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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 943 KB, 2471x4023, 1694603583869769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79321657 No.79321657 [Reply] [Original]

Summer Edition
Previous Thread >>79308846

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kttt7pb5o6I [Embed]
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.79321815
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, _Pledge_of_Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79321842


>> No.79321893


>> No.79321926
Quoted by: >>79329096

I don't like all the shilltweets asking us to buy stuff. It feels like they've increased lately and it rings hollow with how streams have been for the past few months. It's like Cover is taking advantage of the good will and gachikoi feelings that were built up in Season 1 to get us to buy more voicepacks and digital messages in Season 2. Not to mention shit like the Taiwan stuff most of us will never get to enjoy.

>> No.79321945


>> No.79321952


>> No.79321978
File: 12 KB, 588x108, [...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can two people with the same name and both from Central America be so rude to Fuwawa.

>> No.79321996

They should play the rereleased RE trilogy

>> No.79322019
File: 24 KB, 577x193, 1702068492528190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raffians explain??

>> No.79322048

raul isn't a name it's a title

>> No.79322076

Skeevy dogs...

>> No.79322078
File: 333 KB, 556x623, 1715144130578841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79322113

gn ruffians

>> No.79322084


>> No.79322085

rrat: they read /here/ about /baubau/ shitting on Agri's FWMC porn commissions.

>> No.79322109
File: 16 KB, 494x299, outofhand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79322113
File: 327 KB, 467x472, mogogotosleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79322154

what's there to explain? they said they got the r-18 fwmc doujin through manechan. they appreciate all fanworks.

>> No.79322173
File: 3.14 MB, 852x944, Fuwawa Fast Bau Bau[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv9w8y3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit tsukihime is out

>> No.79322178

People shat on his porn?

>> No.79322194
File: 177 KB, 352x349, distraughtfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was trying her best this stream though and she was improving a lot

>> No.79322216

how come they don't sync anymore?

>> No.79322253

stop jerking yourself off agri
I know you just suspiciously go offline just 30s ago

>> No.79322260
Quoted by: >>79322692

not exactly >>79250553

>> No.79322268
Quoted by: >>79322335

they low key sound jealous of blue archive kek

>> No.79322284
Quoted by: >>79322337

They still do just not as much as season 1.

>> No.79322291
Quoted by: >>79322367

Question: If I wanted to use more than 100 characters for the message, would Cover let me do the "send it as an image" trick like on twitter or no?

>> No.79322335
Quoted by: >>79322384

blue archive is way more sex due to the variety

>> No.79322337

Can we stop with the whole "season 1/2" shit? It's cringe

>> No.79322356

They still sync, it's just rarer compared to the first few months

>> No.79322367
Quoted by: >>79322410

they have separate entry for image, no?

>> No.79322384

my feed has been full of kana new swimsuit, its insane

>> No.79322410
Quoted by: >>79322468

Yeah, but if the image is just text I don't know what they'll do

>> No.79322468

iirc there's actually a couple text-image in the summer thingy earlier this year, you might want to check that because it use same system

>> No.79322479

How will we keep track of the eras?

>> No.79322538

Filter it if you don't like it, I see it as a useful shorthand.

>> No.79322568
Quoted by: >>79322603

no it's easy to understand and useful terminology

>> No.79322603

It's only ever used to complain and shitpost

>> No.79322692

Did he not share an uncensored version of that one, I'm sure he got the files for it

>> No.79322733

calling it "pre-move" and "post-move" isn't going to make their current content any better

>> No.79322776

Mainly because season 2 has been inferior to season 1. I would say season 3 starts after 3d/1 year anni. Not only does that make each season 6 months but it lines up nicely with major events. S1 was debut until move announcement. S2 was everything post move up until 3D and anniversary, also when they are the busiest. Season 3 will see if things will return to normal with them "hopefully" not having as much time spent to practice and recording. Or it will establish S2 as the new normal and things will suck.

>> No.79322831

>see bunch of art of holos hugging the screen pushing their breast on the camera
oh neat
>it's all AI
fuck, so that's why they posted it untagged

>> No.79322856
Quoted by: >>79323034

cringe dude

>> No.79322961

i agree with this dude

>> No.79323025

eww cringe

>> No.79323034

This makes sense to me
you're watching grown women larp as dogs, and jerking off to it

>> No.79323059

My wives are so based.

>> No.79323066

>you're watching grown women larp as dogs, and jerking off to it
and that somehow still less cringe than whatever you're doing

>> No.79323089
Quoted by: >>79323179

Heh, mask off already, mister?

>> No.79323097
Quoted by: >>79323149

Just got a like on my post-stream tweet

>> No.79323125

I got aneurysm from reading this
Tell down

>> No.79323132

Yep, was thinking the same thing

>you're watching grown women larp as dogs

>> No.79323149

same seems they’re going down the hashtag

>> No.79323150


>> No.79323170

aeugh, I can't even read this

>> No.79323179

? I am also jerking off to them, I just have enough self awareness to not call others cringe

>> No.79323188

I didn't expect I actually feel physically ill from this

>> No.79323218

Yeap, mask off + samefag + you lose

>> No.79323237
File: 130 KB, 380x408, sleepyfww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night wuffians

>> No.79323242
Quoted by: >>79323368

Anime has the 3 episode rule. FUWAMOCO will be the 3 season rule for me. It will be make or break time to decide since we've now had just as much bad content as good content. Season 3 will be the tiebreaker. We could see them finally stream more after finishing 3D and Breaking Dimensions. Or we could see them guest star in every birthday live ever and lose them to endless practice and more bullshit like Taiwan events and Holocity.

>> No.79323263
File: 209 KB, 340x764, Mococo Ah, goodnight![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl6aoqh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79323273
Quoted by: >>79323483

this is myanimelist?

>> No.79323280

soon their periods...

>> No.79323283

Is this really the angle they're trying to push? Calling it cringe? On /vt/? In the thread about the most kayfabe HoloEN vtubers?

>> No.79323290
Quoted by: >>79323354

I jerk off to them in private
You jerk off yourself in public
We're not the same

>> No.79323313

take the L already

>> No.79323330

mega cringe oomfies no cap

>> No.79323331
File: 4 KB, 100x100, 1706193121556065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am just semiregular here but they are trying fucking weird angles all days in a lot of threads

>> No.79323354

Anyone who uses the we are not the same meme immediately outs themselves as from Reddit.

>> No.79323362
File: 126 KB, 1280x1280, 1714009787304466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night!

>> No.79323368
Quoted by: >>79323422

It's literally over anon. They want to be like Marine, not Kaela or Biboo.

>> No.79323410

bro get caught in 4k

>> No.79323422

Marine was a steaming monster until she injured herself. To the best of our knowledge, FWMC dont have actual nodules on their vocal cords yet.

>> No.79323449

fuwaMoco post on Reddit all the time

>> No.79323451

so true sis

>> No.79323483

I'm a very busy man what's the MAL rating for FWMC

>> No.79323522

Season 1 is 9.4/10
Seasin 2 is 3.7/10

>> No.79323524


>> No.79323545

Season 1 9.6/10
Season 2 6.9/10

>> No.79323668

Have any other Holos had the massive post-debut crash that FWMC has had?

>> No.79323680


>> No.79323699
Quoted by: >>79323755


>> No.79323704

the titanic

>> No.79323718

Clock girl

>> No.79323733


>> No.79323738

How are EST ruffians still awake to reply to those tweets. it's like 3:00-4:00AM where they are. It doesn't sound very healthy.

>> No.79323756
Quoted by: >>79323875


>> No.79323755

>check out her Suicide Squad watchalong
>she talks for an hour before starting the episode

>> No.79323778
Quoted by: >>79323875


>> No.79323795

>Have any other Holos had the massive post-debut crash that FWMC has had?
Yes but for different reasons and over different timeframes.

>> No.79323801
Quoted by: >>79323842


>> No.79323813

resident necromancer

>> No.79323826


>> No.79323831

i just woke up

>> No.79323842
File: 392 KB, 739x657, psycho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anything Bae had a redemption arc

>> No.79323845

does graduation counts

>> No.79323860
File: 1.18 MB, 2000x1414, GEC6ye3aUAAZm3O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Fuwawa ever retweeted pic related?

>> No.79323875

what'd she do?
no one actually believes that stupid rrat. she does enough other shit that makes her detestable that you don't need straight up lies

>> No.79323895
Quoted by: >>79323976

nope but she DID like a post from the artist talking about it

>> No.79323908

>what'd she do?
being lazy
like, literally branded herself as being lazy

>> No.79323922

>no one actually believes that stupid rrat. she does enough other shit that makes her detestable that you don't need straight up lies
It does crashes /vt/ for sure tho

>> No.79323931

I'm either up until 5 or have muh shock collar

>> No.79323936

If were talking about having a good first few months and then cutting back on streams a ton the closest analogue might be Sana actually. She didnt start out as strong but she had her own charm, some unique streams that nobody else was doing and then eventually fell off a cliff in streaming. All the others people mentioned flamed out due to being whores or they kept it up for longer, even Gura didnt really get lazy until summer of 2022.

>> No.79323976
Quoted by: >>79324083

Yeah that's why I brought it up. FWMC's senpai RT lewder stuff. Come on Fuwawa, what's the harm in retweeting this art from an esteemed illustrator.

>> No.79323981

I knew I can count on you being summoned, you rrat

>> No.79324019
Quoted by: >>79324140

Is she feminized?

>> No.79324033
File: 529 KB, 897x501, cnfquestion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79324334

she never got featured in FWMC morning, but managed this?

>> No.79324059

Maybe Fauna but shes still pretty popular. However she used to be super consistent, then dropped schedules and after her 3D was too "puddle hort" to stream as often as she did. I'm not sure you can say she crashed though, at least in terms of numbers unlike say Kronii.

>> No.79324083

not sure why she didn’t when she liked more lewd stuff than that like the one where they’re wearing qipao dresses and mococo is smothering her face in fuwawa’s massive floofies and also that animated piece of them begging for cock

>> No.79324117

I want to believe that one was real but it's so hard to

>> No.79324137

>that animated piece of them begging for cock

>> No.79324140
File: 161 KB, 480x479, 1708745625971157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always has been

>> No.79324169

no no not the double blowjob
the one where mococo shows off her ass and fuwawa is bent over herself
the one EVERYONE reacted to

>> No.79324230
Quoted by: >>79324351

It was this one and it was real, they did like it. https://x.com/prrrab/status/1749630075358629979

>> No.79324237

There's no FWMC morning so I'm awake 'till 5

>> No.79324238
Quoted by: >>79324268


>> No.79324268

We'll never get moments like those again... Fuck you Elon...

>> No.79324270


>> No.79324289

finally the lantern merch shipped

>> No.79324334

Cecilia likes cunny
Fuwawa does too but Mococo won't let her admit it

>> No.79324351
Quoted by: >>79324437

that's fine, I expected something more lewd

>> No.79324437

that is more lewd than >>79323860 and has a version of them completely naked after receiving creampies

>> No.79324511

>Azki uses blowjob pic as thumbnail
>Nerissa uses cropped porn of her mom as thumbnail
c'mon fwmc
just do it
i know you want to

>> No.79324584

irys just used a thumbnail that has an alt with her tits out for a recent mengen watchalong

>> No.79324776

you sound like a doujin character trying to pressure fuwamoco into retweeting lewd art of themselves.

>> No.79324904

Going to sleep now but how was my first bake?

>> No.79324946

previous baker here, you did good

>> No.79324955 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 512x512, f4FvZsGsObe7_9EP6dqRmAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79324957

That'll do pig, that'll do.

>> No.79324961
File: 31 KB, 400x400, moco thumbs up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79324976
File: 401 KB, 1024x1024, fuwapat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than the 1 embed, I'd say you did well

>> No.79324977
Quoted by: >>79326195

Really? green doll is based

>> No.79324983
Quoted by: >>79326180


>> No.79325002 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 1200x675, Do_Something_meme_banner_imag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>c'mon fwmc
>just do it
>i know you want to
It's too late for me to make the edit, but

>> No.79325188

My sleep schedule is bad, so I'm usually always up late

>> No.79325353

They don't even make their thumbnails, you'd have to ask Pero

>> No.79326180

As Paul Hollywood would say, it's all dough inside

>> No.79326195

isn't Cece more of a shotacon?

>> No.79326918


>> No.79326923
File: 3.96 MB, 732x968, 1699485813919.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79328676

>> No.79327292
Quoted by: >>79327786

Fuwawa's eyesight is getting worse at an alarming pace

>> No.79327786

she just needs to wear her fucking glasses

>> No.79328625

Will Fuwawa appear to cheer on Marine now that she'll play the rock rolling game?

>> No.79328676

Sleep tight Moco-chan

>> No.79328763

I woke up and feel nothing today. Saw the digital message board thing and felt no excitement or will to participate. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me, if it’s due to taking too many over night shifts at work that’s fucking with my brain chemistry.

>> No.79329005

NGL, Marine kind of sounds like a dude in this stream

>> No.79329073
File: 3.16 MB, 2220x1450, 1714842174795183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our Ruffians

>> No.79329096

I love fuwamoco but honestly, my big issue is that half of their schedule is fuwamoco morning, which they say takes them a ton of work, and then we only get a 30 minute stream from it. I’d prefer if they just spent that time streaming games or something, they only have 3 actual game streams this week

>> No.79329168
File: 3.65 MB, 794x600, FuwaMoco We're just so happy to be here again, Ruffians.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0vsgxq.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79329221

they look like this and say this when watching an ugly fat fuck wearing a fuwamoco omocat graphic shirt and devouring his plate(s) of food

>> No.79329224
Quoted by: >>79330248

I feel like doing a show like FWMC Morning was one of the things they've always wanted to do but couldn't back in the day

>> No.79329274

I'm their ruffian. The collar never comes off

>> No.79329322

>an ugly fat fuck wearing a fuwamoco omocat graphic shirt and devouring his plate(s) of food
Yeah, me.

>> No.79329444

Literally me

>> No.79330248
Quoted by: >>79330511

Fair enough, i just think it’s silly what they spend so much time on a show that a good chunk of fans stopped watching after like episode 4. Especially when fuwamoco morning takes up a huge chunk of their schedule, and there are multiple days where that’s the only stream we get.

>> No.79330407

They honestly should just can the show now, they pick the same people over and over for ESR, they choose submissions that suck most of the time. And since this show relies on twitter so heavily it alienates ruffians that either don't use twitter or it frustrates ruffians like me that get fucked over by twitter all the time.
But whatever they won't kill it off because of a small minority that will go ballistic about it.

>> No.79330511

The show is much more casual/new fan oriented anyway, people dropping it is no problem. They always insist you don't have to watch everything. As long as enough people want to watch it, they'll see it as worthwhile.

>> No.79330687

That's what I don't get the most. The chat is almost all green, the submissions aren't from new people, the SC's don't come in very much, etc. They could (and usually do) shill stuff at the end of streams during the SC readings they typically have. Unlike before where it motivated them to get up early and not lay in bed, it just keeps them up at night.

>> No.79330863

Chat is a small percentage of people who watch. Have you ever seen the people with FWMC profile pictures they reply to every now and then on twitter?
Their regulars, their "core fans" are extremely important and have a profound impact on their decisions and content, but it's a handful of people compared to the amount who watch them. Again I call attention to the average retention period. People who even watch a stream start to finish are a tiny minority. CCV itself is just a percentage of the amount of people who "tuned in live". FWMC care about the silent majority a lot, whether you agree with the decision or not.

>> No.79330882

>the submissions aren't from new people
I don’t recognize almost half the people submitting Pero sightings or doggy of the days. Even walk submissions can have new faces. You’re more likely to see a regular for question of the days than you are for those.

>> No.79330896

It's something they're invested in. If you understand why they care about FWMC Morning so much you'll understand them better

>> No.79331037

FWMC Morning is one of the things they do to have a positive impact in people. When they talked about caring about the ruffians they didn't reference their game streams, or their songs, they said they want the ruffians to go out on walks and share bits of their lives with them. That is what it's about.

>> No.79331185

Has anyone posted a similar question to >>79153898 yet? I was thinking of doing it since people know I'm /here/ anyways.

>> No.79331190

Have you forgiven them yet, Ruffians?

>> No.79331238


>> No.79331268
Quoted by: >>79331371

For what?

>> No.79331371
File: 228 KB, 328x292, 1615527514513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79331420

Stupid whore

>> No.79331478

I'm not yours, fuck off.

>> No.79331513

Yeah, it's one of the ways they have a tangible, positive impact on people's lives. Rather than just "be pawsitive :D", they'll say "get some sunlight, my d*de". If they get some neets getting a bit of exercise and sunlight just to be featured, that's a massive accomplishment.

>> No.79331518 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 480x360, 1719433237284033.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them.

>> No.79331535

Why would I care about the cancelation of a stream? I don't watch FWMC Mornings most of the time anyways.

>> No.79331547
Quoted by: >>79331659

FuwaMoco Nerissa mentioned finally on Marine's stream

>> No.79331659
Quoted by: >>79331742

What'd she say?

>> No.79331691

sisters and seadogs are truly grasping for straws.

>> No.79331727

Me on the right

>> No.79331742
Quoted by: >>79331856

I dunno, but it was kinda short

>> No.79331834

Kinda hard to get chosen when you're posts are invisible to them and you're not part of the clique

>> No.79331856

Post a timestamp and some of the anons doing their reps can translate it later

>> No.79331915

>when you are posts are invisible
maybe you'll get chosen if you learn english seanog

>> No.79331933

Most of the posts chosen aren't from the clique though?

>> No.79331942

Hopefully this stream isn't too long so I can do it.

>> No.79331947
Quoted by: >>79332144

Alt accounts exist anon

>> No.79332090

Every submission chosen has been from me and all my alt accts btw

>> No.79332144

>making alt accounts so you get more likes from FWMC
Ruffians really should kill themselves

>> No.79332161
File: 8 KB, 228x234, 1717646073610956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice smile

>> No.79332172

Depends what you mean by 'the clique'. Most submissions get picked by people who follow a ton of other holo fan accounts who follow them back, giving them a better boost in the algo. That gives them more eyes on their posts and a better chance when FuwaMoco search that they'll be towards the top of the list in the hashtags. Sometimes they pick a random time and grab from newest, but it's mostly from that currated list that twitter shovles to you. Same reason why it used to seem like more of their likes when visable were to a chunk of people in that sphere.

>> No.79332281

she's talking about Bijou now

>> No.79332333

>tune in
>she's being cute again

>> No.79332438

let me know when she talks about me

>> No.79332464

Me on the left

>> No.79332706
Quoted by: >>79332787

Why did you post Kiara here?

>> No.79332787

Glad I wasn't the only one who saw that.
If Moco-chan kissed Kiara, I would explode and jerk off to nothing but that for the rest of my days.

>> No.79332820
Quoted by: >>79332982

I think that retard genuinely thought it was them.

>> No.79332853

Marine should invite Gura, Kobo, Bijou and Mococo to a sleep over.

>> No.79332874

Mococo doesn’t fuck with that gay shit.

>> No.79332893

Why would she invite a bunch of foreigners over?

>> No.79332943

Two of those girls should be written off that list

>> No.79332953
Quoted by: >>79332984

How would Mococo react to "Mococock"?

>> No.79332982

Unironically not chubby enough.

>> No.79332984

It'd give her big dick energy

>> No.79333022
File: 401 KB, 2048x1322, salsalsalt530 1806290858540748811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79333065

No. It was only one guy (Nae) going schizo again over lewd art.

>> No.79333084
File: 1 KB, 242x53, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mama's keychain is PO and only live at 19 July
o-oh no
I already bought other stuff to combine with it but it doesn't seems I'd be able to

>> No.79333094
Quoted by: >>79333309

you can tell which posts they liked on the hashtag by the ridiculously amount of views they get despite the low like count

>> No.79333136

hot concept
pathetic floofies

>> No.79333139

>RR streaming rn
at least I don't need to deal with schizoschizo rn

>> No.79333203
Quoted by: >>79333480

Why doesn't anyone in Holo do reaction videos?
It's a popular category on Youtube

>> No.79333309

It's the same with untagged tweets too, though I can only verify from the HUGE W screencap I saw just now.

>> No.79333440
Quoted by: >>79333944

has yt-dlp been absolute shit for anyone else as of late? the quality of each video i attempt to download now is always reduced to 360p for some reason

>> No.79333480

Gura tried and the push back from fans almost sent her ass into permanent retirement

>> No.79333783


>> No.79333803

They were right to. We have reaction streams to other Holo content which is fine, but allowing Holo to get into the 'reaction' meta means we'll get tons of some of the lowest form of entertainment and effort streams.

>> No.79333944


Nope. Make sure it's updated, youtube will randomly fuck it over. I try to always use a VPN though so I don't end up on some throttle list.

>> No.79334000

I don't disagree at all, I remember being a sapling and someone brought it up in the thread once and we all nailed him to cross for it.
It's lazy and such low effort trash. And once a vtuber stoops that low it's over.

>> No.79334047

yup just needed to update lol thanks

>> No.79334235
Quoted by: >>79334979

Do they really put your IP on a throttle list because of direct downloading like that? Maybe that's why youtubr has gotten shittier for me.

>> No.79334316
Quoted by: >>79334811

There had better be an influx of portal porn with FUWAMOCO soon. I hope they have a few clips that go viral so artists are aware

>> No.79334536
File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, meopen429 1806311636866662799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79334811

portal is a dead a fuck game

>> No.79334890

Sisyphus vs was kino how are they so in touch with their audience bros? It was so fucking funny seeing Fuwawa act like a thot to the point of parody

>> No.79334979


I have no idea. I’m just saying it’s certainly possible so I’m careful

>> No.79335028
Quoted by: >>79335844

Is this a bot post?

>> No.79335039
File: 125 KB, 512x500, 1718862090006427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79335844


>> No.79335085
Quoted by: >>79335484

And now instead of reaction content, they get no content. What a victory!

>> No.79335329

Ruffini everywhere

>> No.79335406

I didn't watch it since it was vertical.

>> No.79335484

That debacle started her lazy shark arc so it is what it is.

>> No.79335510
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 10004554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79335844


>> No.79335636

They can't do reaction content anyways. Japs are autistic with copyrights. Ame got bonked just for showing that spinning screaming monkey video.

>> No.79335643

Today I will cum to the pink one

>> No.79335682

>Sissypuss is going uphill with obstacles pushing you around
>Fall Guys is going uphill with obstacles pushing you around
>They love Fall Guys
Ok, the pieces finally clicked into place for me. Why do they love Fall Guys so much

>> No.79335755

I'm very sorry for saying many things I now regret...
I saw myself far too much in you and thought to see you make similar mistakes, I did in the past.
I'm truly truly sorry and hope that you can forgive me being overly concerned and maybe hurting you by that...

>> No.79335783


>> No.79335786

didn't ask

>> No.79335835

>I saw myself far too much in you and thought to see you make similar mistakes, I did in the past.
FWMC were stalkers and school shooters???

>> No.79335844


Why did you like the stream then? Because it certainly wasn’t because of Fuwawa actually playing the game.

>> No.79335859

Why are you so obsessed with these people.

>> No.79335868

>I saw myself far too much in you
What an insult.

>> No.79335881

they are demon dog retard

>> No.79335931

You might be surprised, but she made the same amount of progress as Miko, Nerissa and Korone did.

>> No.79336036
Quoted by: >>79336071

I thought it was ok, nothing great. Lower than dual MC, higher than Ice Climber.

>> No.79336045
File: 198 KB, 456x427, 1718754691280532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79336057
Quoted by: >>79336149

they all sucked though

>> No.79336071

>higher than Ice Climber
Not saying much

>> No.79336108

I hope he leaves and takes purity schizo and the Hungarian with him.

>> No.79336149
Quoted by: >>79336678

And people like the streams. I don't see retards like you accusing them of acting like a thot.

>> No.79336182

This is really bad, I can't even get hard for anyone but Fuwawa and sometimes Mococo. I don't know if I'll ever be able to have a 3D relationship or start a family at this rate... Am I going to have ti imagine fucking fluffy and fuzzy any time I need to perform?

>> No.79336187

>I saw myself far too much in you and thought to see you make similar mistakes, I did in the past.
Lol that's one way to stick it to them I guess

>> No.79336213

No one asked.

>> No.79336234

I really want to respond to tell him he should have stayed away longer. Fucking retard did it all for attention and is trying ti pity card. You don't get to try to act like the victim when you're the piece of shit asshole

>> No.79336279

Here you go

>> No.79336337
Quoted by: >>79336896

because these retards are actively ruining the happiness and days of our oshis by being menhera pieces of shit. Report them and hope X and YouTube ban them for harassment, this shit is just cruel manipulation at this point.

>> No.79336343

I asked

>> No.79336355


Yeah I watched Miko and Korone too. Great streams. I even showed my mom Miko since I was over there for Mother’s day

I don’t speak JP though so it was a real treat.

>> No.79336394

their likes went up quite a lot since the stream there must have been a spree again?

>> No.79336396

Reddit spacing. Of course.

>> No.79336435

yes i received one for my post stream tweet a few hours ago

>> No.79336439

If you kill yourself you can find out, I promise

>> No.79336451
Quoted by: >>79336808

nothing about fuwamoco, just joking around with nerissa (she called marine small)

>> No.79336516
File: 36 KB, 754x400, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this mean, japanese timestamps confusing

>> No.79336551
File: 68 KB, 450x881, 1719389982571596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget his honest thoughts, even if he tries to deny saying them. They should never trust him again.

>> No.79336623

search twitter for "fwmc" and see for yourself

>> No.79336628

He's right though.

>> No.79336633

yeah egosa a few hours ago. Usually they go on a daily spree during their afternoon must be when they have a break from practice

>> No.79336678


You realize that wasn’t me right and that you are shitting up the thread just as much? My reply was here >>79336355
and I’m not stupid enough to realize the guy who replied to it is an anti. Don’t become the schizos you hate just because you get raided by them.

>> No.79336700

he's partly right he's just very autistic and has no tact

>> No.79336703
Quoted by: >>79336925

they will reply to this

>> No.79336753

Nothing here is incorrect.

>> No.79336808
Quoted by: >>79336905

why did she mention them though?

>> No.79336856


>> No.79336873

Thread was quiet and erupted into life when the penguin fag's tweet was posted. Why is /baubau/ like this?

>> No.79336876

I would have respected his reasonable position if he didn't fucking backpedal on it like a tard >>79335755

>> No.79336893

I think I have a personal bookmarkschizo, every time the usual bookmarkschizo does his rounds, I end up with 2 bookmarks while others only have one. What is his endgoal?

>> No.79336896

They won't ever stop until FuwaMoco put their foot down with a hard stance. Being open to everyone all the time means you attract some of the biggest losers who are attention-starved narsassists that will never realize that they cause a majority of their social issues. Then they play the sympathy or victim card

>> No.79336905
Quoted by: >>79337012

she's just setting the context that it happened during their collab

>> No.79336925

didn't ask don't care BAU BAU

>> No.79336956
Quoted by: >>79337122

what a dumbass
part of their interests are also to try hitting that 1M sub goal.

>> No.79336980

If only they were that based.

>> No.79337006

I don't like Pero but we need him to have a sub account or host another episode and just crucify faggots like this and the fuzzian.

>> No.79337012

I see. Thanks.

>> No.79337082
Quoted by: >>79337299

>in aspiration of a goal that is my eyes is unimportant
So you don't care about them or what they want at all. No need to say more, oshihen because you hate them and stop hanging around before you become even more of an anti.

>> No.79337106
Quoted by: >>79337299

I wish he just fucked off for real. This kinds of stuff just gives ammo to the sisters and antis. You can easily see this whole meltdown be added as a part of a dramatuber video.
I guess his behavior is almost indistinguishable from that of antis so it's not surprising.

>> No.79337122

Not everybody cares about that goal, nor should they.

>> No.79337150

More shocked by her liking Akane.
That's some shit taste.

>> No.79337170
Quoted by: >>79337295

He had valid points but executed them kinda poorly.
But as usual FUWAMOCO will welcome hin back with praise and open arms.

>> No.79337195
Quoted by: >>79337299

Most of this shit is incorrect and retarded. He seems to think he understands their feelings when he's an autistic retard with 0 empathy.

>> No.79337209

I give him a few months till he’s gone, he’s already got doll’s oshi mark in his name after not even a week. She’s German like him and streams in his time zone. The reason why he feels like he is bold enough to post that and put his negative comment in the #tag is because deep down he knows he has someone to fall back on. He’s trying to keep up appearances by sticking with FWMC, but he’ll slowly fade and support his new girl because she fits into his life better. No shame in finding someone better, just go out quietly and use a new account.

>> No.79337247

>nor should they
Retard. It's one of their biggest goals so they obviously care about it and since they care about it then I care about it like any ruffian should.

>> No.79337290

You don't have to care, but he wasn't correctly identifying it as his own preference, he saw it as them doing something they hated. If you dislike their content and want to leave, that's fair game. If you think they dislike their content and want to leave because they're not being true to themselves, then that's you projecting and not wanting to take responsibility for your actions.

>> No.79337295

What more can they do? The days leading up to him making that tweet they gave him mote attention that basically any other Ruffian has had without being an artist or clipper. If that still isn't enough for him, it's him that's the issue. No surprise a narcissistic asshole like him "leaves the community" for less than 24H before coming back and pretending nothing is wrong. like, fuck off forever already if that's your feelings they aren't ever getting better and you clearly aren't enjoying this.

>> No.79337299

Holy shit, the meltdown over someone being even slightly critical of FWMC.

>> No.79337359

Fuck off penguin. You are a stalker. You are a creep. You are a monster.

>> No.79337381

If they disliked the content they wouldn't have played or streamed it. I'm not sure how autistic you have to be to not understand that. They're the ones that pick what they do and even made time in a crazy work schedule to fit that stream so obviously they wanted to play it. Talk about being a needy socially unaware retard...

>> No.79337402
Quoted by: >>79337533

because that motherfucker penguin shit is playing Internet armchair psychologist and thinks he knows them better than they know themselves and starts talking out his ass based on that premise.

>> No.79337403

>slightly critical
>500 tweets having a menhera schizo breakdown over fucking Friday Night Freddy's

>> No.79337419
Quoted by: >>79337647

>Use a new account

>> No.79337481

>slightly critical
He essentially said one of their biggest goals is worthless and anything they do that he doesn't like is a waste of their time. Essentially calling then number whores doing it for money and not fun. That's maybe the worst public comments I've seen about them outside obvious anti shitstirrers.

>> No.79337484

So what is the etiquette for the pre-concert messages Cover is selling? Am I allowed to sign my own name or do I have to use "the Ruffians"? I don't want this thread to talk about me for several hours because of something this stupid.

>> No.79337488

I don't get why he thinks they don't like FNAF. It was a horror game a bunch of their JP senpais were playing. They always try out horror games their senpais played.

>> No.79337533

How many of you fuckers pretend to know their desires and likes here? It's a constant excuse for /baubau/'s bad behavior.

>> No.79337541

there's a part to put your name

>> No.79337544

>"leaves the community" for less than 24H before coming back and pretending nothing is wrong.
the top menhera did just this. Laughing Fox, the Hungarian, the Penguin, and NarumiyaNayuta.

>> No.79337593
Quoted by: >>79337748

I mean he's not wrong.

>> No.79337606

there's a field for your name. watch the ones from before last fes for an idea. it's on the public hololive YT channel . but basically an ultra short SC or cheer since it's only 100 fucking characters

>> No.79337618

>What more can they do?
Block his ass and stop feeding bad fans attention.
But then again they cultivated a fanbase like this so fuck it.

>> No.79337620
File: 202 KB, 1280x1280, 1705851388698120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79337891

Had to re-read your post once more. It was kino and I enjoyed the stream. Fuwawa did decently and Mococo does pretty well when she's focused. For me, it was just more of the time they spent talking with us about random things. And this little moment with Fuwawa: https://www.youtube.com/live/5alo7tvE5ps?t=5037s

>> No.79337628

#shorts streams and long hiatuses means only thing and he is not wrong, just accept it, 90% of Hololive is like this

>> No.79337647
Quoted by: >>79337829

To protect their feelings. If you’re going to oshihen at least be courteous about it. How would they feel if an account they recognised used to be a hardcore ruffian and their fan was now doing the same for another girl.

>> No.79337650
Quoted by: >>79337703

Pretend? I don't have to pretend. They showed us all their goals rights from the start!

>> No.79337651

I would have been fine had he said that he wasn't the biggest fan of their picks lately and that he missed some of the older picks that went away like visual novels. Instead, he was an asshole, made a bunch of assumptions on what they might be interested in trying, and threw a bunch of bullshit in at the end.

>> No.79337656
File: 321 KB, 519x679, 1719409329864318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79337747

>stop fighting all the time wuffians

>> No.79337674

Is fine to put your names.

>> No.79337681

who the fuck is disagreeing with this? based as fuck for telling it how it is

>> No.79337703
Quoted by: >>79337755

>Mococo's only pretending to be uncomfortable with being called sexy. We have to train her to accept it.

>> No.79337705

yeah ruffians sure are a bit ruff huh

>> No.79337707
Quoted by: >>79337821

>He's not wrong!
>He's right though
I don't believe for one second you shitstirring faggots mean that

>> No.79337711
Quoted by: >>79337767

It's funny because he's the one that had a meltdown over receiving slight criticism

>> No.79337732

Didn’t they make a side comment during the last FWMC Morning about how they enjoyed all the games they’ve played?

>> No.79337747

Suck my motherfluffin dick

>> No.79337748

If a goal is important to the person setting it, it isn't worthless. Never mind the fact that 1M subs is a big deal for getting more power and opportunity within hololive. Many many many members have said this over the years

>> No.79337753

>slightly critical
He went on a mega schizo episode just because he didn't like the game they were playing.
Maybe if he acted more like a man instead of a child throwing a temper tantrum we wouldn't shit on him that much.

>> No.79337754
Quoted by: >>79337807

Yes they did

>> No.79337755

who are you quoting?

>> No.79337759
Quoted by: >>79337931

>he's not wrong! we should all spam their socials with similar complaints!
>i'll do it right after you do it on main
>totally not an anti btw

>> No.79337767

True. He’s done it multiple times now. The guy can’t take any criticism whatsoever. Reminds me of his “‘monster” posting from earlier this year.

>> No.79337783

>He essentially said one of their biggest goals is worthless
And he was right. The quality of their streams have plummeted ever since they've been obsessed with this stupid goal of theirs. You know it's bad when Fuwamoco can't even be arsed to remember the name of one of the games they stream before and after playing it.

>> No.79337807

Ponguin BTFO

>> No.79337814

Yeap. He deactivated his account after that. Faggot came crawling back less than 24hrs later.

>> No.79337821

They're turning into numberfags and prioritizing their success over the experience and the fanbase. Not even arguable at this point.

>> No.79337829
Quoted by: >>79337929

That's on them. People move on, and if anything, if you see a lot of people in others chats, it gives you a much clearer idea if you've lost what made people interested in the first place.

>> No.79337844

Yes and that was clearly in response to reading his retarded menhera dump posted on their tags. Of course he will ignore that.

>> No.79337857

Look man, I just want to watch some cute demon guard dogs BAU BAU, sing/dance, and play games. I don't get why these Europeans are so desperate to control what these immensely popular VTubers who don't even stream in EU timezones do and constantly vie their attention.

>> No.79337891
File: 120 KB, 900x900, 1719371869491698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her.

>> No.79337897

That was them fucking coping. Notice how they said that only after Ponguin made his tweet calling them out on it. You can't honestly sit there and tell me they enjoyed Mbembe. Look at their chat comments and tweet after the stream was over for fucks sake.

>> No.79337901

>See girls, one of your biggest and most important goals is worthless because I say so!
fuck off, all of you

>> No.79337905

Given how you faggots treat them like shit, I hope they prioritize their own success and wellbeing more.

>> No.79337918
Quoted by: >>79338002

You guys like to pretend too much. Fuwamoco is not the same as in their debut, why is that so hard to understand? they overpromised, they fucked up and they apologized. Just let go.

>> No.79337922
Quoted by: >>79337995

Having a message to just one of them for a concert to fit in 100 characters is a real challenge.

>> No.79337929

To each their own.

>> No.79337931

that is the playbook they have been working with for months and he fell for it (we know he's terminally /here/)

>> No.79337964
Quoted by: >>79338032

Yeah he's just projecting. They've always played stuff outside of their usual interests and had fun because it was with the ruffians.

>> No.79337992

yep, its boring as fuck. they'll hit magic shiny number (and too late, rumao) and then what? we gonna keep shorts spamming til 2 mil then?
fuck off with this shit. anyone supporting this is cucked beyond belief to actually sacrifice content for a dogshit "dream"

>> No.79337995
Quoted by: >>79338412

I have my ace in the hole
I type long words in JP

>> No.79338002

Because I always get fucked by liars. I put my feeling on the line and always get hurt
how about you faggot?

>> No.79338011
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, GAHBAznaAAAD_Cr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to watch Miosha's return stream together in a few days, right?

>> No.79338032

True, but you feel it a lot more when there's less stream time and all of their actual favorite stuff is shoved to the side because it's terrible for hitting 1m asap.

>> No.79338035


>> No.79338051

Yes they did. They don't really care about what game they play, they just see it as an excuse to spend time with us.

>> No.79338058

this doesn't sound like a ruffian at all

>> No.79338059

if anyone is coping it was Pongturd with that long-ass wall

>> No.79338062
File: 268 KB, 1080x1920, purorori 1805220500408516843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the game of sissyphoos... sisphusses... sisyphus?

>> No.79338065

Sister are you still angry the niji en concert was cancelled? Have you managed to get refunded for your flights and hotel costs yet?

>> No.79338078


>> No.79338076

sissy pussy

>> No.79338111
File: 783 KB, 918x1014, 1718760216900481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her...

>> No.79338119


>> No.79338152

See? This faggot doesn't even dare to type they-who-shall-not-be-named in fear of getting called out of not watching streams

>> No.79338156
Quoted by: >>79338188

they should play sispeeus again
mococo looks like she would clear it quickly relative to hololive

>> No.79338157

They had fun with Mbembe not because of the game but because we all got to sit through that shit and react together. They value the experience together with Ruffians it doesn't really matter what the game is. They are the ones choosing the stream content and they continually say they want you to be excited for it so to openly post a 20 tweet rant about why you hate them and their choices is literal anti behavior, no denying it.

>> No.79338163

Purityschizos STILL didn't give up? Holy kek. They JUST told an artist that they love the lewd art too and to draw whatever he wants.

>> No.79338172

Based and fully agree.

>> No.79338188

I wana see Mococo give this another go. She is really good at it.

>> No.79338197

>They had fun with Mbembe not because of the game
So in other words they didn't enjoy the game you fucking retard. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.79338198

>pwease wuffians, it's always been our goal to hit 2 MILLION wuffians! you know how gweedy we are!

>> No.79338201
File: 466 KB, 719x567, 1718380121814182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ehehehehe wuffian

>> No.79338218

you know true cuck experience?
going to cuck thread and then asking them to not be cuck

>> No.79338245

>Be excited for it.
That guy said a lot of dumb suit, but what should I do if I really don't want to watch shit like Mbembe or the 8 rooms games? What if I think they're unfun to watch and FuwaMoco barely make it tolerable? Just skip the stream and say I'm looking forward to the next one?

>> No.79338271
File: 396 KB, 1280x720, 1691876947002796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79338302

Fluff and the fuzz

>> No.79338274
Quoted by: >>79338737

Do the same thing you're doing right now

>> No.79338294

Then don't watch it? No one is forcing you. But I don't get why you think is out of character for them to play such games. They always do.

>> No.79338303

Starting to feel like this too

>> No.79338302
Quoted by: >>79338372


>> No.79338306

NTA, but Mbembe is a good example of how they'll tell us if they REALLY didn't enjoy a game, not that Ponguin fucker's way of "Well I didnt enjoy, so you two obviously didn't enjoy it too"

>> No.79338305

They had a blast with Mbembe, what the fuck are you talking about? Yes, the game was dumb, but we had a great time together, that's what they value most. How can you watch them for any amount of time and still not get this?
Go watch male fleshtuber speedrunners if you want someone for the gameplay experience. They want to spend time with us being silly with silly games.
They would have far less fun with a game that is so demanding they can't pay too much attention to us. In fact, Fuwawa complained about this very thing just because she had to focus for like 5 minutes last night.

>> No.79338310
Quoted by: >>79338737

It's fun to play slop and just roast it sometimes, which is what happened. Look at the notebook watchalong.

>Just skip the stream and say I'm looking forward to the next one
Uh, yes? Is that really so hard to grasp?

>> No.79338317 [DELETED] 
File: 755 KB, 866x891, 1702801866967746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79338530

I see a lot of angry seaniggers and nijitrannies here, did something good happen?

>> No.79338371
File: 1.51 MB, 720x1080, Fuwawa I accept that I'm fluffy and dorky.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fes0rw9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love this woman.

>> No.79338372
File: 497 KB, 680x387, 1651243923671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ideal woman a man could have.

>> No.79338378

Last night gave us this moment. I ascended.

>> No.79338397
Quoted by: >>79338483

These threads used to be waaaay waaaayy much more toxic months ago, that's because the people who is not ok with the way they handle themselves now leaved, they don't complain they just stop watching and some of you should do the same

>> No.79338409

>They had a blast with Mbembe, what the fuck are you talking about?
Please stop being disingenuous and revising history. Even they said they should not "mbembe the stream" after it was over.

>> No.79338412

I guess that's an option, would feel a little dumb sending my message in japanese when they know I'm not, but I guess they'll understand the reason immediately.

>> No.79338444

Halo is shit

>> No.79338471

why would you want to ruin that experience in the constantly raided thread? JST prime time is always raid time here.

>> No.79338477
Quoted by: >>79338526

the fact that they use the term mbembe should tell you everything dumbass

>> No.79338483
Quoted by: >>79338845

Ponguin needs to do it
he should fuck off forever to Cecilia and stay there. Hell, maybe he'll piss off Cecilia too with his selfish asshole personality.

>> No.79338497
File: 641 KB, 771x1020, 1709314937802280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this woman.

>> No.79338507

Gozaru's 3Dlive watchalong was pretty fun though.

>> No.79338524
Quoted by: >>79338605

I don't care if he goes menhera. I don't care if he keeps watching FWMC or stops. I simply find it stupid he has to continuously tag FWMC in his melodrama though. Why tag it? It makes no sense unless to try and get sympathy or attention. He's hoping for a like to justify his views. It's a vtuber. Watch them or don't watch. Stop being a bitch around it.

>> No.79338526
Quoted by: >>79338550

Stupid piece of shit. You're just trying to save face and cope alongside them. Final (You).

>> No.79338530

Niji concert got canceled likely due to horrible ticket sales right after the Holo Anime NYC event sold out in an hour.

>> No.79338540

It starts at 4AM burger time? That's when this place is slow and comfy.

>> No.79338550

>no argument
I accept your concession

>> No.79338591
Quoted by: >>79338728

Fuwawa is as needy as Mococo but she always hides it. If they both removed their limiters it would be a sight.

>> No.79338605

They would probably see it even if he didn't tag it but tagging it to guarantee they see his bullshit is fucking unforgivable shit. People that do that won't ever change because they're monsters that lack normal social awareness or empathy

>> No.79338612

It was just a pun you fucking retard, they keep bringing it up again and redoing that joke. In fact Mococo picked one up and laughed right as Fuwawa was remembering the penguin's favorite food. They thought it was funny as hell.
Try watching the stream paying attention to the stream tab and not this thread once in your life.

>> No.79338613

sometimes I wish holodex have parent category so I don't need to unwatch all 9 gen of holostars one by one

>> No.79338655
File: 247 KB, 512x512, 1702605783454288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niji concert got canceled likely due to horrible ticket sales

>> No.79338666

Who the fuck is Itoi Toi

>> No.79338665
Quoted by: >>79338714

>It was just a pun you fucking retard
Yeah because you can't make puns out of something you didn't enjoy. Are you slow or something?

>> No.79338714

See, there's this difference between can't and won't

>> No.79338718

>They would have far less fun with a game that is so demanding they can't pay too much attention to us.
I love this projection. It's pure narcissism.

>> No.79338724

>>79338612 (me)
Here the timestamp, even after watching something emotional like Hachi they're still having fun with that dumb joke. They loved that shit.

>> No.79338728

Now that I think about it, is there a senpai out there that really, really likes Fuwawa?

>> No.79338737
Quoted by: >>79338869

Because you fags will do the same exact thing you're doing now. Get pissed off that someone said they weren't happy with the streaming choice but were excited for whatever the next stream was. Ponguin is a fuckhead because he lumped a bunch of other personal shit into that post, but you can see people spazzing out on the fact that some people genuinely aren't happy with some of their game choices recently, and to those people it feels more impactful because they are streaming less than before, which was expected.

>> No.79338759

Moco-chan was already tight before but imagine the grip strength now after all of this dance practice. She might be able to completely break me if she climaxes when I'm inside her

>> No.79338771
Quoted by: >>79338841


>> No.79338773

Good call, anon
Now we're back to the parts where everyone projecting their feelings on the doggos

>> No.79338824

kek did it really? That explains all the shitposting, huh.

>> No.79338838

How can it be projection when she said so herself?
Watch streams while you dilate, I'm sure you can manage to do both to be a better shitposter.

>> No.79338841
Quoted by: >>79339073

oh, that's good to hear

>> No.79338845

Cecilia is a german so she won’t stand for that shit since being German is already a passive autism boost from birth. Look at kiara and she’s German lite.

>> No.79338869
Quoted by: >>79339320

>Because you fags will do the same exact thing you're doing now
Why do you care about what I'm doing?
How about you shove all your feelings up your ass and fucking fuck off
Who the fuck cares

>> No.79338883
File: 451 KB, 1303x747, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79338898

>Holo Anime NYC event sold out in an hour
Yes but not quite. The QUEUE that had all the tickets finished in an hour. I checked. Everything but gen adm was sold out if you lined up in queue about 2 minutes past opening, though queue for waiting was about 45 min to an hour. If everyone could buy their tickets without a queue, it would have been sold out fully in minutes if that.

>> No.79338902
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>> No.79338903
Quoted by: >>79338971

Mio liked her before dying, let's see if the feelings are still there after she was reborn as CyberMio

>> No.79338913
Quoted by: >>79339014

so Pongshit will only ever do this shit to them because he thinks the two of them are doormats

>> No.79338948
File: 893 KB, 864x1536, _hinatahirune 1781661522063978875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats ruffian

>> No.79338956
Quoted by: >>79339117

Horrible example: Kiara tolerated a literal EU stalker for years responding to his DMs and meeting him in person

>> No.79338971

lol ok

>> No.79338975

Ah I see... Now it makes sense why there are suddenly so many "ruffians" constantly shitting on FWMC. I'll just assume that every negative post is a nijisister from now on.

>> No.79338983

Nice get, anon. Have fun! Hope Fuwawa isn't stuck with all tourists, every ruffian who posted their get seemed to only have gotten Mococo's. I did see a big titty cosplayer who got Fuwawa's, though, so she'll at least be happy with that.

>> No.79338991
File: 3.84 MB, 314x1080, Zfl4fmaa3af8tk 7.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79339118

this but Moco-chan please

>> No.79339001

>Look at kiara and she’s German lite.
Kiara is way more forgiving than FWMC.

>> No.79339014

And they are, which is why they have such a solid chunk of trash that orbits around them while flopping from superfan to anti with every post they make, in public and private.

>> No.79339018

Why is everyone getting Mococo? Has anyone pulled Fuwawa yet?

>> No.79339029

I’m a mixture a jealous and happy for you. Enjoy it, and try not to spill too much spaghetti.

>> No.79339043

Nice one Agri

>> No.79339060

did anyone at all win Fuwawa, what the hell

>> No.79339073
Quoted by: >>79339271

In case you're not aware, Fuwawa was walking alongside Suisei and chatting just the two of them to the point Nerissa even said it looked like they were on a date. They seemed to have fun together. I guess Suisei enjoyed their ambition, since they said they asked her a shitload of questions, and she said she'll cheer them on. And considering how Fuwawa does most of the talking, I guess they hit it off based on that drive.

>> No.79339079
File: 136 KB, 781x691, pero congrats ex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79339099

Back before Mel was fired, she mentioned wanting to be really close friends with Fuwawa. She seemed to like her more than Mococo. A little unfortunate there...

>> No.79339118
File: 2.07 MB, 2894x4093, 1717369089416161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend was made for rape.

>> No.79339117
Quoted by: >>79339201

Nice revisionism retard. She met him at a con when a bunch of KFP came up to her, tried to calm his stalker autism down by replying kurtly but politely, and when he didn't take the hint she blasted him and he started to truly track her down to the point she had to move.

>> No.79339160

Mococo killed Mel so she wouldn't steal her sister...

>> No.79339165
File: 101 KB, 300x256, 084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijifans are upset at Niji and Doki for the cancellation, so they shit up a random Holo thread in retaliation and not the Niji or Doki threads?

>> No.79339175

>molested girl wants to be friends with a sex pest
Mel you weren’t doing great for breaking stereotypes.

>> No.79339201

jesas what the fuck is wrong with EU schizoids?

>> No.79339220

congrats Gray

>> No.79339229

was mococo also the preferred one in their PL?

>> No.79339259

Shitposters want people to reply to them, ruffians bite any bait they see. It's a good stress relief, I guess.
Compare to how pebbles react to raids.

>> No.79339266

the JPs are good at sniffing out desperation, so no

>> No.79339271

yea, I haven't caught that story
thanks for telling me

>> No.79339301
File: 2.94 MB, 1447x2047, GMKM7AYboAEzNHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the vibe Koyori likes Fuwawa.

>> No.79339316
Quoted by: >>79339455

She calls him out and humiliates him on her RM on twitter. Feel bad for her desu. Glad the KFP seem to protect her at cons she goes to.

>> No.79339320
Quoted by: >>79339362

i care, how about you stop playing thread police and shitting up your thread and just not reply to stuff that clearly upsets your weak ass?

>> No.79339326
Quoted by: >>79339425

a little bit

>> No.79339340

They weren't big enough for there to be any significant difference.

>> No.79339344

Of course, they're both numberwhores.

>> No.79339361

She seemed really happy to have Fuwawa doing the harmonies for her.

>> No.79339362
Quoted by: >>79339407

how about you stop playing thread police and shitting up my thread and just not reply to stuff that clearly upsets your weak ass?

>> No.79339370
Quoted by: >>79339621

Some people didn’t even know Mococo was supposed to be a girl.

>> No.79339388
Quoted by: >>79339557

We don't call them that here, they are nijisisters. And yes, they are insecure about the pathetic company they love so much, so when they get BTFO'D like this they start shitposting in holothreads to make sure no one talks about their failure of a company.

>> No.79339391
Quoted by: >>79339499

there's a reason no one wants to associate with EU for business. I feel bad for justice but they know what they're getting in to. I hope they pull all the EU fucks in and make EN streams and communities better by being a sponge.

>> No.79339407
Quoted by: >>79339484

>unironically mindbroken
>no u
concession accepted, KWAB

>> No.79339425

what the fuck i guess mococo is just really loved wherever she goes

>> No.79339455

If it gets that bad with Ruffians the knights of the silver claw will be here to protect them.

>> No.79339482

she's the more lively one, so she grabs more attention with her actions

>> No.79339484

>unironically mindbroken
>no u
concession accepted, KWAB

>> No.79339493
Quoted by: >>79339563

Congrats bro. I'm glad Mococo is going to get to meet some real ruffians. I hope someone wins Fuwawa...

>> No.79339499
Quoted by: >>79339554

I’m one of the good ones, I just can’t catch a lot of mid week streams live. I’d like to stay, please. I make a good cup of tea so I can be helpful.

>> No.79339515
Quoted by: >>79339648

Yeah. she had a ton of fan accounts named after her too, relative to their audience size of course. No one ever appreciates Fuwawa but she is happy seeing her sister loved at least...

>> No.79339516

It’s not just them. Phasefans hate everything about FWMC and shit up our threads too

>> No.79339554
Quoted by: >>79339609

>I’m one of the good ones
the good ones never say they're the good ones

>> No.79339557

>Nijifans just wanted to support their oshis
>Niji vtubers just wanted to entertain their fans
>Niji management cancels concert
>Holofans are the primary victim
>Nijifans did this
The Holofan cries in pain as he strikes you

>> No.79339563

Thanks but I really, really wanted to meet both of them. I don't really like the fact that they're separate for meet and greets. I guess I'll tell Mococo to pass a few messages on to Fuwawa for me.

>> No.79339592
File: 1.15 MB, 1378x1328, phasenigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate those motherfuckers so much...

>> No.79339609

You got me. I’m not good, I’m Fuwawa!

>> No.79339621
File: 882 KB, 1280x1280, 1696731200153346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79339683

I was a retard and thought they were a Female and Male couple streaming as chuubas. I never checked them out because of my own retarded self for thinking Mococo's old chuuba model was a boy.

>> No.79339634

You'll be fine. Don't make it awkward by constantly telling hee you wanted to meet both of them.

>> No.79339650

them being separate is sadly the norm

>> No.79339648
File: 204 KB, 1000x744, sakurapion 1753334943361667143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79340002

i really want fuwawa to know how much she's loved and appreciated. i feel it's never relaly enough

>> No.79339658

>its europeans
>its nijikeks
>its phasekeks
when are we finally going to realise its ruffians shitting up the thread and it isn't just the monster of the week?

>> No.79339683

It's ok her old model was even flatter and no where near as feminine as her current model lol

>> No.79339686

maybe once you actually spell their name correctly

>> No.79339688
File: 402 KB, 380x475, bryanknight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knights of the silver claw
All dead. Don't worry though, I'll be there to protect FWMC.
When I finish raping and torturing the stalkers and schizos they'll barely look like human corpses.

>> No.79339690
Quoted by: >>79339882

Yes. She had the main running jokes of the channel.
Turns out people love slight autism and insecurity. Brings out the PROTECT in people.

>> No.79339702

3 minutes is not a lot of time. I think saying you like both of them is enough and just focus on her and not spilling your spaghetti. I’m happy for you, Ruffian!

>> No.79339715

it's spelt rufferans, eurokeks

>> No.79339717
Quoted by: >>79339863

Fuwawa will probably be sitting right beside her in the background like a dual POV stream. Do you honestly believe she won't want to see the other Ruffians faces too?

>> No.79339745

You know that Phase girl that made fun of FuwaMoco a few months back? She got into a car crash and can't stream for two weeks while healing up.

>> No.79339756

Elder of the White Claw has gone gooned

>> No.79339765
Quoted by: >>79339821

>Phasefans hate everything about FWMC
Why? Is it because FWMC are not retarded whores like their oshis?

>> No.79339772
Quoted by: >>79339877

Same but I was going to not bring it up to her

>> No.79339794


>> No.79339812

Nah, it's just you samefagging. kys.

>> No.79339821
Quoted by: >>79340056

>not retarded whores
>2 POV #shorts numberfagging on sisyphus
uh oh

>> No.79339838
Quoted by: >>79339980

holy fuck you can create bookmark folders with Elon Plus, that's pretty cool.

>> No.79339834
Quoted by: >>79339896


>> No.79339837

I can't believe my straw doll curse actually works for once

>> No.79339863

I think it'd be funnier if they did it from seperate rooms. I know they'd never do it, but imagine if they made a competition out of who got the better Ruffians visiting them. I really wish we'd get a little more rivalry out of them from time to time.

>> No.79339877

mentioning her sister when it's 1 on 1 and 3 minutes seems like a baaaad idea but yoi do you. Maybe if somehow Fuwawa is there and talks do it but otherwise I strongly advise you not to

>> No.79339882

mococo's autism and cuteness really makes everything she does clip worthy and moves jp senpai watch clips so they gravitate to her weird and cute noises. i'm pretty sure when marine first talked about her infatuation with mococo she just went on and on about the cute noises she made. she also refuses to see mococo as sexy because of it

>> No.79339896

Airi aka PornWolf

>> No.79339918
Quoted by: >>79340121

no one told me the pink bitch is doing asmr right now
I'm disappointed, rufferans
>whispering zako zako

>> No.79339980

And now you understand that FuwaMoco has folders on their favorite ruffians.

>> No.79340002

I relate to the feeling but you have to keep in mind how much they remember of people individually. That's what stops me sometimes. I see a few ruffians trying to make up for this imbalance and giving Fuwawa their full attention, including the Star Wars videos guy, but I can't help but think about Mococo noticing specific ruffians not caring about her. Must sting a little. Especially when so many of her "exclusive fans" are complete casuals who don't give a fuck.

>> No.79340025
File: 3 KB, 312x312, 1697215626050120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79340031

Well thank god they hate me

>> No.79340040

You're really trying evey angle, is doxxposting your next move?

>> No.79340056
Quoted by: >>79340186

Wait what happened phasetranny? Did you forget to LARP as a ruffian? So you were the one shitting the thread, huh?

>> No.79340076
Quoted by: >>79340118

Nah, they have folders for menhera outburst

>> No.79340118

This one I believe

>> No.79340121

Which pink? Raora isn't streaming.

>> No.79340180

>Phase girl that made fun of FuwaMoco a few months back

>She got into a car crash and can't stream for two weeks while healing up.
KEK get fucked. The universe is against FWMC antis.

>> No.79340186

retard, thats an obvious niji falseflag
