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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.79205653
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, 1687137708485633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife so much!!

>> No.79205652
File: 702 KB, 1173x1000, 1655570562376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79205674 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 259x242, 1635726346731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79205723


>> No.79205687

I've beaten the first 2 major bosses (including the infinite stamina one) and I really think both of them were absolute great design. The first one really tests your awareness and reaction time. The second one tests your patience and adaptability. Also, both won't let you spam dodge AND then heal, which is fair because you did make a mistake so it won't let you make two mistakes in a row.

>> No.79205713

My goodness, how I adore her screams and squeals and giggles...

>> No.79205714

Dark Shart Phil WOOOW

>> No.79205723
File: 838 KB, 292x284, IMAGINEtheSMELL[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvcf95r.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79205805

Are all the Fromsoft games related? I havent played any of them like the other guy but it looks like a lot of effort went into this setting and I would at least like to learn about it

>> No.79205836

Yeah, me.

>> No.79205838

Gura has found the bonfire and finally past the area she was last time with she collabed with Fauna. Blacksmith looks like Zeus.

>> No.79205845
File: 312 KB, 1514x2048, GQl6UGOaIAAChMC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute Gura cute!

>> No.79205890

Ill be dissapointed if the Blacksmith doesnt tell her to get some help

>> No.79205949

>If I hit this man, I will just delete this. I would delete the file.
Have you ever seen Andre dropkick a motherfucker?
She would truly be better off deleting the save and starting again.

>> No.79205971

Sex with a fembud.

>> No.79205985
Quoted by: >>79206121

Anon, do you honestly think we're going to get to the point where it falls off? We'll be lucky if we even get 4 more hiurs of this.

>> No.79206011

In terms of themes and mechanics, all of them are very connected, In terms of the actual plot, only dark souls 1 2 and 3 are connected at all

>> No.79206015

Sex with a buttbud.

>> No.79206031

NTA, but no they're all separate universe's. Demon souls, Dark souls 1-3, bloodborne, sekiro, and elden ring. They do make references to each other though.

>> No.79206121

>4 more hours of this
God imagine...

>> No.79206122

>Are all the Fromsoft games related
in a meta kind of way, yes
certain aspects of their worlds bleed into each other but it's entirely how much fan theories you are willing to accept since Fromsoft is never explicit on lore stuff
also most of the games have the same themes, usually death-rebirth and world cycles

>> No.79206123
Quoted by: >>79206302

Reminder that Gura pooped before this stream.

>> No.79206280

The setting is great but you also have to read every item description and talk to random NPCs to even understand what the hell you're doing most of the time.
In fact, one of the most popular content creators for Dark Souls back in the day literally JUST explained the plot of the game and characters (VaatiVidya). He has a nice voice, but that was actually his entire channel was relaying information the game refused to tell you.

>> No.79206302

Impossible, she pissed herself at least a half hour ago.

>> No.79206358

Gura bought the longsword.

>> No.79206371
Quoted by: >>79206645


>> No.79206374
File: 336 KB, 1974x1624, 1693922263583737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79206439

My wife is so indecisive

>> No.79206439

she's a woman after all

>> No.79206528


>> No.79206577

>his banging is annoying me
mark of a woman

>> No.79206587

she's holding it in for pleasure

>> No.79206607

I forget why broadsword is worse than longsword

>> No.79206624

Gura is going to put souls in her nose. This reminds her of the Live action Scooby Doo movie? She got her required 1 more dex.

>> No.79206645

I've used basic longsword in literally every game and am still using it in the elden ring dlc

>> No.79206670

She watched it with me by the way.

>> No.79206711

I watch the live scooby doo m9ve like 10 times
I never knew that was Mr. Bean

>> No.79206728

She watched Pulp Fiction the other day? She watches more movies off-stream than she has done watchalongs so far.

>> No.79206733

Longsword has a bigger hurtbox and better moveset

>> No.79206742
Quoted by: >>79206966

Trying to wrap my head around the picture of Gura watching Pulp Fiction

>> No.79206751

No R2 poke, R2 poke is clutch

>> No.79206754
Quoted by: >>79207534

>Another movie watched without us

>> No.79206854

I wonder if Italian hag will show up in her chat.

>> No.79206856

Gura forgot she used her souls to level up. She has met the Onion knight.

>> No.79206869
File: 292 KB, 391x668, 1690057350075367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather watch gameplay than having to sit through 2 hours of a watchalong. My attention span isn't good enough

>> No.79206873

>that movie is like 15 years old
pretty sure its closer to 20
>pulp fiction is arguably older
it isn't arguably, pulp fiction came out in 1994, scooby doo was like 2002 or something
>it was a long movie but held my attention
because there are what 4 or 5 stories?
>the diner robbery
>the marven situation
>the anus watch
>the date with uma therman

>> No.79206966

Do yuo think she laughed at the GIMP part?

>> No.79206970

in DS1 it isn't simply because Longsword gets stuck on every single wall and tight corridor
plus you can cleave better side to side with broad

>> No.79206980

Gura's chair here, sorry bud I already sucked all the pee out of her

>> No.79207034
File: 1012 KB, 1435x1078, 1693814312724270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who keeps making flat jokes

>> No.79207050

Gura admits she's flat. Another breastless day for Goob.

>> No.79207053
Quoted by: >>79207120

>another breastless day

>> No.79207076

>another breastless day

>> No.79207120

Post your small chest

>> No.79207167

Idk, but what should I say to make her feel better?

>> No.79207213

DMC3 on normal is harder than Dark Souls. Gura could finish it if she actually wanted (she won't), it's possible

>> No.79207282
File: 67 KB, 622x622, 1712770162281571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not fair when enemies heal...

>> No.79207299

Gura uses toothpicks! I'm in!

>> No.79207339
Quoted by: >>79207420


>> No.79207352
Quoted by: >>79207438

And she lost to the heavily armored knight. She was barely doing damage.

>> No.79207420


>> No.79207426

I'm surprised at how little she's dying

>> No.79207438
Quoted by: >>79207953

But the magic is too op! She won't have any challenge like this!

>> No.79207479

I am. Flat is Justice and I won't stop until she believes it too!

>> No.79207506

Dark Souls (especially the first game) is just 100% patience and learning, which Gura tends to lack the first thing.
But I do agree with the DMC take

>> No.79207534
Quoted by: >>79208186

that is why I'm not saying we're back, not until we get that back, it used to be part of the regular rotation

>> No.79207706
Quoted by: >>79207761


>> No.79207717

And she died again. She was so close to beating him.

>> No.79207722
Quoted by: >>79208022

>has a move that takes 25% of his health and is ranged
>doesn't just spam it
it shocks me how bad she is at video games sometimes

>> No.79207747

>big boy
Yeah, me!

>> No.79207761


>> No.79207810
Quoted by: >>79208129

The big secret of gaming is Dark Souls 1 isn't hard at all.
It's just:
>1. Slower than a lot of RPGs
>2. Clunky
But, it's not actually "hard"

>> No.79207928

Im so fucking late I missed all the tweet notifs
What did i miss

>> No.79207953

I mean, anon...
She could just hit it with like 4 fireballs. She just doesn't realize she can spam it yet.

>> No.79208016

goblin shark

>> No.79208022

shes dodging and hitting but why cant she just do that the whole time... shes so dumb...

>> No.79208044


>> No.79208129

I hate when people use this word for dks1. Janky? Sure. Unintuitive? Absolutely, but the controls are actually super tight, so clunky is not a good descriptor.

>> No.79208180

sweaty warm shark

>> No.79208186

She's mentioned having watched about a dozen movies without us

>> No.79208215
File: 92 KB, 709x724, 1647480327475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foul undead, making a pitiful attempt at becoming cunnylord
>i command thee, grovel at my feet

>> No.79208307

Soulsfags can't just enjoy their oshi touching their favorite slop at all, they have to whine about everything.

>> No.79208329

She did a thing

>> No.79208359

I know and it sucks, I just don't constantly bitch about it
but it does suck, I don't care if it's a movie from the list or not, let's watch somethin

>> No.79208371

>shard drops
Holy comedic timing

>> No.79208395

I'd say UI is absolutely clunky.

>> No.79208417

Soulsfag reporting in
This is great. I love this. I'm enjoying it a lot more than Fauna staring at chat being unable to think for herself.

>> No.79208455

ask her about mario movie

>> No.79208490

We just want her to succeed so she doesn't get stuck and get depressed like in elden ring

>> No.79208555


>> No.79208563

oh here we go boys

>> No.79208564


>> No.79208579

We are in +3 longsword baby. She's going to 45 second pee. Time her.

>> No.79208580

Gura...the filters...

>> No.79208587

Gura is not going to wash her hands

>> No.79208601

whats with Gura and peeing now?

>> No.79208608

Webm of Dudul tweet onegai

>> No.79208623

She doesn't sound depressed at all to me.

>> No.79208649

What a coincidence, I was just getting thirsty
Anyone worth their salt knows you can easily have a +5 weapon by this point anyway

>> No.79208656

Man I just went, I was too soon.

>> No.79208664

Alright now I can stop watching.

>> No.79208675
File: 22 KB, 667x645, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this but fast

>> No.79208678
File: 143 KB, 375x293, peeing shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*pees very quickly*

>> No.79208684

Calm down anon, there won't be a part 2 lmao

>> No.79208689
File: 2.47 MB, 452x600, 1719274174543025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79211443

have a gif instead

>> No.79208713

guys guys I peed at the same time as gura.

>> No.79208716

doctors probably told her she needs to drink more water and that she was dehydrated all the time and it was bad for her

>> No.79208728

Imagine how hard she pee'd

>> No.79208730


>> No.79208731
Quoted by: >>79208791

No way she wiped, my pissy wife...

>> No.79208782

Pisstuber shark...

>> No.79208791

yup she just admitted to it

>> No.79208799

The oat milk had her clogged up.

>> No.79208815

Gura speedpissing any%

>> No.79208822

What a fucking goober

>> No.79208823

Dumb shark was so fast that she got dizzy...

>> No.79208828

Gura really ran fast to pee. Though she was over the time she said she would. 63 seconds?

>> No.79208829
File: 269 KB, 452x600, 1719242727380531.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79211443


>> No.79208886


>> No.79208909
File: 155 KB, 448x448, 1647911627568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't tell me with a straight face kicking and jumping in this game is not clunky at all. Thankfully Souls games got popular so From actually more chances to improve and we got Sekiro and Elden Ring

>> No.79208913

She wants to be the top Ptuber now

>> No.79208915

>standing up too fast is a threat to her health
I honestly can't believe she's still alive, let alone streaming

>> No.79208945

top kek

>> No.79208998

Little autistic shark, irritated by the sound of her own jaw popping.

>> No.79209008

I take longer than that

>> No.79209070
File: 35 KB, 402x184, 1719368661400492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79209445

>> No.79209134

I love this womanchild

>> No.79209151

So she moved back in with her parents, cute

>> No.79209159

Gura doesn't like little noises like chewing gum. She has to wear headphones for her own sanity? Her jaw is crunchy sometimes. Feels awkward for family dinner. Momma makes her chicken nuggets before she streams.

>> No.79209160

...guys I think Gura might be a cnhild

>> No.79209201

yeah, me aside, I'm glad she has someone who takes care of her

>> No.79209202

her brain exploded
we got her

>> No.79209266
Quoted by: >>79209412

I'm not sure if it's that or if momma shark comes over for dinner alot but either way the chicken nuggies is really cute, she is a child

>> No.79209386

I got dino nuggies for dinner tonight because my kid loves them and they are fairly cheap. Just gotta pair them with some veggies to balance it out

>> No.79209406

I passed out doing this once. Yes, it was also when I got up too fast to pee.

>> No.79209412

Anons that was just a joke, her audio setup hasn't changed.

>> No.79209415

I called it

>> No.79209421
File: 20 KB, 1161x960, 1698801260979402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79209445


>> No.79209531
Quoted by: >>79209693

the nuggies may have possibly been a joke but her mom already drives her around, not hard to believe she comes over for dinner

>> No.79209555

She reinforced her estus flask. More healing.

>> No.79209619

I trust Gura's words more than your arbitrary opinion.

>> No.79209637

Gura wants me to get on my knees and kiss her anus...

>> No.79209657

"get down on your knees and pucker up." What did she mean by this? I guess back to the elevator.

>> No.79209668

that's a soundpost

>> No.79209693

Im not denying that, but nothing from her setup indicates her living arrangement changed. Autists here just can't figure out a joke see >>79209619

>> No.79209754

I really think she's developed worse ADD and has to do other stuff while watching most movies. That's why she emphasized that pulp fiction kept her attention and she was surprised.
The implication is most movies don't keep her attention.
I feel sad for her. I don't think she can do watchalongs with us anymore because of it.

>> No.79209755

Didn't she say this the other day too?

>> No.79209820

nah shes a babby shark and moving in with them would make since with how much more she's been streaming

>> No.79209833

>Trident farming 2.0
pity they don't respawn

>> No.79209854

Her impression of the mage is a minecraft villager

>> No.79209880
File: 220 KB, 550x532, 1701750646055752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futa Gura confirmed.

>> No.79209899

... wait she's having a smooth playthrough now that I notice it, she normally struigles to advance and cowars at fights

>> No.79209992

She sbeginning to believe

>> No.79210035
Quoted by: >>79210853

So if this is not proof for you to believe then you can just see it when I drop what I have.

>> No.79210054


>> No.79210069

She lost the battle of the parrying.

>> No.79210125

I'm glad she's playing, but I'm not convinced she likes it that much.

>> No.79210144

>I'm jerking again...

>> No.79210181
Quoted by: >>79210279

Would you still love Gura if she was a beef jerky hollow on the edge of total madness

>> No.79210215

I just got home. Has Gura talked about the surprise song release?

>> No.79210227


>> No.79210240
Quoted by: >>79210373

Did Gura mention the new girls so far

>> No.79210279

yes, id moisten her dry skin with my goom ToT

>> No.79210303


>> No.79210324

She actually parried. And she got killed by summoner making more minions.

>> No.79210373

She was in Raora's chat this morning.

>> No.79210405
File: 77 KB, 1176x906, 1676426223765389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Friends, a thought crossed my mind

Gura is approximately 141 cm (4 feet 7 inches) tall.

Since Gura was in a hurry, let's assume a slightly faster walking speed of about 1.6 m/s (approximately 3.6 mph).

It took her 1 minute and 1 second (61 seconds) to leave and return to her PC. Assuming she walked at a constant speed, the total distance she covered is 2 times the distance to her bathroom (one way).

Using these assumptions, we can calculate the total distance traveled by Gura just like what we did to Ame's (>>75405599)

Distance = Speed × Time

Distance = 1.6m/s×61s

Distance = 97.6m

Since the total distance is for a round trip, the one-way distance is:

One-waydistance = 97.6m/2

One-waydistance = 48.8m

Assuming her room is roughly square or rectangular, the total area can be estimated as:

Area= One-waydistance × Roomwidth

We'll need to make an assumption about the room's width. Let's assume a width of 4 meters for a reasonably sized room common in states where housing is more affordable and larger homes are typical, such as in the southern or midwestern United States.



So, the estimated total area of Gawr Gura's room is approximately 195.2 square meters which is quite large and not typical for a standard bedroom. This might imply a more spacious living arrangement, potentially in a larger house or apartment.

In conclusion, Gura's room is significantly larger than Ame's room and they should both have sex with me.

>> No.79210460

She was distracted by the race aspect of the stream, now she can play slower and has chat to explain things.

>> No.79210489

Gura is confirmed silly billy. She is not silly goofball that must die.

>> No.79210500

shes tilting

>> No.79210502

>Assuming she walked at a constant speed
She didn’t. Next question.

>> No.79210524

>excuse me that was so delayed
I want her to play more elden ring just to hear her say this 500 times.

>> No.79210587


>> No.79210607

How long did she spend pissing, though?

>> No.79210621
File: 90 KB, 239x250, Gurosary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79210713

>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST

>> No.79210630

it took her 55-56 seconds though

>> No.79210673
Quoted by: >>79210765

I like it when she gets angry.

>> No.79210693

NTA, but anon, no offense, but I think you might be really dumb

>> No.79210694

She moved into a mansion with an indoor swimming pool and asmr love nest.

>> No.79210703 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 389x501, MakeAtlantisGureatAgain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79210707
Quoted by: >>79210863

I love all the response are about the math and modifications to the equation and not about the last sentance

>> No.79210713
File: 354 KB, 1187x888, 1718951325967662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79210717


>> No.79210753

Tilted shark lmao

>> No.79210765

She's livid

>> No.79210791

>almost 3 hours already

>> No.79210798

she was instantly nailing the parries in her first playthrough, how is she failing at it now?

>> No.79210827

Does riding the elevator make anyone else want to start giving exposition on their species?

>> No.79210846


>> No.79210853

The pringles are not that big of a deal, anon. You can just buy another can.

>> No.79210863

They wouldn't have sex with a man who can't even calculate the area of their room.

>> No.79210895

Got showed how to parry properly lmao

>> No.79210901

Rapiers are so cool.

>> No.79210912
File: 694 KB, 3218x4096, 168304032044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura hurry up I’m getting hungy!!
I think I’m gonna go buy some chips at the gas station…

>> No.79210918

>retaining skills or knowledge

>> No.79210946

Rapier is hard to parry because the windup is shorter and less telegraphed
shields also have different parry windows

>> No.79211006

No Gura! IBuprofen is bad for your kidneys!

>> No.79211014

my wife is having a headache... I assume the caffeine crash set in

>> No.79211047
File: 145 KB, 480x320, Baguraette{sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5hllo0.mp3}.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79212567

Baguraette honhonhon

>> No.79211112

gura practiced before the race, cute

>> No.79211166

That only happens after a few days of caffeine withdrawal, though.

>> No.79211252

No it fucking does not, lol. You're thinking of delirium tremens.

>> No.79211322
Quoted by: >>79211847

really I thought you get a headache once the caffeine rush wears off because it constricts your blood vessels, which makes your heart pump faster, so when it wears off your blood vessels expand again and you get a rush of extra blood or something

>> No.79211335
File: 34 KB, 756x306, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79211847


>> No.79211443

Thank you buds

>> No.79211460

Solid beer

>> No.79211470
Quoted by: >>79211597

This if Gura is getting a headache it's due to only drinking caffeine with no food, or drinking a shit ton of it. A normal cup or 3 of coffee won't give you a headache.

>> No.79211483

It's most likely dehydration.

>> No.79211527

it's actually good wtf

>> No.79211574

So....should I ask whats up there? Just in case Gura doesnt make it to whatever this guy has planned?

>> No.79211597

Like she even said, she just needs to drink more water. Headaches mostly come from dehydration.

>> No.79211624

Gura's on the roof. Time for gargoyles boss battle boys.

>> No.79211663
Quoted by: >>79211797

many fucks will be uttered

>> No.79211702

Im busy mythic raiding so I didnt get a chance to ask but gura mentioned a homecooked meal with mamashark, does that mean that she is closer to her family now? I was under the impression she was initially further away from her family

>> No.79211705

If she rings the first bell before endstream I'll be so proud of her

>> No.79211724


>> No.79211728
File: 721 KB, 652x609, 1713382403000441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nyo! Not the Gawrgoyles!

>> No.79211729


>> No.79211755

And she dies in a panic and rolls off stage because she forgot she had no more fireballs to shoot.

>> No.79211753


>> No.79211760

Her bathroom might not be directly connected to her bedroom.

>> No.79211789

Kiara pushed her.

>> No.79211797


>> No.79211807

I'll eat my fucking hand if she manages to down both fucking gargoyles.

>> No.79211847
Quoted by: >>79211945

No, that can kill you.
I've never experienced that and I think most people don't. After consuming 1,200mg of caffeine accidentally, I got a mild headache the next day, though.

>> No.79211866


>> No.79211882

Gura gets parried. She's running past this guy.

>> No.79211883

>gets parried again

>> No.79211884

shes so bad...

>> No.79211945

I am literally severely addicted to both caffeine and alcohol. Delirium tremens is most severe at roughly 3 days from cessation, whereas caffeine withdrawal is essentially immediate after crashing.

>> No.79211986


>> No.79212013
Quoted by: >>79212071

have you tried both at the same time?

>> No.79212040

gura please... use your shield...

>> No.79212071
Quoted by: >>79212250

I literally only drink coffee and beer, so yes.

>> No.79212105

Will she get filtered and this is the last Dark Souls stream?

>> No.79212159

It was always the last dark souls stream.

>> No.79212167

She learned how to run past the enemies. Now she's got to beat this gargoyle.

>> No.79212172

The first goyle is easy mode once she gets used to the moveset and then she can save the fireballs for phase 2. ggez.

>> No.79212180

she got the speedrunner moves

>> No.79212213
File: 193 KB, 1536x2048, 1690571610279193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>save the fireballs for phase 2

>> No.79212229

ah, that's always a fun realization

>> No.79212232


>> No.79212235

Fireball is literally carrying her ass.

>> No.79212250
Quoted by: >>79212312

Anon, please drink more water, save your kidneys.

>> No.79212266
Quoted by: >>79212333

Idk if she's playing this again. Chat recommended her a garbage weapon and she's incapable of retaining game knowledge.

>> No.79212291

How did that fireball that hit its tail not deal damage, what a load of bullshit

>> No.79212307
File: 666 KB, 3641x2351, 1622951752335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes... but it's for the greater good
DS1 is the hardest one for newbies in the franchise.
i finished both Elden Ring and DS3 before playing it and i still got filtered hard by it

>> No.79212312
Quoted by: >>79212554

coffee and beer are mostly water. I'm more concerned about my liver.

>> No.79212333
Quoted by: >>79212404

Legit what was the last game she played more than like one or two streams let alone finished?

>> No.79212349

Well I never experience a crash shortly after drinking caffeine, only a mild headache after not having any caffeine for a few days.

>> No.79212352

Gura unsure if her other song released. Not yet.

>> No.79212358
File: 240 KB, 704x396, GokuSpiritBombFrieza02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send Shark energy

>> No.79212359

>gets used to the moveset

>> No.79212382

limb hitboxes a bit fucky
especially with AoE dmg

>> No.79212388

it hit the other goyle's weapon.

>> No.79212404


>> No.79212442

Can she aim her fireballs or do they always shoot kind of low?

>> No.79212453
Quoted by: >>79212511

lol, she doesn't sound too thrilled about that "other song." lol

>> No.79212465
File: 208 KB, 1912x1912, sick goob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79212621

>some anon last thread thought fireball was trivializing the game
never question my understanding of how bad my oshi is at games again faggot

>> No.79212482

The dropoff for that spell is really short, but it can be aimed.

>> No.79212511
Quoted by: >>79212814

understandabl,e because it's not good, and I assume they pressured her into it, like sweet appetite

>> No.79212516
Quoted by: >>79212581

kek DS1 is so clunky
what the fuck are these hitboxes

>> No.79212554
Quoted by: >>79212772

Mostly, but not all, alcohol and caffeine also take water to be processed by your liver so more water will still help your kidneys . But yes, less beer would also be good for your liver.

>> No.79212567
File: 56 KB, 498x498, 1703893669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79213046


>> No.79212581
Quoted by: >>79214193

hitboxes are correctly categorized as JANK, not clunk. The controls in this game are actually very responsive.

>> No.79212590

you can freeaim if you know your stuff
besides pyro, other spellcaster classes shoot straight mostly

>> No.79212621

Pyromancy can trivialize portions of the game as it gets going.

>> No.79212644
File: 1.07 MB, 1684x1191, 1717455368008957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79213035

She didn't know there was a second Gawrgoyle.
But I thought she watched Fauna? What happened, saplings?

>> No.79212664


>> No.79212691
Quoted by: >>79212717

Did the second goyle spawn with 50% in the original? I don't remember that and I iddn't play the remaster.

>> No.79212717


>> No.79212739

gura if you reading this, try summoning that SUN GUY

>> No.79212752


>> No.79212772

you ever see what that shit does to a leather shoe? curls it right up, disgusting.

>> No.79212814
Quoted by: >>79212862

Oh, another version of it is out already?

>> No.79212834
File: 159 KB, 1000x1000, 1621741708023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79213177

How. It's the slowest of all the Souls games. There's instant backstabs and it's full of cheese strategies. It's less about player skill and more equipment dependant. Chumbud please. Are you as bad as your oshi?

>> No.79212862
Quoted by: >>79213850

wdym? I thought that anon was talking about the "fake type" song

>> No.79212900
Quoted by: >>79212952

if gura dies before she reaches solaire she is going to cry

>> No.79212952
File: 442 KB, 1100x1100, 1628907910497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79212954

I haven't played but this doesn't look bad at all. I don't see how you could get filtered by it.

>> No.79213035
File: 958 KB, 841x611, 1629657591954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79214020

She listens more than watches. Fauna is background noise for Gura as she masturbates.


>> No.79213046

La basé

>> No.79213063

Gura losing sanity over 3 hours of dark souls. Gura is supple. Maybe she can beat it with sun bro. "If they are going to double team me, I'll double team them back. That's fair."

>> No.79213069
Quoted by: >>79213175

people got used to fluid movement in newer games and when they try the original they hit a wall

>> No.79213109

idk, the early parts of it look very easy, but the gargoyles are starting to look more difficult.

>> No.79213114

I'm not going to lie most of Gura's problems are literally just not being aware of her surroundings and dodging to late.

>> No.79213134


>> No.79213142

The arena for this fight is more restrictive than it looks, because the gargoyles' range is huge with both their axe and the secondary axes on their tails and the fire breath. it's really easy to rolll off the edge and the actual safe windows to heal or attack are relatively small compared to casting/swing times.

>> No.79213175
Quoted by: >>79213491

Even with a bit of jank the iframes seem easy to use because of how readable the bosses have been, at least so far.

>> No.79213177

NTA, but I agree with him that it's the hardest one for newbies. Dark Souls combat is very slow, methodical, and intentional. You can't just spam your way through it. Rolls are very rigid. You can go hogwild in Elden Ring and have enough stamina to casually roll your ass away to safety.

>> No.79213252


>> No.79213284

Solaire gone. Gura one her own now.

>> No.79213302

>summosn solaire
>forgets about fireball entirely

>> No.79213318

Can she get another Solaire?

>> No.79213321

Oh wow I never noticed that the second gargoyle's tail is cut off to give you an idea that you can do it to the first.

>> No.79213344

inb4 "she used a summon, she didn't beat it"

>> No.79213355


>> No.79213393


>> No.79213399
Quoted by: >>79213500

she used a summon, she didn't beat it

>> No.79213411

okay guess I gotta eat my hand

>> No.79213417

She was so close to dying there but she got the last hit in.

>> No.79213420


>> No.79213449
Quoted by: >>79213558

(Solaire did most of the work)

>> No.79213466

Really wish Gura would stop being such a fucking coward. She isn't learning anything playing like this.

>> No.79213491

I'm not saying they are right
DS1 is peak and I only wish the latter half of the game was finished

>> No.79213500


>> No.79213512

kill yourself.

>> No.79213515

Solaire is tanky AF

>> No.79213530

She's been squeaking a lot today.

>> No.79213543

Yeah but it's cute so it's fine

>> No.79213544
File: 46 KB, 512x512, 3546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's just a baby, let her play like a baby

>> No.79213553

soulsbabies already crying i love it

>> No.79213557

rip your hand

>> No.79213558

Solaire just tanked while Gura did DPS (and Solaire mostly died because he turned his back to the enemies to follow Gura when she got too far away)

>> No.79213568

She rung the bell. Now, blight town?

>> No.79213574

there's no rule in dark souls gatekeepers

>> No.79213588
Quoted by: >>79214141

uhhh, anons?

>> No.79213596

Stay obnoxious soulsfags

>> No.79213646

She actually is learning though.

>> No.79213656

>Well? What is it?

>> No.79213783

I see. That made a lot o sense. Dark Souls 1 filters newbies because they are actually punished for their mistakes.

>> No.79213850
Quoted by: >>79213984

I am that anon. I'm talking about the song being released on her channel at 7am eastern. Has the audio released somewhere else? You said its not a good song.

>> No.79213878
File: 7 KB, 321x360, 43534732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i legitimately had no idea what to do after killing the gargoyles in my first playthrough and i went down to new londo ruins just to get my ass beaten... then i went to the skeletons route and got blasted again... DS1 is fucking ruthless

>> No.79213903

You're a disgrace to Souls fans if you unironically think this.

>> No.79213908

Sounds like it's a better combat system for us 4x ojisans.

>> No.79213929

Gura's silent frustrated giggles are the best thing

>> No.79213940

gooba we have no fire BALLS

>> No.79213980

Fuck off soulsfag. I don't watch Gura for gameplay. I watch her so I can hear her voice, noises and laughs.

>> No.79213984

yeah someone posted the leaked audio a couple threads ago
also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUaX-ryQrWU in this thread or the last Idk

>> No.79213986

Hey, she got away without having to use Homeward bone.

>> No.79214020

Fauna definitely talked about there being multiple goyles

>> No.79214091

Are permissions expiring soon like soon soon? I really would like Fauna and Gura to play these to completion desu.

>> No.79214141

extremely proud of my daughterwife, even if she summoned

>> No.79214142

what does repair weapon do in this game ?

>> No.79214150
Quoted by: >>79214211

wtf, they expire?

>> No.79214193

thanks Pat

>> No.79214211

Sadly yes, I think it's like a month or something.

>> No.79214218

She mentioned they were expiring soon of course we dont know HOW they work. Might be temporary and a huge pain to renew might be part of a package who knows

>> No.79214232
Quoted by: >>79214388

Eh, it's not that bad. I was expecting worse

>> No.79214247

Do they even have permissions autism for DS/ER? I know BB being like that is Sony's fault

>> No.79214255

Gura has a big +4 sword.

>> No.79214267

I really don't get it. Kanata and Noel and a bunch of other have been playing Dark Souls for years.

>> No.79214324

En and JP permission are different though

>> No.79214364

Repairs your weapon... (when it breaks, from overuse or from enemies)

>> No.79214366

Studio hates EN holo girls.

>> No.79214379

Superchats are disabled so most likely yes.

>> No.79214383

Anon, you can renew them.

>> No.79214386
Quoted by: >>79214544

Weapons have durability. If they break, they do like one damage and you have to repair them.

>> No.79214388

I don't like the mixing and the music overpowers her voice

>> No.79214448

I guess she decided to go to darkroot garden. Gura needs to stretch her legs and she gets attacked immediately.

>> No.79214489

Gura I'm getting sleepy

>> No.79214504

Saplings please...

>> No.79214529

Broccoli is bad for you Gura.

>> No.79214544

is it better than botw ? since I hate that game

>> No.79214572

Bandai Namco is not any different.

>> No.79214602

A dead leather daddy left all his gear

>> No.79214609

Obviously, since you can actually kill a single monster without having to break 2-3 weapons in the process.

>> No.79214615

it's gonna be so hard to guide her to the butterdly instead of the hydra...

>> No.79214644
Quoted by: >>79214695

I think this game mogs BotW hard t b h

>> No.79214647
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>> No.79214684
File: 415 KB, 2000x1704, 1711753685534453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79214695
Quoted by: >>79214943

You would have to try very hard to make a game worse than BOTW, which is why TOTK is so impressive.

>> No.79214703
File: 954 KB, 1200x1600, 1661774417347638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79214730

Gura too slow to attack crystal lizard. she get her new leather armor to wear now. She took off the helmet.

>> No.79214768


>> No.79214771

S-she loves my non-existant hairline, bros...

>> No.79214778

gura squeals love

>> No.79214780

>this is pretty I like it *dies*

>> No.79214806

>this is pretty I like it- AAAAAAAAAA
I love this shark

>> No.79214823

>"This is pretty I like it."
>immediately screams in terror

>> No.79214910
Quoted by: >>79215079

Why is her chat so fucking retarded?
She meant to go back to her old gear but she pressed the wrong buttons and is still medium rolling and nobody will tell her that

>> No.79214912

Dies to Black Knight. Gura is also tired.

>> No.79214929
Quoted by: >>79215175

She will sleepytime after next death.

>> No.79214943

lol tryhard contrarian detected

>> No.79214989
Quoted by: >>79215141

4/10 bait.

>> No.79214998

Gura is excited for Luigi's mansion. 2 more days to go for that.

>> No.79215006

please... don't end the stream, I don't want this to stop

>> No.79215028

i wish chat had made her choose cleric... it's the retardest way to beat this game since you can just one-shot almost everything with the thunderbolt or push people off the edge with the miracle i forgot the name

>> No.79215037

Did she not ring the bell? I wasn't paying attention after she killed the gargoyles

>> No.79215068
Quoted by: >>79215129

Botw is reddit slop. Gura has literally said this verbatim.

>> No.79215079

Let her suffer, it's funnier.

>> No.79215077

God I love her

>> No.79215080
Quoted by: >>79215227

she did

>> No.79215086

Nearly anything would be better than pyromancy, who told her to choose that?

>> No.79215116
Quoted by: >>79215227

she did

>> No.79215119
Quoted by: >>79215195

metafagging retards in chat

>> No.79215129
Quoted by: >>79215261

she has not, verbatim, said anything is reddit slop

>> No.79215141

no u
go back to /v/

>> No.79215151

Fire not working so hot black knight. Classic gura move, kills herself with gravity.

>> No.79215164


>> No.79215175

She wants to beat the knight first

>> No.79215195

Yep, Gura's chat should be euthanized, I knew it.

>> No.79215201


>> No.79215205

>almost 4 hours of stream today
we've been eating so good

>> No.79215211

Pyro is an excellent choice for noobs. Good starting armor and OP spell, good starting weapon, and begins at SL1. You retards are all just telegraphing the fact that you either didn't play the game or you're really bad at it.

>> No.79215227

Ah, good. Now she just has to get to and survive blighttown. lol. Seems unlikely, but not impossible.

>> No.79215245

yeah, except every single damaging miracle barring wrath is locked behind pvp covenant rewards

>> No.79215261
File: 142 KB, 512x512, 64897124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya huh she has

>> No.79215283

Gura resting us closer to her. All souls gone, eaten by tree.

>> No.79215315
Quoted by: >>79215901

No you are just retarded and can't evaluate her skill at the game, EVEN THOUGH SHE ALREADY PLAYED IT BEFORE AND YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO TELL.

>> No.79215311
Quoted by: >>79215388

Well, I think she did pretty good today. I think she learned a lot. I'm not sure if she actually likes it or not, but I hope she continues again one day.

>> No.79215330
File: 404 KB, 773x557, closer[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffehs8o.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be even closer to and with her

>> No.79215388

has been a fun stream, glad she gave it a real shot whether there's a continuation or no

>> No.79215405

did fauna went this far

>> No.79215441
Quoted by: >>79215512

I've always been of the opinion bandit is the best starting class for absolute newbies. 100% defense shield that can parry + mid roll. Teaches you to play the game normally from the getgo, you can try out more specialized builds lategame or NG+ to learn how to cheese.

>> No.79215446

Honestly surprised she has been playing so long. I wanted her to continue the first save just for the progress but this build seems to be working better for her.

>> No.79215478
File: 417 KB, 856x814, 168237619227923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna died from ligma and imposter syndrome

>> No.79215495

I hope Gura doesn't read superchats today. I'm tired and would like to sleep once the game is concluded.

>> No.79215512

Why is "learning to play the game properly" even a relevant metric? Souls games are cheesy as fuck and that's literally the way it should be.

>> No.79215522

I love the lips sucks

>> No.79215547

Gura is content with what she's done today. She's okay. She finally hit wall to reveal hidden bonfire.

>> No.79215567
Quoted by: >>79215977

Yeah, I don't understand why people are saying pyro is a bad choice. Pyromancies are very strong. Main downside is range and limited casts, but otherwise pretty damn good.

>> No.79215590

Learning the mechanics of weight and roll frames you fucking imbecile.

>> No.79215603

supas are turned off, dumdum

>> No.79215636
Quoted by: >>79215696

she's so retarded...

>> No.79215650

Gura is mad at the saplings not knowing how taking turns works.

>> No.79215655

I never knew about that illusory wall to the bonfire my first playthrough, I got to it by tiptoeing around the ledge. lol

>> No.79215656
File: 1.26 MB, 1510x1138, I CAST TESTICULAR TORSION![sound=files.catbox.moe%2F65hrnf.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79215659
File: 193 KB, 512x512, 1661656884180182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79215658
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, needs correction[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flhlj59.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79215661
Quoted by: >>79215728

Oh, she didn't rest and now has to go all the way back to it. Should've had the foresight.

>> No.79215680

okay, why?

>> No.79215696

But I love her anyways

>> No.79215713

I hope Gura doesn't choose to read the supers that she skipped from dozens of old streams today. I'm tired and would like to rest.

>> No.79215728

goomba with foresight? HA!

>> No.79215740

Fauna killed the demon and then ended

>> No.79215756
Quoted by: >>79215866

Don't take this as a metafagging message I just mean it teaches you how to play melee better with whats available to you to increase your chance of survival *dramatically*. DaS1 is easily the most exploitable too from early game without any special items or builds if you learn how to move roll and crit.

>> No.79215850

Died off cliff. Gura says Twilight is not an old vampire moviie. She's talking about 30s-40s.

>> No.79215858
File: 2.34 MB, 1342x1733, 1711850667319185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we getting a second Dark Souls stream after this?

>> No.79215866

fair enough but gura is cognitively deficient and has chat to hold her hand so it's kind of a moot point.

>> No.79215901

why do you post like the retarded fauna anti?

>> No.79215916

I wonder what her reaction will be if she gets to Sen's Fortress

>> No.79215925

Ebay shark.

>> No.79215934
Quoted by: >>79215983

Seems likely

>> No.79215955

if fauna plays it again

>> No.79215960

Gura misses old toy magazines. She was on ebay recently looking at old magazines. Gura is confirmed magazine sniffer.

>> No.79215977

You know what else is even STRONGER, has more casts, better range and you don't have to worry so much about positioning?
Sorcery you fucking dumbass.
Hell she was doing better even with the Claymore last time, this just doesn't fit her playing ability.

>> No.79215983

yeah she's definitely enjoying herself. She didn't even hesitate to move on to a new zone after the first bell.

>> No.79216032
Quoted by: >>79216427

I really like how she's straight up saying fuck now instead of trying to hide it with cute noises

>> No.79216109

Nobody walks into DS blind and learns that stuff in the first few hours. Hell some don't even fuigure it out on their first playthrough. Shes doing what most players do and playing super defensively while making silly mistakes that get them killed. Give her time and she'll fuigure out what works and what doesn't.

>> No.79216127
Quoted by: >>79216186

Gura is wrapping things up now. Gura is talking about what type of people she dislikes the most. She is listing nothing but minorities. Chat is losing their shit.

>> No.79216144

What class lets you use a trident?

>> No.79216174
Quoted by: >>79216241

All of them with enough stats

>> No.79216185

this stream is just a way to pass time until weegee mansion exists

>> No.79216186

god I wish... imagine...

>> No.79216188

Yes, I'm aware sorcery is stronger. It's probably the most broken thing in DS1. I'm just saying pyromancy is not worse than "nearly anything". Thief would have been much worse of a choice.

>> No.79216190


>> No.79216217
File: 208 KB, 1303x990, read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79216285

gura can't read

>> No.79216241

I think Gura should get a trident.

>> No.79216246
Quoted by: >>79216293

Highest req is 24 int. Also need 16 dex and str.

>> No.79216281
Quoted by: >>79216328

Trident is a quirky INT weapon. Only problem is its a rare drop on that first sorcerer in the game and not available again for a veeery long time.

>> No.79216285
Quoted by: >>79216371

Why is there a green George?

>> No.79216293
Quoted by: >>79216569

str req is halved when two handing, isn't it?

>> No.79216302

She can't until she reaches Seath

>> No.79216328

So can she still get one?

>> No.79216334
Quoted by: >>79216398

ok, goob has officially lost it

>> No.79216350

The odds she ever gets the trident to drop are ridiculously low. Especially since I doubt she'd ever try and farm them even if she ever makes it to the archives.

>> No.79216359

It's gotten really comfy in the stream

>> No.79216362

place to farm them is real far right now

>> No.79216371
File: 236 KB, 1307x985, green-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79216514


>> No.79216375
Quoted by: >>79216518

what death are we on?

>> No.79216395

She can at the Duke's archive. Almost endgame.

>> No.79216398

yeah with me

>> No.79216419

Yes, she can still get one, just pretty late game. So seems unlikely it'll happen.

>> No.79216427

I love my raging wife...

>> No.79216435

Yeah its going to be near endgame though. And also quite rare but if somehow she goes autismo mode it would be a cool item to grind for. It is a pretty fun weapon to use once you have it.

>> No.79216475

we showed her the wizard class, she went back to pyromancy

>> No.79216476

a proper shield would be nice

>> No.79216485
Quoted by: >>79216625

if gura had the claymore none of this would be an issue for her. just saying.

>> No.79216499

Gura learning to hate nature since it keeps killing her.

>> No.79216514
Quoted by: >>79216716

Cute, when will it be done so me and Gura can play?

>> No.79216518

26 or 27 I think? I totally forgot I was keeping track

>> No.79216569
Quoted by: >>79216778

No. I forget but it’s like if 20 str was normal, you half it, then half it again, then take that number and add it to the first half. So if it’s 20, then doing that math, you need 15 str to 2hand. So 75% I guess?

>> No.79216611

What is the big aoe it was doing? Seems like it put something around Gura.

>> No.79216618
File: 550 KB, 956x910, 1700371368979685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think today was a lot of fun...

>> No.79216625

Claymore is great, but it's not going to magically make her better at the game. She does seem to be slowly learning, though, so there's hope.

>> No.79216626
Quoted by: >>79216715

it's an AOE slow.

>> No.79216632
Quoted by: >>79216715

no rolling debuff

>> No.79216636
Quoted by: >>79216715

slow debuff

>> No.79216657
Quoted by: >>79216715

makes you very slow and can't roll

>> No.79216660
Quoted by: >>79216753

Darkroot a shit and a pointless one at this time

>> No.79216700

Cunny buff

>> No.79216704

Gura feels shame to losing to slow stone giant. leaves one face down in pond. Trees much worst. Told Lorax to shut up for speaking for trees. Gura hates this forest.

>> No.79216712
Quoted by: >>79217558


It's out. I've always liked Dyes Iwasaki

>> No.79216714

she's having fun it's fine

>> No.79216715

Thank you buds.

>> No.79216716
File: 25 KB, 447x445, 117659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I finish playing the elden ring dlc maybe

>> No.79216717

i wanna see her ragequit

>> No.79216753

Fuck you Darkroot will always be my favorite location in the first game.

>> No.79216778
Quoted by: >>79216896

it's more accurate to say that two handing gives you 50% more strength

>> No.79216830
Quoted by: >>79217052

nta, but I hate darkroot because of these tree fuckers

>> No.79216844
Quoted by: >>79217052

You have questionable taste, anon.

>> No.79216846

I changed my mind. I think Pyromancer was a good choice for her. It's not too easy and allows her to get past mobs to bigger enemies.

>> No.79216896
Quoted by: >>79216996

The original post was asking for the formula for stat requirements for 2 handing, not the damage boost you get from it

>> No.79216928


>> No.79216996
Quoted by: >>79217081


>> No.79217009


>> No.79217022

>instantly dies again
I love her

>> No.79217027
File: 15 KB, 247x275, Wrapitup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79217096

>> No.79217042

Gura getting kissed to death by trees.

>> No.79217052
File: 6 KB, 184x184, 206a39b3c45c555e6d467349f875e8e9e8e51136_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79218255

get dickstabbed nerds

>> No.79217081
Quoted by: >>79217301

Who, you? Sad

>> No.79217087
Quoted by: >>79217193

The song file leaked but not the video.

>> No.79217096
File: 4 KB, 70x52, 1710196575783457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79217106


>> No.79217193
Quoted by: >>79217557

but the yt link leads to the fake type channel and its out there

>> No.79217205

She found the moonlight butterfly. Dies to it.

>> No.79217217
File: 162 KB, 303x225, 4634737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79217358

>> No.79217223

>not Sen's
Not Going To Make It

>> No.79217301
Quoted by: >>79218323

you don't understand math

>> No.79217358
File: 63 KB, 215x225, 1694640372508102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79217420


>> No.79217424

4 casts right into nothing.
Thanks for the pyromancy "recommendation" retards.

>> No.79217441

God I love her

>> No.79217443
Quoted by: >>79217605

Did she miss somehow?? why is she doing such little damage?

>> No.79217449

my sharkwife can't be this cute playing dark souls

>> No.79217450

Game sucks? Why couldn't she hit the thing?

>> No.79217495

Gura missed all her shots when Butterfly landed?

>> No.79217519
Quoted by: >>79217559

fireball range sucks

>> No.79217551

how are you supposed to hit it? her attack missed even though it was right at the edge

>> No.79217554
Quoted by: >>79217673

what were her other options? Sorcery? Bow and arrow? Pure melee? You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.79217557

That doesn't let me watch it

>> No.79217558

Ugh, too much autotune and processing of her voice, and it's low in the mix. I guess autotune is expected because it's a vocaliod song?

>> No.79217559

holy shit you are actually malding and seething kek

>> No.79217564

fireballs fizzle on boss geometry that isn't hitbox

>> No.79217567

All her attacks just hit the bridge wall, seems like a shitty hitbox, does she have to not be locked on?

>> No.79217570
Quoted by: >>79217785


>> No.79217574
Quoted by: >>79217662

The game is very sucks, yes.

>> No.79217599
File: 1.36 MB, 1272x706, 2022-01-23 19_28_24-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79217605

honestly I never flung magic at this thing it might have a ton of magic def, just wait for it to land and you can delete like 50% of its health in melee.... If she upgraded her weapon.

>> No.79217653

works on my machine, it's not an mv btw, just the same as the thumbnail

>> No.79217662
Quoted by: >>79217780

>boss has mechanics
>this game sucks

>> No.79217673

Yes, Sorcery, Miracles, the fucking Claymore she used last time.
Have you ever even played the fucking game retard?

>> No.79217749

Its working fine for me. No music video just song.

>> No.79217756

Why can't she hit it?

>> No.79217762
File: 3.69 MB, 1264x1080, GURA CUTE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fi5dmvj.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the game sucks, then why am I loving this?

>> No.79217766


>> No.79217767
Quoted by: >>79217883

how exactly would a claymore have made this fight easier? How exactly would sorcery make the stream better to watch? I did in fact play the game, and you're the retard.

>> No.79217780

Soulsretard, she did the mechanic and waited for it to land and her attacks literally can't hit the shitty hitbox.

>> No.79217779

>physically incapable of hitting it

>> No.79217781

i see the soulsfags are whining about their shitty game again

>> No.79217785

You weren't even born when that was a meme, retard.

>> No.79217814


>> No.79217864
File: 194 KB, 500x380, 1715344699751376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in awe at the fact that people are calling this game bullshit over the most braindead easy boss in existence. Minus Pinwheel, anyways. I have no clue what level of handholding they demand.

>> No.79217868

been a long time, but I don't remember having trouble hitting it. Wonder if it's a remaster thing

>> No.79217875

what in the fuck is this bossfight?

>> No.79217883
Quoted by: >>79218032

>make the stream better to watch
Moving the goalpost already huh?

>> No.79217897

fireballs ?

>> No.79217915

Soulsniggers are subhumans who can't accept the possibility that the games they worship might have flaws.

>> No.79217920
Quoted by: >>79218222

Not that anon. But you are a claymore obsessed goober and I can't even follow your train of thought, as a Souls veteran.

>> No.79217923

it's not my fault you're bad at both watchng and also presumably playing video games, anon.

>> No.79217926

I dont remember this boss being hard

>> No.79217932

I am laughing so hard

>> No.79217934
Quoted by: >>79218006

are you not watching the stream? hello?

>> No.79217940

lol jank game

>> No.79217954
File: 63 KB, 667x269, zwei george.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Gura should invest in a zweihander
both in-game and in real life

>> No.79218002
Quoted by: >>79218054


>> No.79218006

Yes, I am.
Yes, she should.

>> No.79218024

What the fuck is this game

>> No.79218030

No one said that, retard. Can you read? And shes already doing damage.

>> No.79218032

>muh moving goalposts
what did you think I meant by "better option"?>>79217915
This game is extremely flawed, the fact that your observations are retarded has nothing to o with that.

>> No.79218054

it's not her fault that this boss is retarded

>> No.79218061

neck going into her body. She is damaging it. Halfway there but no heals. And she dies. She almost has it.

>> No.79218093


>> No.79218118
File: 8 KB, 60x71, 1675830070672768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79218181

halberd time

>> No.79218193
Quoted by: >>79218238

Gura litterally already figured out how to fight the boss and retards here are crying about the game.

>> No.79218209
Quoted by: >>79218318

I like Dark Souls but this boss is shit. No one likes it. No need to be a contrarian.

>> No.79218222

What does that even mean dumbass
I only said Claymore because it is what she used last time.
I personally prefer the zweihander out of the greatswords.
If you are deaf and don't have your eyes open she already even stopped using fireballs

>> No.79218238
Quoted by: >>79218370

soulsniggers are subhumans

>> No.79218255

I remember that!. I used to love it because the muslce feitsh asshat changed the Amazon to look like a dude in the worlds strongest man compeition

>> No.79218267
File: 367 KB, 1556x2238, 1711905683389597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people in this thread are why developers put yellow paint in their games.

>> No.79218306
Quoted by: >>79218425

Zelda 2 is harder than any dark souls game.

>> No.79218318

No you don't understand! There can't possibly be shitty hitboxes!

>> No.79218323
Quoted by: >>79218446

I do understand math you bitch. I looked up where I was wrong and it’s because I’ve always used 75% to calculate stats for 2 handing rather than dividing it by 1.5 since the former is easier to do in your head and the result is roughly the same. Bitch

>> No.79218333

She literally had one during the race as well as a Claymore. They'd be way better than a longsword.

>> No.79218337

Odd to think Moonlight Buttershit is giving her a tougher time than gargoyles, even with summon

>> No.79218370

Why are you still crying? I was talking about you.

>> No.79218390

Gura wants to fuck this boss more the more she fights it. She has to finish it soon.

>> No.79218425

any quarter vacuum beat em up from the 80s is harder than this game, too.

>> No.79218446

>roughly the same

>> No.79218450


>> No.79218483

I'm falling asleep to this boss.

>> No.79218490

Gura says butterfly looks like unicorn. It wold make skin noises? What does that mean?

>> No.79218506

Pinwheel, if you played super passively and didn't attack it, could theoretically do MECHANICS that like 95% of people don't know it has since they never let it do them.
