Previous: >>79501205
>>OP*GENERAL NUMBERFAG SITES*>>>>>> sites>>>> sites>>>>>>>
reminder that .LIVE could've been a third big corp in the same rank as holo and niji if they didn't mask off as a black corp immediately
Who is gonna skin walk Ai this time
Is this the thread where we pretend Kizuna Ai wouldn't be back to runt status within 3 months of returning
>>79507648>>79507381>New VAIt's Mikeneko.You heard it here first.Mark my words.
>>79507648Andy Serkis or one of the many old Super Sentai guys who went into motion capture
>>OPFinally, someone will put holoshits in their place.
>>79507623Please could you blow the pussy
Reminder that:>Real holos and allies of hololiveHoloENDokibirdMintDepressed NousagiRima EvenstarHero HeiKhyoFalseEyeDLegal MindsetPhase Connect>Enemies of hololiveBilibiliAnycolorCoverHololiveJPHololiveIDHolostars
Just create a new chuba jesus. Skinwalking old Ai because cant make proper IP
>>79507623Please could you stop the noise?
>corpse OPSpooky.
>>79507456ERB also cleared the line and we all know how bad of an entertainer she is. Just admit that the talent pool has dried up. There's less and less actually good entertainers left, and the successful ones are staying as indies. Gigi was just lucky
This is weird.'m looking at the website and sometimes it's strange patterns, sometimes it's moving to be more like ASCII art, and every once in a while, I swear it's starting to follow the rules of the Flower Game, or the Game of Life as it's sometimes called.Weird. Weird, weird, weird.
>>79507640They're all black companies though?
>>79507677But I was told she's in WACTOR now, no?
Kizuna is a fucking fossil.Whoever is going to skinwalk her doesn't matter.Her numbers ain't coming back to an already dead company.
>>79507777She's streaming right now
Don't do this to me, Ai-chan. I moved on. I found an oshi I truly love and she makes me happy. Please, don't do this...
>>OPBased OP, thank you.
>>79507707I don't mind. As long as HoloEN keeps growing while JP keeps dying it's fine.
Will she hit 3M again? already ticked 10k
>>79507724Jannies quicker than my ol quickshot
>>79507724Kuzuha's concubines Pekora Aqua Marine RIGHT HERE SORRY MIOSHA
>>79507640They were the biggest group before they fucked up.
>8 minutes in>only 30k
Gura mogged
>Migo hold herself from cryingMy baby Migo is maturing each year
>Kizuna Ai is joining HololiveHow would you feel?
>>79507791From WACTOR to upd8... is it a downgrade or an upgrade?
ok i lost interest, don give me this cryptic bullshit without leaving me to wait for more than 5 minutes
Who's the new VA now for AI?She's still taking care of my child
>>79507648they asked A-chan to be the new AI. Offered her fuck you money.
Pekora mogged and graduating
>>79507805You thought you coulld escape me?
>>79507799Based but HoloEN is still the most relevant entity worldwide.
>>79507889... who?
>>79507844>NijiEN goes out of it's way to give it's fans ample seatage>meanwhile, HoloEN can't even afford to seat all of it's fans without going bankrupthow the tables have turned from the days of "Nijichairji," huh
Lmao this will make her get 3 million subs
>stalling foreversomething seems very fish about this
What do you call kizuna ai fanbase? Aibuds?
Even if "she" comes back it won't be "her" so why do you even care
Kizuna Ai is EN, so no NijiEN gold
Will niji win the month because of this?
Feels like there are AI slopbots /here/
>>79507865Ohnononono, Holobros, our tie... It's Niji's victory after all
>>79507865They really want the 3m, don't they?
>>79507974It could be, thoughThat's why people are at least interested. It could be her.
We might be looking at a potential 100k stream today.
>>79507975A win for Kizuna Ai is a win for Nijisanji, dumbass
>>79508023All me
It'd be funny if this ate today's nijigold. they better do something soon though, this cryptic BS can only hold an audience for so long.
>>79507941I hope Aqua and Marine graduate too
>>79507902migo is constantly growing and sincere. she is a perfect oshi.
>>79507949>>79507856Saplings are holoantis, color me surprised.
i'm just watching to see the biggest disappointment of the year
You're being actively keylogged in you stay on that "stream."
>Ollie's taking a break due to shock from a fan's deathIsn't she too parasocial for someone who loves to shit on unicorn and parasocial fans?
>>79508076Always has been
Oh great, Unlimited False-flagging Works.
>>79508115Its NFT anon
>>79508076HoloJP is not Hololive
Ironmouse mogged
>>79508111I don't recall Ollie shitting on unicorns. She just does things that drive them away.
the japs are getting programmed in real time
>Oyabun can only get 40k nowGrim
>>79508115they are hacking your pc
My pentium 4 boots faster than this shit
Anti hololive shitposts are incoherent
Place your bets:>Real Return (ES ELLA)>Real Return (recast...)>One-off celebration stream for the birthday>They're genuinely trying the AGI Vtuber shit fr fr this time and puppeteering a corpse yet again>Something newWinners get one (1) ball restored to be used in future bets
47k dramaretardfags that will fuck off within 2 weeks would rather watch cheaply made ASCII vs Hachama btwSounds botted to me.
>>79508172LMAO is this the new cope?
>sheepfucker in the holoan sub againwtf is wrong with him? Giving the rest of us holofans a a bad name
>>79508124>everything I don't like is falseflaggingI despise JP and nothing makes me happier than seeing them die. Cope and sneed.
>>79507949>>79508071>>79507856WTF are saplings like this????
>>79508203Mikeneko using an AI-driven voice changer to sound like the original Oyabun.
>>79508111Did she have a relationship with that girl or was it her only whale?
that shit is just looping lol, they are gonna keep it up until the channel reaches 3m
>>79508195Turkey was not a belligerent in WW2
>>79508124It's always the same shit.
>>79507844Now show how many seats the gen 5 concert sold
>>79508124I feel you, brother. As a pekoratomo, there's nothing I hate more than falseflaggers, hololive, people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch
What has Fuana done, to deserve such a schizos
>>79508203>Real Return (recast...)50 bucks on this one here.
what the fuck is this shit
>>79507927shieet upd8 is still around? I thought they went defunct ages ago
>>79508203100% some kind of scam attempting to capitalize on the IP, and not any kind of actual functional return.Now, what the scam IS, I'm really curious to see.
realistically, why are they blue balling for so long?
>>79508203more NFTs
>>79508238Fauna doesnt acknowledge saplings who shit on hololiveAlso Fuck off! and start using your real oshi(Millie)
>>79508111Ollie is a genuinely good person, she's compassionate to the point of going menhera from the slightest hiccupshe collabs with homos not to own le unicorns but because she genuinely wants everyone to succeedthis also means she regularly gets taken advantage of by horrible people (like jutard)
>i'm trying to sleepAbsolutely no self-awareness here
i closed it already, fuck this scam shit
>>79508203i'll place a set of imaginary balls on all options then. Its a steal to get 1 real ball restored.
>>79507677>New VA>It's Mikeneko.I want that to happen just to witness this board and the whole vtubing community's meltdown.
>>79507924Would probably become THE biggest new this yearBecause that means Hololive now have 2 of the 4 Heavenly King under their command, and this one isn't even a new persona
>>79508203I beleb A-chan is the new VA,Cover buyout Kizuna Inc.
I'm start to believe that Faunaschizo has a crush on the saplings and Fauna.
>>79508195>Kronii>Americashit post. Mumei or Gura or fuck off.
>>79508220No, I just don't remember Ollie actually shitting on unicorns. I mean, maybe I'm wrong, I don't watch her.
Some of these Japanese are actually pure evil. I don't want to see what happens.
>>79508318Whatever they're doing, having a high ccv to brag about will probably help
>>79508249Mad, JPkek?
>>79508318They're waiting for the numbers to get bigger.
I wanted to shit on chat but i have to sub to Shitzuna cuck.
>>79508195The fag is afraid to use Germany's Real Flag.
>15 minutesJesus christ.
>>79508203My money is on AI
>>79508203>Real returnanonchama...they wiped her channel of all past vods
>>79508373i dont think theres any show
>Lamy just playing MH without mentioning AiDefinitely a fake "return".
>>79508318It's to gather hype, like when Michael Jackson just stood there for 30 seconds as the crowd went wild at the Super Bowl
>>79508354...Polka isn't a heavenly king, anonchama
>>79508327The way to Hell is paved with good intention, you know the drill anon ...
highsub channels i kneel
>>79508373anon... this IS the show...
>>79508427Well, makes it much easier to not compare to the real one, then, eh?
>>79508288We're too based>>79508323No. Fuck JP. Sneed.
>>79508436Mikeneko skin waking a dead corpse would be a great show
Would Kizuna AI returning with Mikeneko as the voice be big brain or absolute dumpster fire?
it's called sheep because you need to be a real sheep to watch this
She's launching a new shitcoin, that's allSaved you an hour
>>79508203If it's not the original they're so fucked
>>79508455That was a hell of a show
give me the top 10 menhera moments in hololive
The premiere didn't sound like Non-chan, but it's been a few years, so who knows?
>>79508480You dont like Millie anymore MillieFAG?
>>79508399Thoughts on my Hafu princess?
>>79508256He was the biggest of her three gachikois. He was more or less responsible for half of her revenue and art commissions. Fun fact: that melty she had at the guy asking why she didn't speak Indo was right after reading a series of donations from said whale
>>79508464Well, I'm entertaining that anon's headcanonImagine having Kizuna AI under Cover
ok, her channels been hacked
>>79508203She's going to be the JP Neuro. They're going to use AI and the original voice to make a Frankensteinian horror.
>whoever bought the channel is showing the numbers to a board of chinks right now to prove its value for an NFT drop
>>79508492It'd be like a fusion of bad ideas
why is hololive declining bros? what happened? why are we losing golds?
>>79508377We have already known that faunaschizo is Fauna’s strongest sapling
okay its just gonna be more cryptic bullshit. guess I'll check back in 12 hours
The age of Kizuna Ai, Four King, .Live, Gamebu and Nijisanji, all before Hololive, was still the golden age
>>79508538Today when EN all got mogged
>>79508538It would be just Rushia and Matsuri compilation.
Good morning /#/. I love Jelly!
>>79508548Mediocre singer, horrid personality, reclining whore
>NFT NFT NFTIsn't that grift dead? Even in Japan, I can't imagine there's still a push for it anymore now that all the NFT grifters have moved onto Generative AI.
>>79508421>No Loli AI>No Buy
wtf are they doing
>>79508203Ai vtuber
>>79508538Every single Gura break
yup theyre just fucking with us retards, im out
I'm confused at all your shitposts. This is...a premiere.The tally is completely unaffected. No actual poster is even here to point that out?
ai chan gold today? it's still rising
Some grim shit
>>79508667started after midnight
>>79508636Great, ennacuck is now using Fauna.
is this an experiment to see how much time they can waste?
>>79508630Good morning Jellychad!
wtf is oyabun doing lmao
>>79508538kroniimori kiaraame
>>79508693There are two things active and one is a stream
>>79508636Thoughts on my Shark then?
>>79508579This would be the worst outcome. Even worse than casting a new Ai.
>the second it starts to show anything with any regular movement, the video feed freezes while the music continues to playNEAL, FIX YOUR FUCKING SITE
>>79508667If it gets taken by NFT scam I'm not even mad.
>>79508693wrong one its the sheeep
really makes you think
the video feels like a creepypasta, it's genuinely spooking me out...
This shit is starting to give me a headache. I can barely look at the video.
So how long have memberships been open?
>>79508579This would create a backlash so big it might even heavily damage Neuro just through association
Why would faggots raid now when they can shit on Ai channel for free?
>>79508538NijiEN mass termination and merge
SHE'S BAC-->whatever this iswtf...
>>79508630OMEN CURSE! Good morning Jellyposter.
Faunaschizo larping as a sapling is funny. Such a tsun tsun~
>69k watching nowNice Dorya~
Wait if Kizunai Ai can get custom stickers why can't hololive
oh fuck off
It would only make sense for Pekora, Aqua, and Marine to graduate at this point.
>The Game of Life/Flower Game on the screen sometimesJUST LIKE THE UNVEILING LORECARDS IN DESTINY 2
>>79508812Like, I'm actually pissed. Who is responsible for this? Ruin them.
>>79508694She's showing how you're all fucking sheep for watching absolutely nothing from a corpse.
>>79508857Whats worse is that hes a MillieFAG
This is a weird fucking trip bro
>>79508701yep, the goddess herself is gonna make hololive lose the month. Absolute nijikino pushing you holokeks down a peg.
What does this say?
Useless blue leeching whore pekora mogged by a literal vtuber corpseKek
I've been sitting here for days! Start the damn announcement before I piss myself.
Why are they wasting everybody's time with this shit? Just market your next grift already.
i'm grippin rn to her sexy dance
>>79508327yeah let's just forget about her homo collab that she tricked unicorn pandering holos into joining
>>79508857I don't actually think that's Faunaschizo.>>79508888Destinyschizo PLEASE.
>I'm trying to sleepWTFDSMBT
>just snippets of her past streams on a loop with ASCII filter>71K (bots)Japanese are holy retarded. No wonder they still sucking NND vods.
>>79508857Don't you want Fauna to be rightful 1st army, Sapbro?Graduate the JPfailures. It's our time to run Hololive now.
>>79508908You slapeye nose?
>>79508918This but Kuzushit the boring faggot.
Is it broken?
ok this is definitely a scam of chinese proportions
Looks like holo loses the month. Don't think Mio can beat this
>>79508896>comes back to make sure HoloKek don’t tie the monthAI I fucking KNEEL
So A chan leave Cover to become AI chan?
>>79508907Based. You earned it Nijibros. We hate HoloJP too
is this what schizophrenia is like?
does the feed freeze up repeatedly for anyone else?
>mio returns streamNooooo my kizuna ai gold
>>7950889625k more needed
Where are the numbers coming from?
Sky High is her best song
what is happening
Holy fuck that just ruined my day.
>>79508950My theory is that 100k or a set amount of time is needed for the Queen to actually return. But this could just be a shit attempt at viral marketing for some concert.
>>79509056For what
it's now showing a different clip
>>79508955so true sapgod !
>>79508918I will wheelbarrow her chat about her failing numbers all this month. Thank me later.
150 Holo Gold30 Nijibots gold
is this some kind of crypto scam stream like the elon musk one?
>>79508908view-source:>Murmur... You could think of me as something virtual, kinda. I cognize. Please, could you stop the noise? I'm trying to sleep.
Miko is based for singing this.
>sheepanons i think this is genuinely just a loop video for you to sleep to, youve been severely scammed
Peko comeback got 100K, I don't think Mio can reach 90K.
Is there a limit to how long they can delay before people start leaving?
NIJI WINS THE MONTH LOL. So much for no one can compete with holo anymore when you literally got fucking mogged all month long
>>79509064that would be Radio Love Highway
Incoming NFT but not scammaz fr fr
Will they actually do something at 30 minutes mark?
>>79509079100k+ return stream is only for chosen few
Is this retard ban evading or is he just deleting his own posts?
You all are just fucking sheep for watching this shit.
>>79508888destiny schizo my beloved
are we getting some [E]nd of Yorha type shit
>>79509098Clips you've already seen, btw.
If this fag thinks his poor falseflagging attempt will stop me from posting Fauna he has another thing coming.
behold your advent garde vtuber
>>79509086to mogged Niji gold
What did Fauna do to mind break a person so hard?
>>79509135Mio's been in the hospital. We could be looking at a Miko/Haachama-level return stream.
Is this some kind of ritual to revive her?
In the USA they're targeting vtuber husbands to cause mental illness and raise the level of accepted violence in the states. There's literally no such thing as offline para social but they'll tell you you're responsible for your oishiis mind like Hamas hiding behind women and children. They're exporting false versions of unicorns last viewings and supported tasks of devotion by remotely flaying them from the person and reorganizing the meaning of that person's life via emf and long range radar. For instance, any moment your home is not it's exact emission or expression unto you which you might have lived in normally, your home is potentially being 'read' which means the slight difference from that normal is producing a alternative state which can be read via emf and long range radar. The offline shit is literally just terrorism by the same people who initially offered these services, forgotten of the fact that they were all at one point part of the same genocide in 2013-2014. I don't think there is a thing humans can do because even though there are obvious war crimes going on us soil they'll eventually just raise the violence on the server. This is the 653n buck, potentially part of an arg left to the very clever @flowerguardnatsume. All these interactions with reality are meant to set off surplus neuronal activity. Unfortunately there is no nighthawk and as a result the 10 am nighthawk doesn't mean anything. Instead of a peaceful existence where one could emit the natural processing of reality to create the surplus activity necessary to cause a new portion of the arg we have a world where the unicorn is likely being soul raped without intervening parties.
>people are literally MEMBERING over thisWhat is wrong with people?
>>79509177dont blame me, im watching miko singing kino.
Ruining nips sleep schedules...I kneel
>>79509126Its an AI like the twitch AIvtuber
>>79509135Miko's comeback from hospitalization got 150k, but it was also a 3DLive.
>>79509148Oh no Niji won in JP how amazing. No one gives a shit about the JP market lmao. HoloEN is out here dominating the rest of the world.
How many months has niji won this year?
>>79508888To be clear, when it seems like the ASCII bits are collapsing in on themselves a bit, it's for some reason turning into Conway's Game of Life, where the rules are as such:>Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if by underpopulation.>Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation.>Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation.>Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
out of the loop, what the fuck is all this kizuna AI about?
They're desecrating one of Lamy's gachikoi's corpse...
this is not how to build hype retards
This is genuinely annoying at this point.
It's been almost half an hour. You can start now.
it literally called "sheep" like come the fuck on guys
>>79508908Please can you subscribe?
>vrabi doesn't track Ai>vstats tracks no one but Ai
>>79509218Its their fake accounts trying to lure retards to member NOW!sorry. I meant numbers. Post predictionsball bets are optional
>>79509186at least post her tits, please
Will this be the greatest revival since Jesus? The Nazareth Jew rested for 3 days before returning, how many days has it been for AI?
>>79509177I am indeed fucking a sheep.
Mio would need at least a comeback totsu to beat this. Its over.
Unless this bitch actually shows up on stream it literally shouldn't count.
>>79509201Miko is at 145k return stream cant say the same about hachaama
>>79509173Jannie deleting but only mods can ban.
Please get 100k it would be so fucking funny
>Top 10 failed marketing stunts in vtubing[Updated]1. NIJISANJI2. Kizuna Ai Inc3. Who cares about third place and below
ITT japanese people are legitimately stupid
>>79509135Haachama got like 200k.
Are they gonna reuse her model but change the VA
>>79509300>sheep>watame is streamingQUICK EVERYONE TO WATAME'S STREAM GOGOGOGO
>>79508992>>79509148>Nijicucks are so used to falseflagging they can't help but still use Holo pics even when revealing themselvesdisgusting rats, meme golds still won't make that concert happen. Or save your tranny EN branch.
>>79509249That was 145K with multiple months.How long did Mio and Haachama rest?
>>79509148>wins one month out of 12>thinks it's competition
>>79508908Its a real AI-Vtuber just like the twitch ai girl
>>79509354Wouldn't be the first time.
>>79509300Unironically no one cares about that kind of shit in current yearThat's just how it is
>>7950931760-70k is optimistic. not prime time, no obvious other holos.
>>7950917280k tick tock HOLOKEKS
holy fucking shit get on with it already
How many newfags? At least one hour of nothing is pretty common for JP events.
>>79509317I'm willing to throw a 100k down as a maybe
BREAKING: JP forums and boards have been spreading rumors that this must hit 100k for the big reveal.
The fact that people unironically member and SC over this is baffling
Uhmm.... so in the endWhat killed Kizuna AI ?
76k viewersKizuna AI in our the Year of our Lord 2024And I thought she was dead...
Question: If her model and voice doesn't appear until the end, does it count?
>please could you stop the noise?
They just showed the new clip for a split second.
>Please could you stop the noisewhat does she mean by this?
>>79509363Nijicucks can't help it they are too ashamed of their organs
>>79509380Hachaama is 9 months or more mio is not more than 6
>>79509424i want to stuff my cock in her throat so that i don't have to listen to her sing
>>79509317Is it as strong as Haachama return buff?
>>79507859Another tick
>>79509446Can anyone Opsec those supas?I smell bullshit
>>79509479Sounds like a revival or music album desu. A flop either way for sure.
>>79509313They started streams yesterday
This is so damn creepy.
>>79509453The corpo behind it
soda in shambles rn
Nijisanji poach her
>>7950940584k now
kek they are doing this to farm subs from clueless tourists
You WILL watch this shit for another 25 minutes.
>>79509561Its AI(not women behind) Im calling it now
also, why the fuck is it in english?
>>79509522Yea no way 80k faggots appears at this timeslot. Never happened before.
It will be boring if she just has the same design
30 mins of this maybe I should get lunch.
>>79509463I don't think we've ever actually like, had a scenario for this before?>graduated and completely gone Vtuber>some stream starts on her channel long after with no actual clarification on if she's alive again or notIf there's no actual Vtuber on stream, or it ends up just being a shill for some weird product that isn't actually with a Vtuber on screen, I think it's up to Tallydwarf to decide, no?
>>79507859Will she get a Yagoo wish?
Is this shit bottted? no way there are still new people finding the stream at this point?
I hate when it goes quiet. It makes my 3D live tabbing insticts kick in.
Take a break from your NFT scam and check out this GRIM, /#/.
>>79509445it's a premiere though. no way they know where the CCV will hit 100k while recording it
THIS will be reaaaly funny if this stream is their last hurra to squeeze the pay pigs the last time.
nijis paid upd8 just to steal hologoldi'll never forgive them
>>79509618they're fucked in japan, also new audience that doesn't really understand the weight behind the kizuna clones and the myriad of retarded decisions they made
I am this close to hitting "don't recommend channel"
Kizuna is Holo EN
New audio.
>>79507648Nuero-samaVedal has been working on Kizuna Ai the whole time
>>79509696It's already working, lol
>>79509685It's a live stream.
>>79509684is that temu kronii ame moom kiara?
>>79509618I mean let's face it Ai got big off of English subscribers, they know that, the fact that she was able to keep going for Japanese fans after was lucky but the mass of those subs are gonna be English speakers
>>79509705Way ahead of you
Kizuna AI has the best dancing butt in the history of vtubing.
this is spoopy
>>79509684Oh dear
>>79509774It is a good butt, that's true
Why did they show real ppl? are those the voice
numbers seem to be going down
>>79509784See >>79509700 and >>79509750
>>7950965885k at this timeslot is literally impossible.>>79509684>small indie grpNEVER
The more I watch, the more creepy it gets...
It feels like Junsgang 480K record got BTFO by Hikakin 1.3M wedding premiere.
>Oyabun double the CCVs of top talent on a fucking loading screenTHE QUEEN IS BACK
>>79509774Very true, though Subaru is a close second
Is she 3M already? So we can get on with this
>>79509332This post right here. VTubers require an actual VTuber.
kizuna gold today?
>>79509817its from the MV
guys, she's sleeping, this is going to last for 8 hours, the whole night in japan, don't wait for anything to happen
you could get to the golden throne quicker than this.
I stopped watching ai when tried to skinwalking her. disgusting behaviour
>>795096843 years?
>>79509874More like Activ8 puppeteering a dead body to get 3M
>>79509561It actually just pisses me off.
>>79509897The fact it's looping so long already says it's a scam
>i'm trying to sleepI swear, if this is some SORRY FOR PARTY ROCKING shit or just NFTs again, I'll be pissed off.
I wonder if the wait will be just as long as the actual stream.
>>79509848what's the original stream of this?
18 more minutes of this slop.
>>79509958NotAI retweeted the stream
>>79509691>GameFreak logo at the bottom
So JOPs are literal retards that would watch paint dry
A couple months ago there was a weird jjk gojo video that went on for the max 12 hours full of nothing
Kizuna AI personal record 131,810Hiatus 3D liveIt might be her second 100K live stream
Just so you guys know, they don't appear to have KILLED the channel's content, they just unlisted it all for this stunt.Videos linked on her community tab still work.
>plateauingdeserved, fuck these chink scammers trying to milk a fucking corpse
>>79509912youre probably right :D
>>79509897Bro, grow a spine and close it. You're probably the same guy that spends $300 on a date that friendzoned you a year ago and she has you in her phone as, "Free food." Fuck's sake, put your foot down.
they loop same shit for 40 minutes AAAAAAAAAA
>Suddenly +20k bots0 shame
Already at 111kObviously painfully botted.
>from 83k jumped to 111k in an instant
>>79510011JOPs never watched her, she was mostly only popular with EOPs
Is that a Z?
100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K DORYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>79510016>herReally pushing the definition of the word here. It doesn't seem like non-chan is involved at all.
>>79508174>>Oyabun can only get 40k now>Grim
>>79509958I thought they left Activ8 to form Kizuna Ai Inc or something
It's a Z considering it's falling again
What a wild weekendA-chan goneAI coming backMio coming back, too
you faggots really forgot about Zs for a bit there
ok now that's an absolutely painfully obvious bot.
>>79510086>>79510089not botted
Its a Z
someone got impatient
>>79509938Are they any good?
>a Zkek the chink suits really had to reach 100k quota
>>79510014>>79510016>>79510017I'll laugh if they only did this shit so she could finally reach 3M subs as some kind of comeback shit.
I never saw 100k+It's 93k now
>>79510071It's all so fucking tiresome.
Kek they really have a time limit. They have to resort to botting kwab. Let investor see that Kizuna can still get her numbers.
Yeah it was a Z.>>79510134Forgive us.
Wake me up in 20 minutes
holokeks getting uppityyou lost.
Did they delete all of her old videos or just set them to private/unlisted?
If nothing happens by the 60 minute mark, I'm fucking off. This chink NFT scam isn't worth my time.
a new picture flashed!
Is this designed to actually be as obnoxious as possible?
>>79510121>A-chan gone>AI coming backTHE RRATSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Is this cunny or hebe?
>>79510147idk never heard of them before
A Z doesn't clear up in like two minutes.
>>79510217unlisted apparently
any day now....
>>79507623Radiohead bros?
30k bots just got swatted, must feel nice to be a youtube engineer seeing that in the stats on monday
Interestingly, the gaming channel's videos are still around. It was just the main one that got wiped.
Lmao bots dying? Down to 76k
This is just absurdist comedy
the bots are dying aibros...
>>79510244I don't know how tall they are relative to things that's the decider hereIf super short it's cunny if they're about average height for a JP girl it's hebe, and I'd lean on hebe
you retards are really watching this in hopes of seeing Ai?are you dumb?you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
>>79510217Privated because I had an old unlisted video of hers saved and now it's gone.
Whats the best kizuna ai song? i dont remember her voice
>>79510217They're not dumb enough to delete the videos without backup... r-right?
>>79510249? Niji won already. This is a new day newanon.
>down to 70kit's over...
Everybody here should coordinate and keep opening and closing the browser every five minutes and screw up their graph, honestly. Fuck this bullshit.
JWUKizuna AI is coming back????
>numbers are droppingPeople are starting to get tired of this shit.
>>79510318>unlimited distribuition "sheep"KEK IT WAS REALLY A FUCKING STUNT
>>79510318>unlimited distributionSo, this is just going to loop forever or until they actually announce something god knows when?
I can't tell if it's tourists not knowing how Z's work or retards just wanting to shit up the thread
3M subs nowGura better run
>>79510332I'm just curious what scam it is
i think the bots are from some chink trying to get her to 100K and see if the stream was going to start or not
i already don't count to the ccv so it doesn't matter
>>79510308I turned it off, I'm not sitting here for a full hour listening to this shit on infinite loop
Kizuna AI secured Niji the month. The Queen blesses Nijisanji. It's a sign of things to come.
>>79510379You do it. There is only like 15 of us rn.
truly a horde of sheep
>>79510318wait so its gonna be an just an ongoing stream for good?Does this actually count as a vtuber stream?
>>79510318>Just more corpo slopWhat a surprise
>>79510217You can still see them from if they'll actually nuke the vods later, or if holodex will also unlist them, so hopefully someone saves them
>>79510411Idiot, they're never going to announce anything. They have to actually get the original voice back, and she ain't.
>>79510423valley of the Z. it's rising again
This shouldn't count, if she's not going to actually show up.
3M SUBS DORYAAAAAAAAAAA. Also>that ZKuzuha tier
Second time to 3 Mil
how do people bot streams?
Should this even count as a vtuber channel any more? The real Ai is gone forever and everything they've done since then has been soulless corporate branding slop.
>>79510415It's fucking worming now.
>>79510318Oh fuck off, chinks.
>>79510448It shouldn't, it's like those 2views leaving their old karaokes on loop.
>>79510332I know it's a scam, but that's why I want to see it so badly to know how much I get to laugh.
What a garbage way to hit 3 million.
>>79510486>i-i-it s-shouldn't countcope.
>>79508934I feel like people have rewritten history entirely on what actually happened in their minds. Ollie invited girls to the Holo only portion, did not mention that there was a separate mixed portion that would occur after the Holo only section. Ollie announces the tournament, does not announce participants or who’s in what presumably to build hype. Retards start full doomposting X IS GONNA PLAY WITH ASTEL IT’S OVER, I believe Nene states she’s only in the Holo only section and wasn’t aware there was a mixed section and she wouldn’t be in that. Mixed participants are exactly who you would expect with 0 surprises and shitposters saddened by no chance for OHNONONO KEKBUDS SHE’S RIDING ASTELS COCK take their knowledge gained from clip thumbnails and posts here and create the narrative that Ollie attempted to trick Holos into a homocollab.
>>79510318LMAOOO, get fucked whoever member or SC the channel
>>79510448No, it doesn't.
>>79510546It shouldn't. She's not fucking streaming.
Okay, I'm done, I have other things to do
>>79510318Just so you guys know, this is a NEWS OUTLET, aka, they don't actually know what's going on any more than us, they're just reporting what they see.So they decided to call it an "Unlimited Stream" for some reason.
People are tuning out now. "People."
Are we there yet mom
The music keeps changing. New album drop.
me at the start of this stream vs me at the end
>>79510547>literally tried to trick people>BUT BRO IT DOESN'T COUNTTake your gaslighting back to your boyfriend.
>>79510574there's no way
>>79510318>more insect fuckery trying to milk her corpseJesas.
>>79510442There's 536 IPs in this thread, anon
>>79510616i wonder which holopro member
I fucking hate activ8 or Kizuna Ai Inc. or whatever the fuck they go by now. Stop pissing on Oyabun's corpse.
fuck this I'm out
>>79510621AI generated music
>>79510579Holy cope. Just accept the loss with some dignity.
>>79510639All me.
>It's just a baiting stream for her to hit 3M subs on her birthdayShe's not coming back at allYou can all go to sleep now
>>79509405You do know Kizuna isn’t a Niji right? I know there’s like 300 of the fuckers but she isn’t in Nijisanji
>>79510616Yo, she suckin' dick.
>>79510651>prono, hololive girl.
>40 minutes of fucking nothingSARABA FAGGOTS
CCV Blackhole
Fuck it I'm done, I'll see what it was later
>>79510684I wish they'd let Ai-chan sleep. This is cruel.
More Karaoke guys:
>>79510713>already coping
>>79510677good one, i laughed
>>79510547>Nene states That's kinda downplaying the stress that this bitch Ollie put Nene in
>>79507777>H Doujin IdeaIn an unnamed Corpo J, 2 managers decide to have some fun in the company vault.They go to the "retired" section, where 20+ life sized "vtuber" models just sit there gathering dust.They fuck 4-5 "lifeless robots" till a female manager catches them...Who joins in instead, lamenting her oshi graduated, while scissoring her.Chapter 2 - they learn how tto skinwalk the models.
I'm not shitposting when I'm saying this. With AI's return and Niji back at full speed and there being absolutely nothing going for HoloJP other than possibly more graduations before the year ends, I think the Japanese landscape from pre-2020 is finally back.
>>79510651>>79510692>>79510698/#/ is basically okbh these days, huh?
>>79510639No 536 replies to your comments...
I liked Short hair Kizuna Ai
>>79510760>Overlapping footieHmmm it's a hard sell
>>79510739They wouldn't be a black corpo if they did learn from their mistakes.
>>79510747Niji went all out to make sure that EN Tally wouldn't have literally zero NijiEN gold appearances this month, huh
They already peaked what else do they want just do the reveal
Miko singing Blue Bird
>>79510784>Ai's returnIt's a chunkbug NFT scam. Oyabun is never actually returning.
Its obviously 1 hour of waiting room until it starts to give people time to spread the word
Any reason why they privated everything except this stream and the yandere video?
>>79510810Kizuna Gamer Ai was fucking sex and nobody can tell me otherwise.
>>79510750what are you watching right now?
Does this shit count as necrophilia? Grave robbing? Fucking hell.
>>79510855I just don't get why they left the gaming channel alone.
>>79510832I already left. Any reveal after midnight is definitely retarded
>>79510720You know, I wasn't expecting bot farms to be so literal.
JP numbers actually getting some activity.
>>79510780reminder that nips know poor kizuna is just a china puppet, that's why they're trying to go to the global audience that doesn't reallly understand how black they are
>>79510800They always camp here and shitpost. If we had a pocket meido, we could probably help clean up the board 'just' by cleaning up /#/ more regularly.
ERB is going to become the runt at this rate
>>79510908They forgot about it
If there's no reveal on the hour the ccv will drop to sub 5k. I'll take away all my bots.
>>79510906Puppet show with a corpse.
>>79510933I already told you all that she's going to make the Starmin hate her well before she makes any of us hate her.
>>79510908they never got the password for that channel, or lost it
>>79510855At this point re-starting would be the best for her, I'm expecting a whole new model
>>79510784>I'm not shitposting when I'm saying this
CC starting late as fuck today
>>79510765Retarded shitposting FUCKWIT.
>>79510918Oh yeah, bot farms are very rarely just server hubs or things, you need individual connections and you can't just spoof that with a really big computer most of the time. You need lots of small, unique ones.
>>79510855new VA need fresh start
>>79511027Oyabun's branding is iconic. They'd have to be retarded to throw it out. Then again, this is activ8.
... guys, she did repost it though... fuck my brain is melting
>>79510921Probably just two schizos sucking each other off at the potential return to the good old days nobody wants.
>>79510836Why are you coping anon? Even if it isn't N, it's still Oyabun
>>79511076No? That's her timeslot
>>79511076She's starting at exactly the same same time she usually starts.
>>79511076No, that's her regular timeslot, and it's Saturday. 8-9pm in EU
Hmm. It's hard for a company to sleep on a channel with 3 million subs. Maybe this is just an anniversary stunt? Not sure what the purpose is. You can only do this so many times. If you don't have anything to show then people will lose interest.
>>79511076Late and another boring stream. Where are all the euro games?
>>79510933Can't be any more grim than Pekora's numbers
>>79511113I-is she actually back?
>>79511076oh nice. I hope she plays Dishonored 2 and Prey some time too. Deus Ex would also be great, but I think that series is stuck in licensing hell for now.
>>79511136>Even if it isn't N, it's still Oyabunnope its not
>>79511136>Even if it isn't N, it's still OyabunThe only good thing that the insects have done is spearheading the clone shit so retardedly no other non-black company would EVER try to skinwalk chuubas.
>>79511113Well, she owns part of the brand now, right?If I remember things right?
are JP numbers so high because the viewers are all literally NEETs?
I'm going to hear this fucking jingle in my nightmares.
>>79510784How can Nijiniggers win ONE month (still pretty tied) and say shit like this? The moment VCR will end Kuzushit will go back being a 10k streamer not even able to place on the podium.
>>79511188CC is the only one who seems like she'd go all German autism with sim games.
>>79511125>AI back>Nijisanji JP at top>Holo JP hard recline2019 is literally back.
>>79511233I highly doubt it.
>>79511136>Even if it isn't N, it's still OyabunNope, that's not how shit works and you know it.
>>79511113Don't tell me chink also bought her acc
>>79511076>>79511188>9pm is late as fuckunderage b&
>>79511198I wonder how much they paid her to betray her principles if this is true.
>>79511076thats her normal slot?
>>79511200I think Embracer Group owns Deus Ex at the moment
holy shit miko trying to sing nyahello world live.
ai-run vtubers are fine, there are several in China and nobody has a problem with it
So if you're popular enough, there's literally nothing you can do to kill yourself and you can come back any time. Unless you sext minors.
>at topWhat winning a month does to a nijinigger.
>>79511212>>79511214I don't care Holofags, AI being back is a great thing for VTubing and it's time for your dominance in Japan to fucking end already. Don't get too cocky or EN will be unseated in a few years too.
Aichan... Nemui yo....
>>79511298God bless her, I bet the gasps will be sex
>Nijisanji only had Kuzuha and meme events to keep one spot at the top>HOLOLIVE LOSTWhat do you call this mental illness?
>>79511338>AI being backDYRBI
>>79511306China also has escalators that eat people.
You have 3 more minutes of my attention.
>>79511278Yeah nobody watches streams at 9
>past the hour mark>still nothingOh this is gonna be a LONG time
Well shit, this is weird. Why now and at this hours?
>>79511342Nijiniggers need to be studied in a lab so that we can understand what makes them subhuman
>>79511342How is that any different than when Pekora gets 8 golds a month
>>79511398This. If nothing happens when the stream hits 60 minutes, I'm out.
>>79510547>does not announce participants or who’s in what presumably to build hype.>and create the narrative that Ollie attempted to trick Holos into a homocollab.This is NOT the event where people accused Ollie of trying to trick Holos into a homocollab, this is the even people accuses Ollie of using the girls only part of the event to drum up interest to the homo and mixed event by deliberately not disclosing who would be in each part>effectively using Gura (for instance) as a marquee to advertise her homo eventThe one she tried to trick the girls to collab with homos was another one, one she didn't disclose either to the Holostars or to the girls that BOTH sides would be taking part in the same collab.Then the Holostars >in a moment that should be praisedat the eleventh hour BAILED THE FUCK OUT of the event, citing a schedule conflict with a gen wide collab THEY HAD JUST ORGANIZED ON THE SPOT.This happened in 2021, way before the Krureiji Arcade
smoking weed everyday
>>79511342Nousakek syndrome
>>79511371Her channel, her numbersKeep squirming Holokeks
>>79511076>t. SEA
italybros can we do it
an hour wait, not good.
everyone watching this kizuna slop is unironically sheep
>>79510933Almost like people said that the moment she was the obvious giga man orbiter of the genShe was always gonna end up with Mori/Ollie ccv before long
So real talk here:>would you fuck Oyabun
>>79511504WAIT , game is already on?!
I'm watching my football. Smell ya later losers.
It's gonna be 24 hours isn't it
I like you ENbros, you're the spirit of old /vyt/. I hope Gura, Fauna, or Biboo collabs with Oyabun some day.
>>79511571Only pump and dump
>>79511489>Her channel, her numbersShow me proof that SHE is involved here. The premiere sounded nothing like Ai.
>>79511571>would you fuck a corpse
You know I need to commend the youtube algorithm. It recommended me the A.I. stream despite last watching her years ago.
>>79510933Anon that was obvious the moment she said she loved nufps slop on debut.
>>79511561i don't care about this orbiter shiti meant her karaoke spamming, she does not have the skills required to be a streamer
So what do you think about AI monkeys?
>hour passes>literally nothing This isn't how you generate hype, chinks
>>79511428If you removed Pekora it would be 7 Miko golds instead.
>>79511454I kinda remember an event where the entirety of Holostars dropped off before it even started, but it wasn't quite like that.
>>79511627wait you mean like, actual monkeys
With AI's comeback it eliminated>Justice hype>A chan graduation hype>Mio's return hype
Its fucking nothing
>>79508327>Eat your veggies>destroy hololive>good personkys, necrophile
>June 30th, AI is back, Mio is back.What about July 1st?
60 minutes. I'm out. Fucking scam.
>>79511630they got the 3mil subs they wanted, anon
>>79511571I would fuck even the chinese clone!>>79511598Amusingly enough, it was VShojo sharing the stage with Kizuna AI in her fateful US tour.It was amusing as fuck that Nyanners (IIRC), when asked, said her favorite vtuber was>KiaraMissed opportunity there both to Kizuna and to Hololive but I understand, back then the branch was young and terribly managed, they would NEVER land an opportunity like that
>>79511615God help it if it couldn't recommend something that's got 70,000 people watching at once, you know
>>79511342stop coping holocuck, a loss is a loss, and hololive LOST.
that's it fuck AI
>>79511454That was the amongus collab, right? That shit qas hilarious and made me respect them a little back then.
>>79511678First of many Oyabun golds in July
its been an hour... people are going to bed.....
>Chinks playing with Kizuna-Ai's corpse They should get burned in hell
>>79511598You're the same faggot who was spamming Fauna images earlier. Vary your posting style up if you want to be more effective at le ebin trolling.
this is a very VERY VERY bad comeback, extremely extremely grim, it's unironically over for kizuna
>A-chan graduate>femZomrade died>Miosha return>return of OyabunWhat else
The bgm keeps changing and baiting me into thinking something is finally happening.
>>79511705wasnt that after the coco taiwan thing? kizuna was already owned by chinks then
>>79511661>I kinda remember an event where the entirety of Holostars dropped off before it even started, but it wasn't quite like that.It was EXACTLY like that. It is ancient history and I much rather not to relitigate this type of event>there is no winners in doing so, only losersbut Ollie 100% tried to sneak a homocollab by not disclosing to either side that the other would be taking part.Actually it was her stated goal, from debut (IIRC)>to have a collab involving ALL branches
Even if this was one of her genmates, it would still be crazy.But for a holostar?
>Holoseethe is ramping upThey're afraid.
>>79511792Secret second batch of Breaking Dimensions tickets
>>79511768I'm French though
>>79511792i got summer gardenia from pokemon master sex
>>79511787It's been over since the day they tried to replace Ai's VA.
>>79511832Where are they gonna put them? on the ceiling?
lmao it really is just going to be an unlimited stream
Why do nijikeks act like Kizuna is also one of a niji?
>>79511454And the proof that she “didn’t disclose” and tried to trick people is? The only participants in it who weren’t homo friendly were IRyS, Mumei and maybe Lui but she ended up collabing with homos so who knows if that was just a matter of not having a reason rather than actually being against.
Well, this is weird. That's it? And why so late and sudden?
>>79511792>What else>>79511678>What about July 1st?You guys know ...
>>79511787What if I decontextualize it?Ai has a comeback stream that broke 100k ccv AND got her to 3 million subs.Nsvermind what happened or didn't happen during the stream. Is that not amazing? Are you not entertained?
>>79511792I cum inside GG
>>79511889It's not that she's a niji. It's that she isn't a holo.
>>79511910the multiple kizuna ais and chinese kizuna ais shit was in 2020
>>79511768Shes gonna stream on BilibiliITS OWARIDA....B2 failed to get hololive so they revive a fossil instead
>>79511889Nijibros are cool, they observed /vyt/ culture to its fullest unlike Holobronies
>>79511792I impregnated Noel
>>79511889Most likely just vtuber dramafags being retarded.
>>79511934you should work for nijisanji with that epic short term thinking
>>79511934she has to actually come back for it to be a comeback stream
>>79511889It's just Ennacuck
>>79511962kek they might
My Vtubing Queens
>>79511961So you have no proof thenThank you for your concession!
>>79511872Technically, I believe there are box seats that never went on sale. If that's what these areas are.
>>79507793Cover is blue.
>holol can't win the month anymorewell well wellif holol doesn't win tomorrow, niji wins the month> PER COMPANY13x: Hololive13x: Nijisanji1x: Neo-Porte1x: Indietie at best...holokeks...reclining...
>>79511902>And the proof that she “didn’t disclose” and tried to trick people is?For fuck sake, there is no point in relitigating that. The burden of proof you are requiring here is too high, outside of a notarized document with Ollie signature disclosing her mental process you would just retreat to "no evidence".Ollie would resent your attempt to defend her, she never hid her intention to have all of the Holo and homo branches to collab and your attempted defense is pathetic
>>79511872... that'd actually be a good spotand a glass planel under the stage where you can watch from under the stage
Tommorrow A-chan will leaveMiosha will stream againHololive loves to rattle our feelings
>>79511889There are no nijikeks here, just holoantis.
Nice Sheeeeeeeeep we got here to open their pocket on dead corpse instead of their oshi
Hire Minto
>>79512098This reminds me of Salome's first month. How did things go after that, again?
At the end is just going to be an announcement for an announcement
>Holobros are now anti-ing Kizuna AIYou're unironically exactly like Nijifags. You worship the corpo more than the chuuba. Every vtuber fan should be ecstatic for this moment. Instead you've allowed your obsession for corpos and numbers to dictate what you will and won't enjoy. Sad. Just sad.
>>79512098how many mouths did niji win last year?
>>79511969What happened to Flare? She wasn't streaming the last weeks.
>>79512067They gonna raffle/auction it
>>79511965What the fuck is /vyt/?
>>79512172anon shut the fuck up
>>79511889holo antis are usually just cucks who hate hololive for being unicorn friendly, they have no allegiance besides cuckoldry
>>79512154>merge virgin
Meloco stopped pretending to care about EN
>>79511889Because niji is in the gutter. They need another non holo vtuber to 'compete'. I got a feeling this will be the last year of nijisanji. Riku is trying to pump up the numbers so he can get ready his golden parachute.
>>79512172but i only watch phase?
>>79511982How's the pay?
>>79512057it was actually 2019 kek
>>79512104That burden being ANY AT ALL?No in fact I think if you’re going to make claims like that you should have to provide any proof at all. Like 13 Holos and how many homos surely you can find one of them mentioning it?
>>79512172DId you even wtach the "stream"?
>>79512098A-chan will stream her farewell tomorrow
>>79512172ennacuck NijiEN is dead
>>79512172We've been trying to tell them this for four years.Isn't it funny when their reign is unfolding right as we know it?
>>79512137Gunrun has heard your wish and he is considering it.
>>79512232Did the watchalong at least have english translations
>>79512251Well. It's certainly money.
>>79512172sorry nijisis, i will never be ecstatic for a black stream
>>79512232Yeah. Like year ago
>>79512172>skinwalked Kizunaif anything it just proves the opposite
qrd on nijien merge on July 1st rrat
QRD on this >>79498813 ?how're sisters reacting to this?
>>79512172I'm antiing the black company behind Kizuna Al, but you wouldn't know anything about that because you're a filthy nijinigger.
>>79512190She's moving to a new place. I think she said she'll be back in early July.
>>79511622ERB is basically worse Mumei>Spam karaoke>Play FPS badlyExcept unlike Mumei, she adds homos to that and didn't have a period where she was a more normal Holo. It's like if current no stream karaoke Mumei existed on debut and Mumei's ancient homo collab wasn't a one off.
>>79511504Spaghetti mafia
>Mori could've let her rebroadcast stream raid into ERB's karaoke stream>Delayed her rebroadcast stream and overlap CC insteadWhy did she do it?
>>79512288Nice, nice, gotta have money
>>79512232Isn't this the lowest ccv of GTA clip watchalong?Why is nijien such a debuff?
kek, another Unarchived Karaoke? That surely can't be good for her VOD numbers
>>79512172It's funny because you're guilty of what you said in the first sentence. Kizuna Ai is dead. Her corpo is just puppeteering her branding.
>>79512304>skinwalkedProof? Oyabun is Oyabun. No further Holocope will suffice.
>>OP>Fossilchuuba op
>>79512172I'm not ecstatic for a has-beenI never gave a fuck about Kizuna Ai to begin with. I have more respect for Mito than I do Ai.
>>79512137You know, it would be really fucking funny if Mint was skinwalking Ai now.Odds are like, literally zero, but it would be funny!
>FrenchNorth African Monkeys aren't French
Found a JP Sapling clipper
>>79512098oh so ennacuck lied again?who would have thought!
>>79512257I have no interest in proving it, I'm content in telling things as I observed them when it happened.The audience can take the information at face value, doubt it, believe partially or whatever other alternative, it's all the same to me.
>>79512326AI is independent, Holobrony>>79512391ysonew?
>>795123640 diversity
>>79510547>defending veggie primeboohoo your zombie is sad. I don't feel the least bit sorry. Fuck off
>>79512262She isn't going to take the limelight off Miosha's return more than she already is
Please explain to me why this joke of a stream is getting so mamy members and akasupas when no one even knows what it is yet or if it's even the real Ai coming backLike why and how, is everyone retarded?
>>79512364My God lmao years from now this girl have arounds 50-70 vods at best
>>79512232see? Merge is good guys
>Sea baboon uses Oyabun for his weak shitposting
>>79512459Stop coping and witness history, Holobrony
>>79512459it's not Hololive slop, so you are predisposed to hate it. simple as.
fuck upd8fuck chinksjust fucking leave Ai alone
>>79512459Nips are sheep
>>79512459Mass retardation would actually explain the state of the world right now.
>>79512424It's cute because he posts snails too
>>79512450She said shes gonna face reveal
>>79512406At least Pierre can stop pretending to be a holofan now
>>79512459People love Ai, not the person behind unless it's glaringly obvious that Ai isn't Ai anymore.
>>79512459I just told it to not recommend.
>>79512525NPC behaviour
>>79512347Stuck at another holo's house having sex.
>>79512232Honestly, why wouldn't she? She needs food to eat.
>>79512172Ah yes "Kizuna AI"Shut the fuck chinkazoid
where did everyone go
>>79512459Japs are basically one step above bugmen
>>79512588That would be an explanation if the OPPOSITE of having AI hadn't happened, with her channel being thoroughly purged of all traces of AI from it.
>>79512588This. That's all there is to it.Oyabun is back.>>79512638Stay seething, brony
>>79512438>AI is independentWe need to differentiate between Independent, I call the shots. The rest of my crew work for meIndependent, I'm the face on a salary but I don't decide anything
>>79512629Who are you to state what she needs and doesn't need?
>>79512364why she keeps spamming her buff? I don't think this is going to be good in the long run
>>79512564I still wonder how snails started, as someone who wasn't a Faunatic until much later
>>79512573good way to kill the illusion for all holofans.
>>79512537>ALLAH SNECKBARExplodes
>>79512459You're just figuring that out now?
>>79512588>unless it's glaringly obvious that Ai isn't Ai anymoreThe voice didn't clue you in?
>>79512424>British kouhai pops in chat>Makes fun of her accent>refuses to elaborate furtherWhat the fuck did she mean by this
>>79512588>People love Ai, not the person behind Jesas, there has to be a limit to how retarded your shitposting gets.
>>79512715yeah, on my dick
this appeared briefly minutes ago, and it's a very unique instance at the stream.
migo just kissed me, later virgins
>>79512708Shes gonna use it for her resume once she apply for another job
Last samurai nijiniggers are truly baffling. We get it, you got into Vtubing like 3 months before everyone else. That doesn't change the fact that you're literally just watching Twitch VCR slop with FPS flesh streamers and whores flirting with them. People won't suck your dick for your elite tastes when you're literally the example of a ken sama thinking normalfag slop is suddenly based because it's done in the ebin eastern language.
>>79512746You will never understand real love, Holobrony
Ennacuck is a true numberfag. Always keeping up with any possible news, any possible angle he can use against hololive, even inventing or skewing stats (like "super buff new switch game by nintendo").She who fights monsters..
>>79512708Why did you believe that?You that gullible?
>>79512758>very unique instancelol no, it's on loop, it has appeared before, and before
>>79512709It used to be something else, then Fauna made the sapling rap, then halloween came around and they changed it to a black cat for halloween, she was like "OH IT"S A SNAIL" and it just stuck since then
This is a nonsensical stream and the CCV keeps dropping while they do nothing. What a joke of a company still.
>>79512573anon.. stop being retarded..
>>79512758It appeared for the first like half an hour ago.
>>79512677you fucking nijiniggerNozomi Kasuga is Kizuna Aishe is the one, and only, Kizuna Ainot love-chan, not ai-piand certainly not the chinkfucking kill yourself
That's how I'll remembered her last
>>79512738Fauna really wanted a British kouhai but got monkey pawed.
>Things happening on the "30th of June"- Kizuna Ai redebut- VSPO EN 3 debuts- Mio return- Hoshikawa new outfit- Novel Tsukamoto (Utako) debut- A-chan graduation (in person)Hopefully in chronological order
>>79512705>I don't think this is going to be good in the long runI'm not sure about "long run" even, it's like she's doing everything in her power to prevent ANY audience to form around her livestreams.
>>79512765I post this
>>79512347Management are incapable of pressing play and she’s busy having gay sex with a holo
>>79512758I saw that one around 45 minutes ago.
>>79512780They're pretty cringe but Last Samurai Holobronies are even worse
>>79512736Her voice could've changed or she could've used different recording settings.By glaringly obvious, I meant either Ai's rm openly said "That wasn't me", or upd8 announced "We replaced her". Anything else can be dealt with with a bit of suspension of disbelief
>>79512098oh nice thanks anon. ill be honest with you, i was only gonna check tomorrow, because im lazy
My god the bait is so stupid it's hard to be mad
>>79512780Just for the record, when you say "Twitch VCR slop with FPS flesh streamers and whores flirting with them" you're making a reference to that event Bae took part, right?
The i on screen is filling up pink when people in chat type i. What does this mean?
>>79512836There >>79512856
This is what peak JP LARPers looks like.
>>79512784you ain't no fucking kizuneryou are just a nijicuck shoot yourself and spare me the trouble
>>79512429So what you’re saying is you’re going to keep spewing a bunch of unsubstantiated bullshit and then retreat into a shell of pretend nonchalance when you get called out?Faggot
Reminder, Kizuna loves Hololive more.
>>79512844Did you know that Nozomi loved her sisters too, Holobrony?Why are you this blatantly new?
>groombullet doing debut reaction>as birthday countdownIs this dude even going to make it through the full year?
>>79512315he removed a song
>>79512758not new
>>79512098sorry tomorrow goes to VSPOen
>>79512908A-chan will take the last gold to save hololive one last time...
>>79512955kill yourselfdo not use Kizuna Ai for your insane shitposting
>>79512926Just for the record, when you mention Bae you're trying to deflect from JP retardation and blame it on EN, right?
>>79512949Except for the "retreat" part, pretty much, yeah. I describe the events as I saw them
>>79512856>- Novel Tsukamoto (Utako) debut
holy shit she is back
>>79512943You do know I've been posting on /jp/ about VTubers long before Mito made her debut, right?
>>79513061shoot yourself nigger
>>79512963>debut reaction>as birthday countdownI've seen people do it at their six months "anniversary" (don't remember who again), it's not rarePeople are usually smarter than that tho and save it for the first anniversary
>>79512963>pre birthday zatsuIs this gonna be like that NijiEN retardation?>BIRTHDAY STREAM parts one and two>post birthday stream, parts one two and three
>>79512758it happened again, but was shown for much longer.
Holobros, I think Mio isn't going to break 83k mark. Our monthly gold...>>79513002Turns out that God, apparently, isn't a Holofag
>>79513001VSPO JP's debuts can't even get gold. Why would EN?
>>79512934Fine, I'll bite.Show me your proof of her saying she will do face reveal.
>>79512459no one knows when Jesus will be back either
>>79513010Why are you so new, Holobrony? Are you afraid of the veterans reclaiming what was lost?>>79512956Not Nozomi btw
>>79512926Yes the think that is core Niji content and Bae dabbled in, correct. No one liked Bae doing it. Did you really try to gotcha someone with fucking Bae? Try Ayame at least.
>>79513017>UH I’M JUST SAYING BELIEVE ME OR DON’T I DON’T CARE>while he repeats the same shit any time Ollie is even 2 degrees from being Brought upFuck right off with this pretending you don’t care garbage.
>>79513121Its written on her face
>>79513012I'm not, just making sure if it is the same event that Bae took part or not. From the description it is but, for some reason, there was a "last samurai" dig in the message that made it foggy on whether it was something exclusive to nips or something
>proclaims himself oldfag>sticks to being mentally ill instead of watching hololiveFucking grim
>>79512459>if it's even the real Ai coming back>>membership open againThis thread is truly trashy today with a bunch of holoan throwing whatever shitpost it stick so I recommend you go asking around at JP vtuber thread for better info
>>79513083I'm not a blatant newfag, I don't need to shoot myself, Holobrony
>>79513147I care about the topic enough to repeat it when it pops up. The part I don't care is whether people will take it at face value, doubt it or something in between.
>meloco casual 20k+holoEN mogged
>>79513193ennacuck the >oldfag, your oshi is fucking ennaquit it with the larping
>>79513093mysta graduation part 49
>>79513193Welcome back Queen of Bilibili!
>>79513176Why would I watch the bottom of the barrel of VTubing?
I'll be honest ennacuck has slowly convinced me 4chan generals are a retarded concept. Some unbeatable schizo who makes up 90% of the thread and falseflags, and literally cannot be banned. No other discussion forum on this planet has such a glaring weakness. I'll take some fake leddit politeness over this.
>>79513223after the tally cutoff :^)
>>79513176he ain't no oldfaghe's a seething nijicuck
>Austria in the round of 16 against AustriaMan Kiara is gonna do numbers if Austria plays Italy or England in the Semis or Germany in the Final
alright, dwarfpig time for the real /#/question:will this fake Ai stunt be counted as gold? personally am on divided opinions. It'd be very disrespectful for oyabun if it turned out to not be her. But if it was her, this should be counted. There is no way to know at this point. Your call
>>79513223>mancollab canceryikes
>>79513135The veterans are currently reclaiming what was lost by watching and donating to a stream that loops a few shitty intros.It's exactly the opposite of what classic vtubing stood for - shortform, edited videos that put content first and didn't have any downtime.
>>79512709snails started from a couple thingsblue super chat spam during idol meetingand what this person said >>79512818 someone during those blue superchat spams used the black cat sticker instead of a regular blue superchat
>>79513253You should watch real vtubing instead
>>79513144You might not care but the anon I was originally responding to is a brrat so ... yeah, it was an appropriate question
>>79513247Remind me again who Enna is?I don't keep up with the names of Holosloppers
Does this count as a VTuber stream if there aren't any VTubers?
>>79512784>HolobronyOh, it's a Nijifan.
>>79513255ennacuck and a bunch of our other schizos shit all over the catalog too, the existence of is irrelevant
So dramatic>You’re coming to the wrong person if you think I’m blaming the girls lol I’m forever scarred by Irys having to tell her audience she wouldn’t be interacting with men to any degree during a collaborative competition she was in. I want the girls to feel safe to do what they want, whatever that may be.
Migo being too cute today
>>79513312LOL enna gets mogged by irys all the timeshe even struggles to maintain 1k ccv nowadays
>>79513296>the anon I was originally responding to is a brratFuck me, impressive mind reading anon
>>79513176I'm laughing my ass off right now this guy is something else
>>79513282Stop. It's unsightly.
>>79513312a toddler would do better acting than this
>>79513061So you're a dogfucker as well.Really ticking all the boxes, all that's left is some random EN seethe.
>>79513279>Austria vs AustriaNaruhodo
>>79513287You weren't around for any of that, Holobrony. Seethe.>>79513293Furen a cute!
>>79513359>I'm not blaming the girls>But Irys
>>79513401that ain't no oldfagthat's a fucking nijiniiger
>>79513282It's a vtuber channel and it was not flesh content, didn't Holosummer (the one that got cancelled because Z-an fucked up) win gold with a repeating screen because the event never started?I am definitely an elf sommelier and unrelated to the person who will make the call tomorrow but I don't see why it wouldn't get gold
>>79513255I guarantee you these things happen on every site.Just because they operate differently on others doesn't mean they don't exist.
>>79513312Answer me 1 questions oldfags,when kizuna close membership
>>79513336Yeah no shit, the Nijifag that larps as an AIfan is ancient. Next thread he'll probably pull his AI is honorary Niji schtick