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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.79413168

ERB is a seething nijisister so ofc she wouldn't call the OGs senpai

>> No.79413178

You do know that english doesn't use honorifics, right? It's only done for the weeaboo EOPs.

>> No.79413231

then why the fuck she keeps calling the homo senpai then?

>> No.79413288

No fucking respect, what a bitch.
Typical british behaviour, they think they are above everyone else.

>> No.79413331

>I know you are leaving, but did you know you always reminded me of me me me me me me?

>> No.79413351

in Eigo "senpai" works like a title, analogous to "boss".

>> No.79413451

Are faggots that autistic over some honorifics ?

>> No.79413487


>> No.79413533

The amount of seething this woman generates is incredible

>> No.79413624

ERB is a normie pleb who knows jack shit about Japanese or idol culture, of course she doesn't know how to treat her daisenpai.

>> No.79413676
Quoted by: >>79421243


>> No.79413683

if that is the case ERB MUST address Sora as SENPAI, she's the freaking Alpha of Hololive. If ERB is a knight, Sora is the Empress herself.

>> No.79413716

She only respect people who built the company like jurad and bettel. Sora is irrelevant.

>> No.79413986
Quoted by: >>79414125

Personally I like her when she streams. Not much to go off with just karaokes and valorant, plus the debut collab, but I like her. And yet whenever I see her outside of streams, her messages in others chats, her twitter replies, she just rubs me the wrong way. This one especially rubs me wrong since she's always calling the stars senpai in chat, but not Sora?

>> No.79414125
Quoted by: >>79417489

She's been a professional content creator for years, she knows how to put on a different face for streaming/videos.
But then she uses chat and social media as dog whistles to attract reinforcements for her plans to change the company culture from the inside out.
Once she has enough people backing her up she will take her mask off.

>> No.79414154
Quoted by: >>79414438

Honestly you do have a point. If there's one person she should have remembered to call senpai it is Sora. How did she get through the interview process? Where fuck is her manager?

>> No.79414253

As long as your are consistent with your usage no. If you call some people senpai and not others, yes people will be ruffled by it.

>> No.79414258

nigga you what? the Homos barely count as "citizens" while Sora is literally the queen, the EMPRESS. The Homos are literally nothing compared to the Daisenpai herself.

>> No.79414323
Quoted by: >>79422429

Okay yeah this is too far

>> No.79414376
Quoted by: >>79414620

sora has gone out of her way to talk about the fact that she doesn't like being put on a pedestal

>> No.79414438
Quoted by: >>79417122

She is the manager

>> No.79414620
Quoted by: >>79422069

there's a lot of cope in this thread. calling her senpai isn't putting her on a pedestal.

>> No.79414695
Quoted by: >>79422429

She’s made her agenda very clear a week ago
I don’t get how this is surprising
She will only get more blatant over time

>> No.79414762

Do Unikeks really?

>> No.79414787
Quoted by: >>79415437

disgusting homosister behavior using senpai to flirt

>> No.79414822

Doesn't matter men are better than women

>> No.79414950
Quoted by: >>79418680

Women should talk to men with respect

>> No.79414961
File: 414 KB, 480x238, IMG_8682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79415186

I'm so confused. Do you mean unicorns or unity people?

>> No.79415357
Quoted by: >>79422429

The fucking disrespect

>> No.79415386
Quoted by: >>79418592

It’s just flat out weird that she would say “sora” like that. Even the girls that aren’t nihongo jouzu reflexively put senpai at the end. But she goes “senpai” endlessly in the YouTube chat of the stars. That rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.79415437

She only thinks she is above/on the same level as the girls. Perfectly happy to Senpai~ all over the homos chats to be submissive and teasing. Like >>79414787 this anon said I unironically think it is a flirty thing for her which is why she forgets most of the time when she talking to the girls.

>> No.79415538
File: 894 KB, 1080x1080, 1719537706397227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rookie mistake

>> No.79415551
Quoted by: >>79417069

i smell frail pussy in this thread

>> No.79415581

What niji did this time?

>> No.79415602
Quoted by: >>79418083

Those faggots already came in when everything was established. I don't like the homos but I'd have more respect for the JP one's than those retards

>> No.79415829
Quoted by: >>79422429

Elizabeth has singlehandedly proven to me that the homos were a huge mistake, and she’s not even one of them.

>> No.79415874

>in Eigo "senpai" works like a title, analogous to "boss".
are you retarded?

>> No.79416332
File: 585 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20240628_073940_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me know when she addresses Sora directly.

>> No.79416355
Quoted by: >>79416411

ITT: High School-tier gossipping to pile onto the previous drama
She should've said senpai, but if this actually bothers you you're drama-addicted. Go enjoy your oshi instead of being upset over someone you won't watch. I know I won't watch her either.

>> No.79416411
Quoted by: >>79416449

>but how does this affect you PERSONALLY?

>> No.79416449

Not really. How does this tweet affect you to any significant degree in any way?

>> No.79416545
File: 26 KB, 160x160, 1639640478510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ERB is a cunt
In other news water is wet
No need to make a new thread over every cunty thing she does
I'd forget her soon to be irrelevant ass even existed if you retards didn't bring her up every day

>> No.79416560
Quoted by: >>79422429


>> No.79416628
Quoted by: >>79422429

what a bitch

>> No.79416725
Quoted by: >>79418978

Tbh this is a 'serious' situation and when you're being emotional it's normal to forget honorifics

>> No.79416840

>catalog seanigger monkeys will ignore the fact that Sora herself said on multiple occasions that she wants others to treat her as an equal and not as a superior

>> No.79416853

>Sora asked people herself to not go all honorific on her and put her above others

>> No.79416872

Yes the unicorns are jumping in to defend ERB. Fucking retard.

>> No.79416947
Quoted by: >>79417052

Even the person who is closest to being her friend in EN uses senpai. Using senpai has nothing to do with the issues Sora was having/still has to a lesser degree.

>> No.79416987

Shut the fuck up disgenious pieces of shit. Other girls still use the title because she deserves it and thats the proper way to adress her. The fact that she doesn't use it but uses it on the fucking holostars is fucked up.

>> No.79416993
Quoted by: >>79417089

itt: Nijisisters who never watched a single homo stream arguing against last samurais who never watched a single Sora stream

>> No.79417052

You're responding to two discord troon posting together.

>> No.79417069

Wash yourself.

>> No.79417089
File: 336 KB, 1179x1206, IMG_3228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79417258


>> No.79417122

>ERB = Omegatroon

>> No.79417144

Nah, Omegay played FFXIV

>> No.79417146
Quoted by: >>79417198

I thought Indonesia executes or at least imprisons their faggots, so why are there so many of them on this board? Dramanigger seamonkeys should kill themselves if their government won't do it.

>> No.79417160
Quoted by: >>79417283

But if Omega really was a girl all along, can you really say 'Omegatroon'?

>> No.79417198
Quoted by: >>79417377

filipinxes are the ones defending this bitch tho

>> No.79417258
Quoted by: >>79418165

nice stolen screenshot, monkey

>> No.79417270
File: 163 KB, 1352x939, 1719535133630407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hyperfocusing on ERB this much

>> No.79417283

Irrelevant. Omega is a troon (derggatory) regardless.

>> No.79417377

The jurardsisters?

>> No.79417489
Quoted by: >>79432244

God, we JUST recovered from Omega. How do we stop Omega 2.0?

>> No.79418083

I mean it was only two people
But it's disappointing that two people where room temp enough IQ to take this obvious shit post seriously.

>> No.79418165

Yeah sure, whatever faggot

>> No.79418279
File: 85 KB, 293x255, 1690629471054595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of normies defending this rude, disrespectful bongbitch is astounding. When did you insufferable cunts manage to get in? When Myth debuted? Council/Promise? Because it's clear as day that you consider Sora, THE talent who stuck around since Hololive's inception, is not deserving of any form of deference. Yes, deference. And that does not mean putting her on a pedestal, you neanderthal fucks. It's called having the decency to respect your betters.

>> No.79418297

Of course the ugly fat bitch is disrespectful towards the ones who actually carved the path of vtubing.

>> No.79418365

So are any of you pussies gonna call her out in her QRTs or wut

>> No.79418592

Yeah, pretty much every single Hololive member calls her Sora-senpai, so if you actually watch hololive at all you’d pretty much only ever hear her called Sora-senpai and would subconsciously call her that as well

>> No.79418680


>> No.79418790

the hag wants the cock

>> No.79418927
File: 148 KB, 293x632, 1708450012506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is how I find out A-Chan is leaving Cover.
Well, ok then I guess.

>> No.79418978

Tbh this is definitely cope

>> No.79419272


>> No.79419286

She is so blatant and yet the defense force goes
>surely this time it was just a coincidence too, surely she doesn't know any better, she did it because [mental gymnastics] etc. but as others already pointed the obvious out that she is also the very one of the gen who
s all over the place when it comes to other specific people. And it's not like why she would do this wasn't already pre-established with who she attributes Holo's success to for some retarded reason, because then she specifically didn't name any HoloEN or JP gens.

>> No.79419297

have you gotten your concert refunds yet?

>> No.79419621


>> No.79419666

>Jesus has always reminded me of myself — he has been a positive beacon to hearts of many...

>> No.79419709

Based fellow Kazamatai

>> No.79419748

Yeah. We'd have a different kind of schizo post if she had never done the senpai shit with other people, but she has. And she did it to people who don't really demand much respect, but when it's actually something she should do she somehow doesn't.

>> No.79419796
Quoted by: >>79419852

The issue is, you cannot even call her out for her behavior for it cuz "muh bullies"

>> No.79419800

They’re laughably disingenuous
Probably leftists too, it goes hand in hand

>> No.79419852

If you call her out you get called a kurosanji fan, an anti and worst of all a filipino

>> No.79419883
Quoted by: >>79419942

How does it feel?

>> No.79419913
Quoted by: >>79420018

>invades a hobby she has no experience in
>immediately attempts to change the established culture of the company
She is cancer to HoloEN. The sooner she gets terminated the better. Normalfags deserve the rope.

>> No.79419942

I'd rather be accused of being the former 2 every time I speak than be accused of the latter

>> No.79419982

yeah, she has been incredibly obnoxious with that senpai shit from the start, but the second its actually important to use it she suddenly "forgets" it, like seriously?
Again its a classic case of it not mattering in normal situations but it actually mattering because of the context of the situation and previous "fuck ups"

>> No.79420018

So that's how it's called nowadays, and not applying for a job.

>> No.79420028

How? Phasefag i could remotely understand. But this woman is literally everything opposite of a holomem. She is a nijisis, anti and fliplover. Even former nijicollabers dont do shit with them no more. Do flips have some internalized self hatred?

>> No.79420058

She's fucked up and the cope of
>she's just a normie hag who doesn't know any better
is becoming increasingly unconvincing. She really is just cancer.

>> No.79420108
Quoted by: >>79420850

I wanted to attribute it to negligence but it looks more increasingly like malice.

>> No.79420137

Anon, you appear to have severe japtism.

>> No.79420149
File: 69 KB, 1024x569, 1000002542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk about grasping at straws to make bait threads holy shit.

>> No.79420252
Quoted by: >>79423629

She's pretty bland though

>> No.79420635

Talk about being a disingenuous niggerfaggot

>> No.79420702

The funniest excuse so far was some retard saying that she has autism

>> No.79420722

Talk about not using TowaBaby

>> No.79420831

Why does she say senpai every 2 seconds when talking to homos but can't use it when talking about Sora?

>> No.79420850
File: 92 KB, 1438x810, 1659247880197989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79421113

She's clearly a grifter, but look where that got the other grifter in the company, Ollie. High subs, barely any ccv, barely any donos
Hell Bae isn't even grifting yet she's still the rut of EN
What I'm saying is, no need to get yourself worked up over it, cause as we've seen over and over again, she'll either fall into irrelevancy, or if she cares about her career, is gonna backpedal like Mori, Ame and Kronii did

>> No.79421113
Quoted by: >>79421604

Dont forget about Ririka

>> No.79421243

wasn't she supposed to attack the unicorns and not the homobeggars?

>> No.79421401

>A-chan senpai
No one says this.

>> No.79421432

Disrespectful social Justice warrior whore, she calls those homos senpai but not the dai senpai what a disgrace.

>> No.79421475

No it doesn’t retard

>> No.79421519

You’re the faggot

>> No.79421604
File: 2 KB, 119x125, 1654565213415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79421804

Miss "who cares, they'll forgive me after I do an asmr" aborted that idea faster than I could blink, so I completely forgot lol

>> No.79421608

Why does she hate Sora anyway? Sora male collabs when necessary and has always supported everyone in the company.

>> No.79421679

A Towa thread died for this shitpost

>> No.79421804

Did she really say that

>> No.79421817

What the fuck did she even do??? she just paid respect to a-chan and sora.

>> No.79422067
Quoted by: >>79422141

Maybe, I don't know... To her this was actually SERIOUS, because IT FUCKING IS SERIOUS for all ACTUAL fans and the whole weeaboo shit which really she isn't using those terms in real life everyday, that sort of thing didn't cross her mind? Like I know you are baiting, but this is retarded. And infuriating. I don't even watch the girl, I don't care for her, but this is down syndrome.

>> No.79422069
Quoted by: >>79422174

It literally is retard. That’s like, the whole point of honorifics.

>> No.79422093
Quoted by: >>79422306

How new?

>> No.79422109

Jaa, teki da ne?

>> No.79422141
Quoted by: >>79422316

tourist shitters
if you’re working for an idol agency you will call your seniors senpai
simple as

>> No.79422155

Yeah, she said it while drinking booze. But ever since February after VCR and after she felt her growth and SC stagnating, she has been backpaddling and catering a large part to EN fans.

>> No.79422164
Quoted by: >>79422205

I cannot wait for Soda to collab with Liz so everyone here seethes even more.

>> No.79422174
Quoted by: >>79422343

Well by that logic sister is she putting the homos on a pedestal then???

>> No.79422205
Quoted by: >>79422935

Why so petty?

>> No.79422245

How are you not using the "senpai" title to the daisenpai but you do to hobos from a different branch?

>> No.79422295

If you can’t see what’s wrong with this you need to get the fuck away from hololive
None of you secondaries buy merch or pay for concerts anyway so nothing of value would be lost

>> No.79422306

I've only watched FWMC for the past 10 months

>> No.79422316

Eat your own shit, dramafag. She barely debuted a few days ago, does she live in Japan? I only know that Raora does, either way. I don't care for your retarded shit, I hate your kind using A Chan and Sora to start shit about Liz for not being unicorn-friendly. Do everyone a favor and jump from a bridge.

>> No.79422343
Quoted by: >>79422574

Yes? Are you having trouble reading?

>> No.79422390
Quoted by: >>79422780

>does she live in japan
what kind of fucking argument is this lmfao
she called holostars senpai but specifically chose to not show respect to the person who she owes the existence of her current employment to

>> No.79422403
Quoted by: >>79422441

Show your oshi shrine dramanigger

>> No.79422412

relax man...

>> No.79422429

Am I going crazy for not seeing the problem here? she only said a-chan reminds her of a previous friendship she had.
>she didn't call her senpai she's a bitch
that doesn't make sense and is also a stretch

>> No.79422441
Quoted by: >>79422519

Too recognisable .

>> No.79422519


>> No.79422520

When did you start watching hololive?
Were you into any idol related content prior to watching hololive?
How old are you?

>> No.79422524


>> No.79422544

>call those who have contributed nothing an honorific which also implies a level of respect
>dont use that honorific that implies a level of respect for the one who started it all
It's that simple

>> No.79422545

>If you can’t see what’s wrong with this you need to get the fuck away from hololive
I'm a normal functioning person who doesn't listen to schizos so what does that make me

>> No.79422557

As expected of someone who said trans lives matter

>> No.79422574

So she should stop that

>> No.79422587
Quoted by: >>79422650

>posts on /vt/

>> No.79422612
Quoted by: >>79422650

>I'm a normal functioning person
Why are you even on this website or in this hobby ?

>> No.79422650
Quoted by: >>79422723

I like visiting the zoo

>> No.79422667
Quoted by: >>79422812

Really eewwwwww might have to anti her didn’t want to but she’s looking more and more shit. Wasn’t sure who was worse her or the pink panther… probably the bong.

>> No.79422679

It's pretty fucking obvious what kind of person she is to anyone who can rotate an apple in her head
>muh doxxing!!!
I was exposed to the information involuntarily

>> No.79422723
Quoted by: >>79422809

Oh so you’re a pretentious underaged faggot who learned about this website from BVTM posts, got it
Seek rope

>> No.79422780

The kind of argument that makes sense. I know a good % of you are actual weebs with no life that probably unironically would use senpai if you had a life outside your room. In a serious situation, a normal person would forget about honorifics they are not accustomed to use. Yeah yeah yeah, she has used senpai with even the homos, was it a serious situation? No? Then that's the damn point. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.79422803

>deletes her music videos and songs
>doesn't allow them to be reuploaded
That's pretty shit of her tbqh.

>> No.79422809

i will throw peanuts at you

>> No.79422810

so where will A-chan go?

>> No.79422812

Pink is drawing her beloved Ina-senpai rn

>> No.79422852
Quoted by: >>79423107

>using weeb as an insult
>on an anime website
>on a japanese culture category board
reddit is down the hall and to the left, child

>> No.79422886
Quoted by: >>79423010

Us? You participating in saying shit about any of the holomem automatically should tell you to get the fuck away, I know for a fucking fact that Sora is the last person who would allow a dramafag like you to nitpick on a new girl.

>> No.79422891


>> No.79422930
Quoted by: >>79423121

The amount of seethe this woman generates is unreal. Is it really all sisters roleplaying? Men usually just don't care and move on if they don't like the new moving anime whore png

>> No.79422935

Because uncultured retards should learn their place and Dramatards need to die already from heart disease.

>> No.79422938

>oh my god /vt/sisters she didn't use the magic word! im going to make a thread on the catalog!!!
this is how you retards sound like

>> No.79422959
Quoted by: >>79423172

Chances are you’re fat and ugly and come here to act high and mighty because you’re a massive fucking loser

>> No.79423010
Quoted by: >>79423273

Sora wouldn’t want you jerking off to her or being annoying by calling her Soda but here you are

>> No.79423017

why are unicorns like this

>> No.79423107
Quoted by: >>79423168

I am an anime fan, I love Japan's culture, I learned the language and I fucking hate weebs, go eat shit. I don't care for your kind, pretentious scum.

>> No.79423112
Quoted by: >>79423313

>unicorn is when trying to get rid of an obviously malicious actor who be working for this company
i watch aki all the time
this isnt about male collabs, this is about a dumb whore trying to own the chuds and take away their hobby

>> No.79423121

>Men usually just don't care and move on if they don't like the new moving anime whore png
>ame educate yourself arc
>kornii vesper arc
>mori condom arc
>fauna not friends arc
how new?

>> No.79423168
File: 2.64 MB, 300x310, reddit slotmachine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79423172
Quoted by: >>79423233

High and mighty? Loser? You are the ones using A Chan and Sora for your seething because a woman talks to the homos. You cannot even be serious, I am laughing so hard.

>> No.79423233
Quoted by: >>79423339

>I am laughing so hard.
there it is
xe said the thing

>> No.79423273

Why do you (You) me only to talk about yourself?

>> No.79423293
Quoted by: >>79423423

This tweet seems more genuine to me as she dropped the stupid cringe senpai larp taking a more serious and honest response. The seeeeenpai spams in other people's chat are more fake and gay.

>> No.79423313

okay whatever you say anon

>> No.79423323

When an EOP uses it, I treat it as a joke. In English, the honorifics are more like "sir" and "mister". When she's being serious, she drops the weeb honorifics for obvious reasons. If she unironically uses it in such a serious post, the cringe weebiness would defeat the emotions she's conveying.

>> No.79423339

>xe said the thing
That's it? With that IQ, your mother should have swallowed you.

>> No.79423375
Quoted by: >>79423418

please be bait

>> No.79423418

bait to catch retarded fags, so it worked, scum.

>> No.79423423
Quoted by: >>79423507

This. I know you guys aren't THAT autistic, right?

>> No.79423429

Oh so it's an EU thing. She's dropping the idol talk to be down to earth

that makes sense

>> No.79423449 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 235x274, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder how much this creature is paying you to astroturf her this hard

>> No.79423507

Like you? Nah.

>> No.79423506

No, it’s not a European thing, it’s a dumb bitch thing

>> No.79423539
Quoted by: >>79425365


>> No.79423550
Quoted by: >>79423591

god even mori didn't cause this much seethe for doxxfags to go into overdrive

>> No.79423575

You are the only anon ITT who actually see it for what it is, everyone else is looking for an excuse to be vile

>> No.79423591

Why defend this bitch?
What do you gain from it?

>> No.79423629

So stop seething about her faggot.

>> No.79423633
Quoted by: >>79428538

NTA, but unicorns seething is fun to watch.

>> No.79423694

They do it for free

>> No.79423695

Meh. Wait until she settles into low numbers because of her alienating her audience. Then there will be seething lol

>> No.79423725

Sarcasm is not your strong suit, is it?

>> No.79423788

>>OP (me)
You holocorns are so fucking easy. KEK.

>> No.79423798

you're a unicorn why should I care what you have to say. you get mad anytime this bitch breathes and it's fucking funny

>> No.79423861
Quoted by: >>79423963

You know you can just block her and ignore her right

>> No.79423963
Quoted by: >>79424081

Hey! Don't tell them that! How am I going to bait them and watch them seethe? Don't take away my entertainment, man.

>> No.79423969

Don’t call me a unic*rn ever again nigger
This is an issue of character, attitude and obviously malicious intent
I don’t give two shits about male collabs
There’s a clear agenda of owning the chuds present here

>> No.79424065

>You can only hate this grifting attitude if you're a unicorn
Just like Ollie you're going to find out just how wrong you are

>> No.79424081
Quoted by: >>79424185

get a hobby blud
u sound miserable

>> No.79424104
Quoted by: >>79424128

>This is an issue of character, attitude and obviously malicious intent
Get your meds.

>> No.79424128
Quoted by: >>79424263

Stop gaslighting

>> No.79424185
Quoted by: >>79424229

I am not the one seething over a british red woman not saying senpai

>> No.79424229
Quoted by: >>79424336

let people enjoy things, chud

>> No.79424263

>Don't gaslighting meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
What a fucking loser, you are the one falling for this bait and being made fun of:

>> No.79424303

I imagine this retard of an anon being at a funeral and saying something like "I'm sorry for your loss, lmao"

>> No.79424336
Quoted by: >>79424467

Let me enjoy making bait threads then :(

>> No.79424408
File: 22 KB, 389x389, 1690488968649304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got your refund yet, sisters?

>> No.79424414

One less thread about Nijisanji is a win for me, make the holofags suffer

>> No.79424467
Quoted by: >>79424587

Only the good baits are fun, tho, most of them these last few days were literally a lot of samefagging due to the lazy and retarded they were.

>> No.79424498
Quoted by: >>79425404

OP here, I am not even a sister, just having fun. The other one might be, who knows. kek. :)

>> No.79424547

unicorn unicorn unicorn

>> No.79424587
Quoted by: >>79424817

Let me tell you I am acting alone here and there are some genuine people seething here, so it's funny for me. I bet the sisters are taking advantage, but at this point I can't tell the difference anymore.

>> No.79424778
File: 222 KB, 487x487, 1691708552718773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks calling out the dumb red head for being a disrespectful bitch makes one a nijisister

Never before have I seen such a display of sheer stupidity. Whatever helps you sleep at night, normie.

>> No.79424817
Quoted by: >>79424972

I just don't know anymore, the last few baits were so obnoxiously lazy that almost all comments were samefags and sisters, that's just sad, even for /vt/, it's just not fun when everyone just liking their own dicks and there's no real anon seething

>> No.79424972

It's fun for me, look at the reply before you, I don't even need to keep the bait going, they do it themselves lmao

>> No.79425029
File: 389 KB, 648x678, 1691660172800391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79425297

The niji:holo shitpost ratio is at least 10:1. And phase's presence /here/ is limited. Whichever anti-Holo side you're on, the joke writes itself, and you're the clown who thinks he's fooling people.

>> No.79425297
File: 442 KB, 631x621, 3425XC6VmS8eoY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even a holo anti, just making fun of the ones taking my bait, holofags, nijisisters, phasecucks kek

>> No.79425299
File: 535 KB, 640x870, a-chan-fanart-v0-0ztf15qz2q1b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is going off to marry Vesper

>> No.79425358
Quoted by: >>79426172

I wonder how many complainers are the same five people who've been malding over Elizabeth ever since she was announced,

>> No.79425365

whats that one saying about how boys that bully girls on the playground usually have crushes on them

>> No.79425404
Quoted by: >>79425640

you sound underage

>> No.79425640
File: 304 KB, 584x388, 6626epPZEL9ghD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79426153

is that why you are attracted to me?

>> No.79426153

> filename not randomized
get the fuck out

>> No.79426172

I mean, objectively, she is a really bad hire that has not meshed with the culture of the company at all. She was clearly hired just for her talents, it seems, but Cover isn't even getting the best of the best since they entered the market late and all the good singers in the region that knows anything about Vtubing went to other corpos. I dunno if any serious fan would want her objectively over someone else and they really didn't need another person in Europe given Gigi is American. A massive miss in hiring IMO, only topped off by Sana because she graduated in a year.

>> No.79426324
File: 451 KB, 501x507, P826SzVnwVbFgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> filename not randomized
I liked it. :9
>get the fuck out
Don't wannaaaaaaaaa.

>> No.79427052
Quoted by: >>79427246

This one will get terminated in a year once she finds out that Mori says nigger on the regular and throws a bitch fit about it

>> No.79427246

I can see it and I hope it happens because good riddance

>> No.79427495

>idol culture
>says "nigger"
nice idol culture that you have there, EN holokeks
>b-b-but migo
Yeah and the JPs didn't know what the word meant at that time, apples and oranges.

>> No.79427853

unicorn is when gender decides if erb calls someone senpai

>> No.79427867


>> No.79427971
Quoted by: >>79428161

I bet none of you are even going to watch the collab later.

>> No.79428143
Quoted by: >>79428230

Stay mad.

>> No.79428161

I'm looking at a picture of Towa right now. What are YOU doing with your life? That's what ai though

>> No.79428230
Quoted by: >>79441955

>>79428143 (me)
I’m trans btw

>> No.79428485

The absolute Déjà vu

>> No.79428538

We know that's one of your goals, nijisis

>> No.79428797
Quoted by: >>79432803

Red woman, bad. NO WAIT not marin REEEEE RGB or whatever her pronouns are, is le bad, no other red woman!

>> No.79431553

imagine giving a shit about filename opsec when image hashes exist

>> No.79432244

Throw Ultima Weapon at her, it will deal incalculable damage and instakill her

>> No.79432712
Quoted by: >>79432858

>You do know that english doesn't use honorific
What do you think Mr, Master, Mrs, Ms and Miss are?

>> No.79432803


>> No.79432858

Those are lines from porn, right?

>> No.79432900


>> No.79433508

Hololive has unfortunately gotten big enough where you'll have a lot of tourists that just defend the brand and attack real fans for noticing a lack of quality and respect for what came before

It's just like star wars, star trek, cape shit, warhammer 40k, d&d, Hololive has now gotten so big that people that don't watch streams, aren't membered to any of the girls and have never bought tickets to any of the concerts now call themselves Hololive fans and tell real fans to stop complaining
This kind of phenomenon always ends up destroying fandoms, tourists that just latch onto popular brands and then the content gets worse because there is less of a demand for quality, to these people they don't even watch streams, they watch clips and buy offbrand Hololive merch for cheap, then call you the toxic fans

>> No.79434285

holocorns are retarded

>> No.79436621

watching her sad cuck simps twist themselves into knots defending her cocksleeve behavior is hilarious

>> No.79437174


>> No.79437387
Quoted by: >>79441530

Tempus, The fat nasty cunts came with Tempus.

>> No.79438436

She should always refer to Sora as Sora-senpai, doubly so since she can't stop calling HoloStars senpai every chance she gets

>> No.79438564
File: 318 KB, 421x1331, Stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79439052

>> No.79438776

... you do know "holokeks" aren't the idols. Right?

>> No.79438987

desu that probably makes sora feel pretty happy since she doesn't really like feeling distant from others because everyone sees her as a daisempai

>> No.79439052
File: 176 KB, 652x592, FWMC make fun of anon's dick[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fj1unem.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79439171

>ant sized

>> No.79439081

there could at least be an argument if ERB just didn't use honorifics in general but she's been referring to the homos as senpai this while time

>> No.79439171
Quoted by: >>79439515

>lusting after homo cock so much that you need to read her comments.
Enjoy your last two days of pride.

>> No.79439515
File: 8 KB, 176x176, 34522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79440637

Anon, even from the tiny screenshot I can tell it's a karaoke.
The singer is watching karaokes.
You're getting mad at a musician for watching other musicians after saying she's going to watch musicians. You're not very smart, are you?

>> No.79440130

We already knew she hated hololive.

>> No.79440256
Quoted by: >>79444974

Kronii has never called her senpai and that's why Sora likes her so much.

>> No.79440278
Quoted by: >>79441256

I've never seen /vt/ have this much of a breakdown since Shiori said respect my collab choices

>> No.79440515

She can call people however she wants, she the future of hololive. She has the right to call even suisei and others by their name.

>> No.79440542

Will you subhumans ever stop letting her live rent free in your fucking heads and breaking containment when you can't take it anymore?

>> No.79440563

how the fuck did she get into Holo.

>> No.79440637

You can come out of the closet. It's current year.

>> No.79441019 [DELETED] 

ERB has no respect for Hololive. Rude, disrespectful, vapid cunt.

>> No.79441256

It's also exactly the same people doing it, because they learned nothing

>> No.79441530

I still remember them being pushed by A-Chan and Yagoo
and now where is he you dumbfucks
fuck I get nauseous just thinking about it
truly the dark ages of hololive

>> No.79441955

Stay mad and a pretend woman

>> No.79442201

Anon, if you don't realize that when EN members call each other senpai it's always tongue in cheek you are actually autistic.

>> No.79442870

She's speaking seriously here in English without any of the weeb fluff, no reason to get upset over it. In a setting where she's interacting with Sora directly of course she'd use -senpai, but she's setting that aside here to write a heartfelt message to A-chan. You're grasping at straws to find something to use against ERB and it's painfully obvious. Fucking retards.

>> No.79443074

Seems more like "people" are grasping at straws to defend her lol

>> No.79443503
Quoted by: >>79444907

anon she calls all of the Stars "senpai" in English daily. It was likely just an honest mistake but one that warrants an apology nonetheless

>> No.79443895
File: 1.40 MB, 1617x1990, 1719596748081122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79443956

When I told you she's a fucking twitch normie you didn't believe me Anon. She have no idea how things work in Holo or don't care. And even dare disrespecting Sora-chan. This bitch need to graduate soon

>> No.79444187
File: 327 KB, 1080x1979, E65yhh4yy4hrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this you?

>> No.79444565

Would be based if we weren't talking about vtubers

>> No.79444791

She's not using Senpai for the very first member of Hololive, and was one of it's founding pillars, but is using it for people who came in after Hololive was well established presumably because they're men and she wants their cock.

>> No.79444907

Do you nit know what kayfab is? That's what she was doing.

>> No.79444974

Kronii is also a cunt who doesn't understand why Vtubing became popular.

>> No.79445950


>> No.79446270


>> No.79446374

>she is the future
fucking kek if this is the future than we need to find that DAMN time warp sign ASAP

>> No.79446891

western people use senpai as more of a meme so saying it with the actual intended purpose looks more disrespectful if anything

>> No.79446960

She is complete trash. What a blunder of a gen.

>> No.79448048
File: 521 KB, 2894x4093, 1000010909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79448426

Is someone important graduating?

>> No.79448426


>> No.79448817
Quoted by: >>79449231

>using randomized filenames
Kill yourself you colossal faggot. They mess up file management in folders.

>> No.79449231
Quoted by: >>79449575

this is bait.. right?

>> No.79449575

No? Why the fuck would you even think it's bait?
I always used 4chan filenames for images I was saving. It helps with stuff like when you watch an anime and you easily know if an image was made during first episodes or last ones. 4chan extensions allow saving with original filename too so when someone posts an image from some time ago with respective filename, when I save it it gets correctly put in the folder where it should be.

>> No.79452306

>fuck Mori, fuck Ollie, fuck Matsuri
>ERB is here in all her glory to make us nasty fans see the error of our ways in wanting to see cute girls doing cute things.

Dumb bitch acting like she's going to be the savior of the chuuba males.

>> No.79454001
File: 79 KB, 360x300, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79454261

kill yourself incel unicorn trash at the end unitity will always wins. It's what Yagoo wants.

>> No.79454261

A-chan is already gone. Homobeggars are losing.

>> No.79454617
Quoted by: >>79458902

why the FUCK would he tag Achan in that?

>> No.79458178

I really don't like her.

>> No.79458704

To be fair those aren't men they are manchildren

>> No.79458902

It was a reply to A-chan's tweet you fucking retard.
A-chan's graduation -> ERB replies -> he replies to ERB.
Were you dropped on the head as a child?

>> No.79461166
File: 375 KB, 2330x1070, 1693648656868492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79464218
Quoted by: >>79467168

>Reminded me of myself!

>> No.79465533

mori condom arc? fauna not friends arc? what did i miss by going to college

>> No.79467168

she is a british woman

>> No.79467744

sisters acting like erb has any sort of influence over hololive will never not be funny. im sure everyone will abandon their ways because this random new hire said so
