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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, meopen429 1806311636866662799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79340259 No.79340259 [Reply] [Original]

Busy Edition
Previous Thread >>79321657

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.79340273
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, Pledge of Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79340296
File: 137 KB, 938x717, 1687611901494410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79340300
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, pledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79340372
File: 108 KB, 1024x577, 1713757763842296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79340378
Quoted by: >>79340438

https://shop.hololivepro.com/ isn't working for me, eveything I try to make the payment it sends me back to contact information, what the fuck is this

>> No.79340431

said "thank God we're not FuwaMoco" and then some seconds after saying it, realizing how bad that sounds, tried to salvage it by adding "and thank God FuwaMoco are nothing like us"

>> No.79340438

sorry, phoneposting

>> No.79340445
Quoted by: >>79340550

I feel like a fucking whore, why am I starting to like Above Below more than Rebellion? It didn't enjoy it at all at premiere

>> No.79340506


>> No.79340512
File: 260 KB, 1444x1431, Sobbi11 1806060169861767517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i try to balance my love for them the best that i can although admittedly there are times when i feel like showering one more than the other
like yesterday fuwawa i spent a majority of the time in fuwawa's chat because she was following behind mococo in the game and mentioned feeling a little bit upset about it
but even when i make an appreciate post on twitter for one i don't do it without mentioning and giving the other love at least somewhere in it

>> No.79340550

I'm not a whore but I like the song too. It goes pretty hard

>> No.79340565
Quoted by: >>79340710

What was she reacting to to even say that?

>> No.79340584

Fuwawa already told us about her silly dreams, what about her sex dreams?

>> No.79340619


>> No.79340710

I don't remember for sure but I think someone in their chat brought them up by trying to compare them to her and her collab partner

>> No.79340732

They as a channel are a single unit. If one does better it's fine because it all goes to the same bank account. Shit like a measily little 500 ccv difference is nothing and they've been dealing with this shit their whole life. Just have fun with stuff like last night when Fuwawa was talking about it and realize that it's just her having fun with it too. Women are needy, and I' sure she enjoys being doted on, but she's not going to die because her sister gets a minimal amoint of attention over her.

>> No.79340764
Quoted by: >>79341354

Yeah, nothing wrong with that. It's ok to want to focus on one of htem sometimes, just make sure you let both know how loved they are by you specifically. Don't think of yourself as just one voice in the crowd, because at this point they proved more than enough times that they remember a surprising amount of things. Only act for yourself, don't try to balance the faceless crowd.

>> No.79340787
File: 18 KB, 147x142, 1713074979943928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got what she fucking deserved.
I wish death upon all FWMC antis.

>> No.79340896
File: 690 KB, 1950x2048, 1717213219726446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whore bros Koyori had an ASMR stream today.

>> No.79340990

Never trust Korean woman.

>> No.79341023

don't have to tell me I already came to it to start my day off on the right paw.

>> No.79341068

I don't know Japanese, otherwise I'd watch.

>> No.79341102


>> No.79341107

she literally just saying one word that you should already know the meaning of

>> No.79341109
Quoted by: >>79341202

ASMR like that is too intimate. I shan't and I won't click on that.

>> No.79341136

Pretty based. Shouldn't have backpedaled.

>> No.79341175
File: 2.86 MB, 800x450, 1711688062450801.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and Mococo.

>> No.79341182
Quoted by: >>79341282


>> No.79341202

holy fucking cringe kek

>> No.79341229
File: 180 KB, 1187x1568, mochigome_19 1805929009852854712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79341240
File: 1.90 MB, 402x720, [Fan Animation | Hololive EN] Fuwawa Pure Pure [oYXfIADaeIo].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mococo version when

>> No.79341282

tin tin die sky

>> No.79341290
File: 183 KB, 640x480, 1710556094541875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79341888

I'll gladly be cringe.

>> No.79341295


>> No.79341354

Do you ever take a step back and realize how insane this sounds? All of the plotting and planning and strategizing just to get a twitter like.

>> No.79341383

I wanna make sweaty passionate love to Moco-chan!

>> No.79341417
File: 462 KB, 2334x1893, ShibeDraws 1806346424352731477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79341448
Quoted by: >>79341647

you're in the wrong thread if you're not doing the same, fuck off

>> No.79341483
Quoted by: >>79341647

bro talking about chatting the fuck you talking about

>> No.79341488
File: 22 KB, 472x450, 1680566659318782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79341888

Yeah, and?

>> No.79341499
File: 461 KB, 2000x2000, jkbakabaka 1806345088592908344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79341507

What? Who is talking about twitter likes?

>> No.79341572

Are you trying to start a new loop or just mentally ill? He didn't mention "likes" anywhere, moron.

>> No.79341608
Quoted by: >>79341644

>got skipped again during another like spree
FuwaMoco, Why have you forsaken me?
In your eyes forsaken me
In your thoughts forsaken me

>> No.79341635
File: 210 KB, 1459x1080, 1704100978187175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUWAMOCO wants us to be cringe for them.

>> No.79341642

I just unfollowed them, to hell with this shit

>> No.79341644
Quoted by: >>79341706

how did you know i was listening to SoaD anon

>> No.79341647

Autisticly planning out every post and message for maximum effect while trying to make it look spontaneous and from the heart. It's disingenuous and manipulative. But I suppose the fanbase mirrors the vtuber.

>> No.79341687

Do you stream your consciousness?

>> No.79341696


>> No.79341706

I dunno I was actually listening to Aerials kek

>> No.79341713
File: 950 KB, 1024x1024, t. Sister[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1i65j6.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79341718

>for maximum effect
bro didn't even read

>> No.79341744


>> No.79341749
File: 459 KB, 1280x720, Goodnight[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbr5av8.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79341774

I really wanted you to be lying so I could be mad, but you weren't. Haha

>> No.79341791

I was gonna check but nah

>> No.79341803

Here's the part where my mind blanks out...

>> No.79341817
File: 57 KB, 183x132, jabbaruffian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone ask for your opinion, anon? No? Then shut the FUCK UP.

>> No.79341827


>> No.79341842

>batsu line reading again
Hoping it’s something besides suika at least

>> No.79341883

You can thank me. I show up to most streams, chat often, get read sometimes, and canceled my day one making me show up as a gray. They're trying to reel me back in.

>> No.79341887

wtf it's real

>> No.79341888

havent you found one of the new girls to latch onto yet gabe you faggot?

>> No.79341901

>batsu game line
Planning for the 900k suika already?

>> No.79341915


>> No.79341925

don't worry it will still be vertical

>> No.79341940
Quoted by: >>79342095

Ruffians are more ME ME ME than Kiara

>> No.79342016

chained together batsu

>> No.79342088
Quoted by: >>79342209

Reminder that you will only get the fun ones in if you put them in as Japanese.

>> No.79342092

Chase those numbers, FWMC

>> No.79342095
File: 244 KB, 448x478, 1698847680597986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it toke you this long to notice?

>> No.79342134

Thank you Fuwamoco for existing and acting as a containment zone for all the menhera schizos that is your fanbase.

>> No.79342191

...yay. so fun!

>> No.79342209

I don't even know what I want in english though

>> No.79342220
Quoted by: >>79342253

Does it support 5 players? Would be a fun Advent game if so.

>> No.79342223

it's crazy how many people are members that don't sound like they watch streams at all

>> No.79342226

Which of the two has the fatter ass?

>> No.79342234
Quoted by: >>79342340

Don't care. You won't get me to spazz on games that it's not bad for.
Dogs Organized Neatly however...

>> No.79342253

I've only seen 4 max, but who knows

>> No.79342280

I have the high ground, Moco-chan!

>> No.79342285

Not that surprising, I basically only watch FWMC nowadays but I feel bad cancelling the membership I already had before, even if I'm not tuning in outside of karaoke streams.

>> No.79342337

I didn't have to scroll long to see a bunch of pogchamp suggestions...

>> No.79342340
Quoted by: >>79342423

fuck off you fake faggot, its people like you that are stopping them getting to 1 mil
you should watch for them, not whatever game they're playing. fuck off and dont watch it instead of bitching every thread about that stream

>> No.79342362
File: 93 KB, 923x1200, 1706889973539409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please, ask Mococo to imitate Pero's voice as a batsu.
I would do it myself, but I don't want to get chased out of the community...

>> No.79342370
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, Hairi_1617 1792126007077662969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There we go.

>> No.79342372
File: 1.54 MB, 520x908, mococo I guess you are my little pogchamp [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F76rr11.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79342423

Sensitive little faggot, aren't you.

>> No.79342427

This is dumb, but sometimes good things come from outsider opinions. Most of the Hitman suggestions came from people I've never seen before and it was one of the all time great streams. A lot of them probably only suggested it because "killing game -> fuwawa is evil -> LOL", but it was amazing.

>> No.79342500
Quoted by: >>79342542

says the person who can't go one thread without bitching about a #shorts stream
get filtered troon

>> No.79342534
File: 45 KB, 530x447, 1719027917037773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the most likes is for fuwawa to say "i am a chihuahua"

>> No.79342542
Quoted by: >>79342620

I watched Ice Climber and had a good time. Just because I really disliked what shorts did to a single stream doesn't mean I hate all of them. You're such a whiney little bitch.

>> No.79342561

Get filtered, sister. If you don't like it, don't watch it, it's that simple.

>> No.79342585
Quoted by: >>79342653

Why not do something else for a batsu instead, like drawing another holo with a limit of 1 minute. that should be fun

>> No.79342594

Goddamn, FWMC version when?

>> No.79342620

>STILL complaining about a stream that's lived rent free in xer head for weeks

>> No.79342621


>> No.79342652
Quoted by: >>79342751

>member post
> batsu stuff
idk what i expected, i guess i was hoping for a watchalong poll

>> No.79342653
Quoted by: >>79342748

Anon, nothing is stopping you from suggesting that, even though they're asking for lines. Could even make them want to do another drawing stream. Don't waste good ideas in this thread.

>> No.79342705

I can't wait not to be picked again!

>> No.79342748

ye now don't want to post it now since i just marked myself. well someone else can idc anyway

>> No.79342751
Quoted by: >>79342822

eh, i kinda hope they skip a few members streams until they hit 1m, each single #shorts stream could make a difference.

>> No.79342770
File: 176 KB, 439x442, 1719180575856826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79342829

going through the greentext posts for an idea

>> No.79342822
Quoted by: >>79342941

not like fwmc will hit it in less than 3 months or so

>> No.79342829

one of you /here/ faggots posted just that

>> No.79342835
File: 674 KB, 1527x1427, 1716693893625609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was another shitpost and didn't even check until now.

>> No.79342836

>Every hour of every day is ~LINGERIE~
>My brain's like a ~BRASSIERE~
>And my heart is like a ~THOOOOOONG~
Hmm, I guess it works better in JP
How do you write the parts where he rolls the rrrr in ~LINGERIE~ tho

>> No.79342854

It's kinda funny I unmember yesterday and they do a doggy pack thing today
They must have a lot of people up and cancelling memberships

>> No.79342859
Quoted by: >>79343058

first doggy pack post in ages and it's a literal repeat of several past ones...

>> No.79342887

fuwawa should count down from 10 as a batsu

>> No.79342919
Quoted by: >>79342969

What does 10 baus long mean? Like even they say Bau Baaaaau or like 10 words? Idk how long to make my suggestions

>> No.79342941
Quoted by: >>79343052

I know, but honestly whats a members stream in the face of their goal? i want them to hit it asap

>> No.79342962
Quoted by: >>79343489

well if you are a day 1 member it ends on the 26/27 of every months, so you might be right

>> No.79342969

10 syllables I guess

>> No.79342997

but BAU is like, two syllables

>> No.79343052

ruffian even if fwmc hit 1 million they won't stop the vertical streams. all holos numberfag even when they reach 1.5 million or 2 million ect, this will never end.

>> No.79343054

that's barely enough for a sentence damn

>> No.79343058

yeah .....

>> No.79343059

Find it pretty funny. I don't think you were the only one, as it was the day day one members would get charged. Good thing everyone leaks shit here instantly so I know it isn't worth coming back for.

>> No.79343060

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.79343088

somehow the most deranged post of the day

>> No.79343105
File: 483 KB, 824x746, 1707964909882648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good morning!

>> No.79343142
Quoted by: >>79343224

kys gabe

>> No.79343168

It's the little things like that is why I love them.

>> No.79343169
Quoted by: >>79343224


>> No.79343177

yeah i noticed that too, the only sweet part of the post

>> No.79343193
File: 119 KB, 314x346, 1718792481429853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79343224

Gabe doesn't use the Ruffian Gosling.

>> No.79343255

The waterguns in the tweet dont even make sense. Its like whoever drew it only had a vague recollection of them but zero understanding of how they work

>> No.79343330

Noschedulenextweekbros... It's not looking good for us...

>> No.79343344

I mean queue is 3 syllables, rite?

>> No.79343356

At least their swimsuits are cute and sexy.

>> No.79343364

funniest shit I ever seen

>> No.79343402

huh your right. some advance water guns got a trigger but the fwmc ones are simple and shouldn't have them

>> No.79343405


>> No.79343415
File: 168 KB, 326x338, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't it just a simple yellow parts is the water container while the pink parts is the actual gun

>> No.79343419
File: 1.73 MB, 2427x4096, dunkemz 1806355448955887669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79343459

BAU is supposed to be pronounced like bayou.

>> No.79343465
File: 808 KB, 1080x1281, 1708366609452829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79343475
File: 17 KB, 264x266, 1681660329173190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79343489

Sadly I am not
Yep so maybe they're panicked a bit

>> No.79343517


>> No.79343523

Now point to where the water comes out

>> No.79343593
File: 166 KB, 326x338, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79343612
File: 157 KB, 326x338, 1719503800614348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79343668
Quoted by: >>79343796

i laughed

>> No.79343712
File: 68 KB, 365x321, 1718762545100170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79343796


>> No.79343739
File: 88 KB, 603x373, GRDR0TtbgAAdEJj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79343755
File: 238 KB, 768x1006, 1719284953275833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should be allowed to do their own thing no matter how different, but fuck numberfags, dramawhores who bring other chuunas unprompted and fuck whores you have to shit talk others to speak good about themselves.

>> No.79343758

it comes out from the top of the yellow water container like a whales blow

>> No.79343759

that's the water tank

>> No.79343790


>> No.79343796

it's clearly the riffling / silencer parts of the gun

>> No.79343804


>> No.79343823
Quoted by: >>79344313

that's the pump

>> No.79343826
File: 229 KB, 1760x1150, F3RcDzCXoAAlaNt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mama milkies

>> No.79343829
File: 382 KB, 562x585, 1694957180599046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79343833
Quoted by: >>79344250

He said water. Not milk.

>> No.79343837

>silencer for a water gun
calm down agent 7

>> No.79343847

ToT uooooooh

>> No.79343859

I hate this retard take about le number are bad, without numbers there is no fucking hololive you stupid faggot

>> No.79343922

without numbers there ain't no space

>> No.79343923

>Act retarded to derail the thread about dimb shit.
Damn, using that shitposting power for good for once, huh?

>> No.79343932

i miss being a kid again

>> No.79343939



Paygods onegai?

>> No.79343942

why do i feel this is a thinly veiled post shitting on FWMC for 1 mil?
go back, faggot

>> No.79343963

>FWMC are numberfags now so I'll act like I've always been a numberfag.

>> No.79344003
File: 123 KB, 330x264, 1718808992073638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disappointing floofies

>> No.79344011
Quoted by: >>79344084

No, let the numbers speak for themselves on what the market wants, grifters can then chase that bag, but if the person themselves is okay with lower numbers as long as they get to do what they like let them, you're just being a retard for fixating too hard on it

>> No.79344016

looks like i was instantly right, fuck off troon

>> No.79344050

It's a retro commission, he'll post it here like last time

>> No.79344079

based pebble

>> No.79344084

Yeah, just like how the market isn't interested in FuwaMoco enough for them to hit 1m with their normal streams so they have to spam vertical to have shot to even get it by the end of the year.

>> No.79344113

No, I'm just seething at people who have to kill the mood of a stream by making comparisons when the entire medium relies on the chuuba also enjoying themselves

>> No.79344121
File: 623 KB, 1800x2150, 1693023889360556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79344279

when will fuwawa unleash those puppies again?

>> No.79344138
Quoted by: >>79344213


>> No.79344213

is this why she was put in the cell

>> No.79344218 [DELETED] 

Who else has moved on to other generals but still hangs around here to shitpost the schizos?

>> No.79344222

there is no milk to be found here

>> No.79344239
Quoted by: >>79344328

Every streamer is a numberfag, the "i dont care about numbers" are chubas who give up retard nigger and if that chuba is also a corpo one she is a unprofessional shitters that dont care about her work.

>> No.79344250


>> No.79344258

The artist only gave him a single image. I bought it anyway.

>> No.79344274
File: 159 KB, 1200x1200, 1699492236806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79344419

Floofy Love

>> No.79344279
File: 1.92 MB, 2293x3407, kuma_daigorou 1786713079293894964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully soon

>> No.79344313

the tank got its own hole above, so it seems it's the type where you need to feed the tank yourself through that instead of pumping it through the rifle of the gun, so you don't need separate pump, the trigger is enough of a pump

>> No.79344328
Quoted by: >>79344468

You don't have to be #1 to enjoy yourself.

>> No.79344329

suzu is out of the picture so hopefully the NEW manechan can pick some actual good ones this time around

>> No.79344373
File: 74 KB, 465x397, tskr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79344379
Quoted by: >>79344521

>It's about the journey!
>We really want to hit 1m subs Ruffians!
>We know the changes in our streams might make some of you not happy with our content...
>But we'll be here for you if you ever do want to come back!

>> No.79344382
File: 58 KB, 410x372, put it in[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6c8to3.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, her face in the last one...
I imagine this is how she sounds

>> No.79344397

Suzu my wife please come back

>> No.79344404
Quoted by: >>79344485

It's a bit funky they give a PSD and you have to save each layer as a separate image

>> No.79344419
File: 250 KB, 1577x2048, IdolMia_ 1803269351971205600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lick it all off of her...

>> No.79344422

It's about the floofies

>> No.79344468
Quoted by: >>79344525

Yeah but you have to at least try is your fucking job, you got a golden ticket after all

>> No.79344476


>> No.79344485
Quoted by: >>79344580

Does it let you turn off mosaics? Had to do this for the Deaver set too, a pain in the ass, but at least it was uncensored that way.

>> No.79344521

You'll be happy to know that I won't be back. Unless season 3 is closer to season 1.

>> No.79344523

Futabros we are so in

>> No.79344525

Could you at least try to type "It's"

>> No.79344554
Quoted by: >>79344670

Kys trannie i hope you never come back

>> No.79344580

Nope, still censored.

>> No.79344586
Quoted by: >>79344664

And yet you're here
Despite everything, you're here

>> No.79344664

I'm at work and the drama keeps me entertained when it's slow.

>> No.79344670

ESL pagpagchama...

>> No.79344735

Sex with Moco-chan!

>> No.79344764


>> No.79344767
File: 131 KB, 783x1024, 1718718583605772m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's fuwawer's strong point other than her fluffers?

>> No.79344773

my sexy little princess...

>> No.79344803


>> No.79344813
Quoted by: >>79344902

That's a boy

>> No.79344815

the fact that she can jump to bizarre topic out of nowhere like last fwmc morning where she brought up drinking tea through green's throat

>> No.79344848
Quoted by: >>79344904

I want Fuwawa to orgasm as her batsu. I want Mococo to suck her sisters nipple ASMR

>> No.79344873

she is very impressively dumb

>> No.79344902

outta 10

>> No.79344904

has someone submitted

>> No.79344913
Quoted by: >>79345284

Fuwamoco haven't changed, you just replied to too much bait and let the shitposting run rampant, allowing them to affect your perception and shape how you feel to their liking. You're mentally weak and possess no backbone to resist it. You let the shitposters take over this general, and now the fun is gone. Not because of Fuwamoco, but because of (You)

>> No.79344939


>> No.79344962

jong is shit

>> No.79344965


>> No.79344983

They won't pick mine because mine will be downvoted to hell and back

>> No.79344988


>> No.79345006

they should play jong for the batsu

>> No.79345023
File: 50 KB, 500x375, QUNz1qzbqw1o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79345025
Quoted by: >>79345384

The sweaty hugs one is pretty good.

>> No.79345056

are you a bot

>> No.79345091
Quoted by: >>79345151

is anyone gonna ask them to talk about pregnancy or being mothers

>> No.79345151
Quoted by: >>79345171

What stopping you from doing it?

>> No.79345171
Quoted by: >>79345293

I'm too embarrassed and I'm not a wifefag

>> No.79345284

FWMC during their first six months are very different than FWMC now. You're just too obsessed with them to see it.

>> No.79345293
Quoted by: >>79345461

>not a wifefag
>wants to hear them talk about being pregnant
get this cuck shit out of here

>> No.79345384
Quoted by: >>79345533

Yea that's pretty good. They're always sweaty..

>> No.79345461

>cuck out of nowhere
why is SEA like this?

>> No.79345475
Quoted by: >>79345646

They won't pick mine because I never submit one.

>> No.79345533

too bad it's purityschizo and he's a fucking snake that won't get picked. I reposted it on an alt though and will claim the W when they pick it.

>> No.79345568
Quoted by: >>79345632

>he's a fucking snake
Mane-chan doesn't know that

>> No.79345622

Will FWMC be at Anime NYC?

>> No.79345633

>nerissa karaoke rebroadcast
rock n rawr parties.................................

>> No.79345632

True, maybe the new Mane-chan will pick better batsus this time. Like mine.

>> No.79345646
Quoted by: >>79345778

Yea I was gonna sit this one out again but I will give them one fucking chance to make me happy and get me to stick around by choosing mine if they don't then fuck it

>> No.79345648

We won't know until a week beforehand

>> No.79345709

Fuck you're right, well I hope they choose yours then.

>> No.79345710
Quoted by: >>79345821

I like when fuwawa said mango juan

>> No.79345758
File: 104 KB, 353x347, 1718622422647893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79345817

Mococo has been dead since the sore throat incident and all we see of her now is just spliced audio and Fuwawa recording herself

>> No.79345778

what's your amazing idea anon

>> No.79345816

for mococo to say "i'm not mococo, i'm fuwawa!!" LOL

>> No.79345817
Quoted by: >>79346058

Next you're going to try and convince me that Pero is just Mococo doing a voice.

>> No.79345821

I like it when she says Mogojan in her disappointed voice it always makes me laugh

>> No.79345831
Quoted by: >>79347712

>farming subs while she sleeps

>> No.79345832

>the german penguin in the members post
that was a fast about-face, I thought the green robot was his new girl.

>> No.79345835
Quoted by: >>79345906

>fucking snake
But you're the one plotting and scheming, ruffian.

>> No.79345870

Probably not, they're already at AX and Smash. I imagine at one point Cover doesn't even let them accept it to give more people chances. FWMC would say yes to every con if it's just up to them, and of course no organizer would not want them there.

>> No.79345874

Oh no I'm not falling for this one again

>> No.79345906

kys Nae you creepy fuck.

>> No.79345910

Almost spit out my drink dammit

>> No.79345928
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 1639792294762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 ruffian

>> No.79345982


>> No.79346058
File: 31 KB, 163x161, 1713806733941170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's Fuwawa doing a Mococo voice doing a Pero voice

>> No.79346065

Do people really get off to some girl saying the same word over and over while breathing into the mic? I do not understand ASMRfags, unless it's something like Canan.

>> No.79346141

no, its super popular because they don't
are you fucking autistic needing to answer a question that you can work out the answer to?

>> No.79346223

I look for a ear licking asmr situations close to the hentai that im reading, there is some hentais that have a official asmr.

>> No.79346256

>I do not understand ASMRfags
We have no reason to explain things to you because even after an explanation you still won't get it

>> No.79346294


>> No.79346295
Quoted by: >>79346367

Nothing yet. Still couple of weeks away and kind of like last year, could be a last minute add. I'm hoping for it. No RnR mini possibly since BD's the same weekend. Would be nice to have them and Advent return for a year celebration. But chances it'll be Justice in the spotlight for then.

>> No.79346353

has anyone won fuwawa yet for smash?

>> No.79346367
Quoted by: >>79346447

Justice was a mistake

>> No.79346384

I smashed Fowowo

>> No.79346434
Quoted by: >>79346527

not from what i have seen
even an anon last thread won mogogo

>> No.79346447

chill out sasuke

>> No.79346482
Quoted by: >>79346543


>> No.79346527


>> No.79346543
Quoted by: >>79346581

>it's just Fuwawa

>> No.79346549
Quoted by: >>79346646

This person did. They look like a tourist though.

>> No.79346581

>Implying content farms can tell the difference

>> No.79346585

Never gave a fuck about ASMR because it both doesn't give me the tingles AND it's specifically because they're trying to appeal to that. Shit like the twitter spaces or randomly shifting to a whsiper during a stream for some reason are much more intimate because it's just them in their 'natural state'. It's not a bit, it's just them being themselves.

>> No.79346634
File: 142 KB, 971x201, 17203484938493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heading into late night I see some fluffy fuzzy paws busy as ever You're doing an amazing job #FUWAMOCO… Keep up strength and we will make it together I know you can do it! As long as you're on your path with true hearts, I will be beside you, with undying faith

(And if you ever find yourselves lost in the unhelpful bird forest, I will be there beside you too )

>> No.79346646

>dairy demon horny cow lewdtuber
g-good luck Fuwawa

>> No.79346752

You're a fag for posting this but goddamn purityschizo is the biggest fucking hypocrite ever.

>> No.79346807

Lying freak. The European ruffians are the most insufferable bunch.

>> No.79346851

Wait he is from Europe?

>> No.79346962
Quoted by: >>79346975

He's Norwegian or from the Netherlands or some shit. He mentioned Dutch being one of his languages.

>> No.79346975
Quoted by: >>79347033

That explains everything

>> No.79347013
Quoted by: >>79347178

Yes. Nearly all of the people you see as the worst menheras or schizos are from Europe. Sorry to the one good EU bro we have here but you've gotta clean up your people

>> No.79347033
Quoted by: >>79347098

The new girls... will get the worse of the worse fans

>> No.79347098
Quoted by: >>79347270

They are probably menhera and used to it having lived there themselves, I'm assuming. Although isn't the yellow one in NA? Poor girl is gonna get lumped in with all the schizos, although it doesn't seem like anyone is moving to her

>> No.79347176

Wait they liked replies to FWMC Morning 103's post tweet? That can't be right. Why didn't I get a like.

>> No.79347178

The BRs are pretty bad too

>> No.79347191
File: 403 KB, 2713x2196, 1719081989732505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79347219

They hate you specifically

>> No.79347270

North europeas are menheras because of the low amount of sun light and really really low social interactions because of the cold. The german girl will shit on menheras, her personality is like that. Also germans are very autistic about being fucking honest.

>> No.79347284

I'm out of ideas gimme ur best suggestions

>> No.79347331
Quoted by: >>79347388

No no no no. This cannot continue.

>> No.79347333
File: 1.64 MB, 1718x1690, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga Nerissa.

>> No.79347375

it's over for us, bro

>> No.79347388
Quoted by: >>79347498

this carrot continue? they're doggies not bunnies

>> No.79347420
Quoted by: >>79347859

They have been very generous with likes ever since they went private. I have been given a lot just this month alone

>> No.79347434

If you can make this work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlhOUyy4wbs

>> No.79347498

anon...you need to eat carrots yourself and get some Vitamin A in you.

>> No.79347712
File: 29 KB, 599x281, radio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was asked for. The same guy asked Nerissa to rebroadcast too. I don't see why all Holos don't do the same thing Mumei does and just edit all their unarchived karaokes into huge radio broadcasts to stream on vertical. It's literally free subs.

>> No.79347715
Quoted by: >>79348057

what am i supposed to be lookin at

>> No.79347766

he can't keep getting away with it

>> No.79347777

Doggonit Ruffians, didn't we tell you not to play ball in the house?! Who's gonna clean up this mess?
I don't know the restrictions, but this gets a pun, scolding (you), and them talking about a 'mess' all in one.

>> No.79347790
File: 300 KB, 502x479, 1718424128581339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79347830

They should start making "the greatest anime you never knew of" style of videos

>> No.79347797

they don't like rebroadcasts they want to be there they said as much last time

>> No.79347813


>> No.79347830

perms nightmare, only really works for indies

>> No.79347848
File: 743 KB, 2000x1414, UraMitsuru1206 1771179738905645211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 characters
But I have so much I wanna say... Oh well...

>> No.79347859
File: 332 KB, 616x824, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have been very generous with likes ever since they went private
Haha... yeah...

>> No.79347868
Quoted by: >>79348162

Take a picture of Nerissa's subs before and after the rebroadcast. Maybe that'll make them chanhe their minds.

>> No.79347885

I seen bae done it before. The sub growth is slower than a live vertical stream. But free subs is free subs.

>> No.79347889

they also said they don't like vertical streams

>> No.79347892
File: 8 KB, 579x46, 123045823098490234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps we were too harsh on him

>> No.79347904
Quoted by: >>79347987

They also don't like vertical streams but they're having fun just fine making that sacrifice for growth. They're not robots, they can adapt to the situation. No stream weekend + a sub goal is the perfect opportunity for a rebroadcast.

>> No.79347940

They also said they didn't like vertical streams, FOTM slop and wanted to do things the FUWAMOCO way. They've been months now without a karaoke. They are overworked and stressed. They can literally slap together their karaokes on vertical and get free subs from shorts like Nerissa is doing now. This fulfills their numberfag goal, is no extra effort on their voices, and makes some Ruffians happy. It's a no lose situation. Plus if they get subs from this, maybe they won't have to spam as much vertical shit games and we can get actual good streams again.

>> No.79347946

No even talks about this guy. I can only remember a handful of times he was ever even brought up

>> No.79347986
Quoted by: >>79348392

Oh of course they'll choose HIM. They always do.

>> No.79347987

There's like 3 Holo's doing the rebroadcasting during whatever it is that's going on. Kiara's got one planned for Sunday too.

>> No.79347993

Why does RnR even get shafted that much, just quickly open stream and sing for about an hour, even as a guerilla stream, it's not like they have to get perms every time

>> No.79348047
Quoted by: >>79348153

He's been looped as an oldfag favorite quite a bit

>> No.79348057

One gorgeous looking bird

>> No.79348079

No one in advent has done a karaoke since biboo’s. Is probably management telling them to avoid it.

>> No.79348089

There's nothing much to talk about other than him being a smug philipino who gets FWMC attention because he's a Traveler.

>> No.79348131

Problem is not perms, it's stressing their voices. Did you not see how harsh they sounded? Yesterday was supposed to be their sleep day too but it got shafted for homework. They're doing a lot of singing behind the scenes.
Reminder that they still have the most karaokes in Advent, despite not having one for like 3 months now. If it was just a FWMC issue everyone would have surpassed them.

>> No.79348153

Lol you're definitely exaggerating it. He was brought up on /trash/ more than here

>> No.79348162

Seriously why don't all Holos just rebroadcast their old karaokes on Shorts whenever they aren't streaming? Does it get flagged as spam somehow?

>> No.79348190

It gets shafted because they have homework (covers, VA, orisong recording, 3d stuff, concert stuff) and also are taking vocal/singing lessons. It's beating the shit out of their throats so trying to do an hour of singing could easily fuck up a multitude of things if their voices get hurt. Did you already forget Golden Week, Fluffy week, and banned week?

>> No.79348305 [DELETED] 
File: 424 KB, 1078x1564, GQ6zVlGbwAInu4T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more time before bed

>> No.79348367
File: 50 KB, 357x554, live.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79348896

For what it's worth, Newissa IS there. She's said she was going to sleep 3 times so far.

>> No.79348375

Are people actually leaving for the shiny new toys or have they lost interest?
I’m waiting for it to hit 1 year to cancel mine

>> No.79348391

Who the fuck is this twink?

>> No.79348392
Quoted by: >>79348452

>They always do.
He's Mococo's favorite.

>> No.79348416
File: 231 KB, 363x451, 1713195875521400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79349945

I keep fantasizing about something like this but it'll never come true

>> No.79348452
Quoted by: >>79348660

Unironically though, but it's best not to think about things you can't control and just ignore it if you're prone to be menhera.

>> No.79348460
File: 350 KB, 606x584, 1705814729134654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79348504

Reminder to support FUWAMOCO and do not use the boat for Breaking Dimensions

>> No.79348504

go fuck yourself mocopirate

>> No.79348582
Quoted by: >>79348683

For me it's lose of interest, no point in being a member when grays get all the attention unless you're a cliquefag, no real member perks other than emotes. And the good content drought really drives the point home to cancel.

>> No.79348594
File: 141 KB, 768x768, GRDLB-4bUAA5Kn0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruffians is this real?

>> No.79348611

No. I still like them but am a little disappointed with membership and some of their streaming choices. The only real way I have to show that is by not supporting their membership.
Emotes aren't the biggest issue since I don't use them much and I don't care about the badge. About the only thing I really felt so far is that I can't chat freely, which means if I have something fun I want to follow up on quickly, I gotta wait the timer now.

>> No.79348642

723,208 now. So 40 subs in 20 minutes. Don’t think this strat works that well.

>> No.79348660

Yeah I do want people to know how much attention I’ve received from them compared to others

>> No.79348683
Quoted by: >>79348857

You get more attention being a gray name anyways and they won't think less of you. People spam gift memberships enough anyways that you probably will get it for free so it really is not worth paying for unless they change their content

>> No.79348720

But it's free real estate at this point. Also it's fucking 10am to 1pm in NA.

>> No.79348857

That sums it up pretty good honestly.
I still love them and wanna keep them as my oshi, but the incentive to stay membered is no longer there.

>> No.79348868

She's made 600 subs in 90 minutes, it's not amazing but it's also zero effort when she's not doing anything. And it scratches the karaoke itch when she hasn't sung in just as long as FWMC.

>> No.79348896

>She's said she was going to sleep 3 times so far.
she's literally me

>> No.79348917

Who has the best membership content in Advent?

>> No.79348935
Quoted by: >>79349026

Shiori and it isn't even close.

>> No.79348941

Remember the white album streams?
Man those were good times…

>> No.79348971

Shiori if you like that kind of stuff, personally it doesn't appeal to me but the volume is immense.

>> No.79348972

Also note that unlike Nerissa, they usually include some kind of Japanese in their title or info meaning it also gets picked up by JP youtube and fed to another entire group. Nerissa only gets the NA/EU crowd.

>> No.79349026
Quoted by: >>79349092

What does she do?

>> No.79349032

Shiori. She has multiple posts a week and a long running story series where she actually commissions comics based on member chosen storylines. On top of the usual once or twice a month mengen that are pretty creative zatsus or roleplays. The behind the scenes stuff she does is also really cool.

>> No.79349036

Shiori, purely because she plays piano in it sometimes.

>> No.79349090

Well I'd argue FuwaMoco had the best but Shiori really is pouring her heart and soul into her member content and she does it often.

>> No.79349092

I was typing it out but someone beat me so I'll be lazy since they about covered it

>> No.79349125

Oh that is pretty cool. Goddamn Shiorin

>> No.79349132

I guess every bit help at this stage. Though I don’t think they have done any vertical karaokes for them to rebroadcast. They will need to crop and resize their stuff unarchived. Does YouTube allow that?

>> No.79349224

When will Mococo admit to something like this?

>> No.79349239
Quoted by: >>79349343

Pretty sure that is exactly what Mumei did.

>> No.79349243
File: 198 KB, 387x358, 1623173411058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss those times so much.
Trolling Fuwawa on purpose really was a good time.

>> No.79349261

They need to restream it locally anyways for the live sub counter don't they? tempted to edit a mockup for them on the tag

>> No.79349271
Quoted by: >>79349316

FUWAMOCO. I don’t have membership of the others.

>> No.79349310
Quoted by: >>79349362

Manakeks, will we ever win?

>> No.79349316

not even gifts?

>> No.79349329
Quoted by: >>79349410

>using a new account

>> No.79349343
Quoted by: >>79349407

Oh I didn’t know mumei rebroadcast it as a vertical. I thought she just rebroadcast it normally like how FWMC did.

>> No.79349362
File: 501 KB, 882x1022, 1707411388616962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79349403

Nope. Never got it before.

>> No.79349407
Quoted by: >>79349481

She actually edited ALL her karaokes into one big stream, cutting out dead space and going over multiple streams. It was like a greatest hits playlist.

>> No.79349410
File: 1 KB, 152x41, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine's pretty old and I get gifts

>> No.79349472

there's no way we get a schedule next week, is there? wondering if I'm safe to take vacation

>> No.79349473

If you have a brand account, you can't get gifts. Im pretty sure ancient accounts from preGoogle+ integration are all brand accounts cause mine is

>> No.79349481

That's clever. Someone should pitch it on #helpfwmc

>> No.79349484

16 years ago…

>> No.79349512

Holy shit I thought my 08 account was old.
I get gifted memberships all the time even for channels I don't want one from.

>> No.79349573

I remember back when 2005-07 accounts were able to make GIFs as their icons

>> No.79349618

mine is from 2009 but it's a brand account so can't get gift subs

>> No.79349684
File: 1.80 MB, 3204x4096, mocogee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79349747

I just....

>> No.79349692
File: 3 KB, 248x55, Screenshot 2024-06-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just checked mine. I can't even remember what YT used to look like that back then.

>> No.79349747
Quoted by: >>79349982

do not lewd mocogee

>> No.79349760
Quoted by: >>79349982

5 star ratings and videos with quality limited to 360p..

>> No.79349814
File: 114 KB, 701x1024, 1719071852273939m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79349853

AI slop

>> No.79349869
File: 472 KB, 1068x953, circa 2007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79349928

Monkey fucking cheese

>> No.79349934
File: 150 KB, 967x1040, 1718926278198156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79349945
Quoted by: >>79350131

only happens if it's the girl first time or first partner

>> No.79349982

This is the oldest favorited video in my favorites playlist

>> No.79350067

7 mocofingers...

>> No.79350131

That makes it even sadder
Holy shit

>> No.79350199
File: 391 KB, 1080x2215, Screenshot_20240627-115938_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy you made me look, but I can tell there's a bunch of stuff gone already

>> No.79350273
File: 19 KB, 130x143, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79350398


>> No.79350324

Yea it's sad seeing so many videos lost to time due to copyright and channels getting deleted. I have over 400 videos in my favorites and at least 50+ are dead links now..

>> No.79350345

baused that's some good taste

>> No.79350354
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The old stick fogure flash videos from Newgrounds
Can we get them to play this old Newgrounds dating sim?

>> No.79350364

I remember watching this...

>> No.79350398
File: 389 KB, 800x800, 1710631127746933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>79350273 (You)

>> No.79350498
Quoted by: >>79350583

Surely they'd play the Love Hina one

>> No.79350557

You could try for April Fool's or something. Make a scheduled tweet with it.

>> No.79350583
File: 20 KB, 250x188, i19351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DNA2 is... fine.
But yeah, that was the other big one. I played through them both so many times.

>> No.79350647

what was younger me up to...

>> No.79350681
Quoted by: >>79350870

I remember deleting my old YT channel when I turned 16 out of embarrassment because it was filled with lightsaber duels between me and my little brother with Green Day songs as the BGM.
God I wish I still had thay old channel kek

>> No.79350706
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1718778926305605.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79350764

Miku Append (TDA) is still the sexiest Miku

>> No.79350870

Well, it's good for opsec in case you became famous or something I guess.

>> No.79350894
File: 20 KB, 300x300, H3024da76c4024ce99b9b03e287e4a717r.jpg_300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Horse riding
