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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 310 KB, 2000x1200, Kukie_nyan 1764426993502712306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78733935 No.78733935 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>78733983

Explosive Edition
Previous Thread >>78707882

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.78733951
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, Pledge of Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78733981


>> No.78733983
File: 943 KB, 2000x1000, 525754E0-88A2-4EEE-9E44-8724A83F0A88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you cozy and ready for chaos, ruffians?

>> No.78733997
File: 5 KB, 276x48, it's bauver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're /here/

>> No.78734052


>> No.78734098
Quoted by: >>78734171

How much for a Fuwawa dutch oven service?

>> No.78734168


>> No.78734171

You have to be Mococo.

>> No.78734237
Quoted by: >>78734649

their last RT was at fucking 2:30 AM
then open waiting room at fucking 7AM
how the fuck

>> No.78734243
File: 408 KB, 757x665, 1692851266658018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78734275

Do you guys think the girls goon in their oshi's generals like some of you gorillas goon for them?

>> No.78734275
Quoted by: >>78734358

can confirm okayu do that in /okakoro/

>> No.78734330
File: 255 KB, 1518x2048, szuukies 1738711891537752511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78734608

>> No.78734358

when we get too slow which general will we combine with?

>> No.78734429

prolly advent as a whole

>> No.78734496

Either biboo or advent as a whole.

>> No.78734528

we have too many old gorillas, as long as the girls stream, this general will be active during after work hours.

>> No.78734608

bending fuwawa over my stove and giving her puppies!

>> No.78734649

they didn't sleep

>> No.78734707

that does CDHP stand for

>> No.78734717

they are running on fumes right now which means they're about be extra silly

>> No.78734730
Quoted by: >>78734777

Do you think they're at home right now or in the studio? Or just a really short stream? They said the watchalong is an off-collab.

>> No.78734751
File: 5 KB, 271x69, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the birthday merch arrives soon

>> No.78734763
Quoted by: >>78734863

I didn't enjoy super much their cover of kaibutsu... Now it is all I hear now. Pretty good.

>> No.78734777
Quoted by: >>78734882

they go to idol clubs on the weekend. don't ask how i know.

>> No.78734782
Quoted by: >>78734804

someone in chat

>> No.78734804

oh lmao

>> No.78734815

We shouldn't merge this thread with others. The others are weak. They wouldn't be able to stand all the shitposts and menheraposts /here/, and merging with them will paint a target in the other girls back.

>> No.78734863

Their Identity cover has really grown on me.

>> No.78734872

red hot chili peppers

>> No.78734882
Quoted by: >>78734954

Havent they basically said as much? Well, they at least try to with some of their senpai. I highly doubt they're able to EVERY week since they have to schedule time to fucking walk.

>> No.78734899

Are they going to do a backtracked supa reading today?

>> No.78734912
Quoted by: >>78735019

I normally get 2 domino large pizzas for Fridays but they removed the cheap deal from my local domino's...

>> No.78734920


>> No.78734946

I really hope not

>> No.78734953

No way, they have an offcollab in a couple of hours after the stream. At noon too, so they'll probably want to have something for Advent to eat if it's at their house.

>> No.78734954
Quoted by: >>78735059

don't need to walk, if you spend some calories clapping, jumping and singing along with idols.

>> No.78735009
File: 197 KB, 948x792, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collab onegai...

>> No.78735019
File: 109 KB, 345x232, Ruffian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the ruffians so fucking fat?

>> No.78735059

Oh okay youre shitposting, nevermind kek
If you actually knew, youd also know they stand in the back and watch from a distance now

>> No.78735062

Patra... my kamioshi...

>> No.78735067

>Tell me a single time they've been swindled or tricked in this way before?
1. The management mandated ASMR.
They thought that they only had to do "bau bau" ASMR on the public stream, but management told them at the last second that they needed to do it for the membership stream too, it was a "last minute change and addition" and because of that they ended up doing it. Before that stream every time we asked they said that they weren't ready to do ASMR, and I trust them in that, they clearly didn't want their first ASMR (something that the majority of the doggy pack wants and has been asking for) to be paywalled behind another channel's membership, as evidenced by how they felt the need to address it and say that they don't consider it their first ASMR.

2. The hololivefesEXPO stream.
They probably didn't know that the homos would appear there, and they were put on a awkward position when they appeared.

What I'm trying to say is that they CAN be tricked into doing things that they don't want. I trust FWMC, but I don't trust that red-haired homoloving bitch, so I hope she stays away from them, and if she doesn't, then I'll anti her until she graduates/kills herself. FWMC will NEVER voluntarily do a homocollab, but they CAN be tricked/forced into one.

>> No.78735071

because fuwawa wants us round

>> No.78735124
File: 575 KB, 1454x1491, 329. Justice Announcement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78735160

Sounds like it would be boring. I'd rather take another Advent or Koyori collab

>> No.78735189

It's what Fuwawa wants. I just hit 415lbs

>> No.78735204
File: 176 KB, 329x389, 1693369651480384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only know they go out, because of what mint said. i made up the rest kek.

>> No.78735240
Quoted by: >>78735278

Fuck man, don't remind me about that ASMR. I didn't know who Nodoka was until FWMC appeared on the main channel. I hate her now for that.

>> No.78735259
Quoted by: >>78735310

Kill yourself nijitranny

>> No.78735278
File: 8 KB, 228x234, 1717646073610956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome

>> No.78735308
Quoted by: >>78735380

kek baused the definitely dont go out every week tho, theyre way too busy for that based on what theyve said. unless mint said something new within the last week or so

>> No.78735310
File: 305 KB, 690x761, 1696647863886881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78735342

Didn't that happen months ago?

>> No.78735359


>> No.78735375

>youd also know they stand in the back and watch from a distance now
Keep in mind that was way before they needed to do this intense homework for their 3Ds

>> No.78735380

nah, she only mentioned they went out, and that some old famous idol showed up. nothing interesting was added.

>> No.78735383

Yeah the ASMR thing was bad, but the EXPO and Moona things prove that they can handle the homo stuff perfectly

>> No.78735389
File: 328 KB, 302x467, 1703711184543446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78735429

>> No.78735401
File: 1.26 MB, 545x280, loading.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78735428
File: 344 KB, 653x617, 1708410901255282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll behead this whore and use the head as an onahole.

>> No.78735429


>> No.78735453
File: 350 KB, 532x585, 02661C49-733D-4A6C-8452-A6DEC6514751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright its starting bwos

>> No.78735489

I'm not fat. 2 large pizzas isn't much food.

>> No.78735530
File: 182 KB, 1080x973, 71eCOZQ1DcL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cum in fuzzy's mouth.

>> No.78735545

don't post this again

>> No.78735595
Quoted by: >>78735680

>chat that slow
it's bauver... they've been forgotten...

>> No.78735607

Fuck. I had generally neutral / positive impressions towards Nodoka leading up until that stream. Oh well. I'm just going to ignore her and hope the FWMC Nodoka stream interactions are minimal.

>> No.78735619

cause slop is designed to be addictive and i have weak willpower.

>> No.78735624
Quoted by: >>78735694

All I see is goatse

>> No.78735680

They're streaming at a different timeslot when they're usually extremely consistent. That kills a lot of viewership

>> No.78735694

Kek youve given me a fucking horrible idea

>> No.78735755


>> No.78735772

They did NOT get any sleep

>> No.78735780
Quoted by: >>78735880

8am is the morning yes

>> No.78735797

mocotummy is exquisite

>> No.78735810

for them

>> No.78735816

the dogs formerly from the northleft passage are online!

>> No.78735865

How new?

>> No.78735871

rrat this time they're being taken to the pound

>> No.78735872
Quoted by: >>78736532

I love Fuwawa's soft yeah

>> No.78735880

but they said it was morning 8 hours ago

>> No.78735885

fuwawa's tits are too big

>> No.78735955
File: 663 KB, 640x852, 1718810349974362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78735961

>I think
Its over. Jambros...

>> No.78735962


>> No.78735971

yeah, for us

>> No.78735997
File: 593 KB, 626x545, 1707206142147491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78736012
File: 15 KB, 128x132, 1717121132279197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12am is also in the morning

>> No.78736032

>they forgot literally everything

>> No.78736043


>> No.78736090
File: 1.12 MB, 2532x4096, honkivampy 1790004070071062676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78736209

>for your eyes only

>> No.78736096

oh fuck we get eyebrow fuwawa again YES

>> No.78736100

Holy shit, they really have forgotten everything about this game.

>> No.78736153

damn their memory is shit, there's no way they remember me

>> No.78736187
File: 20 KB, 312x312, 1718664512858433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I understand that but what does that mean

>> No.78736209

taking fuwawa for walks is too exciting...

>> No.78736254

her poor fluffy brain is overloading already

>> No.78736322

...guys, is Fuwawa, you know...

>> No.78736342

Wait the stream was at 4? I missed 8 minutes of kino...

>> No.78736344


>> No.78736355

They've got so many more people in their friend list compared to last time.
Feels great.
(Fuwawa is even more retarded today than usual).

>> No.78736361

>press it!
fuwawa your sister's life was on the line...

>> No.78736360
File: 111 KB, 341x329, 1718765443213051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78736377


>> No.78736409

yeah I'm thinking we're in for another kino stream lads

>> No.78736447

Its alright, all you missed was Fuwawa being retarded due to sleepiness

>> No.78736464

Mococo's expressions are killing me

>> No.78736489

No, it was at 6

>> No.78736519

Detonating my seed inside Fuwawa.

>> No.78736532
File: 840 KB, 2695x1780, 1718504160893581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ehehehehehehe yeah

>> No.78736548

I get silly for your X if you know what I mean Mogotyan

>> No.78736564

I think Mococo should be the one using the manual. Although the current setup is funnier.

>> No.78736658

They hate Fubuki now

>> No.78736664

smart pups :D

>> No.78736686

Fuwawa's growls make me hard

>> No.78736699
File: 3.91 MB, 520x640, simply kino.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78736708
File: 265 KB, 900x720, Fuwawa understand [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5gncyc.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78736732

don't post this

>> No.78736738
File: 85 KB, 262x254, 1710587501357505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78736912


>> No.78736776

my post was about to complete

>> No.78736831

Gentlemen, I love Fuwawa

>> No.78736834
Quoted by: >>78736888


>> No.78736860

post this more

>> No.78736872

Mococo wanted to say the circle with the dick hehe

>> No.78736888


>> No.78736905
Quoted by: >>78737085

the music when they were solving sounded like a track in Factorio

>> No.78736912


>> No.78736926

why aren't they playing new stages?

>> No.78736932

who is "L" in their leaderboards?

>> No.78736971
Quoted by: >>78737018


>> No.78736976
File: 38 KB, 481x300, LON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78737008
Quoted by: >>78737073

For some reason I have the perfect mental image of Fuwawa reading the manual looking down a pair of old granny bifocals.

Was Lui in there somewhere?

>> No.78737015

>person with a staff
>backwards p

>> No.78737018
File: 31 KB, 126x165, 1718830040080495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78737057


>> No.78737073

I dunno

>> No.78737077


>> No.78737085

Beyond Factory Outskirts

>> No.78737112

they're a little silly today, huh

>> No.78737120


>> No.78737142

>white abort

>> No.78737149
Quoted by: >>78737217

>How many times?

>> No.78737150


>> No.78737157

>white abort

>> No.78737176

fuwa is being extra retardo

>> No.78737192

This is the real FWMC Morning

>> No.78737205

they're both doing that

>> No.78737208
File: 476 KB, 1536x2048, GQlonHtaoAA5RR6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78737217
File: 88 KB, 280x296, 1710645916593895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78737254


>> No.78737263

Fuwawa does it for the children, but I already spilled the children on the ground

>> No.78737264
File: 783 KB, 918x1014, 1718760216900481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78737396

She does it for the children. What a hero.

>> No.78737278


>> No.78737285

retarder dog

>> No.78737298
Quoted by: >>78737382

>I don't do this job for money
fuwawa findomfags...

>> No.78737308

I love them so much

>> No.78737324

Holly shit, I just realized they're right. There haven't been any explosions yet. I honestly can't believe it.

>> No.78737343
Quoted by: >>78737556

>they aren't calling it "Gura's trident" anymore

>> No.78737382
File: 818 KB, 2902x2480, 176734996789846676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78737396
Quoted by: >>78737452

For the children she'll never have...

>> No.78737435

gorillas are slacking

>> No.78737452
File: 35 KB, 492x427, 1718862666002171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you say that?

>> No.78737480

not true, I've already exploded many times

>> No.78737492

gameplay fags getting uppity

>> No.78737494

gameplay schizos seething while cheatGODS continue to win

>> No.78737525

ruffians are cheating referring to the manual while seeing the screen.

>> No.78737556

Gura told them not to mention her name without permission or when it's not really relevant to what's happening

>> No.78737569


>> No.78737597

back when this shit was popular in my coleg, my buddy used to be able to solve that shit by himself without seeing the manual kek

>> No.78737613


>> No.78737625

>call bomb diffusion expert
>idk just do it on your own lol

>> No.78737649

I need to get Fuwawa pregnant

>> No.78737787

In order to do the hardest bombs, you basically have to be able to some of the modules by yourself.

>> No.78737808

>it's in black and white

>> No.78737814

They might be able to stop the bomb from exploding, but they can't stop me

>> No.78737816
Quoted by: >>78737897

((whats the answer ruffians))

>> No.78737825

Love my retarded doggo

>> No.78737845

Is it my imagination or is mococo's eye-tracking particularly good?

>> No.78737885

I'm about to explode on Fuwawa's floofies

>> No.78737891

Is it just me or is the number pad disproportionally more difficult than all the other modules? It's kinda hard to remember every step along the way and not mix anything up.

>> No.78737897

It's 42

>> No.78737905
Quoted by: >>78738018

fuwawa is so darn cute when she is looking downwards

>> No.78737918

it's extremely easy to memorize the numpad, simple wires, button, and simon says modules without ever even reading the manual

>> No.78737927

Is it just me or is Fuwawa's boob tracking really good?

>> No.78737930

Do you trust Fuwawa with your life?

>> No.78737936
Quoted by: >>78738003

i noticed her eyes were very expressive when i watched the first minecraft stream

>> No.78738003

It helps that she clearly consciously enjoys using them, like deliberately darting her eyes back and forth when somebody (usually Fuwawa) says something absurd.

>> No.78738018
Quoted by: >>78738327

It excentuates her cheeks and she also looks so hyperfocused

>> No.78738047

I trust Fuwawa with my sex life

>> No.78738134

They both use their eyes very well
It's often enough that you can usually guess what they're thinking

>> No.78738135

Is Fuwawa feeling okay? She's being extra sensual but also bitchy, I think she's nervous about Justice debut or something.

>> No.78738172
File: 1.16 MB, 1297x1216, 1718783438423699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78738229

No, however I would gladly give my life to Fuwawa.

>> No.78738248
File: 198 KB, 972x2048, GQnZwO5W8AETeLI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78738252
Quoted by: >>78738384

>Simon says
>Both of them keep stimming the sounds instead of figuring out the puzzle

I love retard dog wifes.

>> No.78738266
File: 12 KB, 320x180, t. Schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78738305

Its 8am over there so they woke up extra early today. Or they didnt sleep at all.

>> No.78738315

She is anxious about how many whores she'll be seeing in Justice' chats later

>> No.78738327
Quoted by: >>78738387

It's accentuates anon

>> No.78738343

they definitely fucked this one up a million times in a row before getting it

>> No.78738357

I want to fuck Mococo so bad it's killing me

>> No.78738379
Quoted by: >>78738461

If I recall, they figured out how to do the who's on first module last time. Fuwawa kept asking about the eye symbol.

>> No.78738383

>Are you sure?

>> No.78738384

>Yellow red red~
>Yellow red red~


>> No.78738386

That's exactly how they sang it in karaoke together, they bounced really well off each other

>> No.78738387


>> No.78738424
Quoted by: >>78738491

fuwawa's reading eyes are too cute

>> No.78738462
File: 592 KB, 2372x3565, 20240621_172157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo is NOT SEXY

>> No.78738461

I meant to say "they NEVER figured out"

>> No.78738472

the gremlin giggle
my heart

>> No.78738491

fuwawa looking down makes me so horny and I cant explain why

>> No.78738522
Quoted by: >>78738661

MAYBE Fuwawa isn't retarded

>> No.78738540
File: 510 KB, 1550x2397, GQe0bGhaIAM7Z7p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78738590
Quoted by: >>78738818

Fuwawa would take this more seriously if Mococo was trapped in a hidden secret warehouse somewhere and had to defuse a device or else she gets gangbanged by one dozen buff dudes in speedos who haven't cum in a year.

>> No.78738602
File: 21 KB, 267x223, D36E2F28-7D92-4477-B835-11945E74E170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78738644


>> No.78738618
File: 181 KB, 1104x1680, rswxx 1703035392944140721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I resent that

>> No.78738623

There is a lewd version of this yes?

>> No.78738633

She's nervous about giving birth to our first child in a few days.

>> No.78738644


>> No.78738649

your... cat...

>> No.78738661

No... that would be so sad

>> No.78738706
File: 429 KB, 753x663, 1718780854359459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78738718

Fuwawa sounds more natural today.

>> No.78738737

their voices have felt very dynamic this stream

>> No.78738788

i love it when fuwawa gets upset with mococo, so funny

>> No.78738791

Yes ma'am

>> No.78738809

No way, she sounds fucking exhausted kek

>> No.78738818
File: 407 KB, 1280x1280, 1706840873913114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78739219

>ehehe good luck mococo-chan, Fuwawa can't understand this puzzle at allllllll

>> No.78738822

She definitely get's extra yappy when she's nervous

>> No.78738831

I love her voice so much

>> No.78738860

Mococo is a gameplayschizo...

>> No.78738891
Quoted by: >>78738934

fuwawa doesn't fuck with the coloreds

>> No.78738913
File: 759 KB, 1920x1278, OS2YVHFVPWWTVO3XJMTJNULZSU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78738968


>> No.78738934


>> No.78738968
Quoted by: >>78739003

Is that matpat

>> No.78739003

that's just a theory

>> No.78739004

kek Fuwawa

>> No.78739026

Mococo is not good at giving coordinates. She isnt even being consistent with how she gave them last time.

>> No.78739040
Quoted by: >>78739079

Calm down Mococo...

>> No.78739044
File: 81 KB, 550x457, 1706822886164114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78739306

>This entire game

>> No.78739079

kek I love her

>> No.78739102

They so fucking retarded and they're making me and each other angry

>> No.78739123

they're both useless...

>> No.78739124
File: 169 KB, 322x326, 1693102507745544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Fuwawa, my sides...

>> No.78739192
Quoted by: >>78739295

Mococo isn't even counting the circles from the edges the same way.

>> No.78739212

Fuwawa... your left and rights....

>> No.78739215

>"... I might"

>> No.78739219

Maybe it's better if the dudes are in Fuwawa's location

>> No.78739243

why are they acting like the number of dots away from the edge is some advanced math concept kek

>> No.78739276
File: 319 KB, 580x564, literally retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78739288

can't believe they don't know what x and y coordinates are. Canada your public schooling system...

>> No.78739295

I know, its hilarious. Its nice to see that Mococo can be just as retarded as Fuwawa.

>> No.78739306

And they're both right and I love them for it

>> No.78739312

they weren't allowed to play battleship as kids, because their parents are scared of boats

>> No.78739323

They're retarded and unironically cant tell their lefts from their rights

>> No.78739324
Quoted by: >>78739367

anon, they don't even know what cartesian coordinates are

>> No.78739354
File: 136 KB, 806x1199, 1713479821979401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making Fuwawa a mother

>> No.78739367
Quoted by: >>78739476

They clearly know what they are, they just don't know how they work.

>> No.78739370

what is this esoteric autism gameplay? i have no idea how this game works

>> No.78739398

>no maze or word display
>green green green
does the game have adaptive difficulty or something kek?

>> No.78739408
Quoted by: >>78739462

I-is Fuwawa actually dumb? She is just acting, right? She knows the difference between right and left, r-right??

>> No.78739445

>hand holding
yab Mococo YT is gonna take this stream down...

>> No.78739447

Pretty simple, one says bau bau, the other say ün ün and whatever is on screen is irrelevant.

>> No.78739459

One player plays the game, and the other person/people refer to a bomb defusing manual to walk them through the puzzles

>> No.78739462
Quoted by: >>78739661

She almost killed herself and mococo with bleach

>> No.78739476
Quoted by: >>78739627

That is just as unhelpful
Might as well just say they don't know it

>> No.78739548
File: 408 KB, 1975x1298, rswxx 1753780380887597078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them so much bros

>> No.78739627

I know, I'm just being autistic.

>> No.78739646

Yeah this one is over

>> No.78739661

KINO, Fuwawa was probably an Ulquiorra CHAD

>> No.78739709


>> No.78739740

MocoGrimmjow bros...

>> No.78739743
Quoted by: >>78739801

I can't even imagine being this silly.

>> No.78739770

Kek what a baused reference

>> No.78739785
File: 61 KB, 228x234, 1718729754978074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're done
>oh... not like that

>> No.78739787

>we're done
>bomb explodes

>> No.78739790

The expert just needs to remember which occurrence of each color they're on because they have a table.

>> No.78739793
File: 3 KB, 353x33, 1716569792747687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78739801
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1707699254736285s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78739841


>> No.78739825

I think they unironically learn slower than their first episode

it's the lack of sleep, rite

>> No.78739841
File: 2.73 MB, 498x498, 1695948641899622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78739917

Oh god I want to give these two retards the biggest hug and pamper them all day

>> No.78739930

holy shit they did it

>> No.78739947

they're way too cute

>> No.78739958
Quoted by: >>78740006

HOLY SHIT they actually did the morse code. I honestly can't believe it.

>> No.78739976

bossy fuwawa does things to me.

>> No.78739995
File: 460 KB, 1715x2450, GQgWz1WaUAAIf2V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78740002

Mococo loves us too much...

>> No.78740005
File: 67 KB, 680x623, Screenshot 2024-06-21 165923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa wouldn't understand this diagram if she had a month with it

>> No.78740006

Fuwawa can't either, she literally said she just guessed

>> No.78740012


>> No.78740030

>ignoring fuwawa and just doing what chat says

>> No.78740044
Quoted by: >>78740132

Do you guys think they ever have kissy kissy love dovey make up sex after a tension filled gaming stream like this?

>> No.78740052

wtf is this shit

>> No.78740067


>> No.78740071

Holy shit my sides

>> No.78740084


>> No.78740087


>> No.78740127
File: 346 KB, 1135x2048, GQiIyyaakAMAXze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78742265

>> No.78740132

I don't think that, I know.

>> No.78740133

They love us way too much

>> No.78740141

it's kino...

>> No.78740169

My Mocotyan

>> No.78740182
File: 131 KB, 372x399, 1718781105096861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78740226

>when they start talking about venn diagrams that's when i feel like the bomb might as well explode
Holy SHIT I love this woman

>> No.78740190
File: 405 KB, 2048x1666, GQhG129bsAAPpFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78740189
File: 649 KB, 1365x2048, 1710345393109266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am getting these kind of vibes, and it's turning me on.

>> No.78740198
Quoted by: >>78740230

Would you rather...
Have your sister die in a horrible explosion,
have to deal with deciphering a Venn diagram?

>> No.78740203

Cucking Fuwawa by taking her sister ehehehe

>> No.78740205

its been 10 years and I cant understand shit

>> No.78740226

KEK, she is so fluffy...

>> No.78740230
File: 8 KB, 267x223, 1707846145680278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78740382


>> No.78740240
Quoted by: >>78740482

Is this in the manual? Fuwawa will never understand that

>> No.78740276

Mococo was happy to see the Ruffians say shes theirs

>> No.78740335

They got so lucky on that module, only getting one color of wire.

>> No.78740349

I was busy playing Elden Ring. What have I missed?

>> No.78740382


>> No.78740384

We've been having sex on stream for over an hour

>> No.78740394

nothing go back to not watching streams

>> No.78740417

it's justs venn diagrams

>> No.78740425
File: 279 KB, 1748x2405, mocoleash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78740790

>Mococo was happy to see the Ruffians say shes theirs

>> No.78740432

Retard Kino

>> No.78740458
Quoted by: >>78740799

It's just a venn diagram. Ask the traits in the left box and find the letter that's inside of every loop that the other player says yes to.

>> No.78740482

once you play for a bit it starts coming back
it's not too bad

>> No.78740480
File: 148 KB, 298x324, 【KEEP TALKING AND NOBODY EXPLODES】it's BAUver 🐾【FUWAMOCO】_ 【KEEP TALKING AND NOBODY EXPLODES】it's BAUver 🐾【FUWAMOCO】-2024-6-21-195730.224-1080p-streamshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78740489

did fuwawa just say it's over? lmfao

>> No.78740517
Quoted by: >>78740790

She's been wanting us to see her as sexy

>> No.78740620

Why are retards spamming "Zed" like it's the funniest shit ever.

>> No.78740647

I love how she had to think for a second to remember that 0 is even.

>> No.78740651

Canadians are hilarious. They keep their milk in bags.

>> No.78740682

They're big fans of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

>> No.78740684

Canadian dogs

>> No.78740688
File: 532 KB, 584x723, haaaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78740696

they think it's funny

>> No.78740717
File: 9 KB, 430x53, 1707566600444317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78740737

Cause its a silly way of pronouncing "Zee."
I'm sure nonAmericans would do the same if they hear a vtuber who streams for the EU say "Zee" rather than "Zed"

>> No.78740743


>> No.78740763

mogojanfags....your oshi....

>> No.78740790
File: 3.83 MB, 1931x4096, 1708124917511191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this sexy little minx

>> No.78740799
File: 400 KB, 523x574, wtf did you just say.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78740872
File: 348 KB, 1080x1080, 5AFF39F4-F71E-4E0E-9F54-F659F5E114C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78740928

I think im actually getting dumber watching these two

>> No.78740916

I love how we're just their scapegoats

>> No.78740928
Quoted by: >>78741042

Fuwawa is intelligent and high IQ. It's just Mocochan bringing the average down.

>> No.78741041
File: 345 KB, 524x489, 1701565445794715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78741042

Mococo is genius, but a genius at being cute and panicking

>> No.78741054

its over...

>> No.78741068

>1 hour stream
what the fuck

>> No.78741119
Quoted by: >>78741382

if they overlap the justice debuts, they'll be put to sleep

>> No.78741120

oh, they're stopping...

>> No.78741125

Okay I get to play ER for a little bit

>> No.78741142
Quoted by: >>78741382

Justice slop is dropping

>> No.78741159
Quoted by: >>78741382

they need to prep for off-collab

>> No.78741165
Quoted by: >>78741258

As silly and fun as this stream was, I feel like they could've scrapped it for some more sleep before the off-collab tonight

>> No.78741183
Quoted by: >>78742661

>spend some time with Biboo

>> No.78741199

Go back to streaming, biboo

>> No.78741204

I don't wanna watch elden ring though

>> No.78741227

The watchalong is still 2 hours away
They could still read some SC

>> No.78741234
Quoted by: >>78741299

>last stream before Justice
they make it sound like we're leaving them or something

>> No.78741246
Quoted by: >>78742661

they're whoring me out to biboo...I'm just a piece of meat to them...

>> No.78741258

>implying they slept at all

>> No.78741266

These dogs are actually retarded

>> No.78741274
File: 1.20 MB, 1080x1080, 1000_Yard_Stare_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78741347

>"chat a bit"

>> No.78741273

They have grapes in the fridge

>> No.78741297
Quoted by: >>78741340

it's crazy you can see mococo's vagina bones

>> No.78741299

Fuwawa is a huge numberfag and is nervous about us oshihening, you can see from the way she's acting today

>> No.78741304

Reminder that the start time on the schedule for the watchalong is incorrect. The watchalong stream is starting 30 minutes before the first debut.

>> No.78741334

Guess it's at the studio then, if Biboo can spend longer playing than them

>> No.78741340

her what now?

>> No.78741343

You heard them. We can have sex with Biboo while they're gone.

>> No.78741347
Quoted by: >>78741445

If it was a SC reading, they definitely would've said that.

>> No.78741382

That's not for close to 3 hours though...


>> No.78741400

>play with biboo for a bit
Why do I feel like a kid being forced to play with another kid while my parents and her parents have a meeting

>> No.78741405
File: 14 KB, 623x115, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they love

>> No.78741423

you know, at the bottom of the tummy

>> No.78741434
Quoted by: >>78741537


>> No.78741438

I really really like when they forget the fuwamocodeword and have to add a secret C part to the ending

>> No.78741440
File: 121 KB, 768x464, EK 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78741774

>Elden Ring
when are they going to play Elfen King?

>> No.78741445

Mococo said "chat a bit" with that wording in reference to the suika stream.

>> No.78741451

the watchalong is an off-collab

>> No.78741462

The Justice debut watchalog will be an off collab.

>> No.78741477
File: 297 KB, 381x387, mopero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you enjoy? It was a shorter stream but they still managed to pull off a few defuses! Will you be watching the debuts too? I'm sure FuwaMoco will do their best to be good senpai for the new gen!

>> No.78741479

I can't play with Biboo because she's ahead of me

>> No.78741518

Kinda unfortunate that their warmup is actually all there is, but alas

>> No.78741516
Quoted by: >>78741689

Biboo's audio is so much louder, will FWMC ever find a good sound balance?

>> No.78741526


>> No.78741533

They need to travel to the studio.

>> No.78741537


>> No.78741543
Quoted by: >>78741616

Theyre squeezing in some homework before the off collab. The girls are probably gonna spend all day together, so they wont have much time to do anything

>> No.78741550

My wives were so cute and happy today, I love them so much

>> No.78741593
File: 249 KB, 504x596, 1703482800715835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78741594

this might sound weird, but im nervous for the new debuts lmao idk why im nervous for them
i think im just worried of them saying something that gets overblown/used as bait by sisters, also the fact that all of advent is watching them live and will have to react to things

>> No.78741596

>>78741227 (me)
>actual 1 hour stream
I guess not. If I didn't know any better I'd question why they decided to stream at all
How long is the train ride?

>> No.78741608

Okay time to finally kill that fucking lion in ER

>> No.78741616

>Theyre squeezing in some homework
that homework? my dick

>> No.78741639
File: 221 KB, 1006x720, wait.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78741683

Short time together but I'll take it. It's going to be a long night.

>> No.78741643
File: 123 KB, 853x1280, 1708388277696015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

highlight of my week

>> No.78741648
Quoted by: >>78741685

The camera in that kusoge is horrific.

>> No.78741683

We got some cute moments, like Fuwawa worried we'll steal Moco-chan away from her.

>> No.78741685
Quoted by: >>78741739

What kusoge?

>> No.78741689

Their volume is fine right now I don't want to have to raise or lower my OS volume

>> No.78741691

I'm worried too... Elizabeth will 100% mention the homos, and the homobeggars will get mad at FWMC staying silent again.

>> No.78741696
Quoted by: >>78741812

per biboo's instructions, I hope they literally barge in, drag her off, and forget to end stream.

>> No.78741739

Elden Pon-de-Ring

>> No.78741746
File: 223 KB, 500x675, 1688467067705488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78741770


>> No.78741774

>one of the main artists died at the end of 2022

>> No.78741798


>> No.78741800
Quoted by: >>78742061

>Elizabeth will 100% mention the homos,
yeah..i personally have no problem and don't care if she mentions them, its the fact that theres a live watchalong and its pretty apparent all of advent stays away from them, so it would be brief awkward dead air
well, no use fearing something in my mind, will just have to see what actually happens and take it from there, i look forward to gigi specifically though

btw someone post that mocoluigi edit onegai

>> No.78741812
Quoted by: >>78741860

I didn't get redirected. What did she say?

>> No.78741818
Quoted by: >>78742269

>using FuwaMoco when they told us they prefer FUWAMOCO
Confirmed for not really being Mococo...

>> No.78741824
File: 239 KB, 1080x1920, mococutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the "ruffians..." when the answer was wrong so much

>> No.78741860

she doesn't trust herself to end stream, and wants them to come get her

>> No.78741872
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, 1698207820642117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78741886

The rest of Advent don't seem too excited about the homos either

>> No.78741956

They really want me to watch the collab because they hope I'll oshihen

>> No.78741967

who gives a fluff? they dont watch FUWAMOCO and they also hilariously enough dont watch the homos. theyre all dramaniggers who should be ignored

>> No.78742006
Quoted by: >>78742084

>this is the last stream before justice
What a weird sentence

>> No.78742061
Quoted by: >>78743347

I trust them. FWMC are pretty good at handling themselves barring any egregious surprises.

>> No.78742084

They know they're going back straight to the Cell...

>> No.78742115

So how come Biboo is still streaming if this is going to be an off collab
Will they be going to the hotel where the rest of Advent is and streaming from there?

>> No.78742136

So? Good chance for FUWAMOCO to re-affirm their based bonafides by staying silent regarding the homos again.

>> No.78742162
Quoted by: >>78742607

She's staying at the dorms Cover has that are right by the studio.

>> No.78742180
Quoted by: >>78742607

It will probably be at the studio.

>> No.78742184

Maybe Biboo is where they will be streaming from?

>> No.78742206
Quoted by: >>78742348

They're not going to stream for lore reasons for the next month while they go back to the cell. That's why they're doing a chatting stream right after and have no streams on Sunday.

>> No.78742243
Quoted by: >>78742607

The other girls are closer to the office. They also probably have some other things to get done.

>> No.78742252

>en shilloX

>> No.78742265
Quoted by: >>78742405


>> No.78742269

Not using MOCOCO

>> No.78742295

nah FuwaMoco will be ok
there's only 4 people in Justice so at least one will be able to escape and break them out again every episode.

>> No.78742307

This might be the last time they can have off-collab sex before Justice

>> No.78742306

The 5 of them will be together and if the red cunt brings up the homos I have faith all of them will stay silent or completely ignore it with some other topic

>> No.78742326


>> No.78742348
Quoted by: >>78742541

I would anti this generation so hard that FWMC would call me out on stream when they come back as a bad example of how to be a ruffian.

>> No.78742374

Moco-chan fucking died

>> No.78742402

I just realized FuwaMoco had to end the stream earlier than the others because they still have to travel to the studio, unlike the rest of Advent.

>> No.78742405


>> No.78742432
File: 435 KB, 2390x2162, 5D42B549-379D-4C32-B35D-3DABF18C57A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two make my penis feel good

>> No.78742443

They don't need to stay silent or talk about it at all, it's a watchalong, they can just watch. It's not like she'll have a long segment dedicated to them, if she brings up one or two of her favorite homos like Rrat did, that will take, what, 3 seconds?

>> No.78742447
Quoted by: >>78742560

So you read the posts in this thread made within the past few minutes?

>> No.78742460
File: 863 KB, 1327x818, 1708056341331367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this scenario:
>Advent does the watchalong of the new gen debuts
>Elizabeth shows pics of the homos on her debut and says that she wants to collab with them
>FWMC mute themselves the instant the homos are showed/mentioned
>You can't hear FWMC, but you can see their models laughing
>When they unmute they are out of breath
>Fuwawa can't stop giggling and Mococo tries to act professional, but she is clearly trying not to laugh

>> No.78742467

I do not care about holoJustice

>> No.78742483
File: 5 KB, 120x119, 2017-12-20 034317-_pol_ - _ptg_ PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - MAKE MECHA GREAT AGAIN EDITION - Politic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noooooooooo I missed the stream ToT

>> No.78742503
File: 22 KB, 534x137, Screenshot 2024-06-21 203151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78742898

They don't all caps their own names just FUWAMOCO

>> No.78742540

Youve got time to watch the VOD, ANON. Its only an hour

>> No.78742541


>> No.78742545
Quoted by: >>78742663

why do they even need to be at the studio for this? they should just be at the doghouse so they can spend some time together.
unless Mio is gonna ask them to do just a little bit more homework

>> No.78742557

I had my janky yt-dlp setup going so I could catch up since ytbetter stopped working, and they went ahead and ended stream early...

>> No.78742560
Quoted by: >>78742607

the what posts?

>> No.78742607
Quoted by: >>78742737


>> No.78742661
File: 398 KB, 850x478, sample_a81c4994524dbcc78d9a7d2241af5526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78745025

I've always been justified cumming to biboo, I'll never love her like FWMC, but she does something to me...

>> No.78742663

>why do they even need to be at the studio for this?
maybe because they're gonna go straight to practicing after the watchalong

>> No.78742729
Quoted by: >>78743674

It's a fire emblem reference

>> No.78742735
File: 2.52 MB, 1290x1070, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need Fuwawa and Mococo drawn like this

>> No.78742737

oh no, I just glossed through those posts, but my mostly came to my conclusion on my own

>> No.78742787

that is pretty good

>> No.78742822


>> No.78742898

It was just a joke but also their @ on Twitter is all lowercase fuwamoco.

>> No.78742918

FUWAMOCO are safe since they are twins but I bet lots of the other girls are going to lose viewers to the new girls

>> No.78742978

Will I get banned from chat if I shit on homostars during the watchalong?

>> No.78743013
Quoted by: >>78743615

Yes. It is on the main hololive english channel

>> No.78743040
Quoted by: >>78743615

probably, but you'll be loved by FUWAMOCO at least

>> No.78743048
Quoted by: >>78743615

Maybe best to do it on an alt you don't care about

>> No.78743079
Quoted by: >>78743615


>> No.78743086
Quoted by: >>78743220

I will only be watching the watchalong stream + Gigi's stream. Not going to go through the trouble of opening Eliza's stream and then having to close it when she mentions a homo.

>> No.78743104
Quoted by: >>78743615

Yeah, probably.
Not by FUWAMOCO though

>> No.78743177
Quoted by: >>78743560

I don't think ERB will mention any homos. I feel like cover will have given them at least that much direction for their debuts. Easier to rope in people who don't use twitter

>> No.78743187
Quoted by: >>78743300

Shiori is too kind to do it... and sadly she will be Red's rival... I feel sad for the novelists

>> No.78743196

Their silence during a hypothetical homo mention is proof that they understand us, care about us, and share our views on the appeal of Hololive and of them more specifically. Rather than being feared, we should celebrate it if it happens.

>> No.78743220
Quoted by: >>78743375

I want to at least be able to know what they're laughing at when they laugh.

>> No.78743255
File: 257 KB, 1152x1536, 1698446677667758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78743270
Quoted by: >>78743694

The only reason I don't anti homostars on my main is because I don't want sisters to go after FUWAMOCO when they see my oshi mark

>> No.78743300

how does that work
Shiori's doesn't even have any weapon or magic skills

>> No.78743347

Unless there's men involved

>> No.78743375

the poster for watchalongs said it's ok to restream the video, just not the audio, so I'm expecting the Advent watchalong to show the video feed

>> No.78743389

She has a scissor-sword thing I think

>> No.78743412

delicious bomb =d

>> No.78743523

Exactly has scissors, FWMC has claws but what do Nerissa and Bibbo have?
I guess Nerissa throws boiling soup and Bibbo launches the Pebbles as projectiles

>> No.78743543

this one is funny

>> No.78743546
File: 333 KB, 556x623, 1711533383306548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I can do a power nap

>> No.78743560

The red one will mention the homo. Shiori will crack some jokes, Mococo will un un in response and we move on.

>> No.78743569
Quoted by: >>78743604

mococo is sexiest when she's in baby form

>> No.78743604
File: 143 KB, 2048x2048, @bicos658408-1786686733448609933-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78743615

KEK okay, I'll do it then. I'll use my main to show some disgust and my alt to shit on them hard.

>> No.78743632
Quoted by: >>78743852

that's a fan-asset I think
Biboo has magic powers like Nerissa, watch the Advent escape trailer.

>> No.78743637
Quoted by: >>78743767

Shiorin is the leader of Advent for some reason, she must have some hidden power and is not entirely human

>> No.78743656
File: 448 KB, 3215x1000, F2V5oEwW8AAhA3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you forget that Nerissa has a tuning-fork spear/lance thing

>> No.78743663
File: 1005 KB, 1000x1556, nerissa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78743674

oh, I've never played that

>> No.78743694


>> No.78743699

It's just going to be 90 minutes in total right? Going to be a pretty short day despite three days.

>> No.78743722

Looks like a grilling fork

>> No.78743767

Shiorin is the archiver
She probably has access to Akashic Record and thus can use any and all skill and magic available to human-lite

>> No.78743806
File: 164 KB, 922x2048, FB_IMG_1718859449808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78744234

Also this but with FWMC

>> No.78743807
Quoted by: >>78743945

just say NO ONE CARES if they come up

>> No.78743847

>Win Holy Grail War
>Wish for access to Akashic Records
>See Shiori sitting there
>She starts rambling about a parasite that can replace your tongue and how it would make things taste better

>> No.78743850


>> No.78743852

Oh sorry, she's the only one who didn't save her reference sheet so I forgot.

>> No.78743894

DEATH to every single Homo and Homolover

>> No.78743927

fubuki... korosan...

>> No.78743939


>> No.78743945
Quoted by: >>78743997

don't JPs just spam the horse emoji?

>> No.78743997


>> No.78744008
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>> No.78744079
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>> No.78744100

yea, you'd think that
but her basically being the archiver just means she knows things, not that she can apply them practically.

>> No.78744118
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>> No.78744147
File: 191 KB, 349x448, 1698645252315734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78744601

i wish tourists would at least pretend

>> No.78744162
File: 349 KB, 968x1024, 1717169007896673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DEATH to every single Homo and Homolover

>> No.78744229
File: 303 KB, 604x748, 1705812598350447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78744234

negi my beloved...

>> No.78744332
Quoted by: >>78744510

rrats on the debut order?

>> No.78744347
Quoted by: >>78744697

anyone watched a debut watchalong before? do they end as soon as the stream ends or is there chatting after? just to know if I should nap before it or sleep after.

>> No.78744356
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, GQo32yhakAQgP1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah baby we're gonna be breaking the dimensions

>> No.78744497
Quoted by: >>78744852

Wait... then they knew about justice since April? Wasn't April the month when they kept saying "please don't forget about us" over and over?

>> No.78744503

Damn, they got Cecilia modelling merch and she hasn't even debuted yet?

>> No.78744510
Quoted by: >>78744658

it's in the description of the watchalong

>> No.78744558

HELL YEAH that's my pillar, baby!!

>> No.78744601


>> No.78744658

Right, but I mean why they're debuting in this order

>> No.78744673
File: 53 KB, 597x597, 20240609_223729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78744694

>goes from talking about homos to ruffian homos

>> No.78744697

I watched Advent's debut with A-chan, they talk for a little before ending stream.

>> No.78744718

Seeing Yagoo modelling the merch added a much-needed human element to the shilling.
Cover, please get an employee to continue modelling the merch. There has to be at least one person in the office willing to do it.

>> No.78744763
Quoted by: >>78744856

They bookmarked what?

>> No.78744788
File: 1.50 MB, 2894x4093, 119815305_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78744852

Likely earlier, it's not like there are that many reasons to have "justice" in your fanart text for FWMC. They just bookmarked the first one since they got the news.

>> No.78744856
File: 57 KB, 585x154, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78744885
Quoted by: >>78745041

It worked with Yagoo because it was funny seeing the CEO carrying all kinds of goods.

>> No.78744934
File: 610 KB, 300x304, 1442775217624.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78744945
Quoted by: >>78745063

i miss yagoo

>> No.78744980

Pretty sure they're just searching for justice in their tags

>> No.78745025

Biboo sex

>> No.78745041

It will work even with another employee as long as he or she looks relatable enough.

>> No.78745057

man fuck you

>> No.78745063

he just delivered a message on twitter. why cant he model the stuff too.

>> No.78745127

more than likely this. they're really excited about Justice
