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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 337 KB, 1200x1758, GPuntObbUAEZRd5.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78199849 No.78199849 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:












Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>78187489

>> No.78199863
File: 493 KB, 2048x2048, GQISDRhakAA9miC.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with my cute wife

>> No.78199883

I fucking hate Petra so much it's unreal.

>> No.78199911
File: 262 KB, 369x485, 1696655646631748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78199947
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>> No.78199987
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Quoted by: >>78206641

>2k textures in SL
why? it already runs like dogshit

>> No.78200042
File: 158 KB, 900x900, 1718484504630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cocksleeve material

>> No.78200085
Quoted by: >>78200296

talking about your dick being uncut is way more inappropriate than a meme step brother joke, calling that incest is an insult to anyone with intelligence

>> No.78200135
File: 402 KB, 1503x1818, 20240610_010600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78200596

Double D(oom)!
Keep the torch lit while I'm gone, anons! Remember to love your oshi, remember to love Doppio!

>> No.78200180
File: 73 KB, 819x1024, 1689740187461377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78200363


>> No.78200184

Were Zabusa and Haku you know... like that?

>> No.78200296

who cares about it being inappropriate or lewd, it doesn't offend people the way that incest does. you don't have to agree with that reaction but it's just literally true

>> No.78200334

god damn do I want to flip up Ike's skirt in public

>> No.78200363

but im drinking right now so i dont think my liver likes that

>> No.78200456
Quoted by: >>78200584


>> No.78200471

I can’t fucking wait for the concert and Sonny’s 3d debut
Do you think he’ll record the latter while he’s currently in Japan?

>> No.78200522
Quoted by: >>78200584

please get better soon

>> No.78200584
Quoted by: >>78200684


>> No.78200596

you are just doppio in my head

>> No.78200684

but you drink all the time...

>> No.78200773

shepherd silhouette in members tomorrow, then on twitter on the 23rd! i can't believe it's finally here.

>> No.78200915
File: 245 KB, 1175x1468, GL1thWja4AAwgw8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Feesh so much. I want to bake her chocolate cakes full of love once in a while and feed her a slice.

>> No.78201186
File: 853 KB, 1450x2048, 1718485304574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dog got sprayed by a skunk..

>> No.78201321

>bugs stuck in long hair

>> No.78201376
File: 441 KB, 2000x1667, 1693170213511869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78201490

there's a tick that can make you allergic to meat? i hate bugs

>> No.78201518
File: 128 KB, 731x908, IMG_8504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luca rabu!!
feeshs' roblox talk yesterday helped feed my obsession, i cant stop playing...

>> No.78201676
File: 230 KB, 966x1486, GQC6klTaQAUVJZi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scarle Yonaguni TITFUCK

>> No.78201949
Quoted by: >>78202001

Sometimes I wish my oshi wasn't a whore but other times I wouldn't want anything to change

>> No.78201950

yeah my parents got a kitten because as soon as i moved out with my cat the mice moved back into their garage kek. not that she catches any, she's spoiled as fuck, but just the presence of a cat in the house keeps rodents away.

>> No.78202001

i wish my oshi was more of a whore

>> No.78202160

>my dad died too! samesies
h-happy father's day?

>> No.78202269
File: 123 KB, 1920x1080, _NijiEN_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78207274



>> No.78202304
File: 129 KB, 340x482, 1715654925014177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Kuna ever come back....

>> No.78202413

The dress Ike just posted a picture of looks nothing like the one he tweeted about last month, which one did he actually buy...

>> No.78202472

>there's been rumblings of a new minecraft server
that makes sense

>> No.78202539

Nevermind I'm retarded he just layered the accessories randomly on top

>> No.78202619

he just moved the bow around

>> No.78202724

I hope not, all of the things Pomu did would have been for naught

>> No.78202764

And that's a good thing!
Erase her memory for good, time to move on.

>> No.78202799
File: 157 KB, 1024x954, 1718486577103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baaaabye wife, thanks for the extra long stream

>> No.78202862
Quoted by: >>78202953

Who said this

>> No.78202940

Who cares?

>> No.78202953

wilson and aia have been talking about it

>> No.78203057

i'm pretty sure they'll keep the previous world around as a museum

>> No.78203103

they don't have to erase the old world, they can keep it around as a museum

>> No.78203221
File: 135 KB, 541x369, oneechans maggie art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill always love my big sisters

>> No.78203226

Na erase it, better yet, gather at Pomu's big cathedral thing and have Luca nuke it from orbit via summoning an ender ontop of it.

>> No.78203292
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, wiwaheart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78204295


>> No.78203328

Does Reimu just sit around all day and watch the same 3 anime over and over again?

>> No.78203365
Quoted by: >>78203425

who is the retard asking ryoma for tierlist streams

>> No.78203425
Quoted by: >>78203527

I dunno but more people should be agreeing with him

>> No.78203527

fuck off willy

>> No.78203563
File: 2.42 MB, 2560x1440, 1690746236776289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is painful and today is gonna suck
Scary dreams

>> No.78203635
Quoted by: >>78204170

*kicks you knees a bunch*

>> No.78203678
Quoted by: >>78204170

*slaps your bald head*

>> No.78203694

They don't delete it. They simply don't play that world anymore, simple .

>> No.78203835
Quoted by: >>78204170

*breaks your neck and kicks your body off a bridge*

>> No.78203844
Quoted by: >>78204205

Still laughing about this kek https://x.com/skyclips0/status/1801940586733109757

>> No.78204159

>Yeah!s twitter extension is out
We are so back

>> No.78204170
File: 197 KB, 1170x1206, 1690564838256794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78204199

3 cute girls touched me
Maybe today's not so bad after all!

>> No.78204199
File: 88 KB, 292x195, 1701479575405433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78204552

im not a girl??????

>> No.78204205

My bro Vanta replaying this clip every day now kek, Kurara was merciless

>> No.78204221

ryoma opening my eyes to the secondhand goods market

>> No.78204266
File: 734 KB, 2892x4096, wiwahugging(me).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78204552

I hope youre alright pomieeee chuchu

>> No.78204273

Chance of NijiEN using that/management letting them?

>> No.78204295
Quoted by: >>78204387


>> No.78204352

why wouldn't management let them use twitter extensions?

>> No.78204376

Why would management have to let them?

>> No.78204387
File: 456 KB, 676x587, wiwasparkle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78204411

post it here i lowkey want it
ok yeah sure whatever makes you sleep better at night

>> No.78204411

im just bored on the weekends ok.....

>> No.78204552
File: 3.74 MB, 3305x2809, 1693871241830114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78204692

Yeah you are.
Why even pretend at this point?
Hi Weewa. I'm fine just sad about no Mint or Wiwa. At least there's some Sonny later..
This is cool. I like the camping part.

>> No.78204578

ryoma shoe unboxing stream 2?

>> No.78204598 [DELETED] 
File: 347 KB, 695x620, 1714693823812277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78204643

Dead thread
Dead branch

>> No.78204628

klara has such a pretty voice it fits her model so much

>> No.78204643

But Mint is dead too..
Because she's a ghost! YOOHOHOHOHOHO!

>> No.78204692
Quoted by: >>78204802


>> No.78204708
Quoted by: >>78204762

I was asleep when you asked but I already planned my NijiEN career 2+ years into the future past debut and planned my 3D debut down to the minute with songs/skits/loading sequences factored in, I have a really good idea for it that no one has ever done before. I also planned a gimmick I would subtly do starting from debut that would be really kino if/when people caught on to it
And I talk to myself all day, I'm in an intense parasocial relationship with my imaginary chat

>> No.78204762

i do that when im in bed and constantly imagine streaming its a PROBLEM

>> No.78204788
Quoted by: >>78205314

vanta, claude, and ryoma have taught me the comedy that is boys angrily going "YER DONE, YER BANNED."

>> No.78204802
File: 949 KB, 2596x4096, 1695012833760681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the one in my pants.

>> No.78204868
File: 2.64 MB, 1600x1698, 1704052541188297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gives me so much life

>> No.78205124

i need ryoma to stop talking about object permanence, the way he describes things just falling out of his head... i hope all those omega 3 supplements i'm taking will help

>> No.78205314

twisty does it too it's so funny

>> No.78205405

ryoma talking about how didn't expect how busy he was gonna be after joining nijien

>> No.78205634

>Jerma malded over someone saying he has low numbers
Oh no he's a numbersfag...

>> No.78205663

Twisty brutally jerking your dick while klara is whispering in your ears that’s ok to cum on her

>> No.78205735

my favorite thing about this is none of these people ever get banned, no mods ban these "one guy"s

>> No.78205908
File: 69 KB, 480x480, A2YtYZ2bONHr8wSWx4eYBg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78206286

>Twisty saying she'll call the police on you if you cum to her while Klara keeps saying it's okay and you could cover it up and nobody would ever know

>> No.78205964
Quoted by: >>78206129

>i can confirm that aia-senpai is perfect
ryoma being an aiamigo remains the cutest thing

>> No.78205966

I wonder whatever happened to that Pomie that was simping and shilling the youtuber neet that was making a website

>> No.78206021
File: 148 KB, 1000x550, 1707235138725228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78206160

her emotes are so cute

>> No.78206028
File: 507 KB, 978x550, 1700403792868804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78206129

anyone who can stand her annoying voice and humor are the strongest people on earth

>> No.78206160
Quoted by: >>78206395

Remember that time the artist for the original crying emote got mad that people were copying it

>> No.78206286
File: 18 KB, 360x236, EliraBlush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78206349

Look, I don't care if I'm leplying or not, but loving Aia isn't that hard. She's incredibly passionate about things, things that are special to her, she always puts her 110% into everything even if it's to the point where it's a detriment to her because she loves what she does. She loves talking to people! People can find that annoying but she just loves hanging out with her friends, who doesn't?? Aia does her best and any fortune that comes to her is well deserved.

>> No.78206395

no but artists complaining that their "totally unique" emote idea got stolen and then every other emote artist shitting on them is really common so i believe it

>> No.78206420
File: 166 KB, 322x435, Screenshot 2023-12-09 111601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78218651

verified by real aiadmirers

>> No.78206490

I like Aia and her voice is fine
I just get hard filtered any time she snorts

>> No.78206518
Quoted by: >>78206819

Only thing I dont like Aia is that she never knows when to stop when she gets excessively crude.
Other than that, she's great.

>> No.78206545

I wish people would stop lying to her and telling her her laugh is cute

>> No.78206641
File: 3.51 MB, 1792x2304, 1690775727515966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78208412

boy tummy

>> No.78206652
Quoted by: >>78206696

I want Klara to whisper me and say if I really love her and Twisty that I'll cum enough for both of them

>> No.78206677

I like when women laugh they snorted. It's funny.

>> No.78206696
Quoted by: >>78206962

why is this idea so hot...

>> No.78206737

Well at least it's better than Amelia Watson's constant burping that's totally actually just hiccups
But it brings me out of it every time it's just gross

>> No.78206797
Quoted by: >>78216195

that drawing of elira from that notselen video had pubic hair around her mouth? what the fuck?

>> No.78206805

Melon Baller would be the best male vtuber ever

>> No.78206819
Quoted by: >>78207327

I just hate when she acts like that in collabs, it forces everyone else to either ostracize her in the conversation or bend their humor to suit her peepee poopoo pregnant boys sex lololol jokes for hours on end because she can't read the room
I literally cannot watch her because of that meme

>> No.78206845


>> No.78206935
Quoted by: >>78207136

i'm not annoyed by her voice but i can see how people can find it annoying, and she does dwell on a joke/bit a tad too long where it becomes unfunny. but underneath that she's a sweet and hardworking girl and i appreciate that a lot. i like how earnest she is, she wears her heart on her sleeve.

>> No.78206937

i only tolerate aia when she's not joining a collab that i wanna watch.
she's always made every collab less enjoyable.
all she does is repeat her overused jokes as if no one heard her the first several times.
then she will do it again in the next collab

>> No.78206962
File: 186 KB, 765x927, r7d13s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because that's what they deserve from you

>> No.78207076

twisty hypnotizing asmr where she makes you believe it's two of her but it's twisty and klara in both ears licking them

>> No.78207086

>damn that's like liking skibidi toilet and....idk...Nickelback

>> No.78207136
Quoted by: >>78207439

look, i don't care how sweet she is "underneath it all".
what is that contributing to her entertainment value

>> No.78207215

Doppio is a family guy

>> No.78207274
File: 727 KB, 1080x1080, FM3E3PWaQAIDhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78207431

wuca wuca!


>> No.78207327

exactly this.
she is very vocal in her humor that everyone else has to drag down to her level.
it's more enjoyable when everyone is naturally bouncing off of others, and aia ruins it

>> No.78207431
File: 722 KB, 3334x4096, 1683912700993116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78207572

Morning Cub.
What are you doing today? Apart from me, I mean.

>> No.78207439
Quoted by: >>78207720

i'm not here to argue with you, you don't have to like her, that's just my two cents. her DND streams alone are more than enough entertainment value for me. it's a lot of behind the scenes work that not many would be willing to put in.

>> No.78207492
Quoted by: >>78207579

>loving Aia isn't that hard
Yes it is. I do not love her. You can be the sweetest person in the whole world but that's not going to make people find your voice or your unfunny "jokes" less annoying.

>> No.78207572
File: 1.09 MB, 2812x3855, GP8dKCzbEAARdYo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78207742

it is ackshually 3pm but i finished watching a netflix series, going to watch aia's outfit reveal and tune into the street fighter collab later!

>> No.78207579

Who's your oshi?

>> No.78207590
Quoted by: >>78207645

Oh I'm sure she's a nice girl but if I have to hear the word goob one more time I'm blowing my fucking brains out

>> No.78207621

Uoooh Doppio saying his ABCs T o T

>> No.78207645
Quoted by: >>78207688

This but Ike and boi

>> No.78207688

Ike doesn't even say it that much

>> No.78207720
Quoted by: >>78208188

outside of dnd, tell your oshi to stop filling every bit of silence with either repeated jokes or obnoxious singing during collabs

>> No.78207742
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, E1jFou8VEAYaxXq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78207984

Why would you say a netflix series and not say what it is? Is it Bridgerton? It's Bridgerton isn't it?
Or A Christmas Prince.
You should watch the Netflix City Hunter movie it's pretty good

>> No.78207865

>Amelia Watson's constantly burping

>> No.78207984
File: 168 KB, 1607x1851, GJMpiVLW8AEfYkw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78208363

because i would start rambling about it and i shouldn't! i'll check it out tomorrow.
and what streams are you going to watch sir pomie?

>> No.78208149

I like her snorts, but I do genuinely dislike her voice

>> No.78208188

you can tell her yourself, her streamlabs link is in the description of each video. otherwise it costs nothing to leave a comment using a throwaway youtube account under a vod. both of these are more productive than looping this conversation each time she's brought up.

>> No.78208236
File: 851 KB, 705x860, 1717744669490831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78208986

man, plastic mechamusume girls really are my weakness due to their designers always designing them with leotards and the constant advancement of THIGHS

>> No.78208242

>Brutally jerking
The fuck is she supposed to be doing? Giving my dick rope burn?

>> No.78208279
Quoted by: >>78208392

you asked this yesterday and i just checked and you're still retarded for thinking you need perms to download a client side extension

>> No.78208363
File: 1.67 MB, 2071x2880, 1700858395851286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78208675

Sir? I'm a knight now?
I tried watching Doppio's stream but the Amanda game is just boring. I had the same issue with the first game I don't really get the appeal.
I'll probably just watch SF6 and Aia's outfit reveal since I don't think there's much else on today. I'd watch Twisty but I can't really enjoy Minecraft unless it's my oshi.

>> No.78208392

Management is often retarded too though

>> No.78208393
Quoted by: >>78208497

>Shoto senpai
Still not watching her.

>> No.78208396
File: 184 KB, 1800x1850, 1697132964293424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78208412

Shota EN member when?

>> No.78208434
Quoted by: >>78208486


>> No.78208446
Quoted by: >>78208635

so are you

>> No.78208486
Quoted by: >>78208553

i'd like a shota who doesn't feel like he zipped himself into the model with a gun pointed at his head

>> No.78208494


>> No.78208497

This is my biggest pet peeve ever for some reason, it instantly and permanently soured me on Za*on too when she called Suisei her senpai

>> No.78208553

ike (once a year)...

>> No.78208564

do you think nijisanji members need permission to download firefox over chromium browsers

>> No.78208565

petra gura...

>> No.78208572

you think people go on here to be productive?
be prepared to read complaints about aia every collab cuz she'll never stop being annoying

>> No.78208635

Well I’m not gonna deny that

>> No.78208675
File: 343 KB, 1800x2326, GCIPQErbEAA9mmb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for today, yes.
really? it is just similar to the usual mascot horror games but i think i just like seeing the different jumpscares or "lore" in it.
vanta is streaming beyond two souls later too but the game is so bad...

>> No.78208684

I’ll allow it since it’s Petra

>> No.78208691

Based on her reaction to people's criticisms it would actually be the opposite of productive to complain to her

>> No.78208713
Quoted by: >>78209029

I mean technically they are their senpai in the vtuber world

>> No.78208771

kek Pio you're evil

>> No.78208803
Quoted by: >>78208868

Someone tell me if that’s a phone mic or a webcam mic

>> No.78208847

Aiafags were annoying with the “post aia_pic#30 now” when that one groomer shared his cloud drive of Aia pics

>> No.78208868


>> No.78208914
Quoted by: >>78209023

That was a slip of the tongue, I'm talking about people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about. It's cringy enough when english speakers call other english speakers senpai, it's even worse when they don't know what words mean

>> No.78208953
Quoted by: >>78209112


>> No.78208986
File: 105 KB, 744x790, Fvxz_3_XoAAjZQ4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man you guys are so lucky to have stuff like Frame Arms Girls and ATK Girl model kits and who knows what else. It'd be lovely to see those with cool guys. I'd collect so many...

>> No.78209023

Zaion is Japanese I’m pretty sure she knew what it meant, it is pretty weird to call non coworkers senpai though and I can’t imagine Aia even knew what it meant when she called Shoto it

>> No.78209029

>Calling a random older person, with the same job role as you, in a conference/in the street, senpai
Autistic anon…

>> No.78209073
Quoted by: >>78209112


>> No.78209087
Quoted by: >>78209237

They're still annoying trying to make people guilty about not watching her or making everyone out to be a shitposter just for calling her annoying.

>> No.78209112
Quoted by: >>78209570

You just had to be there to witness their retarded posts

>> No.78209117

@ me when she shows the full outfit onegai, I don't care about the reveal

>> No.78209165
Quoted by: >>78209216

Time traveler anon?

>> No.78209216

The stream starts in 1 minute

>> No.78209237

that's just your self-victimizing brain

>> No.78209308
File: 96 KB, 335x235, Screenshot 2024-06-03 182034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like aia and i will not be replying to posts saying the opposite because i value my free time

>> No.78209313

Found one.

>> No.78209323

ok aiafag

>> No.78209360
File: 60 KB, 547x1035, IMG_4381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my bird wife Enna!

>> No.78209371
File: 3.31 MB, 352x480, 1693570299748779.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78209379

I’m excite for the outfit reveal it looks cool

>> No.78209400

I guess the wheel landed on aia today

>> No.78209401

This amanda game fucking sucks and I could only stomach it before because of nagi's cute engrish

>> No.78209452

You guys out yourselves so fucking easily

>> No.78209475

right before her outfit reveal too kek

>> No.78209489

i am an aiamigo and no one can change this

>> No.78209570


>> No.78209575
Quoted by: >>78209672

i want to know what's the unique thing it does

>> No.78209600

i actually forgot about this thank god i opened the thread today

>> No.78209642

every time someone tries to defend aia here i hear it in her voice i just imagine her furiously typing on the keyboard with tears in her eyes

>> No.78209672
Quoted by: >>78209741

i know she said you can see her ass

>> No.78209695


>> No.78209712

>outfit reveal is supposed to be a huge event
>still has less viewers than a shitty kusoge

>> No.78209741

inb4 it's actually an outfit you can only see from the back

>> No.78209751

Anyone have that clip of Aia getting triggered at someone in her chat dunking on Niji, it was during supermarket sim

>> No.78209758

reminder that you may not express any negative opinion of any vtuber in this thread and doing so makes you an anti and a shitposter, you must shower all 34 of them with unconditional love at all times of day and you are just spreading negativity and shitposting if you don't, and you should get the fuck out of our hugbox

>> No.78209765


>> No.78209791

Kek same

>> No.78209820
File: 521 KB, 710x625, wiwanervous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78209831
File: 132 KB, 855x968, IMG_4423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nijien for this feel?

>> No.78209872

Go to sleep

>> No.78209890

kill yourself "spiritmate"

>> No.78209898

Screenshotting this to use as a reaction

>> No.78209942

You called them out now.their feeling are hurt now anon :(

>> No.78209954
File: 45 KB, 127x109, 1708554633956473246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78210002
Quoted by: >>78210135

Ok Mondsucht

>> No.78210006
Quoted by: >>78210062

twisty delay stream
stummy hurt

>> No.78210029
Quoted by: >>78210488

Tbf it was a miracle Aia was hated here and in /nenmen/ so much when she debuted

>> No.78210062

Sorry that’s because of me

>> No.78210117
Quoted by: >>78210169

Based, Aia is the best thing that ever happened to vtubing and deserves more viewers than kuzuha and you should kill yourself if you disagree

>> No.78210119
Quoted by: >>78210205

21 days until AX and a ton of people haven’t left yet I’m gonna concernfag

>> No.78210130

makes me more annoyed when aia defenders talk about how "sweet and hardworking" she is.
ok, we never said that she's not those things.
all we're is saying is that she's annoying and not funny

>> No.78210135

the way he outed himself by going silent in her chat after an anon dug him out

>> No.78210137
File: 36 KB, 584x193, 1215312119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78210169
Quoted by: >>78210260

This but unironically. Kuzuha is the worst to watch.

>> No.78210205
Quoted by: >>78210259

they leave next week

>> No.78210206

Thanks for the funny stream Doppio! Not interested in watching Aia, thank goodness there's other people streaming elsewhere. See you next time! Will be back for Uki's handcam!

>> No.78210223

Word for word bar by bar the exact lines of text I wonder if they copy and paste?

>> No.78210239
Quoted by: >>78210391

I'll just need to keep linking his twitter because she shuts the fuck up after you do that

>> No.78210259
Quoted by: >>78210329

Did someone say that

>> No.78210260

I agree completely, his voice and laugh is annoying unlike aia's and she would never make shitty jokes about sex like he does

>> No.78210317
File: 2 KB, 235x226, 1712965144754237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78210399

Hey that was me!
Christ its been 2 years already

>> No.78210320
Quoted by: >>78210574

Doppio is gone, what now...

>> No.78210329

finana. she leaves after her birthday as far as she's told us.

>> No.78210356
File: 22 KB, 220x167, xi kiss my ass club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys ever get shit on by holozhangs hit em with this in return they hate being reminded of kissing Chinese ass for money.

>> No.78210391

kek I'm digging in the archives and I only see a few posts about it but this sounds hilarious

>> No.78210398

i miss fox mama so much it hurts

>> No.78210399
File: 79 KB, 250x246, Nina Kiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i've been using it back then on numerous occasions, times flies indeed

>> No.78210411

me (male)

>> No.78210412

If you don't find "Karlach Cooch" and "Mods, twist their balls" funny, I don't know what's wrong with you.

>> No.78210413

Fuck off and hang yourself immediately.

>> No.78210418

aia its been 10 minutes..

>> No.78210488

She's hated everywhere. I'm happy to know we can all be united regardless of thread in hating aia

>> No.78210512

for all that the thread goes to shit sometimes, it still manages to be overall less shitty than back then.

>> No.78210523

Wilson annoys me so terribly with his attentionfagging he is the worst of all the men when it comes to the obsession surrounding sex and ship jokes then he has the audacity to drag his annoying child fanbase into other livers chats during collabs then I have to watch Wilsoneers be annoying hypersexual shipfags towards other livers, Wilson has no humor other than "what if... sexual activity". While I'm at it the amount of inside jokes and offstream stuff they kept referencing in the Elden Ring totsu made me feel bad for Klara trying to speak up.

>> No.78210550
File: 853 KB, 812x598, schizophrenia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78210574
Quoted by: >>78211082

We wait for Uki's handcam! Or catch up on VODs. Or watch other corpos/indies. I'm watching the collab stream with Ike and Hakka.

>> No.78210579


>> No.78210580

XD I'm going to get you boypregnant you silly goob watch out

>> No.78210631

if i hear "wide birthing hips" one more time...

>> No.78210674

Everyone dunking on Aia feels almost as good as when everyone dunked on Petra for streaming on a mac

>> No.78210685

Looks like we got one

>> No.78210691

I don't get why people start their stream just to leave it on the starting screen for 10 minutes

>> No.78210692
Quoted by: >>78210886


>> No.78210693

At least it's (almost) the same nowadays but the slight differences make it weird.

>> No.78210696
Quoted by: >>78211025

Keep this garbage in the catalog I dont care about your shitty fake tribalism

>> No.78210702
Quoted by: >>78210899

wilson's attempts at talking about sex using gamer terms was so cringe

>> No.78210724
Quoted by: >>78210763

Going to use aia's backdoor.

>> No.78210728

i know, bugmom is ok, but i dunno, it feels like watching her during the minecraft arc where she plays pointless shit and collabs with people i don't give a rats ass, back in early 2022

>> No.78210758

Same with Scarle. I refuse to believe anyone defends Scarle that heavily unless it's her posting herself.

>> No.78210763

Aia definitely gave anal in the dennys parking lot

>> No.78210788

I hate 99% of sex jokes no matter who's making them, it is very rarely funny and makes me feel like I'm watching content made for 12 year olds

>> No.78210834

I hope she shows her tits

>> No.78210835

They’re the biggest crybabies whenever the thread won’t give her a chance

>> No.78210847

All the Aia hate comes from smoll pp havers

>> No.78210853

She struggles to get 1k viewers for anything, let her have this.

>> No.78210885

Aia’s just tits just swing around I can get why vanta gets distracted by them

>> No.78210886
File: 203 KB, 2047x2048, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened I'm not watching

>> No.78210891

Aster hate

>> No.78210899

I think it was really funny. Espicially when Twisty joined in on it

>> No.78210925
Quoted by: >>78211005

i miss big aiamigo cock...

>> No.78210929

i mean i guess a clit is technically a very small penis

>> No.78211005
File: 413 KB, 548x606, Screenshot 2024-01-29 222641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i meant after when she left. wilson just kinda...awkwardly tried to explain himself about not wanting lamias
i'm still here

>> No.78211006
File: 1.00 MB, 576x576, 1718375587796713.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78211007

see I told you he shuts the fuck up when you namedrop him

>> No.78211017
Quoted by: >>78212790

it was funny because she had the balls to follow through. wilson just blue balls you because he's too scared to finish sentences he started.

>> No.78211020
Quoted by: >>78211710

So is the influx of demons because rosemi couldn’t closed all the portals to hell?

>> No.78211025

Holozhangs masquerading as nijifans farming for drama.

>> No.78211082
Quoted by: >>78211332

I'm not big on Uki but I should catch up on that collab vod too

>> No.78211187

Everyone is fine in moderation, even the members I don't like, until they make me astral project of embarrassment. It is what it is.

>> No.78211217
Quoted by: >>78211318

Aia you should’ve just made it a separate stream

>> No.78211227
Quoted by: >>78211429

good to know we still have two big cocks that stuck around

>> No.78211278

@ me when she starts the outfit reveal

>> No.78211318

I'm glad Scarle always does that because she's a yapper

>> No.78211332
Quoted by: >>78211510

Which one? The Valorant one? It was really good. He didn't speak much but you could tell he was enjoyed the company of the other boys.

>> No.78211400
File: 109 KB, 2039x1378, 20230815_105230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78211466

i wanna stay up gor outfig but my eyes are failing me

>> No.78211429
File: 769 KB, 877x720, Screenshot 2024-02-05 203348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aia i love you but i'm going to jerk off to mono whle you do predictions
thanks I think.

>> No.78211432
Quoted by: >>78213966

@ me when she graduates

>> No.78211437

Most people are chronically lazy and leave setup until the last few minutes. It probably took her longer to set stuff up than she thought it would

>> No.78211466
File: 304 KB, 403x675, wiwaomg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78211703

go sleep man..

>> No.78211476

Twisty was funny because she actually understands what setting up a joke is instead of Wilson going Hey guys.. What if... Ok but... And then... The ... you know...

>> No.78211510
Quoted by: >>78211704

That one too but I meant the off-collab, I think I'm just going to get started on Vanta's last beyond two souls stream now though because I just realized he's continuing tonight... I have so much to catch up on

>> No.78211543
Quoted by: >>78211590


>> No.78211548
Quoted by: >>78212308

Oh I forgot about Aia's outfit reveal, I thought it was gonna be later.

>> No.78211554
Quoted by: >>78211746

>wilson is locked into making a sex joke
>still doesn't get to the point

>> No.78211568
Quoted by: >>78211627

Page 1 confession I don’t dislike them but the way Vanta and Claude talk annoys me they sound too zoomer

>> No.78211590
File: 922 KB, 1082x620, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking liar

>> No.78211627

i'm 99% sure claude is a zoomer, he said he's quite young

>> No.78211703
File: 176 KB, 883x957, Screenshot_20231228_091011_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78211759

i wanna see valkyrie aia thoigh

>> No.78211704
Quoted by: >>78212411

The baking one with Kaiyo? It's in two and a half hours! Unless there's another off-collab I missed. I need to catch up on Vanta's Beyond streams too. I saw most of the first one and laughed my ass off, his reactions are so hilarious. I have a lot to catch up on too. Being a fan of multiple vtubers is hard....

>> No.78211710

>diablo Jim released the gates of hell
>rosemi manages to defeat and seal off a portion of them
>aia is sent to earth in disguised as punishment but in reality to watch over Illuna
But how do Vox and Doppio fit into this

>> No.78211726
File: 354 KB, 3222x2940, 1662713320906306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you, what are you doing?

>> No.78211746

the thing is he locks himself into the sex jokes

>> No.78211759

i mean the vod is always there.........

>> No.78211776

Watching Nina's Dark Soul 1 marathon from 2022

>> No.78211850
Quoted by: >>78214989

thinking about holding a very tiny ike in the palm of my hand

>> No.78211871
Quoted by: >>78214989

watching outfit reveal

>> No.78211930
Quoted by: >>78212283

i still think she would be way better at games like those if she was fucking getting her glasses back or getting lasik.

>> No.78211988
Quoted by: >>78212319

Why are they all fat

>> No.78212007
File: 320 KB, 1536x2048, GQH2DC4XkAEDvXD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78212116

aia said this prediction was close to being right

>> No.78212116

hope that means she has a mask

>> No.78212182
Quoted by: >>78214989

Playing Odin Sphere

>> No.78212248
Quoted by: >>78212420

I thought we'd have enough livers to have someone streaming over other people's events but I guess with over 30 livers we're still not there yet.

>> No.78212283

It would be less endearing if she was good at them though

>> No.78212303

Myanon is drunk and vulnerable now...

>> No.78212308

It's okay anon a lot of people forget about aia

>> No.78212319
File: 449 KB, 686x1034, 1699123278580377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me to have sex with

>> No.78212411
Quoted by: >>78212498

I meant Ike and Hakka

>> No.78212420
Quoted by: >>78212966

doesn't matter how many people you debut, you'll have the same dead hours while everyone overlaps in a few hours

>> No.78212467

What’s with the recent Aia anting?

>> No.78212498
Quoted by: >>78212683

Oh whoops. They're incredibly cute. They can't stop nerding about music and I'm at the part where they start eating spicy noodles. Worth the catch up!

>> No.78212512
Quoted by: >>78214989

Waiting for Aia to show her new outfit. Might play some solo Apex while I do since I'm still waking up.

>> No.78212569
Quoted by: >>78212936

theres always this one faggot coming to the thread at this time and picking a random liver to shit on or a fanbase to insult for few days now

>> No.78212592

I just never talk about disliking livers unless a conversation happens to start about it so I can vent without shitting up the thread during a collab

>> No.78212606
Quoted by: >>78214989

Watching a membership stream and a karaoke while getting rid of a bunch of tabs

>> No.78212624

no idea but i feel bad for making the post that derailed the thread

>> No.78212683

It was a good one

>> No.78212719
Quoted by: >>78212763

Do you know when will the paladins set up the minecraft server so i can know when to go home?

>> No.78212725


>> No.78212763

i'll be cookin it up when Aia finishes

>> No.78212790


You all have a point. I probably wouldn't have laughed if Twisty hadn't done the 'I'm ulting' bit. I rarely watch Wilson's solo streams though, so I didn't know he does thos58xe jokes regularly

>> No.78212911

So pretty much schizo’s pick a random liver to shit and schizo away lately they’ve been trying to blame some random Twitter rosebud

>> No.78212936
Quoted by: >>78213085

If you dont like a post, feel free to ignore it

>> No.78212942

i seriously hate outfit prediction that the EN livers always fucking do, why can't they fucking do it like the jp's where in 30minutes they already showed the full body. I don't fucking care about what the fans thought your outfits will look like you literally doing the reveal for fuck sake to the first member that initiated this i hope you know how much you fucked up real bad

>> No.78212966

I'm not talking about dead hours though. I mean the entire branch stopping for an event like an anniversary or outfit reveal. Even worse when all the people you watch are talking about raiding to the person's event stream during the entirety of their stream. It's so annoying and I hate how I'm forced to care about people I don't care about.

>> No.78213007

It came from HoloEn and Lazulight

>> No.78213019

>to the first member that initiated this
Blame the other company they've been doing it for years

>> No.78213020
Quoted by: >>78213472

Uki loves streaming over people's 3D debuts

>> No.78213060

I think it was Coco who popularized it in Hololive, and from then on it was done by everyone and and their moms

>> No.78213062
Quoted by: >>78213322

i like the way scarle seperates it into two different streams

>> No.78213067

I cant tell if some faggot is doing some reverse concerntrolling or something

>> No.78213085
Quoted by: >>78213220

Ok Mondsucht

>> No.78213107

Looks like I already need to tap the sign >>78209758

>> No.78213163

thing is, i don't think he used to be this scared of cracking a dirty joke or roasting others. now he walks back any banter he dishes out.

>> No.78213220
Quoted by: >>78213289

Its obvious when some retard like that mondoksai is doing but I seriously dont like aia at all and I'll say it everytime this topic gets bring up, no hate to her though

>> No.78213272

just close the window? i will never understand complaints about raids, how hard is it to close a stream

>> No.78213289

we know Mondsucht

>> No.78213300

Hell I can even vent that I hate when uki acts like a twitterfag too much but it just doesnt get bring up that much

>> No.78213322
Quoted by: >>78213659

She does it in 3 most times actually, prediction -> reveal -> 6 hour autism zatsu

>> No.78213387

I just think they're really appreciative of their fans

>> No.78213426

I've never been all that fond of Uki but he usually stays in his own lane and my oshi gets along with him so whatever

>> No.78213434

>don’t appreciate your fans and artists who’s stuck with you

>> No.78213457
Quoted by: >>78213549

uki barely collabs

>> No.78213470

i think it's cool when my oshi does it. for others i just tune into the stream half an hour after the start.

>> No.78213472
Quoted by: >>78213614

I rarely see that but based if true

Shut up Mondstadt or whatever your name is you disingenuous faggot

>> No.78213524
Quoted by: >>78213614

It looks like got a new boogeyman, youre as annoying as your boogeyman, stop naming things

>> No.78213549

thank fucking god for that

>> No.78213597

>just close your oshi's stream that you've been looking forward to where you want to focus on them instead of talking about someone you don't care about GOD why is that so hard ??? ?? ?
Here's your (You)

>> No.78213614

Meant for
Sorry I'm new here

>> No.78213655
File: 244 KB, 512x512, 1688514642465423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78213701


>> No.78213662

new meat huh *rapes you*

>> No.78213659

and it's perfect, i wish they all did it. your fans will tune in for the first and last stream while people who just want to ogle can tune into the second stream

>> No.78213668

>aia's stream is so boring that anons would rather fight instead of watch her

>> No.78213701

thank you lovely boy

>> No.78213702

would ryoma furious masturbating with this outfit????

>> No.78213718


>> No.78213721

kotoka will never stream again...................................................................................................................................

>> No.78213746

He doesn't do that a ton outside of collabs, but his chat seems to enable those sorts of jokes more in particular which probably leads to him leaning into it for appeal. I really wish they didn't, I like his personality otherwise

>> No.78213807

@anon who wanted to know when the outfit predictions end

>> No.78213811

Fuck off youre not me

>> No.78213894

who ?

>> No.78213941

Aia is fucking dead

>> No.78213947

aia is dead

>> No.78213960
File: 2.53 MB, 2560x1440, 1712928691710071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone's jorkin it to this

>> No.78213966
File: 222 KB, 499x340, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she just graduated from life

>> No.78213973

damn the art in this is pretty nice

>> No.78214026

It's been 9 years

>> No.78214036


>> No.78214038

Aia corruption let’s goo!!

>> No.78214093

Learn english before ever replying to me again

>> No.78214148

How much did this cost

>> No.78214165

Did aia draw all the art herself??

>> No.78214197


>> No.78214211

no marie did it

>> No.78214239
File: 504 KB, 1243x670, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the art is so good

>> No.78214255

i like that aia does angel horror stuff its really something thats missing

>> No.78214269

Wtf her art has improved so much

>> No.78214314

wait does that mean that aia is changing her original lore in debut? Instead of getting kicked out of heaven because she was too much of a "menace" its because she had something wrong inside of her?

>> No.78214353

i like this better than her colored art, it looks like a storyboard for an animation

>> No.78214379

aww iluna gave her gifts

>> No.78214393


>> No.78214501

Aia cannot draw anywhere near this good

>> No.78214525

Kyo is fucking dead lol

>> No.78214534
Quoted by: >>78215031

idk why vtubers spend so much money on lores.
they're all so boring, and i never go back to watching them again

>> No.78214542


>> No.78214546


>> No.78214552
File: 2.22 MB, 2560x1440, 1717776810401298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78214563
File: 879 KB, 1193x690, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow marie improved so much over the years

>> No.78214596

>no kyo

>> No.78214669

he died remember

>> No.78214677
Quoted by: >>78214836

Please aia just show us the outfit and don't try to insert your stupid retarded skits to make it "funny" its not

>> No.78214681


>> No.78214718

kyo graduated from university, he has a job now and can't laze around on the campus

>> No.78214727

feesh is going to play valorant soon and ewiwa is going to join her

>> No.78214820

Illuna has a parking lot?

>> No.78214836

is this your first vtuber outfit debut or something

>> No.78214901

>disingenuous hatred vs genuine annoyance
Why is it so obvious

>> No.78214989
File: 103 KB, 1022x1000, 1662586876998646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it?
ike pape~
do you like it?
what sorta game is that?
aia feet now!
i need to close out my tabs...

>> No.78215031
Quoted by: >>78216181

Why are you even watching vtubers? Go watch fleshies then

>> No.78215032
Quoted by: >>78215090

wonder what the super secret, new to EN, brand new features are going to be though

>> No.78215077
File: 278 KB, 653x662, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78215090

my guess is three pairs of fully rigged wings

>> No.78215132


>> No.78215139

will it be sluttier than the previous one, come on aia you gotta save EN or something!

>> No.78215143

I want aia’s boots to step on my balls

>> No.78215184
Quoted by: >>78215238

she's up to the knees in the reveal you're safe to join

>> No.78215191
File: 231 KB, 644x413, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78215291

why are the boots so long kek

>> No.78215192
Quoted by: >>78216342

>over the knee boots
so far yes

>> No.78215238

Thank you for your sacrifice
>over 1 hour after stream started

>> No.78215246


>> No.78215282

She did leave an empty space when she was walking past the rest of Iluna. I like people that left getting acknowledged, but there are so many of them now that it sucks to be reminded.

>> No.78215291

cause it’s hot

>> No.78215292

I want to stain Aia's boots with my cum

>> No.78215347


>> No.78215370

Jesus those boots are high

>> No.78215376
File: 349 KB, 838x516, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78215459

is she wearing those boot-pants thing.....

>> No.78215432

eh, so far it's shit

>> No.78215450

>another lazulight collab
sasuga valorant

>> No.78215451
File: 891 KB, 686x895, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78215573

aia right now

>> No.78215459
Quoted by: >>78215573

Boots and pants?

>> No.78215473

you are now breathing manually

>> No.78215522

What the fuck is that eye

>> No.78215524


>> No.78215526


>> No.78215530

Aia has a little buddy

>> No.78215533

so the new feature is having a fully rigged third eye? boring

>> No.78215535


>> No.78215546


>> No.78215573
File: 654 KB, 914x672, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78215925

this thing >>78215451


>> No.78215582
File: 41 KB, 650x562, 1665837665270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78215586

the pussy hugging material

>> No.78215589
Quoted by: >>78215779

Ass so fat that you could see it from the front

>> No.78215597
File: 30 KB, 488x329, images (2) (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons don't know about long boots

>> No.78215598

Aia please move up a bit!

>> No.78215618

thigh squish from the boot.... nice.

>> No.78215634

The new feature is her having a cameltoe

>> No.78215645
File: 140 KB, 358x238, 1691391388915523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78215657

Her boots are like Jean from genshin

>> No.78215667

I really want to stick my hand between her legs and cup her vagina.

>> No.78215682

Imagine the smell

>> No.78215685

the cameltoe..

>> No.78215691

>aia is wearing slut gloves

>> No.78215692


>> No.78215704

I wanna live there

>> No.78215713
File: 613 KB, 1011x449, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat pussy

>> No.78215710

i cum on the eye

>> No.78215779 [SPOILER] 
File: 899 KB, 1062x1620, Takanashi_Kiara_Seventh_Costume_by_Yoshiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the new meta
Kiara's new outfit looks so trash holy shit all she had to do is fix the leotard and hair

>> No.78215781

I can't stop looking at her pussy.

>> No.78215799

chef's kiss

>> No.78215811


>> No.78215815
File: 804 KB, 1022x694, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda sex, i love knight-fantasy outfits

>> No.78215821

>anykara let aia has a cameltoe outfit

>> No.78215832

>so trash
Peak homosexuality

>> No.78215833

I kind of like the eye. Sort of reminds me of Lilarcor from Baldur's Gate 2

>> No.78215839


>> No.78215856

that leotard colour is so bad

>> No.78215891


>> No.78215903

i like the leotard color...it makes it extra slutty

>> No.78215912

Idk her crotch isn't a concave void, looks kinda like a bulge

>> No.78215914

Outfits are made months in advance anon

>> No.78215921
Quoted by: >>78215970

This outfit is boring as fuck so far, please pan up

>> No.78215923


>> No.78215925


>> No.78215970

You are gay

>> No.78215977
File: 831 KB, 1042x642, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78216006

>> No.78215981

this outfit always trigger my funkytown ptsd...

>> No.78215983

you are now aware that your tongue is inside your mouth

>> No.78215986
Quoted by: >>78216061

Aia’s outfit reminds me of power rangers

>> No.78215992

jesus christ my eyes, her legs look anorexic

>> No.78215998
Quoted by: >>78216099

Aia got breast reduction…….

>> No.78216006

sex hair sex hair sex hair

>> No.78216007

I like jiggling png's an unreasonable amount

>> No.78216014

I read that as klara...

>> No.78216017

She has that tissue thing hanging from her neck

>> No.78216025

Artists really need to stop drawing the crotch area in such a retarded way just as an excuse to draw the buttcheeks through the thigh gap

>> No.78216027
Quoted by: >>78216342

>how is it?
Brings me great nostalgia and gives me the warm fuzzies in my chest

>> No.78216037


>> No.78216049

TWO EYES??!?!?

>> No.78216057
File: 908 KB, 997x668, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this outfit is so lesbian coded

>> No.78216061
File: 23 KB, 320x240, 1695935177242258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78216066 [DELETED] 

Singing happening now!!!!


>> No.78216067

Grabbing Aia by the pussy.

>> No.78216089
Quoted by: >>78216239

Gayest post in this thread go slurp the sperm from your dad's withered urethra faggot

>> No.78216097


>> No.78216099

the power of cloth is holding her angel tits back

>> No.78216105

Oh NOW she wants to pander to yurifags

>> No.78216109
Quoted by: >>78216239

You can tell the rigger really didn't want to make it look right either

>> No.78216161

Fluffy long hair, skin-tight. Sugoi. Aia pls I need to go back to sleep.

>> No.78216181

for their actual streams, idiot.
you don't need to spend money on lores that don't have anything to do with your streams.
take a look at shu and vanta

>> No.78216184
File: 439 KB, 667x447, 1715151399993843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78216187

this outfit is giving me antagonist at an all-girls schoolof a yuri manga/anime vibes.

>> No.78216195

Late reply but wtf? Did someone point that out, I didn't even notice that.

>> No.78216206

SIX EYES?!?!?!

>> No.78216234
File: 208 KB, 808x189, 1695967550310758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extra kissable

>> No.78216233
Quoted by: >>78216716

containing lore to outfit reveals makes sense.

>> No.78216239

>Noooo you HAVE to like bad art and shitty anatomy because it makes ME coom!!!
Put down the hentai for a day

I feel bad for riggers who attempted to fix bad anatomy but they do their best.

>> No.78216247

It's just Jean's new outfit in Genshin

>> No.78216250

What you do is grab her by the waist put your dick between her thighs and fuck it.

>> No.78216265

She DID say that this is for Pride Month

>> No.78216294

so many eyes

>> No.78216296
Quoted by: >>78216342

But Aia I'm running Linux Mint

>> No.78216297


>> No.78216300
File: 762 KB, 897x688, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78216491


>> No.78216304

Her hair is so fucking beautiful

>> No.78216315


>> No.78216324

So many eyes

>> No.78216327

this appeals to straight men, lesbians and me as a fag. this is incredible.

>> No.78216336

That area is pure sex.

>> No.78216335

Aia has good outfits. Ughhhh I don’t like the eyes though

>> No.78216340

eye-a amare

>> No.78216342
File: 137 KB, 900x900, 1662544842340780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her hair is super flufffy i lovw it i want to touch it, she looks soo soft~
yay!!! thats good i need to finish elden ring
im running mac os

>> No.78216353

She looks like a manhua character

>> No.78216354
File: 84 KB, 300x300, IMG_4640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks so majestical i love it

>> No.78216357

Then go watch shu and vanta you normalfaggot no one's forcing you to enjoy how vtubers are supposed to be. Or go watch xcq or whatever it is you zoomers love these days

>> No.78216355

keep your eyes on me....

>> No.78216363

Ah... this light...

>> No.78216380
Quoted by: >>78216905

lesbian. yikes. id still tap dat ass though

>> No.78216383
Quoted by: >>78216434

>I don’t like the eyes though

>> No.78216391

SEX hair

>> No.78216394
File: 487 KB, 574x673, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78216442

femanons whats stopping you from dressing like this irl?

>> No.78216406
File: 192 KB, 700x937, tumblr_02604813144ecc126ddf9ad4196fb733_af8519b3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78216600

Yea its a Utena outfit, although she usually wears shorts.
The eyes are a cool touch, goes with the biblical angel shit.

>> No.78216413

Outfiit looks great, shame about the voice

>> No.78216416

holy shit.. might be one of my favorite outfits now

>> No.78216425

that lean is good

>> No.78216434

It’s distracting in a weird way

>> No.78216442

the extra eyes are cringe as fuck

>> No.78216443

After how much everyone hyped Aia's outfit up it was kind of a letdown for me tbdesu, the eyes are cool I guess but other people already have gimmicks that move when you blink, I was expecting something crazy and never-done-before like a mecha outfit or a complete monster girl model... I don't know which part of this was supposed to be super revolutionary

>> No.78216450
Quoted by: >>78216554

Holy fuck she's hideous. What the hell is that hair

>> No.78216464

she looks like a dude in these lesbian manga where every dude looks like a girl
you know what i mean

>> No.78216468

ngl I got a semi from this part of the outfit with how long it was on screen

>> No.78216475
File: 872 KB, 886x628, 1662588020436797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aia no glasses is really hot aaaaaaa

>> No.78216476

Boney looking ass

>> No.78216490
Quoted by: >>78216568

ugly hair...

>> No.78216491

She's got that Reinhard Von Lohengramm hair

>> No.78216519


>> No.78216522

Are Aia’s extra eyes as blind as she is?

>> No.78216528
Quoted by: >>78216568

i love the hair so much

>> No.78216554
File: 129 KB, 920x719, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78216765

lady oscar hair

>> No.78216568


>> No.78216581

lol it really is utena

>> No.78216583
Quoted by: >>78216655

You're gonna piss off the white knight aiafag/aia herself

>> No.78216587

Usually Aia looks more asian when her model takes off the glasses, this outfit strangely doesn't make her look asian...

>> No.78216600
File: 135 KB, 1564x1564, oxefpkf29r981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm telling you it's Genshin

>> No.78216615


>> No.78216631

i love the hair and the eyes so much

>> No.78216638

I think her mouth is ugly

>> No.78216649
Quoted by: >>78217070

I feel like this outfit would look better on a guy. I want to see this on male Aia.

>> No.78216655

Please have mercy on me gwently

>> No.78216661
Quoted by: >>78216726


>> No.78216670

>Kiara's new outfit looks so trash holy shit
I think this is purely a contrarian take

>> No.78216674

oh wow, so similar

>> No.78216673
Quoted by: >>78216831

seething retard

>> No.78216710

Things I learned from this outfit reveal

I want to stick my face in Aia's pussy.

>> No.78216715

Aia's outfit reminds me of Blade from Nucarni....

>> No.78216716

no one cares about the lore.
the outfit is what matters.
you can just explain your outfit, and that saves you so much money

>> No.78216726

Kys you too

>> No.78216740

you mean relena peacecraft

>> No.78216760

Why did you leave Kyo...
What the fuck for, you're not even getting half the views you used to.

>> No.78216765

SEXXXXXX SEX WITH OSCAR MY HUSBANDO god 70s and 80s shoujo had the best art

>> No.78216803
File: 582 KB, 600x816, 1831_600_webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78216846

genshin invented military outfits

>> No.78216831

You're the one seething because vtubers cater to weebs instead of normalfags. Cope more.

>> No.78216833

wow. and what came before genshin and was a key cultural pillar and contributed to popularising designs like these? utena, among several others.
genshin beggars kill yourselves immediately.

>> No.78216836

I want a thighjob from Jean so much

>> No.78216846

Is that childe

>> No.78216848

Fuck kyo, he's not worth the extra trouble with perms

>> No.78216883

>it's ragebait. she's just baiting

>> No.78216884
Quoted by: >>78216962

>Outfit reveals too slow they bitch
>outfit reveals too fast they bitch about it’s supposed to be a special event

>> No.78216905

Thankfully she's bi.

>> No.78216924

>t. Mondsucht

>> No.78216962
Quoted by: >>78217026

>>outfit reveals too fast they bitch about it’s supposed to be a special event
No one has ever done this, Millie's 2 second outfit reveal was the best one ever

>> No.78216965


>> No.78217010

Oh, look, I'm on the telly

>> No.78217026

You mean when she leaked it to membership by mistake?

>> No.78217030

cute aiamigo

>> No.78217057
File: 42 KB, 550x558, 1682822529666432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78217114

threeway with aia and scarle~

>> No.78217069

wow you are actually retarded.
i enjoy vtubers how their meant to be enjoyed, by watching their streams.
lores have nothing to do with that unless they do heavy RP that consistently relate to their lore

>> No.78217070


>> No.78217090
Quoted by: >>78217268

Who the fuck wants Kyo

>> No.78217096
Quoted by: >>78217152

she's pan (bi for fancy people)

>> No.78217114

this but you me and myanon

>> No.78217119

No the one where she revealed it fast then later did a 12 hour meme reveal stream

>> No.78217130

Rubbing aia to orgasm through her new pants and you can see her soaking through because it's white.

>> No.78217142

That was the newest one, the previous one she was dying and had to rush

>> No.78217152

she can pan deez nuts HEHEHEH

>> No.78217157

too many fucking eyes blinking at the same time...

>> No.78217224

>NijiEN never even tries to play a character
>entire personality is just "lol I'm myself"
>lore is treated like a joke and never referenced again since they are just "streamers with an anime avatar"

>> No.78217252

very nice

>> No.78217253
File: 106 KB, 640x596, 757592B7-908C-4EF2-B7C2-46B2F3C4596A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is this

>> No.78217254

The eyes remind me of aloupeeps. It gets cuter over time.

>> No.78217268
File: 3.04 MB, 500x462, 1716939292294191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78217275
Quoted by: >>78217353

>samefagging because you're the odd one out
Seethe more, tourist

>> No.78217309

Holy shit go back

>> No.78217312

You can now reply to supas

>> No.78217333
Quoted by: >>78217475

anon did you dox yourself

>> No.78217353
Quoted by: >>78217642

you will never fit in

>> No.78217360

That’s most vtubers

>> No.78217381

The way the pants hug her pussy and ass and thighs makes my pp tingle so it's a good outfit.

>> No.78217403

Aia hate

>> No.78217433
Quoted by: >>78217660

yeah the lean is mad good

>> No.78217446
File: 356 KB, 1847x2048, 20350215_234800_IMG_0901 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.78217455

The rigging is insane.

>> No.78217472

why do you hate every western vtuber ?

>> No.78217475

Yeah I’m thomas

>> No.78217507

The new feature is leaning

>> No.78217508

I fucking hate how normalfags and tourists ruined vtubers like this. The best part of vtubers that sets themselves apart from fleshfags is lore and playing a character. You can have your own personality and put yourself in your character but in the end you're a character.

>> No.78217545

oh the lean is the new feature. that's actually cool and can be used for more things than the eyes

>> No.78217575
File: 1.25 MB, 4096x3072, 1718496659043255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are our demon girls

>> No.78217583
Quoted by: >>78217660


>> No.78217601

Stop pretending to be japanese

>> No.78217627

Well you're in the wrong place, because NijiEn literally bills itself as "streamers with anime avatar". That's the whole gimmick.

>> No.78217630
Quoted by: >>78217687

I wanna squeeze her pussy.

>> No.78217642
Quoted by: >>78217739

You don't fit in because you want flashfag culture in vtubing. Go back to watching twitch, tourist

>> No.78217647


>> No.78217660
Quoted by: >>78217717

Nevermind, she's right here >>78217433

>> No.78217666

Did she have to ask for that for specifically or will it be put on new models as default?

>> No.78217687

i want her pussy to squeeze me

>> No.78217705
File: 3.27 MB, 2560x1440, 1705169216525153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

approaches you

>> No.78217717


>> No.78217720

probably had to ask for it, she said it's a toggle.

>> No.78217724
File: 265 KB, 354x434, Screenshot_20240616_084440-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78217840

This but with Aia and Scarle.

>> No.78217733

oh she has different pupils now

>> No.78217732
Quoted by: >>78217793



>> No.78217739

die mad

>> No.78217793

Mega retard

>> No.78217839

I also hate how a lot of EN vtubers just completely break immersion but there are only like a handful of JP vtubers who actually commit hard to their lore too and even less who make full fledged videos for it

>> No.78217840

SEXXXX except scarle is in her lingerie outfit and never gets to leave the room

>> No.78217842

>still seething
Did aia's lore scare you that much?

>> No.78217862

this outfit is really beautiful if you don't hear aia's voice and just look at the image alone

>> No.78217898

This anon is angry at anime characters for being anime characters

>> No.78217899
Quoted by: >>78218015

put your grasses on

>> No.78217914

I also dont like lore

>> No.78217916
Quoted by: >>78218030

Wait what lean.. just the moving back and forth? It just looks like Scarle's original model with the staff

>> No.78217923

damn she might have the best eyes in EN

>> No.78217931

my hair is like this

>> No.78217940

She's just so southern

>> No.78217946

Are these new expressions or from her 3.0

>> No.78217960

her eye tracking and the lean are for the outfit alone

>> No.78217994

take better care of it

>> No.78218001


>> No.78218016

>implying its just nijien
holotard youre whores do the same

>> No.78218015
Quoted by: >>78218118

Nothing will be wong

>> No.78218021

>Scarle and Aia having lesbian sex while you dick both of them down

Nmffff, my inner gooner is awake.

>> No.78218030
Quoted by: >>78218082

you'll just have to pay closer attention

>> No.78218039
Quoted by: >>78218097

This. I appreciate vtubers who put at least some effort into their lores and kayfabe

>> No.78218051
File: 224 KB, 1500x1500, 1686041709729579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me feel it, i love fluffy hair

>> No.78218072

her original hairstyle is so ugly

>> No.78218082

I don't get it ;_;

>> No.78218097

who in EN even does this?

>> No.78218104

her old hair looks so dull now kek

>> No.78218118


>> No.78218132

>aiafags still fighting instead of watching her stream
They don't even watch their own oshi

>> No.78218160

Aia's a whore though, that's why nobody oshis her

>> No.78218198
Quoted by: >>78218311

twistyfag still seething for getting outed

>> No.78218203
Quoted by: >>78218309

>Blue clock lady is supposed to be a god of time or some shit
>In reality she's the most pathetic lesbian to ever walk the earth
A lot of them do it, don't shit on those that at least try to keep up the kayfab.e

>> No.78218228

we love whores here

>> No.78218232

I like lore but only when it's consistent with their personality

>> No.78218235
Quoted by: >>78218343

I still don't find the leaning an unique feature with all the talk a good amount of Members did i thought it was going to be crazy original

>> No.78218245
Quoted by: >>78218931

The vast majority of vtubers Japanese or Western the furthest "lore" and "character" goes is something they joke about or maybe have catchphrase or speech patterns that references it or whatever. Almost none of them will actually play that character in any significant way in normal streams like limiting the things they talk about or say they do to fit with that character or whatever. You have high school students that will talk about doing adult things, you have cat girls or dog girls that will talk about doing normal everyday things like going shopping and they get treated normally by other humans when in reality if there were a real dog or cat girl people would be freaking out. Only very few of them are dedicated to playing the character.

>> No.78218257

Committing to their lore and sticking to kayfabe? Rosemi, pretty much all the boys, Maria, and Denauth all do it pretty well imo.

>> No.78218270
Quoted by: >>78218466

the new hair is so good... i need more retro shoujo-esque hairstyles, pomu's pigtails were great too

>> No.78218281


>> No.78218309

It's just such a weird thing to say for a NijiEN fan since NijiEN is literally just "streamers with an anime avatar" and is quite proud of that fact.

>> No.78218311


>> No.78218343

I did too... I can't even tell what the leaning is, I guess they just lower the centerpoint of the rigging or something? It's cool I guess but I never would have noticed it without her pointing it out

>> No.78218377

Vox to the point it become a hot topic with fans not knowing if he is just acting or it’s real.

>> No.78218396
Quoted by: >>78218896

Vox made an entire fucking movie just to introduce a new model.

>> No.78218436

the lean has a roughly 20 degree rotation along with a near-140 degree arc which is arguably a significant separation from the norm

>> No.78218466
File: 3.57 MB, 294x392, 1665881592273424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78218676

it is!!! fluffy hair is so nice, i really love it!

>> No.78218478

damn aia killed it with this outfit. a lot of vtubers in general think "for my next outfit, we need to get sexual to provide the viewers fanservice" but they forget that being cool is also a fanservice and goddamn does she look straight out of legend of the galactic heroes. her 2nd outfit might make me horny, but this outfit is just frfr really cool and very family friendly. win win

>> No.78218484
Quoted by: >>78218550

>nobody oshis her
>has one of the highest amounts of superchat in EN, and probably the highest ratio of superchats to viewers
If you don't know what you're talking about, it's okay to shut up.

>> No.78218483


>> No.78218509
File: 587 KB, 581x730, Screenshot 2024-06-15 203150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy and can die.

>> No.78218544
Quoted by: >>78219206

Imagining pulling down her pant and panties around her thighs and the moment the head of my penis slides past her lips and penetrates her.

>> No.78218550
Quoted by: >>78218777

>has one of the highest amounts of superchat in EN
Gave me a good laugh, thanks anon

>> No.78218578

Ok shu

>> No.78218643

Shut up, shu

>> No.78218651


>> No.78218669
File: 14 KB, 598x126, 1694655075300632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78218676
Quoted by: >>78219442

it's reminiscent of feathers too, which fits the theme. i was obsessed with rose of versailles for a while, i love the entire outfit. i want to accessorize with eyes now

>> No.78218699
File: 107 KB, 333x472, Screenshot_20230926_100823_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78220229

she looks so pretty

>> No.78218704

His best stream idea yet if true.

>> No.78218719


>> No.78218741
Quoted by: >>78218914

>aiafag doesn't even watch streams and just shits up the place thinking that defending aia will make anyone watch her

>> No.78218768

no one in nijien is actually playing the character from their lore, which is why spending money on them is pointless.
in the end, it's just their streamer personality that doesn't change no matter what model they have

>> No.78218777
File: 94 KB, 565x1192, po5txo7grb4d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78218814
Quoted by: >>78218934

he knows too many trannies

>> No.78218845
Quoted by: >>78218947

i don't know why but when i look at the image alone i find the outfit so fucking beautiful and mesmerizing but the moment i look at her stream the majestic appeal of the outfit gets destroyed when she talks

>> No.78218856


>> No.78218885

alban killed himself....

>> No.78218896

And he's been working on it since debut and dropped hints at the story throughout the year leading up to it.

>> No.78218906

i cant cum on all the eyes....

>> No.78218914

>thinks the aiafag is someone who defends her
actual aiadmirers don't shit up threads, if they do, its falseflaggers

>> No.78218922

It's because it's the anniversary of one of the gay club shootings

>> No.78218931
Quoted by: >>78219250

Why wouldn't they do normal everyday things?

>> No.78218934

I was about to say this kek

>> No.78218939

claude is joining valorant btw

>> No.78218947
Quoted by: >>78219067

It’s the dork voice…

>> No.78219021

thats just vtubers in general lol bringing up nijien in that context makes it sound like you dont watch anything but nijien theres like a couple of significantly sized vtubers that are actually dedicated to their characters

>> No.78219032


>> No.78219067
Quoted by: >>78219236

but I like that voice :aiacry:

>> No.78219104

thank you for the prettiest outfit reveal aia!!

>> No.78219112

>only counting 2024 AND against people who don't even stream
Thanks again for the laugh
Captcha: 4PAG2
You gotta stop eating that if you want to stop saying dumb shit anon

>> No.78219122

How is her 3rd outfit more sex with less skin?

>> No.78219160
Quoted by: >>78219205

Yeah I love how gura only streams once every two months because sharks can't stay out of the water for too long

>> No.78219199

It's hilarious to me that just by not graduating Vox and Shu make more money than people who stream all the time. They just stream twice a month and earn more than people who stream 40 hours a week.

>> No.78219205


>> No.78219206

Imagining sticking my tongue in her butthole.

>> No.78219221

Oh damn I thought it was something serious

>> No.78219236
Quoted by: >>78219437

I get people not liking a voice but you don't have to make your only comment about her being how her voice is made from the 10th pit of hell or whatever, that just shows that they're annoying and attentionfags.

>> No.78219244
File: 2.22 MB, 1280x720, 685435138543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78219352

>> No.78219242
File: 52 KB, 933x801, FLuZNv1aUAMDM1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78219250
Quoted by: >>78219678

If you are comitted to playing your character and you talk about going out into the normal human world then people should be reacting to you accordingly, if you are playing something unusual, a character that isn't a normal human and don't act as if people react to that in your stories but are instead just treating you as if you are a normal human then you are breaking character.

>> No.78219312

>No one is streaming
What went wrong to nijien?

>> No.78219353

>Enna makes around the same as Aster or Zali

>> No.78219352

i love women man

>> No.78219368
File: 134 KB, 2048x1263, IMG_7817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78219375

pee break

>> No.78219380

Less streams actually give you more money, people love comebacks

>> No.78219387
Quoted by: >>78219743

This is why I always laugh when aia and scarle's white knights try to brag about them having such high superchats. They both stream a ton and supabait like their lives depend on it. That's not a feat at all.

>> No.78219437
Quoted by: >>78219602

You cant stop me but learn to distinguish genuine and disingenuous fags itt

>> No.78219442

the shojo style is really pretty, i love how elegant and hot it looks, the red eyeliner is really pretty as well

>> No.78219458
File: 85 KB, 595x676, 1660338175375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78219464
File: 36 KB, 700x144, pulse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there another one i'm missing? if so, uki's late or this tweet is two days old

>> No.78219473

why do you think Gura only streams once every 2 months?

>> No.78219475


>> No.78219479
Quoted by: >>78219836

Vox barely breaks 1k these days

>> No.78219482
File: 754 KB, 965x965, wi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please work Elira’s PC.

>> No.78219491
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, FSO_HaqaMAEgP14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78219609

i only have juice, im just happy!

>> No.78219511

ey bros can you not numberfag against your fellow organs im more of a piano guy but even i keep it to myself

>> No.78219571

Just watch Gura
She's streaming with 30k+ views
Why don't you just watch her?

>> No.78219591

You want a snack?
Well go look in the mirror because you are one! (・ω<)

>> No.78219595

>no one in nijien is actually playing the character from their lore
???? What are you even saying?? Never mind you just sound like you're smoking something illegal in every country to say something this retarded. I'm not even going to respond anymore because at this point it's just bait by how stupid it is.

>> No.78219602

I Can and Usually do but I will not let such a good day for Aia be filled with samefagging fatties

>> No.78219604

shes ugleh

>> No.78219609
File: 374 KB, 1082x916, IMG_5582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78219809

GOOD!! im happy if you're happy

>> No.78219629
Quoted by: >>78219824

I wonder if Ike will stream tomorrow

>> No.78219660

sheeshfeeesh is gonna celebrate

>> No.78219670
Quoted by: >>78220007

oh yeah it's like shojo style but done shounen. none of that elongated hands or lack of curves. just the best of both worlds

>> No.78219678
Quoted by: >>78220025

They're in character, it's the public that's out of character. Honestly that's part of the willing suspension of disbelief that everyone has to deal with, because if they play a character that isn't able to interact with the world, they're not going to have anything to talk about onstream.

>> No.78219689

can't imagine how this even fits the context though

>> No.78219694

Literally just watch Gura dumbass, or Fauna. I never get tribalfags. NijiEN content sucks anyway

>> No.78219714

>makes it sound like you dont watch anything
Took you a while to figure that out about him

>> No.78219740
Quoted by: >>78219891

why am i supposed to care about other vtubers in the nijien board?
i started this entire conversation asking why vtubers need to spend money on lore unless they are actually RP'ing as their characters.
and no one in nijien does that

>> No.78219745

i want to see wiwa in the same style now, i think it would suit her

>> No.78219743
Quoted by: >>78220200

>Supabaiting BAD

Am I the only one who sexualy gets off to superchat baiting? Soon as I hit send money I blow my load.

>> No.78219754
Quoted by: >>78219848

he tweeted it just now, but he still has his waiting room up so I hope everything is ok... it doesn't make sense for him to reference pulse several days later but maybe

>> No.78219809
File: 82 KB, 1052x708, GJwo3UqbEAAewNR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78220262

i am!! for now.. kek

>> No.78219824
Quoted by: >>78219906

member's stream where he jerks off in the dress

>> No.78219836

Breaks 1k what? We're talking about superchats so barely breaks 1k what? Care to elaborate?

>> No.78219848

He had a Pride stream with other gay guys so maybe some memories got dug up there

>> No.78219891
Quoted by: >>78219951

for funzies. have you ever had fun before, anon

>> No.78219892
Quoted by: >>78220120

Numberfag this *steals your ccv counter*

>> No.78219906

Big if true

>> No.78219951

Obviously not, he hates vtubers

>> No.78219967
File: 212 KB, 1000x1000, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78219973

I’ll die if that happens.

>> No.78219982
File: 78 KB, 843x634, ITGOESITGOESITGOESITGOESYUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78219998

Shu had his birthday in May though. He was always a low earner overall

>> No.78220007

yeah! the long limbs clamp style looks weird sometimes but i got used to it quickly xxxholic was one of my favorites
i wanna see maria as a fancy doll now

>> No.78220025
Quoted by: >>78220275

The vtuber is breaking character, if they are something unusual their character wouldn't experience the world in the same way as us and acting as if they do is breaking character.

>> No.78220076

Boring and a whore

>> No.78220120

I actually wish they would remove that

>> No.78220162
File: 36 KB, 374x360, Millie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people love come

>> No.78220200

Wow aia still has groomers huh

>> No.78220205
Quoted by: >>78220289

Aia hate that immediately shifts to soft shilling to other corpos has to be the most forced thing the thread always does

>> No.78220217


>> No.78220229


>> No.78220262
File: 169 KB, 600x600, 20350117_091859_IMG_9569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you continue to be happy!

>> No.78220271

I'm not retarded

>> No.78220275

Nah if some big tentacle demon lady goes to the store and nobody reacts then it's the general public that's ooc in her lore.

>> No.78220289

Seethe about it
