>>OPMake another thread holochads! They can't btfo us in all of them!
Stop spamming shit threads
>>OPI honestly don't get what prompted this type of reaction. Like the only people that hate VShojo's audition is from anons /here/, so unless there was a severe containment breach happened or Zen actually surfed through 4chan, Zen made a response that no one asked for and addressed to no one other than drama shit-stirrers
all sides are cringe in this, doki needs to stop doing that kSon thing where she acts like the "jesus of vtubing", commenting on situations in the sphere as if her opinions inherently have the weight of jupiter just because she has a good repbut vshojo is 100x more cringe for going full damage control meltdown over this. just own the fact that you're a nepohire clique. but not only do they have the audacity to fight that narrative, they do so WHILE ALSO JUSTIFYING IT AND EXPLICITLY SHOOTING DOWN THE IDEA OF HIRING LITERALWHOS
geega is hard coping lmao
>>OP>Was this really necessary?>having a meltdown like a KWABno anon, unless you are a KWAB
>>80442325reddit and twitter are both full of people bitching
Trannies are always the target, even when they’re not.
They should do a stream where they pretend to be an anonymous chat gossiping about vtubers. Wouldn't that be funny? Haha
>>80442414Same Geega that was a 2view in Zen's chat years ago? Wonder why she'd feel that way
>>80442538>A groomed person feels like she owes everything to her groomer
>>80442538the leech got her feelings hurt
>>OPIs this the new "All out war"?
>>80442325>>80442325Ligs hate vshojo anon, they feel that vshojo is a clique
>WE'RE NOT A NEPOCLIQUE!!>so are you gonna do some actual grassroots recruiting instead of hiring your friends?>....No.Actual Simpsons moment
>>80442768That's how they were doing it before though
>>80442676>>80442639Deflecting already? I expected better.
>>80442325>I honestly don't get what prompted this type of reactionThere's one retard that replied to Zen saying "It's just going to be one of your friends, isn't it?"
>>80442768To be fair to them Grimmi seems to be a favorite to get in this time and she has barely interacted with vshojo before.
>retards complaining about nepohires>when Hololive's first 4 generations + gamers were all nepohires minus Coco.I don't get it. What seems to be the fucking problem?
What's happening? Is doki going to join vshojo?
>>80442812Then let them. As long as they're not being fucking hypocrites about it
>>80442962>What about.... hololive.... niji....vspo... AIEEEEEEEEE
>>80442944>she has barely interacted with vshojo before.>he doesn't know Oh boy, wait till you see the discord server.
>>80442962>b-b-b-b-b-but what about
>>80442944>he doesn't know about the MSM discord server
>>80443030>>80443061I accept your capitulation
BASED doki B T F O vSHITjo whores effortlessly lmoa
>>80442968Doki is encouraging Vshojo to give 2views a chance. At the same time Zen got oneguy'd by a troll posting that only Zen's friends can get in. Now the catalog is trying to twist this into drama.
>>80442980That completely contradicts the previous post anon
>>80443030>>80443061>HOLOBOARD HOLOTHREAD HOLOWORLD DEAL WITH IT TRANNY>wh-why do you think little old holobronies would be behind this?
>>80442962Name them all right now.
>>80443061>>80443030>phaseniggers crying about the holoboard.Hilarious
>>80443079>>80443042Afaik Grimmi and Geega have never even collabed. If speaking to each other once is enough to be considered a nepohire then every single 3view and 4view vtuber would be a nepohire for them.
Grimmi is a ticking time bomb and leaks info to 2views from /wvt/
>>80443249>Afaik Grimmi and Geega have never even collabednobody's talking about Geega and Grimmi collabing.
Where are the mods deleting this obvious spam? Oh wait they’re holoshills
>>80443290Because they don't care about your feelings getting hurt.
>>80443285>MSM discord serverWho if not Geega?
>>80443249This is the logic people already use so it counts.
>>80442962It's fine when Hololive does it
>>80443194All of Gamers and Sana are confirmed by holo themselves, beyond that I don't know.
>>80443377>he thinks it's only the msm server.kekaroo
>>OPA certified "we are a family" moment lol
>>80443194All of the people from Gen 1 - Gen 4 are streamers that are all from the same niconico streaming sphere. This also includes Miko, Roboco and Suisei in that same streaming sphere. All these members knew each other already before they even debut'd in Hololive.
>>80443359They only care about feefees getting hurt in Hololive global I guess
>>80443159Fucking how? Let them fucking nepohire. As long as they don't do the bullshit audition song and dance which no one is buying.
>>80443588I envy retard opening their mouth and spouting shit they know nothing about. It's endearing. Anyway, the only nepo'd holos are Gamers and Sana.
>>80444127Because they want to do it differently this time? What are you so mad about? They scouted talents previously, and this time they want to do auditions. Just because method A has worked for you in the past doesn't mean you have to use it forever.
>>80443290Damn how many threads are you in running defense for Vshojo?
>>OPI didn’t know this was such a sore spot for VShojo.
>>OPI don't get how Doki's tweet is related to the rest of the pic
>>80442325You vastly underestimate how many loud vshojo haters are on twitter.
>>80442405kek you’re right, that’s exactly like kson
>>80442325It's the Doki tweet.
>>80442325For some reason they really, really hate it when you point out that the only people vshojo hires are either former big names or friends of already existing members, even though it's absolutely true
>>80442944God damnit another twitch whore. Why vshitshow doesn’t hire real vtubers.
>>80444369>they want to do it differently this time aroundI'll believe it when i see it.>why are you so madWho the fuck DOESN'T get mad at hypocrisy?
>>80442962Did they kept doing it? No right they improved and stroke some gems. It’s been 4 years and vshitshow it’s doing nepohires.
>>80444428Doki is saying she wishes big corpos would give smaller or undiscovered talents a chance to shine, saying she herself was largely unknown and green when she got hired into a corpo herself and was able to grow and show her stuff as a result of that, instead of the other way around, already being an established talent in the vtubing scene and then getting her “big break”.It’s not overtly calling VShojo out, but…
>>80442968Zentreya had a woman moment, and a post made by Doki is technically relevant so people are using it to bring her back into shitposting.>inb4 >sheyou do not need to be female to have a woman moment. I have witnessed enough men melting down to say that.
>>80444662If the shoe fits?
>>80444603You're literally seeing it right now. The auditions tweet with a form linked lmfao
>>80444819Like i said, i'll believe it when the new hire ISN'T either a from mouse/zen clique or an ex-niji.
>>80444662Niji also hired a bunch of 2views for their most recent gens and they've all landed with a solid thud. They can't get anyone better right now because of the drama and it shows in their hiring.
>>804423252434円 stock
>>80443421There more?
>>OPI was a twitch affiliate and I got banned permanently for trolling some faggot's chat so I personally will always rage against and anti-twitchfuck twitch the fucking faggots, I could make the most lawyer pilled and sorrow pilled chats in my appeal and never gain access to twitch again, they fucking hate me because they've seen my face and my social security number and I'm white so fuck you basically is their attitude
>>OP>be a nepohire company for eyars>whyare people saying that waaaahhhdo they even think before tweeting or is it just for pity points?
>>80444981Niji also imploded recently on the EN side. They’re never gonna recover from that no matter who they hire from here on out.
>>OPas i've always saidvshojo is not a corpo but a prominent groupso them going ape shit over "not being a clique" is just egg on their face
>>80444662>It’s not overtly calling VShojo out>exactly right after vshojo open audition and their member shiling for that auditionidk anon, look like a straight jab to vshojo to me
>>80445258it was just zen having a menhera moment then others wanted to join in for some reason. this isn't even the first time zen has done something like this
>>80445258>>80445812The worst collab of all time springs to mind
>>80442325>I honestly don't get what prompted this type of reaction>open scam audition, TONS of indie applied>only hired nepohire>then only big indie and big ex nijis>now open another scam auditiongeez i wonder why anon?
>>80445258>do they even think before tweeting or is it just for pity points?you think there is a competent manager in vshojo? who know how to tardwrangle these ppl?
>>80442729It is though. Has been from day 1
>>80442245>>80442962>>80443171>>80443290Shitposter or mindbroken by hololive?
>>80446028Could be either. Regardless, I can feel the rent free from that one
>>80445925>all entries were dogshit>pick least dogshit option>those rejected mald on twitter proving why they were rejected
>>80443359They only care about the feelings of SEA getting hurt rumao.
>>80442325Eh, vshojo members act like indies while being a clique with a corpo privileging them. That's something that rubs people the wrong way.
>>80446086>>all entries were dogshit>other companies manage to get good shit from open audition for small indiemore like vshojo SUCK at their job finding "gem" with potential.
>>80442538Didn't even start as a 2view in Zen's chat, more like a 2view with Zen in her chat. She got scouted and dragged into collabs.>>80442325>Like the only people that hate VShojo's audition is from anons /here/Check the quote retweets. A few of them do sound awfully familiar when you compare them to the OPs of some of these bait threads in the last couple days though. Like this vtweeter whose Twitch channel only has one clip from 3 fucking years ago.
>>80443290>holo out of nowhereyou suck at this vshojofag, stop it.
>>80446028yep its the usual, they are as fragile as the vshojo member having a melty because ppl speaking truth, i mean everything ppl say about vshojo being nepohire, niji retirement home is all true, not rrat or something like that.
>>OP>the "oops all nepohires" corpo>"reeee we're not nepohiring"why even sperg out about it now?did they run out of nepos to hire, try to make a REAL audition for a change, and get no applications worth a damn because everyone remembers the last audition?
>>80446405>fragile>shits and pisses himself when a vtuber tweets at a male coworker
>>80445925I wonder if the company uses this as an excuse to gather data on existing vtubers
>>80446412>did they run out of nepos to hireyes, bingo, you can see it with doki and mint the big 2 ex niji wont join them they realise they cant nepohire niji anymore except ofc elira and the clique if they want to leave niji
>>80442405bring some of examples of literal who you think deserve a spot
>>80446507>>shits and pisses himself when a vtuber tweets at a male coworkeroh idk vshojo is even more fragile than before.
>>80444921clique is a broad word. zentreya and geega probably collabed and befriended almost every 2 view on twitch. I'll give the mouse part.
>>OPVtubing as a whole is one huge clique
>>80446520nah i doubt vshojo is that smart, they couldnt even tard wrangle their member, remember mysta drama? having melty after that, then now zen, geega also having full meltdown on a fuckng twitter? manager where? so they just suck at finding good indie, so they give up and pick ex niji instead.
>>80446279The shroud of people who apply to hololive and the group of people who apply to VShojo is not going to be the same group. There will be overlap, especially among the lowest ranking candidates because they are just that desperate, but anyone who has a shot at getting into hololive and is already a pretty big or talented individual has to eight the pros and cons of joining a corpo that may not align with their future dreams and plans, like for instance giving up the opportunity to do live concerts, to release singles and albums, the amount and quality of the merch they can sell, etc. I would point out that everyone in advent was holo or bust.
>>80443401La+ is literally the textbook definition of a nepohire. Her father owns 25% of cover shares. she had little to no prior experience as a vtuber before, can't sing for shit and was made head of her gen. Do what she likes go stream on twitch and no one bats an eye.
>>80446086>All entries were dogshit>Hololive recruits no names and they're all goldHmmmm
>>80446405Dude you’ve made 9 threads about this topic. Keep coping
>>80443140>oneguy'dit's all over twitter it's not one guy.
>>80444981Klara and Ryoma are solid streamers, and I can imagine Twisty being a niche favorite. The last gen was at least decent, too. If Klara was in HoloJustice and not Denauth (what is that name??), I bet she would be one of their top talents. She's cute and entertaining, and she'd have the power of Japanese viewership on her side.Their low numbers don't come from a lack of talent, but from the rainbow eating pacman next to their name. If it was a blue Dorito, they would be much more popular.
>>80445912Wasn't that Haruka autism or is there another worst collab of all time
>>80444981That's kinda their problem, the niji brand is unironically a debuff now
>>80446996I can’t remember who’s channel it was on but I do remember Zen having a meltdown on twitter after and saying that they were never gonna orchestrate big collabs like that anymore.
>>80442325Vshojofags here, I'll not lie and saying we're hiring 2view chuuba except you're coming from the first batch chuuba like mouse or silver and it's all about business at the end of the day lol. No offence to other to try but please don't get your hope high. I'll believe it when they actually hired a 2view.
>>80447211>zhang/mahmoot can't pluralize words even in his false flag postlmfao
>>80446996there were plenty of bad things that happened in that collab, the autistic moose is just one of the funnier ones. the intros taking as long as they did is one of the worst parts in my opinion
>we totally never breach containment and spread rumors on twitter and youtube comments guys, so let us have our catalog threads full of rrats and doxx :)
>>80442729>Ligs hate vshojo anon, they feel that vshojo is a cliqueLiggers are awful people but they are apparently like a broken clock and right twice a day.
>>OP>>80442245I'm a Yuro and this is the first thread on this I'm seeing, qrd?
>>80442729Can you blame them?
>>80446754>owns 25% of cover sharesWow, she deserves to be given a chance, owning a quarter of Cover. More so than those nepohires. Others would have done so at 2%, but she chose the winning team. A true believer.
>>80442325Twitter has a lot of containment breachers and people making underhanded remarks, froot antis especially don't even hide themselves.
>>OPA lot of words for a micro blogging platform.I'm not reading all that because I'm not interested.
>>80446805It’s 5 guys at best
>>80442325https://x.com/DrRaghat/status/1811280848853102988Breachers are literally posting screenshots of /vt/ posts on twitter.
>>80442325>I honestly don't get what prompted this type of reaction.Vshitshow hired another nepo friend that has nothing to do with the fake audition, an auditon they likely have no choice but to legally advertise even if they have no intention of hiring anyone from it. So this is all damage control before the big reveal.
Gunrun-sama, it would be great if you could hire someone like Miori Celesta and silence critics at all.
>>80442325>I honestly don't get what prompted this type of reactionThe Doki tweet in the OP.
>>80447321I hope you are right kek. I'll be waiting for the next debut.
>>80447699>an auditon they likely have no choice but to legally advertise even if they have no intention of hiring anyone from it.This company likely runs all kinds of scams that should be legally looked into really. We know thei scam people by giving bad contracts already.
>>80446279Everything is shit if you don't want any in the first place.
>>OP>WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDSWhy are non Holo vtubers like this?
>>80442962they also hire underate and stop doing it now bcs you know what, it's bad practice when you are big. so why vshojo number 2 EN vtuber agency still doing it?
>>80447847no, even if zen isn't a woman they get just as easily triggered by randoms in their twitter replies
>>80447938(me) underage
>>80447938>>zhang/mahmoot broken englishlmfao
Vshojo should go back to being this unapologetically exclusive VIP 5 stars vtuber club. This is what happens when you try to appeal to the abyss of mediocrity if the 2 view. Mingling with excrement you get the fling and the reek.
>>80442405I thought vshitshowfags loved kson? Why is Doki being like kson a bad thing now?
>>80448061Your company was full of e-thot whores and a fake cripple from the beginning anon, you have no business talking this way.
>>80448035>BUT 90% OF THE STREAMERS /lig/ TALKS ABOUT ARE IN REAL CLIQUES THOLiggers are weird and contradictory in their anti corpo crusading if you didn't notice.
>>80447975and that just coincidentally happened after Doki's tweet blew up?
oh yeah it's SEAthing time
>>80448131Every company was filled with e-thot whores.
>>80442325This isn't your special little club faggot
>>80448358Tough words from an anon who apparently can't read lol
>>80442405Hey retard, your reading comprehension has completely failed you yet again.
>>OPthe thing about vtubing/streaming is that it's entirely a rich clique based industry. You only really have a chance of making it big by already being a somewhat well off person who has a decently popular friend. You think Jenny Ghetto who streams alone in her very rare free time while she has to work 2 jobs just to afford her room for rent with 5 roommates really has a chance at making it big compared to Timmy Trustfund who has time to stream every single day for hours on end with no interruptions and was able to travel to every con and orbit other relevant streamers?
Vshojo already held fake auditions that even got people doxed before, then had a run of poaching talents from other agencies after thatis it really unreasonable that people would be skeptical now that they are opening auditions again?
>>OPI just woke up, and all this sounds incredibly retard.I saw Doki's tweet and anyone who wasn't already looking up to stir some shit would've thought Doki was ever referring to Vshojo.It unironically felt like they just saw some comments and became triggered AFTER projecting themselves, because if they didn't felt like that would've affect them, they would've just ignored it like bait.
>>80448548>Timmy Trustfund>male vtuber>making it bigreally?
>>OPI have to apologize for claiming vshojo being just another company. This is pure retarded indie behavior.
>>80448670Okay, Tiffany Trustfund, does that make the scenario make more sense to you?
>>80442325It's the pr job, the talents should not react to anything like this
I think everyone should have a sign on their ceiling saying:>Don't reply to bait.>Silence is gold.>Beware that people will actively attempt to trigger you for futile reasons.So they always see it when they wake up and stop sperging.
>>80449030but then we can't have fun flinging shit in every direction like retarded apes. Only reason I come here desu.
>>80446754No one owns more than 5% of the company other than YAGOO himself. Lap had plenty of vtubing experience before coming into Hololive.
Holo, Phase, and Niji also hire experienced vtubers, friends, and even people with a significant following on twitter in their PL yet you don't see people /here/ or on twitter acting like they committed a crime.
>>80447321>>80448015Kys samefag
>>80448035It's okay when they do it.
>>80442325To be fair they shouldebother advertising to the general public since they arent an organisation that takes a risk on a literal who.
>>80442729Vshojo is the biggest clique in the industry though, even moreso than Elira and her Clique. The only reason Nijisanji's clique gets so much attention is they bullied someone into attempting suicide twice and it's filled with more males.
>>80446294This makes me wonder how many catalog shitposters here are actually vtweeters.
>>80449886"Seething 2views" didn't come out of nowhere. They simply get overshadowed by nijisisters and phasefags.
People also fail to realise Niji doxxsisters HATE any talk about ex livers moving on an being successful in vshojo
>>80449529still a nepohire
>>80442405>You can’t have a take on something otherwise you are arrogant>said “take” is giving low indie a chance, referring to viewers too, and it’s literally as non-controversial as possible and attacks no oneHave you considered you are a faggot for trying to tribalfaggot everything you read for a (You)?
>>80446563Most of Holo EN.
>>80442962see >>80449769
>>80447737Sorry she's still too big for the twitter crowd.
>>80442962Hololive talents don't have woman meltdowns on twitter over someone pointing out a friend was hired unlike Zentroon.
>>80442968>>80444695Quite frankly it’s only people tribalfagging on Vshojo when Doki hasn’t even mentioned them. And her post is harmless as fuck, is literally “give low indies a chance” which tibalfaggots are of course using as a warbanner complietely missing the point.Twatter being twatter and /vt/ being no better.
>>80450019half were not even vtubers and the other half were already big enough (some vshojo orbiters). 5 holomems at best were literal whos i'll give you that.
How is there so much mental illness on this board? I genuinely cannot understand. I can't imagine dramabaiting for screencaps on twitter makes that much money, and the only other explanation is that the people posting these threads think they're entertaining somehow, which is also incomprehensible. I'd rather watch paint dry.
>>OP>Be nepohire agency>"No we lift up small creators"Kek what is this faggotry? Own up and do what you want jesas.
>>80449886Liggers too.
>>80450278>I just want to complainWe know.
>help smaller and up and comingwhen have they EVER?they have this reputation for a reason.
>>80450444of fuckng course its /ligger/
It's almost like having more views makes your resume look better
>>80450444This guy is not a ligger, he's a Phasefag, he's also following Kirsche and dramafags. By the look of it he's been antiing vshojo since 2021.
>>80442245Dafaq does Holo have to do with any of this lmao.
>>80450852Colonel Sanders...what have they done to you...
>>80449886>vtweeters>even though twitter losers are the primary audience for vshojo
>>80450897>when the 11 herbs and spices are replaced by plastic and soi
>>80450717I don't mind any of the Phase generals in this board, or even Phase themselves, they seem to have good talents. But Pippa was a fucking mistake to the vtubing world and I'm glad she's been filtering her retarded fanbase lately. If you ever check one of the cesspits like VTA or KF it's literally all phasefags that keep leaking out into this board. And they invariably follow dramatubers and grifters like Kirsche because they're addicted to drama.>>80442325>a severe containment breachYou're delusional or grossly ignorant (which if so, good for you, actually) if you think there's still any containment at all. Anything posted here gets immediately screencapped or posted and gossiped about on twitter. Twitter discussions are always full of /vt/ lingo and no one even bats an eye.
Doki has been getting pissed off at vshojo for trying to pester mint to join their corpo. This is a polite warning.
>>80451182Based best friend.
>>80451182https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voX0SwSzAhcMint made it very clear that she wasn't going to join as soon as she got back from her hiatus, stop making shit up.
>>80450717Of course he is
>>80450740Look at the post below you.
>>80442325>>OPthey are legit retarded
>>80451296>HenyaYeah, he's also one of those.
No one owes you a collab.
>>80451125/vt/ has become the the doormat of 4chan.
How is it nepo? It's just picking someone with more experience.
>>OPI don't think it makes sense to freak out like that when your company has been nabbing vtubers who were already popular or had some level of status before they joined Vshoujo. Of course people are gonna talk shit, all of your recent hires were all just people who existed in another form before they were hired on. It doesn't promote any new discoverability for people who aren't already associated with Vshoujo's members.That's the thing, that's the issue right there. You're going to see people on the internet pointing this out and you can't sit there and act like it isn't the case when it's BEEN the case for nearly all of your members. It's not for anybody trying to build more of an audience, it's for people who already had an audience. This wouldn't be the issue it is if it wasn't for the fact that they advertise their auditions as a thing anybody can submit. Sure you can submit an audition/application, but you truly don't mean shit to them if you're not already friends with them or if you don't have a sizeable audience already.How're you gonna sit there and get mad about people talking about this and pointing things out? Everyone just assumes the next members will be ex-corpo or somebody's friend. And they're right.
>>80452107this puts them in a situation where they have no choice but to go for nobodies or they'll look bad.
>>80452202well, yes. that's what they're advertising.
>>80452030Sure, anon.Surely it's just a coincidence that every single member they "chose" was already someone close with them
>>80452030100% of Shitshojo are nepohires. Auditions are just for show. Nobody but their friends stand a chance.
Auditions are open to all. I'm sorry but we passed you for someone proven to be better than you. How do I respond?
It feels like most people in this thread and on twitter have never applied to an actual fucking job.
>>80451279Reread my post. Properly this time.
>>OPthis was the biggest selfreport since the Niji blackscreen
>>80452717If Vshojo are all numberfags then yeah.
>>80452107>I don't think it makes sense to freak out like that when your company has been nabbing vtubers who were already popular or had some level of status before they joined VshoujoThat's literally what Phase, Holo, and Niji do as well.
>>80453169holo frequently hires 2views and low 3views, and I have never recognized any of the nijis.
>>80449985What is that pic supposed to prove?
>>80452456But they're literally friends with most of the liggers. Look at all of the people replying to the tweet and then look at all of the liggers that have collabed with vshojo in the past.
>>80453554If there's anything positive about this incident, it made my man Kabhaal audition in support
>>80442245The worst sister falseflagg I've seen this week. The only people who hate Vshojo are the fucking sisters for hiring ex-niji talent. Hololive fans don't hate any other corpo besides nijisanji, no other fanbase as attacked hololive like nijisanji fans have. So go and choke on rikku's cock and die.
I'm so glad YouTube is the only media site I visit. This shit is such a repetitive, nigh-daily ritual of cringe irrelevancy that I can't imagine actually investing the memory to understand who any of these literal who's are. Then again, I'm a Vtuber fan, as in Virtual YouTuber, not a Vtwitcher fan, which I always imagined meant "Virtual Grifting Cumwhore slurping the leftovers of pathetic breadtubers".Different audiences I guess.
>>80442325seething vtweeters are everywhere on twitter
>>80454129Sadly, they're /here/, too. But apparently it's taboo to imply that Twitter and 4chan are quickly becoming similar in terms of audience
>>80452886>if vshojo are all numberfagsAnon... That's literally the whole reason why they picked up that Kuro faggot.Vshojo knows their brand name isn't big enough to be able to turn a random 1view to having 3k avg ccv
>>80446996I watched a bit of Zen's POV, and she was just playing the game like nothing was happening, while niji talents were having trouble getting into the servers or left the servers because of copyrighted music playing.For a host to do that, is kinda weird.
>>80452886>If Vshojo are all numberfags then yeah.more news at 11
>>80451279>what about a wrestling episode?>hey, you never know~
>>80442325Remember that time vshojo had auditions and there was this malicious group going around pretending to be vshojo and doxxxing the applicants... all while vshojo knew about the malicious group and kept it in secret so that more would fall victim to the scheme. I'm pretty sure they never even accepted anyone who auditioned at the time.So I got a question, why would anyone who isn't part of the friends circle even apply, I'm sure they'd have a similar nasty surprise in store this time.I think you underestimate how many haters vshojo has after that.
>>80454447Yeah but they said they was sowwy so is kays now
>>80454447>vshojo knew about the malicious group and kept it in secret so that more would fall victim to the scheme.Source?
>>80454563They themselves admitted they knew about it and were upset that Nuxtaku publicized the information.
>>80444527You have to be an absolute schizo to see that as a swipe at VShojo. And there is only one brand of schizos that eisegetically reads Doki's innocuous tweets as malicious potshots at others.
>>80451279anon, mint joining vshojo after audition end, its the usual just like back then
>>80450717everytime kek
>>80454632Yea because he put out the video to pat himself in the back. It didn't do shit.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa0tdecwz84
>>80454563Lurk moar, newfagIt was part of the reason why a lot of people hate vshitshow in the first place
>>80449769this but unironically.
>>80454660Given the context it was inevitable people would take it as a swipe at VShojo. In fact she even starts out by saying she "saw a lot of talk about this" which is obviously referring to vtweeters whining.
>>80454632>>80454843Source next thread?
>>80454765Your point being? They knew this was happening, they did not warn any of their applicants and when the information finally leaked out to the mainstream after there were already victims they were mad as fuck about the fact that it became known.The least they could have done is warn their applicants in private. They had months to do it.
>>80453263How popular were Justice and Advent before being hired? I hadn't heard of any of them before this.
>>80449998you can have a take on something without sounding like a self-righteous, self-congratulating bitch. "I was a hidden gem" really nigga?
>>OPThe most obvious forced damage control since NijiEN's black stream. I'll ask them this: how the fuck is this going to help the new person they're hiring, friend or not? The foundation of the new person they'll be adding to the team will be stewed in this "controversy".
>>80455099the green robot one holo just hired was really well liked and well known by liggers. theres a reason shes the best of the new group
>>80455099The Italian is a very well known vtuber artist who was Zen's main artist and a mid-high 3view on Twitch.
>>80455166That person won't care when they see the money rolling in
>>80455292It's okay, because the cult will support their idols no matter what! Fuck this gay earth.
>>80455425but vshojo isnt idol tho?
>>80454324>KuroHe's barely a 4view now. What happened?
>>80443140Ah so it's two unrelated twitter posts.
>>80455692it always is
>>80455166What controversy?
>>80455425Your point would have made sense if they hired a rapist or something. They're just vtubers, anon.
>>80455645He's trying to become a fleshtuber but he is buttfuck ugly and fat
>>80455645Wildly inconsistent streaming because of depression. Usual VTuber things
>>80453915Same. Have never read a single tweet in my life and don't know why anyone would.
>>OPIt's embarrassing when they send their ass lickers onto tweets and hound them for saying mean things about their company too.https://x.com/ihhhhiii/with_repliesThis guy has been white knighting Vshojo for YEARS. Sorry but they're still not gonna fuck you.
>>80442944But she already knocked back a corpo, why join the clique instead? Is she that desperate to interact with Froot?
This has to be the worse fabricated "drama" this board has seen in months, and considering all that happened in 2024 you can say that it's an achievement in itself.
I’m not reading all that shitPlease give a quick summary of all this nonsense
>>80456108overblow "drama"
>>80444695Its astonishing how Zen had a woman moment when people here say they are actually a couple controlling the character. Couldn't the guy just be able to control the woman moment and talk it out? Did he leave the twitter account phone to his girlfriend and she posted without consulting with him?
I find it interesting all of the recent "yabs" in the vtuber world have been less about drama and more ideological issues with how people treat this medium.For instance if I really wanted to I could point out how Dokibird & Mint's reincarnations ruined the clear demarcation between a talent's PL and her current content.I could also point out that the entire notion of "vtuber auditions" has never been taken seriously since indies are just as incestuous as corpos and it's always been just one giant clique.This is all in the midst of a serious issue with viewbotting that has pretty much made it impossible to assess if any growth or popularity is genuine anymore.But no, let's keep gossiping instead of focusing on actual problems.
>>OPmucho texto
>>80455874>they're still not gonna fuck youwhy do women say this all the time like it's some sort of gotcha?
I hope "trustfund vtuber" takes off as a term
>>80456108Doki made a tweet encouraging 2 and low 3views to apply to corpos, and corpos to give them a fair chance.Hours later Zentreya (arguably the truest friend Doki has in vshojo btw) got really annoyed by the jokes and remarks about nepohiring regarding vshojo's new round of auditions - some of them directly targeting Zen - and had a bit of an outburst on twitter.Now retards here are desperately trying for hours to build a new drama of the week connecting the two things.
>>80456621Also general seething 2views talking about how they wouldn't bother auditioning because it's all fake (and not because their worthless asses are a brand risk), then coming /here/ to bump these bait threads
>>80455645That's what happens when a male filipino tries fleshtubing.
>>80453469If you don't know who they are, and what is the relation they have with La+, you should just find it out.I'm not taking a free ban for LaShit. The JP audience knows, this is why she is usually considered the most hated Holomem.
>>80446754>La+ is literally the textbook definition of a nepohirelol, lmao even
>>80456621must be a slow news week for dramafags if they're trying to turn this into a yab. it's fucking nothing.
>>80444981>Niji also hired a bunch of 2views for their most recent gens and they've all landed with a solid thud>join after the selen shitshownah, fuck them
>>80446930>Their low numbers don't come from a lack of talent, but from the rainbow eating pacman next to their name. If it was a blue Dorito, they would be much more popular.if they are entertaining they are in blue dorito not pacman rainbow
>>80457276>if they are in blue dorito, they are entertaining.
>>80456167It’s not a couple. The pilot had a girl on literally once to prove Zentreya isn’t a male vtuber and had to handhold her through streaming and every chat inside joke. He’s just menhara from being in a catty girl’s club for the past half a decade
>>80442325They know they do nepohiring but desperately want to deny it. This is just them self-reporting.
>>80455099Twins around 50-80 on the mid term of their career ending on 120-150 on some special occasions few times. I was there constantly commenting and everything and I'm still following them. Their biggest struggle was to grow truly 'dedicated' viewers, their flux of viewers was somewhat decent but the number of streams were relatively low and their content was kinda strict at the beginning since they were an approach to expand branding recognition and increase some VN sales, with that said part of their initial growth came from making funny posts and posing clips on reddit - /virtualyoutubers, that didnt create many viewers but at least that increased the awareness of the their existence. In a way they are one of the reason for the sightly increase on indie posting there.The project was them canceled because they didn't get the popular enough for the brand and we're probably deemed a waste of recourses.
>>80455099They were all low 3 views or 2 view with talent(tm) like Nerissa
>>OP>ex-organ vs ex-organfight fight fight!
Can I get a QRD? Vshojo members are having a meltdown after being accused the corpo is a clique? How is doki involved?
>>80457872It's baffling how clueless catalog retards like you truly are.
>>80457922VShojo opened auditions, Doki made an indirect comment that 2views and such should try to get that bag (maybe not even connected to the audition). Zentreya gets annoyed at people shittalking the auditions, dramafags attempt to link the two statements, implying that Doki is shit talking VShojo
Kinda hoping that one of the Bikini Bottoms gets in. Just mask off, no brakes, telling everyone in chat to fuck themselves. And then Twitch Niggers will say "Based" and spam a random frog
>>80455874My brain is genuinely short circuiting trying to comprehend this doublethink
>>80455099fuwamoco is well loved by small amount of ppl for obvious reason, but still they are quite small, biboo on the other hand are actually 2 view small indie, but now shes pulling 10k ish every stream.
>>80450717What a twist!
>>80458218guy is desperate to shill for vshojo
>>80457922doki just post a long tweet basically shitting on vshojo about that, its very on point that everyone just straight up catch that after it posted
>>80449985>lies>whatever I was still right
>>80450152Oh so like 1/4th of the branch? Seems much better than Vshojo's big fat 0.
>>80455874>Job applications are not competitionskek>not everyone is supposed to have an equal change of being hired, the person who gets hired should be the person who has the most advantages kinda true >its not American IdolLMAO true enough
>>80459895>yes but what about
>>80456621>Doki is right and Zen has a melty over itLiterally nothing, got it, Zen should prove her wrong but we know she won't
Why are catalogroaches acting like Doki and Zen aren't friends?
>>OP>Doonkie shitting on Mint's Vshojo friendsYikes! Mint should immediatly cut all contact with the diaper furfag and denounce her publically.
>>80455645>>80455791What happens when you don't have corpo whip above you anymore. Faggots get lazy.
>>80460704Conveniently ignoring a decent chunk of HoloEN members being irregular streamers as well
>80460632Come on, you're not even trying now. 1/10, not even deserving of a pity (You) for this.
>>80460704His health has been going down the shitter recently, he just got out of the hospital 1 month ago.
>>80460572well not anymore anon after doki just start the all out war against vshojo
>>OPit would be better to nuke all EN vtubers desu
>>80460767Hololive respects its talents (but still drags out Gura to shill merch at least).>>80460974Damn, what happened? Last time I heard from him, he was focusing on taking care of his mom. Did he neglect his own health in the process?
>>80461350>Damn, what happened?Acute ear infection IIRC.
>>80461350He had like a ruptured eardrum or something. Not great, but he's recovering. I think he's suffering burnout because most of his revenue is going towards those tax problems, so he doesn't really feel a sense of accomplishment. Supposedly he's close to done with all that, but his mood swings are making it tough to just keep trucking along for another month or two
Can we agree that Hololive Gamers were the best nepo hires in vtubing
Weak thread, overshadowed by jurard drama already
>>80442325this is the kind o retard spamming zen right now. He was doing the same with froot. Guess who he watches
>>OP>GeegaI keep forgetting she's a part of Vshojo, or that she exists
>>80444275>the only nepo'd holos are Gamers and Sana.This is how I know you're just one of those morons from reddit who thinks they know everything, but they only know the narrative outside. It's fucking hilarious how you niggers don't even know what the basic niconico sphere is.
>>80444643>Did they kept doing it?Yes. Polka and Sana are both Nepo hires.
>>80444643>It’s been 4 years and vshitshow it’s doing nepohires.Good, because it took Hololive 4 years too before they stopped doing nepohires. There's literally nothing wrong with nepohires, if you're complaining about it, then you sound like one of those bitches that applied but never got in and it's fucking hilarious if that is actually the case.
>>80462214>>80462412Sure sister.
>>80462447>sisterOkay bvtm nigger, it's time to stop posting.
>>80443290>holo out of nowherevshojofags just cant get holo from their head, rent free.
always them
>new fags don't realize that first few holo gens was a NND friend group
>>80462101A fucking phasebeggar.
>>80462566>Chattino pfp>Ruffian>ESLlike clockwork
>>80462579Of course they don't. you think holodrones who browse this board watch HoloJP? Most of these idiots only started watching hololive during 2021 and no nothing about their JP streamers.
>>80462214>>80462412>>80462579I'm sure you are gonna tell us. Samefag some more first.
>>80462693Wow moron, you sure got me.
>>80462101I've spotted 3 contaiment breachers on twitter so far including this one, all of them are Phase/Kirsche/bvtm fans but this guy has to be the most schizophrenic.
>>80462686>fell for phasefag falseflagNGMI
>>80462412The issue is VShojo is getting buttblasted over people pointing out nepohires and pretending they aren't doing that. Hypocrites deserve to be called out.Hololive was never trying to act holier than though the way VShojo is.What's more, VShojo is exclusively nepohires. Hololive was not.
>>OPEN trolls and antis eat so goddamn good it's disgusting. How have these retards not clued in to the fact that the only way to win is to ignore it? You're not responding to your critics, you're amplifying them. These stupid fucks somehow get tripped up on the do nothing part of "do nothing, win".
>>80463340>EOP retard>Compares a talent agency that offers services with a company that sells and distribute products.The Twilight Zone
>>80442405>doki needs to stop doing that kSon thing where she acts like the "jesus of vtubing"I'll still take her side 11 times out of 10 against Niji, but yes this song and dance is getting old real quick. She's clearly starting to let her success go to her head a bit and if she doesn't get that shit under control it's going to cause problems for her later. I guess when influencers and companies have been blowing smoke up your ass for 6 months straight it's easy to forget that you owe your success to being the NijiEN protest vote.
>>80463800Read conversations before joining, retard.
>>80444695> Zentreya had a woman moment> Zentreya> womennigga really?
>>80463942You talk as if she is constantly commenting about the industry, when you can count the times she has done it on the fingers of one hand. On this precise issue she has also more than a reason to speak up, since she is often pointed at from the outside as an example of how an indie can thrive without a corpo behind it, when she has always admitted, despite everything that happened, the role Niji had in putting her under the spotlight.
>>80442405This. Zentraya looks like a fucking retard making this "Oh woe is me" post when the last 6+ hires have all been nepotism hires from other companies. Kson, Mike cat, henya, kuro, matara, michi, etc. She is going to look even more retarded when they do another session of nepohires on this round.
>>OPLEECHGA leeched her way into vshojo by LEECHING on zentreya
>>80462566>0 likes>3 viewssurely is always them
>>OPGood job, DookiebirdNow you're even attacking vshojo with your bpd