Previous: >>78953889
*GENERAL NUMBERFAG SITES*>>>>>> sites>>>> sites>>>>>>>
Guys, don't count her out yet, she is only following the "For you" tab
>>78960761I want to believe.
>>78960795>>78960814We love Rick Astley here
>>78960528Realistically everyone, because they'll gather up people and funnel them into the later streams. It's debatable if it will help Kiara in the long run or she'll just beat up in overlap like she's an EU Shiori or Bae. if she starts back into JRPGs it will be a real test
>>78960830What's that?
Wait, you guys are not getting rick roll'ed by Kiara? Get in here!
>kiara knows the game and how to play itBased, fuck ERB
Am I going crazy or has she changed the time? I went to grab lunch while waiting and it said 28 minutes like half an hour ago.
That's not singing she's just screaming and making random voices
>>OPStop trying to replace Fauna
Sex with Wawa
Unicorn bros... she's singing the homo song... why are her number rising? We fucking lost...
if she sings a holo jp, holo en, and holo id ori songs i will forgive her
>>78960994She has two streams.
>Aww fuck I'm gonna beat my meat to ERBCute little cuck playing with his pencil dick to homo song
Never gonna give you up is unironically a good songNow watch Kiara!
>slight bump when she started singing bettel's songWe lost, bros.
>Sing Homo song>Does not loose viewers The british...really came
>>78961011stop baiting this shit nigger
>inclined during homo songwhat is fucking happening bros...
>>78961011>Green vs Green
What HoloEN song fits ERB's style?
>>78960994There's two parts. The archived and unarchived part. You most likely saw the archived part an hour ago.
>>78961030>first stream after debutbased retard god
>>78961030Debut buff. People are watching her because they know people are angry. When they realize they're not going to get the response they want they'll crawl back to Twitter.
>>78961011This will be the Cece liveposting thread, you can make the next one with whoever you want.
It’s too late for you if you said Elizabeth is over IRyS btw. You are forever a retard. People never learn
>homo mention>noombers go up
>>OPC.C please save us!!!!!!! ONEGAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!
>>78960528 Everyone duh, new gens attract new audiences assuming they are varied and don't overlap other holos too much in content and hours
tee bee haigh bae never was this bad
>>789610302 MORE WEEKS. BELIEVE!!!
>>78961082You are right, I am retarded
At this point the cope that she's not gonna collab with them is pointless, she's even singing their songs in karaokes.
>>78961011This is /grun2 now, sorry
gonna be honest bros, I don't care if she sucks the homo cock as long as it doesn't affect the other girls
>>78960994She pushed it back an hour
>>78961187I appreciate the commitment
Kek, and you fags told me this woman who can't even hold a note is better than Gura and Irys
>>OP>>78960904greenfags please...she just debut'd
>>78961011kys larper
>I am just happy youre happybrehs...
>>78961125literally every IRyS song where Omega(?) made her hit retarded as notes
You hear that? Stay loyal!
Guys why is the CCV going up? Everyone knows CCV drops over time in karaoke streams.
Lost in all the commotion is this. Footchads, we could have had a barefoot Gigi forever, but you faggots messed it up for us. I will never forgive you faggots
>>78961112Discords doing @all to let others know
>>78961187She isn't Hololive. We won't count her in the tallies.
So her personality really is just. WATCH HOLOSTARS lmao
>Faggots got jumpscared by the homo songTold you, staying on Kiara stream is the only best option
>kaela raidedCGDCT ALLIANCE
>>78961237And that's a good thing. We're actually inclining.
>Kaela raiding Kiara
She's so obvious a sister. It thought that if one of them managed to infiltrate that she would try to be more subtle, but there wasn't even a mask off moment. There was no mask on in the first place.
>>78961237That ended when she tweeted like 5 of them predebut. And put them into her debut slides. Like who was still thinking she wasn't going to collab?
>>78961309New debut buff.
>Howls Moving Castlethe most overrated ghibli film...
>Kaela raided Kiara instead of ERB
>>78961314She still barefoot secondary, she roll poorly and didn't get the shoes.
>>78960690I'm only into that sexually. Outside of the bedroom though, it makes you a bitch and people will tend to avoid you.
>>78961011>green v green>skyrim v skyrimdespicable behavior what todd would say
>>78961176It's going to be a miracle if someone in EN ever is better than IRyS
Sorry but ERB might beat some others to be the #1 worst hire for holoEN, just incredible
well, would you watch the holostars now? we hired a girl shilling them so hard
>>78961112Can you explain this then?
>>78961358I'm watching the euros. There will always be someone live posting a stream here.
Based Kaela
>>78961176It's the exact same timeloop from when Nerissa debuted but with the name swappedIt will happen again if EN5 has a singer because ennacuck hates that nobody challenges IRyS
Fauna and CC should play Skyrim Together
>>78961309It's over. We won. Long live the Queen. Long live ERB.
>>78961011We love green hereAlso cece soon its fitting
>anons were worried that a male will join StarsEN to get a chance with the girlsIn reality we got a girl joining HoloEN to get a chance with Stars..... kek
>>78961398>>78961422>>78961471Your sarcasm detector...
Why is Kiara singing this shite
>Green and Raoh are even>GG is runt now>Sister Prime on Top of the World
>>78961314Look man, she's gotta take care of her feet so they stay pretty. I'm not gonna send her outside where there's rocks and she damages her feet. I can always take the shoes off.
>>78961507Kaela should not be drawn this sexy
>>78960350She's beating Gura right now.
>>78961030>Kiara>saving anyoneSorry but even being a homocollaber there's a high chance she's gonna have better ccv than Kiara even in the long term
>>78961581She's kissing me right now
ERB counts as a Nijishitter in the tally, it is decided
>>78961568the eggs are drying up fr fr
>>78960350She would have 35k if Kiara wasn't being a cunt.
>>78961237It would be the most surprising thing if she just straight up never did though
>>78961582Kinda hard anon considering that pattern DOES happen to NijiEN karaokes kek
>>78961568But we got lots of sex pests in HomoEN?
>>78961251the community is in flames again just as it was cooling down even worse doing shit like calling them senpai and putting them on the same level of contribution as the girls. like i have no problem with her collabing with who she wants, i just won't watch her, but all this other shit is annoying.
>>78961349Was it ever in question?Anyone who watched her expecting otherwise is retarded, she will shove the homos down your throat at every turn of the road
>>78961251It's already having an impact, homo discourse has completely overshadowed any meaningful discussion especially on public forums
>>78961599Atleast she graduated. We would be lucky to have red graduate that quickly.
>>78961393They can't even be subtle in text form when they try.
>>78961419the precedence has been setthe damage is already done
>>78961030Yuros deserve it
>>78961638>she's gonna have better ccvValorant and FPSslop says otherwise
>>78961237Bro when your opening slide in the debut is a drawing of Maching x Flygon, who is even coping with no collabs?
>>78961628She has 35k?
>>78961664that would mean Niji just btfo'd cgdct prime
>>78961599I'd take Sana over her any day, at least Sana wasn't a negative
What where the numbers of FWMC first Karaoke?
>>78961733name one who went this far on their own???
If Kiara sends me to the homo whore's stream I am unsubbing btw
Imagine if she sings Luxiem song
>>78961727Just saying, I don't think there is a single HoloEN karaoke that peaks and drops before at LEAST the hour mark. Most incline for 2 hours or more if they go long enough,
>>78961541Didn't someone mention modded co-op Skyrim before? I am like 60%% sure it was Fauna but I can't remember
Looks like a 25k peak unless Kiara raids.
She's not gonna become a 20k karaoke streamer like mumei now for Lmao
Liz is pretty good. She'd dominate this timeslot.
>>78961768Monkey's paw is real
WTF brosShe didn't mention da bois in the justice collabs at allI'm gonna sub to her genmates now
Please don't raid her kiara. You are suppose to be one of the anti male ones....
>>78961848No way she's dumb enough.
Kiara raid to Cece. You know it.
>>78961856Nah. Nijien is radioactive poison right now. Especially vox
>>7896187125k for an archive isn't bad. now lets see the unarchived under overlap
>>78961481>watch the holostars now?No.
>>78961848Why would Kiara know what she's singing?
>>78961568Through some weird coincidence it's also happened to be hag that possibly older than Mio too... So that JP study about sisters being housewives in their 40s wasn't a mistake
I don't think Kiara has any choice but to raid ERB when she's done
If Kiara ends early and raids CCs waiting room can we assume something went down?
>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover) *new*>奏 / Kanade (cover)>My Dearest (cover)>DAYBREAK FRONTLINE (cover)>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)>symmetry *new*>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.>カバー曲 / Cover Songs>歌まとめ / All Songs
I wonder why only 3 members though. Should've hired a 4th one to cover this timeslot.
you WILL eat your veggiesi will make you LOVE them one way or anotherda boiz will be 5 views tomorrow thanks to red women
Matsuri was so cute today, idol outfit suits her
>>78961598I suppose that is...acceptable
Will she actually sing a song without doing retarded voices?
>>78961785Nothing wrong with Flayon. 25k DORYAAAAAZAAAA
>>78961899>she respects her genmates collab choices and only shills it when she's soloBASED BASED BASEDI LOVE HER NOW
>>78961996Can they even be raided yet?
>>78962047There's still time
>>78961930She may think people want to continue hearing Kaeaoke.
>>78961947It’s extremely bad for your first karaoke stream right after debut. This won’t even pass a normal Gura karaoke without Kiara’s help
>>78960350I'd say the timezone is kind of bad for it but kiara is kind of overperforming in the same timeslot
>>78961947Debut buff on prime time for the only thing she has... Not bad.
>>7896194725K for first solo stream is awful. Downhill from there.
>>78961980She made it clear what she's about during her debut and pre debut tweets
>>78961481I watch hololive for the cute girls, doesn't matter how much you shill the stars yagoo
>>78961809Reportedly Sana advised the upcoming homos or something before her graduationWhether that would translate to her being a homobeggar I dunno, but we dodged a potential bullet nonetheless
>>78961996Is this what /#/ has been reduced to? The Gossip General?
>Kiara purposefully overlapping ERBWhat a fucking hero.
>>78962077Fauna couldn't raid debut, I assume still too early for that.
>>78961947It's not bad, it's great.
>>78962077FWMC raided Rara's waiting room
>>78962047Watching football duh. Look at chat. It's all SEA or LGBT++
What did Nerissas first karaoke get?
>>78961918does he reply to random holo girls tweet? Does he sing holo girl songs in his karaoke?
Wtf retards going to a Homobeggar stream and pretending to be surprised? I don't care if she's doing well. I'm not an anti, I'm just choosing not to watch her. If she does well then whatever, I'll continue not watching someone selling shit that I'm not buying. I'll just watch the girls that stick to CGDCT and not watch Homobeggars. I won't sit here praying she fails when I can just happily listen to Kiara sing 80s music and forget she exists.
>>78962077no, as usual this thread is fucking retarded. justice is only whitelisted with justice. Fauna tried and couldnt raid Cici's debut yesterday
>>78961835see >>78810447
Pre-justice I never would've thought that Kiara overlapping a newly-debuted holo's first ever karaoke would be met with cheering instead of endless shitting on KiaraAbsolutely wild
>>78962129I Always trusted Kiara
If kiara raids her she will even beat fwmc first karaoke and this is still the unarchived part...
Damn this is pathetic for a debut Karaoke.
>>78962166>reduced toits always been.
>barely beating Raora's comfy zatsu
>>78961628Gura had over 100k on her early post debut karaoke
>>78962213Watch streams you colossal fucking faggot, FWMC literally raided Raora
>rebellionjesas she's gonna mog rissa
Okay, im going to start getting real, i canno watch elizabeth because this will actually fuck up my youtube algo when it reads the homostar songs in here karaoke
>>78962213Could it be the new members didn't enable it?
>>78962224Unless we told you, "She's a massive fucking homobeggar."
>>78962137Is Kiara finally going to realise she should have spent the last three years streaming at EU primetime instead of 4 hours earlier
>>78961945>thinks erb would hesitate a second before she tries to force nijien into the holoen sphere Anon, it's time to wake up, she's a sister anon. She's trying to crash the branch, no survivors.
>>78962214Based sapling
Since Bae drunkenly leaked that they are contractually obligated to shill the homos, I wonder if management is lining red's pockets for doing this shit.
>>78962214Imagine being surprised in a /#/ thread.
Reminder that management will take this chance and run with itYou'll be seeing a bunch more "Holopro" branded stuff in the very near future, they smell blood in the waterI think this might actually be the end
>>78962166>Thinking /#/ is about numbersNEWFAGGOT
>>78962156No one knows what the advice was, it might have been "don't be faggots" for all we know.
So seriously #bros predict ERB average after the debut buff period with the assumption every karaoke will be just like this oneWhat are her karaoke # gonna settle after the end of debut buff?
>>78962188Stop coping man.
>>78962166This is the unicorn homo hater general
>>78962281Raora got raided twice this morning.
>long gone are the days where Gura got shadowbanned and capped out at 67k for her first karaoke>long gone are the days where Gura does a karaoke two months after debut and gets 119know we have the gen’s dedicated singer struggling to reach 30k
>>78961030Debut buff, look at advent now they do decently well but after a month or two none of them could even touch 20k without nonstop raid chains
>>78962310But if she streams in prime time, when will she have the time to go out and have a social life?
>literally the next stream>”WE WON”Heh like all the support Vox got in SCs after the GF yab? Or Kronii after the homo yab? Lmao
>>78962262God, what a rush that was.
>>78962332>my headcanon
>>78962262>ancient historyThe shark is irrelevant in 2024
>>78962332Since your mother drunkenly leaked that she tried to abort you, I wonder if that's why you ended up like that
>>78962255Tbfh. Raora did nothing wrong.
So apart from the clown homo song her debut was pretty much every archivable song she knows. This is the singer of the gen.
>>78962214Good mindsetJust threadreading this place is all you need
>11k for the runt of mythWhat caused this? Overlap is suppose to lower your ccv and not give you a boost. Kiara should have 5k right now
>>78962420The fall will be sweet, I'm waiting.
>>78962402Well that's not the same person Fauna tried to raid now is she? Chuubas for this feel?
People watch quality contentHer being in holo sets expectations of quality contentHer singing is quality contentHer coed content will NOT Coed streams very rarely results in quality content unless it involves pandering to shippers
>>78962208Yes. Don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did
>>78962477She's botted.
>>78962411It's like people were forced to find shit to do trapped indoors all day or something.
>>78962411>long gone are the days we are trapped inside because of covidYou could compare her to FWMC without being a retard
>>7896220645k I think
>>78962214>i'm not an anti>acts like an anti
>>78962219his replies were always on the official posts anon, if you think he went beyond what ERB is doing then you are retarded
>>78961237imagine joining hololive just to be an ad for homostars.
>>78962073I don't, but she can do whatever she wants while solo. I only anti veggies. veggie pushers? or vegans?
>>78962454Back to global you go
>>78962213>as usual this thread is fucking retarded.>one of them got raided
[Kiara news]She is stinky and sweaty according to her
>>78962283Well yes, pre-justice I also would've never thought hololive would hire an honest-to-god homobeggar, what a disgrace
Liz might get today's gold.
>>78962411>covid numbersyawn
>>78962411maybe you should infiltrate Szechwan and release covid-25 from the secret lab
>>78962006I love your dedication to KanadeI checked out her karaokes a while ago because of you and I am a big fan
she's good but it feels like she only knows how to sing one way.
>>78962166Here, numbers.
>>78961112I love how it goes back down again lol, they never cared about her
>>78962590She should sit on my face
>>78962206Better than fucking 27k kek
>>78962375IDK. Will they all be at 3 PM and overlapped by a Kiara karaoke? I think 6 months from now, if she was completely alone in this spot and did an unarchived karaoke she could get 15k. She's gonna get the same "good singer" buff Mumei, Gura, IRyS, and sort of Nerissa get.
Kek. She messed up rebellion.
>>78962556That's almost a month after debut
>>78962409Anon i know you are trying to explain to that one newfag itt. But i was clearly using sarcasm.
>>78933387but why not go with "(you)nicorn", then?
>>78961251I hope brrats enjoy more homo collabs. The only reason Bae didn't do them was that no one in EN was setting them up.
Please gather for my cute violinwife's adventures in Toddland.
>>78962511But the unhinged interactions that cause chat to lose their minds! There will be a lot of those!
>>78962214>I won't sit here praying she fails when I can just happily listen to Kiara sing 80s music and forget she existsThat's the right answer but this thread is too schizo to be content with that
>all that is protecting us from 30k is kiara and she is on her last songWe need a miracle bros....
>>78962077Maybe the reason Kaela raided Kiara is because they cant raid the new channels
>>78962631Unicorn dogs are about to get mogged, guess we know what the people actually want now
I'm a bad little bitch
>>78962206She got 26k but that was 1month after debut. Shiori got 31k after 1week of debut
>>78962470>singer of her genNo shit. Other 3 can't sing at all.
>>78962650So we are really going into how long debut buff lasts?
man, she should stop using the vibrator in every song, it sucks
>>78962612This won’t even beat a normal Gura karaoke, and this was the best chance she had.Yawn.
>>78962674I pray for the Kiara Raid
>>78962332Bae drunkenly admitted that she's pregnant with my child (she should not be drinking while pregnant).
>>78961251I kind of don't agree. This kind of shit always blows back on to the other girls one way or another cause then people shit on them for being unicorn friendly
>>78962724Shiori was raided by literally everyone
>>78962277>he watches homosisterfucking idiot.
erb is the gura killer btw
>>78962745Well weeks is definitely more debuff than fucking one day later. How dumb are you?
>>78962705Don't worry. She won't win today.
>>78962666Are there still brats left? Her recent numbers have been abysmal
Sometimes simple is best, she is going too hard with belting, its taking away the soul out of it
>>78962477She’s inclining, myth is restoring the natural order. Myth daisenpai should be at the top always
>>78961989Doubt. Cecil raid. Grudgepost me.
>>78962768"Vibrato," you fucking idiot. Not vibrator. lmao
>>78960421>It just started. Germany will have 2 at least today. They already had 1 disallowedOH NO NO NO NO NON ONO NO NO GERMANY BROS!>WE GOT TOO COCKY!
>>78962724>Shiori got 31k after 1 week of debutSeems in line then considering Justice debuts were slightly lower than Advent
>>78962188There's two mega buffs stacked on that 25k: first karaoke and first solo stream in addition to being the weekend, so the NA audience also gets to watch. It's not terrible but it's not pointing to a great future for her.
>>78962269By butchering the song?
Her numbers keep increasing.
>>78962825No that's cc
>>78962825Presumably literally.
>>78962571why lie?
>>78961251She is going to drag them along just like Bae
>>78962538With like 10k bots unless bots learmed how to fake likes too
>>78962898g g actuallyceci is the fauna killer
>>78962332she's a homocollaber though. Only CGDCT faction has to pay into the welfare system.
>>78962898CC is the Fauna killer
>>78962897I hate Kiara for ruining Justice numbers. I will forgive her if she raids CC.
>>78962897pretty low for a 13k waiting room
>>78962848Thank god
Jesus Nerrisa name is getting called for a collab. Nerrisakeks it was good knowing you.
Hey Advent vs Justice retards, please keep in mind that CCV is not even anywhere close to the same after Novembers uncull.
>>78962732Maybe she should learn some fucking songs then
>>78962470>Hololive English>Mostly knows English songsshocking
Genuinely worse than Ollie desu
Unicorn bros.... Elizabeth's number won't stop growing.... What should we do????
You know, I think it's wonderful that Cecilia Immergreen will be playing the best game of 2011, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I look forward to seeing her play Fallout 4, or perhaps some Starfield as well. What about you?
She's talking about da boyz isn't she lol.
you know what? i think everyone should watch the boys after this
>>78962967Cope, we all know Kiara's getting botted
ID4 will save us from this hell
>>78962995she's starting late
>>78962825Heres ennacuck’s newest bait everybody
>her numbers are bad>actually her numbers are good:????????????Which one is it numbernigs
>>78963032That sounds like a great idea!
>>78962995It was pushed back, that always changes the waiting room to viewership ratio. I mean you can infer other stuff, but have to take that into account.
>>78962848Can she beat 52k or whatever? Selen's first outfit?
>>78962608Doesn't Hololive have like 3 homobeggars?
>>78963031We watch Ceci.
>>78962477retard look at the fucking graph
>I have the best senpaisHmmm I wonder who she's talking about...
>>78962848I kneel.
>>78961856Jizz on the Cock?
Last Kiara song
Reminder that Shiori broke 30k with her first karaoke
>>78962724Nerissa being so insecure and inexperienced at streaming karaokes is a travestyAnd she still barely does karaokes
Jesus Bibookeks name getting called as well. It was good while it lasted pebblekeks.
Anybody feeling little unhinged?
>>78962411ReGLOSS GODS had 50k Karaokes.
>>78963031ignore it
Kiara please just stall long enough to raid Cece
Just 13 more minutes Kiara
>>78962705She better raid CC
>>78963032GO AWAY TODD
Liz doesn't know senpai tax. wtf even clip watchers know this.
Kiara endinglets see what she does
Red= Mori killer (can’t kill shitrys since she never did a thing)Orange = Gura killerPink = Ina killerGreen = Fauna killer
According to /mu/ Nerissa is still an overall better singer than Elizabeth so there you go. At best she’s #3
>>78963132Easily. doki has the top EN CCV for 2024. This outfit reveal has the potential to hit 100k.
>>78963189? I'm not watching red woman or Kiara, what happened with Biboo?
>>78963113Nerissa's first karaoke, which wasn't even her first stream after debut, got more numbers
>Close to Nerissa first Karaoke>Is just the first partAIEEEEE
I wonder how many homocollabs there will actually be? Didn't one homo confirm that it was a huge pain in the ass to get a collab with the girls? I think it was the dingo
Doki gold btw
Liz is not a homobeggar, she's a unity girl.
>>78963032she won't play starfield, you KNOW she'll call it shit and trash it mid-stream and end up getting the perms revoked.
I expect Kiara to raid ERB but it would be funny if she wasn't whitelisted and thus she raids into Cecillia
>>78963234Sorry but that's not connected to the bois
>>78963113Someone with voice this good doesn't deserve such low numbers
>>78963066Bae did say that during an unarchived karaoke when she was with Mumei, but who knows if it's actually true.
>>78963281Kiara said she was kind of a cunt in private
>>78963022There are probably 70 or so HoloEN originals at this point, and she's sung... 2
>>78963032greens really love those kind of games huh
>>78963083Yes and we all know it is just by a tiny amount. Why are you pretending to be retarded? This might work in global but not here
Don't let erbs karaoke distract you from the fact that the pink panther got 22k with a Q&A art stream
>>78961481I will support Liz and holostars because I can't wait for another Magni/vesper situation, it will be fun.
>>78963272Nerissa doesn't belt despite what catalog bait singing threads say. We have multiple off collab karaokes with Nerissa where she's not singing louder than anyone else in the same mic.
If Green GFE waifu can't beat Red Homo cumguzzler ccv. This thread is dead to me.
>>78963297This one is archived though.
>>78961904lol lmao
>>78963272Not watching her shit but shes not actually a good singer. Having pipes and being good are not the same thing, her real talent is the impressions
I've got Fallout 4 on and ready for my cute green dollwife to start. What a blessed day.
sadly even if erb's numbers drop to homo levels she probably won't quit to work at starbucks since the homos haven't had to.
>>78963254Hello ennacuck
>>78962411>>long gone are the days where Gura got shadowbanned and capped out at 67k for her first karaoke>>long gone are the days where Gura does a karaoke two months after debut and gets 119kThat was before the first Dec 2020 CCV changes
>>78963254Orange is more like Bae though..however there is nothing to "kill" in that respect. Also pink is just the Sana replacement.
>>78963175the ones that built the studio yet doesn't get to use it enough
>>78963348You heard that wrong anon, she was talking about your failed abortion actually
>>78963031nothing. >>78961768
>>78963234>Homosister barely knows Hololive shit Again, this is like being told you're going to eat a plate of shit, and you end up surprised when you get served a plate of shit.
>be me who stocked up on PantherCoin>Panther has a great debut>hag, cute laugh, sex voice>great art, funny, good game choices>she posts schedule>regular streams are at fucking 4AM>her fate lies in the hands of europoors
>>78963348It was twisted a bit. It was a promised collab with Ollie that she made an agreement to join, and therefore was a commitment she had to follow through with even though she was getting plastered at Mumei's house.
Where are all the EUkeks???
Reminder that debut numbers mean literally nothing. I will wait 6 months and examine floors like a true numberchads. I am not falling for debut buffs anymore after Tempiss. They used to average 4-6k ccv.
>>78963365Yeah i loved it. She's chatty and draws unlike ina.
>>78963254get a load of this witch making hexes her wand cant cast
oh my fucking god
Since everyone is shitposting Advent vs Justice karaoke numbers I'm just going to add 30% to Advent to account for the November uncull.
jesas christ even shiori got better shitposts than this. this is lazy
>Kiara: "It's so over"It really is.
Nerissa's first karaoke was only 30 minutes because it was bundled into monetizationHer first unarchived karaoke 2 weeks later had technical issues and got the same numbersWe will never know where her first karaoke would have truly capped out if it had been allowed to grow for 2 hours
27k? That's cute.
Liz is like Shiori but instead of zatsudan she specializes on karaoke.
>>78963456>her fate lies in the hands of europoorsWith her timeslot she's on SEA mercy
>>78963463How can ANYONE hate Kiara?!?
>ERB is the justice that talked the most with kiara >she didn't put up a frame so kiara wouldn't see it and do a karaoke and raid into herSHE PLANNED ALL OF THIS!! SHE IS THE LEX OF EN!!!
>>78963456>her fate lies in the hands of europoorsNigger she streams at JP prime time, it's her fault for being retarded. I'm not watching her over Pekora because I don't hate hololive.
she fucking sing the HOMO's SONG AGAINWTF is wrong with her
>>78963444idk I thought there must be some kind of twist to it for it to warrant a spot on the menu.
>going for another encoreAPOLOGIZE FAGS
>>78963254>gura killer are people seriously watching red homoshill? BAKAspeaking of which, just realised its mostly red holos that shill homos both ollie and mori did it (pink ik but its basically red sue me fags)
stalling for cc based
I am genuinely fucking confused by how Liz does not know how to organize shit. Her manager must be annoyed.
>>78963234>Homobeggar>Knowing basic hololive termsI mean, yeah
Bros, I'm genuinely upset ERB loves the homos so much. I actually like her sassy brit nature but everytime she says "bettel" I wanna chew my own arm off.
>>78963434I would never allow Bae to abort our child.
>>78963588I know absolutely fucking about Salome? why was she such a big deal?
>>78963588>ipo scamlol lmao zozzle
>>78963334But the physics, even Fauna had fun with this.
>>78963604The sisters do
based Kiara won't stop until Cecilia
>>78963492Well duh?It's just people 'funposting', or that's the excuse they're going to use. I've been here too long to entertain such nonsense anymore.
>clown homo in chatsister meltdown soon
>>78963373>>78963301actually, why is she ignoring popular demand part1? Every screencap ive seen here is from vg and tempagpag only.
>>78963348She said she was "contractually obligated" to go which could very well have just been a joke so I wouldn't put much stock into it
>>78963478Watching footy
>>78963032I like this idea.
Her deep voice is shit she sound like a fag.
>>78963640If you were genuine why would you continue watching? I'm not watching
>>78963349If only she didn't immediately hamstring herself, eh?
>>78963599dammit youre rightit is even worse than I thought
>>78963387She loves Scrubs, doesn't count.
>>78963611cute, i ship them
>>78963626homostars seem a little too desperate for this slag to give them attention, don't they?
If she stalls to raid Ceci, I'll kneel hard
>>78963640This makes zero sense to me. Fauna says she wants to lick NorthernLions bald head and nobody gives a fuck. ERB says nice things to the homos and somehow thats a problem? They're both males.
>>78963558Wasn't her first karaoke where she had a breakdown and Kiara had to help her?
>>78963640stop making your own content parrot.
>>78963701Why would sisters melt down? Sisters = homobeggars, my friend.
#bros, why are we not liking huge numbers today?
>>78963588>Salomesister is really living in the past
>>78963640Anon, no one is forcing you to watch her
>>78963588the one who made numberfags shat their pants every day.
>>78963423>Also pink is just the Sana replacementSana but with talent beyond drawing gacha slop. Sana was such a bad hire it's unreal.
>>78962166It's always been that.
honestly i expected near 40kthis debut buff is kind of weak, maybe this gen came a bit too fast
>>78963640Weak bait
>>78962129As much as I hate her voice I kneel for how much she actually respects the idol culture
>>78963783That was her unarchived karaoke. She sang for her monetization stream before that.
>>78963612I feel like my average-sized white dick would break her in half. Hot...
>>78963590I hope you die a painful death
>>78963814>10k less than Nerissa's first Karaoke>When it's her first fucking streamRORU
>>78963783No, that was like three weeks after debut. Her first karaoke was a 30 minute monetization karaoke a week after debut or so.
>>78963757God chama has nice tits
I've never been more revolted by a holo, Elizabeth really broke a record for me personallyHer homo shilling is so incessant it's unreal
>>78963814wdym Kiara has 10k right now
>>78963626Is he actually trying to kill the few yumes he has left?
>>78963784Fauna is just following in the footsteps of idols like Aqua and Pekora, like they behave in regards to Hikakin.
>>78963320It feels like she is the first holo that acts like she is in holopro not hololive. Even out of all the other girls all of them feel holo first with their own preferences, while she is just charging around acting like the agency is the group she has joined.
>>78963456That's JP primetime. She lives in Japan, right? She really should stream on US primetime.
>>78963709They're not really that active anymore
Five Minutes
All the homosisters got cucked hard by liz.
>>78963811clown fans like that he doesnt interact with the holo girls so him reaching out like this (aside from Bae) is a first
What are the chances that ERB was selected by the management under the condition that she will giver her all in trying to create the unity....This feels more like management support is behind her, otherwise noone goes this hard in their first 2 days of debut
>>78963640If you are actually genuinely upset that a vtuber is speaking to another vtuber you need to touch grass. Shitposting about it is fun i wont lie but if you are ACTUALLY upset there is a problem
>>78963588What was that?
>>78963875>the homobegger has surprisingly worse numberswhat did we tell you?
>>78963905At least she doesn't sound fat. Fat girls make me sick.
>>78963854For 1 month, and in the end she still lost. To SANA
>>78963640Low quality shitpost
>>78963941i like to look at the yumes discordthey must be really mad
Watching homoslop even for a joke/to mock it is stupidYou wanted to make sure she was a homoshill? She made sure to make it clear in the first 5 minutesStop supporting shit that hates you, I swear to god, newfags don't understand how quickly a hobby can be taken over by being ironic about shitDon't watch, don't talk, dont engage with, only save data for when they start shitposting and lying about her so newerfags don't fall for homoshill shit, but outside of that don't touch it with a thousand mile pole (INCLUDING NO HARRASSMENT)
Kiara I am on my knees stall long enough to raid Cece
>>78963701Bettel's audience is unironically a large amount of ex-nijiEN fans. They won't mind that much.
>>78963905Why are you still watching then? If she's so bad, stop watching, otherwise its mental illness on your part.
>>78963945Management would tell her to make a schedule
numbers update:subs:gg 185Kcc 188Krr 188Kerb 226Kmv views:gg hitomania 252Kcc forgotten 202Krr hibana 201Kerb otonablue 389K
>>78963588What an era this was lol... good old day
>>78963918I feel she's kinda new to Hololive like Shiori.
>>78963967>ancient history>unarchived>can't even hit 35k now
>>78963941not to mention the poledance instructor.
>>78963967You look at the numbers from these days and, man, it doesn't feel real.
>>78963814What huge numbers?
Look how grim this is lmfao
>>78963896Sisters at least used to have peudo- numbers. Now they just come in and embarrass themselves.
>>78963943Well, trouble makers are everywhere, guess he's going to get his income tanked over this.
>>78963978She is fat.
Alright let's see what happens next... Liz fags are gonna have a melty if Kiara raids CC Liz haters are gonna have a melty if Kiara raids Liz
Man Mumei's first karaoke would have past 30k if that huge EN mc collab hadn't overlapped it......
Just 6 more minutes kiara.....
>>78963941>all of hololiveFixed
>>78964018You're not my boss
>>78963718>contractually obligatedbetter to take it as a joke, because if fans believe it to be true, she'd be terminated
>>78963814Just ennacuck is seething and samefagging on cooldown, don't worry about it
>>78963640Have you considered therapy and/or medication?
who raided kiara?
>>78963943the clown is graduating soon anyway who cares
I wonder how the few remaining bettelion yumes feel right now
>>78964044they are very close together, nice.
all the other brits I've seen go hard in CGDCT, why is liz the odd one out?
>>78964044Subs and MV views kinda weak so far. What the fuck is this?
>>78964101he has been hanging around fagni and the orc too much irl lately..mustve rubbed off onto him.Guess Shinri is really the only good homo left
>>78964044Unicorn bros did we fail?
>>78963945She probably has a shrine dedicated to Vox at home.
>>78964152Pochi-mama and Kaela
>>78964152Pochi and Kaela
>>78964055New to Hololive But not to Holostars
>>78964018I'm just threadreading anon, calm down.
>>78964044It's over for GiGi
>>78964018Can I call her a slag on /vt/ at least?
When will she sing this one?
>sings connect the world right after fellating a holostarI don't feel so good
>>78964044The homolover is gonna mog 2/3s of HoloENGet ready for some serious changes bros
>>78964113Well she doesn't sound it so that's all I care about. Like some vtubers speak and all I hear is fat. >>78964177Have you seen British men?
>>78964118I'm already melting
>>78964018Don't worry, homobegging never worked and will never work, the sisters and anti-hololive faggots will get bored and move on in due time, the more she doubles down the more unrecoverable the fall wil become.
>>78964029Didn't he lose most of his whales because of the Bae thing? Why even continue pissing them off?
>singing connect the worldDid she earn it?
>>78964204The queen slayed them
>>78964118I'm gonna have a melty if Kiara doesn't raid my bussy.
I still find this funny.Debi by day, Salome by night if it's not a shill stream.
>>78964194No anon, there are no good homos. How have you not leaned this lesson yet? At best there are 'less terrible' leeches, but they're all leeches in the end.
Kiara is stalling hard, no ?
>>78963784>>78963640>>78963951Phaseniggers in the thread, initiate cunny posting
You guys are overreacting. I've forgiven Kronii and what she did was much worse cause those were intentional.
Kiara should do Euro watchalong instead
stall stall stall
>>78964317If they're gone already why care?
Myth 1 Block finale will be in 26 hrs and Multi PoV
So time for unarchived, should have a massive boost no?
>>78964130Who in Myth and Promise got past 30k on their first karaoke? I have some memory of Ame or Mori doing it and of course both Gura and IRyS did
>>78964356Remember when Korone seemed very familiar with Salome right after debut?
>>78964204Every era must come to an end one day.
>>78964328connect the world (with holostars)
>>78964328>saying tempiss and armis paved the way for her and are her senpaiunironically no, she did not fucking earn it
>>78963640you could always consider the rope
>>78964356They should do this with Gura as a joke
>>78964204Do you know what First Mover's advantage is? It applies to gens. Please go back to /mans/, you illeducated tranny.
>>78964329By having one of the worst debut Karaoke performances int he history of Hololive?And homo pandering during the stream?If anything they were proven right
>idol song after homo songI AM FUCKING CONFUSED?
>>78964379Thanks, Todd
>>78964356It's funny, because even if it isn't true it's a great story.
Wawa kept going for her fellow Teuton?
>>78964414I said most not all.
>>78964291Use one of these.
>It is what it is
she is not gonna to raid erb no way
>>78964508This is gonna be a tough few months for you little buddy
>KFP asking to raid Cecilia based
Which way chicken woman?
>>78964427Did they do Karaoke as their first ever stream? idr
Holy shit EUchads eating good
can someone explain why the EU gen is afraid to stream in fucking EU primetime? what is this shit, one streams at noon, the other streams at 10-11 night time, and Gigi might as well just be early NA
>>78964018I just wanted to hear the new talented singer. Didn't expect to have bettel's cock shoved in my ears TWICE by the way. She sang it twice
>>78964381That's cute, do you keep your balls in a jar or did you throw them away after the surgery?
>>78963967And Gura still has top 3 karaoke numbers nearly 4 years laterLike only Suisei unquestionably beats her, and Marine is about tied depending on overlap on either side
Guess what the top post on /stars/ is?
>>78963854Meh, she faded to irrelevancy. After knowing that her numbers were made up like gta now, I just remember the art about her.
>>78964328>Did she earn it?No it's not a funpost, bitch should stick to homosong, EN management was hell for years and only become worse when the faggots debuted
Come on Kiara, do the Anschluss
We are watching this btw
Owari da
>>78964508> i-it's the worst!>homocollabing!Kek
>Kiara can't raid JusticeJust GhiGhi
Wawa cant raid CC or the red one
>making excuses to not raid the bitchBased
>>78964265has any holo/niji ever sang a song from the other company that wasnt a collab between the two?
>>78964529She's for unity. Remember, hololive hates politics so no liver vs stars.
Hey guys
She can't raid any of them
>Kiara isn't whitelisted
>>78964428>should have a massive boost no?I don't think so. Might peak lower.
>>78964640Red bitch gassing
>only has Gigi raid permissions Lol
>>78964593>gigi the wild card
>>78964529you think she understands anything about Hololive?
What race will green german girl pick for Skyrim?
No raid perms
>>78964018can't do anything about raids when the debuts are hot. give it a month and we'll be back to shitting on niji and holo vs holo again.
CC and ERB did not turn on raid.LOL
I have to admit despite her homo shenanigans...erb has a natural star aura.cover know what they are doing
>>78964018calm down dudeits just debut let peeps have their fun, everything will be clear few months later after the tourist doesn't watch streams beggars got bored and disappears
>>78964618Euros are poor, smelly, and don't watch streams. Just looks at Kiara's numbers, you know what thread you are in, right?
>no raid permsYeah, sure, Kiara. SURE. lmao
>>78964708She can raid Gigi.
Woops. Looks like no perms.
>Germany didn't give permission to
>>78964660It's over. All those viewers gone.
>>78964698>>78964379Sorry German woman, I'm watching Germany for another hour.
>>78964618They probably told them to stream closer to NA time
>>78964697>liverFuck off
>>78964379I will, but not because of you.
>now you can make your choice I won't force youKiara... she's so allegorical...
Cece numbers?!?!
>>78964714Fauna wasn't white listed either yesterday.Jobber manager.
>>78964778Fauna was able to raid liz but not cecilia
Surely the unarchived one can beat Shiori's beautiful singing, right?
>>78964640Are you talking about the redditsub or the 4chan thread?
>>78964604No they all did karaoke after other streams. This is the first time someone did karaoke as their first song
>>78964694So she hates Elizabeth AND CeCe?
>>78964204as GRIMgang hath foretold,>get a new hobby
You know Erb is good when Global can only complain about how loud and “grand” she sings
>unitychad>connecting the worlduuuuuuuuuh, she deserves it?
I fucking love ERB. >unapologetic homosupporter and yet yuge #sShe's like the natural enemy of unicorns. Slay!
Green woman is back...
>>78964834Ah, ancient Austro-Prussian rivalry
>>78964915Won't 4get Shiori
This was a blessed 2 hours
It's time to come home, EN bros. The real hololive would never betray you like this. Come bask in the warm glow that can only be provided by idols.
so many saplings.....
>>78964728>updooted>thinks the antihomo stance is ledditTry posting anything like that on reddit phasecuck
>>78962206Higher that Liz. Sor did FWMC and Shiori, I forget what Beebo got
>>78964561do you have an others?
>>78964356So is the debi thin a rrat or what?
>>7896487012k max, waiting room is grim
I'm watching ERB Karaoke because it's not over yet. Sorry green one.
>>78964714We don’t use whitelist anymore, we renamed it to allowlist
>>78964963KIARA I KNEEL!>SORRY I DOUBTED!This was a very good karaoke!
>>78964328that shitpost is reserved for SSS retardchama
That was genuinely the worst rendition of Connect the World I ever heard
>>78964950an actual girlbossno wonder incels are so threatened
I'm glad Fauna's not streaming today, I was going to feel almost like I'm cheating on her if I watched Ceci while she was online
>>78964910Green is a good color
>>78964931global is full of yes men
Homo stuff aside, I do actually like her. Something nice to watch around this hour before the bigger streams start later on.
>>78964618Raora is perfect for EU lunch break, her problem is that she's competing with JPs in that slot
>>78964915good luck with your new machiroon wife shiorin
>>78964931>s-she is totally a good singer guys w-watch her.She can't even get over 30k on a debut karaoke.
>>78965024>lost to a fucking homobeggar>lost to fucking Toddslop
>>78965038Every Advent stream has likely overperformed Justice accounting for cull differences.
>kiara protected us from 30kDo you kneel?
Her singing is literally one gimmick
>>78965018Seriously now though, Uyu???? Fucking Uyu???
>>78964379thread saved
>>78964379>the puppeteer behind the doll is ToddUNIKEKS IN SHAMBLES
I love Green women
>>78965057im more of a tea guy
>>78965169Didn't Nerissa get 15k on her debut karaoke
EZ 10k for my cute violinwife
>>78965192I'm sliding like a WORM!
>>78965130Isnt that pretty mediocre for her first ever karaoke and her first ever stream
>>78965134>>78964796That's great. I'm still not watching your cocksleeve chuuba, though.
It's unarchive time!
>>78965018kek>La+ eceleb male 3D live extravaganza.
I didnt expect to fight side-by-side with kfp to be honest, these are strange times
>>78965019I get TWO WIVES?!
Reminder sisters trying this incessant shitpost type >>78964950 for months with KroniiIn fact squirmbeat still does it lmao
>>78965199She'll totally get good numbers with valo spam don't worry
reminder that Kiara caused ERB to overlap CC with an unarchived karaoke
>>78965018>Laplus>Eceleb chasing horndogNah.
>>78965010>forbidden snow
>>78964942We dine in the battlefield
>>78964798Kiara doesn't stream at EU prime time either lol, everyone in hololive seems determined to avoid exactly that window for some reason
>>78964931No one is saying she can't sing, people are complaining about how her presence is a shitstain to what it means to be an idol in hololive.
>>78965054She's already at 12k
>>78965057Coffee too bitter so i pick tea
>4 minutes long waiting screenNo...
>>78965276Yeah but shitposers and homosisters really want to own the haters
Today's been a pretty nice morning.
>>78964796>erb has a natural star aurathat's jutard's body odor
>>78963602there is no fixing that slop
Overlapping your genmate on her first stream with an unarchived karaoke is kind of a dick move
>starting goon
>>78965222Twitter tranny "KFPs" BTFO
>>78965291For once, Kiara's, "ME, ME, ME," mentality worked for the greater good.
>>78965279Watch what you want to bro
>holoX debut buff50k+>holoX settled numbers10k>Justice debut buff10k>Justice settled numbers2k
>>78965298>thanking her senpai's fanswhy is she so cute
>Eurodead hours>thread isn't dead>seahour tier schizoposting
Why is ERB overlapping her genmates first stream with an unarchived karaoke?
>>78965000The good KFP went to cc stream
Bros, it's not looking good.
ERB will homos in the future won't she?
Yeah I definitely think Ceci's going to be this thread's new darling.
Can Cece 20k?
>>78965130GRIM GRIM GRIM
>>78964840Then what's the fucking point? More overlap for mostly the same audience?
>>78965329>Why does [headcanon]
>>78965057I only inject skooma. HOLY SHIT SHE IS CUTE
>>78965376Based JustiCHAD
>>78964796Yeah the kind of natural star aura stuck at 5k after debut buff.
>>78965444she hates hololive
>>78965384They probably discussed this before hand right? So odd to just overlap like this.
>>78965384All for the cause.
>>78965340Because most of the girls wake up in the afternoon NA time
>>78965437get used to it nigga, the thread will be shit 24/7 now
>>78965329>literally paired with advent>try and find any way to put them with homos
>>78965384If your whole content is gonna be singing and you're gonna stream at 3 PM while said genmate streams at 4 and it's the day after debut, what are you supposed to do? Only stream 1 hour?
>>78965276>mediocreCompared to what?
>>78965329>clockwork doll and corpse puppeteeris a fucking reach
>>78965389gooning to green
>>78965405Keep trying, ennacuck.
>>78965463I hope so. anything that can make saplings foam I'm in
>>78964840>get women with retarded accents for EU>don't make them stream EUI don't andastand. Did they think the EU not watching problem was about the holos being from NA?
>>78965565gura's eleventy billion.
>>78965462Not if ERB has anything to say about it.
>>78965554On their first stream? Yeah
>>78965553>literally paired with adventThis was true for like a day and now it's clear they're just going to be homoslop
oh my she's cute.
>>78965567It’d more likely that they don’t know his lore cause no one fucking watches him
>>78965057I dislike both.>>78965052a rratBut there's like 10 things to "confirm" it and 0 to disprove.
>>78964629Suisei has had 1 utwk in the last year anon, that was gigabuffed.
>>78965597Sapling here. I love Ceci
I am gonna make a wild prediction that her unarchived peaks lower than her archived
>GG is sisters with Hizuki Yui of Neo-Porte Gen1
>dont worry about the billShe's perfect
>>78965384Classic sister crab bucket maneuver Until they start acknowledging her boys she will make their lives harder
>>78965384And both of them are gonna overlap Gigi with their streams, I don't think they really care
>>78965329Expect more of this so long as Liz hasn't graduated. Her entire gen will be associated with the homos eternally.
>>78965636The fuck are you talking about?It's 22:00.
>>78965518ERB delayed by one hour so this unarchived part should have ended already.
>>78965306No shit anon, I doubt they watch her after this. They just want to mess with us.
>>78965642we are so back green women bros...
>>78963945There's definitely a point in the interview process where they get a feel for what types of collabs the girls want to do before hiring. She was obviously chosen because she would push da boyz, while the other 3 would still appeal to the core hololive audience. So they can push da boyz without going full HLZNTL shitshow pissing off too many fans. 1 to 3 ratio is definitely a ratio suits would consider as not too big a risk in trying to capture some Niji EN fleeing fans and try to prop up their failing branch at the same time. Is what it is, the fact that she's mentioning them so much in this stream while she didnt at all in the collab suggests at least she's instructed to not try to drag her genmates into this and it's a solo mission.
>>78965642HER GIGGLES MAN..
>>78965539>not subscribed
The shitposters bore me so much. I fucking hate when anything becomes a cultural battleground, a pox upon fagoo for debuting homoEN
>>78965384You sound like a woman
>Doesn't have a greetingBros...Does Justice understand the purpose of introductions during collabs?
>>78963605All the bird are schemers
History was made on this date
>>78965437Thanks to the bong cunt.
Would hololive be better if literally all the girls were green?
I like that Ceci makes audible wet mouth soundsMy oshi Fauna is too self conscious about her mouth sounds
>is green>starts on time>has teaShe'll be perfect to watch before Fauna starts
Didn’t Advent make sure they never overlapped each other for at least the first week? Elizabeth is even worse than I could have ever imagined. You’re kneecapping your own genmate for no reason. Just do the unarchived later?
>>78965786It's over for me
>>78965376nice strawberry fanta
>>78964256Is that harrassment? Isn't 4ch for the hecking evil far right? What would a tranny be doing here to be reading insults to herself?
>>78965291>I didnt expect to fight side-by-side with kfp to be honestWhat about with a fellow unichad?
why is she overlapping CC...
>>78965616>>78965849thanku very much
>autismoslmao based
Haven't heard doll girl's voice yetShe sounds like if Lui was white
I like how abrasive CC is...
cece calls justchads stupidBASED BASED BASEDDDDD
>>78965910Nah, advent overlapped each other first week.
>>78965910No, they always overlapped each other. Most never got raids aside from Shiori who streamed at the end.
>>78965993chicken butt?
>New gen>Consistent 5view streams across the board>GOLD rush July month sweep/#/ won.
>>78965898how come pako is such an ENCHAD?
>>78966023You didn't watch her debut?!
>>78966023She looks like if Lui was green. (and didn't have chicken wings on her head)
green is a cheatcode
>>78965636It makes sense if they want to make a more stable box for early NA hours. As in trying to guarantee coverage for funnels. EU prime will probably still be weak regardless.
>2024>we are still playing skyrimhurry it up todd
>>78965727and the exnachoneko child from phaseconnect
>automosplease pick this liz
>>78965769>sisters still seething that pink is ignoring their shit
>>78965840>reminding me she called the stream >【Superchat Reading】Continued!I actually kinda hated Mumei early on. Put her in the same category with Kronii and Sana in how little hey seemed to care about making "good Hololive content"
>>78964029His fans are 20% Jerma fans, 25% his PL's fans (which were 90% male), 30% Vinesauce fans, and 32% yumes. It'll be fine.
>>78965764EU streams should be ending around now or 11pm. Especially when you already have NA girls covering those later hours.
>>78965794>>78966021I was waiting to subcsribe during a live stream so youtube don't unsubscribe or shadowban me
>>78965910Nah they were overlapping each other fucking daily which is why it was hilarious to see shitposters go AIEEE WHY IS GURA STREAMING when 4 Advent were streaming over each other, like the inactive chumbuds were the competition and not each other's debut tourists.
>>78964044Ive been streaming hibana all day, Im glad Raora is holding up number wise
>>78965672None of them are gonna limit themselves to an hour. CC will overlap GiGi too.
>Hello from Russia >HelloAnd dropped... Fuck this whore.
>ja, ja, definitely
>>78966122NahI'm content just keeping up with Fauna, Biboo, and IRyS for the most partIf this doll girl ends up being okay maybe I'll add her too
>>78966023That's...actually really fits. Also WHY DIDN'T ANYONE SUGGEST JUSTICARS?
>>78966130>Subscribing to a literal bot.
>>78965898>interacting with a man that poops
>>78966170>Skyrim 2 comes out>people still play Skyrim 1 because Bethesda can't make good games anymore
>>78965874No, Universe will finds a way to fuck with everyone by reincarnating Rushia-type among those greens
kek imagine if she makes her fanname "bots"
>never finished SkryimJust like Fauna
>>78965898>literally manages to pick the worst vtubers in every genpako-san, how do you do it...
>didn't even meet the greybeards AIEEE FAUNA DONT LISTEN
She's more grey than green really
>>78966234>Imaginary numbersnice try beggar
> I haven't finish the story.Nobody does.
>>78965898>the pako curse
>>78966190Knowing the girl doesn't give you a leech pass
>>78966276lawlanon being salty about slavs was not at the top of my bingo card
>Cecilia never got past High HrothgarThat's literally Act 1.
>>78966190Fucking leech.
>>78966190God I wish it was you instead of Elizabeth shondo
>>78965057>TEA OR COFFEEWHICH WAY, UNICORNS?Neither - Monster Pipeline Punch
Jesus, ERB and CC are doing numbers even in overlap.
>>78965384Literally all of Advent overlapped each other for like 3 weeks straight
>>78966115he really didnt deserve getting assigned to two failures in a row
Beggars and shitposters gloating like they won the invisible war kek
>>78966190Uh...did she take her meds?
>>78966190offer up nina for EN5, whore.
>>78966368I can play a skyrim character for a very long time without partaking of the greybeard bullshit.
>>78966190leech prime
>>78966385So is Gura but she is still blue
>>78964910Being an automation, isn't the answer no?
cant wait for the superimposed 2b porn
She played oblivion more, goslin bros here I come
>>78966190>has two friends that a nicer and more talented than her make it into Hololive>one is a dedicated chumbud>this whore once laughed at an anti Gura memeHope she continues having schizo breakdowns