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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79305976 No.79305976 [Reply] [Original]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01UZ2zEWiM8
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF4182tyVGg
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.


>> No.79306003
File: 316 KB, 2000x2000, gem girl painter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schejewel TBC. Day off tomorrow.

>> No.79306263

where would she need to go to fight the centipede-scorpion lady?

>> No.79306297

Rauh, she has the first bonfire there already.

>> No.79306301

Ruins of Rauh, through the Scadu Keep

>> No.79306410

so it's like the opposite of a sunflower? A shadowflower?

>> No.79306445

this isn't the main quest is it?

>> No.79306449

Huh this sunflower is a remembrance boss??

>> No.79306479

Nope. Optional side boss.

>> No.79306504

not technically, but you do get something from it that helps with the final boss

>> No.79306505

Recommended for main quest and for a bit of lore. You can do the main quest without it.

>> No.79306546

oh fuck. if she didn't bleed she wouldve killed it.

>> No.79306591

>chat saying 3 phases
I hate them so much.

>> No.79306609

Good first try LET'S GO BIBS

>> No.79306653
Quoted by: >>79306700

Chat's being terrible with Elden Ring, since the DLC dropped.

>> No.79306700

Chat has spoiled everything fun today

>> No.79306719

Since biboo isn't a jump attack CHAD she hasn't discovered the weak point yet

>> No.79306768

are we watching the same stream, she's jumping and kicking this thing like mad.

>> No.79306769

she usually spams the jump attack for fists

>> No.79306825

She figured it out it seems

>> No.79306904

I just joined in why the chat give out spoilers so much today?

>> No.79306966
Quoted by: >>79307040

What is it? I usually don't jump attack

>> No.79307027


>> No.79307040

the actual flower part.

>> No.79307037


>> No.79307052

Honestly Skibidi fragments ruin the dlc. Once you have like 12 it starts to become noticeably easier and now at 15 I'm taking larger chunks from bosses and nothing is hard anymore. This sunflower was piss easy for me.

>> No.79307060

The sunflower is such a troll boss

>> No.79307063

>kill boss
>it respawns

>> No.79307092

Chat has been waaaay worse than usual today with retarded advice and instant spoilers

>> No.79307094

because chat is a bunch of insufferable children

>> No.79307114

Got raided earlier so maybe that?

>> No.79307124

>tfw used fire incants
It never stood a chance.

>> No.79307141
Quoted by: >>79307383

PEAK artificial difficulty

>> No.79307162

She didn't get raided

>> No.79307183
Quoted by: >>79307383

The enemies in this DLC have stat bloat out of the ass
Removing skibidi fragments would be nice but you would need to lower the stats of everything while you're at it

>> No.79307197

There was a manual raid by GG.

>> No.79307206
Quoted by: >>79307383

that just leaves openings for the RL1 No Fragment runs to be truly bonkers

>> No.79307214

She thanked Gigi for the manual raid, whatever that means

>> No.79307215
Quoted by: >>79307301

>gigi fags ruining things

>> No.79307228
Quoted by: >>79307383

The sunflower is just piss easy once you learn the weak spot skibiti fragments or no.

>> No.79307244

the more days since the dlc released the more spoilers there will be, yesterday it was just as bad with some kid trying to spoil the final boss

>> No.79307296

oh god it turns into Tigrex

>> No.79307301

what's her fanbase called anyway?

>> No.79307345
Quoted by: >>79307434


>> No.79307360

>yesterday it was just as bad with some kid trying to spoil the final boss
oh chat will do it by themselves then she'll go into it spoiled because no fun allowed

Also I dont think it was any raid because spooky forest was like first 10 mins and chat was already spoiling by then

>> No.79307364

Someone spoiled the final boss 3 times in chat today. I'm autistic so I set one of the filters to be the final boss name so I can know exactly who to block.

>> No.79307383
File: 310 KB, 1000x746, Bloodlicker__6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish it was balanced around endgame level and not adjusted by Skibidi fragments. In the Bloodborne DLC for example these guys still haunt my memories and the bosses were all scaled well for endgame. Orphan could have been harder though. Not sure why something similar couldn't be done. I just don't get why they exist.

>> No.79307390


>> No.79307413

Actual gremlins

>> No.79307434
Quoted by: >>79307479

That's the green german's fans

>> No.79307446


>> No.79307467

Blasphemous Blade fucks this thing up so much.

>> No.79307479

Oh GG, not CC. I need to put on my glasses

>> No.79307521

I didn't hear no bell

>> No.79307566


>> No.79307574

she hates it

>> No.79307585


>> No.79307593

fire > tree

>> No.79307645
Quoted by: >>79307839

>using blasphemous blade
you didn't beat it

>> No.79307661

Name one thing blasphemous blade doesn't fuck. Even Mohg with his supposed fire resistance kneels to it. That thing used to be broken, it's just unbelievably OP for PVE still after the nerfs.

>> No.79307671

How come badass bosses dont even get a 2nd bar but this meme flower gets three???

>> No.79307708

a shield with good holy resistance and any weapon that deals fire damage trivialized this boss
I did with Mohg's spear and it burnt down like a dry shrub

>> No.79307719

cause it's funny

>> No.79307750

Badass bosses have triple the HP this thing has.

>> No.79307772

I do wish this thing changed a bit aesthetically each phase. Like getting more fucked up each time or something.
The attack where it looks like the skibiditree is pretty cool though.

>> No.79307776

this isn't even my final form

>> No.79307828
File: 12 KB, 360x360, you thought.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79307839
Quoted by: >>79307954

>using a shield

>> No.79307870

Damn imagine how badly the Skibidi Avatar could violate the Erdtree Avatar with those tentacle like arms. Skibidi Avatar is way stronger no way Erdtree Avatar could resist his advances.

>> No.79307955

I think she's been hit by like 95% of the thorn attacks

>> No.79307954
Quoted by: >>79310677

sorry anon I'm greatshieldpilled and blockmaxxing

>> No.79307973
Quoted by: >>79308032

Probably won't have another Palworld arc but the big update is out

>> No.79308032

She might if everyone goes back to it but it'll definitely be after elden wing

>> No.79308191

you can tell she doesn't like this boss at all

>> No.79308286
Quoted by: >>79308542

Biboo is so bad at dodging some basic attacks
at times like these I'm reminded that she is, in fact, a woman

>> No.79308323

Imagine if it got back up again.

>> No.79308341
Quoted by: >>79308564

Would have been funnier if it displays the message, you get the rewards and it revives again.

>> No.79308406


>> No.79308445


>> No.79308466

Shadow of the Erdtreeâ„¢

>> No.79308473

Why is she wearing her kimono anyways? Did she want to look extra sexy?

>> No.79308523 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.15 MB, 498x498, koseki-bijou-koseki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close your eyes

>> No.79308530
Quoted by: >>79308864

Any cool bosses left? Someone mentioned 3 remembrance bosses and 1 is dead so are the other 2 better?

She changed to kimono for pacifier buff at the messmer fight and just stuck to to I guess

>> No.79308542
Quoted by: >>79308715

she's good for woman standards, today I was trying to watch panko but I had to stop watching because of how shit she was. She was level 200, blasphemous blade spamming, missing every single dodge and panic rolling for like 10 seconds after getting hit and using mimic, beating every boss on her 2nd/3rd try, it was absolute pain

>> No.79308543

>for moonveil build

>> No.79308546
File: 15 KB, 181x181, 1637219976425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This damn brat is trying to seduce us ojisans

>> No.79308557

In case she needs to use THAT

>> No.79308564

It should, that would be funny. It should just constantly respawn near the grace and aggro immediately.

>> No.79308625 [SPOILER] 

I'm worried that Biboo hasn't been resting enough bwos, her throat still sounds hoarse. She should take it easy and not push herself too hard.

>> No.79308646
Quoted by: >>79308669

She already killed Gaius?

>> No.79308669
Quoted by: >>79308763


>> No.79308696
File: 796 KB, 2076x2440, 1704255157460127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79308714
File: 6 KB, 500x500, 1712736872733661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79308809


>> No.79308715

oh yeah I tried to watch some streamer that was using an overpowered STR build and killing every boss first try or 2nd try easily
It got honestly really boring and I tuned out after seeing them roflstomp maliketh and placidusaxx

>> No.79308717 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 500x500, 1784903267891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79308809


>> No.79308719
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1696395780697010s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79308763
Quoted by: >>79308788

Ah, already "nerfed" but it's still should be entertaining for her and us...

>> No.79308785
Quoted by: >>79308850

I fear that she'll go 12 hrs again and the fun boss will be after I go to bed

Feels bad bros

>> No.79308788
Quoted by: >>79308940

did they touch gaius retarded hitbox?

>> No.79308796
File: 731 KB, 1920x1080, good biboo[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fj3xfck.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79309240

seems like a good Biboo

>> No.79308809
File: 18 KB, 354x290, PUNCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79308850

She can't. Busy day tomorrow. Mane-chan will eat her alive if she does.

>> No.79308864

Remembrance bosses we have left are
is a piece of shit
is a literal who that will die in one attempt
same as Romina but cooler
>final boss
will test the limits of Biboo's skills

>> No.79308940

Nah but the Skibiddi blessing adjustment will affect it a bit...

>> No.79308950

How long until she gets to any of those?

>> No.79309017

Oh god so cute

>> No.79309031

Shes pretty close to Gaius, after Gaius maybe an hour to get to metyr depending on what she does.
Romina will be a bit, and final boss a few hours after that.

>> No.79309054

Gaius in like five minutes unless chat spoils how to get to the next finger zone. Metyr in maybe 15 minutes if they do spoil it.

>> No.79309071

5 mins to gaius, Then 2 more hours for romina, 4 more for metyr.

>> No.79309088

She could get to Gaius in 5 minutes maybe? She's really close already
Romina takes a bit longer
Metyr will come after Gaius most likely since you come across Gaius on the way there

>> No.79309127

>go outside for a minute to get my food from the delivery guy
>earbuds go off for whatever reason
>suddenly Biboo blasting off at full volume from my TV
Not sure why this had to happen when I am watching Biboo instead of the other 80% of the time when I am just watching dudes like Aris but whatever.

>> No.79309169
Quoted by: >>79309290

I'm surprised she doesn't quit out during falls but I guess that isn't entertaining

>> No.79309188

because its funnier that way

>> No.79309240
Quoted by: >>79309314

morning in Jakarta already?

>> No.79309290

speedtranny techniques are cringe, accept your well earned death

>> No.79309314
Quoted by: >>79310303

where the fuck is Jakarta?

>> No.79309354

Lucky rock.

>> No.79309369

She almost got skill issued again

>> No.79309463

Biboo is literally who the rainbow pebbles are for

>> No.79309625

She forgot her 120k souls

>> No.79309632

Yep, I saw that happening

>> No.79309671

God has a sense of humor

>> No.79309708
Quoted by: >>79309950

These fire knights would obliterate any boss pre mountaintop of the giants.

>> No.79309950
Quoted by: >>79309991

they're really strong for basic enemies
the helmet they drop is also the best one in the game, very much worth farming for

>> No.79309969

you guys said 5 mins but she looks lost as beep

>> No.79309991
Quoted by: >>79310084

They really did a mask of the mother, father and son at the same time deal.

>> No.79310037

always has been

>> No.79310051

It's not my fault that Biboo is a little retarded. As you can see, it was 10 steps away from where she died 3 times.

>> No.79310071

Time for pain...

>> No.79310084

yup it's an entire talisman of the erdtree's favor for free on an otherwise ok helmet

>> No.79310089


>> No.79310096
Quoted by: >>79310125

time for gayass

>> No.79310119

I've seen so many people bitch about this boss and I beat it in like 5 attempts just hitting him in melee range with Moonveil

>> No.79310125

Fuck that we're going to shaman village.

>> No.79310133

>she just said no to gaius

>> No.79310140

sadness ahead...

>> No.79310170

Probably my favorite area in the DLC.

>> No.79310181

Yeah that was like the dragon boss and noped the fuck out of it

>> No.79310216

>Tree Sentinel
Ahh, natsukashii

>> No.79310217

fucking tree sentinels...

>> No.79310237
Quoted by: >>79310278

When I fought these guys on my playthrough I realized how simple they are. It really gave me a sense of strength. Bravo Miyazaki.

>> No.79310278

same they were easy wins after all the bullshit I've gone through to make it here

>> No.79310290

Why do I see so much seethe about this Gaius guy? Every single thread someone brings this dude up unprompted and starts crying about him.

>> No.79310301

would much rather see her finish this quest chain than the main quest desu

>> No.79310303

He's calling you KAELAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.79310342

Broken boss. Hitboxes bigger than biboo's stamina.

>> No.79310371

I see a lot of chat wishing they could give her Supers

>> No.79310388
Quoted by: >>79310436

it's a mixture of retarded hitboxes and insanely overtuned damage
he can one-shot people with 60 vigor and full heavy armor

>> No.79310390

so Gaius is that pig guy, one of them is what awaits us at the end of the finger quest and the other 2 are main story?

>> No.79310427

how many?

>> No.79310428

how many times does she need to teach you this lesson tree man

>> No.79310436

There is a bug going on where you get hit twice by a few attacks. Gaius just happens to be the worst offender with this infinite duration pig charge attack.

>> No.79310446
Quoted by: >>79310518

kinda disappointing how people were hyping gaius then she just noped the fuck out

>> No.79310459


>> No.79310461

Gaius is pig guy, Metyr is from the finger quest, Romina is required to advance the main quest, final boss is final boss

>> No.79310518

cool questline>>>>>shitty boss

>> No.79310526

>final boss is final boss
big if true

>> No.79310557

wow i can't believe biboo did double tree sentinal first try!

>> No.79310596

How is the timing always so comedic

>> No.79310659

The next Souls game Fromsoft makes should have a giant dog in turtle armor boss

>> No.79310677

based shieldbro

>> No.79310734


>> No.79310748

the most peaceful place in Elden Ring

>> No.79310798

DAMN marika lives like this??

>> No.79310797

damn bitch, you lived like this

>> No.79310911

being Marika is suffering...

>> No.79310930

Biboo knew exactly what I was thinking

>> No.79310956

This is what happens when you try pot...

>> No.79310978

For me, it's the southern coast of the weeping peninsula after killing the misbegotten boss.

>> No.79311079

so marika got so assblasted by the hornsent killing her people that anything with horns gets killed or tortured to death?
kinda based tbdesu

>> No.79311175

It's funny because out of her cooch came out TWO Omens. Imagine how much she was seething.

>> No.79311235

elden ring has guns????

>> No.79311248
Quoted by: >>79311344

It's a cycle of pain deal, where the oppressed becomes the oppressor.

>> No.79311314

I'm glad we're past the days when Biboo would hem and haw for entire minutes over destroying any rock and shouting "PEBBLES DONT LOOK"

>> No.79311344

It's more like a "history is written by the winners" kinda deal. Shaman bad turn shaman into paste. Hornsent bad, hornsent turns us into paste. Messmer bad, Messmer turned into ash people who turned people into paste.

>> No.79311358
Quoted by: >>79311376

Dont worry, we will get our revenge soon.

>> No.79311376
File: 315 KB, 1000x1000, 1717550984773613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you, you fucking bitch

>> No.79311439


>> No.79311480

>Marika was born in the shaman village
>the hornsent hunted her people and stuffed them in jars
>she is the only survivor
>through political maneuvering and skilled leadership she becomes a god queen
>starts her own crusade against the hornsent
>puts her son Messmer in charge
>the hornsent people and their homes are burned to crisps
>the entire region they inhabit gets sent to the shadow realm
>over time people forget what the hornsent were but they can still be born like random mutations
>people in the Lands Between call them "omens" as a slur
>one day Marika gives birth to Morgott and Mohg the omen twins

No wonder she got mindbroken to the point of manifesting an alter ego

>> No.79311512


>> No.79311528

lemao what

>> No.79311588

retarded greys
and a bunch of greens too

>> No.79311589

I wish chat would just shut the fuck up and let her play

>> No.79311614

>my son who reminds me of the people i hate the most wants to fuck my other son
miquella is such a prick

>> No.79311665

Radagon was already part of her, at least by the time she became a god. Messmer having red hair and being born cursed like the other children of Marika and Radagon hints that he is Radagon's son

>> No.79311675

>through political maneuvering and skilled leadership she becomes a god queen
She was put in power by the Greater Will.

>> No.79311677
Quoted by: >>79311751

huh, so i guess messmer and melina? must be her oldest children i guess.

>> No.79311702

She'd still be doing it if it wasn't for the fact that most Pebbles are dumb. She gets way more "HURR AYO???" chatters than anyone else despite not even knowing what she said a majority of the time. Hard to have any interest in the kayfabe with a fanbase like that which is why her focus has shifted to chuuni shit. At least she can't disappoint herself.

>> No.79311741
Quoted by: >>79311930

why not both?

>> No.79311751
Quoted by: >>79311803

Who knows she had lots of them
Marika is a literal fertility goddess

>> No.79311803

Yeah there were a bunch who were already dead, it's who is in the walking mausoleums.

>> No.79311805

>Map of ruins (3rd)

the comedic timing

>> No.79311813
Quoted by: >>79311930

She wasn't randomly chosen as a god, she claimed that power for herself

>> No.79311851

that biboo face...

>> No.79311888

I hate AYO? posters so much

>> No.79311890

man i really cant stand fellow pebbles sometimes. sometimes worse then saplings.

>> No.79311930

I wouldn't believe in her being sound of mind after everything that happened.
She was the only one capable of crossing the lands between from the land of shadows. Probably where they crossed paths, as the Greater Will is an outer god. Marika despite her shortcomings is strong of will and I bet the Greater Will saw her fit to spread its influence around the Lands Between.

>> No.79312016
Quoted by: >>79312045

>"Are we friends now?"
I love this little comedian.

>> No.79312020
Quoted by: >>79312213

>She was the only one capable of crossing the lands between from the land of shadows.
Probably not the case considering there were more Numen which is what they called her people in the lands between.

>> No.79312045

Impeccable timing

>> No.79312160


>> No.79312213

I forget. Black Knives are Numen, right? So Numen and Shaman are not the same thing? Or did Marika just create them out of nowhere?

>> No.79312255

biboo kiss...

>> No.79312322


>> No.79312321
File: 75 KB, 280x424, numen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numan are said to be people from another in their description. So seems pretty well implied they were from the realm of shadow.

>> No.79312324

Shaman village is only one specific place
Numen is a race or tribe of people it's a bit more general

>> No.79312331


>> No.79312330
Quoted by: >>79312540

The Lands of Shadow wasn't always some secret hidden away place, it was part of the Lands Between that was sealed away after the purge. Also there were other Empyreans who were attempting to claim godhood like the Gloam-Eyed Queen, who Marika had to defeat in order to become a god

>> No.79312361

yubi yubi

>> No.79312382

IIRC the lore for the fingercreepers is that they came from some "act of blasphemy". Is Mommy Fingers involved with that somehow?

>> No.79312393

what the beep

>> No.79312406

biboo got fingered

>> No.79312408

The land of shadow is the lands between.
The numen came to the lands between at some point, and marika lived in the shaman village.

>> No.79312422


>> No.79312424

try fingers,
but hole

>> No.79312428

>seemingly friendly guy is hiding an abomination under his chair
of course....

>> No.79312434

biblically accurate korone lmao

>> No.79312447
Quoted by: >>79312617

yeah the JP name for Numen basically means "traveler from afar"

>> No.79312459

what in the goddamn?

>> No.79312463

Ebrietas at home lookin ahh

>> No.79312472

the three fingers really looked at its mom and said "yeah lets burn the world fuck this"

>> No.79312514
File: 781 KB, 1024x1024, 1719079484489360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were the only ones thinking sense.

>> No.79312519

Not gonna lie post patch a lot of these bosses seem like they're going to be walks in the park aside from the final boss

>> No.79312540
Quoted by: >>79312803

>the Gloam-Eyed Queen, who Marika had to defeat in order to become a god
she had to defeat her daughter, melina?

>> No.79312562

I feel like as long as you were at high skibidi level it still would have been pretty easy

>> No.79312609

Is the patch out already?
Metyr is a pretty easy fight by the way but it has high magic resistance so that sucks for Biboo

>> No.79312610
Quoted by: >>79312992

This is the mother of the two fingers and finger creepers, not the three fingers based off its remembrance.

>> No.79312617

>marebito (稀人)
wild naming, kinda lost in translation for this one.

>> No.79312638

yeah, play time of the dlc may become 2/3 of what it was because of it
>captcha: 0ADS
i don't think that's fitting for this boss

>> No.79312802

ew brother ewwww

>> No.79312803
Quoted by: >>79313470

>Sacred sword of the Gloam-Eyed Queen who controlled the Godskin Apostles before her defeat at the hands of Maliketh.
I'm not sure why people can read the GEQ lore and think Melina is her, hell it is established that the GEQ was actually a god at this point with multiple demigods that Maliketh violently slaughtered.

>> No.79312815

>the bosses strongest attack is aggressively walking towards you

>> No.79312849

why does such a gruesome boss have such heavenly and pleasant music

>> No.79312905

This boss could really use a grab attack

>> No.79312980
Quoted by: >>79313023

Biboo has had a permanent WTF????? expression for the entire fight and I love it

>> No.79312992

Three fingers more came about via Shabriri pulling a prank on the merchants.

>> No.79312998
Quoted by: >>79313081

I gotta say, all the black hole looking attacks from this boss are really pretty

>> No.79313023

the black hole double laser was a pretty good WTF? moment

>> No.79313081

the art direction is 10/10
The boss, the arena and the attacks are all on point

>> No.79313115

explosions that suck in then explode out are the coolest beep

>> No.79313117

haha looks like biboo could use a hand with this boss

>> No.79313161

Is that John Shadow of the nerd tree she's fighting?

>> No.79313201



>> No.79313237

Nah she already beat him a few hours ago
This is Bloodborne at home

>> No.79313321

That pulsar attack is pretty beeping cool
It never used it on my kill.

>> No.79313332
Quoted by: >>79313433

So apparently this thing is the big sister of the Elden Beast. It was sent before the Elden Beast and made all of the Two Fingers. For some reason, the Greater Will stopped talking to it though and it's just been waiting for new orders, probably because the Greater Will decided to use the Elden Beast instead

>> No.79313385

i have to go now, my god needs me

>> No.79313389

Biboo > yubi yubi

>> No.79313433

Oh, so it's sort of like evangelion or something.

>> No.79313456
Quoted by: >>79313546

Guys I think the Greater Will might be an abomination

>> No.79313464

The first to finger

>> No.79313470
Quoted by: >>79313560

Because at the end of the FF ending you see Melina become the GEQ. She is able to regain her form as the GEQ in the FF ending because it's the only one where she doesn't die before Destined Death is unleashed which restores the power of the black flame and the GEQ.

>> No.79313546

i think every outer god is an abomination

>> No.79313560
Quoted by: >>79313799

Nice fanfiction
The GEQ is Elden Ring's Velka, she exists somewhere in the lore but isn't present or important in the game

>> No.79313567

wait a second... what're the chances there's another DLC where you get to fight the Greater Will? Because like who's left after you've slain everything hahaha

>> No.79313619
Quoted by: >>79313758

We'll fight the Greater Will in Elden Ring 2

>> No.79313624

There won't be another DLC
There might be an Elden Ring 2 but it won't be their next project either

>> No.79313707

What a jobber.

>> No.79313713

Biboo just dumpstered that guy

>> No.79313717

man this guy was freaky

>> No.79313719


>> No.79313732

>mpreg boss
what is fromsoft cookin

>> No.79313747
Quoted by: >>79313778

so that did break the quest

>> No.79313758

oh has it already been confirmed that there's no second DLC? hmmm okay, would have been cool

>> No.79313767
File: 1.68 MB, 332x332, 1719336119760511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the boss is easy

>> No.79313778

he tried finger but hole
No this is the quest

>> No.79313799
Quoted by: >>79313840

I mean it's directly in the game, you could argue whether she's the original GEQ or if she's a new version of it, but she is the GEQ

Zero because the Greater Will is the one God who has zero physical presence within the Lands Between, unlike the various outer gods. So unless we get in a space ship and fly into space it can't happen

>> No.79313840

>but she is the GEQ

>> No.79313868

Probably from the mind of JRR "the more she drank the more she shat" Martin.

>> No.79313917

Why is biboo coughing so much? Did she give me too much fellatio?

>> No.79313918
Quoted by: >>79313951

We just murdered a priest and his knight for a cool sword

Lets beeping go!!!

>> No.79313921

Biboo has gained the power of darkness

>> No.79313951

Birgil will do anything for more power.

>> No.79314058

why are the coolest weapons in the DLC the katanas bweeh

>> No.79314065


>> No.79314070

Someone rope her into fighting gaius to test the sword

>> No.79314078
Quoted by: >>79314330

Sword of Darkness
>a sword as dark as the night sky itself
>a white sword shining radiantly like the full moon

>> No.79314081

>semi corporal
Damn shame, that sword should have made major years ago

>> No.79314109

i really hope the spellbound leak is true and their next project. a magic focused fromsoft game would be really cool.

>> No.79314171

what wouldve happend if you gave the grace instead?

>> No.79314176


>> No.79314175

im going to bweh...

>> No.79314202
File: 41 KB, 400x366, Ow-The-Edge-meme-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79314208


>> No.79314216

yeah, where everyone is dead and gone. the only peaceful place.

>> No.79314218
File: 22 KB, 159x121, bweh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i wanted more...

>> No.79314251

you would've gotten her spirit ashes

>> No.79314273
File: 80 KB, 500x500, 1715368019769862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Biboo... don't go...

>> No.79314278
Quoted by: >>79314339

Probably 2 MAYBE 3 more streams depending on length.

>> No.79314280

She becomes an ally as a spirit ash summon.

>> No.79314301


>> No.79314314

its over

>> No.79314330

Oathkeeper and Oblivion

>> No.79314339

I hope she does something like a PVP stream with the pebbles
Would be a fun send off for the DLC once she's done

>> No.79314344

You get her as a summon.
If you go to the anna puppet after you get it, they combine into a double summon.
Its really bad.

>> No.79314367

is the edgy katana actually good?

>> No.79314375
File: 27 KB, 263x263, 1674830519216163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79314456

she's gone...

>> No.79314417

Wait what game is this? Is it a resident evil clone?

>> No.79314456

We got the whole weekend with her, at least. Do you have any other plans that would conflict with that? Might as well use tomorrow to get all of that done ahead of time.

>> No.79314465

you're funny

>> No.79314482
Quoted by: >>79314667

mystery horror
you solve puzzles and go back in time and fight ghouls

>> No.79314525
Quoted by: >>79314667

Alone in the Dark is a classic. Look it up. But I never knew it had a remake.

>> No.79314667

Ah neat.
I think it was just the UI that made me think RE.

>> No.79314775
File: 134 KB, 321x321, 1715409304032117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>42 hours until the next Biboo stream

>> No.79314836
File: 317 KB, 1639x810, 1692105934256144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya rike it?

>> No.79314858

Add 3 more.

>> No.79314867


>> No.79314900
Quoted by: >>79314979

Why did i get sent to bae instead of shiori?

>> No.79314979
Quoted by: >>79315183

That half raid thing happened, some pebbles got sent to bae, most to shiori

>> No.79315164

I didn't buy the DLC so I could prioritize her streams so yes
I'll get the DLC next month when I have time and will try a wacky build

>> No.79315178
Quoted by: >>79315256

Gaius as a warmup boss next stream oh boy

>> No.79315183
Quoted by: >>79315221

You can split raid? Is that a thing now?

>> No.79315195


>> No.79315221

Happened a few times before, not sure if it was youtube bugging out or a new thing

>> No.79315256
Quoted by: >>79315415

>Gaius as a warmup boss
I think you mean the entire stream.

>> No.79315258

Apparently that black hole spell is pretty good

>> No.79315415

You can dunk on him with moonveil spam
Probably one of the best weapons to deal with him

>> No.79315577

my daughter is such a gamer

>> No.79315636

>day off

>> No.79315896
Quoted by: >>79316074

Aside from Gaius, theres only the last boss left for remembrance bosses right?

>> No.79316074

according to >>79310461, one more required boss before final boss

>> No.79316094
Quoted by: >>79316276

In total...
>4h 48m 14s
>Plus 9h 45m 14s
>Plus 2h 56m 32s
>Plus 3h 2m 45s
>Plus 11h 55m 1s
>Plus 5h 14m 7s
>Plus 5h 56m 56s
>1d 19h 38m 49s
>1.818623 days
>43.64694 hours
>2,618.817 minutes
>157129 seconds
But who's actually counting the time?

>> No.79316276

And I enjoyed EVERY

>> No.79316355
File: 1.01 MB, 2160x1350, 1701429706602290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tempted
Do you guys know if she gets a decent cut from this?

>> No.79316596

Merch is always the go-to for cuts to the girls but I'm not sure with omocat... I would assume so though?

>> No.79317023
Quoted by: >>79317733

I really like how Biboo disparages all the faggot messages. Very based.

>> No.79317050
Quoted by: >>79317101

>all their hoodies are pullovers
Gay. Getting that shirt tho.

>> No.79317101
Quoted by: >>79317207

Zip-ups are less comfy. Pullovers are the way.

>> No.79317207
Quoted by: >>79317340

At least the fempebbles are happy.

>> No.79317340

If I see a fempebble wearing that ill make her happy alright.

>> No.79317733

doesnt it still heal them though

>> No.79318422

New Bread
