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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.19 MB, 4096x2895, SummeRyS car wash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77931826 No.77931826 [Reply] [Original]

>NIHIL part 2

>Not a devil cover




>Connect the World MV



>HoneyWorks Covers

>Story Time

>Snow Halation Cover

>SodaRyS Cover!




>Promise Half year anniversary merch
>Clear folder
>HoloFES 5 non random merch
>Starter Merch
>2024 Valentines merch
>2.0 Plushie
>3D Acrylic
>KimonoRyS rerun
>OMOCAT merch

>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)
https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)

>Channel / Twitter


>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs

>Previous Thread

Report all "irys" posters, Brazilians, and British, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs

>> No.77931846
File: 400 KB, 649x722, Aloha Cheebso comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sip* Ah... My car

>> No.77931864
File: 169 KB, 335x339, 1691802188889571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77931942
File: 609 KB, 1138x710, meganeRyS_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77931963
File: 239 KB, 1123x1080, 2023-01-11_22-24-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burger king

>> No.77931971
File: 588 KB, 779x669, ZeroRyS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it suspicious if you know a lot about the Advent girls that she doesn't collab with

>> No.77932083

Most of us watch other girls too or browse other threads

>> No.77932093

that car? me
the sponge? me
the soap? also me
the water? guess what also me
the swimsuit? spoiler warning me

>> No.77932111

the worst part of the crab game collab was being forced to listen to ollie, risu and kobo screech like banshees for 90 minutes

also there should have been open VC for the dead people

>> No.77932135
File: 120 KB, 609x1000, 21421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77932194

I don't agree with the pissing and moaning about Bae, Mori, and Kronii but I can at least understand some of the critique. I'm still waiting for a non mentally ill criticism of Shiori or Nerissa though. Here she is finally bonding with "unicorn friendly" ENs and you fags are still complaining.

>> No.77932143
File: 285 KB, 490x527, dreddrys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77932208

Automatic fail

>> No.77932157

you whores can leave now
bye bye!

>> No.77932194

go away you have like 10 other thread to shitpost in leave this one alone

>> No.77932208
Quoted by: >>77932414

I've seen you in /cheeb/

>> No.77932211
Quoted by: >>77932330

I don't know shit about any of them. None of them are IRyS.

I've watched Nerissa a little (not for a while though), ditto Fwmc, but that's it.

Speak for yourself

>> No.77932330
Quoted by: >>77932406

You forgot to put an unnecessary period at the end of the second reply

>> No.77932374
File: 54 KB, 420x374, 1716513495380674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77936116

>> No.77932392

i watch all of advent except shiori
they line up their timeslots so there's almost always something on in the evening before IRyS

>> No.77932406

Typing with one hand is hard.

>> No.77932414
Quoted by: >>77932461

SmolRyS is no Cheeb

>> No.77932425
File: 2.33 MB, 1080x1920, 1712588793195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, no cookie. Koikatsu keeps crashing every time I try and take a screenshot, I tried for like an hour

>> No.77932461

cheeb adjacent

>> No.77932473


>> No.77932725

>most of us
no that's just you. I only like IRyS and stopped caring about the rest of EN since 2022

>> No.77932784
Quoted by: >>77933747

thanks for the pie :o sucks about the cookie though
can you not take a screenshot outside of the game or something?

>> No.77932924


>> No.77932963

I should stop trying to comprehend what mental illness causes people to come here and talk about other girls like it's global

>> No.77933099
Quoted by: >>77933168

It's common and acceptable behavior in every other general

>> No.77933158

I always look forward to you having meltdowns when other girls talk about IRyS, she's not even your oshi at this point this thread is and it hates you. Imagine having your oshi hate you...sad!

>> No.77933168
Quoted by: >>77933327

then stay in other generals and talk about whoever you want there

>> No.77933178

>using a small sponge with a scuff pad on the back to wash a car
Man, I knew she was a dummy, but this...

>> No.77933210

When IRyS is hanging out with those other girls instead of streaming of course that's going to be the primary topic of the day. Are you retarded?

>> No.77933327

I'm explaining to you why it happens retard, it happens everywhere else and no one cares because its not a big deal. The fact that you sperg out about it just makes it that much easier to post it more to get a reaction out of you

>> No.77933333
Quoted by: >>77933523

it's not that deep. they get off on seeing their oshis get called whores and sluts. it's cuckoldry at this point

>> No.77933523
Quoted by: >>77933621

I'm compelled to believe this is the truth for some numerary reason

>> No.77933621
Quoted by: >>77933694

The truth is that guy is known for seething about it so much that people show up just to make him seethe even more because it happens every time

>> No.77933694
Quoted by: >>77933744

You're replying to him retardchama...

>> No.77933744

I am aware, I am contributing to him seething further

>> No.77933747
File: 2.67 MB, 1080x1920, 1693332711218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you not take a screenshot outside of the game or something?
I guess I could, but I think it loses some quality if I do it that way. And it just worked all of a sudden for some reason

>> No.77933917

IRyS is a lesbian (fake)

>> No.77934122
Quoted by: >>77934205

IRyS is a 13 year old boy in the body of a woman

>> No.77934205

she's not that old

>> No.77934227

thanks for the cookie Koianon

>> No.77934279

FemRyStocrats get all her attention but deep down know they can never satisfy her

>> No.77934458
Quoted by: >>77934538

now post the loliRyS alt i know you made koianon (°ロ°)

>> No.77934487

Reminder Haachama was one of IRyS oshis and instead of celebrating them hanging out irl we have mental patients screeching at each other

>> No.77934538
Quoted by: >>77935171

That is loliRyS...

>> No.77934709

the person who originally brought it up only mentioned shiori how could we have known Haachama was there we only watch IRyS here right?

>> No.77934794

Most people here ignore the monkey's screeching. I'm patiently waiting for timestamps, I don't really like non-IRyS zatsus, but do want to hear what was said, eventually.

>> No.77934924

Blame the novelcuck only mentioning shittyori

>> No.77934942

>one of
She only has one oshi in hololive and she has never said who

>> No.77935009

Haachama was the member that she first watched

>> No.77935095

so? did you open the link? surely you are a member

>> No.77935140

I watched all of myth, that doesn't mean shit

>> No.77935171
File: 196 KB, 498x463, 1717043149053193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what i mean

>> No.77935190

I'm not spoonfeeding you but she was a JP Gen 1 fangirl.

>> No.77935296

My theory has always been Miko.

>> No.77935981
File: 2.43 MB, 350x226, 1688053783371384.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't wanna say this at the time since I didn't want to get doxxed but one day I woke up to a notification of her hearting my comment on one of her streams the past few months. I didn't expect it because I thought she didn't read every comment since my comments are always at the bottom due to me not getting any likes from the discordfags. I really pour my heart out whenever I comment on her vods so it made me really happy that she noticed me even though I'm just a lurker most of the time. I love her so much, man

>> No.77936106
Quoted by: >>77936286

Thanks for the blog Shar

>> No.77936116

Oh fuck me, get back! Get back here!

>> No.77936176

For me it was a heart pretty early on after one of her breaks that helped send me down the hopeless love spiral

>> No.77936227

im too autistic to leave good comments

>> No.77936279
File: 270 KB, 480x401, Got your noseRyS!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HiRyS! It's MelonRyS!
Also goodnightRyS

>> No.77936286
Quoted by: >>77936347

don't compare me to that faggot. I'm not telling you what vod it was

>> No.77936315

I wish I could leave comments...
I'm too autistic...

>> No.77936347

Outside of the 1 year members post she hearts so incredibly rarely I can still find what it was

>> No.77936382

I'm not autistic enough to leave comments

>> No.77936415

just leave him alone

>> No.77936469
File: 83 KB, 1300x1300, 1667281807746038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her only hearting around her period makes it even easier too

Now I really don't want to, why'd you go and say that..

>> No.77936509

you shouldn't have posted that if you didn't want people to look for it

>> No.77936542

if you wanna go full kronie and waste your time being full menhera just to find some random IRyStocrat /here/ then go ahead dude lol

>> No.77936578
Quoted by: >>77936781

Yeah but did she like your tweet confessing your love to her, and reply to you on twitter multiple times?

>> No.77936597

they already know who i am anyway so its not like its going to make much of a difference

>> No.77936610

got a few hearts too since I comment on almost every VOD and yeah, the pure feeling of joy when you see the notification is just the best

>> No.77936641

That was me, I was checking her work phone while she was in the bathroom shitting her brains out.

>> No.77936748

Why are you virgins always so dramatic. Every Holo reads VOD comments. That's why leaving feedback there is so effective.

>> No.77936781
Quoted by: >>77936813

not yet. I reply to her tweets more than I comment on vods, so I'm pretty confident in getting a reply eventually

>> No.77936809

Her oshi is Miko

>> No.77936813

I believe in you

>> No.77936850

I got a heart on youtube and a reply on twitter, all I need

>> No.77936898
Quoted by: >>77937131

Nah most read clip comments more than their own vod comments. Especially if they're the ones that never heart

>> No.77936949

actually Kronii is IRyS' oishi

>> No.77936962

>Every Holo
nope. unless they heart or atleast mention their comments on stream then it's safe to assume they don't.

>> No.77936978
File: 170 KB, 900x900, 1715124725708379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i got a heart too

>> No.77937053
Quoted by: >>77937116

Kronii is pretty delicious

>> No.77937104

Most of them read comments, they just don't bring it up

>> No.77937116

What does she taste like?

>> No.77937131

>most read clip comments more than their own vod comments

>> No.77937173

Whatever lip balm she's using

>> No.77937272
Quoted by: >>77937414

Even the ones who don't say anything absolutely do. Biboo only said for the first time she reads all VOD comments like a month ago, and was like oh maybe I should heart comments too, but that she has always read them.

>> No.77937330

Kimchi and pussy juice
all Koreans taste like that

>> No.77937346


>> No.77937357

You'll get there some day tin man

>> No.77937414
Quoted by: >>77937462

As a streamer I would avoid hearting comments just because that encourages attention seeking or people trying to find patterns to what they say to get a heart

>> No.77937462

That's why you just heart literally every comment, easy

>> No.77937505
Quoted by: >>77937635

if everyone gets hearts no one gets hearts

>> No.77937510
Quoted by: >>77937622

Only Fauna cares enough to do that

>> No.77937511

I'm not sure who her oshi because I'm not a dayone fag, unfortunately. but I assume it's Miko since she's the only one she talked about watching consistently on her streams

>> No.77937622
Quoted by: >>77937956

Fauna does not heart every comment, she only hearts some. Shiori hearts all of them, and replies to comments on most vods

>> No.77937635
Quoted by: >>77937815

Yeah that's why even with like 70 something with Fauna they don't even amount to 1 IRyS heart to me. Though for her she doesn't heart every comment, only the saplings who pre-type theirs and post it immediately after the stream.

>> No.77937763

wtf my likes are back?

>> No.77937815
Quoted by: >>77937895

Can you really blame her, having to sit there and heart 500 comments after every stream would be miserable

>> No.77937835

that would just make it cheap. and not worth the effort since It'd make people think she doesn't actually read them and hearts them to pander

>> No.77937851
Quoted by: >>77938619

this was 3 years ago

>> No.77937895
Quoted by: >>77939697

Fauna gets the most in EN I think and it's entirely BECAUSE she hearts

>> No.77937939
Quoted by: >>77938568

IRyS reads them regardless of whether or not she hearts any of them

>> No.77937956
Quoted by: >>77938568


>> No.77938568

the reason I comment is because IRyS tends to heart essay long comments that mention Stream moments and how much they love her, she also likes backseating in comments too. Like that anon said, she appreciates it more when you pour your whole heart into it

>> No.77938619
Quoted by: >>77938861

never watched it cause i dont speak japanese

>> No.77938629
Quoted by: >>77938968

definitely, not so sure about the other one

>> No.77938861

retard that video is almost entirely in english lmao

>> No.77938889
Quoted by: >>77939067

WHAT THE FUDGE, MAN! I wanted a clown throwing a whip cream pie in her face!

>> No.77938939
Quoted by: >>77939595

what do you expect from JP antis

>> No.77938968

from what I've noticed, gachikoi comments get the most attention from her, besides the backseating and the timestamper. remember when she went out of her way to reply to that indo fanartist's menhera tweet?

>> No.77938980
Quoted by: >>77939380

I don't see the point of giving her a point by point blow of the stream in the form of an essay.

I don't typically play the games either so backseating is out of the equation.

I don't normally comment much anyway. I'm more likely to send a super chat now and again instead.
(She's never used the heart super chat feature now that I think about it)

>> No.77938999
File: 223 KB, 632x678, 1681194389732673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77939067

I'm sorry, you people need to learn to be more specific

>> No.77939096

She's hearted my non gachi comments before, one was really surprising because it was just general health advice I didn't even put much thought into.

>> No.77939113

>she went out of her way to reply to that indo fanartist's menhera tweet?
That was just her being kind but she replies to most artists. That's the quickest and easiest way to get one if you want one but drawing is difficult. It's not for me.

>> No.77939196

no it's not you fucking liar

>> No.77939214

just kidding i watched it live
i just dont remember anything about it since it was so long ago

>> No.77939357
Quoted by: >>77939431

Excellent pie. Sucks about the cookie though

>> No.77939380

I almost never comment but she reads my chats pretty much every other stream which feels amazing

>> No.77939431
Quoted by: >>77939824

Worry not, cookie here >>77933747

>> No.77939481

i might go to bed in a minute and finish watching that red green video

>> No.77939529

What video?

>> No.77939556

you shouldn't lie on an anonymous image board

>> No.77939561

Also, good night.

>> No.77939595

you didn't even watch it lmao

>> No.77939637

I particularly like when IRyS reads my smartass comments

>> No.77939650

I remember feeling similar the first time it happened. I was actually surprised when it happened on twitter and got a response

>> No.77939669

some more loliRyS sex

>> No.77939697
Quoted by: >>77939855

positive incentive. same goes for retweeting more fanart

>> No.77939747

Oh baby

>> No.77939763


>> No.77939780
File: 274 KB, 927x864, 1712995168221019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got me excited for nothing

>> No.77939824

Oh thanks
Didn't realize my comment was similar to that other one either

>> No.77939855

I think that's just because they get more fan art. IRyS gets very little, although not retweeting every single one of them might be part of that. Let's be honest though, not every one of them deserves a like/retweet.

>> No.77940010
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, 1717878789501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likes are nice, I'd imagine...

>> No.77940014

Duct tape! The handyman's secret weapon.

>> No.77940088
Quoted by: >>77941579

Keep it up koianon

>> No.77940120
Quoted by: >>77941579

One day brotha I'm rooting for you

>> No.77940122
Quoted by: >>77941579

Take up drawing or real 3d stuff if you really want that

>> No.77940238
Quoted by: >>77941579

>knows IRyS likes cute things
>doesn't post cute
or just bait her with momoka

>> No.77940302

One of the requestors /here/ could be her undercover.

>> No.77940589
File: 188 KB, 455x456, cumRyS on you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77940817

CumRyS be upon those who want to trick cheeb into splitting from us.

>> No.77940817
Quoted by: >>77940877

she does that weekly at this point
just ignore cheebs and she will come back crying

>> No.77940877
Quoted by: >>77940952

Screw Cheebs. Let her run off back to /v/ for all I care.

>> No.77940952

Cheebs went to /v/? Talk about being a tourist. I'm jealous

>> No.77941108
File: 235 KB, 478x561, 1698881907171035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77941126
Quoted by: >>77941579

There there. I'm sure you'll have a higher chance with cuter stuff

>> No.77941579
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, 1716306141023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never really expected any to begin with
Drawing's hard, I've tried my whole life but I can't get into it. Real 3d isn't as fun as koikatsu
I thought I did :(

>> No.77941779
Quoted by: >>77942086

>I thought I did
the only cute thing you've posted was the loliRyS with the meat the rest just looks like koikatsu test posts

>> No.77942086

Well then I clearly don't have an eye for it

>> No.77942316
Quoted by: >>77942837

Don't listen to that retard you've posted a lot of cute

>> No.77942319
File: 389 KB, 817x823, 1718137811315854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77942837

stop being menhera and just enjoy making stuffs man

>> No.77942534
Quoted by: >>77942590


>> No.77942590

The repeat of horny retweets!

>> No.77942837
Quoted by: >>77943160

I'll be ok, I like to think I'm not that fragile, I mostly do it for you guys anyway. One (You) is worth more than a thousand twitter likes

>> No.77942972

I did fanart for more than a year and never got one, i gave up on that dream.

>> No.77943160

I'm glad then, I pushed pretty hard for you to post them back in the day. Hope she likes something eventually, even though literally none of us will know after tomorrow because the tab is getting removed.

Menheranon post the finished thighjob please

>> No.77943183
Quoted by: >>77943309

IRyS mention on Kronii's stream, she said she thought she was the first to send her a meme and now she's disappointed because she found out she wasn't

>> No.77943245

kronii just got a message from IRyS about a meme (probably the butler meme)

kronii thought she was the first one to show it to IRyS but someone else showed it to her first

>> No.77943284

I've been sending IRyS memes

>> No.77943309

I'm watching. I got an immediate erection when she said her name for some reason.

I miss her.

>> No.77943448
Quoted by: >>77943491

more offtopic shit

>> No.77943456

gotta be this meme

>> No.77943491

>IRyS is off-topic in /HiRyS/
Go back to Global

>> No.77943526

Sorry to hear that

>> No.77943563

Catchy song and dance

>> No.77943592

IRyS please give a fudging update you implied today was a stream day

>> No.77943600

Biboo sent her that a while ago

>> No.77943707

Hope stone collab never, NeRySa collab never, IRyS and SyRI collab never

>> No.77943826

MoomRyS never..

>> No.77943989
Quoted by: >>77944212

Honestly that one is on IRyS at this point considering she never hangs out with her when she's in Japan

>> No.77944212

They hate eachother....

>> No.77944328
Quoted by: >>77945063

that's kind of gross

>> No.77944349
Quoted by: >>77944459

It's almost June 17th or 18th, soon I will hear them sing together...

>> No.77944459

I hope IRyS gets a solo

>> No.77944472
Quoted by: >>77944994

Shiori doubling down on IRyS having a jungle down there

>> No.77944788

ugh miyuki is too perfect... oniisama doesn't deserve her...

>> No.77944804

do you guys hate pubes?
i dont care either way desu

>> No.77944859
Quoted by: >>77944893

well im a virgin but i love a nice bush
also love it shaved

the worst is stubble

>> No.77944893
Quoted by: >>77944991

Your opinion isn't valid then loser

>> No.77944899

>Shioris was impressed by IRyS fashion sense
>IRyS says ehe IRL when praised
>IRyS still defaults to that ponytail hairstyle from casual + beret
>Shiori will see her again soon

>> No.77944902
Quoted by: >>77946145

only underage virgins hate it vehemently because they're too conditioned to porn. most people are fine with any

>> No.77944919

I will eat her salad out regardless

>> No.77944957


>> No.77944991

disgusting assholes

>> No.77944994


>> No.77945048

depends on my mood, just like breast sizes

>> No.77945063

Ojousama, it's time to go to bed

>> No.77945124
Quoted by: >>77945675

I bet IRyS trims but is lazy about how often she does it so it grows out a little sometimes

>> No.77945159

Need to make IRyS squirt

>> No.77945675

she goes to onsens i doubt she shaves

>> No.77946145
File: 36 KB, 1024x576, red_skeleton_swaggas_by_delightfuldiamond7_dbplpg0-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77946247

I hate pubes because i have a really hairy ballsack and they sometimes get tangled on my dick, you fucking idiot.

>> No.77946247
Quoted by: >>77947138

I'm not to judge to compare your hairy balls with other dudes but we're not talking about fucking guys here fag

>> No.77946966

Think she's jealous of all the other lose- cakes and hags that have cute cats instead of keyboards?

>> No.77947049

why would she? it's not like she can't buy one

>> No.77947104
Quoted by: >>77948441

Showing off everyone's anus wrinkles butt IRyS's? This is a war crime.

>> No.77947116
Quoted by: >>77947278

She can get a cat if she wants one. She just doesn't care for pets

>> No.77947138

And yet your brain went there, funny huh?

>> No.77947252

she doesn't care about shitty pets nor other trivial things to get jealous of. she's jealous of the other hags having shota/loli fuckfriends

>> No.77947278

I don't think she would even know where to start to get one. She's never had a pet as an adult but then again she's never been a real one until 2 years ago

>> No.77947562

Thinking about it AneRyS is an actual crazy cat lady that adopts strays so it could influence her either way. Man I feel bad for both their parents

>> No.77948135

IRyS do a space please

>> No.77948441
Quoted by: >>77948770

Good girls plug their ass

>> No.77948447

a bath space... i would goom...

>> No.77948770
Quoted by: >>77949056

Don't care. I wanna see them creases.

>> No.77948824

IRyS should do a stream on bilibili

>> No.77949056

They're for me not you. I'll see it when it falls out of her ass for plapping too hard

>> No.77949106
Quoted by: >>77949561


>> No.77949139
Quoted by: >>77949561


>> No.77949561

I will actually let this happen if let's only fillers herself to Chinese Malecrats.
FemCrats pusssy belongs to IRyS, and more ching chong women should watch her, fall in love with her and worship her

>> No.77949647
Quoted by: >>77955094

no? chink poo-tang is not worth it trust me

>> No.77949708
Quoted by: >>77955094

Mainlanders don't deserve her. Only, Hong Kongers, Singaporeans and Taiwanese.

>> No.77949835
File: 11 KB, 150x150, Bliblie_moving.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bliblies are unreliable critters, one mention of taiwan and they'll try everything in their power to destroy her.

>> No.77950378

all of these are accurate. bae would be a cheekspreader and IRyS has a jungle. nice

>> No.77950563
Quoted by: >>77950652

Post it I know you want to

>> No.77950590

>watched the Shiori clip where she talked about how her date with Haachama and IRyS
>She is actually mentally ill and sounds like a retard
I think i understand why people hate her, she really is schizophrenic thinking she would reach 1st Base with IRyS and Haachama because they invited her to their house.
She is literally your avg 4chan user

>> No.77950652
File: 227 KB, 1059x1199, a0b6d723b5b627de5f1841069ee74f3d43c0b4f6869543530ce03a58ed4c4e3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77950707

Cute sisters!


>> No.77950655

I don't need an invite to the home I own with IRyS.

>> No.77950707

I didn't mean that but thats fine

>> No.77950805

>See an Iris garden
>Calls it IRyS bush
Yeah, she doesn't have really have social skills kek

>> No.77950835
File: 3.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1697443966574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77950882

>> No.77950882
Quoted by: >>77950962

Faunas alien arm...

>> No.77950962
File: 1.07 MB, 800x450, mystery.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77951040

It's a sight to behold...

>> No.77951040
File: 701 KB, 1080x1054, 1717805723697184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god..

>> No.77951339
File: 677 KB, 999x729, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77951350

Looks pretty good. Plugs are hot too
would prefer hairless version but I don't hate it

>> No.77951707
Quoted by: >>77951805

its not possible to see her other arm since the IR sensor is on the controller on her hand like she's pointing a remote

>> No.77951805

the game makes her dangle it off the joystrap
IRyS already played it and flashed her booba before too

>> No.77951885
Quoted by: >>77951961

but even it you dangle it on your arm from the strap the controller will be pointing downwards so its still not possible to see the same arm where the controller is

>> No.77951961

the camera is on the bottom..

>> No.77952477
File: 284 KB, 1280x720, 1700286845157551.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77954269

>IRyS already played it and flashed her booba before too
My wife's silhouette is beautiful.

>> No.77953914

I wish she was streaming right now..

>> No.77954269

whoa booba....

Oh shoot I got distracted, what I wanted to say is Look I just found a clip that Shiori was hanging out with IRyS and Haachama!
IRyS and Haachama! Does this mean my Oshi was hanging out with her Oshi!?

>> No.77954688

trying too hard sister

>> No.77955094

I am an Aussie and trust me, the Zang girls are really sweet once you get to know them.
It's the CCP zangs who are a problem, the normal Chinese citizen's are really sweet.
Still for some reason, he Aussie government hate the Mainlanders and treats them like subhumans

>> No.77955452
Quoted by: >>77955875

I just realized...
Maybe IRyS wasn't meant to stream today, maybe that's why she planned to do two "short" streams in a row instead of her 8 hour one...

>> No.77955875

she was probably going to sing the next day but she started coughing her lungs out at the end of the Elden Ring stream

>> No.77956041

thank shiori for getting her out of the house

>> No.77956226

Is this true

>> No.77956281

Bae is her only actual friend in EN

>> No.77956295

Don't be silly.

>> No.77956330
Quoted by: >>77956437

We like Bae but it's off topic now. The schizo will start seething at Bae like he seethes at Shiori and Rissa

>> No.77956340

Those posts were clearly typed faggot or a sister.

We don't need to start shit flinging further though so I'll stop short of saying anything else.

>> No.77956373
Quoted by: >>77956436

Why is it always apes from the monkey thread that crosspost garbage here?

>> No.77956386
File: 141 KB, 1024x701, 1712627838296357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all retarded and every post in the last 11 minutes is bait.

>> No.77956427
File: 566 KB, 782x870, 1683608852905605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why it's better to just stick to the Cheebs thread.

>> No.77956436
Quoted by: >>77956489

They're trying to start shit. Don't bother biting.

I don't like Shiori or Bae but it's not worth shitting up the thread over.
(Nerissa's alright. I don't mind her)

>> No.77956437

>Bae is offtopic
sure thing sister

>> No.77956458

Yes, it's very obvious. They couldn't make it anymore obvious.

>> No.77956489

Nerissa is arguably the worst out of all of them, by a wide margin

>> No.77956508
File: 156 KB, 1024x1024, 1718156218140252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77956545

why are globalniggers so obsessed with this thread

>> No.77956568
Quoted by: >>77956602

Why are schizos always anting Shiori and Nerissa?

>> No.77956602

>throw shit at people
>get yelled at
You tell me

>> No.77956662
Quoted by: >>77956691

>Throw shit at people
Neither Shiori nor Rissa was even mentioned you number monkey. Go back to your SEA thread if you wanna anti other Holos, this is an IRyS thread. Why do you fags come here to complaint about Advent in the first place?

>> No.77956684

Got IRyS in her debut stream singing Cruel Angel's Thesis and looking at chat talking about Yagoo's dream still being alive is a bit of a chuckle.

>> No.77956691
File: 383 KB, 740x854, 1718165088147608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is an Indog.
Please understand

>> No.77956694
File: 1.84 MB, 1680x945, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gosh this retard is so obvious...

>> No.77956769
File: 301 KB, 1116x1987, bf58bfd8432805870d0c5c92f98a68a5a1fa82e73a456c8dc26e0320a7366c24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another art without her tiara :(

>> No.77956856 [SPOILER] 


>> No.77956942

AZRyS my beloved

>> No.77956977

More plastic nobody asked for.

>> No.77957543
File: 939 KB, 2268x4032, 20240612_150544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77957598
File: 83 KB, 1023x1018, 1718135154538017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the property of cheebs now

>> No.77957603

idk but bae makes my dick hard

>> No.77957670
Quoted by: >>77957726

Pajeet bro, this is clearly a dude

>> No.77957726

>The pajeet fag has been posting a man
Ofcourse he is a freaking faggot. You are as bad as those faggots who defend Shiwhori and Nerisanji here

>> No.77957754
File: 522 KB, 775x577, 1718176886003841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77957778

What a retard

>> No.77957778

Get into his ass cheebs

>> No.77957807
File: 10 KB, 250x223, 1714664750525989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77957818
Quoted by: >>77957874

Anonymous posting was a mistake. People deserve to be publicly shamed for being this retarded.

>> No.77957846
File: 50 KB, 1024x576, 1712118517119826m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow you are a bigger clown than Cheebs

>> No.77957874

At least nobody will know who it is. Imagine if they posted their address.

>> No.77957886
File: 871 KB, 1280x720, CharaStudio-2023-01-08-20-20-41-Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atleast click the link before making a huge fool out of yourself friend

>> No.77957936
File: 103 KB, 1284x1259, 20240215_001218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because that FemCrat is strong enough to peg you, doesn't mean she is a dude schizo.
The other anon jokingly said it's a dude. Understand sarcasm for god's sake

>> No.77958064

If I were this stupid, i would unironically kms

>> No.77958206

they're really going hard on the whore raids, did something happen?

>> No.77958424
Quoted by: >>77958502

The pajeet got outed as a faggot. It's over for him now *slurps Starbucks*

>> No.77958455
File: 133 KB, 993x1319, 1693018445652299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77958621

I have been sitting on the toilet seat by myself and came to a realisation which is that I will always be alone when shit goes down

>> No.77958501

Unironically who cares as long as they are cute?
Are you really so insecure in your sexuality that you obsess over this?

>> No.77958502
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x900, 1718163550628310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I am gay bros.......
It's owarida for me

>> No.77958568

brittr*nny do you ever sleep?

>> No.77958621
File: 247 KB, 1608x1668, 20240402_180409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all makes sense

>> No.77959074
Quoted by: >>77960061

>unironic faggots
are these kronies falseflagging lmao

>> No.77959150
Quoted by: >>77959334

Is there no sarcasm in SEA?

>> No.77959334
Quoted by: >>77959943

Unironically no. Quite a lot of Asian countries do not use sarcasm and have trouble comprehending it.
Most infamously China has no concept of it at all, which combined with their extreme patriotism nearly started some VERY serious shit a decade ago when Jintao, president before Jinping, met with an EU delegation and one of Germany's representatives made an offhanded sarcastic comment about China's standing as worldwide superpower.

>> No.77959856
File: 3.43 MB, 400x529, DragonRyS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77959937

all I got from this is that you have autism and don't understand jokes

>> No.77959943

You should move out asap, that sounds like hell

>> No.77960061
Quoted by: >>77960100

>pretend to be other fanbases to divert hate away from kronii

>> No.77960100

They'd have more success posting Kronii's tits in the catalogue again

>> No.77960703 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.77 MB, 498x281, s85ejs5xxz4c1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77960883
Quoted by: >>77960915

you deserve this frens

>> No.77960915

I'm glad there's more being made, even if slowly

>> No.77961876

Evo X MR my beloved

>> No.77962398
Quoted by: >>77962442

IRyS please get over your autism that you can't tweet random things all the time you haven't said anything in days..

>> No.77962442

she did start tweeting random shit more

>> No.77962730

Biboo's stream intro is pretty good

>> No.77962814

IRyS :(

>> No.77964042

had just the right amount of raisins in my cereal this morning

>> No.77964141
File: 887 KB, 3004x4096, 1695378316887052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77964198
File: 1.48 MB, 1191x1684, 1687876942356281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77964233
File: 1.36 MB, 1718x2076, 1716652602996951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77964252
File: 416 KB, 2000x2000, 1705458361057445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77964311
File: 2.84 MB, 1885x3502, 1717852775986376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77964335

its about a thought experiment which discusses the concept of seeing the colors green and red inverted so the color that everyone else sees as green you would see as red and vice versa basically like you would see apples as green and lettuce as red
if this happened to you in the middle of your life when you had experiences seeing the "correct" versions of color you would be able to tell and you would go to a doctor and see what was wrong and stuff because you would have had your entire life seeing the colors the way the majority of the people see them
but if you were born like that and you had no experience with the colors so you learned that an apple or a rose was "red" and everyone around you called it red but you saw it as the color with the wavelength of green there would be no way for you to know or to tell or for anyone to find out how you were seeing that color
its kind of similar to color blindness when you have two colors that appear to be the same color but because you have two things that look identical you can express that and people can tell you that but with this people are talking about the exact same thing but seeing different things and they have known the difference
https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qualia-inverted/ this is probably a good article about it if you want to read instead of watching some random video

>> No.77964350
File: 721 KB, 3110x4096, 1712100210495763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77964395
File: 132 KB, 764x1080, 1697531639797042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77964471

Wow the image spam to kill the thread wasn't from the usual schizo

>> No.77964867
File: 1.17 MB, 1000x635, Newt Dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS is a Newt Dork

>> No.77965399

>Mori doing a song collab with Kana Hanazawa
How did IRyS not get this? I mean fucks sake their voices are identical in that one thing .

>> No.77965511

IRyS has no backing anymore and isn't popular for her music.

>> No.77965538
Quoted by: >>77965745

>their voices are identical in that one thing .
Maybe that's why, maybe her manager is more proactive than maneRyS.

>> No.77965565

yes we know mori gets a lot of undeserved opportunities

>> No.77965745

Not sure if shes changed managers now but hers was famous for being the biggest numberfag, she was the reason only Mori had different tier members streams for a while. Also gimped Kiara at the start

>> No.77965905
Quoted by: >>77966554

>we got fnaf perms
We got content for months bros

>> No.77966191
File: 124 KB, 1200x1000, 17167911911480931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.77966271
Quoted by: >>77966554

>EN has Old School Runescape permissions
Stream when

>> No.77966554

Watch streams


>> No.77966786

What does IRyS manager even do? Because the way Bae talks about hers it's like Baes is some hyper specialized KPOP fan manager that has all of the same interests as Bae and could almost have been her best friend. And Moris is obviously god tier all things considered. Did IRyS just get left with some shitter?

>> No.77966848
File: 803 KB, 900x900, GOJ4Ia3bQAAhA0U1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her
