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File: 164 KB, 1790x912, 1719715990484172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79618962 No.79618962 [Reply] [Original]

Nice Bart Simpson graph you got there, Brave

>> No.79619176
Quoted by: >>79619414

hmmmmm something is afoot
those graphs sure look… wavey

>> No.79619414

Surely it must be 7k people turning their streams on and off again

>> No.79619527
Quoted by: >>79620163

wow brave bots what a revelation you’ve had anon

>> No.79620163

Thank you, thank you

>> No.79620193


>> No.79620933

whats the red wave graph on the left in op pic?

>> No.79620991
Quoted by: >>79621186

Remia I think?

>> No.79621151
File: 26 KB, 627x359, 7d3e4fef-504e-42c1-b926-3113f351d009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't everyone do that nowadays?
Thought it was the new trend

>> No.79621186

Remia's views were lower than 30k i think?

>> No.79621247

the fuwamoco bots were probably some schizo but im of the belief that vspo's were brave themselves doing it

>> No.79621282

No, that's just /#/schizo who bots !Fauna and !IRys for schizo reasons. If you want a real gag look at Salome's CCV pre- and post-quarterly report (when they turned off her bots).

>> No.79621288


>> No.79621405
Quoted by: >>79622325

Here are the other two's CCV charts: >>79561737
All have been pretty obviously botted. Actual numbers are probably 10k max (and that's giving them the benefit of the doubt for the debut buff).

>> No.79622325

I think its closer to 6k tbdesu

>> No.79622670

Correct me if I'm wrong, but youtubes algorithm is based on time/% watched and retention primarily, correct? Wouldn't having viewers enter and leave in waves like this nuke the retention stat and therefore make it recommended to less people? Or does this not apply to actually live streams?

>> No.79622728

it doesnt apply to normal streams as far as im aware

>> No.79622731
Quoted by: >>79622862

>it's only bots when it's someone i don't watch

>> No.79622795
Quoted by: >>79622879

Since they look exactly like the schizo's bots it's probably him. I also don't see any evidence of botting VSPO debuts before, just random streams.

>> No.79622800

They’ll just keep botting to keep the facade up so it doesn’t matter
Fake it until you make it

>> No.79622862

It's bots when it's not holo or phase essentially

>> No.79622879
Quoted by: >>79623007

>every botted stream is some random /#/ schizo
This is the real schizophrenia

>> No.79622971

Phase doesnt bot. If you look at V4Mirai's most recent debuts they got 6 to 8 thousand which is the same as Phase Connect's 3rd gen but V4Mirai gets like 20% the CCV Phase gets

>> No.79623007

Unless there's way more barts than I'm aware of he probably does make up the majority of them yes. He's botted dozens, if not hundreds, of HoloEN streams.

>> No.79623021

Why doesn't everyone bot?

>> No.79623027

All jewtube numbers are fake and botted. some are just cheaper and more noticeable than others.

>> No.79623069

>it’s just some schizo, goy!
>you can trust Brave, they have a reputation for being very trusting, goy!
>don’t listen to all the unfounded accusations it’s all just bitter femanons, goy!

>> No.79623116


>> No.79623162

>a vtuber company would never bot its always just /#/ anons haha nothing to see here

>> No.79623222
Quoted by: >>79623499

Brave is shady anyone that says otherwise is retarded or an unironic paid astroturfer

>> No.79623499
Quoted by: >>79623595

Yes, they've been doing scummy shit since the before times, however that does nothing to explain why they would bot their debuts (specifically EN debuts, never JP) so blatantly. All this does is make them look bad, it looks like someone antagonizing them.

>> No.79623595
Quoted by: >>79623670

>Its so retarded it cant be true
Is that really all you got

>> No.79623670
Quoted by: >>79623743

Yes, I would say the fact that the narrative makes no sense is a good reason to disbelieve it.

>> No.79623743

Incompetence is a lot more common than you think, anon

>> No.79623890

What a funny graph

>> No.79623993

>hololive gets caught botting
>conveniently is a scapegoat everyone hates
sure buddy sure

>> No.79624018

>h-h-hololive LOST?
>it must be BOTS
lmao cry more holofag

>> No.79624217

hololive is for the most part the only ones botting these days

>> No.79624301
Quoted by: >>79624502

>V4Mirai gets like 20% the CCV Phase gets
now remove Pippa's bots and Phase's average ccv drops by half

>> No.79624502

She doesn't bot but whatever I'm only talking about Phase's 3rd gen
Also its a lot easier to bot subs than views consistently and V4 also has the same if not higher subs than Phase's 3rd gen but is not even remotely close in CCV to them

>> No.79625264

Huh? No they didn't. They got 2k, 4k, 3k and 2k respectively. None of them look remotely suspicious except maaaaybe the 4k. And if these were botted indetectably, why would they switch to bots that are the equivalent of a spinbotting wallhacking CS ragehacker?

>> No.79625481

>20k predebut subs
>debut to 4k ccv peak
I have a feeling those stats are inaccurate but assuing they arent those subs dont line up

>> No.79625596

>why would they switch to bots that are the equivalent of a spinbotting wallhacking CS ragehacker?
simple retardation my dear anon

>> No.79625685

Nova peaked at 6k the stats didn’t track that

>> No.79625821

It "lines up" perfectly fine kek, Gura had nearly 1M subs predebut and got 200k.
Why do you guys do this, do you actually believe it or do you just spin these narratives to entertain yourself?

>> No.79625823

I would say numbers look weird because Brave bought tons of vtubers to watchalong to the debut, which inflates the ccv without inflating pre debut subs. Idol probably has similar numbers due to using similar tactics.

>> No.79625973
Quoted by: >>79626691

Isn't Brave a browser?

>> No.79626127

>Blatant lie
Gura had 85k
Pull those stats out your ass or something?

>> No.79626181

nice bullshitting you almost got me but maybe next time use someone less known for your astroturfing, Bravenig

>> No.79626214


>> No.79626268

I believe the intern allegations now

>> No.79626334


>> No.79626681
Quoted by: >>79626766

Oh, Google threw up the wrong answer, and it still doesn't change the point at all. I'm still waiting on an explanation for why you expect anyone to believe a 2k debut was botted.

>> No.79626691

Brave as in Brave Group. Retarded black company that had to rebrand from their old name to get away from all the allegations. Now they are botting all of their shit

>> No.79626766

>20k subs
>6k debut peak for Nova
It's normal to have double the CCV of your subs, not one fourth, Bravemonkey

>> No.79626944

Don't have a cow, man

>> No.79627015
Quoted by: >>79627132

What? Do you mean double the subs of your CCV? Implying the subs are botted?

>> No.79627057
Quoted by: >>79627165

this is why everyone hates numberfags btw. you monkeys just make shit up to accuse everyone of bots any time hololive loses. cry about it faggot.

>> No.79627132

Yes you drooling moron. And thats assuming CCV wasn't botted either which doesn't track if you compare V4's average CCV with Phase's average CCV now despite having similar CCV peaks in debuts

>> No.79627165

>anytime hololive loses
Loses to what? VSPO? KEK

>> No.79627239

>if you compare V4's average CCV with Phase's average CCV now despite having similar CCV peaks in debuts
>durrr every channel has the exact same proportion of sub/viewer ratio and this ratio remains constant throughout their entire career.
you're a fucking retard.

>> No.79627334
Quoted by: >>79627771

Explain why it doesn't for V4 then, faggot. And explain why this method does track for every other agency except Brave agencies and Kurosanji

>> No.79627365

This is probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Why would they bot themselves a whopping 8k subs kek that's literally nothing.

>> No.79627410

this faggot is overly invested in brave'ss botting

>> No.79627489

More like 14k minimum and it definitely is something for small corpos

>> No.79627527

>who cares if they bot
nice goalpost moving

>> No.79627533
File: 25 KB, 917x269, 1600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last night while OP bottnigger slept

>> No.79627538
Quoted by: >>79627629

Anybody going to mention that Brave ran ads for V4 debuts?

>> No.79627559


>> No.79627600

Huh so it is just a schizo here then. If it were Brave doing it, they'd have the bots runnig whenever needed.

>> No.79627629
Quoted by: >>79627735

Explain this then
Nova got 70k views on a short they ran ads on and somehow 30% of those short views converted to subs. That is literally impossible
Its literally just
>viewbot random short
>subbot channel
>maybe run a few real ads on the short to make it seem more legit

>> No.79627684
Quoted by: >>79627751

bots are more expensive than you'd think. running them on every stream will likely result in a loss unless they grow rapidly to make up for that

>> No.79627735

>>79627629 (me)
OR if you want lets assume all views on the short are from ads, then that 30% conversion rate is still impossible

>> No.79627751

>b-b-bots are expensive! It's totally not me!
You shouldn't have gone to sleep faggot.

>> No.79627771
Quoted by: >>79627832

>explain why this method does track for every other agency
it doesn't, you just made it up because you're a crybaby over losing. shiki from ex-prism has more subs than all of v4mirai yet her ccv is even lower than their weakest talent. conversely, bettel has like half pippa's subs yet his ccv is consistently higher. stop crying and accept that you lost the meaningless numberfag war.

>> No.79627775

>brave would never bot, goy!
>eat ze bugs, goy!

>> No.79627818

They didn't though, Phase's gen3 debuts were much higher. 7k, 7k, 7k, 8k, 6k

vs 2k, 4k, 3k and 2k for V4Mirai >>79625264. Their average CCV corresponds with their lower debut numbers almost exactly.

>> No.79627832

Shiki has a reason for that growth though. She had music videos blow up while you can't say the same about the V4 talents
Idfk anything about Bettel so I won't even comment on that but its probably something similar were they had something blow up

>> No.79627863
Quoted by: >>79627936

nova peaked at 6k

>> No.79627936

If so it lasted less than a minute and thus doesn't get picked up. i.e. it was a hiccup, like that time Elira had -19 views.
Or that's just made up.

>> No.79627938

there was a nijinigger who got btfo by numberkeks in /#/ then he wastes money (still doing it) to bot some holoEN in order to btfo them back by showing that holo also bots. fwmc and biboo are some of his frequent bot targets
pretty sure there is a post compilation somewhere from this guy, its hillarious

>> No.79627965
Quoted by: >>79628489

Even IF the CCV is accurate which I have reason to believe one of V4's channels was undertracked, that doesn't explain the subs being so inflated

>> No.79628103

>while you can't say the same about the V4 talents
You don't even watch V4Mirai so you have no idea what prompted their growth. You're just pulling shit out of your ass because you can't fathom that people sub to vtubers when they may not watch every stream. I only really watch Mono and Nova and it depends on what they're doing. The logical conclusion is that V4Mirai has a wide reach but a shallow core fanbase because they have people like Nova that experiment with content a lot. The schizo conclusion is "le bots."

>> No.79628104
Quoted by: >>79628289

>you can't say the same for V4 talents
ASMR? Almost all of them have VODs with more than 50k views. Some of them have 100k VODs.

>> No.79628116

thats all the proof i need to know this is a fakeass OP

>> No.79628289
Quoted by: >>79628396

ASMR for some sure. I think Alias recent growth spurt was legitimately from her ASMR videos but not every talent does ASMR yet they saw big growth from seemingly nowhere all at the same time predebut

>> No.79628353
Quoted by: >>79628656

What's actually funny is that there are people who care about this shit. Bots or not (You) get nothing out of this, unless you're one of the [company] interns I guess.

>> No.79628396

Their latest gen's debuts were heavily hyped and shilled with ads. It was right on the heels of Selen being fired and they had a Selen clone too. Just check the catalog. People had a lot of interest in just seeing their debuts.

>> No.79628489

I guess you're right anon, I can't disprove the allegation that they've botted themselves a miniscule number of subs. But considering I have proved that anon is lying about the discrepancy between V4's and PC's debut and average CCV, I feel pretty confident in saying this one probably isn't true either.

Presumably, whoever botted last night's debuts is in this thread and is one of the anons feverishly pushing "b-b-b-b-b-brave bots!!!" using made up numbers, lies and pretzel logic. Might be the same old /#/schizo, might be a completely schizo, considering it's small corpos there's surely enough schizos to go around.

>> No.79628656

If Brave group were actually botting it would be both interesting and relevant. My oshi has actually collabed pretty closely with some of the V4Mirai girls on occasion so it's relevant to me specifically beyond an academic interest. And even in the worst case scenario I get to study schizos and the way they operate.

>> No.79628749

botting is anti behavior and anyone can do it to any video

>> No.79628758
Quoted by: >>79631373

your oshi would be pretty disgusted that you spend your time accusing her friends of botting streams.

>> No.79628886
Quoted by: >>79631373

>it's relevant to me specifically beyond an academic interest
You're free to explain how it's relevant. What happens if they're bots? What if they aren't? I'm 100% sure nothing changes regardless of the answers.

>> No.79628906

Straight into 3view territory, wow.

>> No.79628987

How the fuck was this not obvious? It's all the same retard.

>> No.79629011

thanks for the link!
Watching now.

>> No.79629237
Quoted by: >>79629638

So it's only the companies I don't like that are botting right? If they are, it's only antis doing it. Thanks for the clarification.

>> No.79629638

they cant be reasoned with

>> No.79629686
Quoted by: >>79629742

>it’s always some anon that’s botting streams
Actual retardation

>> No.79629742

Except when it definitely is

>> No.79629769
Quoted by: >>79633369

wow! nothing suspicious going on here!

>> No.79629831

>EN companies would never bot. They are all innocent angels even the ones that are known to bot in their international branches!

>> No.79629841

Hang yourself, Brave intern

>> No.79631373

I've done the opposite. There's zero evidence, direct or circumstantial, besides the barts last night which are obviously done by an anti.
If botting were proven it would, at the very least, be a blow to the company's reputation.
If it's not botting, not much happens.

>> No.79633369

Seems ok to me

>> No.79633486

>bumped this on page 11
You are a fucking negroid cumrag

>> No.79637485


>> No.79639181

why bart simpson and not marge simpson instead
