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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79007360 No.79007360 [Reply] [Original]

【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com
【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com/@idol_corp
【 Twitter 】 https://twitter.com/idol_corp
【 Schedules 】 https://holodex.net/?org=idol%20Corp
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idolEN Genesis:

【 Kattarina Qutie 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@Kattarina_Qutie / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Kattarina_Qutie

【 Nikki Rei 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@NikkiRei / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Nikki_Rei_Idol

idolEN E-Sekai:

【 Juna Unagi 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@JunaUnagi / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/JunaUnagi

【 Rin Penrose 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RinPenrose / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RinPenrose / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/RinPenrose

【 Fuyo Cloverfield 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@FuyoCloverfield / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/FuyoCloverfield

idolEN Endless:

【 Roca Rourin 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RourinRoca / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RocaRourin

【 Poko Rakun 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RakunPoko / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/PokoRakun / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/PokoRakun

【 Kai Saikota 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@KaiSaikota / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/KaiSaikota

【 Momo Otako 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@OtakoMomo / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/MomoOtako

【 Coni Confetti 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@ConfettiConi / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Coni_Confetti / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/Coni_Confetti

idolES EternalS:

【 Meica05 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@Meica05 / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Meica05 / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/Meica05

【 Koa Akugaki 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@AkugakiKoa / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/AkugakiKoa

【 Ruby Runeheart 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RubyRuneheart / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RubyRuneheart

【 Lalabell Lullaby 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@LalabellLullaby / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/LalabellLullaby

【 Taiga Toragami 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@TaigaToragami / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/TaigaToragami


【 Enya Ignis 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@EnyaIgnis / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/EnyaIgnis

【 Shabel Tonya 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@ShabelTonya / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya

【 Chikafuji Lisa 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@ChikafujiLisa / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/ChikafujiLisa / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/ChikafujiLisa

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Previous Thread: >>78991305

>> No.79007432
File: 232 KB, 1200x1600, GQL07mbagAAQhnh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweaty sex with Poko

>> No.79007460

Cherish the cute girls!

>> No.79007491
File: 2.65 MB, 3050x4294, 1688768433843598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sniff Coni's feet

>> No.79007504
File: 1.27 MB, 3508x2480, GQXrmPdaAAAiXvU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79007514
File: 420 KB, 640x540, Fuyo_Smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuyo makes me happy <3

>> No.79007516

Roca makes me happy.

>> No.79007608
File: 193 KB, 336x524, Lisaa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79007654

>> No.79007654
Quoted by: >>79007833

Lisa spying while I fap to her...

>> No.79007833

You FREAK! Why would you do that?

>> No.79007974

I want to knock up Fuyo so badly

>> No.79008123
File: 112 KB, 898x1080, IMG_3787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koa makes me happy, I’m happy how more open she is in members, she feels more needy, more cute, more joyful

>> No.79008148
File: 718 KB, 2568x3654, GOxYGPmXwAAFbQR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79008177

stop that

>> No.79008244
Quoted by: >>79008668

Fans of a story are those that support the author and buy the books. People that merely like the story torrent the books and write fanfiction.
If you are
>A true fan of her for 3 years and you don't want to lose any content with her, especially when you know that in membership streams she is more open minded and more of herself
Then why are you not working at least a little, 7-10 gringobucks monthly is not even a quarter of your food expenses for those special streams? And if you have the money to watch those streams, why are you not motivating other TRUE FANS to also work for this?
I am very very latin american, same as you, and I am proud to say that I have pirated over 90% of games, movies, shows, literature (entertainment and for college) of all I've consumed in my life. But if I am a true fan of something, I will make my support TANGIBLE, not positive vibes

>> No.79008295
File: 455 KB, 900x900, el Poko [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftav8lx.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's jiggie o'clock

>> No.79008311

How often does Roca brap on stream?

>> No.79008399
File: 279 KB, 1920x1080, rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we speedrun to the end of this drama already I'm tired of not caring

>> No.79008430
Quoted by: >>79008843

friendly reminder most shitters in koa community are ones can't pay T2 membership and think everything is free
>they caused drama with nisha whencreated T4-T3

>> No.79008442
File: 905 KB, 1366x768, 1705586097277307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dame una "ELE"
Dame una "A"
>>Dame una "ELE"
>>Dame una "A"
¿¡Qué dice!?
¡La-La es muy bo-ni-ta!

>> No.79008584 [DELETED] 

notConi live!

>> No.79008635

post link

>> No.79008649


>> No.79008668

I get what you said and it's true but FYI it's more complicated than that. And I don't want to explain more. I invite you to research if you are interested in knowing more anon. Maybe in the future the winds will change on my end.

>> No.79008715

Just get a fuckin job

>> No.79008737

Don't be a menace

>> No.79008762


>> No.79008841 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, 1545345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79009092


>> No.79008843

Nisha had higher tiers?
I swear every time I learn something its how they now hate Koa because she changed one thing slightly. Hell the indie Spanish threads whenever Koa is mentioned its mostly filled with some Koa drama they made up in their head

>> No.79008993

>indie Spanish threads
yeah, better not go there, fucking cancer is what you will find

>> No.79009004 [DELETED] 
File: 958 KB, 988x858, whore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your oshi is streaming, are you watching or are you obsessed with contractual arrangements?

>> No.79009050
Quoted by: >>79009175


>> No.79009051
File: 427 KB, 656x573, retard_kai.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79012660


>> No.79009092


>> No.79009105

>your oshi is streaming
I don't see Koa on, fuck off

>> No.79009115


>> No.79009134
Quoted by: >>79009277

/vtes/ spics feel betrayed by her for some reason

>> No.79009138
File: 82 KB, 183x181, 1668071925323618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell a faggot.

>> No.79009162

>Its complicated
>I wont explain
Your just creating drama out of little stuff
Either you can support her or you can’t. Is the real reason you are feeling sad is not that she has those tiers, but that you feel worthless because you can’t financially help her?

>> No.79009175
File: 1.22 MB, 841x888, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you should use that word

>> No.79009177 [DELETED] 


>> No.79009189 [DELETED] 

She's no longer my oshi, i'm not interested in watching a 28 year old who woman who manages to get groomed by her menhera friend and lies to her audience non-stop with excuses for not streaming.

>> No.79009191

>No merch
What the fuck is happening on the inside?

>> No.79009234 [DELETED] 

You think notConi looks at her YT chat, seeing over half the chatters with her oshimark and feels anything?

>> No.79009245
File: 910 KB, 1028x618, 1706863017644942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Momo

>> No.79009259

Post lolis NOW

>> No.79009272
File: 268 KB, 494x483, fuyo dumbfield 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79010596

>fuyo can you tell us about that thing you obviously can't tell us about or hasn't gone anywhere?!?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.79009277

The treat Meica the same way
It feels like they hate those two for getting a chance to grow bigger and moving away from wactor. They failed to realize they have the crabs in a bucket mentality

>> No.79009316
File: 1.85 MB, 2627x2048, 1717719711713349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79009329
Quoted by: >>79011583

not my oshi, but I'm watching cause I forgot what her asmr sounds like. Been getting my tingles from kanna and pillow and want to see if she comes even close to that.

>> No.79009333
File: 232 KB, 1311x2048, 1714603558065549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79009339
Quoted by: >>79009876

I am not interested. Streaming has a free quality to it, where you watch a streamer and you throw them money if you feel like it, whatever the reason might be. After a while the model was refined into predatory tactics the "culture" of the superchats where you make the streamer read your name and say "I love you anon" because you want to stand out among the blob that's the chat.
Then an outright paywall was erected, which was the natural "evolution" of this system. That streamers give a super-special-personal feel to the stream is just a way to justify MORE OF THE SAME and that's it. Koa is taking part of this, as every other streamer that wants to make a living out of it does. If you have a problem with it, "more complicated than that" then you have a problem with streaming, and if that's the case I invite you to look for something fulfilling to do

>> No.79009366
File: 1007 KB, 2961x4096, 1712181303168768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79009438

Carnies are some of the most pathetic cucks I've ever seen

>> No.79009447
File: 265 KB, 1713x2447, 1715047794052939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79009474

She stopped being my oshi half a year ago.

>> No.79009531
Quoted by: >>79009633

I'm just lurking because I don't want to give an impression in either direction. I guess I still have Roca...and Poko...

>> No.79009569
File: 246 KB, 1311x2048, 1710938349930017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79009583

She is coming for my semen, what can i do?!

>> No.79009629

I can afford the T2 it's just the fucking system that won't let me pay, maybe if you were more open minded you would understand but it's not the case it seems.

>> No.79009633

Dislike the stream at least.

>> No.79009681

I will never support greedy whores. Simple as.

>> No.79009706
File: 685 KB, 4001x2250, GQzg5j7WoAAuGzH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koa's schedule

>> No.79009784

You succumb to her. There's not other way.

>> No.79009843
Quoted by: >>79009893

Meanwhile my wife Katta is still sexy.

>> No.79009876
Quoted by: >>79010096

Still you don't understand, I have no problem with giving her money at all it's just that I can't

>> No.79009885

Holy shit it's true, she wants our semen! also it's nice to see a lot of streams

>> No.79009893
File: 273 KB, 2048x2048, 1686815376472226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79009940

she could be a lot sexier

>> No.79009922

high level was only 30$
there are 2 shitters already identified but I don't want this board to become like /vtes/
If you are active in koa community you can easily identify them
>T1:3$ - T2:7$ (old and delete) - T3:10$ - T4:30$

>> No.79009931

What does Koa need my semen for?

>> No.79009940
Quoted by: >>79010037

No she's great as is

>> No.79009957
File: 420 KB, 320x320, 1695896282047003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice art ToT

>> No.79010037
Quoted by: >>79010111

but she could be a lot sexier!!

>> No.79010075
File: 551 KB, 1814x2537, 1714729340993832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79010096
Quoted by: >>79010225

Then say the youtube system doesn’t let you buy membership or donate instead of being vague and calling us close minded when your withholding information

>> No.79010111


>> No.79010225
Quoted by: >>79010933

You guys think everybody has the same situation and that's the problem, that's all.

>> No.79010307


>> No.79010348
Quoted by: >>79010445

Enya urgently needs a new roommate

>> No.79010411
Quoted by: >>79010709

I´m already read this speech several times in koa comments.

>> No.79010437
File: 1.38 MB, 3000x3000, koa_uoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak desing

>> No.79010445

That's easier said than done

>> No.79010497

Imagine if she had gotten in Phase instead...what a timeline

>> No.79010512 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 392x434, Estupidos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koa es tan bonita, sigan peleando estúpidos mientras yo le hablo bonito :3

>> No.79010527

I'm weak. I tuned in out of curiosity and it's just not her anymore. It's just some pod person with her voice saying stuff. I thought I'd be cool to have her use Menace to do other ASMR that she couldn't do as Coni. Bit listening now there's just... nothing.

>> No.79010596

I took it as more fishing for reassurance than anything else.

>> No.79010621
Quoted by: >>79010692

Fuyo just smooched me.

>> No.79010663

Not the anon but i had a similar experience with that, basically the impotence of not being abel to pay a higher tier developed into a kind of jealousy and that at the end made me drop the chuba

>> No.79010692

sorry dude, that was for me

>> No.79010709

Congratulations anon.

>> No.79010828


>> No.79010832 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>79011170

>better than her other ASMRs

>> No.79010930

better than her clown model

>> No.79010933
Quoted by: >>79011266

Anon then it's complicated TO YOU, not to every guy que vive en latino america who wants to watch her paid streams but would rather use the few pesos they have on basic necessities.
Even more, it's not "complicated" it's just hard. It's a difficult situation for you, but in the end it's not that she is the thing that keeps you alive. You keep yourself alive, estúpido imbéci

>> No.79011069
File: 157 KB, 1400x1400, 1717659026312005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79011159

>not inverted
into the garbage

>> No.79011170

fake as fuck

>> No.79011266
Quoted by: >>79011667

And I know that, but still, if you were in a similar situation, you would feel the same as me, you are speaking in a perspective where you can enjoy it even if you are left without money, how convenient huh?
Anyways, I'm tired of this conversation gn anon.

>> No.79011326

I miss Fuyo.

>> No.79011431
File: 17 KB, 500x500, fuyo squishfield.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love green thing

>> No.79011441

see you en 5 minutes faggot

>> No.79011469
Quoted by: >>79011575

To think we could've has this asmr with coni but instead...

>> No.79011567
File: 308 KB, 520x463, fmmuf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heart has been purified

>> No.79011575

It wasn't even any good

>> No.79011583

pillow is really cute, she sure exploded in popularity fast

>> No.79011620

Confirmed getting a model for the new NotConi design

>> No.79011667

Buenas noches... I read that comment when you mentioned you outright can't pay for the T2 but because of youtube's quirks, despite having the means for it... I understand a little better, sorry

>> No.79011922
Quoted by: >>79012039

that was obvious for a while anon

>> No.79011972
Quoted by: >>79012039

No fucking shit Sherlock.

>> No.79011995

"Coni" better stream this week. Enough of the fucking excuses!

>> No.79012020


>> No.79012025
Quoted by: >>79012140

i believe that idol would benefit from adding a girl with huge milkers

>> No.79012039

Saying that when people were coping to the moon it was just going to stay a design is funny

>> No.79012084

>I'll literally starve irl if I have to shell out $8 a month for my oshi

>> No.79012131
Quoted by: >>79012483

IdolES might unironically become the only branch left
If they don't go bankrupt first

>> No.79012140
Quoted by: >>79012210

Katta, Juna, Kai, Meica and Lisa aren't enough for you?

>> No.79012175
Quoted by: >>79013947

anon.. she's going to hammer out the rest of her donothon goals then graduate, there's no sense in her putting any more effort into coni.

>> No.79012210

>huge milkers

>> No.79012308

I did some math and from youtube alone I was paying like $75 a month, that's kind of stupid desu

>> No.79012383


>> No.79012433 [DELETED] 

Coni is just tired of being a clown and being orbited by pedophile carnies.

>> No.79012483

Eternals... those ARS Pesos will save the company I tell you. Lala es la más linda, you better believe it.

>> No.79012523

ow man, you can do a better bait, but this? nah fuck off

>> No.79012552

Sheeps have udders too

>> No.79012554

>Old pic
return to your shitter hell board

>> No.79012577
Quoted by: >>79012628

she's joining the TBA club

>> No.79012628
File: 358 KB, 1865x1778, 1716489462114027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no, that's the worst one

>> No.79012652

Hello /jidf/
Is it true that brave bought idol? I'm out of loop for these things

>> No.79012660


>> No.79012721

I wish. Imagine all the high quality 3D models

>> No.79012743

my rrat for the night:
coni is on a temporary suspension for her refusal (and lack of help/support from management) to complete her donothon goals in a timely manner, so she's lashing out by streaming on her PL instead

>> No.79012748

no, but I wish they did

>> No.79012768

For me its more like "why would I spend $8 on a distant woman I am not fucking when I could spend it on myself or on a girl I can fuck?".
Thats always my train of thought when it comes to giving money to streamer and I am baffled most people dont think the same. Like, you are not going to fuck the vtuber, all you will get is maybe a bit more of attention from her, which she is only giving so you give even more money. That is just becoming her ATM, bro.

>> No.79012850

You're saying this like $8 a month is a sizable sum of money.

>> No.79012872

that would be the best, but this world is not the best

>> No.79012910
Quoted by: >>79013023

why are you replying to dumb baits?

>> No.79012944

>or on a girl I can fuck
nigger what planet are you living on where a girl you're fucking only costs 8 bucks LMFAO

>> No.79012965
Quoted by: >>79013947

More likely- It looked like some regulars contributed to the replacement asmr microphones she got via throne so it makes sense to at least stream on the account it's tied to.

>> No.79013017
Quoted by: >>79013090

Not a dragoon but holy shit this is the best model reveal i've seen period

>> No.79013023
File: 277 KB, 418x552, 1689750188136160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why aren't YOU posting cute girls?

>> No.79013034

>$8 for a girl

>> No.79013080

instead of pulling retarded rrats out of your ass, just face the reality that she's giving up on Coni out of her own volition.

>> No.79013088

You must be Venezuelan.

>> No.79013090


>> No.79013136
Quoted by: >>79013638

That rrat ((insider)) post from a few days ago is beginning to hold up more after what Fiyo said on her space...
Legal issues make too much sense

>> No.79013143
Quoted by: >>79013196


>> No.79013151

i don't need coni, i found a girl that loves seals and wants her model to be flatter

>> No.79013155

Is it wrong to be watching these girls if I'm well into my 30s? During a stream I'll be grinning like an idiot and having fun, then afterwards the cold reality hits me

>> No.79013196

because management is shit, is basically what it boils down to, and she's fed up with it.

>> No.79013244

Nope, enjoy the happiness while it lasts

>> No.79013288
Quoted by: >>79013388

Momosuzu Nene the orange ranger from hololive 5th gen?

>> No.79013315
File: 2.14 MB, 1600x1053, 1716930279737391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79013409

If an idol jewba fails it just means they were never really a true believers of the plan.
>Unless the Lord builds the company,
>The vtubers labor in vain.
>Unless the Lord watches over the vtuber,
>the viewers watch in vain.
>Indeed, he who watches over Idol
>will neither slumber nor sleep.
>Guardian of Israel
>Guardian of jewbas

>> No.79013335

She was trying to rescue you the whole time, anon

>> No.79013368

I'm sure her management will be a lot better as an indie, as well as all the money and support she will have, and all the group collabs with her genmates, and all the future projects involving her genmates.

>> No.79013388
File: 11 KB, 112x112, 1716218563547146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always thought Nene would be the perfect chuuba if she was flat/a loli

>> No.79013407
File: 3.02 MB, 2894x4093, 119631234_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79013409


>> No.79013411
Quoted by: >>79013631

Bro do you watch a single vtuber?

>> No.79013554
Quoted by: >>79013794

i'm not sure if you're trying to be sarcastic here, but yeah, that's all true.

>> No.79013575

But tetas... Tetas is good

>> No.79013579
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x1600, 112380738_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79013619
Quoted by: >>79013928

I don't think it can get much worse than the head manager grooming talents though

>> No.79013631

Yeah, I give Poko $10 a month, it's not a big deal

>> No.79013638

what did she say? I figured a twitter space after not streaming for like 2 weeks would have some juicy intel but I didn't feel like listening

>> No.79013742
File: 3.76 MB, 930x428, nene_uoh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fuwt9oz.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79013797

nene loves cunny, the only chuuba i've ever seen literally sob over it on stream

>> No.79013752

Life is hard. If something makes you happy do/enjoy it. Obviously do "productive" things too, but there's nothing wrong with spending ~2 hours a day watching streams or something else you like even if it isn't the most optimal thing you can do

>> No.79013794

Exactly, especially the part about genmates. She's going to be so fucking rich too after all of her fans follow her there and give her infinite donations every stream, just like Pochi and Yuko.

>> No.79013797

hence being perfect if she herself was a loli (or at least flat)

>> No.79013819
File: 269 KB, 977x853, 1702008567369890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79013872
Quoted by: >>79014103

you weren't watching tonight I see

>> No.79013876
Quoted by: >>79013909

if anything watching them in your young 20s is worse, that's basically like admitting your life is over before it even began

>> No.79013909

ah fuck...

>> No.79013928

you tourists need to go update your shitposts.

>> No.79013947
Quoted by: >>79014768

I just know that if she graduate from idol now I will lose the last bit of respect I had for her,
Like what will it cost her to stay until the boat sinks? It's not like Idol stops her from streaming on her other account, right? Her leaving now will only harm the other members from endless

>> No.79013951
Quoted by: >>79014677

Watching? Sure. Simping? You are a sad retard that should be getting an actual woman instead.

>> No.79014064

>b-blame the managers
Nah not falling for this shit again. This excused is literally used EVERYTIME a vtuber fucks up.
She made her own decisions. In fact she been doing PL shit since last year. This isnt anything sudden.

>> No.79014103
Quoted by: >>79014243

Of course I wasn't, why would I support her now that she's like this.

>> No.79014119

basically every carnie is already deep into her PL, hell half of them have had both menace and coni oshi marks in their faggy twitters for many months now.
all the fags in the carniecord are well aware.
the situation is very different, yuko pulled a 180 and spat in her communities faces, pochi didn't have a very large dedicated fanbase in the first place and I know at least half still watch her

>> No.79014145
File: 99 KB, 1000x611, GKOqj0OaQAAhBPZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79014243

More power to you if you don't want to watch her, but at least know what you're talking about before you post

>> No.79014267
File: 430 KB, 2500x3000, 1716930518865766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79014273

I saw some anons /here/ saying they want their oshi go to Pixellink
I'm retard so Idk but how is pixellink a better option? Aren't they more unknown and smaller than idol?

>> No.79014306
File: 16 KB, 616x188, Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 22-14-08 Enya Ignis 🚒🔥 idolEN on X just got reminded that the interrobang exists!!! look at this lovely little punctuation mark ‽ ‽ ‽ ‽ ‽ ‽ _ X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79014329
File: 465 KB, 598x800, Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 00-14-44 Juna Unagi ⚠️ idolEN on X Happy Birthday Juna!!! https __t.co_FNpTMUWfhk _ X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say happy birthday to our birthday girl

>> No.79014379

Management is obviously dogshit. Yuko and Pochi might have been retarded, but that doesn't make Aviel less of a retard.

>> No.79014435

Proof next thread?

>> No.79014513
Quoted by: >>79014746

the sooner Coni and her pl cuckolds fuck off the better

>> No.79014536

she made every possible thing to make me stop caring about her so i don't

>> No.79014605

Wisu is really cute and seems genuinely happy where she is right now

>> No.79014641

happy birthday cute eel
your hard work and sincerity made you one of the few trustable people in this company. i'll try to support you more this year

>> No.79014667
File: 1010 KB, 1414x2000, 1718420345255276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday Juna!

>> No.79014671

Smaller newer corpo, fewer problems.

>> No.79014677

Watching soccer? Sure. Simping? You are a sad retard that should be getting an actual soccer ball instead.

>> No.79014746

what makes them cucks she hasnt done anything to betray carnies at all

>> No.79014748

and the best way they found to deal with that is going on a streaming strike while vagueposting on alt and main

>> No.79014768

>Like what will it cost her to stay until the boat sinks?
waste of time and effort I guess?
if she wants to leave then leave, whatever, what I don't like is all the PL faggotry with her in the first place that's been ongoing since she debuted basically.
it's kind of a staple for idol though at this point, main reason why I can't get invested into most chuubas in this corpo anymore.
if you're having so much issues, just give your current fanbase love and attention as much as you can then fucking graduate and do what you will on your other account. the double dipping and secret club feeling is putrid.

>> No.79014823
Quoted by: >>79015065

how do you simp for soccer? does messi have an onlyfans or something?

>> No.79014910
Quoted by: >>79015525

fuyo, coni, poko literally just today, enya, meica, etc. have all said as much that management is retarded, mainly with their incompetence in helping the girls with their donothon goals, and it seems they got a bad ghosting problem.
their only job is to assist the girls and it seems they don't do that

>> No.79014983

they are smaller, but they actually get things done
they have merch, a vn, happy girls, cgdct, and their new gen got some familiar voices.
poko would fit right in

>> No.79014987

pixellink is definitely not a better option, the only better options imo would be v4m, phase, or hololive.

>> No.79015018

I call Aviel a retard all the time, but that doesnt make the vtubers any less at fault. Unless they are all leaving at the same time like what happened to that other corp, its not a manager issue.

>> No.79015056

Some anons can only speak in buzzwords due to their small brains

>> No.79015065

By paying 30$ for your ticket

>> No.79015091

kek it's her bday and nobody gives a shit

>> No.79015099

The idea of sexually harassing Lisa then her getting pouty, angry, and calling me gross makes my penis happy.

>> No.79015139
File: 52 KB, 321x208, fuyo thumbfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good jigging

>> No.79015141
Quoted by: >>79015201

idol management should be helping out the girls with their needs instead of running defense /here/ for their shitty practices by blaming the girls

>> No.79015181
File: 2.46 MB, 2475x3500, 118891315_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79015194

>saying they want their oshi go to Pixellink
LOL. LMAO even.

>> No.79015201

Exactly, it's their fault that Yuko and Pochi graduated and they should admit that at long last

>> No.79015223

lmao even

>> No.79015266

Anon are you seriously comparing vtubers to soccer?

>> No.79015409

I have a headache

>> No.79015421
File: 191 KB, 500x500, pogolove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79015424
Quoted by: >>79015507

on a scale of 0 to 10
where 0 is poko and 10 is yuko
where would you put coni?

>> No.79015426


>> No.79015436

Honestly, this has killed Coni for me. If she wants to focus on her PL account she needs to just graduate. This shit is not good for Idol or the other girls. I hope Aviel gets on top of this shit ASAP.

>> No.79015507
Quoted by: >>79015540

i forgot to mention
the scale is evilness

>> No.79015523

Why does Coni suddenly hate carnies?

>> No.79015525
Quoted by: >>79015610

Sure. If that is true then what do you think is the best way to solve that?
>Hey Aviel, our managers are being retarded. Can you replace them please?
Easy. If that doesnt solve it and its an actual big issue, do like the Vreverie girls and graduate en masse.
Now to me all it seems like is that the girls are not taking care of their donothon goals as they should be, considering that Roca is having no such issues.

>> No.79015540
Quoted by: >>79015903

why is poko "i like about my cat's name" rakun at the 0 scale?

>> No.79015560

I agree

>> No.79015578
File: 3.65 MB, 1440x1080, lala_koa[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxxzvfz.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79015579

I know your talking about aviel.
But anon women suck at making decisions

>> No.79015583

we heard you already, why do you keep repeating it? and aviel can't do anything right because he's retarded.

>> No.79015592

I'm being ironic, but his argument is just stupid.

>> No.79015610

do you have any idea how many managers idol has cycled through at this point?

>> No.79015627

Finally a reasonable person

>> No.79015644

Did the spics mark the start of the downfall?

>> No.79015707

Coni has been grifting way before the spics arrived

>> No.79015714

I would accept the complaints if they actually ever said anything remotely more detailed than "I wish I had more help we need more managers siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh it's so hard being me", when all they have is a few fucking donothon goals that even completely without help they should be able to do without any problem (as long as they have the budget for it)
inb4 muh NDA

>> No.79015742

Retarded newfags who don't know about Nebi I guess.
What I've learned from Idol is that everything in a new gen in any corp seems perfect and full of unity until around the first anniversary mark, and then each talent's true colors start showing up. Aviel's biggest mistake was putting too much trust in everyone's potential without doing research into their past, leading to what just happened 3 times and is looking likely to happen a 4th.
Managers go full retard all the time even in Hololive, do you see them graduating just because they disagree with management a bunch of times? No, the proper solution is discussing your issues and waiting until things get better.

>> No.79015774
Quoted by: >>79016448

no, things were already falling apart when idol decided that riro needed to paywall her asmr even higher.

>> No.79015816

you don't see them graduating because they make millions of dollars by streaming once a month

>> No.79015841

ES and Encore were a breath of fresh air among all the shit we have been dealing since last year

>> No.79015903
Quoted by: >>79016033

Fandits are notorious for shitting up the thread while pretending that Poko is perfect. They are basically Fuyobros.

>> No.79015982

The only Korean I trust. Also please release your new voice pack, the last one was really fun.

>> No.79016033

Fuck off Mozzu

>> No.79016042
Quoted by: >>79016086


>> No.79016086
File: 152 KB, 579x574, 1693673398395599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79016112

Go to work fucking wagie lmfao

>> No.79016142
Quoted by: >>79016587

Yep, the breadcord is raiding again

>> No.79016157
File: 178 KB, 500x500, pokoconfused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we get so many determined shitters? Where do they come from? I just wanna talk about cute girls

>> No.79016175
File: 616 KB, 1077x785, 1708485486112218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads are probably gonna be shit for the foreseeable future so I think I'll head on out. Hope you still have fun with your oshis jewbros, enjoy it and make lots of memories!

>> No.79016246
File: 110 KB, 307x307, Fuyo_loverfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79016269
File: 8 KB, 430x52, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79016321

>he changed his name

>> No.79016270

why are teamates like this?

>> No.79016280

Butthurt is a powerful shitposting motivator

>> No.79016321
Quoted by: >>79016386

Is that the banned pyrophile?

>> No.79016330

Phaseniggers, Mozzuniggers, Pochifags, /k/troons and the shitskins from /vtes/

>> No.79016386

I don't think he was banned.

>> No.79016448
Quoted by: >>79018330

that was a good thing, it started falling apart when they unjustly fired her.

>> No.79016543
File: 55 KB, 223x215, 1714952609826767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take care, jewbro. I'll miss you.

>> No.79016587

Cope and seethe delusional fandit.

>> No.79016671
File: 119 KB, 639x766, F0t15pGaUAAvNkW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take care bro.

>> No.79016726

Go back Mozzu

>> No.79016729

I'm just sad for you man. I hope your life gets better to the point where you don't feel the need to do shit like this anymore.

>> No.79016893
Quoted by: >>79017323

I don't even know what mozzu sounds like

>> No.79017074
Quoted by: >>79017122

management sucks but so do women, especially in primarily female work environments where they reinforce each other's behavior. I'm willing to bet if you isolated the girls from each other for a month, the complaints would fall by at least half.
t. was in a primarily female work environment that included sisters being sisters and constantly inventing problems

>> No.79017122
Quoted by: >>79017162

shut up aviel and close doors already

>> No.79017162

no, buy more merch

>> No.79017205
Quoted by: >>79017285

I'll miss you but I understand your reasoning. Do what makes you happy and take care of yourself. We'll always be brothers. Love you, bro

>> No.79017265
File: 509 KB, 1655x2265, GQt49x2WcAAZ165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79017285
Quoted by: >>79017827

i cringed irl at this

>> No.79017323
File: 202 KB, 512x512, Chuckie_Finster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79017352
File: 649 KB, 2973x4096, GQKsdCEW0AEC3HO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79017414
File: 253 KB, 2441x2158, 1719118371155727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight jewbros. Hope you have sweet dreams of your oshi.

>> No.79017442
File: 65 KB, 577x677, Poko Squib.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79017485
File: 1.05 MB, 1919x1079, amimir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

night friend

>> No.79017511
File: 485 KB, 4096x2554, GMkvVmAWoAAfrhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nini jewbro

>> No.79017669
Quoted by: >>79018461

Hi, Nebischizo.

>> No.79017827

That's fine. I want to tell people how I truly feel and not feel ashamed to tell them while I have the chance.

>> No.79017892
File: 122 KB, 359x478, 1718998203879529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79017976
File: 285 KB, 2048x1604, GPOllB9bkAER9dr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79018002
File: 1.26 MB, 720x720, 1717969993150046.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take care

>> No.79018164

>Sneaking into Lala's bedroom, to put a Pikmin plushie next to her pillow.

>> No.79018226
File: 188 KB, 850x1200, GOB2dOlasAAXKmV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79018330

> it started falling apart when they unjustly fired her.
Didn't you read the termination note that idol released?

>> No.79018342
File: 127 KB, 1365x2048, 1697950731529217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tee hee so sneaky

>> No.79018354

Oh my goodness, anon that's really cute

>> No.79018373
File: 167 KB, 850x1200, GMWi1xna4AMYFpM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79019394

>> No.79018456
File: 2.26 MB, 1280x720, 1699724141102189.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koa cute

>> No.79018461

I'm a newfag indeed
Who's nebi?

>> No.79018471
File: 150 KB, 1373x396, IMG_0778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79018511

Why isn't Juna replying to Coni …

>> No.79018511
Quoted by: >>79018731

read tweets

>> No.79018545

you can tell she's really proud of that model, with all the images/videos she makes

>> No.79018569
File: 569 KB, 2160x3600, GPfTjjcawAA7VwB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79018570
File: 292 KB, 1382x2048, F4W8rO8XQAApK5_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79018634
Quoted by: >>79018863

The Yuko of /pxl/

>> No.79018654
File: 78 KB, 1024x792, 1713315482463327m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, pls tell me some good Coni news

>> No.79018691
File: 830 KB, 3292x3548, GPPfZ-bWMAA-DEy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79018718

Uh, she's still in idol!

>> No.79018731

No it goes against my narrative that Coni is graduating soon and Juna is ignoring her

>> No.79018751
Quoted by: >>79019135

what the fuck I thought you just left

>> No.79018768
File: 124 KB, 720x642, GNvTXKkWwAAhabR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79018767

made 8k from donothon then fucked off

>> No.79018823

Looks like Lumi was right about the other cyberlive girls, they are all terrible self interested bitches who will backstab you at thr drop of the hat.
Well, all of them except Roca and Nano but Nano is kind of a retard.
Its wierd how Lumi and Roca are the only ones thriving post cyberlive, everyone else is having issues.
Appogise to the lemon bitch.

>> No.79018863
Quoted by: >>79018930

>The Yuko of /pxl/
That just make the doomposting about idol even more stupid
Like if a literal who company managed to survive a Yuko so why idol couldn't?
Idol will be fine

>> No.79018924
Quoted by: >>79019094

Fuck off phasenigger your whore is as just as bad

>> No.79018930


>> No.79019024
File: 707 KB, 954x607, Lisa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79019109

>> No.79019029
File: 915 KB, 2214x3580, GGu3URsXEAA_1pd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79019094

I only see 1 of the 2 bitches backstabbing their gen mates with their pl crap and its the one with green hair.

>> No.79019109
Quoted by: >>79019210

It's a bad habit to bite your nails, Lisa

>> No.79019135

This >>79016175 is a different carnie. I always use the party hat version of Coni in hopes she will also use one, one day.

>> No.79019137

i miss coni...

>> No.79019208

If I don't marry this woman, I feel like I will never be happy again

>> No.79019210

she has hooves

>> No.79019225
File: 1.34 MB, 1919x1079, Lalamin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79019255


>> No.79019318
File: 130 KB, 1320x1524, junagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Juna do a bday celebration?

>> No.79019323

Cute It's staring straight into my soul

>> No.79019394

God I wish that were me...

>> No.79019475
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79019490
File: 3.80 MB, 720x720, PIKMIN[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flk044s.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79019601

Why cant you turbo faggots just leave? Why you always gotta be a like attention whore about it?

>> No.79019701
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1715366916133336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>79021878

Happy birthday Juna

>> No.79019740

At this point I am more willing to believe on yellow woman because from what I see she never stopped streaming as Lumi to be active on PL.
She does other shit I hate tho so she is still a bitch.

>> No.79019773
File: 80 KB, 1170x1170, Lisaaaa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79020175
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>> No.79020771
File: 38 KB, 224x224, BestClown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79021160
Quoted by: >>79021299

btw, Tonya's in VSMP right now.

>> No.79021299
File: 115 KB, 766x981, 1716928204049591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can find her in Hiyori's POV

>> No.79021390

New momo tweet

>> No.79021810
File: 1.60 MB, 920x1020, Bread_Poko [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjv6rf6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder bread

>> No.79021828

IIRC she made a passive aggressive comment against management when that whole Riro thing went down.

>> No.79021878

Yay for eel! I hope she has fun baking cupcakes today.

>> No.79022854

>everyone else is having issues.
Nano is doing great and turned her life around for the best.
Pandora makes bank off her Opera gig and is achieving her goals and dreams like concerts and big projects.
Yoki's a bit small but passionate and doing well for herself, which I consider a win. She may not be big, but she seems happy.

The one's I consider Cyberlive's genuine 'failures' would be Hylo, Seina,and Inowi(I almost forgot she existed and had to look up her name on the wiki)
