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File: 85 KB, 719x693, E315w61XwAMPgr3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79026421 No.79026421 [Reply] [Original]

>had discord sex with raora
>raided Ceci
>showed up in GG's chat
>meanwhile, has barely acknowledged ERB's existence beyond giving her the name "ERB" which she hates, plus made her move her karaoke
She's sending signs.

>> No.79026499
File: 216 KB, 1000x750, 1683492560811566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's keeping us safe.
I love her.

>> No.79026524

She is protecting her fanbase, that's the most based thing chicken can do.

>> No.79026599

stop falseflagging

>> No.79026677
Quoted by: >>79038350

Why are chumbuds like this?

>> No.79026684
Quoted by: >>79032752

This board might be covered in red one day so KFP will do her best not to make that happen

>> No.79026700
File: 7 KB, 347x108, Schermafbeelding 2024-06-24 101409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking turbofaggot. Go back to the basement, I can hear your uncle calling. He's ready for the next round. The blood can serve as a lubricant.

>> No.79026833

Fucking newfag i'm the last one you dropped a (you) and i don't even have to make a screenshot to call you a retard. Less than one minute interval, so seethe dilate and KYS faggot. also your fucking next deflection gona be le raid or something retarded like that so don't bother.

>> No.79026855
File: 428 KB, 400x400, IMG_8542.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79027188


>> No.79027079

>She's sending signs.
She's threatened by the one person streaming at the same time she is, who would've thought?

>> No.79027188


>> No.79027363
File: 94 KB, 921x1024, 1719164671743603m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely loathe her voice and will never watch her, but based.

>> No.79027415
Quoted by: >>79027496

The Axis vs Allied Forces. War is brewing in Europe.

>> No.79027464

I'm with orange woman this time. Brit bong should know her place

>> No.79027496
Quoted by: >>79027680

America (Gigi) is on the Axis side this time though
The allies get... Austria.

>> No.79027522

clean you room man

>> No.79027589
Quoted by: >>79032700

So you're telling me that the Austrian is having consensual sex with both the Italian and German girls?
HoloAxis really do be coming true

>> No.79027621
Quoted by: >>79027747

thats a cool thread sister, but you remember that time when selen got terminated from nijsanji because she uploaded a music video that had all permissions checked and it was revelead that Elira, management and other talents bullied selen over an extended period of time? Not only did Nijisanji do anything about this situation, Elira pretended she was in the right to bully her coworker into a suicide attempt by simply stating that she didn't think she was bullying selen, even though the result was that selen was mentally so beat up that she attempted suicide as a direct consequence of Eliras actions.

>> No.79027670



>> No.79027680
File: 187 KB, 1200x627, 1713072026765177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79040525

We're still pre-Pearl Harbour in this timeline, so America's still a bit of a fan of Germany.

>> No.79027733

It's the experience she had with wobbly water when she was in bongland. She HATES bongs because of the wobbly water and now ERB gives her PTSD

>> No.79027747

This is not how to BTFO sisters, you're essentially trying to guilt-trip diagnosed sociopaths. What you need to do is point out their corp is crumbling, 2views soon, no ticket sales, officially abandoned by Riku etc.

>> No.79027917
File: 319 KB, 627x607, 1690819406020498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy mother of projection

>> No.79029056

Good... I don't like orange woman, i don't like her voice, shes annoying, shes a stupid cunt, but i cant hate her and i love her fat ass.

>> No.79031236
Quoted by: >>79032749

I saw a manual KFP raid into one of her kareoke streams

>> No.79031344

The Holoaxxis must stand together against the bong slag.

>> No.79031425

>She's sending signs.
Yes, she is generaly scared of anyone who she feels has a threatening amount of momemtum behind them in a new gen. See her ranting about the doggo twins doing better with a Japanese audience than she ever did.

>> No.79032136

the secret war continues...

>> No.79032236

It was a pretty mask off moment when she did that.

>> No.79032594

Viva la Kiara

>> No.79032700

Give Kiara some times and when she will invite ERB in the Maldives, she will be back as the perfect idol

>> No.79032749

Dumb KFP who can't listen to some instruction, that is

>> No.79032752

This board used to be covered in orange…

>> No.79032801

Clip or it didn’t happen sister

>> No.79033027
Quoted by: >>79036073

if she was expecting jabs not to be racist she had it coming.

>> No.79035733


>> No.79035851

>forgot nerissa existence already
Typical ME ME ME behaviour

>> No.79035964

I love the chicken and her fat, pale fucking ass and what she does for vtubing and the idol experience, how vigilant she is, how steadfast she is. I love this woman. I want to deliver oral pleasure to her drooling Austrian sex-honey-pot for hours on end every day to show how appreciative I am of her efforts. God Bless Kiara.

>> No.79036073
Quoted by: >>79041184

Fuwamoco are white, Anon....

Are you implying the Japs are under the false impression FWMC are Japanese themselves and therefore embrace FWMC more?

>> No.79037304

>doesn't even know Kiara is actively searching for new harem members
Lurk more, sister.

>> No.79037500
Quoted by: >>79037676

The final blow will be when they make an EU collab and they leave out that red head whore out.

>> No.79037676
File: 1.33 MB, 1786x1371, 1689167600170180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79038051

>um ackshully britain isn't part of the EU... sorry E R B

>> No.79037828


>> No.79038051

Yes except without the irony. It's a island stuck off the coast of france and was neither part of the union nor currently is part of it for most of said unions existence.
england is as much part of europe as spain is part of the usa. it's a shitty nation filled with depressed people that only even exists in modern day because it's so godawful to live there that nobody bothered to invade and colonize it during the MANY empires during europes history.

>> No.79038350
File: 217 KB, 2048x1536, 1717935205840193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like what

>> No.79038797

>had discord sex with raora
>but not with Cecila who has more similarities to her
why is Kiara like this?

>> No.79038880
File: 146 KB, 512x512, 1716085695256595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody bothered to invade or colonize it during the MANY empires during Europe's history
Anon, have you by chance ever heard of any of the following:
>The Danelaw
>The Normans
>World War 2
And in current year
>Doctors, scientists and engineers
... and that's just off the top of my head

>> No.79039004

Hey, it's not Kiara's fault Raora's so damn sexy.

>> No.79039049
File: 378 KB, 800x699, 1693777724519109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has barely acknowledged ERB's existence beyond giving her the name "ERB" which she hates
This is the best part, erb isn't even a bad name but it's funny liz immediately disliked it just by coincidence.

It has an actual use too, I know several people irl named liz; I really do not want to call a vtuber by that name actually. However 'erb' is a much more unique and abstract nickname so it will always be that to me.

>> No.79039081

They're both Germans, anon.
That would be incest.

>> No.79039199

Germans see Austrians as redneck hillbillies

>> No.79039284
File: 214 KB, 850x800, 1711550499090517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>79038880 (me)
Oh yeah and we can't forget the Anglos and Saxons themselves back in the days of King Arthur and the Brytenwalda etc. etc.
Seriously, I'm a burger, not even a bong, people give us shit for not knowing history ALL the time, but I knew all of this without ever even going out of my way to do deep research on the topic, what fucking rock in the middle of Micronesia have you been living under to make such a bafflingly idiotic post, it's genuinely astounding

>> No.79039347
File: 1.46 MB, 360x316, 1695024752061107.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to eat chicken's inbred redneck yokel pussy while she moans out affirmations of pleasure in her retard hillbilly dialect of German.

>> No.79039882
Quoted by: >>79044184

t. Seething euro

>> No.79040379

I kneel

>> No.79040455

>Ovelapped the homosister's first stream
Kiara I kneel

>> No.79040525

still baffles me to this day why
Japan bombed Pearl Harbor when USA was just being a neutral party throughout the war

>> No.79040670
Quoted by: >>79041707

>neutral party
They were embargoing key Japanese resources you fucking historically illiterate moron. They were hardly neutral.

>> No.79040702
Quoted by: >>79041707

It's one of the reasons I always laugh when people say asians are smart.

>> No.79040816

Fuck off, KFPiss, you lying assfuck

>> No.79040904

>Brings up Nerissa out of nowhere
Typical (you) (you) (you) behavior

>> No.79041184
Quoted by: >>79041380

They look asian in their old videos. And they seemed asian when they worked for the Japanese government.

>> No.79041322


>> No.79041380
Quoted by: >>79041537

>They look asian
well they're not

and you're mistaking asian for a very specific kind of white phenotype that you occasionally see

they're aryan, they don't have a drop of asian blood, not even hafus

>> No.79041410

If you were a real Americhad you would sit back and laugh as the europoors keep trying to figure out how many subsaharans their tax base can support.

>> No.79041491

Hitler the savior was Austrian.

>> No.79041513
File: 3.97 MB, 580x348, 321261_sarkazm_fighting-the-phoenix.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79042014

People kept forgetting that Kiara and Goomba were the last two whom stood their ground during Omega onslaught to the very last end.

And somehow now people expect Kiara to accept some snot-nosed homohuggers with open arms...

>> No.79041537
Quoted by: >>79041600

>they don't have a drop of asian blood
Then why is my peepee hard?

>> No.79041600

because you recognize the superiority of virgin hag aryan twins who have never even once tainted their hair with unnatural dye

>> No.79041707
File: 1.22 MB, 2558x1043, 1718244418976778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79041973

FDR was warned by his advisors of eight key points that would be likely to provoke the Japanese into attacking the United States. A major one was the oil embargo
... and then he deliberately went out of his way to do all eight of them
Not justifying what Tojo did - it was our oil, they were committing actual genocide and ethnic cleansing/demographic replacement in Manchuria and SEA ||unlike a certain other, totally fictional "genocide" that supposedly happened in Europe around the same time period|| and they should have known they would've had no chance against us anyway. But the reasons the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor are as clear today as they were when that psychotic autocratic socialistic cousin-fucking cripple piece of shit deliberately engineered them in the first place and set America down the path of losing its soul for the sake of advancing a proto-globalist agenda and boosting his polling numbers by melodramatically and sanctimoniously LARPing as the messiah in a comically fake and unnecessary "existential war" to "preserve" the very Christian civilization that he, specifically, did more than probably any other single man in all of human history to destroy

>> No.79041859

Shortest explanation I could find
watch at 2x speed and it's even shorter.

>> No.79041973
Quoted by: >>79042362

I've heard that two massive and essential aircraft carriers were, incidentally, out on exercises on the day of pearl harbor.

>> No.79042014

Fuck I want that "invisible war" rrat to be true so badly, it would make for true kino

>> No.79042362
File: 977 KB, 960x810, 1659445425797785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79043577

You heard correctly, anon.
Have you also heard that we'd cracked Tojo's ciphers by the time of the attack and knew they were coming, iirc for days in advance?
But of course, Admiral Kimmel and General Short were not given notice... because of FDR, as classified documents revealed in a FOIA lawsuit revealed decades later?
All of modern post-war "civilization" is built on a mountain of lies, and it makes me fucking sick.

>> No.79043506 [DELETED] 

I will apologise and forever kneel to orange whore if she gets rid of red whore

>> No.79043577 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79043929

> All of modern post-war "civilization" is built on a mountain of lies
cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.79043846
File: 296 KB, 1080x817, 1711279376380242 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeping you safe from who? May I remind you she's friend with someone who's actually act like a slut? KFP unicorns and Nijisister are all the same.

>> No.79043929
File: 1.76 MB, 2564x1952, 1707411509229617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyo, huhaha

>> No.79044184

while I do get the point you're making my point was more trying to get across that even amongst all the invasions it was mostly a case of leaving the land in the hands of the brits and just attempting to turn them into vassals.
they still speak english rather than greek, danish, or german.
never underestimate the amount of contempt a natural-born can come to have for their homeland.
I find it funny how someone so clearly wishing to be a woman cannot parse woman-speak such that they think any of that indicates friendship.

>> No.79044193

>who's actually
Hi kiaraschizo, opinion disregarded

>> No.79044298 [DELETED] 

I despise Kiara
I, however, am willing to reconsider and put aside my grudges if she also sees this whore for what she is

>> No.79045240

based eurochicken

>> No.79045476

lately i started to think maybe kiara isn't so bad after all actually when i look at her model now i get hard as diamond
