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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.78491025
File: 230 KB, 1000x1792, GQZ5Og0aIAMsLN7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter. Fanart is going to make them ALL fuckable
If Raora doesn't do it herself, first.

>> No.78491032

Overdesigned, never as iconic as gura

>> No.78491067

why are you chumpedos so fucking annoying?

>> No.78491091

is that a Lies of P character? nice

>> No.78491132

>step on me

>> No.78491139

Beeg fluffy tail & thighs > taokaka with bike pants > rejected xenoblade character > doll

>> No.78491237

I want gigi to fist me with her gauntlets

>> No.78491253

Totally mindbroken.

>> No.78491282

Forgettable and overdesigned. Talented artists but whoever is in charge of EN production has awful taste and was unable to make good use of it as per usual. The art also clearly didn't translate well to L2D.

>> No.78491339

I really really like Cecilia's
Everyone else is whatever

>> No.78491385

I like Elizabeth and Cecilia, the other two are whatever

>> No.78491396

they apparently had a lot of input in the designs

>> No.78491406
Quoted by: >>78495782

EN still hasn't made a better design since Gura and Ina.

>> No.78491438

Overdesigned like Nijisanji's. Gacha looking as fuck.
But they will succeed, because people like this shit

>> No.78491443

Left to right. Decent if a bit bland, orange loli you've seen in every gacha, generic pink cat girl, and literally just Erza Scarlett from fairy tail so mid/10. Overall only the green one interests me

>> No.78491590

Orange one is INSANE loli bait its not even funny, hot but the tryharding makes it a little weird
Red one is just Nerissa Alter
Pink is offbrand Koyori, kinda cute
And the green one is probably my favorite. Her chest looks kinda weird though, hard to tell if she is flat or not.

>> No.78491652

They feel new and fresh for hololive

>> No.78491731

>koyori los hermanos
>erza... my beloved...

>> No.78491740

green girl is sticking out without being too chaotic, cunny is made in china gura, pink girl is just random npc in random anime game, redhead is goddess

>> No.78491782

All trash except pink girl and I usually dislike pink girls but the others are all boring

>> No.78491814

I like red and green. The others are fine and I'm not artistic enough to explain why I'm not crazy about them.

>> No.78491837

>too genshin
>too lapras
>also too genshin

>> No.78491873
File: 110 KB, 519x956, Kiara_sleep_talking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gi Gi needs a casual outfit immediately. The rest are fine.

>> No.78491932
Quoted by: >>78492211

Designated jobber of the gen.
I can already hear her annoying scream.
Cater to single middle age guys.

>> No.78491953

>Her chest looks kinda weird though, hard to tell if she is flat or not
Why not both?

>> No.78492030
Quoted by: >>78492462

very overdesigned, they look like small corpo chuubas
pink girl is fine

>> No.78492054

I'm sure the girls are fine but I'll be honest, the names and designs seem like what you'd get at nijisanji

>> No.78492088
Quoted by: >>78505895

Elizabeth is a Granblue character, Gigi is a Disgaea character, Cecilia is an Atelier character. Raora just looks like a vtuber.

>> No.78492116

They don't look like holos

>> No.78492151

Am I the only one who doesn't like the "every one gets their own primary color" thing?
I wish they all had the same general color scheme, like Advent seemed to have.

>> No.78492210

Niji tier, overdesigned and not much to remember them by.

>> No.78492211


>> No.78492232

I'm glad that the loli permanently has her cunny on display but
I have definitely seen the 4th one in either a video game or anime. The whole exact same design down to the hairstyle. Just cant remember where

>> No.78492370

Offbrand Herta
Please be flat
Downgraded Koyori
Fire Emblem reject

>> No.78492462

>pink girl is fine
pink girl has a hat, cat ears, and goggles all at the same time
and random belts on her arms
and a blue plushie dangling from her belt that looks extremely out of place
like, you've got the cravat, the goggles, and the claw which look regal and elegant, but then the phone and the plushie on the waist make her look like a high schooler, and then there's a big dumb fucking TAIL poking out there and WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.78492482

PLAP PLAP PLAP the redhead

>> No.78492526

The only one I don't like is Elizabeth because she sticks out in not a good way. The hair definitely sucks and the face is off. Plus her hair ornament doesn't make any sense.

>> No.78492545


>> No.78492550

What does it matter?
In all of the fanart that matters, she'll only be wearing the goggles and hat.

>> No.78492554

orange woman, pink woman and green woman in the same gen
i'm confused, i don't know whom to hate now...
sasuga cover

>> No.78492638

Besides the color
>green girl is good, but I don't like the lance very much. Love the ephemeral eyes.
I like the orange girl, but I don't like the "showing crotch" part. Seriously don't do that. Also the tail is a bit much, and the boots shouldn't have spikes. The ahego is ridiculous too.
The pink girl doesn't look like a holo, she looks like a Project Kawaii GFE girl. Her legs are very thicc I notice, which is fine. But the cut-off tail is ridiculous, and I don't like the white streak in the hair, or the googles. I'm not sure what that outfit is, short shorts that are split on the side? With leggings that connect underneath? It's just weird, there's a lot of straps and tassles going on. Her "claw" is unnecessary too.
The last girl actually looks pretty interesting. She does kind of resemble a gacha character though, I think the sharp holes-cut sleeves are a bit odd. I think the dress is great. However I think the face is just a bit too "asian" since these are supposed to be EU vtubers.

Overall I think it goes
Green girl > Orange girl > red girl > pink girl
design wise.

>> No.78492641
Quoted by: >>78492893

lower half doesn't matter, you won't see it most of the time. and they can probably toggle some of it off too

>> No.78492732
File: 344 KB, 1449x2048, raziel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78493344

They need lessons on how to make good and memorable character designs

>> No.78492893
Quoted by: >>78493602

this justification is the antithesis of the principles of character design and I despise it

>> No.78492929

Bare legs and green is my favorite of this gen - clean, straightforward, slim
Hebe looks really cool, but I personally am going to seethe at the lack of cunny
Pink with white pants looks genshit, really a bad design
Red hair is badass, I worry how she'll look in motion but she's got the most standout design

>> No.78493006

i like the pink cat's juicy round ass
i hope she does slutty ASMR but probably not, since EN Holo don't seem to ever do that. it's just more taboo compared to JP tubers, i suppose.

>> No.78493007

Which one is the hag

>> No.78493344

Shut the fuck up Petra.

>> No.78493389
File: 133 KB, 900x900, bd9juo2va34d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78493591

Generic twitch designs

>> No.78493602
Quoted by: >>78493819

Regardless of the specific example, character design principles aren't universal but based on the medium the characters are for. The top part of vtubers is more important, for third person POV game protagonists the backside matters more etc.

>> No.78493638

furina but green, the robot/doll concept is odd but okay, the lance is one i don't understand
gura but with bae's colors; great on paper, but if she has the personality/charisma to boot, the better
nerissa and irys's crack child; looks cool with the sword and all but the face is kinda(?) weird, like if she swapped heads with nerissa i would not tell the difference between the two
that cameltoe and those thighs can and will kill a guy, probably the most sexo of the group (please don't be a prude)

>> No.78493653

Loli and the pink haired one are the only ones that look like they belong in Hololive.

>> No.78493678

3/4 are sex.

>> No.78493743

Some people say they feel like gacha characters, but I don't gamble on PNGs so these are novel to me design-wise. It's a good idea to have variety with so many existing talents.

>> No.78493819
Quoted by: >>78493914

that's usually used to justify having less detail in the parts you see less often
not so you can pile a bunch of random shit in certain parts with the excuse that it'll barely be seen

>> No.78493834
Quoted by: >>78494071

I would pick the orange girl in guilty gear

>> No.78493914

I know, that's why I clarified that I wanted to make a general point rather than talk about this design.

>> No.78494001

Genshin did irreparable damage to anime designs.

>> No.78494071

shes like a cross between May and Taokaka

>> No.78494119
File: 1.53 MB, 1682x2000, EC__22_koa_20240426 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest, this is what we all wanted.

>> No.78494144
File: 92 KB, 658x235, 1718784767298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green is such a blatant furina clone that I actually feel kind of bad for the girl who got the model.

>> No.78494272

Why? There have been gacha expies in holo since before EN or Genshin were a thing and they are doing just fine.

>> No.78494286
Quoted by: >>78501674

Why can't Cover go with something simpler like Korone's, Subaru's, Gura's or Aqua's design? They need to stop with the overdesigned chinese gacha slop and chuuni lore shit.

>> No.78494434 [SPOILER] 
File: 31 KB, 800x800, 1707706460418177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we must look towards the past
take inspiration from the greatest design in all of vtuber history

>> No.78494441

Ah I remember this bitch, the blatant Miorine clone.

>> No.78494963

Design wise, I like they Claymore one more but then again when Myth debuted, I liked Mori so...

I am guessing Claymore will suck.

>> No.78495101

Glad I'm not the only one who thought that
Still gonna cum in her joints

>> No.78495203

Not as good as Advent but what’s really interesting is that they were all designed with Advent in mind as their lore is directly tied to them. I wonder what they have planned.

>> No.78495205

Oyakodon with nekojira-sensei and her daughter

>> No.78495291

I like all of them but I'll just list the stuff I hate
random rings on ankles. doll joints look fake. lance doesn't fit with the music box theme.
zipper tab on hood is way too big and will be distracting on streams. single thigh high is dumb, would be better if she wore a 2nd one that was rolled down if she wanted to keep asymmetry. pink eyes is slightly off palette.
overall generic inoffensive vtuber design. goggles are too small. off shoulder jacket is cancer.
homo with tits. idk if it's the pic but the shading is too flat. missing headgear or a hairband.

>> No.78495331

I want to make the orange one a mother.

>> No.78495354

the doll is great, fake Gura clone sucks ass, the other two are fine but bland and generic.

>> No.78495373

Making this one a mother too.

>> No.78495427

too blatently cunny coded but my god I want a wingjob from her

>> No.78495467

middle ones are decent the other two arent.

>> No.78495512

Cecilia and Gigi are at least distinguishable
They made the designs too busy again

>> No.78495591

Red: Rias Gremony wannabe. Plus her design look like irys
Pink: attractive to coomer. But pink western woman is a red flag
Shorty: 2nd orange woman of en. Seem like the type who think loud = funny. Weirdly enough, that can attract teenager if meme done right
Green one: unique, stylist and soul. Only need a good personality and voice to match

>> No.78495693

Only having to put up with one pedobait is nice. Hopefully she doesn't have an annoying voice.

>> No.78495782

Sana is right there bro

>> No.78495855

Overdesigned gacha shit, but that's something I've come to expect from them, so whatever.

>> No.78495929

Raora sounds dumb as hell. I'm just gonna go with Laura.

>> No.78495974


>> No.78495991

Orange is not even the loli type, that's the hebe type like Bae.

>> No.78496004
File: 1.21 MB, 1003x1200, EaOPfCPU4AEh3Xo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its kinda losing the plot to have the theme of "justice" and just make another random rpg team
not even any uniforms or armor

>> No.78496126
File: 312 KB, 2067x1811, baubaugaogao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest.
Do you really think you'd need armor or uniforms to catch these dorks?

>> No.78496207
Quoted by: >>78498501

This is actually true even though chumbuds make me seethe. Most of EN is way over designed and chuuni Gura was simple and iconic, Mori and the rest of myth too to a lesser extent (Kiara is the notable exception and her early numbers suffered for it). Since then they've just never hit that peak again. Iconic design is simple and readable, these look like C tier gacha characters.

>> No.78496552

Yeah they need more consistent theming, you would never know these girls are from the same gen and what the theme is. Whereas myth was very flavorful or gamers are all animal ears

>> No.78496770
Quoted by: >>78496926


>> No.78496857

>Meloetta + Violet Ever garden (but doll joints are sex so I'll allow it)
>Rebecca from edgerunners cosplaying as Bae
>Koyori at home
>Player 2 alt color Lucina


>> No.78496868
File: 868 KB, 890x1156, pomu_doomed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The green girl looks like Mint Fantome.

Imagine being Yagoo rejecting Pomu/Mint again and then being like "lol but we're almost directly lifting your look."

I hope Pomu made it.

>> No.78496926
File: 36 KB, 308x397, 1708010626936263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78497007


>> No.78497007 [DELETED] 

No, I just don't like inferior species even if fanart can make me really horny (against my will) at Flare.

>> No.78497045

Disregard what I said. I realised we were talking about Sana and my dumb brain thought we were tlaking about Flare.

Flare's black skin is good. Sana's is not.

>> No.78497047

idk bro I think you're gay

>> No.78497101


>> No.78497153

Hello, I am we and this is what I (me being we) wanted.

>> No.78497163

the people

>> No.78497202


>> No.78497301

Is he wrong though? EN designs went to shit after council and Gura is mario tier design wise. Simple yet memorable and godly color palette.

>> No.78497348

Sex with the panther and the sword lady.

>> No.78497372
File: 663 KB, 3243x1860, 1718789007045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78497395

This. They don't resemble enforcers of law by any meaning. No armor, no unifirms, etc. not to mention one looks like off brand irys

>> No.78497634

I was going to do this but laziness took over

>> No.78498001

>loli bait
>is teenaged at best
Try again tourist

>> No.78498011

>Puppet Armpits
>Shark teeth brat
>Sex model
>Nerissa but red

>> No.78498058

I like cat and brat.

>> No.78498086

Lame, boring, unappealing, not up to Hololive standards

>> No.78498196


>> No.78498241
Quoted by: >>78502667

Nailed it, that helps explain why I find no charm or appeal in them. They really look like soulless chinkshit.

>> No.78498262

Those designs are the true definition of pagpag

>> No.78498268

steampunk windup toy soldier but also a violinist? idk feels like it’s trying to do too much at once. cool if the spear transforms into the violin
cute arcsys character, basically May combined with Taokaka
what even are you
hot knight lady, but if she’s not /fit/ it’s ruined

>> No.78498501
File: 1.20 MB, 2880x1620, council.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My main problem with the busy designs is that they don't even try to create proper silhouettes anymore
Gigi is the only one here I see with a proper silhouette

>> No.78498726

Green looks like Octavio pallette swap with tits

>> No.78498757
Quoted by: >>78508489

Mumeis design is my favorite by far of everything since myth tbdesu, she's simple and that makes her stand out

>> No.78498809

The drop off from Myth to Council was unbelievable

>> No.78498833
Quoted by: >>78503576

Going to look like shit in 3D with all this bulky stuff obscuring the movement.
Otherwise it's fine. Praying they got good riggers this time.

>> No.78498851

anglo-saxon supremacy

>> No.78499058

why are Euronig secondaries so fucking annoying?

>> No.78499204
File: 81 KB, 680x725, 1718505710285872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redhair is great.
Laura is great.

Brat is overdesigned for my tastes.
Green, I find her meh, and the spring on head is fucking stupid, but bonus points for dolljoints.

>> No.78499372

Pink one is the prettiest by far, also, get ready to never see these weapons again. Loli will try to hide the paws until she gets a new model without them

>> No.78499665

I love green girl face, especially the color of her eyes is so pretty
Red Nerissa is pretty decent, good looking
Runt is okay but mistifies me

>> No.78499752

>cute furina face
>nahida colours
>doll joints from herta
my hoyo whore wife..

>> No.78501674

That's going to be a tough sell after ReGloss's pre-debut reception

>> No.78501935

I can't get into dolls though, green is lost to me

>> No.78501969
File: 2.59 MB, 3072x1397, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty flat in the official art but the trailer video made her look like a medium.
I don't mind either way as long as it's not honking big booba (i.e. what pornaddict weeb think is "small")

>> No.78502025

Raora looks pretty but kinda like bootleg Koyori. The british one looks very generic. My favourites are probably Cecilia and Gigi. I really like that automata concept, though it will be ruined if her personality doesnt match it, which I think might be the case.

I do think however that no other gen had designs as iconic as Myth, which is sad because they're my least favourite personality-wise.

>> No.78502465
File: 3.30 MB, 796x810, 1693023105022606.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78510296

I hope cecilia gets rigging half as good as the stuff she can do by herself
Just look at this face tracking

>> No.78502667

>Hololive sells out to China
>Releases a new gen with Hoyoslop designs.
Makes you think

Flop Gen incoming lul.

>> No.78503007

all four were made by azur lane artists
So they're all top quality,

>> No.78503451

>thoughts on the designs
Mint's fusion with Kronii and three discount Blazblue copycats.

>> No.78503576

>implying the crash and burn gen is even going to reach the requirement for 3D

>> No.78503890

The doll is way better than the rest but that doesn't say much.
Designs don't really matter to me much because when Advent came out I was horny for shiori but then I heard her talk then my dick shriveled up.
Really, the designs only affect how popular the debut streams will be

>> No.78504052

To be more exact,
Elizabeth mama is AL artist
Gigi mama is BA artist
Cecilia mama is Genshin venti + AL artist
Raora mama is AL artist

>> No.78504121

Nijikek-tier trash.

>> No.78505895

Finally someone said it. I need to commission Cecilia x Odelia.

>> No.78506231

How will the joints look like in 3D for the doll one?

>> No.78506488

>(not) niji's forgotten elf girl
>(not) Koyori
>(not) manly Irys

Pretty meh designs overall. Their voices are what really matters though, so we'll see.

>> No.78507597

bad, messy and overdesigned, more trash for the pile.

>> No.78507811

I like the doll, loli and pink cat are fine, don't like the red one.

>> No.78507976

They look like boring genshit impact characters

>> No.78508281

>Azure Lane
>Blue Archive
We will get cute feet, yes?

>> No.78508489

>genshin clone

>> No.78508556

>Mechanical sex NOW
>Sex collab with Koyori asap
>Erza in Fate, pretty cool

Bit too much going on but overall decent, have to wait and see if their personalities match the looks.

>> No.78508630

why are they afraid of thighs touching?

>> No.78508690

Not my cup of tea but I hope their personalities are at least fun.

>> No.78510206


Cecilia: her face and hair is cute, but the rest is shit, if it wasn't for the gear on her head or the joints on her knees i'd never have known she was supposed to be a doll... i wish they were brave enough to give her lines down her mouth to her chin to show the doll effect lol also why did they give her a spear when she already has a violin... 5/10
Gigi: we got taokaka at home... her design is the only one that shows some personality, love her hair and sharp teeth, her jacket still has too much shit going on but it's still somewhat cohesive, i hope there's toggles 7/10
Raora: shitty poop from an ass, WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE!!! hat goggles and ears???´nothing about this designs tells me she's supposed to be an artist, the goggles hint more at being a welder if anything, they could've given her an apron... or literally anything else... 0/10 this design pisses me off
Elizabeth: genshin slop, mori&nerissa dupe, nothing about this design says queen to me, at least give her a crown goddammit!!! her ahoge is the only charm point 0/10

Overall: really bad and too much shit going on, overdesigned gachaslop, i can't tell what they're supposed to be or do... cover please start hiring artists other than chinese gacha artists...worst holo designs so far, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

>> No.78510296

Never going to happen because Holo rigging is done with their proprietary software, probably for the sake of consistency. Unfortunately, much their their streaming app, it's way behind the times.

>> No.78510426

1 is okay
2 is we have gura at home
3 is pink veibae
4 is red nerissa
overall generic and uninspired designs

>> No.78510564

>people whining about hat + goggles + ears
Why are any of you surprised? Reminder that Kiara has two hats of completely different styles sitting at two different angles.

>> No.78510600

they look.. soulless
it's just me or HoloMyth was peak in designs

>> No.78511083
File: 120 KB, 1024x626, 1718802770665661m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit pastiche innit?

>> No.78511220

we need moe revival more than ever...

>> No.78511633

loli spats sexo

>> No.78511692

Sex with pink cat.

>> No.78513033
File: 2.70 MB, 1280x720, 1659749522001.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green Doll and Pink Catto are fine.

Little Yellow Brat and Red Irys designs are just doing to much.

>> No.78513177
Quoted by: >>78515708

Sana had ugly colors. No just the brown.

>> No.78513269

Orange is not loli. She's long limbed. Maybe even hiding a big chest.

>> No.78515605

I'm saving this picture for the next time somebody calls henya's design "too busy"

>> No.78515708

Worse than that, she had ugly hair.

>> No.78515749

the saber better be british/Celtic so help me

>> No.78515915

Did Mihoyo make these? Looks like fucking Genshin 5 star banner pulls.

>> No.78516186
File: 138 KB, 321x405, (.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manages to prove that a complex design can still look generic and/or too similar to pre-existing designs.
