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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.78646954


>> No.78646964

What's the point of joining hololive if you're going to alienate 90% of the fanbase before debuting

>> No.78647045
File: 43 KB, 474x315, jajaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No is not. Got some more here.
Come anon, pull one and tell me what you see?

>> No.78647167

She's been on a tour lusting after all the homos. Poor Fuwamoco are still waiting for her reply though. lmao

>> No.78647234


>> No.78647242

how many layers of catalogfag are you on?

>> No.78647304
Quoted by: >>78650068

Cover actually hired a Yass Queen nijisister

>> No.78647329

Oh so she’s all in all in on the homos. Was hoping with the faintest hope she’d be bae level but we got EN ollie on our hands

>> No.78647335

To get closer to the homos obviously.

>> No.78647348
Quoted by: >>78648628

She replied to the dogs hours ago anon

>> No.78647400

Cecilia better not follow suit, her design is actually kino

>> No.78647465

You can really tell she only joined to try and get closer to holostars. She's done nothing but dickride and ingratiate herself to them from the moment her twitter opened.
Hers will be the first debut stream I've ever skipped and I honestly no longer have any interest in Justice collabs.

>> No.78647491

uh.. is this even real?

>> No.78647536 [DELETED] 

She can have all the homo cock she wants but she better leave my nigga Bettel alone.

>> No.78647542
File: 1.99 MB, 1839x1678, 1718831913941594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78649437


>> No.78647550
Quoted by: >>78647697

>the tantrum will continue until I get my way!

>> No.78647552

>90% of the fanbase imagines homos cucking them like I do

>> No.78647585

Pfft, you think she won’t try?

>> No.78647658

Man i really hope the other girls alienate her.

>> No.78647684

What's the point of endlessly seething over someone you can simply choose not to watch?
I don't get it, so maybe she is a homocollaber. So are Ame, Kronii, and all of HoloID. This is nothing new to Hololive. Just don't watch them. Even fucking Fubuki has shilled the homos. If you're so insistent on hating homos then you know what to do. Posting your cuckold fantasies on /vt/ is not the solution.

>> No.78647697

>NOOOOOOOO, don’t pay keen attention to the sheer mountain of homopushing she’s doing, NOOOOOOO

>> No.78647731
Quoted by: >>78647795


>> No.78647759

It's over. Hololive has fallen.

>> No.78647795
Quoted by: >>78653708

Sorry, he meant 98.9%

>> No.78647809
Quoted by: >>78656241

every time these subhumans get a bone they just harrass the other girls who avoid the homos and this bitch just served them the biggest feast of their worthless lives

>> No.78647849

The most offensive part of this is the way she wrote that tweet

>> No.78647880
Quoted by: >>78648011

You can seethe at her all you want, but she made it and she's in Holo now and will make a boatload of cash whether unicorns support her or not. She won.

>> No.78648003

She's just a moron

>> No.78648011

>a boatload

>> No.78648038

Oh yes de ultrahomo with giant tits.
Still i didn't plan to watch her, the only interesting ones are the doll and orange cunny

>> No.78648040

Bae welcomes her with wide arms.

>> No.78648074

guaranteed 6 figure income

>> No.78648097

last I checked Mori is a homo collaber and still makes a ton of money and gets all the opportunities in EN while the pure unicorn-friendly girls fight over management's scraps.

>> No.78648132

to dab on the unicorn incels

>> No.78648147

Anon, this isn't Niji. Nobody's getting bullied or clique'd out of shit.

>> No.78648173

Yes?, just ignore her and don't watch her.
Retarded manchild.

>> No.78648224

to shift the overton window of what's acceptable for holos to do and destroy "idol" culture forever


>> No.78648288

Ame served her time. She's a precious pure flower once again

>> No.78648305

Gays and trannies ruined vtubing. Death to all alphabet soup aids patients.

>> No.78648328
File: 146 KB, 400x170, 70d4db4e-bb04-4206-9722-7c8614331061_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78648368
Quoted by: >>78648549

last I checked hymens don't grow back. once a whore always a whore.

>> No.78648405

unironically based

>> No.78648414 [SPOILER] 
File: 844 KB, 220x165, ggez-moneh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78648416

Nah. If she did it in a nice way it would be fine. But she literally did the "yas queen slay improve yourself yall incels should touch grass!"

>> No.78648429
Quoted by: >>78648544

chicken before the egg. she took advantage of myth-era popularity and scored a deal with UMG, which snowballed into other opportunities. I don't think being a homo collaber made a difference on that route and she could afford not to care afterward.

>> No.78648469

Why does she speak like a zoomer Oujo-sama? I hope she drops this within a week.

>> No.78648506
Quoted by: >>78648793

Because unlike the others, she started getting heavily involved with the homos before she even debuted.
She's treating them better than the other hololive girls and she doesn't even have an established fanbase.
The other homocollabers have at least contributed to hololive. This women seems like a fangirl that managed to trick Cover into hiring her.
The fact she is so close to them, acting like their best friend, and speaking so informally to them is fucking weird.

>> No.78648537

has she improved herself yet?

>> No.78648544
Quoted by: >>78648665

Pretty much this. There will never be another EN Mori just because EN vtubing is dead.

>> No.78648549
Quoted by: >>78648712

Wouldn't that also apply to everyone from JP Gen 0 to Gamers?

>> No.78648567

I guess you haven't checked her recently at all

>> No.78648570
Quoted by: >>78652788

right place right time, like gura who is endlessly more successful and popular and never even acknowledged the homos

>> No.78648628
Quoted by: >>78654464

Yeah, after tons of people pointed out how she was avoiding them for almost 24 hours and replying to homos instantly.

>> No.78648656

>even dragging homos that never started drama
If I were a homolover I'd be pissed off at this slut by now, just saying

>> No.78648665

Only the death of the worst part of it. Let's just hope twitch is next

>> No.78648712

dont bother, newfags have no idea how much male collabs hololive actually had in the past.

>> No.78648771

She try to do the ojousama sama skits but also talks like a zoomer
What a mess

>> No.78648793

>This women seems like a fangirl that managed to trick Cover into hiring her.
Why would that be a trick? They probably asked who her favorite HoloPro talent is and she probably replied with some random homo and Yagoo was like "yeah me too haha" because he loves his homos. Unicorns always seem to think they represent the stance of the company, but Cover Corp has always supported and shilled homos whenever possible. There's nothing nefarious about them hiring a homostars fangirl.

>> No.78648802
Quoted by: >>78659726

Did a homosister join Hololive?

>> No.78648833
Quoted by: >>78649156

She replies to all their posts like a fan, not a colleague. It's very off-putting.

>> No.78648867
Quoted by: >>78650010

That's a decent cover for Shadow's buttrock song

>> No.78648908

You keep bringing up the fabled past as if that was the reason Hololive took off. It’s always the same shit from you, different form.

>> No.78648951

we support the girls, not the company

>> No.78648968
Quoted by: >>78649846

Ruze is the only one of Armis that hasn't even followed her back.

>> No.78648993
Quoted by: >>78649362

Hololive took off due to Covid and clips of anime girls saying nigger. It has nothing to do with unicorns you fucking 2021 newfag.

>> No.78648999
File: 1.69 MB, 1764x2412, 1718850024358074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be good for the little clique that's still holding out feminist hopes to see the downward slope into it. Shiori was just a warning shot that evidently was not heeded, deep down she's actually sane, so now we're going full Zentreya Appreciation Mode. Which is half the JP's point here: both sides have sane and insane people and intent matters.

You know how Gura's still here and nothing ever really turned out that well for the vaunted anti-unicorns? Yeah. Cover's not going to let either side win and thus allow any kind of exodus from it's product.

>> No.78649033
Quoted by: >>78656955

You are missing the obvious. These are Cover properties. This is a job. They probably told her they wanted male collaber when they hired her.

>> No.78649140

>she has the most subs out of all of them by a small margin
What did anon mean by this.

>> No.78649156

Heck, Ollie fangirling equally to every holos on debut, but never specifically on the homos

A weapon to surpassed Ollie? What's even the point of surpassing Ollie??

>> No.78649169

Still is good to have another hetero Holo like Bae. Hololive welcome all types of girls if they behave respectfully.
Still don't going to watch her, i fucking hate homos and these gigafaggots ones like tits homo and dino homo are worse.
But i'm not a sister, so no harrasment or bitch about it on their socials

>> No.78649181

Hololive took off because of EN. Before that they were far behind Niji.

>> No.78649208

It's a giant red flag.
Imagine the opposite. Do you really think they'd hire a male vtuber for holostars that talked about how much he loved Gura the entire time and how he wanted to smell her hair during the interview?
She's acting like a dog in heat or a groupie and she hasn't even debuted or established herself yet.
It's gross, and this is all that she's going to be known for from now on, a holostar cocksleave that is definitely going to try and get to know them IRL.

>> No.78649362

Rub two neurons together and fathom what occurred prior and why they retained the fame afterwards.

>> No.78649397
Quoted by: >>78649541

>Imagine the opposite. Do you really think they'd hire a male vtuber for holostars that talked about how much he loved Gura the entire time and how he wanted to smell her hair during the interview?
You clearly haven't seen what Jurard was doing before he got in.

>> No.78649407
Quoted by: >>78649510

>Imagine the opposite. Do you really think they'd hire a male vtuber for holostars that talked about how much he loved Gura the entire time and how he wanted to smell her hair during the interview?
Yeah his name is Jurard. The guy was spamming @'s to all the girls in his pre-debut. His PL was entirely videos of him next to Holo girls pretending they were his harem. He was even a doxxfag. Somehow they let him into Holostars when he never watched or cared about Stars at all and just wanted to sexpest the girls.

>> No.78649435

>how much male collabs hololive actually had in the past.
not many?

>> No.78649437

Jesus Christ unicorns are a bunch of psychopaths

>> No.78649449

hilarious. ruze is the hard NO on collabs with females in hololive. dude won't even associate with the IDs.

>> No.78649462

Actual unicorns don't really care about this, it's just the shitflinging /#/larpers and ytvid discord fags that do. I'm glad she got it out of the way early. The only thing I'll ever see of this woman is when she collabs with my oshi, which probably will be very infrequent past the debut hype stage, if at all..

>> No.78649510

The whole holostars branch was a mistake and it's only getting worse, the worst part is it's even affecting hololive now judging by these dismal hires

>> No.78649524
File: 332 KB, 1210x1100, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be great if all Unicorns were reasonable like you

>> No.78649541

>anon bites the carefully laid out (you)bait from a falseflagger
idiots upon idiots here, istg

>> No.78649594

Femicorns...... our pure boy is under attack....

>> No.78649596
Quoted by: >>78649936

Has he even collabed with females outside of Hololive?

>> No.78649624
File: 160 KB, 419x429, 1707260766688144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so fucking funny because responding to Ruze of all fucking people really does give credence that she isnt actually a homostars fan but rather she has no fucking clue whats going on
Ruze, Bettel and Shinri are the 3 StarsEN that have a sizable fanbase of fem Unicorns. we've literally seen bettel lose a chunk of his audience and his SCs the moment he collabed with bae. Ruze has literally never interacted or mentioned the girls and avoids doing so. he's been the exact polar opposite of jewrard in that regard.

Elizabeth literally just did to him what Jurard has been doing to the other holomems he's been responding to. Ruze is the only one that doesnt follow the girls also. His unicorns are on defcon 1 waiting to see if he'll respond

>> No.78649640
Quoted by: >>78649724

if hololive members were actually entertaining you would watch them whether or not they talk to males.

>> No.78649695

You're a pro at not watching streams afterall.

>> No.78649708

90%? My dude, you think you are nothing 90% XDDD My God, you guys think too much of yourselves... you aren't even a mere 10% my dude.

>> No.78649724

homocollabers are not entertaining on average

>> No.78649748

surely there is no unicorn who cares about that in stars fanbase right?

>> No.78649754

I highly doubt she cares, though. She’s likely doing this on purpose, to whatever affect it has on any side.

>> No.78649759

Euros don’t give a fuck about unicorns

>> No.78649768

>my dude
>my dude
suck a shotgun

>> No.78649795
Quoted by: >>78649897

Stop falling for it retard. Her numbers are going to tank anyways, why you care so much at this point?

>> No.78649837

Because they are in Hololive, and anything that stain the walled garden must be purged, no matter the cost.
Their words, not mine.

>> No.78649842

So how much longer til she's choking on the boys' cocks?

>> No.78649846

What a chad

>> No.78649850

That’s fascinating, now show the noombers to substantiate your claim,

>> No.78649869

What if this is all an elaborate ruze on Elizabeth's part to filter schizocorns from her viewership and then coast on her guaranteed comfortable cover salary without having to sell her dignity pandering to mentally ill gachis?

>> No.78649871
Quoted by: >>78650055

>She’s likely doing this on purpose, to whatever affect it has on any side.
like I said, She's female Jurard

>> No.78649880
Quoted by: >>78650102

Jesus Christ there are people on this board who type like this?

>> No.78649897
Quoted by: >>78650152

her existence will embolden beggars to pester the girls again

>> No.78649903
File: 398 KB, 1785x1186, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78649936
File: 1.71 MB, 1262x710, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amongus group collab. the keen eyed will notice something.. extra interesting. also joined selen's TSB invitational.

>> No.78649979

>selling her dignity to sexpests instead

>> No.78649981
Quoted by: >>78661196

>fem unicorns

>> No.78649988

Pretend to be idiots too often and you attract seaschizos who think they are in good company.

>> No.78649997
Quoted by: >>78651818

Could be
Look at Bae, it worked out for her didn't it? she has extremely steady income and she doesn't have to walk around eggshells

>> No.78650010

I hate the game thought. Threw Shadow's character to the trash for some edgy non-sense.

>> No.78650023

All Europeans are like that. Think they are better then everyone else

>> No.78650030

Well he seems to stay in his lane at least

>> No.78650050

You must be over 18 to post on this website.

>> No.78650055

So, in other words, she’s just more of Ollie’s pestilence taking hold.

>> No.78650068
File: 2.80 MB, 480x856, dox.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive girls view the Homos like little brothers in their teenage angsty phase. They won't interact with them. You all need to have faith in her.

>> No.78650079

Fag hags are not heterosexual.

>> No.78650096

It always has to be a clock cuck....

>> No.78650102

Usually not. Pretty easy to tell when they're Parrot tourists, huh? Watch this thread appear in his next vid.

>> No.78650152

Good thing that actual smart women don't give a shit about any retarded greyname beggars.

>> No.78650154

Holykek, that walmartpeja dude is really mad lmfao
His xitter is all just him making posts like this 24/7, I think he's one of the schizos from the /#/ thread

>> No.78650239

hololive girls don't think about the homos at all

>> No.78650243

If that's the case then Cover really didn't need to do anything since Niji and Vwhorejo were already on it and at a more stable pace.

>> No.78650281
Quoted by: >>78650487

Just because she pisses you off so much Elizabeth is my kamioshi now.

>> No.78650376
File: 5 KB, 430x82, aBHgi8ZvYr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78650574


>> No.78650397

...Maybe I should consider become a unicorn now.

>> No.78650490

as if you guys had any straws to begin with

>> No.78650487

I'm sure you'll enjoy all the clips you watch

>> No.78650574

Even before that time, she was already slurping semen on twitter.

>> No.78650664

Not subbing. Not watching. Not donating

>> No.78650851
Quoted by: >>78653398

Bettel lost his SCs because he started going on too many breaks and started streaming on rm too often, it had nothing to do with his collabs with Bae
My sister is his fan and hangs around in his group circles so I had access to this info, otherwise you are correct that staying away from the girls is generally good for business even for homos

>> No.78650865

>taller than all other reds
I understand the manlet seethe against him now

>> No.78650929

Fuck off, dramawhore

>90% of the fanbase
More like 0.9%

>> No.78651014

Just like I said weeks ago, now the feelings of a 4chan schizo matter over the streamer when it concerns the homos but never any other time for whatever reason. It this bothers you so much just watch the other three.

>> No.78651021

I mean, this is basically just Nerrisa. EN has been around long enough now that the chances that new talents are Holo fans have skyrocketed. And, yes, women are likely to watch the boy so...its jut reality

>> No.78651185
Quoted by: >>78651327

Hey even Clucks need an oshi. I'd unironically be disappointed if she debuted and then never spoke to a male again after all this kek foreplay.

>> No.78651262

Rev up the begging machine wheeey

>> No.78651327
Quoted by: >>78651815

it would be pretty funny if she nuked her fanbase for no reason days before debuting

>> No.78651417

>the keen eyed will notice something.. extra interesting
Spoonfeed me, please. All i recognize are the ferret and that one with the old cartoon style that got some traction on twitter.

>> No.78651735

okay let we check the CCV in one months...

>> No.78651742

Alright, just how bad will this debut be?

>> No.78651815

>build up c.uck audience
>is actually loyal GFE unicorn panderer
Would that make them less or more aroused?

>> No.78651818

>Bae's most popular ship is with a Irys
>Bae's only idol unit/pairing is with Mumei(preydator)
>Bae's most frequent collab partners are Fauna and Mumei
>Bae's first 3D had only JP guests, and they were Subaru, Sora, and Fubuki
>Bae's most beloved senpai is Fubuki who consoled her nerves before her debut
>Bae's foray into VCR event servers had her spending 90% of her time with a female JP indie chuuba, Tette
>Bae has never had a 1-on-1 collab with any male chuuba more than twice
Bae isn't stupid. She knows what the Hololive audience wants even if she's open to interacting with males. The only reason she broke off from handholding Fauna in subcount is due to entering the JP market. And she can only do that because she literally lives there and is incredibly fluent in Japanese.
Unless Liz is fluent in JP and has a fallback, she should understand what type of content she wants to make. Otherwise she's either going down the Ollie route or going to unknown territory because currently no Hololive member interacts with stars or male chuubas more than once every few months.

>> No.78651965

she's owning the chuds

>> No.78652092

She makes Mori look like a CGDCT in comparison.

>> No.78652163

I thought only fujos watched homos...?

>> No.78652319

No, yumes are pretty abundant there.

>> No.78652472

People who choose not to watch things they don't like go on /vt/ to whine about it. This board selects for only those schizo enough to think their opinions are worth sharing

>> No.78652532
File: 48 KB, 389x376, 1676349891568728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In actuality there is going to be a certain fraction of her debut ccv that goslings and oshis them. Then they're going to go through the actual cucking arc at which point the ccv will fluctuate slightly and the catalog will be filled with threads of people seething before the audience returns at 80-90% capacity. 80-90% of vtuber fans are unironic cucks that will follow them no matter what. It happens every time

>> No.78652737

same it's already a skip for me.
wish her the best, I'm just a kronii/mori hater, we know their hater personality and betrayal.
so fuck them

>> No.78652788

Gura is a hilarious case of someone who had all the luck in the world and chose to do absolutely nothing of value with it. Must have been embarrassing for her fans to watch Mori grab every opportunity she was too lazy to seize.

>> No.78652820
File: 367 KB, 1354x1520, 1645689298453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78654541

Did Jap fall asleep at the wheel or did he get canned after Omega returned and pulled a hostile takeover

>> No.78652862
Quoted by: >>78652934


>> No.78652934

Any day now, beggarkun

>> No.78653059

Some retards are comparing her to suisei, fucking clip watchers, suesei its not only a good singer she is also a good gamer and streamer. Her voice is really relaxing and 99% of her male collabs are music related. This retard is going ao route, and ao was helped by marine, suesei, miko, fubuki, etc. Imagine ao in EN.... good the grimm.

>> No.78653113

Well, not every is gay like you

>> No.78653116

>Mori grab every opportunity she was too lazy to seize.
and fail at it all
LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.78653226

Him ignoring this skank will be fucking hillarious.

>> No.78653235
Quoted by: >>78653553

if you talk to a homo you're dead to me
total embargo against these whores. Why couldn't the find better girls like myth or advent?

>> No.78653338
Quoted by: >>78654127

Nah, Gurafags just cling to her subscriber noomber and pretend they don't care she never does anything because her having the biggest noomber means they're on the winning team

>> No.78653398

He streamed like 6 times on his RM in a year. Though that may get higher now that he has a weekly podcast with NotMagni.

>> No.78653434


>> No.78653502

Thanks for setting the standard, Kronii.

>> No.78653553
Quoted by: >>78654023

>didn’t include Promise
I see through your folds, Fungus.

>> No.78653623
Quoted by: >>78654218

I thought bettel was one of the good ones? Why is he on speaking terms with the grifter?

>> No.78653661

I'm a straight male and I watch Bettel, but that's just because I liked his Gmod content from before her was in Holo.

>> No.78653708
Quoted by: >>78654440

Anon, he was talking about the percentage that would be alienated by her replying to Stars on Twitter, not the percent that won't give a shit.

>> No.78654023
Quoted by: >>78654264

only irys is cool

>> No.78654127

Gura gets more bigger opportunities than mori and her streams are actually good, even if she streams twice a year

>> No.78654218

He literally moved to be near him (during the pre-graduation radio silence no less). That's where all the "Bettel is next to graduate" rrats came from. Was also what tipped people off beyond a shadow of a doubt Magni was gone since they did a furniture building stream together and then Bettel said as Bettel "I was building furniture with a friend" on stream.

>> No.78654264

Alright, I’ll agree with that.

>> No.78654440

Pardon me, am retard

>> No.78654464

It was probably management mandated. Smells like the Scarle x Sigh-man stream.

>> No.78654541
Quoted by: >>78660719

Oh yeah, i forgot about Jap. What the fuck happened there?

>> No.78654623

is she trying to beat hitomi chris' speedrun?
this just seems like she dislikes the hololive community at this point

>> No.78654673

guess there are no good homos after all

>> No.78654708

This. Anons will seethe at the fact that Holo didn't take off until Coco's shitpost reviews started hitting the front page of reddit.

>> No.78654788

Why does she speak like a nerdy millennial woman? Its cringe.

>> No.78654864
Quoted by: >>78654941

>elizabeth replying to hololive
>their "fans" *complete silence*

>elizabeth replying to holostars
>their "fans" 'this whore should just graduate and die'

fucktards will always be fucktards. go masturbate on the side bc no one will ever touch your stinky dick stupid

>> No.78654941

this post smells like dried vagina

>> No.78655262
Quoted by: >>78655993

Liz isn't going to be a tenth the size of the rest of her Gen. Even if you were correct about unicorn supremacy, a large contingent of holo viewers are saviorfag and will just watch whoever has the lowest numbers at any given time. So besides Supachat readings, Holos pretty much never drop below 3k

>> No.78655415

I'm starting to associate Unicorns with the trans people on twitter as days pass by, just massive hyper victims who reek of estrogen and gossip fuel

>> No.78655518

she's probably a nijireject

>> No.78655640
Quoted by: >>78655920

that's literally homobeggars constantly begging for equal rights for the homostars though

>> No.78655724

This thread reeks of tourists.

>> No.78655920

Homobeggars are more like deranged feminists, Unicorns are like deranged MTF trannies who always have to act like they are being victimized
Both are shit

>> No.78655993

She's going to be the 1st EN to hit ID numbers

>> No.78656237

Actually Ame and Kronii are not homocollabers ANYMORE. We won, we successfully made their lives so difficult that they quit associating with da bois.

>> No.78656241

Look, it’s only cute when little girls speak in the third person. Not subhumans like you

>> No.78656383
File: 31 KB, 593x303, it's over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's never been more over

>> No.78656404
Quoted by: >>78656953

again, that's literally homobeggars crying victim despite the hololive twitter doing their best to shill them at every opportunity

>> No.78656482
Quoted by: >>78656953

>women finally create a space where they can feel empowered and valued for what their interests and talents are regardless of their appearance or standing
>troons and men start attacking vtubing and try to co-opt it for their own interests because it threatens the status quo
Don't even try to pretend what the reality is chud.

>> No.78656503

I always felt like the unicorn fear of stars was misdirected anyway. If you know the first thing about showbiz you should know that statistically speaking, it's very unlikely the female performers are getting fucked by the male performers and extremely likely the female performers are getting fucked by managers and wealthy investors

>> No.78656593
Quoted by: >>78657352

I guess she must feel like her singing talent will be able to carry her.

>> No.78656722

horseshoe theory, they act the same but they are different

>> No.78656847

oh this is going to be fun

>> No.78656910

As long as she doesn't beg the other girls to join in on group collabs with them I don't care.
You don't need to join hololive or any corpo to get close to the homos. Shit you can be a flesh tuber and collab with them.

>> No.78656953
Quoted by: >>78657382

>"Men" attacking a girl who hasn't even debuted for not making content that directly appeals to them and their idealogies
Once again, this is textbook twitter hyper trans victim behavior, they attack everyone who doesn't appeal to their ideologies and gossip about them and Unicorns are the same, acting like they are being victimized I have not seen a human being gossip more than Unicorns do, it's hard to believe these are men behind keyboards sometimes

>> No.78656955
Quoted by: >>78657186

Unironically, I think this is right. Cover is clearly making another effort to copy Nijisanji (again) in the hopes of "expanding the market," not understanding that the problem with Niji was the business model itself rather than some error in its implementation.

>> No.78657186

Considering some of the shit I've seen with mixed gender stuff from NijiEN I really hope not

>> No.78657278

>Homobeggars are more like deranged feminists
But anon, the unicorns are the ones who believe all men are rapists looking to prey on any woman they see and a man saying hello to a woman is literally sexual harassment. They genuinely couldn't be more third wave feminist...

>> No.78657352
Quoted by: >>78661018

Girls in hololive think it's their talent that makes them popular. I start to think that white guy is right....

>> No.78657382
Quoted by: >>78657694

You are on a board that talks about entertainers. everything here is inherently gossip. TMZ level shit retard. what are you doing here? You can't roll in the shit and complain about getting dirty.

>> No.78657533

>Unicorns trans people
So all of Holos fanbase kek

>> No.78657694
Quoted by: >>78658239

There are spectrums to it
I've Unicorns stalk redditors, discordfags, Youtube comment sections, searching every single corner of the internet in order to search for homobeggars to seethe about. If there was a scale of gossiping, Unicorns have broken the barrier

>> No.78658053
Quoted by: >>78659495

No fuck that, she better leave Shinri alone

>> No.78658196

I don't think people realize this homo actually AVOIDED holos and has female gachi/unicorns who like him staying male only. See /cbdct/. This new girl is gonna get sisters schizo.

>> No.78658239
Quoted by: >>78658538

>I've Unicorns stalk redditors
You should stop. they're giving you a stroke or something.
>There are spectrums to it
You're definitely on the spectrum by the way.

>> No.78658309

Are you going to keep repeating "I-Its the last straw!!!" for the next few weeks she keeps interacting with them until the collab ban is dropped and decides which stars en guy she's going to reel into a collab? I'm not trying to set myself up for a grudgepost. I'm just saying you should drop her now because she's been more open about it before she even debuted. Please save yourself the sanity before you become too schizo.

>> No.78658321
File: 771 KB, 682x772, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78658746

I'm the 10%

>> No.78658538

Typical Unicorn behavior, sweeping your embarrassing behavior under the rug, carry on with it

>> No.78658637
Quoted by: >>78658784

Anon no one really cares about her people just want to dramabait. Posting seriously at all is already losing. The homo has more to lose than her, unironically.

>> No.78658742
File: 2.92 MB, 1024x435, 1711238145324333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking grifting whore only joining hololive to get between me and my man fuck this bitch FUCK THIS SEXPEST

>> No.78658746

The niji refugees who were mad about doki but still desire the shitty dynamic that company has.

>> No.78658784
Quoted by: >>78659947

>The homo has more to lose than her
she hasn't even even debuted, she literally has nothing to lose

>> No.78659297
File: 589 KB, 967x909, sickos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I actually don't care about muh idol purity I just think unicorn spergouts are funny, I made this thread to be my own little unicorn zoo

>> No.78659495

You already know what’s coming. She’s going to do it.

>> No.78659726
Quoted by: >>78659942

At this point clearly, not even mori or bae are these obnoxious

>> No.78659817

Well done, i guess.

>> No.78659942

Even the one who collabed with the homos on her RM hasn't done anything

>> No.78659947

I mean yeah that's the point. The guy is the one with a some yume paypigs already because he acts as their "wife". If she collabs I will kneel.

>> No.78659966

>90% of the fanbase
then why is Towa as popular as ever after she's taken 1000 loads from raper or reaver or whatever that guys name is

>> No.78660178

Probably due to Twapper having her megayab long ago that solidified her to a core fanbase?

>> No.78660311

Holy based

>> No.78660491

She didn't get the memo I guess.

>> No.78660578

Based ERB

Looking forward to the debut

>> No.78660644


>> No.78660719
Quoted by: >>78663821

What happened here is that everything you read in this shithole is retarded nonsense, and you should feel ashamed for ever believing any of it.

>> No.78660742
Quoted by: >>78661262

Damn magni pipe game must be amazing if he got him to move just to be closer to him after only working together like a month or two.

>> No.78660746

Anon, Towa does GFE asmr in public and members to keep her gachi. I member her doing a maid asmr member stream right after a big male collab lol. It's not like they just do male collabs with no fanservice or pandering in jp.

>> No.78660793

wait is Elizabeth a sonic fan?

>> No.78660861

Seethe and dilate, troonicorns.

>> No.78661018

Well, let's see first if she really can sing

>> No.78661095
Quoted by: >>78661470

Wasn't this girl confirmed /here/? She's doing it on purpose to trigger you faggots. And you all are falling for it.

>> No.78661157
File: 227 KB, 999x869, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one survives the homocollabing onslaught buddy.

>> No.78661196
Quoted by: >>78662377

The /cbdct/ general is still alive.

>> No.78661260

I'll watch her debut at least...
Goddamn, what waste of character design.

>> No.78661262
Quoted by: >>78661971

Bettel and the red one were hired at the same time as original tempus and were all together in their stars discord from the start, Cover just split them because they didn't want to do a six member group

>> No.78661389

don't watch homos and hate collabbeggars but seeing unicorns malding is really funny ngl

>> No.78661470
Quoted by: >>78661556

I mean if she wants to be the first 3 view in hololive just to piss people off here more power to her

>> No.78661498
Quoted by: >>78661792

>Higher views than the average popular indie you'd see in /lig/
>Higher views than most of Niji (JP included)
I think she's doing just fine.

>> No.78661556
Quoted by: >>78661809

>fucking implying this shit matters

>> No.78661573

>this is what ENiggers actually believe

>> No.78661587

I'm still holding out hope till her debut. Maybe she's just retarded and has no idea what's going on with the homos.

>> No.78661596
Quoted by: >>78661836

Yeah people don't realize even when you go after homos most of girls who do are smart about it and know what men want to see. Eliza is very new to it.

>> No.78661724

Based, fuck parasocial incels and /u/troons

>> No.78661792

anyone who doesn't have 1m vod views is a failure for the numbertrannies

>> No.78661809
Quoted by: >>78661889

Tell that to ID.

>> No.78661836

Maybe she thinks she signed up for a singing job and doesn't realize hololive is actually an emotional prostitution ring?

>> No.78661889
Quoted by: >>78662470

Keep coping. Nobody cares.

>> No.78661971

This is lore that keeps getting repeated as fact for some reason. No, Flayon and Bettel were not hired with Tempus HQ. They were hired in October or something.

>> No.78662095 [DELETED] 

nobody is stupid enough to gosling for a girl who is already talking to every other guy possible systematically
Expect Deadbeats I guess, they somehow speak badly of parasocial shit and unicornism despite doing the exact same shit themselves, even though their oshi has been runthrough already and them dumped by those 2 failures

>> No.78662349 [DELETED] 

I can name countless Unicorn friendly holos that have actually been runthrough and Mori isn't one of them, Unicorns love to project cuckoldry on others while being the ultimate cucks themselves, it's always funny

>> No.78662377

Full of troons and fags

>> No.78662394

That doesn't seem 'too often', just once every couple of months or so? Other holos and stars stream on their rm too.

>> No.78662401
Quoted by: >>78662793

I dont give a fuck as long as she is entertaining and doesnt go too far as in making me uncomfortable like when people make out in front of me or something. So as long as she can make it seem like shes a female bro im okay with it.

>> No.78662408
File: 163 KB, 1044x691, 358f30ec399e4b64911f6d186c51ea02082a6e8c_063656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even deadbeats are fucking off. Homocollabing just doesn't pay.

>> No.78662470
File: 169 KB, 579x823, 1718921346311491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the cope? ID objectively is full of 3views. Elizabeth's the only one already numberfagging so it looks like she cares about that le noombers.

>> No.78662598
Quoted by: >>78662921

This is bait to get people banned right? You're not actually this clueless?

>> No.78662727
Quoted by: >>78662921

Deadbrap you know the moment anyone starts talking about anything related to mori and her roommate Jannies will instantly ban. Don't even fucking start. The hundreds of deleted posts on warosu don't make your point.

>> No.78662782

Numberapes really are retarded.

>> No.78662793

nvm thats just too many bad things combined in one person, i have a feeling she will be extremely insufferable

>> No.78662921
Quoted by: >>78663119

Oh please, it's nothing compared to IRyStocrats and what they have to cope with in order to keep on living, I won't judge though lol

>> No.78662966

>lower than ollie
I didn't think it gets grimmer

>> No.78663119


>> No.78663147

this has less to do with male collabs and more to do with Mori being a terrible streamer 90% of the time

>> No.78663420



>> No.78663489

just don't watch her, idiot.
there's plenty of other talents in the company.

>> No.78663507
Quoted by: >>78664237

>numbertranny predebut
Now why aren't people talking about this red flag?

>> No.78663579
Quoted by: >>78663882

Not a fair comparison, that was a multi POV stream with Kiara who's been the main one behind this particular project they're doing.

>> No.78663588

You can be assured that I won’t watch her, but not that I won’t pay heed to her actions.

>> No.78663620
File: 169 KB, 353x500, Bait [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fogdl4h.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy

>> No.78663652
Quoted by: >>78664831

She's going to be the unholy mix of Ollie and Kiara isn't she
Oh my god

>> No.78663661


>> No.78663704


>> No.78663754


>> No.78663813

all 20 of you fags will get over this, and simp for her after a week. i don't know why you faggot twist your balls in a knot, when you know as soon as you hear her voice and watch her boobs jiggle, you'll forget all her transgressions.

>> No.78663821
Quoted by: >>78664905

trying too hard sis

>> No.78663829
Quoted by: >>78664057

>extremely loud unitrans minority

>> No.78663836

isnt this actually good
"we" can collectively hate a single entity now

>> No.78663882
File: 237 KB, 1059x687, 14d755d2415c76a67d96ef3d4e0ad61d90919fa7_015221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78664956

I knew you copebeats would resort to this cope.

>> No.78663887
File: 660 KB, 1600x900, IMG_3365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78664247


>> No.78663976

>hen you know as soon as you hear her voice and watch her boobs jiggle, you'll forget all her transgressions.
this is where you are wrong
should she change her model to cunny instead then we will talk

>> No.78663980

Why do unicorns see coworkers being sociable as some sinister plot to undermine their own raison d'etre as a consoomer? This is the kind of narcisstic persecution complex you see coming out of /pol/ and /x/ conspiratards.

>> No.78663983

speak for yourself deadbeat

>> No.78663991
Quoted by: >>78665800

Unicorns are still hypocrites.

>> No.78663992
Quoted by: >>78664115

Anon, Yagoo is homobeggar prime, he's probably happy with how much more Justice has been interacting with the homos than previous gens.

>> No.78664004

>20 ips over 280 posts

>> No.78664057
File: 73 KB, 720x282, 171678122054454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorns =/= the massive fanbase who prefer watching holos over homos

>> No.78664081

You should neck yourself for typing like that. Good to know who supports this type of vtuber I guess

>> No.78664108

god damn thats impressive hacker anon

>> No.78664109

IPs are hidden, retard. those the the files aka images.

>> No.78664115

I hope Yagoo fires that incel Jap, that sexpest cannot be allowed near the girls

>> No.78664117
Quoted by: >>78664352

They're secretly allies of LGBTQ, they support women on women relationship and anything involving a straight man triggers their sense of self worth.

>> No.78664125
Quoted by: >>78664425

holostars is not hololive

>> No.78664126

so true anon, they take money from strangers on the internet for being cute, they are all whores in my eyes, the soonest people accept this fact the happier they will be

>> No.78664129

I won't. I'll gloat when her numbers are shit though. Just like I did when Kronii was the first holo to not sell out her birthday merch, or when Bae and Mori's numbers went to shit. Funny how they all stopped homocollabing.

>> No.78664229


>> No.78664237
Quoted by: >>78664391

Because she is making a reference you dip.

>> No.78664247

no, she was always my second fav after biboo, i like dorks

>> No.78664250


>> No.78664275

Don't worry, Mag gots his dick on a leash

>> No.78664281
Quoted by: >>78664730

Then she collabs with Ren

>> No.78664292
Quoted by: >>78664739

Numbers are meaningless if you can't disband them. Just saying, it's getting old... You can keep pulling data but they're still there.

>> No.78664352
Quoted by: >>78664720

You retard, you only care about DA BOOOOOOIZ usurping Hololive, despite how ridiculous that notion is.

>> No.78664376



>> No.78664391

The second one is numberfagging over a teaser video. In a row.

>> No.78664425
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>> No.78664482
File: 157 KB, 390x381, 1717597165157432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing I don't get about Holo unicorns is how do they rationalize the entire Rushia drama? THE posterchild of unicorns in Hololive turned out to be married to an e-boy the entire time and they just seemingly memory-holed the entire event. Cover even protected her secret, including other talents helping her hide it and lie to her fans. They insist that every girl who interacts with males on stream is a whore and every girl who doesn't is "pure" when it's typically the opposite. Only the most demonic girls can lead their fans on and manipulate them into thinking they're in a relationship with her. Girls like Towa are just honest toward their fans and don't want to lead them on. Whether that puts you off their content is up to you, but at least they're honest and sincere. The snakes like Rushia are simultaneously the unicorn's "pure waifus" and also the ones anyone with a brain would innately distrust for how dishonestly they present themselves and how little they respect the feelings of their fans.
I don't watch Holostars or care about EN at all I just wanted to get this rant out of my system ty for reading my blog death to israel btw.

>> No.78664595

>They're unpopular
Uh huh yeah we get it, what else is new? Seethe more because these numbers seem to irritate your eyes fag.

>> No.78664630

I work in an office, pretty much most of my coworkers are fucking each other. My team leader, an early 30 woman with 2 kids is a literal bdsm obsessed whore who send pics about herself in handcuffs to everyone.

>> No.78664663

Holofags are brainrotten

>> No.78664686

>How do they rationalize it
They are cucks, projecting cucks, why do they think they cuckpost only the girls who interact with homos even if there's zero flirtatiousness to it?

>> No.78664720
Quoted by: >>78666136

I just like heterosexual ships mate. Not Yuri or Yaoi. I will not support LGBTQ.

>> No.78664730

Wrong one, catalogshitter.

>> No.78664733

>other talents helping her hide it and lie to her fans

>> No.78664739
Quoted by: >>78665087

Why? They can exist but it's simply a fact the huge fanabse isn't interested in them not watch them which is the point people are making

>> No.78664758

>here’s Aki’s opinion, you should care!

>> No.78664797


>> No.78664820

All femoids are whores. No matter their age.
If they don't act like pure anime waifus they don't get my heaps of cash. Simple as.
Chuubas are a stopgap measure until AI waifus become real.

>> No.78664831

More like a mix of Ollie and Nerissa.

>> No.78664896

what's there to rationalize, people chose to trust her and she betrayed them

>> No.78664905

I'm stating fact.
>Verification not required.

>> No.78664927

>using the Holostars popularity metric as justification to harass any Holo girl who acknowledges their existence and completely fucking sperging out any time they're ever mentioned ever

this is akin to boycotting McDonalds and harassing anyone who goes there for offering a vegan option

>> No.78664938
Quoted by: >>78665361

They project their cuck fantasies to guys like me even tho I have a wife... But whatever

>> No.78664948

As I stated before Holofags have brain-rot.

>> No.78664956

Somehow Ollie transformed into a Japanese art hoe.

>> No.78664960

If this is the only reason she joined Hololive she's not going to last long

>> No.78665002

Unicorns are cuckolds who pay for condoms, what else is new

>> No.78665068

All Hololive members are in the song "can you do the Hololive"
There are no homos in "can you do the Hololive". Watame pulls the strings behind the scene for Hololive. She wrote the song herself, twice, and she determined that homos arent holo, twice.

>> No.78665087
Quoted by: >>78665402

Exactly. So what does that prove? You just wanna show that to own me? My life isn't about jacking off to big numbers like you.

>> No.78665104

Promise rings, private calls, etc. are too far for me. I don't want GFE, I just don't want homocollabs.

>> No.78665106
File: 56 KB, 375x350, 1666143428890989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78668355

Did anyone try asking him what he thinks would make that a good collab? I'm kinda curious to see what he would come up with to justify the begging

>> No.78665135

Is this a copypasta?
>it's typically the opposite
How is it "typically the opposite" when it has literally never the opposite?

>> No.78665144

Elizabeth is doing the opposite of betrayal though? She's being extremely forthright about her stance right out of the starting gate

>> No.78665193

Holocorns in shambles

>> No.78665215
Quoted by: >>78665337

>purity talk
It's not that deep.
JP unicorns vary from not wanting bf to not wanting to see guys in a stream. Most people aren't unicorn and just want to watch girls only and don't care about the off screen.

>> No.78665245

You perfectly nailed it
It really is hilarious
>girl talks to male
>Zero flirting/romantic vibes
>Unicorn friendly girl ignores her fans and goes on frequent breaks
>nu-uh, my oshi loves me! death to all homocollabers

>> No.78665314


>> No.78665319
Quoted by: >>78665736

it will still invite homobeggars to pester non homocollabers

>> No.78665337
Quoted by: >>78665513

>JP unicorns vary
Unicorns don't vary. Unicorn means one thing and one thing only.

>> No.78665361

Please make your son or daughter a vtuber, I will support either of them

>> No.78665389

Woman moment

>> No.78665402
Quoted by: >>78665657

Think you're too emotional about objective truth bro. Fact is only a minority cares about the fags, that's all.

>> No.78665405

It's also akin to being one of those gacha gamers who seethe when a female character isn't depicted as (you)r waifu.

>> No.78665408

Anon, their hobby is to sit in a chatroom with several thousand other dudes while they all pretend like a single female is their girlfriend. The cuckoldry has to be part of their fixation.
>Verification not required.

>> No.78665494
Quoted by: >>78666223

Historically, it has been the opposite in most cases
There's a larger sample size of it being the opposite than not

>> No.78665513
File: 51 KB, 587x608, 22e78803f712c776259344c25ed8b7c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn better tell japan.

>> No.78665527

the term is bastardized in the west
they have a lot of copes for it
>RL shit doesn't matter
>here for the character, not the person behind it
>i just dont want males in my stream
>i just dont want male twatter interactions
>i dont want to see homoshit on my twitter feed
>i hate homos for existing
>it's not hard to understand

>> No.78665616


>> No.78665629

dont mind me, im just here to pick up all the unicorn bodies

>> No.78665647

Holo unicorns are at this stage of time, mindbroken buzzword generating cuckfic writing machines who like to sweep their tears under the rug and shit on girls who are actually honest

>> No.78665650

I skimmed /mans/, /cbdct/, and the other one and all I found is one post calling her a sexpest with no replies. I will not look in depth.

>> No.78665657

Ok. And?

>> No.78665664

nta, but
>Rushia is the posterchild of unicorns
>Turns out to be an actual, unironic grifter
>Suisei deliberately goes out of her way to not feed gachis
>Every supposed yab of her having a boyfriend turns out to be a nothingburger
There's also minor examples, like Bae having a FUCKTON of desktop yabs and coming out squeaky clean every time.

>> No.78665671
Quoted by: >>78668124

Who is being harassed? A thread on /vt/ full of autists no one will never care about?

>> No.78665736

Some annoying fans might be annoying? We should all harass some girl for saying "nice cover!" to a male coworker, that will totally prevent it!!

>> No.78665763

The homobeggars are out in full force because the last 20 times they tried to have a "unity" girl egg them on, they all fumbled because (surprise!) homobeggars don't fucking watch streams or buy merch/donate.
And now, all the Hologirls fell in line because you retarded and poor fucks showed just how "unity" really means to all you fags.
I'm sure ERB will be shilled on Twitter and Reddit for a bit, and then crater in CCV/subs shortly after. Just like every single time before this.
And then all of you will beg for homocollabs again with different talents. And keep on rotating, always wondering WHY the girls don't want to collab with homos.
Which is why all of you are resorting to shit out these threads: because you know you can't win. ERB will fall in line, or crater just like all the other homocollabers.
Also, I know the Nijisisters are also out here making bait threads. The ones against Raora are pure retardation, as she hasn't shown any symptoms of homocollabing in her Holo persona.
So yes, we will stomp out the homos again and make sure ERB is the runt. Just like what happened to Shiori when she was ambiguous with her collab choices.

>> No.78665780

Holokeks BTFO'd

>> No.78665789
Quoted by: >>78666223

>Girl goes online and pretends she's intimate with thousands of dudes at once.
>"She's totally a pure virgin, guys, I swear!"

>> No.78665794
File: 141 KB, 1931x1157, 1718756723619788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not unicorns doing cuckposting

>> No.78665800

Basically this >>78663991

>> No.78665862

raora's roommate is even worse than elizabeth

>> No.78665884
Quoted by: >>78666001


>> No.78665918

Troonicorns are not rational, they've been driven mad by the constant cuckolding of sharing the same "gf" with several thousand other dudes.

>> No.78665940

Hah. Based unicorns are cucks.

>> No.78665970
Quoted by: >>78666160

I only ever see Unicorns saying shit like
If they so much as talk to homos, even Sora is not spare from being called a whore these days
There's examples of this in this thread right now>>78652532
You can go to /#/ right now to get more of these types of posts from Unicorns

>> No.78665986

huh, i watch Ruze and when he was playing Elden Ring GirlDM showed up in chat and asked to play with him and talked with him a lot, it wasn't even planed.
They played together and it was a good chill stream. He still getting a lot of supas, way more than his genmates

>> No.78665993

God damn anon you didn't have to kill them like that

>> No.78666001

Who do you think is ITT?

>> No.78666108
Quoted by: >>78666548

>Good people btw
you're straying further from the path of being a good guy. The literal definition of r/niceguys on reddit

>> No.78666126

Fucking THIS
After Rushia, I do not trust any whore who doubles down on any of this shit and I'm an actual Unicorn

>> No.78666136
Quoted by: >>78666360

Shipfags are a blight on everything.

>> No.78666160
File: 163 KB, 802x596, efb9db8bc734fda8bdee7b0985126cf6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78666223

>There's a larger sample size of it being the opposite than not
No there's not.

When did I say the scammers are pure? The claim ">it's typically the opposite" implies that the male collabers are 100% pure girls "typically".

>> No.78666266

you can keep falseflagging and seething all you want, unicorn friendly girls will keep soaring higher

>> No.78666271
Quoted by: >>78666585

Just because Homobeggars do it doesn't mean Unicorns aren't doing it
I hate both of them btw

>> No.78666291
Quoted by: >>78666600

>okbh posts must be taken seriously

>> No.78666360
Quoted by: >>78666698

I keep the ships to myself. I ain't a loud mouth like the others.

>> No.78666393
Quoted by: >>78666810

My favourite one is
>if we let collabs happen it will usher a chain reaction in which Hololive collapses because homos are an insidious force who are deliberately, methodically trying to corrupt my precious hobby I built with my bare hands into a Fifth Column for the Democrats, who I am pretty sure are all tranny Communists

>> No.78666513
Quoted by: >>78666575

Mori and Bae have shown that even if being male friendly results in less live viewers, if you pump out the music and stream a lot you can still be relatively successful and liked. Music is apparently going to be Elizabeth's thing too, she won't end up like Ollie.

>> No.78666514
Quoted by: >>78666825

Talk to actual women you fucking keyboard warriors.

>> No.78666548

>refers to reddit
>some fucking weird name for what the fuck you even call reddit boards
>shills homos
>"oh but you think you're a nice guy" blah blah yap yap
Where have I seen this one before.
Purge the homocollabers. They are a blight on the industry. Hololive thrives because it's a walled garden and gatekeeps faggots like you.
If you like Homocollabs so much, go watch Niji. Fuck off with your homobegging.

>> No.78666575


>> No.78666585

I don't see any unicorns attaching cuck fanfic and art to their public accounts. That's this vs falseflags, shitstirrers and samefags on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.78666600

NTA but why are you taking some posts seriously and not others without considering that everyone involved may be shitposting? Like this OP is a self-admitted troll who don't even a unicorn.
He's just trying to bait rage against a poor girl who's done nothing wrong
You guys disgust me

>> No.78666631
File: 282 KB, 545x629, Gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon is fucking black pilled kek, this is the reality of all Holocorns

>> No.78666688
File: 405 KB, 1200x720, Typical Nijisanji Apologetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the filename then take a long, good look in the mirror.

>> No.78666698

Well, I can at least respect that.

>> No.78666763

i think thats in okbh buddy, that's like getting the news from the onion

>> No.78666799


>> No.78666810
Quoted by: >>78667168

More like
>NijiEN is living proof that have "unity" will lead to workplace dating, toxic environments, and fans threatening to kill their collab partners (vox and emiru).
Hololive has thrived and outgrew Niji because it has remained separate. The Homobeggars don't realize this.

>> No.78666825

But I am currently ITT, they”re vehemently defending the homos right this very second

>> No.78666856
Quoted by: >>78667046

but that's the bulk of the homo audience

>> No.78666917

yes, by me :D

>> No.78666987
File: 12 KB, 256x256, 1665804231510505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rushia was like this
>therefore everyone else is

>> No.78666999

Holocornbros how do we cope...

>> No.78667022

Almost every single vtuber I've ever seen talk about their favourite Holos has mentioned Mori.

>> No.78667033

He’s a retard, you can’t save him.

>> No.78667046

The homo audience are filled with cucks, trannies, poorly hidden fetishists, and casual tourists who are trying to push an agenda.
None of them watch streams, or pay up. If they did, the girls who collab with homos wouldn't see their CCV and revenue crater each and every time.
And this is why with few exceptions (like Ollie or Mori), most girls fall in line. Because they understand who the actual audience is.
All the biggest Hololive members are non-homo collabers. I wonder why?

>> No.78667101

I like Mori

>> No.78667136
Quoted by: >>78667256

And almost all of them are women, right?

>> No.78667167

They turned from a meme reddit to posting it legitimately and making jerk off cuckporn. They are legit into it and mostly homofans now. Whenever I check an account it's often someone on hrt or gay now

>> No.78667168
Quoted by: >>78667335

>Nijisanji failed because collabs
You are a retard who is satisfied by easy, convenient answers.

>> No.78667190

I think they just don't want every girl catering to the same audience. Being the one homocollaber in a gen is enough to draw in viewers who want to see mixed gender collabs without spreading the unicorn fans thinner.

>> No.78667228

uh oh unicorn melty

>> No.78667256


>> No.78667335
Quoted by: >>78668022

It was one of the reasons which led to a toxic environment.
Having multiple people dating or be exs with each other within a work group doesn't seem extremely problematic to you?

>> No.78667376

Hell I've even seen Tubers say they like Mori

>> No.78667401

This thread has convinced me you need to ban all unicorns and all unicorn haters from this site. They're all antis and doxfags, just for different people.

>> No.78667493


>> No.78667546
Quoted by: >>78667694

This doesn't state that there's any variance. It's just trying to explain what a unicorn is in simple terms.
If you truly believe that each matter listed is a "type" of unicorn, you're claiming that you believe there are unicorns who are totally ok with their oshi having a boyfriend and knowing about it.

>> No.78667575


>> No.78667624

i mean not everyone in holo is a menhera like her, i dont think that was the point of that anon, what he meant is that every single holo might have a life outside of the Hololive and everyone that think they are actually pure are just delusional cucks

>> No.78667640

>antis and doxfags
yeah, homobeggars

>> No.78667682

Seethe. Hololive grows stronger when the homos are put in their place.

>> No.78667694
Quoted by: >>78668215

NTA but that would be correct because unicorn is a completely bastardized term which has lost most of its meaning because of people using it as a buzzword to describe a whole spectrum of people.

>> No.78667712
Quoted by: >>78667888

>antis and doxfags
yeah, unicorns

>> No.78667782
Quoted by: >>78668659

The only people I've seen spout anti shit or beg in replies of Holomems are the homobeggars.
The unicorns usually shit up the board here, but they generally vent here instead of begging directly like the homobeggars do.

>> No.78667816
Quoted by: >>78668495

Unicorn pandering does earn them extra money but some Hololive talents don't care. For all the whining about Mori setting up male collabs it seems like Elizabeth wants to actively hunt unicorns and management is now encouraging that behavior. Regloss walked so that Justice can run.

>> No.78667852

>yeah, unicorns

>> No.78667851

No, the point very clearly was
>unicorn panderer=hidden boyfriend
>male collaber=typically pure and single

>> No.78667869


>> No.78667888

I didn't stutter. Unicorns are obviously antis and doxfags but look at this post and the replies to it. >>78664482
Anti-unicorns are literally antis and doxfags too, just for other girls.

>> No.78667912
Quoted by: >>78668241

The difference between Japanese Unicorns and Western Unicorns is that Japanese Unicorns stick to their lane and watch girls who pander to them, if they step out of line then they will critique them unlike western corns who piss and shid themselves over girls who they don't' even watch

>> No.78667943
Quoted by: >>78668664

To be fair I thought my use of multiple exclamation points and my image filename would make it clear this was a laugh at unicorns thread

>> No.78668022

That's not the same thing as collabing, moron. Nijisanji was a mess through-and-through, especially in how it handled collabs, but that is not the root cause. Nijisanji's garbage management is why they failed. This is like when pop culture war grifters tell you something sucks because it's "woke", when in reality the wokeness is just a symptomatic crutch for the creative bereftness of current cinema.

>> No.78668124

The talent herself, in her replies. Again, unicorns "simply not watching someone they don't like" is a meme.

>> No.78668215

>unicorn is a completely bastardized term
Only here. Anon said
>JP unicorns vary
when it's not true at all. There is no "spectrum" there as the term isn't worn like a badge of honor by retards who constantly no true scotsman each other.

>> No.78668241


>> No.78668330

Yeah that was his implication which is blatantly wrong because male collabing has literally nothing to do with being pure or single. It's just a content choice. Tired of people taking the "all male collabers are secret whores" shit take and just flipping it. No, you're all dumb.
Also the initial post was fucking stupid anyway because no one does GFE in Hololive anymore now that Rushia left.

>> No.78668355
Quoted by: >>78668702

>all red, lol
Not that crazy when we have a unit that is literally
>all birds, lol
and another one, more forced
>all sea-themed, lol

>> No.78668402
Quoted by: >>78668750

more like
>unicorn panderer = probably has a boyfriend
>male collaber = probably has a boyfriend

Read this bit:
>Girls like Towa are just honest toward their fans and don't want to lead them on. Whether that puts you off their content is up to you, but at least they're honest and sincere. The snakes like Rushia are simultaneously the unicorn's "pure waifus" and also the ones anyone with a brain would innately distrust for how dishonestly they present themselves and how little they respect the feelings of their fans.

>> No.78668482

>"all male collabers are secret whores"
They're not secret whores at all. They typically very open about being whores.

>> No.78668495

>girl who hasn't even debuted yet drops some incredibly inoffensive comments on a few Holostars tweets, mostly just about music stuff
>actively hunting unicorns
Anon, you're really projecting hard here

>> No.78668521

>actually pure
Sure but that isn't what most of the no-homo faction cares about, that's just strawmanning.

>> No.78668548

What's this Unichads? I thought you were heckin wholesome and don't harass talents and just seethe /here/ instead?

>> No.78668659

>who's babski

>> No.78668664

I mean if you spent enough time on /vt/ you know that even shitpost catalog threads attract genuine schizos. I'm just tired of people attacking Liz for every single Twitter post because people keep posting every single homo related tweet on the catalog when she's tweeted at hundredals of other people. It's the same antis in every thread and they won't get bored of it even though nothing has changed since the last time. It's just tiring.

>> No.78668674

what is a falseflag

>> No.78668702

So it'd be as retarded as one would expect

>> No.78668749

bro go check the red girl reply to Jurard, the unicorns are going at her hard, then they like to act innocent
This is the fucking main reason i hate them so much.

>> No.78668750

>Read this bit:
This bit contradicts the claim that's it's "typically the opposite". It's not opposite at all. Learn what opposite means.

>> No.78668942

the only reason so many people are defending in this thread is because nyfco got deleted. new ips should be killed on site

>> No.78668943
File: 123 KB, 1080x1080, e77a88ef79c2fbbc634a6a439aa705fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78669006

>It's just a content choice
Yeah, and that content is shit and people have the right to call it for what it is

>> No.78669231
Quoted by: >>78669265


>> No.78669265
Quoted by: >>78669364

type that without crying

>> No.78669283

Those are containment breakers, probably from this very thread. Most "unicorns" aren't like this but the ones like this faggot >>78665763 are unfortunately cancerous culture warriors who fully buy into the larp
No, Ernoul is not a falseflagger, he's a genuine schizo from this board and I suspect most of those others are too if you click on their profiles. They repeat catalog narratives verbatim

>> No.78669364

I already did

>> No.78669367

Basically this. They are fine with their idols having dating someone or even having a husband as long as it is not online and the moderation of this board encourages them.

>> No.78669436

he literally posts screenshots stolen from here

>> No.78669555

>Most "unicorns" aren't like this
>le no true Scotsman quotation marks
I'm sure that is very reassuring to those receiving the harassment.
