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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 561 KB, 1920x1080, 65445454345454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77978732 No.77978732 [Reply] [Original]

>Every corpo zhang kneeling
They were the good guys all along

>> No.77978933

kinda funny saying that with kuro in the picture, bugfujo's second favourite faggot. or michi, who tried her best to leech of off them for it.

>> No.77978941
Quoted by: >>77997187

Ironmouse is so strong... I kneel

>> No.77978956
File: 265 KB, 799x800, 5763453657545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They respect their talents and don't chase the bag like the greedy JP corpos sellouts that went public.

>> No.77979055
File: 376 KB, 680x672, 6564378897345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the past. Everyone deserves a second chance. If any Holomem or Niji liver want to escape the zhang Jazil, Vshojo doors are always open.

>> No.77979504

They were always the good guys and I've been saying that for years but you guys always called me racial slurs. In the end it was always just a few bad actors.

>> No.77979749
File: 443 KB, 3159x2761, 1708619258390016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've already made this bait before.

>> No.77979778 [DELETED] 

be gone bugman

>> No.77979895
Quoted by: >>77996667

everyone calmed down since the zhang nation attacked

>> No.77980178
File: 881 KB, 1307x659, 56866978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77997187

idk about vshojo but the boyz will have a field with blibli expansion news.

>> No.77982123

Kuro intentionally got rid of those people from his fanbase while he was still at Niji because they were making him miserable. The fans that remain don't go schizo when he collabs with a girl now because they're significantly more sane than the hordes of Chinese fujos that had surrounded him during his start at Niji.

>> No.77982220
File: 550 KB, 1536x2048, 789458743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad they saved Coco

>> No.77982258

If nothing else you can credit VShojo for intentionally closing that door for them. So long as they have Kson they literally CAN'T break into China. Anyone taking her into their org would have known that going in, and they willingly took that responsibility on.

>> No.77982705
Quoted by: >>77982802

I see that you got tired of pretending and you take off your mask.

>> No.77982802

Anon this is clearly a falseflag

>> No.77982973

Anon, that's OP.

>> No.77983059
File: 573 KB, 2926x4096, EuABFkyXAAEvhh1.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't mouse stop using her most popular model because one of her "mama" artist went publicly full cultural revolution against Kson on social media.

>> No.77983099
File: 261 KB, 1340x900, kson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao Kson is in Bilibili, moron

>> No.77983229

I still don’t watch Vshojo

>> No.77983245

No, VShojofags think this.
Read the rest of the thread and see that I'm right.

>> No.77983275
Quoted by: >>77983736

Obviously she still has some genuine fans who post clips there for those without VPNs.

>> No.77983346

>think this.
And what is "this" exactly?

>> No.77983409
Quoted by: >>77983736

o7 anon

>> No.77983529

I still watch Vshojo

>> No.77983557

>guys all along

>> No.77983586

Too bad she didn't do that when the faggots attacked Silvervale.

>> No.77983676
Quoted by: >>77983873

i don't think mouse has any models illustrated by retards from r/gamingcirclejerk

>> No.77983736
Quoted by: >>77983954

So your first argument is a lie, if that were the case all these clips would be deleted
talk like a human being, moron

>> No.77983738
Quoted by: >>77983873

The cunts who attacked Silvervale made her model?

>> No.77983863
File: 770 KB, 1000x1910, 1716323666537744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nia also did Nyanner's old model.

>> No.77983867
Quoted by: >>77984293

after the trash aka Nyanners, Veibei and Silvervale left, yeah

>> No.77983873

>the morons think I was talking about the model
She did nothing and remained in a complicit silence.

>> No.77983954
Quoted by: >>77984428

Anon, just because someone is posting unauthorized clips does not mean kson is welcome on bilibili. Please just use your brain for once in your life.

>> No.77984111
File: 69 KB, 1155x255, 1700963292704542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checking the archives somebody really wants to blame Vshojofans for anybody who is critical on Cover's plans to get back to china.
As a vshojofag I can be glad that Vshojo doesn't deal with china without being a hololive anti and I think hololive fans can be against that decision without being holo antis too, considering what happened in the past. But ultimately, not our problem. Stop deflecting to us.

>> No.77984293

lmao you are just like sisters

>> No.77984428
Quoted by: >>77984615

>unauthorized clips
Yes, that doesn't exist.
Your argument was that the Chinese hate this woman with all their soul, if this were the case this would not exist.

>> No.77984470
File: 293 KB, 662x720, vshojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama come you deserve better

>> No.77984544

>Checking the archives somebody really wants to blame Vshojofans for anybody who is critical on Cover's plans to get back to china.
>As a vshojofag
You really don't know how to argue.
I literally am that guy and all you did was prove me right.

>> No.77984570

congrats on your 3-day
based, fuck JShojo

>> No.77984610


>> No.77984615
Quoted by: >>77984809

The fact that clips exist of her on bilibili has literally nothing to do with whether the Chinese like kson. But everyone already knows that they hate her based on what happened during the chinkout, so it's weird you're trying to deny it. Have fun with whatever it is you're doing.

>> No.77984646

Anon, did you forget what happened the last time a real Japanese woman joined your shitty company?

>> No.77984659
Quoted by: >>77984875

>I literally am that guy
of course you are. that's why this thread exist.

>> No.77984673

Henya? It worked out great.

>> No.77984736

hafus don't count.

>> No.77984796
File: 689 KB, 853x886, menherachan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77985119

Even if she gets some bad rep she absolutely was professional during her whole contract duration at Vshojo.

>> No.77984809
Quoted by: >>77984867

>The fact that clips exist of her on bilibili has literally nothing to do with whether the Chinese like kson.
>literally nothing
bilibili is a Chinese page used exclusively by Chinese
>. But everyone already knows that they hate her based on what happened during the chinkout, so it's weird you're trying to deny it.
I literally never did that

>> No.77984867
Quoted by: >>77984960

>used exclusively by Chinese
you went there to take a screenshot, so you are admitting to being chinese

>> No.77984875
Quoted by: >>77984974

Do you think I'm OP?

It doesn't matter, I was right.

>> No.77984877

Unless Haachama intends to speak in broken english 100% of the time she doesn’t have much to gain, the Vshojo Japanese audience isn’t exactly large.

>> No.77984905

>admits to trying to start a tribal war to deflect from china
Folks, when global sends their people, they're not sending their best. They're sending falseflaggers. They're sending tribalfags. They're sending antis. And some, I assume, are good people.

>> No.77984952

>Haachama intends to speak in broken english 100% of the time
I would cum.

>> No.77984960
File: 28 KB, 300x240, 1566932794312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, now we are going to the same dance as yesterday.

>> No.77984974

You were not correct and it's no coincidence that you are ITT. Stop trying to deflect.

>> No.77984986
Quoted by: >>77985216

you said "exclusively"

>> No.77985001

Isn't Kson the only one who even streams in Japanese anymore? Henya is always streaming in English

>> No.77985071

>>admits to trying to start a tribal war to deflect from china
No, I literally didn't do that.
>They're sending falseflaggers. They're sending tribalfags
For a Vshojofans to say that is the most hypocritical thing that exists

>> No.77985119

kek true more than silver was on her last stream

>> No.77985121


>> No.77985137
Quoted by: >>77985428

why do indonesians not understand how to pluralize words?

>> No.77985167
Quoted by: >>77985428

The irony of this post, lol.

>> No.77985216 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>77985250

Yes, but the fact that I took a screenshot to make a point doesn't mean I should use that bug page.

>> No.77985249
File: 128 KB, 800x529, 1708224634986481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77985492

Henya said multiple times wants more JP members. Henya gets what she wants.

>> No.77985250

you used it though

>> No.77985303
Quoted by: >>77985415

Pretty much, and Kson isn’t exactly their largest member anymore, while I can see the argument for joining Vshojo over HoloEN, HoloJP is huge and you’d be missing out by not joining them if you had the chance.

>> No.77985311

>Didn't Mouse stop using her most popular model
>Too bad she didn't do that
>Why did you idiots think I was talking about her model???
Learn English you stupid piece of shit

>> No.77985397

Even that is flat out wrong.

>> No.77985415
File: 233 KB, 1384x2048, 767345876554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77997080

to end up just like reglos

>> No.77985428

rent free
the irony of Vshojofags accusing you of being a tribalfags in a tribalfags thread

>> No.77985492

cute retard should maybe do more JP oriented streams then, not abandon them for Euros who won't watch her anyway.

>> No.77985532

mudasir, when you are talking about one thing or one person you do not add the s at the end of the word
hope this helps!

>> No.77985545

You are being tribal by generalizing all vshojofans because of a falseflag on the catalog, dumbass. So yes, it is indeed ironic for you to complain about tribalfags when you are one yourself.

>> No.77985581

Petrodollar is over thanks to Saudi Arabia and that power is going over to BRICS. Everyone is going to be sucking zhang and brown schlong in the next 10 years. Game over man.

>> No.77985629

This bait thread was dead until the two retards from yesterday decided they would continue their retardation today
You should just exchange discords already and kiss

>> No.77985757
Quoted by: >>77991603

see >>77979749
OP already made a bait thread with this format, and in that same thread he accidentally made a reply >>77372763 instead of making another bait thread which he made immediately after the same-image cooldown was over >>77373175

>> No.77986534

>As a vshojofag
VShojofags don't leave their general btw

>> No.77986559
File: 347 KB, 843x806, 5947954536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77986754

the last vtuber who trusted them went bankrupt.

>> No.77986754

>Trusting the literal evil of vtubing more ancient than the Chinese
The are multiple chronological errors in that statement by the way, on top of it being the usual pity bait of "its not my fault that company was on the verge collapse! It wasn't my fault all of our talents started quitting!"

>> No.77986856

How naive are you?

>> No.77987055
Quoted by: >>77987706

Absolutely not true, you can go into /vsj+/ and occasionally see them discussing retarded catalog tribalshit like here

>> No.77987335

I respect Vshojo. I don't respect Hololive anymore.

>> No.77987706

Funny that in your example they just make fun of the holo tribalfags who have to do mental gymnastics on why it's ok when hololive does it but complain when anybody else does it.

>> No.77987753
Quoted by: >>77988547

you do realize that the faggot there was one of the biggest chink panderers until that fountain dried up, right?

>> No.77987792

Why do they talk about hololive in the VShojo general? Kiara did a collab with one of their former member like 2 years ago or something.

>> No.77988255
Quoted by: >>77988342

because somebody posted her new rigging.

>> No.77988342

So, they can't ignore off-topic?

>> No.77988416
Quoted by: >>77988698

>Generalize all Hololive fans into tribalfags while engaging in tribalfaggotry yourself
Idk anon. Looks like Holofags and Vshojo fags are literally meant for each other. It's like when a catalog shitter generalizes Vshojo posters and then Vshojofags get into a fight with them and generalize all Holofans. I've seen enough of this shit to know you're all the same.

>> No.77988476

>Why do they talk about hololive in the VShojo general?
Because she got a new sexy and cute model and some off-topic fag decided to post it unprompted.

>> No.77988547


>> No.77988657
File: 1.23 MB, 1404x782, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77989198

>2 years ago

>> No.77988698
Quoted by: >>77989273

It's not entirely off-topic I guess since Kiara mentioned Vshojo recently and Matara mentioned Kiara.

I never generalized hololive fans. Nice try though.

>> No.77988833

Because this is 4chan.

>> No.77988948

There is not a single major general on this board that ignores off topic for what it's worth. People have no impulse control

>> No.77989198

Two collabs in 3 years (almost 4).
Not sure if it's eligible with the "vtubers who frequently associate with VShojo" guidelines you have in your general.

>> No.77989273

>since Kiara mentioned Vshojo recently
Yet, they are not talking about that.

>> No.77989369

You can tell that VShojo truly is the #2 corpo in the West now that tribalfags have moved on from blaming all of the anti posts on nijifags to vshojofags. Vshojobros, we've made it!

>> No.77989574

Does that mean Ennacuck will start botting vsj streams as well? Or do his bots only work on youtube?

>> No.77989616
Quoted by: >>77989696

>Two collabs
Rissa was also in a handful of Zen collabs and collabed with Mouse. Mori just collabed with Mouse again and has collabed multiple times over the past few years. Henya also has collabed with Ina and within the last month ccollabed with her and Mori again. And if you want to go back a long time then Bae was also on Mouse's show.

>> No.77989627

Silvervale hasn't had any collabs in more than a year and she's posted in every single thread.

>> No.77989696

We're talking about Kiara, anon. Or you can post anyone from hololive for no reason?
Ex-member, not the same

>> No.77989722

That's more due to Niji falling off so damned hard, but congratulations nonetheless.

>> No.77989765
Quoted by: >>77989976

Tell the jannies to do something about it then. Like this anon said >>77989627 Silvervale hasn't collabed with anyone in VShojo since leaving and left on bad terms so the thread doesn't want to talk about her. But someone has trolled the thread daily by posting about her for over a year now so it is what it is.

>> No.77989930
Quoted by: >>77990137

You can post anyone from any company for no reason. Hololive, Phase, Idol, Vallure, whatever. Jannies don't enforce off-topic rules so sometimes the thread is entirely about vtubers that have nothing to do with VShojo.

>> No.77989976

Multiple responses to an off-topic post that turned into a tribalfagging. I don't think I've ever seen that on a hololive general.

>> No.77990087

That's because all of /vt/'s jannies are hololive fans so they're in those generals all day.

>> No.77990137

>Jannies don't enforce off-topic rules so sometimes the thread is entirely about vtubers
Except that one janny who kept deleting threads if the previous one wasn't on page 11 or so the Vei baker could have his OP.

>> No.77990212
Quoted by: >>77990344

>all of /vt/'s jannies are hololive fans
Playing the victim card now?

>> No.77990344
Quoted by: >>77990415

>ask why the vshojo general is filled with shit
>get answer
>oh you're a victim now?
What are you even doing dude

>> No.77990415

You make assumptions, how would you know that all the jannies are hololive fans?

>> No.77990493

Because if you make similar off topic posts in /hlgg/ it vanishes quickly. You literally just said you've never seen anything like it in them lol.

>> No.77990496
Quoted by: >>77995336

It's not tribalfagging to recognize how often the catalog shits on rigging that includes bouncy tits and then see the catalog defend it vociferously when it's Kiara's tits instead.

>> No.77990584

Anon do you think someone could get away with posting regularly off topic posts in every single thread every single day for over a year in another thread? Because it's happening in /vsj+/ and has happened. Look, here's the ritual Silver poster in the current thread live right now >>77989259 >>77990020

>> No.77990601
Quoted by: >>77990924

Okay, you're definitely trolling now because it happens in Global especially whenever Phase gets brought up. That's why I brought up the example from /vsj+/. Vshojo fans and Hololive fans are pretty similar. I'd add Nijifags too but most of their biggest retards fled to small corpos to do small corpo tribalfagging.

>> No.77990924
Quoted by: >>77991032

holofags are not the one saying:
>we don't leave their generals, everyone who shittalks in the catalog is a falseflagger
>we are not tribalfags
They think they are better than holofags, but it's as you say, we're all retards in here.

>> No.77991032

Well they aren't chinese bootlickers so they are better actually

>> No.77991136

Yeah, because every holofag agrees with that decision.

>> No.77991236
Quoted by: >>77991310

They all at least support it.

>> No.77991242
Quoted by: >>77991310

>vshojofags think this
>every holofag agrees that

Hi sister.

>> No.77991310

Who is "they"?
Anon, learn what sarcasm is...

>> No.77991343

There might be a clue in the post I am replying to.

>> No.77991383
File: 127 KB, 828x821, 1691272876683467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unityfag make believe
Twitter thread

>> No.77991445
Quoted by: >>77991602

Why do you assume that everyone disagrees with this decision?

>> No.77991452
File: 177 KB, 1366x768, Fut-lezWYAAm0t_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vshojo learned from Cover. The best way to win is to not play. Yet Cover are making this mistake.

>> No.77991602

You're the one assuming that everyone agrees. I'm saying that there are a lot that might agree with it on a financial level, but not on a moral level.

>> No.77991603

I'm only noticing it now but that last thread quoted here >>77985757 has a similar-ish filename as the OP >>OP
As if he poorly tried to randomize his filename by hammering the numpad with 3 fingers.

>> No.77992581

Oh you're right.
It's extremely blatant now that you pointed it out

>> No.77994136


>> No.77994373

I genuinely don't understand why they are doing this, they are already thriving financially, subjecting their streamers to a mentally unstable audience that has new trigger words/topics every couple weeks is a terrible idea.

>> No.77994592
Quoted by: >>77994900

>Vshojo learned from Cover
The only ones who are causing problems are you, vshojofags

>> No.77994730

>implying that the claim that all the anti posts are the fault of nijifags is false.

>> No.77994900
File: 1.61 MB, 500x337, spam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77995134


>> No.77995014

>mods banned me for being racist against chinese while defending hololive
>the OP literally says zhang
how I hate the jannies' double standard

>> No.77995134
Quoted by: >>77995270

wow that's literally nothing.
Meanwhile you decided to ruin the catalog with your stupidities, faggot

>> No.77995270
Quoted by: >>77995805

you played your hand too early

>> No.77995336

The issue is with taking the most moronic drivel from the catalog, /#/, etc. and ascribing it to an entire fanbase. it just creates pointless fights and is all-around retarded because you're letting some 70 IQ tribalfag live in your head rent free. The last thing we need is a holo vs vsj tribal war that faggot like this >>77984111 are trying to materialize into existence.

>> No.77995676

This board is 90% Holofags. Holo has shit rigging. It's very funny that you can pretend like it's rent free when it's inescapable on this board lol.

>> No.77995805
Quoted by: >>77995919

Yes, that's not even an argument and you ignored everything I said.

>> No.77995858
Quoted by: >>77995941

If it makes you this buttmad just stop coming here or just filter so you only see /vsj+/. When I see someone being a faggot in the catalog I just laugh at their retardation and then move on with my life.

>> No.77995919
Quoted by: >>77996289

>the china spam is literally nothing
is a statement that can only be made by a troll or someone literally so new there's no point in talking to them.

>> No.77995941
Quoted by: >>77996225

Nobody said anything about being mad though? You go to the catalog and you see stuff and you know who's probably posting it and you move on. Simple as lmao

>> No.77995998

Sorry, but you are literally a Vshojofag.
It's not my fault that you decide to make a falseflag to attack Holo.

>> No.77996099
Quoted by: >>77996409

why is your very dumb post written in broken english

>> No.77996194

They have shareholders now. Making money isn't enough. You have to always be making more money than you made before.

>> No.77996225

You literally have no idea who's posting anything because this is an anonymous imageboard, if they actually watch or are just here to shitpost, how representative their views are of the fanbase as a whole, etc. I genuinely think you belong in /#/, if you want to have pointless tribal wars with falseflaggers that should be your home thread.

>> No.77996249
Quoted by: >>77997187

Chink panderers should die miserably.

>> No.77996289
Quoted by: >>77996419

>The moron once again started accusing everyone who disagrees with him of being a newfag.
that "china spam" is nothing compared to what coco suffered.
Also, stop ruining the catalog with your stupidity.

>> No.77996338

If this is a falseflag thread then he's not a vshojofag, try thinking a little before posting, also OP already got caught baiting with a similar post and image 1 week before >>77344301

>> No.77996409
Quoted by: >>77996591

It's funny that every time the Vshojofags lose an argument they start talking about grammar.

>> No.77996419
Quoted by: >>77996595

you're not even making sense. stop replying to me and lurk.

>> No.77996445
Quoted by: >>77999763

yes just like every other menhera intentionally chase off their paying audience as well, its all part of their genius plan

>> No.77996516
Quoted by: >>77996711

no, read the rest of the thread. this is what vshojofags think.

>> No.77996591
Quoted by: >>77997021

What argument were you even making?

>> No.77996593

>a fanbase full of twitchfag and actual SEA MONKEYS
yeah no
>and a fuckng froot
wheres the fuckng money froot?

>> No.77996595
File: 137 KB, 687x407, Screenshot_20240612-204014_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78000096


>> No.77996667

more like lose their shit after niji Q4 disasters, NDF need to work after all.

>> No.77996711
Quoted by: >>77997187

Think what?

>> No.77996716

pick one

>> No.77996792

>thinking that vshojo can get anything other than ex niji garbage
lol,lmao even

>> No.77997016

>>admits to trying to start a tribal war to deflect from china
said the vshojo triballist himself KEK

>> No.77997021
Quoted by: >>77997241

nothing, I just said that you are a Vshojo fan and he said that's not true

>> No.77997062
File: 809 KB, 618x364, data.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77997080
Quoted by: >>77997243

which is better than vshojo? yes

>> No.77997187


>> No.77997241
Quoted by: >>77997373

Sounds about right.

>> No.77997243

aren't they begging for subs so they can get 3d? henya got it for free like a week after she debuted

>> No.77997245


>> No.77997256

>You can tell that VShojo truly is the #2 corpo in the West now
whos gonna tell him?

>> No.77997312

Literally none of those are vshojofags.

>> No.77997317
Quoted by: >>77997533

What's wrong with these posts? Also some of them have nothing to do with each other.

>> No.77997324

>That's because all of /vt/'s jannies are hololive fans so they're in those generals all day
ah clueless retard, vshojofag in a nutshell

>> No.77997373


>> No.77997410
Quoted by: >>77997525

>Well they aren't chinese bootlickers
worse, sea monkey and twitchfag

>> No.77997428
File: 112 KB, 640x801, 1714598410150534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77997761

Where's Gunrun's Q4 report, vshoujouou trannies?

>> No.77997441

>for free
lmao vshojofags are stupid

>> No.77997489
Quoted by: >>77997624

Are you crying on cooldown?

>> No.77997510
Quoted by: >>77997624


>> No.77997525

see >>77996716

>> No.77997533
File: 139 KB, 708x379, Screenshot_20240612-205504_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make up your mind.

>> No.77997576

>half your roster soon to be EX NijiEn
>f-fuck china bro!

>> No.77997582

>This board is 90% Holofags. Holo has shit rigging
whos gonna tell him?

>> No.77997622
Quoted by: >>77998006

These 2 posts don't contradict each other, are you okay?

>> No.77997624

Five posts ago you said that there were no vshojofags in this thread.

>> No.77997626
File: 237 KB, 2070x1734, IMG_7636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77997862

Henya just got her 3D a month ago for her 1 year anniversary, what do you mean? Or do you mean the concert 3D one? That one was about 4 months.
Kuro, on the other hand, got 3D after like 2 months iirc.

>> No.77997680

both and that is vshojo.

>> No.77997752
Quoted by: >>77998120

Are you sure that wasn't the voices in your head?

>> No.77997761

Vshojo didn't go public. It's a private owned company. They are not obliged to report to investors.

>> No.77997767 [DELETED] 

stop projecting indog, now back watching your sea monkey streamer kuro and michi

>> No.77997862

He presumably means the Candy Pop model. VShojo did pay for part of Henya's 3D debut but she ended up having to cover some of the costs herself because she used up her projects stipend.

>> No.77997910

>aren't they begging for subs so they can get 3d?
ah the clueless tourist/newfag coming from twitch

>> No.77998006
Quoted by: >>77998172

So what you are saying is that this is a false flag but at the same time they are right?
I also remind you that you started by asking a question and I answered you.

>> No.77998020
Quoted by: >>77998228

>pick sea or twich
>michi and kuro
pick what again?

>> No.77998082
Quoted by: >>77998194

>the more I post on cooldown, the more I'll look not mad, that's how it works

>> No.77998120
File: 146 KB, 691x367, Screenshot_20240612-210418_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77998172
Quoted by: >>77998378

Some of them are right. For example this person >>77994373 makes a cogent criticism, agree or disagree, nothing wrong with it. But if you actually think vshojofags have mori_trash_taste.png saved on their PC to bait with rather than nijifags you're below average intelligence even for this board.

>> No.77998192

I'm not a vshojofag I'm a china anti

>> No.77998194

What are you talking about?
Who are you quoting?
what is your point?

>> No.77998228

You are mixing up streamers with a proper internet connection and PCs and phone viewers relying on shitty mobile data plans >>77997062

>> No.77998252
Quoted by: >>77998645

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, so let me spell it out for you: saying that OP is falseflagging is not saying no vshojofags are in this thread.

>> No.77998293
File: 872 KB, 841x836, 1713822459109212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77998388

>hololive: crawling back to the chinese
>nijisanji: disastrous Q4, hinting at folding EN
>vshojo: made a mudhutter angry
At the end of the day, there are no good vtuber companies.

>> No.77998378
Quoted by: >>77998543

So I was right and there are vshojofags in this thread.
>But if you actually think vshojofags have mori_trash_taste.png
I don't know, I don't care what vshojofags do with their images.

>> No.77998388

>>vshojo: made a mudhutter angry

>> No.77998543
Quoted by: >>77998909

Nobody said there wasn't. You, however, have now made half a dozen posts seething about someone saying that in another catalog thread weeks ago.

>> No.77998645
File: 272 KB, 719x790, Screenshot_20240612-210936_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter, he didn't give proof that the OP is not vshojofag.
Also, it doesn't matter if the OP is fake or real, all the morons in your company agree with him 100%.

>> No.77998909

>Nobody said there wasn't.

>> No.77998932
Quoted by: >>77999069

Obviously no one can prove a falseflag, it's just obvious to anyone with sufficient brainpower.
The person in picrel is legit, but of course, that post came after dozens of posts attacking vshojofans and calling them indogs.

>> No.77999038
Quoted by: >>77999142

Again: saying "this post is a falseflag" is not that same as saying "no one here is a vshojofag".

>> No.77999069
Quoted by: >>77999181

>Obviously no one can prove a falseflag
holochad they do it all the time. In fact, now I just did it.

>> No.77999095
Quoted by: >>77999364

2 of these posts prove that OP already made a similar bait thread 1 week before. (which was even backed up by Ennacuck and his usual youtube thumbnail screenshots)

>> No.77999142
Quoted by: >>77999266

>Literally none of those are vshojofags.
>Again: saying "this post is a falseflag" is not that same as saying "no one here is a vshojofag".

>> No.77999181
Quoted by: >>77999530

Your problem is that you don't speak English well enough to understand what this conversation is about. Posting on imageboards is a good way to learn a language but you should consider doing your reps instead.

>> No.77999245
File: 1.56 MB, 1350x4950, Ennacuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77999266
Quoted by: >>77999831

None of the six specific posts you pointed out was a vshojofag. However there's at least three of them in this thread.

>> No.77999300
Quoted by: >>77999635

Awww... Vshitshow trying to fit in.

>> No.77999364
Quoted by: >>77999655

I already told you that it doesn't matter, all vshojofag think the same as the OP.
That's why you're arguing with me and not the OP.

>> No.77999530
File: 196 KB, 719x662, Screenshot_20240612-212341_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I won this argument again.

>> No.77999635

Nah. There are already too many chink cocks in holowhores mouths. There's no chance they can fit in.

>> No.77999655
Quoted by: >>78000050

How am I not arguing against OP when i'm literally exposing his previous shitposts?

>> No.77999691
Quoted by: >>78000050

bro we can't understand you

>> No.77999763

He curated that audience himself and intentionally attracted them. He has admitted it several times.

This. Imagine giving up being a literal millionaire because artists drew your fictional character having sex with another fictional character.

>> No.77999831
File: 269 KB, 719x735, Screenshot_20240612-212609_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that but one of your mythical three vshojofag agreed with this supposed falseflag

>> No.77999907
Quoted by: >>78000109

That's me and I'm doing the opposite of agreeing

>> No.77999957
Quoted by: >>78000109

That's me? Holy cow you are REALLY bad at telling your anons apart, yet put yourself out there as some sort of authority on who's posting what.

>> No.78000050

Yes, that's why you guys don't stop answering until you run out of arguments.
I don't know, why don't you say where you disagree with what the OP said?

>> No.78000096
File: 633 KB, 909x1031, 1717034778625591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78000109
File: 175 KB, 719x482, Screenshot_20240612-213245_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78000163

Yeah and she's gone as far as to basically say it's retired for that reason a couple times.
She literally made a statement about the wizard game bullying when she didn't have to and was like the only member to do this. Was she supposed to somehow shutdown twitter for Silver? Why are Silverfags like this? That bullshit is like a regular day for Mouse with the seethe she generates just by existing and she never expects a friend to tank it for her, she stopped checking stuff like her own email for a reason.
You're almost as ridiculous as the anons asking why she didn't publicly pick a fight with Niji over Doki when they've barely interacted.

>> No.78000167
Quoted by: >>78000472

We're trying to figure out what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.78000170
Quoted by: >>78000470

I never shit on Vshojo for being west taiwan sympathizers. I shit on them for being boring talentless frauds.

>> No.78000237

schizos schizoing so hard they can't see the nuthouse for the schizos anymore

>> No.78000246
Quoted by: >>78000472

What do you expect these constant screenshots to prove except that you're a filthy phoneposter?

>> No.78000309

thanks for the (You), moron.
Now prove me wrong and say you don't agree with what OP said.

>> No.78000331
Quoted by: >>78000697

Wait, so you're pro-chinese? You realize that many holo watchers are against china because of its psychotic and aggressive antis right?

>> No.78000436
Quoted by: >>78000697

I didn't read a single one of your posts retard, I just saw a schizo screencapping random posts.

>> No.78000470
Quoted by: >>78000697

Well they don't have talents like pandering and sucking chinks cocks so ofc you wouldn't like them. But hey, there are already a bunch of whores who have those talents. You should watch them.

>> No.78000472
File: 95 KB, 945x526, 1659927420733071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny that every time the vshojofags lose the argument they start insulting you and changing the subject.

>> No.78000548
File: 58 KB, 644x589, 2904892871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78000801

Explain this, vshoujokeks. You can't it's impossible, I win.

>> No.78000697
File: 462 KB, 719x1400, Screenshot_20240612-213912_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remind you that this argument started when you said that the OP was not a vshojofag and was a falseflag.

>> No.78000801
File: 145 KB, 620x900, GPe6Q9ebkAACoJ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based holochad

>> No.78000915
Quoted by: >>78001446

The way this schizo just repeats himself over and over and never addresses anyone's point is giving me intense marineschizo vibes. Then again I don't remember marineschizo ever spamming screenshots of the posts he's replying to.

>> No.78000918
Quoted by: >>78001446

see >>77979749
This "argument" was already solved 6 hours ago.

>> No.78001173
File: 157 KB, 1678x417, 1699793728288311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78001550

Wow, you got 'm all right this time. Good job! 88888

>> No.78001446

Yes, I was proven right hours ago when the vshojofag agree with this "falseflag"
>vshojofag are marine fans because their rat queen is one

>> No.78001526
Quoted by: >>78001718

Ok but you do realize that many Holo watchers are against China and unhappy with Hololive's recent decision right?

>> No.78001536
Quoted by: >>78001718

Baffling post and ESL once again but thanks for confirming you're a newfag too.

>> No.78001550

Did a couple of screenshots seriously offend you?
lmao schizo.

>> No.78001622
Quoted by: >>78001787

see >>78000096

>> No.78001683
File: 4 KB, 453x104, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78001787

explain this, phasekeks

>> No.78001718
File: 175 KB, 694x471, Screenshot_20240612-215419_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao decide on your stupid arguments, I'm not going to argue two completely different points at the same time.

>> No.78001787
File: 305 KB, 708x892, Screenshot_20240612-215701_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78001855
Quoted by: >>78002002

Why the fuck did you quote my post then you fucking retard?

>> No.78001935
Quoted by: >>78002094

Then fuck off? Imagine being such a newfag phoneposting schizo that you can't argue with two anons at once.

>> No.78002002
Quoted by: >>78002456

Why wouldn't I do that?

>> No.78002094
Quoted by: >>78002264

Do you realize that I am arguing against the entire thread at the same time and winning?

>> No.78002232

Thanks for the image, it will be very useful in the coming months.

>> No.78002264
File: 29 KB, 330x346, 1708977467574476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78002366


>> No.78002366
File: 168 KB, 771x804, aaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>78002591


>> No.78002456

I don't know i'm not your psychiatrist, you're literally quoting posts then complaining when people quote you back.

>> No.78002591
File: 44 KB, 227x222, 1705612461836576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice reddit image confirming you are a turbo newfag who showed up last week, but you can go back now

>> No.78003295

By the way, this is me.
Do you know how I discovered that vshojofag were behind these antihololive threads?
These threads seemed suspicious to me yesterday, so to see if they were the work of vshojofag the only thing I had to do was use a bait of such poor quality that only a retard could fall.
Yes, the only characteristic these vshojofag have in common is that they do not know how to avoid bait.
Look at this thread, they still keep falling for the bait and they will never learn to avoid it.

>> No.78003679
File: 274 KB, 719x780, Screenshot_20240612-221522_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the vshojofag started using holos images
not a falseflag btw

>> No.78003857

No, I'm complaining that you don't know how to argue.

>> No.78003872

This reddit meme is often used by LARPers, i'm pretty sure that guy is a Phasefag.

see >>/vt/?task=search2&search_filename=1566932794312.jpg which he posted here >>77984960


>> No.78004009
File: 72 KB, 719x457, Screenshot_20240612-222211_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love ruining these types of threads.

>> No.78004049
Quoted by: >>78004337

Does vhoejo have room for mor niji expats at this point or will they have to find somewhere else

>> No.78004124
File: 577 KB, 960x722, 1717717980624449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78004337

I don't know, but considering that the EN division is about to die, it's going to be interesting to see who gets in and who gets left out.

>> No.78004347
Quoted by: >>78004642

Opinions on VShojo changed after the exodus and new hires.

>> No.78004548
File: 1.68 MB, 1774x1612, 1715768659877767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they like this?

>> No.78004642
Quoted by: >>78004916

Henya single handedly saved them from just being thee toxic whore group.

>> No.78004675

Good find anon. I wondered who would want to start a tribal war between holochads and vsjGODS but of course it's a phasekek from the bvtm facebook.

>> No.78004833

>OP is a falseflag and not a real vshojo fan
>Ok, so you don't agree with what he said?
I think the funniest thing about this thread is discovering that the vshojofag agree with this falseflag

>> No.78004916
Quoted by: >>78005708

Yes, but in exchange his fanbase became toxic from one day to the next.

>> No.78005708

the funniest thing is the guy who doesn't speak english at all accusing vshojo of being a SEA group

>> No.78005953

During the entire thread you tried to equal agreeing with OP (who is wrong on both accounts) and disliking China.
All you've managed to do is expose yourself as a massive shitposter >>78003872 attacking vshojo, holo, and niji, but not phase.
