>Fauna likes UmaDidn't he try to rape Ciri or arranger to be raped?
Umamama umamamamamama uma uma umama uma umammmamaaaaa
This one
hey man
There's a lot more nose to itch!
>>78854687is she up to that part of the story yet?
Every EN should eat a fluffernutter sandwich right now.
Ina was really cute today and I miss her a lot
>>78854696These are all men.
She did it!
Mori beat this guy faster than I did.....................
Korone has taken an early interest in Justice
>>78854449I remember
>don't touch herFauna is kinda...
>>78854636>>78854521I've been playing as a pure faith melee caster and they aren't too tough actually. No reason to take 8 swings to do the damage of a 4k frozen lightning stake.
Fauna your paranoia...
>>78854750I have never seen a good 9am moom post in my life
>>78854680tasty reaper feet...
>>78854742kek i'd love for any holo to do a watchalong of some of these old movies. need an i am legend watchalong
Fauna, stop censoring everything
>>78854750Too sweet. I like salty/savory stuff.
>>78854772your anon is not good at video games...
>>78854772that guy was dealing more than half my hp with each hit with 60 vigorNG+ is mean
>>78854825Every EN should sit on MY face (not yours) right now.
Gura cute Gura cute!
>spent the last 4 years twisting the fate of this board to have the word global included in every thread >now that im back for good have a hard time finding the new threads I deserve this. Also good to be back at last fellas. I missed you.
I heard NigGaol night was hard to kill. I was of course lied to yet again.
Fun fact: “Unity” doesn’t mean “You have to love everyone”, it means “Take your anti/Schizo faggotry somewhere else.” Also, this is a HoloLIVE thread. not a HoloSTARS or HoloPRO thread.
What's wrong with this deformed monkey?
>>78854696its always cool to see how cohesive advent designs are or I guess the palette, you can tell from a glance they belong in the same gen
cute Fauna dorky laugh
>>78854822Dudul needs to go through on doing the animation with it he said he'd do.
>>78854750if you have a torch, toasting the marshmallow fluff first makes it much better.
Fauna's dorky laugh is so cuuuuuuuuuute aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh
>>78854898Make the next thread an Anya one
>>78854898Wait who are you again
>>78854750Mooms, your eye is sagging
>>78854898I hate you more than you can ever know anya global manWelcome back
>>78854920This post is getting really cringe really quick, almost like you're setting up to same fag.
>>78855009because he is
>>78854825It's 8:30pm though
>>78854920Suityan is cute today as well.
Is Mori going to use any of the new DLC weapons or will she just stick to Wings of Astel?
>>78854868My build just could NOT deal with this guy I don't any range options and I was too lightweight to really trade hits, so I had to awkwardly dance around him while spamming jumping heavy attacks
>>78854920I just love seeing people seethe about Mori daily
>>78854927i hate advents colour scheme
Do the new Kung fu weapons let you really feel like batman?
Why did Suisei respond to ERB but not to Raora?
>>78854921I look like this.
>>78855050is this AI? open if youre a big smelly willy
>>78854825what's wrong with fluffernutter sandwiches?
>Elder bloodWhat is Ciri's lineage?
I have no power here but to politely ask to please treat my oshi with respect.
>>78855066No one's doing that though
Are souls games even good? Aren't they just hard with no payoff?
>>78855082>Why did Suisei respond to ERB but not to Raora?Maybe Elon should make replies to tweets private too so you fags can stop acting like women
>>78854920I still don't get what is so hard about not posting about things you dislike.
>>78855148Of course, but he wants people toAnd if they don't play along with him, he just does it himself
>>78855097Is there suppose to be sound or something with this? I don't hear anything.
>>78855054She heard there's a new Dex/Int weapon
>>78855128They make you fat
>>78855037Love me some Sana.
>>78855190You have to engage in culture wars or you're the enemy mindset
>>78855159they are good and they are not hard
>>78855190Anons have no impulse control
>>78855148You are blind then especially with these new whores and the unicucks seething about muh cgdct. Total holofag death.
Does everyone try to look up this guy's skirt? lmao
>>78855159They're p fun, challenging but not absurdly difficult and you break the games over the knee if you want to
Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame
Mori is perving on NPCs....
why this
We love obscenely huge breasted women here.
Mori going Plague of Gripes on this dude's thighs
>>78855208DEAF ANON LOVE
>>78855190im a hater, I enjoy hating, if you dont want to hate thats fine but let me enjoy the things I like
nephilim hangers resting on my face
>FRIENDLY REMINDER!!we love Mori herewe love Kiara herewe love Ame herewe love Ina herewe love Gura herewe love Sana herewe love Fauna herewe love IRyS herewe love Mumei herewe love Bae herewe love Kronii herewe love Fuwawa herewe love Mococo herewe love Nerissa herewe love Biboo herewe love Shiori herewe love ERB herewe love Cecilia herewe love Raora herewe love Gigi herewe hate Kiaraschizo/Egguardo/Baeschizo herewe hate Selenfag herewe hate nijishitters herewe hate all schizos here>Umm, achuwee, we hate-We hate YOU, you falseflagging cocksucking son of a dead drunken fat whore>WeYes we, You can kill yourself and go to hellWe all would be happy if you killed yourself and died right now, nobody would fucking miss you, especially not your whore mother who takes dicks inside and out 24/7We won't fucking miss you when you are gone, we will celebrateif I could hire a hitman on you right now, I wouldI wish you nothing but the worst and most painful death possible and eagerly look forward to the day you die alone and miserableAmen
Wtf has anyone else perved on that guy, was Mori the first one?
>>78855138it's a long storylike actually, the 5 books of the Witcher saga are mainly related to her lineage fuckery
Mori is being a pubescent teenage boy again.
>Friend of mine pesters me over and over to join a discord for the first time in my life to enter a mini fighting game tournament between local players>do it so he shuts up about it>Holo emotes everywhere: Ina hummu hummu, Lammy, a guy's face shopped onto a watamelon The Hololive is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.
>>78855126pubes way too thin
>>78855331kinda based
>>78854962now im just somebody that you used to knowlets watch Ceci debut together like the old daysthe best has yet to come
>>78855190That's been the status quo on this site for longer than it hasn't
>>78855263>been gone for months>brings back the larp nowFor what purpose? Why bring it back now when we all know you aren't a deadbeat?
>>78855385Just the one
>>78855138She's a descendant of Lara Dorren, an elf with magic bullshit genes called Elder Blood.
>You can actually see the hair on her legsSomeone at Formsoft is a pervert......
>>78854744Yeah, I'm thinking sex
No, I love Indonesian women
>>78855218All the more reason Holos should eat them
>>78855325>we love Cecilia here>we love Raora hereI haven't even met them yet...
Game design is her passion
>>78855318Sad little man
>>78855146we have no power here either man you know how it really is
My old oshi let me down, so I want to switch from her to one of the Justice members
>>78855385cute rrat
>>78855399Good shit
>>78854760Me too...
>>78854898who tf is this again? the dude with the bleeding ass?
Wait how come that clothed man npc wasn't in my game?
>>78855443There are no razors in the Lands Between, it's important to set the grim/post apocalyptic tone.
>>78855385Too much sex with Towa.
>>78855410come to Breaking Dimensions
>>78855400I'm not installing your virus
>>78855415Stop trying to change the topic because you know damn well the cgdct unicucks seethe
Holostars is good.
>>78854831>oldit came out a few years ago dude...
>>7885547856 hours
>>78855385The muscle pain is from sex with me and the glue is my semen
>>78855514very vague
>>78855478Act 1 is the longest part and the most open one.
>>78855318>let me be mentally ill and narcissistic>I NEED everyone to know what i hate
>>78855318This is the same shit underagefags say on tw*tt*r
>>78855478She's like 2 thirds through the main story and then has 2 DLCs to go through (one of them can be done in one stream, the other one introduces a whole new huge area and will take a good while longer)
>>78855537qdr? sounds fun
>>78855385Fauna and Bae are sync sisters. Fauna only took a couple of days off, and Bae suffers more.
>>78855464you are currently hating, is it so hard for you to not talk about people you dislike?
>>78855347why contain its'cool
>>78855331she's really a Takamori shipper?
>>78855556is she doing sidequests?
>>78855331who will tell her that takamori is dead
>>78855331Oh god she is a takamori shipper! Kinda based ngl
>>78855558i, robot is 20 years old...
>>78855385Too much sex with Towa and me
>>78855630So is most of the known world
>>78855146I will be a schizo to protect her, dw.
>>78855644Some of them.
>>78855592Anon? Remember the Hololive concert? It's back, in Pog form.
I hope that Fauna and the oppressive EN dyke pandering culture she created will be slain finally with this new gen.
>>78855414Booty booty booty shorts!
>>78855608Nta but holofags like yourself will always be under me. You're a corpocuck worshipper so you lose every time. Keep paying for those workers lmao
>>78855318>>78855608So wait, the things you "like" are actually the things you hate? Your mental chemistry must be defective.
>>78855331Do you think she voice acts out her own takamori porn
>>78855347rratman? what fighting game do you play
>>78855630She's a clipfag/twitterfag normie. Of course she is.
>>78855690We say Pogu here
>Mori unironically mentioning balut
>>78855331Takamori in the year 2024
kek mori's going to find master yoda
>>78855540your loss
sex with humanoid objects
Why do people act like balut is supposed to be gross?
>>78854898Please draw pregnancy art of Justice.
>>78855630she seems like a tourist
>>78855806Not the second nor third time
>>78855817Nigga we have had like 12 hours of takamori collabs in the past week with them going way longer than they should because they don't want to stop playing together.
>>78855703You spend every waking moment of your life here while I don't even know the collection of failures you watch exist.
>>78855792Well tbf Takamori acts more like an equal couple now days than in the beginning, the MC streams were great
kek Fauna is correct.
>>78855703The fact that you lack the self awareness to understand how autistic and pathetic this sounds is funny to me
I wanna play Witcher 3 so bad but my autism means I have to play 1 and 2 first. I bought these games in 2019 btw.
>>78855146She's going to be great
>>78855893Why is she standing in a soup bowl?
>>78855886they are just good friends
Mori's going to fight Vergil
>>78855893Errrm sir, is that a........
erb seems like the first time she ever played a video game was in 2020 when she fell for the animal crossing meme
>>78855662>>78855817What do these posts even mean
>>78855893With pleasure!
>>78855951which means they are fuckin'
How do I become as cool as Gerald?
Fauna is too much of a failure for Dijkstra to offer his help
How far is Kiara willing to go to get the kohai that live in europe to like her?
Fauna is a failure
>>78855866>>78855956That's a fetus...
>>78856008Not that far since her favorite Justice member is the burger
>>78855980prior to 1block it was only edged out by Pavonashi for "most dead Kiara ship", but posting that now shows someone doesn't watch streams
>>788559282 is a great game, 1 is borderline CBT with an autistic combat system and is getting a full remake soonish eventually
>>78855956People eat eggs and chickens seperately all the time. This is just convenient and tasty
>>78856008She will treat Cecilia to a Beethoven concert or something
>>78856056Kiara should just move to America at this point
>>78855964It's Yoda you nerd
>>78856074>prior to 1blockIf you just fucking blocked all of 2023 out of your memory, sure
>>78856068This is rare
>>78856029It's not the worst dish to come out of SEA by a mile. It just gets meme'd the most because its instagrammable
Fauna is sexier than usual today
>>78856138Kiara ships go sour fast, if she isn't fucking them on stream within the last 60 days chances are the ship's fallen behind at least five others.
>>78856074>prior to 1blockThey had literally gone painting together not even 5 months ago
>>78855928you can honestly skip 1, 2 works perfectly without it and 3 only really cares for some small tidbits of 2 and the book material
>>78856008If the green one is really german, she already has a new sex toyhaha you get it, because she's a doll
>1 man, 1 jar
Seriously why do people give Fauna so much slack here? She's pretty much as anti-spirit of hololive as you can get. She hates idol culture, she hates her fans, she hates Japan, all she wants to do is play games and coast. She's created a culture of laziness that infected the entirety of EN, how do people not see this?
1man1jar mention
>>78856177>It's not the worst dish to come out of SEA by a milewhat is?
What's so bad about being a jar solider anyways? Alexander seemed to be having a lotta fun the old GMT times were actually correct for GMT+0
Roach is hotter than Gerald
>>OPCan you fuck a belly button?
>>788559281 is the best of the trilogy, don't let anyone tell you otherwise
How come you can’t get the Bloody Baron to help you?
>>78855853If her first big solo merch isnt a small poseable wooden manakin of her for me to cum on, I woll be severely disappointed
>>78856261She streams
>>78856281Oh actually this gives us a time for the collab on Saturday as well (the old one had a placeholder)
Fauna needs extreme nipple torture correction
>>78856184Imagine taking Kiarabowl memes seriously
Do you guys enjoy jump puzzles in soulsgames?
>>78856308excellent post
>>78856358Yeah, by my mouth
>>78856281Yeah the the timezones are correct for GMT+0>BSTJust use CEST at that point come on
>>78856388They're fine in ER and Sekiro since you have a jump button, but they're annoying in the other games.
>>78856074Damn nigga you have dementia
cecilia and kiara will hatefuck eachother during the upcoming euro 2024 semi final between germany and austria
>>78855956dinuguan is grosser i m o
Buy me this
>>78856371What's the point of it if you assume they're talking behind the scenes? Then you might as well take your meds and suddenly Kiara isn't having sex with any Holo members. Might as well not ship at all if you're going to take all the fun out of it.
I am the moom who watches.
Why can't they just move to the viking castle instead and fight the Wild Hunt there?
>>78855791grimblo fantasy versus: rising (my penis)
Any important news that I have missed in the last 19 hours???
>>78856545I'd watch moom if I could
>>78856592Gura peed twice.
>>78856523>What's the point of it if you assume they're talking behind the scenesSorry to burst your dumbass bubble but yes, they are. All the time.
>>78856509Austra vs Germany Kiara x Cecilia collab watchalong would be kino
>>78856545Is the Moom who watches gonna watch the debuts?
>>78856388I wish miyazaki would stop playing mario during development cycles
>>78856509you are insane
>>78856028How would you feel if the stream started and you heard this voice?
>Inner d meat
Legendary Piece of Shit
>>OPhow long until the 2nd batch debut?
Has a Holo done a cover of Komm Susser Tod?
>>78856644am i supposed to know what this voice sounds like?
>>78856545I am the moom that eats chips I guess
>>78855902Thought you were a hater anon? You can't call yourself that and say I'm here 24/7 when you clearly are yourself. Stupid corpocuck keep paying for those workers while the yen continues to nose dive.
>>78856624yes she likes to watch
Is it just me or Mori 2.0 has something of a dense protagonist face going on?
>>78856714 did a Karaoke
>>78856509Whats a good Austria v Germany meme?
>>78856714go to youtube and type in komm susser tod hololive
>>78856716No, he's just shilling his worthless indie
pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat
Is this all setup for a huge battle?
>>78856523You're the reason me and Mori hate shipping shit and I'm glad she doesn't have to use it as a crutch in her career.
>>78856523I bet someone bullied you in your SPED class
>>78856776DankeSomeone shuold do a watchalong of Eva
>>78856509>Austria beating ItalyKEK
I dont like these pot men without their pots
Fauna prefers girls
>78856818Welcome back squirmfaggot
>no one is good enough for ciri>maybe me, FaunaShe wants to fuck ciri now
>>78856818Proper English would be "Mori and I".
>>78856814painfully whitelove her
I miss Biboo, I hope she's not dying right now
>>78856509>Germany and Austriahuh these arent the same thing?
>>78856388Depends if they're fun or not. I'm always up for fun content.
>>78856865What's wrong about that? We are shit
Finally time for the first non shit EN
I think this ball of flesh enemies are making Mori unsettled.
>>78856902Her voice didn't sound... ogeyHoping for a speedy recovery but might take a while
>>78856912germany = america = australiaaustria = canada = new zealand
>>78856858shondo should have been gigi...but she is too menhera for Hololive and no amount of Manesan can fix her
>>78856902She contractually can't die tonight
>>78856513Kinda weird that Noel of all people is getting the model kit.
>>78856902>>78856971Maybe she shouldn't have screamed her head off playing ER knowing she had the debut watchalongs coming, dumb bitch
>>78856765what is that little creature on top of the progress bar?
Justice > Promise > Advent > Myth
What happens in Oji-san's tickle dungeon?
[Mori news]Mori is lost
>>78856765Is that Biboo seekbar on your youtube??
Do baby jars grow into big jars?
>>78854831I Robot and and I am Legend were average.What is it with you having average taste, /hlgg/? You even liked the garbage that is Space Jam
>>78857147I don't think we know
How much longer will Fauna stream? I'm starving, and I don't have anything to eat at my home.
>>78857100anon lied, this is not news
>>78856912what is a germany?
>>78856934>EN4 debuts>still no Holos based enough to play Deus Ex on stream
>>78857127>>78857050some /gem/ anon made it
>>78857102isnt she fauna's friend?
>>78856509Italy, RUMAO
Imagine your soul being crammed into a jar with a bunch of children haha oh noooo
Bae cute!
>>78857147I think they do lol, according to this DLC at least
>>78857259She literally said it today
>>78857080Myth = Promise = Advent = Justice
>>78857265There a version without fuwamoco?
I love this little yoda guy
>>78856765It accurately reflects the fact she's a cute fucking dork.
>>78856891>>78857014If she wanted to fuck ciri before why didn't she let her take her top off in the sauna?
>>78857190i bit the bullet and installed questionable extensions in my browser just so i can get a biboo on my screen...
>>78857349I hope she can pick what outfit gets 2.0 first because she really needs it on teh nightgown.
>>78857175order food then, fatso
>>78857137Golden gen
Yeah I'm thinking cute
>>78857163Space Jam gets a pass for inspiring the most important piece of art of the 21st century
>>78856513>>78857012How much is this thing? Plamos are cool.
>>78857175Until the debuts.
>>78857416Except Fauna.
>>78857310nami never uploaded one nope
>>78857265This Beeb looks like she cummed too hard
>>78857450Sucks perms never for this game. Apparently Mori asked on debut lmao.
why the FUCK did they put some jedi fucker at the bottom of the jar jail
Noel's big heavy tits
>>78857475Especially Fauna
>>78857186Ame would fucking love it
did mori beat the lion yet
why is Mori fighting master Yoda
did that demi human just use judgement cut
Did this weird goblin nigga just a use Virgil move?
This nigga is vergil not yoda
What the fuck that's just judgement cut
>>78857582You're invading Yoda in Dagobah
>>78857401we already have tampermonkey for soundposts, what's one more?
Do you ever get to meet the bloody baron again?
Genuinely why does Fauna have fans here except for unicorn (lol) appeal? I have never been able to get a good answer from a sapling what they actually like about her other than that.
>>78857404She's already said it will be.
>>78857475Stop ban evading
>>78857593I agree with this post
>>78857458Probably around $40.
>>78857703i'm sure you're "genuinely" asking this in good faith
Yosh is a good boy
>>78856961>already trying to set up fanbase wars with the new girlIs that why you've been spamming her pictures?
>>78855877which pairing do non-tourists ship?
>We used AI to give Kobo an extra fat ass
got sixty WHAT?
>5'6>tallI won...
>>78857853>AI slopyawn
>>78857703Cutest. Funniest. Sexiest. Kindest. Bestest.
>>78857896She's taller than me..
>>788578965'6bros...we finally made it...
>>78857849look at the filename, the retard saved a mobile picture lmao
>>78857163The book was better and was better because of the vampires.
>>78857987not today satan
>>78857830The Saga Begins is the better weird al star wars song
>>78857987Just hearing the fucking guitar riff gives me anxiety
>>78856644I'd shondo_death_scream
>>78857987i've never been able to make past a couple of seconds into this vid after watching it once
What is it about dragons that scares Mori?
>>78858042Yeah you're right
I tried to watch Gigi's debut again but she just sounds too annoying for meI can handle other high voices like Biboo's just fine but something about Gigi's triggers my autism
>>78857450Which holos could reasonably survive a Chaos Dunk?
>>78857896you're not a cute girl
>>78858132the mic
>>78858132She'll probably calm down a bit after a month or soBae's voice was super annoying at debut too, kinda reminds me of her
Death should be all over ME
>>78858172I could try!
Lapsama my friend
>>78858124She is scared of things that could theoretically eat her (non-sexually)
>>78857987The fact that this exists and isn't some creepypasta shit makes me question my grip on reality, especially considering the backstory of it all
>>78858124One them called her a "crackhead" once
>>78856858>>78857769imma keep it straight with you chief, this isn't funny at all
>>78857987She’s perfect…
I love Fauna's reading. Those stupid rusty lake games took away my comfy reading streams.
>>78857987thanks, I just cringed myself to death
>>78857987it has been like what? 4 years? and i still havent watched the entirety of this video
The fuck. Youtube just gave me a video that has an english AI audio track like those EN dubbrs holo videos that gets posted here. Anyone else got recommended one recently?
>>78858251>that pin
>>78857853I think AI is good actually
>>78858254could you give an advent newfag a rundown
Teamates have finally lost it...
>>78857896I'm 7 inches taller...
I hate that the dragons in this DLC don't bleed, so far I've found 3 and the worst fights against dragons in the game
Get to the finale already Fauna!
>>78858462That little AoE stomp they have is really fucking annoying as well
>>78858439No, but I got a new ship
>>78858132i think it's too nasally
>>78858254That pre-debut Hitomi Chris video feels like actual creepy pasta.
>>78858290Both the reading streams and the Rusty Lake streams have taken away my comfy watchalongs
I hope they're not nervous. Gigi and Liz were last night.
>>78857853All Hololive girls should have a fat ass. Even Towa.
Who did Mori say hi to?I didnt see anyone in chat saying "hi calli"
Mori seems like the only one properly prepared for the DLC level and gear wiseIna is 150 but didn't explore at all for skibidi fragmentsBiboo is like 130 and just likes to clear shit at low levelMori is doing a proper run at lvl 175 + a lot of exploration before main bosses
>>78858537what do you call it?
>>78858592sorry I just came back with dinner
>>78858592Me, personally, her husband
>>78858592A random grey. She is one of the few that responds to them randomly.
>>78858578artist name?
>>78858562>120K+ people watching you>not nervousYou need nerves and balls of steel for that. The only non-nervous debut I remember was Biboo's
Poor Biboo...
>>78858124*cough cough*
>>78858563Fauna should do a watchalong of the Netflix Witcher series
I heard that the kind of flashbacks Gura talks about where you see a flash from a embarrassing moment from your past is a form of PTSDDoes this mean Gura has PTSD?Does this mean anons have PTSD?
>>78858537traffic lights v2
>>78857358that hack fraud really needs to finish that animation
>>78858741>biboo>non nervousMaybe at the time it didn't seem like it but if you go look at it now you can tell she was trembling
Fauna is too nice
>>78858619nice gura image friend
>>78858752objective: survive
>>78858801Yes.Next question?
>>78858741Yeah but it felt like GG was gonna cry at any second.
did fauna seethe about souls games today
damn bros i've spent over $5000 on holo stuff in 2 yearsnever superchatted and only bought a membership once
>>78858953Thats good, merch is 10 times better than superchat both for you and your oshi
Ummm Noepi cute!!
feels like if you need to wait for a pay cheque to buy merch, you really can't afford to buy merch.
>>78858512>>78858462I've only killed the river one but it doesn't seem too bad. Ancient lightning storm did a decent chunk of its hp and I didn't find anything particularly bad. Those furnaces were annoying as fuck though because I it would just spam those fireballs even when you're underneath it.
>>78858419Uhhhh sure I guessEssentially this video started circulating around the time before Myth debuts, at a time when shitposting was high that the new ENs would just be a bunch of Twitch whores who would act like ironic weebs to cater to the lowest common denominator.This video was kinda used as a "this is what your future will look like", since it was the only actual HoloEN audition video that anybody found (since most people aren't fucking stupid enough to post their auditions on their discord).It was the ultimate form of doomposting.
Why would the hunt curse that elf instead of just kill him? Gerald would have never been able to find Ciri if they had just killed him.
>>78858604How much of a difference skibidi framents make anyway?%-wise?
>>78858625>>78858619who mentioned gura and what was said
Reminder that Elizabeth is like Azula and Kiara is Zuko
SUREEEEEEELYYYYYYYY Mr. Jap didnt hire an entire gen just for them all to be flopsThe green and pink women WILL save this gen
Fauna cute!
>>78859138Stop dick sucking random faggots, faggot
Im worried
>>78859138>flopElizabeth is doing great, she's at 200K subs already
>>78859138Gigi has done nothing wrong, why are people hating on her?
>>78857961>non-soundpostfuck, newfags are real, i didnt want to believe....
>>78859052thanks for the history lesson, this shit is cringe as fuck
>>78859225Lizzer deflection
>>78859225Every single Holo gets hated on /here/ anon no matter what
Alexander found purpose in the agony of his existence by striving to punch someone the hardest anyone has ever been punched
Can fauna finish this quest before the debuts start?
How come Mori seems to have a lot of porn despite her being 'your boy'?
>>78859330She'll end after reuniting with Ciri.
>>78857987be honest, do you guy's houses look like this?
Fauna stop singing, it hurts my ears
>>78858698You think this is art?
>>78859243Were you not here for Advent???
>>78859270The story of the person behind it is also interesting in its own right, and became tangentially relevant again a few weeks agoBasically, that video is cursed
>>78859270If you are a /pol/headed tourist you may know this woman as Digibro's ex (the one that turned them into a woman) and Ethan Ralph's ex wife
>>78858953you never regret buying merch anyway impulsive superchats are considerably worse for buyers remorse
leaked Cecilia's Cover Song
>>78858557Yeah that's just bizarre and surreal
>>78859453I really thought AI generated cosplay porn would be more common.
>>78859378Tomboys are meant for messy friends with benefits sex.
anyone here playing the elden ring dlc?
>>78858741Liz was a little goofy at times but she seemed cool as a cucumber
>>78859427better nate than lever
>>78859382>>78859412the duality of hlgg
>>78859202Cute sex panther
I should not be developing any more kinks, but here we areIT'S BECAUSE SHE'S FLATI LOVE FLAT GIRLSAND NOW I HAVE A DOLL JOINT FETISH TOO
>>78859562I've seen a lot of AI chinese "trap" roleplay accounts with generated imagesWeird stuffs
>>78859225Debut kinda clumsy and boring, people blowing it out of proportionYou know the drill
>>78858278Why do you speak like a nigger!
>>78859270>>78859468To get a bit further, she apparently convinced Digibro to go MtF and self-identified as a man, then turned into a "tradwife" then married Ethan Ralph, who now hates vtubers and broadcasts to ever-dwindling viewers, which is insane considering he was one of the big names in the mid-2010s culture war outrage ecosystem
>>78858741you should have literally nothing open that shows you what the current viewer count is during a debut to even know in the first place
>>78859225shes just boring
>>78859566Now let us hear JUSTICE's debut group song.
>>78859378Your boy has large, feminine breasts
>>78859595it's p.good
Ina was a bit too cute today
can someone give me a qrd of what Kiara's thoughts on Justice?
>>78859687>I've seen a lot of AI chinese "trap" roleplay accounts with generated imagesAnon, why have you seen "a lot" of those
HOLY fire spam
>Mori found the Perfume Department
>>78859741You'd know its 100K+ anyway if you watched any hololive debut since Holox
>>78859460>>78859468>>78859723interesting. sounds like something you'd eventually see a video essay about.and nah i'm not from /pol/. somebody was shilling advent debuts on /a/, linked some fes clips, and i was hooked since
>>78859803My algorithm is very specific!
So witchers can take a million sword hits, but they die to a 10 meter fall?
>>78859453Too chubby. Scale it back
>>78859755Need more proof than that.
>>78859714mind ya business, white boy
>>78859887It's just fun facts really not actually an interesting or important person outside of being weird
>>78859891They skipped leg day? Superhero landing classes?
>>78859864>>78859871SEX WITH TOP-HEAVY FEMALES
Should I take a shower before the debuts or nah? are these lazy fucks starting the stream 15 minutes later than yesterday
>>78859891Just like skyrim!
Will she be the Holo people make Hitler jokes about now?
>>78859803I think the image on the post is self explanatory enough, anon
>>78860054THEY HATE YOU
>>78860044yes, go now. you'll be comfier when they start
Liz is a ligger that got into Hololive.Now she's going to try her best to utterly destroy it from the inside, because she's a BPD British woman (like 99% of them), and she hates unicorns because she feels like a boss bitch.