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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79488685 No.79488685 [Reply] [Original]

>One month anniversary
Boy I sure hope they didn't quit their day jobs for this

>> No.79488765

Anycolor will pay them enough to live comfortably.

>> No.79488786
Quoted by: >>79497280

I thought nijis don't get a salary?

>> No.79488793

Tell another joke, anon, that last one had my reeling.

>> No.79488807


>> No.79488852
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>tfw mcdonald's workers live like kings compared to twisty's income

>> No.79489907

I can't imagine any of them but Luxiem can do this gig as their sole source of income. Is Anycolor restrictive on working second content creation jobs, because I figured I would've heard more about NijiEN's alternative online identities by now.

>> No.79489961


>> No.79489990
Quoted by: >>79494697

Yes, your RM is not allowed to stream while you are an organ. This may or may not be to keep you in line and discourage you from thinking you can survive outside of the company. You can still work an unrelated job, however.

>> No.79490398


>> No.79490585

whos gonna tell him?

>> No.79490668

uhhhh hm.
well thats something. other than the asmr scam man, the others didnt really do anything and just landed in a pile of shit

>> No.79490735
File: 11 KB, 223x212, 1683857238805929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funniest shit i've heard all day

>> No.79490883
Quoted by: >>79494541

I wish I saved that screenshot of that one sister saying it fine that they don't make money because they're independently rich or something

>> No.79490901

I provide for my wife Twisty

>> No.79491304
Quoted by: >>79496111

Yes, that's the irony here. Hololive allows you to do things with your RM, as long as you don't mention anything about Holo activities there, don't risk leaks etc. Maybe only if you were overdoing being active there to the point of affecting your Holo performance, someone would tell you to chill out.
Meanwhile niji bans you from doing everything outside of your niji identity, their livers getting active on RM is basically the sign of shit going down in some way, 99% of that is basically doomposting.

>> No.79492294
Quoted by: >>79492367

they will be fine, denauth is rich irl.

>> No.79492367
Quoted by: >>79492395

The guy even has cars!

>> No.79492395

at least one car. He must be VERY wealthy.

>> No.79492447
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>> No.79492525

Two whole Finanas.

>> No.79492842
Quoted by: >>79497100

How do multiple entire generations of niji have special event streams where they make less money than I give to my oshi any random day she streams let alone all the other people supaing her?

>> No.79492869

who? buy an ad nobody is gonna watch your 2view whos here

>> No.79492905
Quoted by: >>79494824

>45 fucking bucks split by 3 people after youtube and nijisanji cuts
just fucking work for mcdonalds man holy fucking shit

>> No.79494541
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got you

>> No.79494697
Quoted by: >>79494803

Didn't CyYu say that when he was talking to Anycolor about joining, they wanted him to stop voice acting, and that's what convinced him to stay indie? So they take issue with SOME side jobs the livers can have as well

>> No.79494803

Yes, anything somewhat related to their vtuber job is not allowed.

>> No.79494824

About 5 dollars each if I am not mistaken.

>> No.79494826

>All 3 streams added together is $77 USD
Absolutely grim

>> No.79494833

2% is actually a lot

>> No.79494881


>> No.79495029

Very true, Milllie

>> No.79495263


>> No.79496111
Quoted by: >>79496330

NijiJP has a few who are active on rm though. I wonder if they have a different contract.

>> No.79496330
Quoted by: >>79497410

Depends, I suppose. Even Pomu was working as an OL for a while, and that contract wasn’t ancient.

>> No.79496894
Quoted by: >>79497146

NijiEN doesn't even need antis when their own fans treat them like that

>> No.79497100

the nijisanji debuff is seriously strong

>> No.79497146
Quoted by: >>79498010

Reminder that when Nijis get doxxed, it's more often than not done by fans of OTHER Nijis

>> No.79497221
Quoted by: >>79497275

kys faggot, Klara and Ryoma also streamed it at the same time with higher numbers. They should have just done it on a single channel

>> No.79497275
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>Higher numbers
sure nijinig

>> No.79497280

says who? you don't know what's in their contracts. Twisty said they were all flown to japan and treated like royalty, spared no expense. even got to meet Riku himself

>> No.79497313

yeah, to suck niji exec cock

>> No.79497410

I don't think working as an OL counts as streaming as a RM anon.

>> No.79497654

can you not read? those are higher numbers you fucking moron

>> No.79497671
Quoted by: >>79497703

2% of $45 is $0.90 anon.
I'm sure they'll live off getting less than a dollar a stream.

>> No.79497699
Quoted by: >>79497756

>treated like royalty, spared no expense

>> No.79497703

2% is a meme, one douche with an axe to grind says something and you holobronies take it as the gospel forever. its not true

>> No.79497756
Quoted by: >>79497828

what? that's what she said. She felt like some huge celebrity the whole time

>> No.79497761
File: 30 KB, 867x384, 1719495269403436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79497821


>> No.79497760

Fun thing is that Grifty Omankozako spends time in small corpo chats and seems to want to be invited to the small corpo minecraft server
What a fall NijiEN has had

>> No.79497821

nice job taking it out of context, watch streams. she was talking about not wanting to waste more money on league skins

>> No.79497828

Yeah, and another one said they can just ask to get their silver buttons any time they want to.

>> No.79497915

They've only been around for 1 month? wtf?

>> No.79497941

now this is cope

>> No.79497944
File: 120 KB, 645x420, 1719440024211534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2% is a meme
>its not true
Time is a circle. We are back at the start again.

>> No.79497976
File: 78 KB, 236x214, 1713523386203786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching nijisanji

>> No.79498010

>more often than not done by fans of OTHER Nijis
we can never rule out it being done by other Nijis too. Enna and Millie would not be above that.

>> No.79498147

>higher numbers
>altogether they still amount to 3view

>> No.79498346

Please, stop this, I'm getting second hand embarrassment from watching you cope. They are all low-3view. Their numbers are terrible, no matter how you slice it.

>> No.79498524

2 stones sure is a lot more than 1

>> No.79499545

A major corpo streamer shouldn't have to worry about wasting money on league skins anon

>> No.79499799
Quoted by: >>79500662

Hey man, at least it's easy to split the Supa money

45 split 3 ways is 15 each, and with Niji taking their cut, $1 to each streamer.

>> No.79500662

you forgot about Youtube/Google also taking a cut
