btw being irl friends with of some of the holos

>> No.80618044
Quoted by: >>80618213

his first collab with mouse was awful. He is loud and annoying as fuck. Everyone moved to watch something else while he was there

>> No.80618062


>> No.80618063

Yeah, this is the main reason I don't think it's a bonk. There's a chance Mouse canceled/postponed it because she heard what he said (doubt it because it's not the first time it's postponed) but if it were management he wouldn't be streaming at all.

>> No.80618110

This is the Vesper situation all over again and the guy is a dumb baboon, so he will double down instead of listening to management.

>> No.80618113
Quoted by: >>80618691

he wasn't a nepohire though, she helped him cheat to get in, he literally said he had an insider in HOLOLIVE he wouldn't have gotten in without. and his past content was not coomerbaiting, it was straight up dehumanizing the girls

>> No.80618150
File: 146 KB, 1024x1024, 1719917220848565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80618166

Nobody is jealous of flips

>> No.80618176
Quoted by: >>80618274

Kiara stepped in and nuked his Collab with her clique friend mouse.

>> No.80618213

Looks like it got 8k for Mouse (her average) and 2k for dino (about double his average) so it was a successful leech.

>> No.80618238

Oh yeah I remember asking about it on their thread, where I also learned from them that he was actually gonna have a collab with ironmouse.

>> No.80618254

Iron Mouse must be also tired of his growth kek

>> No.80618274

Kiara has never even collabed with IM before

>> No.80618299

>Oh would look at that I have a doctor appointment so can we postponed the collab for another day
>Oh would you look at that i have a voice recording today can we postponed our Collab for the next day
>Oh sorry I have another appointment can we postponed our collab for another day
>Oh I have something to do can we postponed our collab again
>Mousey on disneyland
Faggots first cope is sudden burst of illness, then voice recording then idol work. KWABBBB

>> No.80618318

>underestimating hololeech prime
what is holotalk

>> No.80618321
Quoted by: >>80626309

if we are talking numbers it actually killed some of mouses. Dude, we don't care about male collab but he was so annoying and LOUD it actively gave some anons migraine.

>> No.80618337

Wawa was on her show "talk with demon" or something

>> No.80618360

Didn’t she go on SteelRat’s talk show?

>> No.80618364

do your reps chimp

>> No.80618445

>absolute homobeggar seethe
You love to see it

>> No.80618489

>stop and chill
He was lying about not being angry?

>> No.80618504

If he did get bonked by management he wouldn't be able to stream and they would have forced him to take a vacation. If you celebrate too early, there's a chance that you're gonna look stupid after this.

>> No.80618527


>> No.80618559

I never get my hopes up until I see an authentic termination/suspension/graduation notice. I will, however, laugh.

>> No.80618569
Quoted by: >>80619245

this isn't nijisanji

>> No.80618581

celebrating early? the victory is already assured, retard, IM cockblocked him because of his seething, malding 30 minute rent free rant
cope, sister

>> No.80618587
Quoted by: >>80619751

>Pester ignoring Regis for 3 months straight
>Pester ditching an anniversary celebration with the homos but hanging out with Kronii and Mori a week later
>Pester being suspended for sexpesting a woman at the Cover office

>> No.80618598

JP Holostars
>normal dudes, do their own thing, not really bother anyone

EN Holostars
>long meglomaniacal rants about how they get to talk to your oshis and you don't

>> No.80618691
Quoted by: >>80618931

>she helped him cheat to get in
source because I may be misremembering? iirc he said that he had insider help or something, not that he wouldn't have gotten in without that insider. Don't add stuff that wasn't said unless my memory is failing me.
Help could mean a lot of things, maybe some tips from Ollie on how to better act during hiring or straight up trying to get him in by pleading. He didn't specify that to my knowledge. Even if it was the latter, I still wouldn't mind considering that literal who nobodies 1-2 view friends of holos have gotten in and no way they would've gotten in without additional help or endorsement considering the talent pool when they were being hired.
I checked that one vid of his and he literally made nsfw art into sfw, just a shitpost vid. What was dehumanizing about that?
Streamers should be reprimanded when necessary over things that actually happened, like him saying that he's a dramawhore. I don't want that in holopro and would prefer him to stop acting like that for the sake of everyone else in the company. When you are mixing actual shit he said with made up stuff then you are doing a disservice to everyone, have you not learned anything from mutilated twittertroons?

>> No.80618693

>papagmunching w*men don’t watch streams
Go sell your ass for 20 dollars

>> No.80618699

That’s precisely what people expected would happen when Cover opened the EN homo branch, and here we are.

>> No.80618774

>are going to look as silly as dinoflip did after his rant
This is what you retards don't understand. A million anon posts can be dismissed as "not me", no post under a name can.

>> No.80618832

Real talk
Why would he brag about shitting on Ironmouse and claiming calling her a kitten was the catalyst for him "getting popular"?

>> No.80618895
File: 30 KB, 168x217, 89034583455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.80618910

Because he’s an egotistical retard that thinks he’s invincible?

>> No.80618918

Nobody said anything about management. The implication here is that IM is dodging the collab with jutard because he’s currently involved with drama

>> No.80618931
Quoted by: >>80619160


>> No.80618939

This is why beggars are rotten to the core. Vesper does something to purposefully trigger fans and then Kiara gets blamed. Good riddance that homo is gone.

>> No.80619003
Quoted by: >>80619524

this is the one time kiara got universally praised even by the people who dislike her

>> No.80619042

Pizzafag is literally just as bad if not worse than anybody in homoEN. Tired of faggots pretending that JP homos are any better.

>> No.80619160

Jesus Christ he's insufferable to listen to... anyway thank you for the correction, my memory really was failing me. Though I still stand by my opinion of it not mattering much since as I said, literal nobodies have gotten in before and very likely not thanks to their own skills.

>> No.80619198

Not only that but they often talk about much THEY FUCK and how desirable and attractive they are to other women? Pretty sure Regis has openly spoken about his ex? Do women enjoy hearing about this? Are they actually the biggest cucks?

>> No.80619209

this one is particularly bad because it was a hololive anti that got another anti in, this shouldn't happen under any circumstance

>> No.80619229
Quoted by: >>80619569

Do those supposed nobodies actively antagonize entire fanbases?

>> No.80619245

Did you forget Vesper?

>> No.80619264

Try to download it,
put it on any player with mixer
Change the pitch to become bearable

>> No.80619276

Man, I always forget about him and his voyage into becoming a Niji, essentially.

>> No.80619310

Look up "heels" in wrestling. This guy is basically trying to do that, but in vtubing.

>> No.80619429
File: 2.87 MB, 455x498, 1693156461825852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wooo yeaaa thanks Ollie and ERB

>> No.80619432
Quoted by: >>80620989

this is my favorite cope, if he was trying to be a heel he wouldn't be seething about the hate from hololive fans and the attention he's not getting from the girls

>> No.80619524
Quoted by: >>80619578

If homos weren't actual retarded sex pests with malfunctioning brains, they'd know how to handle this shit.
Vesper could even get away with raiding Kiara if he didn't try to turn it into a "pwning the haters" moment. All he had to do was to say "oh, Kiara-senpai is streaming. I deeply respect her and the work she's done for Hololive. Without her Hololive wouldn't be the way it is now." (even if he doesn't think that way)
You know, some basic fucking PR.

>> No.80619569

That's completely besides the point? My point is that being a nepohire or not shouldn't matter in the first place I don't remember if laplus was someone's friend or not, but she has antagonized holofans a lot more than this flip

>> No.80619578
Quoted by: >>80619659

He could’ve even said ot was an accident, a fay finger, whatever. Instead, his retardation won.

>> No.80619601

she's supposedly the daughter of some investor

>> No.80619647

The recent controversy vshojo has gotten itself into might have also contributed to the collab getting postponed. So Ironmouse is probably not risking more negative attention than what they already have.

>> No.80619659
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x2950, 1715639993822669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In retrospect, it was hilarious, because he stayed consistently retarded until the end and beyond, making his stupidity a character trait.

>> No.80619699
Quoted by: >>80619758

Dying to know the context of this

>> No.80619751
Quoted by: >>80619973

>Pester being suspended for sexpesting a woman at the Cover office
From what he's vaguely mentioned since it sounds more like he was screaming/generally being aggressive towards a Cover employee, nothing to do with sexpesting - as much as you seem to like making shit up in your head. He's also literally a fag so he wouldn't be sexpesting women.

>> No.80619758
Quoted by: >>80619847

I saw a rrat saying it was Gura due to her being lactose intolerant or some shit. I can't remember, it's been a few years.

>> No.80619789

not a real man, a real man would say he did it and he would apologize even if it wasn't him that farted

>> No.80619800

What did she do though?

>> No.80619835
Quoted by: >>80619871

This. I'd say it was me who farted, then I'd take a loud whiff of my chair and say "maaaan, it's a spicy one"

>> No.80619847

Thats not on hololive its from his old IT job

>> No.80619871

and i bet you it would get you a giggle or two

>> No.80619973
Quoted by: >>80620337

Probably one of the girls manager. I'm betting it's Kronii's manager

>> No.80620052

>Remember when Ollie got pissed at her fans because someone leaked a membership conversation?
Chuubas being mad when someone uploads member-only content is a normal reaction. That by itself is not something for us to judge them on.

>> No.80620174

I don't know about ollie but hiding behind membership doesn't make it okay for jutard to slander the girls

>> No.80620177

that is such a disingenuous take
if you wanted to play a heel, you'd pretend to antagonise the other actors/stars who are in on the gig, not fanbases/people who aren't involved

>> No.80620237

Unicorns always win.
Unicorns built hololive.
Unicorns are who all girls appeal to.
Unicorns support vtubers more than anyone else.
Unicorns always win.

>> No.80620277

allways has been

>> No.80620333

That Wawas Face

>> No.80620337
Quoted by: >>80620388

Vesper was molesting male employees at Cover HQ

>> No.80620375

what a fat fuck did not even bother to get up from bed

>> No.80620388

you now recall kronii wanting to transition

>> No.80620505
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>> No.80620576
File: 346 KB, 524x631, Biboo Really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its great that members at times are whistleblowers when their chuuba takes shit too far.

>> No.80620621


>> No.80620749

>I need to stop and chill
He was absolutely bonked, likely scenario is that management caught wind of his comments involving Ironmouse and made him postpone the collab as to not draw attention to it

>> No.80620782

There wasn't really a whisteblower, holospies just activated because /MANS/ was livetweeting the menshi while calling him "based"

>> No.80620813

Mousey probably sick

>> No.80620832

women like men that other women like
welcome to reality, go out and touch grass

>> No.80620903
File: 46 KB, 512x512, 1720882931268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80621386

>calling him "based"

>> No.80620932
Quoted by: >>80621080

Gift memberships are very common with starsEN.

>> No.80620989

I watched all the supposed yabs where is the seething? besides from anons

>> No.80621051
Quoted by: >>80621136

When I see "he's just being a heel" comments, It's reminding me of Leffen in the fighting game community who'll talk mad shit but the moment he gets called out he goes full turtle.

>> No.80621079
Quoted by: >>80621386

>while calling him "based"
MANS actually hate him though

>> No.80621080

This was a T2 leak so it wasn't even a gifter.

>> No.80621114

he has a dedicated schizo who selfposts who’s also a hlgg sapling and milliefag
constantly crossposts and avatarfags on both threads

>> No.80621136
Quoted by: >>80621305


>> No.80621305

lol yes exactly, I should've been more clean that "he's just being a heel" is what his defenders use to justify his poor behavior that would've gotten others banned from scenes, which is funny because he's gotten people banned that he's bullied.
This scummy Swed literally can't stop winning and I just kinda see T-Retard as another Leffen.

>> No.80621338

nigga what the homos call T2 is the normal tier you can get with gift

>> No.80621386
Quoted by: >>80621674

Just look at the thread yourself
Calling all his optically good comments "based" while conveniently staying silent on all the psychotic shit he was spouting.

>> No.80621438
Quoted by: >>80621541

Veper did the exact same retarded shit in member, baiting for drama
exact same, hiding in a T3 post

>> No.80621468
Quoted by: >>80624236

this thread's fucking hilarious
mouse rearranges shit all the time, it's no biggie

>> No.80621495

KEK this guy just ocmmitted career suicide! Take that, you anti-unicorn little bitch!

>> No.80621541
Quoted by: >>80622215

genuinely what's up with fucking holostars and having 5000 tiers in their membership
The only girl I've ever seen this from was Mori and she got shit on for it in the early days and I don't think she even has that system anymore.

>> No.80621674

Theyre talking about hakka though
Why are you lying?

>> No.80621693
Quoted by: >>80622883

T2 is the gifted tier
I don’t know why but they they give more gifted than supas

>> No.80621760
File: 598 KB, 924x1181, 1677480282628684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not a heel and he has no respect for the kayfabe aside. He's just a sheltered retard.

>> No.80622215

Comparing a few, I think their main difference is having a cheap emoji only tier that no one gets and a flex tier that also no one gets
Irys and rat have 3 tiers

>> No.80622275

He should make fun of her illness, to get eyes on him you know? He said it himself, getting people angry is good.

>> No.80622334

and she's a big vtuber so she can take the blows :^)

>> No.80622669
Quoted by: >>80624388

Their previous collab he straight up didn’t know she was sick or anything about her. Watched him a bit more after that and he’s genuinely a dumb jock. Mouse liked him because he’s easy to bully.

>> No.80622849
Quoted by: >>80623086

What a stupid fucking moron. What did he think was going to happen?

>> No.80622883

You can hide that you're using meme currency with gifts. So you can give 100 or whatever and everyone will ooh and ahh but it's like $7 for you.

>> No.80623086

>What did he think was going to happen?
Sub and viewership growth, he literally said so.

>> No.80623089

>I don't get why people think it's unicorns, we don't; even have any real unicorns here just people to pretend to be one for (you)s.
Heh. Is that what you think, SEAtard?

>> No.80623123

I mean he has managed to get himself hated by both the Hololive side of the community and by /MANS, I think he's just universally considered a loud annoying faggot who goes out of his way to bait drama. The only people left that he appeals to are beggars which, again, the entire community on both sides despise.

>> No.80623202
Quoted by: >>80624292

>we don’t even have real unicorns here
You homos have been trying to pass off this narrative for 2 years, fuck off, I’m a real unicorn and we’re winning

>> No.80623296

strange, it's almost like she doesn't want to collab with him or something

>> No.80623346
Quoted by: >>80623444

Right, cos kaoru getting unpersoned was total nepotism amiright?

>> No.80623379

You’re not fooling anyone sister…

>> No.80623436

At the very least means it's postoned until the yab dies down. Still not a good look.

>> No.80623444

he took part in underground beyblade tournaments, he had it coming

>> No.80623447

She collabs with other people just fine retard, she is literally just avoiding jewtard

>> No.80623498

>thinking streamers can't fit in a 1-2 hour collab within the next week if they really want to reschedule
the red retard is NOT in high demand lmao, he isn't IRyS or Suisei or Mori who actually have a ton of recordings to do. It was 100% on IM's side and she could definitely easily fit the collab in another day if she really wanted to do it

>> No.80623537

he was too based for his own good

>> No.80623559

I still think this is fucking hilarious

>> No.80623715

My point is that someone like Ollie who almost graduated because she was upset her whole unity thing was shut down by everyone shouldn't get a nepohire, especially one who is clearly not company material and is acting like he joined to get close to the girls

>> No.80623738
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>> No.80623759

Except she still streamed. She probably didn't like the part where he admitted he did the discord kitten thing for clicks.

>> No.80623834

I'm sorry but coomer baiting with literal porn of Holos is dehumanizing. He also thumbnail baited Pekora/Noel for a getting over it stream and had some cringe RP video acting like Marine was lusting over him. If you can't see why that should have been a giant red flag that he would try to get close to/hit on the girls idk what to tell you

>> No.80623881

The funny addendum to that is Kobo speaks ID primarily and blew up. Ollie yelling at her primary demographic is why she's now the runt of ID. Moral of the story is don't trash fans.

>> No.80623967

doesn't he basically just leech off Niji though? Who cares if he does that shit

>> No.80624187

everyone is in on the job when someone is being a heel lmao. You can't just go around antagonizing people/fanbases unrelated to you and then claim you were doing it to be a "heel", that's just called being an annoying faggot. You also wouldn't be ranting about how much hate you get and seething about people ignoring you either

>> No.80624200

Stop thinking women brain is the same as men brain

>> No.80624234

>retarded degree in communication
I have a very heavy X to give this fag on his "I studied that" because he would know that his entire ordeal is more PR than marketing.

>> No.80624236

does she constantly postpone one specific person's collab 4 times in a row all the time?

>> No.80624292

The label you wear like a badge of honor is a 5ch in-joke making fun of people like you

>> No.80624362

So this collab has been postponed 3 times counting this one
1st Mouse was sick for like a week
2nd he told Mouse the wrong date so she couldn't make it lol
3rd Today is Henyas new outfit debut so shes not gonna stream over that

And they have collabed before

>> No.80624388

I'll never understand why someone would make their persona terminally ill like her

>> No.80624420

>they have collabed before
doesn't mean she hasn't changed her opinion on him and finds him annoying now

>> No.80624428

His ceiling is Vesper 0.0001

>> No.80624937

>reaks of SEA posting
I wonder why.

>> No.80625148
Quoted by: >>80625354

yeah, look at half the speak of the devil interviews
ross got postponed repeatedly for a year or so
the zelina collab has been bumped over and over
illness, meds availability, plasma etc can always throw things last minute

>> No.80625308

yeah even with vshojo members all the time
Her illness usually mandates her schedule

>> No.80625349

A real man would rip a louder and longer fart to assert his dominance

>> No.80625354
Quoted by: >>80625728

he is also insanely busy so that was probably a both sides rescheduling thing
no idea who that is desu so I can't comment on that
I just think if she actually wanted to do the collab she could find time instead of postponing it 4 times in a row

>> No.80625405

>Jurard was too rough with the bed ridden iron lung

>> No.80625411
Quoted by: >>80625728

Mousey didn't know about Henya's new outfit date before setting up this collab? Or maybe she has some shred of dignity and doesn't appreciate being called a Discord kitten for clout. At least she should have that level of self-respect.

>> No.80625411,1 [INTERNAL] 

retard alert! membership is still a space only for them and watchers lulz imagine hate watching millie and complain they get gifted
stupid autistic retard is in their turf in the first place

>> No.80625650
File: 482 KB, 865x726, 1720310878404884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that I did to ironmouse that was like that was like ultimate marketing material to be honest
>it honestly started off as a joke because I know ironmouse is like a famous streamer
>And she can take a lot of blows in like in terms of like jokes
Maybe mouse found out he used her as "marketing" and thinks she's useful for taking blows lol

>> No.80625654

>Drama has nothing to do with Kiara
>Kiara is still made to be the center of it

>> No.80625728

That's kind of the opposite. Her planning it 4 times in a row is a sign of how much she wants to do the collab. Many other collabs don't get that much scheduling.
Many members didn't know, there was a freakout on call during stream recently because she had posted the date in a channel and a lot of the members didn't know about it.

>> No.80625842
Quoted by: >>80626039

Couldn't it just as easily be her postponing it repeatedly because she wants to not do it and is politely indicating that?

>> No.80625931


>> No.80625941

>Many members didn't know...
Strange that he didn't just say it was because of this then and said "due to stuff." But what he said is out there. I don't know if it has reached IM or will ever reach IM. Just going to say that if she knows and still associates with the guy, that's really sad.

>> No.80625953
Quoted by: >>80626236

i dont even think jurard qualifies as a sex pest, hes just a dumbass narcissist that thinks hes so great because hes good at grifting and clout chasing. He forgot about the being likeable part. It diesnt matter how many people know you if you arent likeable and put yourself before your genmates and collab partners. No one likes feeding into the ego of a narcissist.

>> No.80626039

No, Mouse is pretty anal with these kind of things. She never schedules things unless she actually plans to do it mainly because her fanbase always complains about her constantly moving plans. Maybe she has decided not to do the collab anymore, we won't find out unless this collab never gets rescheduled again. I doubt it though, I don't think she will care much about this drama.

>> No.80626236
Quoted by: >>80626349

If you don't think a fucking flip would turn into a sex pest the moment he gets whiff of some white meat IRL I don't know what to tell you.

The guy is pretty openly seething about the fact that he can't meet the holo girls IRL, when he's not even an actual holo fan (the nousagi shit is pure LARP).

>> No.80626239

a big part of this drama is that it shows the lack of care he has for his co workers. this is beyond just offending incels now, this is about being a professional. MEMEME is the aura he gives off, and weve all had that co worker before. They think theyre doing great work and everyone else are just stepping stones for them, when in reality they are making more work for others and being a pain

>> No.80626309
Quoted by: >>80626456

Even the people who watch the male branch find him insufferable. Most of his fanbase are dramafags.

>> No.80626349

i could care less if hes an actual sexpest, if a girl gives in then she saved everyone the trouble of needing to find out if shes a slut . i care more about the fact that ges actively getting in the way of other people's work and is being an arrogant prick about it

>> No.80626456
Quoted by: >>80626699

so, you mean SEA? its crazy how over represented SEA people are in the vtuber drama community. take a look at falseeyed depresses nousagi, reema evenstar when theyre live and youll see nothing but SEA

>> No.80626491

it will depend on how close mouse thinks they are. also an easy way to tell if it isn't happening anymore is if she stops showing up in his chat every other stream.

>> No.80626513

Didn't know mousey out of all vtubers had her own unicorns

>> No.80626554
Quoted by: >>80626620

You don't have to "give in" to get sexually harassed retard.
Nijisanji almost hired a literal rapist who had full intention of raping niji girls, the concept really isn't that far fetched.

I'm not saying he's actually has intentions, but that's the reason why you have to treat even mild red flags seriously.

>> No.80626620
Quoted by: >>80627158

you have the tools to not be harassed you know, this isnt niji with their non existent managers

>> No.80626625

>Unikeks simping for IronMouse
lmao we've reached full circle.

>> No.80626680

Mousey doesnt have too many unicorns, but no one likes a disrespectful punk that refers to being obnoxious to iron mouse as "good marketing" the amount of self centeredness is insane

>> No.80626699

I remember in the early myth days, antis were much more out-in-the-open on twitter and stuff, they'd almost ALWAYS be SEA

It's fucking insane that instead of rangebanning that region for this entire board, we instead got SEA jannies who patrol the board solely to ban for racism as soon as the word nigger is attached to the word SEA (and yet you can still get away with saying nigger 99% of the time, isn't it amazing?)

>> No.80626748

She's always had some. She's been getting even more recently because of the lack of Connor on her channel last year and how many more people have learned of her through the awards and qsmp. You can tell especially since her chat has been getting more weird chats from them this past year.

>> No.80626756

She doesn't, turns out people don't like when you admit that you're using someone to promote yourself because she has a huge fanbase

>> No.80626789

ya its a bit ridiculous. its like when ppl show you a chart of which demographics commit the most crimes and they bury their head in the sand

>> No.80626833
File: 206 KB, 692x1100, 27f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orange woman... forgive me...

>> No.80626837
Quoted by: >>80626957

And admitting that he expects her to "take the blows" because she's a famous streamer, lmao

>> No.80626860

i know right, what a communications genius, better offend everyone you work with

>> No.80626932
Quoted by: >>80627077

Iron lung is just mad because she was nothing but marketing material to him

>> No.80626957
Quoted by: >>80627247

this is the level of narcissm i am talking about, he doesnt even care that hes inconveniencing others, hes like "its fine if i inconvenience others if it benefits me!"

>> No.80627059
Quoted by: >>80627274

>I could care less if hes an actual sexpest
what? That is literally the worst case scenario for a Stars hire. This flip manlet thought he was going to be able to cozy up to the girls and now that he has been thoroughly rejected he is resorting to baiting interactions on twitter and seething about being shut down in his member streams. Everything about the way he acts screams sex pest

>> No.80627077
Quoted by: >>80627241

theyll probably still collab on the future mind you after he apologizes in dms, because thats just how iron mouse is, hopefully jurard can learn some humility and stop this MEMEME behavior, but j really doubt he will

>> No.80627089

The best thing he can do is leave hololive alone but guess what, he never does! Kek

>> No.80627158

Yeah and that's exactly why this retard had a 30 minute seethe session. He is completely segregated from the girls and likely got told to stop with his whole birthday baiting shit because he pissed the wrong Holo off.

>> No.80627201
File: 145 KB, 1024x576, goodmorningrrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.80627241

Yeah Mouse isn't one to hold grudges unless someone does something illegal or hurts one of her close friends. She's too nice and forgiving sometimes.

>> No.80627247

literal leech mentality

>> No.80627251

You would be surprised actually.

>> No.80627274
Quoted by: >>80627379

i just really dont care, why does it matter if hes a sexpest, people will just ignore him. Weve all had sexpests in our companies before, all it did was help you figure out who the loose girls were. keep in mind i only watch hololive casually, i watch GiGi and Fuwamoco. i am 100% sure him being a sexpest wont affect them at all. So i just dont care.

>> No.80627334
File: 85 KB, 1047x599, 1711916633922331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based chicken

>> No.80627379
Quoted by: >>80628246

>weve all had sexpests in our companies before
yeah and once they expose themselves they should get fired immediately. You don't deal with a sexpest by "ignoring" them and letting them harass people retard

>> No.80627472


>> No.80627705

Big "winner winner chicken dinner" energy

>> No.80627896

Mouse doesn't mind streaming sick solo as it's only her and chat. For collabs it depends on how close she is and how serious the collab is. Connor collabs for example she will rarely drop even if sick because of how busy he is so she never wants to miss them. Similar thing for most Vshojo collabs. Outside of that it is very common for her to reschedule due to sickness.

>> No.80628023
Quoted by: >>80628062

EN Holostars arent all like this tho... Jutard and Groombullet are just making everyone else look bad by association. The other boys just want to do their own thing and grow/improve as their own thing.

>> No.80628057

realistically jurard's manager will just tell him to stop shitstirring right? doubt he even gets a suspension for this

>> No.80628062
File: 682 KB, 2048x1448, Faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>80628590


>> No.80628171

thats exactly whats happening. his manager is working overtime thanks to his narcissist ass

>> No.80628246

idk u must live in a different dimension than me, sexpests never get fired unless they do ot on the clock, if he ficks one of the girls offstream, they cant do anything about it if its kept private

>> No.80628305

Yeah. And faggot will ignore warning again.

>> No.80628529

Jewfag, I know you're ego searching on here. Every one is laughing at you. You will never amount to anything, and deep down you know that which is why the meltdown happened.

>> No.80628590

Top left is the only one I'm not aware has any yabs. Which is funny since he's the ugliest fucker IRL.
God what an awful fucking gen, 3/4 making fucking Flayon look decent.

>> No.80629164

what? Anything he does as "Jurard" is done under Cover property. If he tries to flirt/harass a Holomem using anything Jurard related Cover can absolutely fire him

>> No.80629410

>nonono, you see, He was being retarded on purpose
This fag is just brown mori without tits

>> No.80629586

That would imply he has any amount of worth or talent to make people like him instead of pulling 1.1 Finanas thanks to his "hate marketing" and being an annoying flip stereotype

>> No.80629794

He doesn't have a single ounce of the work ethic Mori has.

>> No.80629827

Hahahahahhaahhaahah lol
>Ironmouse or vshitshow must have cancelled this
>That's what you get for being a faggot
>Faggots back stab each other whenever they have any chance

>> No.80629987

Kys germoid

>> No.80630082

that's just the indie mindset leech from those more popular than you any way possible it's not like they were ever "friends" or anything.

it would be successful if they stayed, "Squad" collabs used to get around 21K normiebeggars but dumb and dumber channels kept declining with lower and lower average for solo streams it did NOTHING for them despite all the exposure, same can be said about all those IM collabs.

>> No.80630132

>Kiwawa is the EN's overlord.
i kneel

>> No.80630171
Quoted by: >>80630836

IM confirmed sick so a nothing burger as always. dramafags btfo

>> No.80630242
Quoted by: >>80630319

why would she care about helping homo with 100K subs? Dude is a nobody and this collabs are basically charity events for the likes of him mouse have no interest or obligation to do this, they're not friends or co-workers (kek)

>> No.80630266


>> No.80630282

heels are aware they're the butt of a joke and fully embrace that
he merely got half the memo

>> No.80630315

most of his supporters and defenders are flips so you're full of shit (probably also a flip)

>> No.80630319

mouse loves male vtubers the red hair just makes him even more attractive to her. she's always being caught grooming 1-2views.

>> No.80630454

>Mouse cancels a collabs for the million time
>/vt/ - agarththugtugbiz4u5bg6igtstsrbt

>> No.80630586

>kills omega, make fun and piss on his corpse
>put out of control pagpag leech in his place
orange women i kneel........

>> No.80630836

she'd had to cancel for more significant collabs as well as big sponsors many times before but this board doesn't watch vshojo so they'd never believe it

>> No.80630964

Chuds and gentlemen, we got them

>> No.80631180


>> No.80631803
Quoted by: >>80632124

Is this the result of the famous hate marketing I've heard so much about?

>> No.80632124


>> No.80632558

I've been banned for saying SEA "people" atleast few times kek

>> No.80632915

He's literally fucking with their money.

>> No.80634538

> a collabs
You pinoy tards need to get it together if you're going to astroturf
