What got under her skin and made her seethe much that she just had to put this in her debut slides? Was she getting bullied behind the scenes during her training?
>>OPIt was her PL
>>OPThe bullies
>>78793438what happened there?
>>OPBullied by /vt/ as she's clearly a lurker /here/I know you're seeing this you fucking bitchass whore. Fuck you, you homocock loving tranny fuck.
>>OPshe's a Steven Universe stan in every way imaginable, why do you think anon?
>>OPcomplaining about bullies unprompted is a pre-emptive defense that crybullies online often use so they can play victim before they say something that they know will bring criticism. right after this, she revealed a page of homos. coincidence?
>>78793556I know basically nothing about that cartoon. All I know is it looks really ugly.
>>78793523Do your reps and don’t ask for others to take vacations for you.
>>OP>bulliesMaybe, she shouldn't have joined hololive.
yeah shiori slapped her books out of her hands and biboo did the ol bucket of water over the door
>>78793523Bullying, duh
>>OPeveryone kept calling her a donkeh
>>78793438What she has to hide that she had to condom herself before being penetrated?
>>78793610if that's the case, it can't be just for something so minor as that.
>>78793641It’s gay propaganda in it’s infancy
>>78793556NOW THIS IS GRIM
>>78793644there are ways to tell a bullying event in general terms without mentioning any specific PL info
>>78793498Based puppies. Bully her until she stops thinking about the homos
>>78793776shop her head there instead of Pero
>>78793641it was alright, kinda lost its steam in season 4
>>78793722play monty with eileen before you ask
Gura saw her as a threat to the unicorn faction and took matters into her own hands.
>>78793641ugly cartoon controlled by ugly politics because of ugly neoptism in an ugly industry, there's nothing redeemable about it, and it's actively damaged a number of other niches and franchises - it's over 100% bad
>>78793749well, if a palestine camp pops up around cover HQ we'll know who started it
>>78793644>cant reset his router
She hates Nigel Farage and other Daily Mail reading fascist bigots
She's into mlp and steven's universe as well as a sjwLots of "bullying"
>>78794276>hates brexit>but hates to remain in holo cultureironicpalpatine.png
>>78793749it's clearly not a minor thing in the world of hololive vtubers, as shown by all the toxic fan fighting and advent's own silence
>>OP>tranny got in hololiveMore like homobeggar tranny got in
>>78793438>no proofFake and gay
she was watching Roberu play Lost Judgement while making the slides
>>78794633to be fair, if she were a tranny, she'd be hounding people for off-collabs with the hottest holomems
>>78794276What do you mean she hates fascist bigots, she supports hamas. You don't support literal national socialists and then go and say you hate fascist bigots anon.Not even if you're egosearching
>>78793536Fuwawa wtf
>>OP>british>dislikes teaHow?
>>OPIs that Iryss hiryss?
>>78794840All lefties in UK support hamas m8
>>78793536calm down shiori
>>78794896she got bullied by a tea vendor
>>78794994Of course, but you've got to rub their noses in it or they'll forget how retarded they are
>>78793523She collabed with men far too much in the past.
>>OPShe asking for it.
>>78794896it became a major product during the English colonial period, so she hates it on retarded principle maybe
>>78795069all right wingers support hamas too(because israel must be destroyed)
>>78795074that's too bad
>>78793498 My BAUSED dogs
>>OP>Was she getting bullied behind the scenes during her training?I don't know but I know that people are gonna bully her over not drinking tea even though she is FUCKING BRITISH. Even the chat noticed that right away.
>>78794276>In a 2015 interview Farage stated that he had a "slight preference" for immigrants from countries such as India and Australia compared to those from Eastern Europe, as they "are in some ways more likely to speak English, understand common law and have a connection with this country".[293]>In a 2014 interview on the LBC radio station, Farage said that he would feel "concerned" if a group of Romanian men moved next door to him. When interviewer James O'Brien inquired what would be the difference between Romanian men moving next door and a group of German children, in reference to Farage's German wife and children, Farage replied: "You know the difference."[284][285][286]Why does he hate Eastern Europeans so much?
>>78795147you know what, maybe she hates tea for some kind of retarded woke reason, like maybe she heard or read somewhere that most tea leaves aren't grown and harvested ethically and uses underpaid or slave labor or something like that.
>>78795314Just don't like emSimple as
>>78795341No she said she just prefers glugging thick hot sugary hot chocolate slop down her gullet instead
She comes from the fucking brony fandom so she's used to collabing with dudes. I think, if anything, Advent and the other senpais will help whip her into shape in time, she just needs to put more time into streaming and getting used to how things work.She'll either get better or tap out ala Sana, it's not as big of a deal as some of you spazes are making it out to be.
>>78795341liz, fuck off to vshojo, you don't belong here or /here/
Erb will bring those dirty advent hoodlums to justice and show them true love and unity. “Unicorn” bullies, your days are numbered.
>>78795499What actually happened with Sana
>>78795205only accelerationist (read: completely retarded) right wingers support hamas because they understand that they're a direct and present threat to their own communities because of the leftwing cancer that spreads their nonsense
>>78795660nah they're only a threat to israel, which is the enemy of all rightists
>>OPGonna be honest, I don't really like her, and I never watcher her other life so I can already tell she's meh-tier and might have been chosen just because of professionalidm and trajectory, but otherwise very fucking mid choice.Still 100% better than any recent Nijis. And I used to follow Elira. Used to.
>>78795765>chosen just because of professionalidmI fucking hope she can keep it professional
>>78795660Pretty sure you're not allowed to be posting right now, Ben.
>>78795755Off-topic but realistically, that state doesn't really have friends or allies, just business partners. And barely. And they don't really intend to make themselves any friendlier anytime soon.>>78793498FWMC LOVE!!!
>>78795564She was an artist who wasn't used to being a streamer, couldn't keep up with a schedule and had to step down. It'll be the same thing with ERB.
>>OPthat art style tells me everything i need to know about her.
>>78795755Try telling that to the people they inspire to try firebombing your neighbourhood, then we'll see.Can't even say you don't have any of those in your country anymore, they're everywhere
>>78796165cause Israel shipped em in
>>78795856You've guessed who I am so poorly that I'm actually now curious who Ben is
>>78796203No you fuckwit, they're being propped up by the vested interests of china, not israel anymore, they lost control of that ship 5 years ago
>>78796242Ben Dover
>>78793536Jesus Christ biboo do not stoop to her level
>>78793498Their punishment if caught is a forced homocollab
>>78793610There's literally one on that page. That's Flayon on the right.https://x.com/machinaxflayon/status/1804377271329001595
>>78796856that's supposed to be him? I thought it was some kind of shitty self-portrait
>>78793777yeah better keep that gay shit far away from hololive
>>78797076He's wearing his mascot hat. Her knowing what that is makes it clear she's an actual fan of him.
>>78797212That gay shit is fine because it's not purely political
>>78797383I see. Knowing now that it's a homo and a full page drawing like that, makes it even worse cuz it's like she's trying to pwn Advent since she knows they have to show and watch her watchalong.
>>78797212that gay shit is fine because those girls look hot and at least one of them has a futa cock (with no balls, because balls are gay)
>>78793498based Unicorn champions I know they were disgusted at her while watching the debut
>>78797452it's normalizing homosexuality as much as any of the shit you complain about is (good, btw)
>>78797901it's not normalizing anythingit's a fucking dog girl and a fucking cat girl
>>78798023as opposed to rock people / biboos or whatever the fuck they are in that show?
>>78797212The fact that no H-fanwork animation came from this one moment is criminal.
>>OPI love British mori!
>>78798234Mori is better than that.She's British Ollie
>>78795341>headcanon>specifically, headcanon to be mad atwhy are you a teenage girl?
>>78797901normalised homosexuality is good, normalised /anything/ as part of a corrosive political worldview never is and never can be, not even for its adherents, as it always comes for them sooner or later
>>78793498Based doggos
>>78798278Worse, she's Ollie and Jurard's mpreg baby.
>>78798425It's kind of interesting watching you try to work out your cognitive dissonance of why the gay cartoon you like is good, and the gay cartoon you don't like is an evil plot. I'll help you: they're both fine, stop listening to grifters
>>78795341Such a hypocrite if this is the case kek
>>78799043anon imagines a situation and gets mad
>>78799043>makes up scenario>gets mad about itwhat is wrong with you?
>>78793556For fuck sake, the other girls are now in danger
>>OPShe may be (career)suicidal, but she's not stupid. She knew that people were gonna have a problem with her tastes
>>78799151Overdramatic nigger please calm your tits
>>78793556>Steven Universe stanand I thought she couldn't get any worse...
>>78793556>staneveryone laugh at the tumblrtard
Whats wrong with her other than her acknowledging the holostars exist?
>>78799834terminally british sadly
>>78799863Shes a bri ish geezer? The country who's government just put trannies in seperate wards from women and who is overall way more conservative? Whats the problem?
>>78799834Her game choices filtered me.
>>78799936just because they hate /mans/ viewers doesn't mean they're "based" bri'ish have to be some of the worst most retarded people on the entire planet. And she's a prime example.
>>78799798you're an extra special kind of retard, thinking knowing what to call somebody to give an immediate estimation of their character means you agree with their shit, what are you fucking 12
I only had to listen to her accent to know what part of the country she is from and what kind of people surround her.
>>OPMaybe she's not an asshole.
>>78793536Damn Neri...nah actually Nerissa wouldn't hate a homo lover.
if she plays something interesting and drops the bong humor I'll check her out, mostly if she plays anything interesting because I'm tired of all the predictable stuff holos play (doubt it, she seems like she's barely into games). the orange girl seems meh, but her game with viewers and MV were cool, so her non-zatsu and non-gaming streams might be neat
>>78800083kek from your reaction it seems I was right on the mark
>>78800129Greater London Area?
>>78800245the only use I ever got out of tumblr was the porn, and even that was a grand total of 8-10 times. you need to recalibrate your 'detection' skills anon.Acknowledging things exist doesn't mean you agree with them existing
>>78800323I'd place her squarely in Essex
>>78800517moved to maybe, grew up in not a fucking chance, not with that voice, not with that attitude
>>78800490you sure are defensive
>>78793498all your funposting is retarded and hackneyed
>>78799834She riled up /vt/ schizos without actually giving them anything to chew on. Devilish, now they have to sperg out about random politics.
>>78800664I laid out the sum total of my exposure to the site and you call it defencive, bravo
>>78800863It's not random politics it's explicitly her politics as stated by her
>>78800950Yeah? Post the stream for me, would you.
>>78793498Fuwawa please bully me.
>>78800903No, I called it "defensive", because I can spell
>>78800966wouldn't work going through the wayback anyway, nice try
>>OP>Dislikes bulliesMy brother in Christ, this isn't that deep.Her character literally leads a group named "JUSTICE".
Pretty happy everyone hates her dumbass.
>>78801760yeah, cops hate bullying!
>>78801914What do "cops" have to do with anything?
>>78801970>Her character literally leads a group named "JUSTICE".
>>OPfunny thing is, i have no idea who that is lmaocontext clues says its a homo, but i literally not know a single one. If you show me a homo i, with the hand on my heart, can probably not tell you if its even a holohomo or a niji one. I only know vox after all the dramaniggery, but thats about it.
>>78793536 Calm down, Mocojan
>>78801914She is british, cops there arent like what you are used to in burgerland.
>>78802066Them:>"A fantasy character who serves a lofty ideal dislikes the opposite of that ideal."You:>"BUT THA POH LEASE!!"Can you not see the distance between these two topics?
>>78802066>>78801760Bitch got bullied as a kid/irl and decided to make it a career. Personal child issues who will never receive clearance.
>>78802244She leads an org that enforces "justice", and hunts down "criminals". She's a pig bro
>>78802448Yeah man ACAB no person is illegal amirite?
>>78802669yes, I am glad we agree
>>78801914>living in shithole country where cops are thugs
>>OPI hope the rest of EN bullies her.
>>78793536I'm surprised horsefuckers here are still aliveI thought most of them just returned being /co/fags and follow Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
>>78803823I like all of those shows and I watch Hololive
There is no saving Red.
I'm happy 99% of her views and subs are bots.
Advent > Justice“Villains” > “Heroes”Yeah this new EN gen is not for me, I’ll continue watching Advent.
>>78803823Maybe they would if /mlp/ was deleted and the rule was lifted.
You can understand why Fuwamoco doesn't want to go near the whore. I'm relieved they won't ever collab to avoid the drama.
>>78804718I love them so much. They're a brilliant shining life giving star in a cold black infinite void. My perfect twins. My angels.
>>78801760It's stupid. It would be like if one of the Advent members had put in they dislike jailers or constables because they're criminals.
>>78804666That show is 14 years old at this point it's crazy that it still has a board
>>78802160True, they put people in jail to be killed by Muslim gangs for throwing bacon at mosques and threaten people with jail time for not having a TV loicense (aka unpaid dues to the government so it can produce state propaganda about English erasure).Truly English bobbies are on another level from the bastard pigs in AmeriKKKa....
>>78802274>Was bullied in highschool and decided to make it their whole personalityOh I've seen this one before. Hope everyone still not disillusioned by her is ready for 30 woe is me stories about minor non physical bullying on loop for the next 5 years
>>78802274>>78805976I really don't think that's the case I think she's literally just toeing the line of twitter level virtue signalling, it's her signalling she's strongly anti racism, *phobias, etc. without getting "political".
>>78793498Made me smile for some dumb reason.
>>78795297Maybe she thinks tea MUST have milk, which is a lie.
>>78793498Based puppers, gatekeep this skin suit wearing parasite as hard as possible.
>>78793498can someone edit this into the rushia aqua template
>>78806109Oh god she wanted to have a "gotta support the cause" moment on debut that had to be compromised into something as neutral and meaningless as disliking bulliesHer poor manager is completely fucked
>>78804162>she can draw, sing, pretend voiceShe's perfect.
>>78793641The cartoon itself is not that bad, beside being way too naive in how it treats certain topics, but the fanbase is absolute cancer.This is the fanabse that harrassed an artist so much they quit drawing entirely just because they drew a certain character a bit slimmer.
someone just spoonfeed me on pl real quick and you can have a chip
>>OPI swear moving to california is going to ruin HololiveEN and, if let to grow like a tumor, all of Hololive.
>>OPI mostly just hate the fact she gives the worst homo possible attention on Twitter
just a bit ago "bullies" was the word associated with nijis, how they 'bullied' selen into kysing, and whoever said it out loud was le hekkerino basedino. now it suddenly offends you fags?
I mean playing the victim is the #1 card in the playbook of these types, is it not? She's just getting ahead of the game and rallying her people. Best for cgdct fans to just completely ignore her and hope she at least keeps her "unity" activities away from the other girls who aren't interested, because any too public/containment breaking hate she gets just fuels the victim hood/martyr narrative. Double your support for the cgdct girls instead.
>>78807586>hope she at least keeps her "unity" activities away from the other girls who aren't interestedas if that ever happens
>>78793498I want fuwamoco to bully me too
>>78805976>Horse>Whorse>Queen of sob stories>master of victim hoodNever should anyone have to suffer watching that again.
>>78807949Speaking of horses and victimhood, I think the way Calli handled the horse audio was professional and chill as fuck and it probably genuinely changed some people's minds about her.
>>78806460You anons are in too deep in your culture wars
>>OPsmall dab on niji EN nothing else to see here lmao
>>78810507I'm the Anon he's repying to...I just really think it's far more likely that was her intent with the bully shit, far more than some rrat that she's foreshadowing the fact she's going to trauma dump bullying stories and make a large portion of her personality about how she never got over being treated like shit when she was in early school, literally 20-25 years ago.It's far more likely in today's current climate that some hag britbong who wants to join Hololive and also collab with all the Homostars is making a coded signal regarding her ideological bent.
>>78809422Fucking grim, waited so long for a English Holo and this is what we got.
>>78811118>waited so long for a English HoloI mean do you know what the fucking english are like? Britain is a shithole. Normie English people are disgusting trash you don't want in this hobby. The most prominent English vtuber I can think of personally is fucking Froot of all people, don't even get me started.
>>78793498Fpbp, imagine seething on these puffballs.
>>78811239Shondo is British isn't she?
>>78811320exception that proves the rule but then again Shondo comes with her own problems/flaws that aren't even rrats but from her very mouth, which I get banned for mentioning even though she fucking BROUGHT THEM UP ON FUCKING STREAM, AS SHONDO
>>78797212That yuri, it have nothing to do with pol.
>>78810507She a brit anon and not the kind of 2nd amendment but the "i will send you to jail for your thought crime"
>>78811118It's unironically better if they found an orphan and make her a holo.
>>78793498Millie and enna 2.0 even fuwawa is pedo like enna
>>78811978>a filipino and a sociopathic mainland chinese girl who would be running a dog farm for sustenance in mainland china, who hates idol culture and laughs at gachis openly and taunts themvs>aryan twin sisters who love everything about Japanese culture, everything about idol culture, who have grinded under the idol rulesets for over a decade desperate to make it, who love their fans and are as pure as the driven snow for their gachis and unicorns, they are unicorns themselvesweird, I can't say I see the comparison Anon
>>78811882This is what I can't wrap my head around, there must have been thousands of better options to pick yet the chose her of all people.
>>OPStill the only one in her gen to even mention the homos
>>78793536>Bullied by /vt/ as she's clearly a lurker /here/ her kind do not lurk here because they're afraid of seeing le ebil heckin N werd!~!!1
>>78813513Oh, you're a talking about her IRL relationshipsYou're a fucking faggot, Kys
>>78813691fucking cuck retard take your own advice and do it so your worthless faggot parents have to deal with finding the body
>>78813762Did you not listen to a word she said?(You) should fucking kill yourself.
>>OP>If she announces her intentions early I'll just leave her alone>Doesn't leave her alone>The exact same thing happened to Shiori too Troonicorns, everyone. Talk a big game then completely shit themselves after.
>>OPit's obviously a niji reference.
>>78813762>she's honest about having the BF>but no she was lying about not taking his penis in every holeYou got problems bro.
>>78814140who the fuck are you quoting
>>78813762Did you not watch the video where she talked about this in like 2019?
>>78814680Don't respond that faggot has been in multiple threads today. /v/ must be really slow or something.
>>78814140Aren't you the faggot that went on meltdown when someone announced in other thread of doing just that?
>>78814819Well that clip she says she broke up with him on new years of 2020. She talked about the bf while she still with him?
>>78798425>gay women good>gay men badeither homosexuals are accepted in hololive or they aren't. pick one.
>>78814893Yep. I can’t remember which video it was because she deleted all of them and no one saved the non-roleplay/asmr ones. But she had a video where she talked about getting a job and having a boyfriend. It was like a life update video.
>>78814910>woman good>men badEveryone actually believes this in some way or another.
>>78815008Eh, her idea of a BF is probably going Chu~ Chu~ on discord.
>>78814910>two women kissing>hot>two men kissing>grossSorry homo bro. That's just the way it, unless your fan base is mostly made up of females that it's the opposite.
>>78804718>>78804817they barely even properly talked to each other yet https://x.com/fuwamoco_en/status/1803777192582942898?t=CTXgRMnbDSSLMma2BglckA&s=19
>>78815138It was probably something along those lines since her bf was a mod for her or something, but I really couldn’t imagine 2019 FS going chu~ chu~Idk though since I never join youtuber discords, but I think she was around 16 at the time, and I doubt a schizo teenage weeb really gets up to much.
>>78815068gender equality
>>78793536Yeah, it won't be any more complex than we're the "bullies". What happens when she finds out they're the attackers? What happens when she finds out the SomethingAwful crowd are and were our financial betters, that they're rich kids punching down just as the left are Dixiecrats who punch down? You guys are acting like this drone isn't going to delaminate under the tremendous differential pressure in which it's been placed. Since she's not actually male the spells might not hold, it's not like with Mori where they get an uncontrollable lifestyle figure who already accepts they're a grifter. What happens when this thing finds out it's not a real paladin? Instant ex-paladin. It's as stable and sane as you'd expect from an 11th hour play.
>>OP>Pls like homos
>>OPAt school over here, the boys have bullying but it usually just ends with a scrap and people move on. Lads get over it, mainly because the bullies rarely ever do grow up to achieve anything.Girls however are cliquey and are mean, vindictive little bitches. They’ll be nice enough to the boys but if you’re not the cookie cutter girl to fit in with the clique, they’re targets. Nerdy girls survive by having male friends they can hang out with during breaks because the mean girls won’t try anything with boys watching, especially boys who will leap to defend a girl who will hang out with them which makes them think they have a romantic chance.Elizabeth 100% is one of those girls who had one good female friend but otherwise hung out with the boys and the way other girls treated her at school still lives rent free in her head.
>>OPIt means she herself is a bully. It’s a way to preemptively frame herself and her concerns as the “moral” side. This lets her be a bully, as it grants her the social validation required to abuse others with the backing of the group AKA ‘bullying’.
>>78793641it’s tumblrina propaganda, essentially. Distilled down for easier child consumption but functionally all about spreading and validating toxicity and dysfunction.
>>78797212this is not gay it is yuri/cgdct
>>OPShe just likes Hololive (Production). It's as shrimple as that.
She should have given her hololive job to someone more underrepresented and disenfranchised.
>>78793498i want them to flirt with roberto
>>78819115yuri cgdct is for trannies these days. sorry bro, you're a sister now.
>>OPred woman bad
Did you want her to be sexist? Did you want her to be the "all men are pigs" type of sjw that would hate (you)?
>>78825274That is unironically what unicorns want,Being a unicorn is but a thinly veiled getting cucked by lesbians fetish.
>>78825274No I want her to understand that she is in an idol company and behave like one.And that means no homos.